Wilson NCE THE ADVANCE-- ONE DOLLAR AID P1FTV CEMTS -WHK.Vl'AlD IOH- Cash in Advance. assurors oepixs "LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AEfll'ST AT, BE TUT COUNTRY'S. THY GOD'S, AND TBIITUI'. H?o this o?rxcr.- VOLUME 19. WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER 12. 1889. NUMBER 46 1 11 Vi ARP'S LETTER! in ;: :o: AO PLACE LIKE HOME. ,nrf of Sympathy For Each Misfortunes is The l'lie World Over. u,.r,' I am a belated traveler iu ;1 .'.range town. The Mem ;.,. tr.iin won't go until th f -ii . A 1 ..XT iWiiw tram cuiues. -"nour , lulf late," says the "tick ,: leave man," and that n-.tliat I will lose connec , it .Ieraphls and fail to . my appointments beyond was at home. Home is i t place in the world. A , with two children eaid t it if in voice, "cua ne say !i , hi r and a The YVadesboro Messenger-In- teligeucer says tbat one of the re sults of the short cotton crops is tuat the farmers of Anson county have seeded a much larger acreage of small grain than usual. in ' on '.' n i,..r w 1 and a half ?" "Yea "Will tuat delay me mphis from going right i in t .1 ,i! y 1 1 ,i . 1 1 t 1' .ii n: i:ini i' mi It will, ma'in." She r .1 her face away, but I saw 'actress aud heard her say it boy : "I'm afraid we will hi late." Too late too late vh.tt, I wondered I found ,i Iter wards. It was "too " to ee her daughter, who lying when the telegram !i (1 her. ii it a world of trouble. t poor motuer a ironDie . .veil up my own vexation .'. -appointment for a time, ir and a half late," I heard aud a .Northern man s 1 for Florence said, "That's way with these Sjuthern ivadn. You can't rely upon l. You never know when will reach a place until you there. Why dident1 the lniiH train letve on time, !,'iw ? Why should it wait Knoxville?" A big round h ir-lnuan took up the wager -aid' "The Knoxville i hid got some of , your Iiis on it, and it wouldn't ill-appoint 'em when they here. They are from the you krfow." "Noiirand i if late." said a gcod natur ni l man.' '"That means two r and a half, and my little will be waiting for me at t:-boro to take me four e- home in the country. He , 1-1 so bad sitting there in ram ; but it am t as bad as war, thalfk the Lord." The r kih1 a half passed, and two irs aud two and a half, and I r l the good natured man tint,' an old ditty, "Pray hang butcher, make butch ;iil ox, make ox drink water I;e water quench flre,make fire -tii-k, make stick beat kid, l;s kid go time ,kid aud 1 at home hour and a half hut I knew 'he was sigh while he sansr. for he was l'iing about that boy. 1'l.at a world of love and rt there" is in sympathy. w the belated train did come a i lat, and I reckon the tr ''u hies are over; I hope they V hile waiting in the large r -ption room of the Reed II it was curious to watch :'. busy people come and go l - the traveling merchants vn iuj their business letters, n i their home letters,and their i ve otters, at the long table 'i:;h'r the incandecent lights, i il l almost tell what kind "fa lettter it was by looking i: i their various faces and ?., r-ioris. "What are you writing, Jitn V said one Writing to my sweetheart what are you writing ?" "Writ- hi.. to my mother," he said, and t!i leaned earnestly over the ; :;" r. It. did me good to hear 'nil -iy that he was writing "t 1 1 i-.mother.- Heard "mother -y : This is a hard town for 'ay bn-iriess: I did twice as "" i! in liirmiugham did bet- 1 ' in Anniaton: I will shake ' 'hist off my feet in the iii rniiiir and try the great . city t Atlanta." The people moved ti.inl tr.i-.-fivHrv train brought '' SMiie'and took out some. H - h-vator was all the while r ' i r up and riding down. I -" Italians came in with a in i two violins and gave ' - o 'iioious music, and ihen ! ' l around and took in '!'!- and nickels from most ;i I the folks who were not r '1'i .-r. . T have noticed how 'i li-ntly some folks read on " ii 1 ' c isions. iney oon snear 'i" iau-ii; at all, and of course ''In t want to pay forwhat ll tJy li ln't hear. The Italians lV"l "Home, Sweet Home t'i variations, and the sweet 111,1 iy touched me so I put a in the hat, lor it was w "Hi , it, and I remembered 'i;-tttlin poor friendless wan- ''f'T-;Wtio played it so well no place, no homeland -i,.p blue sea was between lMjii Hnd their native soil It ' ys seemed to me that a fine ' "'' -i'"i in must have some lov ;i nd lovable emotion, for ! '"' "'' i-1 a close akin to heaven ' ' sahl to be the only thing . ' . earth that'is common to ' ''"F- and to men. 1 1 e Knoxville train came in Vt'-t, just three hours late 'lid not take it for Mem ' About midnight 1 steam nvay ror Isashville, and leil down nn mv vn.linA n.nd v,,at and went to sleep i" that is tired nature restorer. Tbe next even ' "lnd me at Troy, which ';i iesiinanon, and 1 was 'Hile for rmr nnnnintmanl I "1, n all night's rain that 1 "tea my audience. We held "iue love feast for an hmir ,rore and I met some old friends friends of the old' war times when Dr. Caldwell' was commander of the post at Rome and i orrest captured Strait and brought him in a prisoner with his 1,600 men. Dr. Caldwell is living here in Troy and we got together aud retold the events of - that thrilling time: how he organized the meeliah 300 strong, or rather 300 weak, for they were the halt and the lame aud the blind and the superanuated, a nd he armed them