- - : ' ' J- . C . ' 1 , - mun Ill mini II " " r " ' 'linir,nir-liaaMa8M"hMaM - FTFli TyT":- . "a"" : " ffR VVTT iKl N A HVA WTT 1 hiii imiiihih ' : : : : 1 ' . m i-nfcn p- '-' ' , "LET ALL THE ENDS THOU IIM'ST AT, HK TIIV CIIUNTIil'it, TIM OW, AMD TltllTllf" ----- Cash in Advance. - . . t -. - , , - . j- 1 VOLUME 19. WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, AU&. 1, 1880. UMliER27 ' rv his oof 10 6, rui" ON rd!n . Br , t iD Ladt'l Ntr( jm-p; li-S Ol itgi AT 3- rs. lnt ,l wii lit u i ti: ii r 1' as. in-n BILL ARP'S LETTER Ml! :o: .1;' GOES TO SKJSIIORE. HIE ,11 ill I toes n't l.il.e the Waij ;,.-" the 1'Uit'e find Gets ,1, ,ll''f ni.nto a belle." That is litit niif of tliB' children wrote. Mama is quite a belle." I mint' i - lIH'Ll'' lot 't t,Si. ' U. liin nif if any v;r"I' I'lior. Veil t th.' i i two ll tli.' 1 knife, and so he got his share of bad with the good, and that is the way with every kind of fun in this siiblimary life. If you bank on it there will be a big discount about us much discount as cash. I had penned the above last AN INDEPENDENT- It May be a Trifle Inconvenient, But he is Bound to Show it. Rockingham county presents rather a novel freak of human nature just now. A year ago a. whitn man n.hoilt Rixtv-five night about midnight, for like years with his wife near the Ahashuerua I got to ruminating Bama age were defendants in an and couldn't sleep, and socon- action of ejectment, plaintiff 'in ' nor ;i coin- s liiaiii;; after t A-wou out til. or tl.i'i the 1 1 1 Jinnr t --utsi-l time "njoy tv Veil When ways when lovely Unit i my y ni-li nor in "New ?oinn That' I am L'irlH r folks Lome -oine, tlieta .hiiU t- h i-el'tt lay a Ipoun .rl jave.t Ipotat It is l t: II- I'hirl liave w boy- my land built a ln-a in it wok land war1 wim1 it vl ... ct that an-1 Ixl. tuiti it all now. A r and five children and a ;ra iid children went off iiLHuirf to stay -a week woek and here it is ten inl in) family. Left me y and iu girls one boy alter ine and wait upon I tot tfick, and never left iit'dii'ine, not even the if nor a bottle of cam- Our only company has ln dotr and the calf and iind tlie chickens. We ivo been tramping around ouse and counting the linl the time has been vt-r siiiC3 .Monday, and yt-iy self-satisflad letter and says .they are all : a splendid time, and is (uite a belle. L'll go hat belle see if I don't. iau can t be a belle with er is a beau maybe two t beaux. That is what's itter with me. Uut,then, hi in;, hrt liasn't had any t aiteniion in so long a that I expect she does it. It has been just for-ir-since she. was a -belle. 1 go off on a trip I al have a ood time and some pretty gin pins a bouquet on my bosom I iround smartly and renew uili, but I don't' ake the ets home in my pocket, iy valise, by no means arrivals every day and splendid swimmers s what's the matter again. not there to see the pretty swim. I wonder when my will tret tired ana come My boy and I are lone , only two of us to sit at ltd.' and eat. I have ask a blessing on the same ;en thre.e times for we are niesoijia to have an ap e and one chicken lasts all nd leaves enough for the i h- ap living ain't it ? ere is some good with the We havn't bought a d of t. litter' eince.they left, ardJy anything else. - We hi home-made . eggs and ies and chiekun breast. the first time I have had .nice at the bosom of a ii'ii in two years. But we worked .hard, me and my -worked hard to surprise ife with a new bathroom', t is ever so nice, and we it and painted it and put utii'ul zinc-lined bath-tub all ready for the water- s that are nearly finished, we put up shelves and rube hooks and transom i'ws. They will all need ien they get home need it t that salt sea water" off water where fhe alligators -hi-ik-i ami slimy reptiles 1'ot I can taste the salt ii I kiss them a welcome ciuaea to ventilate a few do- recnvprrtrt inrto-ment anrt the do mestic-reflections. 1 was tllUS f fin flan fa rofnaftd tn vacate. engaged when there was a rack- whereupon a writ of possession was placed in the hands of the et at the door like the sound of many waters. Mrs. Arp and the children had arrived and suddenly they seized me 'and assaulted me in a riotous and tumultuous manner. I embraced them all with digni fied affection aud licked the FOR THE 'FARM. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO THE. TILLERS OF THE SOIL. Original, Borrowed, Stolen aud Communicated ' Articles on Farming. An Alliance exchange says the Alliance is a combination for resistance and not oppres sion ; for preservation and not destruction. sheriff and he removed the household and kitchen furni ture out into tha public road. Ever since that time, through last winter and to the present, the two old people have lived in a camD on the side of the salt off their lips and faces and pnplic road from Reidsyillle to assumed an aar oi subdued and Wentworth. They have money, happy martyrdom. We taled but refused to build or buy a and chattered an hour or so, house. The Deoole have even and then Mrs. Arp suddehlly proposed to provide or build a spied an open door, and light house for them, but they indisr- m me oatn room and sne rose nantly decline to accept of it iorwaro witn alacrity and as- One passing'alongthe highway, tonisnment and cried at amaz- when about, a. mila this side of inly, after she had inspected Wentworth J will see clothes the new and beautiful aoart- litioa lionirtnir with 17a rmnnt.q n. ment, she embraced me again, ennk stAv sitting nn without and 1 am sure l have lost noth- enclosure or cover.