' : : : - r-i : -r LET AUL THE ENDS TJIOtJ AMI'ST AT, BE THY COCHTBY'8, TII GOD'S, AND TRUTHS',' r . - ,. - j A . C. Daniels, Ed's and Prop's tlSOa Tear, casta In Advance VOLUME 20 WILSON, WILSON COUNTY, NOlTHlOmOIilNA, JUNE 1.9 1890. UAIBER 22 all to er- per ltll rest I era, .ted skle in 0 M4 hp L1II fflC re. t-ries Feu Coal a airs, m S -:TirD ros . T. T. iTOuer, m : . IK S X- ' r' .o:', I I : ' A -,.r - ..-sr. ,v yj..t 1 " A RP'S" LETTER1 :o:- II. Ml S ! 'VUATOF THE .sight? in. -il .1 -ru Cotneth. kind All is fFell, Hi? unnif touth Mrs Arp-. 'rntii.HO'Grourid.'-. W i'.-liinan. tell U9of theniKht. .W luit its signs of promise are.- . Everything is hopeful moral ;,tiiiticaliy and materially. T!it vimui is doiug well. -Fori Wrlve months past there has np-n le- crime committed inl U.xix than any year since the war. JV'louel Towers tells me that even the negfoes are be-! having better and are reduc the percent atre of convicts to tiiH chain-gang. The race t iobieta is quieting down. Even ' . '.- 1 1 - 3 I J3 1 lagans ssuineauu siauuer nave ceed to disturb us; but I bo tics that whenever he shoots cfhiL venomous mouth, there ;a ;i ugro outrage committed siir.e where about the same time. What au awful thing was that at Sawaiiee : voiuuei rarrar is fht Governor Gordon ought tobave olfered a thousand dol lar reward for those three Afri ca!) .brutes--yes, five thousand ,rouM have been better. What s-cn.ity has a poor, humble vr .Man living in the country if j;re outrages are passed over iosiletne?. The best detectives iu-tlie land ought to have been put on their their track on track with blood-hounds. These Be.r;' tramps- wuu iuobuudi along the railroads and at plea sure diverge to the ha ruble farm houses for plunder and outrage, ought to be taken up aaiV iuvestigated by a com mittee of safety in every coun ts Juit think of the horrors ,;t ihat por woman with her taby in her arms There is no curej but there is a prevention. the-alliance can do good work ru'ht here. I wish they could make Bartow county too hot for a vagabond negro: Fut him to y,rk or make him leaVe with i S;rc; back. , -But the south is prospering. Every day and every train brink's gool people from the norin, who wish to prospect u; ee what is the matter ami every one toes back a tiiend.. They are investing their moDey with us aird are not hard tj please. One told ma yerUfday, that a" hill full of ore mat was worm tuou sand dollars here, would be worth teii times as much in Pennsylvania, and that the farmiii Jaud in our valleys Wuuui b- worth a hundred dol 1 liH a a acre in Lehigh. The furuiition of the '.'northern mc-if i ha t met on Thursday m Atianta is an Index of the. ioo't will that northern peo pie wh; have settled here have toward ns I wish that we tuuli accepted their, kind in vitation which was sent to my I believe sur wife , a Til myself. it . r ruderetj Persian turban had, and the swet little dasy that opens with morning light, was a corruption of day's eye and the nasturtium meant a nose twis ter because it had a pungent odor that inclined one who smelled it so twist the nose out of shape. "Where did you learn all that ?" said I. . Wby from my botany, of course," eaid she. "We had to study when I was girl, and I haven't forgotten what 1 learned, I be lieve I would have been some body if I hadn't married you a -r a . m wnen l was notning - out a child, and I've never had time since to do anything but nurse and worry with all these chil dren." . "Like , a true woman, you have served your day and generation," said I, "and it. has kept you well and strong and renewed your youth, like the eagle." It is woman's natural state, and she is not happy out of it, 1 was thinking about the oiigiu of words and names, and wish there was a scnoolbook that gave all the words In common use and tneir aenva. tion. I would like to know where Smith and Jones, and Akin and Milner, and Howell and Gordon, and Holt and Hutchins and all such names came from. I was reading- not long ago about the word slave that at first meant glory and a freeman, and now means servi tude. The Slavonians were once a proud, free people, and it was an honor to be called a slave, but when they were conf quered and subdued by the Germans the slaves became