fut Wilson Advance, the bailtoad comsspN. THE LEGISLATURE JOSKI'IIUS and C. C. DANIELS, Editors and Proprietors, nTThi advanc endeavors to Dean non- eftt, faithful and Impartial chronicler of the news, devoting special attention to the section u winch Ills ublishcd. it is Democratlo to the con.- nnrt will snare neither frtend or foe who la In hostility to Demooratlo success. It Vlievi the best Interest of the Na tion anl lh State Imperatively demands tho tviimtlon of the Democratio party In ixiwcrii .1 It will soars no effort to accomplish (hat result. K will jBoek to promote the In dustrial ili vnlunmnntof the State and section and will tnkn pleasure in doing whatever lies tn IU power to aid tho farmers and laboring ...en in their efforts to better their condition. Jvcrv honest son of toll will find In the Ad tanck a sincere friend. Every effort looking in Dm HaililUhment of more and better edu cational Institutions will receive our hearty "o-oporatlon and endorsement. The Advanci circulates largely in every eou:ty East of Kalelgh. and is therefore Dluti'lld adverUMinur medium. Bates liberal. A Brst-tlasa job offl mj Is run In connection with tiinnuDiirand wo will be pleased to re- aoiveordnrd. Our otlloo Is one of the best equipped in this sootion of the State for com lnorcial work and we will do as good.workand .at as low llijures as anvbody. Entered tn the Post OlBoe at Wilson, N at second class mall matter. C Wilson, N. C, Feb., 21. 1889. Do good and throw it into tQft sea ; if the fish do not know it God does. Turkish Saying, An Outline c the-Bill Pending Be fow the Legislature,"'' j , - ' It provides for three commis- I w W 1 ' 1 8ioner3, 10 De eieciea cry me Legislature for their first term and afterward by the popular vote, holding their offices res pectively for a term or two, four and six years. On shall have experience in the law, one in merctiantile mechanical per- suits or in railway business, and one-a practical farmer. They receive 2,500 each per annum, with a clerk at 1,200: ; They are required to take the fol lowing oath of office: i "I do solemnly sweir (or affirm that I am not the, owner of any railroad stock or: bond, or the agent, attorney br em ployee of any railroad compa ny; that I have no interest in any way in 8 ny railroad, and that I will well and faithfully i WHAT OUR REPRESENTA TIVES ARK ltOING. A large number of bills r? ported unfavorably by couimittees were laid on the table. The bill for the relief of W. M, King, late sheriff of Pitt county, passed second reading. He is BALDT WILLIAMS. for Mistaken HcEaa- Judge A Summary of The Work of The General Assembly Xoto inJ-Ses-8 ion at Raleigh. Th following joke is told at the expense of two members of our delegat'ou. Cols. McClam- taken np. An amendment! my and JonDston saw a rea- was offered by Mr. Jb'ranks chang I whiskered, bald-headed man in ing the salaries in section 2, the j the gallerv this week, and con commissioners salaries from twen-, eluded that he was Judtte HOUSE OF EEPEESENTATITES. The Railroad Commission bill was taken up execute the duties of my;, office ; confirmtd appointment of J of Railroad Commissioner to j 0 Scarborough, of Johnston, The probabilities of an extra session of Congress are growing Rtmneer dav bv day. says an exchange. " The Kinston Free Press fa vors George Rod;ntree Esq., as orifl nf the members of the Kailroad Commission. The Aewton Enterprise is tea yeara old. It is a well edited, clean Ueniocratlc journ al and merits success. Daniel Lamont, President Cleveland's private secretary, will be president of a street railway company in New York. Isham G. Harriss. of Tennes see, is the only Democratic U. S. Senator that is Senator Ran som's senior in point of service. We. see it stated that Jim Boyd, one of the editors of the Greensboro Korth State, is an applicant for Gov. Jarvis' posi tion as Minister to Brazil. the best of my knowledge and ability, without fear, favor or malice, or reward, or the hope of reward. So help ms God." The Governor shall suspend a uommissoner tor certain causes and fill vacaucy until next meeting of General Assem bly. The Commissioners are empowered to administer oaths. If any railruad operating in this . Siate shall charge more than reasonable rates on "pas sengers or freights or make any , unjust discrimination in the same, shall bel legardedias vio iating this act. They are em powered to make reasonable and just rates of freight and passenger tariffs, to prevent un just discriminations in pharges on lines in this state ana in certain cases they may make complaint before the the Inter- State Commission. They are to establish schedules pf rates for each rdad in the State and revise them as necessity may Friday Feb. 15th. SENATE. Resolutions of condolence to Senator M. Cy Toms, whose wife died a', the Yarborougu House, were passed. A committee con sisting of Senators Emery, Lucas, Leeper and Luck were appointed to aecomnanv tbe remains of Mrs. Kill m,L fi, nnmm;OI,;n. change the punishment of r nf AcrrinltnrA a stftfA nffioAr tion and adultery (making failed to pass. The Senate in executive session John as commissioner of Labor Statistics. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, The lloust' was busy considering the Railroad commission bill. The tnariority leport of the committee of the subject was read as was also the minority report, ottered by Mr. Walzer, who made a lengthy speech in favor of his report. Mr. Cooke, favoring the majority report, spoke to the features of the bill in a lengtny argument, tie saio he had toped some others would discuss the measure, as all wefe interested as citizeua and as owners of property. He disclaimed any hostility whatever to any rail road corporation in North .Carolina. He appreciated what the railroads have done for North Carolina and for the warfare of the people. They have greatly developed the State and have bnilt roads over in surmountable barrers. He appreci. ated tbe value ana inenaenip o of gentlemen engaged in the rail road business, some of whom he bad known in his boyhood. It is new doctrine when it becomes ; necessary to enct legislation, that it is iuspired by a spirit of hostility corporation. No man had greater respect from his people ty five to twelve hundred dollars, the clerk's salary from twelve to eight hundred dollars. Mr. Baird moved that the con sideration of the bill be postponed until Wednesday. This motion was favored by Mcfnbbins, and Walzer and opposed by Cook and Hoke. The motion to postpone was earned oy a vote oi o to oj. The following bills passed their third readings- Bill relating to Pitt Superior Court; to enre the defective registration of deeds ; to fornica- the crime an infamous one); for better securing the recapture of escaped convicts and to, protect the peop e, (this bill requires that the board or directors of the penitentiary shall reDort to the Governor the name &c. of all escaped convicts, and that the Governor Bhall offer a reward, Monday Feb. 18th. The Chicago Times says : "An Indiana man has made a ballot box which cannot be stuffed. He will have to take it out of his State if he expects to make it work." " - require. Any railroad may ap peal from decisions of the Com- j lQ missioners in me manner pre- scriDea Dy me Act. temmis-! tliaD tne nrst President of these sioners to visit depots, stations ! United States. No man in this and places of business, jnvesti- j Union doubted that he would be gate books, to examine! agents i presideut when the great straggle "Will somebody of a good matbematical turn of mind please make a calculation as to the number pf men in North Carolina wh want to be rail road commissioners. Durham Tobacco Plait. The Wilmiugton Star express es what - many people think when it hopes the present Leg islature will deviae some road law that will be more effective in giving us good roads than is tbe present law. -i Already the question is being discussed, who will be the Democratic candidate for President in .'92. An exchange says Whitney is looming up We would prefer G rover Cleve land to any man alive. The Graham Gleaner has en tered upon its fifteenth volume, we note with much pleasure Brother Kernodle is one of the most honest and conscientious editors in "the State. The Glean er is doing specially good work for Graham. We see it stated that Maj Latham s . bill appropriating .j00,000 for a light house off Cape Hatteras was favorably reported by tbe Commerce Committeo. This bill originat ed in the Senate, where it was introduced and passed by Sena tor Kansom. and employees. All contracts; between railroads of the State j to be submitted to the Commis sion, and ail agreeuvens for a division of earnings between competing roads to be submit ted to them f oi approval. If any road violates the the rules and regulation of the Commis sion and does not make repara ration it incurs a penalty of not 1 ess than- 1,000 nor more than 5,000 for each offence. The railroad companies, on demand, shall issue da plicate1! freight receipts to shippers, ! stating class of freight and thecharges over the roads. make