-: save the ing dv mat belling business, surrounding woods and the 3ne 'had a good deal to say oanonv of heaven. A little about the kind good people she shelter topped with bush, nn aiet, and mentions especially for which stands a dining tahle, the Howell family, the-Rome with pans, cooking utensils and iioweus ana me Atlanta mow ells and any other Howell, and I reckon if ever have to shoot anybody his name . will be Howell. The family and all the kin bad a delightful time. The peach crop in the central connties of this State is enor mous this year, in some coun ties said to be the largest ever known, says the Wilmington Star. and they praise the hotel and the host and select, company and go into rapturas over the ocean and the tide and the big waves that swell and roll and break upon the beautiful beach and the pretty shells and the sand crabs and porpoises and sea gulls and the full moon rising from out the far distant waters and dancing its holy ngut upon me restless' waves. They have .memories, now blessed memories and emotions of grandeur and beauty they never felt before. I wish that everybody could go to the sea. Only for a round trip and 2 a day at the fine hotel lwenty dollars will cover a week's pleasure that is for a man or' a boy, but for a woman, oh, my country the fair is all thet sa me, but the fixing before hand is not to be mentioned if a man owes any of "these darn-little just debts," as Sam McCarney calls them and his creditors hear ofjit. Creditors are splendid watch-dogs of a debtor's treasury and he can't spend money in going to the springs or the coast without their knowing it and they will talk about his extravagance if they don't do any-worse. Quite a beile." The next time she goes. I shall be her chaperone see if I don't. Bill Arp table ware lying and hanging around. The most unique part of the premises, however,is the sleeping apartment which con sists of a wagon body, set upon the ground shingled with hoops and chequered quilts. The entrance to the bedroom is by the front and in here this old husband and wife lay their weary bodies to rest at night. The passer-by can look upon the two old people and see them sitting quietly under the shad ow of their brush shelter with as much apparent contentment as if dwelling in a castle of wealth and earthly comfort. When a Rockingham man does make uo his mind to be independent, he will have his own way in spite of the world, me flesh and the d Demo cratic party. Greensboro North State. We see from the Toisnot Rural Home that Mr. W. B. Barnes and Dr. E. G. Moore are housing a nice quantity of Ger man Millet on a two acre lot in town. Cut with a mower. It is said that no better long forage can be had. it is surprising now well our people are catching up with their work. We do not believe there has been as hard work done by the farmers for several years as in the past two months. Glad to know it, and with all the rains and other drawbacks. Rural Home. might about as well leave the ! droppings under the roosts as to. throw them just outside the door. Take them to the field, or under a shed, and mix with an equal quantity of dry soil. Don't feed corn to a laying hen in summer; you might about as well give her poison. She will not only get too fat to lay but too greasy to eat. At this time of the year, a hen that can get an occasional buir, will lay well without a single bite of solid grain, provided she be well supplied with bran and shorts mixed up with milk, twice a day, and all the bones she cares to eat. American Ag NAUTICAL LIFE. OI leaven Tor burning in plaw, HtiJ as a recall ear from all debri. In The I'.-r'ta ,To'M.. f Chrmutjto. The Cortan. AtSnel. Wonder of The Land. LOOK AFTER THE7 FRUIT CROP. We commend to growers of the fruit in this section the fol lowing timely advice from Hon. John Robinson, Commissioner of Agriculture, which we find in the current issue of the Bulle tin : "The present fruit crop of the State is abundant especially is this true of the peach. If prop erly taken care of it mustpjove a source of much comfort and luxury as well as immense rev enue. "From present indications there can be no mouey in ship ping the peach as it ripens, pos sibly not paying transporta tion. "hvaporated fruits always bring good prices when nicely handled, and are then In con dition to be kept. The testi mny of all grocerymen with It has been published in the Northern papers for years that Iowa farmers were almost en tirely out of debt aq a class ; but whom I have conversed is, that that before that had become a North Carolina canned goods prominent dairy State, most of are equal to any, if not superi- the farms were plastered over or, whicn, to say the least, is with mortgages. N. C. Farmer. A FUNNY EXPEDIENCE. He Refused to Sell Him Liquor. "I had a fniiny sort of an ex perience last night," said a bar keeper to me last week. "I was standing behind the bar when a stranger hurried in, and said in a determined sort of way, as" he threw down