lliri'IStK Ivt 33 Tf 1R. 1 -THE ADVANCE" r-?r TZZ ALL W2TT3 ZT .ion wcimc lli.ftsca"?.S o rzis o?r:cr- V-fl I . k'l ' f-i - 1:1 Mi if Ji is", :0! 1 iiTS "LET AM. T2IK KIIS THOi; AI.M'ST AT, IJK 1IV OI!mTltV'. Till li()'l, AM TICHTIIN." Cash in A?vn 4 W1LS0K, NORTH CAROLINA, SKAT. !). 188!).-. NUMBER 31 w PvA WTO j 4 i 4 & n ii t -th hi p- nt f..r I Ky" tlHIKfl" , m.K 1 ll N ' iti" . Uio"' r p"f v i v r t, a "f i,ti tin imriii- lit Hill' , .if it h'ij' iiinit"" BILL A HP'S LETTER liri, , f i ;. (. ".. in ,'i'n, urt I' ll . Ca a i i " hi ' t). n Ji,k v.-; ill i, Vol , Pit' H i' ! ;l I ! .cas oisi gll- (.!. ne ll'.ov. '1 ipioiv ill-.; r ., .mat In- j out I. Nabor ll.-. :.:, ; mii:, ii i) draw i J , , . . 1 1 i , ;i mi ii . v. .. great killing i . ha. I tor i i".y 1 1 1 . . t :-1 I" 'd' I :i '. ,.x ..-(ly I- .V! 1 ','!;. :in 1 1 .i l'i ei-m C-eichwhip-t li fin' ; l III!.! iill'i ' a ll muir, an.l hi in iiijfl s. ! ! I'husi" vaii .i lllllgcr SllvC, I! I. ill M llt my I' ll u ;.-h !. trivehr el'vice in 1.1 -III::: ii 'i e ! .iv! ian.-. ..v. nil,. I I'i'vii, hi:;7 :ice, he wa. !i I a;i . it! t)i " li ud - i i! lei iiini out ii'i' r.tlt HJIKikil':; liij; rraiif;! witli run t.Isit ! h:ifl rs, uni) how I U.H iltl'l it '.V.IS n i i . t 1 conceivpil the Mea of iivi kn,-; Miiic; inmii-y nut t it. The i-.v-'i' til imM- c JtniU'i7! alivrr V.-.VM.. tnlctt'iimt. troo-1 '-Tale-ian iiin:i.ence malrt condor drop- 't'.ii rr.s" a, itraynrs and over raj; past life rli.Ti h-xldeTily the liht fii!ii .Litnvo war; darkened and s" an it t'lTSiilvcii n,livH, j si si ti m) I wrot-viti a-l'rltMid 'at StM Louis ai).ut -tlt cliaucf of spec--; illation. J !ent the .Setter by j Weils Ay Fa i i.;"';-' .overLiiiil" umy I I'.', i il '.-.--;! 'Ill lit "i -ili':"0 of tiillJ j .; i in nii;'Xi':"i!!'H') r:iy fri-n'ti ' ; sy i.i' ! !Ti.'. !- h;ol .u iu- ;.. S ti'iHit of W ti ';ii.ro!vo loadtvil- w iih I lin :..!a.tV-.-i ii Voiiier and two j tini. with all tli-H- neeew!'ary j u ;!'M :'us. ' Thp wagons -:!:ine ;i liiiis: ii! ill' re;i r i an oiarraiit train Ih.at-i'rr-tsicSe.il thtMn from FOR THE FARM. '. ; iii i t.t n;-. Kioiith's t'!-ij 1 He then at its b n'o.rk rirht ten Ot us, u ., rifcv.. after a. v i ited us on the yooso seahon ped fiouii and stood upon the df i.l hrrse. This wan my last chance and 1 knew it. l'.efore he wa-s aware of my presence 1 had seized him by the legs and with a Wild scream he Hi 1 -ped his tireat wings and i ried me upward -and out oi "the chasm and drop--d sue .upon the ground and Hew away. Yreak and thank ful, I dragged myself back to camp and f round it almost de seru d, for the boys were still lu!ttiT!g for nie in every direc- 1 1 : 1 1 - "Hiit wisb that these cliil d rnuld liave been with us mattf.i.'s or ixti:i:'st TO niii riLLr.as oi Tin-sot i j. r ,rKt1 1 wnen the ban Juan anea up ana -- - ' l . t 1 J3 J v naa- io move a nunureo in- i . hi 1 t. Si I' ilit thnu t!"1 ' r-.:id Va (..' : !. Ml! d shnt. i .;t- a sii .ul! a ot i I i ud rue S liir lin.li i l kilh'ii . . i iu ry a ! ire ierl ! "FiOllu' ! and turner: lMVi- t U.it i". i: ;.':.-i !.. 5 i:i-f:l ini'y j--i!U .,' i '.-e ;.m shoi f-. Uit'V i-.i l:W they V ilh )! - --i aed 'the. hil-:;. iwav. TI udes t'e.e tea;o:-iers We Jiad two iittle e jj-a.de it!' tdrch Orititiat, liorrtureil. Sluli-n ami ComiHiiiixalrit Ai'iffrs on The ;reeusbto Workman says the pear rrop of lliat coun ty is the line; t thev have ever had. 1 1 it ;i t' i t! rail ii ii w: ' ii ' 'iff rn i.i 's lit-ii on ;.!iil liow Wt 1 lit' II I I iiin'i pui U'.vt ti top u U e) !;'s liuie w; : eans. oi as as ev; a ".id it. kept "tie-: scn!.h d ,nist as fast as Kern, cut open ; .; tie. iaiite. :;,i iiVelr t;ii-J!i i lie . it it oi li-iun. i' I t Mil' 111 -.1.1, 111 tlfS '. ! ' t - ;ii...1 t WO ' s:ie was r hi .vitli theii: n'. ii ; i : i t hi v i-i i h" .-urhurhs fill in.!S ahil i: f oi"lli !!! -; a ud t'a Hie ;ht ill id . : ; i.' rk v r 1 A the i U ..s i; U-, o , ;t s In rr .i'nrs tioi.. ii.Di 'k. Tie. n ;!,: ! it. I ne I'i-J kill, d at Row- ra t ' ;:nd hi ..I' .v', i j r tl.r ! fa lit,'-,'' j ien 1 lold i ry ii.ladit Wi!- hoidi:i!' a I' . to -.i v.- tie- -tii r l-:ir!. : . a in ! i : ' kiflcd lo-r i.. iiln ( i.'iM'O V ! -CO J.l - I : II d M ! ' i 111 ciniipi uyj'or t' ii d trade," said ( api. the nan. ir told a. rattler that wa hind S:.ri:i:'S th.it !iac lies the live buttons skin held two !ei-:i.-l hr.iii and Ids lau::- v. inches long. "hon: sud (iptaiaii r.ri;. i in v famous volt st - - t! how .hi.igo ! Ml'!'' vo;! s lion Co. irt at I. li'ayetle in 1 ") a.n-i ,h.e V,',nl:i:iv.' an.i Newt ia:r nii-'iiy .. tj ' a lot oi t.'itdi eaia r--hud Villi ; siie wdf lor two ih . aud nk'his with forty "notmds and liiial!:; tre. .1 her olnder a i;iill .dam close to town and the judtre. iuijouriied the court to take part in the frolic, for the wolt w.!.-' the teu-or of the neii-diborh and had lived on calves and lames and young nigg'Ts for i-everai years -and as how the dogs cc.i.tj.lti't b- per suaded to go on under the dam after her. and finally -loo Ward-. law shucked hi , chvees an took ii. hatchet in his hand and, 'a butcher knife ' between Ids' teeth, and like oi l Isreal Put uai.i. went behind water :.;!! a I..: ,. and killed her in a ham lit. and diUs-'ged h s a l'i Ml'.S ;r-li on .