. J n y IAS 1st O 1T07 IS THE TIME TO- SUBSCRIBE FOR VANCE TZ2LLLZZZ2C? JLLd The Wilson Advance E E5D TOCK CKCEK.3 I i 1 I.ET VLL THE ES DS THOU AIITI'ST AT BE Til V COl'RTBT Til F GOD'S, 4)lD TRUTHS'. TOP. IS SO. h"o this oryxes.- VOLUME 19.' WILSOiN, NORTH CAROLINA APRIL 25 1889. NUMBER 13 1' ' ' j Al I BILL ARFS LETTER -:os- C.J A TEIt S VILLE " CA UGIIT OX" AX'D WILL JiOOM. ..flli How the liomt) Succfasj'illij llroivjht to a tuition. of Florence Was t'Hfiw-ered anil Jirilllant Teruii- ready It looks very much like Car tersville has a si ight touch of a boom. U have been trying to keep If. in catching it, Ttut I believe it is coming. Our preachers used to say that it will demoralize the people and they will set up Alammon as a (Jod, and that all sorts .of world ly minded folks will flock hither' to speculate and get imethiug for nothing ami I bought si, loo, but now' that the preachers haye taken up the trade I. reckon it is all. rig it. They don't call it boom ing no' they call it promot ing. l)t. iiawtnorne ana JLr. Eaton and four other Baptist preachers promoted Florence from a littlu hamlet up to a great manufacturing town with over three million dollars al- invested, and they did it a short lime and in. a very 1 a 1 . a . . cremiauie manner, arq now we eee that some , Methotlist preachers in Alabama propose to do the same thing at anoth er town over there. All this looks 'mighty curious to a man up a tree, but if building up the wasta places is a good thing I d iu't see why a preach er shouldn't tike a hand in it, if they :au do it'TVithout dis counting their calling. The Methodists aud Baptists have 1 breii tbe pioneers for a century, I and carried their religion into the wilderness aud established civilization. They rode mules and drove ox wagons-and clear ed the land and built log churches, and when everything was sorter comfortable the Presbyterians came riding up in their Buggies and rockaways and se't! k among them, and planted out shade trees and rose buh.'s and built a church with a steeple, and set up the Shorter catechism and predes tination and moyea arouaa as though they were the elect. By rand by, when two or three rail roads were built, aud the shade trees had all grown up, aud the green grass was growin' all arouud and around, and the streets were macadamized, and an opera house built, the Epis copalians came along in apos tolic succession, with stately steps and prayerbooks and Lent and Mardi Gras all mixed up together, and they bobbed up serenely into a fine church with stained glass windows and as sumed to be the saints for whom the world was made', in the space of six days, and all very good. And so it is all right all rimad. for folks are different and can't help it, and what suits some don't suit others, and the rule is to be I liberal and. tolerant to all. Dr. Uawthorue-and his broth er preachers have done a great wora at r loreuce and done no- I body any harm that we know of, and now they are going to , build a great Baptist University and have it endowed, and all the money comes from those wno are able to give it. 1 was tbinking about this new de parture of the preachers and made personal inquiry into it, for it did look like the whole tbing wa.3 done by Aladdin's lamp. A. friend who knew all abo'it the facts told me ithat wife u .Hawthorne, happened there and saw the beautrful river and the rich highlands all arouud, and the ircn and coal mines not far away, he told the bills people that it was. a bet- i wrnlace for a. Marj-e industrial I town than .either Sheffield or ' .Decatur or Tuscumbia, and that ! if they would set apart for his purposes six hundred acres of their land, he would uudei take to Driug half a million dollars of investments there within twelve mouths. But how did he do it? Why, he enlisted Uhree brother preachers and Ithey parceled oat the territory. and crnt -no ri fa 1 3 f r O III YirTiniv f rw rV3 I , i I i ICiv ulJ 1 D.iiKi 0,1111 they hid oamnLlets and ihaDs. ana aavertised a great sale, and trie venture was a grand succes. Their Baptist brethren ha.il , 12 -1 niuuence in them wherever they went, for Dr. Hawthorne pre.ssive mlaner and will pow er, vr. r.aton was verv mncii 1iL-o v ; .... v. .. . Jiiiu, (iwi mo wnijie inin 4s a ciOHd communion amony it'ue-- I! int i-t.s. n.ri whfn tli a 1 " J ' ' .uo K-feiLl sa.!n CAina nn tlipw an! A a quarter of a' million of in one day, and stopped the to rest and Dut ud the 'price. Mv infopttintinn in that. (iriiriril rmrQaa nr. Wjatsale was hurt not one wno cull not get back double his 111 UAma rtrt rrtr, Ann 'Jiw eii f,)r ten times the price pa-id. Manufactures of aiy kinds have been planted il"5fe,froin hundred thousand is nothingi, wrong aDout .inis method of building up a thrivE ing industrial city that gives employment to labor. The South wants a hundred such and I believe will have them before 'long. The North ' has had them for half a century and is neb. It is- amazing to think how rich she is. A man who knows, told me that there