The Wilson Advance. Wilson. X?C.', . Feb. 21, 1889 iOlvo un the elftctrio lights, the Advance says. . The need of Wilson is more manufactories. -. We Lave had"soiue wtather"sinee last week's 'paper. The New Berne Fair comes off this week. Wilson is well repre sented there. Hon. George Davis has been elected president of the Wilming ton Bridge (Jo, as.succesor to Hon 11. K. Bridget, deceased. Queen Etbef to-morrow night, lie sure to be present or yon will miss an exceptionally fine musical entertainment. The time for soiling land for tax es has beeu changed by a recent nactment from the first Monday in February to the urnt Monday in May -. Our neighbor, the Mirror speakj in high term of the popularity and efficiency of the officers of the First National Bauk, to all of which we say amen. The Free Will Baptist is to be moved from New Berne to Snow Hill, we see it stated. It will be published at the latter place by a stock company. The Clinton1 Taucasian has bought a new power-press. We rejoice to see this evidence of the progress aud propeiity which that paper is meeting. We Bee from 'the Raleigh paper that Mr. and Mrs. Josephus Daniels.of Ralegh,. gave a reception f last week complimentary to the members of the Legislature.. The kindly notices that the brethreTi of the quill have given the Advance npou our enteriug a new volume is deeply appreciated, Accept our acknowledgements. 1 bretheren. The Bank of Durham, which went down in the late crash at that place, has declared a dividend to its depositors of 20 per cent, and the Plant still believes it will pay dollar lor dollar. Judges Arm field and Connor will exchange several courts, we learn. This exchange will put Judge Connor on this district his home district and Judge Armfleld on his home district. The Lienderson Uold Lieat says t he farmers of that section are busy preparing fr "their tobacco crops. We hope our people will as many as can put in a small crop of ''the weed." The Advance notes with pleas ure that Winston Bios., of Belma, whd were forced by circumstances to assign, have resumed business. The men who compose the firm are young men of pluck aud 'will suc ceed. We see from the Goldsboro Ar gus tht Mr. Junius G. Slocumh, of Elerndorj, Miss., died on the 18th insf,, m the 74th veaf of his age. Prayer meetings are being :Md every evening at 3 o'ciocH a tne Methodist church, preparator- to a series of meetings to be bt ;ua next SuDdar night. Rev. Mr. Meekspreachel a' the Missionary Baptist church last Snndav both morning and night. The congregations werel pleased with the sermons and t he man. j' The professional card bfDr. C. E. Moore appears in this week's Advance. Ilis offices is H o doors from the Advance officei. He is well known to onr people-f-has al ready established a lncretive prac tice. 1 . . There is no more insidious and I dangerous form of gambling than dealing in futures. The J "respec tability" of this most dangerous and tempting vice is one ot its corner stones of strength. I Beware of this destructive passion-jof gamb ling, then in all it's various forms, as you would your deadliest ene my, j,? , We were pleased to receive a call last Tuesday from Mr. G. H. Heigh, of Fayetteville. iHe was t'ie editor of the Observer up to a short while ago, when he sold the paper and he is here now in the interest" of ! the Providence In surance Company. He is a thorough gentleman one of the old school and we commend him to our people. 4 The Chntlu Caucasian' opposes public executions. . We heartily agree with the Caucasian. There is uo mors degrading and demora lising spectacle than a public exe cutions. They debauch the pnhlic morals and outrage puhlid decency as nothing else does. In the name of decency we do say iletNoitb Carolina never again be so debased as to be the place in which another of these uncivilized spectacles of barbarism shall take' place. A most delightful luucheon was giveu on Wednesday of Oast week by Mrs. A. N. Daniel ati her resi dence, complimentary to her Auut, Mis. Judge By num. of Mjorganron, and Mrs. L. Jones, of .sht-vilie. The entertainment was, indeed, a model of good taste. . There veie present Mrs. Dr. Bynnm Mr. (1. D, Ceeue, Mrs. Bionson) Mi. F. A. Gorham, Mrs. W. C.t Gorham, Mrs. Herbert Rountree, Uxs.T. J. Uadley, and Mrs. J. 0. Hdle. The Trains. Four more trains were placed on the Atlantic Cosst Line, on Tues day, and the var ous trains now pass Wilson at the following times: Trains going South At 11:31 a. m., 2:25 p. m. and 7 p. North At 1:40 a. m. 12:38 p. m. and 7:52 m-, 7:43 a m.; going 