Ad VANCE. m rf, J -THE ADVANCE" - I Oil OM.l ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS Cash in Advance. -JOB 1VOICK LET ALL THE E3DS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE Tilt COBNTK1S, THY COD'S, AND TKUTHV." r"3 "222 orncz.- VOLUME 19. WILSON . NORTH CAROLINA, JUNE 27, 1880. nun&Ln, zz BILL ARFS LETTER TU ' I'li; A XI A CM LV HA ISIC ttACKET. The '"' Sci-Sair and Jlrti. .lii. lil'1' Other Jl'omen, ,) .""' "'' ,,,c High Hiding. When will this thing stop I am n.t cilia and serene. It i n t ! 'ri'l-' y but it looks like ,,Vt,n -thing has got wrong side ,,. i bought thexhildren some fun's rhickens from Will Hen (j,T.-oii--.-ouie beautiful black iuu'.-lsa'is whose forefathers and u:.Hhers were all the way from A -da. They had laid four- tnt'ii eggs large, beautifu f:s-ami me hens were ha'ppv, and the rooster and the children, too. Hut, alas forhu man hopes and Liintrshan egg? My wile tola ine not long ago that we ought to have a pig, nice, clean mile pur, to eat up the waste and ttie scraps and all the et cetera and so forth, and sdie mentioned that neighbor Freeman had one tfiat cost! onlv a dollar a few months ago,'1 an 1 it had grwn and fattened and nourished until it,weighed 20o pounds, and he sold it for twelve dollars . and cave his wife the money,- aud he had bought another pig to do the fanw tiling over, and it was a matter of economy, aud so 1 bought a sweet little pig, and it was kept in the cow lot, and Carl made a trough and it wal lowed in the buttermilk and was behaving splendid until last rriiiht somebody left the gate open and the sweet little potted thing came out. aud meandered around and found the liens, -nests aud gobbled up the '.v holes concern and .wanted more. It made the children rk'ht sick, and they .wanted to kill the pig-, and about that time 1 came out to my i'avorite seat in the front .'piazza, to ruminate upon the rise and fall of sublunary things, when suddenly I missed the beauti lul vines that had been mean dering up the cane lattice that I lil l.nilf Oh' m i nmi n t nr 1 ' ne uay while .Mrs. Arp was gone 1 built that lattice to sur prise her and revive the smil ing sunlight in her eyes. It is a beautiful lattice ; made of long smooth canes that reach from the rroiiii: to the upper piazza, and they are interlaced cross- f. ways, like basketwork, with other canes, and the madeira vines and morning glories had already climbed every cane nearly to the top and were spreading their leaves aud ten drils and closing out the sun light; and I had left little openings along for windows so that we could peep through and see who was passing along the street, or who was coming up the avenue to see us, and mo? every day I bet with the child ren as to which vine would . grow the fastest by next morning, aud now here it is Oh, my-country. ! the calf got out when the pig did, and while the pig was feeding on Latnrshan eggs at two dollars a i1o::mi. the infernal calf was stuffing his maw with maderia vines and morning glories, and tLfii w?nt oif and laid down right in our sight, and was cliewiiig her cud, a cud made of the vines that were our hope and our delight. When will dig post holes, or weed onions, or skin a cat backwards all day long. The It takes so much explanation and exaggeration so much per suasion and evasion, and the whole thing is so monotonous, and every man has to be talked to as gently as a s'icking-dove but after awhile they surren der and put down for about half what they ought to, and you" heave a sigh and go ou to the next man. "They are asking too much for that land and my money shan't go into no such extortion. When will Colonel Ball build the shops? What kind of shops is he going to build? What does he want' with so much ground ? No, sir, I'm not gping to be fooled again. I ain't forgot that fur nace yet that swindled us. out of our money. What's become of them furnace fellows? I put twenty-five dollars in a car factory once and Bill Noble came up here and toted it oil to Anniston right, before our eyes. Don't you reckon this is all a trick of the. land compauy? If I wasn't afraid them shop fellows would . vote whisky back into this town I would subscribe. The shops ain't go ing to help any busiuess at all, for more people will bring more stores and the new set will cut under and get what trade I have got. Colonel Ball is going to put the shops here anyhow, and I know it. His railroad folks are them rich bondholders in New York, and l say let them buy their own lind." One by one they would take the list and look over every name on it and talk about thi n J i a. -v- a i -i man ana mat man. ana it wouia take from ten minuses to half an hour to get through with man, but we generally got something before we left. One man from whom we didn't ex pect a cent, spoke up promptly and said, "yes, I will give yoh fifty dollars," aud he treated us to cigars in . the bargain Another man rrom whom we expected a hundred gave us twenty-hve, ana so we Kept up the equilibrium and raised the money. What curious rea- tures we are ! I have heretofore been round with a church sub scription to raise a thousand dollars for the preacher,- and it