waa over thirty millions lying idle in the banks-of Cleveland, Ohio. Not the money of the banks, but of v the depositors who left it there for save keep ing until they could find good investments. It is the same way all over the North- That mone is looking South and is coming South. In the long ago it usd to take about twenty-five years to build a Southern town and finisli it. .There was the court house in the public square, the same old time honored court house with two big eyes in each gable, and the clerk's office and iurv-cooms upstairs. Then there w er two or three church es and a schoolhouse and half i. dozen wooaen stores, ana half a dozen law .offices and doctor shops, and two or three dodgeries where corn liquor and fiddle-music were dispensed. There was a wagon shop and a blacksmith shop and a jail and some horse racks, and these I were all, except the unpretend ing residences and tbe humble graveyard, with here and there a marble slab to mark some of the graves. . The town was finished and from year to year remained the same, the very same. In these unpretending towns the best men and women were raised fhat ever were raised since' the world, was made. A noble, patriotic people, who loved honor and truth and a nooa uame more man ncnes. That day and that generatiou has passed : we are now in a Towns are building up .rapidly and the map makers Can't keep up with khem. You can't find Cordele nor .Bluff ton on the latest edition, and yet Cordele has two thousand inhabitants and a national bank, and Bluff ton has a new hotel that cost 20,000, and several brick stores, and has sold 850.000 worth, of town lots in three months. ! Then thtre is .Fort Payne, that is capitalized by 1,700 yaukee stockholders 88,000,000, and the cry everywhere is, still they come. Let them come. Everybody 4a willing except the darkies. Old Uncle Jake says he "don't like to work for dem yankees; dey is so ter tikler." He says "dey djn't haidly give him time to eat his dinner when he is work'in' by de day." Bill, Abp. NAUTICAL LIFE. woolen mills to lr cotton factories! nA f ,J wut4 AU4 ".:, and 1 . 1 I I 1 . . A a brV; , Population has been ev " . 'Ul twelve months and rybody is happy. Now there new role and have to fall into line and conform. Money rules te roost, aud all wo can do is to put on the brakes and make money serve as good a purpose as possible. It is refreshing to see such an outburst of en thnsiasm as is now manifested in, providing for the Coufeder ate veterans. It is action and reaction. If the movement to raise the meney North had uot been made, I doubt whether there Mould have been such an appeal and such a response from the South. Every South erner felt humiliated that the North had been appealed to. aud mortified tbat it had so signally failed. But I started to write about the Cartersville boom. Old Joe Brown has been slipping around here aud is buying up large tracts of mineral land-?. He had twelve thousand acres and has recently bought iour thousand mQre, and paid forty thousand dollars for the last purchase. Keep yeur eye on the boss for old Joe is. shy, and knows a good thing when he sees it. A ' rich syndicate has bought the Etowah property, of seventeen thousand acres, for one hundred and ninety thous and dollars, and are going to manufacturing bn a large scale There is plenty of fiist-class mineral land still left all around us. Our hills are heavy with the weight of iron and manganese and elate and marble. Our town is looking up. and in a few months has planted eas works and water works, an4 ochre mills, and an ice factory, and built many houses and established public schools and a national bank. I know there is a boom coming for 1 see the real estate' men going down to meet every train, and they look anxious and scan every stranger who gets off. I see them go to the hotel to watch the register. I see them riding out with a new man most every afternoon. I see them in earnebt conference in the back rooms and round the corners and in the alleys, and as I pass I bear the word op tion, option, option, until I am out of hearing. lhe livery stables have bought more horses and vehicles to ride their strangers round, and everybody seems wide awake and expecting to hear some thing drop. AL man who made ten thousand dollars by pro moting Florence told me that Cartersville had more-natural advantages than Florence, or any other town that he knew of. Better lands for the farmer, better water power, better health and a better climate, and as for mineral 'treasures right at our doors, there was no place in the South that could compare with it. With the wealth of hard wood and long- leaf pine in our forests, he said we ought to manufacture every thing that the South needs. I paid two dollars and a half for a wheelbarrow yesterday that came all the way from Colum bus, Ohio. I looked at it and measured the wood and counted twenty little bolts, and I have no idea, the whole material would cost us half a dollar 'and I am sure it could be made for another half dollar. With a little machinery one man ought to make twenty-five in a day. But the Ohio man has to send down South for his timber and pay freight, and then we pay another freight to get the wheelbarrow back. , But we are going to quit doing that way. Effective Preaching. An eminent minister while ' delivering a lecture to some theological students on oratory, said: "Young gentlemen don't stand before a looking glass and make gestures. Pump your self brimfull of your subject till you can't hold another drop, and then knock out the bung and let nature caper." That's it.