an lain. oa: t a per "he! i re. cro iter atei ickl I, i: 3 0., C. ractin, Jareq ! Ar he ev tig tt thoc: IVEBS lo&dirj, tea ca. ir sigh : Ruar 3TOii )rtmet! can , to a. plied t. ? nan: frame ; water ek, five mi, witt rid Gris' 1 oueo: m acrei' lwellin s one oi )t prop- in this! ;i figure ii r mile f. acre? J cbeari .ttentiQ. rtv her? husinea- opet; i LS, Agent. l ) alve." . Certain.! ie a u lect medy for r., Wea I Inflam Sighted ''lit of the Gratiula-I .1 Eve :uig f;Jicfc JURE. m when1 hits, Si' whereve I LI WORKS CO Itlmure. mill B n- (Juan! ITS, I'ttXV luii iw IXSOS ur.KU,- , N. C ? ,-atest 9j irtista ef s ih Unieni'1 .1 lll'hK of v" ! not cre The Wilson Advance rorwiss9. i 1 ADVANCE. LET ALL TUB BHDS THOU AIJI'ST , BE Till COCKTBVS, Till IIODI, iKD TRUTHS'." VOLUME I!).". , TCI ALL Hm C? -JOB WORK- ! 6E5D TOCE OKPEX3 to this orrxcz.- WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, MARCH: 7, 1889. NUMBER 6 the - drinmers ttt T A BP'S T .CWjmj' kind and civil to DILfU w 'AJUiliAV j and the boys who arle lar away . from borne and whp, like the i wandering Jew, have to keep -:o: II IS SOX JOINS THE .1 is ji a Y Of Commercial Travelernttiul it Lead Him to ieah nenstuiu Cio Civilit! and FolHenens. What a blessing it is that i u J.1 young people can i see, m troubles that are to come, ana what a blessing that all tue troubles don't come at once. When a yoong man starts out to buffet -with the worm now confident he is, how hopeful how' sanguine of success. But flay by day, and little by nuie, Tia tftinners aovra as ms mvci- come. He eoun Yearns chat it is a hard world, and that he muse fight bis way, u lie. nas grit in him ne wiu ngur u, bravely and never surrender. If be bad been "enaeriy.raiseu. and baa known no want,ana had trials, the shocli 01 aisap- pointmeut will be. very great, and he will waut toquu anuu home and nestle under parental wiutfs. But if his young me ha been a bard one he is better prepared to scuffle,' and will 1 fi'bt the harder for success. And so the law of compensa tion comes in and helps the poor friendless to rise against misfoltuue. ' They are harden ed to reverses before the real battle of life begins. Not long atzo a successful physician told me that wheu he graduated aud bad bis diploma, and had diligently studied the science, nnil anent two years in the hos- nitala nf NuW 1 OrK. 116 ieil like there was little need for anvbodv to die if they would send for bim. It was not long before they did send for him, and after losing several' of bis first patients, it shocked bim almost to de?pair, and he felt like throwing up the sponge and quitting the profession. A man has to be bumped about and rubbed against mauy a ragged edift hnforw he is a man: 1 was ruminating about this because we have sent one of our boys out "upon the road. He is a a nrummer. lie uas jumou grand army of commercial trav ellers. Full of his' youth and hope, there was no such wor i as tan in bis dictionary. He 3st knew he could make, for you see, we are making thje . best oil and greases in the world and Ralph thought that everybody would believe hirn wlien he said .so 'and would be glad to see bim and embrace the oppor tunity to buy. He came back In a week and looked serious. It wa3 amusingly pitiful to hear him tell his experience. He had diligently tried several factories and mill's and sold on- f them. -but then he had some promises that were encourauintr. : lie said he would not mind , if they would treat him politely. "Why, One man," said he, "didn't notice me Vmrrllv at all: he never asked mB t.n take a. neat he kept on talking to his etiirineer and he went out and walked about eorne aud then caine-back and went to writing and when I asked bim if be would look at my prices, he went out to talk to the engineer again, and as I started to leave he said: 'Young man. I dop't want grease and want, mnnev. It takes more Tni.nttr t.tfl.n trrease to run this mill.'"" Then he told how an other man said crabidly: "iNo eir. We are not needing any oils now' and wouldn't even look at his prices." But he did Cad some g3utlemen consider ate gentlemen who treated him kindly and politely. . The n an said he . really did not need any at present bnt would give him a small order to en courage him. If the boy hadn't got that order I think he would have thrown up the spomce and quit. Lat week he started out again.and has sent in orders for ten barrels, aud feels better lie is finding out that business is business, and that time is so tirecious. and business men Jiave no time towaste on po iiteuess. lie tra?s with other ' drummers who hae met the enemy and know hovy to fight, 'and thf-y lauglit his' timidity and liin expectations of being treated like he was a gentleman and to take a saet, and how the family, and when he came to town, and remark or two about the weather. "oung man," said one, vyou tiuist torm the Citadel and no furiously or iln politely, but you must htorm it. 11 a man very busy; takea seat and wai on him. if he keeps on bein busy, excuse yourself and tell him von will call auai'n. If be fays, positively that he rtoesn i Hint any 'of your goods, eay "methiiitf pleasant, ifnd ask niission to leave yourenrd i nricea. Ma.vbe he has r 1 . i i 1 x . e Kiniouis in your iowu, 1 you shculd let hin know t you gknow them, btump something to get up an ac- laiutance a -congenial feeling. his thing of drumming is a uence, ana you rausi Riuny it.. atlence. and politeness are (cood tricks, and will tell in the long run. I am glad that I have neen 'the boys who do appear cheer fnl whether they are or not and 1 Lwho woi k against the tide ana gb away from a town aisap. I pointed and sad, iana wouia tive anything to spena ineir Sundays at home, and rook into j the loving eyes ot parents.' ana , sisters and brothers, and secure their sympathy and carssess. 