1 A ILSON AD VAN --THE ADVANCE- IOII IM - ONE DOLLAR ASD FIFTY CENTS - wiiia i.iw ion Cash in Advance. JOU WOltIL "LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIWST AT, BE THY COUNTKV'S, T1IV OD', AND THUTIIHV! -to this orrxcr.- VOLUME 19. WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, JULY 25, 1880. NUMBER 26 The TT T G BILL ARP'S LETTER :o:- i Ol,D TIME FIG II T Til A T I, IS WITNESSED It IV BILL, liir the" Hst Manin Cate's lia- (',, '." Won the-, liny for Solly i,,,ir. lhe Sullivan Kilraiu. I didn't bet on Kilraia I .1 ; in't manliest any interest in H, h tikjlit, but somehow rouMn't help taking eide and 1 w'orild liave given about five dollars if Kilraiu had whipped ,iui. Sullivan is a brutal beastly old braggart, and ', can t help being against him on WASHINGTON NEWS NEWS FROM THE NATION AL CAPITAL. What Harrison and the Other Politicians are Doing. ' -l Washinston, D. C, July 19, 'S9. Senator Quay dropped into Washington very quietly this week and said that hea only business here was to engage a house for his family. Of course this blinded nobody. That be wfl nn a. nnlitiea.1 errand of great importance is (generally maBlc believed. He has had a long conference with Gen. flarrison and has been almost constantly with Assistant Postmaster Gen eral Clarkson, who was his lieutenant during the late cam paign... He and Clarkson, rep resenting the republican nation al committee have been trying to hatch up some scheme to carry Virginia for the Republi cans this fall, and Democrats in that State will have to keep their eyes wide open to hold their own. The medical division of the Pension office is to be entirely reorganized. It is thought that all the Democrats in the divi sion will follow the three or four discharged this week. Bowles," and a thousand con fused, excited remarks, while Nic and Bowles were knocking and writhing and twisting, and finally getting closer.and strug glingwith arms and legs to throw each other to the ground. Soon they quit the perpendicu lar and are upon the ground, I first one on top and then the other, and they knock and tear hair and gouge and bite and struggle, while the clans shout, "Give it jto him Nic, go it Bowles. ' In due time Nic whipped him and Bowles cried enough, and they shook hands and adjourned to the grocery and washed, and then took a Hieral principles. Jdon't take drink at somebody's expense, ur- ftock in Kilraiu, but I just and iu about ten minutes Big want somebody 10 wnip ouiu- dim itoDinson was neara roost- 1 a. 1 id n r t n aYi nil j-k I n k i t rm Tl n 3 n r y4 c m A -Mi m W" Vt m W- Villi 3-1111 laive iud svaii'U uuii ui i onui; aiuuuu auu owcanug iiiai him. "Alaior, have you heard he was the best man Irfisen ilio news? said my friend bmith's deeslrict and another Warren Atkin, 'in-au excited lellow irom j nog Mountain tuiirt of voice. "A telegram Las tacKlea him ana Jim Knocked i cone over the wire that him a rod the nrst round and Kilraiu broKe sumvan s jaw in i nog Mountain surrendered and the third rouad ; .isn't it glori- left Jim crowing,' and about oii V" 1 wonder why it is that this time Nic waked up his we cannot help taking sides in ears and said : "Sally Jane told .micli contests. Kven the women me not to let no man crow and the preachers confess to a twice over me," and before any choice. Is it a laudable emo- body knew it Nic and Big Jim ti. n or is the devil at the "hot- had hitched and such a fight t un of the whole business? If was never seen in old Gwinnett, lie K I'm afraid he has got a It was a fight that was never little hold on me, fori will ended by the fighters and Nick el,. j right still in the street to told me they would have been -. e a dot: light. Nabor Freeman figh'tin' till yet, if somebody a kind-hearted man and hadn't pulled them apart. "Did loves his fellow men, but he you really love to fight ?" said ii-ed to keep game chickens I to Nic. "Well, no, I didn't, and Crht them on the sly be- and to tell you the honest truth in ml the barn, and 1 caught I never would have fit nobody invelf looking at them over ef it hadn't been for Sally Jane, lature in tlie fence more than once ; not She was so almighty proud of that 1 would do such a thing as me wnen l ucsea a ieuer, mat, titrht chickens, but upon the 1 fout jest to please her. I've idea that .if they were going to mighty nigh been ready to give fkht anyhow, it was no harm up many a time , and holler to look on. A man needn't go enough, but I'd think of Saly aUmt-with his. eyes shut to Jane and get new strength bUpn fmm fapftini? things. Hu- somehow. I did it las sure as man nature has got pretty good you're boin." . excuse for admiring courage in Now Nic and -Bowles and manor beast. Nimrod was a Robinson were good citizens mighty hunter before the Lord and they made good soldiers, and Daniel Boone and Kit Car- but such fellows as Sullivan sou were not far behind him. and Kilraiu are neither. They Iavid killed a bear in his are of no consequence to the ti. on1 a f forwards smote couimunitv and mv opinion Is CJuJiah, and the Lord was on we have attached too much im VH side and he had thirty portance. to them. Ancient mighty men of valor who did Rome rejoiced in such exhibi wonderl'ul things. Three of tions. The emperor, Trajan, them broke through the whole had a carnival of 100 days in army of the Philistines to get