) : "tin- ' rl ! ' ; : : ' ; .i ' - . . - . , send tot-e okbees "CUT ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'I, AMD TRUTHS' " II " ' Ui Advance. ! - . - . i I . . - . : i I l n n m tt t i I ' i - --. . . I I V . - X LI I N' P TrtH I ' I : . II itii, I . I lr- - i LETTER .l.V OL i It IV." MAX l - i murage, ana r . JI n, And lfe Higher Mis- ! -1 a iviug'wLwsli !r - in : '' old linn d but ' ' ' It. i 'tf Over tins i !irtH(i with - -i, wllO iij.it this waar He always -mile tV?t 'vriiiklee, end .- ': -;'r of age lor V !.-? b a. id fro, a.iad it), thq harhfs i !. lie is a im'au ;.un of convic Jit never "gives : J man can dVr-a ii. dying. IJis a sermon j to ! : Jvo . jwe hint yet. . One .) community 'is r i iiht house 5t?." If every I ike him there ks, no lost pas s .if life. .. V i:;.t'jer old man . ., a. veteran npf . . iii"' the people :of :., .- :i zhted ..to :..i-ive Scotch - tveu face aiid i- cordial sal'u . . :;i laugh give ; If-aitli and a ; '; ';;as recently h . iii which Jie with utidiufln- . Uiiiy. This r- mething ' else IV.it these u'e c? sea. ; ,ir their age" so i' cares of" lfe vu'r them. 'Do- ii-ii-point, jt.be or tht, losa'of '.'.in wrinkles dejep Ji (liiiopins? Qor- . h; bends the lvbs the vwide & ,',: lone. I met -. ' other day, iu-d abou''.a ;. t ist atid abbot t'lrt waterworks : ' a hd public . . .C. nd what . . ; ; ,-.t to rob v, i uad up his .;'. sijih and ipt ct to Irve i -sr. I tfie-tO ii s toryj.'.oi two Very d herd ibitiui a ill last the k'er, and as triOU'ited'he niti d: "Well, as' i'4 juc i yon ra 'ifi3 lie a, mi a 11 iu of . . . .-- a u 1 . rt h-stou t - his children v lo himself. Il'be .ii, "WhatCaiiau 5 . . - jLlr?. :.-f id .ma : ' 1 he is blind, d but diej- A v- (io-.-s it. jkl- . . sits on a -.t. i talks to -the run to aiidifro i. of the foiTrth . ; tiiey love tjiua ) hi in ''and' t?uide arourifl. ie, as, :tmt says ; .(Mill lie is Just !. Ills, very ;!.!. ii has- jdjs i : . in the -minds . ;.5 r -ii. " But ;th j school and ftbe t.st; her dutiestind ":e (.:..l. man, eits nth and rock 4 in . i ii.kn and thinks - . i ea asked what i :t when so oag .7 ruid, "about! my zitly and the scpiea the time whil! I ir.t and eighteen Miib'er alt thitSand about' it,, for I th. year rosund .. troijble c'ame. I rlil c!io:i,iand , v.m more sorrow !.-; -like a, liasty v . i i isuvlei uits re- t ll you now . r A"Jiat I was do - .thirty and for ' -s p.d." Memory One would : .'. t happened to j . .ji- of .inau : ve tiid ptrjiest s. -t tb.ey didknot. ir.-3 oi my Iboy Li :.;bt to ine as . 4y yearsi'ago, : Krister art,' t.he ; -ee the little I fish J :! i ill bed val-ittle W l? Cllilg iiUr? s, t the acro?3 V. for v r- hool-iuate3 . .--j i.'irls- ai)jd I ; i'lli- any wihere, . i i d td no w5 i re t;!"liool t.ifher, tiiere is the. c. t vi-; ; i lite i wheie he I 'remember Liir loj- fir'-3 at home 'and t ,-lJ-tiie ovens and skillets i .--s i ,.--- . VOLUME 20. and the oven crane la the ehim ney, , and Johnny-cake board tbatstood in the corner. Oh, yes, I remember a thooiand things that are of no conse quence, bat they are pleaaanf to think about now. I wag thinking how good the Lord had been in giving me each a happy childhood and makiag ipb to forget all.my tronblee." And so I ruminated bont that man. Suppogt he had had a hard, unhappy boyhood, how miserable would be hii mem ories now. I heard ft man say that all his young life fee lived in fear and sometimes1 in terror of his own father. What will his memories be wbe old age shall come and blot out' ereryv thin; but his youth. Then let parents try to. make their ebifei dren happy. If they harr -to- be punished, let it be in reason; and for good cause. Don't fret, don't let the children go to bed in sadness or in fears. There is no scundtBo pitiful as the sUhs of a sleeping child. Our school boys took' a.' no tion the other day that the first day of April belonged to them, and so tbey plotted to play the fool and not go to school, rale or no rule. These were the big, smart, uppity boys of the high est grade, and remind me of the seni ira of a college the' sen iors 1 used to belong, to. And so they asked the professor to give them holiday, and said he would like to Tery much,- for lie was about half sick and feared he was taking the meas- Jes, but that he bad no right to irive - holidays and the board mioht not like it. The boys interviewed the president of the hoard, and he said that he had seen the time when the boys took hodidays nolens volens nunc proo tune and bolus noxious, or words to that effect, which the boys understood as ft favorable response, and bo they stroked their chin luzz and laid their plans for a country frolic. They even inveigled some of the larce girls Into the conspira cy. When the morning came the professor was left without a anorum. He pretended to be Very mad, but he wasent. He never gets mad. He said he would report the whole concern to tbe board, but he dideot. He went home to enjoy the meas les' but got over them in an hour or eo, and was seen riding with a young lady in the after noon, and everything was calm