an annual report; to the Governor.. They inav subpoena witnesses, who shall I receive two dollars per day and five cents per mile,' to - be paid on warrant of the Governor. Any ! Judge of a Superior Court may i punish witness for. refusal to f obey subpoena. Thefsheriffs1 of the State shall serve any I process, suopoena or notice is sued by the Commiss6iier3, and are allowed the same fees as if issued from" the Superior Court. Any officer, agent or employee who shall refuse to furnish re ports required by Commission or shall wilfully hinder, delay or obstruct the Commission in the discharge of its lawful duty shall be fined not le?s than 100, nor more than 1,000 for was over. iet lie was restricted by constitutional limitations and it was found necessary to hedge bim in. A man familiar with English history knows well that the time came when corporations created had to be hedged in. In the process of time Congress took hold and did the same.thing. We do not want any hostility or narrow procednre against . these corpora tions. In the discussion the minor ity report presents one scheme and the majority presents anotherr The minority presents the Mass achnsetts, the otuer, the Georgia system. The nrt is simply advi tory, with no p.mer to tix rates thprn nn Via nr.lv-oi rprmrr. tn tht commission to j nrtnrnpv fienr-rwl who takes antii.n in tho matter, The scheme tbe majority had faSlen upon is the same as that of Illinois and Geor gia, composed of Ihree men with power to flx rates that will be jnst and fair. The man who says that this bill lays hauds on and deter mines the matters to be brought up, is very much mistaken and has not read the bill. The bill simply gives the power to fix lair and just rates, and in axing these rates, tskes into consideration the value of the proper'y employed, the earn ings, &c. The commission has only th8 power of a jury, to reach conclusion in the same manner as juries do. So careful ha I the majority oecn to prevent a iy one from saying t'uat the commission overrides, thatithad fixed' m that a tarifi' is required one that will be properly conidered,andone that will be lair and just, if any rail SENATE. The bill granting relief to W. M. King late sheriff of Pitt county, passsd third reading. Special ordetjbeing the benate bill 343, to establish a State teachers' training school. Pro vides thac the eight normal schools now in in force be abol ished, and appropriates $5,000 per annum lor tbe support oi a training school for educating white male and female teachers, to be located at such suitable place as the citizens thereof will furnish suitable buildings. The bill was favored by Shaw, Little, Twittv, Pou, Williams, oi Pitt, Lucas, Kerr and Turner. Op posed by Blair, Farthing, Lusk- The bill passed its Kecoud read ing by a vote oi JU to n uur Senators Kiag and Sills voted against the bill. Tbe bill was put on its third reading. Mr. Pou called the pre vious question, which was ordered. Mr. Turner, of Iredell, sent tor-1 wardan amendment which he- bad given notice of as follows: The training school shall not be locoted in any town of over 3.000 iuhadi tants. Adopted. HOTTSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Among the bills introduced were the following: To protect owners of eating-house, boarding-houses and tables; to amend the constitution of the State, in relation to taxation; abolishing county board of educa tion; for the encouragement of sheep husbandry: relating to the practice of medicine; to prtvent gambling at Agriculture fairs; to aid the penitentiary in becoming selt sustaining; to reduce the homeoteTid; to prohibit usurious ra'e of interest on gooods sold oa time. A bill to prevent diseases among hogs (requiring the penning ot sick bogs and the burying of the body of dead animals) passed second reading. McRae. Col. Johns-ton said he knew McRae by sight and would like to be introduced to him. McClaihiny offered to go through with the ceremony of an introduction with pleasure, and the two Representatives repaired to tbe gallery, found the alleged Judge McRae, whom Mr. Mc'Jlammy intro duced to Col. Johnston and im mediately left, eo the two could become better acquainted. Col. Johnston and the alleged McRae talked together' and seemed mutually please with each other, until a roll call took Col Tom Johnston down stairs to th floor. Next day Johnston and McClammy were speaking of having met "Judge McRae" when a gentleman, who had witnessed the incident, said "Why that was Bildy Williams, of Oxford. Judge McRae hap not been here at all." Wash ington correspondent of the Durham Tobacco Plant. Eichraond Terminal. E. BARNES, II 10 AGENT FOIC H. S. MILLER & CO'S.