Tt Wilson Advance. V vio', - Iocul Cdftor. H.-ON, ', 0., JULY 21th, 1870 nvric holiness. FiT tit House of Representa tives : NATHAN BASS. For Sheriff : ,H)NAS V. CROW ELL. Clerk of the Superior Court : ALLISON B. DEANS. r Krister of Deeds : S. M. WARREN. For Treasurer : W. T. FARMER. For Corouer : ,:OHN K. RUFFIN. For Surveyor : .lAMES w.TAYLOR. tide of Wilson Town snip : 1011 X P. CLARK. ,r -.ilioitor 3rd .District ,!C-iiX E. WOODARD. C. : ,1, b Oiiice turns out first Ito j on neea aur in uvct li'-;! e:-s W nr.' iiivJc-r obligations to Mr. Cuut W. CmKi-, editor of the li, ; :,; Ijuiiii Ledger, tor his sketch t.f !.;-. I IV of General Grant. .M..-ms Rebecca Robmsou anil C.;'.fi tier, of Wilsou, are vb 0 Aiv (V! '-u! ; i i lIaskitt.-Golls- ;;ier I'licmls tt-il they ?s it.s.s iu their crops f ii;s .year. Crops have !! taiilv cultivated. -ten :..r.i I a- i i c s i o u a I Co n v e ii I io n u Dtru-r will he held t h; .v. It will do a w n k ii it selects Hon. ; t; s'K'Civd himself. ;' r Co!b has been -.s i; o. ueoioav la me l! cf 'TVennolo'jv. His : Y : is her? will ) .Ul to : !r..)!iiot;o:i. AlYAV'E is under obb- Mi. M. S'riekland lor an r .vA'tM'ifeioa and luscious i-; v leJt :.i i he office ou line. w.i'.-niit -Ion. daikey and la get mixed all up on the . ii Si-urday afternoons, ai, ! 1 . r -eiiii'ne enjoyment the c'.iiii'.cii.itioa cau't be beat. The Advance Job Office solicits Jem iitmue. We generally have a nwi of work, but cau turn you vw ,i ill s--cUiss job at auy time, lhii.g ur i-eiui your onlc-r aud name i1. e in m--iit of !) third teporr of Mr. JolmC CnruinisM'one: of La- which contains much ir: : : i.M.itiou in ieii!ence !' branches of labor in C !";ei S itill u ' i Vl'l Tl; u ml i. We an mm S.!I, ffje V, ii ;i : i third Regiments of r e (i;i rd went into camp at :.:vii e Tuesday. The Edge n:r !.-, the Greenville and the Seotl.iu.I Neck ;i ivis thiouh hero en ; .l.'.v. t:.' I'.elightful days we are ; ii!g and hen one re - 'o galaxy f'l air visitors lit ;i; :i we fail to untieiMtaud rising but business can ' tlio male j.ortiou of our ii'vav from dear, tie- lu! Wilson. e A'l.innc Ccat will sell i ':;: t! kr-ts trom here to : ' j'.'su during the encamp r '.." ). Tickets will be on ' Jl-- to .July 27th, gn.--! ; ; ,r r.ii'il July 31st, and on A a 4 h to lOtti, good u: i' August 14th i? c'u-iv; . (;n!.r G;l,tMl U:;!.-!:; r-c't- i T:n Vr Hit u: ;!( i,;i'.v , ffiiiii'.' -., I j lie r n -: 1 Wi!: rn-ii- , PSSSOITAL MENTION. Mr. John Cutchif), of Whitakers, is in town. Mr. Paul Brniu'h is at Mori-head C:y. Mr. Edgar Gay ?pent a few days in Morebead Citv this week. Mr. 13. F. Tylor, of Nashville, is visiting relatives hero. Mr, Or.arlea EJwaids, of Rich monsl, is in tov n. Dr. SV. 15. Cra .viord, of L?xings con wa in towu last week Aliss I'dunie (iraves returned lutsday trom Morehead City. airs. J. R. Allen left Tuesday lor a visit to Wilmington. 1 iOt. I',. Ij. Ml(!dk-!)U is visiting relatives at his lonnei homo near Waisaw. ldrs. WT. r. Simpson is visiting relatives at, her old lu-me near Ringwood. MKs Iknilau Moore, of Frankliu, is visiting her gister, Mrs. Calvin 15 row niey. Mrs. J. D. L i iier and children, of Gieenvine, are viii nig relatives in town. Mrs. Jno. Slaughter, of Go'ils b-"rn, wn.s visiting friends 1:1 town last week. Miss Mim;ieLlk';!i.N left last Mon day for Lenoir, where she will visit trieiids Rev. D. II. Tattle left last Mon day for a two week's stay with telatiyes in Caldwell county. Mr. J. E. Woodard lent a few das in Wilmington last week on professional business Mm. Geo. Wain wright aud chil- dri" :.!