1 The Wilson Wilson, N. C. - - Advance. Luonl i:litrr June 13, 1S80. Don't 1'orset to list your taxes. Mil! Arp Uckles the lawyers in tbis week's ADVANCE. Mr. .1. H. Cl.irk his bad his house i ii nt oil n-il it's very pretty. The nmiU are lV:ir fully handled In .l.ihn Wiinamnker's 'coons." I ln Emit, drawers Association will hold it aiuniiil fair at Yvn-ston. I'oixnot liurai 11 oino sug- a liao ball club tor that The tl'-'tS (own. The Wilson sent two penitentiary last nogroea. Monday to the uey Wilson County Farmers Allu'ii'11 m,,t Tuesday last in speci- uriiuM-uii'. I lie Lexington Dispatch favors Lpnoir as the place to hold the Pres Assoeiion. Poultry Club has been organi zed nt V.irreuton,we see from the f.ii.'tf'' A good step, . rlic AoviNKK Job Office receiv- e, some new typa last week. We koep up witn t,u times. Mr. Wiley Corbett has bought the Merry go-ltminil and will short ly start 'It out on the road. Now is the time to list your tax. cs. Mr. W. . V. Mercer is at the t'uurt House tor that purpose. The Methodist church is a thing of beauty since it has been so thor oughly renovated and fixed up. Onr "brass button" boys are de termined to have one of ;the' best military companies in the State. The man who is not satisfied with the quantity; ot nia we've been having must "be voue hog, already." The solo "sung by Miss Alary Lilly Kenan at the Presbyterian church last Sunday night, has Been much coinp imented. There are quite a number of "sweet- school girls" at home now and the aspiring youn swains feel iMiTespomlingly happy. The farmers are at work cutting wheat. There wifl be a large amount of smajl grain bnosed in Wilson county tlm year. ()uite a number of people were in tovtu last week attending court. u a enineniipnep there wprn verv I few people here on Saturday. A Herman was the event of Toes dav night. Our young people who enjoy the giddv whirl' doubtless) enjoyed themselves very greatly. The closing exercises of Mrs. G. T. Purvis' music school took place last Friday evening. Mrs. Purvis is a good teacher and had a good school. Court adjourned Saturday even ing last, and a full week's work was accomplished. Seldom haS" more woik been done here in one week's term of court. Mr. W. H. Blount delivered the literary address last week at the close of Homer's School. The pa pers speak in the most complimen tary terms of his speech. A lawn party was givea at Tois- V not last Friday night, for the bene i tit of the Methodist church. A nice sum was realized and a pleas ant evening enjoyed, we doubt not, Uev. Mr. Cutler preached his last wvrmon of the series last Friday tiizht, and returned to hi home in Richmond, next day. lie preached some tine sermons here which we doubt nut did much good. Mr. Joshua 15. Farmer killed a hawk bat week which meas ured 3 feet 5 inches from tip to tin of wing and 18 inches from beak to tail. That was something of a uawk, we should say. The Advance hears consi'ler vl complaint from the house keepers of Wilson because of the fact they cannot buy less than five nounds of ice at a time, no matter hOT little they may need. The concert to be given by the (adieiot the Presbyteiian church lias been postponed from Friday .lane l'.th to .Thursday June 20th Concert begins .at 8-."0 p.m., ad mission 2.jcts., reserved seats 3.cts, Mr. ,). E. Bath, of Toisnot, show eil us a tobacco leaf that measured Uh x 10 inches, and grown on field that was bare six months ao The tobacco crop of llson couniy wii surprise our people when it i.oused. Prof. W. II. Hand, of the Fre mont Military institute, has been ap; I'lited to assist Prof. J. Y. Joy ii er in his work of rolding County Institutes in the Northeastern counties of the State. A good se lection. - A negro excursion passed though Wilson la.it Mouday from Wilmington to Tarboro. It wss so well loaded that when it reached tins point it did not stop, to cbe lireat disappointment of those at I lie dept. . Third Onarterly Conference of The Methodist chinch next Sunday. f The Presiding Elder. Uev, Jesse i'unuiuggim, will p-each a, special Nei mou to the Woman's Missionary .Society. The evening ami night will be devoted to the cnildieii. .Mis Li.ie Ua'U4s took the vocal '.t,pI.i1 at P. -ace Institute. She has -ui exceptionally line WvUi and the it.t-d.i! waswurihily bestowed. We '-i gK'.ilied that one of our it'll ' " Kir'.s whoiild have ciiiiied off the luiitoc much soa 'lit after. 