i' NOW IS THE TIMS TO- SUBSCRIHE FOR, JOIl WOKK- The Wilson Advance, SK5D YOCKCEDFia ! LET ILL 111 E ENDS THOU AlItt'ST AT, BE TUT COUNTRY'S, TUT COD'S, AND TRUTHS'." 1 ' L FOE I S 8 1 11 Na" a7 l " A J w i . L ' A ' J- 1 1, ". i BE .. I. i. I.- -- " ) VOLUME 19. WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, FEB. 28, 1889. BILL ARP'S LETTER THE OLD PHILOSOPHER stilCS A UllOST NUMBER 5 It Turned Out to he Only the Old Hunchback Miller. our lioa. Bill, A bp. The Sunday-schools lesson was about the demons who were cast out of the man and into the swine, and the swine ran down into the sea and per ished. A man gets tangled up awfully in trying to explain such things to the children, for it is all a mystery and it is hard to find a man wh.- u'as any clear convictions upon the subject. Of course we don't believe in spirits or ghosts as a regular thing, but almost everybody has got some wonderful story to tell about something that was almost a -ghost if no t quite. We are all so fond of the ma r ve'ous that we had rather be lieve in ghost than not, but I don't know of a. well, authenti cated case of a spirit having been seen by auybody in our day, or even in the past eigh teen hundred years. I beli eve that good spirits have some times communicated with flesh and blood, but the. power of evil spirits to do so was cut off when revelation was made com plete and the Christian era began. Of one thing I am certain. I have never seen a ghost, nor has any spirit made itself known to me. Several times in mv youth I came very . near seeing a ghost. One night I was riding along . in the fale moonlight, and as I came near a country graveyard and was looking out for white things, I saw coming toward me slowly a man in white clothes and with no head upon his shoulders not a sign of ahead. His should ers were broad and square and and had a splendid' place for a neck and head, but they were not there. If I had not been going towards home I think I should have turned and got away with alacrity, but I stood my ground, and, with my heart thuuipihg in ray breast, waited to see the ghost ctue on. My horse trembled and 8Dorte1,.but I held him" to the spot as I gazed upon the apparition. Just at the most critical moment the moon came from behind a cloud and the ghost spoke to me and said "Don't be skeered, sonny, I'm nobody but old Tom, the miller." And sure enough it was old Tom, the old hunck bach miller going home from the mill with a sack of flour across his shoulders and his head bent forward so that it did-not show above the sack. If I had not stood my ground I should have believed ,to this day that I saw a ghost. My mother was a litle dubious about ghost and haunt ed houses, but my father was solid as a rock against the whole .concern. ( Napoleon said that all men were cowards by night. I don't believe that but most of womn are. Mrs. Arp . is very brave now. The time was when she used to hunch me with her elbow away in the dead of night and whisper, " What's that, William ? Don't you hear that noise ? Wake, up, please." But it was men she was afraid of not me, but some other man. In later years she is not afraid of anything except snakes and rats. My children won't go upstairs at night by themselves. They go two at a time to keep the boogers off of each other. Of course this wears off as they grow older, and the best way is to let it wear off. You can't force it, and it id cruel to try. There is no worse agony to a child than to be alouo in the dark. Supersition is just as natur al to the human race as the feari of God or the love of children or any other emotion. We know that away back in the ages there weie spirits and wizzards and witches and demons. The witch of Endor ' called up the epirit of Samuel. A" dead man was let dow n in the torn h of Klisha, and as soon as his corpse touched the bone of the prophet it rume to lite and stood up on his J'eet. The fate of Belshazzar was written upon the wall with the fingers of a spirit. Legions of evil - spirits took -possession i f men int,be days of the apostles. I reckon they were little fellows that just had power to aggra vate a man and make him a maniac. And on one occasion where they were .driven out of I him each one straddled a hog without saddle or bridle, and away they ran down into ihe sea. They are bound to go into something, and if they can't get a man or a woman they will take a hog or a mule or a mad dog. The old philosophers said that the air .was full of spirits little devils impecuni ous imps, who are hungry for mischief and keep.society in a fctew and foment slander and backbiting and': envy aud jealousy. They even venture into the church, and will dance around the choir and gc to the sewing society, and are sure to.kick up A row wherever they go. A EOHANCE IN HEAL LIFE. Hudebras says the devil has a ecta.ors. . pulpit at the back end of every Bnt " 19 enough for us all to church. I reckon that is the low tbat no Pod man or reason why so j many people lma or child tas ever been lnv-f, tn sit. hark there, T wish armed by ghosts or witches. I some gifted artist would -draw e.h?ve in the influence of the a picture of the inside of aP"lts Doth for good and for fashionable church with - a Vl1 an3 tbat we can court be shadowy pulpit In the rear and!ne and drive away the other. the: devil with his forked tai!ir duty and safe uard 19 l itti..,n ti wo t.v. 5 cn "deal justly, love mercy and Ril 11" A, KAtJ VJLlVtf U UlUUlll CLIA " " ' - winking at his p(art of the floc;uu"y lue- oru aud whisperingi devilment i: their cats; Old Satan is - -o-- power intnisiana oi iiDert He 'can quote Scripture to su his purposes. His impuden is amazing. He dared to tern ! the Savior and offered him t whole world forlhis allegiaiv He contended I with Michj the arch angel for the posse lion oi the body of MosesI wonder what the old iasl wanted with it. 1 But I supp'S he claims the earth and wa everything in it'jnst like ste of his human! (followers. 