v.- a.- -'i REMEMBER! -THE ADVANCE" -IIIIIOM.A- TZZ ALL Z7172Z Z? JOIl 'IVOItK 0 DOLLAR ARD FIFTY CENTS w m:y ivuo roit- SKSDTOUBOBPEIIS "LET ALL THE ENDS THOU A.IRK'ST AT, BE THY COCRTBFS, THF GOD'S, AND TRUTHS. Cash in Advance. ho ?nis orncr.- VOLUME 19. WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA,: NOV. 21, 1889: NUMBER 43 The Wilson Ad va ncr ' : TUT Ll 1 11 I' ll' r- ... V- ! thei 1!!V i re '.hi i lift I- : ). -It Mi try .NI with 1 lin- Ti ARf O LETTM D LBvans, :0: iacy oiewart, SOU Til WANTS PEACE John AND UARMONY. iis she is Solid and lias A pologles to Make. it is the matter now? fame Campbell to beat of ? Some say that it was Mr. Cleveland's tariff ii policy baa at last taken vi the people. He sowed i il aud it is junt beginning i-.itit. Some say it was tbe iv laws, some say it was -bell's personal popularity ii mnetism ; some say one : nd some another, but 1 not seen anywhere that nitli bad anything to do it. I was in bopes .that threat victories indicated a r feeling towards us, for a nt peace more than any :. Our Northern nabors are ious people. They are all . In spots like the measles. a rtandurky paper the oth v thai gave me great hope iifouragemeni. The editor .ert the names of all the ederate dead on Johnson's 1 and gav their rank and ,ient, and made a plat and el their numbers so that crave could be identi- he wrote such kiDd, idly words about them and low some good people : every year and placed r- on their graven and how !ifadboards were fast going cay and that soon, very their identity would be unless their Southern t- took the matter in 1 and had new headboards There was nojt a word it treason or traitors or re ; .n, and so we rejoiced that r.ir was over in Sandusky it the next day I received Lieut Col Wickett. Here are eighty four names without company or regiment. Most ofi them have survivine- . I o -AO I IrindpArl a r rl frlanila TirTirk san place them, and' I hope they will write at once so that the record can be made complete upon thena;ble. Let the old soldiers who went from Geor gia look carefully over the list and see if they cannot recall a comrade who fell at Fred- ricksburg. If this is not re sponded to in a short time nothing but the name will ap pear upon the marble. The South lost all but her honor in the war, and that we must preserve; 'In twenty-five years' she has recovered her self, and now stands before the worm erect undaunted, un subdued.- She has no apologies to make, but she wants peace and harmony without abase' uient. We thank God that she is solid sona ior ner one pre survation, ihat is all. She will remain so until her people share equally in the favors and tne protection ot tne govern ment. 'Mr. Lincoln framed a bill to pay us four hundred millions for our slaves, but it was suppressed. He would have buried our dead in the national cemeteries; and would have pensioned our wounded soiaiers ana tne widows or our dead. He would have made peace had he lived, for he was large-hearted patriot But. the Lord loveth whom He chasteneth, and so our com fort is that He loves ns amaz intily. But we will hurrah for Campbell and Sandusky any how, Bill Arp. FOR THE FARM. -:o:- MATTEKS OF INTEREST TO TILLER OF TUB SOIL. Original, Borrowed, Stolen and Communicated Articles on 'Farming. The Smithfield Herald . re ports the sweet potato crop as almost a failure. tor. Peter Tiger, of Tusquitte, is the possessor of a large pork er of the Polapd China breed that will weigh between GOO and 700 pounds. Murphy Bul letin. Our farmers say that the hay sayed from their fields i3 as good, if not better, than North ern hay. Why not use it alto gether? There ought to be enough made at home to supply the demand.-JSewbern Journal The great wheat crop in the United States comes, in a good time. The Russian crop is 72,- 000,000 bushels" short and that of Hungray about half as much. Our crop will reach 500.000,000 bushels or 80,000,000 bushels more than the crop of last year. countrv farmer springs a youth ! of intellect and aspiration. His natural thirst is for intellectual environment, and he is going to have it if he has to flee from his father's farm to get it. He goes, and the fields are stripp ed and the cities are swollen. Agriculture is to-day more or less a pursuit of slavery, simply becanse it does not command its share of the brain and intel lect of the governing, thinking people, and how. to get thinking men to farm is now the pressing problem with men of other pur suits. If other pursuits are to continue to rob it of its best brain and blood and only re turn to it that which they posi tively refuse to have, it cannot be anything better than elavery. Stripping the fields and fill ing the cities and centres with their brain treasures is the darkest shadow that flits across the horizon of agriculture. Sanford Express. HOME CHAT. x. c. TIIOUGHT FROM OUR EXCHANGES. I Comments on currtut Events and Expressions of Opinions. Let every cotton farmer re duce his cctton crop at least one-third for 1S90, and produce some feed crop on the land thus left off, and the two-thirds will, we believe, yield more clear profit than is now realized on the whole crop, and we will not have to buy so much of what we use. Ex. Ill THE MOONSHINEB'S DOMAIN- IE you canuot procure Meat for your fowls, buy them some cotton-seed meal. 