Q B. MOORE, THTSICIAN ANO HlKiiKOX. WILSON, N. V. JVOfflce second dour from Advance Tirboro Street. Feb. 21. ly ' $500 Not Called Por NEWS OF AWSEK. -:o:- R3. Tf. 8.SALBKUT a. im-.i:m.. PHYSICIANS AMI M Kt.FONN WILSON. N. IV . I.'i . "Offlee at Anderson a Druv door to the Post Olliee. TB. K. K- WUU1HT SHU ! ON IIKN 1ST, WILSON, N.I', n.irlnu nermaiu'iitly located m Wilson. 1 Iter ray professional services to tin fyOOloc In Central H " 1 lt uvr WHAT IS HAPPfXIXG IX iiiE ft on Lit a u o a d us. Comleitsetl ICt port of the. Aei J-rum Our ( onttmpora rtes. "It .seems strange that it is neces sary to persuade meu that yon c.iii enre t-li 'ir l.stases by offering i premium to the man who fails to ;s ( c v.- t.enctit. And yet Dr. Sage iiin.utibtlv fined thousands oi iM-8 of ohr.tuiafe catarrh with his (;,it.anh Heinedy," who wouia never have applied to him. itithad not lieen tor lii.s offer of the. above Ihe neproes popose holding a stun for an incurable case. Who is I lair at Raleigh this tall . . ..... j I tie next, tinnier ior cure or chii. T. nrin,.ra- ,m iwi,.,m ntolu Struck a tuv davs since There a.re ! this Slate. sixteen tairs held in puU;,' D R.R. W.JOYNK.U. si uia.oN ii.N i i- r. WILM)N. N.". I have become rH-rumnently i.l;'';'j th. peep' ' 'il9''',!-. Siehe?etoforol.et.,we.o ..... I hlwll feot deeoly Itrateful. ,,kniki.s. Ooldsboro. W. C w N. iTCOCKtUASlF.LS HAN l. a TTII KN EV S-A T - I. A W . WILSON. N.t'. pOffico ID Advance Hulldintr A. fcS.A. WOODAKO, ATTOHNKVS-AT LAW. WILSON. N.C irVOtUce In rear of the llimU. F. BttTJTON, ATTOKSKY-AT-1.AW WILSON. N.C. -Offlc OTW Ftrrt National Hunk. A1 F, J.1 Merit Wins- The farmers f Granville county Wo desire to say to onr citizens, propose holtlm fj a cattle fair that lor vearawe have been selling Dr. K'nc's New Discovery lor (Jon sumption, DrJ King's. New We 1'ills, Hucklen's Arnica Salve and Klectrie Hitters, aud have never handled remedies that sell as well. in that have civen such universal .satisfaction. We do not hesitate to ini.im.ntet them every time, and ve stand ready to refund the pur etiasfi !riec. if satisfactory results lo not follow their use. These reme dies have won their popnlai ity purely on their merits. A. W. Rowland Druggist, Work has commenced on the cotton heed oil mill at Kinston The Pittsboro lltvord is eleven years old. It is a good paper. The Raleigh Call says thetobac co business is looking up there. Rev. R. G. Pearson is to begin a meetiug at Charlotte on L'lst inst TVo men one Mack have beeti ganton. white and one lynched at Moi- A Safe Investment- uae srrawnerry grower near Raleigh will plant 10,000 plants next season. NO. E. wooda un, ATTOKNKV-AT-l.AW , WILSON, N.C. J D, BARTON, ATTOUNK.Y-AT -LAW, WILSON, N. C. HfOfflce in Court Home. B.UZZEL'.. ATTOUNKY-AT-L.W. WILSON'. N The Roxboio Couirer gives the Is one which is guaranteed to Hollowing accounc ot a fearful . . i . itiiii; m,ii satistactoiy results, or in at-eiueni. case of failure a return of purchase The Oharletrs News tells of nice, on unssaie pian juu ,liNaii,,t.,,;ush,,,,. t i.,fi. i. , " .............. ... ... on v ironi our auveTtneu oruggisi Veoovv ;a kers ,i itottle i)f Dr. Kinsr's New Discov-I ct v lor ConsuniDtiou. It is -guar- A l'oliceman at Smiihtield was mf..P.i to hrino-riiof in Hverv cusp, severely bitten by a white man .. .... J I -I...f lit. Mien useu lor any aiie.ci.ion oi i""" u a.noi.ru. Throat, Ijungs or Chest, such as The Smithfield Herald says the consumption, iDtlamation of Lungs, colored people of t hat, section have lr,nclnti. Asthma, uoopnig the exodus fever bad. h c JOHK K. WOOHAH1., Wilson, N.C. rOODAUt) TA V LI lt. ATI Olt N I". Y S- A T-1 . A W , NASH VI LI, K. N. 0. IS-OlDoe uniler Onm.l Jnrv Ko..m. "STEAM ENGINES S"W" MILLS, CINNINGENGINES& HORSE POWERS For ;1MN- M'l i i o i n: is GRAIN DRILLS AND STAND ARD inplkmi:nts. Send-for falalouue. A.B. FARtJl'HAIt t'o.. (Lt.i .i Y.tk' I'a. 8ept.fr 4t. For CJood Tiiriioiiis go to Tin: LIVERY STABLES OK Cough, CroiiL, ere , etc. It is jileas- ;ti.t and agrealU- lo tasti, perleetly sale, and can always be depended noon." Tria bottles Iree at A. . . Rowland's Drug Store. , . . if You Have IVn appetite. Indigestion, Flatnlenre, Slrk lleudaehe. !! ruu