which ten thousand gladiators the liiiu some water when he fought, but a phristiau monk wan about to faint, and one of got a d3cree for the abolition of them smote a lion on a snowy the trutal custom. We are now day. But Samson eclipsed them living in an age of christian Ohio Republican Association a all, and if there was any belt civilization and should lilt our- night or two ago. He express he wore it. IleSlew his ene- selves above such degrading ed himself as being very much mien fore aDd afl with a mule's pleasures. They do not dignify displeased with Harrison's jawbone, and found water or refine anybody. "Southern policy" (something enongh in it to quench his But the matter that most that doesn't exist as far as I thirst after he had finished the deeply concerns the . Southern can see.) and other things. He job. Who does not admire the people now is the deeper degra- also registered a strong protest wonderful feats of Samson ? dation that has just come over against the slowness of remov- wi.ot hnir nr irirl not feast- us in the. acquittal of tuat Doia iDX Democrats and like t-d upon the picture where he is bending over the lion and tearing his mighty jaws open HaED to leiide. But ho Sendersa Dacisioa Tiat is Satisfactory- FOR THE FARM. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO THE TILLERS OF TUB SOIL. Hon. W. H. Richie, of Ohio, who is closely connected in a business way with Calvin S. Rii nn ttto a In t Anrn 4 a tttaaIt TTn thinlrs th rmnrrat will three young ladies is the elect the Governor and Legis- tiesy Ohio this fall, bnt Aw" Here is a story that General Price Youtog tells, says the Washington Post. Away up in the Georgia mountains lies Catoosa Springs, a favorite sum mer resort of Savannah and At lanta society people. Among the pines and breezes of the hills the fever and lassitude bred by the malarial air of the low country disappear like One day Gen. Young saw an old fellow come up with a basket of egs and bunch of chickens for the hotel people and recognized an old trooper of his command. "Jake," he called out, i(Jake borridge, how are you?" "Why, laws a ruasy, Ginral, how-de-do ? I hain't seen you since the war." They chatted for a few min utes. . "Do you come up here often, Jake ?" iVirt.w nich ftvnrv dav. The folks want my chickens and aigs. I like to to rest my eyes a-lookin' at some o' these yere pooty gals." "They are handsome, aren't they Jake?" "'Deed they air." "Now, Jake," said General Young, .waving his hand toward a group of three young ladies with whem he had been chat- ling; icu iud 1ttl r i - j puuing on Original, Borroivetl, Stolen and Communicated Articles on Fanning.' The Maxton Union reports the crops of that section as very good, indeed. The Asheville Citizen says the cultivation of tobacco in that section of the State basin creased wonderfully in the past few years. the lower story, always make that less healthy than the up per story, especially for sleep ing purposes. I am sure I have cured a great many cases of rheumatism by advising pa tients to leave bedrooms shad ed by trees or piaszas, and eleep in a room and bed which were coustanly dried and puri fied by the direct rays of the sun." . NAUTICAL LIFE. lUUtrifiG PAST TUE CM. SESE FORTS. ' To remove egg stains from silver spoons, take a little common salt between the thumb and finger aud rub the stain briskly. Then wash in hot suds. The Winston Sentinel reports millions of peaches being ship ped from that section of the State. Every train that leaves Winston, says the Sentinel, is loaded with frnit. That is the trouble with the cultivation of cotton as the on ly money crop. When it is sold the revenue is all sent abroad for the necessaries and luxuries, and the country drained- of ready money. Dur ham Sun. SHEEP VS. lXMTS Can the dog crop of the State show any such a record as this? The Lenoir Topic nays: "Mr. Hugh Kelson has at his Rocky Knob farm, near Blowing Rock, a flotik of 70 sheep, 30 of them being cpring lambs. From the 40 grown sheep he shearad since the first of June a quantity of wool that he has sold to the Patterson Factory Company for $50. The sheep were wintered on one stack of oats and a few bushels of corn. A good invest ment." The ?o0 for wool sold did not cost Nelson as much labor and outlay au a bale of cotton and his land is better after the wool than the cotton- The 30 lambs will sell for fcWJ or more Scene In Amoy And Swatotr. City of Shanyhui. Iu Itund And It Ojtium Denm. SHANGHAI, Cbiua. After our ship bal been relieved at Canton by the Lsex, and on the arrival of number of foreign war ve&ael in port, her the un settled state of affairs bad kept o on daty several wet Its, we raised ancbor and steamed dawn the river to tbe sea. liavio stopied at lioue Kong for a few days, we pro ceeded op tbe ooas of Cbiua, on oar way to- Shanghai, tbe great Chinese port that io-g a thoaaand milea above Ctoton. It is acbarm lae and picturesque sail through the celestial waters, wbfch are fairly covered with tmall fishing boats and other nativ craft, aud past the numerous fi-.ts which are garrisoned with almond-eyed sold iery in quaint uniforms although in danger at night tiue of running down tbe smaller ve&aehj which dis play no Bignal ligh'.j, but whose occupant aonoance tueir proximity by raising a great crj of alarm. l be low and levM shores are U placed