'If fed daily, one pint to a mess of soft food for two hundred hens is "sufS.- NO EXCUSE. ; Let an end be made of this idea that drunkenness is an excuse for crime Raleigh Evening Visitor. BELIEVES IN MIXED SCHOOLS. We believe in raising and edu cating the sexes together. Uick or Press and Carolinian. THE BfiST rLACE. The calibre of a person's honesty newspaper can be obtained at a office where that person has bad JEANNIE'S EC172HE ISSAH. A Vision of Heaver Hut Comforted a Eying Child. They sat together on the warm sparkling eand.the moth er and child. The tiny golden head nestled against the pro tecting breast ; the wan face was lit by the evening sun ; the eyes were closed, and a smile parted the bloodless lips. The maiden slept. The mother watched beside her sleeping child, and she scarce moie than a child her selfmurmured a mother's prayer, 'Lord Jesus, save my little girl.' Again and again b person una ami axa wtrtaataA tt u .i. extensive dealing, perhaps, i "V:; T . . " d,V mjr auy with more certainty, willingness aud accurracy than .t any other place. er paper from Alleghany A Saction of North Carolina Where cient. Milk is also an excellent .hat told how Tost 'No. 88, G'aronimo's Band Will he Welcome, substitute fdr meat, and, in in I to in it t! ioli tl A. 11. had unanimously ed a resolution denouncing second Maryland regiment ivcting a monument on the L tield of Gettysburg where : comrades are buried, and a 1 AVJ 1 . . t-uieieu lueir biuouiu jjiu- iiTinst this sacrilege and miiced the intrusion of tra ainl rebels upon such sa Hoil and they asked Gov 't Heaver to have said moan . removed. What kind of A-i are they do you recon t ought to be done with a would it do any good to r for them, or would it be harm to curse them out , . . . ions son or a way.' .k I could get a preacher f. Thev used to do it hi Bible terms and even apostles sometimes shook ("l ist off their feet when v left a mean, malicious 4a who were past praying I believe that Gettysburg -' only battlefield on North- - il where we had to leave uud unburied. but there thousands of graveyards on ithnrn soil where we buried ir deal, aud their soldiers !;i't stay to see it done, eith The valley. of Virginia is .' .f them. But old Father will settle it down about lit utter awhile. Now let U3 -'i :i;e hands with Sandusky 1 fi up the graves on John-.'- irland. There are only 200 t lie in, and they are from all liithern States. I see that mimittee, wltii Captain John W.i ldel aH Chairman, has r d the move and asks for lu'iiitiona to be sent to the i - hi Telegraph. Four hun 1 dollars will do it. Major ' an 1 I have secured 400 r the Georgia dead at Freder i-t)urg. aud he can get the rM-i lor the headstones at 1 ii and the lettering for three '. a letter; so we are all i t. If anv more money is nt I, us we will eivb it to h;j.-iii's island. An ! now we ask the press to I' li-h the list of names that ;!''! rs noon the boards at r'i'lfricksburg without com y or regiment so that we can them correctly chiseled the marble. The boys who in IV t J n uri.ii them didn't have time put anything but the names f the following soldiers Representative Ewart, ot North Carolina, is at the Metro politan. A peculiar errand has brought him to Washington. It will be remembered that some months ago it was proposed by the War Department to remove Geronimo's band of Mescalero Apaches from Fort Pickens to a reservation in North Carolina To this plan Governor Fowle, of North Carolina, made an em phatic protest. He curtly ad vised Secretary Proctor to re move the pets of tbe War De partment to Vermont. Wheth er the Green Mountain Yankees would enjoy having the vener able scalp-taker camping among their midst, so to speak, was not developed by subse quent correspondence, but this much has been learned : The Tar Heelers are not rallying with entire unanimity ujjder Governor Fowle'sanner of ex clusion. On the contrary, there are abundant evidences that the Apaches would be looked upon with favor as.residents of North Carolina. Away up in tne extreme southwestern corner of North Carolina lie the counties of Cherokee and Swain. The old Cherokee reservation embraced this region and the weak rem nants of that once powerful tribe still roam the Cowee Mountains. These Cherokees are anxious mat the Apacues shall be joined to them, that intermarriage' may strengthen and preserve the race. Moreov er, the white residents of that region are willing to part With any number of square miles of mountain and ravine to uncle Sam for a consideration, and look upon an importation of bloodthirsty savages as a fea ture of interest, rather than otherwise. To forward this scheme of immolation in behalf of poor Lo, Congressman Ewart has come to Washington. It is understood that his mission has not been unsuccessful and that ib the near future the Mes caleros will be domiciled in the region of moonshine whisky ud Miss Murfree's romances. the