doou," lo Iug flesli, j ou will f lad luffs Pills the j-emedvTon need lheHak Htomacb and build uptlie They tone an 1 1 iiiri?i ii eneririefi. nurrerem front mental ur phynical overwook will find relief front tUein. Aicely sugar coated, SOLl JVEKYAVHKltE. I I ML JJI1111ULIU There are 180 students at the University and the number will probably run up to 200. Rev. Sim Jones will begin at Durham on the ,1th of October and inn throuoh to the 1 tth. gjU h-iir'i Hapiisf llecorder reports 4'i teiv,.i lit piteM.ions aril .ill) adiii 'ons u that church. Thus lar .i.oo(l OilO have been subct ihti; . in! Chicago for the World's Fa r if it comes there. J"'.ib '. Hush, c, district a i"ine fo" the e;itrri I i-r i ;. of Nor ih Ca' ii;u.i, has i('Mi!ci!, it is tatrd. Tlte Washiiig'ni litgress re ports the crops ot tlr-it sei-rion as better than was at tir-t stipposcil Raleigh Advocvte reports '-'OI professions, in rebgious meetings held in the State and 139 additions. EXi BRYAN'S mil BEST HOOKS MADE ! Those Hook are iruaranteea m-i to run. break, or tear the welilmiir. aiel ar- ttn trontfent an.l most iluraliW- u-k lnuii, li.....s OD the market. -MANUFACTl UIMt rtY D.T. BRYAN, Rocky Mount, N. C. indoten i mm, FURNITURE DEALERS LI VI REAL ESTATE AGENT, U SJiSOX, X. A Real Estate bought or sold, leased or irenterl for a SMALL COMMISSION. Parties having Ileal Estate to dispose of will do well to place it witli me The following tracts are in my.: handLs and they will r.e sold at exceediugly LOW FIGURES, No. i. Building Lot in Toisnot. One vacant building lot. in the business portion of Toisnot will be so hi for a small figure A New York paper offered a hundred dollar gold certificate to the mother of tne largest number of living children. The prize was won by Mrs. Elizabeth Lang, of Brooklyn, who haa borne and reared 15 children, ten daughters and live sons. . Last night a labor agent tool; fifty negroes from the aelma sec tion of Johnston county. He would have taken hundreds of the negroes but the people whom the latter owed money, took out warrants and the exoilusters could not get until the settled up. Col. Olds in Wilmtugton Messerci r. The Raleigh Call any a a telegram from New Orleans to a gentleman in this city annountf i that the cot ton convention there has decided to sell cotton bj net weight. The tare on a bale of cotton wrapped in jute bagging will be tweutj '-four pounds; on a bale wrapped m cot ton baggiug, sixteen pounds. Peg-leg William, the "Imss exo dus agent," is here, with several other aaents. He says the first large parties of negroes will not be giu to leave until October 1. Ml the agenrs are at wotk among the negroes mid say tlK.y c" take away all they want.- Raleigh cor respondent of Wilmington Messen ger. A little son of Mr. Richard Painter, aged about 11 jear-t, was acc.idently killed at Harton's Mill last Thursaay. From what in fonnatiou we could get it seems that the little fellow had gone up stairs in the mill to ride on some of the shafting and it is supposed while thus riding his head brcaun di.zy and he fell, his clo;li:iiu ciiiiiiht aiouud the shafi.iug, a::i he was whirled mound with great force, his head strikinir a iro-.-e ot timber killing him instant l . Maj. Fiuger informs the News and Observer that Teacher's Coun ty Institutes will 'be held ilns month as follows: I'roi. C. D. Melvef will hold iiisti!ii:-s in I)i'I.mm on the till h.Kocki'iL !; i ' L':hl, lUmlotph r.Oi h, )i aige ( ):' .! i Till, Plot. E. A Aide! in. i u wd: enlil nisiittitts at. S'uiil., 0 M-hi t ginnery Iti'lt. Ammou -11. l.i uioii .): ii, iiraiiau, u-r i o Tlte lost it utes me c.-littilelcO "Oh .tu ( r.pi-1'.lal le-A- lo I he In -.i i tt i of lleeonntiA .-chi ld leacln-i. THE AI'L GEAY. ' You me w hy upon my breast Unc'iangcd fio-.n day to day, Linked hide by side in this hioad land, 1 wear the bin-anil '?rav i had I.I.H bid! heiS, hill,' ago, 'I'wo in ot hers In i!it and ga. : One v...;r if.,- ,-o.it of unit hern blue. Aitd oiio t! - voiitiiein giay Ivi:h lough: for v hat tln-y deemetl the ri-rht ' A ti.l fell with sword in hand One sleeps amid the Virginia's hills And one by Ccorgia's strand. The samo sun .shines on both their graves And rests o"er hill and plain, Anil i:i I he ilre;.in of vaiiislieu days, 15ot.il brothels l;ve again. And that is why upon my bieast enchained from day ! day Linked H.le by .vide in tsis tiroad land 1 went- i In- Line mid (Ii iv. A True Toic. ", h;'!iou tlon't feel well ami baidly know what ails on. give II. U. 15. ilotanii; 15'oi.d 15,ilm) a tiial. It is a line Ionic. T. O. Callahan, Charlotte, N. C, wri -s : , '-p.. 15. I!, is a fine tonic, r.nd has done ine great 'iootl.' L V. Tlioinpson. ll.iniascus, (la writes: 'I b. !i.e P.. 15. 