L 7 1 REMEMBER I THE ADVANCE" -roii oxi.v- ONE DOLLAR ABD FIFTY CENTS - VIII: PAIDI'OK- Cash in Advance. H DvAICE TZ2 AIL CTT3 ZT JOB WOBK- SK2TD TOrS OiSZU IET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, KB TUT COttTtTt'm. TUT GOD'S, AND THUTXXI'." - '- IW ' : ' - -- : BILL ARP'S LETTER -:o:. jjli: KACE QUESTION LESG1U. AT J' r , the South la the Place the Xegvo ami Here he Must VOLUME 19. WILSON, NORTH CAROLIU&rOCT. 17, 1889. NUMBRR38 What would we do if we ,1 ,,'t have the negro to write all 1 m talk about ? Jhe news p ,; , r.- and magazines are dls , ;i-in-' the race problem con tinually and doing their best t , - ilve it. The ponderiDg owrjt at home by the fireside, 1 ;il I this shedding light and l.,r m liu knowledge and pre-j-iiiiu' the way for whatever juiy happen. But still there n nothing done nor likely to be tlw. It is too big a thing to be hurried by anything that m 1 1 can do. By slowand sure ,:.'? It will work" itself out, 1 reckon we had better let a B 1 . . me ror awnue aua waxen workings of manifest des- I think that General .hen 1). Lee's brief reply io (irady on the subject lis most sensible thing that h t- been said or written, tie i- 'a a alarmed about the situa tion and he lives ia a negro ci'intry. The appeal to Phar- o.iii reads well and is the result 0' Untight and research, but in I,,;-: ai;e theories are Tudely Unvkod aside by facts. We th Ti;.e on tne war ana some northern brethren ought to send over there and get some more and civilize them as we have done. There ia a broad field for their philanthrorjv. VVhy don't those northern ne gro preachers, who kicked up such a dust at Indianapolis the other day, go over there and begin the missionary work. If tne other ereat nations had thing for him right now, for I reckon he is the onl7 living darky who was named for his grandfather. A stingy negro is a rarity, but a stingy white man is a very common institu-. tion, 1 I was talking to Guss Bates about that and he said it was a race trait of the white folks selfishness and coyetousnees done as much for the negro as and they couldn't help it, said tne south has done Africa would be civilized. But thel 41 ! . . . I mere is anomcr serious Ques tion which Pharoah's advanced sheets have discussed. If the negro is sent ahd colenized, will ne remain civilized, or will he he. One time I had a nabor who was stingy he wouldn't dig ish bait on his own land. He iame to my honse one day for basket of peaches and I help id him pick the basket full and Chen I asked him if his orchard relapse into barbarism like they had failed to hit and he said tli" tin : .Mr. the have in Hayti and San Domin go, if history and observation prove anyming, tney prove that cloje . contract with the white men and dependence upon him is absolutely necessa ry for -the proeperity and hap piness of the negro. I don't no, he had right smart, but was feeding them to his hogs. I told a friend about it and he said, why of course, I've known Jack ever since he wasa"Toy;, and he used to make a fuss and cry if his mother didn't give him his full share of castor oil FOR THE FARM. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO THE TILLERS OF THE SOIL, Original JBorrowed, Stolen and Communicated Articles on Farming. mean slavery nor serfdom, but when she was dosing the chil- enm- I mean a dependent association. Thousands of them are in that condition now and they are the best and the happiest of their into, luojr aro at wuik every day and earn their daily bread aud give no trouble. Our color ed townsmen, Gassett, struck the key note inr card to The Constitution. Let the negro go to work and attend to his business and he will have no iroume witn tne white race. It is idleness that is mak- dren for the summer plaint. But we will wait a little while longer on this negro busi ness. I was in Macon, Miss, last year, where there are thir ty thousand negroes and six thousand white in the county, they were getting along in peace, and I reckon the rest of of us can. At all events, let us keep pegging away on that line Sherman or no Sherman. PEOGBESS OF BEET 8TJGAK. Already more than half the world's sugar is deribed from European beet root. Science, chemistiy, and mechanical skill have combined to trans fer the habitat of a prime ne cessity of life from the tropics-, where only it was supposed it could be produced, into the northern latitudes. Science has shown the way to prepare the soil for it, has overcome all the mechanical problems' ne cessary to the extraction of the sugar, made its cultivation profitable, and given employ ment to tens of thousands of wage earners, and all this with in the last twenty years. The future of this great industry seams almost boundless in its possibilities. Chicago Tribune. gobdon aud Iffl 72. NO HABM TO TBY IT. An exchange very pertinent ly savs that every paper in the State! should publish the fact that burnt corn is a sure cure for hog chjolera, and adds : It was first discovered by the burning, of a pile of corn be- . 