- When a man is full of his subject then he will be enec tive. Enthusiasm moves men. Burning zeal wakes up men. A hot iron, though it .te Diunt, will burn its way. lhe old Methodist preachers were effective men, because thy were men full of living rell- giou. tience ur. vjunimBia io- marked : "Methodisism is Christianity in earnest." Wm. Wirt said that eloquence was found in one word "Sympa thy." Spiritual pathos effects a congregation to tears. 1 here is too much of this dry thun der preaching noise without power. Raleigh Christian Advocate. ' ' v.v.(..-.............'--.......-.. ,.. -:o: UP. tHE 8UAT-EL-ARAB tiling on The Per$ian Gulf, The Union of Rivera. City of Itasaora. In The Garden of Eden. Glimpse of Turkish Life. He Kept Eis Eula. A coal dealer in the suburbs was called upon at his office by a poor,hard-working woman.and requested to send a basket of coal to her home. "We do not deliver so small a quantity," was the merchant's reply.' "It is our invariable rule never to deliver less than a quarter of a ton." "But I canuot pay for so much," was the pi iful confes sion, "and i have left my little children at home m a tireless rom. vvnat am l to uo i Well," returned the dealer, a indlier light beaming in his eye, "l cannot aepan iron my rules as to the quantity." 1 hen turning to his clerk he continu ed: "John have a quarter of a ton of coal sent, to the woman's address as soon as possible." But I cannot pay for so much," he expostulated. "I already understand that you can't, so I will charge it to the children. (iive yourseft no more uneasi ness about the debt. Good-morning."-t-Boston Budget. The Euliag Passion- CAPT. W. A. DARDEN, BUSINESS AGENT OF TEE STATE FARMERS' ALLIANCE. Capt. William A. Darden, Business Agent of the State Alli ance, was bbru May 16th, 18oJ. He entered the Freshman class at Randolph-Macon College aud remained there until his junior year, when he was compelled to leave on account of impaired health. He then, at me age oi zi, settled upon a iarm and con tinued that occupation until the breaking out of the war. Among the first he volunteered on the 23d of April, 1861, and was elected Second Lieutenant in Capt. R. H. Drysdale's company, the Third North Carolina Re-'iment. He was elected and wa9 the youngest member of that body a delegate to the State Con tention which passed the ordinance of secession, May 20th, 1SG1. After the adjournment of tie Convention, Capt. Darden again volunteered and was elected Second L'euteuaut, Capt. A. J. Moore's company, 61st North Carolina Regiment, Clingmau's Brigade. He was with the r 'iment during thesiee of Charles ton, including fifteen days at iUttery Warner, wber some of the hardest fighting of the war was done; at Drewry's Bluff, Cold Harbor, Bermuda Hundreds, siege of Petersburg and the storm ing oi -Fort Harrison, where lie was captured on the 30th of Sep tember, 18G4. He was promoted to be Cap '.a in after the resigna tion of Capt. Moore, who war wounded at Battery Wagner. Capt. Darden was as brave a soldier us ever shouldered nrins aud was in evry engagement in which his regiment pariicipated, except one, from the second of Nov.ner, 1862, uutil he was raptured. After his capture he was tab- u to Fort Delaware and held there until the mouth of June, 186"). With the close of the war i.e returned to his home nnd again settled upon bis farm, where he was entraned in agriculture uutil he was placed in his present position by the State Alliance. In every campaign since the Wr-r, beginning with 1868, when he took strong grounds against the Canby Constitution. Capt. Darden has taken tbe stump in behalf of the Democratic party. In his county (Greene) he has been a tower of strength, to his party. He iwas Chairman of the Inferior Court of Greene county four years. W hether Democrats or Republicans controlled t !i s county, Capt. Darden's eminent and recognized fitness has cau?ed his services to be commanded for public duty. At two different elections h received the unanimous vote of the Democratic and Republican party for Justice of the Peace. In 1884, although his county is Republican, Capt. Darden was elected to the House and made a faithful and efficient member. In 1884 he was a candidate in the Democratic Convention f r nomination as State Auditor and received a lartre vote. His name was atjain presented to the Democratic Convention in 18S8 for the same office. Capt. Darden has