- :i i i a vlyit 'hits iiii.i I on. hi ihreo li.ul forty thous lie ''pate de foi was mi'le ii: reloaiieii ihe. . uii s'i back to soi.i nilt ii'!' i ; v : ix tlnei-aiid ' J lol! -:' ' 'I' Lv.'ll. ir.rl So We : iiea r i n i 5 lie t i. ! da v We tiimbh.'. out i. -ii-'ie. It wis :; riilge ana w 'chid id' wild a 1 .: Vf !'V I.ee thoiisa ads - o:: e i 1' l!i Terriipiii: ioriy.dol! eiore. r.ue work to .; t care as !.. : ace to., us tl i d' m: til re with Vri.; :tin:r in -elOJ'io 1 S't.'i' i i; 1 rj t 'li i 'O' i . So . - r i I. i o;.v :s. to; iy i d; . narrow, i vered w - that trrripin ". There weia in then; aaid st I ever saw. then k .:) i on r miies to iind water. It was during the graet drouth that la-ted seven months and dried up and burnt up everything in ..the Santa l'e county. Our stock liked to have perished i f.fi.r.) we got out of it and got water What a delicious i ast we had when we did find ; it. H was nothing but a small ! lagoon, but it was clear and 1 ",iod. That - night we heard j a wiul sounds, and we got up ! and ot read v for trouble. We i 1:; o! a buil's-oye lantern .and .;vw the light strong upou he lagoon where the sounds ,r.-.e from, and there were o-r iu i wolves and mountain i. -.ns and prairie dogs aud cat- ii. oun't's and bears aud big nok-s aud bulfalos and elks vibl horses, other beasts The Roxboro Courier says the farmers of that section are busy ciirintr tobacco. They ,-;;i.y the lenf is bright. The Courier reiiorts the potato croj as vt-ry fine. The editor of the fO-rh' Point Enterprise was triveu an apple that weighed one pound and eight ounce.-. Yet the people of the State buy arpb-s of the North. If we hadbetter rail road facilities this would not be so. a The New Rerna Journal says : "A lady who owns a plantation about two and a half miles from this city say that .-he will give four or live worthy young men tracts of fifteen or twenty acres ot good land fi r a year 'ree of rent ii they will cultivate it." In the State of culture of tV.e pec Texas ti t ai nut i; It -.1 di t iie Apiu Iroiu amy th a d - la w SI - ', ' V e r et i I V -th 1 1:.-: J ii.! 11- to There lb:' hl- c. r.i d Who t err a. inu.-ic and ip a Ltmdred in half an hour by ringing a little silver bell that he brought " as a ..- let IT,.: nuts, iive in pins w that h i-ani '.lis tha. fond Hi Id c OI 1 i , all gathered at the i mi . i rt nun. lney nai come uides and miles for water; for y.v.i know wild animals can iviit water from afar off. But they didn't fighs. The common perit seemed to have humbled ; ti em and they all drank close I together and kept the peace : until they had got enough and ! then the lions and bears and such beasts went around growl-l-iiig ind moaning and were get- tittg ready for their prey. A panther Lad just crouched to j spriiig upon a young deer when ! I'drew o, bead upon him and j dropped him in his tracks and i trie report alarmed the inena ! gerie and they fled. Rut night I after night they continued jto come and we killed scores ! of. the beasts whose skins were j valuable. Rut by and by the found to be. very prolitabh would prove, possibly quite as profitable in North Carolina, where the tree grows well. Tree culture and nut culture should receive more atteaion from our farmers than they do They involve little labor and in time will yield handsome lvsnUs. Wilmington Star. to! irom spam we got hi make the experiment and found that it was sd.' They came from their Jdding places all rouii ids .-at in and b-eid their heads up high to drink ii! the' mu-ic. A happy- thought stuck, liie. Wed las 'ittie neli an winter rains pet in and we saw t;or.r i t a. I!: a i. 1. III: to-! out. and she ij;e;: iireU six feet from the eud f her nose to tlie end of !u r tail. . "Stuart v;oii'," s.id Captain Rick. Wo stopped awhile to rest Urn iiiiboi and 1. t'aptain Pick looked round at the chil dren with a sympathetic glance and knocked the a-hes out of his-" pipe. 'Slutotiag -that rane," said lie, "reminds me ,.f some good sport J had on the S Httli Plate river before th?t oauntry was explored We we it- camped in a beatit'ul val ley i ight on the border of a li!l;e that wa.-- about five miles long anal half a.-i wide. le u ti.H the wild geese began to come they always came in a V-shaped column with a big old ganih-r in the lead for awhile they would circle around and aroiutd to recconnoitre, -but -o',7! would become satisfied that there was no danger, and then the leader would dip - his course, and one oy one the rest iv.u: hi ii.-Hri downwards but always keep! ng the lines per- 1 b'l-tly rtrai-rht. 1 had a lotig bur.-1 rifie that '.... s made to or-' h:i-in Loudoii, iuel my 'sport ii- h. get the old g;i:der it; 'iit' itli on- o'-' the "tlier of Urn rows of geese beiiind him M'I put' a, ball through the ulioh, ilumn and .drop them dl in the water. When the "tlier half -f the' Hock would i'efonn and make a second Y, 'uid mis! round awhile and see ing their companions down on tie- lake would be - to dip down ag.dn.iiijd 1 would catch '. hcurin :,, a,,n,. again and tin "lei drop another half in the water. I would !