'Thee in ick stores are in process l oii(!i.,.riin . in Wilson now "ii Nash. Tarboro and (iolds- o street. If the people o-f Wil- s"n would look to their seuoow Uoie there are few towns in the i'ite that would grow more rapid- Mr. I). P. Christman shipped two ,:ia;esuf peaches yesterday from the U.iwls tmck farm upon which he is living. They are the first (ti-inteil from this market. 'This iH.i- by the way. is for sale by C. . i',niils t'.tfcy Awnt. anil ii.irgm is offered in it. Mr. 1). Karnes desires us ttiiY Vli.it in tin. Intiiti. ho irill Hi.ll ixmuiit -V-ictly for cash und sell goods at tw.)i low figures that it will pay to Ixay from hi in even if you bawe Imrrow the money elsewhere, ib. ih ue of our best merchants n does a good business. were Wiley Boddie for 7 vears and Ileury Hunt for 4 years. " ; The Advance should be in the household of every farmer in Wilson connty. It is worth more to you than a paper published anywhere else in the world. Mr. C. F. Wilson, Local Editor of the Advance, has been confined to his bed for nearly two weeks and is theretore not responsible for what may have been said iu these columns last week and this, lie is againfen his legs" and will be at his post next week and for the future. The speech of Mr. W P. Wooten at the meeting ot the Funeral Di rector's Association at. Charlotte was an especially good one lor the occasion, it strikes us. It is pub nsnea in this week's .Advance. l.ead it. He was, by th way. re elected President ot the- Associa tion. ii Fcr Ocraooke. It is with pleasure we call at tention to the advertisement of the Ocracoke Hotel to be found else where in this issue. The ho(;l is under new managemen this season of Messrs. Spencer . Bros. and there is no. more delightful spot along the entire coast than Ocra. coke. The Messrs, Spencer write us that they will spare no pains to make all pleasant for their guests, 250 of whom can be accommodated comfortably. Vre hope quite a number of our people will patronize this popular place this season. The cates are very liberal. "Does farming pay" is discussed in our Barm Department; this week Irom the standpoint of n inlltelli eeut and suecesstul cotton farmer. Keatt the articte and resolve that henceforth you will make farming pay lor you that you will work harder and more intelligently than ever betrore. On the fourth page of this weeks Advance is the account of a most wonderful acenrrence from the pen of Col U. W. Singeltary, formerly editor of the Wilson's Plaiudealer and Wilson- representative in the Legislature. The Col. tells of a strange accurrence and his article is an unusually Interesting one. A gentleman who was! going through the country a few days ago, stopped at Mrs. -Win. Wells, who lives seven miles from town. She says s tie's not been in Wilson since Jonathan Kountree quit doiug business here abopt twenty five years' ago. Wouldn't she cpen her eyes to see Wilson as it is to-day! TheTeachers' Assembly meets at Morehead City next Tuesday. The The Advance does not know of a better opportunity to spend a short while at the seaside. There will be present a splendid Crowd, hotel ami-railroad rates are exceptional ly cheap and every effort has been made to secure a good time for those wbo are so fortunate as to go. W e hope Wilson will be well rep resented on this occasion. We negrlected to state last week that the Town Commissioners had re-elected "Cousin" Jack Simms as tax co'lector. Of course every body knew that without saying so, or-there never was a closer tax collector. He lust worries the life our of each supposed tax payer until he gets the money. He's a good one, any where you put him provided you put him wuere he can use his mouth vigorously. Col. Worthington made a speech in prosecuting, a case of larceny that reflected much credit upon his heart. The old man who was be ing tried lor the onense, the evi dence showed, was sot actuated by malice, and the speech that our generons hearted solicitor made as-one that showed the. nobleness of character with which he is bless ed in a surprising degree. We honor Col. Worthington for tha-t speech. ? A3i Appreciative Trituto- For a good while Mr. W. P, Simpson has been filling out the papers for the Mexican pensioners and one day last week theyBhowed their