'e "went to Job's paj-ty without1? in itation aud siid he was'st walking about and thought would call. Hew is doing at yet -walking ahlout and catf in to see folks iovereerinjiis )ig plantation getting up irs and tumults aha strikes nd making people j steal md swindle and tell lies. Hcan make a little boy tell a J by winking his eyeland inakiim smoke cigarettes arouu(the corner where hjs father p-n't see him. He will whimpito a sweet little gilrl about her beauty until she is as va'ias a peacock, aud .Uasent as much sense as she had la,' year and . just runs about tO'how herself. He is an invisie old sPQundrel and! we le to fight , him all tlhe timeor he will iun over us and in us, "resist the devil and will flee f rom you," J says t' good book, some priests uf holy water 'and some peophcount beads aid' wear chaiia to drive him awav; but J don't care for that, fioinetiee ha makes a trade wth a &u and give3 him pleaisiire o: money for his soul, just as ) trided with old man ! Faus There are thousauds of, peop selliog him their souls! noways, but they don't know it. Some of the old , writers; say.hat the devil has a govern"ent juit like nations have goirnments. It is splendidly i orgtized, ha3 a cabinet of isev devils. Beelzebub is the ch?f of false gods and idols.. Bdal is the author of anger " af. malice, Armodeus of rev'eng and Satan of lies and deceit,, badden is the destroyer, and aihorof wars aud tumultd, Diabols scatters slander ana despaircIcresiu is the prince of the! pc-Ter of the air, and breathes! oi pestilence and D'iigues. The ext in rank are Moloch, and l'o, and Le viathan, and Mcumon, and Proserpine, and . heifer, and THE LEGISLATURE WHAT OUR REPRESENTA TIVES ARJb UOING. A Summary of The Work of The General 4s-embly Now inJSes s ion at Raleigh. 19th, 'Loye Laughs at Locks and Ears." The editor of the Sentinel received a uostal beariDg this announcement : Married Washingtpn JCity, Feb. 2d, by Hev. D. W. Farence, D. D , Mr. Frederick D. Thomas, of Union Theological Seminary, in Vir ginia, to Miss Flora Pauline Marks, of New Berne, N. C. The facts are these : Several vears ago Mr. Thomas. Who is now studying for the Presby terian ministry, began to love Miss Marks, a beautiful and ac complished Jewess. His love was returned, but the young lady's parents were bitterly op posed to her marrying anyone except a Jew. They both re mained constant and the above announcement is the result. It is another case of love laughing at locksmiths Mr. Thomas is a son of ex Judge Thomas, of New Berne, X. C, and is one of the most brilliant young men we know. He won the Declaimer's medal at the University and stood very high in his classes. ; Miss Marks is a vouug lady of rare personal charm and accomp lishment. We rejoice with them and extend our sincerest congratulations.Winstou Sea tinel. STRONG HEELED. Antichrist. Thept last seven are ambassaderstrom foreign counties the sevii Kingdoms of England, Ifjnce, Iialy, Switzerland, Geriany, Spain and Scotland 9Phre Christians hae set up th cross. This ccuutry was no settled then, and had no foriiil abmassador but we have ouij now two or three, they sayione for. the nortn and for thijsouth to keep us fussing, and or Kentucky, to keep the disilleries going. Then there arejthousands of sub-devils, and they ru for office just like o rf folks run for office. In fact, Most our. office holders go ther when they die and run for an .fli.ee right away and generally tft 'it on account of their exppri'nce. The head devils and c?iet officers all have secrecaresp and body guards, and f'yilet-de cham bers." Then threfare the direc tors of public .mtisements, and gambling houes- and. round dances and shimeful literature. '1'he directors ittnd t6 all this kind of businws "that is going on in thw wolldjand see to it that it is dfie up brown and in the most dullish and iQfer- nal manner, Tley make weekly reports to the eajds of depart ments. aud it the ousines is dull and they hive sold short the old wantf t know what's the matter aid he raises an infernal ruupua, and either deposes the oficer or gives him more help. Oiu riter says that the air is not so full of fli-s in summer as i, is, of devils all the time. j The most jitelligent men in ages believed in these pers jnal devils. St. j'aul Jand St. John, Homer, Sicrates, Plat.arch, Cyrus the Gieat, lilton, Shake speare and' Walter Scott have all expressed thcii convictions. For a tine wizzards and witches had a big run, as we see in Macbeth and Tarn O'Shauter and the "Haunted Houoe." The Puritans laid the blame of every misfortune UDon the witches aud had thousands of them burnt at the stake. Tjieir. victims were not men but women not wizzards