and serene. The boys apologiz ed and the girls smiled sweetly; and it was agreed - all round they would not do so again for a year just a year, uur Doy: brought in his monthly report and It was all right algebra, 88; Latin, 99; composition, 99; physics, 100, and deportment 100 The last was the best of all. In old times, the teachers wouldn't trust the boys with their reports. They sent them to their fathers, for ; they were afraid the boys would change the figures to Buit f their own ideas of propriety, and I reckon we would, for there was right smart hostility between teacher and pupil. Their relations to each other are much kinder now. The teachers used to stand upon their dignity and carried themselves with stiff and stately reserve. I ney are more companionable now and have the love of their pupils as well as their fear. In the old times tbe boys were kept so disciplined and subdued that when they did break loose the havoc was fearful. They were like young mules i a pasture and kicked high and pranced around and brayed immensely. One time the boys took a no tion to have a holiday and "old Cargill" said We should en t He kept good seasoned hicko ries alwavs on hand, but he did smooth the . knots down- I'l give him credit for that. Squirt guDS were at that time all the rage with the boys. This dev ilish weapon of offense was long joint of a large cane There was a small hole in one end that was called the sack hole. The other end was open and had a drawstick or ramrod with enough rags around it to make it draw tight like syringe we cpnld eack op cane full of water and. then shove the stick like a. popgun and skeet the water forty feet away. - Early in th morning we toted water and took pus session of tbe school-house, up stairs and down, and when old Cargill came poking to the door, we opened on him with about forty squirt guns from all the windows above and be low and deluged him nntil he looked like a drowned rat. For half a minute he kept his dig nity and looked fierce and defiant, and then suddenly dropped his dignity on the! steps and . ran like ft tur key.. We ran him plum to his boardinghouse and saw1 him uo more until next morning. We prepared ourselves for the worst but he had the good sense to acknowledge the joke and make, friends. But the way be dm get even wttn us afterwards was awful. He licked us on the slightest pro vocation. I never made much funs over a eommo-ilit whip ping, but when the hickory cut into an old mark that hadent got well, it hurt I tell yon it did. It wan piling "Pelion np on Ossa" that is to My, it peeled to the bone. Theboyi WILSON, NORTH 04 ROLINA, APRIL 24. 1890 NUMBER 14 wouldent do a teacher that way now, nor would the teacher lick the boys like they did. I Oar young folks are having a good time and no mistake. Too good I'm ftfraid. They are taking up a power of time With their societies. There-is ft Bumble Bee Club, that meets once a month, and it takes a good deal of time and talking to fix it They meet and laugh and talk nonsense and play all torts of plays and kick up the earpet and desolate a window lhade or two and three or four chairs, and wo have to grin and pear it, tor the young folks must br happy, you know, for the sake of future memories. Then there is another set who have gotten up a cooking club, the Y. L. C. U. If they have brer cooked any we havent heard of it We thought it was la good trainiug school, but 'don't see the traia. It took my f elks all day to make and bake Rocky Mountain cake to carry to that clnb for ft midnight lunch, and a lot of hungry boys eat it all up as soon as it got there, and I never got nary slice, and nobody there learned how to make it or bake it. Yesterday my folks-told me to send un edme cabbage, and tnonght it was for dinner and fixed up my appetite, but when dinner --- came there wasent a sign of cabbage, and I found out it was converted into ft bowl full of chicken salad for the elnb. Bo I never got any cabbage, nor - chicken, nor salad, nor anything elie hardly. I consider myself the in urea nerson. for I am not asked to join the blab, not even as an honorary member. It is ail on o and no income to me, and I'm almost ready to sing : "What can aa old man do but diet" Bttx, JLbp. FOR THE FARM. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO TILLERS OF THE SOIL, Original, Sorrowed, Stolen and Communicated Articles . ' on Farming. WE-ITTXY SAVl K01T1- Hflw.Cifi Smtai ATOly Coi- ANOTHER EXAMPLE. A farmer in Michigan sold his farm of one hundred acres iu 1864 for $100 per acre hof an extravagant price at that lime and- received $10,000. With this he bought $10,000 61 United States bonds, bearing 6 per cent, interest in coin. These bonds furnished an income of $600 per annum, and left him free to dispose of his own labor as he saw nt. His t labor, to gether with the income from the bonds, supported his fami ly without adding to.or taking from the original amount re ceived as proceeds from the sale of the farm. In 1873 the 6 per cent, bonds were exchang ed for 4 per cents, due in 1907. At present rates of premium