2:57 a. m p. uj. The Fayetteville train arrives in Wilson at 12:10 p. in. aud leaves at 2:35 p.m. TOISNOT HEWS- What The People 'cf That Town are Doing, Saying ai Thinking. Popular Piano Collection- Another splendid collection of good piano music in one large book, sheet music size, finely printed and bound, and entitled the "Popu tar Piano Collection." has inst beeu published, aud will, without doubt, find a ready welcome among all who admire music that is above the ordinary, ana yet not too diffi cult for tUe young player. The cnoice piano-pieces in this new book are by the well known com posers, Bohm, Behr, Arditi, Wi!son Mack, Sudds, King, Hoffman. Eilengerg, Lange,.Popp, Goerdelerj Smith and .others, and have been care!'uHy selected, with the view of satisfying the taste and meeting the requirements of ordinary per formers on the piano. The "Pop ular Piana Collection" will be sent by mail to any address on receipt of price, ($1.00) by the publishers, Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston, Mass. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannqt be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Care. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props, Toledo, O. We, the undetsien- ed, have known F. J. Cheney for the last. 15 years, and believe bim periectly bonerable in all business transactions, and financially able to cary ont any obligations made bv their firm. west & Truax, Wholesale Dm sr. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole- Bate uruggists, Toledo, Ohio. iii. a. van iloesen. Uashier, Toledo National Bank, Toledo, Ohio. nail's uatarrh Uure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. The letter He had rManves in this Bection who will regret to learn ot his death. An electric light piant would not cost the town one dollar more to run it than is now paid out Jo bave the town 1'gVed with kero sene, we do not bflieve.; Cjt.v dads; give us lightning' lor a ''j;lim"in the future. .''''' weieel like apologising to ouw readers for the meager reports we give them of the Legislative pro ceedings. We give them the best we possibly can from the colnmus of the News Observe. Would thatlT we could do better but we cannot on the first page, of this week's AdvaCE from the pen of our readers ravonte, iiill Arp, id on the-, topic that never grows threadbare when treated by such a writer. Bill discusses the "negro problem" in a;wav Hiat will suit . every ' j Southern man whether thj Northern people like what he says. Its precious little he cares, anyway,! whether the people who spena their tuae abnsiiig the South like: what lie says or not. . -- i -1 TI.J T,..V r.F Tf.-.r.Ai JC- V. j lit- ua ii (V ji Liitiutj opened last Monday witii Mr. YV. P. 8impsou, one of the best busi ness men and most thorcnghly pleasant gentleman with whom to do business has ejev bPru in our town, an .Cashier.- Mr. Branch is probably the largest:and successful business m;n in our midst. W:th such a "team," back ed with plenty of lueiooc of all " the Bank of Branch & Co , is in assured success, -ine: new Bank has our best wishes. Mutual Lif9 Statement Iu'.our advertising columns this week will be found the vry ex cellent statement of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York. Concerning this company the Review of Philadelphia says : 'The grandest annual statement of the year is that of the Mutnal Life Iusurance Company, of New York. It rounds up its assets to over 126,000,000 a larger amount we believe than is to-day held by auv corporation in the wonu. Advances have been made in every direction. The increase in assets was 7,275,391 ; in policies in force 17,426; in policies aitten, 19,301; in auajunt ot new insurance assum ed over thA provious year, 33,750 793; in riss iu force, 34 49h,251 The receipts Jrom all sources were 26,215,933, an increases during the year of 3,096,010. The amount paid to policy-holders during the year was 14.727,550. There is loaned in bonds and mortgages, 49,617,874; in United States and other st-curtties, 48,61b,704. The real estate and loans on collater als amount to 21,786,125. The balance of the assets iu cash on deposit most of which bears in terest accrned interest, deferred premiums, etc. These figures in dicate not only the immense vol ume of business which the com pany has done during the past vear. but also the mighty work 1389. 