with old guns and pistols and a cracked canDon and load ed the caunoa with nails and tacks and scraps of old iroi, which was the best he could do, and then marched the meelish across the bridge to meet the foul invader if he , should dare to come. About the critical juncture it was perceived Jthat some of the meelish were com ing back across the bridge,, and so Colonel Caldwell had the plank of the floor torn up and exclaimed : "I'll be dogond if they shall have any chance to retreat. We must fight repeat it, sir, we must fight." And I believe to this day that if Strait had have come those meelish would have fought, for they had got down behind the bank of the- river jyhere the i ankee couldn t see them, and they were obliged to fight, or swim, or surrender. But the fighting time never came, for General Forest with his three hundred men 'had captured Strait with his one thousand and six hundred men away down the road and brought him in, and the plank floor was put back and the. meelish marched uy in the rear and received a share of the coquets and grati tude of the women and child len. The Doctor asked me in a dreemy way about the old Iriends, Judge Underwood and Colonel Shorter and Tom rer- son and Jim Berry and Judge Maguire and Cohen and Bur- well, and old man JSoble and Sam Noble and Dr. King and Mr. Rawlins, and Colonel Printup and many others and all I couli' say say was: ' Dead, dead, dead. - Every one you have Darned is dead." 'He looked down ; sadly and said : "Well, it has been nearly a quarter of a century and nearly everybody I used to know right here in my old home is dead. Death is tne common lot. How does.it happen that you are alive and look so -young and vigorots." ' I After the lecture we took a hack for our home six of us and two of them were ladies. It was dark-dark as Erebus, and raining aud the mud was deep and the ditches full, and as we crossed a little bridge one ot the horses missed it, and fell six feet into a ditch, and the tongne was snapped like pipestem, aud the hack careem- ed, and the women screamed, and the men jumped out and caught them in their trus,.and, as I was the last to leave the sinking ship, I just fell out in a tumultuous way right in tne mud and water, and we all waded awav from the wreck with alacrity and gratitude "A kuife ! a knife !" said the driver, and I handed him mine as l run, ior i couiu uiuiujt see that one horse was in the ditch with his legs uppermost and the other looked like he was trying to climb Mt. Vesuv ius. The driver declared his horse was dead heck broken. We didn't stop to the inquest, for a Trojan horse never was a reliable institution. These lit tle episodes wben they come all unexpected and are soon over are quite delightful after they have passed. They im piess themselves upon you and gives you something to talk about and magnify and tell to the cfildren when you gel home.! Troy is a good town and has good people and J hope r . t u I 1 that Union uuy won i ue air owed to steal her Court House Whenever a town gets ahead of her neigh or, it looks like her people want, everything they 11. B ran t?et regardless oi couso- r-t - J quences. I am for Troy am, horso or no norse, FOR THE FARM. . :o: MATTERS OF INTEREST TO TILLERS OF THE SOIL. Original, Borrowed. Stolen and Communicated Article on Farming. mighty staid in his -opposition, an 1 consequently being unable to win I over his no Jess heroic partner of oi tne Alliance a many, iuey com promised by wrapping the cotton "half and half." Goldsboro Argna. THE ROUTE'S HOPE- jd"??J!j?n? laSooa; WASHINGTON NEWS CXJLTIVATK TOBACCO. It is the true policy of our far mers to diversify their crops. With a soil that suits everything, there is no reason why we should eoofioe ourselves to one or two crops. With the caoacitv to produce the finest bright tobacco iu the world as the prices oar farmers have ob tained this vear clearlv prove, we are folly convinced tbat tobacco ought to be made our main market crop. We have as flue fruit aud grape soil as there is in America and we think our farmers will find it pretitable to give more attentiou Would it not be wise for our far- to these crops. But whatever yon raers to look to the importance of I plant, dou't neglect to make pleuty The Salisbury Watchman says Mr. Jim Graham, who lives near Cleveland, is reported as having quite a curiosity in four pigs, each having eight feet. A fine chance foi those who like pickled pig feet. making all the measure at home. and not wait until next spring to bay a lot of worthlees compoand unsuited for their lands, and at high prices. Mount Olive Telegram. of bread and meat. To fail to do this is bad farming and the result will inevitably1 ue disastrous. Nashville Ar gonaut, From the entire eastern portion of the State comes a wail of dis tress, want, and suffering, in con sequence of short crops. Possibly, this is the hand of Providence to enforce exodua of the negro. Hen derson Tomahawlk, VIE WS OF A LEAD I NO N. C DEMOCRAT. A Bright, Original and Hopeful Idea. Looking to The Improve inent of The tanner's Condi tion in The Southern States. What mighty possibilities lie in the way of the unpretending wa termelon. It has been demonstra ted tbat it makes exolent syrup and a Kansas man makes vinegar out'em, for which he gets tan dol lars a barrel. -Wilmington Star. Here in