15. is the best blood p'nditT made. It has greatly improved un general health." An old gi-ii:ie:ncn writes: 15. '. gives me new hie a lid new .strength, l! there is anything that wi!! i!.('r:e an '!d m ui Noting, it is 15. P.. 15. P. A. Shepaid, Noifolk, Va , Aliiisi iO tt. l.s.ss, wiitos ; "I depe::d o:; p. 15, I: fi-s Hi picser y.i e... :! heidtii. 1 Itaxe had it in tit., !:tii:i! now nearly ! years, and in :J1 thai time have not. had 1 1 ivivr a ib -cl or. COOKE, CLARK mssors . .t. ' awi lkk-V DKALKKS IS &C0,lbi Doors and Blinds, Mouldings Brackets, St Jewels, Brackets, Hardware, Puttty and Painters jl yv rr i J r OF EVERY DKSCKirriON.. (ieneral Ag-ni for Wailswoitli, M:nun-r& loigm PURE READY-MIXED PAINTS. Non. 1(5 W. -vide Market Square and Koanote Av4iine, NORFOLK "V-A.. $3,000 Daily Eipense. $2,000,000 mMi. SI03.CC t ONLY BIC 8HOW TO BE HERE THIV YjEAal Paints, Oils, -4 MOKSTERTRAlNSQSjDjCUl tl I- "V I 20 Trained Ponies aVmen and noasEs.XGiv.t -TT .IJOHM ROBBNSQ&'S Tlie burning of tle court hni-e is a ei lotiv loss t I In t eoji'e of Mooie county, it was reoiired two years ago at a cost of 000. The tmiltbug as it stood was w.ii ih 7,000. There was not a dollar of Titos,. i M i'v ; ... j--i i ii.t - fttj.i! I i.'.I . !, v, :,i w i He-- : .ai.!!1. al.-w appe.o clip I'ljii in : !,1V.- P. Pi lac."' I' tiol.'. A ! I li'. i.-il I Ti.e i:v.-ii.i- ' i I iil.e It.l'I ! , A ii :- in v i i ii . ii I' .;!.! a a tll.it P ih. i,. (in,.. ; I ililv tl oni I 15. P. P.. Iiev Oi HI. I. I'ul ill' - ..II" III!' Ih: I I 5,., v ,. li III -1 eiin tl ! W hlcll il II !cim l -i li uiM'd a . t Hu n THE liOl KV MOUNT MlLi.lNKU. I have just. rtiinn-il fuun the Northern ctiie tth ili- Liievf aud PM-sf Selecteil StM-k of MILLINERY GOODS, NOTIONS, &c. ever brought to llocky Mount. A f y notion di:part.mi;nt is complp.tk in ;;v. i:y kk XJL spect. 8 amped Linens of every deM itptiou. IV.nl P.n tin from 1c. p4-r ilo.eti uf, Ilantlkerchiefs from If up. I'-i-Ium I'i uhik. P.tivihs, Cm sets, Children's Cwm'i Waists, Vc, .S:c., Ve ami, m f.r, eert Hung to Ih found ill a lir.M-cl.ivt Millinery ami Nrtwii tote. ZEPHYRS OF ALL COLORS. -My OLOVP. DKPA RTM I'.NT i very romplcre alt Sizes, Colot-, and I leces 1 on ate I'lirdlatlv invited to r.1l aiouud and eViniiif Ui) Stock. PeNjiei-i fully. Mrs. Annie E. Griffin, IKK KY MOUN T, x. ;. At Miss ''a wje 1 i I fli ii'h ol.l m and. BIGGER THJH EVER KONSTIR HERD ITS LIKE NEVER SEEN A. . 1 y t i r WAV" SY OF ILEIHn TEOUiEin:? - ,;l&S;'i('i.-r:. Wilson Iron Works I'ASI IIAI.I. .V ItltO.. l'loprutDlv. J UIO CinCUH OOMI'ANIKH : 2. an 0.nr Act. Uotrt -t1-i.l Arti Mrrwol Altwoua Acta Acr;..' "i. A.-. a Aerial J upnitn Fhi l rpr . U .- i. 1 txojTnd Vnntsy ttjr. MwuUf . 1npi M itJ-r v-ttotii. t'ljru. - D jlHful Ktir Adi bm-itr Trt-w". Juf r'- Orceul li.irts.rtc Hldin. O j- -iko.. ..c k nr" Ctu..J lxsn irl"fiArt.. 1' -,. Tuoblii taJ Clavn An. i.it- n.r . . . ; CwtUrtua IiHr- CuM-J - i. t RING ACTICIIT 1 RING rot roitici ACTS Cllf I RING ftl CwilOlt ACTS Clf aid it i-ured ILiviug piiiclias.d ni Murray V P.eniou u Wilam tnke I I'.lvini- Mi li. In! i. line the pubic, tint. :ue lion ilL I- u l anil as !.. l ; Mliy MaelHIH S''o; mi !'n no.v t.-rfilk 'o .1.) all kimls of wut V -ill I Vittini I'l. C rs. 1 1 -li ll.i 'WItnt; M. ri,.. Saw Mdls and Mil: ..la- I. bu t . (Piintnitir Vll kiuiNcI IJ- i. in V-.i(, Cidfii., I'vfili-lr. and I ii-!i a t ! ;i . dly. lull ' of , u-liliiiiv' viii..i.-s always on li iml V-, ;n. ami f..i-!.-r. lol all ktlnl. . Itlldgo Piiillx for H.lli-. We btdlfve lb i! S. L. Hart, dr., has been elected liusurance upon it. The brick walls Chief Marshal! of the YVeldon Fair. I are badly damaged and so is fie Abetter selection could not have handsome stone woik ot the l.a.