been twic married aud is how a widower. He bas enjoyed the complete confidence of the people ot his section and State, and they have always been ready to honor him. Ther6 is no truer man no more faithful and conscientious public servant and there wns no braver soldier. The Alliance, in making Capt. Dardeu State Business Agent, selected one of its truest m'eu and one who firmly believes in the principles of the Alliance. Progresive Farmer. A little girl hearing her moth er read a minister's experience, as to how fresh roasted peanuts had cured him of insomnia, asked : "Ma, what is insomnia?" Her mother explained to her that it wa3 when a person could not sleep sound. During the day, having some peanuts, she was approached by her little brother, who ask- her for some. To keep iffom sharing with him and still show a generous disposition, she said : Brother, I am suffering aw fully from insomnia, and am veiy much afraid if you take any there will not be enough left to cure me." Detriot Free Press. Truckers' Association. Our newspaper brethren in Eastern Carolina do not seem to haye grasped the idea and im portance of the Truckers' move ment at organization. The trucking and fruit growing in dustry, though comparatively new as yet, will soon be the most important feature in this part of the State. The organi zation of the State Truckers' Association in Clinton on April 4th and 5th was a big step in tie right direction a move ment tiiat will make the busi ness most profitable and satis factory to both, producer and buyer. But not a single notice or comment, so far as we have The lazy Man's Paradise. A letter from Costa li says that the people there tn lite easuy. it taKes twenty employes to run a short train of cars. All dress in gorgeous uniforms, and the conductor is resplendent in silver and gfdd decorations. Passengers pur chase tickets on credit, and sixty days are allowed" for the payment of freight bills. Oat in the countrv the goods are carried by ox teams, and it frequently takes a team a week to make fifty miles. Nobody is in a hurry, and nobody cares to do to-day what can be put off until to-morrow. The nec essaries of life are cheap, and long credit is forced upon the purchaser. Nobody steals any thing, and a poor teamster will carry thousands of dollars many miles for thirty cents. Such a thing as a highway robbery is unheard of. The people liave no violent prej udice against anything except hard work, and they will do anything to help a stranger until he proves himself dis agreeable. Then they will notify him to leave, and if lie is slow about it they will for e him to go. Altogether, Coata Rica is a pleasant country for a lazy man. Atlanta Constitu tion. A Cuiet Llind. The iniud wants steadying and setting right many times a I day. It resembled a compass placed on rickely table the 'east stir of the table makes the needle swing round and point untrue. Let it settle then till it points, aright. Be per fectly, silent for a few mo ments, thinking . about Jesus : there is almost a divine force in silence. Drop the thing that worries, that excites, that interests, that thwarts you ; let it fall like a sediment to the bottom, until the soul is no longer turbid, and say, secrely: "Grant, I beseech thee, merci ful Lord, to the faithful servant pardon and peace; that I may be cleansed from all my sins, and serve thee with a quiet miud !" Bassoea. Turkey The up wa ' T8 of the nersiao Gulf, by which I e Arabian peninsula, is neparat-, t I in part from continent, lorm a j whose surrounding an l histo rval association Reem to be of interest. The oavigatoi is pretty i;:t to take note of the prevailing v. inds, which are the reverse of t.iose on the Bed Sea, to catch glimpses of tbe islands that stretch i.l mg the Arabian bhores, with white sand bills ia the background, t-: catch sight of tue flshiog boats d naked diverse near' 'the uu rous pearl banks, to which the scerious movements oi tbe . an Ke crafts with which the sea .i ioauds, and to mark the deeper waters and tbe abrupt cliffs skirt ins the Persian coast Hoe. lie s quite likely to recall, from tbe appearance of its waters, tbe ancieot name of Green Sea, and to r . member that along its northern t rders the first sea exploration in t ie world's history was made by .Nearchurf, tbe admiral of Alexau t'..r the Great. In passing through thegnifthe ivel and clumsy-looking sailing ssels of tbe natire traders and a-farers are met with in large imbers. They are called dhows, id are engaged in coast trading, filing and pearl gathering, rarely . ntnriug bejood tbe sale limits of o sea. Many of them are prac .d ships which prey anon honest lastly and upread something of rror over tbe main. ind for many ars have plandert-'. ' c defeose ss seanieu witb immunity. Of f, however, se.eral Uritisb gun- ats have beeu stationed in thee -iters to prevent nch depreda- us, and hare captured and trued many of their vessels. At the head of tbe scr tbe river, :med by the junction of tbe gris and