North Carolina there are farms, only a few miles from the railroad, whose value is at a mini mum, yet which, were the roads intersecting them of the first class would at once rise in value were they twice as far from steam tran sporsation. Good roads are a na tional benefit. Rockv Mount I Phoenix Mr. J. R. Cline's acre of np land which was entered for the prize offered by the State Agricultural Association, was gathered last weetc. It was j measured acurately by a survey or with a chain, and the corn measured and certified to by a committee of dis interested parties. The yield was fifty -two bushels. Newton Enter prise 4 NOT CAUGHT THAT WAT. It is amusing to watch the capers which some of the North Carolina Republicans cut as they try to slip np on the Alliance to put salt on its tail. It is too game a bird to be bagged in that way. A Republic in signing himself "Progress" sua i dating his letter ac Washington, writes to the Raleigh Signal a screed in which he throws up the sponge as far as the prospect of Republican success in this State in the future is concerned. He says that the party iu this State, "with its solid negro vote," can not hope for any success. He moves to disband then, does he T Tbat is about the size of it. He advises "individual Republicans" to make common cause with tbe Alliance. We second the motion The Re publicans will get into mighty good tariff retorm company, aud will do tbe moas sensible, patriotic thing that they have ever attempted, if they will vote just a the Alliance men vote. The great mass oi tne Alliance men are tariff reformers and Democrats. We suppose that he refers to the great white Farm ers' Alliance of North Carolina. It may be that be refers to the colored Alliance. If so, they are mostly Republicans. But we welcome this first sign of "Progress" we have noted among the North Carolina Republicans in 20 years. Lenoir Topic. The verdict of the country lat the polls last fall wan for protection to American industries, and it be comes the South to make tbe most of it. There is hope for the South if we are able properly to me na ture s special gift to us -our poorer to produce cottoo for cotton is still king, and will continue to be if fair treatment is accorded it. If the same ratio of protection were extended to the producers of this staple that is granted to manufac turers, we would feel that we were dealt with justly, and he more kindly disposed toward protection ; for nnder equal pror'7ion cotton planting and cotton manufacturing would march together to prosperity. Every conceivable argument for the protection of the cotton manu facturers can be urged with equal justice for the protection ot its producers. Cottton production employs more labor, and creates a larger market for Northern and Western produce. The higher the price of tbe staple, the better for all concerned. ii maintain, as an economic pro position, tbat the Government, by extending to the planter the same ratio of protection tbat it extends to tbe manufacturer, can- secure to the former thirteen cents per pound for his product. I name thirteen cents because tbat would be obtained by adding forty-seven per cent, to the present average market price, aud tbat is also the average percentage of protective duties. To understand my propo sition we must know tbe relative proportion of tbe cotton crop of tbe Southern States to tbat of all tbe world, and also that tbe cotton mills of this country never consume more than one quarter of our annu al crop, while European mills must have tne remainder to keep their machinery running. The total annual crop of tbe world is estimat ed, at 9,500,000 bales of 400 pounds each. The Southern States pro- dnue three.fourtbs of this crop, or local markets and pay thirteen cents rather than buy np Govern ment certificates at the higher price, or to pay in the same at tbe warehouse. It is probable that nnder this system at least three quarters of our annual crop would be sold outside the warehouse at thirteen cents. It may be said that such a sys tem would indace other cotton countries to increase their, produc tion, and the world would after a time do 'without the American crop. Experience teaches tbat this is improbable. Daring the war, from 1861 to 1866, tbe cotton growing resources of every part cf tbe globe were tested to the utmoal. Iu 1862 the representatives of 35 different countries from which supplies might be expeuied assembled in FR OM 1 HE NATION A L CA TU TAL. What Harrison and the Other Politicians are Doimg. Senator Vance is in dead earnest in his fight on the hnmbng Civil Service law. He thinks it ought to go, and he ii as tne courage or his con" victions; hence he has intro duced a dui in me senate pro viding lor its repeal, and he says it is his purpose to force a vote upon it if possible daring the session. If there is any thing done in this matter it is mbre probable that it will be accomplished by falling UTTLS GIFFZi:, C? e received a marked copy of the Christian Leader, (Boa- ton, Mass.,) containing a short sketch of the life and history ot Dr. Frank O. Titknor, the lyric poet of tbe South, by S. A. Link, A M. We publish one of the poems and incidents, as we learn from a member of the poet's family that the story of "Little G iff en" is almost liter ally true. LITTLE UIFFEX, OF TENSESoEE. "Out of tbe