servants to their conpuefors. Then there was the word cyno sure, which used to mean the tall of a dog, but now is applied to a beautiful woman,, upon whom till eyes are turned in admiration. Not long ago a very learned preacher was talk ing on this subject and said the firs, translators of the old testament found that the same word meant so many different things that it perplexed them greatly. For instance, it is said that the ravens fed Elijah with bread and flesh, morning and evening ; but the word that means raven means a robber a Bedouin Arab the very people who' inhabited the eastern country, to which Elijah fled. They robbed the rich, but were kind to the poor and friendless,, and so it may have been that they fed Elijah, instead of the ravenous birds. Ravenous comes, from raven, which means to rob ; to destroy. Old Jacob said : . ''Benjanin shall raven as a wolf." It is a curious study this origin of words, and the schools do not pay enough attention to it. The schools will soon close frti. tha Hummer vacation ana the children are now counting t.hfl rlftvs. Of course they are 3 tired and the teachers are tired i or. ihia Hail rinys urea. uar uuu vuu o . THEEDlTOu'S DESK TIMELY COMMENT ON IM rOB.TA.NT EVENTS, fhort Parayravhs on Topics of Lively Interest jor Busy Ad vance BeaOers. At last W. P. Canady has been "downed'' as Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate. Valentine,' of Nebraska, succeeds him. The farmers of Kansas are doing some good work. They are doing" their level best to de feat Ingalls for election to the Senate. We see the statement made that Democrats will gain two Congressmen : in Maryland. The next delegation will be five Democrats and one Repub lican. The Tarboro Banner wants Ex-Governor Jarvis nominated for Congress in the first dis trict. There are many people who would not regret to see him in Congress. SOUE CHAT, IT- C- Thought Prom Our Exchanges. THE OLD THIEF. Old Ben Butler says "never do a mean thing .J for money." Spoons ! , The devil can qote Scripture and even old Ben can talk - moralrty. Wilmington Measenge. There" oiay be, and doubtless pre, demagogues in 1 both the Alliance and . the . Democratic besolved to BETAiN office. party, but that is.no reason lor The Republican party has in condemning either organiza- every test case ehown a fixed won. Tney Blipuia not, ttnowr resolve to perpetuate its exls ever, be permitted tto; control tancA &t nil hazArdn. NAlthpr I enner. Monroe register, Alll- the constltutisn nor the pro- ance Organ. n ff fat nr Ufa nf anrr ravicol oloaa t v--- part v will b ready to dispense in. ii k iii . 7 wuu ine Aiuauue. t- Th Srkiit.riATn--farmara will MATTERS OF INTEREST TO -,otQ vQ ninr Democrat.' They are Aljiance men, but they, are ; first . Demo crats. : .They know tho evils they .epmplain of are all ' due to Republican legislation,, and that their'oulv hope is"in the FOE THE FARM. TILLEBS OF THE SOIL, i . r? n .ts.:. t : ed, Stolen ana Original. Communicated Farming'. I Articles a . " Arp woum nave sur n- . M ,a hean faithful and kind WOrdSi "- riTlnT Wa nn to theif all tell what the We can teachers are The daily issue of the Reids uille Review has been discon tinued beeause of the fact that it prevented the editors from giving the weekly edition the necessary work. The Democrats of New Hanover have nominated full ticket and say they are going to elect it. We hope they will, but they have an immense, nes gro vote to overcome to do so Col. H. U. Jones has announc ed himself a candidate for Con gress. He and Capt Alexander are both from Mecklenburg. The indications point to 'Alex ander as the man who will be nominated. The Raleigh correspondent of the Wilmington Messenger believes that the members of the Farmers' Alliance of that district will support B. H. Bunn for Congress. He has been true to the trust imposed on him by his people. Judge Emory Speer, of the United States circuit court in Georgia, has rendered an elab orate opinion deolaring not only the right of a State to prohibit mixed marriages within its own limits, but goes so far as to say that the State can prevent such marriage of Its citizens in any. other State. The Raleigh correspondent of the Durham Globe reports the chances of Judge Spier