1 have no patience- with a man who will treat them rudely be cause they are drummers. I have heard them talk together and compare notes aud discuss merchadise. ' "Jones is a gentleman." said one: "her always treats you po litely, and if he doesn't buy he seems sorry for it.anfl I believe be is, but that ;.fellot Brown is a conceited, ill-mannered pup py. I hate to go to, his store." Drumming is likih going to school to study human nature. Just as the 'town i merchant studies his customers so do the drummers study Kthe town merchant. They wfll talk aJ man 8jid get his average for truth, honesty and civility and rarely make a mistake. Our boy will remember;thbse who treated him kindly-as long as he lives.and he would fight for him in a ininnte, and so would his mother, ;1 Ralph is selling our oil the oils of the Kennesawr llehumg Company,, an infant industry that needs protection and en couragement, for fhey are the best oils in the wotldi A single greasing of one cai with our oil will run it for foujteien thous and miles at a cosWof one dor lar. The only drawback on our business is that our oil is too good aud a barrel lasts too Now about being a gentleman and treating everybody with civility, some folks aro born to it and others are educated to it If a man has naturally a kind unselfish heart he 'twill be irentleman under all circum stanres. He can't htlp it fon it is instiuctive. llti manner may not be elegant but tbej are always sincere, borne mei act the gentleman from policy and that is, better than not t act at all. Civility.-rit is th cheapest capital in Jtbe world and oavs the best. Whe Stephen Girard was asked "th secret or ni3 success,! ne tan, civility. But he was no res trentleman. He loved mone too good, and held to tt; last dollar uitu he died Old John Mann iwas a b ronsh mannered man, but J a - was a gentleman at;heart ai he knew that he was.i One d he called tjo see a raiifoaa ma nate, The magnate-was aio and glanced at Uncle John ai went on with his writing wni the old man stood like a b olid statue looking' at hi WThen the magnate got throusJ he turned and said, "What w rnn nave. sir. -ah uavc a seat, sir," s'aid Uncl0 John. a voice that filled the roo And he got it pretty quick, there was fire in his eye z the magnate aijid apo gized. - But a young man lsjumia the presence of capital : power. He feels. lik one them big men could aim end him to for icontei; ot court. But Ralphj will alouir. He has some of maternal grit in him and V B11 nil the oil is good and he'rknof and is not ashamed ofj his II ness. A tall, slender freckled f youth called at my hoine morning to sell a compq for cleaning tin and brass asked him in to the fin spoke kindly, and told hi: didn't . need anything c kind; but Mrs. Arp aiclr yes, I thinb' I would like j I of it; if it will do what W it will." She got an ole and tried it and was delig and I bad to invest half a lar. ?v- .. -1: -' I knew all the time that was thinking of Ralph. an(l old fellow who told! b I didn't want grease . he t'J money. Sometimes jl there is a kind of Spi v.loucaino- that comes froi mothers heart upon tnose are kind to herabsent jboy I nnv rate. I would' hate cross grained against! it. so the railroads and, the men and the steamboa better natronize Ralph ai n. hlpssina1. It is the.-i bfi that is made and . naver a hot journal nor endapt: train and the time will when passengers won't j rii a train that is not grease Keunesaw. Our people to give the preference home productions hosn bams and soap and chii boofc: and newspapers Arp is perusing Mrs. Tl cook book right now a-. it is the best one she ; h had. Mrs: Tennants is s begun to publish a ' Journal at Marietta a just as good a?1 any th; from the North. I. W every lady in the h,v liAr. and e who hat, anything L would buy the .Ken We will send a sam respectable order and n't come up to tne mars 111 tfQnAl t-Vi ck rant everything to run n ana everybody to De md serene. Bill Akp. THE LEGISLATURE WHAT OUR REPRESENTA TIVES ARE JjOING. She SLOW AT PIP-ST. lauAtTiTi' in a Short While. irlins Bessie," said Mr. er to-nis laay type-wruer, yoa marry me? Since tiave come like a eleain ot line to gladden my exist- have lived in the raaiam of your ethereal presence I passionately- ;- ern Railroad Company, S. B. 386, JIYESSIfY AITD ECSrjUIZS. amendiag the charter oi uenoer fi,nvill. S. li. 810, to estaonsn public schools at Littleton N. C S. B. 568, to drain tin tow lauda of Wolfe Island creeit, nocKiuKonni county, S. B, 861, authorizing commissioners Watauga county to issue bonds and lew a special tax, A Few Thoughts For the Farmers to Consider. Oar farmers should par geat er attention to tha diversity of crops, producing everything H. B. 742, amending the charter of adapted to our soil and climate A Summary of The Work of The General Aaiembly Now in Sea sion at Raleigh. Ml 3 SENATE. Th lotlowine bills were introdu ced; Mr. Eeid, to appropriate u,- lease speak a little slower, 000 for the Deaf, Dumb ana uiiua- u. ir tha fair tvne- air. ivons. to review mif tv irom uouuie v..