The Wilson Advance, c.F. WILSON, - ILoeal Editor WILSON, N, C , MlY 22th, 1$90. The train South bound Monday w as thronged with preachers and delegates who had been to Tarboro. Last Thursday was a goldeniay for Wilson. We believe influences the eff.ct oi which will be elt Sot ears to come were sec in motion on lhat day. The alarm of fire was sounded vesterdaymorning, and the foundry W-is found to be oh fire, - It was pusilv extmguisnea oeiore any damage was done. 'Snow Bound at Eagles" is -niidertully interesting story. ts third cnaDteris in this wpeek's Ad vance. Look up the paper for fche at two weeks and read the story, 1' y0a win oe wen yaiu. r . .i . II ; ir 1 if, ia a pleasure to her many (vjends in Wilson to see Mrs J. jj unhurt able to drive abour, our streets once again, and to know ,haf shP has almost entirely recov ered troui her ieceut illness. Tr f A. Woodard gave the iiWr..r",t .Towels" of tbe Methodist eiinrch a picnic at tbe chnrfch Toisuot Swamp yesterday tr,t :m brisht boys and beauti ful girls went out and - bad a jolly rollicking time. ; . , .; Prf ' T. C. Manning, reacheriof j,eumansbip' arrived Tuesday from 'ew Berne, where he has been teaching three classes. He will teach here and as be comes so well recommended we feel sore he will h.rn no troiibla in getting a class. See Advertisement. ' : j 0r talented towosman, Capt John F. Braton, was elected Depu te rirand Master of the Graad Lodge of Qdd Fellows for the State of North Carolina, it was a com niimAnt ' richlv merited ana we fi nr he will houor the office to which his ability bas called mm. Tii. oron reDorts for May have l)eu received by the . Agricultural Department. There is a bad fall in off as no oat crop will be maue. Thf rnrresDon dents all agree in saying that the apple crop will pe a laree one. but there! will be jio peacbes. The peach crop prom ises to be the smallest pn record to tbis State. j The summer session ot the Uuiversitv LiW School begins pn JqIt 1st and ends on the last Moo- day in September J non. 8bepberd, Associate Justice of te Suprtirae Court, will assist Hon. John Manning in the lectures and recitations. The iees ior me sxmyi and .Inninr classes is $60, or $30 for either, payable in advance. We were pleased to learn that the attendance at the Y. M. C. A- meetineon last Sunday eveniqg wotw mni'.h increased. A basj- nes3 meeting will be held to-mat-row(FridaT) night In Mr. Johu E. Woodard's offlrie, and tbe presence r.f ever member is specially d,e- .ir, All n hers interested ia-the work are cordially Invited. 3ill Aip doea some talking in thjw week's ADVANCE with wnicD our Ailiauee readers will not apree nor do w. The old fellow, nsnal, talks wVat "he think-, and, while we do not always stree' wijth what he says, we always enjoy at. and we beiieve our re -tiers do therefore we pub ish hi articles 'Cash Ca ches tli.e "Bargain' and it is the spirit and pnueipie of The Cat-h Racket S ore to give yjin the best bargains for the Cash to beob'aiued anywheres Tee new dpring stock that is- oow being rapidly disposed of by this popular hoase, show that bargains a?so catches the cash. See advtrtise. menr. . ; Trie tull programme of the 7th annual session of the N. C. Teac)ix era' Assembly has been issued, apd we are indebted to Secretary Hr ' re!I for a copy. As usual, itl i- elaborate ond interesting. Qae fOf the features will be a lecture y Mi89Kate iield, ot Washington, D. O, and another will be the siuglng ot Capt. Frank Cuuuinggjn, ofltichtnond. Messrs. F. W, Birues aud A J. Simms made aflyieg Irip throogb Pitt county as far as Pactolus last week. Cout,in Jack" tells us that the prospect of a flue crop is vry bright. He says he never 8a wj a better stand of cotton and corn anywhere than in the. section thev traversed. Every man is feeling good-over the present outlook and inucb work has beeu accomplished. He says the'peuuit) of Pitt treated tliem -'white." j AVe weie pleased to see' W. JR. Allen, Esq , of Goldsooro, iu town last week.. He is, we learn, .the probable successor of Judge Speir . Whitakef in the Raleigh distant. He isone of the best eqaip'id lawyers in the State, a man off ce aud