1889. Mrs. William Wells, of on visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Barnes of the place. On . Monday last Mrs. Wiley Wells left here to visit ber hus band, who went to Baltimore about three weeks ago to have another operation performed on his hand. Mr. Rob. Winstead who accom pained M rs. W. returned Friday and reported Mr. Wells as improv ing. Mrs. Emerson Vick and chil dren bave returned from a visit to relatives in Beaufort county. Mrs. Ora Barnes left lor her home in Stantonsbarg yesterday. On the same day GuyJ3arne3 start ed on a business trip" to Louisville, Ky. I neglected in my last commnni cation to notice the departure of Mr. A. F. Black from this place He has been employed for the past three. year9 by. P. J. Turn- bull, a bov in 'years but ' no man voung or- old stands higher in this town imoral worth and as an upright gentleman than Addison Black. He left here last week and is travling over the State selling rubber stamps. That he may meet with success is the universal wish of our people. I regret to State that Mr. William Doles retured borne from a'tr: ISSUEAME CO. Iillli WWBTM a MO!' UK- Am4 BrantiiM, TKAlXSGOl.vr, uCTII. nTi:n . .In. i-at Hi- 5" Syrup of Figs s Nature's own true laxative. It s the most easily taken, and the roost enective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilions or Costive ; to dispel Headaches Colds, and Fevers ; to cure Habit ual Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San X rancisco, Cal. Try it. For sale by E. M. Nadal. tf. STATEMENT !x-re WVMnn i. in An vo l(M.r Hu.;tii.' ij Ltave Tmrbora 'o M V. A. M. P.M. : ii ;- Arnva tHHo'ii ", . J 1 Arrive 1 , nuvi io ua . . ' r The Raleigh correspondent ot the Wilmington Messenger in ppeaking of J udge Armfield pass me through that citv savs : He ts just from Wilson and is greatly pleased with the people there. The Judge is very popular anddesver d'y so- . , Our Mr. C. F. Wilson is this week calling on many our subscri bers in Nash county. The Ad vance has a strong hold upon the good will of the people of that good county and we appreciate the large amount of patronage they bestow upon us. We ne'e from the Dunn Courier that Mr. J.J. Stone, formely edito." of that paper, arid at one time , traveling agent for the Advance pas gone to vv inston to accept a position in a job office ttere. He is a good prtutet aud a clever vonnr man and has our wishes wherever he may go. Mr. Caas. G. Hutchinson, for th past several years in the First National Bank of Wilson, has resigned his position and will en gaged in the brokerage business at Laurens, S. C. Frank Rountree takes his place in the Bank, ve note with pleasure. A better s-e lection could hardly have been made. Saint Vallentine's day was cele brated by the children of Wilson with the usual large returns bfj pleasure to their happy hearts. On the night of the 14th, they enjoyed knocking at the doors of the dif ferent people, leaving a valentine and running off at break-neck upeed. Happy indeed are the days of playful childhood. Mr. W. B. Young, of Young Bros, of this place and Dunn, spt-nde -a good 'portion ofhis'time-ia Fayette ville, where tin', turn -are at present engaged in puttiug in the ma . chinery for n ctoUiing factory. There is hardly a more enterpris ing " firm in. the State- than the Young Eros., and w wish Tor them t'je. success that Uieir energy ftud enterprise dhould gaiu for them. We see from the New Berne Journal that the truckers of that Btctiou are putting in their Irinh potato crop. The people of New Berne make "big money" every year by trucking. There is uo snn why moie money should rsot " m;ide in Wilson by same mearm. " hope more of our people will tr7 trucking on a snioll scale and see if they, cauuor, iucrease their surulus cdhh thereby. r Mr. Edward Oldham, formerly Alitor of the Winston Sentinel, DOW. of .tllf" r.iiarloof , n VI-..,, . . . " 1 v" ' We see from the Raleigh cor respondent of the Messenger that the State Board-of .Pharmacy. li censed as druggists f George. S, Barnes, Miltou ; Frauk L Mesres, Wilmington ; W M. Y-parby, Dur ham; John L. Wootehj Warsaw: W. D.Mitchell, Stem; John. B- Farris, Greensboro. Mr.E M. Nada'I, o onr town-is a memuer ol the Board, ne, while at Raleigh, made a s'rong argument before a committee of the Legislature concerning the rharmacuetica Associations and their desires. The advertisement; of Mr.