Tjie Wilson Advance jlsON, N, C ATJO. 28th, 1890 t. MOCRATIC NOMINEES. for the House of Representa Uvea: NATHAN BASS. For Sheriff : JONAS W. CROWELL. Clerk of the Buperfor Court : ; - . ALLI30N B. DEANS. For Register of Deeds t S. M. WARREN. For Treasurer : For For M.T. FARMER . 1 ot Coroner : jdilN K. RUFFIN. J?or Surveyor : JAMES W. TAYLOR. Constable of Wilson Town ship :; JO UN P. CLARK. For Solicitor 3rd District : JOHN E. WOODARD. v .-,io,n should bare electric lichta. 1 V.' 11 " 9 . n,e .ipvANCB Job Office U n t ga .lai'd 'u quality and price; .1 KaaItu rririrAl of f Ka A. vance Job Office at low figure. 'The County Commissionera meet jlondav next in regular monthly meeting. I Wilson will be pretty well, rep rt4nrnl at the Congressional Oon vii iim at KiustoD, jiext Wednesday.- . : ' . .' - We ire a pretty lull report ol t:e Democratic State Cou vent ion 01 the tist page of t bis week' ADVANCE. j Mapiewood Cemetery needs at leatiou. - The city tor the dead" fhuu'il he well kept and made at- iraciive to-the eye. j The advance hopes its friends wi.laid iu increasing' its subscript tiou list ibis fall when the people laves -me money, j The Oxford Day calls attention to tLe fact that the town tax is only 80 cents on the 1 100 valuas tion. It is ouly 35 bents in Wilson. Tne Democratic Senatorial Con vention for Lenoir! and Greene c nuties will meet In Snow Hill to day, to Dominate a candidate. The Wilson Male Academy ope n8 Monday next. The pro pects for a good attendance, Prof. Miildieton tells us, are very flatter mg. y - . a Very pleasant social greeting was given at the residence of CoL J. B StkKney, complimentary to JIL-s May Langhingbouse, last Thursday night. ; An excursion , tram passed through Wilson last Thursday for Norfolk.' It returned! on Saturday 0111. Li i'-r . n uu ncut rApftUwCU tliemselvfs as eujoyiug the trip. Wilson is to be tbe beat tobacco km k-; l the State, j The opening ah o( the Wilson Tobaceo Ware-ii!-ue be the 10th of Septem ber. & II 3 our tobacco here. iiii Arp do s Home talking in reg.mi to the Alliance that wjll not mte with tln hearty approval of man u, embers of the organization. Rtat uhat he says and if there is any good therein enjoy that, leav ids tin chaff. . - i be excursion of A. N Daniel, Ei-q .to Wilmingtont on Wedtes day last week, is 'complimented on all baudsi It was an orderly, veil managed exsnrsion and those vbo went were well repaid for their iroi.! e. , ' .-- La.t Sunday was Big August? id V.lj-on. The members of . the Pr m Mve Baptist I church wer i:e:c iM m-many miles, an, a w th' ( Hse on such occasions, the u was another mile post on - the" .oatt r the eternal camping ground 01 boil elect. j ''-... Mr, William Beat called in to us a i-w days since. He talis ns that on the farm of .Mr.- Wm. barms there are irjeanut vines that mtasure Gleet t inches across. . iiintv is a Btalk cf cotton lat 3eai - btalk-that has sprouted and now ha.s boles on it that are ready 10 open. i -- .. That Wilson has tor. yean en- Joy d the reputation' or belnf the " f-t cotton market, in the Btateall 'lie farmers of this j section know from practical tt-sf's.. The town 1:: !'es to make good that repttta tujii this year and we now tell the cot tou reisers fhatif they want the vry cream of the market for their c toa bring it to Wilson and sell Willie Stallings. has accepted a position with the Gash Racket Store. ' j - Rev. A. D. Betts is conducting a meeting at Bockborn, on Wilson circuit. I " ' Mr. Jamet W, Davis received a car load of machinery winch he has sold. ! " - i' Bob Drake the irrepressible Bob is now a newsboy on the Shorts Cut Railroad. ; September. 10th is the day of the opening sale of the Wilson Tobacco vvarenouse. Wilson needs electric lights, and she needs them ab once.' Did you near, our language ? : The County Farmer' met in Wilson in regular meeting last Friday. The peanut crop of county this year will turn many a dollar in our midst. The fall term of the Wilson Col legiate Institute begins Monday next. The prospects for a good at tendance are flatteiing. j Rev. R. P. Pell returned home last week from Albemarle Presby tery. He has recently held a very good meeting in Martin county. We regret to learn that Henrv Meridetb, a son of Mr. Joe Meri- deth, broke bis leg on Monday last. tie jumped from a silo and in doing so tue aceident ocvuired. '' MrS Frank L. Bbnd, au old man oi Tarboro. disappeared from his home a few nights siuce It is supposed that be diowned himself ui the river. Alliance monthly Wilson loose a Policeman J. L. Mayo who Is. by the way, one of the best and iLoat efficient officers ever on our force tells tt that the town has made about 950 on floes in the past week. ." - 1 "" ' .