Eaphrates tbat drain a st territory, pours out its lag h water, and is known as the at-el-Arab. It is over a hun ed miles id length from its month the greater rivers above, and for venty miles, as far np as Bassora, navigable to quite large steamers. . o pass tbe bar at Us month and . make one's way safely through e winding and narrow channels ive made necessary a system of ; 'lotsge for ships aufamiliar with e river. Dative pilots being at nd to aid tbe ontortunate strag rs in these waters. Tbe Turk li pilots are peculiar in their mode i procedure. .t the beck of tbe -.ptiao two of them board tbe ship ud take their pla e at tbe wheel, e to pray while the other gaid?H iie vessel, shariug the scriptural junction of watching aud praying. i .iey are Mouammedans devout, ,.i,ty and debant, and alternately Miend an hoar ttree or foar times Mch day in prayer. Their badge .f office is a pot of water that en ables them to present themselves pure before their devotions by washing their feet, face, bands, aims and teeth, holding tbe water ot in one hand and pouring the ntents into the other, The left ot Bagdad 1 means of .. buildings - .ke, bat by are built Im leaves. id opaleut annals of counts its a limited ivans and circus riders, temrttrir him to mitate some starthDi feats in equestrianism, to the amusement of the donkey boys and paseers-bT, aau uoaonessiy to tne tbtoushment of the d mUey whea t J'ed upon to wait for tbe rider to ;ick himself op and remount. The caoal is covered witb long and narrow boata for carrying pat-sengers, the better ones of which re covered with aToiOi aiiJ have seats epreadwith bright c k-red c'.oths and rugs, offering a iy comfort able pleasure trip. The city Is a mo-rnble conglo meration of bats and -mall houses and tumbled down b i-iesa places, witn airty, usriow t tortaoas streets, ii rvbu:h ?ev .t" thousand suryects of the P find a habitation and livelihood Some of: are inade of sundt'ed 1 far tbe greater nuiub of mud, bamboo ami It was ouce a fimooa capital, note ria U i Arabian literatnje, an age by centuries. Wi communication by ci. visiting steamships, a . t trade in tbe native products ol .ue country It still carried on f "be world. Dirt, poverty, indolent and fanat icism characterize te people, whose -inject conditi is pitiful enough. Although tbe loct'ion of the Gardcu of EJeu is a uch disput eu question, ana man claims are made for it anywhere between tbe equator and tbe joIe it is posi tively assured to 6s lb it we stand at its very threbo! . In fact the exact location u minutely pointed oat ;o us, aud m no farther aay than the lands tbe junc tiou Of the Tieris id ophiats rivers, forty-live rn'e above lUssora. Desiring to v.iit tbe old hoincstea 1, wbtre 'nr rl-st parents dwelt ia bappmeA lei a time, and to nay oar respects I ueir memo ry, a party of the Ju'-.ta officers, equipped with nccee - instruction aud guides, started - i . one morn ing in (be steam if . cn up the river. It was a de'r-:'itful ride, s'eaming betw en i beautiful tMUks. The soft an-1 q iet air, the lne skv aud tbe b'iz . vegetation I airily cna.'ined as a e n eared tbe place. Iteenj-1 tt it mast have bee a the t bourn tioMs ran hih. We found tbe spot without a fbow ofroniace. Like the fairy Kcene, tbo f-den dwia- uiea, upon our rep. i--ten, to a wrecked native villi; tbe name of which 1 wob'l try to pro nouuee. ro s'go i vegetation, except a few palm ir e.. could be seen. It was a barre 4Dj dreary outlook. A ma!l and r. i bapely lo cust was pointed oui tbe original tree, whose frut bat fuch attrac tions for MotLer Lve. 1 niightbave been ol great anriq niy, bat we faucied, as we look -i at it in wonderment, th :t tti- inhabitants "r7Asiii:;s7c:nrr7rs. NEWS OF A WEEK Pclitil Chat at Til 2TtiKul Capital ty Otr Ecslar ILcptrtcr. WAfimxoTox, April 13th, '83. Chief Justice Fuller bas an nounced that tbe Uaited Elates Supreme Court would cea&e to hear arguments on tbe 26th inst. and adjourn from then on til tbe 15th of May and then, adjourn for tbe term. All tbe laws passed by tbe last Coogresa have been published in book form by tbe State Depart ment, and copies may be obtained for ii cents each. Senator Wada Hampton is still nere, ana ue says be docs not ex !ct to leave uuUl ex-Governor Thompson, ot South Carolina, la appointed a member ol tbe Civil Service Commission, an appoint. ment which, be says, is bound to be made aniens Uarrison ignores tbe strongest endorsement ever given an applicant for a position. Owing to tbe funeral of tbe late John P. Usher, who was Secretary of the Interior fiom KsCl to lt&S, mat Department was cloned yester uay. idis u a senseless and use less custom, and is besides very costly to me uovernment. "Cheap John u'anamaker is be ing rounuiy auased by tbe 300 ap plicants for positions as special agents ol the Post Office Depart ment, because be bas sent ail tbe applications to tbe Civil Setrice Commissione', and notified tbe applicants tbat tbey mut ataod Civtl-i?ervice examination. These ttositions are