appreciation of his kindness in a very practical manner. The Mexican veterans marctied in the banking house of Branch & Co., and presented, through Jpo. F. Brnton Esq., a gold headed cane as an evidence of their appreciation of his kindness. Mr. Simpson is one of the most accommodating of men and we've never met a man with whom it is more pleasant to do business. Mr- "Wootea's Address- What He Said at the Meeting of the Fnneral35irect:rs- the court up to press On Thurs- Superior Court. In last week's ADVANCE we gave the proceedings of the time we went to day morning the case of Finch vs Pearson was taken up and labored with diligently all that day and the next. After a lang tussle a verdict was returned by the jury in favor of Pearson. An appeal was taken. The case of J. I. Hales vs. J. J. ii. vicK createasome nciie interest. It was a suit under the statute for harboring a man who had contracted to work lor Hales, but who left him to keep his wife and childern from starving. The case was one calculated to arouse the Sympathy of any man who posesses a heart. It affords us peculiar pleasure to say that the verdict was in lavor of Vick. A more righteous verdict was never given. a ADVICE TO DEE BOYS, 'YER KNOW.' Mine frionts, ehuat listen to me von let-tie vhile: .. Shust mind oud vhere you vhent, But dake a (rouple of your leetle chiles Und visit dot Pharaoh's dent. His trinks are shust der nicest made ; Dot's vot der beoples schream : Der's notinirs dot equals his Lemonade Not kompareSjmit his frozen Gream. I dinks I know vot I'm aboud Vhen dis azzertion I makes : He alvays haf der bifrgest prowds To trink his nice Milk Shakes. Und den der'8 somedinsrs else, "you know," Dat's already not been said ; Take dis advice to Pharaoh's jro Und keep 'vay from der "Spider Veb." PERSONAL MENTION. Eitchen Eurned- Mr. W. Deans7 kitchen was discovered to be on fire .last Satur day night at about 10: 30 o'clock. It burned to the ground, bnt the house was saved, tliongh they were very close to each other. The furni ture was all moved out of the house and there must consequently have been considerable loss. Nash Cstmty Tases. " : The magistrates of Nash county levied, on the first Monday in this month, the following taxes for the year: The tax on real estate be put up to the "constitutional limit, and also that the poll tax be two dollars on i the poll. Other taxes were levied the same as does. Messrs. J F. Powell and W. T elected as the Board oil the State II. Strickland, T. Gnfbn v.ere Education. Needed. Improvements The fire on last Satttrday 'night Illustrates in the most practical manner possible the need of a bet ter water supply for the use of our engine and the boys who oeiong to the fire company. We learn that the Town Commissioners oidered the Mayor some time since to build several more cisterns. Up to date we have only three. We hope our worthy Mayor (and he is an excel lent officer) will have the other cisterns built without' further de lay.. We learn also that the Eoard has also ordered asammer house erected in Maplewood Cemetery. We hope our Mayor will give his immediate attention to these things. Handled Gently.' Some little comment was caused by the manner in which we report ed the cases of State vs. Win. liar riss and W. T. 'Karnes. Judgment was not suspended in all four cases. In onccasej Judgment was prayed, prayer lor judgmeut continued and defendants required to enter into a bond of .;500 to show at the next term of .ho Superior Court that they had ceaei to keep a gaming table. The practical results arc the same as if judgment bad been suspended. The facts are that ug man seed lear to violate some laws on our fcttttftes, further thaa the amount ot co&ta aad lawyers fees. The gentlemanly sport of keeping a gambling den is too ."high toned'' to be dealt with by our court3 oth erwise i than very gently. .' lh musical Maim, ha It All at entertainment UeXt Prill.1V Ill.rl.t '' the benefit of t!ie Presbyterian ' htin h, will be an unusually good ntertiiMiuient. The best musical Went of the town will take part in the 8ame and our peoplemay ex Pect something good. That Mler-Tray Trunk- . Jfumbers of persons have felt the inconvenience in finding access to the lower compartment of their trnuks with the inevitable tray in the way, to be lifted out at great disadvantage to themselves. This