-e . ; on thai way until i got. the last goose ft .. iiock. Itut we : oou got tired -f that, ii.r it . a ji: t a waste ot powder jui.'i hull, i'kere was Mi-.tbisr lake about Jie jiiiles -v .! y . ant it wa; a kind of iu- '"' 'lO'.l'.'Ut gey: oi'. AliOUt t'.'li " . tliu month there-Was a. '-'i' ' oiuruoti ui in the water u il l.e-zan to warm uj twenty-buir hours got . boiling hot, but nearly '" '"'t i Jiougis to ;a-i)ld a'gO!': e ' " : . )MS i'eathel-S so tlji. t . not lly. i used to - ' ; , I e.l sorry t"ithe pool '' " ,, n 1 mi.w them by the " j settle down iu the '-"' .-it ui waters and give a reiiiii a.it'l- try to rise am! ' ' 'i' l s:et up a little and drop '' ;.id .I'uiaUy give, up fi..y i and li '.at oil.' with the cur 1 'o, down into the Platlo. 'i" night itstruck me that this ; mi awful waste ot go.-. e 'ves, tha.t 1 knew was worth l dollars a case in yt. Louis tied i"cr' old terrii towards, tbe ma hou.rs we Lad t .: i 1 i : i .' into the lilt th: rdowest im-une lertook--wit Ji i'X ami-forcing that w a jargv no more of them. Now, Nabor Freeman, let me fill my pipe again, please, and I ii tell these children more ! oi mv western adventures to- i morrow night." i j The next morning the nabor . i . .i. lea me uT earv auu isioon an n d a few ! a I hundred ,.bitt it . was j ? i ever tin - j the -urging I could iuale i I a round trou San i . - u wa v ud tl sai we 'made nn iy i'talf- a. mite a day, but to,v. umber it;cr.aaed us we moved along and iu thirty-six day.-, had os.i ailed about seventy-live thousand terrapins. o:i the shore. We chartered the sloop ami uuioaaea .ttet canuts and. iii about had our cargo iu and and forty tf ;iid after some hesita- " Where is Captain "He is just getting I. The nabor puffed at. his pipe for a moment en said, in a low whisper, r. do yon regard him as a man?" Rn. A' Useless Flsrxt- Ilvery farmer shonei unite himself to some .; -iciiltuial society which hold an annual fair, and he should exert him self to become a useful as well as a working member. P.y do ing so lie will lift himself up to a higher level ami it will jtimulate him to more carefully investigate every new step of progress made in agriculture.- llaleigh visitor. ouain-;i:wim;. The American Agriculturist ' says : "In grain-growing coun tries such leading points as early or late sowing are far from being settled. While the majority of the best farmers agree iu eowiug their grain early, there are others who find, or think they find, enough benefit from sowing as late as their fathers did in a year when the weather was favorable, and are very hmd in their assertions of 'l told you so." However farmers may ditfer a to the time oiVo.ving their grain.there i are some points on which all j will agreethe superiority of j drilling iu the seed over sow ing broadcast, and the iinpor t anee of thoroughly preparing ThsoW. Int'-t -section, Wes tern New York, broadest Row ing is almost obsolete. Ninety-nine hundredths of all the wheat sown is drilled in ttiiiiitity of ;iM-fl -own per acre, inm tour to -d. pecks five pecks being tin rule. Our grain drills have fertilizer attachment-, and a very large propor tion of our farmers drill iu with the wheat two hundred pounds of superphosphate per aero. Thfre is much dilfereiicu of opinion in regard to whether it is better to a. phosphate containing iM'ta h aud nitroyeii as weil as i-oluble phosphoric acid, or meiviy a phosphate containing nothing but -soluble phosphoric acid. The latter is preferred becau -e, iu the first plain it is cheaper, and because, in the second puice, many ot the farmers say it does just as much good as the higher priced article. Then opponents say the former is the leading mo tive, and they predict that a phosphate without potash will soon cease to ha ve any effect. There is some truth in this, but as long as the laud producer good crops of clover there is no lack of potash. The deficiency of pota-ui will first manifest itself in the failure of the el over. SATAN'S JUICE. ITS A J. .i xt;i:i:ni TO T.t fix I. To.- vs Tiitxa I TOiat the ITewcparers are Zzjzj cf 1 W- lie 1H.I ij.t a tfmurtt and That j John ). tUrlml-j Ihii.U tariff re II oh Uh.,t UH,heMtur. j rni trill U the ai, of the An ohl negro, ...uUe, in - angrilr ! '''T'T "" ""Xt r,nl,. white man, who liapjieunl to lie . ' standing neir, ..veth.Hr.l l.un. ! .T,,M f,?iLV HfSCKV. "wli-.u'rt the matter, SmiiiM.ns I" ' 'K luw Hllie lm.iTt the white man asked. The negro j r'Me l" '1'rk that "a xniM halted, hhook Iu.h head and replied: ' wb come over tu the lUpab "(lo'Hl deal de matter, i ab. I'm j ,"1';,u,, contain. en lv Ih.it act that l lie -.tu m lor wliicli L CXiOlbtet wan wn.np.? wav is'it i Why ti.e M-ntiiu-TiUl licgro. vol.. ili. i:..iilliean tirtot MitiJtj Hint alwajM rantiot telt. Not a iii-jrrn. n.ive a trw linnilml on nagar J ' ii ins m me ien-tiaary I the t.uiil'. On the ci.ntrary, be i plufkrtl liy it at eerjr turn. (oitlMcai Atgu. '.' IIK H:t tsu roXTIM KS. iUvnig bui'- dtnl m tryins the j I at out ol iiiai.ul.utureri befure tie : i-h-iitiou, untl U-intr welt iiImn-.I wnU tin rulln of :he lro-s the Republican ate now Laid at work Irving the tat out of the treanrr. N. V. Cotnmeicial Atlwrliier, inn. Tlie Newton Enterprise gives these items that will be of in terest to our farmer readers : Clover hullers have succeeded threshing machines in this county and are doing a. big business. Mr. Philip. Coulter sowed one pound oi a variety ot wheat and gathered from it To pounds, br a bushel aud a quarter. ";Tljis is at the rate ofj 7o bushels from one. Mr. s. i. tviiiai.e on .,- acres ; raised . t'i l ou.