-c. been made. 1 It could not be estimated on ester-1 In Italy if a circus post bills and dav, tl,e lu,il extf ol'1tl, '"W j ;,.tverfis..s n,,v t w w the walls and foundation. Pheie , ,.. ....... j , ij pay the town advertises any have to show it or heavy indeminity. A young lady teacher (jommitted suicule near Koxboio, a few davs since, he hung herself with a plow line in the ti,rn. were no vaults provided for the n c ords and only those that weie tak -j en from the clerk's oflice were saved. Sauford Express. A man named Blount, supeiin -teudent or Col. Carr's dairy farm near Old Soarta. was returning me Miiisonry iierat.i is now from Tai boro Monday, driving a printed from a new power puss, a pair of mules to a wagon.1 When We arc pleased -to note brother crossing Sparta Bridge tn.- nmiis Whichard's success. took fnght, and running down the Jitporr sas' that Kdison' has i"t'd plane at the abutment, been ofl'eicd -2(i,(i(iU,0oO for his threw Jilonnt out of the wagon and i.honof?ratli. A vetv liif sum but falling between the heels of the Witiiilr Can tti t'-il mi- liow far t ii i t I'd ion m ;;la-. t xteiids ? ..liiiie l'.i!:-u- :t fts into tin !: '.P'ds ot the hired girl, I sup pose. li-rre Haute Kxpress. No ui't'ii to take thos big eathar ic p. lis ; oi:e oi i r. a, 1 1, ije in s Liver and Kiduey Pillcts is ipulc tiih'-ieiit ami more siteeable. The lit,i.' boy was on his knees in bis little nightdress, saying h:s piayer-, atnl lus little sister i 'li'li:'' tesist the temptation. Me ..to id-' i; as long as Ik; could il l then s.iiil : "Please, God, fxcusc n:f win e I knock the stull Hutg onr of Nellie. N.i Prancisco ( Vnroniclc. AN I- UNDERTAKERS, WILSON, N.C. iV sell at lowest prices, I.ert Room Sets, Wardrobes, P.rack ets, Folding Chairs, (amp Stools. Picture Framey, and in deed everything in the way of HOUSE FURNISHM GOODS f on sAiif:. That valuable farm lately owned by VTi V. M. Moye and on which he resided at Moyton, Wilson Co., N. 0. It contains about one hundred uerpfc of land in line order, and is improved by a fine resilience, with all necessary outbuildings one oi the prettiest situations in Wilson county. Also, the Store and 'Waiehou.se in which Ward & Moye .did busi ness at Moyton. This is .one ol the finest stands for business ;n this section of the country. We will sell .hese properties at a reasonable price and ou easy terms. Say cash and balance in aunual payments as may be ntu tually agreed. We will also sell, on tlte same easy terms, the farm known-as the "Dr. Moye Creek Farm" near Mox ton and adjoining the lands ol Geo. W. Stanton nud others, con taining about 270 acres. For fur ther information address, ELLIOTT PROS, No. 2. Dwelling; in Wil son. A Town Lot in Wilsoui'on Barnes street, near llailroau depot." It is J00 feet front by 220 feet deep. Comfortable dwelling house with rooms. Good well of water. Nice grove. Situated in easy access of the business portion of the town Terms reasonable. No. 3. A Small Truck Farm A good dwelling house and five acres of land, near Wilson, for sale at a low figure. The house has four good rooms, all necessary out houses, including barn and stables. The land is in a high state of culti- I vation ami the very place for a small truck farm. No. 4. Dwelling in Wil son. Au 8 room dwelling house, in thy business portion of Wilson opposite Advance oflice. A de sirable dwelling, goo 1 garden and v..i!. No. 5. Dwelling in Wil son. A comfortable 4 room dwelling, odposite the ADVANCi-: office, P.. n o and si allies antl gootV gar mules and the whitlletree. he KicKeti oy i ue animals ami nis s thighs very badly hurt, lie was also otherwise in jured by the trace chains becoming wound around him. Tarboro Southerner, Two months ago George Ander son and another colored tiiauiroti into a tight it Beaver Dam, I'nion couuty, and iu the fight Andersen was biten ou his thumb. No at- m;in in Stokes county so tall that tentiou was paid to the wountS at when he rides his little mule he has I the time, but iu a week or two ;n to wear the spur on the ca t of his flammation set in, and Andersoi soon became helpless. He was sent to the conuty poor house at it is a wondeiful invention. The Warrenton Fair will be