-0, to secure a peaceable settlement oi affairs between this country and Grot Britain; Mr. King, to amend tun charter of the town oi wuson. The followioe bills passed tnira reading: to increase the salary ol tiie clert of the attorney Plymouth, fl.B. 452. authorizing commissioners of Cohimbus -onuty to levy a special tzx, 8. li. 284, allowing the school commissioners of Jones county to rent or baild an office, S. B. 91, chauglng the hold inor nf Snnerior courts of Davidson Taesday, Feb. 26th 1889. coanty (aDOli8hing the June term and the criminal part oi uewmuer er, interrupting mm, wuno fingers continued to fly over keys of her mac nine lereal presence and pas- hfltnlv. Now I am ready to j . - - ceed." i i Krflat Scott? Miss Jara- ni " exclaimed hdr employer, 700; to increase the joint commlt- ,n are not taking aowu my ir nf marriage on that inf er- tvne-writer. are you?" "Droposal!" shrieked Miss nLSfil. "Why so it is. . I 11. : notice. 1 thougui you r dictating. Jborgive me, it William. I am yours. And w. since I have made this dish blunder, please sign term. H. B. G90. to protect fish in the waters of the Roanoke Kiver, H. B. 694, incorporating the Caro lina. Mining and Improvement Company, 5. li. amenuing tne charter of the Bnrgaw & Onslow E. R. Co., S. B. 625, incorporating the Farmers State Alliance and sub Alliances, & B. 4 i5,"7ncprporat- ing the Charlotte Saving Bok, S. B. 485, amending the charter of Morgan ton, 8. B. 572, changing the Code so as to charge county treasurer with the interest reveiv- that can be utilized for home consumption, Instead of run ning to the stores for bacon, corn, molasses, etc, for which they, in most cases, pay heavy time prices, thereby keeping their noses to the grindstone, and rendering their occupation the least remunerative and un satisfactory of almost any oth er. Think of the email cost and handsome yield of sor ghum. Syrup that costs in the stores sixty cents per gallon, it NAUTICAL LIFE ABOARD A MAX OF WAR. LIFE OS SUirvOARD. The l'Unnurte an IJatdihipe That Fall la The Lat fa Sailor. Jack at Sea. Yixletta, Mixta. Almost a old as its hills are the stories tbat are told of the great wealth and glory of Mh" a, or which its geographical post1 ton made It the center la the civiIi.tion of the i' past, when the KnlghtM. of St. John onginal Freewill Baptist Confer encM ot North Carolina; to furnish rhA Vii of laws to mayors of cities and towns; relating to prison bouuus and health or prisoners; in relation to keeping up public bridges; to incorporate liocKViiie Masonic Lodge in Nash county. Tn Railroad Commission bill Friday, March 1st 1889. SENATE. Under the head of the special order Senate bill to anend the Constitution ot North Carolina by which the taxes 1'ro'n white proper ty and polls ' are to be applied to educating white children and the is claimed, can be produced at (entrenched themselvr- here and home for fifteen cents. This sorghum syrup, when properly made, readily commands fifty cents per gallon for all pro duced In the State.- This, then, is not only a crop for home con sumption, but is also a money crop. We know ihat many ob ject to raising sorghum, as the cost of hauling to mill and boil ing Is onerous ana requires time. Bnt we hold that a limT ited crop would in a few years pay for all the machinery re quired, and every farmer should have his own mill and boilers. is paper and 1 will keep it as catBe np for consideration and was taxes from the property and polls L . notatne ran h raided V .1;..,. t lunrt.h 1 rlr vitiruna aro tn h an Oweei potatoes Can DG raiSBU memento The marriage took place ac rding to contract. Visitor. Protection of American Labor. " At a meeting of New Eng- nd factory operatives the Iher day, there was rend an ivertisement m an Jngusu ewspaper, signed by the own- rs ot mese lactones, aotuus fcrth the fact that they wanted ve thousand English opera- ves. lnese . iaciory uwucih re the men who oppose low kriff cn account of the injury t works to American labor. discussed at great length. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Bills introduced as follows: Mr. Sutton, to amend the law of bnrg- iarv Mr Sntton to incorporate the N. C. Baptist Orphanage Associa tion; Mr. Makely, to constitution so amend the as to give magis- plled to educating the colored children of the State was taken up on its second reading and was r - ferred to the judiciary committee. Senate bill 741 to provide for the completion of the Governor's Mansion was taken up (as the second special order) on its second traces jurisdiction in c iseg of petit reading. This is I he bill reported by the joint committee on tne Governor's Mansion to the House of Representatives which tailed to pass its second reading before that body. v Mr. LeGrand submitted sundry amendments whicn proved for the sale of the''elephadt" now on hand, larceny so as to make the peniten tiary self-sustaining: Mr. Justice, to luinish free transportation to convio's to the place from whence they came; Mr. Marsh, ol tseauiort, to amend section 1799 of the Code in regard to mortgages; Jttr.crowa er. to amend the law in regard to licensing retail dealers in spirituous ancompleted, at public outcry, for not less than S3o,uuu ana to pur A Commisscn Heeded. A Charlotte firm has an or- fler for 1.000 pairs of trousers for a Raleigh concern. Kaieign has some most, judicious buy ersCharlotte Chronicle. I Suppose a New Berne concern wanted to buy trousers in Char lotte. Judging from the past the railroad charges would pro bibit any such innovation.