-r- nil GRIDE ACID HIOSriLlTES. FOR CASH Ott ON TIME. Meat, Flour, Corri AND GENERAL SUPPLIES s In Large Quantities will be sold Strictly on Commission. Farmers can SAVE MONEY by calling on me before purchas ing their supplies. Liza g I-At T. J. Gardner's old Stand. A&NES. The Richmond Terminal ha? grown to be an immense corpo ration. It now owns and con trols as follows; Mileage. Richmond & Danville 1,927 Georgia Pacific 516 East Tenn., Va. & Ga. 1,623 Georgia Central 2,199 Total mileage Jay Gould is 6,265 said to have obtained a controling interest in this Octopus. Wilmington Star. : How They right It- Mr. John T. Cramer, of Thomasville, is here interested ii the action of the General Assembly on the railroad com mission. Mr. Cramer opposes tbe creation of the commission, IleliODes to get . a road from Thomasville through Mont gomery to the South Carolina hoe, and guarantees a quarter of a million dollars for that purpose,- but says his co-wort era North will not invest if a commission is established. Raleigh News-Observer. VALUABLE j PROPERTY FOR SALE. A valuable, never failing water power on Conteutnea Creek, five aud s half miles frcin Wi.son. with Saw Mill, Cotton Gin, and Grist Mill, one run of corn and one of wheat. Also a farm of loo acre with two com fort aWe dwelling houses on tbe same. This is one of the most desirable pieces of piop erty ever offered for sale in tlr.s conntv. It will be sold at a figure that will surprise any one. . PAYI1T3 POLL TA Z. : Eequiro of Every Vcter That Shall Pay His Taz Before Votes. ' he he each offence. Ihe Commission road corporation dissatisfied with and clerk are to be transported the decision of the Commissioners free In the discharge bf their they may tile their exceptions and duties. All laws and parts of i if over-ruled may appeal to the laws allowing greater rates of I SuDreme Court, the appeal being freight than are. fixed j by the Commission are repealed. Ral eigh Progressive Farmer. One of the old landmarks of North Carolina is the Fayette vine uoserver, wmch is now eixty-four years old. The Ob server is in good hands still labors with conspicuous ability and courage to upbuild and de- WHY, WHAT'S THB1SATTE2-. Durham Rewards The EeTJutlicans cfThe Tcwn, r V Considerabe created by ,the surprise was 1 by ,the actiohi of tile 1 Town Commissi Dners lst night'; velop the btato. Mayitliveto A1K. i., . ,. otw naM4i I Albright oa the police jforce to Ul""'uu ""a enoood AT r W C f V, 1:.. see another and go, The Progressive Farmer now wears a new gown of type and has been improved both out wardly and inwardly. Col. Polk, the editor, is: giving the farmers a good iarmers paper and is exerting an influence for good among the tillers of the soil in our State. We wish the Progressive Farmer increased patronage and usefulness. The desire for new counties does not manifest itself so greatly to the present Legisla ture as it did two years ago. The disposition of the many applications to the Legislature of 'S7 cooled the ardor of the advocates of new counties in various sections of the State. There is a decided, opinion in the State that wehave counties enougli. , It might possibly be well to Consolidate some of the s'mtll counties we at present have and make other new ones, but that will hardly be done This Legislature will make no new counties. resigned. Personally, fas far as our knowledge extends, Mr.! Albright -is "'a clever young man and he may be c ipacitiat ed for the position, but it ap pears singular that i a Board of Commissioners composed ot six democrats antjohe Eepubli can should select for the posi- sition one of the most intense Republicans to be found in the community and one wfio work ed strenuously aeainst th&! Democratic party in 1 the late general election. ; Understand u please. We don't blame Mr. Albright for accepting the position, but candor moves U to say that in our opmion the appiontment was not the cor rect thing for a Democratic Board of Commissioners to do. Could not" a deserving Demo crat be found to accept this position? Durham Plant. i Tobacco In the appointment of Mr. John C. Scarborough as Labor Commissioner Gov. Fowle has made no mistake. He is one of the best and most useful men who has beSn in the ser vice of the State and we hear tily congratulate our Govorner his selection for our Labor Commissioner. Capt, W. S. Harris, of Franklin, an excellent man, will be his sec