Apaches take on a scalp fact, is considered preferable by some poultry-keepers. No matter how well balanced their ration may be, change it often, a variety of food gives zest to the appetite and stimulates digestion. Ex. Apple culture ought to be a great industry in North Caro lina, and should yield the farm ers o our State annually many thousands of dollars, which it would do if that attention were triven to it which it deserves. There is no portion of North Caiolina from the sea shore to the mountain tops where the apple does not grow to perfec tion and yield abundantly, and in number of varieties surpass ed nowhere, from the Siberian crab to the mammoth, measur ing fiye or six inches in diame ter. Wilmington Star. r iii-.ii " N 1 t'.i.nan, H ,rn, WIN,,,,,,. L- W u:,. V T , !).); c. ' i . , lit 'V I) t: i; j, 'll I v II ( !;:, '"'in i -.in,, 'li in, "li.TS, '-le.y, '!' n. i. A.Urooa, The Southern farmer, in his mad rush for cotton, abandoned the raising of home supplies and went to the merchant to be supplied. The merchant in turn went to the producers in the North and West. They de manded that the farmer should pay as quickly as pos sible. This he promised to do and gave a lieu or mortgage to make good that promise. Re sult : The cotton was picked as fast as it opened, was rushed from the fiaid to the gin, from the gin to the merchant, and from the merchant to the manu facturer and speculator, where it found a crowded onarket, to be laid aside until it was need ed. This early and rapid crowd ing of the market is to the detriment of the farmer. Pro gressive Farmer. STORING SWEET POTATOES.! i I have been growing and sprouting sweet potatoes for eleven years, and my method of harvesting, storing, and keeping them is as follows j Boxes are made two feet long, one root wide, and one root deep. The bottom and ends are of inch boards, the sides of slats with-spaces a quarter of an inch between for ventilation Each box contains one bushel, allowing for shrinkage, jThe dimension of the boxes should be very exact, so they ma be set one above another, with out projecting beyond the gen eral pile. The time to harvest th6 sweet potatoes is on dry, sunny days. Take the boxes to the field and fill them nearly to the top, taking care not to let any project above, so as to become bruised by a superincumbent box. They are hauled in and stored at once. My sweet pota to house is sixteen feet square and eight feet high in the clear of hewn logs, made pefectly ti ht by being pointed inside and out with morter. The ceiling is of dressed and match ed pine lumber, upon which is spread a foot of sawdust, to keep out the frost, There i.s a fireplace on the north side of my store room. The potatoes havintr been sorted in the field are brought in, and the boxes are stacked up, the lower one being a foot -i from the earth floor. A small hre is Kept up iu damp and rainy weather, to dry tne, potatoes thoroughly before 'winter sets in; and after tie weather becomes frosty, sufficient fire is maintained to preserve a temperature of about sixty decrees, never allowing it to go lower than fifty. In this way I have kept three hundred bushels of sweet pota toes, with a loss of less than one iu twenty. Correspondent to the South Cultivator. TBE GEAT REFOBM, The great reform movement among the farmers is to correct that .policy and those syBtetns, which give the power t the few, to filch and impoverish Ihe many, which fosters monopoly and de stroys our energies. Progressive Farmer. BOOM THE EXPOSITION. Keep the hall rolling for a big State Exposition in North Carolina two years from now. Let every paper in" t lie State take PP the subject and mould sentiment io couuiy after county until the whole commonwealth is aturill with lm poitance of the grand undertaking. Durbani Globe. GIVE US FACTORIES, There are many thousands of dollars that ought to be withdrawn from merchandising, an over crowded 2nd hard competing busi ncss, and put into shops and mills and itnpioved farms. When we nhow other people of capital, that we believe what we say and that we have faith in ourselves, they cauuot be turned back. -Sanford Express. " BE AT THE TOP. Just think of it. Here is a big world all 3 our own, if you choose take it, and with your health, youth aud strength to start with. Boy, you are a lucky dog, aad if yon dont win, and become a tip-top pain'er before yon are twenty-lire years old, it will be your own fault. it's worth something more than money to he at the top of ioor trade. - Mt. Olive Telegram. poor " hritWMiu. rnrn.nviLKm w na Dy mean'! a, muuer, ye omna Vi7, ! don'rreckon a man ooghter be ao ; I wose my ainsel. I :::r.; " A I nired to do rlzhc I tell von. Andr. that I'd like mishtly to let too have toe letter, for I know to wife wonia nte to Dear late. Ij, hanged ef I wouldn't strain The Women Praise B- B. B- Hampton and Wanamaker- vl i W U ii IK, W MunchjJ S Langl'ord, Geo M Dickens, J J Godfrey, C White, J A lt":i ''ia, St B F Byrd, R Simmons, Jas Eiiroond.'oc, J D Carter, (J Thompson, J II O'Neil, John Kilpatrick, J Lee. F E Lyde, W li Brown, J (lend rev, J 13 Hopkins, illoway,J F Walters, Thomas McL.