Whita- ker for renotnination as doubt ful. From information we can at her. we believe there is very little doubt but that W. R. Allen. Esa , of Goldsboro," will hn nominated. He is a man of character not a political trick sterand has the confidence of the beat people in the district- or. classes intercept. Lumber- ton Robesonian. DONE A GOOD DEAL. Senator Edmunds says Con gress has done nothing in a six month's session. Maybe Mr. Edmunds thinks stealing a lot of Democratic seats, inventing a gag rale system of rales, and passing bills enough to knock the bottom out. of the surplus is n )thlng Wilmington Star. v - PBODIGAL BEN, President Harrison has sub scribed $2 to the Grant Monu ment Fund. Wheu Mr. Harri son subscribes $2 to a monu ment to any body it is proof positive that he takes, great in terest in it and believes it should be built. He don't go down in nis pocket that way for ordinary objects. Wil mington Star. THE WHEREFOBEMES8 OF THE QUESTION. Did somebody ask x how science is to be benefitted by the census bureau jurying into family, secrets in regard to dis eases T Ah, we have it. - Mr. Porter has a contract to furnish names and addresses of dis eased persons to patent medi cine manufacturers. That is the substance of the charge of the Herald, the World, and other New York papers. There's millions in it for Porter and the medicine men. Durham Globe. "not' hid; If farmers nave not Had i an equal participation in polittcal honors in States that are Demo cratic, it is their - own fault. They have intelligence; and numbers, and the doors ' of Democratic primaries and con ventions are open to them night and day. They are always welcomed, not as guests but as lawful proprietors, entitled . to the full enjoyment of their possessions. New Berne 'Jour-' nal. - ?i ; !The annual Meeting of the Nash Ooanty Confederate Verterans' Association., will be held - in the Court. House in tbis place on July 4th. 1890. . - Last Kriday, ligh'mng atrnck a tree in the yard of D. 1). Odon, in' this county . The tree was stand log near. the house and Mrs. Odom and ouie of her children were thrown, down and 'stunned, bat NEWS OF A . :p:- - WHAT IS UArFkNIX THE WOBLD ABOUM) Condensed lit port of the Ntxoi From our Contemporaries. Democratio party, and they will j fortunately no one va permanent enecneir"!-?'118 muw iua iyf mjarneu. ------ Democratic ,;.flag. Wheu : the We learn that Rev, Geo. M. agitaliph; that produced a Civil Dake ,has beea called to the bas Wac.began,' ' wise, leaders ad- toral charge of the Baptist church Vised that the ; South . stay- in at Rocky Mount and has accepted, the Ltnoin, and fight its battles hut will not take cbarge until tne BIG CBOPS, BUT-NO MONEY. Does farming' pay ? Yes, on some farms. Does it pay in North Carolina ?; 3ome thous ands of farmers make it pay, and other thousands ' do not make it pay. Does'' farming pay iu the south west and north west? Here is a specimen from Clinton county, Missouri : Mr. John Barton had 940 acres in cultivation , last year. Wheat, corn, oats, and hay were grown. He had 320 acres in wheat. He averaged 18 bushels to ! the acre, and . got " 5,760 . bushels. He lost 70 cents on every acre he sowed in wheat. He made 13,275 bushels of corn pn 295 acres, averaging 4o ousneis. He lost $1.45 on every acre. If North Carolinians could obtain this yield they would make money. Wilmington Messen ger. '-anfteV the flag "W ise Southern Aiiiancemen iaae . iu , aamo position now. and say: "We will not court defeat by organ izing a. separate party. We. will stay in the great Democratic party, which has ever been the party of the farmer, and under its banner secure a juster finan cial system and a reform of the robber tariff." . No. The Alliance, "in the South ,1 cannot ; accommodate you if, Mr.7 , Globe-Democrat. There will ..be two or three more .Democrats .in the next House from North .Carolina than in the present House, and the I f armerDemocrats in tne other Southern States will' see to it that they do not allow their enemies (the Republicans) to. make any gams.