takes the same hard, patient work to succeed at that, and atter you hive succeeded it takesithe same kind of hard worbf every month to collect the monthly dues. T)ur deacon is a plasterer aud works hard at his trade, but he Las to lose about two days t every month begging the members to pay their church dues. But all this work and patience and forbear ance must be endured lor the ood results that are to,-follow "WELL, PM ZEB." Way They Tell it at the Na tional Capitol. " - - FOR THE FARM. ruin n r.r.v.R.v ntf rif v. sm i. i nianas j mand upon his bank account, 'and as a natural consequence, i has the ready cash for most de The Washington's Post's talk ing machine grinds out the fol lowing on our Zeb: "When Senator Zeb Vance, of North Carolina, was younger than he is now, he used to travel ex tensively over.the State on an easy-going pacer, making stump speeches and keep ng in tough with his constituents. His kinsman, Robert B. Vance, followed a similar course, but made a specialty of playing the camp-meeting and church peo plewhile Zeb was looked upon as a lost sheep and a dangerous person generally. One day Zeb was riding up a mountain path, when he met a country women riding down, "Howdy, General Vance," said she. The gallant Zeb responded in his most effective style, and the dame immediately launched uto a long discussion of the bush meetin' " she had been attending-, telling of the numer ous brands plucked from the burning and the various trials and tribulations which are the ot Christian souls. "My good woman," interrupt ed the Senator, "You evidently take me for Bob Vance." "Why sartiu." "Well, I'm Zeb." "Lord goddlemity !" scream ed the poor woman, as she lay down on the horse's neck and larruped him into a dead run down the mountain, scared half to death at the thought of be ing alone - on the road with that notorious Zeb Vance." Oriffinal, Borrowed, Stolen and Communicated Articles on Farming. The Advance baa always en deavored to do whatever lay in its MEETING THE TRUST. The delegates to the Birming ham meeting were, it seems to us, men of the right kind. If we will stand by their action power to aid the farmers. We j "trusts!' will receive a blow propose to make the paper ot as much practical value to the tillers of the soil as it is in our power, To do so we expect our farmer frieuds to help us. We hope to have at least one original article from the pen of some practical farmer ever week aud we here id now- earnestly request them t-i assist us in this way ami there by help in tin? practical education of the farmers of the State. NAUTICAL LIFE. :o:- .V THE GASG EA -V WA TEIiS. A CITY OF PALACES. It is said that ealt around a grapevine in a radius of three or four feet, sufficient to whiten the ground, is a pre ventive of mildew iu the grapes. It is a simple remedy and is easily tried. which they will not forget soon, but we need not expect that they will cease tryintr to get rich off the necessities of the poor and laboring classes. We will have to meet organization of capital by organizing and j making use of something else in place of articles on which "trusts" are formed, when pos Kd-1 i sible, or manufacture them our- j selves, or use some means to spread avoid using articles -a' which trusts are formed, before we can succeed in breaking up such organizations. Lumber ton Ilobesoniau. r CO KIT KKOM DAI BY COWS. It ij n Tirwttir unnd iiativa The Advance notes with pe- l lhnt. iU inakA .,nn nmind culiar pleasure the fact that the . d batter a vea- averaging farmers of this section are ray-,9even ds week for ing more attention to Oieir j nearl ten montLs of that time, cattle than they have ever done. rf tUe butter be soia for o There are several dairy larms ! .a . .,.,,. !f ;i .M a ia,. small though they are-in ,er averakre profit per acre for the this section of the State that ,.jw1j ..,,li;p-1 t.,, ti. n... supply considerable butter for the markets. There is no reason in the, world why all the butter used in North Carolina should not be produced right at 'our doors. Ibis thing stop? 1 ripped and I raved, and I walked the piazza hackwards and forwards and put on all the agony. I could raise. I confounded the xig and the calf and the gate and the unknown individual who left it open. 1 knew, that Mrs. Arp would hud out from the child ren what was the matter, aud so i wanted to out Jlerod Herod and steal her thunder, for she is a prudent woman aud never gets on a tare when she sees me on a tare. And that's rig!it. When' Airs. Arp is on a tare I aid as meek a- a lamb. It is like playing se-saw when one irf mi the other is down though 1 sometimes think l! don't get my share of 'nigh rid ing. But 1 rode high this morn ing and the next thing I heard was Mrs. Arp at the piano; and she was playing; Afaby's d i lighter,' and her low, sweet outes caine over me like the Ai-ot south wind breathing s1h a bank of violets. By the tune the breakfast bell rang I h'ul mellowed down smartly . an I 'n Arp said she thought that U,h villus would sprout aMiu from the roots and we wiMiiilu't lose more than two weeks, but that 1 had better '"end the calf to the country. It does look like there is al