retary. Mr. W. N. Jones, the retiring commissioner, has done trood work made -a faithful and efficient officer, M. E Broughton his secretary, also gave satisfaction. T -. Wanted an editor! who can please everybody. When found look for his wings, fr he will be an angel bye and bye. News of Oxford. V You are mistaken, broth er, what we need is edi tors who do their conscientious duty whether it pleases any body .or not. . Give us men of conviction men of courage as editors of the newspapers of the State and they will do a work for good that jno other power can accomplish. . given the nrt place upon the docket iu order to have a speedy trial. The bili al-so allows argu ments before a judge at chambers. He asked if There was anything hostile to railioads in this! Men may differ as regards the propriety of a commis8ioa orthe arrival of the time for oue. For these he had the greatest respect, bus no such suggestions would determine the matter. Ihe legislature is to do its r'lnty and not be deterred by any suggestion. Competition regulates . prices between tbe merchant aud the bujer, but .in tuese corporations we nave no competition. Mr. Cooke conclude with stiong and eloquent remarks favoring the ' report. After the speech of Mr. Cooke, the questions was . put as the adoption ot the minority report, Ihe report was not adopted Ihe question was then put upon tue'adopton of the majority report which passed its second reading by a vote of 55 to 26 and was made the special order for to-day at 11 0 CiOCK. Among the bills favorably report eu were inosd proviuing lor an uutrnate method for working the public roads of the State; and one validating certain ancient land grants in the Cherokee territory. A messenger was receired fiom tne lioveruor calling attention to the financial eonditiou of the peui tentiary show ing a diticit of nearly S-'ol.OOO, aud tha claim of W. A, Mvatt of Raleigh of 55,800 and asking that provibion be maue to meet tbe same. Mr. Hargrove made a .forma announcement of the deatn of the wife of Senator Toms, of Hender on county. Upon his motion the House adjouraed as a mark of respect totue afflicted, member. ! Saturday Feb. 16th The Proposition embodied in a bill introduced by Mr. Na than Bass, member of the Hose from Wilson, and bilL introduced by Maj. Yancey, of Person, and possibly other members to compeU payment of poll tax before allowing a man to vote is gaining taor. Several of the newspapeis have declared for it. The .Nashville Argonaut does not believed that there is a man in the State outside of a poor-house who cannot pay his poll tax if mi ne desires to too so. ine Roekingham Rocket: endorses this plan and says: "That a tax-paying; qualifica ion would keep from1 the .poll many vagaoonas, DiacK ana white,who peddle their votes as so much personal property, while it would take from the delinquent lists many who can but will not pay their poll tax, and thus largely increases the general revenues from this source." The Franklin times has al ways been strongly, heartily in favor of this requirement, The Wilmington Star Dear Old Jeff Davis. Inaletter.to Mr. J. T. Pat rick relative to the blessing of the. North Carolina Veterans sent him. exPresident Davis writes: "It was very gratify ing to me to receive the invoca lion for God's blessing from the veterans of North Carolina. War's records are written in blood aud the sons of no .State shed more than did those of North Carolina in defense of the liberties their forefathers left them." A small desirable farm four miles from Wilson, containing 70 acres, 10 acres cleared, will be sold c!iea:. I desire to call special attention to tbe two pieces of property here offered for sale. Anyone dc!ring to go into tbe milliug business would find in tbe mill property a wonderfully good bargaiu- C.C.DANIELS. Ileal Estate Agent. em ii nan m We promise yoa better valoe for your money than his ever b& r rM in Enatern North Carolina. From daj to day we will make it fojoor interest to bay for CASH. Many people for oooreoieoofroD a tut count, many ladies bare raid to na: Ob, it ia m convenient tohr. tb.ng charged when I uaven't my parse with me. lea. it- IS oonrct. tent. Do you think bow much the merchant is forced to tai von rv. this convenience, for this token of friendship! Have yon etertbctbt tbat this kind of friendship in baMnea cost tbe porcbarer aJI tie b? Hava joa ever realized wben yonr parse was empty tbat oneof yoct dearctst friends was minning! If y a bate ftiendt in tbe mtTcatiti'.e U. ine-''. wboae friendship too valae. take our