focal and foremost fire, Uat of tbe hospital walls as dire, ommeji oi grape snot ana gan grene, (Eighteenth battle and he sixteen !) NEWS OF A WEEK WHAT IS HAPrEXlSQIS 1UE WORLI A IZOUS D US A Condensed Keuort of the Netrt Fromomr Vo nteitt pora rie. The non-action of the Demo cratic House caucus leaves ' ex- Speaker Carlisle in fall chuge Utter Lazarus, heel to bead ! oi tne party interests on the floor of the ,u -l v - . London to concert measures for "wewmary appropiia- meeting tbe emergency. Ten years lIon lot the sapport of the eom- later, in 1872, at an exhibition mission than by a direct repeal held in the same city for thi spec- of the law, though the latter ial purpose, only a few of those 35 course would be much more countries were represented, and! manly. most of those confessed disappoint ment aud failure. America bad again entered the field and defied the world. With much of the Southern cotton crop inaccessable between 1861 and 1865, and with the encouragement of big prices and governmental assistance, the world's supply was so inadequate that for a time cotton sold in New York at from one dollar and a half to two dollars a pound. These indisputable facts prove that this country has a monopoly of this great staple and while .it ought hot to employ the power it posses -es to tbe detriment of any interest, it has the right as well as the abili ty to make this crop reasonably profitable to to its produces. It may be urged that if cotton " ' Specter ! such as yon seldom see. Take him aod welcome! tbe sur geon said, Little tbe doctor can help tbe dead 1 So we took bim and brought bim where The balm was sweet in the summer air, And we laid bim down on a whole some bed warehouses are built for tbe benefit tIon oI tuat body, and the Here's a sample of short crops talked.- A farmer in this county planted one hundred aud twenty five acres in cotton and expected to sret Beveutv.five bales. The rain and the hail came and mined all "nut about twelve acres. From the twelve acres he got one bsle. This: man is a good farmer, tbe rain tbe hail and the frost ruined his cotton this vear. New Berne Journal. EBITOEIAL TALE- Comments oa VarioTis Subjects Prom the Columns of Our Exchanges STANDING OUT OF BOSTON'S WAY. Boston wants more colored servants. We trust nothing will interfere with Boston's getting several millions of them. Wil mington Star. We shoald be thankful when we read of hard times in the lust Our corn, crop will bread us and feed our stock, our wheat crop gives us a surplus, we have some stock to sell'i our crossties and oth er laber furnished a snpius ana onr tobacco crop makes us inde pendent lv wealthv. 1 We are bet ter offtbau the East and the South by 100 per cent. If, when we have any mouey would be easy and our own debts could be paid. Lenoir Topic. ' BREECHES AND BREACHES. There are still many and bit ter complaints about papers not reaching our subscribers. We warn Brother Wanamaker that in giving his time to his breech es he is making breaches on our business. Greensboro Workman. v'll!,l 'III a Bill Arp. Mr. Green Russell, of Goose Creek township, who is about 75 years of age, was in town Tuesday, t.rviii' to engage some pork he wisbed to bring to towu. Mr. kus sell never bought a pound of flour r pound of meat in his lite, aud corn only once, aud never owed a debt that he didn't pay. He now bas a sufficiency or this world's goods to comfort his declining vears. Economy arid good jud- J . ... ... - i . : 1 1 ment, coniomea wuu mausiry, win bring a competency to any man who will practice them, Mouroe Enqoirer Express. : FIGHTING HAttD TIMES. The Clinton Caucasian gives an autidote for hard times in the ex ample of a farmer in Sampson Co. jho has been farming in a little wav thirtv-three vears, has sold ac cording to his books 4,537 bushels bf corn : has giveu to the poor 381 bushels never bought or used any foreign fertilizers ; his name has never been entered on the debtor side of the account book of peddler, tinker, merchant, lawyer, doctor, miiiister or editor, all because ne was educated to make his home aiirmii.'n and also some extra to supplv hisiless wise aeighbors. " It renn res oulv a moderate amoum of sense to (accomplish such results, yet how many fall short of even the above standard. Giving Him the Scripture- The negroesespecially the nrflnp.hfira are catching on to the idiosyncrasies of 'St. John, of the Postofttce Department Hrfi is how they talk to tbe breeches-maker' : A slick-looking delegation of Baltimore Republicans call ed on him yesterday to protes ncralnst the loneer continuance in office of Postmaster Frank Rfftwn. After exhausting al the gat it's THE SCHOOLS AND TAXES. The White men pay $91.50 of every one hundred dollars taxes collected in the South. And yet there are some Northern people who pretend to ' wonder that ws insist upon. "a white man's government down here. Oxford Day. BEWARE OF RALEIGH, GOVERNOR. Will Gov. Fowla take a little kind advice in anticipation of Judge Gilmer's resignation? If you wish to, escape eternal dam nation from the newspapers don't let his successor come from Raleigh. A word or two to the wise ought to be suffic ient. Reidsville Review. about 7,000,000 bales. The world's consumption of all kinds of cotton eood increases fully as fat as does tbe production of tbe staple, consequently