a voiill lamp, og her with one pijH and a dlh of oj .am. that may be bought at the oflioe at any price from lour ceuU to filly Cents accordiu? to miz and quality. Tbe cue who is n.t u)tikiu pie- pares tbe opium, and Inildstbe pipe to lifiht, wh;le the utbes inhales its dreamful and soul forgeitlDj; nepen the. Id its preparation a wire k dipped into the jar that gathers up a little of i be opium, tbeo placet) In tbe dame (or a second and work ed into a globule, with rcneated lipiuug iuto tbe jar, until tbe sub stance becomes tbe size of a hoiII pea. It is then held iu tbe pipe u J ignuxi, ana the smoker is supiioned to iubale its virtue. On tbe even iD2 of onr visit at tbe ioiut eveiv conch was occupied, aad it was novel sight, uncanny, shadowy aud mjsienous. In a lare loom above tbe oninm t .1 m joins Kireauy reierreu lo, we were usuerta into a concert ball on tbe payment of forty cent, as the a a price oi aumisMon. iue room was fliled with tables, around which m ere heated the audience, composed entirely or Ubinamaa. Oo tbe stage at.a small table fourmeo sat, piayiog some mouotoaoaa tuue oo HOME CHAT. .v. c TilO I ; II T PR OM O rit KXtitAXGLJi. What the llrrtkrrn of the ituiU are Thinking ami Huffing. lined wilb towns and eitiis. manv next iau, wmcu whu me wool lof them wailed ai l protected, sale is more than a hundred whose delenders beat great gooes per cent, on the amount invest- to li ighteu away th foes. Tbe ed in the 40 sheeD and the land scenes in their quaiotness are is made better, any such proQt. Do dos pay pret that they will have to work hard to do it. But the most important statement made by Mr. Richie, was, the following : "I can say to you without the least qualification that Mr. Brice is not and will not be a candidate for the Senate. There are many reasons why he could not afford such a responsibility, and in making tabulations on the Ohio Senatorship you will pave much time and worry by leaving Mr. Brice out altogeth er." In yiew of Mr. Richie's re lations with Mr. Brice such a positive statement has caused a general rearrangement of the Ohio Democratic slate. i Considerable talk has been one Ginral all pooty. 'Twouldn manners for me to say ary was poortier'n t'other." "But Jake, it will give them a great deal . of pleasure to learn your opinion. They are Kreat friends, and will not at all hurt at your decision. .Now, walk right up and pick out the best looking." ifter much solwitation Jake undertook the the task. He walked up and peered closely at the laughing girls. About 100 guests had gathered by this time to see the trial. . Finally Jake tamed, scratchig nis head. All three of the young ladies wore broad sashes around their waists ninra.l YounkT. thev's all three so pooty make a ehice, but forced to say that He was a farmer's boy, and Ilia father was his stocKings one 1 - ... : . - . Young, they's mu,pvsWry WBU.ug vu ,i't a amnfl rea wben hl3 mother asked, Freddy had witues-sed the pro cess of treating ripened corn, and replied, "He's shuckin his feet." a -1 t 1 J3 created uereoy a syeecu uiu f. r . - , lpetla by a negro at a meeting of the f"1"" " f ",J liUt tllUlUlCSk. There was a scream, a flutter of white dresses, and three blushing young ladies, with various colored sashes, dashed into the hotel and out of sight. TO KA1SK TURNIPS 1. E. Dale, in Southern. Live Stock Journal writes on this subject as follows : "First have rich, deep soil either old land highly manured, or new land that is rich. It must be often thoroughly plowed and harrowed. Well pulverized Sow at the rate of one pound of seed per . acre broadcast, and barrow in. . After the turnips are up, two or thn reeks old, thin well, eith'-i: oy hand or chop out with hoe.. Sow in drills eighteen inches apart, one-half pound per acre, x ou can plow aud hoe same as cot ton. Some think this U the best and surest way to get large turnips, but I have succeeded both ways in drill and broad cast. The broadcast way is The Deople are getting des- cheapest on a large ecale. 1 perate ; they arejdetennined to sow lrom lUth or July to 1st oi rain, u the fly young evidence of their determiua- turnips when sowed early, and tion. a gentleman who was m to aid in sowing evenly, 1 use Hia nntmtrv a few davH aeo. DiilvenzoT suipnur ana air- tells us that he saw a strong slacked lime, equal parte,, an! neyro man hitched' to a plow enough lard to make it stick to It t the Democratic party that aa that one man shall sot be taxe-l lo ttwell ilw private fortunes of another. tollbor Arras. THEY M1KK A MISTAKE. lt is a well Lnoan fact that all railroad companies and tbeir em ployees ar very reticent la giving information in regatd to accidents or anything cniiTted with tbeir roads. Durham San. KXCEIT AS K'll.'TK AGENTS. The Kepabhcsn party profs- lo ttclieve ia the. menlsl )cnubili. lies of ti e n-ro, and jet after tw-ui)-fi) years of fieedom, it can't find a half dozen that it con s'.ilfn rompptcnt ta t utraht with oCis of rcHtonibility. Wilming ton Star. The demand for Southern pine lumber is increasing every year, for the reason that the pine forep ts of the North and West are becoming exhausted and for the further rtasou that the yellow pine of the South is superior to and more durable tham the white pine of the North aud A' est. Wilmington Star. th all perate ; they arejfleterminea to sow irom lum oi juiy 10 t' is hard to quit buying mules on time and October, jast before a i lit still I am borrowing money on mortgage, possible. To prevent 1 nna iniih As evidence overwhelming aud bugs from eating THE FACULTY the libertine. McDow. Our beat people stand aghast and are n In pmafl . Who t. InAQ It m Pfl.n ? with his bands? Human cour- laLthe prouaoia city oi i.nanes age and human strength has al-J ton under the rule of negroes was been admired and always ana liDerunes : Aru iubjuuKcB ,!ii ha r i.,.iron rnj rIw and the nreachers subdued to u 1 . 