- E Barnes appears in this week's Ad VANCE lie is a man ot large ex perience in merchantileSife knows the wants of the people knows the best brands of fertilizers as well as of other goods and he has snp plied himself with waal the people want, lie sells his goods on com missions strictly and lis therfore able to give his customers the benefit of the lowpst ! prices pos sible. He asks larmeirs tocali to see him before where and he purchasing ehe proposes then to give thetu prices that wtul asto iish which it has taken to attain its present proud position. The Mu tual Life is heyond question the foremost iusurance organization in the world. It is as stable as con servative management, the lar gest preadth of view and greatest forethougth can make it. It is a cred't not onlv to its founders and officers, but also to the State in jrh'.ch .t is located and the natiou to wLicn it belongs." The local agents at this place arc B. F. Briggs & G&i, and it pleases ns to know that they have placed a good amount of business with the company, we can cneermuy recom- meud the mutual r.fe to any person who desires sale aud reli able iusurance. and is now confined to his home. MrJas. Friar who has been con fined for four weeks with the same trouble was on the streets yester day much improved. Mr. P. J. Turn bull has set out cabbage plants. Who can beat It in the county t The wife and little daughter of the late Hon. R. R. Bridgers stop ped over here one day this week and were met at the depot by Col. B. Barron, who took them out to his home. Mrs. Annie Williams, mother of Mrs. Henry Williams, died at her home near here one day last week, Mr. Joshua Bullock has disposed of near ly all of his stock of horses and mules at his stables. Mias Lee Brinsley who has been spending some time with her sister Mrs. John Farmer, and attending the school of Mrs Averitt, left to lav for her home in Southern part 01 .state, juiss Liee was quite a favorite and will be missed much by her many friends. It; is a feood time to set out shade trees iu town. . Nothing adds more td the beauty of a place, than to see trees on all the streets. "A word to the wife is sufficient' My dear reader have 50a been charitable, forgiving and 'oving to those around you this week. Have you cheered any sad heart ? Have you helped by word or deed any needy brother! If you have, how much sweeter will be yonr sleep this Saturday night. Toisnot,N. C. Feb. 1C, 1889. "S' or mtw tori. RICHARD A. McCCEDY, President. For the Yr EwHig Dec 3 1st, U Successor to HADLEY& BRICCS. I hare just opened an Entirely New Stock of GOODS, At tue old stand of Hadlev &, Briggs and extend a cordial Invita tion to all whether they wish to bny or not to come to see me. Mv stock was bought for , And will be sold low. Farmers would do well to call upon me be fore placing their trade for another year, . Country produce taken In ex change for goods. ive r.c; 15 1. a v e " c u.r , hi Ix-mva JUni.oija.i ;j Arriro WljniinsUit (00 A-J. 1.1 na 9 M I. M. m 1130 A.M. Jl- ' IK I TKAINS GOIXO NOUTII. rf'S Jr a LcavB W:::a:titnon. Ixavn tvr11... Arriie (io40hro. Arrit-c mini Arnvo W'ilsoa 1. M. . II .''I A. M, -Hi i7s Fx-rc Wi!nn Arrive l:M-ky Muunt Arnvu lariRii Ix-ae Tai boro Arrito VeliJcn A. M 430 A M. 10 "3 IO.V) 11 .70 II IU 1J 14 V. M. 12 II. ja A.M. 10 JJ V. M. 140 P.M. Li P. M. Hi ' 11 H 11 i A.M. . 1 (" I 3 Id P. M. 0 Total Assets, - $120,082,153 KG Incre se in Assets, 8urplug at four per cent...... Inrtase in Surplus,-........ Policies in force, .. Increaxe during y ear, Policies written. increase during year, Risks assumed, ... Increase during year, Bisks In force. .... Increase during year - Receipts from all sources-.. Increaseduring year,... Paid Policj-Hol' era. .. S 7.575.301 m 7,MM3 3 l,Wo.(CS II 15H.a HAM l.:tl $i(n.!H.asi ;b SI.7"A7H2 (t 42,1S5.IM3 2rt,-'lli,KI2 3,0!i.OIO J.C. HDLEY. January 10, 1889. The Assets are Iimsted as Follows : t 49.617.674 0s 48.filf.704 14 :L,7S,125 34 2,81377 80 WtSJTS 4 f 158,082, IS3 U Bonds and Mortgages....-..- United States and other securi- Real Estate and Loans on col lateral Cash In Banks and Trust Com panies at interest.-. Interest accrued. Premiums de terred and in transit, Etc,.- Tear 1K84 1R 17 Risks 34.61.430 4.Sii7.l: lual4,3Bl Surplus. $4,743,771 &.''4;i.vii 0.2l4.442 O o C3 OsiiTctct-nl iin lr l iall(Hl Stlaiiit V.1r P . nW Ilai;at lT -.! ign-l .rw at 2 p. ro. Re lurumx Icivn ScullaoJ N.k aisCJjs. m-daily t-xrt in Muxlay. I i II I. V4 li-lmm -! IIIam.. . V.atf vtl K. IC. rlilDt und IL. n m. i Sii' -i 17 i. ul "il.ion. N.C. I li p 4 p in. lif-turntn kavt-s William- '. mm- rni pi Mimlat . Iu a m. Sutxiay I ra-n 4jm MiillailJ . 1 - Uiait.-h Im Km. Ua-if Haul bun. sr. Ma SiiiiiIiII.i... t 1 . m. ilfiunnne to Briil I')., imi.. irrreii ti- 'iliooro. IrS'll tH NSkbVltfe il. c-h Inm Hm-k r Momn Si ;iuj p i. arrivrs Nasbviile 2 4upu. ' t-l iiik H 4 1 P IU. liclU n-nc k-aveatipriD- M. JH- lnuua in. uvnie I . a n. arnte at I lii -r Mimiim li Ijtra. di ' eio-D miuIit. 