there is no surplus at tbeeudofany fiscal year to indi cate "over -production. "So long as the supply is in exci-ss of fair market demand." says Mr. Keller, "the produciug nation may name the price of its production.' The United States is such a nation. Its planters produce three-fourths of a staple which is of the utmont ini pbrtauce to tbe world. Three fourths of all the cotton consumed by foreign nations is tiie product of our Soutl etu fields. Is it not a reasonable, a just demand, that the planters to whom this couutryjs indebted for this annual cieation of wealth should receive such niotectioii fiom tae Govern ment as to retain an equitable share or the profits of their labor 1 Qjr cotton manufacturers a'e pro tected a id become rich because of it. Our col ton planters are unpro tected. They cannot, unaided by the Government, fix the price of their product. What I contend for is that ihe u verument shall tbrow around coiton culture the same arm of protective cir that it gives to tbe uJanufacturer, and thus assist tbe cotton planter in makiug tbe European manufacturer pay a reasonable price for bis product, tbm relieving Ihe former from his present dependent condition of be ing compelled to market his crop at such a price as the European manufacturer dictated twelve mouths before tbrough the agency of the Liverpool Cotton Exchange. It is cruel as well as unjust for Ihe Government to tacitly permit the manufacturers ol Europe to coutro! the price of oue of onr most valu able crops, one whic'i of Southern planters, Western 1 Chaplain, farmers will want a similar system elected. for their products. This argument is not tenable. Western products are perishable, while cotton is not. Moreover Western voters . have virtually acknowledged that they find incidental prr c'ion in the great home market , m . le for their products by f!ie manufacturing States. Tbey know also tbat as the purchasing power of tbe South increases, so does tbe demand for their meats, breadstuff i, hay. winter vegetables, and oicharj products. No section bas a greater interest In the prosperity of Southern planters. Doubtless other objections will be made to these suggestions, but thee can be met as tbey arise. It must be admitted tbat this protec tion to the cotton planter would destroy tbe cotton speculation of tbe world. Tbe Liverpool aud New York Cotto.i Exchanges would dis appear from tbe commercial borison it wonld mean death to the cot ton ppecnlator, I fe to the cotton planter, and an equal division be tween him and the manufacturer of the profits, and yet work no Injuvticit to the consumer. Tbe Republican party, with its love for the negroes "th wards of tbe nation" can, by assisting in such a measure, ingratiate itself with tie South, give substantial aid to tbe laborer iu the cotton fields, and do justice to the 8outheru people generally by extending to them tbe full protection which it claims to give to Northern workmen. The writer is a Southern Demo crat, without local, sectioual. or race prejudices, who desires earu estly to see equal justice meted out, so that his seotion may keep pace with the other great sections of our country, lie b.Iieves iLat under exi-luijf conditions the crest need of the S u h is such protection as will asKure a reasonable price for its cbif stap'e, and thereby secure prosperity to i's citizen aud to all our peop'e. Every patriot, whether Democrat or Republican, must desire this consummation, aud every piotectiontst must necessari ly approve of protection to tbe cotton planter, for it makes bis line of argument consistent, secures bis own iosition,;ana Diazes tne way for converts to his economic faith. Col. Harry Skinner ie Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. House. No better or abler leader could be found, and experience will soon show that it is far better to have one man In control than a com mittee cf fifteen, as was at first proposed. It argues well for future Democratic success la the House that one of the Repub lican caucus nominations Rev. C. B. Ramsdell for Chaplain was defeated at the orgauiza- old re- Dr. Milbnm Ree'd THEY START RIGHT. We are proud of ourf Demo cratic minority that it has so soon and so bravely taken its stand on tariff reform. There is no mistake now, and with the encouragement to be taken from the vote of those States which have recently expressed through their ballot their sense on the subject, we have aisur- ance that the fight will be push ed on to Citizen. GIVE HIS VSOLE SELF. What More Could he do Than Put Himself into The Plate- to is grown nowhere el.-e in such abuudance or of equal quality. It is manifest ly to the benefit of every American interest that, ir tLe Government possesses the powerto preventsacri ticial prices, it should exercise it as a simple actlof justice to I be poor, long-neglected cotton planter. Now for the solution of the problem the means by wLich the Government can give this assist ance without hazard of loss. Let a part of the treasury surplus be expended in building cottoo ware houses at convenient points in the South. Let the Government say vlctory.