groat inconvenience has often de tracted from the pleasure of a journey or from the satisfaction of rummaging in the contents of ones own house the trunk at ho, re. That trouble has been met and annihilated, as will be seen in an advertisement in this paper from II. W. Itouutree e. liro., of lch. mond. We have had the pleasure of examining tua new Eoller-Tray Trunk, and the new contrivance enhances the importance of the trunk at ooce, and renders its frequent use a pleasure rather than a task. It can be four-d for sale at any first-class dealers. Go and see the trunk and judge for yourself. Geo. D. Green, Esq., spent Tues day in Goldsboro. Mrs. R. S. Wells, of Toisnot, was in town Tuesday last. Miss Effie Taylor left Tuesday to visit friends in Clarksville, Va. Miss Lillle Exum, of Whitakers. is on a visit to mends in Wilson. Miss Lucy Whitehead returned home last week from Peace Insti tute. Mr. W. S. Barnes, editor of the Toisnot Rural Home, called to see us Tuesday. Miss Sallie Price has returned home to Wilson from a visit to friends in Weldon. Miss Maggie Jordan is on a visit to her brother, Mr. E. L. Jordan, at Scotland 2ieck. Mr. Calvin Brownley and wife are on a visit to Mrs. Brownley' relatives at Franklinton. II. M. Daniel, Esq , of Rocky Mount, was in town this week and it pleased us to see him. Capt. Sam Hodges and family, of Norfolk. Va., are visiting the family of Mr. Wiley Daniel. Rev. D. H. Tuttle spent a couple of days in Wilmington last week among his did frffends. Mrs. Wm. Peebles and daughter. Mrs. J. C. Lanier, of Greenville, are visiting lnenas in town. Miss Carrie Dozier, of South port, is spending a few weeks with the family of Rev. D. II, Tuttle. Mr. James W. Davis left last week for Baltimore to have another operation performed on his eyes. Miss May Murray returned home last week from Virginia, where she had oeen on a visit to her sister Mr. E. G. Rawlings, wire and baby are spending some time with Mrs. II. D. Daniel, Mrs. Rawhng' mother. Miss Mary Lily Kenan has been spending sevtral days in Wilson visiting the family of Mr. A Branch. Prof. Silas E. Warren left Tues day last lor Wake Forest College Commencement which is being held this week. Mr, Charles B. Taylor has re turned home from Lonisville, Ky., where he has been attending a business college. Mrs.. Fentressand little Edwin Taylor left Wednesday for their home in Raleigh, accompanied by Mrs. K. M. Uudal. Mr. and Mrs. Branch and Miss Mattie returned home last week From Chapel Uill, where thev at tended Commencement. Miss Lena Taylor, who has been spending several days here, is at attending Davis School commence ment, at LaGrange, this week. Misses Lizzie Barnes, Fannie Graves, Susye SJmms, Hennie Green represented Wilson at the University Commencement last week. Little Miss Bettie Wahab, who has been going to school here and living with Judge d. W. Lancaster, left last week for her home in Ilyde county. j George Connor, Panl Branch and lio&ert Whitehead, returned las!; Friday from Chapp). Hill, where they' have been attending tjie University. Mx.-B.-F. Tyson, of Greenville, passed through Wilson Tuesday and called at the Advakck office to see us. lie waa on his way home from Chapel Hill. ' Jno. R. Underwood, Esq., the energetic Secretary of the Rocky fMount Fair, called to see us Mon day. He is determined to make the fair, this year the biggest and best ever held at Rocky Mount. Miss Nina Gibbs has been teacht ing iu the Collegiate Institute left last week for Durham where she is teaching a class in stenography ana typewriting. Miss GibDs is a most accomplished young lady and I. splendid teacher. The people ot Durham are to be congratulated. Mr. W. P. Wooten, of our town, is .Fresident of the Funeral Dir ectors Assocition. At the meeting held in Charlotte last week, he said, in opening the meeting : "lnereare twi ways certainly of measuring time. ; One is by the time piece, which tells the seconds. minutes and hours, the other wav is reckouing by what has been suffered and accomplished. The former belongs to the hermit; the latter to tbe laboriug business man. The history of the whole world nnder the former may be set forth in a few brief words ; nnder the latter the heavens must need be taken for a scroll and a cambric needle for a pen. , "Men of action are associating themselves more noticeably