- The ADVANCE is pleased to know that the best man in the town, Mr. James W. Davis, is writing con. siderable insurance iu the old anu reliable Equitable Life Insurance Company. . The Board" of Directors of the Wilson Tobacco Warehouse have exhibited sound judgment in elect ing Capt.' L. O. Killett eleik and 8. M. Wrren, Jr., auctioneer. Better selections could not have been made. J. A. Thomas, Esq., editor of the Lonisburg Times, was in Wilson Tuesday last. He is, we remark in passing, one of the cleverest of the "newspaper fellers'' and a prudent, good politician. He is a nsetul Uan to the Democracy of Franklin county. ! ' 1 - Gray Cobb and Rufe Worrell were up before Mayor Green yes terday morning. Oobb was fined 15 In one case and 110 in another for violations of the town ordi nances. He and Worrell were both bonnd over to court Worrell,-who is a paralytic, having shot at Cobb, who was very insulting and over bearing towards - the defenseless cripple. New Cotton The first bale 01 new cotton was sold in Wilson on Wednesday of last week by Jethro Avcock, of Black Creek, to C. A. Young & Bros., at 11 cents. Tbree bales more were sold here yesterday to Branch, Bnggs & C04 and M. Rountree & Co , at 10J. - uor mer chants are always at the top of the market. j PERSONAL MENTION Little Miss Addie Davis is on visit to friends in Goldsboro. v H M. Daniel, Esq., of the Rocky Mount Mills, was in town Monday. - J. E. Woodird, Esq., was in Uoldsboro Tuesday on professional business. Elder Sylvester Hassell, of WiN liamston.'we were pleased to see in town yesterday. T.- A. Davis, Esq., Iras returned borne form his summer connnr in the mountains. Miss Lizzie Simpson, of Enfield, w on a visit to her brother, Mr. W. P. Simpson. J. H. Odom, Esq., of Rocky Mount, we were Pleased to see in town Tuesday. te, mmmm v fcj UVUU1 IF, Tf UU UIUI I oeun on a visit to Minn Kha ivin ciuiuea w ner nome lnioldsboro last Saturday. 1 The lamilv of Caot. Sam. Hod?. who have been spending some time in Wilson, have returned to their home in Norfolk. , Miss May Barnes has reiurnej to Tarboro to resume ber duties as a teacher in the Graded School at that place. 1 "Tom" Ruffin, who h is been do ing good studying at Rev. B. S. Rrouson's school at Wanenton, has returned home. Piof. E. L. Middletou aud wife have returned from their summer vacation which the? spent in Dnrs bam and Dupliu county. ; Mr. C. B. Ruffin, Of the euterpriss ing firm of Ruffln & Hi ley, has te turned from tb North rhere he purchased their fall stock ol goods. Messrs-Jacob Battle, of Rocky Mount, J. L. Bridgers, of Tarboro and O. B. Aycock, ot Goldsboro were in town Friday on profession al bnsiuess. . Mrs. T. J. Hadley and daughters, Misses Mattie and Sallie and the other children, who have been spending sometime at Wrightss viJIe, have returned home. R. E. Copelend, Esq., went up the Western road last week. But then "Bob's coming and going pretty much all the time" Mrs. T. J. Southerland and daughter, Miss Maie, of Wilming ton, are spending a few days in Wilson, visiting the family of J. W. Crowell, Esq. Miss Annie Yeateman, of Wash ington City, is on a visit to the family of W. F. Simpson, Esq. Her visit here, as expressed by some one, is "short and sweet, bnt aws fullj lasting." ALSEUABLE PEESBYTEEY. ThsSisis Party The Dime Party given by the "Bright Jewels" in Mamona Hll last Tuesday night was an enjoy able affair and reflected j credit on Mrs. F, A. W"dard, the manager. The musical programme was short but exceptionally well selected and rendered. The refreshments serv ed were delicious and all iu all the Avanin? was offe not soon to be forgotten. j Senatorial Convention- The Democratic Senatorial Cou vention of the Seventh District is hereby called to meet at Nashville, N. Ci on Tuesday, the 23rd day of