but. Witches. The pusislauimous cpwards! They never gave the women half a chance- They wouldn't let a girl wear a red ribbon on her bonnet, nor a flower in her hair. The more I studjf history about these Puritans tine more I don't like them. Macauilay says "they hated bear baiting not because it gave pain to the bear but be cause it gave pleasure to the We "Want no Purchasable Material If professional politicians and chronic office seekers and perenuial teat puckers are placed on the Railroad Com mission then the, people will abandon all hope of proper re sults. Men of practical sese and judgement; men of infor mation as to railroads and who have brains enough to under stand, after proper . study, the system they shall undertake to supervise men of unquestioned character who are above pur chase or improper influences, and who will do their duty in the fear of God and f vom a high sense of obligation are the men to be chosen to have charge of an experiment that may prove of great advantage to the people or may do an infinite amount of evil. Wil mington Star. Eissel the "Wrong One. A Yarmouth (N. . Barer 13 responsible for the following "A respectable gentleman went to the cars one day to see his daughter off. Securing her a seat, he cassed out of the cars and went round to her window to say a parting word. While he was passing out the daughter left her seat Wo speak to a friend, and at the same time a grim old maid took the seat and moved up to the window. Unaware of the important change inside, he hurrriedly put his face up to the window and said, 'One more kiss, sweet pet !' In another instant the uoint ot a cotton-umbrella was thrust from the window, fol lowed by the pious' injunction, 'Scat, you ray-headed wretch '.' He 'scatted Let us be Noble- Tuesday, Feb SENATE. Tbe special order being S. B G5C, establishing a roailroad com uiisNioo, which was set for "11 jn j. o'clock, was called. Mr. Kerr, moved to pos'pone the special or der until Tuesday next at 11 o'clock. Upon a call ot the roll the special order -vas porstponed ayes 29, noes 15. Tbe bijl to establish a training school wa8 pretty vigor ously discussed. Amendments almost without number were of fered and voted down. The bill finallv passed upon a vote of 28 to 11. Oar Senators King and Sills both voting in the negative. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1.000 bills have also been intro duced in the House. The uufioisned business of Mod- dav was calle.1 up, the considera tioo ot H. B. 760, to nrovicTfe an alternative method of working the public roads of the State. The bill allows each county to keep up its own roads by taxation, giving to the county commissioners and magistrates the power to levy a special tax for this purpose. The bill created considerable discussion pro and con.; Upon a call of the yeas and nays the bill passed its second reading by a vote of 72 to 24. The following bills passed their third leadings: Relating to tbe validatiou of crtaia land grants in Uaywood county. (This bill is one oi great importance, involving at least $200,000 worth of property in the counties of Haywood, Jackson and Swain. These grants were lXf-ued in 1 G, but in recent case befoie th Supreme Court were dictated invalid aud not subject to entrv. The bill validates these orauts uud all others from 1791 to January, 1887. There has been cousiderable discussion over the hui.) 11. B. 545, relatiug to working convicts on the C F.& Y. V K. U, ( This bill returns the 101,000 worth ot bonds in tne nands oi the State Treasurer which were placed as security for the completion ot tbe road-- Tne State furnished convict for the prosecution of the work. The policy now being not to furuisb convicts, the act is to bring about a settlement. The company agrees to the repeal of laws assign iug convicts and the State returns the securities oi the company); to permit the incorporation of fire corupaiiies without tbe payment of tax; to prohibit uon residents from dredging osters in the waters of the State, empowenug the. Entnr prise Lumber Company, of Golds- boro, co construct n train or rau- wajf prohibiting tbe sale of liquor within two miles or anv public speaking (does not apply to incor porated towns); concerning county prisoner (prohibiting tbe convict. giib being, worn useless guilty of certain crimes). Weduesday, Feb. 20th. commissioners from 1 2,500 to $2. 000 and that of the clerk from $1, 200 to $1,000. He epoke at some length advocoting the bill and bis amendment. Mr. Amis (Gep) opposed the bill tbe only one, of bis party wbo spoke against 'it said the people did not want it. Mr. Beddingffeld spoke in oppo sition to the high salenes but fa. vored the measure in strong terms. He spoke in favor of Mr. Alexan der's amendment. Upon the vote on, the amend ment Mr. Franks (who opposed tbe bill) called for the yeas and nays. Mr. Cook spoke in sanport of the bill. He Baia tbe question of sala ries bad been embar.ssing to the committee, but that it had finally settled down on the same as those paid to the judicial bench, and for this reason they were fixed at $2, SOOand 11,200. Mr. Cooke's speech was strong and eloquent. He ban died the measure from the stde of tbe people and sustained himself with credit. A vote was taken on the substi tute offered bv Mr. Alexander, reducing tbe salenes. T he amend ment