(' liome from their trip to R..1. . Mr. G'o:e ILicktirv leit Moiis day last for ;i business trip through tM.ut'i Caioima and Georgia. Miss I'attie Howard, of Tarboro, is visiting Miss Fauuie Graves. Mus Sue Davis is visiting friends ia Goldsboro this week. Mr. Henry Hurt felt Tuesday for L;uiburg to te absent j.eihais a month. Mvs F. A. Woomhm!. Miss Mamie Ve; i and Graham .Woo'ard left Tue-dav for Wj ightsvide. .Miss Luna 'Lewis ot Goldsboro, is vivjnnu" Miss Mary Groves Coiiur. Messrs. J. H. Exam an:. Arthur Copula;. d spent a lew da:; last week in M j:e!u ad Ciry. Miss Ilattie F..ttv, (laughter of Mr. J. T. H.itti, is - j - i ? i u r U:-r grand parents Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Lee. M-s. J Buffalo LitMaSprings- The water oprtngs has rTese celebrated 8 a world-wide renutasj Mi-s Ilorence Be Florence Bernheim.a talent- tion, and is rapidlv rowin In : emeaiber otNorth Caronna journ NUTHINu SUGGEEDS LIKE mm Boston Female Institute. Prjf. Snead, thH Principal, married Miss Bettie Chandler, who taught in W ilson six vears two for Prof. DeB. Hooper and four for his successor, Pi of. J. li. Brewer. She is a lull graduate of Hollins Insri- e and for the past iars has dc voted her time to teaching muiic. liea -era of tho Advance remem ber the flittering reports of her concerts while teaching here. i-'i 1-t i,f 1 ' -i I V. . Woo lard ha. accept : vrit'.ion o aildress thefar-I-1 k tin on Friday, August ' ; s joli is a l)ig Alli ' . .-.t Cedar Rock. Those i wid !j.iv th pleasure r io son e good Demo iit.e from the lips of our i' ; '"' 11- !ll;n. ive hi-eii impressed with 1 :.'.-; needi more than ai!-';.;; r p is the nerd of a swim '' V , i'.r th- ,o;,s. We fVrl (i;:s ne..-d .-oieiy and s soon as aW onr,-iii) ny up we are go-t-j i -n!d one in t!ie ueighbor- o -d, !.,! feet long, A nte and u n feet deep. --t the Wilson Water ;-!ii!) i'iv to tuiuisu us i we an going to give v i iu town a season ticket. R. Bo !::! Mt Saturday for Keiiansville, Duplin county. wh;io she will sped some time with friends and relatives, Mr. C. C. D-iniels left Tue.-day for Clinton to attend the Congres sional Convention which met there yesterdav . Air. Geo. W. Mount k it Tuesday to attend the annual rueeiing of the North Cr- ";- Pie-.s Associas tlOU in I)lir''a::i e.s:erda. Mi.-s Can le Murrav, of lialeigh, and Miss Man aa Coke, of Abilene, Texas, are visi:i!ig ilrs. Geo. Wa'.nwiight. Mr. L. H. Weaver. ofRiudle-ta-iti, who had lieon visiting his brother, Alaj Jeo. L. Weaver, left tor his home on 'slo:-da . Miss Mattie Wright, who had been visiting Miss M;U f ie Uadley, returned lo her Sioan- in Tarboro last Thursday. Mr. Sam Kaufman, the alfa'ole he:-td salesmau for A Ileiibrouer, left on Saturday for Asheville, where he will spend a lew weeks. Mrs. C. F. Grdliu, accompanied by her visitor, Miss ilattie Jones, is visiting Wi!-on. Goldsboro Argus. Messrs W, 1'. Lvfajpson and E. Barnen, Jr.. were U-cted del-jjates to the Sute Tobacc-j Couvcarioa that meets in Moiehead (Jay ou Tuesday, Aegt'st Oth Mr. A. W. Rowland left la-t Frid-jv to visit mends m Henders snn. r,.-!, e return i.itr Mr. Row land will rua dowii to Texas for a short sLay wi'h relaMves. flenrv Km?, of the Ta.boro Banner! L. E. Hilliard, of the Scot land Nick Democrv, and W K, Jacobson.of the Wiishir.g'on L'ta ipus. massed' ttlieUJt lielt Ttlc.-O iv eu route for Durham. i''-:l of nint h W" . r I; -, ' .tVr !-V: SHALL 772 HAVS IT? it Pacticaa'.a ta Koli a Fair Here This Fall? '-E-Ir.srtiisnent To-Night. l:i Maniona Hall to-night au en tr? rnr-nt will tie eiven bv 'he E ' t: c!l I;ti!ute (col.) Coi;vit mpany. Ir is said that the per '"' m-.-rs pfishtss extra musical tal 1 ,lf ' lei e ui produce a crfditable iu' I'n inaiie.e. One of the features the appeal $nce of Prof. J. W. WiK'iTi. d' Cape Mount, Africa, "I, 'i will lecture upou the habits ""I customs of his native people. I'-i w;li be reserved ou one side ' IL-11 for white people who : '"'' ;o atteml. Reserved sets, -' i ;! ; g'-turid admission, 15 '""' U s-t ved seats are'for sale ,r R ''.. drug store. Th en '"r-ii'i :! ;it is worth attending we !! k.. . . r -:rd cf Tr de- ' - .r.eelliig of the Citiz US Of 'v!i ill the Court Houso Tues i 'it a Tobacco Board of as organized. The follows ' ( Hi ''-rs were elected : lent, V. P. Simpson. " l'ivsidetit, E. Barnes, Jr. 