1 VJ V Jl a-a.v w. ww m. i i.rvntla.n and hid his bodv their will? Has woman sur- i ti.a -anH Jarrnh wrestled rendered her fealty to virtue; with an angel and got his thigh dislocated. I don't know why it h, but somehow we all, love to read about such things about fighting and victory about; Capt. John Smith killing .ti e three Turks in a .tourna ment and about Itrael ' Hutnam 'Jan it be possible that the base villain who has dishonored his wife and daughter is now a social leader a star in Charles ton? Is there no comforting explanation ; of all this the mock trial and the. ovation afterwards ? Is this the ba- famous Mr. Flannagin, of Tex as, he wanted to know "what are we here for; if not to get the offices ?" But he capped the climax in conclusion by saying to the government em ployees present, "Don't (be afraid of any Civil Service non sense, but send in your eontri bution to the President of the Association and he will forward it to the Republican State Com mittee of Ohio to be put where it will do the most good." This negro is an applicant for of- ucw. p Of Th.9 Collesto of A. & K A. fhosen By Th9 Trustees Last Week. The Board of Trustees of the College of Agriculture an 1 Me chanic Arts met in Raleigh last Friday and elected, the follow ing faculty : Prof, o f Agriculture, Live Stock and Dairyimr, Mr. Jos. R. Chamberlaiu, of Cornell Uni versity, now of the N. C. Agri cultural Experiment Station. Prof, of Horticulture, Arbor cultnre and Botany, Mr. W. F. Massey, of the Miller Manual S:hool, of Virginia. Prof, of Chemistry pure ana and a white woman guiding the plow handles. He would heark en to the commands of as well as the heft trained ox mule. New Berne Journal. TO DESTROY IiKD BUGS. We publish the following for the benefit of onr lady readers, as it will save them much time and worry : Wash the bed steads with cold soapsuds, dis solve ten cents' worth or mer curial ointment in one pint o: kerosene oil and apply it with a machine oil can. Try it, pis ter, and you will have no more trouble with them ; soon. The above is amply sufficient for five beds. -. - ... . i 1.1 I t . . -i a r. i -r 1 I n 1 All. VV A Will) auii Daniel Boone and Davy ginning oi me war oeiweeu mo n is nam mat uov. rurawi, . .. , . t i.aaa onrl fliH a.11 this haDDen nf Ohio, is as an antive traiuintr ers. of Cornell University, for i. v. i. a v, i?rt.ao crioi. in tli nrnnrl old citv Dy me for the iieDUDiican presiaentiii meriy oi iuo r. . ...... r tj..- ti io h. iod? Whfiffl arft her errand oil nomination in 1892. That s Station. aiors auu ueu nui. I . . " " . . . . ... . i..i5v nA P.r..- .... . x . I nannrnfta ann a hnnt a a noa r n a hA nri orfiTP in itiii. ui ijiikusu emu uuu to araw the line neiweeu sucu .. -- . B- . ,r -n n Tini T UM..OJ iu o-rnaaar u n d Courtnevs and Haseltines and it. keeping, Mr. 1). ll. it u, Jr, more hruta' matches of modern Waltons and Welhams ana au- . . son oi wu. j. ... " fK,UVmf'.ilf olifln Lrs and McBurney ? If they I have heard whispers of a Prof, of English in the Military l.o A o.,l. .nofnlma in tlm 9TA all OBaQ WnerB MB tucu muuuio uuoi uoonu ucui,ui. auu nuiui.u.'.' n n o na'l .-U'jll iuavuv.j ' " I ..i V,. . . 3 ni , . r- fnnl,n,ua on.iarA on vfirv children ? Oh. the pity or u, l5iCKDurn anaiiauuier, uwius irai, vjh ,ntu nrwi nnhn trld the Ditv of it ! If there are any to receni newspaper puuuc to Ann them: i he governor left who have still preservea tions about the alleged pulling never ordered out the militia, their honor and their courage Df Chandlers ear by Blackburn Infuct, the . militia were tlie and weir respect loir woman, nast winter. It is said that a Hi'ertiitors and some of thein now let them leave the sinking friend of the Kentucky Senator .were the lighters. Als 1 Bowles and Jim liobinsou aud Nic Rawlins were officers in the mi litia, and after the grand pa ral was over, they stripped to tlie waist and each made a ring of Lis own. Bowles gathered liis clan around him and leaped llltl) tin. rinir anil ulinotr hi-J n.in hrosial locks and gave a wild iniiiaii vrhoop -and jumped up aii'l cracked hi.s heels together tli re ti ineH before he touched tlie ground, 'and then crowed an unearthly crow aud f-cream '''i, "I'm tlie Best manin Pinck "fyviile deestrict," and then he Tiiw fi again, which was the tint he had Ui nobody, hut fpiliii' ' for a flil away Mr, liawlind I'ibacco and shucked hjs "'"tiles and tied around his xdA. d'lAt'McDow and de- -f mnnn rule. The war was baa on Charleston, . but' this is ornrsjft TCow let us hear no more of Chandler's ear or Caro lina's manhood. Bill, Akl. Be Just and Fear Not. Th'e is now here for the purpose of finding out whether Senator Chandler would accept a chal lenge. The general impres sion is that he would not.; Secretary Noble when asked as to the probable