1 it. 1 nni kmh of ;,r preachers said that if we , all tne v,- i' 1 lose faith in the provi dence of God. NVe theorized a'ni'it making cotton and said ti it the white men couldn't nuke it and the free negro wouMu't. Pharoah says : "No tx .) dissimilar races ever lived t i.etlier in peace." When the !!; is the whites aud the bi t -ks have been living togeth cr in peace here at the south 1 r a century. The last 25 v-urj the negro has been a free lam and we are living in peace ye"; about as much as could be expected in fact more peace th .ti there is between labor and ei-itil in the white race. He ivs there would hate been im migration to the south long ago it the negro had not been here Then we ought to thank the tr i i l Lord tor protecting us tr ::i die anarchists and com- . 1 - 5. . uiuiLisis aua tne scum ana pan r?rs 01 r-urope. we acn e m- ite immigrants who are afraid of the negro. If the nerro has (."lie us no oilier gooa, ne nas en-nreil ii a ?ood law-abiding h uiineneous patriotic popula- : ... IT.'. 1 ..J.nn. 11 hi. 110 uaa cuuia uuu nans but we don't want to swap him linn nf for trash. His virtues a"- to) much magnified by the iirth, and so are his crimes of the south. As a race they are kin 1-hearted, generous, docile, 1 -natured, and, at the same time, wasteful, careless con corned lor to-day, unconcerned f a1 t't-'morrow, and have more r "iL'itin than piety, more fear t!i.i it conscience. Bishop Gal- lix.iy said in his great sermon at the tabernacle that Sam I-'M-ton was once traveling over "iis in a diligence, and two r liters stopped the coacn ana r him and his com- i iii'.hiis o: tneir money ana th-ir lunch of biscuit and -au-at;e and one of them unroll e l it, and gredily bit off a half f a nausage, when the other jerkd it violently away and mi 1 : "Don't you eat that, you heathen' heretic dien't I tell J' 'U this morning that to day (iaod Friday, and you inu-n't eat any meat." He had ML'i'on than piety, and so with nm-t of the negroes. A little ftiMling does not conflict with th-ir religion. If you hire one it does not conflict with his cmtract. We ail recognize that ek'ht dollars a month Hi-ins eight dollars and pra '1'iwites. The law persumes in 1 lie n when a man commits a Tune, but there is not a bit of in Uii-e in a netrro's heart when li'; pilfers from you. He loves I'm all the better for having s'iir.ething that he can pick up. -1 ; takes it upon the idea that yiuhave got it to spare and K "a't miss it, and he wants it that is all. Another mistake that Phar makes is in arraigning 'iiiebody, for ever bringing net. roes here from Africa. tlieve that itwasa good and wisely designed l'i ividence. What would the 1 ") ) have been if their 1 r-hithers had been left in Atricj. About thirty years ago tlierts was a cargo of negroes ;rr,tiy landed on our coast .1 1st below Savannah, and thev , rf vv''' sold and distributed 2'' "i.r our fanners. aw . 1; 'f them at Colonel otta ' liumbiis. They were '' in liij warden nr trvinir '" k. They couldn't speak "1 of English and had been lr'"e d bv Biuns. Thev didn't But there is enough thought ful conservatism in the think ing men the leaders of both races to keep down any con flict. Such negroes as Taylor and Turner and Price and Gas sett, will ' control their race for peace and the best interest of all concerned. If the time comes for them to go it will be because Providence has willed it. I said this to Mrs. Arp while was sewing some buttons own domestic affairs as long as we have any domesties. Bill Abp, P. S, The fund for the sold iers' grave is getting along pretty well. Gov. Bullock has sent fifty dollars. I receiv ed a dollar from Nova Scotia from a Borne bowhich shows how strong patriotism is. The i further off a man goes the more he loves hi native land and her people and the bones of the dead. A poor, uneducat- A Meeting Estwwn tht LUuttaaata of Lee and J&&XS1 Yesterday whll I waa at bi Capitol Governor Gor&m eatiM in. In his iuimiUblrrtyU U began greeting friends. lath midst of it all another form came in view j thft ttlt was white, the beard of ib vara hue, the eyes dim, the tight arm trembling with age ad wounds. 'Why, general,"- said Gordon, "I am glad to see you." Gordon and Lohgstreet ! They were standing - fassd clasped In hand. Lee't old war horse and Stonewall JseSsm'f worthy successor -fcUnfiffeg heart to heart the ela Ut and 2d corps onee more ak! by side. No politics there. No Democracy, no Republic 11 lam only two soldiers. Their voices sounded less distinct than usual like the soft mur mur of summer seas. Tears, too, clouded their vision. Oth er eyes also grew dim, for those two represented. In the most tragic hoar, the Wilder ness and Lee's array. Caek aealn came the scene. The light of May 5, 1864, has pass ed, and from the "darkling woods" came the sharp track SAM JONES. -to: THE QBE AT. BEVITALIST AT DURHAM. Um Brnrn the xW in Tacirie, Store mU CCoM is Hear Him. "Sling." ScAeols V .. vj-'v''l Uoa and some la the other. Wlea s mas tu roBTrtd b was ars lv tarsM rooad to tao aTa tead or befl. Tbs tftthodUta vers the only oaes that oosii be toraod back. II m fa4 mess of the otbera could. Tbe Olffartae between the other fallow ah4 the Methodist U, Us tfetbedtat 'kssvl hsR cot it and is afraid hen Iom it. The