was adopted by a vote of 69 to 38. Mr Long, of Mecklenburg, offer ed an amendment, changing the pay)i witnesses irom two to one dollar per day. Lost. Mr. Baird offered an amennment striking out J the clause relating to the profes sions of commissioners. Lout by a vote or 49 to 38. jut. uooKe moved tbe previous question (the passage of the bill upon its third reading) and upon this motion Mr. Beddingneld called for the year and nays. The main question was then put and the bill passed its third reading by a vote of 05 yeas to 43 nays. The committee on ludiciary re ported unfavorably the bill remov ing tbe political disabilities of ex Governor W. W. Holden. n. ts. tw, providing for au alternative method of working tbe public roads of tbe State. This bill allows each county to work its own public roads bv taxation, and em powers tbe commissioners and magistrates to levy the same. The bill passed third reading by a vote 68 to 22. NAUTICAL LIFE. AllOARD A MAX OF WAR. LIFE OX SHIPBOARD. Jh Pleanurt and Ilardmhinm That FiU lo The Lot of a Sailor. Jack at Sea. "We may outlive our past ; its sorrows we may forget, its wrongs we may forgive ; we may evensmile at its crushed hopes, ambitions and loves with scarcely a tinge of bitter ness ; but that which we have beeu stings us ever with the burning pain of an undying re morse. It is not what we have done which awakens our deep est self-scorn ; it is the fact that we were this which made it possible for us to do it. Arlo Bates. Make Others Happy. If we had lost our own clyef good, other people's good would remain, and that is worth try ing for. Sme can be happy. I seemed to see that more clear ly than ever when I was most wretched. . I can hardly think how I could have borne tbe trouble if that feeling had not come to me to make strength. George Eliot. Snows Hunan Katnro. Old Brother Joshua Jordan, of the Alabama Conference, used to say, "If hell were taken out of the Bible the road, to heaven would TOW UP waist high in grass before frost, That old saint knew more of human nature and the fitness of things than a score of your modern sentimental philoso phers. St. Louis .Advocate. The New Age is the paper tha takes tbe place of the Plymouth Monitor. Mr. D. L. Eoper is own er and editor. SENATE. Tne following bills passed third readings: To incorporate town of SpriDg Hope, Nash county: to in corporate the town of Jason, Greene county; to equalize appro priation for State Guard among the thirty companie: for relief of P. T, Massey, late sheriff of Johnston county; to incorporate Bethlehem Burial and Benevolent Society of Martin county ; to exempt regularly employed telegraph operators from jury duty; to create a S. B. 360, (Mr. Pavne's bill) to amend article nine, section two, ot the Constitu tiou to provide poll taxes from property aud polls ot the white tax-payers to be applied to educa tion of white children, aud taxes from property and polls of the colored race to schools for olored children, was taken upon its second reading. This bill made was the special order for Monday. The calendar was resumed aud a bill to incorporate tbe Womau's Home Mission Society passed its third reading. The consideration of S. B. 506, the school bill, by the Senate, in committee of the, whole, Mr. Pou, of Johnston, in the chair, was resumed. After several amend ment tbe committee rose and reported that the objects of tbe committee had been accomplished, it . being the consideration of the chool bill, and asked tbat the bill be made tbe special order for S uuidav next. -The report of the committee was concurred in. S. B. 186, to empower mortgagees to purcha.e at tneir own. sales oi real estate, came up on its second reading. Mr. Means explained the bill and spoke in support of it. Messrs. Lucar, Turner, of Iredell, Williams, of Pitt, and LeGrand, opposed the bill as being danger ous and. granting special lavo. Under a call of the roll, the bill failed to pass it second reading ayes 0, noes 39. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The followiuing bills introduced: Relating to Bureau of Labor Sta tistics (to abolish same); relating to marriage licences; to amend tne Constitution with respect to the corporation of towns; providing for election of justices ot tbe peace: protecting wire fences: to make effective proceedings before boards of aldermen and other bodies. The hocr of 12 having arrived, which was set for the consideration of railroad commission niu as a special order, the Speaker announc ed the question of its passage upon the third reading. On. motion of Mr. Cooke the amendments were voted noon as they were offered. Mr. Alexaader offered an amend meat changing the salaries of the Thursday, Feb. 21 SENATE. No session this body having adjourned from Wednesday until tomorrow ia order to attend tbe Oyster, Fish and Gme Fair at New Berne. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. uniy tnirty members were pres ent at tbe opening, wbicb fact caused tbe assemblage to look more like a committee meeting than a session of the Houes. Tbe following bills passed their third readings. S. B. 132. relating to working convicts on public roads (county prisoners to work the sarue; H. B. 791. amending section DjJofthe Code, relating to tbe Supreme Court (three jastices to hold court daring tbe absence of one or more)! a, a. o3J, regulating appeals to tbe Supreme Court (simplify ing the machinery of carrying up appeals); S. B. 37, to prevent certain kinds of vicious contracts (preventing futures being sold), S. B. 652, for for the relief of James W. Cope, land, treasurer of Northampton county, (fund lost in tbe Norfolk Bank); 8. B, 486, relating to prison ers in tbe town of Selina (any and all persons confined tor uon pay ment of cot to work th public roads); S. B. 583, to provide con victs for tbe Polk County Kailroad Company (hiring tbem out at $150 per annum per capita in squads of not less tban 100); U. B. 680, to prohibit obtaiuing advances on provisions, &c, sold under false pretenses;. H. B. 906, to punish school committeemen for making false returns; II. B. 591, incorpora ting the Fayetteville Saving Bank; 11. B. 920, to prevent gambling at Agricultural Fairs; H. B. 987, ex tending tbe corporate limits of tbe town of Windsor. Bertie- countv: 11. B. 1,001, relating to church property, (amending bw 1885, relating to moitsraging aud selhug the same.) A Commission Needed- Merchants in New Berne want to handle: the goods of facto ries in Charlotte and other town in North Carolina, but the freights are prohibitory. Freight on the same goods from Canada or West Tennes see ia much less. People be tween Goldsboro aud Greens boro want to come to the New Berne Fair; they can only buy a ticket to Goldsboro; then buy again to New Berne. New Berne has corn to sell; Rich mond has corn to sell brought from Chicago; Raleigh wants to buy; New Berne, as every man with common sense will admit, ought to have the Raleigh market, bnt the R. & D. forces it to Richmond. New Berne Journal. High, Toned Journalism- The Hautsville (Ala.)Mercuxy recently remarked: "The bug- eating editor of the conglomer ated semi-weekly on the cor ner came out yesterday- morn ing bubbling and boiling over with invective and inuendo. While we - cannot stoop to the ill-bred style of journalism of which he is such an apt master. yet we propose to defend the fair name and fame of our city.1 U. S, S. J UNI ATA, at Sea. The jolity of a sea faring life ia proverbial. There ia not a boy in all the woild within the reach of books, who has not pondered over tue stories of the jolly, rollicking, careless ana easv-going rorer ol the sea. How his interest has been aroused by the tales of adven turous sea dogs! How he has even stolen the hours irom tne night, not? to mention those mo ments surreptitiously taken from his studies of which only a boy cau give an account, to gorge his fancy with tbe recitals of heroic sailor lads, wbo in tbe truest sense have shaken the dust from their feet. . . . . who Bleep in hammocks rocked by storm and wave; who have been ey e witness oi monstrous sea ser pents, wbo have boarded treasure sups, ana who nave done greater impossibilities and seen stranger things tban were ever drea"med of in philosophy or approved by com mon sense! with ail its glamour, amid tbe fascination of its surroundings for the ocean baa an irresistible charm for old and vouug alike tue ute ola sea farer is not quite, au mat lancy paints. It is some times burdeuson-fc, often dull and al ways exposed to peril. Tbe close quarters, even in tbe commodious sieaiueis, wdicu Decome oue's home for months and years, are tbe most irksome restraints. The strict discipline, so essential among men or all classes and dispositions, and tbe exacting forms in which his duties are cast, to reuuee tbe lancilul sailor t.ic to the hard pan of human exptiience. The recurring watches, tbe mesoes, and tbe demands upon him at all hours and in all kinds of weather, btnd him more closely tban the arms ol on octopus ever embraced a deliri ous story teller. To begin wttb, a sailor must be a healthy and robust man. His duties ai e multitudinous, and re quire great apitode. A good deal of hard and rough work falls to his lot. There is no place on a man of war for any but the strongest, most f riduriug acd hardiett of men. The law of tbe survival of the fittest is pretty sure to assert itself on ship board, and it generally favors tho-e who can stand the most knocks, and are built alter the model of tbe deacon's one horse shav.' , Inasmuch as the ship's crew is divided into watches of four bonrs each, for Jackey to sleep longer than four hours at a time is out ot tbe question, and as he is required to be at ' his post of duty three times during the twenty-four hours, his dreams under tbe most favorable circumstances, tbat ever exist on a war vessel, are quite apt to be interrupted, lie is likely to be called upon at anytime, from doing stoker work below to hauling at ropes above deck, and isn't sure of ordinary sleep, not to think of unbrok' n dreams, until alter be has slept bis full allowance. Everyone on board a ship of war is uecefesarily as single to a partic ul.ir mess, for besides sleeping and working at stated boors Jack must needs eat at regular intervals. The provisions tor the ship have al ready been provided, consisting of hose staple articles that may be prepared and strved at sea. An abundance of wholesome aud well cooked food is served to tbe men three times a day, but without the luxuries and the refinements of table etiquette that are to be fonnd in well, say Filty Avenue Hotel. The crew is divided into messes of about