a dollar; iQ the spring, and will be ten- " viuo in a e nrinif nnn a n ir i s- -t iws4 n KnrHnn 't'hin -v one; J haven't tasted a drop of costs but little in the wav of labor, and is off so that the TO RAISE ONIONS. To have early green onions in the spring, before those grown from sets are ready to market, preparation must be made now. The sets cf potato onions may be planted, or old onions left in the ground, which, as soon as the ground thaws, will send up numerous green shoots, each having a small, tender bulb. It is a good plan to leave the smaller bulbs of a good-sized onion patch, just as they have grown during the season. Cul tivate the rows lightly in the fall, and cover them with coarse manure. The onion is a heavy feeder in every condi tion, and the rains and snows of winter will carry the most valuable part of this manure down where It will be assimi lated by the bulbs. The shoots will push up through the mulch very encouraging. There uti questionably is more money in 1 " 11 S . a 1 cauiiniy iua.ii maiiyoiuer inoae of preserving ihe fruit when parties are prepared for it and understand it. Where not pre parea to can, nave by evapora tion; by all means save the fruit. An evaporator coots but little, aud is easily haudled. One North Carolina dealer iu dried fruits told this writer list summer, long beforo the close of the season, that he had snii- ped seventeen car loads of dried blackberries, aud he was satis fied he would ship eighteen more, making iu all thirty-five car loads. Tliis is merely given to show the immense demand, and how difficult to overstock the market in dried or canned fruits." . th-ir fire tbe land in A ran rrt. . . f EK THE YELLOW SEA. ! rooniitaiun, lining aboT nuow ltne SVEXES AMt t rsTOUS. j with spurs of bills running out in , uiireuuDu, ureaics up the Bur- of i'orrn The , lace of the country into irr.iar valleys whicn are traversed by numeroas rivers and' streams of water, and in which are grown fields of rice, wheat and other pro.lacrs. Wild game abounds pkiitifully, and is booted by the natives and shot dou with long Euii., that are loadiV with 6luga and pieces or iron aud lead, aud discharged by touct ing a elow match to the pan. The roads o! the country lead IhrongL little villages 0r 6traw hot, and are hard to travel. Small, bongrv- looRing ponltfl, ujuom for tablv may be hired for seveniy-nve cent a 'ay, bollocks and chalr-cooliea pro ide means of journeyiog throughout the land. The Coreaus have rewjoctable army, which in drills,, by Chinamen according to Fre0Cu aud Enghuh tactics. Some of the r.aoeovers are almost iterfect. The corporals and eergeantn carry long bamboos, with wuicu mey neat wthoot mercy thoxe who make niisiakea. Ihe approach to S?uL ihe raoi- iw oi uorea. is itnnosiD?. Tha city lies on the back of the tortu ous river mat meets the ea at tneraulpo, and is Mtnated about ClIEMUTO, Oorpa.For centuries the little peninsula, that haogn on the skirts of the Chinese empire and separates the waters of the Yellow Sea from the Sea of Japan, Uns DtM'u au unknown land to the rest of the wotld. Its difficult ap- proacht'S, its few harbors, its high and roekv ooasr, lt walled citie, and the exchiMvenpss of its people. den ing admittance even to kin dred raws ami making themselvps a j saddled, that arreu its doors against all comers. Not un til very recent times have the bar riers, which have hut out the peo ple, been broren down, and tbj rexDiircfM and wonders of these oriental provinces Invn revealed. First ly treaty witb J loan, then with America and Eugland, the advent of foreign visitors and resi dents 4 in three ports nud in the capital has been pcimitted, and its aucient civilization already shows the effects of its contact with the world. The clii.-l sea'inrt, known as The San Francisco Alt fy : In a certain North Carolina dis trict before the war It wa the practice to send ti IVngres the man who could lift the heavi est weight. Wheu thecLamplou got the seat he held it until ha was literally lifted out of it by more muscular man. One gentleman won it by lifting two barrels of turpentine, but after holding it several terms he was challenged to contest it with an opponent, who undertook to lift three barrels of turpentine at once. He did it. liftlmrona barrel in each hand and a third on his bean, but the effort broke his neck, or rather crush- ed the cervical vertebra. The accident did not kill him. and he was elected to Congress k.nd served many term, fng an artificial .upiort for his head. Of course the spinal cord was uot injured or he would have been, paralyzed. HOME CHAT. y. c Cbeiuslpo, stands midway on the western coast at the mouth of the Salee river, which is about two mill's wide. 1' is dituculc ot ap proach, for the ri.se and fall of the tides of thirty feet com pell all ves sels of any size to- lie some d sta'nod mcui.vseten miics fwav bv an over land route. Vihin its walls it contains 3GQ.0CG inhahiianta with a population ne.