other fallow kaows as caaH lose it sad is afraid be alttt rot It. WHI8XXT DXALXK8 WIZX H CM. XMTKD. lie referred to tha mmbI d. feats or prohibition is Passer vanla, Bhode Ialand aad elMwhers, bat. said be, the time Is ears to come whes the sale of Uqoor will oe nssipea on ttte fass of Us earth, and when ths last brewery will torn Us last wheel, ad the ball-Decked, white soroaed eeoa. drel will be oosverted to Ckrlat. Ile laid he dldat ktfov bow God was roisc to brio j thtos ahooL sat hewUldoit. - BTAQHATIOH XUT TO DAXXiTIOX lie wae once ridfog 00 a South ern railroad oo wbteb tbs tratas eaadsatxteea miles aa boor. He complained to the 00 a doctor of tbs extreme slownees aad was soea- placenUr told ta replv that Uere bad oerer beea ss aecideBt as that road. "Yessaidhfr. Joses,sd joa sever paia us stockbolders a dlvidead - It U that The ball to be cives ooaptimsa tary to Hiss Winnie DarU, ths dssithtsr oflloa. Jeffersoa Darla, dortac tbs Fayette tile oeBteaatal wiH be a aaoat brlliiaat aad elabor ate affair. Ths larreat crape we ever aaw was shows by Mr. Warren, of RiTer sids h'orsery, last Tharsday. It was Of the Jamea varietv aad arkaaanrcid 4 loebea la clroanafereaee Greea. nas Etffeclor. HOME CHAT. .-a Jr. c titouoiit rBoit ant XXClLAJtUXJ aoet marteloua hold be has oa the people to whom he treacbes. We of the skirmisher's rifle, groans, dM ot "bdeMtaad hU power ; nor aymg prayers. Each tnny ' Vk V waited for the morrow; iW- k"T. Ual B1n J W' nrn anintr t.n nttflnfl tn n Irtncrlncr In In. rliaLMlAnr at PonrJo Utnat at r3r..,..-4n wprwaiOBB BS OaeS STS iaT Tt nrsk ftnin nlt.. I Jl mtll J A . I o.v nr vuiww u iv tun uvga, i aWB , Hut JUKZu plWUSOU , eaten by them. Before Ewell only holding his own : For several years we have been Very aaxioai ta bear 8am Jones breach. We had rd MnnH rj report or hie aermoos and aavlore ; I ? L- "tv " . tbU. way U mlLn Z'a V V, 1 "Von. Tbeae alow, qoiet preaebers w vki muj viaii me 1 er paid aa dividends lato bearea. BUgaaUon,be repeated, was tbs 111 and that time a number had been dying each day with cholera, but the disease immediately disappeared. It is so simple a 40,000 grays, 100,000 Longstreet not yet up. What of the morrow 7 Down the line of Hill -eonrt or tbera are positively coarse and aim oat die- raatiBt vet hie aaceeaa and tha av blues j I twal laetiac food tbat hU work does, convinced as that he was far from a mere aeeker alter notoriety. ua iat weuaesday we left for and next etatloa to Damnatloa. OLD MAIDS ASD BlCHaXOXS. Td rather, hs said, bs a hoadrsd 01a maius rouea lato one thaa to be a draakard's wife. Wbeaever bis eyes reeled epos aa old maid. hs became Impreaaed with the fact that somebody hadn't doas hie daty. And oa ths otber head wbea be aaw aa old bwcbelor, some remedy that it can easily be Ewell's troops is heard ths cry : Durham sad ths pleasure we bsvs I how or otber hs tbooj ht of a bof, tried The ravages of hog cholera are simply dreadful, inflicting untold loss on the farm3rs. We do not know that the evil is so great at present, but a few years ago there were sections of "Pass word along that Long- street is here!" From the tangled depths of the Wilder ness a mighty shout goes up, I even the wounded feebly-ans wering back: "Longaireet is here!" Grand old 1st army ioaff desired was accorded as. TLe I He coatdat aeeoaat for tale aaaod- Tobsooo Warehouse of Oapt. K. J. I aclos of Ideas, bat it always os runu oaa oeea luraea into a chorea for the parpeee of modsiisgtbe vset crowd that ft wsi posttiTely ears woM be pres- eat to bear Mr. Jon. ... The boos. we were told, would accommodate on the boy's ijarments. and she ed woman from Senoia sends a this county in which the farm- corps, braye old Long strsst, we six thousand people, sad It was lull woa't ready for them to go yet. She don't Sicily Minims to-goi nor Aunt Angelina "Peacock, for when she cant get one of them she can get the other, and cVngellna makes the best silver cakes in the world, and Sicily is" the best all-round in the world, and just goes so quiet and gives her no trouble. A big-mouth drayman came to the back door for a trunk this morning and walked pig into the kitchen and took hip tobac co out of his mouth and took a drink out of the kitchen dipper and Mrs. Arp saw him j just in time and used language on him -language nouns and adjectives and Interjections. I'll bet he don't come here any more Mrs. Sicily Minims says its just such independent niggers as he, what gets up all the fuss The other night my wife and I were coming home from church and overtook a dude darky, who tad the - arm clutch - on his girl, and they crept along at a lover's pace, which is about a half a mile per hour, and the sidewalk was very nar row with a deep ditch on one side, and they wouldn't- let us by nor turn out, but spred themselves out in an aggravat ing way and we had to creep dollar and says: - "Please fix up won solgers erav for me. If you recev this Please name it in ths paper, as I Am not posevt Abought your Adress. Poor woman good woman t She did what she could and that money came hard, but it came free. Mark Hardin says: Get marble head stones