bonds are worth $12,500. flow is it with the purchaser of the farm? For the .first few years the business of farming paid him a profit, but since 1873 his profits has been less, Until a - state of positive l'us has been reached. As it now stands, he is an old man; his best energies, has gone. tiis farm is less fertile, his build ings old and weather beaten.' He has no more stock than when ha began, and the - farm that cost him $10,000 twenty- six years ago, upon which ue has expended all the labor ot the best years of hts life, can not be sold for $4,000. But the money with which it was pur- eh&aed has increased in its power over values until it will now buy three just such farms. Is there not something bayou J free trade or protective tariff iu this example 7 National Economist. money from whatever surplus there may be in the j treasury, hut to issue legal tenders for the amount of the mortgage, as in the -case of the national bank ?;' "That is it precisely." "How long will this mortgage run ?" "For'tbe man's entire life, if need be, nnle9s,as my resolu tion states, the government should deem it, wise to call in the loan . after a certain period." From a perusal of the a- ove it seems to us that it is the same idea as was advanced by Col. Harry Skiauer. of .-Giteuv ill, some three years ago. The question ba been agitat- ted repeated", "nd seems to be growing in favor. Ed. THE WA?v 13 OVEE. NEWS OF A WEEK. -to:- -WHA T IS HA rrhXItfG I v 1HE trOHtjD UROUSIi &S. CAned Report the Ifew From our Contemporaries. . Hendereonville it to have a t70, 000 hotel, Abbeville will soon have a $20, 000 market bouse. Durham i to have an ice factory with a capital utock of $20,000. u. i . noon or Wayne county, has ben adjudged insane and hent to tne asylnaa at, Raleigh. It is aid that both the Episcopal uianons in cms arate will soon mar ry very charming and cultured la mes, i That is "What Tha S -liars Say And nactica A Federal soldier who foght uuder Sherman, but now sports a civilian's dres, walking down the avenue in Washington City oa.o day this week, met a seedy looking man, evidently hard up, but with something of the old soldier stamp in his ap pearance it never leaves them fhey almost know each other by instinct. ' f "Comrade," said the Federal, "I see you have on the grand army button." : "Yes, but I wasn't on that side; I was a rebel soldier," said the man. The Federal ran his hand in his pocket, and whis pering the stranger to go and get something to eat, he quiet ly slipped a half dollar in his possession. That's the Masonic siern betweeu these men. Out sidera -"cannot understand it But strange as it may sound the warmest friend the ex-Con federate soldier has to-day is the "Billy-Yank,'? who fought him on field of battle.--Tom Evans iu Korth State. LAND AS A BANKING BASIS. Ifr, Heary Charles Lea, of rniiaaeiDnia, - a-luuiu.u, be the the President in an open letter to Mapply conscience to public affairs" and repudiate Quay.- The "temporary ab tnitnn sv the letter of : . aw - r i...i. I says S-rri7!Kr.. ' M everybody knows all Vork World, with details oil names, nlaees d dates, dis qualifies hinf,Hr. Litft contends, for his pWl-cV' position as intermediary:- WStween the President andtheT distribution of offices frompthe postmaster goneralshtp down. it is to be f rd. tiwever. that it is a hopeless trsK Mr. Liea nas un- dertifl flftys the Baltimore Rani-To "atsolv conscience to Dub1irftlTairB' now would ruin too sny Senator 3tanfrod has intro duced a resolution in the Senate to have tbe currency of the country based on its landed wealth. The able correspond ent of the New York Herald Na- tlonal Banks are dependent for existence upon the country s debt. In shaping the financ al policy of the United States as the first Secretary oi tne ireas- . - w-r -11 . . i . ury, Alexanaer tiamiiion, ue sired, above everything else, a public debt as a basis lor his operations, and for this purpose secured the assumption of' the debts of the colonies. The friends of Hamilton have al ways sung his praises, but there An Editor's Woe. i In all respects except one we are the people. But a man can't buy in Statesyille a pipe which is fit to smoke. When the writer was a kid he used to cut long reeds, dry them, bore them out and. sell them to 'Sauire Jamison and other portly gentlemen at about five cents a dozen; but uolong cane pipe stems are on the market now; nor any clay pips that can be looked at with any other feeling than one of contempt Vhat has become of the boys and what has become of the clay pipes of aald lang syne ? Statesville Landmark. The barn of Eld. J. T. Ejerton near Pikeaville, was destroyed by fire 1 ait week. Los aboot $1,000. No insurance. List wek the steam saw mill of Wm. Walling & S-b, of Washing ton waa deetroj ed by fir at a loss of $3,000. $1,000 Insurance. Tbe North Carolina Medical Society will hold its thirty seventh annual meeting In Oilord. Blav 27'h, 28th and 29th of this year. The new Presbyterian church wnicn m to go op t Oxford next umaier will be ot brick r.d will have a seating capacity of 400 It is to cost $600. Tbe length of tbe Wilmington & vveidon Koad is one hundred and sixtjrtwo miirs, and its -branphhs aggregate tnree hundred and four- aud fourteen miies. Mr. J, A. Wetbrook shipped mree crates (96 quart) of stra berrie to tbe Northeru markets last Monday, tie had made one or two small shipments previous to the aoove. -Alt. Olive Telegram. JNorth Carolina gave .