ranch son-ht after, and tbe I m predion b d got oat among tbe lpub!icao- tbat no ex aminalion would be ni aired. Jabu Sberoiati bad .a rand date for Controller of tUs Currency, but got It-It aud tbn prize went to Kx-Congressman hiry, cf Michi gan. Verily thee tm parUafcv times for Dido lN-pnUtcaas. WI1AT IS IIAFPESISO f 1UK WORLD AEOUSD US. A CtnUltrnmA Report of the Jfetr u Gmhered From, the Column of our ConJemporariet. Stats and A'attetW. Tbree'negroes brt le j.U at Mon roe lt wet k. Henrr G. Pearson. Postmaster of New York City, died lt hator- uay. The New Heme depot was en tirely destroyed by Ere Wednesday morning. nil begins Grerabboro d, and oar last, bat could recall tbe wa a mere twig. The dwelhcg boo lage are tbe tad-' lerfect keeping w-. ous customs of .l-r inhabit tbeui. Mel: . -a stale of half iiu children deh;i!ute of domestic annual) make up the na'i'. Our pieseuce and tended to attract a the magistrate of l J us an iuvitatioa tjj.vis onic.al headquarters. in ' is used ia the ablutions, and An Sra of Domestic P.:f3ra. Practical Eclucatica. The issue before American educators to-day is to do a3 seen, has been given this move- mucc for the youth who are to ment by the btate press. uiin- earn their living practically by ton Caucasian. . Be Devout. A Christian life must be fruitful, but it must also be devout. The service that is only guided by the law is mere ,ly morality. Where there is no communion with God, no going out of the heart and sensible revelation of- his power and Deace to the soul, there can hardly be spiritual life. Nash ville (Tenn. Christian Advo- cate. Osfcaloosa, Ivan., again has a woman at tue neaa ot tne mu nicipal government and a ma iority of woinen iu the city council. An orni nance will be passed and will promptly be signed by the mayor, limiting the number of lodges to which a man may belou;;, and limit ing, futhermore, the number of regular aud . special meetings which each lodge may hold during tbe month. It is an era of reform iu Ostaloosa. Kan sas City Journal. intelligent handiwork aa the more advanced public schoo do for those who are to eain livelihood by a more strictly intellectual method. The broad ening of , the high school aud even of, the grammar school toward this end ' is the next practical step in American edu cation. New York Times. We cart mere easily with what we possess than with the expectation of what we wish for and the reason' of it is that what we expect is always greater than What we enjoy. .(far Eights in Danger. Three thousand women, rep resenting t"venty-two different clubs, held a meeting at Cooper Unidb, New York, Mono y night, and not a man v allowed in the hall. Tlu as bad as a star chamber e.-?- sion of the Senate. Washing ton Post. "Work Sarnastlj- Make up your mind to work early and Ute, if necessary, (that you may thoroughly master the details of the business upon which you propose to enter. The habit of persistent, rapid work once formed, you have gainel a momentum that will carry you satisfactorily through many a pinch iubusiness,where a less persistent worker would find it easier to lie down and fail. t Esforred to Kr- Harrison. Is this a Republic where men are equal, and attain to politi cal honors through their own merits, or are thre families who have a hereditary claim to the high' places which the Government has to bestow ? Chicago Herald. -us being made unclean is never ir'ered to another. Despite all tbe perils implied in their precaution aud invocation, oar ship made tbe passage up the river in safety, and ronped their anchor at the month of a canal before the city of Hassora. The Shatel-Arab along itsconrsa presents a most beautiful appear ance. The bright scenes, witb which our eyes were regaled, were i.e more enjoyable to us because . .where Detween this place aud Gibraltar did we see any signs o; vegetation. The river banks re lined with date palms aud m. mi . o uloerry irees. j.ue green carpeted the fields with rich color- l g, and tne hills in tne distance ..ere touched with purple, lierd !' cattle, sheep and goats were g.azmg in the luxuriant pastur ;ie. Scores of water buffaloes, reat ungainly beats, with humped I -cks, large reclining horns and i.ujost hairless bodies of mud color, wre seen standing in the shallow -iter and feeding from the bottom, at times thrusting their beads out ( 6ight and keeping them for vend minutes beneath the water. Vre and there the shores are il itted with villages and large .vnf, in which tbe houses are i : bamboo and mud with Mat aud 2 las-covered roofs, and whose uabitnats wear but little clothing id lead indolent and semi barbar ;s lives. The whole country, retching away to the horizon, is . .y and flat, and comparatively " rtile. Forests of palm trees grow ? profusion, apparently capable : producing enough dates with uich to supply the world. Tbe , nit ot these trees is the principal food of the people, and is both t -datable and inexpensive, and vays available. Tbe oitv of Dassora lies back hum the river about four miles t .ward tbe west, with which it has r unmunication by an artificial waterway. ' At the mouth of the c tual, where our Bhip was anchor- 1, are situated the British consu late, that never falimg adjunct to :.il eastern ports, the post office, warehouse, stores and fortifications. The city may be reached by either Und or water. The road leads along the banks of tha canal, and tue only means of . conveyance available are donkeys. Tl'ce little the time wb-n it in tbe vil bovels, in he bar bar tople wbo women in i:oess, and .