-rly as treat outside its gates, f o mansed to getuer are the p.ople that the walle, which are twen'v feet hizh f r t a . . t iroai me snore, i nemuipo is a I uu lony mites lung, appear to small town, iu which scaicely any pass tbrougu the p'ace. Two rtusine s is done, and tbat by tbel broad and clean stfetfl interned Japanese resn'enry, the uative eacn other at right .tnglcs in the (Joreans being indoleut aud poor, center of the city, the others being 1 he streets are irregular and dirty, I narrow and dnt alleyways, and most of the bouses are built of I abounding in cehoo'4 and Glib. mud with rooln or thatch, tu which Ihe stench from the go tiers and tlie most simple arrangements are Ion ml. Tiicv are aie heated in wiuter umicriieatii tue noors, iu which a fire is made from the out side, radiator in the room being an elevation of ptone w fee high, w hich i w.irui, and iijioii liich the family sprt-ail their beds at nigh. An ig tbe smoke from the out-i.le fire p.acesol the liou-tet are terribly .. . . ' lOueuMVfl III IheM? C. OWded onar ters. The bouses art :ritn-in!iv r - . .. . : uiuj, covered wun u.aictj. but iu -if about two tue better narU mam are hnilr ni mtortablv stone and brick with iil.i -,,. r uorant, suspicions and curious and some witb wooden iraoie-i cor ered with naiwr. A' au earl hDur of night the lieh's in the people, the natives t atch all stran-1 monntaius n ish out their signals gers closely, follow the:n about the of retreat, the bell tchs cnd inau streets, and gather aioaud '.hem if and beast to the cover of borne, tbe iiij'.v siop lor a momcni. gaies close, ihe urea -re lit in tut The ordinary dress ol tbe Cor houses, and a weird, - id and -m eiius ,is a Ioos- role, wmte iu color,! ber stillness overpu- -da tbe city. tiiai icaciies nearly to ine ground. I ine American Lialiou. at On their h-et aie woru straw shoe I which we were hospitably euter liquor in two years, but I'm goiug to get drunk to-night." "Well, sir," continued the barseeper, "do you know, a queer sort of feeling came over me, and I wouldn't have soid that fellow a drink for my weight in gold. I looked straight at him for a minute and said: 'Partner, vou can't Enterprises Tnat are Growing up get a drink here. If you have not ground can be cleared iu for almost any of the vegetables. time early MANUFACTORIES. in Iar Rapidly in the South. er t they have had a glorious I know and that makes me 'V, .except that "quite a business; Why, she t l.r!lt-.l any .for. forty h never had time to run about and belle. She has a tn-te for it now and will P ni t-'oink' and belling I i ui. 1 got it by grapevine t a ii'ilabli) Atlanta man was atl,in ;it St. Simons-' the t (hiyoind thought his wife 1 alremly left the bath-house I goinir into the surf , and so tlunitrht lie would slip upon and -.surprise her wfth a iirm emhrace wliich he did: in rapturous- .and vduptuoiis iii. r, uinl suddenly discov 1 H Viii- another inin's wife. j fip.l'i'i.'.d with great pre ,"'1 liDiuiliation, and:-about tins. Ins own wife aud v. oiitan s husband came 'M'i'i along - behind and 1 -;'ii'l att.-rsvards he felt -tlik" ho was betw'ixt the 'V11 aii-l tl. - deep sa, which mark 1 l,,,,. , w'm never 'l f.uviv.'Mc:s for,' and my '"""h i- .ui -ordinary man cau .Hi. ii ins nun wife from any body s v-i j . ni iia am Mi ll iv uia (He tun tli. tli. tli w an t tli..- "il- ManufacturIng enterprising iu the South continue to boom right along. Th Chattanooga Tradesman, in its report for the first half of. 1889, shows 1,711 new enterprises begun, as compared with tho correspond- cursing had a drink in two years, I won't be the man to sell you the first one." "You are the dickens of a bar keeper," said the fellow. "That's all right, partner, but you can't wake up to-morrow wishing you were dead aud me for maKing you WHAT MAY J!E PONE IX R A LSI NO GRAIN. mere nave been some re marsaoiy good trra In yields in North Carolina this year, ing evidence enough that A DAIRY FARM. There is much interest bein" manifested iu this section just now in fine stock, dairy farm ing, etc. The Advanck notes this with much gratification. It means better times. It shows that our people are getting out of the ruts. A proper spirit of progressieness has been awak ened. So in this connection we gladly publish the letter of Mr Orren Bullock, of Rocky Mount, to the bcotland Neck Demo giv-lcrat. He says: with "Messrs. Jude auJ on their b-ads, when anvtbins at all is worn, broau-briuimei and mcu crowne.: uats. au ine men have Ion it hair, tne married men wcming Kin a ki.ot on the ton of the head, over nhicii is drawn a i lasely-titling sku!I cap with a bole i i ine cro vu tor the tiair to as hrough, and covering all is the large hat that is held ui place by a stone, covered with m-its. Tiittt ;nr moil of": i:LllAStiL8, llhnt the ItrHhrrn ff the f 7 nre Thinking ami Smyi-y. YtX!., wihM-ACK; It will not le very Jong before ou heat .f Mtne negro receiving fritn in NOrtliern milfm tl. decr. rl T). I. ,tr l. l. n if like il. i. Miflr tf,-t ou. Concord Mjnd.ud. k W.iMlVn . IM(.N. Wlieo women reae u lnv snnff" then Ihev wdl hare ariihttoaKk tbeir ftlier and hmtln and tiuOiinds to renoanr' the nm diHiHnten.inc bar rtm. ..d ntil ihev do httlo iutluence. Perpetcal 2i:ti:a i ue attention oi the passen gers In a Southern smoking car was riveted on a ptrangelr be haved negro, lie rocked Mm self from eide to Hide without ceasing. "What's the matter with you?" ked a .traveler who was in the car. "Does you know Dan .Mc Gary?'' inquired the negro. "es" 'W ell, eali, he told mc