character and would make a Judge of whom every citizen of he State wou'd feel proud. We bbth hoe and belieye thst the Demo- viain oi lUdh UliCriCli Will UU i IJUlgi him as the candidate for Jodee. Among the list ot patents eratit- ... - i ed latt week we notice the" follow hie to North Carolinians: G. W. iSsker, Jouesboro, matchsafeF; J- U. Rawls, WilsnD, wafch-raak-I staking teol. Mr. Bawls, iif a citizen of this place and we sup pose there are but few people who -Know ol his va!aab!e invention in sometning absolute:-, neces- 8ary to. a first class jeweler -find e l"'pe he may: find It a most pro fi; a Me invent lion., ': - rr. - - i'ie entertainment in the.Cjnrr "-iiNiV last Thursday night was " attended and genera'ly enjoy Tlle 8irKn by Mrs. ' lill. fliit-sts Lzzi Banes and Usittie Cliurebw 11 was beatiful and exquis -y reniered. Prof. Farmer recit , " an original declamation, "The burreuder of Lee" in an excellent tt nner. as was also the recitaUon "J Mr. Murray. Mr; Henrv Bloont capturfd, as usual, his hearerif by inimitable recitation of f Rip vn Winkle." Prof. MIver's citation ot one of Father Ryan's iwms was admirably performed. PERSONAL MENTION vt. tioiaen, or jnnu, is visiting I.:, x . i rv w m-m i " ma lULbui, ur. iu. uoiaen. Mrs, E. L. Middleton left Monday for Dnrham to visit her parents. Mrs. Dr. M. Holden is home from a visit to friends in Harnett county. r an M Itr.a T-.nv, r -1 pn,. vocFuub uAmeia. uiodieigu, spent iaet Sunday in v ,lson- V non. James E. Shepherd of the supreme uourt bench was in town yesterday. Mr. Isaac Dortch, ot .Goldsboro, was in town Monday on profession al business, : ' Mr. John Wnnilarrl wax in Roctcy Mount Motiday on profes sional business Mr C. G, Bradly, of Tarboro, passed rhrcugh here Monday en route to Charlotte, I . . . Mr. K..U. Saddler, of the Tar- uoro Banner, passed through Mon day, en route for Raleigh. ' Capt. H. F. Price is at home from Georgetown, S. C. and will spend some time with his wile and daughter here. Mr. O. H. Spencer, who has been visiting relatives in Wilson for tb past. week has returned to his home in Cary, N. O. Mr. J. B, Rouatree returned Monday from bis trip to St. Louis where he attended the meetiusr of the Methodist Conference. Mr?. E. M. Nadal. accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Jfeutress, re turned from Raleigti Tuesday. Mr. Eruest Nadal also returned with her. " 1 i Mm. Hancock and Mrs. Marsh. of Washington, who for some time past have been viniting friends in Wilson, left for their homes yesterday. . Mr. Dave Woodard, the efficient bookkeeper , for the Fayetteville clothing factory of Messrs. W. B. Yoong & Bro., spent Sunday in tov7u with bis parents. 1 Misses Sallie and Mary Ruffin and Messrs. W. L Cantwell. James and Lee Woodard attended the Centennial Celebration in Tarboro Saturday' and Sunday. They re turned Monday. Mr. D. S. Boykin returned Tues day fi am a trip through the South ern States in the interest of th Wil con Bag Rack " Co. i. We are glad to know he met witL' good luck in selling their invention. c Mrs. Dr. Blount, ol Washington, left Saturday morning for her home. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. John Moore, who is convalescing from her recent limes-, we are glad to know. C . mciebcement Ezex cises- We are indebeted to Messrs. Dur ham and Rahders for an invita tion to attend the Commencement exercises of Trinity College, be ginning June 8th and continuing during the week. Thursday, June 12th is class day. Oa June 4th and 5th the class of 90 of Littleton Female College requests lue pleasure of our pres ence at the Commencement exer cises, so an in vita' ion lrom Rev. J M. Rhodes, the excellent piincis pal, informs us The literary ad dress, will be delivered by -Dr. W. P. Mercer, of Edgecombe county, oa Thursday at 12 o'clock. We are indebted to the marshals for a Handsome invitat.on to be present, at the Commencement ex ercises, of the Wake Forest College Jane 9:h to 12th inclusive. Hon. J. J. Davis ol the Supreme Court bench delivers the alumni address oh Tuesday evening; The address to toe Societies wdl be delivered by Rev. Thos. D xon, Jr , of New York, on