-tur, A'ldmuton, V M Cole, "IL J A Johnson, ! II -Mitchel.W S Mora:., I'lu-ii, " Asa Far, Graven, Riley Wilkes. Danlier, J O Andrews, W linrks, N Younc; P O Cockran, Capt J U Ames, W Moore, II Wan', R J Champion, O Lazenby, J Grant, Caot W A Hill, J A Warren, F E ShaunoD 13 Hynes, CU Ward, Hunting fever then the moun taineers will make snort wors them. As their name indi tes, this branch of the naches are Mescal-eros lov ers of mescal. Unnouptedly they will take kindly to the juice of the corn, which is said to be very fine around Roan Mountain and south to the Hackamaxy. Washington Post making lapping We were once asked, aud that very lately, when th& ag ricultural conditions were as unfavorable as now, to name fifty men in Pasquotank county who were making money farm ing, and could have named more than fifty. And we last week asked the question as to Currituck county of a Curri tuckian of intelligent observa tion and he called over a dozen scattered over the county who were making money on differ ent branches of agriculture. Of course farming requires brains to T be mixed with the farm work but there is a simple pro cess by which a man can make farming pay without taxingtoo heavily his brain force. In every large neighborhood there is Rome man or men who i3 A Problem- '""Ill'lliUld, Slime, Uuiisct, Andrews, ll.tr. Will,-; Sunt!,. 'ipI'dJoiiald, 1 Willis, HrV A I .nnl. A careful housewife recom mends the following arithmetic lesson to the attention of drink ing working men: "Two drinks of whiskey means a pound and a half of beef steak ; two beers, a dinner of mutton chops; a cocktail, an egg plant or a bead of cauliflower. 'What'll you tai nharlev V stands for a nice oyster stew for the whole family Sunday morning. 'Set 'em up again,' mean3 BUgar in the house for-a month. Ral eigh Christian Advocate. both ends meet and ' over. Just watch him and do like him. lie's a manTto be watched. Not for the evil but for the good that is in him. Watch him day by dav. weefi: t V weefe, night by niirht watcli him and do like him. 1 Senator Wade Hampton has displayed a remarkable lack of appreciation of the finer features ot statesmenship by his letter to Postmaster-Gener al Wanamaker calling that gentleman a liar. Hampton nas been in Washington long enough to know that the ad ministration of a great Depart ment cannot be carried on by the employment of those crude methods of honesty and straightforwardness which keep business men out of jail. When the head of a Govern ment Bureau makes an asser tion or promise he of course reservej the right to change his mind if circumstances should alter in the future By keeping this reservation to himself be proves that be is a man worthy of his place, a Barnacle who renacts credit unon tne uircumiocawou oi f- - fice. Senator Hampton seems to think that a man holding a high position ini the Govern ment should be obliged to con form to the vugar customs against which Ananias and Suppira sinned. This is un worthy of Hamptpn. Can he not appreciate those fine points of diDlomancy, tboee aainty achievement of statesmanship which left such a man as V ana maker above the obligations that are bindinir on our lesser men ? The tiuffeiing of women certainly awakens the sympathy of every true philanthropist. Their best friend, however, is B. B. B. (Bo tanic Blood Ralm) Send to Blood lsaim t-o, Atlanta, Ua., for proor. II, L. Cassi.ly, Rennesaw, ua.. writes : "Three botrles of B. li. B cured my wife of crofula.'' , 1 M T .... .. I... CI.. wiites: nave never used any thing to equal B. B. B.'" Mrs C. II. Gay, Rocky Mount, N. C, write: "Not a day for 15 years was I free from headache. B- B. B entirely relieved me. I feel like another person.' James W. Liccaster, Hawkins- ville, (ia., writes : "My wife was iu bad healtu for eight years. Five doctors and many patent medicines had done her no good. Six bottles of B. B. Ii. cured her." Miss 5. Totnllnson, Atlanta, Ga , says: "I'or jears l snfjered with rheumatism, caused by kidney trouble and indigestion, l also was leeble aud nervous, is. B. B. re beved me at once, althongh several other medicines had failed." Itev. J. M. Richardson, Gtarks- ton. Ark , writes : 'My wife suf fered twelve years with rheu mat ism and fem ale complaint. A lady member of ray church had been cured by H. B. li. She per suaded my wife to try it, who now says, there is nothing lite B. B. B. as it qi ckly gave her relief." That was all O, God ! why are the porn to be so unhappy ? buitly she drew the thread bare tartan shawl around the tenaer irame. oentle as was the motion it roused the sleep er. ihe great blue eyes opened. Did I wake ye, Jeannie ?' No, no wake me I had a bonuie dream, mither. Ay, dearie; what was it T' Tbe mother looked down anxiously. 'Afore I went to sleep I was watohln' the ships wi' their white sails flittin' owre the water, an' I wondered whar they were a' gaun. I looked, an' looked, an' looued, an' then I thought I was iu a wee boatie, wi' white sails, too, wither. They said it was gaun to heav'n. The say was black owre my heid, an' great waves tossed my boatie to an' fro. But far away the sun was glintin' on the water, an' there were steps of gowd gaun up, op, up. They said that was the way to heav'n. Is't no, mither ? Are ye tot'nin'?' I The mother'n f.c- .ra3 turned away. 