sixteen men each; with one ot tbeir number as cook to prepare tbe food, wash the dishes and perform tbe various culinary duties for tbe mess. the dishes of a sailor are not uu merous, bis regulation kit consist ing of a tin enp, a tin pan and a a spoon. In pleasabt weather they rpread their mess clothes on the spar deck, aud squatting about tbeiu in groups or sittiug upon boxes eat their ship fare, but at at other times tbe berth cabin, which is dvoted exclusively to the ose of the crew, is made to resound with tbe clatter of the disbes and tbe hurry and bustle of a ship's mess. A typical sailor does , not spend much time at bis meals, lie swal lows his food as quickly as ossi ble. aud then lights fiis p pe lor a tew moments of real enjoyment, of demonstrating the fact that he is an American ia the highest sense, capable of eating his dinner in an many minutes as he has finger a on oue hand, leaving the matter of digestion to tbe laws of chance. Tbe less time he taken for bis meals, the longer he may devote himself to the solace of his pte. With bis cup, pan aud spoon, made of tiu and sometimes tbe worse for usage, with a hammock and blankets for a bed, wi'.h a bag iu which to keep bis clothes and with a small box for his needles and thread, a sailor's outfit is complete, lie is allowed to have nothing else. He mends his clothes, does tiis own sewing and becomes about as independent a man, in tbe minor affairs of life, as one is ever likely to meet. all the ynras and rumors oo ship board. It U supposed thar a galley ; Tarn can emanate from no source ' -bat tbe ahip'a cook. WLetber or I not this faculty bears any relation ' to tbe cooking or tbe food is not 1 known, but one thfog is noto- t nous tbe storage capacity of sailor passes all comp-ebeosion. ins appetite is pheuomeaal. He can eat more in less me tban any other mn in existence. It u no exaggeration to sv ' ;at he eats a much as three or Tour ordinary landmen, without a-iy inconveni ence, and all tha; ui.aia ten boars. fasting the remaining fourteen hour. Tbe fchip'a ok Starts the, gllej fires at three 'clock in the morning and pots cat , seven in tbe eveum. d urine which ': he meets the wants ct about three hundred sadors with heVonivoleut ' of not less than nine londretl weli , devoted and vigorous appetites. Id the supplies of mas of war. next in importance tr- the gun, f. . a snow ot Ocie..se. ."bacco is cor sidered tbe mot sential. To meet bese demands, large quant? ties of tbe weed In if. most exqam- ite form, sweet and 1 scIobs plu are put oo board bef re sailing, aj sived to tbe men according iu established rules A true sailor is fon I of bis pi p, which is always in ft mouth dar ing smoking hoars, comforter i I his trials and a solace at all timr?. . On tbe war ships tbe privilege Oi smoking is limited to cerialn hour i of tbe day, which do not need a gong or even a time piece to an nounce their arrival. However ; tempted to enjoy a surreptitionw : smoke, as Jackey is sometime ; prompted to d3, he not often take such. a risk upon himself, for a violation or the smoking privileges . deprives jolly tar of his tobacco . for several day, which is to him a most condign punishment. ' To allay any desir to smoke oat : of hours Jack is given to chewing between times. Nearly all sailors are smokers and cbewers of tbe I weed, indulging ia one or the other practice almost iocvssantlr. Tbe , common sttlute among sailors ou deck is tbe interrogation AnT terbacker ou yeT" which is often . beard, as well as tbat modest re ' quest "Give oh a chew, will ytV t Aud to the" generosity ot Uncle . Sam's minions, be it said, they ai- iti Tcrtt riri cf Gn-vi-? aid Sifca t:Cderel- There Is' something Inhuman : iture which seems to Indicate i. i inborn propensity for gam- NEWS OF A -WEEK what is iiArrrxixa 13 1UE WORLD AROUXD CM. their tobacco wit'i ways share their fellows Whatever be bis virtues, Jack U fastidious aUmt bts tobacco, wbicb is usually of good quality, lie j smokes the same kind that ho chew, bi ting into it lor a chew, and chipping it off with bis knif.- ' when preparing for a rruoke.- He I i uses a clay pipe, tbat soon become" short stemmed audb!ack as a bat. Tbesmookiug time n ship in the American Navy is a all boor when first called iu the ir.urniug, coffee I being served at the ' .iuie time, an , hoar at breakfast, a.i hour at diu tier, and during a:.;, ufttr supper, until nine o'clock. : At besi n natlor". life ia fall of con'iast, and coi.ere more k ' thau on board a ni'i of war. Ai! one momeut y ou wir fee mm on deck with bis come moos, telliu stories, siugiagand educing to bi : heart's delight, the j ;iest man l:i all tbe world; and "Wain you wi l j see him tugging at t'u - ropes, with ' the sea breakiug ovt - him, depnv " ed ol real and' foul for watches' together. 