Wednesday morning and Rev. W W. Landrum, of Vir ginia, wili preach the baccalaure ite sermon Wednesday eveuing. It is, as usual, the handsomest in vitation received at this office. ,The Advance ihans the C. O..V, A. aud P N. A. Societies for au invitation to attend the Commencement of tbe 0. B; F. In stitute at Murfreesboro on Jane 2, 3 and 1. Rev. J. W. Hundley, of Tarboro, preaches the sermon to the graduating class t.t 8 o'clock ou Tuesday night and Rev; J. W. Carter, of Raleigh, delivers the address" before the Societies at 10 o'clock, a. m., Wednesday. We notice that Ella Hariiugtoo, the talented daaghter, of Mr. VV. H. g Harrington, of Pitt county, is prophetess aud is also vice-President of the C. O. V. A. Society. - The Advance returns its thanks to the Principal, Capt. Joba Ducks ett, for au invitation to attend tbe Commencement Exercises of Green ville Institute ou June 5th and 6th, Thursday and Friday. .Thursday at 8 p. m., jhere will be music, declarations, recitation, etc., at the Institute. Friday at 11 a. m., the annual address will be deliver ed at tbe Opera House by Ho G. W. Saudeiiin of Raleigh. Friday at 8 p. m. public reception at the Iustitute. Tue marshais are W. E. Tucker, chief, Earnest Forbes and Ralph House. Original decla mations by O. L. Joyner and W. F. Harding' T. Erwin, essay - ist. Vhitakers Items- We learn that one merchauS in Wbitakers- this season has sold 3,000 bushels of corn and hs much meal, to" say nothing of tons and tous of hay. The farmers of that section made nothing last year and have been compelled to pur chase their supplies. Tbe railroad freight receipts for March and -April were heavier than have been known lor many yeats. We trust the present bright prospect' for a eft.p may reailt in a big har this year. We hear that the sea kous are most favorable. THE FASTEST TIME ON RECORD, in the dkection of the nearest drag store, is uot too f -st for any person to make who is troubled with , cor stipation. djupepsia, liver com plaiut, or sick headache, and is, th -refore, in need of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Gentle and ef fective, one a dose. The Sunday School Conyention- According to previous announce ment the Convention for Organiza tion or Sunday School work m Wilson county met oa last Satur day and proceeded to work. The meeting was called Jo order by Eev. D. H. Tattle, who exDlained its objects. I ,, - was maae secretary. Grayer: was offered by Rev. B. P. Pell. Eev E.P. Pell, Rev. A. D. Betts, J. W Urowell, George Hackney ana E Barnes were appointed a Com mitlee on nomination of efficers, While this Committee was out, excellent music was furnished by the young ladies of Wilson. The Committee on nominations made the following report : i E. G. Barnes, President; John F. BrutoD, Vice-President E. M. Nadal Recording Secretary, O. F. Wilson, Corresponding Secretary. Executive Committee, Dr. Albert Anderson, P. J. Turnbull, Dr. H. F. reman, Geo. Hackney ana Rev P. T. Lucas. Women's Mission Aid Secretary, Mrs. W. S. Barnes, Toisnot. 0. All elected nnani. mously to tbe different offices. The flolowing township Commit tees were appointed. 1 Wilson W. J. Davis, Dr. King andN. is.Stiickiand. . Toisnot. Dr.,E. G. Moore, J. T. Sharpe and N; D. Car er. Stanxonsbueg H. B. Lane, Hudson Vernou and B. j. Thomps son. OldFiELD-S. F. High, I. C. Eatman and John D. Lewis. Speinq Hill J, R. Watson, R. T. Renfrow and J, L. Hinnant. Taylors M. W, Farmer, W. E. Winstead and Gray Hales. Cross Roads L. Neweom, Rev. P. T. Lucas and L. F. Lucas. Black Creek Chas. Woodard, Dr. H. D. Lucas and Wiley Stal- lings. ' The Executive Committee will appoint a Committee for Gardner's and Saratoga townships as soon as suitable persons can be known. Rev. R. P. Pell, Dr. King, O. O. Daniels, A B. Deans, ad C. F. Wilson were appointed delegates to the Sonday School Mass Meet ing at Rock Ridge on the 24th and 25th inst. The Convention then adjourned to meet on call of President. A. Anderson Sec'y. D. H. Ttjttle, Chairman. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. As Told by our Er otter Editors in Their Papers Greenville Reflector. An unusual spectacle was witnessed in town yeasterday af ternoon. It was a very large drove of sheep brought in from, the sec tion., couutry below town to be shipped to Richmond. As it pass ed -evervbodv along the street rushed out to see the drove in which we are told there were be tween 250 and 300. Two men from Virginia, came to Greenvillei a few days ago and have since been driving through the county buying all the sheep they cou'd. We bear they also bought about 300 in the upper section of the county which were driven, to Wil son to be shipped. Tarboro Southerner, i W. F. Claib was elected Mayor ot Tarboro by the new Board of Couucilmen. Col. John W. Cotteu was re-elected chief of Police. John L. Wimberley a champi on walker. He recently stepped off six mihs in one hour and two minutes. Oa Tuesday evening, May 6. the young people in the neighbor of Leggetts organized a Society to be known as tbe Atheniau Literary Society, with the following officers: C. M. Jones President, J. C Price and Theo. Fountain, vfce-Presi-dents, Lawrence Fountain, Secre tary and Treasurer. . Scotland Neck Democrat. - Mr. J, O. Williams was up from Wllliamston Saturday and says that $4,000 will soon be iaied for the establishment of a furniture factory there. We are gratified at this news aiid hope that all of our towns will .oou establish manufact uring industries. Williamston is able to establish any ordinary industry of the kind, if the people will only think so. Mr. S. W, Edwaids show d as a few days ago flue tobacco from lant years tobacco stalks, 'te says that the sprouts grew up from the stalks and were cut uown by the cold in January or Febeuary, but have since grown up again and promise to make fine tobacco. He is letting them grow as an experi ment. . MARRIED. In Mt. Pleasant Church, Nash coulty, Sunday, May 18, Mr. H. H. Richardson, of Kenly, to Miss Polly Eure, of Nash county. Rev. A. D. Betts officiating. In this place yesterday at the home of her father, Miss Rosa Rhodes was married to Mr. E. L. Appletree, of WilmingtoD. -Miss Rhodes u one our most popular and piqnant young ladies and we con gratulate tbe groom upon his good fortune hi winning her hand and heart DIED. At her home, iu Saratoga Town- ship, on May 7ch, Mrs. Mry Tay. Jo beloved wife of J J. Taylor, in the 52 year of her age. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gail ford Barefoot, aud became' the happy bride of Mr. Taj lor in her 17. b year. She was a kind mother aud leaves a husband and 7 children j and many friends to mourn their j loss, one was a true ana iaicmui member of the Free Will Baptist church and expressed herself ready and willing to die. The funeral services were held from . her home by Elder M. Boykin. A FiiiEND. Teekington Peaieib, Liberty County Tex. Mr. Badam I used VV m. Radam's Microbe Killer, and many of my neighbors have U9ed it with the most wonderful results in many cases Geo. F, Allen. .: Foi sale by Doane Herring. 100,000 PJtOPLE PERISH. More than 100,000 persons ans nually die in this country from Consumption, - which is but the child of Catarrh. 8500 reward is offered by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Deraedv for a case uatarrn which they ; cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by druggists at 50 eents. ; . i . ' Radam's Microbe Killer is on longer an experiment. It has been thoroughly tested for two years and has never failed in any cases. For sale by Doane Herring. IS ANY "FLOWEB BORN TO BLUSH UNSEEN V The old wives tell us "that blush ing is virtue's livery." But, alas I to many a maiden, whose soul is purity itself, has beeu denied the gracious privilege of wearing the delicate crimson, and all because her skin is covered with blotches. pimples, yellow fiver spots, and other djscolorationsi. Who cau tell how su jh a maiden loathes the very sight of herself, or who shall intrude upon her as she weeps bitter tears over her '-uncomely appearan e T Thrice unhappyshe, if by tbe sse of cosmetics, she shall seek to hide her wretched complex ion. Bat if she wili use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, to regu- fare the liver and purify the blood of all