a sil ver watch for S'JO," adled the negro, etill swayinir from side to side, "an ef 1 i.u.s movin' dia here way de watch don't go no raoah ew i )rleans Pic. yune J 5 7 3. intr period of last year; and it drunk. adds, as a significant ' fact An hour afterwards 1 met the worthy of note, that the enter- barkeeper again. II is face was nriafis arrf of a substantial I bright and smiling and he character ' and on better basis seemed happy over something, than in previous years, theie ".1 saw the fellow just now hflini? more of legitimate enter- who wanted the drink last pribe and less of speculation in night," he said. them. Among those enterpris- "He thanked me very kindly es established in the past quar- for refusing to sell it to him; ter were 51 new cotton and and said it had probably saye J wooleu mills, against 35 for the him from a drunkard's grave. Drevious a uarter. Georgia lead- "He said he was mad when irnr with 10 and North Carolina he left my saloon, but before following close with eight. In J he reached the next one he be thAan.m neriod ,r2 foundries- tran thinking about what I had and machine shops were estab- said, got ashamed of himself - j. l -, 1 1 J. IT. J? lished. a craiD of 7 "over tne ana went nome to nis wue nrpivionsnuarter. There is also sober, resolving never to take a marked increase in the num- aaother drink ao long as he liv- . i- - . " . . -. ,1 ..no .r it i tl ;r 1 " proper effort and culture North Carolina may rank with the best of grain growing States. v 3 nave aireany noted some remarkably lanje yields of wheat. The Charlotte News states that the steam thresher which was in operation for two days and a half on the Wads- worth farm a couple of miles from Charlotte, threshed 3,827 bushels of wheat, oats and rye. Iu addition to tins immense crops ot clover and timothy have been cut from this farm this year. We tbiaK it em braces a out two hundred acres, a rni companies organized. iuf figures show beyond doubt how the South is' moving to the front in iulustrial enter prises and. development. Wil mington Star. What WTa'Done- Howard and Thomas II. Ilattlu have a verv fine farm near here. I visited it a few days ago and was met by Mr. Ld. (iorliam who has charge, aud by the way, he is as clever and kfouteei a gentle man as cm h't ' found in this part of the country, also his estimable wife has no equal for kindness and hospitality. "Tha above named gentlemen also has a dairy farm, from which, during the last months ending July 1st, 1SS9, they have made 1,647 Ihs of butter, have milked 41,200 quarts-of milk. The. first two mouths a large part of which is under they ouly milked 12 cows and grass and corn. When such a now milk 1$, and averaged dur- farm, which not maliy years ing the time 15 cows. Four of ago was classed as old neias, the cows are natives and the yields in addition to large others Jersey's and (Juerusey's, crops of corn and grass, this part registered. They have a amount of wheat, oats and rye, ready sale for all the butter it shows what can be done with they cau make and cannot sup- North Carolina soil, under fair ply the demand. Ikey also and intelligent treatment. In killed from two breed rows Montgomery county, which does 5,000 U-s of meat which was not ranK amongst our oesi fattened from tbe mil k pro- wheat growing- counties, Alex- duced by the sows. They have ander Itussell reaped from six also 35 pigs weighing from GO "ither s in; is on 1 '' on tilt; shore, if he una l nave read about -h iiiinir-rs jumping off ' ll-iiiiiii.t a stutkm and kiss--' a Ki'Uy. cousin before' she I'M" to tliinlr nnI tin i'ili-r v.lii-ii he' found she WaMj t hi- cousin, .and jumping ''" tl" train iii:ain as it was "'"vim.' ,.ir. That is an old , "'K "f tii- bovs. but I didn't that the grandfathers had ;'1 ,lt it. Th?nk goodness that , 5 wife hasn't tackled the 1 y.-t, nd I hope she won't that Atlanta man troAQ -'i'l 'Carl writes that . . - - r - '".i a Ion. ar A Pointed Question- bushels sown 222 bushels, 37 I . bushels to the one sown. V e W hen Thomas .'Jarlyle once repeat, that with such facts be impertinently asked: "What fore ns, North Carolina need great or noble thing has Ameri- not import a bushel of grain ca ever done ?" somebody re- from other States if our farm plied: "She has produced a ers give that attention to grain eirl. deaf, dumb and blind from culture which they should. Mary- "Mamma, I don't want infancy, who from her own Wilmington Star in v ears bored." earnings has sent a barrel of Mamma lUut, my dear flour to the starving subjects or child, it doesn't hurt much ; Great Britain in Ireland." Ihe besifles. if von want to please trirl was. of course, the late God, you must be obedient to Laura Bridgman your parents lit i I i-Man. Tf find wants me to wear ear i' igs, why don't he bore the holes himself ?" Siftiugs. - Going to the Rear. CHICKEN SCRATCHING. Have a scratching place, and do uot throw the chicken grain down on the cleanest, hardest piece of ground you can find, but among leaves, or in straw, and make the hens scratch. Massachusetts 'comes Jnobly Prepare the scratching ground nark and that Uiey was got six the ",:,lt- ut on the shore, and t'.iiiitr to save his tee th hut a, negro came alone ht and stole him. vt day, while out In 'in-', he trot a hitrfish- "-'ht in his hand, and 'ii weight that was on liirk , , rIie lalin to the aiuUhu l'loot; had to be tl,, ,Ul a cold chisel and rut "ut with a sailors' ' l"! 