-Asheville w tne cor ion p auim 7' b3dles as a living sacrifice, V ii n Vnr ,An boly, acceptable unto uoa, UCUIO F"JUUU J ana on strict cpeaRer lteea is having a high old time trying to satisfy the wants of his Republicans colleagues in the matter of committee chairmanships. It is extremely doubtful whether the committees will be an nounced before the Christina? recess. Mr. Harrison has gone to Chi cago, and it is stated at the White House that he will go to Indianapolis before returning here. David J. Brewer, of Kansas, has been nominated to be As sociate Justice of the Supreme Court. II" has been United States Judge of the eighth Kansas circuit since 1884. Lit tle is known of him here far ther than the fart that he is a nephew of Justice Stephen J. Field. The Republicans do not fancy tho appointment much, but there Is no open op position, and Mr. Brewer will probably be confirmed by the Senate. , Eight columns of solid non pareil without a single original idea. That's the feat accomp lished by Presidbnt Harrison la writing his annual message to Congres?, and the manner of presentation is equally as hack neyed as the ideas presented. Never, during an experience in Washington covering the ad ministrations of five Presidents, has your correspondent seen a Presidential message fall as flat as this one has. ihe message will make Mr. Harrison no friends, and with the exception of the absurd paragraph relat ing to politics in the Sooth, will make him no enemies. Mr. Blaine's worst enemy will not accuse him of having had any hand iu th preparation of this message, for whatever else Mr. Bla'ne may be, he is always original and brilliant. Mere Republicans than ever, now refer to Mr. Harrison as Hayes. In a western city a short time since, a Presbyterian min ister preached a sermon on giving. This was his text : 'I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye- present your ALLIANCE AND POLITICS. We are no champion of the Alli ance, because we are not a member of it, cannot be and are not suppos ed to know its secrets, and we have EDUCATE THE 6lBLS. In some sections of ihe coun try there are a few restless fe male asritators for "woman's male agitators rights." They have intr the men to let and hold office. These women been them 8 ask-vote learned that a man gets no thanks are abusing their talents. They for volunteering to champion either should ask men to furnish their nl, a. un nrornmftnts. one of the dele- o ' nn: a nreacher. said, a; concluding blow : An V Mister Postmaster iju again de scriptur.' How so?' W'vnon't ae sunuiut 'You shall not cas' de children's bread to de dogs?' Hain't Postmaster1 Brown got over 300 Dlaces under him?' Washing ton Correspondent of Statesville Landmark. the Dr. Bogg used to tell of a Scotch woman to whom a neighbor said, 'JSpbil, I wonder boo ye can sleep with sae mucfcle debt onj your head V To which Eptiil quietly answered, 'I can sleep foo well, bat I wonder they can sleep that trust me-' men or measures, aai we imua from what we know of the Alliance material in Warren and from conversations with its members, we can say to those uneusy, politi cians who are beseeching the Alliance to keep oat of politics for fear tbat the Democratic party will be injured, that they are trembling without sufficient cause, and they need have no fear. The better ine Alliance man tbe better the Demo crat hu is their principles are the e. Warrenton uazette. sex better educational advan tages. Men are properly seinsn in political rights but they can not be consistently and logical ly selfish when it comes to serving mental rooa. aanior-i Express. TOOK HALF AND HALF The novelest case on record in regard to iute bagging falls to the 1 nf Ooldshoro. aud the incident Dappk to show how strongly wed dd the Alliance men are to their anti-infft camoaiffn. On our streets fr recentlv was a bale of cot f of the, wrapper of whu;h w is tow bagging, and the other half jute. The bale of cot t OTo nomari in common by two 11 111 nao u"uj - farmers, one of whom as HontA man. the other was rw farmers in this section op presed to the Alliance, bat he was an Al one of An Appeal From the Sanctum. Some prowling-rogue stole the editor's wood two weed's ago and this week they went into his swe at potatoes. Watch out, you limber twisted, nimble fin-D-orofl. croo eared, sneaking vil lain Wn will do our best to. catch you, and will shoot to hit, nnt to kill, but we might acci dentally hit in the killing place. Be ashamed to steal frnm a.n editor. Hide your head in trriflf and make restitution like a man. Polkton News. to the waiehouse, aad on and proper grading you shall re ceive warehouse receipt'' (sup pose I term them cotton certificates in analogy to gold and silver cer tificates), '-at the rate of fourteeu cents a pound for standard grade. You must pay the warehouse a fee of one ceut a pound to cover all expenses, coats, and risks.'' These certificates could bo issued for ten, hundred, and thousand pound lots and be made negotiable. 