now than ever before in the history of our State, and he who stoops to tie his shoe string courts the danger of being run over. As the world moves forward we must advance with it in the wisdom and educa tion peculiar to the duties required of, us, or we must give place to men more worthy of the people's confidence. "We have again assembled aa Fnneral Directors for purposes well known to us all. I assure you that it gives me pleasure to greet you, and to recognize in each one of yon a friend and co-laborer in one com mon cause that of mutual improve ment and personal advancement in our common business. "Shall we not be diligent in per fecting ourselves in a work whi'-h draws upon the highest and finest sensibilities of a mant and being well aware of the trials and trying scenes incident to our profession, snouid we wot be awakened to a just and generous sense of our obli gations to each other, as men and brethren in the interchange of experiences and a liberal discussion of questions which present them selves for settlements f Our association is increasing in numbers, and our individual re sponsibilities accumulate in the same proportion; and while onr union together is primarily a mat ter of business, let us not forget and sunn the opportunities we may have for aiding morally and intel lectually the weak and indifferent ones among us. I am indebted to vou for the honor you have conferred upon me. Although unworthy, I can assure you that in serving vou I have realized the great good which must be ours if we fail uot in our duties and undertakings. I trust we shall have a pleasant and profitable session, wlme here, we are relieved ot home duties. Let us rest together and remember Rest is not quitting the busy ca "reer : Rest is thefitting of one's self tor his sphere. RsckEidge Academy. The closing exercises Rock Ridge Acadeny .took place last Thursday. The Advance would have been represented but for the fact that court was in session and that the Local Editor was sick. The ex ercises were Tery creditable, we learn from thotte who had the good fortune to be present on that in teresting occassion. The children showed that they bad been tangbt by teachers (Miiwes Valley age and Lee Parker) wbo threw in their work their hearts and souls teach ers who worked with earnestness and enthusiasm. The address of I Judge n. G. Connor ws what might have bten exoected. It was a speech to suit the occasion, in an especial sense. It was filled with common sense was filled with information and advice which was calculated to do good. No speech has been delivered in Wilson coun ty that was calculated to do great er good and inspire those who heard it more with a determination to make their lives broader and better. The Advance doea not believe there is any section of Wil son county where the people have made more rapid strides in tbe march of progresH than in the section reacbod by Rock Ridge Acadeny. Wonld that every neighborhood in tbe State was blessed with a similar school and a similar spirit ot co-operation. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. The Commencement Exercises Place. Take MARRIED. Mr. J. R. Pender and Miss Lillie Brown, ot Tarboro, were married ou Thursday lasU. Tbe ADVANCE I knows of few jtcople whom it would be more pleased to tee enjoy tbe fulluest fruition of happines. June 2nd, in Sharpsburg, Miss IJeueretta Robbins was married to Mr. W. G. Hales. The contrac ting parties are all of this county and the AnvACE joins their circle of friends in wishing for them a rich fruition or love's golden dream and a long life oi real happi ness. DIED. The musical concert of the Wil son Collegiate Institute took place last Thursday night. We desire to congratulate Miss Lilly Gay, the music teacher, upon the splendid selections she made. The pro gramme was one exhibiting nnnsu ai gooa taste, according to cur opinion. Life l too short, tie dangers of particularizing are too numerous to attempt to speak specially of those .who did best. Most of the pieces were well rendered, several given in a style that attracted gen eral admiration and all executed ia a very creditable manner. The following programme was given March, Misses Gertrude Bloant. Nolia Gardner, Bessie Harriss Love Shall Guide Thee, Misses Ida Batts, Mary G. Connor, Bessie Hadley, Cora Wiustead; Medley Misses