poisonous' humor, die will una that her '-nsh shall come again like uDto the flesh .of a' little child." It cures scrofula, t-tter, salt-rheum, pimples, blotches erup tions aud al! skiu diseast-s. Sold bv Druggists. ; Notice! I will organize a Writing School to-night in connection with Mr. W. Cantwell's School of Telegraphy and Short Hand. Rooms over the P. O. The first lesson is free to young men and boys. Class opens at 9 o'clock. Respectfelly, . T. C. Manning, Penman. "Hew to Cure ' All Skin diseases " Simply apply '3wayne's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, &c leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative pow ers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask our druiraist for Swayne's Ointment. HOME ITEMS Lost A monogram watch charm some where between the postoffico and the residence of M r. F. - A. W o o d a r d. Charm has iuilials "H. R." Oj one side. Opposite side plain. A re ward will be paid -the finder for returning it to the ADjvANCE of- fice. - ! Hew Line Sample Ha s at cost this week Young Bros. Remember we are selling hats at cost tbis we k. Y ung Bros. Look at .nr white dress goods this, week Young Bros. Parasalsat cost Young Bros. ' Hats at. cost Young Bios. . White drees goods at Young's. If you want to save money buy your clothing at Xouug's, Challies all wo 1 at Young Bros. You can save money at Young's Now is the time to get bargains in dress goods at Young Bres. Exanuuo our nice dress' goods before you boy Youtjg Bros, Lawns at your on price this week lit Young Bros. Hats at Cost at Young's. Shoes at cost, at Young Bio. Now is the time to Save money at Young Bro. . PILES! TILES ! ITCIIIKG PILES. SyMPTOMS Moisture; intense itching- and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed ti continue thmofa form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming rery Bore Swaynk's Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes the tumors. At druggist, or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Sway ne &. Son, Philadelphia. l?OR RENT. JD The o-je story frame cottage on the west side .of Barues street, Wilson, now occurred by J. B. Dayis. Apply to Jno. F. Bruton. NOTICE. Brvirrure'of a decree of tne Superior C. of Wiison county, wherein D, L. Ward eta's, were the plaintiffs, and J. P. Elliott! was the defendant, I will sell at the Court Hosse door, in wiison, on Saturday, the 4th day ot May, 1890, the following described property :, One tract of land in Wilson county, St mtnsburg Townsbip,ad joining the lands of D.G. W. Stan ton, J. H. Applewhite, and others, vuntaming live hundred and sixty acres more or less, it being known as "the home tract " f Dr. U. W. Wprd, whereon is situate the dwelling nouse and mill of the gaid Dr. Ward. Terms: J1(W cash, balance payable January 1st, 18!il, the purchaser to take possession January 1st 1890. F. A- WOOOAKD, Commissioner, V. A. & 8. A. Woodard Attornevs. WW READY! MY SPRING STOCK OF MILLINERY is now complete. ! I Lave just returned from Baltimore with all the new styles in MILLINERY and FANOY GOODS, and invita the public to call and examine my stock tefore buying. I also have a full lie of Mill'nery and Fancy uooas in opriuguope, im. and ask my country friends to I call on me there. With thanks for past patronage, I remain Respectfully, " MRS. S. I. GRIFFIN & CO. HQ B10RE EYE-GLASSES KO d$SS$B- WEAK more mmmlmm Era MITCHELL'S ;ye-Salve A Certain, Baf a, and Effective Bemedy for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sfgfitedness, & Resicr J ing the Sight of the Old. Sures Tear Drops, Granulations, Stya Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, fSB HMBCCRQ QUICK RELIEF HD FEBUEIT CUE8. Also, equally efficacloas when nse in other maladies, each as Ulcers, Ferer Srea. Vamora, 8alt Rhenm, Birni, Plies, or JhereX" Inflammation exisU, M mAXdW may bo used to-advantage. 