'fis'iion I'litiiuti lrjii h iniia U'lmv r. . Cli. imi. Pa.ljr. uc pi i- -it. ll i Wp in. anl II lea in. lit-iumms t. ut "inon at Swi ' . a-tl 4 In p us., voum c.i. at Warsaw wna - Nm. II. I t. .1 ami '.. tMiulbijiJUi J I rain on Vil n a Farrtterilla . ItraiKU i Nil. ,1. NarttaL.uuil la Nu tdi . 1 lailv rxijcpi Imiii' I Train X. i " .m h will i nnnlvat Tl'.n i Giilil-itMio sii'l Manol.a. Tra-ii No. is uiak.-. ums -miik-ciIoo at Wei- i Inn f.-r an p-.iih o Hi. s it. All rail 1 K.iliiuoua. sikJ aaily iiivpi suoJay via IU, Lntu. . No. '( I. V '1 ulc Train, t Ulhlmunrf linn day., t-rula -. la-rs WviuooH juptrunriveat Wilmlair- . ton 2 a in. .No. raiihuloTta.lL. Xi-r hixiund. Tin. day. I ltur.iay mnvrr, Uam Wniu.Uaiua I a an te WtlJr & ; . in. Tmiit mikfl rKW rlwijoriie a r al ia- . NuriU via I'.nhm.'iU so'l M'( n.n.-t i. All na n nut am.i .t n w Imlnati. ati l V aahinc I'm. a-.iil un Puilmao. 1' v Biwpuia sua. i J. 1 30 a du. . if 1 i vra tiuida- ' JL Iw I en. imin : -Jx .r I . II 4b a m. 1 J V F.II- J. IS. KK1.'. Mipi.lm. T. M. k.:l Lttso.N. Ota I N'CCral gupt. pori a t hi . iMLfurcr A-it. DEATH OF. BISHOP licTYEIEE. Ths l!e;bcdist Church South L:ses . Oldest Bishop. Nashville, Feb. 15. Holland N. McTveire. senior Bishop ot the Methodits Ep'scopal Church, Soutb died this morning at 9 o'clock, at his residence on Vanderblit Uni versity Campos. He was born Barnwell countv. S. C, Jaly 18 Mr- McGill, of Cumberland has introdaced a bill whichj has p isfd the lower Ilonse and which r no donbt become a la?j It .1- (he practice among corporations, n-'ii'K &C, to jay their handsj with tickt ts or ctvecks, wljiich are ijot trauier able. Usually the receiver of these tickets have to trade them out at the ' Company Store.'" They are worthless for anything outfdde the store. The object iif the bill is to rhake the parry who issues the ticket redeem it when '(presented it matters not by wh6m, thus al lowing the operative tio use them in the purchase of supplies from others than than thej employer. l'roiiressive Jfarmer. IS, 1828. He joined the Church in 183, at Cot-esbury School, S. C. He began to preach in 184T, when he joined the Virginia Conference. In May, 1846. The nrst general uon ference of the Church Sonth was held at Petersburg, "and Mr. Mc Tyeire was sent to Mobile, Ala. In Mobile he met the lady who became his wife a cousin of the lady whom Commodore V.nderbilt afterwards married. This wasthe first .link in the chain of causes that gave origin to the grat Vaudeibilt University. He was stationed at Demoplis, Ala., Col umbus, Miss, and then New Or leans, where he built Felicity CtiHTh. aud founded New Orleans Cunstain Advocate in 1851. Iu 1858 he, became eai 'r of the Nasdi vilie Christian 'Advocate and remained in that capacity til! Feb. 10, 18C5, when he left the city and did not return until 1867. He was elected Bishop in 1867. It was owing to Bishop McTyeire that Commodore Vanderbilt made the of$l,000,000 and William, H. Vanderbdt 500,000 and Cornelius-Vanderbilt 30,000 to Vanderbilt1 University, of which Bishop McTyeire was made presi dent lor life. County Sunday Sch:ol Convention County Sunday- Conventions win oe hem at eacn county Heat in the State oa Vridav, Febr at 10 o'clock. Any minis Gospel, superintendent or officer, eaelter or adult member of anv Sunday School will be a member of these conventions. Pastors and Stuerinte$ dents. residents ot ttre county seat, are expected to meet at once an ar range for the Convention, selecting place, preparing programme, ap pointing speaKers, etc. Each County Convention is en titled to appoint Live delegates to the State Convention. . The secretary of each County Convention will forward names, with address, of the officers elected and of the Delegates to the State Convention to the endersigued. Please let me know if you will engage in this work. By order of the Execntive Com mittee of the State Sunday School Convention. J. W. Gere, Secretary Kinks Outstanding. (.15l.7W.2fl5 X.K1.44r aa.wwjwi 4i7.8.'8.i3 4.-C,US,lS4 ROBERT A. GRAN N" IS. Vlce-Protldent. ISAAC F. LLOYD. 