1 say fourteen cents because this adds the one penny the Government has received to the price the cotton could be purchased for before en tering the warehouse. If a large part of tie crop thould pass through these waieuouses me revenue would leave a haudsome prctit to the Trea-sury after paying all exneuses These certificates would be tbeisame as cah to the planter for all puiro es, for they would be accepted iy every one as readily as are gold and silver cer tificates. These are geueral sug- gestionsouly, but they form tbe basis of a plan tht can be perfect ed in detail by proper legislation. The practical result of the plan thna outlined would be only to tta who outs a bad construction on a good act reeals his own wick educes 01 nearc uivingoiou. which is your reasonable ser vice." Romaus xii. 1. A little, hungry, ragged waif took a back seat in church and when the deacon passed the col lection plate he passed the boy The latter called him back, and when the'plate was lowered to him he said, "Put it lower. Ik was lowered. "Lower still," said the little fellow, and down it went. "Still lower, please," the boy pleaded, and down it went to the floor. And then the boy put his little brown bare feet into the plate, stood np, and with a wistful look said, "I've only got myself, 'n' I give that." A Safe Invsstment Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure retarn of purcbese price. Oa this safe plan yoc can buy from our advertised Druggist a bottle oi ur. iviug rew ui covery for Cousumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief 1.1 every case, wnen useu ior ny aueciiou The House adjourned from Tuesday to Thursday. Three Federal election bills have already been introduced in the Senate, two by Mr. Spooner and one by Mr. Sher man. Mr. Candler's hill apply ing only to some of the South ern States will also shortly b Introduced, and it is understood that several bills of the eame hind are to be introduced in the House. All of which is useless waste of time on the part of the&A gentlemen for if there is any one thing npou which the Democrats of the House are thoroughly agreed, it is that no Federal election bill shall go through the House. I v : Mr. Ran dill has not yet been able to resume his seat in the House. He thinks be is well enough to do so but his physi cians prositively forbids it. The District bill, which caus ed the great dead lock in the House, has been again introduc ed in the Senate. The bill Is certain to pass the. Senate, but owing to the large number of members in the House its fate there is not so certain, although the probabilities are all lo fa vor of its passage. "And we watched tbe war with abated breath Skeleton Boy against Skeleton Death Months of torture, bow many such! Weary weeks of the stick and crutch. And still a glint of tbe steel-blue 5e Told of a spirit tbat wouldn't die. "And didn't. Nay, more ! in death's despite ! The crippled skeleton learned to write. Dear mother, at first, ofcourse, and then Dear Captain, inquiring about tbe meu. Captain's answer: of eighty-fire, Giffen tnd I are left alive. ioru oi gioom irotn tne war oue d-O ; ' Johnson pressed at the front, they say. LHttle Giffen was ur aud aw.j; A tear his Q si a be bade good-by. Dimmed tbe glint of bis steel blue eje: I'd wilte if spared! There was news of tbe fight. Bat none of Giffen be did not write. bI sometimes fancy tbat, - were I king Of the princely Knights of tbe Goldeo Ring, With tbe Kong ol tbe minstrel in mine ear, And tbe teud.-r legon.1 tbat trem bles here, I'd give tbe beet on tits bended knee, Tbe whitest soul of or chivalry, For Little Giffen of Teooesaee. Maurice Thompson ays: "If there Is a finer lyric than this In the whole realm of poetry, I should be glad to read IL" The subject of tbe poem, was Isaac Giffen, the son ot a blacksmith in some hamlet of East Tennes see. The boy was so childlike In appearance as to have seem ed "borne by tide of war from the cradle to the jaw ot death." He was terribly wounded In a battle perhps Murlit-sboro and carried with others to the hospltvl at Colutn jis, Ga. Here he was found by oar hu mane doctor and borne to his home, " where the air was balm." In the struggle of tbe "skeleton boy against skeleton death," he was greatly aided by the skill of the doctor and the gentle nursing of Mrs. Ticknor. Dar ing the "wesry weeks of the stick and crutch." h was taught to read and write by this lady. Being naturally bright, Le is said to havb learned very rap idly. He remained with the family about a year, and al though he had been so fearfullj shot to pieces, he was ever anxious to return to the service, which he did in time to fall, it Js supposed, in some of the battles around Atlanta. "He was an ordinary looking little fellow," writes a son of the poet, "except that he bad a bright, clear blue eye, that told ot the incarnate courage of the boy." No soldier ever had a finer monument than little Gif fen, though this poem is the only monument, and Le was doubtless buried in some of those "unknown graves" where "The voiif of wail U tuai today As his whose life is duab.n Charlotte Democrat. Aibeville bas tbe tree mail de livery ayftiem. r E. A. Arm field, of .Monroe, aa old merchant, baa assigned. Lia bilities U.WI. Tbe Msxton Talon tells of tbe booting of one negro by another. Tbey were on their way home from, tbe circus. Tbe Clinton Caucasian of last week baa a splendid write op of (bat town. The showing Is food for Clinton. Tbe Lumber mills at New Berne were destroyed by fire a few nights since, says tbe JoaraaL Loss tJtW bo insurance. Tbe Aibeville Democrat aayi tbat if Mrs. Sarab James, of Ban combe county, lives until next Feb ruary she will be 102 year old. Tbe statement is made id aa ex change that Edentoa has a bar room aod undertaking establish ment nnder one roof. Nothing like baring things convenient. Wilhss Oates, a