held Oct. :) 11. Ad.iires.ses will be delivered by Cant S. 15. Alexander and Kev. Geo. V. Sanderlin. The New Pernc Journal s.ys a young man in .tones county by the name of 8. II. Windley believe he has discovered perpetual motion. Tne Hornet says that there ii a Ir.ifl iL e i -r-.! -! bi i.ili Seed i 't llsll- LIUPUTIAN nirHlftlHT ATIOH Or TMi ftA MINIATURE SHETLAND PONIES f MACHINE SHOPS : hat can do lirst-ebisH wor k at Id VINO PKICF.S. uill le i ne people oi tins community mid f prN-.i to t -'I I' -" I I'J I X and 4-HORMK CII A BIOT HACiA TAKUIWO BAfl.ll. HAT KACTH JtifKET RACED. witrrxnAKBOW hacfs. tiTKfci'l.E l HAIIE HAtlA HACK HAC4 rtn KHT K IAN HACFU. CUMlttMl OBEAfKII POLK . WULbTUKU ma& liUXISU BOUTS. Mil K V II C1'.H n.MMUM MH V! .i (ix rilU ll A M M I ; ,;.,. Mtlt.K A M K I ' ' ! MAN A Alrr ,. -iVA...i OUST A 1 ; il - Ill N M i It 1 '. CATC HIMI . ti A - t ' : Til HO Wl!kl lir U 1 , t As 'an bfuly. and at Wbil N1 HirropoU'Tia. as low pr Jiv. i I ri i'. Bcbool ol s Uion. . ! 1. g t r- LcoparOa, Vioaa, Act IWra. Emvx AND COSTLY ANIVALC 1,500 RARE Paschall & BrOn PUEBLO BIIL,St''TWILD WES4 Tnbw Of Indian. Cowboy. fVxKila. aiir.. Xk old biiota. lestrmvoa. lltic kinc tlrct.r?. Mc- f lirrd of Mi Kca mud lu l.utt t ..t.;.- u. f. .. V BRANCH & ()., -4AT IO O'CLOCK, EACH MO0N I N C TH E OO.OOO FREE PARADJCl IS Kind, of M"ole. JlChinM. . ..1 :, b brrml Band. C'tiO Ir-t4 T!IT-. fr -..1 I '- titm Orre. Trvut Jut.iW ijrtx, .'.:. a MeuD Caop. .lrh U in r. I 300IIore! lOOFooiea! 00 Ctil',-o, IM KtwMin Armit ' ;-... 1 Cuncta. l-ilu Oiraflr uiJ liuSuii. 2 PERFORMANCES DAILY. DOORS OPEN ATI AK l)i.,'.;i!tss. ir.uisea. dfowsiuess ! i.isiress aiti i eiitinsr. imii 1m; euied nul jueveiited tiy taking Dr. ,1. II. McLean's, l, ei and Kidney 1'illet .btt'e pills.) II rnauiiy is to make a right cs t'.iiia;e ot ot e's sel.'. It :s no hu man:; lor a i,i. Hi to think les ol hitii-. i ! he ought, though it inii;!!' rath r oa.le linn ttilo that. iSplll genii. Monroe, and on Mouuay iast it be came necessary to ainjmtate his arm as a last resort. Eveu now it is feared that the negro's life can not be saved, as he is in a critical condition, Charlotte News- Col. Fred Olds, lialeigh corres- leg. The Scotland Neck Democrat says since the recent investment at. Tiileiy by Messrs. Kobiuson, Fries and Uictiards, the town is looking up. A bustle manutactory at Ihidge port. Conn., has gone out of bnsi- npfiu !ru ( '.levnl-.iiiil e,r. tin facli. ion Jn.lt ho u-nmen l.avA nparlv alt POndent Of the Wilmington MeS jt.,,,,1.,1 i,n.tiM senger, says: It islearned that I the company which is prospecting in the Dan river coal regiou is now there is a man in town who has so ready to begin work sinking a deeo little interest in the general welfare .shaft. It will use the diamond as to refuse to work for the town, drill and will bore 1,000 feet. A he ought, to be kicked out of town, specialist is on the ground supervi Mrj W. M. I'.atemau, of Mack ays slnf a11 tti0 w.orl.- 11 ,u" nei tuai iu siiiKiug iuis oee) suan Never snlb r yoitr goods to con'.' our Cod. Spurgeon. lie Sick In adache, tiiliousness, nau s i, i;vuvi are promptly ami a :i . 'e.ibly bauislicd by Dr. .1. H Me.i ;n s Liver and k-dvy IMIets lilttle jijils.) "l.eiiei in smnli and shu.. jjie.'.t i.iii'. e.isf a shadow.' tl .III coal oil will be fount lief is well founded toe of that section will marvellous. The d mean natural gas am ol the days. factors of progress these If this bc-prosperity be more than scovery will coal od, two jy U5-3I11 llaltimore, Md. SEE HEll El H. F. KEEL & CO. GREENVILLE N.C. Have just received a line car load ol Horses and Mules which they will sell cheap for cash, or on time at rearfonable terms. Call and examine before buying elsewhere. 