Georgia marble and draw on me five dollars more. Im going to 'do it if the money comes. It will double the cost, but I think it will come. Bill Akp. ers, in aespair, naa almost en tirely ceased trying to raise hogs. Troublesome Creatures George Wilson's new song is "O, Girls, Let me aone. Come to think of it; and grls do give the boys a deal of trouble in this world. The first trouble generally begin when he intro duces to himself the young and treacherous May Apple. Later in life, he is frequently annoyed with the little Miss Understand ings he meets, and occasionally he encounters the sour Miss Ann Tropy. In courtship he is too foiled in his endeavors by Miss Calculation ; in marriage his life is sometimes embitter ed by Miss Alliance, and if he determines upon a life of cell V I i-l A. n he-sand, worst of all, took aiong uum we gui, tu it. e thh by 1 1 1, Vi:i'. their meat conked, but U'or it with the blooij. - it they were docile, and soon hnin..,i t taiij an(j g0j reoon- ''"'l to wearing clothes and n''ii4 like white folks. Thev 1 ,r their kindred or their coun They made excellent ser- Vj"t. and T liara nn dnnht M,t -J --www Uu vvw MUlf Hiir children are now well Hd and civilized citizens. ' 1 d V ft 1 rn (T wn m Ini f eA rwm ua a uiuiuia.ou UTOl la aud my faith is that our ii iii.it. tit street and my wife says it made her so mad that the preaching didn't do her any good There are some lazy, trifling impud ent negroes about and they ought to be vagranted, and there are some white folks who seem to think that it is ungen tlemanlv to work. The fun niest thing is to see these educated negroes going about with fans in their hands and umbxellad raised on a cloudy day whbn there is neither sun shine nor showers. They are trying to imitate the white folks and just-do a little that's all. A negro girl is as fond of finery as an Indian is of beads. She will pick cotton all the week in the sun and strut around under a parasol on Sun day, She will wear a fashiona ble hat and high heel shoes and black stockings if she has to wash a month to get them. That's after the white folks too excepting the bad taste of the stockings for the women do tell me that there there ought to be a pleasin contrast between the color of the skin and the color of the stockings, but as that is a mat tar that don't concern me. I have no opinion. - - But I like the negro, l was raised with him and know him and know how to get along with him. and I have no fears of trouble if Sherman & Co.; will let us alone. They havn't as many big sins to answer for as the white race, for money ia as at the bdttom -of most all iuiquity, and as the negro has not got much of that or much love for iC he doesn't do as much big devilment. He wil Steal and get into, the phan- ganj, but he is a very generous stealer. ' I have known him to steal watermelons from Nabor Freeman and bring them to to my cabins and get my cfcil dren to 20 out and help eat them. John Thomas would steal a melon for Carl in, a min ute; for in the first pla(je(he Joy ed Carl but he was the best ne Krolever.saw except my Tip Tippecanoe, who was named for old General Harrison, and the president ought "to do some- har.v. his lot ia cast forever with Mise Ogyny. Danville the tWrd at eleven. TO TELL THE AGE OP CATTLE. A heifer has no rings on her horns until she is two years of age, snd one is added each year thereafter. You can, therefore, tell the age of a cow with tol erable accuracy by counting the rings on her horns and adding two to the number. I The bull has no rings, as a rule, until he is five years old. To tell his age after that period add five to the number of ringsJ The best way to tell the age is by the teeth, which is, of course, the only way with polled cattle. What are called the milk teeth gradually disappear in front. At the end of three years, the second pair of permanent teeth are well grown, at four years the third pair, and at five the fourth and last pair have ap peared, and at this time the central pair are full size. At seven years tne aark line, caused by the wearing of the teeth, appears on, all of them, and on the central pair a circu lar mark. At eight years this circular mark appears on all of them and at nine years the central pair begins to shrink, After may differ in politics, but 8so ond Manassas Is yours, tbs Wit derness is yours, and amid ths gathering gloom of life's fad ing years, we dare deal yon jaa tice ! Brunswick (Ga.) Times. srery time we went there. 8A3C J0HK8 ftegeo to preach after ' songs had beea snag, Wad of the largest and beet aeveral by one earred to htm Jast that way. SOKSKS AMD FOLKS. mey tried ia Ksetackj to ftt me to preach araiaat ralatac aoraea, bat I woalda'U I love tbeea. Ths only thing is, I bats to little fool riding ess to bsB. I waat to a tart ep a society roe Improrisg tha stock of lolka. We've tat the atock roa down. Weve gottea cm dot. in ere are actaaUy K.es trained I tacky horses that ars worth tea la Consumption Xacurafcli ? It Read the following: Mr. O. IL Morris, Newark Ark., says 1 Waa dowt witb Abones wf Langs, and friends and physteisne yronecrneed me an1 Incurable Ooasomptive, Began taking Dr. Klng'e 2Tew Discovery for Conumptioa,smosw on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work oa my lam. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatnr, Obio sajs : 'Had it not been for Dr. King' New Discovery for Con sumption I would have dieo) or Lung Troubles. Was girea apby doctors. Am cow in best of health.'7 Try it. Sample bottle free at A. W. Rowland's Drag Store. cbolrs ws hsvs ever heard. Ia stead er taking a text he used the words of one of the songs : "Call ing yet" as the basis or his re marks. He preached one of the strongest aad most forcible aermoos that It bas been oar pleaaare to hear. It was a strong denunciation or sia sad a touching appeal to men to yield their bearte to the calling or God. There was not one word in the whole sermon that caused a smile. It waa the ootoourinff or the heart or a mas deeply in ear-leians who give B. B. B. Botasie time aa mace aa a North Uarottaa naa. A BOWLKaaiD XAX'S CXAXCZ. jl nowieggea leuow nas a poor chance la this life, A coos try girl wont bare him because hs can't keep the calf off; aad a tow a girl wont have him becaase shs eaa't sit ia his lap. Fhyaidxti Coafscs- All honest, conscientious physi Register. He '"Came Present" The name of a colored wit ness was called out in court the other day. He answered, went forward and took a seat on the bench beside , Judge McKae. "Well, sir, what will you have?" nauired His Honor, turning upon the darkey. "Yer called me," said the darkey, "an' I tho't yer wanted to know my name." "But nobody told you to come and get in my lap,', re plied the judge, and went around the Greenville Reflector. this period the age can only be determined by the degree of shrinkage generally. At fifteen years the teeth are nearly all gone. O. J. Farmer. A Tough Worll A little girl asked her mother the following questions one day : 'Mama if I get married will I have a husband like other men ?' Yes, dear.' 'And if I don't get married will I have to be an old maldT Yes.' - Then it is a tough world for us women, ain't it.' Forty Acres and a Mule- The eodqs meetings are held here every few days and are well attended. We enquired of one of the exodusters when they expected to start for their new homes. "Well." sam uu, I don't exactly know,'' and then he said that President Harrison had written to the head man at New Berne that he would send them all the money they needed to defray their expenses in a few days". New Berne Journal. A MODEL WOMAN. Over the signature of "Grand mother" a lady writes the Warrenton Gazette as follows. She is a thoughtful, indnstrioua and priceless woman, and is a fair representative of the thousands of wives in North Carolina to-day : "The scnriDfernonj?. the aneen ? .". . I . m iL il. a titter I 01 grttpea, uuw una mo nu wiiu lax 3 -1 ; ; HLi.k I room. I its ueiiciuus uuur, wuiou ia au irresistable invitation, to feast onitg luscious fruit. J made seven gallons ot wine last year from one bushel of these grapes. !'he sugar cost me one dollar nd a half, which I paid for by ickincr cotton at forty cents a hundred. I sold six dollars and fifty cents worth of the wine.! The second crop of figs Is now ripe they are very fine, and to my mind, the fig is un excelled in good qualities. Any spot that will sustain any other shrub will grow; a fig bush. It is a delicious and wholesome fruit, and can be dried, preserved and canned. The first crop was very large, Paid Him in His Own Coin The story is told by a Boston newspaper of a country parson who, with that tact that distin guishes Rome parsons, said to the lacal tailor: When I waat a good coat I go to Boston. That is the place. By the way do yen ever go to church? Oh yes. Where? Well, when I want to hear a good sermon I go to Boston. That's the. place. sest In seeking to save aoala. Oa Thursday bight bis sermon was on the text : The wages of sin is death." This waa the e-rmoo of Sgenins. Hs spoke or the wage qaestloa being so well understood la Danism, tie contrasted the ser tice required by the devil or those wbo serve bim. He showed that he demaaded unremitting labor, aegreaauon, a sgrace, and as wages for their faithfat slsvery he gave them death etersat lie eon treated this, ia each words snd style as only Bam Jones ean nee, witb the life of peace, happiness and good Dene that the Lord requir ed ot hie servants snd the wages of eternal life that be paid them. He said be wanted to get up a strike ia Durham a strike on the devil. ; His sermoa abounded in illustra tion aad good points, some of which were amusing, 8am Jones, in oar opinion, la a truly consecrated man of God. A servant who is en fire with love for mankLid and who is a genius ia his presentation of the saving Uutne or the gospel. We believe in Sim Jones we believe la bis work io Its depth snd sonl reach ing power. Blood Balm a trial, fraaklr admit its superiority over all other blood medicines. Dr. W. J. Adair, Bockmart, Qs, writes: ul regard B. B. B. as one of the best blood medioBea." Dr. A n. RoKoe, Nashville, Tenn writes : "All reports of B. B. d. is the best snd quickest medic ine for rheamatism I hare ever