result oi the attemots being made by the Cherokee Cattle Company to urevent the opening cf the Prof, of Practical Mechanics and Mathematics pure and ap pliedMr. J. H. Kiuelay, of the Texas Agricultural and Mechan ical College. TYirp.man of Farms ana uar- den, Mr. B. S. Skinner, oi Hert ford county. Steward, Mr. J. N. Hubbara, of Wake. Matron. Mrs. Susan C. Carrol, of Harrell's Store, Sampson Co., N. C. The trustees resumed their session saturaay uiuruius w elect a President of the College, SOUlE VEBMONT FARMING. Beginning at a farm halt a mile outside the limits of this village, and following that line all the way to the next town, a distance of 12 miles, there are 11 contiguous farms. Ou evriy ona of these farms the owners have not only been able to jjet a living, but all have lam up money, and the owners of eu ery one are now what might be called forehanded. Several of thesa meii are worth from $10,000 to 815,000 each, while one of them is worth at least 30,000,- and this has been made off the farms on which they now live. Caledonian, St. Johnsbury,,Vt, feed, rub all together in a bucK- et. The lime makes every eed double size and white, so vou can see how you are sow ing, and it is a good fertilizer the sulphur will keep off bujrs and flies from the young plants. The lard only makes lime and sulphur stick to each seed separately, if well rubbed. Do not ue salty grease, it would destroy the germ of seed. I have been a turnip raiser for many years, and find it a very profitable cheap crop for stock and table use. "I prefer the 'Winter turnip,' because it is equal to any I ev er towed, in size, for table use and for stock, you can have them as early in the summer and fall as any. They stand all winter in patch, with perfect safety against all freezes, tein sweet at all times. The salad is the best I ever ate, and the earliest of the vegetation, being for use in I ebruary." . THE XNSALLKEHT PLAN. It Coull hs ussi Very Successfully la this state strong attachment of an har.ri hers to well coauciea s., r.,u.T i.nnHrmp1 I I 'hornfPB BTrin newspaye a xu. r..V I. "T i.n.M .t!n a resolution re- the matter futher than to say questing the executive commrt id tfirt to enauire into the capabil- ,-,. nn nnnmiinm fnr it.lf-s of some ef those who Baa i ri.iif' ii i.r: imi iislii lu b&w u wi-- C7 . these or any HOW TO MAKE HENS LAV. A correspondent to Ilerddaud Flocks says she had difilciilty iu making her hens on the farm lay. She says she thought they outrht to be fed at least once a bv publishers. "Stop my pa- .. . 1 . J l knir in ner WOras Ol uruau vu ldS"- ners in business lose their ter ror after a paper has been es tablished for a term of years. So long as a paper pursues a nothiu' iut. honorable, and judicious L. .i.. . manr,,T thn wants of its would be asserted and W as JU31( I liuuiao,, iudowu), I . , - i . . .... i ,t Vrt far niiar.nmnrn in ail resucuta, v"" vclxuo- between the ..un..k on1 tha naner are Mr. Aioriran. m now J r . . . . t:A : : l.i ...llm-oa aa harrl tn breaK DV any Ouiojud iuisdiuuci a aa thn link which binds seems to be a believer i t--- j tn attlmfint and after considerable deliber- day on soft food and she tried this: l pavea an potato aua apple peelictcs, the waste of cabhage. life's or carrots, and boiled these together, then nlhar lnn1a in been presentea IOr iue uirmucu tncui ivuu uiiabii iu which it had an interest, and aency, ana 10 nave lurwuc. . u-mu, iw. : f Ilia TT S I TAannnrtPliCft WllU a view iu Brouuu uais auu i,uru, nio . I . - a Ll . n n Ilia I 1 .v. alrln.f a drift in.ali 1 1 n M I n tT a SUllHUlo Uiau. w uuia uianiu oi iiiaau. roarJiitinn also irave the execu- found that the hens ate it tive committee authority to call readily, and soon began to lay a mnAtinir of the trustees when regularly. I now havd ega to main- He has seni the follow- circular letter to Indian Com affalrsi ready to make a report in real l in. I IT U- vuv . I a a Ins teeth tMM.Lr ri I-iri old friends in business or social Civil SerVice refprm, even u ne VJfc -. " l " ---- l 3 o : i t. : . : F. a a no. I a I ar"eiit on the 'men' I ain't no ageni Vildrnt .ti. .r i Hrw ..niutrirtor i nTrA rf Wftrnincr. ing li'lt I'll Y.u a.mi.rlitrr rlarl- Ijiailleil if I'll !.,! (Lot frnm (IA mifn lib-afl. klSS. should "'iiiin. Sniiv -.foh a told ni La aakod for with the eyes I... .. .. . . " - t 1 ett liDiriM to rmw three nlonn and tlin. WUeu wcui .. . . " . , ,f Srli ti,. ------ ------ - ? ; a u foVon tb.i-Ha namafl are tnorOUgniy boy'S aiuner. pouujp. oil vr null n tin ATtm Tiiuri n niri n nt r iiiiiiin un ua.iui vui w w v - - . M ice," and Ric c his nara or A Story With Two Morals- ., r r a Kenkcy bo7 to a boat to o fishing a wees ago last in, me i nanta onnCAFnin? ttlfl COnOlr SimaaV. 1113 IHUIltsr aKV4i.u V " vt ' ' r m . tinnn nf q rknoi n tin An LS I AD- I hOat. UUW UO u'SP,l, UUD 1 7' ' .. . ,. a IK. nroval will be made witn the bait a bin near supper .uiu diotinct understanding that the soil every week. This way oT feediug is cheaper than giving corn and wheat screenings, as have done before, while the trouble ia little inore doing the hotline at the time I pre pare the meals. boat and helped himself to the uiien "owed twi mr "'e and alnnrvod hi riest man in ici.oAia Bvwcni. fin t,o monitions iho hont wiihout noticing me 31 - mi nnllAna I flllll IIHI.HII 1. 