ways something to prey upon something. The bad is mixed n; with the good and we have -to fi-M the battle of life through tribulation and vexa tion and aggravation .and all the other atioiiu. Alter breakfast I had to go to town and lielo to work on the citizens to raise money I'euoitgh o buy the land for the niilroad shops. The committees hud been working on them for three days and had a whooper U meeting every night, aud Kill were short about a thous 1 dollars, and the committee -': t sick and went to bed, and j had me put on a new committee' a a relay a sort of last resort and it was the hardest work I f:Ver done or will try to do a'aiti. I had rather stand up "in and grub downwards, The good is more than the bad and I feel easy aud grateful now except for the calf and the pig. When I think of them I go out in the garden and pici a bowl of strawberries and put some sugar and cream all over them and take them to Mrs. Arp and that satisfies me. It is a fact that we have been eating strawberries from, our garden every day since the 11th day of April, and we had them for dinner to-day. Who can beat that? And I planted every plant myself last sprieg was a year ago. Last fall I covered the ground two inches deep with cotton seed, and 1 advise everybody else to do the same I have only four rows a hundred and twenty feet long, and we gathered berries by the wat ic bucket full. I never saw as many in my life on the same space. They are the Cnarles Downing ahd the Sharpless va rieties and have given us more comfort and used up more sugar than a little. Confound the calf and the pig. ..Bill- Akk A VerylSensibla Reply. A gentleman . in Massachus etts. when recently onerea a package of infidel publications, answered as follows : "It you have anything better than the 'Sermon on the mount,' the parable of the " 'prodigal son,' and that of the ' 'Good Samari tan. or if vou have any better code of morals than the Ten Commandments, orj anything more consoling and beautiful than 2:1 Psalm. or, on the whole, "anything that will make this dark world more bright than the Bible, anything that will throw more light on the future, and reveal to me a Father more merciful and kind than the New Testament, please hand it to me." 12x. : BocTlTegra Eiucatm Pay ? During the past twenty years the South has devoted more than 37,000,000 through self imposed taxation to the educa tion of negroes. More than 91 per cent, of this sum has been paid by the whites. Have they a greater sense of the dignity of labor now than they had at the close of the war? Has their moral condition been improv ed ? Do they vote intelligent ly ? To all these questions the auswer is emphatically, No ! Does it not seem,then, that the vhites. have for nearly a quar ter of a century spent nearly 2,000,000 a year in a worse than useless undertaking? Memphis Avalanche. A "cotton chopper" or horse- hoe has just been inventea by a South Carolinian, and works so well that it is expected to q-iite supersede the old-time hand- hoe. The inventor claims that by using his implement the cotton planters may save them selves iust S7,00X),0U0 a year. Rakigh Call. , We rather expect that ne groes and "the old lime hand- hoe" will continue to do the work for some time to come. than can be got from grain growing at - present prices, li three acres are required to feed a cow through, the year, this is 20 an acre profit, leaving skim milk for the pigs and manure from the cow to pay for the la bor. But there are ways to greatly increase this profit. With fodder corn as a basis of the ration and the purchase of wheat-bran, corn-meal and oth er meals as necessaries, a cow may be kept most or the year ou a little more than an acre Better still, by the addition of improved blood the cow may be bred to produce much more of both milk and butter per year. lfEYOXD CO M I " H EH EN'S I o X. There are in America over 1,000,000 farms, large and small. They cover near 3,000,000,000 acres of improved land, and their total value is something like 10,000,000,000. These fig ures are not, of course, compre hensible. They simply convey the idea of vastnes of area, and equal vastness of import ance. The estimated value cf the yearly produce of these farms is between 2,000,000,000 and :',0u0,000,000. AND KILL TRUSTS. No class or profession can better remedy their own condi tion than the farmers them selves. As loug as they buy Western pork and beef; send o t for their grain and hay, as many do, instead of raising all these supplies themselves, they will ever be at the . mercy of those men who corner these commodities in order to make large profits. True independ ence will come from raising home supplies sufficient for home demands aud with some thing to spare for the home market. Durham Sun. NEW KhMEDY KoU HO(i CHOLERA. A writer in the Southern Planter, of Richmond, Va., says to the Commissioner of Agri culture : "I will place in your hands one hundred dollars to pay for hogs if they should die with the so-called hog cholera, if you will have tested the fol lowing remedy, which I have used with great success : Take a sack of salt and a barrel of hard wood ashes, (hickory or oak preferred), mix