tried." Dr. 8. J. Farmer. CrswrordavUle Ga, writes : "I cheerfalf recommend V. B. B. as a fine tonic alterative Its use enred an excrescence of ths neck after other remedies effected no perceptible good." Dr. C. H. Montgomery Jackson viUeAla., write. "Mv mother In sisted on my getting B. B. B. for her rheumatism, aa her eaas stab bornly resisted the usual remedies. She experienced immediate telle! and her improvement has best truly wonderful." A prominent pbysicisa who wishes bis asms not given, says MA patient of mine whose oae of tertiary syphilis was surely kllliag him, sad which notreameat seem ed to check, waa entirely cured with about twelve bottles or B. B. B. Us was fairly made sp of akla and bones and terrible ulcers. . II. ths. old Llbby wriaoa ta Chicago a stack of assists were leasing stains t a pillar wbare see of thm was discharged with a a . Km rspon. 10 ere was so oss tsar ft at ths time. Tha load mast tees ta la tbo masae at Uui M years. - - tB?' rife, tbs drsmmer evas- rslUt, held a meeting ta Klastoa Uardoaed last week. It resetted la 190 oonteraloaa. 7 at whiafc bsve Ureas r joined ths cbarcbea. A Toxrag Ilea's Christian fl sssrls uoa was organized aad gtvee proa we 01 Baca gooa. Oa ths Sthrinst- ths dllteas or Dsns rsrry, rat coanty, net and acia a aeetlac aad adootsd reao lauoas aaaiag tbs anibortttea that lb propod railroad from Qreoa. ruio to Klastoa be bcilt by Bens reny. Tbs aesUag was a large ua ataaaiaeue oaa. Troyoaag mea, at a wedding I'eXaam, by way ef a Joka, gsva tas Brtaerrooca a cake which erotos oil had beea dropped. Ths cake waa sates, aad severs aickaeaa followed. Warranta w asaed for tbs Jokers, wbo fded. aad ueasghttbey wttl be proaecated. Tbs Soer City News ears Vr. Jobs Aad revs la a boot vo years old. Us threabod hi 72th eroo of la few date aiaoe. lis baa boas plowing for over "5 years. Us aae aever oeea oat or tbe State, sever beea os a sUamboaL and has aeer heed a greater diataaos (baa owe attle from bla btrvbplaos Ths oW man is la rood health aad sb joys Ills. Is Aerasla,oa ths 7th Mr. Doo- llttle, proprietor of lbs Astasia Dote!, a Nortbera Repablieaa aad a member or the Grand Army or Bipoblic, refused to allow a berro to eater his dining room. The Berts was oa a Jury aad lbs jodrs ordered it to be kept together. Tbs Sheriff earned It ts ths hotel with the- aboro result. Mr. DoolitUs Is sastibled by public srorobstloa. Safe v . . . ine rayeuevuie unserves ears John Palteraoa, (coL) ot Uaraett, is au-ta-au a rataer remarkable maa. Although witheat arms be caa stuvs a maa ; load aad ahoot a gaa or pietol ; thread a needle aad sew ; open and wind a watch; shoot dow and arrow: and do many other thlnzs wonderful for a mas to perform without arms sad hands. Patterson is about SO years old. TXA, TXXIXT. TWe erS of atoetiim ars rmat and r 1- EaMxb News aad Obaerrsr AWOKETKor aUKACXXS, Can I bs Elhopiaa chaers his tk ia or ths Leopard his srwta f No. bat tbs politloaa. It seems, caa do either. Montgomery Vide Its, mkos'iaw r tU QnU ASmri-e. lit 15 a is sorx. Ws hops to see ths day wbea every coanty ia North OaroL&a will bav lis aaaaal Talr. crt lat aa as anal gathering & h. famera.-.WilmiBgtoa Eiaz. AJCO DOUBTLESS WILL EX. There is so organitaUoa of rrtaU er vats aad lmportaAos thaa ths Buts Guard, aad it ocxtt Id be made aa tboroarh aad eSdaat as pcaibla. lieoderaoa Gold Leaf. A fikXICATX TX12VJK Ws said years si- l.w v j tkoaxht II required xocr tn. M tvuperislendeat of t ... Croelioo la North Oarc u. ujs o bs Goverstw ta tiaae of peaos. Bab seqacBt obaervaUoa has ooarlaool as of tbs oorrectaeaa of owr onoa. WHmtngtoa Meaaesgtr. TbTt CIT IS : STILL TITXT 00X3." Tbs mail aervios now ia North. Caroline la ths most a&oals-alaa tbat has beea known eiaoe tbs days of rscoastraclioa. boms of ths oooV aad tteir abetlara tkkd set be earpnaod if Mr. Wuv maker's department learas so&s Uuag sew alwat tbeca. Cocoord Btaadard. Aa omo aica wax. There Is a Litis war now goltg os Is ons of ths district scbooU U Cladaaati, oa 00000 nt ot tts ad. mission or colored chadrea, nrtrs between the II me while aad black folks ars ot daily aocarreooa, bet ws bsveat sees any red tot eeatys ia uepbucea papers a boat n. That's Marat Ilalateada tows too. Wilmington Star. The A- B. C- of Lots.' Many a man has never' even begun to learn the alphabet o! a mother's love until he has taken sickness, or lost his pro perty, or was forsaken by his : The people ot Durham believe in him too. Ue has captured, that tows as completely as say place was ever captured by aa lavadisg army, The stores, IsctorleS snd' sohools all close to attend services, which ere held three times a day. Many bare professed rxraverston aad the membership of the church baa been largely increased. Jonee say 1 he would not give a flip" for I any maa who proteeeed to be a christian and jet did not unite hlmaeir with some branch oX the christian cuu.rcb, m 9 a m ineuas, or was in eome sort 01 1 Thosssnds from all around Dux- trouble; then, beholding ths ban go to hear him speoisl trains constancy 01 nis motners l- empty mtny people Into Darham f ection for him, ha began to I to hear Jones