quilt, peaceable negro of , Grantham's township, Wayne county, was killed a abort while since by an unknown assas sin. He was at Lis door aktno when ssot. A policeman in Greensboro a lew days ago, captured a strange col ored woman who barks and saapa , like a dog and cannot tell anything stall atwut herfiir. She arrived la a box car. , ' A lot of tich capitalists hare formed at company 'of 91,700,000 capital, for tbe pun of develop ing rich BeiANomer ore banks in North Carolina. The company will erect iron and ateel works at Greensboro. An eleven years oU tti of Sher iff Wheeler, says .lie Greensboro Workman, was accidentally killed, tbe gun which be was carrying be hind bim as a Mipport in crossing a log baring been discharged, tbe load taking away the back of his head. Tbe KiostoQ Tree 1'reMs says: "Tbe railroad lore is at work at Slonington Creek about fire miles from Kinatoo, with mtwut SO battda, baikliog op tbe road bed in tbe swamp this side of the cmk. Work will eooa beffia between here and St on i net on. Several bo aired bands in all will be employed on tbe grading. Tbe Wilmington Star )s that last Saturday eight a week CJ Mr. Geo. W. Winberry. oneoi the bt citizens of Onflow county, went oot after sapper to riit a ber neigh bor, aod as be returned, nJ jat as bo resebed bis doortp, be was fired upon by aomeone with m fan charged with burlbot and killed Instantly. There Is e cloe to tbe mnrdertr. to tt:t it Arrier rijsrimc:: is .v; Interest . cf Stereo, 27ish as a Manufacturer The Webb water power, on Tar river, near Sprioghope, was caretnlly surveyed sometime since by a thoroughly compe tent engineer and pronounced equal to any power In North Carolina. One of its great ad vantages Is, that the buildings can be erected where they can never be affected by high water. In the mldat of a fine cotton section, this would be a splen did location for cotton manu facturing on a large scale, and we expect to see Isrge mills established there at an early day. Nash already has the largest coiton factory la the State, which is paying very large dividends to its stockhold ers, and we most and will have more of them. Nashville Argonaut. - Long had they r ' in the ftloamititf llsteniu t i eof t music of the cooling breete that stired the leaves of the noble elm wLor ebspely bra be hes rlrttrhed above them, i Laura," raid the young man as he crushed the young life out of a winged Iu?ect who.-e at tentions had bored him consid erably. , I aw a statement la a paper to day that if you hold your breath when a mcxjulto is biting you it cant draw its bill bat, aod you can kill it la the act." "Horror?," exclalned the gen tle girl, as she rhuddered and drew her fleecy wrap closer about her lovely form. The idea, George, cf letting a mos quito sting you long enough to And out ?uch a thing! I never could endure it." "And that reminds me," con tinued ' Georg an Le made a wild Jab at the back f his neck and cloed the earthly eareer ot one more confiding inject, of "another ftatement I faw in the Mine paper that people always hold their breath when they er when they kiss." A silence followed more elo quent than the ooftly rpoken words of the young man. - It was broken at lat by the voice of that lovely Laura, "Gorge," paid fhe, in low, quickly uttered, wlllitig-to-tert-lt-in-the-inte re; t-of -science ac count. "I feel a mcwqulto bit- loir me. The wind fished faintly la tren tops, the voire of tho katy did rapped the patient air. the stars glimmered and twinkled in the blue ethereal firmament and at the end of nearly throe quarters of a minute that mis guided mosquito ieri!Lea mis erably. Talus cf AiYeriiKrcuts- Su&fiu'g krzlzx Cain. The Best Salve in tbe world for prevent tbe Liverpool Cotton Ex-1 of Throat, Luogs, or C!iet, such as I Cut, Bruises, Sores- Ulcers, Salts -hnPH from diet at me the price oi our product, while European and American manufacturers, knowing that tbe plauter was sure or getting thirteen cents for his cotton of standard grade, - realizing the statistical position ol the staple, Consumption, IntUnuu ninn of Lungs, Brouchuis, Astbais, Whoop ing Cough, Croup, e!f tc It is pleasant and agree! in taste. perfectly safe, and can aii ays be depended upon. Trial ''o'tles at A. W. Rowlands Drugstore. Rbeum, Kever, Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains Corns aod all Skins Eruptions, aod positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. Tbe greatest pieisars I know, ts to do a gcod action by stealth, aod hare It found out by accident- Lamb, Troublenesft spring from idlroess aod grievous toils from needle ease. Many without labor would live by tbeir own wits but tbey break want of stock. Fran tun. "Do I believe ta advertising,'" said a prominent la wjer, a ay W two sffo. "Well, rather; aod ta tbe bidden adrertiM-tceut more tbaa in ary other. I retueintwr. one day, reading a rry iaereUsg story tbat eod-d in bat I took vo be a pun for Dr. l-r s iieasaoi I'orgatire Pellet. I 'rew cowa tbe paper i a rae. Nut a week after that I tierl-I Muie neJiciBe of tbat kind, and went so I boogUt those same :ni!e p.Us. 1iJ I tod them goo4 I " -WLy, tbe tet thing of the kind 1 eer m, bat tbat bs nothing to da with the first QaeUon, and 1 Jy tnenuoa tbe joke oa myself to kw rut ad vertising does pJ."

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