111. 1 tin- , J b::tt fi l(,.)1; tlie 1, tlie ' TheEule of Three. tv with the rule of three is evidently one of the es- seulials in a. f!ipil Service ex- to the front wilh a law to dock every one who docks a horse's tail. Washington Fost. Com ing to the "front," the mischief. If legislating on horse tails isn't coining to the rear, we'd amination, so far as Philadel- like to know what the Ameri- nhia is concerned the three! who rule being Wanamakef, Quay and Cameron. New York Sun. A Tearful Invitation. can language was made Wilmington Star. for. The Meanest Man in Maine- Nothing seems to be too i mean tor some men, x nere is ! an old fellow in Maine who is imposing on his hens in . the I most shameful manner? He has Come to Florida, young man of the overcrowded 'North Home down and raise vetre- tahle f!nme South and trrow put an electric light In the hen up with the onion. Florida house and the hens lay day and Times-Union. I night. Burlington Free 1 ress in a place mat is sneiterea from the wind, and let it be a permanent affair. There is no profit in keeping mongrels in your poultry-yard when pure-bloods can be had at comparatively so small an expense. Uniform chickens are not only prettier aud thus more satisfactory to care for, but they may be fed to a better advantage than can a flock which is made up of large and Small Don't cheat yourself with the belief that once a mouth is often enough to clean out a chicken-house. It should be cleaned every day, or at thd farthest, every three days. You to 100 lhs and from one to five months old, which are fed on milk. They have a large silo filled with ensilage, which they feed cattle and horses on, with a sprinkling of cotton seed meal, which mnks an elegant feed for rows. They havtf line colts which they are raising, and 50 acres in clover and grasses, 100 acres in oats, 200 acres in pease, 170 acres in corn, and lot) m cotlon, which generally makes from 115 to to 140 bales oi cotton. '1 hey only run 19 plows. I mention these facts in regard to these gentle men to shew to .the farming class who read this paper and are interested in good tanning that they can, by such a diver- ity of crops, improve their condition and be benefitted in many ways. I cau tell you something else about producing butter. Messrs Howard and Battle have purchased a separ- aror, which is run by a four horse power engine, making the wheel of the separator revolve about G00O tunes a minute, thereby separating the cream from the milk, as soon as it is taken from the cows, which re sults iu nearly 25 per cent, more butter from the same quantity of milk. Can separate nearly 500 gallons to the hour." string uudcr the c'lin. Tlie hair of ine uuni.irr uvi -.n.m in woven in a braid and hangs down his back, but 1 am led to inter that bachelors are not numerous. The full Cor an costume, as worn by the king's adviser whom we met, consists of a cloak of black ami gieen silk with sleeves of red, and the usual high hatmadfitof finely -split bamboo. forming a picturesque ,'aud simple court tiress. heievj-r we went we w re fbe center of an dmiring group of men am! boys, who crowded h round us. pull-ng at each other like." a lot o! chiloreii at .play, staring at nr bias buttons and epaulets, catch inir l i'l I . of us, leehng of our To' .vs. and Irying on our hats v !.li !!' g: atrst of drheht. To loik ihv.xih t!ie ti-'ld g'.is w.nlo mem a woiiticiiui stgtit. tor a time we wete engaged in survey ing tlie bay in I lie ueihbothood nl Chemulpo, I mining some distance along the co.ist, and required a force of me:i on the shore to deter mine the length, direction ami position of an accurate ba-ie hue, troni wnicn all measureiueti s might te taken. At first the ua uvea were verv curious, and were constantly in the way ; then they wanted to wrestle and run foot races wiih the sailors, aud after our men bad thrown several of them ami rubbed their heads-in the sand, they wanted to lijbt and at last, under the intlueuce ol drink to which tlie Coreans are a. I dieted, they tlirea'pne.l to become tronblesoiue,althouj:li we were able to prevent liny di.-tui bance. In our communication with them we were at st disadvantage, and our net hod was somewhat novel. Through our Chinese servants a l.-w ideas weie ! i-oii i -d in until,!.' lur (In Cur. i eaus, altliougii uu.ib'e to talk the language, manai I to wrile enough of t ho t'liin-s iviaractcrs ft tindi rtatid one another. Iu ail exeiiliotiK, mi cm, com:. try and village, we did not se a Corean woman, excrpt H:e.s"io:ia!ly and old hag who wmiM e. iver her face and run away lima our .is- euce. No sooner wi n-our Iniats in sigiit, clT the phore, lliati a general shout went up through the si i eels, and the women wen tunning Willi great haste from every direction into Ihe houses, win re they kept themselves out of sight. Among them a stance and interesting custom prevails, winch might po siblyv Iind favor with wives in America. iy a stringent law the nv.