adrice and do not ma i account with them. Yoa may be taken ilL your ralarr storm, and ru. when you are forced to tsll tbe merchant yoa ran't par Lim, periapt b will idace your account io tbe bands of tbe Sheriff for collection, fcat doe tbat meant Your friendship for ever severed. Perbap yoa art sold oat of boase and home. Who is benefitted by aeb traa&aclio&l.. Not yoa! Wby then do yoa nottnvke firm resolution to pj an yoa k Tbe merchant who tells yoa goods on 'time' is compelled to orercbarr yoa. yoa pay your bill, bat perhaps yoar neighbor do-s not, can ibt mer.bant afford to lose tbia money! We think not. Then yoa in pit. ing yoar bill, must pay for tbe short coming of yoar neighbor. Ti merchant mnst overcharge yoa. llis system cf doing boniueas, tbere'i tbe f.ital mistake, forces bim to charge large prefP. Nobody works for glory only. We all do business to get a piotit ont of It. At THE CAFH UAUKKT STORE yoa bare none of tb-things to contend witK Every dollars worth of goods Mand on in om iwrit. Kverv cast mer is treated exactly alike, to a low price, a tLia who pavs CASil for I: is goods is entitled to a lower price than tho wl.o pay in thtrtr Hixt.v or ninety days. Every one is treated exactly alike at the CAtsij RACKET STORE. We credit no one, tbe CASH is bat we want. For 'hat CASH yoa aive from 13 to 30 cents on erery do!Ura worth of goot i yoa parch ase. Since tbe Holidays e have gotten In several lota of gv-ods. Tbey bave no credit fetters on tbem, bat tbe Ktarthng. quick and -eady CASH has driven regular gocls and regular Talaeoot li tbe !t are a few doxen Ladies Vesta (Merino) regular value TSctaour prico 33cts. Another bis drive In CorM-tn for 41 and 4i wotth CO act 75cts each. Bring yoar CASH to on and we piomiee yoa fall va'oe. Casi) JRacket Store, Nash St, WILSON N. C t IN THE PRICE OF BRANCH & CO., DRUGS We have all along gaaranteed our customers drugs at ' prices Cleanses tb Nasal Passagef allays pain anc Intla m a t ion Heal the Soreo Ke s to res ibt Senses of Tastt and Smell. Ely s catabrH tBElM 'BALMI fissS AS CHEAP :AS:- THE CHEAPEST,! Aud to make good OTJTR, PBQMISE Wilson, N. C, KESPECTFULLY SOLICIT THE ACCOUNTS OF Individuals, Firms, Banks and Correspond ents Generally. Deposits Received Subject to Check at Sight. Interest Allowed on Special Deposits if v Left for a Stipulated Time. Ex change Bought and Sold. . Collections Made on all Available Points. 1XYSTXKVT JOKfAitT.lIKXT. With an experience of Twenty Tears in tbe Seearitirs of thU country, we h4ve tbe IhM, facilities for makine Sife aa 1 Profi'aMe Invet.tn.enU for T UMtee, Administrators, Guardians. Ac., desirinz tLe same Our Banking House is supplied with Fire I'mof Vault. Inside cf (bis vault is one ol Marvin's Lawt Jmprored Cbill-d frteel liarglar" Proof Safej. Tils Virgiia Dett Gnestion- There is nothing left of the dejbt question for a Democratic paper to discuss. Tbe Demo cratic party proposes to stand by the people in this matter, if tbere are any mistakes to be made on tbe debt question, let the Republican party make them. They are in a fair way to da it now, if the D'Mcratic press will keep its moutit shut. Staunton (Va.) Viudicator, Democratic. TRY THE CDKE.H AY-FEVER A particle In appled Into each nort II od it mgm ble. Price SO cents at DruggisU; by mail, registered. 60 cts. i ELY BROTHERS, M Warren St., New Tork. A Bad Showincr. During the month of January last there were recorded in the office of the clerk of the Su perior Court of Mecklenberjr county 237 mortgages md deeds, while during Jam1 ! this year there were A - '- n corded. For the new year this i a very bad record. Tbe in crease in chattel mortgages is very large. Charlotte Chron icle. FUlS FINE DIAMONDS Watchea. Jewelry Solid SIlTerware, e CHAPMAN & GALE IKS Main St., NORFOLK, VA., aie the Leaders, tbe stock is the largest and their prices ior the oest goods are much less tbau Xottbern figures. 