'Aye, aye, Jeannie, I'm list'- nin'toye.' I sailed a lang, lang time. I was tired; but I came nearer the steps. I was a'm ut there, mither. They said: 'Gae, Jeannie, an' ye'll no be tired ony mair.' I was gaun, but they said again : 'No the noo. Jeanuie, the next time.' Then I awoke. Was't no a bonnie dream, mither ?' My wee lamb was all the mother could pay. She pressed tbe frail form to her. The golden head sank back drowsl- 'The next time.' The sunset In crimson glory over the sands and sea ; heavy purple night clouds over shadowed the earth. Ere the glory f"ded the little maiden was far away on her Journey up the golden steps. Still the mother watched and prayed, Lord Jesus save my little girl.' uod help those who awake from sleep. NOBSON'S P. 0. ue rax it iiis o rrx WA T ON B U8INE83 PU IXCIPLE3. Convinced That Unci Sam Xt Meant for Him to Lots Money in His Service. Several men, dresed In icllow and brown jeans, X about a fire omit on the 'dirt floor' of a loir CAbnf. In appearance thev were as rude m a scrub calf, and io their manners tkere could not bare beep traced tbe slightest remembrance of a clvilaxtioo that wa put, or of the fain tee t leaning toward civi lization to come. Tbe smoke from the fire was opposed to go oat at a bole ia tbe root, bat it did not, and the men were watery-eyed as Ihtj eat humped over. No neighbor hood coold have been wilder in as pectwild without being pictar esqae ; dreary without that strange influence which, luiking about a desolate scene, atimolates a recol lection of eonrowfal poetry read long ago. Here and there along a small cretk fences made of rouud pole were rotting dowa, and In o arrow valleys, lying between flint Iy before they let yoa ofL They know that I am doing joat a veil by 'em as I ken afford to do. Not one of them If be be a maa woald raise a hand in your de.'eoae, the inspector declare, bowing to the men. Tbey never went back on a neighbor. Boys, will yoa atand by me f ' Tea, we will, tbey answered, Tbe inspector looked about him, and, teeing a vacant chunk near lb ore, sat down opon it; and, for a time, remained silent, bat after a while be looked op and remarked, Tblsjbeats anything I ever a v. Yes, said tbe poet matter, 'boot what old Mix Praia lowed when she t romped on a snake and It rolled oat frora ander ber and let her down on tbe ground patty JetT, said Andy, I tell yoa I'd like mlgbtly to have that letter. Sow, Ihavej'med tbe boya in declarin' that Til stand by yoa ia case this man ri op agio jo' tji uv doiag blzoe&a, and that I reckon la wnth act bin. las, a little sathin. And, bat not as much as two dollar' wath or trde. Toa know it woald be root each other, oat. A sadden commotion dissolved thrt OlrlA &KMlf ttm A r. 1 1 - " www uw ui m. n. writ- 1 .nN 1.1.- . r . . Os:ar Wilda. He D;es The Work- Oscar Wilde is described as naving seuiea aown into a sedate literary man a strong, broad-thouldered, athletic fel low, with no nousense about him, and an evident determina tion bis part to make fame and money. He goes about London with an armfull of paper and with a huge blackthorn stick In his hand. He lectures now and then, writes steadily for the magUinea, and edits the Woman's World. It is said that he shows positive genius in managing a large staff of feminine contributors. As a reviewer of current literatnre he is thought to be extremely cleyer. 1 am looking for Nobson'a Oove Post Office, said tbe stranger, ap proaching the fire. Tbis is tbe place, answered a tall, gaoot fellow; lifting hit coat tails and setting himtelf npon a bewed log counter. My name's Nobson. Glad to meet you. Is there a letter here for J. W. Wbeattv r That jo name 1 Tee, and knowing that I was coming thia way 1 requested that my mail be directed to tbia place. Wall, tbor'a two letters here for you. Wauter take 'em oat now f OI coarre. Wall, my rale la that Ufo' a passon ken git a letter oaten this office be batter bay t lest two dol lars' wnth oaten my elo. A'nt got ex big a atooc ea too might a aeed ia knockiu about the country, bat what I've got yoa mar coant oa beio fast das. tYbat do yoa want, terbacker, cotton bata, bed tickin', ahoe latber, geeae feathers, or aome or tbe aweeteat aorgbam merlasaes yoa ever espped bread inter 1 Take it all oat in one or will yoa have It acattered I don't want anything you've got, except my letters. Bat how air yoa going to get 'em aaless voq come op to my role. 1 kaiot afford to too a post office for notbin', an I don't reckon tbe Uov'ment wants to rob a man or his time. My der air said the stranger, I have no money to spue. Then I ain't got no leitera to spate. IUven't you; yoa don't know who I am. Don't cats a blame. I'm a post officio Inspector. Yoa aiat goin' to inpect mine. But 1 will have yoa removed. I reckon not. This boose ia mine an tbe man that trie to pot me oat will wish beta he'e through that be bad a went off down on tbe creek aomewbar and drowoded