the salt and ashes thoroughly, prepare a box of any convenient size, put it under cover where the hogs can have free access to it at all times, and keep a supply of the mixture in it. This mixture will cost you one dollar and ome trouble, but will be suf ficient for several hogs for one ear. It will not prevent hogs rom taking the disease if they are allowed to come in contact with diseased hogs,, or are per mitted to eat hogs that have died from the disease, and may not cure it. Farmers, try this log cholera preventive : it is cheap; it is practicable." Out of the Surf of f'izayajnitatn. The Yellow Uooglij. Scenes and Wonders in the Indian Capital. CalcCTtj, India. As great a diversity is presented to the ea larer in the conditions of the watery element on which his safety depends, as is revealed to the trav eler iu the contracts of lulls and valleys, and of mountain ami plains. The sea, as modified by the current", the wind, the trend of the 8hore, the beaches, the surf, the shallows, the islands and the mouths of contiiieiital rivere, is an ever chaugiug element to which the navigator must adjust his ship and by which his movements must e regulated. Iu the choppy waters. ii the heavy curl, iu the roiling breakers and in the sluggish chan nels his creat craft is -it best a mere plaything, and is toed about or allowed to drift idly along pretty much as though it were ot no ac count. Iu the-surf of am, oort of considerable size aud his toric note, on the Imiiau coast Ite law Calcutta, an ordinary chip's oat could not live to reach shore. lletween the laud and the anchor- i?e for vessels intervenes a bar, over which the sea rolls iu breakers hat are really appalling to con template. The natives, however, make the passage back aud forth in tuvir surl Isjats with safety. The lsjats are built with wery high gunwales, the passengers and crew Mtting ou seats near the top. The sight is a startling one, lot the boats appear top heavy, especially the occupants so high in the air, aud those unfamiliar with them begin to wonder that ever) thing is not swallowed up in the waves. They are so well ballasted aud so carefully handled, that they co over the bar without much diflicul lyor danger. The sensation on hoard is somewhat thnlhng.and one limls that he has reac'ed a mental state of moral cer';- v that the craft never will u-aen -hore, but despite his fear ho has lo learn that a boat is very rarely capsized Auother craft, more primitive iu Us construction, is used by the natives iu navigating the surf, made iu the form of a rait of lour or live logs lasl.ed together side by side, on which the boatmen stand aud di rect its course with paddles. At times their craft seems to be staud ing on end, and iu meeting a breaker is completely submerged. he water coming nearly to the vaists of the m-u who are not at all discommoded or alarmed. If men were thrown, as prisoners in a f A Ffa-I- room eighteen feet Fj iare, and " twenty-three were talen oat a ir. r ' 7 , ..V. The teachers, clubs ind poWcLZV 7 n v houses of substantial ' -d. In J- a'ent,L Mer?'. lTl9on BUke dition to the narks i. ,i nrmn . Eian rnbUhers, baa reen ades. with which the. v abounds, ; "ntfalk&dingharttoacbool is a large Zoolog:cal ". .Jen, which 1 1 -nmitteep, f nd that be rep re- contains specimens o' ;i.n,t of the : ents that the State Snperinten- animals of India, ircluding the o nt favora micli silea. This famous rcan-eating tig r. a noble- ' to say that any such recre- iuk uiiui, -nsiorv in natations ar nttorlr f1 e. .id J specially request all cunty authorities not to pur chase the? chart. If I am enrrectiy informed, the price Is viy high. Then too our school f..nd i.i too small to Instlfr w the wild jungles Im-n record or scores of human beinys who fell victims to bis rapacity. . lhe old city is witho -' social in terest in its outward I la our rambles through iu sir .-ts.orieuial scenes in shops, baza.i. . ami imtu - - - . " , present themselves, id which dirt i s,'c" expenditure, and our coun ami indolence, play an important school Louses, as a rule, are part. Near the nve are tbe- inferior and unsafe u to burning chants, in which the ere- reuder proper care of uch mation or human bodies i always charts almoel impossible. Iie- r ,,,rrY VT' ,,,,re h" 0odi08 r comparatively few of our faithful Hindoos are lx.-ne, placed country teacher can lLe-1 V l " - " vu.iciuiui 4 UJ UltTflU Through, Golden Glasses. The F.a:e' Question- A loudly attired negro got into a proscenium box at a 2vew York theater last night and threw a maguificent bouquet tn Mim Fannie Rice, one of the artists. There was a card bearing a message attached to the flowers. The lady, very sensibly and fifty rebuked jher OthellotintedTadmirer by toss ing the .floral tribute to one side and the comedian stuck tham in his i)elt. The audience jeered the presumptuous negro till he was fairly obliged to leave the theater, Chicago Mail. There is a grand, a glorious future in store for the sunny South, and there is a hand to unlock that rich store "where the isles of the blessed lie like stars." Nothing less than a scourge or pestilence can stay the South in her onward march