-neis oi wheat, an average of -rr busli- els to the acre, ana u lo acres of this crop he raised ha" bushels, a average of :) bu-h- els to the acre. c o - It is useless to continue our fb'ht against Mormonisin until wh regulate tha matter of divorce by a federal law. At a .month lVr'eseiit mmi get divorce secretly lialtimore ! without the knowledge of their 'tdd out for one 'hundred j .wives. In New Yoik, for in- fnrr.v thousand to! In rs. i'sfaiice. the divorce law is so Ve oiigb-t to have tad twu e as j iose that a man may nave two luanv teiriruus as we did, btit ! lawful wives at the some time. - f - then - - l . a. . i ; gi , was an oei iic-Koiy uiuige - a lagoon on tire -n. y IV.i V' We jrld. way, an' acres it broke down with. the weight ed' the'terrapins that. had piled i upon ii knee dc-ep, and we lost j all tbe'rear 1 i' the drove. J Rut there was no. peril, ad yen-i : tiia t -. 'our i.i'. the t'-'.-t. iriornmg vTAl'AMAESH'S COONS- r ' Thc-y Handle Uncle ' Sam's Mails- ' lure, m the 1 ike wild wo-lern lift riding ou' W'iU te i was riding ouc one with a frit:;!'! while camped oi; tJur he. of t'h.e Colorado, a na a prairi.; w.alf bob tie: and trotted a.l'ong-;. on (.hreoi legs. We deteiuu to i.a '. i.i'-, ?:iit . down fourth leg. and gave cha: .-.,d ..arneTlt. We ran .him nr. but my friend's- ho an i, The mail ficilties are wretch ed, hvery Caucasian was in Clinton oiiice on last Thursday v:e were; before ti o'clock a. m. Yet we have recived complaints from twenty places that the papers ree did not arrive on time. If it is with papers it will be nearly b!?' With letters. Is not the ttto.f.l aiii.ed i ;u- i i s inail of this country too im- in '. porta.pt to be trifled with by for the ignoramus, fool-hardy coon : ( postal clerks of little Ben Har- I i..;:. ;.:i, in .DliF. UlB UaCis.i riSOn-. il lUCJO ia uj utaw tfe camt. 1 hail got.! where this Government shouia m.' w..:s raining have mteiligent. careiul ana 1,-. was o'ilv about kfor back up the, wolf Uiile ; Ids ctty s she ad, and fourth leg jre of get- when tra Oil a quarter oi had .put d; and J felt, , ting v. 5 Shin pistol range . . ,i i .... 1 T . -. i A i n ? ...u-j r'd su uieioy o- o- " h t v - j. M-acticedoye sweid the prairie j i'in every direction; but ! was j i alone. My horse was. -still on j Phis metal' arid ;'e? 1 approacheu ; the spot u'here the wolf was j last seen, au cpe-iing, or crack I the .-round gaped wiue be- i t - eihCicnt .. . . A SI men it is in ine man service. Report them? Yes, but we have learned that it does no good to rsport a radical to a radical, Clinton My Caucasian. IS TSCPLS TO BLAME- j t:rr. Demand Their Eights- la.iMi si alio Us. From the New i'.erne .journal we clip the following prescrip tion as given by Rr. F. R. Kilbourne, of Washingtou i "i t y : "To prevent stagger-, !. o.. aloes, ; oz. podophyllum and 1 oz. ginger in a pint of water; give it to the horse once in ::ti hours. For a horse that has an attack of staggers double he above dose every hours. Horses that have -.daggers should be given loose, diet!'' KAIsINO 'loiiAi ( i. A writer in a recent number of the Progressive b aimer peaks very disparagingly of the outlook for successful to bacco growing in his section, which he says is in what . is known as the "Pright tobacco belt." He says where one makes a succes- in making a fancy cure, scores upon scores fail. The Nashville Argonaut says this will not hold good in Nash county. Re canse of the peculiar adapta tion of the soil of Nash, any one can grow line tobcccc. In fact none but experienced men are growing tobacco iu the county, aud a warehouseman from Oxford has travelled over the entire county this season and says he found ojjly one inferior crop of tobacco. ihts is remarkable. The Augonaut frthsr says ; "bometime since we made a careful investigation I v.M.rr oi corroN s;-;m. A Texas correspondent of the American Agriculturist says : "The real value ol onr cotton seed crop is not yet fully ap- prtcieted by the Southern farmer. It is one d the best and most convenient winter foods for cattle, and is usually fed without, any preparation, hulls and all. .small seed- hullers tor tar in use are uow manufactured, and every South ern farm should be supplied With one. The hulls have lit tie or no nutritive value for stock, but the allies from them or even the rotted hulls are ex ceilent as fertilizers. They are too bulky aud indigestible for tl-e bovine -stomach, yet, native Sotith m cattle devour the en tire seed with great relish 1 his does not prove that it is the best to be ted whole, how ever. The raw kernels, with the hull removed, are much more ea-ilv masticated. If dampened and mixed with bran or emu meal, a most en ticing and nutritious ration for milch cows would be had. The kernel ol ttie cotton seed is so soft that I do not think it would be profitable -iabor to cook it. When fed unhulled, however, boiling the seed softens the hull, and makes them more easily eaten by thoroughly wet-ing and"laying" the lint that adheres to them. A little ; a:t -should he added when boiled. Cattle that have been accustomed to eating raw seed will not rea'dily eat the cooked unless