2T. B. They have ekiilek work men for the repairing of Watches and Jewelry. sepl ly G'All business entrusted t itb us nil. U! safe and secure and beld Stri t CoLfldeuce. la OFFER AH Dollar nrcrerations, sucb as Drowns lion Hitters, Simmons Li er Regulator, BUD &c. at 80 cts All 7a cent preparation, sucb as Borchee'H Ojrman Svrap, Green's August Flower, &c, at CO cts. : Wilson Iron. Works, "Waat Ezilds Up a Towa. . Oar thirtyeight factories are also i air doing well, and all of them Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore ex isting between E. L. Hawkins aud W. B. Bridgets, under tLe firm name of Hawkins & Bridgers, has this day dissolved by mu'nal con sent. All persons holding claims against the firm will present tbem to W. B. Badger for payment, all persons, luaehted to the nrm will settle with bim. E. L, llAWKI.NS. W. B. Buidukks. All oO cent article, t?uch as Hon roid'a Acid Phosphate, Syrup Figs, El's Cream Balm, &c, at 40 cu. WLSVJIXTjIj & KltO., IVoprlelorH. All 25 oent preperatlona, such as Bull's Cough Sjrnp, Ilargrave's Liniment &r, at Quinine J oz vials 15 cts. " 1 " littles 60 M Cincbonnidiit 15 Anvthinc in the Drng line as Cheap as tbe Cheapest. I have entered. Having purchased of Murray & Benton tbe Wilson Iron Worts w take pleasure in informing tbe pub'in that w are now prepared tods woik as well and as cheap as any Machine Shop in the State. We-art dok ready to do all kinds of work on Cotton lr Cotton Seed Crash era, Husk Hackling Machines, Saw Mills and Mill Macblnerr. Gnmmioc 20 cts, I All hinds of Beair Work, Boilers, Feeders and Iuiiratora a nx-ctsltT. A fall line of Marbiniut' sappliei always on hand. Engines and Boilers and all kinds of Dndge Bolts for sale. We believe tbat MACHINE SHOPS that can do first-class work at LIVING PKICE3, will b a: C:iate4 by tne eople ol tbis community ana we propote to do at NO COMBINE GOOD "WOIR-IK As anybody and at as loa prices. Give ui a trial. Against your intereets, and favors the poll tax qualification doin an increasing business, and says. i Such industries built upon such The Star repeats its own j jasis will tell in tne progress oi conviction that no man should a country. Winston will sell be entitled to exercises the this year about 14,000,000 elective franchise who does not , pounds, of tobacco. Winston pay a tax. Why should any correspondent of the Raleigh man be burdened and afflicted . ews uoserver. with taxes levied y inpecuni-j ous and ignorance? Why should j Wa Challengei a rogueisn rascal wno pays no tax, robs a henroost' the over nrerit, is as ignorant oi tne duties and responsibilities of citizenship as a baboon, be al- Wanted-Dogwood In large or small quantities that will square 4 inches or more; clear of knots and dotes. Also Persimmon phnk clear of oots, wind shakes aud beutt r;s. For further particulars and prices apply to H. E. Benton, Wilson, X. C. Alarmed Afcot Zeb- "Vanes. Poor Vonce ! He hais lost one eye and has gone tb writing poetry. No wonder his friends are alarmed. Let us hjope. how ever, for the best. -Rockingham Spirit. . i SENATE, The following bills passedthird reauings; Jbiii lor the reliet ot W.F. Buxton, late sheriff of Nortbamp ton counts; aineudiug the charterot the town of Creeuvilfe: for tbe relief of James W. Copeland. late Treasurer of JSortbampton conntr I sub-section -4 of section 190 Code in ! relation to claim and delivery. Mr. Payne introduced a bill to ) regulate local option laws in tbis State. Also oue to secure just and reasonable rato on railroad aud otber transportation companies, Mr. Little, tor the committee on enrolled bills, reported correctly enrolled and tbe president ratified an act in relation to undertakings on appeal to the Supreme Court. lowed to go to the polls to se lect public officials and to levy taxes upon the intelligence, virtue and enterprises of the State? It is a start-naked out rage. The Henderson Gold Leaf takes the same position and says: It is an outrage for any per son who does not pay one cent of tax to vote and pass uvon questions involving the rights and privileges of those who bear the public burden. The Greenville Reflector speaking upon this proposition says: There are now in this county may, we suppose a hundred, negroes, and some whites, who pay not one cent of taxes. They have no propety, and there be ing avaiiame sneaK tne pay ment oi ineir poii-iax. it an able bodied man will not con tribute to the support of the government he should not be allowed a voice in the selection of officials who are to rule over those who by the sweat of his brow maintain its institutions. Raleigh State Chronicle. Any man, woman or child who is afll'cted with Constipation, Dys : pepia, lleai.ache, or Torpid Liver to prove tbat a few doses of Sim ! inons Livt-r Regulator will not re sieve tbem. It uever fails, and is so pme, so sore, so harmless that an iniant can take it and never hava a second 8iell of Colic An adult cau take it, keap tbe bowels j regular and secure health. The Elesssd Trutn. " Representatives Cooke and Clifton spent last Sunday at home. No County in the State has two better or more true representatives than Fraklin. Louisburg Times. Eczma, I:hy, Scaly