2ow yon till tee hit. sitting at mess or asleep in l i- , hamuiock, the very embodiment ol . composure and comf-t., and ther with blackened : bat.. 4 and face. standing by the gc a, wiih t!'t 1 smell ol owder abour biro. Jackey, though no a dream, is : stubborn reality. aC after H. in times of danger, is pretty spt tc '. prove himself a hero, every inch of I , bim. He bas bis faMings, some- i times lamentable ones, but he I stands the testa to which be ie subject. Aud to bis credit let it be said, that the efficiency of Navy does not alone abide in Jhere is a seductiveness . xut it which causes the brain re in constant delirium of incitement, the puhe to throb r licker, the heart to increase 9 life-giving pulsations. lo tne majority of people, no nave a k n perrer tiwof ght aud wroug, what Is! nown as gambling Is repre ejisible. They will condemn b gambler, propose legisla te enactments lo punish those to entrae in it. and Invite oth pulpit and preps to labor -t its extermination. Yet ese same people will go on ie Stock Exchange, will ppec late in oil or raia or martini: aything real or unreal, It mat- irs not wuat. so long as it ia quoted on 'Change." What Is lis bat gambling? Large fortunes have been lade by It; aud there ia a faa xating Independence about a asiness where no favors are died and none conferred. But nevertheless It la gam ding of the worst kind. It Is laklng money without earning receiving auother man's aoney without giving any qnivalent for it. Business of any kind -which based upon -lock specula ing, 0?, as we prefer to call IL ambling concentrates the mon- y in the hands ot a few sharp re and creates an aristocracy aore intokvat,! than any oth- r sina. fcucb au arkicracy I? the ery locaruatiiou of all unchar ableness, of m ..urines, it owes ts very exi.-ttnre to the plun der 01 me people, and is up- .ia Py the t-lampiug out of very human or christian feel It nas been estimated that ninety-eight per cent of those .'bo gamble in stocks on Wall treet uCer I k-s or damage. .unions and hundred of mil ona of dollar honestly earned re transferred each year from he pockets of the producer?, A Codrnd Rrport of tin X m (Jaihrred From t A tUwiHl our Com trm poru rie, StaU ant I National. The Aphevule Ufc.a ! printed by eU-ctricity new. the J. at officers, competent though they be, j but as well w the men wbo set the ' sails, fire the engines and man the ' no, lu tL;ir Las'e to get rlch peculate into the pocket of few crafty manipulators. Yet 19 craze goes on. Gi tabling ' taking the place of honest wbor. The wealthy stock-Job er, who his made every dol- r he possesses by gambling, is iven the best seat In the "lurch, Is sent to Congress If he politically inclined, and is "teemed aud almost worship ed because of his ill-gotten eaitn. uamnnng mages a lew men ".n, but tbe many poor. It ever adds to the wealth cf the mntry. It may cause the moo .' to change h.nds, 1 1 it di inishes the general wealth of e community. Spre-d over a andred families it does a bun red tinted more good than if ncentrated in the bands of ue man. The hundred faml es want clothes and shoes joa ana house?, newspapers nd books, and luxuries. Take om tbem the wealth they ave accumulate or the mon earned and their purchasing. jwer laaiuiuw-i.ed. Une pro- oar , t uceaer is of more benefit to the Ue country than a thousand The Goldsboro At gas mj Savings Bank is doing we 0. Tbe estate of tbe late W. Yajes, of Charlotte, it valued Scotland Neck exject to Lave a cotton factory, we se from tbe Democrat. Tbe tloldsboro Argns sava that town ia soon to have water works, gas worka and electric lihu. A track farmer near Norfolk will plant l,("QD acres in vegetables thia year. Ue thinks trucking faya. The Kocky Mount Phoenix aays a lare force of brick toasont are there to wik on the new factory at I be falls. We we It stated that Mr. rw. neliuj Vanderoilt is to 'have the grave ol Gen. Franees Marion. Sha believes she is some kio to Mm. On tb Jane next tbealamni and rnatricnUlew of the Univritv of North Caroli ua will celebrate tha first handred years of that izuta tion. The Thirteenth Annual Conven tion of tbe Young Men's Chriatian Association of North Carolina, meets In Wilmington March 21t, tn. A party of Northern capitalUU ' faave purchased a ite n Orracoke for the purpose of freeing a mag- nificent club houws thereon Waahiogton Gazette. Kev. Hr. J. W. Carter, of E.- ltiub. Las been elected lo pr?aca tbe sermon before the graduating claa of Wake Forest College, next June. There are 213 atodetU there now. Mr. M. McNair, the larreat merchant at Maiton. on the Caro lina Central road, toaturdav ld an alignment. Mr. J. W. Carter. ol Maiton, is the aime. Mr. Mcair a liabilities are fjr),Oftf and tbe aet will fall bort of that amounts Charlotte Newa. I, guns of our ships of war. " Salisbvby. Shorten Tha Texsis- One reason why there are bo many convicts is because of I To be sure, ti,e long terms of imprisonment I larker millionaire gamblers. The one adds to the wealth f the nation, the other with j ' raws the wealth from circula . a . a . . .'on. au gambling is wrong I 't is a crime against all human I .ad divine laws. And this is the brightest side f the question. How much it looks when it for which so many are sentenc- ed. l requently a defendant in an ordinary larceny case is sentenced to three and ev n ' five years Imprisonment in the j penitentiary, and tax payers must support him all this time. : We think that one year's 1m- i prisonmeut for a defendant in ; a simple'larceny case is sum- j cient punishment for him, and ; is also long enough time for the tax payers to support him. It is tbe certainty of punish-j merit that deters criminal more than its severity. Th restoration of tha old time j whipping pot would relieve the tax payers of much of the , penitentiary's expense. Pitts boro Record. An