' ' - : ''! I . . - v oa TH r - L K A-DF1F1VC NTS TO i era t i t r NUMBEK 11 1 if viv. i fcj if ; ;1 H ill H - lh ' . V Fi M ;.v&v !J I n .fl f I I' I JkTW; ''Li ' . ' '' 'LC1 A IX THE CMOS. TIIOL AI31'T It, "" ' :t.t ' 5 JIV. 'iii!V k. r?! V HOO'S, ANI TUlfTIISV - -! . . ' , , : i '.; , on ! a . : .. ; J . WILSON, NOIiTIM'v'-'i'; ki rnoPEi; X in br;t-d ii '" ..' :n d a t her;- ' rl II HiV It- 1 I ill ..O eVe lutf to C f-llllie 11 tn pr iutve iri'- ar. unn'-i tonjr a.o tli 91 ; had ex at anions t' hundred pounds; i n. v -rlrt u i t- II e!-.r ii . Sip a !i'uti1i geiitie ali for ti"- i g ' - 1 n.i.1 ui i b i & i 4t", tii e 'J V - .... O ! v j fit ; I :;im it .f C .i i 'll ; . -. J I M i I u- II f lit 1 1 f r. i ,'tT'. Tel' V- r- a 1ji';'! I ill i ' i-ri ol , -iIJ' I s '. I i i- v ri . j. U ii V I ':' r ! i , .-: i IV i t i HVJ HI' "i.ii i li iifiV I Ui it .Ir.'. 11 i- i.rj i 'i a i. ir. -! -tn t" - i tf t !i : tJf--M S. .- i : ; e j, j I to.iT.C 1 i Ir r I , .m i ; , tut a I l.i V.; i l - .S i ; . :-nf I . h i : ii' . - in i.le -i n ijiii -sio i. 'trofk ! I Je o. Eil. h it'll - i . ' v 1 1 1 r ' third round the trreat, ldy called -the mat.ron to n(l sD'.id : "I will take this '' Hitd die . placed lier jew- A, COMING CI! Y, TUAl'S WilA t. MA RIO-Y, .1 .V' the head of a- fiiJin, a toili"'! u'aces d a!l the i 1 " 1 1 : : s Irt .ml I .-. v i.. ! 1 - i'iI j ! t, lif v" t i u 1" tip eitU"'ri' 1'iiic k c t i -e i tto to -f til 1. 1 1; 2-L ioii . lor Ana the J evv of their L. ATer ai'n they had Am ilrki of their wis a ro kint; and rvriitrjii had no busiu s before war driafeiftif, the cu.-ti to o be I en courti at a difc fellows was hundred from ail pire. I how the choice. maideua U .V i- ! i - I I d. 1 he : I I l it V .-.r- .; I.) .i a I i i i a! ' i r.' 1 iiibi in i Ahi-iiiehiri was ii oilier "ii-nue rrStJd rfi'd li: :'t li-lll Ain-aleku. .i-'-d. h.-Jr-1 tiei'aiiH- in t ie (i t - il pro.-i ri y ofteu" whipped ;::y it-d and liiuoilsd t .'' propt-rily, Aliasi.r;:: id ea.-y; ' uii.-iii-i'c'iiiu Ilii infill was a chrertd con. tier To- ki . lm, lor no a-'uui, u - aiud it w.tri not in, bf Periall wonifi' ur a iToffd ui dru:.k i-rs. But woinau War- pouut then, and the aid tli-tt it Mrs. V-.-rhii allipw-'d to dirn-bey ti'i ev-r? t he r in- lorn, th wifo W0lill do ibe" same Uilsis and so iVishii was .retinid dietjracel aini EitiierAvar- cb'-ei What a Lea-uiy tb uini h't n been to fts prtter- d over pcVcra! Peisiii: iaaideiir, wli had beeb carefully' eeiected the virtcwii i bave o.tteu ireat ! Km. Were the--" all seated ii if tiie eill wondered : wade hi b-'au'i nii others were Hy retired to beir accus- 'aces. In a few minutes elio-en one's satchel of t-r.iiiir . was nreDarea. bite -d a sad trood-bye to Tier c ii ions and the ood ma i i. nd her linnie hold, and out with the lady into the U wo Id to bein a new life , :, ittraner: in a strauLre K-. The ire'at, Hue lady was niotner of Dr. (iouldintt, a ,t. preacher and w;ns the adiiiother of the ''YiSusij? -.; i'! 'VS. I liai itilie Knyua.ii ,: ..v.ts my mother, and a Kind videm-e neytis guarded an i.iiti all her life with more t' i cire thin he did her. ! "-as not made a queen, but irved lou'tf and happily and ; Set 1 her children. j 1 ht ?msrt was'old man Mor- i u concealing the fact that orphaned neice was a Jewess. -tnted "'tavors from that :u-tavors for his people, or V. iuld luve uever cousentsd it phe would wed an alien, thoi k'b be were a kinf?. In -"'time-he Secured those fa ! - ;viid the kuiii allowed the vs t retmild their c'ty, and - them i!i oJey and eucour Lu-nt. E-thcrj the beauti-qii-eri, was; the power; be d t .e tliroue. ' I J ' i,' .'. e ri ; y y earn ; b a v.e passed re . ,oo(lfinin died a man :-.rie name was Bradbury, He ' L J ks iioo i musical teuius, aim li-ised many .musical books, vchic ' over half a. million e s !d When I was a boy s ?onf books were in uuiver use.'" - II is. cantata of j Esther i iivf-s. and will live always ne,' for it is a wonderful rii, ar.d has given exquisite asnre to millions. I have a I tfrieat revereueoi nis memory ;!n' a comfort it must be to a ml-n in his old atfe to realize tii -.t his life's work has been a .c'bufort to his fellow men, and wiul live after him aud contin?. nV to be a comfort lOar vouiiit people have refent- 4 had this cantata on the biaris; and have twice deiiuht- . S the pyblic with its perform- ;'tice.' it took about a? month of ,prac!iee end rehersal to make "jtfa success, and it wis a success, a jid has done more to j elevate aid refine the ta-te f?r good uiiiric than anything that has tsiuspired in the community. liriiiding the children, there M'-nr-i about lorty persons engag ed in it, and all the parents aud kindred became interested and ii.w everywhere you go the street strains of this cantataare heard. The children chant iio'n the way to school; the 5'"'' Tlll'H' H-.iii.tS .M'I'l- I! I H Utf L"ral l-n'iUf f .'i.-i At!' vutice Jlnrri. ( y'.J'jUrrl Duirn. hi' ous hall, and did the k'-ur pss arouud and inspect them aud cause ea -h one to stand u j aud turn an und and "walk about just like my frieri'd Bdl iiamey does a h rse ? Did he want to see if shi was coupled weil ami Low etio stood j.oi her p stem joints?. Was stja a tliorouii bred,anidid she hold a hih head and a-ilir-hiiiiiX; eye ? L)i,i she welt!' 