-n are uot hi mitt ed lo appear iu the street alter eight o'clock iu the oveuing, umler euaUy of arrest and imprisonment, to preveut hiev in?. The women, however, are at lo-ve.l with iinimuity to remna out until midnight, eviucine a imu tilar lai'.b in feminine honesty. Three times dm ing &bc year the whole enplo are glveu liberty to stay out all lognt, one of them leing the l-'estival of the Bridge, when the husband takes his rile by the hand and walks with ber over seven btidges, ulncb it is believed, will bting to lu-ut good luck fot the remainder ol the year. The conn tiy a bour I :k h -iiis) is open, fertile and iu a t git s'ate ol cultivation. The trees ate all of small growtb, and the wo.dlaud are sparse, making fuel exueraefy scarce, bo that the people i;ke the bills au I mountaiua to .iiier up the hits of wood, grass. it igs aud tamed, is an aetteuib: ige ot ntir- buudings, si i teen in l umber, which occupy two acres of ground, tur rounded by a high w .11, and con sist of the residences of the min ister and his secrvtai.v, tne oflices, tbe apartments for g rs: and the quarters for servant-. The looms are large, the floors, which are of Among the attractions of tbt city are th Summer Palace and the Keception Chamber. The I'alve is built iu a lake that is full of lotas, and is a beautilul sight. It it.amls on huge stone pillars, that test on a plaza snrionuded with catve.l balustrades, tnd consists of a siugle large room with a balcony ou all bides. The ( ismlHr. for the reception of notables, is an immense structoie. and like the Palace has but one i-om, lu walls and ceihugs are bigL.y catve-1 and oinameBte.l. (lu h platform, ot losi!e Ihe eutranne, U fbe throne wbere his tnajf.t t Matel. Ou each bide of the wa-k leadlnz to tbe d.ior ol I he Cham tier, are stone osts, engtav-d with char acters, represent in the dilTreot ranks and uRice or tuose who seek an audience with the Kmr. and at which th-y Ktaml and await bis pleasure. HALlsiil'B Y. "If 1 Kave you a pound of metal and ordered you to make the trost out f it, what kind BilfcV W..llli J I'll a-ked a well known jeweler M.oi.i, in course, was me prompt reply. "I'd prefer pound ot nee,M said the jewel er, "and I'd have it made into hair springs for watche. A jwuind f huch f prings would sell for an even HO)." r)-ienlluc Amerrran. "j-reddie, you have a new baby at the house, haven you 7" "Yeth'um." "What does little s-l-ler think about him." She pays he's tx f weet for anything." And what do you think about him ?" "I think he's a darned un eance The Kicb. thy can Lave but thi: mv.usmi:n vii. The r,reriitxt!o N,,it, Sf5! badly MiumP on i lo prcNMit ad ministration. In our cliuk-h Mr latrlson is to U- admlte.1 for the enemies be has made, especially if uey are allor Kcough-i'Mi.f 't Kaf Ilrtillf () iM-rrer. AJtl) KLK"TKD. Te H.!iiciaUH tnnv av what they please; thev may iliuillibrr can; thtf inonopo! sts may sulMtdiV uewspa ts, hut the masses cf the Jiei.ple are Mill :th C rover fh-ve- land, and uide-s mum- b'geer man turns np i;hiu turee year-, flier will Mill !n with bint and will s.-i- Ibat be in nominated. Tat lnr Southerner. Im.1 IT ALWAVS II LL!. The yung hhw,l cI North Vr is asserting u t.ier. Ihe vigor and strength displays! n every ludustrv. i due to iho i IthKHl Wlneh lUirkebM the liU, U igUens tie Hi'.e'derl 't-tt-mg the field l enterpttse, etigag;. ttiglhi tn md jiud Ixulv. ieHl!iir in a hetlthy pt..gie- ar-d ict tlo foti-unmialion. I'AI'KKS I NAKCKS paiter, th Ual. I'gati lUrtt-'s eigh Sutial, w m inluir su-.j-ti 1 el. No lpu".;irn pa4r ba evi r mhxhiU-" in making a hlti at Italeigh. It i:iua-Vfir-I)rrti. Hilly Smith who r sfxit d d. l eu Kolinttd to Uke Mx-k :it -publican psjier theje, thi -tl et Is Uo U-e III pu'ah-lntig l apels Uf Ihe U-Oelit ol a ultr that cu't read." SSlei: Indniatk. To wS9 3 Severa Cases cf El:d Pclscn- Thomauds Miff-t from blool iwson, who would be cured If I bey gave It. 11. Ii. totanie HIonI Blam) h trial. Serd to'helMosl Halm Co, Atlanta ti iM for Itook ol wonderful cures, i ha- convince the most skptical. It i- ent free. J. O. tJibsoD, Siv-ndian Miss., writes; Itra number of veara I snllered untold agoi.ies from blood poison. Several ri-Miiut nt physi ci.tM did ine lillle if any goo.. 1 iegan to n-e J. U. Ii. with vtry little faith, but my u'ler saprise it feas made me and hearty lerKon. . T. Iltthrtnn, Macon (Ja., writes: .!, rae'f! IiUmhI poison I dr-l tr-ed p'iy ie mis, and (ben uci.t to lint Spun,'. ! returned ho-iie a iiuiu d inn physieally .ouu-jg seen . i ti tte auy goM My iiiuilirr h rsuadi-d ine to trv It, I. It. To m n'ter asKtnjslioieiit l.eiH .Mom-. Atlai fa ti, wtites I -iifT'.iHl e.si f,..i,i syphilitic bio. nl p ii.ii i w lnt'li refused to lie cured b .ill iiestnient I'bvsiciau pionoiiiiii ! ii ; hi-.M-Wt cae. Ii tit no ii.i. f,.. , ui nains lops and joint will, my kidnes er. d -ea-ed. ,M throat a- Ulcerated ami tny treast a mass oi runn'ug Mores. In t:.i ion. In ion coin m need a use . H. P.. II. It healed ev-ty nleer nd sore ai.d cured me completely witloo to mouths.'' English Is to be lh nguagft of future diplomatic confer ences, "ihla Is ai it pi. -old t. There is no other language on earth of which a man ran rise so much while raying so little. The Kngllsh tongue is ths test one known for concealing the lhourfht of men. and if this doesn't qualify It for court and diplomatic ues we don t know what would. Washington l'tst. TfJi Sejt Zi. At the battle of Malvern Hill (5ov. ance, charging up the de clivity, with the shot rattling about him and the bombshells urstir.g iu every direction, met an old hare, wim ears nara. ruuning for dear life. "Go It, Mollie CoitoutaU." exclaimed the (Jovernor. "If I hadn't a reputation to eustaln I'd te with you.' Praken Magazine. VA I1.N I l I LiK I Mauy father mill he dij HUlid uhvu Ik M-i iiiis- iistif j young man may lti iier gomg IbrtMigh KJhge. tueh a pat. i.t bile l.to'iug Up IU- t. ,! !