to prosperity. Genial skies, fertile oil, luscious fruits, chilvarous sons, virtuous daughters, render this the blessed spot of our green earth where hope seems to be cele brating her birthday and glad eyed love reclines in her nup tial bower. lestus in Lexing ton (S. C.) Dispatch. or . Against -Gambling-: One good thing about Moham medanism and who can deny that it presents some good features among heaps of rub bish ! is it fierce hostility to gambling. Dice, cards, betting, etc., are. rigorously proscitred, and considered so wicked that a gambler's testimony is in valid in a court of .law. Clergyman iu St. Louis Repub lic, i - - -. . In Wanamaker's Sunday School-'r Wauamaker : Do unto others as you would wish to be done by. ' Senator Quay's 13oy (from class): Supposin' others be Democrats ? "Then, beloved children, this doesn't go," ' . ; . Perfectly Satisfactory. "Have yon any work on punctuation ?"'she asked at the book store." "Sorry to say we are just odt." "Well, perhaps you could tell me what I wantto know. What does a mark under a word signify?" "That is to emphasize the word." "Oh I see. Thank you." And as she passed out a clerk heard her whisper to herself : "And James put five marks under the word 'Dear.' " A PAYING INVESTMENT. If a man grows the right va rieties of fruit it will pay him a better interest on the money invested aud the time required for its cultivation, than any thing else on the farm. Fruit will not pay every year any more than any other crop, but on a ten years' average the fruit on any man's farm (if of the right sort and properly grown stock is planted) will put more clean cash into his pocket, in proportion to the amount taken out, than any thing else he can raise. Louis ville Farm,and Home. CO-OPERATION N EC ESS A K Y. 'lhe farmer who expects to prosper when It is absolutely impossible for farmers as i class to prosper, is like the fel low wno retusea to ao the one thing needful in this world, on the ground that it was not necessary, because when the gates of heaven were open he thought he could slip in with the crowd; and just as certainly as the Great Judge will have an effectivs method of detect ing and rejecting the unworthy so the inflexible and unvarying action of present laws and con ditions bars farming from the ranks of prosperous pursuits. Jsational Lconomist. by the remotest chance a native is swept olf the raft, he simply swims hack again, neks up his oar and resumes business, without even topping to dry his clothes, for he wears nothing worth mentioning to get wet. Iu is needless to say hat this craft failed to commend itselt to our party, lor not one of our number fancied for a moment that he could stick to a lo" rait as well as a naked native boatm'au aud besides he didn't care to go ashore dressed just iu that way. From the heavy surf, rolling up on tue eastern snores oi ludia. the navigator pa ses into the waters of the Gauges, the greatest of Asiatic rivers, whose delta borders lhe Volunteer Firemen. IT CAN 1!E DONE. The following suggestions from Hon.- John Robinson, State Commissioner of Agricul The North Carolina State Firemen's Association will hold its second annual conven tion in the city of Raleigh, N. C, beginning at 12 o'clock noon, on August 13th, 1889. All members of said Association are expected to be prompt in at- ture, if adopted by the farmers of North Carolina, would be worth millions of dollars to them: . When our farmers get their farms seeded to clover aud the grasses, and divorce the farm from the cotton and tobacco m- i AX YOUR FRUIT. Some people say that fruits and vegetables are unwhole some, but I do not believe it, because we have them every day in the year, in some form, and see uo bad effects. I think they are promoters of health as well as pleasure. Last year I used my last can in putting up ome yellow peaches. There was too much tor me can caught up a large, big mouthed id?kle bottle and filled it with the hot peaches. Then I press ed over the mouth a piece of raw cotton, tied a piece of paper over that, then put on that an odd tin top. lhe GOth day of last December I brought that bottle of iruit out of my cellar and it was perfect. That idea was not original with me I got it from some forgotten newspaper. I have been drippiug lye and making simp lately, and I waut to' tell the young married ladies that I have been keepiug house nearly forty two years, aud have never b'een the buyer of a single pound of laundry soap. There will be so many ber ries this summer, I hope that every housekeeper will try to save as many as possible. Blackberries make excellent vinegar, wine, jam, preserves, jelly aud cordial, and are easily dried. I have used them in all these ways, and several years have made all my vinegar from them. I know a lady who made vinegar from plums. It is a rule, with me to 011 every empty vessel on the premises every year, with iruit, vege tables or juices for winter use. Every cask, "barrel, jar, jug or bottle is filled up. "Grand mother." in Warrenton Gazette. tendance, and every volunteer cubus, they willbegin to realize white fire company in the State how much easier it is to live is cordially