's'-'. and Treas. E. M. I'ace. x'c:itiv Committee F. W. Chairman, U. D. Gteeu F- BiiL'irs. A-ibn ration Committee C. A. b,!i"r, Chairman, Wr. P. Wootten r,1i M. M. Nadal. iles Committee Wr. F.Wood. !,r,1 Chiarmau, Calvin Barnes, R. 1;r'gg-i 11. Rouutree and Alex Greene. O 1 an uivor wuerever its virtues are known. If you are a auil'eivr (and ! who is not!) you should take time to read the opinion of the eminent physicians, published in j aliam ten years ago,died iu Phillips- ourg, ,'ew Jersey, t-nday, July 11th. She was a second daughter of Rev.Dr.G.D.Beiuhbim.a Luthers an minister who served the churches I anotner column. It is c-itainly wovth payiug care fed a t .ten ion to who these men say. The cures it ha. effected are not far from being marvellous, and Nature has not ceased to givv-the water virtue still, write to Mr. Oglesby for auy in formation you may desire. New Advertisements. You should not do yourself the injustice to fail to read the solid talk ot The Oa-b Racket Store. "Uudeiuuy and undrseli'Ts a good motto and a visit to this popular place proves it to be a true one. We failed last week to cail atten tion to the advertisement of B.utle boro Male and Female Institute. The Priucipal is a young man of proven ability,energy and scholarly ciiiauimear, ana uis assisraurs are thoroughly prepared. The prom i --a for the coming session is verv bright. Charlotte possesses many ad vantages a? a place in which to live, uoc the least of v-hich is an excellent institution for (lie educa tion of young girls. See adver tisement of Female Institute, of which Rev. W. P. Arkhison is Principal. The Music Department offers special advantages. If you are wanting to know how to prepare yourself to earn a live lihood, read the advertisement of Norfolk Business College. Write to the Principal far catalogue and circulars. Fathers having sons to educate will do well to write to Joseph Kiusr, Principal of Suffolk Milita ry Academy, beiore determining where to send them. The High Point Female College is a caudidate for patronage and in another columu lays its cl Urns be fore our readers. i ot Wilmington and Charlotte as pastor for some years Iu 1882 Dr. Bernheim and his two daughters, Misses Lisette aud Florence, were publishing a literary monthly, of a superior order of excellence, iu Charlotte. It was called 4'At Home and Abroad," aud we recall the pleasure its perusal always auorded ua. At the meeting of idie Press Associat'ou in Elizabeth City in 1882 a poem was read by Miss Lisette Bernheim, that some ot our exchanges have attiiouted to the deceased sister. She was also present. A general favorite wherever kuowu, a woman of cul ture and taste, aud a lonug daugh ter, we bewail her loss. DIED. July 7th, 1S0O, of typhoid hirer, at the residence of his father in Red Spriugs, N. U., William Graham McMillan, in the 26th year of his age. The d ceased was a son of Mr. Hamilton McMilllan, of Red Springs, N. C, and was a young man ol more than the average ability. fl entered the United States Naval Academy in Septem ber of 1833, and at the end of four years, was graduated first amoDg the five North Carolina members of his class. After serving two years in North American and Asiatic waters, he retuiued to Annapolis, and passed his examina tion for promotiou with credit. He was offered a commission in tho Navy but refused it, that he might engage in business in his native State. Tne people of Wilson know and esteem highly Prof. McMillau and their heartelt sympathy o out, to Lim in Lis aiihction. We know, trom ? w w m f- 0 . . Tl - !-:.: ii :.- O A S M 1CKOUE KILLER Is niv iik-m w i.iiiii ran ii,ii..i iin-, is lnaue it has fever luiltd in any ip.