-Mialeigh State Chronicle. . ' ; ' ANEW COOKBOOK. The Ver y ; Latest - Information ,r Culinary art in close of the year. X Ber. Mr. Powell wilt conttnne . ai pastor until Mr. Duke assumes the dntles. Scotland Neck Democrat, 12th. . It is with deep regret that we have learned of the death of Mr. R B. Patters an on the 3rd at home n ear Littleton. Mr. Robert White tells us that a few days ago he sheared two young sheep one year old. From one he got S pounds of wool, and from the other he got 11J pounds. 1 Messrs. J Manly and A Bryant of Graven, Peebles of Northampton, Montgomery of Warren, and Phil lips of Edgecombe are the candi dates tor Judge in this district. -Died on the 5th of June at 6 o'clock, p, nu at the residence of D J. vP.Sugg; near the tovn of Kittrell, Mias j Nina McDowell (in the 43rd year of her age) after a protracted illness otievetal months. Her; remains were , interred in tne Primitive Baptist ehnrch yard in Tarboro, on the afternoon of the 6th inst. She bad friends in Wil son who are giieved to the of the death oi this excellent woman. Editor Adv ah ce. For. all derangements of rhe stomach, liver and bowels, taze Dr. Pierce's Pellets, or AntKbihous Granules. The best recommendaUon : Everybody usea Laxador when in need of a good cathartic. Sold everywhere. Price only 25 cents. Parents cannot always carry the babv on atrip for tne recovery of its health. But they can keep Dr. Ball's Baby Syrnp in the boas", and it will compensate .or the trip by itft prompt relief. w rrht nana or ieiiowsuju. :r . .v- a -f s. r . - , i Ktt trio rxra-v ina cuiiuieu vv t s:ie ba? held a hih heart ana wi T iifa ia mnt for lo these; nome c - - - Osay vearj.. "I.st tUem aDOlo-: '"" V ,Tr: - -.i S-.A. m iiti i lino iis nLiiii v uuv and give - us bac our. willing knowledge and mixes frolic and said she, duwj " tnM. with their UU"U1" Mr ""7" , the monev.-The oldplHaiu, - n rauroaas, me u.yuu. - n 1 1 w iido i.vt.. anxiety ! that oX who is tt,;,. . . ,i- t;t.-iacauire "".iss .u'u ueusiuu uur wiuuwri-i.. - , a , .. - w-a Tilit witn Diay auu au;i ri flnj" aain cnu iiiii. I I w - bsllHVfl- sliH ij rolantirior f.fi.,.- a i.-tlcomDanions X s r, il nnrrnfttnct C3.TB &UQ ui we are growing old. oun-, . nnAa don't Qiy was her birthday and she I " " what if Ingalls woulden't mantipn it : bef oral ZAvt il """i iur learsome oi ua -wouiu-: i -- . SDeill qnma- 'mnn.V'iiilRn ft pOUMCts Bfci9 - lu j uiuv j ut uva a-v 9J1 aren't let her tuetnbered Jars, have- come ana eone i , nntrioi. and p-she was born, bat lZJZ-gZ . SSt v ,Lo will tell U -ovm -r-"' n0-t l0Te fl .honor u.ius man wnen lie uomoa--! . . . . h nvv. ti, .. . . . si him 7 t-ie may uovoj. - it is none oi n.s nui AOnf but he will go --when she came in " fh' . ave with the 4iasj; we- gave ner a n---- . K5a rml nluster- niiCMVivutj V. r ST ed5lose and thick around him. Would that every city and town and hamlet had even one such man foKthe children to look up to and emulate his noble exam ple! "I don't think there has ever been any period since I can re member when the prospect for material progress, the increas ing value of our lands, tne opening of our mines, the huilriincr nn of our towns ana our railroad systems, not for getting the unparalleled ins crease in our population, was as great as now" Senator Vance. I red-hot and the Occasionaljy a Republican . A Home-Spun Tarn- Last week we published the marriage of a Mr. Wagoner to a Miss Crow, which took place a weak ago. On last Tuesday some daring fellow stole the woman out of the bed from her husband and also about forty dollars in money. The desert ed husband passed through Elk Park on Wednesday searching for the money. He says the woman may go, but he wants Mountain Post. r 4w that w2 candidates sling mud and make gressman does a good thing, snuff, bat is easily W it FTftveigh? the fire fly ? What is Livings. accent. Stockbridge, a nostrils. Its effects j L W73 tonorNorthenxothem,orthat g RepttDlJcan, tended d. Tlilinr! n v A onvnTiaon li HI ' ' ui-iu tbLLKA OtlX liuvv w, ffta a. y.nr nii-ft things like t!lotriie' and a rtaarKhandled la'r-brush and a pair of sJip-t Hhj l?:tii . ' i i . Ckii ' i iuy-eignt yteara. - ouo I a,Wt care who knows it. She pandchildren steDDing around and she can't hide them i rln . i. I i j. tit ""-'ni l waut n, xur ssuo pr,! .'r them. She is not gained of .her age. All that c-irc.