'o. sliiois and step like a d- er 1 Djd be tx i:au.-. her tet-tii and ak hov oid ii was. ladition! fys it took the kiuV' three greeks t nuk.' his choine. Tb4 fir.-t we-k' be rauced the nuiac-er to forty--nine:; the second vve5k to sve;: and on the last day Joi the third ."he.- chosr) Esthtjr auil.' k.issed her and condubted l.ieriobis uiattnitldeut thtone hat , disappoilutiiieiit it was to - ali the others to be retired and sent back to their various homes. ) There" j was but one Cinderella aud that was Esther. Seventy years ago there ws. a grand rich lady of theo dt-n time whose children had ad married and gone, and thb line lady was lonely a'd sai in .her. beautiful home in the country near sivannah, and she wen' to thoiorphaus boiue in the city and told the good matron that Bhe wanted to chosen, adopt lib girl anq would do a. good part by her, P-ud educate ber and be a mother to her. And to ali the girl children were dressel in their fciuuaay Ciotnys ano. brought into the iaive. room that was called j the cha'ped, and tbfc sei.ts re arranged all round-text to! the r- fi'.s, and more tt an a hundred little girls took their beats side by side and awaited their fate wit!; fear au with hope. For' th bin it was k trying ordeal, for they could nbt know who would be dolbers at the fireside , the 1 jwycrs at their dSsks. I asked aibanker for ten dollai-s, and he -juiled and sang "Long Live t j ir P, auteous Queen ;" and, as was a little slow, I jhad to rkply "Haste, Haste, iHaste." vt'e bad some splendid voices a'Vid el3kraut costumes, and dur itisj the" pathetic scenes I waut Al to weep so bad that I was ashamed of my efforts to conceal i3iv emotion. At cue time iiiy tender, feelings brokB loose j aLd run over in spite of myself, aLd 1 bad to choke them back ajL'airs, with an' audible effort ,t)iat was' something betweeu a ie, ze and a snort, j Folks looked at me, but I. made no -Lii. I do love to cry on such qeeasiobs, aud I would boo hoo iSi.-ud if I was not ashamed. Illo'.v-those little girls did enjoy tiiiat part they played, when the aiudit nee went wild and, cheer ed and encored tJ call them back, one little one was alarmed fjnd said, "Mother, didn't we do it ritfht. have we sot to do it tjyer again." . :Now,i every town has some ijuusical talent,. and has young pjBiipla. who are restless for siometlung to do in the ; way of jiitiasant entertainments. Let ijiiem. ga ther the amateurs aud train them for this beautiful autata. It will take a month mt hard work earnest work fut it will pay at last. Any- thing tor beauty as a joy ior: ever, Ott.tbO W-S'eri, V divioii of ti e K'i-i-rc Vitle U l n! i wett of ti in i t .-. . ii ca4 of Asii 'is I- ii tiie liiife leys y lUO-t hr: U I !l' .. 1- ' 11 it. Wie in s h',i -i .ii V Carolina. ii -.;;r. I, jUS a!lOiig til!" ! i great Bin liid . i hUsl'.s oi wish rr it r teiiiril. T.i- t i sui'pafrtt'd lv ; UuUed'lS: ? ! (.. : liar e!" 8.ti h.eiu. .) . Tue vaiivy V. 'i . bu.it- is JS'.t. in i. .'; wiiere the, Mill' -r. r ' tlou and o lii'i: p.i ';. can find rt luf - -: Ul-er toiil is il ; ! i some ui ,t ne i-1 .i . .Which the s l i li through the : UeiiVeU. eve .-hi i - 51 the soil: il i it t i .; roweiin -above ; ' eievatiou to ' hajis Ion.! Iiiili'ii : a most, tie-iii itui ' o v'- v i '.: r,i. f t.e p -oiiSe :oe g:- ; ui.i-l iin;- " . , towu an , s t -- i place t Miiii to. -i ! ivaf, lvciiM in'' . To .S'lt- i :in jil..!;" : i pl iC - I !':! i i'.i..'-; Of M.ilCll b1, I i:!;i-.i tussle wit il hi G ; ' ; !, wai badly v. ...) -: in I damage iioi;i-,i.j' : ' t Ciellil, HI f)i Ur-r-i-r-J,! woaritiy riiuiii! t t r): tiie obji-cf oi !ii: x 1U riVeiS ui' ; ti; e ill.-); bak in tiie wi: i e" fcrurt!.i!!iis ;.-.-; i-' upou bairi'U i death was tin? .i of st!icitoatf;- !i i heard of sUij.i tb'tl.e tuoiitit.ii ;i ii he wiiit i," i-:: i had but I weir. I utoppeil .v ' f-i Free Liuee, Jir J -.' who is we'l k,;i i v .i ' ADVASCK . :; !: : -Lauce, under. his L Uieilt, l-s ili.'!.!;:. ii. -Mai ion.' Tf. I.!i:.. behalf tit its tlu'!:: progress. I .a -;i ; : i-. the Free L;:n. the people am ":it: late--.,' i' 'v .: ' :. for nc.tiirg imi .'ii i ' r . propose to st awl ' -baa made Mich a t.' ' 8!OU IS liut ; who hare ku h y hviod. 11 . ii ally suriDorted., Jusr be:e i .'-.i thing aiisjut t!-. charfuing li d n. .: alutUiia above t,-..- bet and t he .pie , 1,00a pecpli', i i vast !fnr: s's ol : ii NiKt'i Auie::-.-. of the iiia'iii ' e Western .'rj-. U ,r. GfHr"gia mid ; E;t ' These o:es aie-i-'i- i j ir-i'oi i - 1) II i e Ui ,ii-S j i ; - ir j er tinds ', j is t 1 1 ;!i,kel ol'fii I ! - ! i ii(- i . .!.s : t o- J i shall iever .forget it. Suudas' n QUlJqOi I 21 m-ii t)th, a kind irieud seut to "IiUlu-ln; ' ktiinv if ve would like to make tne J i 7'" ..,.i..int fll eiinrie WB WOlllll. SO HIS i U L;::es were saiidled and we rode i , e-o-i U Alt' in thn hriuht. suuitubt of r.. ' i spnuy-lib-3 afteiiioou. the top' ou horseback a. circuitous rule of perhaps three miles is uec 'Tliu ilifur.ee ro wlk UlliS not near so .ar. When halt way to j baying so early I U'iuil T .wiul;ill in fitdll at H IWIBl bliltll'Mll HOIH. !f:f.T TTTs 7--Q V'J.1 II JJ ' i T" III' i I til It 'I xo reach .. xl n Xt:i"h f rtro. 1 1 Cotigressinaiw di. ' Bunu S';-h COI1- m-mbv of e; ii " v it lO!)' 1 WlSUl'U IO BtOU ilU a jiymi I r"" ""--' l iiom wbicli the view to my unused j tne t I tims L-onit-in tue" -oiu ,-iVs was ciiai ii;ii-,; bu: ui lriends i j an eaii'.e-t f -xh . t this Rbin iauuiieti and liunietl me .n. ! younu'l Ni'rth Wiii-ti the top "as reaeneo a-nl 1 . ses as a caugui a Kiiiujipo wiitjic -.