-New Berne Journal. The Fntnr9 Attitude-:. We apprehend that the day is not distant when such ques tions as State Railroad Com missions be supplanted by the overshadowing? question : "Shall the railroads run the government or shall tho govern ment run the railroads ? Ra leigh Progressive Parmer. linuor. A motion to secure a reconsidera tion of the vote by which the Teachers Training School bill failed to pass j esterday, failed to pass. Bills passed third reading as follows: To amend the charters of Scuffletown, Greene county.Raleigh and Sanford and t0 incorporate the Pender and Onslow land and im provement company. The bill to tax dogs was tabled. after discussion, by vote ( 01 00 to 32. Among other bills the following passed third reading: To make more effective proceedings before Ai.tarman aud other bodiea: to amend the law in regard to separ ate kcoooIs for the Croatan Indians; stiikiugout "July" ;in the act in regard to the hunting of deer and inserting "August" instead; to permit the people 01 a part 01 Franklin tn vote on the StOCk law ouestion. . ' " The following bills passed final reading: Declaring four feet high a legal fence; amending the act in regard to the paupers; to provide a fnml lor th prectlou ot a common chase a building for the Governor's Mansion at a cosf not to exceed 115.000. Tho bill amended passed second and came up for third readlug un der suspension of rales and parsed. The bill to incorporate Wilson Banking and Trust Go. passed third reading. At the night ses sion the bill of Mr. Williams, of Pitt, to reduce the legal rate of interest to 6 per cent, faned to pass third reading. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Uolman, from committee on fiuauce, reported . favorably a hill authoriziag the city of Raioigh to issue bonds and levy spclal tax (relating to street improvements.) Mr, Phillips, from committee on agriculture, reported, favorably, an act to amend chapter 1, vol. 2, ot the Code, pertaining to the depart ments of Agriculture, Immigration and Statistics and the North Caro lina College of Agriculture and the Mechauical Arts (chancing the law so as to require that the secretary shall have a thorough knowledge of and remuneratively utilized in feeding hogs, relieving the far mer of the necessity of buying high-priced Western meat. Piu dars are a profitable crop, and when properly assorted are al ways marketable at remunera tive figures. Pumpkins, in for mer times, were raised in large quantities and used for feeding stock. Why is their cultivation unprofitable now ? There are numerous other products easily r:ied which would pay hand-juaici, and if utilized at home, save our far mers immensely in purchases, which they are compelled to make of the merchant by out lay of cash or lieavy time obli gations. Home prod icts also save tne rarmer tne expense and time consumed in hauling from the stores to their homes, Almost anything made at home would prove a saving of money and time; and until farmers re alize this fact, they must ex pect to bo in debt and have their noses kept to the grind stone. Their watchword should b9 "diversify snd economize" for a time, and then they would soon realize an independence held hub carnival withm Ita terrl tory. To be sure they uave passed 1 way, but on every ha 1 there re main mucu to remiL-i as of this people when at the h:ht of their glory. We are confoited with the sublime fact tbat fe knights are df d, but a ncL inheritance has come down to as. I cannot, pd'bape, .nd a few moments more intere iagly. tbaa in looking with y u oh" the inland, and in noting the m of the old civilization which tirr. has spared. Everywhere may be t the rem nants and the rnins t -ts past, in temples and palac and in deserted capitals anc catacombs Malta is tbe mere,, dot on tbe map ot the world, hard'v seventeen miles long and nine :i''les broad, lying mid-way In the V - literranean near S'cilv, with a delightful semi tropical climate, a comparatively lei tile hoi 1, and a larg and con ten red imputation. .The land i low aud rugged, the ridge of bills tbat runs across tbe inland having an elevation at its highest point ot about five hundred feet Tbe situation is admirable for defense, and been intrenched with otronic fortifications and batteries, Our war-ship rounded tbe island at eight, and approach d Valletta froin the eastward. The harbor, which tne morning revealed to ns as a scene of unahual acttvity, isone of the finest in the woild. consist ing of two inlets of oueqaal size Tbe one ou the left known as the great harbor which is reached through a narrow entrance guarded on either hide by strong fortifications, is nsed by Engbsh men of-war and merchant steamers, while the smaller one is devoted to war vessels of other nntions and to ships whose stay is piolonged. Io tbe latter the Ju;iiata .,s ancboi- ed, where she lay for a