S. Gay, H. Richardson, Batts, E. Brodie; Solo. "Les Rameaux," Miss Uattie Harriss Overture, '-Homage ae Verdi." Misses H. Qhurchweil, . Harriss B. Hadley, I. Batts; Valse. Misses A. Barnes, L. Warren. M Hadley; Solo, "I Think of Thee," Miss Hat tie Chnrchwell ; Banjo, Misses B. Hadly, Gertrude Blount; Interna tional Airs, Misses A. Harriss. A. Lewis, S. Gay, I Batts; Solo, "Fish ermaideu," Miss Mary G. Connor; Gavotte, Misses A. Lewis, N. Rich ardson, S. Gay; Cinnamon Rose, Misses A. Barnes, M. Hadley, B. Savage; Impromptu Polsa, Misses C. Gardner, S. Gay, B. Harriss, E. Brodie; See the Pale Moon, Misses I. Batts, Cora Winstead; Corona tion Trio, Misses B. Hadley, H. Chnrchwell, Mary G. Connor; Solo, "Pretty Pearl,'' Miss Allie Barnes; March Militare, Misses Jennie Gay, (J. Joyner, B. Harriss; March of trie Videttes, Misses G, Blount, N. Gardner, C. Joyner; Non E Ver, jiiss iaa uaits; uanpn oi uagaan, Misses G. Blount, A. Lewis, B Harriss, N. Gardner; In the Lan guage of Lovi?j Miss Uattie Church well; Overture,. Misses B. Hadley, M. G. Connor, A. Harriss, H, Chnrchwell, A. Lewis. II. Harriss. Numeross certificates of distinc tion were given. Misses Hattie Churchwell.Bessie Hadley, and Hat tje Harriss graduated in music and were presented vith Diplomas iy Jno, F. Brutou, Ksq., in one of the most unique aud appropriate speeches we have ever heard on a similar occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pridgen, of Toisnot, lost their little boy last Friday night, we regret to learn. To them we extend our sympathy. Mr. Wm. Adam's little boy died on Tuesday or last week. The little fellow was only a year or two old when called to the land of rest. On V ednesday of last week Mr. Hardy Ken frow'a little child died. The fuueral took place on the day following. The Advance extends sympathy. Mr. Jesse Pittman departed this life at his residence near Wilson on the 7th day of June in tbe 80th year of bis age. He bad lived more than the allotted time ot man to be of service to bis people and the country in which he lived. He was a member of MU Lebanon Masonic tiodge and bis remains were buried by his brother Masons on Saturday, with the impressive ceremonies ot tbe order. Mrs. Mahala Dixon, wife of ' Mr. Thos. Dixon, and daughter of Mr. Wiley J. att, die last Saturday morning at about 2 o'clock. Tbe cause ot the death was supposed to be heart disease. She was 44 years old. She was a member of I tha Misftionarv Ranfinf. hnrnh anil a Christian woman. She leases a husband, eleven children and friends to mourn her departure. She was buried at the "Batts graveyard,'' the services being con ducted by uev. M. S3. Read. Take Notice. All interested in having their clothes made to order will please call and examine my line of spring samples now ready for inspection I Having made arrangements with a first-class tailoring establishment amr eady to fill orders at short notice. A perfect fit guaranteed or no. sale. A. llEILBRONEB, Agent for Jacob Reid & Son's Tailori ng Department OME TRIAL OF MY NEW YORK STATE JOQUET It K AM Eli Y B UTTEB WILL CONVINCE YOU That it is the FINEST BUTTER YOU HAVE EVER HAD ON YOUR TABLE. ."e. ll ."c. AT-.- J.T. McCRAW'S. IIO.UE If EMS. Go to Bryan's Pavilion and get a glass of lemonade. Wanted. A tew regular, or tabla boarders. For terms apply to Mtca. J G.'PENNIh'GTON. Wanted. 1,000 bushels of Huckleberries, at the Family Gro cery of D. S. Boykin & Co., corner Nash and Godsboro streets. Bryant's Ice Cream and Lemon ade Pavilion is an attractive place. Ice Cream, Lemonade, Milk Shakes, Mrs. Albert Anderson desires to add more papils to her mnsic class now and during the sum nier. Terms very reasonable. Just received: Fresh lot of Roy stcr's candy at Nurney & Cobb's- Royster's Fresh Cream Chocolate at Nurney & Cobb's. Nurney & Cobb have taken the agency for the Safety Tethering Machine, which will pay for itself in four weeks. Price $2.50. Try it If you wan i a nice torn out for an evening drive at reduced rates, give us a call. Good, fast horses, aad new buggies. In addition to Jivery we nave sale, leed and ex change stables. ByJ4.0Cfc & BARNES. F VJU jl IJLJ VJ1JLL JLV O THE X O Has grown so weak that scarce lay a negro can be found who will admit that he ever Intend ed going to Kans&a. The weath er ha3 grown eo hot that the grease fries out of the leanest