0ld by all Dracslata mt 35 Cents. and Whiskey Hablte cured at home with out pain. Book of par ticulars sent FREE. B.M.WOOLL.EY-M- AtlMttmGft. Office 1W, WWtefaftUSt. ; ' . Judicial Convention: The Judicial Convention of the Democratic party of the Third Dis- "ub, i nereoy cauea to meet at Rocky Mount on Thursday, July 3rd, at 2 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating a candidate lor Solici-for- ' F. A. Woodard. th. Dem. Judicial Ex. Com. - Notice! The Wilson Uountv Medical So ciety will meet in regular session on the first Mondv in .TntiA at rip j R. W. King's office promptly at 1 0 J 7, Z 'uieresimg suujecc in ue presented ior discussion and a cordial invitation is extendeu to ah the members to be present. E. G. Moore, President, aihajm a.NDERSoNf secretary. This is For You This is For You Read and Reflect. Read and Reflect. . When you can make 20c. by the simplest, most honorable and easiest way, and ' not only twenty cents, but as many times 20c. as you wish. Where is the man who will not do so, and what reason can he give for not so doing. Times are hard we all know it Every cent you save is surely as much made. 'I his is no hoax , or catch trap, but a living truth that at Anderson's Drug Store you can buy every ar ticle sold in a first-class Drug store for 20c. off of every dol- . lar's worth of, goods. - Think of it ! Bring your dollar for a bot tle of medicine and Carry back 20 cents. You had not thought of it in that way. Wo&'t it pay you to look for the man who saves you money in your purchases? You will find me on Tarboro Street, at Joe Vick's, old stand. On every 25c. bot , tie of medicine you save 5c. Every 50c. . bottle you save 10c. Tell your neighbors of it, hand them this paper. I keep everything that is de manded and Intend' selling them to you at this most reasonable of terms. You must put yourself to trouble to save money as well as make it, and therefore if you will only hunt for Anderson's Drugstore you will ever be glad you did so. Prescrip tion Department Soda Water Counter and all are under good and proficient uianage merit, Call when you j .come to town and be convinced of what I say. Very truly, DR. W.S.ANDERSON, Wilson, N. C. OFF NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS ! terfeits.a-'ditIshoped the public will not be deceived by them. These are the usual attemp t to defraud the people by irnitatim? a successful aud meritorious article. We warn the publi agairst all such. See thatonrTraae Mark same as above appears on each Jug. Send for book "History of the Microbe Killer,'' given away by Sole Agent READ THIS; AS D KNOW THE My name is on each Bottle. Goldsboio Street, BILSOK, K.C. i v mil o Am n,-yi4--i . i s swr Corrected Every Wednesaay by JOHN C. HADLEY, Wholesale and - Be tail Dealer in General Merchandise. Cotton, per pourjd,. '11 Corn, per bub el 86 Hams, per pound.... .1215 I siaes, per pouna, j Sides, Bacon, per pound - 9 ' Shoulders, per pound...-. . 6X Shoulders, Bacon, perpound- Feanuts, per bushel...., Potatoes, per bushel SSS.per dozen Chickens, per rair.i Tallow, per pound-..... Lard, per pound. ...... Hides, dry. per pound. 8 150 50 10 3550 8 10 3 Beeswax, per pound, ao Absolutely Pure. j-nis powaer never varies. Amarvelof ou- nty.sirengin ana whn mnmcno. vrn. S2mi5!fi than thel,Fdlnry kinds, and cannot be sold in competitioa with the multitude of euurt weignt aium or phosphate . ...... i, . i ROYAL BAKING POWDER Co. ' 106 Wall St., N. T, Finest Grades ! Three Qualities! RE O OIL, 150 fire proof, 15 cents per gallon. WHITE OIL. 150 firenroof 1 " f,Kauo11- WHITE C OIL, 170 fire proof-the finest made au cents per gallon. Fof sale this month by ' " - OTKIN OYKIN OYK1N OYKIN OYKIN OYKIN OYKIN OYKIN NASn ST BEET, WILSON. N.O. Horns Again Fiifai Mil H ACKNEY ACKNEY NOW OFFERS THE LADIES THE MOST SATISFACTORY BARGAINS IN Infants' Lai Cups and Cashmere Cloaks. G'.oves, Kuching, Notions, ind Fancy Goods generally, Handsome assortment of Flowers Largest, variety of Hats of all description. Black taee net and the latest thing out i . . . Assorted Buckles for trimm'ng.dre8ses. -Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices always very reasonable. Yours respoctfulfy, 1 , ' " Ella Hackney. Wilson. N. CApl 173m.' Tho reason BA DAM'S MICROBE KILLWR is the most wonderful melicine, is because it has revcrfaiSeil iu any instance- no matter wbat thc3i?taso from LEPROSY to the simplest disca-e known to the