$80,000 to crippled veterans of tn Confed eiacy last year, and its contribution to the pension land for Federal soldiers was $3,000,000.-Norfolk Virginian, The Standard -h-.- a Concord small boy told bis mother that the catechism was-certainly right about people being made ont of the dust of tbe ground becaass he had slapped both himself and his brother and both times tbe dua came ont. The State Qnard numbers 1,541 men. The Rockingham frnit crou ia a flailure. The new build rag of Trinitv Col- lege, at Durham, will cost $50,000. A $15,000 Publish ng Honse is, to be run in Dnrham in connection with Trinity College. A beautiful table composed of 1,000 pieoes of wood has just been made at Gaineuville, Florida. The proprietor of the Orton hotel building has decided not to close the hotel daring tbe summer as it was rumored be would do. Over 5,000 blue fish were caught at Nag's Head last Saturday in two ours. A new York man offered I SO cents apiece for the lor. Hon". Chas. M. Stedman succeeds tne ute Hon. T. W4 Poole as the agent for the stle of the lands held by the State Board of Arricnltnre The saw and hinrle' mill of Mesfrs. Davenport & Flemming, at racioius, ntt county, N. C. were tetally burned on Thuisdav niiht. April' 10. , A terrific atorm raged on Pamli co Sound last Thursday. Capt. J. W. Hill, of Washington, was drowued and mach damage done to small boat. . . Mr. H.T. Lyle, chief aceut in charge of tbe recorded Indebted ness Btatfstics for this State, savs to tbe Baleigh News and Observer that tbe statistics have now been gathered from all the counties in the State bat twelve ad he ex pects to have the work 00 m pie ted oeiore .nay jst. Fore v the conntv! is reported to be in the best condi tion of any county in the State; There ia on exhibition at barbee and rope's store a branch of a cot fee tree showing tbe voffee berries as tney grow. roe brunch was cut from a tree in Mexico by Dr T. D. Hogg who was in t hat conn try a few days ago. The branch is yet green and' fresh looking. State Chronicle. me cuy or uoiusuoro has some five thousand dollars in toe publt treasury and is ont of debt, not withstanding the fact that it has tbe beat graded .school in the who! country, North and South, and very low rate 01 taxation, and 4h ablest of any town in the Sta',e in public improvements. Argus. MMnr is no question that his financial ny sacred political obli- nticaliv st 11 gatians. Besides, who is w - 'io ba9 brought great manage-the next rresiqenuai "-'. . to the success of tbe protec tionists cense if Mr. Unay, is rotten rid of? 'And doesn't the President go to hurch every 8unday, except when he takes ft cruise ? In that! does he not "apply conscience.' Does nAt Mr. Lea know that with men 'of the Harrisen type re ligion is one thing and politics inAthar? If it should be se riously attempted to "apply eonsciense to public anairs there Would be no hope I of the ! re-election of Mr. Harrison. Does Mr. Lea advise the! Presi dent to defeat himself ? That's the way his advice sounds. .Bright Sunday School Children.- ; The Franklin Times publishes This advice which, in bis simnlieity and honest inten tions. Mr. Lie gives no tne President recatts the witty sally of a bright lawyer in Eastern North Carolina. A postmaster had long held the position, and an attempt was made oy local Republicans to secure a- change on the ground that the mourn bent would not ftid the Bepub Mean. cartr by contributions and etherwise. One day the lawyer asked the P. M. if there would be ft change. ! "I do not know," was tbe re ply. "I commit all my ways unto God, and try to accept whatever comes fts from His handa." ! "Then," replied the lawyer facetiously, "you will De turn ed out of office. Don't you know that the Lord steadfastly Kfnua to htvs anvtblng to do With a Republican administra tlon f It wonld be better for you if you had one Radical "hustler." because they ar the onlv cowers that Influence the Republican President.", It i$ Ons rf The Bait, '. : --!- : . Bill Nye is - unquestionably verry funny. But a man is never really witty when he has to be so at the expense of truth. In a late article he speaks of the Western North Cyrolin Kailroad ai "an incor porated insult to the public." Now it may be that we are too obtuse te see the fin ; in this paragraph, but when we reflect that the Western North Caro lina Railroad is one of the the fastest and best equipped roads in the 8outhf we ! confess to seeing nothing humorous iu tke landt. 