1.1 I 1111. uuu kjuub I wuv m w T - - - OTWOU WHUUUl unneoesaxjr , . r 7 - i. nnminaM delay,': says 1 "i me -etru't, and no man holds me " a ii A i n another minute l" iRToes met half way '"t!iT ring was formed; itiiH snoutea : "o man r v""Cli: linrirtj off: irpiitlnmotr - - ' vu, p. v . v. j UJ VI. , ., "tiii; nve aouars on "mlert; five dollars on. Nic: A physician saysi "Th shade trees about our dwellings have done much to make ou . - i.Jl I . 1. : 1. .nrtAm a lia intril - I n .. nn.rl.lara nula un. xr : l .-v i mr nnmn i nev a.r nummareu i uoai. . " - c- iLiia.... awi . , s i: 1.; rith tiia ki .A arm.. , .-' Vld and thn.t thflV Will 06 eaiUU SlOU O llt'ViuS "" iccuio o,uu xi.a,.6.v 1 mound nirn n.nn sfrra.mn. i i ha rrossBveii uid.ii duuu"i " "- .. . 3 1 1. .- t iin. . - . - . . . 1 j stv,.i in tha nftriorm- rvanr unn kuuv&iuk uiui uww- Gate's therefore, be careful in n m- - . h-1 th&ir Boy 8Crainrbled ashore ing. lie may get nis peuuu - - mJ.nent so Tan for me old man, who came I WAVT-t1"Sl I.MIllim III llll.lt J A.J I 1 1. oauw." t . 1 ! t. a tt ,Q 1 o a thnir rnmain cuiuuetout 1 iiuL wu oowu uu and efficient, and that the In- the eye, killing him instantly Lar.Traa tlifl riht to Rov badly scratched anc UlftU Uiu'D icoii.vu I . , . . r , Vwq ,amnx,a for rahs on v." rrop- ssarea. Dear snot. a sooietimert quae pretty, bat there is much that H iinHlg-lly and otTeD sive. At Bwatuw we found a dirty and fill liy citj o( conulerabltjcoin- uiercial importance, pleianllv 8itaated on a Mieltert'l biy, swarm log with begg:iiH and tin all peddler who make wretched the lives of viHitorn. li.e celorated trading. town of Atuv, farther 0 tbe ga, one of tbe e uliet seaU of Kuroeau commetc, m cliarmingly located with an inner and an outer barber. Although .pen to tti people of tbe who'e oikl, i( ia a tjpical Cumese city, crow. led with a poverty-atricken Lamaoity. A considerable loreign settlement occupies a pretty little ilaud opiKwite tbe city, tba; is something of a social oaiis 1:1 this human desert. Tbe city of Shanghai, ou Its anpraocb, has the t -iieafanceof a modern European to- n, with I rgr bandings aud broad streets lined witn treei", witn ni oeroas grans plots and a braulilol park, wilb dec trio ligliU illu nuiatuig its tboroaghfares by n'bt, and with its water-front bordered with the shimting tf all nations. It ia xitua'ed on a river several miles from Its mouth, an I extends a great distance aloi g the bank. The foreign Kettlem-ot make op tbe lower part of tbe oily, nenr r place oT anchorage, wln-re mot of I he trade is transace l. The gre.it roadway lo'ug tbe ri-er, koown as tbe Buml, lined with . itely struct ures and reideucea, uid traversed by throngs of people, presents t' city in a very TavoraMe liiit. Tbe shop?, ship-yards, dry-dock, and government buddiugi, near at baud, give to it an air of enterprise and make it the most important trade rauter aud emporium in Cbiua. There is nothing oriental iittout it except the presence of tbe Cbiuese in tbeir uatlvn costuuiea. A abort distance above. thU is the old city, which has undergone but few changes ail through tbe age.4. It ti enomp.ssed with a wall twenty-two feet high, which wa built in tbe ir,-.h jntury, and Hcaiceiy any 01 the nniuiugs use 1 Dove its battlement. SSeveu gales oien into its enclosure, which lead into narrow, dark ano hltbv streets crowded with Chiue:-e, who stop and stare curiously at all foreign ers whom they regard as intruders Here thousauds of natives breathe the air, grope in the dtikness and grovel in the dirt or tbe most pent- up aud dingiext towu that it has ever been my prirn ge 10 enter. Tbe booses areprinci.iplly of brick. lov and email, ami iaiiiy swaitu with ocenpauta. 1 he shops are miniature affair, wiiu meager dis. plavs of goode. Ilumau being- vile smells aud griaiy walls and wains are all tbat. a v-silor is likely to encounter in the place. Kxtendiug back oi tbe Luropeao iHiriiou or bhsnguai is an exten sive town, a place ol some preten sion as well jit of interest. It is here that -one finds theaters, con cert halls, tea garden 4 and opium joints. Chairs auu p tiauquins are the . cotumnu eonveyaii(Ms 011 lue ntro ts. The c,tinii:,a f tbe Iso lde are simpu and picuteqae, tl 11c Iteiug the picvai'iug color worn by the working classes, and hit 1 ha l 1 he ttervants. The iifotibt of rank are dressed more eUlNiralcly and -..tr v arious colors, The prim ipHl tiu.- of food are li-di, which ii'.itfu with chop slices and ri-, whb-i is t-erved in a bowl ami Of.krtl in 0 Mk ninatb with Ktijk'. I 1 hoiiiii (i 11 nf the CUV and 111 the onuntr.t "eeu maa hi'. I'Mik'ng vehiol', b it are ns.d lor earn lug ireignt a i. passeng is and iu piNArnfc resemble squeaking fiddles, accompaind by iwo women who sang, in a drawl ing, sing soug manner, a oeleslisl strain, doubile&ly charming to native ears. Tbev were followeo by two other singers, so alternat ing without iutermlattioa. As soon as we were sealed at a table, Iwu Cups were placed b. lore n, utic to urink Irom aud tbe other which was covered, containing tea leaves. I he covered, cap was kept filled by a servaut, who went alwut with a p:pe of smoking tobacco, aud allow e.1 anyone to take a few puff. Ia preparing tbe pipe, a efj small quantity of the weed 1- nsed. At intervals a dih coats- .mz steam ing hot rag aod lowers Is taaed to me audiencf, each