time with tbe city before her, a fair sky above her and witht'i e'ear waters dotted with sails all around her, the center of a beautitT! panorama Valletta is tbe fn' ,d capital U'riklng and magnificent. Yoa cuter tbe porta! with tbe feeling that tbe pat In looking down upon vou. Tbe interior is handsomely decorated, tbe ceiling and walls containing many b-autifol paint ings of Biblical scenes and charac ters. The tl.Mir consist of inlaid s'abs of marble, Waring tbe crests end coats of-arrns of tbe Knights rbo were buned beneath them, ''he ornamiits of the altar are trade of twthd cjd and nilrer, many of which wt-re carried away I t the French early in the oentarr. The old i.f Malta, former i called Media hot Dow known Citta Vecchia, tituAted a few miles It jm the city, ahbough in rains aud well-nigh deert?d so far as a lace can I adandoned in a densely peopled iUDd, is an f . ject of interest to which yoa are .ly to Ih- directed. Tba way .ends yoa along bard and stony road, which is fenced in by nigh 'ape wall er.tire'y shotting off tl e view on either wde. The old c ty occupies aa eminence, com manding a lair view ol tbe itdaod, etragsh-a over a considerable a-e. On your arrival at tbe entrance ouar importunea ny a cost ot toys and men, who are perfectly y jling to hold your horse or eerve a guide for a nominal fee. They will show you through the old cathedral in which are still found srme 01 tne paintings 01 toe isfers they will direct yoa to the Cave of St, Paul which is fifteen Ic-et in diameter and j twelve feet deep, where the A prist le is said to Live dwelt for three knon'bs, and u which a candle is kept burning continually; iliev will ivnint out tl.e catacomb-, which f. ere dug by tb Saraccs and afterwards nsed by tbe Knights as -t place of seclusion for tbe lir ug and of burial for tbe dead, and which communicated by an underground P-issage with Valletta nine miles ditani: they will take you to the ruins of an old Roman vi'Ja, the vails and mosaic tloors oi which have bu: teceatly Wen uncovered. And if you are tot exhausted they ill advise yon to return to tbe city l'v the way of numerous little villages, which yon will be very I kely to do, t. relieve tbe tedious le it for uo other purpose. Tbe isl tut! of Malta'naa a dense population numlering one hundred nd fifty thousand, ol which nearly half are reM-lents of v alletta, TITS CI3 Ee L::lei Tbr:rsi ari Sir "There was a private soldier in our regiment from Robeson who frequently afforded tis much amaement. When the regiment was ready fcr action Mac. was pure" to be absent, wandering about in every di rection, inquiring into all move ments of troopt, Ac, till th fiiht would begin, and then Mac. was cure to fall in and do his full fhare of tb fUhting. At tbe battle of Fredericks burg, as u?ual, Mac did not an swei to roll call, and we conia eee him looking around with iuuj-ket on his shoulder in squirrel-hunting fashion, ard talking to each perns b met. Near the end of our lice Gen. lyee and staff Lad PtatU-n-ed them.elves", and tho Gener- al Lad advanced to an elevated place to take an observation, lie was Lvoking through a large field gla?s when Mac rarao strolling alone, and mistaking bim for a visitor to the camr, ppoke out loud enough to be beard by us: "Hello! old man! when you get done looking through that glass I would like to take a peep!" "Very well, sir," fald tbe "cH man," you can look now." Mac looked through it at the Yankee Army on the hills, approa:hing the crossing intenuy lor sever al minutes, utterly unconscisus of our amusement. The old man took pains to point out tlm different objects of intere.-t. while the - staff omcers were convulsed with laughter. Mac handed overthe glass at last with the remark, "Much obliged to you, old man!'' and started towards Lis company to fall in. As lie parsed an ofii- cer the latter asked, "Ik yon know who that old man if That Is General Leer "Je-ru-sa-lem!" paid Mac as he double-quicked to Lis j lax-e in evident alarm. The whole regiment cheered Llm as Le ran in. and the "old man" was en- till tLe ' ".a,i..-T ! r.". - ' ioyed by the the boys t . . t a ti rr. n n a r at Innntinllni. and mil coram unities, mey are 1 1 7... .: . : V, . a frugal wo,,:,, and are engaged -Mac 13 still living in iucon. :r. gardenmz and trade. Old and like a brave eoiaier. at iue i lean and customs prevail among I recent election 'voted the tuein. Tbe Italian language is I straight Democratic ticket generally p3keu by the better (with "old man" (J rover lor dieses, although the native tongue is a mixed one. They are dtvoved to tbe affairs of church, and eustain ncellent schools and social i lstUntions. In matters of amusement the testes ot tbe Fnclih society dota- Prestdent. Scottirh'CLief. . . - which they have not generally p the island, and is si: natd on its inate, among w hom lunan opera : d balls arc held in Lieu uror. An Awtwiri r.zri :f i 1! Be Interested in Go -a xningg. RChooI building in district No. 1., practical agriculture, and provides I We cannot be earnest about Fanythinr which does not natur ally and strougly engage our 'thoughts. Far more than mere talents nr aca uirements, en- and enertrv in work carry the day. Dr. Tullock. A Swest Little Girl. Sfie.'dsn't an angH, She isn't a goddess, Sue isu't a lily, a rose or a pear; She's simply what's sweetest, Completest and neatest, - A. dear little, Queer little, Sweet little girl. 