-iHiiee no matter what ii.i ;;- mm- noii! ;.r ricusi to tne simplest i i r.iiun-n in i nc nu man ej Fieni.. '1 l;c scli utiiic men nf tu-ilay claim aud prove Hii t ttiy rust ase is caused by microbes; and ICP.0SS KIJiLES cx'i-i in inatos O-c mierubesand drives thorn out ,f the systciii and wl en that is done you cannot have an m-he cr pair. No ma tier what the dis- ase, whether a simple case of Malarial Kever era combination of diseases, we cure them all at the same time, as we treat all diseases consti tutionally, t" Asthma, Consumption, Ca tarrh, I'.ioiHliMis. liheumatism. Kidney and Liver Diw use. Chills and Kever, Female Trou bles, in ail it? forms; and. in fact, every disease Known to lliehumiui sys,e.n. mm oi Ffsudulc-ct Imitations. Since 1 he sueei'ss of Kadam s Microbe Killer has been proven, no less than fourteen spurious imitations, have been plawed on tho markot.the proprietors of which expect to sell en the repu lai ion of lindam's Microbe Killer. They ara ealied by vurious and snndry names, suchas Oertnicidc, Gcrineteur tlcrm Kxtorminator Electro liermicidc, Microdide, Micro andvarl ous other names. They are self marked eoun terfeita, avd it is hoped the rnbliu will not be deceive 1 by them. These are tho usual attemp to defraud the people by imitai itijr a successful aud meritorious article. We warn the pub against all such. Seo that onr Tra ie Mark I same iia above aupeursoacaeh jug. Send for book "History of the iliei ol.u Kiiler,'' iveu away by Sole Agent - - "Vilson Dm eiiiF ami mm SPRING! My Xlore is Filled With ,6 LATEtST rEHIO-IV H Jr. the tender way in which he Wo take ntfnstire in i.n uttpn- I alwavs referred to his son. that lie tion to the advertisement o! Smth. I Lived him devotedly. We heard him say once that "William had never caused him one moment of trouble." We can conceive no higher or noble tribute of praise. Editor advance. Its Plain Truth. The local editor left yestrrday for Durham to be present at the Press Association. He will make the trip to Morehead City with the party on Saturday. Unlike some people he is not taking f'a mud) needed rest,'' "gone oil for his health,'' nor does he pre;; is.- !o come back home lullv prepared to worry the life ou of his patient; readers. But he has gone to have good, big, eajo.vable time, and proposes to get all the inn out oi the trip that is to bo h to. it he gets bick alive ne does prom'se to ste some of the ADVANCE leaders who have their bands on the $2 bill they a;e itching to pay u. bo he begs them to wait with patience, ind ia the meantime beg.n read ing "To Soldiers,'' whic'i will be commenced in our next is-iu AN IMPORTANT ELEMENT. Of the success of Hood's Sarsa panlla is the fact that every pur chaser receives a fair equivalent for his money. The familiar head line ,;100 Doses One Dollar," stolen yy imitators, is original with and iiie only of Hood's Sarsaparilla. This can easily bo proveu by any o;io who desires to test thi matter. For real economy, buy only Hood's Sarsapariila. Sod by all drugs gists. "Hcv7 to Cure All Skin Diseases. Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cures tettor.r eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, &c leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing aad curative pow- ; crs are possessed by no other remedy. Ask j your uruifgist for Swayne's Ointment. WILSON MARKET. Corrected Every Wednesday by JOHN C. HADLEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise. Cotton, per pound, 11 Corn, per bushel f5 A G::d Selection- I'rof. V. Ormoud. one of th ADVANCES Greene ooinrysi friends, has been elected Fr nc-pul j of Burlington Academy, ana rs I assumed contral. This is a few : s.'hool recently organized try tin- Methodists of the Durham Disfr:c j They hare erected a large Acad emy building with five large and suitable schoii-rcons. u is a handsome building, and the school is well equipped. Prof. Oimond graduated at Trinity hat Juno and gained the valedictoiy in his el is.