mixed with meal or bran, or with a little shelled corn oi other grain. Thus prepared, cotton seed is good for hog feed, .especially for 3o7s suckling pig.. Iry seed gwme up Yiiuder to whup ule ny. "What h.K he done!' ".Setter mii.e, I know wliut he'n done. Neli. r did i-e il like in in.", life. Vim I. i" d.ii ni-icer?' "Ye..." "Kmowm hi-'t. iMiiii ih- b'gges' dm tik aid in ue 'iiiiiuit , doan Jon!'' "Yes, 1 know he ill ml." Yen s ill : reckon oii iIocm Now I'm gwuie tr put my 'l. I. tint HglU o. In yoil. mine time i Tgo 1 fliipiH d ilriiikni' In ker. I -svore hit I wiiiilij snii i r whUm le lewt i" mv hie. H it wo: tied, .ill right till xistidy "Wli.il oeciiiiid ttii-ll !' W", s;i! , tie frohct u allied my lionne erwa.x." "Wei", !iu'. what ilnl oh I Tony hive to 'o ;i h ii r' "Wait till i li-ll you. J).- water coilltb-r wasted ion house jest ez I'ilM.N i it did mine, lililie, no, R.ili, it "iiup(HMl niiiii.l a I. eoieli me. Yere IV beiii er tumputu-e mail lur live year, an d.it mtbu scouuul ban tueeii drunk putty nigh evei du , bat. de wai. r li ul ter ki him an' wash my I ou e erwav.fir d i trll tue hit iaVu In- f.niii' out iic lack be tuck tun pipe omen tun uiouf, tLek i dip.k i i'cker onteu er black hot ill', ill joss. In- dill. Mm teller. lie oiigliti r t'Uilt Ins linn e Mime. wiiiir up on i t iiiouiilain. iJatig' us putt!! V down mi clos tei ite water. Pliv.leo, raze lii' Metier iKul teuipiim-e pUMSoti." Da 18 vihut il.- Muiiiiiil t-aal. Hih bouse siainlii itar all right, tniue don walnd ei wav. He drmkin l.cker d! de linn : iiieiiiii.k :i water. Me ll j u ter pleach .t pel an' de wind an i!- ;pi ... ..i.n .!n earih-u h- eia;n ; ..i. iililiu elm Lens a; sIkmiIii cta.s an" hatiilhn de piMi.tMia ili. i n I thoaght iliout all dis I sas to ttieihe'l; S'tiiiiiuiis. ymt ai:.'" lx-ee treateil nyat in di.s ni;;t!ei. 1.1 .oii doau go up vamlei an' wLu,i ilal nigger you ain't got no tine ligion lu yo' ou I ami li m-rve Itl o ttodv. So IV on my way up dar uow ter gin il.it nicger ite wiims ul!eriti' er scniiiiiil . biM got in ibs -yere woil." Do.ui talk tei ue-, sab; doau try ter "siiai'e me ergin takin' dm yen step o' jest ire 'out if you wmit-i ter vaie ttulluu i! u it Mtuir like er noun iiog ii .ti siiet up in er smoke-house t id er man dap got er luekoi v ypront, just hoi' yo ye ir tn dis ihn eiisliun He w. hked on, tnutti iiiig as be wenr. I lie oib iidiiig uego lived but a sboit dit nice away, ami tin white man soon heard muses that souuiii'd as 1 1 some one were beat ingiii nhe.it with ll.ul, ami not long iuterwaru out rmin;otis came miming down the ro ul. His bat was gone ami !:irt eoat bung in Hbieds. "Have you killed him !' the white man asked. Simmons s opped, looked back. shook Ins head, aud replied: Wbit the Zto-tcz ef tit SsSl tan lz Say. HIE UtMUt llIki: IT.AC E. The majority of both mre. deiir9 peace and good iri:i, and they mean to LaTeit at the exp-en. of all who would cre ate trouble, AoheTille Journal. 1KMK KA1S WILL Imi TUK WOBK I lie ileii-nt Republican iu Vir ginia are ic'UMiig to te wuipped into the M!pcrt ol lio Mahotie luit iiuiotiiiiiatvly there ate not many id thi ni, and the work of bur the little 'rct-hot-ler will de volve uiHin li-moi l at.. Tbey are ejtial to n. N. WutU'. I'.ROWKR OX tilE Pt.ACIC IJlT. Brower will not ro tack. Such 1 the decree. Youn Tom Set tle trill take Li m-atp, and be the nominee, uv the knowing man at Winston. Wilmington Mfwngfr. I'EoraTiNu hie vrxourrv. One of the chief object of the IIoay rale Is protection of the minority. 'lLere I no lyraony more cppre-clre than the tyranny the majority may incict upou the minority un le?9 restrained by law. Xw I'-erne Journal. NO 8JUS OK I'EACE. There Is toot much coie in the Republican catnD In tfai State Just now, but it does not follow from thl tbat the fac tions have come together like brothers and Lave buried the hatchet. It Is the aulet that precedes the etotm. Wilming ton star. in net in s r. Judiie Ti-uigi e, l,u now lives No'lb soinew here, Uses to pt edict i.u:- war in the M.utli. Tbe linlge I. veil iu Noitb Camhoa for soiae yi ais ai,il t.d as mui li to brgi-t i!! t.i-hng bt-twrrtl tbe raeei as any other leu men Mitub nf tbe rotomac. ' He i a natural lrn iiiiHdiiet maker. Htul ever tiappiel ttiatt W bi n l.c in tl'iitig the ilevil'rt work. ilmington Mar. m a HIK lUKSltiKXT Lli kKIl AiJAIN i. rt. I'Iikmi, i; puiiiiciii , wj elected from a Democrat ie disttict u ew York, lie wanted bi broiler apH:iiiied m.ist tr at l ht.ir.i. Tbey all Iimi'a out for their broi hers. c. Tlie rreoidetit liei tated. when l'I.... ir.timatid that be wciil. I sin out and turn that dwirirt nver to tbe I N-morratn again. TIiih bad its effect. riio-ntmos rnoTEfTisu. It is t tie "proteeteil wool "rowers who Ii rul that sheep h in ban dry pay. It Is the "protected woolen iii.iiuil.u-iiners wbo are trembling on tbe edge of tustilveney. It is tbe itroiecied ' coat miners who are starving on tbe Ilitnois' prairies Tbe un pro! eeted iuihi.