'AUe Samee-" Wendell Phillips once gave the advice, never call a man a liar." We never do. We can him a politician. It -is mucn more polite, and now-a days a great deal more tasnionaDie. Citizen. Wilson county; to give 100 acres of land near Raleigh to the institution lor tbe Deaf, Dumb and Blind. Wednesday. Feb. 27th, 1889. SENATE. Bills introduced: Mr. Crawford, to incorporate Bonair College? Mr. Reid, to incorporate the Char lotte & Goldsboro Air Line Rail road. Mr. Laeas to erect a soldier's home. Afrr discussing the Railroad Commission bill Senate adjourned: HOUSE OF REPKKSEHXaiiV.. The following bills were intro duced: Mr. Wooten, to incorporate the N. C. Christian Conference; Mr. White, to allow tbe commissioners of Frauklin to erect a building for public purposes; Mr. Wooten, of Richmond, to lay off a new county by tbe ume of Scotland; Mr. Uriders, to prevent county com missioners from serving more' than nriB term. Mr. Hargrove, to amend sInO that the expenses ot maintaia ing the museum shall be paid ont of tbe college tuDd. further thai tbe fund reau of Labor Statistics shall come out of tbe fertilizer tax frou tbe State Treasury as heretofore), The revenue bill came up and passed third reading, as also the following: H. B. 115. to have the Chief Justice make report to the Legislature of all needed changes in the laws of the State, II. B. 17ft, au act to define felony. 11. B. 432, to facilitate the cancellation of mort gages, II. B, 869, regulating tne manner of trials in certain cases. H. B. 957, to aid the penitentiary to become self-sustalng (furnishing Greystone Granite Company 200 convicts at $150 per capita per an num.) At the night session tbe calendar was taken up ana tue lo.iowing bills passed their third reading : H. B. 421, relating to draining swamp lands in Cumberland Co., felt for many years. Lexing ton (S. C.) Dispatch. How to Sill a Craving For Alcohol. We reproduce in the rescued person's own words: "I was one of those unfortu nates given to strong drink. When I left it off I felt a nor rid want of something I must have or go distracted. I could neither eat. work or sleep. L.x- uorth-eastern side, rembling, as some-one has sul, a uge turtl stranded oiou a: reel. It ia built upon a high and narrow tongue of land that projects into the harbor, dividing the water iu two parts. It is a beautifal city ven as seen from sbipboird, tbat impresses one with a sense of i superior intrenclitneut and pow.v of resist ance. Tbe principal stre traverse the city lengthwise, parallel witn the surface of tbe water on It provides plaining my affliction lo a man gradually ascending .Vrels, form- for the Bu- of much experience, ne aaviea me to maae a uecucuuu ui ground quasia, a half ounce steeped in a pint or vinegar, and to drink ifr down every time the liquor thirst came on I found it satisfied the cravings. and it also gave a feeling ol stimulus and strength. For two years I have not tasted liquor and have no desire for It." Eelics- A Sarcastic People, she he he ei nk ual a .vbo At run Anc" ill had get oil ikes ;the ome ! on j kvith iik.'lit all nade and Mrs. lants says ever rump has ifciy ft is pies that would mah grease law Oil. We do not know very much about the ancient Egyptians, perhaps, but the grand old Sphicx with its silent woman's chnwn that thev were a very sarcastic people. Journal ot Education. No "Coon" Need Apply- W'e don't believe that the President-elect ever said: "A well enough in a. log cabin, but I'll resign before I'll have one in the Cabinet. San Francisco Alta. . the act for the protection oiorpuau ln?dn tbe furnl(ihiDe of fifty children.Mr. regara w m nvir-.t,s. Mr. McGill. to fcmend the Code in regard to claim and delivery, Mr. Johnson, of Pender oountv. to ameud the Code in " . r regard to the appointment 01 special officers to execute processes. The bill to appropriate iuuuo i-u complete the Governor's Mansion failed to pass its second reaaing. Th following bills passed third To allow the people of certain section of Franklin county to vote on the ' question of the repeal of the stock 1-aw, to incorpor ate thA town of Lucama, Wilson ponntv. to drain the swamp lands of Henderson county, to establish inc a succession of tet- wal'ed with stone, and preot- .ting toone in either harbor the ap -arance of a soild mass of bou tbat riaea from tbe water's edge tbe height of two hundred feet. T. . transverse streets are nanow ar., 5tp, ana are nothing more th" ' tlishta ol stone steps. 1 be buildings are of stone, which seems to.