-. He has had nearly thn e years ex- perieuco m teaching and me ad vance congratulates the Truster of the school upon obtaining M. Ormoud as Priucipal ot the school Ilan,s, per pound Sides, per pound - Sides, Dacon, per pound, Shoulders, per pound Shoulders, JJa con, perpound.. Peanuts, per bushel Potatoes, per bushel E.'.'irs, per dozen Chickens, per j air Tallow, per pound Lard, per pound Hide?, dry. pet pound Beeswax, per pound ,....12.15 6X 0 6h 8 150 50 12X .....25-50 8 10 3(i.r ..... 30 FOR CASH OfJLY. GOOD BOGTRI1TE 'Ve are not s.orr that we adopted it four yeara atro, oh, no! To its a:loption autl the strict adherence to its do we ascribe our succ.-s and WSDE-SPEAD F25PUTATION a3 the distributor of which other houses have not the nerve to offer. We. don't have to advertise any "marked down goods" simply becauaa we MARK THEM DOWN (and 'way down, too,) the minute they are opened up. Only a very small living profit we an.Ii nothing more. No allowances for bad debts. Thus by quick wales and small profits our goods are al ways ou the move. So to speak, making a so called "marked down raL to reduce stock" quite unuecces ary. Du't you SI-E ? -v-i cia s-if-sly aiy w$ lead in GO a? SETS. Our "C. Ii. li" for 14:. i tha wouder'of tho community. Hun, dreds of bargains exi-t in our stock of II ANDKE RCH IFS, TABLE DAMASK and NAPKINS. We Lava also some of the handsomest patents iu WHITE EMB'D. ROBES you ever saw. Always visit mi no 1 ash jLhe Vash VASn ASH ' ACKET LACKET STORE, TORE, WILSON, N. C. ILSON, N. C. C2 Manufacture tiM f$M 44 rs And s, Blinds, -oalers En Jlantels, M ;3 V J it i Hardware, Paints, Oils, B est lv.;3 r i ihHta .Hill i?iri ti W00TT0 W1BE TQbIgO IIEIIS ARE THE BKST.SIM PLEST AND che a it. s t v 1 r k 1 1 a n ( 3 e rs in the ma::xei Absolutely Pure- The Wilson County Stock A-so ciallon has purchased the, p;eee. of property situated just iu front of ludge Coroioi's residence and it. is being put iu sh-.ipe to suit then ideas. It is not improbable tlMta tcir will he held heie this f.dl. If the seasons continue propitious jml rhe ouilooi: for a liao all- around crop ss bright and promis inuaii it is at presebt, we expect uothiuc less than a fair Work is now progressing on a race track that is to tie m.ide one of the finest half mile tracks in the South. MesMS. Jno. Selby aud F. W. Uames nie Mipervisiug the work, and tnis is a sufuVient guar antee that it will be all that ex neiience i'lul skill can suggest. A new street is to be opened up th i will run oot to the grounds. It is an extension ol the street that ties between the resilience - of Messrs. G. D. Green and , Branch. It will be made an elegant driveway, nlty teet wide, with side walks for pedestriauf. Some humorously inclined individual has suggested that this drive be called Hominy venue. Iu the name of common- This powder never varies. A marvel o pu rity, strength and whole8omene8. More ceo nomieal than tho ordinary kinds, and cannot In. wiid in comnetitio-i with the multitude f I)..,, n,-,m ' I"W tests, snort weigui auui or jjiioopunic Xrllkl VjUUI j , onrri nvi.visdjm. IiOVAL UAKINO POWDER Co. 1(W Wall St. N. Y. Progressive Csfcrd ! 11 there is a town in i.-:" Pund-na-with more vim. pus : :: utei prise in it- than Oxto:d e have failed to notice it. it we a-.. mistaken me will gladly reciify ihe error. The go ahead laisiMen.s in. n have arganized a Laud and Tm--piovenient Company thai, has sj'ui some $100,000 wo-ih ot pn-perty wituin the last sixty fia.vs., latest is that a snuff factory is to b3 put JiDto operation immediately. Kiht upon the heels of the mi nnnnffmerkt, comes the tine that the Modern Tobacce pany, of High Poui is to move its extensive plant theie. The im provement company donates a site aud a liberal subscription. The Tobacco Barn company is one o; the largest manufactories iu North Carolina, and employs two hundred and fifty hands. The company manufactures improved tobacco barns. That is the way to build up a place. Such acts do more than a thousand newspapers- A paper cau ouly tell the news and relate the advantages offered. This is its legitimate sphere. But first or all I he- mouev in a town must be put into circulation by investments iu such interpnse ai win ura. v people. As population iuciea.