1 hey also have a. fiast-class Livery and Feed fituhlfl In connection, renr of Skinner'd Law Office. nOMOBE EYE-GLASSES MITCHELL'S Eye-Salve AOartalB.Bafa, and Effective Uemedy for SORE. WEAK. & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sighteaness. a sior- , - r l, r,!,i ing via viyiu vi No. 6. A Good Truck Farm. , For sale at a bargain, a gootl truck farm, one mile from the heart of Wilson eontaintiig IS acres a comfortable 1 room hon e, a good two room kitchen, barn ami stables. No. 7. Dwelling House in Wilson. An M room house, in a good neighborhood!!) Wilson, ijot, con tains half an acre. Avery desir able placer ' No. 8. Dwelling House in Wilson. A 4 room house, with pantry Iit half au acre. No. 9. Three Vacant Lots. Three vacant lotslor building purposes will be Mild at low ti galea. CnmTltr Drops, Granulations, Stye Tobmx Red Ey, Matted Eye La&hes, m noBtcns qdci RELIEF MO I'EHUNOT tl Rr. AIM, qQally flleactons whf-n w 1 in Mlir malvtlM, aach a I Irrra. ! ,r,,. nr'r Tamara, Half Khrotn. '"- .l.'. '. V wb.n.v.rlntlanim.tlonexifil, .W I 1 1 ss k-lAj a 04 j, VM mmy ba uaeU to advaut&t:''.' BaU hi All DraaaUta at j Centf . .V J.I R RAWLS, O ' I have an especially pretty auJ well delected stock of -Fine Cold Watches. ' jSilverware, , Jewelry, Jewing Machines' Pianos, Organs, Etc I vtii. iii- work promptly and, satis factorilv done. . N'asji Street, opositcCouit House- J R. RAWLS. Ferry, this State, intends to be married in a snit of cotton bagging, lie proposes thereby to show his contempt, for the jute bagging trust. i The Sunreme Court meets on Monday, the 30th of this moiuii at Kaleigh. Ajiplicats for liceuse . . ..;.. I . ... ... . 1 1 1 ; i t ua.t.c -' "-" There are times when a Icelmg ol ,.,:."C'' luc-,uu assitude will overcome the most ' robust, when the system craves (,.r The Governor has authorized an pure blood, to furnish the elements exchange of courts between Judges fo health and strength. The best Uoykin and-liynum. Judge Hov- remedy .or purifying the blood kin will hold the fall terms of Jones Dr. J. II. McLeau's Sarsaparilla. and Onslow conrts, and Judge I5y :ll i ... I 1 , . : . . imager rartuer ny not, m Col. W. .1. Green, of Fayetteville, dear sir, why not ! Plenty otln is has retnined from a visit to ex-1 have succeeded. London Tit T.it.s. President- Jefferson Davis, and says that the "grand old uian' will baulks ol digestion cause disor- surely come to the Fayetteville ders o! the liver, and the whole sys- Centennial m November. tein oecomes ueraugeti. Dr. J. II. McLean's Sarsanardla nerleets tin The Mt. Airv ew.s says there is process of digestion and askh.hI:.. no longer any doubt as to the iden- Uon, and thus makes pure blood. I -in virtna vv linn i' acquitted he is to be tried for the , . brutal murder of Lou Ilaynes. ave COU8eVt t0, pay, n'y , iV-,1 J dresses to your daughter ? Ah ! if 1 Hereafter we will have three only thought 1 could win hec allec si.es ot postal c mis the old I tious : familiar size, a size larger and a e.i.e smaller. The smallest will be about three by lour and a half, and the largest about four by six inches. The Sampson county fair Ibi 18811 is a certainty. It will bo held on the 4th, oth, and Ctu of Decern ber next. The people of that coun ty are determined to have a good fair. They have our best wishes in their efforts. There has b en only one death in iiigu i (i ut n tin p.iM year, sasthe Filler pi ise., ami he was 70earsold. The 'good oi o;i e of that town ought to have given hat. person a dose of elixir ami made their record clear. A man by the naineoi M mi died at lleidsville. He was worth about ss-20,000 which he hail left tc his young wile. . Suspicion fell on In r; ms oody wa cacen up and a I post mortem examination made by I Dr. L C lironghton of Keidsville and Dr. Gregory of Greensboro. It was found that death was caused Oy chloriform. Mrs. Morris is iu a critical condition but has been placed uuder arrest. j'liepli , blotches, scaly skin n'. spots, sine ami ulcers, ati- scesses and Illinois, unhealthy ilit ci.argcs s'leb a-, catarrh, eczema nng.vo: ;;i. 'ind !nr tortus of skin diseases, ;l; ...VllptoinS of ttf'nd iinpiM ir.-. i Dr. .1. II. M. ! .'M,', '! Il Wilson, N. C, LOW EXCURSION RATES ON ALL. BAILKOAliV Will exhibit at Itorky Mount, S-i L. '2uih. T -rlv.rj, : Sfltus.Svt't. :XLb. lUlelrib, t. tt-t. IM'.SI'Kin FULLY Individuals, SOLICIT TUB ACCOUNTS OF - - Correspond EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES! Firms, Banks and ents Generally. Deposits Received Subject to Check at Sight Interest Allowed on Special Deposits if Left for a Stipulated Time. Ex change Bought and Sold. Collections Made on all Available Points. I X V EST JI KXT I K ! A HTM I-.XT. With an experience ofTwenty Yearn in the Se-iitiiii-n il n.u eounitv wo have the iw.