8tate Chronicle. "Yob1 catr gov into1 society without clothet" . - I "Can'teh? When I was a bov we . went Into v the swim without ft Ur-d ititeh 1" The best money Is that bied upon the wealth of a people not their, debts. This plan of Senator Stanford's, differs ma terially from the Alliance plan introduced by Senator Vance. His plan makes the land the basis while the Alliance plan makes the products of the lacd the basis. A better plan than either would be the repeal of tbe ten per cent, tax on the cir culation of State banks, and let all the property - of the people be the basis for banking. This idea he has put in the form of a resolution instructing the Finance Committee to in- quirj if loans may not be made by the government tppn mort- gages aeposueu wiiu it upon real estate, the mortgages to bear a low rate of iterest say from one to two per cent., per annum and the government reserving the power to call iu a, reasonable amount of its loans at its discretion. Senator Sanford said this evening, when I spoke with him regarding his plan, that it was the duty of the government to issue currency upon the vaK ue of real property : or to au thorize the establishment of national banks, with power to put legal tender notes in cir-. eolation upon such security which should be guaranteed in their redemption by the Treas ury of the United States. And why not, he asked, if a na tional bank purchases bonds issued by the Government and, to the extent of ninety eents on the dollar, Js authorized to put notes in circulation as currency, of which the general govern ment guarantees the payment; if bullion from tne gold mines may be taken to the mint and have its value fixed by the iin prespion of a die; if silver buK lion may be accorded free coin age because of its standard and fineness, why may not a farmer, a town property of established, fixed and certain value, be used as the basis of a sound and healthful currency ? "How could , you 'init'your plan in operation ? I askd. - "J wonld have inspectors ap pointed to appraise the prop erty, and make the loan on tbe decision renderel by them. The'interest which the borrower would pay would furnish a sum sufficient for all the ex penses connected with the plan." "Your idea, then, as I under stand it, is not to loan this ! No. 1. A bright little six year old of Washington in reciting the Ten Commandments the other day, want at it in this wLe : Thou ekalt not steal ; thou shalt not kill: thou' -shalt not have the grippe. No 2 One of our bright Sun day Schools boys after listen ing to a lecture about the Queen of. Sheba and King Solo mon said very earnestly " hv did the Oueen go so far to see King Solomon: why did she not tekgraph ?" -r Washing ton Gazette. . I . Cowardly- . pitif d letter irom a negro who "ex HOME CHAT. IT- C. THOUGHT x-i J EXCllASGE,. . oris Cbmtnenin on curranr XF Ei-eat and Opinion. ST," to us : An anonymous letter-writer hounded, a oung lady in to suicide, a fe.c days ago in Illinois. Human nature reach es its lowest level in this form of meanuess, which combines cowardice and malignity. Write nothing to which you are not willing to sign your own .proper name. Nashville Christian Advocate. All Easiness- They were talking of death when one man asked : "What were his last words ?" "He. didn't say anything," was the reply. "That's just lika- him," said the first man, with an. approv ing nod, "therek was no gas about Mra. He waa all busi ness Texas Si fling's. Hither St ows- what young mam- ' Mrs. Fangle Lizzie, time was-it when that man left lastenight ? Lizzie Abput eleven. ma. ' - j Mrs. Fangle Now, Lizzie, it was two hours later than that, for I distinctly heard him say, as you both went to the door, "Just one, Lizzie." You can't fool your mother. New York Sun. ' ' .Impracticaole. "Has Mrs. Mizzen ever ex pressed a desire to be buried beside her husband 5" VNo, never," "How heartless. He was so devoted to her." "Yes, but he was lost at sea?' -' A Fatal Gift of Bsauty. "''he fatal gift of beauty what is it T' said Smithers. "Well, I give it up unlass un unless it's ' the Christmas present -your wite gives you and you have to pay for," oduted'7 from that county Louisiana last fall. He bess his brother to send him money to com home on. He says his boss "weigh ont yore lonnce every Baddy an yon work fum lite ter dark and de oversee you same as in slavery." - Mr. Asa Black welde tells that be has just sawed up a pine tree that beats the big on reported from Stanly some time ago. It made 1,75G feet of one and one quarter inch lumber, . and if it bad been nawed into weather boarding it would' have made 2,000 feet or more. The tree was in No. 11 town ship. Concord Times. The Stockho'ders of the Nag's Head hotel have secured the ser vices of Mr. J. M. Whecbee, of Hertford, for landlord of the hotel tor the comiug season. It will be remembered that Mr. WLedbte -as the popular Keeper ot tne dom-i 1; 1880. and he is now a guarantee of satisfaction for tbe present j-ar. Eliztbetn City Falcon. Tbe Journal says two passenger cars are being built at the A. & N C. railroad shops, whicfi will be needed for the summer travel. The Raleigh correspondent to tie Wilmington Messenger says tuat doable daily trains will be ran over the A. & N. O. during the Teacher's Assembly. Mr. Chadwiok's