-e business increases. Cun any one . . i.i . i, vv il. say wuat is inu .ii'1"" sou f Ron intermediate days tho Beaufort will A neculiaritv of Hood d b iraa- : f()uch at New lierne, leaving there 7, a m. i.1 . , lt. t.,t , .-.r-.n- f brt i Tuesdavn and p. m. Thursdays, connecting pariua is HJitL wuuo y y wiUl Atlantic Kailroad. blood, it imparts new v;got every functiou of the body. sense, uo ! L-t. it never be cal! d by such a mime. L t it ue uameu after fouic one of the gentlemen who are so heartily interested in ih a sri.M:ition Green wood Aven ue., instance. H it is decided imnractieable to hold a fair this roar it i uite likely tht a sehednle of racitJC iH be issued that will attract no small crowd. But more of this la the future. I he track will be in readiness by Aug. lit, wo are informed. Fresh turnip seed at Anderson's Drug Store. ( SUHEK SCHEDULE ol SfElHER BEAUFORT- For the benefit of those who desire to visit Ocracoko during the season, the Beaufort i will run the following scneauie : 1 Leave Washington every Saturday 11 p.m. " " Monday 5 a. m. " " " Wednesday 9 a. m. I Cioso connection with the steamers from ' Greenville and Tarboro, and the train from I Jauiesvtlle that connects with the Wilming ! ton and Weldon Railroad. CURE THE LEAVES ONLY- Wo claim that these banners are cheaper than any other: are detai l' .Me, and any m io tier can be used per stick ; insure a-iinifcrni barn d tobacco; more toba-vo can be cvred per barn; tobaeeo briiiL'S better prices: dues not bruise; stalls is not cured, fuel and time. Any barn can be ue.l. Su:i:)le s ;nt with pamphlet for 5 cents pnsla:-'c. lii'i'isr. for them of your storekeeper .r aeiit, li they do not keep them send to us. i'rik-c 1T l.flOO, ill SJicI-.s. Vricc per 1 .):, ESJinatrs .niy, Mm llio! A POP I J LAIC LINE OF TUB , irrST STYLES mm m HOUSTON, HALIFAX CO., YiRuiSlH. june lL'-3 a. HKiNG RECEIVED BY- j i .mirr. HE. HIE -TIIE- Imiiii Milliner 1 ! i Gu. to "UUNGEE IS THE BEST fc'At'CU. As a rule, a person who has a good appetite has good health. But how many there are who ens joy nothing they eat, and sit down to meals only as an unpleasant duty. Nature's antidotes for this condition are so happily combined in Hood's Sarsaparilla that it enon restores good digestion, creaks an appetite, aud renovates and vitalizes the blood so that the beneficial effect of good food is im parted to the whole body. Truly hunger is the best sauce, and Uood'a Sarsaparilla induces hunger. PARE Prom Washingtoaton to Ocracokc and re turn 52.50. From New Berne to Ocracoko aud return $:).r.O Single Trip Tickets $1.50 r From Washington to New Berne fJ.sO Trom New Berne to Washington $-,50 H. F.I (HIEENVIEEE N.O. Hav8 just received a Sim car load of Horses ami Mult which they will MbH cheap for cash, or on time at r;:---onab:e terms. Call and exauiim; t -:iro "ntiyina elsewhere They fisst-clas? Li v; i n stable in cuniiii'i Skinner's La:.v t o have n i!:d Feed ii, ritir ol who has purchased for the Rnrin and Su miner trade the latest sty lea in all things per tniiiinir to Ladies' wear aud that pleases the eye of woman Her lino of Laces, Embroid eries and white embroidered rubes can't be equaled at any place in Rocky Mount. She has on hand, black lace net io trimming dresses, Vandykes in all widths aud styles, Kuching of every shade and price, Sash ribbons in beautitui designs, ana the latest things Buckles for dresses to please you. Stamp ed Linens a specialty. Call early and often at her store in K0CKY jIMLNT. N. C. of Various Weaves in DresS GfoodLS -JlSTJD OTHER- Suitablc for The Spring Season, (manager) for M. R. Langr. When