man. Many things have chang ed, but the old and reliable business house of M. ROHM WHITE 'IRON FRONT OUR list of attractions for the Spring Sa.on i cow com plete, and the enormity of onr offering Fun rini our cus tomer and bewilder our competitor-. On every Land we hr-tr words of rralM regarding tie tx-auty of our e!tion. Our stocks In every department are o cotnj lete tLt wLardly know . wnere to begin to enumerate, naturally though it i with the DRESS GOODS. Is still headquarters for all kinds of Farm Supplies. Thi9 house has done business in Wilson for about a quarter of a century, and its patrons con tinue trading with them year after year because they sell the BEST GOODS AT THE LOW EST PRICES. Is bo well filled at all times that the nncles, cousins, sisters and aunts of the trading public find exactly what they want, and at bottom prices. Teir supply of lawns and otucr summer dress good is a tpeclally well selected stock. MM: . iere we claim that our fttvk In Seroti 1 1 None in the KUle. V Jf.V lL? STYLISH MATKKIAI.s la u, u ftul bllADE, bolij.-, l'laid. Strij. Klcur- nd Je I'.and. Then e have a most ftiperb line of 1 KIMMINGS tn MATCH, ron Lting in parj of India Silks, Main and 1 Wy Stirah Silk-. lVr iau Band., Huibruidered Cut Raud Ktiit-r.-idere! ITannel esta, with bands to mitr h. Silk and Jet Ias-P menterU, Ac; Ac In wash dre.-s goods we Lave everything that is tJesirall I rota '.he lowest priced calico and lawn t the On! Sr-.trl 'j hyrp ind French Salines all in variety and abundance. 1 hir white -roods department is completene- ielf. Ahi.ti !!. Ener arades we offer beautiful hemf-titrhed and tucked lli:;t ruiderej ' louncings, with narrow ed4'e an l lurked iortioii 1,. luatrh Embroideries, Ires, Ac, Ac, in all desirable tdyle-. Wo would call special attention to our China Matting? ; here v e purchased a special Importation of CO piece.-, and are maided t offer thera , it prices which have never been touched before; we have fancy styles from i.(K per roll of iO yardi U ;o d. i,er iard for lVr jian Damask effect-. Now we would like to say to the gentUtnen, young and oi l, ; large and jmall, let your wants be what they will In the way of wearing apparel, we can uit you. We have low priced, medium grades and fine goods In evervtbing that pertains ti i:i u'i wear. ; In this connection wo would lik to call attention to our Mer j :hant Tailoring Department. Hero we lave every advauUe U pun the most fa.-tidi iu-, at popular prices. We carry an ere'. 1 lent line of suiting-, make them up a-stylirhly and a- gtHd as , anyone and guaran.ee a perfect Ct. When buying fr-.ru u. you are certain to have the cuit m.m: t 01:1.1:1: and run no ri.-k of : getting a ?ult taken Irora flock and altered to Hir u a 1 it, be side, the money paid for making Is attributed among worthy people in our own community. A word to the littU chap-, and we are done. We have for you an iuimen.-e variety of cuil., ranging in price Troiu $I..Vi a Milt upward-. All arn ftylMily made and by the leading boy clothing1 hou-e America, S which means that proper attention U paid to the f.t of the gar- men vs. r- I - Ml 1 An early inspection of our .-lock will be appreciated. WisrtlUTFULLY, ' J. & D. OETT1NGER I I' 1 PURE DRUGS. - PERFUMERY OFTHE BEST.! DRUG- STORE LS THE PLACE TO SECURE THE PUREST OF DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY OF THE VERY BEST, TRUSSES, Ac., Ac At the lowest pric-o at which these thine can possibly be fold. O.11 ' Supply of Proprietary Medicines is not surpassed iu tbe town, and we pay tbe strictest attention to keep ing up our stock to meet the demands of the most capricious. uur i-KEbUKllTlUM DEPARTMENT is in careful and competent hands, and either Dr. V. S. or Dr. Albert Anderson can alvays U- lounu superiDienaiug mis aepartmcut of our business. SODA WATER FOUNTAIN. Our Soda Water fountain ia now in full blast. Soda Water. Mineral Waters of all kinds, Mils Shakes, &c, served to suit tbe lover of coo.' luniks 10 uniiK OUR LINE OF BOOKS, Such aa the Seaside, Lovell and other libraries is well attended to a j'l all the latest publications of this character kept in stock. When in need of anytibng in our linef give us a call SPEING 1889. A.. I-IEIJUBRONISK, 1 I take creat pleanre in annoaneine tny return Irom VoMUeia , markets, in which 1 S-ul two weeks lor the purjoe ol m-1c ; tuy SPRING STOCK. This beins my firM :ring reason on tlii tnatiet Ut or. r. I can assure you all that 1 did leaTe Do'.bmp undone to tecure only tbe NEWEST and tbe moht TYL1SII Librios on tb mukil, U 1 o pose to sell at Popular Prices. m mn mi m mum m IS COMPOSED OF .THE LEAPING SHADES AND FAIUrlCi W. S. ANDERSON. Wilson, X. C. SUITABLE FOR THE SPKIMS SEASON. MY I.I V. cF SATINES AND WASH GOODS -IH VI UV LAU'iK.