bls self. Tbe bouse may be yours, bat tbe man does not belong to yoa. That what comes in here doe,' I'll aee that it doea not come to your bouse. Yoa kaint. My boy letcbea tbe mail from the railroad, forty odd miles from bere. Bat tbe mail aball not be given to your boy. All right, tben, none shan't come Inter this neighborhood. Jeff, leraarked a yellow, sun -cared old fellow, addressing tbe post- master, I wosb mightily that you'd let me have that letter o' mine. I woald, Andy, but tbe times -ir so hard I kaint afford it, w an, l qou t see now l m ever p'int an' commerdate too. Kain'i yoa strain the p'iot any how f Andy asked. No, kain't do it, Andy, jeat nach oily katn't do it. Wife an' chUlin' at home 'pendiaoa me far to make 'em a lirin' and 1 kaiat find it io my heart to cheat them jeat to aatlsfy my own selfish i-lia'a. Say, now, bold on a tainit. 1 have been keepin' myae'f ao clue dowa to btznesa that I aiat bad no toa in, I dont know bow long, an' 1 think that 1 augbter have a little mae ment ef my chillaa ir at bom Vpectmg melo make Via a livia'; so now ef yoa cai flmg me down two aateo three, I will give yoa tbe letters. I would nt 'dalge myae'f mis way er l badot been aacklla' down to b'tneas ao cioaalhea again, I wanter sorter kelp vow along. What do joa way, Andy f Andy emu led awhile and tben taking a qatd of tobacco from him mouth and placing It on tbe count er, ao be could get it and retora it to doty after the performance, aa awered : I'll try yoa. Tbey . t.k hold of each other. after removing a barrel and aeveral boxes, and began a acoffia which seemed likely to end In Utl ia lb fir oc a a mash against tbe waft. Andy waa abort mod cfaosky; ta postmaster was long and exoeod mgiy lean. It was Andya Idea to undermine tbe pooimaaier, bat tbe Government official, foreaeeing lb intention, picked Andy no and slamed him oa tbe groand. Aoolbr fall w4 called for, Andy fell and tbe postmaster waa declired win ner. Its jeat my wife lock.said Andy. Ever sence she married me abe baa bad to pat op with disappointment. Jeff, bow woald yoa like to have a yonog sbote f Dont care far him. Wall, tben. wife Le will jeat bare to learn to do wi-oot that letter a few months Ion, t. Ef we bare rain potty soon and ibe crops turns oat well I reckon" toebbe I ken git it. Stranger, aaid tbe postmaster, speaking to tbe inspector, 1 rolber like yo' looks 'an I'm mlabtr 'clmed to be easy with yoa. Ken yoa raasle I 1 dont know, at it baa beer aome time aince I tried. W-a 11, now, as I asld right back yant,l rntber like you, aa' although times air bard an trad a scarce, ef you'll throw me down twice oaten three lime, I'll give yoa yocr letters. All right; aa it ia the only chance I have, 1'U try yoa. Tbe inspector took bis coat off NEWS0F AWEEK what is iiAfrexixa ix IBB WORLD A ROUS D US. A 3ondensed Reuortof the Nets' From Our Contemporaries. New Berne wants electric lights. Tbey are making batter oat if cocoa n at. Tbe crop in Edneccmbe county are aaid to be abort bad. Tbere are lvhkxi female doctors ia Ibi country, it is stated. It it reported that a portion of tbe coast of North Carolina baa aettled since the earthquake of last year. A bleaching Factory has been atartrj at Co u cord. That town ia a bwatler" ao far as munfaclnriea are concerned. A eabscribcr to the ewtda Ua- terprise etopped thatVsper atock atill becanse 'hides are not quoted io it at ibe market price I Tbe Monroe Register aaya a fare mer of that section told them that be bad twelve acres in cottoa offcf which be did not get a bale, Tbe High I'oiot Machine Work make 25 beating stoves ir week. Tbey compare with any mad by other concern. Asheboro Coariar. Tbere are three Knrlish tor in Chattiam county. We hop toey win te the means of baring many Enghh dollars tnveated ia North Carolina. v lien a West Virginia man decides to commit suicide be always finds a way to do it. Ambrustor, got tired staying in tne s;ate ana not caring to go West, took a dose of poison which tbe doctors pumped out of him, then he tried hanging, but wasn't an expert at the slip knot business, . which did not work, then he tried cutting his throat but was deficient in the knowledge of anatomy, then he tried perforating himself with a pair of scissors and finally went on top of a house and threw himself off. The eoro ner'sjury bad some difficulty deciding exactly what to attri bute his death to. Wilmington Star. He's eat up bis Tag. 'He's eat up his tag.' That is the very latest in the way of Blang. Tbe story is that the express agent of a little rail road station way up in Maine was putting into tbe car a lot of articles. All were (). K. until he put on a pug dog that failed to show by I tag or otherwise what his destination was. The express agent on being asked replied that he dida't know. and added. 