and ther all appear pick out the letters, and for the first time in his life spells the word love. The Signal Service officer on Pike's Peak said to Encourage us Fractially. Many towns are indifferent to the support they giye to their papers, and they expect a man to sDend his time and energies in doing the hardest kind of work, with the smallest returns; this is brpqght Qat by the fact, that in the majority of cases, people-loolr. qpon, their local papers as, a free -pphorge Durham. Sqn. They say they have discover ed a wonderful salt lake In the interior of Africa. This is cood news. They can now pack some of the stories they send from there and pogsibly they won't spoil before they eaoh us. many of them weighing three ponnent the other day: "Some,- andahalf ounces. The third times, standing at the window crop is very heavy. wxt my Meacope. J ca see "I have a lot of eeedlin,g ap- be bouses of Colorada Springs, that T rnisAd from the twenty miles away, the men 1 - Rittino- In thlr Met alaaw.a seed. -iney are 01 exceiiens y-o -- ----r- Lay by a good store of pati ence, and be sure you put it where yon can find it, quality ten inches in circum- feience, "Juicy, sweet and brittle. I have had very nice cicjer made from them recently. ('.The summer nas been bad. for. drying fru.it In the sun. I haye dried a lot on my cooking etove. I can easily cook three meals a day and dry three pecks of apples on my number seven cook stove. Very few people can afford an evaporator, but everybody can a cook stove? 'l haye" fonr lie Conte pear trees and ten choice peach trees. I paid three dollars for them and earned the money by knitting socks. I planted the pear trees witb my own hands, and I take great delight in sav ing and raising fruit," sipping iced drinks' la keen cool, the Indies walking hou,t in white sqm4Pr robes. I law er the glass. The sumraef scene Is gone. Green trees, ani mal life, men and women fade away like creatures in a dream, and I am tne only living thing in a world of eternal enow and ice and silence." A man in Chicago committed suicide because when he asked his betrothed to set the day for their wedding, the coy maiden answering affirmatively, said: "Whenjthe Cronln in Jury i completed." tH. Circumstances do not make men: they discover them. to be delighted with bim. We given few of Barn's hits taken from the Darham Globe : THS SrrtBB OH TDK TOXOaV As to bis pinion of tLe man who Cor res-1 WUIU ov "DS aiaioeti or uuo or tne ox ser iiae 01 any question, it was too low to be expressed, Thst man was a cipher with the ring gone. He bad some respect for ths man wbo would ssy this is my side and. tnd by It, bat the man wbo was on neither. didnH deserve a burial when be died. What was God going to flo at the lodgment day with these 'told neutrals." Why. he'd have to stop proceedings to bo lid another world to pot them la. There wasn't any place pre pared for them now. In his opinion these "neutrals" were the only kind of hypocrites there were, ssy way. TCtT Ooa belong to the cbar'cb, they sre not against it They have no hops of heaven and they don't expect to go to hen. "Too old hoaad of hell," be said, "ttlsyoa wbo are the hypocrites Herdempied cheeks are paW, Sue' a hly of the vale. Not a rose. Ia a maslia or a lawn 8be Is fairer than the dews, To her beaux. Her boots are thin aud neat She is rsin shout her reel, it le said. She amputates berr'a, Bnt her eyes sre like ths stars, Overhead. Oa a balcony at night. Witb a fleecy cloud or whits Bound her hair, Her grace sh, wbo could paint 1 ttne would fascinate a saint, 1 declare. "Tie a matter or regret, she's a bit or a coqaette, Whom (sing, Oa her cruel path she goes, With a half a dosen beaux On her string. But let that all pass by. And her maiden moments fly. Dew em pearled. Wbea ahe marries, oa my life. She will make the dearest wife la the world. A Reward cfU.OQ Is offered hv the maaafsotarers of Drv Bagew Catarrh Kemedy, for a case of oaatrrh which they cannot care. The mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties of this rem edy sre irresistable. 50 cents, ay druggists. 1 w Few persona are as frank as the man who is reported to who point tbs linger of judgment! to &ae bought a book recently at others." btFfXSXXOB BETWEEN XCTHO DISTS ANDOTHKBS. Heaveu wae at oue end of h long road and hell at the otber. All men were traveling oa Uia road, bnt some were going in oue direc- and wrote on the Presented to John Jones by himself, as a mark esteem." He U uot alone, however, la the exhibitions of egotism In esteeming himself highly Ex, We were shown cults a cari osity on Wedaesdsv last. It was s hardboued egg. Upoo examina tion it was found to contain no yellow. Oapt. W. IL Ed wards wbo bad lbs egg states tbat U is a freak of nature be bas never net with before. The contents of ths shell was solid white. Ue baa forwarded It to Hob. Kemp. P. nettle for preaervatioa In the Museum at Chapel 11111 Lincoln too Cornier. UlosStrsw is being ntllixed. The BsvasashSews says Mr. IL A. Bcbley baa been ia ocrreepoadeoce rorsoms time witb the FiUgibbons Paper Manufacturing Company la New York, with a view to having