-t facilities for making Safe and lV-h" . Ittv,f n.en for Trustees, Administrators, (1 uardian .. A.c. de4fiii Iht- -Am Our liaukiag Uou-h is ouppbed with Fue I'ro"! Vault. Insole i, t lit vault is one of Marvin" latent Impimvii ci.ilhd in I'.urlr Inil Safes. I't'-Ml t'lisiness enti usted with us wil. In- s.ili and Mcnre and held Strict Confidence. THE BEST II THE IlEIET. ! I X'- s- -'SS-i ?-'-J""J -' V ' Ior. Thf ate .' C'imt:ii.-.. r. ' ro-r. 1 !.;. at 41iJ ! 't i . for Mtf !!!- tl' rcjjol ! r : In 1-rJ, l! i iio! well ior a titan etc. nit and live skim milk. oi piay mwi twm n Ami Kranrlir. The most lebe.iti constitution e.in .s.-.".:! us- I)r. .1. . McLeau. Tar Wine Lung Latin. It is a sure remedy U.r cough-, loss id voice, jiid all thioat .un! lung troubles. On- oi l'osh ! of on b.-s things in thi ns is the stress it lays ad U::i:gs.-.l.is. F. Clarke. Arnica Calve- j'veu tue most vigorous ar.n hearty people have at times a feel Ing oT weariness and lassitude. Tu dispel this feeling take Dr. .1. U. McLean's Sarsaparilla ; it will im part vigor and vitality. A lady puts her head out the ca-widow antl demands i'i s'ntd nmes, uJIere, guard is .sm-ikin aliowed in this compartineut i" "i the gentleman inside don't ol'.i -ei . was ine goou-naiureti reply "ma dam tty smoke to her hear't con tent."' Iluinoristisch. The l.4t Sal v is: the world foi Cuts.r.ruises, S'.e-, Tetter,Chaped llanos, i lril l.ua , orns mid all in 1 1; ii ; t ' t . s . ami- positively ures riles, ; no p:y letpured. It is eti.trantcei! to give Krfect satislac ion. or money relunded. I'i ice 2. i'-iits per box For sale itv a. w.trowi in.'. Always tiolu last to lov. Wo win by tenderness, ami colnpier by oigiVeiie;s. 1- W . Loliertson. tuin'.mm; soi'tii. ITrr 5ril. wh. I"! t . ', il mint kit TMK HKCT .IIHKHIA I KarioTRi. - l-avc Wri'liin. t- o Ar Ko-kr Ml.. I V. p ni i .1 p in a nrt a m ; iu - Ar Tarl.im :i " I.v Tarl.Tti IU M p in Ar Wilann... lar Wiiin... Ar tv'lma Ar Kayi-ttovilr p in ; p m tUin - .17 a ui l.v ;. il.N1-.ro.-.! 3 ii - in - j'-.am I.v M'iniw. .....! 1 a. - l.v M.tfm..ia i 4 :n . a V. Ar W.i.aiiiEiiMi, n. ii 1 1 jo I ' TKAINS liiHStl NoMTir" . aP . w - sr.- Sr.- : St.; i Mow ijong (Jills should be Courted" is tne tittle of an article in a Texas paper. Much the y.ume as .-.inn ; ;;uis, we sliouui say, ii i .s-.itings. A gn ..t uiaiix .-."liinge accou ni a'.Ie !h;.s are i ml un happing imwa tays. 1 ie o; lu-r day a man who I n tliirftiti ears lad been suppo 'd. t-i b" deatl turned ll) at h!s hoiiji in Id.iiots, iiiei now the i . i ei t: i i ici. o ii ty n-is net-i a eon- vent ion 1 1 :;: ! : . in i. no ..t air.i in:m rii pjo w sitj djjj . '-Mtiiisa: ui iiam pu u. s ;!i oti" v,u ii Vi 'iii.w pio.w Kit id ;..1.'. po'.) te:i pot jS For a safe and certain remedy firleverandague.ii.se Dr. .1. li. McLean's Chills ami Fever Cure; it warranted to cute. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Witislow's Soothing S-. rup should always lie ned lor children wheu teething. It soothes the child, the gums, allajg all pain, cuies wind colic, and is the best, remedy for diarrhoea. a bottle. Twenty-five cents .- ThoiiTjYKKS'GUIDEIa A't&'-4'; iueit M:ircli anj SJept t'-f e:u i: year. It .a i-n eucy. 'VV i.-r all who pur- l::5Tj3:$r !-!n..' 'ui:rie or tha r.evn ::: tt l:te. Wo can clot ho j.-.u, r.;ut litrniKh you ith r,il llio ia-e?N.-ary ami inmcctmiary r.-ir!.::oe-, to riae, wuk. timice. .leco, r:,'. Siih. ,".'.r.., , o-k. j:o tr church, ' ' ...v j: htuno, juiu iu iriouj sies. f.yijf U:i:iti'!t. Jr.st licarp cut i-i roM'-.rcl UJoall these thiSRii rO.V.F O.iiSf LT. anT! you can make imp e-un ...io t,; th3 value of the BUYEUS' GU1DS, uhich will bo nent upon receipt 1 10 cents to pav postage, MOrJTGC'iiESY WARD & CO. 111-11-1 aiichiKun Avouuo, Chiouico. IU. t.v. WiiuiinK,i,n I'i i' l.v Mairmilia I I J l.v Warsaw Ar ic.l-tH,r.. . J o JOB Vi CP .AU AM . MKIMIU Mil a i v i; r us R TKIAL T I atl-ilkf latlrM pc I lM-t.u.t of la. A'lvanc J..j f. fumiJ Itiff all np't.. t.f Jolt wnliK In Imrr r 't i .aiit"t-w at -t, v n, n .M faf e.'r uf.'4 .trrvi.oa him c l.j mtf ofta.w lit Iho th. v tr.il luini.ti. t-ut IOJ. HjU H-S1. Mllra.ti'.. f ntrfrrr. 