human system- '1'ho scientific raen of to day claim and prove tht evtry disease is caused Dy microoes; ana . E. AD All 3 LIICF.0BE EILLER ' exterminates the microbesand drives them out of the system and when that is done you oannot have an aeheorpain. No matter what the dis ease, whether a simple case of Malarial Fever or a combination of diseases, we eure thsm all at the same timi-, as we treat all diseases consti tutional iy- J5?Asthma, Consumption, Ca tarrh, Bronchitis. Uheumatism, Kidney and Liver Disease. Chills mid Fever, Female Trou bles, in all itf forms; and, in fact, every disease known to the human system. Beware cf rranaalent Imitation's. Since the success .of Radam's Microbe Killer has been proven, noless than fourteen spurious imitations have be n placed on the market, the proprietors of which expect to sen on tne repu tation nf Radam's Microbe Killer. They are called bv various -and snndry names, such as Gtrmicide, Germeteur Germ Exterminator -Electro Germicide, Microdidc, Micro andvari ous other names. They are self marfcrd coun Wilson FACTS FOR YOURSELVES t All you that would dviiik good whole some pure HOPS AND M ALT BEER received by express every day bottled aind delivered io ueaiera in a pure state. It U healthy, strengthening, and win Duiia up your weak - system. This is not the cheap etuff as' generally sold in til 3 name of Lager J5eer, iut the Bertrner aud Enel Pure Hops ana Malt Beer Bottled Wilson anrl Wftldnn. N. C. Also Carbona ted Waters, Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla, &c. Be sure you get Fryar's Bottled Goods. Respectfully, ; - El IllllMIfY -it-a I AH MOBS' M SPtffNGr! My .Sjore is ' " - - "I - - ; : AisrGDr: ;;':;;. ';:f of Various DresS -J1TT IDIir d Suitable for The When Tisitifig our s(ore don't forget U ask for Children's and Boj's ijioimng. THE ,:;V V r V id Baskets For No Planten who raises Tobacco can afford complete arrai gement yet devised to save au too to oacco leaves grown, commonly called Prl n Idka, and make them marketable at the highest prices, and tho only mode wucfoby you can save them in s ich manner that each leaf catches the same amount of heat and air on every side at the same time, thus insuring a uniform cure. There is no chance to crowd thr- lnvos, as Is the cas when strung on cords even it you tried to. Kead tho following list of . - Jmoniala from thoss who have tried them don't natter yourself that you can do more th .u -nose who hate spent a life-time in nanaung oDacco. To Thosb Intrkstkd ; I have been asked to give my opinion upon tho practical modo of the process of curing Tobacco with the SNOW STICK, or more commonly known as the wire process. 1 preface my remarks by saving 1 have been in tobacco, have handled and been intimately associated with this great staple all my life, and have watched closely every new device that had for for its object the improvement and lifting the burdent)!! tho shoulder of the producer, who had it to bear. I know that it don' t take a Solomon to say it, but the man who invents tnese labor aaving tobacco curing outfits should b classed as i a bsnef actor of mankind. 1st, By the use of the wire stick you can save the bottom leaves which would otherwise be lost by firing. 2nd, It don't require experts to gather and string these leavss-cbaps 10 years old can d as well as men. 3rd, By taking off the lower weaves as they mature you hasten the ripening of t o plant this alone is a decided advantage. 4th, The primings or bottom leaves, thus saved, when cured make first and second class cut ters, which under the old way. while waiting forthe bedy and top of the plant to get f ul y ripe or drained" for the knife, is lost entirely all of which when secure d can be cured in vour baru with less fuel. But from observa tion inthis section I have lound in my travels that fuel is of but second consideration at oresena but when you get regularly into to baeco you will find this item of wood of con sTderable import, and you would do well to , commence io time to take care cf it. When I read the strong endorsement of the SNOW STICK nrof ess by such tobacco men as Major I L Vgnd! Hyco, Va-, Y