invited to! attend and make money by growing eif.imr W 'iijssn'nr through stock, not only for their own representatives. I5y order of the Ex. Com. C. D. Benhow, President. E. B. Engeluakd, Secretary, Raleigh, N. C. Texas has never born Governor. - had a native- j needs, but also for the markets. The farmer who always has something for sale, and is not i ashamed to market it, we fiud independent ot combinations i and trusts. It is also true that the farmer who produces what he consumes has but few de- The Georgia Way. Eight arrested negro gamblers near V aycross, last Sunday night. They tried the next morning, victed and . sentenced mouths imprisonment. .So: Scared- It is estimated that the Unit- ed State ytas a doctor for every 600 inhabitants. n the sea some two huutlred miles r more, forming a low coast ind numerous shallow and shifting iiauaeLs. The largest and most navigable of these many estuaries s known as the lloogly river, rapid and muddy stream. through which a ship must pass to i each the city of Calcutta, situated t ightv miles from the sea. The Kir9 aud shoals imeril navigation. u,nd make necessary and extensive id competent sj stem of pilotage i ir all vessels that enter these waters, At the mouth af the nvtr a pilot boards the ship and directs hr coure. lie is a pompous and imtiota:it liersonage, and brings with him a trunk, a cot, a servant, ami au . apprentice wno acts as leadsman and who serves live or six years in his subordinate capaci ty. As a class the pilots are pros, perous, and demand every cousid. eration. The Juniata anchored about a mile below the city opposite the pate of Fort William, a large and well equipped fortiess. garrisoued bv Europeaa and native soldiers with hundred of guns and an exteu armory, that stands gnato at tue sou! hern approach to tho city, her salute was given and the stars and stripes are floated for several days. About her was. a vast amount of shipping, among which were a fe iv American sailing ves sels. On the left oftheilver, iu the vicinity of the fort, in a large open space, without buildings of any kind, called the Maidan. If consists of a level, grass-covered plot, aud contains .a race course. On one side is the Ldn Garden, a magnificent public park, adjoin ing which are the beautiful grounds and palace of the Viceroy of India. Ou the northern aud eastern sides of the Maidau is a broad street ami line drive-way several miles in leDgtb, called the Esplanade, along which are the residences of the English people. The city, in its native boundary, lies to the north, with nearly a million population. Across the river arc scattered many Indian villages, that commonly c!u?ter ou the outskirts of an ori eutal city. The river has a width of a mile or more, ana the pass age across is made by a bridge of boats, c insisting of large fiat-bottomed barges secured side by side, one or more of which way be swung out of the way to permit a vessel to piss. were As Reen from the river the cirv Ga., presents a striking ;ippearhnce. were .ilany magniucent lmuiiMigs nset con- i i from the water front, and have j to 12 ; i. en to Calcutta the name ot the; ' lty of Palaces, lhe ."" '-rionent . oilices and European ie'd i i earei modern structcr-s, with l.e,o:-jful surroundings. 1'Le 1W oltn e, a fine granite buiidiug, occupies the i ite of the.inramous Hlaek ll !e. of 1756 in which, it will be leiuetn bered, one hundred and loi ty-eix llie lorm am! impress venetis of their dark teligion. Floating bodies of drowned natives occa Monally drift piutt the ship, for the zealous Hindoo thinks be best please the gods by drowmuiag himself and children la tbe sacred Ganges. Of Ute years however, by reason of Rovernment interfer ence, there is seen but little of such revolting sights as were once com . in on enough, when it became a regular duty on ships at anchor in the river to clear awav the dead bodies that were eutaugVd in the : anchor chains. i On the outskirts of ;.. c;!v mav W seen the Iwauiiful, . atial home of the ex-king of Ou'l-, ie capital of whose kingdom was '.uckuow. a few hundred miles In interior. who was removed froct is throne by the English ia is". .nd given a rcsidencH uear Cahv.ta with a iberal allowance of rjO.OOO n.-r month to keep up becoiu ag apjear auces iu his court, lli.oends his mouey UviMily, and ven Cud fault with his paltry j. nthly sti pend. In his palace su:-uuded by extensive grounds, a;.u with h;s numerous wjves and ie. doers he is ib!e still to play the m. rarch in all that show ami splendor and eae imply. His loudness Ur collecting animals is shown in his large zoo. which is said to Ik the linest exhi bition in all India. The kiag may be generous to a fault, he may be hospitable toward tbo-e of Lis kind. but 1 must record it ;.gainst his majesty that Le Kitmiv teiui-ed to admit our party to 1"h domain to pay homage at his tuil, turn ing his back, figurative speaking, upon America, demon.