- Just try one ponnd of McCraw'a fine butter. The nicest line of French candies is touud at MeUraw's. Nice chiiiped beef at McCraw's. .Oue t'fial of McCraw'a pure lard will couvince ou of its merit. For nice crocki-rv ami chiua go to McOraws. . McCraw i)Us movrd !o L. Ed ward's old stand. McCraw didivrrx hi goods free of charge, at .m I. our. We buy our jfto.-ent' at Mc Craw's Iwc-Miie tli- aie the best AH orders ti!Utd and goods promptly delivered left at, McCraws. McCraw will grind jour coffee free of charge. Buy" your goods from McCraw because they are all new and fresh. NEXT DOOR TO THE FOSTOFFICE. IX WHITE QOODS; 1 lis g. a i. s s 7 L ljs.81 p J? - - Pn'V - . IS- ! - I taS ;-5 t W !;Laces AND - Embroidery J V- S 'l AM SATISFIED Til AT I HAVE THE I.EADIM; hTii'K L m CETIIhU WITH A COMPLETE LINE ik HEMSTICHED, CHANDILLY, VALINZIN, AND SWISS FLOUNC1NCS l O:: LADIES AND MISSES. IN THIS LINE I lEKr f XlMI'Ef illON. Notice, HEDGES AMI- 'ORNAMENTAL TREES Neatly lruncd and put in va rious shapes liy It. Q. Eva mi. Havlnv i.uH8ed aa eiecuuix Of tbe laH will and tea Lament of W. O. kilts, di-oi-a.1. lato of Wlison, N. C . thlB Is to notify all persons ha loir elalms against the esute of said devuut-d to exhibit them to the underpinned or her at torney on or before the lit a day of June lxv. or this notice will be plead in bar of their re- cvery. All praons lnueoua 10 saiu nuit "III pieajte make itnmeaiate payment. Mks, MuLLIh A. K I.I.I S. Executrix. JOHN F.BRUTON. Atfy. This June 11, J. F. WHITE, THE SI for 1889! LAST, I LT NT LKA r, I MX L!.i. J RITTEtWOW TO iy Subscribe to tba Adyanck. Alfred Robinson, "Fashionable Barber. Hairdresser, I1SH STREET, IIISOS, H. C. I bare the flneat and nratest BarW r Shop ever opened in Wilson, and onvoi the 10 the Butle. Sharp ctsaora. keen ra.iii and experi enced workmen always in atu-u!a-i.. Ad er rand boy. for the ooovenieouu of uuKtomera. has been emptojed. Cotue and try me ncu. I ar i. uxMiiy r.j. wrtiis. AID FOR DEIOCRiCT. Tiiv SrV N lnves thst the camnalvn for the 'lN.tion of a XEemoiTattc O.f.yrt n IrtMi and a lH.ieratic I'rMKlfnt la l2 shouH trv-iti noralut the fourth of n tt March. Tn: ht ! will lMon Mod at ihetx-rioniMr and until the einl of ih nnt inn-rti.tiir an1 Imprrtam politiLsl cM.otllrt ince the ir. dotnc ita h tt utriifMt. an ever, to actcurr the triumph o ini" imrtiicpiny ni inf p-nnanrat an 5in-ma y of the pnncipics held lif IcCerwH. larkMin. and TiUleo. Thesriwt factnf the rt-ar is the re urn t atiolute power of the cmmoa rnemy of a riiut) IwonmH-Hirpi.iit.irraamtKnf'. how overthrow TftK M foiirht m tbe trut, fur ftftt-n crv the tmmu.ralile years t. tirant and the I' rand Hayes, and OarOeld sui i Arthur. It m the Mine old en-my that IVmocrat now confront, and he will t intrent4rd .i the Mime tronir pition. It has be (tnv otic-ty lirave an l hnpful lulling. Iki y mt ttelicve with Tot m that the Uuo be ..n-airain f Wait and s-! The bojie of the l.roTai-y is in tba loj rftortaef a united pnt clirn.tun to m (iri of pant differvner in non-vuentiala. n ri-tiiwr evrrrthin but the lnm of eapci eiii-e. anl that victory Is a duty. i'rtjtaibly you know iHtMK alridy as newspaper wiin-n iruu; ine h wism pro. It in niromparably tnteriotinv shape: vtii. ( hmoicivt faei aa they oncur and lella tt. truth about men an! r-ent4 with abeol. frlvMia. Biakinc the catmnloteat and nt eniirtamioif Journal pullmbrd anfwbere earth: and whti-b sells ita opioiooaooly to r sulocnlwrs and purcbaivra at twooaotaa oov on Oundays four eenu. If you do aH km. Thk Kl'. send for it and lewro what a woo let ful thiDtf it is to ba La tbt sunshine. 1 CHILDRENS', BOY'S, YOUTHS' AND MENS CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, AND FURNISHING GOODS. I"? SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS 01KLl:i:D IN.J MATTINGS, ! To -which I call jour attention. IIiMm rail eUic j-nrrli-inj: riiewncre. A. Hcilhroner, (mANa.KK,) T..r M. 1 EOtJ.