-lii-s thrive. liny are not tnlui asi-il lv the exei ssi s that spring frmn dubbing. Tbey aro depemleni npmi indiviilu al exertion appht-u to natutal re aources and opi-oiiunities. Ib-w much longer must we i-er-i-d in tbe mad experiment ol taxing proiluc t:ve industriea in o"der to et on pro-duiMtve industries oo tbetr feet and make them protitabh-! l'lnU dilpbta ltieord, Item. iu was too vjiue. to i. The I'nited States produces enough food to supply every citi .en bountifully. Its factories -Tl x. r. i. 1. oil Via nlf ti ll e iiUl3 WIUIIU)""! VuDv.i.. li 0 1 ;U"1 III !,la !l"t g-t tioi; nil: 'that I was j lou.-iy hurl, but how to .;l of th- '. - aas the ':- ; ''Iw, walls 'vreri pmrpeiid-1, i and as sm:;'nSS7'auil- hard ie; i'.et her miiig uuj For -lit a;id aoiayv. i set - dpoH . is;f.-e and ' pondered and : waited for . c-..i" jhelp from for ! ti lt Sure tnoy it f" me. ! My horse swe;i auu i . iis to dospair &na , fore me Ieai, and I could not stop my Iioi.se, rind in a twinkling W(J i ,,a, U!.,;,ea. coal, wood minerals went down, down, down, about I ar'g iu the 'greatest abundance foity feet, it wasroi'K oouom- -j tLe .,eopie industrious anl id and rock f-i'dded. 1 he ail oi i,neT.1ryt yet want,destitu kilh;.! my hoit..;, broke his neck .tioilf hunger, and suffering are ! and stunned me to in.-en dbihty j (.,,,istai)t'gnests in thousands of I'm a few minutes'. . iiieu. I j j..,jUe;i Kvidently natural con-. to I found that f was: li;,:lU,.. uot to blame, but the injustice of ' manmade laws is. Is there anyplaufci bie reason why the peo ple should suffer from such Saws and their results when they have, the power to alter them ? It' the people suffer they have themselves alone to t .buna, bet them arouse them- t -selves, study the situation, ajid i act like, men worthy of a btt.er : .-.ta,i.e ; demand aud see to it i that theseevils are corrected. f National EcouomiBt. ' of the results of ti.bacco grow ing iu Nash for the past reason. We prof ure l the actual sales of the principal crops,, and the result was the conclusion that the average yield per "acre for the entire county was i?liki. Every oue knows that any farmer who cau produce a crop which will bring him an aver age of BV'1: a-11 am' an make I more money. It ineiperleiicd I men, many of whom probably j never saw a. plant of tobacco j growing until the past four or i 1 a . I I.i iu the hull should never be fed to .swine, as the lint seems to accumulate in the stomach gradually until it finally k'lls them. Sometimes when cotton seed is fed abme to milch cow?, it imparts a somewhat unpleas ant taste to the milk. Salt tends to prevent this, but if the ration is changed occasionally to carrots, turuipH or eweet potatoes twice a week or bet ter still, mix a few cut-up turnips or sweet potatoes with every feed of seed, no such trouble will occur. The high inaiiurial value of cotton seed has long been known, aud no farmer should sell his -ted to the oil mills except in exchange for cotton i-tied meal, whi.Ti is nearly as valuable for .aittle fe.td and manure as the entire seed. To sell oil the crop f cotton seed at ten cent per bushel, and buy nothing to feed the soil iu its place, is a suicidal policy that is running many a slmrt sight ed Southern farmer, especially iiir colored farmers. "Dai's Mt'htn" verjung in 'rarigeuients o' ibs ere hie. Wrut up dar ter wbup dat nigger went wid jestire i.:i mv side, hut now look at in-'! Atii'i lit lur iiiitliin ml !. v it pet lags an soap t ease I hii.i. ile M uii n ui sP. mlo out at Ac tenet-, miu. km' as w'iii I tolt In ai wlui: I conic alter be put bi pipe iiii de gate post. Dm I ered sn hu hit tie giouti. ll u. me db l. on : sl, hoi mi ! We attt j rw. .9 .1... I.,,. . ...,...! . . l.l l ' .. - j;i;i . iii ' , "t 4 1 . , I II r . ill . ivv wbep! in- tnck aie I ti:el ier urab lii.u ui .;e eye. Iuk t-ie-Cot di illume iu ins inouf. (Jbokcit me down at got nty years lull o sat..' How is er man gwiue ter pleach de gospul wid bis yean lull o' s.n,' I'd like ter know.' "Why didu'tyou bit mini! "How I gwine ter bit bini when de scutuul wouhln' ciu me er eliance .' De greedy rai-u.d leb'j jraiilteil ever' ibant-e Leiieed. How 1 wine bit Ida; wjisti be bad liofe my hairs ground down under me f Hew J gwitie bit liuu w'eii bo wuz er settiu' er-Ntiaddle o' me pouin sum' in inv ear like it wn- uutliii but er blame funnel You talk like r man tlat ain't gut no jeduieut. t'onie axm me why I didn't hit bun ! You miiste U-eii raised 'way ofT yatnler wluir ile cows would git lost.' "No, salt, I'm gwine right ilewn ter dat lickcr shop an' git er drink, dal's wbut I'm gwine ter do. Of. ef yen gwine ter ( it Satau's you hatter iltink some o' Satan's juice. Y'ou wait, an you'll yen dat bonn' holler jit."' Arkansas TraVehT. THE NEIGHBORHOOD. Tin: A.-H V t$r TIIKADJOIX. IMS !' TIES .ii... . m n. f4. lull W.Kk ti tl-e ran! toUrta witb- tn H w-rck-.. The ladM-bt fSiUl -ware Loom in k file n tbe mol a f v daya g.. i..tii px-kkinc Wtomotire a4 tprtitij; n;o tea;. I'.ol for UmtiT diMtivti) the entire Im-adaf aad protutiJy a laic tUoa C4 U ion wtm'4 bave been deatrcyed a the wind wm blowttj TWy If o-t'v jt ihf time. i:. i ....( -.t.ii l-k y.i. i: II. Kirka la bariaj aprlxa tionx- ta it tiear tbe tobaooo ware- lUv. Mr. CulUftb, is coniacUt a ttt- ar t nieetlrii: at tbe lltlK Iii ilnit. h in (lit pi are. t-t I-uitdiy and WrdtJ&aday wili 3 g tw r-tnr mbrrexl m ""red lii.-t .Uy iu Ibe tutory of Rocky Meeet Tbe tobacco acaJKia for l-s-e j-enil under the moat rt4t aupioea, and tbere ra lut HtiCrr It do&Tt aDOEt i: .lv Mtunl beootniag osa of tka it-ij.