'lie s eat up his tag.' Nashville American. Two Einia cf Priie. Losan Sses the Direction in Which the Oat Hops. ASP Sough on the Citizens- tear 'er. mien Us bVL J T Garret, G S Samuel, If Christ were to re-visit this globe and hallow Shelby with His presence as a Teacher, some few would complain be cause he did not work nine hours a day and work for 20 per month. Shelby Aurora. "the cities ake swollen- THE FIELDS ARE STUirPED.' Not only tbe wealth, but the talent of 'this country is being concentrated in the cities. This is the' most apprehensive fea ture of centralization. The talent of the Southern btates before the war Iwas to be found on the' plantations, handling slaves, and enjoying all the luxuries of culture and refine ment then to be had anywhere. The new order of things sends the educated and ambitious young meii to the cities, where now ttie governing, prenomi nating brain of the nation is concentrated. From the loins of a back Tberi can b( no dobt that the increased amount of spirits now required to be made by whiskey, distil! ers by the Com missioner of I iternal Revenue, will work great harm to the Republican party throughout the State, unless the whole system is repealed this winter, In almost every instance mis new requirement will have the effect to cause each distiller to be assessed for a deficiency in the amount of spirits produced. This is very annoying and cause the distillers to lose money. If Congress adjourns next year without having repealed the whole system, or if that is not done ?nd the tax on tobacco is left standing, there will be no room next year for the Repub licans to appeal to the people a3 the enemy of the internal revenue. Raleigh Signal, Rep. A Scrap cf Paper Saves Her Life- It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paier. but it f aved her life, bhe was iu tbe List stages of consumption, told by puysicians that she was incurable and coold live only a short time; she weighed le-s thau seventy poiiuds. Ua a piece of wrapping paper she read ot Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle ; it helped her, she bouzht a lirge totile, it helped her more, bought another and grew better fast, continued its one and is now Mrong, ht alt by, rosy, plamp, weighing 110 noaml. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. 11 Cole, Brnggist, Fort Smith. Trial bott'es of this wonderful Discovery free at A. W. Rowland's Drag Store. How we work at cross pur poses in this world Here is Mrs. Cleveland spreading her handsome floors with rag car pets, and evincing tbe greatest pride therein, while a woman in this pection owning yards and yards, would part with It all for ,a strip of Ingrain to decorate the floor of her "best" room. And is there anything on earth more depressing than that room ? Education. Where Harriaga is not a Failure" Education cannot be acquired without pains and application. It is troublesome and deep dig ging for pure water, but when once you come to the springs, they rise up and meet you. Every train helps to fill the bushel, so does it improve Marriage Is not a failure In ! every moment an 1 every Monroe. It is reported that a' opportunity increase kuowl woman who was divorced at edge. In this day and time Monroe court was married a ! ignorance may be considered a few hours after the proceedings I voluntary misfortune. Dor- closed. Sanford Express. I ham Sun. goin' to git it, tar i Hint buy no two dollars' wnth or goods. I'll split yoa three hundred rails far it. No; dont b'lieve I want uo rails split now. I did 'low to git it at last month, bat couldn't. L if month ! the Inspector ex claimed, bow long has tbe letter been bere I 'Boat three months, I reckon, Andy answered, it's from my wife's daddy 'way back yaoder in East Teonesy, au' my wife's powerful anxious to har from him. Tbis ia an infernal outrage ! tbe insneotor loudly declared Tbe postnitster preeed two fiugess again; bis hairy lip aod squirted a yellow streak into tbe fire. W-a II, said be, with a long drawl, jrtt owui' ter how yoa was raised, you know, the old fell a r said wh-'u he eat tbe bouard. Sorry ILe letter baint been took oat, bat it ain't my fault. Jeff, aaid Andy, kaint yoa thick av no way I ken get that dockt mentl My wife is patty nigh 'stracted to bar from tbe old man. lie wasut ao mighty well tbe lat time we tearo, au'wlle she's afraid be moot be dead. W-a II, ef he's dead I doot reck on the letter's from blm leaatways dont reckon be writ ir. weff, let me trade yoa aome algs 1 Dont Orel none, Andy dem I've got will spile bef-t' I keo get lid nv'etn Imses folks takes oat letters -eaiter than I bey do oow. You are tbe dmI foeliogleaa wretch 1 ever saw, said tbe iospec tor, yoa are not a bumn being you are not a fit compioo for a dog yoa Alright then, git oat. Look here, I want my letters. AU ngbt. Uooj stock av latber, geese feathers, bed tickin', cottoa bate and tbe eweeteit aorgbam mer lasses yoo ever aapped bread inter, I would not bar a nickel's orth of yoa to saveyoar life. Ain't drumming after yo trade. Yon give me my letter oe I'll ban yoa. W-a 11. I don't wanter to be hart, bat ef I am I'll have the aat iafaction uv knowing that these bere boya will chaw yoa op might'- and then taking a bottle from bis hip-pocket, aaid : Got a little liquor here that I dont want to lose. Gracious me! exclaimed the post man ter, gartng with capture, It's red llckar, boys, the only drop l'r aee a for years. Plenty of white