admin titration of this road seems to be progressive and wie. it is stated that while ll h is b. en a current belief that only about fif ty thousand negroes have left the State during the past fifteen months, the real number who have departed will exceed seventy thons and. The causes of the exodns are really only .two in number. First, the short crops,, and second, the persuations of the labor, agent There fa no politics in the matter and no oppression. "The reed, commonly called cane the val lable perennial forage plant that grows in canebrakes, is said to bloom very seldom in this lati tude. " Mr. Wilborn Coffey, a vefy observent gentlemen who is over 80 years old, says that he-has never seen it in bloom but once Mr, Henry C. Coffer, of Mulberry, has never seen any reed blooms nntil this year, when, be 1 6ays, it is blooming generally. The bloom is very much like "cheats" heads, on ly much larger and coarser. Lenoir Tobic. Gas Bonner, a partially paralyz ed negro, who lives near Avoca, owns a wife, two children and small female dog. Gus has caught with tliix little dog, I during this season, ending February 1st, one hundred and rortyMoUr opo60tns and thirty coons; the little female dog doing all the treeing and Gas little 11 year old boy (' nance is his name'-doing all the climbing; Deitber beiojj rqoai to th task ot catting down tbe tr. - .The little dog was permitted to ' all tbe 6zhting and consequently "before the season was over began to learn a1 keen relish ior coons, u' qaent ly the fall off in coons. The Governor has commented the M6ntenc of Jttsse Brown, of Craven county, . to imprisonment for life. Brown was -connoted of mnrder and sentenced lo oe hanged last Friday. ' ; We bear that, young .Cowles, hose untune ly death we chroaW d last e-k was much in love rith an Oxford girl, and ont of this came bin great depression that resulted iu his uuiioio!y aud tragic death. Last Saturday night, April 10, Mr. E. N". Blither, of Clinton, was waylaid on. his way. down town from sapper and shot by an nnknown party. - He died at .12:15 Moad&y evening, it the. guilty party :s caoghl it is forced that he will be lynched, Four convicts at work on the R. & S. road escaped Thnrtday last and are now at liberty. While they were being carried to work they attacked the guard, B. O. McKinzie knocked him down, secured his gun and $3 10 money; rid -escaped to tbe woods. Madison News. - It is claimed that the pay-roll of the Tarioo manufactories, in Greensboro, toot up, weekly, about 150,000. Toe five cents Savings bank of Greensboro, has declared a uiTiaena at tne rate or are per annum, wbioa 1 tbe maximum al lowed by tne cnarter. There was a considerable eurplns. It is Iearnrd from a. private lets ter that five of the negroes that left Mr. VV. H. Worth's place, in this eoufty, were .drowned by tbe breaking of the levee on the Miss issippi river recently. There is 2ieat, suffering' among all the toor people of the Mississippi bot toms. Kiaston Free Press. The date for the next meeting of ttie North Carolina Prs Associa tioa,. J38 been fixd for July 23rd. Tbe executive committee will meet May 1st, to select the place. It is reqoested that editors having pre ference fchould indicate it to the Mrs. Nancy Morton, of Montgom ery county, is evidently a 'peart'' woman. According to a correspond ent of the Troy Vidette, she start ed to make soap at 7 o'clock on tbe morning or the 23rd of March, aud by 3 o'clock in tbe afternoon , had tt200 pounds ready foe nsej besides aoing ner bouse work." More than this, ashe has 40 young chick ens, 9 of which are large enough to crow," The Greensboro Patriot says tha'. two brothers by the name ot Clark uTiug ia uoiuora connty, nave a magnificent black stalliou ahicb is so unmanageable that he has been Kept nailed up la his stable for three years, and fed and watered tnrough a hole in the wall. They rerased to ' self him for less than V jou. iso one has yet been found able to tame him. He ia mo nonnced the finest horse in form and blood in that action. T. : - . iii iu uoc every man who can eo west ana grow up with the coun try. A few years ago William Mor gan, or Wilkes county, N. O., left ma npme with his young ife and two children and went to Alabama to make his fortune. Ha had innt. 05 wneu ne started for his new home. Last Monday he reached Spartaubarg on his way to his old bonce. He had his wife and four children; an old 'rickety one-horse wagon and a few remnants of clothing and bed-clo hing. He had aoont money enough to get home, jue imiiy nas malaria enough in their system to last ten years. A bright little boy said ; Mister, you will never know wuat the head-ache is nntil you have chills in Alaba iwma." 11 ne uad remained iu North Carolina, he would have been worth $2,000 to-day, and in the en joyment 01 health. Spartanburg (a. v.) spartan, 25tb nit. Some time in 1893, Steve Jacobs who is now otherwise known , as the Robeson county desperado and outlaw, was tried in Robeson coun ty for murder. He was convicted and sentenced to be banged. An appeal waa taken to tbe