-ug p.haiioo tnarkcta ta tbe S;ate. THE LAW MH-lilixi. As before tUted are the laet to encourage lynch law. it Is a dangeroui prer dent lo es tablish and is contrary U the principle upn wLlrh mr governintit Is founded. are for the eiifnteeiueiit of th-o law, ho that every man will re ceive the punishment according to the crime he has committed. Morgantoti Star. in Ia ou Tbnrndaj of laat "I.. ' - Mary .kVafe vaa taar- II.-I to Mr. J. J. Medlord, both of IV'ii.u Rcr. Mr.Sieibt, Paaior l i"t.n tuj.tik. cbQrcb.oBctat- M - Nan Sbwhln, daofbter of ir r-s-s.'tii tuwnraa&, Mr. W. II. --!i !.:, die.l t brr tome Tuea da.. Ss pv. Jotb aUnit S o'clock aV. ii... -i t. Joigt ring iltueoaof aeT- i at H 1'i.iU.. At t lie lutaw l Mr. Joba L M ti 114.1, on last Sunday, Miai l.uo.sa N vibe tw married to Mr. V.. . unto ld, ilr. A. A. Wbtte, mcia'ms. Uewisblbem Bappi- Ht s iid ttj Lie sFI.F ri:iTEiTIOX To ui of the South the main tenance of Atifrlo-vSaxon. hupre macy towers above all other political questions. It is a question as to whether we fhall be the rulers or the ruled. It is manifest that both races can not govern, and either we must govern the negro or be govern ed by him. There Is, and can be, no middle ground. Eliza beth City Falcon. Ki.VoBAXCE AMI PKOTtCTlOX. It is essentia! to the contin ued success of the pcheme of public robbery by virtue of the tariff, that the masses of the people be kept in Ignorance of its real character. Hence It is custom to present It as the friend of industry and a great public benefirter, and to deny emphatically the allegation that "the tariff is a tax" (Joldsboro Argus. -r- iwiiixf. st-i I I IHb Oop :iv freatlj tnproT4 biting the last week Of two. Mr. Crank farmer, of W'llaoa, pit-u iitd at st. ievta taiaraay Ib-nrv Joues wan op before C Q. Itradlry, J. r., (or ilnr eoodry artiile- Itttm 4. Z-amler'a afora Wedni-ouljy night. It mi that Joih k ify-retl bitnwelf ia tbe a tore ontil it mi cloM-d. Then be pro- r -d tt help bimetf and got OQt at tbe b.M-kdoor. 1 eateraar toora- ing be came t&lo tbe atoie veartaf a bat bk-U waa reooffoiced, asd be waa arre.tl. Failinc to bond be ent to jail to await Superior ("onrt. I stands fur Pierre, the -ftomh r- ful deeti.r, Providing HaTe remedies, of which he is eoneoctor. rieasaut to taste, and easy to take. Purgative Pellets now "tiearofTtbe cake." Mr. Mos (uito, traveling agent for the celebrated army of Blood Suckers, is in the city taking orders and making con tracts for his corapsnv. They travel on the cash in advance system. They send iu their bill whan they commense work. TOO VAXY HMii I iSTs. Gradually they are having tact burned into them that there are too many men engaged in mer chandizing in North Carolina in proportion to the population of tbe State. We are an army or consumers, without prodoc ing one thousandth part of the things we need, and Lave to buy at a distance, with freight to be added. e must awake to the importance of making among os more of the articles that are nece-sirv to our com fort and being. Durham Globe. IhoScally Eich Hiz The man Is rich who doesn warn more man ne nas means to get. Some one has paid tha riches consist in the abundance of the things a man does no want, and there i a great big piles of solid chunks of wisdom in the saying. . . It is Rucky Columbus dis covered America when he did. If he had waited until now he would have been ho perplexed as to whether to discover it at New York or at Chicago the chances are he would have turned around and gone, without discovering it at Washington Host. . The S:aths ProsrcEs- The leys A yountr lady at Athens, (ia., has invented a lamp that will cafse to burn exactly at 10 o'clock. The average Georgia lover has no fault to find with Die lamp ; in fact, he would te better satisfied if it would fro out as soon as lie came in. the young lady wants to make a real ten etrlke she would in vent a father who will go to led at o'clock. Toledo Com mercial. now we Honor ocb own. TLe name of worthy North Carolinaians were offered for the position of President, on of whom is the peer of any aud certainly superior to the major ity of those whose names were offered. Hut alas, he was guil ty of being a North Carolinian which was fatal to Lis chances. Out of the whole faculty of the (Treat ezierimental In-tilutiou there are now only two North Carolinians, and they need must Lave left the State for a while to be fit to be called back. Clinton Ceucasian. A RIX-KLKsk ViiOL. -In ill. A tr' l'i at fta-l. I:.1fc. V. p.. Rarbeior. Rt-U 00 to tiave crTt-il a banine baae la Splliibje. The i.-im ten data bave bee a f X- witing! lavorable lor tavir; od d T. and tbe tjaahly u very fine. Mr. Marion Warren aied Friday night la-t. Mr. Win-i leareaa kind host-ami. '. biU and a In..! oi it unU to tuouitf ter aa tiuiely depart ate. t'jn.htia Male and Ft !' laati. t . o-eiiel Monday under tbe most promisinc aofpioea. Tbe nuinU r of popils to aMeodanee la el ittej n i.unually Increakioi. IZev. .1. W. Powell, tbe ftaiOf, asstste.1 by Iter. t. M. Dcke, ia condiKiuix a protracted iseeliBX at the Itaptml cuurcb. We aiooereJy bot tbe niet-tlox will ret alt ta g.