-"v i (i-ress. i ii- Cni;r siircH. oetoi e iuy visiou, i. ci-au our ie t". la;, .u n ion, t-oieaii otu o-.er e hills thaii ICotne'd h'.sio- st iter oi I-i, ro.ttdnder at the lack of iuiim j 71 UI Ail : :p. Si U OV III Lu uniiu.vuv ,jl oT . .! .. ...UI..I. I .rr.i.u1 t I Hl "l-'l 1U itie spoij ctL u;uii 'in"!." ! !T ;:.;!?. j We drew; our horses up aud lion tn iiitfcl' sili.nee tfrtiad arouud. .At ''fon worii coiuni ic veil.. the bouses: tileaifiiiig winit tiie 11 ci seeiuulg no laiger tli.'-.i cuiiil- Ujn'ce, ivu'd'doil houses. U.iour r.giii, ia bitivdle Mountaiu :iu us uiasiye x and-.-'ui, and ' tbrousb tbe cu-a'r beauty of the golden day e cottiti tec x(.t; gap tbiouii 'Wiiicu'L.uvdle iiver'i'.iilns its tempestuous ieis. i Jast a little 'Timber', to the right- Short Off, part of the Liuvdie t- i-ge, slood out iu bold relief. To ; .y left of Liuvdie, risiug like a iu-'; -.-.ive granite shaft fioiu the k-vt 1 .:! :he siiriouu. iug hills, iottvrs Ta ble Ilock, lorty uiileVavvay, Wua. a laie, woiiaeiiui a'tuiosphsie I It .'. a:td not taote tfe'au three or four 'miles 'diManr. Direeily in iioiit ot ii-, ;i.e Biiie.llulge '.loomed.. up. s-.i- eiu:i, grand, Uiystel tons in HaitAlUi inaj-sty, stietelnug; away iu grace ad niies to the south' est. iiisu; up ;,l ve I he gelleia! t leia;.:o!i oi she ibfige Oid B ild! lilted i s.aged heaUcioailj di.sc.-ijutbl.e.'ia tbe am b.eiiti '.list a tice,i and other p'eafi.-wte-).se uanies we did not know rti vi-..'o'e. South ot lis a sucetssioii ii bijis la.,' rising simi djiug ai ii. ti.-e misty, stretches )eseuiblia o i fir.-Kini- iu Co a -lulit jtbo. i'-t i'-'iS ; : i v -: - , 1 i . -I I , 1 . . . 1 . i. .1 . . ..'--. A US.; i '!i i -..1. 1 - :l '-' i ; ;.. if-W. er ii el'; Trie c.;.'-J?l Vuii'e' iu. i lo.ii, to i - i Lri ii.!; man iu debate.; - li-.- ;1 i-.. i.'s f in iided swo;d - in vha U-.i.i-j j Friday au i it ya-V- dou-.-s- i i h the skill th-iVi a :cl ar bf:-- - ;i I newspaper iu a six line paraVtr in Congress is y -rr: strmafr' at cy ' i tir n-il Bank and . Raijroad in inopolies. The House and Senate will bofh have an op pi i tunity to make a record on it. The ABiaoce has d3termin ed to push the measu'-9 to a .vdte. The first hearing will t e d about April, when Presi dent , Polk will address the Sen-ite coiminitlee on ' airricul ture. The next. State legisla ture, it is said, -will show a la rj-H AlliUttce majority in both brattchs, and so far as can now be seen Vance will be the iciioice of the element. It is rule ' or ruined with the farmers pnitectio- ii tr-'voiires j !. -i o.'-s. There ! t : ini-i ahead, NEWS OF A WSEK; . :o:- - if HA T S H APPHJilJfO I i HE H OlcCD AHO 1 A L WS. ' . - ' r- Condensed Re-port of the 2fetV9 From our Contemporaries. ' n-o7, as they see it, and if the of polit: their interests cs, they mmt i ; i . N i 'Observer, into politics or go to .are j stirrintr uuless. i all the misleading. -J. B. II. VIS3-ES3SIDENT BOSTON A Ue'.r hi, i tufich like . ' lie- in i iicV-'. " ! ' untji It- i ; til- to no: ig :-o much asi tu s iv'eii-i oil oid oceaii s tn' ,'jua i have sworui aiiejiia- ip i!J :e ij.iiig, grace- Mlill, tO ee. In .the M;omu siulneps ui ttsese "ei-i-l:iii;i bills'' there is .something urnbH '.fascinating; fur -lae. alii 1 'ould sit for hours atui drink in iheir awful 'graudeur and ..iudetiorr iis.b'e beauty. A iiotel oh. Mt. id. viuld com iu and sue'a & view as 1 nove attempted toile.seiibe and I to i-vui ;s contemplate the erec'ini) ot oue' 't co early day. Kelu -.taiiily we turned our horses' heaii-i down-w.-.rj and. as we i der.eeu'ded, tiie i, oriotts vision uielteil awat. the so;'iitaitin grew less clear am! : i- uii d to lecede I tliitu only the bills in close proximity io the tot cotilil h: teeti. A.ii a . famed health resort, f.n extejisive manufacturing cpute'. and a large city, Mitri m gives gi'-a: rirci.iuise Alter staying there three wo eKs, and enjoying myself to the x'vr.!t tii-t 1 d;d, Ijnovv reahz' that LL-,dooth thftigs well," aiiri am o iiiCiied to'ha'vicg bee'u . ktioek eC :u !o the grippe, i C F W. ,.;i ... :i;e 'n ,ii..dy" po,n.Uijii;y to miiiaii ono f dis'tii. taiout iiieiu q i si -r ii T-ey ernbr; trict, able..! to the are tn LlU'JiiC two am taiii tiJ.iN e 1 . ever ie-'p - new- d'ul i i o - gressH-useiesi. ; new, Ainl u.i l. i'l-i Lied ti'o ObSCliir-? . -'o: meabi. Ti .; i:: men who arc - UiiU'SS S..i.:i-i their jc. ilcuhit ' se vera i c haii ;tr ao'o" j I ll tha lit The Fariiit,! , its;bed about couftisiug itJ ;ii-r c-p- H'kl Tfras of His io u in The 2 ouiu. ' 'E- .."Vico-lpesident. M u-tn has returned from his trip 'hrough tats iSi'Utl. with! the kindest of i'eclhigs lor its people ;':td the bi'igiitesi hope-i for its - future. "It uiy first tfio along !v;i.e Sou i!h Atlantic cu tst," he uiii, "and to say that, i thor? o'lhihiv enjoyed the trip would be to v-'ry mildly cha racterizepT, has a 1 ii id 'a-ure I expieui-ed. Ali LiiO ilil I went aaiobuj people v.