-? about is to be vounger .;"n I " w and to live as long 3. (ir. "111. sending his constituents a lot of nrotective tariff literature, hnt bv mistake the clerk sent the speech of Judge Crisp, of Georgia, against, tne unjust . . . . rm liii TI7 AlcJUniy larui wu. " applied into the the people were enlightened by "lrX? Wlth the fl the speech. It was a good one and calculated to do them godd. A new .dea embraced in Ely's Cream Balm. , Catarrh is cured by cleansing and healiug, not Dy dry inir nn. It is not a liquid nor a " r- . .. . . r . . - .l. leu luio iub 1 are magicai treiatment will cure the worst cases, trice ouc ' With Elv's Cream Balm a child Am luk ruPAteri without uain or dread and with perfect wafety. lry t hft rAmedv. It cures catarrh, nay favar ftllH O.Ct(H in the IieaU. 16 IS uostrus ana gives reUel with the first applica A COUNTS Y IDYL. "Have you dug your grassf asked the city chap . Of the staring farmer inau, For he thought he would not crush the swain Beneath his social bap. "How was your crop when you dug jour grass t Did the weevills hurt your peas ? And did the canker worm destry Yoor young cucumber trees T "I love, good sir, the country air, From thn town I fain would tlee And lose myself in rural dreams " 'Neath the potato tree, I would pluck the turnip - from its vine, '. Thror the parsbip meadow push, And rest beneath ltbe grateful sbstde Of the bending cabbage bash. "Ob, I fain would be a 'si tuple swain And drive my yoke bfcows, And rtst . a' noon peueath the ahade Of the rutabaga bought, Oh, I'd hunt the woods for the co coanut bash ' . " The whole of a livelong day, Or start at morn with the rustic hoe To dig the hills for hay. Anrl if a.f noonnav l errew iamt With my labor's strain and rusn, I would mix the raufcweeu's iusx .cions -milk.- :i r hci' Yi With mushroom's luscious mush, I would pluck the pineapple from . the pine y . v- But why has your color fled 1" But the farrser fell w th a sicken ing thnd - . The farmer man was dead. . : -Texas Siftings. Material" is now being gath ered for the News cook book, which it is intended shall be the most complete jvork of its kind, and will be a great aid t the housewives or rcerKsnire. We append a few ul the pre scriptiohs ; ' ' ". Clear Soup Take two pints of water,' wash them thorough ly on both sides, pour into a dish or something,: and stir around the kitchen until thed. Plum Pie Get some dough, hammer out a. 'front and back breadth. Line a dish with silesia. put in a veneering ci Tarboro Southerner, Jun9 12 N.M. Lawrence has ius; ("uz an acre oi Irislf potatoes aud gathered fifty barrels for shipmi t. to say nothine of the small ones called culls. ' : The valuation for taxation of all property in the county last year was in rouud onto bers $4,500,000 If there is not more than a failing off of $500,000, "-won't it be remark able when it is remembered that crops last year were short three times this amount? : Joseph Baffin is to be congratu lated upon doing his full duty to wards populating the Earth. He . One towcfcbip in Cabarrus coun. ty has subscribed $465 to a Con federate monnment. . . - The Daily Teacher will not be published during the Teacners' " Assembly. tbis year and the Scate Chronicle will be the official orgau ot the Assembly this season. Dr. L. S. Flow heard a noise under his led and wheu he strucic a light and looked nuder the bed there sat an oposum just as digni fied. The Dr. was atraid of it and got up ou a chair to keep the his oposum from rnnnlng up his pant- leg ou Know, got a, uiuuui auu i uu it out of the house. Concord Standard. It is stated that the number of persons killed by the railroads in this country during the year ends ing Jane last was 5,823, and the numbsr Injured 26,309. During the year the railways of the country carried 472,171,343 passengers, so that one passenger in every 1.523, 183 was killed and one passenger in every 220,024 was injured. This hows e much higher percentage of casuaiity than prevails upon the' English railways, where it appears that the tate was one passenger in 6,942,546 killed; and one passenger in 527,577 injured. The Greensboro ratriot of yester day coutaius the follow iug: "Mr. W. B. Glenn, the well known Winston lawyer is engaged in writ ing a book. It is a biography of the promiueut liwyers oi the State