-Jrating be youd p?radventure th . there in but little iu common b -.een effete royalty anil rank repu nanism. Like the other Uritiv cities and provinces ol ludia LV: m is rul ed wirh a gtuerous hau and pives striking evidence ot ' . . advance meutofthe people, v au at-i tached to their rulers, . umuig the bulk of their armies ai. garrisons, aud who are gradu;.! . bieaking away from unmoral c -Nms and usages. Us railroads id steam ship hues have uiad 'ue city a ceuter iu Asiatic trad.'. Oue finds here every comfort ano 'efinemeut that there are more fav red nations may oiler. The scIuk.Ih. chuiches, libraries, and scientific Micieties are doing much tospread enlightenment among an classes, me :uuuence ot which, going together hand in haud with an enlarged comnercial in tercourse, is becoming a colossal rnaits to better advantage than they can the looks recommend by the Stata "Hoard of Education. When we shall Lave a larger school fund, better honses and more expert teacher?, I 5hall L in fayor of recommending cnan aad fixing a reaonitde price at which it ehall be Id. At present I do not think t j-I9 is the beH use that can be nade of the money. This is ! no condemn the use I charts under favorable rnn- :tions and at trorr xrc S. M. Fixuhk, Supt. Public Instruction. .v. a HOME CHAT. THOVC tIT I'llOit ot n EXLIIA.Xt.'LS. What lhe I'.rrthrrn f thr 't.t "re Thinking itml Sit'iM?. thi: wa nmiu ri lis. I'.irK I pretty, j,?v, fiwttt. graceful, atid all 1 h i., but d tt neglect t he dona-: in aoJ retain La-bauds. Tar Uito icntherner. AXIl SKi; . ki... The aoricut ptu'r.b sas : Ycu can not ret tnor ,t .i Som". than Jon pnl in. Tit it an en.r. U.n3e hat tir pi' ia, he can t hf adarhe, a ml, a. ntnl Ix-rUapK i-n la.' lu lhe .-lu:t. I J)i t-vii!f OiWrrr. 'M.Y TUK m.wlXMV . IMun'mn djttl I culy ifii.!i r i voung roaa moic f:tru-v. m .itn- th:t)g h UOdettakes. It ! ei:.l bf a (rrwn.t grouu l work ii.t mlni h a rtlwsal miHrrstiurtifv t.hnt 1 bp tc itt-l.Tatttoto S. X' 'LrTIX M 1 U. Sau.lxt was rrr-,:d Hk ar.d rrone, with , xti.l .i U i nature's rry n',.ul r-r ? white uiau's Miptt'tn ;-,i,d V. as linte in-s ive a Koliitiuii lt ,.!. J WllU'li tut 1 ; tnrtv thtsiry ru ge .! IiiiijuIj. Lcp-iUicaa Party iKdltci The Money Tower is organiz ed greed, peeking to take to It-elf by corrupt means that which belongs to other!. It is that combination nf rich men tud corporations which peeks t exploit this country for its gain, and. as an incident, to rule the people by corrnpt and intimidating voters, picking legislatures rith Its own acents and buying such jnficlal deciious.writ, injunc-t- -n9 and mandamuses as It iTiy need. Incidentally it sotnetIuies ' :y3 the editorial influence f news-papers al.-o. New rk World. Zs Lc: it Trap. l're?ident Ilarrbon'a line of pdicy in recard to appoint i "nts has effectually dispelled T Lopes of civil nervico re f'-rm, and yet ome of the o'vaus maintain that he has injured civil service reform l Jus reminds us of the negro Servant girl who was reproach es for brsakinir a valuable pitcher. "De Iawd hab mus- . y !" she exclaimed, "who says 1 oroKe dat dish? I onlv let t drap and hit jess broke it- elf." Harrison has let civi pervice reform "drap" and it has "broke" Use if. Texas Sittings. ini'AS M IUK !. I I re n IX WfcIIS. The way wiik cl nit r i. t... wtel ,n Mond.iv h ad a ttanger to the U li, f!i,.tt h. v an- k.-epitig with tlw wz we ear.I "mire whi-kej, t-;ut .. e. larger liaru ls a:id t'o ajv with shorts." Sinilhtie!.! Uti.dd. HK1.I' IIOMK KXII nrctr-i.s. It is a slmft wAiid iilicv i llt lllaw nr ..l'.itl l , !,.,i an nteipne Ux-auM na .n u: t aek in a day or a nn-ntli tn , ,i. rs l.,r every one v,a fae!. A men an much U iter alh-td t i more for a home Modti. t lii.m li, ati for ao fiiithide oiN-, in the former case his money i ket, at home and he Mauds a n'xl chanc' of tieeinir it airnti. Lee U the latter. It is cm;. -(.r -l.- Wartetiton IJa.e.:,.. goddess of liberty whose Imucou is already illuminating this wot Id of wonderful stories, inconceivable wealth, and wild and startling bar banties. S-ALi.sEUnv. A Saf3 Iivectc-t. xly x i.t"i js 1 1 i .j' in; The Iemcratic pn. tie t .,ti JSl4. ariiTi n.t only ti-Ut f ij-.-u .in.l thetelore worth light nig .v the party is irrevocably ri;,ituiVrl to the cause cif tarill redact ;;.t could not, without li'igiai-e, liny back if it would. N It Tl'l""t;5 .f weakness on I his lnn- itighs -v-r to le etitertauiisl and i v. ti ih,. w uo vanie sucm-sit ,r,iv r.ta ivf excuse lor it, f..r the -.; righteous and I wing r i it j t i intimately preva,!. ;; I landmark. it U ts tj.ii-t 1TY. Is one which is iruaranteed to bring yon satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return .f purchase price. t)u this sale i,!.,n vou can buy from our adverti.-ed Druggist a bottle of Dr. Kind's New liiscuv ery for Consumption. It is guarau teed to bring relief in very case, when used for any flection of Thioat, Lungs or C:..-t. such as Consumption. ItiHjn -ation of Lungs, Bronchitis, As; . 