caking one aod w ipiug bin Uc ami baud, tome bo wer hu. httlo ilothiuit ih i- I. umlng moie ex;-iiMvc a dauoim. too iii.iiig riih uualiv Uflone to be iii:h-r -!m-s. Tbe ate purchased by tbr in tnagers ol the coucrrt h.ill Irom ihcir pare nis, at prices ranging bum lOjlo-j'io. It ii custom irj lor a Ohiiiaman, it be wih-s a wilf, lu Ucl oie ol the kiugers, p.iiu 1 01 her a thrill alvauce on (In origiual pnoe. Many wires are chosen 111 this way ctecially the K4v,.u4 or third ou. A CbiueKe thealt-r is a plain, btru-hke structure, with tables and cuairs covering! tbe niara floor and a gallrry xrend:ng around tbe room, in the inot deniable lo- WE XKl.tl KDITi'KS WITH 'fi?SVir. TtoXS. Tl m-apatr should lad and n.it lollow public ntimeuL We bav tto tert fir tbe inbriiaal or the iipajn-r which fears to lead. ! wait" l nf the direction ot putilii-oun:on ami ttMn tails in with tbe cqtrrut, i. tl ' Along afier. NabvilU Argonaut. UkiI To'VolK at. AtS.T BEWC INil TUK TABItr. Tb qorttoa tit'uralij- ansvs: What is a IVnitbeta K-putilnaa menih-r of Ci grew go.I tir, any bow ? A far as c kuow. tbry hare tx-n tnai to blow the luta born, while Jur, Ki'D,r Cur Warner and ibe local fhermsn Imw have sseetly whmperrd Ihtongh wlvrr itinif l to the ad nituiMraiuin. and carried ofl I Urn imiIp. 5n-eiilNm Notlb Stale. caliou, boxes ate lilted up lor lh- I ilcher, who are atieiidel with rrr auta. l'lie audieuc- sit at Lahtes hinobing, drinking tea and eating orange, sweetmeat and pumpkiu seeds, apparently g ring little at tentiou to the pl.iy. There is no scenery, excepl a curtainrin tbe rear, to set off the stage. Tbe players aptiear in the most grotes que costumes, while tbe orchestra, consisting 01 a A I -I I I I. I ll I- Thomas I'.uflin h but lat-!y paMd a ay ltom aoiong u. but be b It-It a name and xample tbat are a rK-W brritage to tbe oong uien ol Ntth Carolina. "Are the lunanit all t-. !" Thomas Hurnn i dad ; luk let n tiof that Ins .mplf w ill rtnpt oth ers to de-ds of noble -U-im 1 iGcr, and tbat bis inllufuo will live a:t-r bim iu tbe hcartf auj livt i ol la tur- generation-of North Carohn iaiiK. lt xtrg'on Iij.trb. LAIKK t.t tKiXr.BiliLK. No honest work i. in it-lf de grading, it 1 only tbrougU c utom and asMK-iation that we regard it. It is not w hit we d-i tmt who does it and how. A lady or a geutlc man can do a mruta! wrk aud tie a lady or a gentlt-inau M1. but as llirv jiii iliftorrtit tilifreu xtnl mii 1.. a a it a . - - icw uuuies, unies cations of I lie. o ate tbete djfler- aua gongs keeps up an incessant J tdeis or plnsnal constitntton. ...... auo MiiiuL in uuiin ruiirro by men, who impersonate the HIK Idt XIBV ruKss. The installment plan for es lablishing industrial enterpris es is meeting with- much favor and making progress in our town. As the plan succeeds in one town It will give stimulus to the movement In others, aad the probabilities are that within a few years numbers of factories of various kinds will be established. VI1 inington entered the lists Wed nesday night with the org.1111 zation of a company for the manufacture of woodeu ware of various kinds on the install ment blan. and over one-third of the amount of capital ?tock was subscribed that even- ng. The twenty-Qv cent in stall meuts are so s-mall that any one who is disposed to oan take stock and keep up the payments until the full amount of shares subs'cribea lor & pata up without feeling it. We predict that if tnis plan be en- J forming au uucomlortable place for letnale characters in urens mud manner. They rant, sing, and lijrbt duel inbe most tragic way, tbe oue wuois killed cellinir Or aud walking off tbe stage, as foos as life is supposed to be extinct Tbe green room in tbe roar 1. a rcene of the greatest confusion, littered with parts of cost nmes an t crowd ed with actors. Tbe play are long, at times tanning lor weeks, the perforniat.ee beginning early in thr evening and continuing till a late hour. Tbe oriental drama is emi nently classical, aud tbe Hay bouses of Cbm a are popntar insti tutions in which families aud friends meet for social intercourse. Salisbury. C:aranpt:cs CiraV.o- lt cannot too often be impressed on erery one tbat tbe much dread ed consumption. (which Is onlj long scroluIaV is curable, il attended to at once, and tbe pnmaiy sniptorn. m often mistaken as singns ol dis eased lungs, or only symptonsof an nubeallhy hvrr. To this organ th) system la indebted for pure blood, and to pare blood tbe lungs are indebted no less than to pure air for beallby action. If tbe form er is polluted, we have the backing coagb.the hectic nush,nigbt-Bwea?, and s whole train of atnitoms resembling consumption. louc tl.A I . a- Ia litt.lilip ui-l . . .. l.v 1 1 .m ... . .... m. .. ue 01 ur. I'lerot a uuinta Mcuicai ( s mth ran .lo uinoorerj, lake be.tituy exeiciMr, live in the oeu air, and all iDp Uiuih of uoiinumplioii will disap pear. For weak Iiiiicm. iit ling ol blood, shotlueK ! breath. aiuh.tioti, lt iiii-rament, talent and int-r.irt to (ill tbir vaiifil remre nn-uts. -Oxfonl Orphan 1 ib-n l. ort b i gteat The country paiM-rs Carolina are fast iM-com- credit 'o ctiuntrv jouiua! ... TbfV are tMt-omiug ch-an,' nutrd and aie iilld witb ritel. . .L, wi ll wriMi-u matter. Th y ate liMUgtm the ptiuciple last it 'S more b'exs ed togite than o receive. Tbey are nioie than recipro-l Tbey are in moM cases