Skin Tortures. The simple application of Swayn'e Umtment without any interna medicine Will cure anv cas of Tetter, Salt Rheum, Ringworm Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples, Eczema all Scaly Itchy Skin Eruption no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective and costs but a trifle. era ho killed iVh eeler Robnett, In Alexauder county last October, was, ou Saturday the 9tb, found guilty of manslaughter, and fen tenced by Judge Clark to four years in the penitentiary. He was tried in TaylorsvUle. Notice. HaYtoff qualified a Administrator of estate of Theopnilui the us Parker, detvaartl. before the Probate Judire of Wilson ountr. notice 1. hereby given to all persons tnlebtel to the estate of said deceased to make immediate rjavment and to all persons havinir claims aKainst the deceased to present them for pay ment on or oeiore tne stia qbt oi January 1W0 or thin ooUoe will be picad In bar of tlicir rocorery. , o. a. ikiiiahli. Aumimsiraior. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. STiUKDARD AND BEST. ift am the Post Office, to demonstrate that fact to yon, by selling yoa good goods for tbe least money. 11 & SkOn Dr W S Anderson. NOTICE. NORTH CAHOL1NA. WlUiOS COCKTT. Superior Court. III P7II Among the supple Webster's I ns SOOO more Wonls and tsv-.r'.y !!ii) ,n-r- Tllns trations than any other Amtrv an lii'tc.aar;. ilenwAary f-Mt-irv.orl'-ir 1 with abrtdfred a'id tin- 'ii.u'. I J, r conciManUtrustwurtiiy .a nu-:. iii.c-v A Biographical Dictiomry aasasasasasasasawaaasajasaawaM aiai maw i nr i awi m Contain iDfe nearly iv nm- t i S -rv. n.iT PeraoDS, with tliir aaflti-tiili:, M;.ii'.. r i- ion or occupation, dat9 cf i irtii 9. A J- a'h, A Gazetteer cf ths Mry Harper. Martha llryaot. Emo-.a J. Harper. Arthur Har- TT H till C IUllll4. va NOTICE. Nathan Allen imM P. Allen. K. V. Tucke and Vary 'A. Tucke. J The defendants Nathan Alien and M. P. Al len wUI take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced la tbe Kupertor Court of Wilson county tohare a new rntee appointed to take chnre of the lecacy and other funds left by Foiiy iiames et al in tbe hands if late James li. Barnes as Trustee for Mary Harper and ber children, and tb. said defendants will further take noUoo. that tb.y are re-iuired to appear uerore a. u. ueana. lerk oi tne upemrt ourtor aaid county oa Monday. March IHth. l-- at the Court Hoose cf said county In Wl'son. N. C , and answer ur demur to the complaint In said tctwn or the I'laintifls will apply to the Court for tbe rvlirf di-niandcd in said complaint. This January St. Ik-41. A.M. IEANS. Clerk ot the Superior Court of Wllsoo county, JSO. F. BKCTOX. Attorney for PlalotUIs. LUTHER SHELDON. xr.Aiai:u ix Doors and Blinds. Mouldings,' rackets, StairRa NewelS. Brackets. Hardware. Paints. Oils. C 17: r'ri Of oTera',Mi'J'itles,l'"i-.ncit'i i I :. ing the Countries, Citi, 1 .-. : Features of eyery puitcf ;.' .! . Tho Explanatory and i'rci-.oui n-i of the names 1 1 1 h .1 ih- .'.try Noted Fictitious Perxona and Flmce., sueh as are literature and conTer5r-tion. fouad in any oli:cr !' II . 1 1 1 la e u Uct VEBSTER IS 22 Authority in the Cot'I Frin'j OQce. t-i the U. S. Supreme Co-jrt. I;:', t n.it.Ri ' by the State Sup'ts of coi t t Si St : ie. rji by leading College Pres is 1 1'. S. s-..d a-ia-;. Itis th. only licfTonr,rv tiir.t i... , n in making 8tat I'ur. . . ' , s. -; nearly all the bchoolL. .... , ,i : , .uiu An inralosMo eompanl n i; ver; '. ra at erery Fireside. ;ni a .: - i i ; ...i t monials sent preraid on a v':. ; :i PnbUshad by G. A C MERR1AM L CO.. - SpriagfitlJ, U.ii., U. u. .V. Puttty and Painters 'MAT ERI AT. OF ETEUY DESCRIPTION'. General Agent for. WaUwortb, Martinet & Lon-joan'a PURE READY-MIXED PAINTS. . No.. 16 V. side Market Square and Roanoke Avenne, I5nrneT School, TOISXOT, N. C. (F )R BOYS AND OIULS.) t3rLARGE, WELL FC7KNISU- ED SCHOOL ROOMS. ConrKe of Stntly Thorough and Practical, Spring SeRoion begiDS Jan'; 14. 1SS3. For farther Information ad dress W. S. BARNES, Principal OTICE. . a . a police is nereoy given tnac ap rdication will be made to the Gen eral Assembly, which convenes at Raleigh, on tbe 9th day of January 1833, for purpose of chartering The ruoenix l ire Company. W.P. WOOTE5. President, THE BANK OF ROCKY MOUNT, ROCKY MOUNT. N. C.t ef fclent. THOS. II. IJ.VTTLK, Vice-Presidest la. F. TIIXEIIV, CasLier. CASH CAPITAL S25.000. UOKRKSrONDEXTS : XOKFOLK, VA.) RATIONAL BANK: NATIONAL TAEat DANK, NEW lpo3lt4, Di5iat3 aal Collections Solicited PromrUf tended to at BuliDg Rate&jmd ia I