and will be published iu J.wo larjie volumes. In hearching the old re ccr lsjor lata lot- use in t he book be U wuuug,Mr. Glenu discovered that Piesideut Atidrew JacKson was sworn in us a constable tor one of the townships in -Gailford, county." - V has iour children under two years doughflll the dish with Brum-1 0f age, two of which ar only three mel's cough drops put on me i days old. His six years oi marnea top crust, feather-stitch arouna the edges and bake it in a tinner's furnace. Pound Cae Mix up some flour and thinns. put tbtm into a dish, bake for. a while, then KPrAw in the handle and com mence to pound. Stomach Cake Line a small boy with green apples and cu cumbers. This can be prepared at short notice. Calve's Foot Jelly Get trust ed for a Chicago calf, they have the largest feet, cut off the calf, which can be used for making hash or chicken salad; wash the feet, thicken the glue, and a few molases, straia through a cane seated chair, life have bean most pleasant. Six promising children bles the union. Frfday evening a material train on the Norfolk and Carolina road and a log tram on the Suffolk Lumber Co, R. R. collided knocking two djivers of the N. C. engine off of the track and b tea-ting one car of the pane to). Tt e engine of the Suffolk lumber Co. was knocked off tbe track twelve or fifteen feet and ntterly wrecked as were eight log flats. At this point the two roads cross and it is the doty of all engineers to stop till flagman signals all ts clear. When tbe men saw that a collision was inevitable they jumped off. Mr. Cannon or the S. L. C. read had his leg broken and received other injuries. U early all sustained slight bruises. The only one hart on the .N. &. C.road Perhaps the . oMet -.'person in North ' Carolina has. just died iu Halifax county, near BrinkfevviUe. Aunt Aggie Daniel,' colored, whom age was vouched for by . members of t'e family to whom she belonged died ou the 1st mst, aged 120 it is said. She has always enjoyed re markable health, and never nsed spectacles iu her 1 fe. Her mind was good and she could see well enough to kuit and sew, aud did most of her own work.t ller itge may seem a mv.e uureaHouauie, but there is no telling how old a person may live fo be who breathes the pure oxygen of North Carolina. -Henderson Uoid Lieat. " , , , . l !, .ji only om narv uh iob,w. i. wi pour into a blue bowl with red waJ MaDie Hart conductor, injured WHAT REPUBLICANS HOPE. tion. What a time sbeha Ul t f 1 . oil t Vt aoa irut the flowers-and the ri of their names," and wa y to answer all their quesj ! without a dictionary. She how geranium meant a Onr children are a heritage from Lord and the Prophet Zachariah never drew a more beautiful picture of Heaven than when he said, Jerusalem shall be iull of boys and girls playing in the streets." Bill A bp. The North Carolina Demo cratic Convention will assem- hi in tha Casitol at Raleigh n tha- 20th of August. We the following language f thnRi.ata' Chronicle: - "The A "Whopper V Wa haw a a mouse in our office which our devil has suc- cAAderl in training to pick up tha tvDes which drop on the """:t:z?-:: ' run uP nn,V hAimn. L.et every iue ewvuM VWUBvAk, AWW The Farmers Alliance says it will elect enough Congress men next, fall to hold the bal ance of the power in the House for the next two years. This is a big promise, but its fulfill ment is not outside the bounds of possibility. All the country asks of the Alliance, however, is that it will deaf eat enough Democrats in the .. Southern States to give the Republicans thirty or forty majority id the next House. St. ; . Louis Globe Democrat. : We publish the above from the virulent Republican sheet, miscalled the Globe-Democrat. tbe nlr.tiiTP on it. 86t It in ID6 shade to get tough. Then send it to a sick friend. 