-sl ti the comnaQitj. Dr ti l Rggert, suierintendent of the Munn Arnnptoa poid mtse, was in toMo 'Saturday. Tbey bare nn mli put on alditioDal toroa at t hi - mine ami tbe work ta btitg eiit igidirally prompt! ted. . -. i H- iJ.. -irt. S-i.il.r. I lik. I l.e staggers i cankioK trouble to ti ia i ti ol Mock ia aome aectioca id tt:i 4.aity. Some sorghum will be made is Put cm at v tin Jear. We bape .argt-r ni of rane will be planted nrt yt at. J ; i-- tt-poited that snow fell bear Ke. S this iKcuhty, on tbe Jtth ui Aitgn-t. We brve beard it vi-iH'hi d for by rii-jjusib'e toea. T.i4 has tM-en made in Pitt d itity lias year tbat will readily 1 1. .ag one dollar r tound. Mora ot our latmi-raabould coltivale It. Oa Wednesday evening aaotber j pit nuns babe, tbe infant c&iid of home all. Facte Wcrth Sncwtng- a 1 1 m v ami -a-ait the ca.Pii iould J.uut fo Wa biV ii.i;i'g t r.. mo.it di ive.n five years, Have t-e.-n a-.ue to j ;,, ah .hse.lso el i he nasal mue- accomplish such splendid re- i UUy i,..ft, i,; ri.ni- me remedy used suits, what could the old andiuoi. '.i- on-ti!itaing, l'e tnedi skillful tobacco raicers of c..l .gi h-s.-ai ii has Wen slow to Vance. Granville, I'erson end ! h-atn fins. Nothing aatisfaetoiy 'She2 llzzh. Clicr Ttss Her His- liad laid down -bes id o him and was thinkiiii: over lshy yonthlni . ill l ........ , - t : . :i- ti..,.. i . . . i ii ii"'.i.-i,ii.iiiiiiiii u-i:ii mi 'iiiN. iirange counties uo, il iucj nao - i the oil and climate we have ? ;,'. ''ders .r syringes We.ui-.e There is another desirable pe- "" -ov ai! i.ntat.ng. do not j nere is am i fi ., !, i,.nghl leiuh tbe allected sur- cuharity ot our sou, -id that,,. s i;li,l;uU1 w abaidioi-ed as is, unlike other bngnt b'baco, ,'ti:...e sections we know ot. it wilt o: , ..l(.,.s w j, ;:;,, (r ytratH M,.,. not only produce ihe finest' t" j ;l . ... 11Hinthat cat a nb bacco, but grain, era ss, cotton I ,.;a mi., t , m ,iy to radical cures avid all other crop.-. jMught by Kly's Cream lla'iu. An exchange says, in speak ing of the South, but the in dustrial revolution in that sec-. tioti is quite as radical an are' the political and institutional j changes. Within the last three years more than eight thousand six hundred new bnsiness enter- i prises manufactures, mills mining companies and the like I were organized at th South. Thousands oT mil.- t new ! railroad have been cot-structed there. Agriculture has become more diversified, tie epirit and aspect of that tctiou are utterly changed. We iiea r. I a voung girl make the atiove remark the other day alwMit a lady with whom we are slightly acquainted. St wan not tine, vet the lid v ia quest ioti ncittallv iIih-s look five jean olJer than her hasbaml, although she ia realty several year bis junior. She is piein dnrelv aged, and functional derangement is tbe cause. Dr. lMfit-e's Favorite lTeMTtption would cure her, aod sboald le re- coinmemled to her, and to all otb ers who are in the same condition If the leader of this chances to ta a similar -uflerer. let her get the PreM-nption.1" Itwiilbnrg back her lost U-aaty, and, better still, it will retno.e all those di stressing n nipt runs which bave made I iff a burden to ber so long. Money re funded il it don't Rive satisfaction. See guarantee printed on bottle w tapper. Steve Brodie may be a brave fellow, yet tbe foolhardy feat of plunging over the Niagara Falls proves nothiog. It mere-1 ly phows that a man may easi ly acquire ephemeral fame and tbe applause admirers by run ning the risk of breaking Lis neck in performing a feat hith erto unsuccessfully accomplish ed. As a dime curiosty Rrodie is worth bis weight in gold ; as a useful citizen he is of less value than a wooden Indian. A real Lero is quite a different thing from a reckless dare devil. Durham Globe. Mr. and Mr. Jonathan Jecklaa, waa taken away Horn tbe arm a of Unearthly parent and carried to the brighter borne above. lu Tuesday evening of laat weak the one year old eon of Mr. asd Mrs. J. 1). Marpley, of tbia town, (bed at Duplin Roads, wber tbey rt-xf vi-iting. Hi remaina were bneigbt to t;n et.vile Wednesday evsiuug and interred. 1 it :tf. THKBEASON HAVE PLAIN. We never understood until a few days tiuce, why it was that so many persons, emigrating to other sections do not subscribe for their home paper. ne i i 1h rru r. - yn it t.tlu Rvatictbst pearxn will come b-te on tbe I "th f October. North Carohna ia "coming, falb-t-x Ati-abam, lb". tronc in cotton l.i. P.I ie. II..- nuivrrsal complaint of tbe I irn.t r now is that, ondee tbe boC -.n:.. ifiieii '.eaves are firiof aad U.-ii !.!!. and leave are abeddlai rapidly. I", i ll"pkin, of upjier ilartui riiii!.tt.ii ia town v-dar ad . . ..... - . .... i-,r . 1 111 tJOK". '-l"ii IHl "" "t'i.-' .HJUIIiil-jwuw-;, -'"...,,. -.d .rot ton. .1111 Ocb AJ pelf, eays it takes years to over come a longing for a dear id Lome, and when they reaHe the advantages tbey Lave lett and read week after week tLe news of the tjelghboihood, in which tLey formerly lived, they either have to quit taking the paper or return te the scenes of their child hood. Lenoir Topic. tbe ln t-i- .lai boe lor. ! I t Lvc da; tbe t!l ale ebeddiBf IfifuU . .1. 11. Ii.ti.tn. bo lanrnac a Mts. ." atioot mtl njiU-s irom Tfo, plaeud ! ti.nct. tbi "r and, tbocrb all Lis U.ior bd to be bo lit with lb other eijete incident to firat rrcp, tbinka be will make inoarj. oo Lit crop. A-