3d Vice-President. WILLIAM J. EASTOX. - Secretary. B. F. BRIGGS, Agent, Wilson, H. C O. F. BRESEE, & SOSS, Gen'l Agents, Baltlmors. Md. Ladies dressed aud nndressn' Kid Ixloves, 4 ;ind 5 buttons, black or colored, nf New Yoik roo Branch, Briggs & Co's. Jan. 30, 1889. iS'cJrS Stamping Patterns! m IfaavflMlmartaaRaltAaW.T. ffteaia ptMMa wtiaaai umwnm i Um twKioni. ut aUaa l aatd rt Kuimh i 4ar aa a Crawl. i,iniii, We Have Just Onened An lmmnM - And Pretty Assortmenr of Both In Domestic and French Coods. SCOTCH ZEPHYR CLOTHS. TOIL H'J fiORDS, GINGHAMS, 5cC, dc.i Mte Gcoods IN ABUNDANCE. THE PRETTIEST EIBEOIDEEIES, EfERIlSTilG TEIWUCS UO UCES That have ever been sliown in Wilson. will An InrpecUon b arrrecltted. WE HAVE ALSO JCST OPEN'EO 5,000 YAKDS OF THE xn Xfl rH 6X) 5J o w. Km ' a I.irce, I lot of Stats Sunday School' Convention. The next meeting of the State Sunday School Convention will be at Charlotte, April 2d, 3d and 4th. The membership of the State Convention to consist of the. min isters in the State and the five delegates appointed by each Coun'y Convention. By order of fc'xecntive Committee: J. W. Gore, Secretary. Special Railroads rates to State Convention. - YiTiiitTEn. We have purchased handsome, and varied Stamping Patterns. Which must Ihj used. Thiough the epring we offer this iuducemeut to the Public eenerallv: SUmii3ir done at from 5c to 20l; accordiug to size of pattern 20c for largest size which is for whole dress treats etc. Furthermore those who purchase material For Fancy Work From as the stamping will be done Free of Charge Onr material is sold at the cheap est prices. We sell the best brand Star and Corticelli Arasein at 20c and 23c per dozen. Other materi al equally as cheap. 31ES. 31. E. CHUB CnWELL & CO. Queen Esther . ' j ' : . The cantata of ''Esther the beau tiful Queen," will be presented to the Wilson public at Mamotia Hall uext Friday nichf, February 22-nd, by a company of tbirtjj ladies .and', geutjemei., composl-nig the best unsical talent m . the jtown. The scenic incident to the. production cf this very superior-' combination of choruses, is sure toj. delight all present. Reserved seats, 50 cen'j general admission, 3? cents; chil dren, 25 cents. Tickets for sale at Davis & Gay's store, i World, ha3:ieen si lected by Chas -j.-uuiey amer to . prepare a oliime on W. Gilmore Simms, the novelist, lor the series of i'ooks rolled American Men of wers,- Mr. Oldham was atone ;3a,Btudent of Wilson Collegiate ""uiuce aud he has many friends ere who rejoice to Bee his worth Another Sudden Death.5; Mr. RobertPriinrosj son of Rev, John W. PiTHMose, pastor of St Andrew's Church, died at his fath er-s resioence in tms c ty, ai'er a iirjier illness, jir. irnmrose was taken sick last Friday witn pneu monia, andj3is case L was thought to be progressing favorably until lie was seized with ; a congestive eliill early jesterdayi morning, his death resulting therefrom a few hours afterwards. Mr. Prinnose was only eighteen . vbr nineteen jears. of age, and Mils death is a sad blow to his faniily, who have the deepest sj mputliy of the com munity. i lie held a position in the auditor's office of jthe Atlantic (3oast Line, and was highly es teemed by all. Wiljmington Star Rev. Mr. Primrose was pastor of the Presbyterian chirch at this place 16r several years and there are many here who sympathise with him in his sad affliction. PERSONAL MENTION hia fami- Oapt. Muse has moved ly to Wilson to live. Mr. F. M. Connor isjiow travel ing agent for the Mtrror. Miss Mary Sauls, of Eureka, Wayne county, is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. B. U. rasenall. mj: Miss Blanche Fentress, who has been on a visit to her -sister, Mrs. E M. Nadal, returned last week to her home in Raleigh. Mrs. R. P. Pell returned last week from Faison where she went lobe present it the marriage of Mr. Marshall Williams, of Spout Springs, to Miss Mary S. llicks, of Faison. Mrs. V. O. Ayer, of Raleigh, is stopping at Mr. S. M- Warrau's for a few days. She is here giving instruction in a perfect tailor system aud she has been very successful in nearly every town in the State. Ladies wishing to avail themselves of this opportunity to secure this art ami accomplishment will call on her at once. Terms exceptionally "reasonable. Firs 'lesson given to day at 2 o'clock. 