Sapreme ceurt, and in the meantime Jacobs was put in jail. The appeal papers were sent to tbe Supreme court and in due time tbe cane came up ior argument and v consideration An opinion was - filed some time last month, confirming the sentence of .the lower court; and according to the law Governor Fewle'pro ceeded to appoint a day for the execution of Jacobs. Last week he appointed May 8th as tbe day and the papers were sent to the sheriff of Rebeson county. On Friday the State and Court officials were somewhat surprised "CnEA.I'KST AND EES: ine coeanest. an.l .,.u.' ' a. . best school i the 51 the Graded. In Shelhv fJ'Vi,"! no forty puBfs are hTSSS liioii- u at a cost t only $o15 th i not one doll month Shelbv l'lr pupil for each urora. It i . T. . - secretary or some member of the tmoerton nooesonia committee. We h.ve it from reliable antbor- ity that 5.000. were spent daring tbe late trial of Father Boyle. The money came to lileieh from sever al Northern cities. Mr. Whitaker. the father of the mined girl, had no money to pay a counsel, and no member of the - bar ' came forward an.l vo'uutPcred to speak for her. Goldsboio Headlight. Preid nt Blliotti of the Coast Line; was here yesterday, and was asked by a Chronicle reporter two direct questions with reference to this . matter. ..He. 'said, there was no -intention, at present, of extending the Ii ie from Springhope to lialsigb, and tb..t there waa no proposition on tbe part, of the Coast Line to join in the erection of the Raleigh Depot. Stae Chronicle His was such a kind act that we must make public mention of it. We iefer to a nice suit, of clothes presented by Alex Wall, colored, to a little whue boy, because and in appreciatiou of Ibe favors done by the lattei'a father before his death. This is such a noble and unusual expression of gratitnde, as that it should eushrine Alex' name in the hert of every sympathiser with the unfortunate. Lanrinburg Exchange. We learn from an authentic source that, a passenger Bteamer is Don under construction in WiK mington. Del., to run between New Bt-.tne and Eliz ibH b Ci'y tri-week- ly. Her sprcp is 12 miles an hour, double propeller, state rooms on up per deck : Call Rer William Gas ton and she'll be named-after a man of New Berne whose name is first in honor, virtue and patrio tism in Carolina' distinguished roll ot honor. ' ' . L)9t TueRdey night at about one o'clock a party of masked men rode up to the Sheriffs room,, near tbe jail, and kno;ked. Sheriff Pully went to the door and opened it, when the crowd robbed in and cov ered him with pistols and guns and demanded that he surrender. They then '.ompelleo him to let them in to the jail, where tbey. captured about fifteen gallons of blockade com whisky chat bad been placed there by Deputy Collector Woody for safe keeping. After getting the whisky the crowd quietly shook band", with the, aheiiff and then proceeded up town to look for a waii-.t j ivhic'i . w .s c-iptared some time ao t-'ie whiskey , was. Tbe'j -found thri Tarfnn, but could find no whopN,s- they loaded it on ai'Otuer wagoa ai.il ltft town. This w. th piojicrty that vm seized here about . three weeks ago by Officer Andrews, for which be bad such a rait-e down main street. About two weeks ago the horse was taken from tbe iivery stable. lioxboro Courier NONE AT ALf,, 'Do you know what-," ,1 otCape Ann do whenr,, Zl another. Upoa coafeg. sing bis ignorance was infortnM that they k-t it rain. Tin., true philoor-h.v.lu that. Thef. - is, reader iretti,,, and wor . . shoitens life. Did von fu. V What is the use of doin if ,. - Durham Sun. 0 .Z - .' ' : ' THE EKPUULICAX WIT, The trouble with Cnn.. that the Senate in organized In the interest of the great mH.. and trusts, and the Honse t. mn by the agents of sneniai tnia.f This is the plain English of it. The farmers will have to nnll th mask off of CouresN, and kick oat , uie mauquerauers before they eTer get justice at the. uational capital. Greeusboro' North State, "SUSPEND JUDGMENT." it will t)e liotict'd lu the court proceeding that one party had 18 cases agiuust him tor selling liquor to minors and tlint "judgment was suspended upon paymenS of cost," We fear this is uot a successful ex ecution of .'aw. Wheu men become so regnrdlesi of law, as to have IS cases in one court he should be sub jected to the lull pwnalty of the ' Statute.- -Lincoln Courier. DEPLOlt AULK, IF TilTJE. It is reported that not over ona-i half of the public school teachers in North Carolina take and read a newspaper or 'newspapers. With this statement before ns, we are of" the opinion that Prof, E. P. Moses in his recent strictures on oar school teachers was about right. No man has any business teaching school who does not read aewsoa- papers, because his education is only half complete. Lexingtou Dis patch. EVEKY MAN TO ttIS CALLING. There is hardly an editor in this State jwho can be called an orator, " and but few ..of them can make any sort of a speech. The reason is a very natural one. These tnen ' be come o acciisromed to expressing 1 themselves iu print that it is posi tively eniha'ritsMiig to attempt to give u'terance to their (hongbts in any other way. On tbe other baud a large major ity pt those who are generally ac- to receive a letter from the sheriff cepted as good speakers, if pat 01 iwutJHuii, Bbaiiu,; iuaii ae nere- ith returned tbe order of exocu tion, from the fact that Jacobs had broken jail and made good his es cape on August 9th 1889, and' that the order could not be carried oat, A reward of $400 is now outstand ing for the capture r Taoobs. into an editorial chair, Would make as big fools of themselves as so mo editors do when they unwittingly step upon the seductive platform. Winston Daily. - A FOOL. 