M. Rogers, Jr., Srra d. and many others I could not hesitate to give it my full ena Manager Wilson Tobacco Warehouse. Lpcama, N. C, A-pril 17th, 1890, . j.t. a-a, st ink inst vear in my log i1"'.. thin nleased with the re sult f the tollowiVg reasons : 1. If I had not udthemj think I .h uld have tostbafofmy tebscco. a. inecjsiuituiiNn SirTthe old way. 3. It takes less fuel and less h"t. 4 It takelless space totore it after it s Eured ynd it keeps in better condition 5 It is EE2fto handle Twhen: cured on the Snow wiJck. .1 naa t acres iu wjuai. ""-j entire crop In two rooms 8x feet and could have stored more in the same space had I had it; I sold fine curings at $38 per hundred, first primings included. Sold the entire lot for 675 without grading. I recommend the fetow . Kitknr fonnrrmind exoect to use It min this year. If I did r ot have them on hand would order at once. UUFFIN KBNFKpW April 17th, 18b3- t. di i iicct Snow's Tobacco Stick the las season, and am c.mvir.Ci d it is by far the t,mnrhodof hanging tobar-co m barns yet Put in your order ior 50Q foot barn - more in preportion-tbe bet Tt rlnn't reaairo an sele nor to string or cuxm Jhein. C. A. YOUNG & BRO., Wilson, E. BARNES- Jr., Wiison, L. F. LUCAS, Lucama, Are authorized ants for the eastern tobacco section and will have a limited number on sale at factory prices, payable No vember 1st. 1890, or sooner it you sell your tobacco before that time. ' -Don't wait, but sena in your uruer Anew and enlarged edition of our pamphlet on tobacco i and curing is now ready for distribution. Only cost- aakintr. Write to W. H. ail. HIGH P Filled With ihe Weaves in GoodS OTHEB - - OOBS Spring Season, (manager) for M. R. Lang;. Gathering The Leaf. not to use them its tte simplest, but most discovered. The leaies can be ra: i ily strung, they are not bruised by handling a..d the dis tribution being uniform throughout the barn the cure ss more perfect than by other meth ods, j.- U.D. LUCAS, Black CrEEK, N. C, April 16tb, 1890, I have used the Snow Tobacco Stick for two years and think It the best contrlvanco yet In vented tor curing lobacco on the leaf. It. G. rUilVETT. Lucama, S. C, April 1st, 1890. Capt W H Snow. High Point, N. U. Dear 81r : I cured my entire crop Tobacco last year on the Snow Tobacco Stick and tstnk it is the best stick for curing tobacco on I err saw. Sold my July primings last year for 17e. pet. Thiuk 1 would have lost half of my crop if 1 had not primed it. k, BASS. ' LucamA, N. C, April 2eth,1890. Captain W II Snow, High Point, N. C. Dear Sir ; I cured all my crop of tobacco on, ttie Snow Stick last year and think your stick aud basket is the best outfit for cropping and curing to oe fouud on the market. .The first primings, which would .otherwise be thrown away, will pay for their cost, t . U. W. BOYKIN.' " -i Lccama, April 10th. 1890 W H Snow, Ii igh Point, KC t Dear Sir 1 cured my tobacco crop last year on the Snow Tobacco stick and they gave ma perfect satis faction. Shall use them again this year and would advise a sett to each barn I sold my July primings for 21 cents per lb net. Have seen several methods of hanging the leave? in the barn and believe tho Snow Stick unequalled. - JAMES tt BAKNES. Ljcama. April 1st. 1M0. Capt. W. H. Snow. High Point, N, C. Dear SirW cured my entire crop of tobacco last year on the Snow Stick and think it ia th best thing for the purpose yet invented. My primings? cut in July, sold lor 23 Cents tb ground leaves, I think all tobacco barns sboud be supjM-eti wiin a sen ot csnow sticks as they enableTi'e farmer to save enough that would otheiwise be cut off and thrown away to par for the expense or his crop. A. J. ELLIS. Lcca si a, A pril iota. 1890.' W HSnow, High Point, N.d Dear sir-1 used your Tobacco Stick last yaar and housed my entire cropon it. 1 have never seen any other wsy of hanging tobacco fn tha barn that I like as well as tbe Snow Slick way. I expect to : uy more this season, and think 1 would have lost one t'nrJ rt m crop If I had cultivated and cured the old way, LAKHY LUCAS. bticks ana b Buckets for each 16 investment you ever t -the bottom cleaves N. C. fj. c. N.C. , cult- yon