0 .. aaaaaa-a Tate Notice. . All interested in having their clothes made to order will please call and examine my line ot spring samples now ready for inspection flavins made arrangements with a first-class tailoring establishment nm readv to fill orders at short notice. A perfect fit guaranteed or no eale. A. Heilbroxeb, Agent for Jacob Held &J5on's Tailoring Detriment, in tne ureenvine K.enector we see the following: un Wednesday morning, February 6th, at Bethany Christian church, near Whitakers, Mr. Joseph 15. Ltatnam, ot this coun ty, led to the bymenial alter Miss Lamia, the charming and lovely daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. James S- Dixon, of Edgecombe, Rev. M. T. Move, of Wilson, officiating. They were attended by the following couples: II. A. Latham with Miss Sudie Fairclotb, W. M. Brown with Miss Lena Lyon. D. o. bpam. with Miss Lillian Pitfman, II. B. Harris with Miss Capitola Granger. Jno. Ricks with Mias Lillie Evan9, 0. W. Harrington with Miss Vema Dixon, S. A. Redding with Miss Nannie King. D. W. Dixon and Mis Claud Spain." Miss Dixon visited Mr. Frank Line iu this county and made quite a number of friends in this section. The auvance extends congratulations. THE Ml OF Mil AMA05TTrCF.STATLA8 0Tn WftBl.n. Tn one large quarto volume, 10x14 Inches in si cor.taininu: ua pajfea of handsomely engraved auu uuiureu maps, aiso an index or over 5j0U0 oitles, rivers, mountains. etc, throughout ' wriu, kiviiik cuci location, uiotn, price a oeauiuui. accurate, convenient and com prehensive atlas, a n.arvel of art. of hrnrm. lion and of price, the equal ot the best 110 anAHDIATLAaor Tni wnnt.n A and convenient volume, containing 13ft colored maps, diagrams, tables, etc., descriptive of every uiury in me worm, carelulljr claasined and skillfully arranged f.r easy rrference. aju pigesof informa lon, valuahlo and availa- uttr. vmui, unco S-KV. D.u, 4C. A guide DOOK to the who amrM a iwk.l v,uuiw.ia,a marrei or vaiue auu cMcapnvss, aiiu a umiy oompaniun ot every nuwumwr .1 . . - - S-nt by mail ou recfrpt of price and postage. isnciose rost- otlice Money Order. Sew York Draft; or Postal Nole for full amount: in writing in reterenoe tn A t laua nli.u. IWHJUVU Vliu ,T luua AUVAfllE, Blow G. Salisbury, 818 Quincy St., Brooklyn, X. Y, Notice. a a .a. notice is nereoy given mat ap plication will be made to the present session of the General As semby for an act incorporating "The Wilson Banking and Trust Company. January lOih, A. Branch, T. J. Hadley, W. P. Simpson, Josh a -4 Harnes, NV-tPer Brodie, Jtm. F, Hrnon, 1R89, Advice To Mothers Mrs WinsIowrs Soothing Syrnp should always be used when chd dren ?.re cutting teetb. It relieves the little sufferer at once 5 it prod aces natural, quiet sleep b relieving the child from, pain, and the little cherub awakes as ''bright as a button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regalates the bowels and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether airising from teething or other causes, i'wentv-flve cents a bottle, Rev. A. L Philiips, of Fayette ville, has decided' to accept the call to the pastorate of the Presby terian cnurch at Birmingham, Ala., we regret to see irom the uoserv er. If, iu need ot a goou turnout it will pay you to call at the livery stables of E. L. Hawkins. See advertisement. For Good Turnouts GO TO THE LIVERY STABLES OF E. MOORE. PHYSICIAX AND SUKGBO.V, WHSOX, V. C. tTifliee aeeond door from Advance office. l arooro otrecs. -Feb. 31. ly NOTICE. ing qualified as administrator of the or Prince Daniels deceased, before tne CL W W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE ftt In t ho world. F Yarn In hi i.ini i.rvi ik 11 m Kir ok. nt.iHi 11 M-M.n 1 1 w r ri kiiok. S:ijw ! HV. AMI NKOrKV KHOEi uo i vi 11 A vai i - t i y rituiL -j,2S nOKKIMiMIVK kliniL m-t.oo tLn.i mi.'.i mn' m ihmiI. BBOEfl, an maim ua imiiia bbims w IS EEST CSiEE TIED IIDE FECIT OP TEE LCCI ELEICEIIS 11 Y TI1K YAI1D OR Vll'JCE, A l 8 cts. i)er yard. Reepectfully, j. s d. mmi . K Oar Annutl Clearance Sale begins next Mon day, Feb. 2UL. We will offer Great Btix&ln. o Notice. Ifavlnir aualifled aa tho Executor of th last will and tesiameutot Elizabeth Wiiliford deceafrftd. late of Wilson county, N C thla la to notifr all ne.aina having claim aval"! the eatate of aald deceased to exhibit them to the until sitmed on or bfora the 2 dar ot Janua ry Iks l i.r this notice will be pUd In bar of thoir reoorcrjr All pontons indebted to said coiaio win picaae maaeimmediaJo paymcni. i nis s; uay or Jany. loev GKO. W. WILLIFOKD. Executor. JNO. F. IJttCTON, AU'y. ISidt Dissolution. 1 he Uo-partneship bertofore ex isting between B. 11. Tyson, ol Wilson N. O. and O. O. Miller, o! Aagusta Ga., under the firm name ot Miller & Tyson, is this day dissolved. B. II. Tyson Jany S0:h 1839. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE' l adTi 9. .Boat MauHal. nrmt 9rr1i. He rttUaab liBMt aoW by yor ! mlr, wrtta FOR SALE BY 1 J.