( ipa!d Min'a rdacatioti, iH-oittitng IlgUteI Ultti Ins 1gjj.its.tie. atn fl.ppaut conceit. t.Mik up ;.e rv.n1. noa tf Aatou lo J!om-.. at.. I utiH iu Ihe g.l l , and tl.-c came tjt this -!!. t I, jt Id t-I'htotiicle. 1ld.HU l 1UI . 4. . The letw:itn t !i..ititi;l.g l.. time UI come li ti. m Atuc-wi. lytatit j3I Ik hu ,rtat d in trad m rivdr tittu ' nhe.1 CVir hulti M' n-M til -taTidc.il its .ri'ti. ,i".lint.l lieltij: it.nllv far.. .1 t, . ta of the Uttr. Ihe 4iy tippie. slow hy lb- tta-ta muA cMiitit ill ptove the Mronc-l :,i;gm',. liStHst I hem.- fh.tll.itlr li.Ktl icV. JtM IMMi.l t l. r'I.I.Ws He it remettitn-tel that a lobb-t ID4U im mwr iicetls a sii.ii- 11 fed Motnarh lh0 tloea t cKuur)' a brny rfl'ertive, int- li cent. .,- ' ente plentiful supp') f the middle cUefc. At i-k m tit it lis thehicb-d, wi;h .! ; p: ic t..t,. ac.h nd Mim eli-. Ul. 1 he 5j i Mm to! Imi.Inmi center tfi V11 the tin,.11e i lia me I-,1 mn ilv with liscititeiit, ati. the 4r.t te Uh-redHb oe t j . t'har IUe letuocTt. 07 ZztT. The marvelous powers t.f the Democratic press at the pres ent writing is demonstrated by the fact that it Tequlres only the co -operation itf tuia more inau to t ring about the r-nioval f Coiiunis-loiier Tanner. It Is nowhere authoritatively art ed.houever.that rre.-ident Har rison has decided to co-operate. Washington Tost. Cra-Ji I:- The (iasinuu Gt.etle's editor had a cucumber list wwW 11 iucbes long, and a radish i inches long and 7 iucbes iu diameter. Synptasa cf Catarrh. A . oroius anu tn.inv lime r x - cess.vely olfensive 'Pscharge, with stopping up of the nose at time imnaitmctit of the sense cfmt-i: and l:iste. wateritig or weak ee impaired lr ating, irregular apietite occasional aausca. pressure atm pain over tbe eyes, and at times itr tbe back of the Leal, occasiousl chilly Musations, noId feet, and a feeling of lassitude and debility, are symptoms wbi -li are common to catarrh, yet all of them are not pi esent ni every case. Ur. Sage's Catarrh Itemed v nres catarrh in In its wort forms ind stages. It is pleasant to iiw, and contains no poisonous or eau-tic drugs, (if ditiggiste, lor 50 cent. This Citil Jsrvlcj law is more than a ridiculous scare crow and public laughing sUck. It is a menace against the lib erty of the citizen. It is an en gine of oppree-lou. It curtail the free choice and t-olitiral ireeaom oi in vie win.". u a IHE 'KiSS"' iU ) a c 1 1 1.. The uiaMeil f l:ejullien pJly in Notib Carolina tr a'u,!d by principle, and hate tt.e a-e.f 1 1. it HiVl t ion. I.ke other ily le-ne lo M-e the jf!ipi - mLii 'i ciue wiih victory iliotribuicl to otihy etTlCietlt Ou t!, -vr, ma i, feet crrtlit ! tbem-eH s ati-1 i to- pally Inch plaoe :liei tu ,-.:(. Injt they mill tesist ui'U i 1 .l I U. it In. ;Ut uti) u t 'tt l.ti ;1 ii,. t lli.ie L.-lOitig ! U:.I'rt; iu.ti t le puhl tan tiauie t,d to uiaI- u feeial tofJiiies lit te a tin le titet ,,f the li-mlet t.f a Kw ffti.l,.. lie-ti-lnJ Notib State, Kep. HIS loiiMs"' AKI. l;t,4 u. It ems lht lt-ttua-ter rial fVamaukrr li Ix-eti d' 'o1 trig murh of Li li'Ietit ton lately to imptwt ing the - fiims' ti-t-t in'iLe -"i!l M IC-. -.U1U tti.sp itt of llt tieyid U is i...; 1 !, tn that is l.d m, tui:. Ii a- 1 Lf Hili ' t al . Jl Ir Vuiin.i.,i I nut uj 1 1 d t t t i u iu l.-.s "tt tais V'lijZ t li-iuh tn : k 4,tr. H-Tt nul-apce. Sun. Smash it! X. Y. Johnny had been carefully ral.-ed; anybody could see that. One day he sat up,n his fath er V knee iu a crowded eteet car. A lady entered. "Madame." he said, a he rose to his feet, "take my eeat." riiiladelphla l'ress. I.cil's Arsica Zilrt The llrtt Salve in fhe world for Cuts,Uruies, Sores.Tetter.C'baf.pi d Hands. Chi'.MaiDS., Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cores IMe. or no pay teqolred. It is guaranteed give ierfect t-atisfaction, or money refaaded. PYlce 2i rnt ier Is x. For sale by A. V Hot land. Illl t She Mtt i-t c . !-: nt n en tu p I he 1 'l t in 11 H I.' I I s. d If 1. A ill th tj 4 i - ssrtf.tl the pub'ir l.l 111 UI4 than it t ii AW. put 4 s-ilue .f , i-.-t-'h 4 l l . le.sa : - W il- :i -I ar, 7i -.:::t:."7 "U ljte l eaid e:t lr.ed and ti g:.W.s fa k-tig a1,.tt y (,a ma jejui-lf title ! t he in any I.O kt" llOW Wtst4 it jtlt ho g'usj a I h it - it .. H "1 bate rft I'led it. .n ate te d ita Mutieh itn.l. -ej-ie II e utideilul lUit. uli.-ui 'i K't m f.eti out e rui li it 'I i i Ne ico l place in tic nit .':r I n. ill If oa iae CI VCf O-rd II it id sh'Hj'd .-"ed with a roast, e4-l or ut t 'I tnnat, luting tT I heM tl.i.ib'.c, mw bollle at mce atid : .r I oir "t a fair trial. It i gaarantee.1 cteijr time, or t.Hicy rtiui.Ied. TiiaJ lilies Free at A. W. l"-l iu.r.

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