ths mill handle the rice stisw of tha section, sad as experiments save proved tbat tbe rio atraw la adapted to ths m an n factors oi paper for wrapping, for grocers' bags, sod even for finer grades of commercial paper the coEpany has placed its order with Mr. Schley for 3,000 or 4,000 tons of straw." Tbs top of Boas Mountain, 6A64 feet above tbe aea, ia a mateaa abost a mils long by half a mile- wide, covered with a growth of grass, Tbs pteteaa is called The Bald. Oa It U a hotel largely patroaiaed by hay fever eef- lerers. Tbs boundary line of North Carolina aad Ten n eases runs through the dials g room of the ho tel, so that a guest caa sat his din ner with ons root ia North Carolina aad the otber la Tennessee. Tbe isdows or tbe hotel command views or mountains la Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ten nessee, Sooth Carolina and Geor gia. Durham Globe. Tbe Charlotte Chronicle ssys : -Major IL J. Balfor, of G rarer, N. (L, exhibited st tbs pas ssnger depot a stalk of 8es Island cotton measuring lt feet after leaving a stubbie six Inches high when it was est off shove tbe ground. This cotton was grown oa ths farm of Mr. Ot boras oa ths Obopee river in Georgia, sad was well Ailed with bolls. Hs also ex hibited two stalks or sugar cane 6 and 8 rest long, averaging nearly two Inches la diameter entire atalk being twelTS and 14 feet In length, and tbe rattle takea from a rattleeneke weighing 3$ poasds snd counting sight rolls sad a but ton, "Trot oat yoar eottoa stalks, case, and soaks rattier." CoL J. IL Heck, of IUleigu, has written a letter to W. a Stronacb, Secretary of the Confederate Vet era as' Association of North Caro lina, offering Us ase of shoos snd premlae at ttldgewsy foe a Sold iers' ilocae, ires of rest, as loog as It shsn be need for that purpose. CoL Heck ia his letter says: "I have on tbe Bateigh & Gaston Bail road at Bidgewsy, situated In a 3 sere square, a thirty roomca, Menaard roofed, brick building, with loog port! cos, &c which, 1 think, would be saitabte lor one 01 these "Homes. ' 11 your aaeoaa- Uoa should be of the same opinion, after examination of the property, and will ass it for that purpose, they may have free nse of It for 25 years, or as long as used for a Con federate Soldiers' Home.'' tbx xast is 00 anna. Bjes are turning aoethward aad eastward, and there is. bat tltCs dosht to oar mind that IT proper teps were takea to bring eastern North Carolina before tbe world and ir the cltlxens coald be brocght to that idea of Baity aad ee-operaUoa which should exist among them ta a few jears this would bs ths moat prosperous section of oar broad UniL Green rifle Sector. ma xixd sx WAS Tbs Pittsburg Dispatch declares . that Alexander Stephens was ths author of ths expression too thin.' Tbe Augusta Chronicle donbts this, sad ears It 'never heard htm socnaed or being tbe author of alaag." We think It altogether likely, for Mr. 'Stephens was Jest tbat sort of a maa. Wilmington 8tar. WILL TUB TntB XTXT roXX 1 Wbea tbe colored peo- of this country aball hare tree soj Inde pendent voters, and have oeaaed to be tbe voluntary aad Bacaes tloolng political chattels of the Ee pcblkcaa party, they will bare a much alronger and worthier data to a free ballot thaa .they have as matters stand at present. Qol&e. boro Argaa. A STBKADISa SOCIKTT. Bomefting decidedly new la ths way of societies is tbe Ilea verity Foot Societies" formM by yonag ladies in the WesL Their object ts to do sway with tbs practice of wearing a number two shoe oa num ber flee foot- May they spread over tbe entire country tbe aocia- tiea, we mean, of coarse sot lbs taant THE CCKSB OF TBX 19th CXXTCXT. Why was tbe mlaerable and solddal system of credit ever estab lished! Why should tbe booest maa be made to pay the debts of tbs dishonest f Yet be dose. Every maa la boaiaeas calculates oa ao macb loaa oa account of bad debts, aad the wares tbat the boa eat poor maa boys ars marked ep to a figure that cover the loaa. Is it right! Is is just Oxford Friend. the wax it wxjrr. Wbea tbe Bepablicoos last fa3 were saving the eoaaUy they wars, ad the people that If ths sacred tariff was Interfered with ths whole thing would go to the bow-wows. They got to. .See tbs reaait- In tbs last nine months the number of failures foot ap 854 being 1,014 more than for the earns peri od onder Cleveland; while tbe liabilities too np 117,000.000 mors, Baleigh Neve and Observer. Tax pat ts coxneo. Experiment bas demonstrated tbat North Carolina Is tbs boms of the grape, and ws doutrt wuetn er there is a finer section la ths world, for tbe perfect derelepmeat of tbs variety or grapes, thaa that which lies across our State, aad borderinc the western outline of tbe old Bed Stand Rone belt. Not many years hence, through tbe efforts aodexample of such mea as bar fruit snd atock grow era, this aectloa will abound in fruit grasses, aad fine blooded stock .--Progress ive Farmer. IJstiis ta fear. Lady Little boy, Isn't that your mother calllnx you ? Little lioy les m. Lady Why don't you answer her, then ? Little Boy Pop's away. New York Weekly.

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