'kesbarre, red bim- (-I am little I know, ut I think I ean throw a weight of a hundred tons." So sang a proud banana peel. Bat Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are quite as powerful in meeting with an overthrowing dis ease. If yon have rash of blood to the brain, dizziness, headache, constipation, ia indigestion, or billioasness, buy a vial of )bese little Dills at once. One a dose. Ea Was Unjustly Accused. ' Employer (violently) I am told that you are a great liar. sir that it is impossible for you to speak the truth. Is that so ? Employee (violently) I am afraid it is, sir. Employer (radiantly) Give me your hand, you have been maligned. You can speak the truth. Gathered ficsea "We thought her dying when she step. And sleeping when she died' But the bitterest sting of such sorrow is to think she might have been saved 1 Tbey saw the rose race on ner cneet and tbe eye Krow dim. Had they but known of Dr. Piere's Golden Medical Dis coverv, who can tell bat she might still be with-them, the sunshine of their home. Take tbe remedy in time, and yon will find that con sumption (which is scrofula of tbe lungs) ean be enred. Tbe Discov ery is guaranteed to cure in all cases ot diseases for which it- is recommended, or money J paid for it will be promptly refunded. "': ; She Sad 'Em-. "What was your husband's last words?" "He hadn't any," sobbed, the widow, "1 was with him." E p 0 c h- The transition from long, linger ing aod painful sickness, to robust health marks an epoch id the life of the individual, aach a remark able event is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby tbe good health has been attained is gratefully blessed. Henee it is that so much is beard in prise of Electric Bitters. So many - feel they owe their restoration te health" to tbe use of tne Great Alterative and Tonic , Iryon " are troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short stand ing yon will sorely find relief by use of Electric Bitters. - Sold at 50o. and $1.00 per bottle at A. W. Rowland's Drugstore. THE EESTJLT OF DEI .: A young man in V Pa"., ''went out nnd 1 self after bis liist quvrrel with his young wile. It was perhaps a silly, certainly a criminal "method of expressing. Iuh first real disap pointment; because in suicide there are nulla vestigia retrorsnm. It is a filial and irrevocable plqnge into the unsnowu with no chance for a reconsidei ation. Hat allowance may be made for the rude dissipa-' tion of a dreaoi of perfect Uappiy and harmony with one so loved as the young wife, one upon whom ideal hopes of bliss were centered. It was because thay. were ideal not real, that t '10 young man was disappbiuted,4l6 had fixed his be lief upon a perfection that has no existence, lie found on the"ouU set of his matrimonial journey the rocksthatlay in rue pathway or life. Their discovery was an unex pected and cruel revelation; he tell upon tbeiii and wascrushed. Asheville Citizen. A Gsntlenun ia ah:t Placa- The narrator erf the following has great faith iii the catechism, and teaches it with a pertinacity which would challenge tie admiration of Calvin bifielf. He is also very particular iu instructing bis children to speak politely on all occesions The ie.u!t of his teach ings is 'sometimes, amusing. This was the case -one. day last week, when he was putting tbe! youngest-, or the fonr through his preparatory course. The question was asked. "Who tempted Kvo !" The little fVitow, altera moments thoughtt with an air of confidence, replied: "It's the gentleman who-, livesj in he!i; .I've forgotton his name Hickory Press and Oaro. linian. ' If you have a sick headache take , a dose of Laxador, we. know JOO , Will find relief. the Pulpit AsiTlia Stage. Kev. F 'M. Shrout, Pastor United Brethren Church, Bine Mound Kan says; "I feel it my duty to tell what- wonders Dr- King's W for me- 7 hadlv diseased. "M,,e1' --v. j j ill V Uril IUl-nn '' " And- Yl:y Vfi'kS I a Tw Bouinl and wen CIJ eivi aw ' . , , T. gaining -25 lbs in 'weight. Arther Love, ..Manager r:,..iil:;nation, Qg w ------ I am ouuuucuu acd could took five Love's writes; "After a tboroi n ..... dici1 Dr. Kina's Consamjittofj bPiti em " "d cures wliea everyrhmg else laita.. The greatest kindness I can do my many thousand friends is to- arge toem to try u." rree iruu bottles at A. W. Rowland's Drag Store. Regular jize 50o. and f LOCK -f

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