41TH !. I M, k ll .. t. t..4 I .. l.C t ... Fourteen different nl kln2.. Five lz with tnatn- eled reservoir?. AdMe.1 to &U ! ' relinrenienx.., ni rifed to;rKui-m M.::t suit all pursM-a. Trk,tr.,.!.u! n LEADING KKAIUUI: iKiulde wood door. I tnt wood :rat, adjiiFULle dmjr. InU-rcLancftble automatic helf broilln door, jwln:lnir lirarth- I"Ut iwinrln? Cue-trIl, re- vflble ara.'-bufuln loritf rroM" r.ieCf, double frbort reuler. hravy rtr.if cover, illtimittated fire dKirn, nickel knd nirkle pant- 1.x rtc. I iie-jualc-d in Malcrial, in Cni-b, and In nrklion. Maimfariured by ISAAC A.SHLTl'AKl) A (tl raltlmorf, Md For .Salt by liwi. i.c;uki;ma: ttiM WlL-on. N. C. ..llin ! . t - t . V dJ tejato' in taF Jl't. ." Irapt t1 In C All r) tr.U ati'.4-U a. A. W. Ili.u i u' Wtit-ft i1i :i.'i 1 Ibr" 1-'1 ' fotiti at,-: t, ' nr.toj il . 1 1 1 . 1 jl J-. .2. t at . j N't. tel.'., ; f II J -' - tu W lii.lr.'.f l' Ati-'iti. 1 . ,. ti:. .1 I 1 i,3 I I'-- Thcllural Iioir. l.v Kayettevillt' A" Selina... Ar Wilaoii - l.v wiiMon Ar KiH-ky Mt. Ar Tarltn- Lv TarUi.-u Ar WclJon am tun imiaiBiti - in tl " h o - .. in ..: - s v. " li tu a ii - Ml II i FINE DIAMONDS W.lrhM, Jr. ar. i. hi ... 3 ie atni:4praTUpra I " , - 4 : laily noi it Sun, lay. Train on Scotlatiil Keck llranch Hna l leave. Itnlifm i P M. arritirH-olian-l Nn'k at It" I" M. Kivcrfon 5.1 e M. Ki-lt.rnliur M-ave. Itiverli.il ". IIIA M.SntlanJ Neck at IM lu A M. .tally ce'it Similar. 'I rain leave. Tarln.ru. N. 1 via Altirmarlp - llaleiKh It. IC iluily e-ept Sun.lay. 5 if P M. Sim,ay:i IT I' M. amvr Wiiiami.n. N 7 Jl I' M. 4 .V P M. K. lurnln. txavc W illiam ton. , C. .laily except Siin.lay. ' lu A M, dun Ur V :i A H. arrive TarU.ro. N C. V li A M. II ' A M. 1'iaiti un Mnllaii'l N (' Itranch l n- f..l,l. Nim. N . ilii.y eu pi Mii.'lay. Km A M . ar ro e Siiiithlii'lil. . ? :. A M. Peturtiln lenvra SiinOill.... N . c Ui A M. arrive (inl.li-b.iro. N '. A M. 'I'rain un Nahviil. Itrmri-1i l.-avi-. Tr-ky Mount a a '' I' M. arrive. Nah .lie a W P M. Spruit IIop4 l" V M. eurmnir l.-a Mirinir lli.). Ill ii A M. Na.livilie mi ;c. A M. arrive Itocky Mount. II I A M. tlaily i i .i un.lay. Tram on ' it 'n llram-h Ii am U .rt;w i,.r Clinton ilaily ei"-pi Huii.lay. at em P M and II In AM- 10 turiiititr leave. Clinton at a 3 A M an.1 :i lit P M. roniiccliiur at Wiraw with .N iw. 41. 4i. it an 1 . Sniulil.oun.1 'I nen cm WiImii. . r'ayettev.tle Ilrani'li U So. '.I. Noril.liiii.il I. S'o. ... Train No. T, South will iop only at W Uni liolilHtKiro anil Mnruotta. 'rrmiu No. ;i tuake. cloe .nineetliti at Wel hinforall .inl North tlaily. All ml via Uit hiiKiiiJ, ajid daily ein pt Sunday via Ilay Line. Trnin. mike ehe etmm-i-t: n for all pcinta North la Kn-t.mon.1 and vn. inirt u. Ail iiauin run xilid li t, i v .luiintrton and Wast.iiu.-ion. and Ue I ullnian Palace Sict-iM'iK atiacl.eI- Ji.HS F. IHVINK tn ijiuo, I W WPVIV w.,,.1 . "cup. 'I'. M. KM KKSOS. f.en'l I'm, rur,.r' a, Iry s.,1,4 hlra. I CHAPMAN & GALE i H2 Mala M NoKtfll.al. Va i v.pml ..:il the;ia.ert, tLc M.-v i. il. iarKei ami Uu.r ,tiC. l,.r il . Cnod are tuudi rM. ttM0 yunro r.;.r t L "-iwirinf; f WaUhcn TUB Carolina Banner, : 4 FIEST-CUSS lEEKLT FiFEE. ritUitel it Tul:n, I. C. A If bra.tanxf- ini.j ... .. ". ., tw ...4 J4,k "'', ' -- l-'- w4 Imnwiii A MT.,d ,tl1,M M' IIKNRYT.KIMS.Kdituk. " V f)t, All kit4.f J 4.e,MM.4,K.,-, .. t-" and at li.,ial ti. t l.. I I ! 1 l( a'.i l rt. -. 1,, I I.I , 1 1 . i r i k . .i It . . I .." t, .. I...I tt ,.I, ,. .... tt' l I I . , la ai -I- ;JWp 40 p m r Anit. teiWIRCIlniLE1 k CRNAV.LMAL -it i v f Nrtt. Il . -t , l i" Wir it..-. -; t . laia ti, .. . -...- O-tjj.; ' jt..i :.., I ! S jrn. ',, . v, ,!..: .atJl ti. ! 'is : - t I'4tv. lltil . 4-V,- a-jd Jewelry. !! ly .VV PEACE IKS'ilii Uli i: Ai.i.u.ii. iftm . .. ' mill ii ' 1 n a 4 tttt f 1 1. j 1 1ml 1 W I 'I - v I , ., . A) up. costs m vOLORSIHAT CriCR.SLI I IT Wash out ,N0R FADE I ONLY BE MADE BY USING C"wv-',w t-A O0LD i3Y DRUGGISTS. BSSf tin ..STTT. ItlM--':;' I ll'HKT III I ,; '" ii i iii t JM, i',,li,,;,,,.,,1;l,.,I. aLN) IIUl.l-SHH.fc I,,, 1. k. tA- m . a l im m ik, "ikT: OU CAN HI .1 & 1. e l inear. J.IUS.a Wrlls J.T. Wiygina. T i - K . E of CD hi t r . .