-lilng, witb : impanions, population novemeuts f ntion. and n seat to him at his Ue received us in stats ia a large t .tm on the upier floor of the only t wo storied building in tbe plntv. lie was unable to hpe.ik a void of English, but with a little Fr inch we suc ceeded, in undermining each other. His excellency i.iaired who wo were, what we au d and the state of weatber, on cd points of which we eobghtened him to the best of our ability, an 1 he seemed as pleaded with lie l oaor as his subjeoU were with tbe brass but tons and metal trimrx. :gs of Uncle Stm's official toggery. Ohr Inter view was brief, and upon taking leave' we we were .rged to call aiain, and with a p..rtlug salom were winhed a plea:.ut return to Bassora and li our shin. StLISBLBY. Another ft plum ba been rap tured by a new-paper man. Tbe for on ate Individual Is Itobert 1. 1'nrter, editor of the New York l'res, wbo baa been appointed Saperintendent tf tbe Census. Hartisoa is certainly making himself oolid with the Republican ttlilor aud is doubtless laving tbe wires lor a comination. Application bare been made to tte Controller of tbe Currency for cbarters lor several national backs in Oklahoma, and tbat official is much perplexed tui to what be should do. The law inquires ap plications to be on file one ear Delore tbe charter m graateo, bat this being a new country tbe applicants think an exception bbould be made in their flavor. Tbe question bas been referred to tbe Attorney General for an opinion. Her. H. G. Tearnon eenes of meetings in May 21th. GUnders among tbe Lorsea ia Wilrainttoa Is auuniitac tbe tbape fan epidemic. Dr. Williams, a negro of Cbar. Iott-, U stid to beve iuaui gold In a well on bis lot. A competitive examination for a r-sdeUhip to We'. Voini, vUl be beld in t arsaw May Cbaa. ArmtroDg, was convicted of burglary n Shelby Ut week and kcenlenoed to be bang. U. 8. District JaJce Uaod bas decidea that lightning ttl leddlera, like drummer, cannot be taxed. Steel rails are being laid on tbe W. & W. branch from Warow to Clinton, we learn from tbe Caucas ian. The a'Mresn,oa lb occasion of tbe Gullord Court lloue battle r 1r lr at ion. lay 4th, will be de livi red by Senator Vance. Tbe JCewton li:ertrirt aajs whr.V in tbat oeclion t i.e ire pt Ion al ly fine for tbe eeaoun. Harvest promises to -t ta eatly tbts 3 ear. Mr. John F. Icy, of IMt county, is weanog a pair of pant w btcb be bA wore continooaMy lor . 0 sears, and daring tbi erud Le Lat worn no others. Tbe stte for tbe encampment of tbe State Guard at Wtighttville is to be ca'ledCamp Latimer, in ten or of 1- 8. Lt liner, WtiO gives tbe use of Ibe gronudi. Tbe Daily Call, pnbliKb4 every eveaing, except Sunday, D. 1L Uiowder, t-ditoi, in a new veotnre at tbe State Capital. It t bright and breezy and dewetves puoreas, Maj. Cbaa. M. f'teadman has rett ived a communion -from Gut. Fowle appoinune bin chairman delegation to tbe Washington Cen tennial at Sew Ycik City on tbe .'30 :h inn. Tbe lemedy Kcom.Lg so well knowu aud to popaL- ;i to need no hpecial mention, "iilwho have used Electric Bittei n-ug tbe came song of praise. A pun- medicine does not exist abd u 1- guaranteed to do all tbat is claimed. Electric Hitters will cure all discuses of tbe Liver and Kidnt-js, and will re move Pimples, Boils, -a!t Kbeam and other affections cued by im pure blood. Will dr.vrt Malaria from the sjstcm au-i prevent as well as cure all Malati evers. For cure of headache, Couai.-patkm and Indigestion. Try F.iilc Bitters Entire 8atilactiou laraoteed. or money refunded !'hce 50 cts, and I.0U er bottle at A. W. IUw. land's Drug Store. ' ThaTma Sclera. It requires no extraordinary degree of wisdom to discern that the priucipal reason for failure in family government is parental selflshnsr. Parents have not the self-denying pa tience requisite for tbe correc tion of wronif tempera and ten dencies in their children. If the - short and ea-;y method fails, there ia an e.irt ( t it. You! llaleigh Christian Advocate. Several years ago the Post Office Department issued an order pro hibiting train employees or trains other than mail trains carrying letters, packages, etc Tbts order was particn tally bard on newspap ers, as It often prevented their re ceiving important corr 'ndenoe ana also prevented lUu from sending out packages c. papers. lu response to general requests 1 rota pu bui tiers the order bas been recinded. Tbe Tost Office Department guillotine is now working on fourth class