-Lo wen; pi-u-fejet sthi .tigers to id .with whosft iiiterests I i!,id.'iut 1 eu cjosely i-l oitiBed, I inui with almost cordis! greeting-! j everywhere, .and, indeed, i-o:;l4 uot begir) to accept all .L-; i. invitations wlr.rdi were Ealeigh people have been eating irish potatoes grown this year." tThere is a Mormon settlement at the h ot of Pilot mountain, j 1 j A carrier pigeon at Raleigh flew li miles in 54 seconds recently. j Wilui Dgton will have a big rail way celebiatioa on tte 17th and 18 A seventeen year old boy ' in China Grove weighs 247 poundai A lousigMen's Christiaa Assoi c anon has been organized at Con cord. . . - ! ' ":!-- "r ' ' i I San Jones - savs ' he' will beedn meetings iu Charlotte on April 2otb. j . . j "Sau3 with stink in it," is what saiisoury liuth calls commercial fertilizers j" j ' . , There is a possibility of Batber4 ford College being moved to Mors gati ton, says the Herald The Greensboro Land and Scn j-ity Compauy, with a capital of i?zao,t'UUj Las been incorporated. M Iiettsi foreman of the State Cbr iiicie, was cbot through the leg last itiuisda.v evening, by a prin ter who was "looliug" with a revol ! n . I i i i Moore, of D ividson conns chicken with four iegs and three wings. It; was hatcheo on his farmland lived a week. The chicken is ue preserved in alcohol Tbe Oitou hotel in Wilmington is to be clost d lor the summer. It W I i u fOil ;o -ect Hi t - Loirhi e'a ;" W'hat iii'ist iuij ' I thin ' lit. 1 d t si'iior the is most -tro!uiy. upon me. v . - feature of the trip reased you ?" k that the w 'nderful t" -. t-.i-l t-tii iwtsr - fif Siint.li devas: ot the war atr .tv.;' must 9 tup. ess every one who ie io E - si fh9 Prica cf Frcp SO '. t: i o Lonir live our beauteous QUeen, ' ljong live our noble kinff " Gati is tberefu(pe pf his people. nor whether the lady would be kind or not. lint they had no chpica in the mat ter. They were helpless or phans and .must obey". The fine lady was; arrayed in fiik and jewels, and her carriage, was waiting at the gate. Three times' did - she "walk slowly round, poking !eloely into the faces; af the .children who st like tembliug fawns, and sh.e talked bleasautly to them. t:iid aaked them questions so kindly mat soon ineir: i.ears were u . s- pelled. j At every romid she stopped long-r at oue place than she did at any other, and asked lirore sestrcbiug questions of a sw'eet, sad child ' tr had not Iorg been there,-a chtla parents died the . sitae yellow fever-and were buried an the fidme Krave and left no kindred to care for her. whose day of j. Tii.e beautiful strains to which f hese words and others are- set baunt me and fellow me like a b autitul dream. The women got this up and the men just jell into line: that's all we always do we have to. The iuieu can compose, but it tases women to execute. Why is that? Why is it that the world lias had no great composers iamong the women? There are no female Haydns or Hanaels or "Iozarts or Beethovens not even a female Bradbury to com pose a cantata. Then let the youug people try these musical entertainments. I see that they occasionally get on the strain for something and get up a "cold water set around," or a colfea and conversation " or a I'm a "tea and tahi" party which, .' -.. . . . i . . . ot course, is Deiier tuan nom ine, but they are not things of I beauty, and do not last dong. . Bilx. Aep. The Gieensboto Workman tells of a strange woman who basb.een put ui j -til at tbax pi ice Sue barks aud -ii.ips like a dog and wheu caught he foug .t desperately. Nobody seems to know who she is or where inexhaustible ipj.i the eliiv sirvf ,.' which SU' i c ;;t tage and .:;.. ."i try ot tn is 1 ' rival P,tts.;;;i. fhiles lio'ttii the ( 'i.iii''. i ie.- l.g W()i l, solifi Diaij oi 3lia hlHj.: Between t.i-j; 9 miles VJUtau, is Mouifan.i, '.s.'t'il w, 1 knoWn mia-it.:::";d world. -A r,ti ',.- i .'. this place is n-e.: ii: i sti action. X)V'" io all these tl;i i. s wortliles- HitJ.". uuless ti.e-. c'."'i i by rati. ..V'V.i, ;-?.,' noa put i-. iu a ivi. i rioritv ov;-r orh-.-:' io Carohna' I . r . : already Bjei.tio.ie.:, Ctncinuati &,'C:iiei.: run through : h ' Charleston tiie 10 m'i pleted io. liuibet i twenty nrdes iiii-.n grading between ti even, now ait;ioi.t the iron hor.-e. v. ni i this li.:(j by .July 1' told me. G radiii fi end is i,lin pu ;:fe-s ly iiud Maiioa yv. ln on througo liae v o i 'iwi is tbeiefore tii" r.niy 1 i 'eri Xovth Caiohra t!. .: pet ng ra.'iw";:;, I' n. s So herein ild. o i; i week, t.v i'.'1' :. ', ti;; Aud I waiitii i' -1- ! iike the pliice.'b -liked tbe i; '..U . '. - 'i 9re whist Uiiikv; pLi; i p otherwise. I would UU;: To ( e thnugiits ih.iv ar'- v. for the hit gliropse of tiie the mazy distanov It was my iirst.ghm be pardoiii d ho;: delight into whicSi tbi me. It was eoi-si! Ridge, on ioy ia.v dikriuar the seeo;ol v,-;- From Old Fort th- grade arid steeply up'.vai-;, 'v. u. direetions,. through crawling slow l. .lo:i u ujitioa touiicl, . 