visiting ai? s(ore don't forget to ask for Children's and Boy's Clothing. THE Wm Suck FOR LOQ BA And Baskets For Catherine: The Leaf. Vo Planter who raises Tobacco can afford not to uso them It's tire simplest, but most eomDlete arrangement yet devised to save all the K-baoco leaves (rrown. commonly ealied Prl nTw, and make thum marketable at the hit hest prices, and the only mode whereby you can save .them in such manner that each leaf catches the same amount of heat and in r .n every side ai the same time, thus insuring a uniform cure There Is no chance to crowd the leaves, as s thecase Twhen Btruog ou cords-even if you tried to. Read the following hn - timonials f mm thoM who have tried them-don't flattw yourself that you can do more i : !iose who have spent a life-tirao in handbng lobaco. To Thosk Intkrestbd ; I have been asked to tfive my opinion -upon the praotlcal mode of the process of curinK Tobacco with tho sNOW STICK., or more commonly known as the wire process. 1 preface my remarks by saying 1 have been in tobacco, have handled U been intimawly associated with this great sUplVall my life, and have watched closely every new device that had for for its object the improvement and lifUng the burden off the shoulder of the producer, who had it to bear. I know that it don't take a Solomon t say It. but the man who invents tnese labor aa'jng tobacco curing outfits should be classed as a ffi actor of mankind, lt-t. Bythe use of the wire stick you can save ttie bottom leaves which woufd otherwise bo lost by firing. 2nd ltdon't require experta to gather and string these leavs-chaps 10 years old can do as well as men? 3rd, By taking off the lower leaves as they mature you hasten the ripening of t e plant-this alone Is a decided advantage. 4th, Theprimings or bottom leaves, thus saved, when cured make first and second class cul ture which under the old way. while waiting fSfthe body and top of the plant to get ful y rlTO or drained" for the knife, is lost entirely -aU of which when secured can be cured in your bar-with less fuel. But from observa tion in this section I have tound in my travels that fuel is of but second consideration at Proscn but when you pet regularly into to baeco i you will find this item of wood of con sSble import, and you would do wcl to commence ia time to take care cf it. When I read the strong endorsement of tho SNOW SticMC oroVesi Tby such tobacco men as Major h KndHrw, Va-. K, M. liogcrs. Jr., KloVen l? d. a5d many others I could not hSe ui i -jve it my full endorsement. Manager Wilson Tobacco Warehouse. UUI1XJ I Ull THE GDSLL TYPE WKITEK UUf (L. lElaven's 20Ci li2iplc Iccoimiiotla tioa. SFU.VLEIt JSIS OS, Managers. The Steamer Beaufort has bee i rebuilt and made larger; and is no w a comfortable and sea worthy boat, and has a permit to carry 2)0 passengers. ill buy tho O.'u-ll Type Writer and Check Perforator, with 7S Characters and 15 for the Single C'asu Udell, warranted to do better work than anj i. a.nme iuaic. Itcombines simply with duraiiibtv- speed, ease of operation, wears Iohjit wit hout e sr ol repairs than anv other mai-him-. 11m no ini: ribbon to botlu-r thi- i : i r:it.;:-. It is mar, substantial, nickel plated, poi f.-i t and a-iapi-ed to all kinds of typo wri:niir. l.i.ea print ing press, it produi-fs sharp, iliuti. kir:bii. manuscripts. Two t t.'U cmimi s can b nude at one writing. An inti-liiyi ::t perr-on eaa be come a good operator in two days. Wp otVcr 1.IHW to anv operator who can ci ai the work of tho Double Case Udell. Keliable Agents and ales'-icn wanted. Special inducements to i) r,! lor Pamphlet Kiviiiif Indorsements, &c, address EP mmim ODELL TYPE WRIT5R COMPANY, Rookery Building, Chicago, Id. Food cures Hog aud Chicken choleraand is the best food to mend up your horse ever used. Tho best farmers in Wilson county recommend it, and the immense quantity sold last year is a truarantee that it will do all claimed for it. PSICE 25 & 50 CENTS A BOX. A fresh supply just received and for sale by EOYKIN & C Uama, N. C. April 17th. 1890. 