1 . . Tc ' wM.m-Drv a Diece of ice. in the sun, stir in some cola cream or vaseline, fan it until it freezes, garnish with Christmas ereens. This should be served with the soup. Hash Chop up everything, add some ready mixed paint, then throw it away. Soft-boiled Eggs Pat a set ting of eggs into a kettle of hot water at 6:57, let them boil until the clock strikes; serve on half shell. To Remove Stains To re move fruit stains from a table cloth saturate the cloth in benzine, kerosene, and coal oil, sprinkle with gunpowder; ap ply a lighted match. "One-two-three, Cake One egg. two flour, three bounce. An Inexpensive DishBuy a five cent plate. To - Drop eggs Let go of them. - L3mon Pie Idne'a pie plate with puff paste, put in your lemoas, build a lattice work over the top, and bake three weeks. -Burksbire News. internally but not seriously. It is believed f 50 will cover tbe damage sustained by the IS. & C. but it will take mora than 91,500 far the S. L. C R. R. GreenTlUe Reflector, June Uth. Democratic Ooanty Convention will be held on tbe 6th of Jane. The case against John A. Hatton for the shooting of Sydney Owens was tried before the Superior Oeurt yesterday. Oweas himself was the onlv witness who went noon the stand, t he defanca offer ing bo testimony whatever. The Jury broneht in a verdict of guilty against Hatton. Hi was sentenced to two years in the "penitentiary. A setiou trentle occurred jost north' of Greenville Sanday morn- . . & a it .a . as ing in wnicn ri. o- muuie asnlred and severely cut. and beaten, by E. N. Hatton and the u'ter' b o'herinlaw.Ben. Langley. The assault, we hear was because of insults said to have been offered to Mrs. Hatton by Moore the even ing previous to the difficulty. Moore's wounds are reported very serious, bis body being cut in a number of places and his head beaten with brass anucas. The nreeenftt, at the magistrate' meeting, of 35 out ot 40 members, ol the board, is a good indication. It is claimed, and justly we believe, that tbe Alliance has stirred the farmers hp to taking more interest m public affairs. That is oue good result at any rate. We are inclined to brag on 3aldwell and Caldwell institations and wc claim that our Alliance is the most level-headed inl? he State, free from uanowness, progreasive and broad uiin . We have interviewed number .f the members and predict that hey will sit down on the sub-Treasu. y plan heavy 10 July. Lenoir Topic. The Democratic convention for the fourth congressional district bas been called to meet in Durham on the twenty-fourth of July. At the risk ot slipping up in its predic tion, The Globe announces its be lief that there will be but one candidate before the convention, and that candidate will be Bon. B. H. Bunn, the present representa tive from tbis district At auy rate, no other candidate has been heara from, up to this time. The con-.. ventUn will be void of interest.but there will be work for the candi date alter the nomination. There is no walk over lor anybody in this district. Durham Globe. NEIGHEOBEOOD NEWS. -Ue a hill,, and took its name s:ai the little, long, sharp' tli, 3 that stick iid out of "'vvr, ana now peiargq meant a stalk's bill, and . 'i siutheinura a golden flower . unj luchsia was named for ..u' dahlia for Dr. Dahl, f hotauist. and the tulijp hn 1,ttrsia ad means a tLa ' and took its name from Kay, fancy colors that thie BEMAEKABLE KESOUE. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plaintteld, IU , makes tbe statement, that she caught cold, which settled on. he lunes; she was treaieu iui hv hr familv pnysiciau, uuh-rw ' a a a.m.As. tvaB & worse, lie ioia ner mu ouw hopeless victim of consumption and nrlicine could cure ber. Tier drnererist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption; he bought a bottle and to Jer .uiihfc ffnnnd berselt benefitted em flror Anne. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles. ennn, hrnAlf Konnd and well, now does her own housework and is as U a cka otrr was. rTQG H wti ot this Great Discovery at the riomocrat Dut his shoulder to tha whAl and see to it that ererv neighborhood is thor oughly aroused to the impor tance Of the issues oi tne cam paign." Referring to Col. W. L, Steele the Sanf ord Express says it was 5 cents only that were expended by him for cam paign purposes ana aaas : we hope the next candidate of the Sixth will imltaie his economy." We differ with you, brother. We do not believe in spending money in elections, but there are legitimate expenses to be met and it strikes us as parsimonious for a fellow who HmvH tbB salary to let otuer of the compositor onrl unt on his arm and hows up fhe typeso the letter on it can re seen, inen tne com- . - - wa lindrtook to LoisW Times, June isth o,a Drove that the depression FALLING 10,000 FEBT, Sailing apward ten thousand feet In a balloou, stepping out and falling to the earth as gently as tm. j IV. J- VwSfraw nf IL 18 LllO UL1UOW uiltci . , ... i i . , - . South-hating papers, and is As told TOnr wouwr auwi tans -"" 7rat always arrayed on the side or Their Papers monopoly against tne peopie. positor has only to carry hand over the box where lAtter belongs and the mouse ni flrnn it in its proper place, otiirninor tn tha floor to wait for another dropped type.