1S00 b e reached, anii.t.hvn couiei aud roar ot it he ; pmrig" soma, pen is tiiL-lr (i.-r.s-.'ii the ti ll ess, his p; er L who i ndi CUStT! the e: politic,- al.teiiij noaiiiiai V.'iiO ii-- r. ial lit?. H.'ii i'O-ld has ! i!.i.' .t'i, ialO.. azer, ot s th A' lie .-i li! ji u li h . j ji 4.k; - t knows what the South experi- i.d:ced an i realizes whsf it is o-day. I am frank to toy. that I do not 'pelieVo.a trv.cier. go ing t'uough the ao.HU, it ua of I the strutrile of; twen ty -live ylears ago, would notice d.iai resulting irooi that -r.rla I Tie lftVfl UlAl all ...... ii i cities a re! teeiiuir me general; prosperity which is ! now the; iiappy cqnditibu of the South.; Atuuta, S-ivanuah, Binning-, ik'uij and Jacksonville are par-! il uirishing. ! Jackson-! iu four years, iacreas- X'u ation from 35,000, This is a marvelous wv.a ni, .. i.I'Ui : til '1.7 j Ville di , s :j : d its p' i I to. i;!': .i.t. 'i tii'K .'."ii i; :i ';i)u th I iii'i.i oi ti ver. V . M fe Southern people still ;e war ..:i. , 1 ..s: f-ooits is . ied aiiii MiU'iOii bv :0 -.iM'iLCVoi' the other y rap'u- iis ;:(! : wars'. ;" li ,;l Vv'est tas cOiii - - ilb:-: ; h h: i; -r a us : t or - -. ! e ' Wheii ;;ht fi liOUgh f Tho Green-boro correBpondent ! the Richmond Times writes ! concerning the steel plant at- follows : "The transfers that j have taken place iu the real ! estate here within a year, and ; mainly since tmj boom beaau j to get in its work, have amount ! i d in the aggregate to 82 0U0,-. I UuO,i There is no abaterne'it op j to this, time. ' Lands that; lie I miles outside th city t-orpora- tioui now briuir S-50 and fj;0 per a,cre!. The Steel and Iron Com pany will realizej a big dividend justi hVre. Their purchases will average say about' 835 do liars an 'acre.. Their tenure of all the eairrniviifimg section will enabio t -ao-:; to crntrol the prices. The increased ! value ,can-e-queitt upon the ! imprdveuit iits projected, may lb .safely put down afc i0 per acre. This kind of a proiit pn - 3,000 acres which they propose to comtrul will give an aggregatjo of 000, 000; -ivbicu .will.! itself abnild a 'steel mill. It is proposed to fst-tl.Iish two fuinaces one ibr Bessemer pig and the other for mill aud foundry iron. The captai siocis, ot mo coiiiyau is 51,000,000 in shares of 8100 each. It will require an outlay of 8100,000 in getting ready dor operations. The other SuAO, OOOiwill be used as a '.working' capital and in establishing such industries a,3 the company may determine upon. The charter of the company was grafted iu February, 1887, and 'wasj ameb tied in March, 1889 but was not rtraoized till November of lasi year. Twenty-five per cent, of l;-e slock taken; by a subscri ber is to be paid cash, and a like proportion payable al ary, timet thereafter at sixty inter vals at the call of the board of directors'. n it i. : . i . m .in a i in . - l D.L C t i '.. i "1 b . succeed i-iti didatts, ViTi Cobles' tli sti ill UiiV'i- i-iauii t;e SI! tor -'reel the: 9Ui d mem: IJlllHi nieiit uot I Tom Clii aim ii World's svcii: Orf b ma e. hUi'pri-e nateiil ' V ' ' -a o u ; : Eu-i2 . i n a (ii:-l 1 ..l.i Cau-' y 'u : 1 1 r : ; , Will ., ..i id . r t. j 1 triiiiK not. Of course I -peak only of the cities. I 'did' i-not c6 id the country. . In. the cities,- however, the Southern, man lias his mind on tho future and not on the: past.": "Tberej is considerable orth i:rn cojdtal invested in the de velopaiebii of the" South i" "i ley odd a doutt.'' "Any do the Xortheru-rs and the Southerners work t ogether without friction ?" :! will be opehed next fall as a winter resort, jit was run on too grand a r-eale loii Noiih Carolinians. j The penitentiary now contains 197 convicts. Of these 35 are in for 'life. There. ate 57 women j among i he number, 36 of whom are on tbe iioauokij larms. j - j ..... j The Wflmingion & Weldon Kailroad Compau-y has authorized the 'payment ot thiee ana ooe-balf per cent, interest on the certificate of .indebtedness of the company 1 ! 1 i i Dan'eJ Hood, a well Bnown farm er of Wayne county, bas daring the present ; season ; caugot forty-nine raccoons, one hundred opossums aud fuity foxes.' i j '. -r ! -' I', ' l l)r 1). W C. Benbow had an offer made bim to-day of $100,000, for 552 feet of ! ground on South FI oi st reet, including the hotel Greensboro Workman. I fiaa Pniii-l.ttn - - J. Bnrdette, editor of tbe IJarlimr. ion i-iawKeye, is in tbe city. She m cuKiiSt!u in missionaiy work among tbe colored people, and is now-looking at the field iu which Misses Waugh-and Williams have been so Ionffeneraeed. Xe Journal. They grow big men in WO I to connty. Of one hundred men in and around Wilkesboro there st nlty-six who are 6 feet and nvnr At a recent dinner in Wdkesborn six ! menf averaging 8ix feet aeii Ul iuuuco iu ueiguu, sat; aowa ,ui atnner. -vvnat connty can b itt Ealeigh Chronicle. We learned while at IIirh VnU ooici iojf, iuiii iue pay roll to wage, earners , ta . the difiVrt factories of the town amountpd itn $70,000 per month. Further thlin this we learned that a mortfaUe among the citizens . of tbe pia.