postmasters at the rate of 150 a day. Extra clerks have been detailed from other branches of tbe Department to help those in the r irst Assistant's office, so as to in crease the number of dismissals and appointment. In the Railway mail service it la almost as bad. Tbe number of removals in tlx weeks is over 500, Secretary Noble says every pre caution bas been taken by tbe Government to prevent lawlessness in Oklahoma and that the attempts of tbe alarmists to scare people away from tbe new territory are absurd. It is said tbat Senator Farwell stole a march on bis colleague, Senator Cnllom, in getting J. A. Lex ton apjointed ttostmaster at Chicago. If this be true Mr. Cullotn will De more uisgmaueu than ever. 0 w w The Li Congressmen ecm to have tbe call tbi-t week. Mr. Hepburn, of Iowa, bas been appointed Solicitor of tbe Treasury. It is reported tbat Mr. II ax neon bas stated tbat no postmaster in the presidential class will be removed, without cae, until bis commission expires. It is also said tbat be bas derided that all com tnistions shall date from tbe date o confirmation. Both statements honl'l be taken with a grain of allowance. The '-nigger" mill waits for of ficial recognition from tbe ad ministration. Eut be is gettin, decidedly impatient. May be con tinue in tbe same condition. Sc:re Ons For Th3 3: In a trial out Vrvthe identi ty of the prisoner w'th the par ty accused was tbe point at issue. The dc of t! e criminal was introduced aoo put an end e to the-ase by insia-i'ly recog Tatbnro wtH boll a Ear this yar. Tbe datea are November 5tb, Ctb, 7tb and Mb. Tbe Stock holders elected llr. IL II, Speogbt, J't evident; Frank P.tltecretary; W. L. Ear low. Tre Friday eveniug of Iit week. another terrible railroad wreck occurred on western yor '-arojt- na, one mile beyond C!e d. It as a freight train. yoi..-wer lo. damage amount to 3. The laft ceno report ts lbs Mreogth of differeiit iukmh aa follows: Agriculture eruit, 4S per c-at. of the entire imputation; mining 'S2 per cent; prIetwional and personal service, . t fn-r cent.; trade and traasporUlioii, 9 tr cent. A new dynamo, witb a capacity to run eight tncanderent l:gbU,bas been invented by a Vermont elec trician. It baa wme novel feat ores, one being a lowcarrent. obviating all danger, while one tight can be shut off without af. feeling tbe others on tbe same current. J-'be'by will vote oa a projosition to build an t00 academy fr color- edcbtldred. Tbe Aniora hayic It ill benefit tbem and a. Let ns help tbe poor and weak, or as Thackeray nobly says: 'I-et us belp the fallen Kill, though tbey never pay na, and let oa lend with out exacting tbe usury ot rrati- tude.' Senator Vance was among Presi. dent U at rison's callers one day laat week, and seeing bis weary, care worn look, sal t be im;ly called to pay bis reiecls end tutor m tbe President tbat be was fcorry to ee bim in sach a ftosittoo, and ansure bim tbat be did evtrj tbmg ia Lis power to keep bim out of it. Tne President sppreciated the humor of tbe remark, and returned bis thanks to the North Carolina Sena tor for Lis good intentions. Tbe commencement at tbe Uni versity next Jane will be a centen nial celebration, .nd promises to be most interesting. One hundred year ao tbe charter was granted to the University by tbe General. Assembly of N'orth Carohna, and it began work with two t-rofeeaora. and one Mndeut. Since IJ'at time. wilb tbe xcepuon of tbe time wbea our own SoatLland was oonralw-d with civil strife, tbe Lniverwty have been one of t be foremost in tbe toutb. After keeping tbe U. S. light bouse tender. Holly, tied op to tbe wharf here for three days, while two lightships, which left their moorings in Chesapeake Bay aunng tne -reoent storm, are floating around ' for a pleasure sail down tbe Potimac. That's tbe Republican idea of protecting our commerce EslTecdd Esf3raatia- Arises is SB Lei a few thousand negroes go and It will force tho white nan to cultivate blaownxaria and learn economy. It may prove a beting to North Caro lina by solving the negro pro blem and Rive tbewbiteraen entire control of the nero counties. Shelby Aurora. ervwbere. are not providod '-nth ddles, but with pads covered t er with pieces of carpet, which rve, while we were making our tnampaal march into the city, to remind the young Amerimu of First Little Girl "Vthal does your rapa do ?" Second Little Girl "lie's dig his pleasure at meeting him. A Kentnekr man while aeta, which are met with almost Dizmjr ni3 master ap(j ghowin? ! o-nt . aitt.in nnr tha citvl ir'njr a rabbit oat of a hole came ...n1iA nrA r rvt rwtw ,i '.pith t 1 w . 1 & " ! " m f W. m V v-iw. ! government." v across a xeg 01 wuir.rjr m- flti KittFTiotiWahArin1" Mmfiveiri ua. mis iuuun,. I don't fcnow: he never said, will enormously stimulate rb- HriAR- l. nn't know hiiMlf."- bit hunting In the Elue-graae Phila. Record. 1 State. The cash-book at-d ledger do not exhibit all the profit and loss of a Christian life.

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