exchange Mrs a rectlemaE of extended observation told .n' of visit to tbe Cleveland MiUa In Cleveland ooanty. The proprietor Raid be was running 2.10a bundles, who auout 5j,toj or esj.ooo capi tal luTeM-d ; and be ai4 very time tbe sun goes down the estab lif hment is tG better iff than the day before." We see from the Scotland Neck Democrat tbat on tbr D'ght of tbe 6th ictt. tbe boaxe of Judith Daze more, colored, eight miles from Windsor, waa burned, romiirjx tbe mother and three vl It waa not known till orxi mlcg, when the remain of th u fortu nate iti mates were fouc. .a tbe emoaldericg ruin. The Nashville Argouaot nnder stands tbat arrangement are being mde to start a cotton factory on Tar lilver, near tbe town of Spring hope ia that county. Tbe aii aod waur power have recently been surveyed by an eminent engineer, wbo baa pronounced it one of tbe best water power ia the country, being on account of its ecaliar lo cation exempt from any trouble with water. A farmer wbo has been in debt tome time and wbo ia still ia deot, bat works tbe harder for it, said to ns recently tbat it frets bim to bear farmers ay so much about batd times, lie saya bia farm is worth twice as much as it wa six years a. o. Ue does Dot hire three or four negroes and stand around half the day with Lis glovea eo aod then ride to town, bat works him self. -Scotland Neck Democrat. One cf Them. BY ANNE K. ALDBICII. A clergyman met a man de claiming against foreign mis sions. "Why doesn't the Church look after the heathen at home?" "We do," Baid the clergyman, quietly, and gave the man a tract. The provissions which were put on board at tbe Navy Yard, incau and boxes and packages of every description and lo quantities to last three month, are prepared in tbe galley by tbe ship cook, a most important personage. Not only is this functionary responsible for the condition of tbe food, which is served by tbe mess cooks to their mates, but be Is regarded as the origin, by some occult fcift, of Last jear I watcher it drift, and -said With leaping hea.t, and bappv teh, 1 'The fair eirth we. ia her brida robe. So, foon, please C?J, hall I.1 To- lay, with quiet he ut, I see Tie little fULe gr tbirbng by, 'The fair earth wear her wrhdlnj eheet, . -So, soon, please G'd, shall I." Scribner's Magazine for ltb. nown that then! Is no chance u stock-jobbtng or gambling. hat the few manipulators .ave pre-arranged the rise and -all, aud fluctuations of the f the market, and that the ublic are only tbe innocent '.upes. Even tbe "ticker" of he Stock ExcLatik'e is made to ie, eo as to d-ive the public, Jid records -ale.- which never -ook place and t;e:lects to re jrd transaction that it la si eged take plare. All the way hrough it i a fraud and a .heat. Iiut it i only the so nence of our wambling craze. leu will gambit and speculate bout anytbiug. aud it requires k strong public opiuion to de lind that gambling must ease. Gamblers niu.-t give place U roducer.. or tur country's ealth will soon only exist io ame. Exchange. The Clinton (Truckers' Assoc! a tion met io the court nous Mou&r nigbt, received new members an transacted some i ortant busi ne. A committee -as appointed consisting 01" Messrs. J. A. Oats. W, 13. Stewart and J A. Terrell t., formulate a plan for raiali the stock for a c&aniog factory For Ou,S!t,riib( and allkinJa 'bitter, tiaaso.m Liver Medicines iu Hainan 1 1 iie very agrees. Iiqaid froit reaiedy, Syrup of "'gs. Its -avju: jgi-s are evident -it ia more easily taken, more orpiaiae 10 id stomacb, Bore eaaantly effective, and more truly -oeficial to the ytem than any ;ber ' remedy. Ilecommended bv ading pbyAiraos. For bale by t :. Nadal 1311m. Mrs. Garrujous : Why do eople think t he Sphinx typlca t wifflom? George (who Is still eufferlng rom the effects of a curtain lec- ure) : "I guess its because the and report at next meeting. Clia-1 Jpkln.x always keeps Its mouth ton Caucasian. ' ohuL ' -Haroer'a liazar. 1 shut." Harper'a Bazar, The Durham Tobacco Ilaot say r. John W. Hay Jr., the eon of tbe well known lawyer of that name, of Oxford, N. C, waa to-day promoted to a $1,400 position ia the Geologi. cat Surrey. lie ia one of tbe moat accomplished North Carolinians ia that city. After hi- oQioe boors are over be spends the evemcz in contnbatingt'j tbe leading north era publications. He ia a graceful writer, and baa a bright tutors be fore bim. It i settled by the Supreme Court of North Carina that a de scription of property in a deed la sutlicleot when io term, or by reaonable SppiicatHiu arUin h tm the fact atated ia rerct to iu eircomuace, relationa aad connectiooa, demigoatea the proper ty it idm 11 can oertaioiy be aeea or aacertaioed. Thia is a decrif- tion, "my tobacco ertp to tie grown iuis year 00 ray own iand t sof- Lcitnu vt. . - Zalahi,Fla, Jane 27, 157. N. li. Vl5Xble & Co.: I have been naing II. H. B. la my family as a b'.ood panfier. liaring never used any medxane to eqaai it. Iteictlu.ly, MES. K. L Laws. I Extract from a Letter 1. 8. I bought 3 bnrw of jour ltaaic lilood Iutn Ircm my friend IL D. Ba!lard, at Csmpo bello,S. C I b ave bee a naisg it three weeks. It appears to give toe Dew life and new etreegtb. If there i a aoythiog that will make an old'maa joang It is II. & li. I am willing to -a it. I. earnestly aod boueatly reoouiriiaJ Botaaic Blood Balm. Blood Balm Co.