-News-ObBerver. - riAmncratic County Convention SSI thT arie'rs w ,o!ely J ue SOth, To"P J". ? . . .. i 1 Thn Rprmonsof Kev. Lr. s. uiue due to tne iac& oi oubiuom .- . methods and a want oi maus- both in the. morning auu . I in tha MAII CH1 SI VUUlljU. w- - . . : 1 tQ orora annlrnn of hisblv by I, The hope Ot SUCn papara la uajr r - - ing Thr are two fornts or enronic rheumatism; one in which the joints are swolleu and red wunouc wvw, tho nthnr the ioints are only IU " - a , ... - stiff and painful. In eitner xorm thftt tne only uge it W J " ... x,af I .t n nn w-a It K 1IIM IIUIU. I xamii-' eucub mt i ... Will i fh. A'mhAiM nf the Alii- all who neara mem 4n tiiA Snnth will cause l sDlit in the Democratic pany nn that the itepuDiicana uj have continued lease ox power. ThA ClnhA-Democrat canuiu remarkable feat. But to cure wnai for centnrics haa been considered an incurable disease is an infinite ly greater feat. That ancient ter ror of the race Consumption is forced to yield to the curative agency of Dr. Pierce's Golden MaHift niscoverv. if it be taken in fair trial. The hack- OU -- -- - - , nrm (Mi. heetlC UUsu. duuwu 25 cents. defeat enough Democrats Nashville Argonaut June l2fh. Democratic Connty Convention June 30tb, Township Convention Jane28tb. . ANasVT County Colored Teach ers Institute, will be hem m ville, July 7th and 19th,' inclueive. A. W. Rowland's Drug Store, large H?iJi: " V hnttle 500 and f 1.00 iU" of Dr.. eiveni I remedy of its class. . ' . xu. Unnlltarn Rhnt.AS to glVS i . '.rtins fit all descriptions, never i m tavnr i ii Lun uuuvuvtu - - - t . v v' I -J - . m iu ioi - ' .- . j i. ... dtp i a more ior I ward at this time of the year, than and the Republican they are to-day. Fopular uUK5riBJiuai'iou I r?aniiHiica.na thirtv or" forty I looked better . Bull's Uougu oyrup rruoT-t nnnaa ' a?(1 at thi8 t given it a larger sale tnan any ow majority xu --;--- KraathinGr. and other piettonitory symptoms should be healed before it i late. Br the use of Golden vrimi niacovar everv function roused to healthy n h. KinAfl ia nnrified, diges un .nri nnmtinn lmajroveU, tne Liu li auu m,.v.. .4 j .1 strength and flesh bunt up auu m the distressing forernnners of Con sumption disappear. It is guar. ..f Aj m iunfit or cure if taken BUICOUIM . :i - A, rnnncT nld tor It Win lu nmw, " be refuuded. CANCEE OF THE LIP CUBED.. I suffered from Caiicr on my lip that defied the tki'l of tbe best physicians of the State. I had it burned out, but the operatiou ouly made it worse, causing it t. yread over more surface and ea. deeper in. I finally bad it barued off again, aud used Swift Specific 3. a cNtn h0d it nn and drive the poison out ot my blood. The effect of the Specific was magical ! It healed op the Cancer entirely with out leaving a scar as a reminder . This was over four years ago, and there has been no sign of aretnrn of the Cancer. I will cheerfally answer any enquiries in regard to my case Bradford, Ohio.. . . PEOMOENT DSUGGIST CUEBD. B'even vcars ago I was suffering rum an attack of White Swelling. A ereat many pruiuiucuu tj- cians attended me but lanea to effect a cure. 1 comm-ui;cu Swilfs SpeciQC s. o. . using it for a tew mamun -entirely cured, and Mnce then have w t .Atnnitl fT had no symptoms oi us reiuiUufe, r u fK. nm ia entireiV uue to the curative properue wui.uv inS. S. S. l can cneenunj. l- commen it as a meuiciue i t ..ffarinff hninaniLV. BUUCWUfe " - , Paul w. KiEKPAxiii, of Kirkpatrick &Wafford,Druggists, Jobabou Oity,Tenn. Treatise ou Blood and Skin Dis eases marled free. ' SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.,Atl n a,Ga, Price 25 cts. Then it

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