-e was a rare thing, and that nearly every person owned the premises he occupied. Durham has 6ix millionaireaa thing which no other town iu North Carolina; and no town its size in the world, can boast of. They ars Messrs. J. S. Carr, Washington D,nke, B. S. DnkeJj! B, Duke, Geo. W. Watts aud B. N. Duke. All have smoking to bacco and cigarrette business. ! ; The Maxton Ijnion learns tln.t Alfred Ledbetter, one of tbe county cbain gang made ; an effort to escape a few weeks ago ami iu uoing so jumped into Lumber River, but having a ball aud cln in on bim he went to the bottom aud was not found till a le w days ago. A Mr. Lineb'erryl cf Cabarrus county, says that the gold mine owners of that county have au ar rangement with th ; diggers and other laborers to give in lien of any otner pay, one-half of the gold they may iiud. A few davs ago, an old negro fouud a utiggct, which was worth $800, and got his pro portion a good day 's woi k. ! In Davidson county week before ast the bi'x year oid son of Mrs. Branson Younls committed sui cide by burning himself to death. lie crawieu into a large box ! nf broom straw and dehbeiattlv struck a match and set the stavon nre, lie was so badly burned that be only lived a short while. Tbi re is no similar case ou record iu State. FORT if a ;.AI;.jT UATTrilS TTLl.t OritjhWi. " Coin m m . l'avttthi.' 1 ! (' , Thefarii! id to 1 air wo: a : .'.'OH ii 't; th. go !:, a V a 'err If, at two : .Van..- a; mlghr, i'roia .pii mta-u ccruei'. r.HEST TO ;'. Mitten ana t -.'icic on' i ivanty are ' aced ia - 'i'e at this --TUere ? mortgages1 oflica for a -io' in at '' 'Xbis is a- f ''-''y3 Judg ; .'-finucrs. ' testes to raaax Two jof Raleigh's fleetest bfey is ia t thi tiijii of ll:-: 0 n t i .l:f Oi, Fair to i-i-j. ii.i ie L i . ... IViiO.Ca ta. wouldn't koi il l li! , know and :a He b. c .u -i ..,,...4 . and wo tii ei titer. I ri ve it:g as nt lie Ci.;n:ii! Lt. .ior l:. .ii.i u. id t. Lii.pt i niasi ala.esi -i.j i sue 11 that if ilMl on t i; I't k: - ii i w consequad ous fail 'it I lii'-th tad .tU'at oi.:-' ; v. !i .' Eai'id k they do. i Certainly lie business i-.ien. so iaras i conidi see. loeinocrsisj oi lleptiblicahs are ou excel s lit terms. Titere is a common lOiiq . i maKing mou-y, ana Wiat nat ine opuin ; is uow tssfii iiy 'endeavoring to doj ; riii peoj.de are welcomed; n tiie Sidun, specially it they; riisTiosod! to nlaco their a a Kfji.s to tone wneei m neip- i- g develop tlije matter iai induss. that sectioii. The tier may not agrse with itbern yifeitor po'litically; may have different other questions, but t and soul wi th him lists wi:f shortly make a trip from rhis city to boston, ridingthe whole dist.mce on tbeinoble two-'wheeled machiiiej.--Kews and Observer. - , . The Durham Globe says Judge Annfield's judgments' are always tempered with j mercy. A crying bby disturbed the Court this mot nine and the Judge ordered the sheriff tr go out and bay it a stick of e-iadv to hush it. ; I 1 I . i The j Lnmbertdn Kobesonian learns that the Big Swamp Im loovement Co., are to erect a $60.- 000 mill ;at the minth of tbe swamp Thev have already expended $150, 00J on the draiuing of the swamp and are soon to put a boat in for hauling timber to the mill. ;j I - j . . , . A friend of public schools in Ca barruscou!ify offer8a $1Q gold piece for 'Le best, npelier in the schools iu the county.i There will be a weekly practice, and repres9nta tives from the different districts wit! meet on tbe 12 of April in con test, whfeb is to be open to pupils ot both .sexes. iia lii o v e ,: ,li hea i tbe ali-absbrbiug qd-istiopof ;vu loptinent. Yes, thre can i ;. aiuestioi but tbat the orthenk man lis sure of a cor ial we! I K-tti Come to the South." 1 thel'Southerners are : Northern jui'en dl- iat work by i. leans, alive I'Of-'t. ut I can uot ii.ol 1 any transport oi ;jai tiirew : the Bine' o A: oieV iiie, k oi' my stay. i' ii is t i vudil.v u.d :ig ia al! tunnels, .til Swan long, is the rush lonvn' the moment .11 Jackson's 7vridow "Eu'i'lei to a tension. other side. Aud tbe scena during ta mouutain cha'.ge. randeur of t'ua p before the visiuii.'. that would atteulTs: overpowering benji-" were well wo.-ta a a. i he evidences oi Go: ;.- 'uaid.ioik so plainly set before the ete. - ii ucio J.o a.i ii." . - - - nf Mt. M nrlr-scribablv erand and eh nab ai the aad the awtui .orania spread loes tbe lips to tU'Serioi the v of lii ail. "It ie ' -.si ; to sea i The application mf Mrs. Thomas J. Jackson lor pension for the services of herTate hus band, General "Stonewall" Jackson, in the war with Mexi co, has been received in the Pension Office. The affidavit of ! General James Longstreet, certifying to the service of Gen. Jackson during- the Mexican war, accompanies it. They were comrades iu that strug- gleas well as in the ,war of i the rebellion. There is also the affidavit of Dr. Jos eph Grahan, who was present at tbe marriage July la, ibo, with Gen. Jackson. J.omuas siouer Iiauui says there is no grtat many are wholly I lu the li i a nee v ill i date or -U a -i '. knowti to hi Lit;: terests, who is n ba'ik!er. Ail;:' 'this i din-i'tit i ; takably to ."3-'.