& D. OETTINCER Dr. Thatcher's Magnetic .insoles THE WONDER OF TUE CENT CRT.: These indoles keep the. feet and limbs warm. They insulate and protect tho body from the damp, cold earth. They enre chilblains and Lot feet, keep the blood circu lating, and enre Khoutnatism ' and Cramps in the feet and lirobs. Thev'remove all acles, pains and tired feelings, and worn in the hose at night produce sound re freshing sleep, and give waimth, action and life to the whole sys tem. These insoles or loot batter ies are worth their weight in fco'-'. Tested by thousand?, and recom mended4by eminent Divines,Jadi Lawyers and every cue who bar. worn them. Price 1 i r pair, j-.pai'. Kt for a p."irn l to:. " y'nif . In ordering a! . i l size shoe worn. Every lelicle !u J should wear a Address vl orders by registered mail to JOHN P. DALY, General St:e Agent, Gillisouv:!!-, Uamptoo Co., S. C, AKHIYAL! of a TOinra hachine'cabiith , nad OITICE DE5S 'H KvJft V2 1 ' II ''"I lilt a.' Bl The advantages of this Type-writer and Otuc Deaa crr aii ot her ao-caued Combioation CaUaeta, are s Writ. The i and simplicity with which tb Havin estate Probate Judge ol Wilson Conimtr. notice is hereby pveu to all persons Indebted to the estate of said decease i to make immediate payment and to all persons havin? claims against the deceased to pit-sent them for pay ment on or oeroro ineimu, nay or January 1890 or thia notice will be plead in bar of thuir recovery. PERRY RENTFROW, Adm'r. F. A. k 8. A. WOODAliD, Attorneys. ink im changed from a Library or Office Desk to a TrDe-writer Table. This change is effected bv Dtub- Ine the lid covering the machine back in the rear ol cabinet it being a roller top remount; it eatirel. irom sight, thus overcoming taa objectinoable board and sounder in front of the operator. The movabta top is perfectly flat, is baize covered, and forms a com. pieic wnuog och wko in. mar nine m ma u sa. The table en which the machine reats is so evenly hal. a need by onr patent adjustments that k naedj but a alight touch to bring the machine In position.. - C0LLEGIATE31N3TITUTS. . White Goods, For Youne: Ladles, j ) The session for 1S,3J will Lep'-i . -on Monday, janua:j 21st, 1883, and continue 20 wecLt. Fullcorpa' of Teacher. Courf-s of studt suflie.!ently e&tt-n ve, thoronph and practical. Ict ion rleasan i aixl heal; hfu!. Tern . molerafe. j For ia!r gne and f-ill particular.-, J SILAS Ii. WAKUEK. Principal, j ' YtfoD, s. r 1 Embroidery. ! Bead the advertisement of M. E, Charchwell Ss Co. Mrs. Professional Notice During my absenco in llaleigh attending to yonr interest, my of fice will be occupied bv Dr. NA THAN Andkeson, who I cheerfully recommend to my former patrons. Those who have need for a doctor, call on Dr. Nathan Anderson at my old ofilce. B. W. Kino. The advantages of the swinging? table are: The table Is so balanced near its center on pat cat maleabl. iron arms, that when the marline. trraugBl in place (or bm, It dees not depend on ropes or hangers at rear of platform for support, bnt is beid rigidly la place by cts own weight, maaing it impoasi. bic for the machine to be tumbled down aa inrltne in back of desk by the breaking of a rear support. - Tk machine rests oa patent slides which keep, the machine in place, andean be drawn oat beyond the desk, well miner the operator's haad. Third. The construction of the lid closing Xnachiaa apace makes it ait tight, and the table hav ing felt around its boarders thoroughly protects the machine from dost, . jTowrt Toe foot rest and the eocctroetion of the table adjustments makes the deik as ndged as though the top was one solid brard, lica is a matter ot great importance wnere a soua irpcrrrumg uuuc m jno open required. table. operator can do good work oa a shaky IfOstlv, Tha cabinet isasnlend'd piece of cabinet work. We manufacture them in va.nut. Antique Oak, Natural Oak. Natural Cherry, Cherry imitation, U.hnMfiV uul Aul Agents wanted to sell these cabinets, and when we have m agencies established we will sell d utt from Bur worts at wholesale prices. Address all iraTimnriirarinns to ROLLER DtoK CO rwhlngton, N. Ja SLE II HUE! H. F. KEEL& CO.j GKKENVILLSX.C. j Have just received a fine car j load of Horr-eaand Mules which they will sell cheap for cash, j or on time at reajonable terms Call and examine before bny I inir lsewhere. They also have j a nm-ciasa Laverv ana leeot elables in connection, rear of fckinner'tt Law-bQce. ! And Laces, AT Intelligent Beadcri Till aotiM that Mi m L mwm, rw vi at "aparrantaaf M r-ur all laawv f diMaaM. bat wnly mm rMlt f rwim a diawm.rwdi lis.r. vial Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costivei.ess, Bilious Colic,, etc. rr ! tby rlisarraa. faUibtm, bat avrw M sssrl y 1 1 -albl t naavk. at nvw rte. Bcta. BOLD ITiTYWIlEUEa Manager.