- the only natural product of th 'island, and are compact nd mass", man j of which are magnified1, structures. In point of architcr ere, it is claimed, Valletta rival any of the capitals of Europe. Turn where yoa t-ay, you are confronted with son-" historical site, memorial or buu-liog. Here is the old Palace of tbe Grand Masters, towering above its sur, roundings and occupying an entire square, .ion marvel at ita mam tuo'h proportions. its Oissiv walls and us impressive sol.lity. Tbe 18S9 ; Have 'em Smaller There. A young lady in New York State who broke her .neck still survives. She must have been taking a look to see if her. bus- tie .hung rigm. jiaitiajuro American. . A Seasonable Article. . This is tbe season when the countrv editor begins an article Tt us warm the heart of the noor :" and then he goes out and treats himself to a cock tail. Texas Sittings. Case it Quick- "Honor ih politics!" shrieks t.h Asheville (N. C.) Citizen For Heaven's sake, help it ou then, before it gets into nnrli is ruined for life. New graded schools at Littleton. . Thursday, Feb. 28th SENATE. After the bill to incorporate the Southern Inter-State Exposition Society and a bill to amend the Code in relation to Swamp lanus, had passed their second and third readings. Senate took up, as un finished business, tne xtauroau Commission bill and upon a vote it failed to pass its second reading. The following bills passed tniru martins?: To comneu butcners to keep a registration 01 tbe marKs oi cattle purchased, to incorporate jjeaufort county Lumber Lo. HOUSE OF REPRESENT A.TIVES. Mr. Sutton, from the committee on propos tious auu sue renorted favorably the joint -resolu finn nf inst.rnc.Lion to members of Conffresa relating to the ynmea States Signal Service, (aaaing tue of a bill now before Con gress to increase the efficiency of the same.) Also, favorably, tbe hill to amend the charter of the Asheville and Tennessee Railroad ; Compay. . 1 Tne iouowing oiiiB pasaeu luhui reading convicts at $125 per capita per an nam), H. B. 727, concerning fish in Pamlico county, forbidding drag net fishing at certain seasons, II. B. 753, author:zing the commis sioners ot Martin county to keep in repair certain footways, II. B. 793, incorporating Ruth in Green county, H. B. 794, incorporating r.ontentnea. II. B 2.062, to correct certain land grauts in Swain county; H. B. 1,06G. to exempt Raymond Brook field, a one-legged soldier, from the auctioneer's tax, II. B. 10G7. changihg November term Superior court Harnett county. TI, B. 1102, authorizing the town commissioneis of Newton to issue bonds, H. B. 1103, to allow the county of Graham to levy a special tax. H, B. 1107. prohibiting the hunting of deer with dogs iu Cald well county, P.ev. Israel Harding showed us an old spoon mould and an old loaf sugar clipper the oth er day which "he said he intend ed sending to the New Berne fair. The people iu the "olden times" used to mould their own spoons out of pewter, and the onlv sugar they had was in large loafs and very hard, hence palace is iu a fair state .f preserva the usefulness of an instrument iiou.anu iu pari, m useu ior .iint.,ntntncnif,Mai7a residence ot tbe covtvaor of I'll II ft. I 1 K I II Llf I1U LU UKUUAAIV ai Mr. Harding secured these cu riosities from Mr. Anthony Tje carnival season, However - uich occurs iu the month of February, iepres-ots the height of !- pulai enjoy rot-ut. tbe great feat ure of which H-rm to be procea- -on of jw-ople in grotesque c -domes and with bands of music, t ;nking a iwrfrct pan,"nonioin of ''! Place for das toethfr. It la tbi tmw tha: vi-rjbodj I dinner. f-xercisfs a ctrtaio pii.ege 01 ..rowing bits or nard r-nay irom tl ") streets and window at tbe y tsser by. even to the iril of bis t aud bead, altuougn 10 toe i&flnite delight of everyone else. The bopitaUty of the good peo p of Malta and tbe fflicial oourte sles, shown toward u during cur io Iort, -r of tbe kindliest r tture. The tet-rptioo and ball of tue governor id the old Palace euab.trd the Auiericaa naval o'Cctts to mcit I2ieir English ousins of ber lu-.j.iy's Uet and :my, wlio-e rcprc-entativra were jreseut in large uumbera, a c-nnpliment which we were able enly in part o return on shipboard under the stars aod stripes or oar Lalional ensign. Salisbury. the residence ot tbe govts aor of tbe cofony. You may enter the court, pass through tbo coi rulers, mount the stair-cases aud visit tbe Davis, of this county, in whoso h..mhpr, arui family they haa Deeu ior sev eral generations. They are probably considerably over a century old. Kin9ton I ree "Press. H:w to Haica Cidas- riant chufas any time from the middle of May until the middle of June. Run off rows about two and a half feet apart It peemm that on V.'elticsday night Mr. Iiarclay felt the' a; proar h of tbe cold wave, ai.d purchased pome of tboe warm woolen garments which rtlrk closer than a brother to a col 1 tcan's leg. The same afternoon be ordered a box of r' to te pent to Lis lodginf. e for as usual, L . . ii&L-d home, dashed off a pr ' note to Mi?s loiter, paying ; -Wtar thee this evening for luy riake," and banded tbe note and the box containing the wwlea goods to his eervant, bile the box of roefl remaiue5 ujon ir. Barclay's table. The note aud box were duly delivered, and . upon opening the note be young girl'c far flusbea witn pleasure ai m read : "May I Lope that you will wear these for my pake?" With eager Laias ebe untied the fastenings of the box and lifted tbe lid, when lo, to Ler astonlf bed gaze, ras revealed, not the expected Cower?, but a complete bet of men's under wear! Explanations as to tbe stupidity of the valet iu chang ing tbe boxes Lave I roved of no avail. The winged god haa flown, and the diplomat, dis consolate and forlorn, baa been dropped from the li.t of fur sts at the house were formerly Le was made welcome. Washing- Lt&msi Her a Lcicon. The Puritan Sabbath. If the stern old Puritan Sab bath, with its subduing, sadden- swords with A large ball, known as tbe Armory is devoted to an immense