-of Graiivii' :. ! and it '.: jv! way, tho : beat ! io-. wo ." v.'li.i '- i: to sj.-iiiH '. . 'i l'i' i i W 1 ' ilalllS, of any manner They; are also up and a4d doing." Washiugtoii S7EEED-. i'he farboio j Southerner says W m. 1 home, a i colored mail car rter, was arrested a fev days ago for stealing a gold watch. While the P. M. was opening the mail he opened the show ease and took the watch ! He is cow m jail and Mr, Wanamaker has $ vacant office on bis hands - s Some; days ago a drummer tried to sell whet, stones lrom a quarry in Onto to a Kaleigh hardware firm The. hardware: man carried tbe d-am-oier up to tbe State mnsinm aud showed him samoles of whet stones from twenty-five counties in North Carolina all better than bis. ! i - : 1 , ! ! -i President Elliot, of he Wilming ton & Weldon railroad, and Gener al freight and Passenger Agent Walters, have been in Kaleigh ne gociatihg for right of way to rnu travel bt their line into this city. If they succeed in making tbe ar raugement tbe.y w ill aid in building t !ie neal depot at KaleJgb, and the cost will then be $75,000, C;uld't You Think of an Orator The of A !. tiioro sttii,; i - i. Sen-, elected if . lb-: not pjreveat i . are tb tt ho v. i. in": -I i o c 1 1 ' ! il''i, !e' oi ' to port clioi Can give :!pp.l-.-.'l l .o Ma davotiosi : io -i the farui..rs ia lUe was'ttolected- t u! ariulturS! '""'-' -wliii-ij-is tho, i it" r Natii.i: ! ,11- ' . is ref if .'udlOfiS j '. iil.i p ti,: Hie Aorth beeii '- Hi'.:, ail if. Of aci.ate n.-idcce itie rv ' t ill, A correspondent asked the Expressj to name twent y living A iiiericns who have achieved imiin.rtf lity. : .Jut wLat the i-orrespoudent means by imuior Utiit y we do not know. There is ciUiSiatliingas aman'swritinghis name iu history and impressing himself ou his period, yet that History- may ba of little iutprest to pospejrity. The history, of this pi riod will be of much interest to coming generations. j In science, there is the name of Thomus A.) Edison; in litera ture, Wiliiain Dean Howells; in journalism, Chas, A. Daba; in politics Grover Cleveland and Thomas; B. Keed; in medicine, William A. Hammond; in Jcori stitctiotal law, Randolf Tucker; n mediocrity, Ben j an no! a Har ris -ui: ii rascality, M. S. Quay , Dudley; in blasphe-4 obert I G. . 1'us.i. roll; in Raleigh correspondent the K'chraond Times sayB. "John W. -Thompson, recently steward of the Insane Asylum, will be Demof- cratic candidafe for clerk of the court, against Charles D. Upcbnrcb Republican, who has held office for years, j The local election here is expected to bo very interesting and close." i ; ' Redden Shetrod, of Edgecombe foouty, says he has planted, the "old yellow pink" Irish Potato for thirty-three yeas without inter mission and got the same from his father, who planted them for, fifty years before, and only recently has h" used any 'dher variety, Through all these decades they maintained their reputation by a -'survival of the fittest." .! ' ; i The last white man who was han ged in this connty was banzed for stealing. This may i seem strange now but it is none the less true.llti the spring of 1855 Wiiiis t Hester was hanged at this place for biv ing stolen a negro slave. Ha is the only roan that we ever have heard of being hanged for such a t-riijue.: Does anyone know of a similar ease' Chatham Record. ! Last week's Lexington Ledger says that the Indian Hill Farmers' Alliance met at Miss M. -1. Beck's, a member oi tne order in Davidson connty, on Saturday the 22ud of March, 1800, and built ninety pan nels of fence, and repaired 12:5 panoels more for her, as she was unable to do the work herself. It is such, deeds as these ,that show the valqe of organization.; "1 It does not always pny to appeal from a magistrate's d-cision. j A young man was fi ae " iO 7 by a magistrate in Yadkin' ..unty .for disturbing public, w "ship j by walking np to the pulj.d and o;.; tering tne preacuer a onuk ot whiskey. He appealed to the Superior Court and was sentenced to twO years in the penitentiary Mr. John F. Harbin hqs for Oeef blocks in his "butchery" on Ceiiter street, two cut3 froef a .sassafras tree which he took from a. track oi land,' a part of Stockton iabid, which he has lately bough f,ahoHt a mile north of the town Tiie larg est of the blocks, alter having been trimmed down, measured 11 feet in circumference and 3 ftet aud 7 inches in diamater, (it is not per- tectiy ronnq,; ano rue smauer- pue measures 3 teet 8 inches in diame ter. They aje immenfe and. are really quite furiosities in their way. Statesville lianumark. Cld Clem Fair, one hundred and one years bid, was intown Tuesday with a lot ot woouen garutn imple ments which he had made himself and carried on his shoulder for ten miles. He lives in South Mountains and always comes to towu oil foot. Clem was born in 1789, and his mind and eyesight are still uuims pared.. Up to a few years ago! be was a creat hunter, and brought squirrels aud other small gaauji to town almost every week, Heos the most remarkable man of his age in the State, if not in the world Morganton Herald. Last night a' number of young menofSanford met afc the hotel and organized the Grady Club, iu