1 1, Vhoo iug Cough, Croup, r e'c. It is pleasant and agreeal-. to taste, jierleetl.v safe, and cm always be tiepi nde.I uH)ti. Tri;l 'Mttles free at . NV. K )wland's Di.i Store. . Sh3 Wasted taGc: -7cr.. Its Si-o::9 Will I7:w ZzL Mrs. Jenness Miller and her filter, Miss Mabel Jenness.have s omingly discovejed the com bi nation. They do not tell wjman that the corset injures h. r health. They tell her it rots her of beauty. The corset will now go, but it will not be L-cause men and women Lave 1 .en talking about Its Injurious tr.ialities for years and years. T!'e cold fact ia that ope beau- i lul woman stands a better s'OW in this world than a thousand healthy ones, and every woman knows it. Wasdi- i.;gton I'ost. LKs.s riKTV, Mni:i;rni:i If Mr. Wanani.iki r aiti im stop ine tunning oi nn.i.n he will get lhe service iu! n t :1 tarifile that he will Is- c'.i I tu in his resignation ;itid r SanJ.ty School and cuui When a matt is mi pi., cannot U-ar to th.-it train running on ml that piety rotilliels h.iii i, half tnilhon d-nl ui lr t ii tion land of Lis paity ue is getting a li X list t. want a man at the h p.utan-nt who is l more l a t-Uri-ti in. Kecoider. to i,n lotusi. ih t hrt Ma:l . mLj! ' UV' A n.rit;;, i'. an's he 'U. Ve I if t'.ts ;-. s pious but I'.uiwiru love him going to, "Rut if you don't Clara, why are you marry him?" "3ecause he dared me to mamma. He' knew my high spirited nature, too. Oh, 111 make him sorry enough for it dou t you be afraid." X. Y. Sun. Her: tWi: Was r:-o rp ITcrth- A restaurant keeper in Chi cago recently refused to let a colored minister take dinner at Lis place, whereuion the latter sued for damages and was awarded Si 2 by a jury rom- p3sed of white men. The wait ers in the restaurant were white men ind declined to wait on the colored minister. The pro- : ncior iaiiea to nave the cus tomer waited upon, and hence the tuit. A3 JZZ We desire to say to our citizens, that for forty years we have been selling Dr. Kind's Ne liscnerv for Consumption, Dr. king's Newj Life rille, lincklen s A mica Silve aud Klectric Bitters, a ad have never handled rented u- that sell as well, or that havi given such universal satulaction. 'eclo not hesitate to guarantee ;etn every time, and we stand re.i J.. to refund the purchase price, if s itisfactory results do not follow heir use: These remedies have wou their great popularity purely on then merit A. W. Rowland's. Droggi.t. - - . - - Tio PriM All F.i-V.. "Whew! Ifs pretty hot to y," paid the visiting polLti riin in Washington. "I think. 1 11 go ve.r to the White at:l get coiea on. "How will you manage that in. -tilred his companion. "Why, I'll strike the I'resi- (V.ntfor an odce That will do the business." Chicago New a Here, C:L Herri. TnE PAETV !;. A. The day of the 1 v ? r-itj" is fast drawing li a Ju ,t :,. Sectious tif the count . hi w t'.e Hihlical canip.ogti gios 't u. .m Mrgan" is hatched 1 le n,uti room in the night, but m sij,- iw t enlighteueil illstin tN Ihi- soijtid i the -ifgan is itilokt:er l-at;. In too many iuslatires jr Ls ti.j. 1 a boomeragn. l.vjs-in n.-c ,t. monstrated its uUer worti.l. -m, s. It is a rehe of the tune w h n t'. jiolitical whip was supteiue a;..J !!, partjilash the arbiter l tn j..2a. hoftuuatelv lor Aui n-.t '...tics and for Americ.m!,l t l.- dav of the organ ail the I.ifb is i.. m1. Duthtni uu. WHAT FK,ijTill.-i. M.tHLs 1.1.. If fools were as uumi r'is and as im)1i m the il.ii s if ."-'(. ::.t;j ,:j Ai they are in lhe timetei u: U rentun, it is tiot at all Miipr'-if: that lie fought to unburdi tj I.m tumd bv writing cut his teih-c'ioi,s lust-on laturuage. The UtUv ol foo's sh"u:i not be Doticl. Whi n, uirvi r, circumstances dem :tcl a ret.K gret caution sh:iuld ! errs s d in order that the wi. r,, i;, .-jj not apjiear foolish, or th: :;e l. .l shall not b made to U-l e ve that Ins loolishiiess is ! .tli n J.r i dom. Fools genera!" , are ln-jie.i!ii the contempt o resjei t.tM.. so,-. aud Koine are so f'jol:.":! Hut tie tiate rneiitmo of their u:itn. seniblatice of folly. D.tvidm Dispatch. - A nother Kentucky evidently Wirii? ?.til editor is Clerk Idn't the price of this box of strawberries low enough for you ? Customer Oh, the rrice is low enough. The bottom of the j box ir-u't, though. Hie Alabama negroes are M credited with th. huil..r--hiti ying one to another, "Damn f,r thi-- -MI the h-iuIn f that Kepubhcans, anyway !" I blatant inDdei s dils the hile not wishing to endorse esthetic .-heet across tl u way ci.ything smacking of profani- cannot bring discredit np"ii th ty, candor compel the admis- r.ible or larni-h the fair nun siunthat this is, on the wholeJnf its illtistriuiH author. Tl,... a pretty gooa son. oi a pass word. louisville Courier Journal, Dem. i "- ncry- Jetlerson." Whcra Sijcr-ez:: iz .. Alrl:3t3 H:.bcs. Mrs. W'iuslow's Soothing Syrup should always te used for children Although fxperi'i'-' i- 2a excellent thitur. it - i''t A great cave has been dis- j help a cirl wh- has h:i 1 a j l-a-covered tu Ohio. If it be as tif ul variety f it in cun-h-p tcree as they say it is the State ' b a speedy marriage. v ast be hollow. Now we can when teething. It soothe s the child, j 0 Jderaund those rsverbera the gums, allayB all pain, cr esjti ms when Foraker puts on hi wind colic, and is the best remedy I ""'r paint and roars on the for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cent J bloody shirt. Wilmington a bottle. Star. 1 - T-'. o America wants "a iiiii -oil flower about as badly as a legless man does a bicycle. Lx.

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