collection of arms ana armors, that were worn or captured by tbe Knight, and of trophies of war and tourna ment. Here are battle axes that would cleave a giant's skull, a helmet weighing foity pounds that nunc but a giant ould wear. golden hit s set with and put two feed in a bill, from twelve to fiftesn inches apart in lon corre.'pondent of the New tne arm ; cover voieraoiy aeep. 1 York Herald. Manure the same as for cotton, plow and hoe over whenever they become gra??y. Some very fine late w?.teruielons can h-i made by planting seed itnong the chufas. Plant water melons arter firt plowing eo tbe vines wi'l not be In the v.ay. R. I. Carr in Raleigh Progressiva Farmer. Toted Fair With The South In less than two, weeks one of the ablest, purest and broadest administrations the Federal Government has ever had will have come to an end. It has been an administrntion which has recognized every section of the country, giving the South even more than its share in tbe cabinet positions and its full shara in all the appointments, foreign and domestic.-States-ville Landmark. t i a. a o V. ing eneci, wrougnt out uucu joyous natures as Beecher's and gave to the world such a beau tiful blending of tenderness and strength, laughter and tears, heart-deep pathos and sunny humor aa Oliver Wendell Holmes, let us have another century of Puritan Sabbaths. Up to date tbe Sunday or the beer garden has failed to bring forth a Holmes or a Beecher. It has evolved a Johann Most and and August Spies, but somehow that sort of product doesn't seem to be quite up to the old Puritan mark. Bob Burdette. Just The Thing to do. We want more factories, and we want capitalists from a dis tance to come in and establish enterprises. tVell, the best way to get them is to hold out S. B7173, amending the proper inducements. Kerners- charter of the Norfolk and South-' ville News. A Strong Advertiser. For a benefit of those who abhor printer's ink as a prime factor to the advancement of their interest, we would etate tbat Sampson the strong par ty was the first-man to adver-, tise. He took, two solid columns to demonstrate his strength, and several thousand people "tr.mbled" to the bCheme. lie brought downfhe Lou9e. Uem oc ratio Unioi diamonds, a breech loading guu and rope made catiaou tbat was taken from the Turks. At tbe foot ! of the stairs stands tiie great car-1 riage of state, aa aut. que vehicle, ! in which, it is said. N ioleon rode at tbe head of bis ar ,iy when he took possession of Mi!" i. .The Couneii Chamber of tbe Knights, colossal in i size, with lofty ceilings and maue floors, is hung with the most beautiful and Qoely-woven tapetri that are covered with figures of men and animals, representing scene in various partaof tbe woild. Ia the corridors may be t-n figures of knights and men-at-uuis ia fall armor, bearing upon their shields the escutcheons the Grand Masters from the founding of tbe Order Throughout the city and i&Iand are many one building that were used for hospitals and il u, of which one was set apart for e? 4i nation ality. Most ot these are In a ruinojs state, and are red by the Inhabitants tor ordinary purposes, some of tbern being tinsformed into club bouses and 'all rooms aud others made tr eerve as residences and wareho;s. Or tbe churches, iich were made tbe feature of tue age, tbat of Su John remain the moat Arethecod-rullofTml North Carolina has got prize Munchausen in the author of a Etory which comes from Clvde Station in that Stat, to the effect that a poplar tree was cut there po large that it male llank enough to f board ing, ceiling and ' flooring for a hurch SO feet long, 3S feet wide and 10 feet high. Irom tUe paine tree a fence was built trree-quarters of an acre around the church. There were three logs Mt.wr, and "the remaining thrj logs contained i.imber enough to build another church as large as tbe Crst." Charleston (S. C.) Sun. Teaching her a le?-Kn Uncle Rastua (who has caused tbe arrept of his wife for as?ault) "I want yo' ter gib It Lcr, Jedge; gib Ler de limick ob de Uw. Dis ain't the fut tima she Paulted me." Judge "I'm afraid, aonty, I'll Lave to fine you ten dollars." -Aunty-4 Well, you Lonah, I ain't xt ten cent." the Nudge to Uucle Raitus) "It 11 be ten dollars Lncle Ra-tus." Uncle Rastus (bandl'.tg over the money with a Lewilderel look as who should say, may be right or tbis may be wrung) "All right Jedg: dere's de money." (To wife ; as they leave court together-. lar. ole weman. I tru' dis yera 'rer$erice I'll Pain Ti' a Ieon TalHng LoocmotiTCS. Kdlson has been working np- 01 a new invention called tbe -ilnuaraDh ." It ia Intended frr locomotive engines, and will tlk and not phriek. It will talk to the brakemao, and call tbe names of Ptations. That Is if ha succeeds, as he. ears he will, what yo' won forget. mr- Ier'.s Bazar. The Abevl!le Gi'Jitn a-ks the question, "Do lotteries tend to Immorality?" an 1 tbn argues the question at prrat length in the afOrmatJve. Of course they do, for every man who bays a ticket is ture of drawing the main priz, and when tbe returns show that Le got nothing Le lata di appoint ed that he necessarily lose a good llg portion of bis religion and a Leap of lottery tickets are sold to church raernlxrr. Durham Tobacco I'UcL fv FKSON. Vllon, N. .71 . f : - : : -j- .-- - . - barrel ' York Herald.