honor of tbe la'e Henry W. Grady. D. E. Mclver was elected president, M. M. Cross vice-j. resident, 1 B. Lineberry secretary, and J. R. Weathespoon treasurer. The ob ject of the clnb is wholly literary. Uurrah for Carthage ! Within the last six weeks twenty five children have been born there, Carthage is a towu of about 800 population. Th preatlV increased births of white children tin the South at this time is one of the ' most substantial prospects of great prosperity Sanford .Express, v LOVE'S EIVEE. Say, when ia love the purest ? . "When self therein is drowned. And when is love the deepest .' "When stillest it is found. I tUtt ti : rel. Ill or, siua.U turnip, 1 , liu'So J . ; , and 1 i'cu '"a sii'iali le::i'iii, t smalidr valued '?:,) WtiU'ld! a: but I j;-... potato; - , any w. a potat-'i, i it is la'it, i .that 1 Car than the i ja do .with. Evei-y , down-fe! i rest of io,a. out a da-a o carries t ; . d3:zlin., c : , way up ti t stairs, ool a wJiii ? i i . the so.; i i it I cau'r ') voices. ( ti. to he a L r a jNoi a. o. coine to g..-, man or wy.;' llOUM lv( r. . - yeast. ! i.r.: is, but' i'!a that ii a-:;', very tLi. a al way h , toes. ;-. i back a.i iu i , ed and i- ' -i . If I V- 1 largo j it tion b;iit i -might ';.'-. thr own til boyia, .a'.-'; i--my niari- i. inighii lia i pie, or a a j that won iv really bein came. i i ibr that las. tt:lt tlii:i i Thefo JO i tho (it: ill time, ail a- bp reij:ioviai and tsiaia ' the fcig.-.r.: a. 1 he Pii -7 that iai- . polub a . I am, and. ; lartto p-.-i fa: Oct. o K : my lile, the s:i.a" ;o rel. 'i n a i came ya I his liiiti 1 : potato'" I; though, -again. - ju"t .to :- That v: -was vcy--I shall. . ; : iroii-i rij . out a '.'a lea.ven i great s:. a and roots feel tii ir , heart ol sr. . T !i i. i .. Zi. . i lu n bar i equash, -2 a email ' ','H- than ; f n.ut'; mo, ii' I were ' orange, or -light ' ba : " iKl ' ba ; '0'ihE.t .Ufa 1 i tad arable; : - -o, and 'li. r.coount : '. a a large a -c-jritented. )lutely . o biggri; i - '.0 to comes ; a 'id tho i io, ' fishes uatoes and no, up the i fame, - tho cellar ; ;". Then a. song like i' o ; but ia - f their. Lvo glorious . children i. ) uiako a i -times the. ono for what yeast .something.. . it is: tha, V. Btit they iji'go pota , .ca rolled am fcruis- 1 One of the fas'rst walkers tn all and V my Ri J-oHl fiii-j :.. .la.v Gunld a- O ie fsiiiidred'aud twi-n f."i-i s..fta!rdiiig; ia the L '!.. were ro d WeSteru Uoia f ill U'iO.i reason why this should not be tioa aa'teTe-isl ,tion. It ba- j aboa.,d ' -ith walnut tr eranted-CMcaro News. gins the tight against tne "'"i" .- this sfcf 't'ti is J, A. Case, who car rieaso'.ib in -.li on tie? route from Mil ton to Sf-nn raJ, ,Hcotee, Yarboro and bSjc.k' to Mdtoii. Tbe distance is rui.re than 20 miles, but he makes it in. from nve; ,ani a bait to six hours hree times a week and makes no allowancesTor delays at the of v walnut I fices w:i-r up has to wait to have n-ar ! t' el nmil nr(-nd and made nr. His t! ly "for ! wjk does roi seem io worst bim at C -troll ii a I aKiaud be com in ar-eI of scried - qaaliy j ule tune every day. iUiiton Aaver- FAITH, iri...nitiniin'Klir'f w.. .t..r hpneath the eo 4b1 waits tio see it push away the ciou,. llo trusts in uoa. AIT UNFOETUNATE ALLUSION i . a .i- I. mnCx se.-sfi-I must th?.t w seed. sua, and t earth, a : i houi Li care of aa to ! ' Au.f 1 j their ' ' That ia now. lha v. y - 13 Ciotvl! knock. 1. .... tO-.: t!i - - : any r.1 tery.f.d' :a I am v '. ' P. ':- ' the r went- f u. E a. : J j bo'iat laro Chap! saoup- iXho teacher of youthful class in scnooioneuay , . With what siranKa weapon' asked am - son the PuuimUnea biny t - . The teacher sought to slightly aid their meuip And uppingo'DOiis jaw be asked, 'Jf o w childrea The answer they were searching for came tiac -J0-?????, tone, claimed. Xhe Jaw6onooXn !'" r ,Vli ; '-aaa-.OO.OOO for a tr. ..):' r. -a-: -William I. Scott. -.Aiici t-woii-.Xx -$40,000000 for Iesj tt-inI'-v ijOt.-Grover Cleveland.--Naif. Yorlj Sun- ... tail btjf.ato at - . t nr situa a L a i.i in, it ! . could bo . :.: a r 'f small ! ! I .make i.. dark I i il .y- - . ;, and j -. ..... r,ood as , . ..; the light a i r '... ciiaiice a : ; .. bouy kuqwa ' a.i .--a piatoes. .- :! or "mo but j, ilt.tt, soma.. 1 -NaiUWeVwill",'-'J'.v but "'ppbtire ,;, a bas : perhaps " 1 l:i. the heap. I have is, ' .1, o. I iiud a ; littler than i : i t just 'as the : lit ' iiie. i a auaage.ia .... 4 o I tut in '..;.-'i; 'im'e bar . . thu housa i tool; me in ', "A small . vary gently ma back i oatoe are . a " - . - i. i tiling it ' 'j .ny time -' .: . t:i 1, and a ill come "-' :al : ' at witU - : - :t'i the a';. . a plant, a '.i :ove and - iuto tite r i for seed 'a "t :p careful., a! .anything - it n Qt" for - .' ".'ing the . " ; , mother v of the i, a;' taking -, . , a: JI x'-tat" .' I co.1 3hare . ' others. , i II begin a . out of ".'"-a jsolato that 1 1- I won't . ,' a tliO. pota-: !; t '.thsn lam ' .w ''V.i9 iny3 :a so!T;d, and " .'.', ;d that a : a;5pptsed ; '' a; a Loi-rhts of tairs-to be ; iz'i not a A sa, , C. Leader. - I t .... I ' A she came from. tj - - -

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