1 used the Snow Stick last year in my log barn and was more than pleased with the re .,iW. tho follow reasons: 1, iriraanot JrtemltoinYlw uld have lost half of my tebScco 2. Ihe cyst of curing was much ess thn th old way. 3. It takes less fuel and less nea? 4 It uSS est space to store it after it is cS?ed y nil it keeps in better condition 5 It is easTr to handl. when cured on the Snow stick I had 4 acres in tobacco and stcred he entire crop in two rwma have stored more In the same space had I had IU I sold fine curings at $25 per hundred, first primings included- Sold the entire lot for &7wl?hout grading. I recommend the Stow 'tick to brother farmers and expect to use it alBinlbisyear.Ifl would oraer ai ouw. Black Crkkk. N. C, A pril 17tB. discovered. Tho leases can bo i .i idly strung, they are not bruised by handlin; . id the dis tribuiion being uniform through t the barn the cure ss more perfect than by other meth ods. H. D.LUCAS, Black Cteek, N. C, April Kith, lH'to. I have used the Snow Tobacco Mick for two years and think It the best contrivance yet in vented for curing lobacco on the leaf. U. (i.i'UIVETT. LCCAMA, N. C, April lt, Capt W H Snow, High Point, N. C. Dear Sir : I cured my entire crop Tobacco last year on the Snow Tobacco Stick and think it is the best stick for curing tobacco on I ever saw. 8old my July primings Inst yepr for 17c net. Thiuk I would have lost half ot in v crop If I had not primed it. K, BASS. Ll'CAMA, N. C, April im. Captain W II Snow, High Point. X.O. Dear Sir : I cured all my cropot tobacco on the Snow Ktick last year and think j our stick and basket is the best out fit for cropping and curingtobe fouud on tho markei. ."'he first primiDgs. which would otherwise be thrown away, wili pjy for their cost. U.W. IJOYKIN Lcca ma, April 10th 1VM W I" Snow. H igh Point, N C Lear Sir 1 cured my tobacco crop last year od the Snow Tobacco stick and they gave me perfect satis faction, fcshall use them aaain this yearand would advise a 'ett to each barn I sold my July primings for 21 cents per lb net. Have seen several methods of hanging the leave? in the barn and believe tho Snow Htick unequalled. JAMES U UAKNES. MrCAMA. April 1st, 1.390. Capt. W. H. Snow, nigh Point, N, C. Dear Sir I cured my entire crop of tobacco last yearon the Snow Stickaed think it is tho best thing for the purpose yet invented. My primings, cut in July, sold for -J cents th ground leaves, I think all tobacco barns shoud be suppl'ed with a sett of fcnow Sticks as they enable he farmer to save enough that would otherwise be cut off and thrown away to pav for the expense of his crop. A.J. ELLIS. Lccama. April 10th, lfilU, W II Snow, High Point N.C. Dear Sir-1 used your Tobacco Stick last year and housed my entire cropon It. I have never seen auy other way of hanging tobacco in the barn that I like as well as tho Snow Stick way. I expect to . uy more this gtiasou, and think 1 would have lost one thirl of rn crop if 1 had cultivated and cu red the old way, LAhtlV LUCAS. nearSuso P9: in barns yet iut in your order ror ouu oiicas auu o nr mi-u au foot barn-more iu proportion the best investment you ever made. It don't require an expert to select the bottom leaves nor to string . or cur tnein. C. V. YOUNG & BRO., Wilson, N. C. E. BARNES-Jr., Wilson. N. C. L. F. LUCAS, Lucama, N. C. Are authorized agents for the eastern tobacco section and w.U have a limited number on sale at factory prices, payable No vember 1st, 1890, or sooner it you sell your tobacco before that time. , . , ge-Don't wait, but send in your order. Anew aud enlarged edition of our pamphlet ou tobacc, cul ing and curing is now ready for distribution. Only cost you by lasting, write to W. fl. 91V. M FBI

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