lick or, be added, in answer to the inspectator'a look of astonishment, bat red lick a r Is li ne book down with emotion. ilia com pan ions atood with water log mootha. My friend, aaid tbe postmaster, how much hare yoa got f Half a pint. Gito It to me and yoa may bare the whole postuQie. Hrre yoo are Tb inspector banded him tbe bottle All right; the poatoffioe la roars. Feller, et yoa win t yo' mail jtH baiter ceai witb this maa. la coin' oat now an' set dowa la lb woods. On a P. UEaD. Ztpepry. Tbia is what yoa oogbt to bare, ia fact, yoo mast bare it, to folly eojoy life. Tbooaanda are aearcb ing for it daily, and mooraleg b caaa tbey find It not. Tbooaaads npon tboaaaods or dollar are pent anooalty by oar eopi in lb hope that tbey may attala tbia boon. And yet it may be bad br alb We guarantee that Electric Bittera, if oaed according to direc tions and tbe ase persisted to. wiU bring you Good D gesUoa aod east tbe demon Drspenaia and mat all Enpepy. We recommend Electricl Bitter for Dyspepsia and all tbe duteaaea of the Urer. Stomach and Ktdoeya. Sold al Wc. and 11 oo per bottle by A. W. uowiand, Druggiat. Th Wilmington lview un wire are bring Strang along the bne ef the C F. a Y. V. IL U. be tween tbia citv ao.l l"vei!ri!' Tbe We tern Uutu own lb em. IV'&Bt a a . The KiuMtoa Fre PreM retorts tbe assignment ot J. V. Lenoir coantj; liabilities fli,003 aaaeta M.OO : Hdlrn & koantr- of Bells Fery, Put county 910,003 aaata locloddmg aoeounta, UabJ Itieat l.ooo. An institution lor t rain in g feeble minded, idiotic and tdioittibiciLa Children has t-ra extatliked la tbe town ol Vbingior., N. by the tadindoal tfl .it . U eoergy of that lf-ciiGcicg, taJesu4 above all, Christian lady, Mra. M B. Brawa. Warreaton Gaatte- It la aoticeable that the actlrity of the emigrant paid agents la this State continue, and mat a few bnodred additional etodasu-ra, to qoote a vulgarism, bare left withla afewdaja. Thry havegotie frtm tbe Vrii, Kintou, Johnston, other aecUocs. Wilmington alee eeger. The Italeigb crrejae J-nt of the Wilmington Mewng-r aj it la aaid that at lrt a bash-l of xrw gold bsM been tkn (una Ui fcVaaoder flnd' ia Mottgofcery ooanty. All work is sti.j.jd the place is caardel, n licg the . arrival of the launders l'.rotLers from Texas. They o an the Uod. Tbe Boon panger tram je:-r-day passed through with tune a;s tera of Saint Joseph on Uiard, who were traveling dir-t from l lanos to New Orleans w lure they intend to establish several vrm n.avenla. Tbey were in rbrg reorr. a oie iwr iary Ang . bo ia their mother Kopermr. j moth er general of the or l r still at Aiz ia Cbapelle. Sheriff MillWr, who baa lately been McDoaell, t-Ua o that ail tbe talk op there is aWot th 3 Croaa Uailroad. The i"r Laaoe aaya that whole line lH-teen Ma rion and Kathei jordtoa is a coo to ned strain of working hand, that ears will oe running to Marion oa the road by next summer and that property baa avdva need m Marion rapid y tnr tie tailtoad work began. Watch that alvatir ia property. Ix-aoir Tropic. The Abbeville llem'wtat a)a that Teg Leg Ikib Gratiam. of Mecklenburg, knows bnw to tgtt a bear. He was lul d fur bar and bunting in Yauory Irately, wbeo be came c.-kiti .i,e and wounded tt. The U--r rukhel at Peg Lg. who Usui out Lis wooden leg and al'.uaed the War to gnaw al it L be t-'.a-led. Then be stack lh tiiw.;J of bis gna fa Ibe bears r and got bis meat. Dr. It. C. WatVins v-ttitn.:td suicide at llayg'ol S. C. a few daya aince. iitHM-1 iw ago be waa arretted at Caod-u, uti a brg cf aeiling wbi.Vy r,lut boras, lie wat r t-l d fu bad atd shortly aftetasrd u: tlUaW toa, where be ;. sg n attested ow a coarg of .!. :ui tig guod under fale rt"tiM' White be ta g carried bark ! ttnda be waa allowed to '.' utf-r at ilay- good, where be . tioa atl taded bia earthly cmr. Aboot six yeats g' - trt foreign ateamer tetiturod into the port of W I'm i eg! on la qoesl of cargo of cotton for Kartp. r-i foaad what she w at.tcd, and tbe next year oite a 4 thrw steamer came in. 1 1 i innr, baa b--a stead , anJ Inns far, ia the 8rt it ol the roa, foorteea of tLrm Le rti'f-J and loaded. Most of teto Bt ttvh and two of tht-m JttaaifcU. 1 eflr baa been to tnVe . i!tu t:gia a rtry Important .! p f ?. There ia a markfnl ehabc "' csrrrtt of trade. tatl ". iu oottoa Shipments are l.r ,g:; tety l.tlie eoaslwlKe. AbV4.1 M rru. All reforms matt be carried by public sentiment. Persua sion and argument most via their way with tbe mime ; then comes the ballot Poik ton News. I Farlor matches mot malcbe are made io parlors' i a winter. Ia jammer tbey are made ta the mountains aod at the aea-sborr. okmi S.m. t daogeron d.w. l iotn its tendency to extent i tb tlrwat. browchtal tubfs t4 1 f- ir to a rolve tbe laug an . .tw p"te die- eae, tt abonid i- ; t t: i- niea, that tbe rr-- ir.g-t taay I arerted. S t -.t t. arc the maaataclorrtsct If -Sin'i t starta Bemedy of ttx- r 'y toewje BBOOeasfully iih !t i ! J al ent disease', that '- tin f'r jears offered, in gtl I ' u, .. rraard for a Case of al:iU, t, matter bow bad c4 cf bow ;ny jears standing, which t Ley cannot car. Uetaedy only i3 teuts,ly drwgg s'UL i J