conductrd tiysometd tbe liest talent in th- IStatr, but cert inlr not br the pnrisise of makiug money and wealth. The S ate is too sparnely M-tlled, tbe towns ate ton small and iln tc is too much illiteracy to publish a n s pHNr. in North Carolina for the gold there Is in it Stnfsrd Kx press. chronic nasal catairb, bronchitis, anlhma, severe coagbs, aud kindrnl affrc tiouH, it i a tno-t wondeilul reme dy. Tbe Uistorery" guaranteed lo cure in all nae cl disease lor wbicb it Is rrominendfd, or mouey paid for 11 will be romitiy n-funded. WK AUK NOT Thi InmiU. We copy ererstbit g we in the Slate papers Urging ibe eole ol the diflrieut toaus To borile down to work with the detettsined purioe of building themM-lves up. That is tbe thing lo do, aod it is the only thing to do, xcrpt in m few favored exceptions. Ii.tu'1 dnt pl-ae don't bung njt tbe old sleteotxped exrue, are jKKir and catrila Eotbirjc." Vior men binM t h-nwlves op and ama wealth lor lbetnelveN iodi vidaally hr energy and bald knocks. T'..e ltoor CA.iuii-unjtii-n tf hat 1 km r indi viduals can lo. un ail this applies lo every town in this eec- lion go to work at:l make Ibis sictiou what nature ititeud-d it to le. lyenou Titic wbeelbanow. with a single wbeel a yard in diainettr corcied wilb a box like frame, aloi.g- tbe side of wbicb a narrow keat is extended, 2 117 The Crcaicr. The Parsons ( KansiiO Kxclipe gels oil the following from au emetically followed up by the business men of our cities aud towns there will be more in dustries, and paying ones, es tablished iu this State within the nest five years than in any ten years previous. .Wilming ton Star, While the Latidi work of the ltndies and every tine of bovi ne should receive full recog nition at a fair, we at prebend that the main object Is to pro mote the Interests of agricul ture, that being the uio.-t im portant Interest we have. A j lair prop-riy conanciea wua u. exchange: I creditable exhibit n well cal- "Iiurv the croaker out in the' culated to promote this inter- woodsJu a beautiful hole in the i et. It brins the farmers to- .What is Habit- orb on the wrong gi 1 Express. Josh Billings said if a preach er couldnlt '-strike ile" in thir ty minutes, he either had a poor auger, or was boring in and neuralgic. Trees ouirht never lo stand near enough to our dwellings lo cas a shade upon them ; and if th blinds were removed, and noth ing but a curtain within left to lessen on the hottest days the intensity of the heat, it would m w r I I m -m a A w w rvln w I 1 1 . A 1 X - ... . m I orlv lived ud to. that ieuer snouia uui. k "BUlus "m"ji auugienuji 1.0 iajuo uui J, mn.b all the Civil Ser- and bears shodql not go lorag- nerves and onr general vigor, yice law necessary, ing, -Wflraington Star. - The piazas, which preject over together. The Rocky Mountain Metho dist analyzes habit in a practi cal way. It says : "Habit" is hard to overcome. If you take off the ffrst letter it does not chanee '-a bit. It you take off another the whole of it" re mains. " If you take off 'another it is not "t" totally nse-1 up. All ot which goes to show that if vou wish to be rid of 1 hab It" vnti must throw il flf ti the occupant, who supports his feet in the loop of a tope that dangles over the aide.Tbo pan-els of freight are tied on with stout thongs. Frequently a person rides on one side and merchandise is carried on tbe other. 1 be tare is small, and the progress is slow, nut exceed ing a brisk walk. In the country ben a fair wind prevails, John Chinaman sets .a sail on bis wheel biurow and goes bowing along over tbe smooth roads. Among the people the habit ol opiatn. smoking exists very largely Shanghai abounds with opium dens of erm di-scription, md offers tbe most tempting fact'itlea. There am many large jo.uts in wbicb hundreds of patron are accom modated at once. The large rooms aie dirrded by partitions into small alcoves, e&uh of jrUlcb con tains a couch for the use of two bo lie on tbeir ground, where the bumble bee1 bumbles, the wood pecker pecks aod the ttraddlebu straddles around. IbV no eood in this city of pub, too un practical, etingy and dead ; but he wants the whole (earth and a part of the cru-d, and the stars that ehino overhead. Then hustle him off to' the bumble tee's roost, bury him deep in the ground ; he's no good to us here; tret him out ot the way and make way for a man that u sound." Alvice to &ors. Krrour, wuo lie o-j lueir Slue I fo diarrhoea facing each otberBetvee a them ' a hoio. Mrs. Winslow s Soolbiog Syrup should always be used for children when teethine. It soothes the child, the gums, allays all pain, . cures wiud oolic. and i the bet remedy Twenty five cents gether, ani give them an op portunity of weirr what each other t doing. I Le cce!'!l of one stimulates the enU-rpriee of tje other and awakens a laud able ambitiou ti eiul or ex cel. Nashville Argonaut. A rr:V.en ia Ar.tbrc- - '- If it is worth a trip from Abbeville to Morehead to !ee (Jov. (iowle in i-urf balhlug, how long a rHe is it w.th to nee Llm fLhii.tf ait WrirfMsfille "in regular outing c.tuwe ? I,et me bright gra-led jLid chaii solve the problem. Dar- ham Tobarct 1'lant. The salary of a New York Alderman is $2s a year, of which he iometime naves oyer 10V IVtroit Tribune. """an for Nic . nurrau for the wrong place.

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