September, 1890, 12 o'clock, m., tor rhA nnrrawfl of nomina ing two candidates for the State Senate. By order of the Executive Com. ( J. A.' Thomas, ) JACOB BATSLE, ( JNO. F. BEUTON. An Interesting Session at Oakland- Albemarle Presbytery convened at Oakland, Johnston county last Wednesday. Organization was effected by the election of Rey. R. P. Pell, Moderator, with Rev. Mr. Swain and Eider S. W. Whitme temporary clerks, There is much business of im portance before the Presbytery. A manual tor Albemarle Pres- bey tery wm accepted from the committee which was appointed to draft the same, of which tier. Dr. Vass, of New Berne, was chair man. The subject of Home Missions wa- presented by Rev. A. Sprout, of Henderson, agent for this Pres bytery, and ine matter was fully discussed and plans were, adopted to extend this important agd grow ing work i several places within the bounds of the Presbvtery. Devotional services and preach ing were engaged in every day and night at Oakland, and also the churches for several miles around were thrown open and occupied by the ministers at night . if h fiB fJ A Tobacco Manufacturer- Mr. Hamas, of Wilton, Gran ville county, ia in Wilson coasultx ing with our people in regard to the establishment of a smoking tos bacco . factory. The Advance hopes the movement will take such practical shape as will result in the establishment of a tobacco factory in our midst. EXCELSIOR COOK S10VES! THE BEST II THE MARKET. Wilson, N. C, will hold its open. I'gfale on September 10th with "ud sounding trumpets. The iop ' Sue ti that sectiou, and W.Ihou PJs toell three; million pounds " if at this reason. There are s,te twelve or fifteen leaf fkms a!'f ad repi e.-fented ou toe market a"d Wilson starts but with bright 'wo-xpecps.. Danville (Vs.) Tobacco no?e of our readers who are ao- JliMii't-d with Mr. Lester will read "Miowuig iromtue iuii'on ao 'tiser with pleasure : Rev. Posey ter, (Jongn ssmao from the 5tb 2nd District Convention-- ' Tha rAmocratic Convention of this. Second District, has been call ed to meet in Kinston, Beptemoer At n a. m. Deleeales. from this part or tne uistricc . can ie the morning Shoo Fly'' and get n Goldsboro in time to connect with a special which will leave eh&t nlace at 9 o'clock for Kinstou. This train will return same day and arrive at Goldsbora in time to cou- nect with the evening "Shoo. Fly:'' KrinftMl rates have been secured on all road 8. s i!a district, 1 'fust I. r tl atfended the r,r""ive Bamist 'Association at Grove in this county and b't ached 10 a conffre gain,., ot at. least 5,000- He is III! PlAnnor.t snaibar anil la -ading divine of his denomma- i" this section.' j'be advertisement of the Wilson 1 "bacco Warehouse appearsin this "V . Advance. I The opening tKkes place on the 10th of Kember and there will be rep- ."r 1 1 1 stives of the biggest tobacco m the country here at ttat !""' The 10th will be an era in T. uslory or Wilson, for a large uiouit ol the finest tobacco that " be raised aoy where, will be sold u a warehouse second to none in - -ue in its' equipments ior band- tobacco. i ; - Medal Contests ProLE. L. Middleton. Prrucipal of the Wilson Male Academy, has made arrangements with the Demotest Medal Buieau to form a class in the Male Academy for. a series ol elocutionary contests in which silver and gold medals will be air arded t o tb e success f u I com netitors. m m a - a. a I. The object 01 tne contests 1? iue encouragement ot youth to higher lirrarv attammeuta aud education in the principles of temperance and prohibition. . All declamations must be taken from books furnished by the Med al Knrean. Eiebt silver meaais will be riven in the first eigne cou tests and the winners of these then minteat for a eold medal. These contests are being usea in sactinna nf onr State with' the greatest success. I The yeung neoDle are encouraged to work for . . ... -. ,t rewards wortn winning auu an rc liquor Suit to Measure . -We have just received from Strouse & Bro., Fine Art Clothiers the nicest line of samples for mens suits ever seen in Wilson and guar antee a perfect fit. Davis & Gay. HOME ITEMS . V PILES! PILES t ITCHING PILES. Svupmwo Moisture: intense itchinsr and otingin?; most at niht; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue thmors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becominfr very re Swatite 8 uintm ut stops tne itcning ana bleeding, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes the tumors. At druggist, or by mail jor 50 ten U. Dr. Swarne l Boo. Philadelphia. We have .open to-day a new line of notions at cost. Young Bros. Don't fail to see onr notions this week. Eveiy thing you can call for in notions. Young Bros. A big sacrifice at Young Bros. for the next fifteen days. Young Br 08. The latest style in hats at Davis & Gay. Prices reduced on all goods at Young Bros, until Sept. 1st. We are offering goods at and below cost for the -next 15 dus Young Bros. - Davis & Gay are now receiving the nicest assortment of goods ever brought to Wilson. Bargains at Young's this week. Dou't fail to visit Young Bros. You can buy goods at half price this week at Young Bros. Now is your time to bny sheetss at Young Bros, Our 1.75 Ladies Button Shoe i unsurpassed. Davis & Gay. Dou't fail 'O look at our b:g lot of notion samples this week. Young Bros. . Visit onr clotninc jparlor (op Btaiw) next week. Davis s Gay. Fresh turni p seed by the quan tity at W. S. Anderson's Drug Store. s We carry the best stock o goods in Wilson " Davis & Gay. Turnip seed at Anderson's Drug Store. " Tim farmers of Wilson count) will have to bay very little molasses this winter. A good number of them raised cane and will make their own syrup. We have never eaten better syrup than, they make eith- , er, and we believe sugar cane could be made a lucre tive crop if propers ly looked after. TLOOiTMARICET. Corrected Every Wednesday by - JOHN C. HADLEY, Wholesale and Be tall Dealer in General , ' Merchandise. Cotton, per pouDd,.. .... 1 X Corn, per bushel............. ' 8 Hams, per pound-.... .. -13X15 Sides, per pound, . f X Sides, Baoon, per pound, V Shoulders, per pound.. ... tX Shoulders, Ba con, perpound - - IX Peanuts, per bushel.... . 150 Potatoes, per bushel 60 Eggs, per dosen 1. MX Chickens, per rur v JB50 Tallow, per pound.. 8 Lard, per pound. iu Pide, dry, per pound 35 Beeswax. 9or pound Fonrteen different sizes and kinds. Five sizes with enam eled reservoirs. Adapted to all rennirements. and priced to suit all purses. . " LEADING FEATURES: Double wood doors, pater wood grate, adjustable damper interchangeable automatic sheH broiling door swinging hearth plate, swinging flue-stop, re versible gas-burning long crost piece,' double short centers, heavy ring covers, illuminated fire doors, nickel knobs, nickle panels etc, . Unequaled in Material, in finish, and in operation. Manufactured by ISAAC A. SHEPPARD & CO .-..y Baltimore, Md For Sale by GEO. D. GREENE & CO., ; Wilson. N. C. "WE treat and lKJiAHFJTLY cube, or no pay, all Chron ic Diskases, Pkfobmities. - and SuHuiCAi. Cases Skx- VAL DlSK.ASKS Of MEN, W " mktv. and ChiiUKKN the re- sultof Impei fed Derelupment, Evil Hatnu or Excesses, VP1"'" -unil tlia Whixkeu Uidtit,' A large and magnificent Sa ntarjvm and Private Lvino-Ik Hosp tt t, in cotinet tiun.ifoofc of Life, with arUculari for Horn Cure, Krbe. Dr. Arkkr's Mkiv icau 4 80RQICAI. Ikstitltk, lol4 Xfortb tlvrvm UtreeL -V ash vills Tenm. WESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE. STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. -Opens September 18th. 1890. One of the most thorough and attractive Schools for young ladies in the Union, Full course. Able lacuiry uonserratory in Music Delsarte System of Elocution Improved methods in Art and Calisthenics Full commercial course Buildftws with s.eam heat and gas light Situ ation gran 1 Climate unsurpassed for health Over 130 boarding pupils from 19 States Terms exceedingly tow special inducements to per sons at a a: stan co f or tne great inducements of this CELEBKATED VIRGINIA SCHOOL, write for a catalogue to Wm. HABaiS. d, .. i-resiaeni, fciaumon, Virginia. Winston House, . SELMA, N. a Mrsl O-. .A.- Tuiols. PORPIRETRESS. THE ODELL TYPE WRITER &iTh will buy the Odell Type Writer and iP v check Perforator, with 78 Characters and $lf for the Single Case Odell, warranted to do better work than any i. acbine made. It combines BimDlv with durability, sneed, ease of operation, wears longer without costol repairs than any other machine. Has no ink ribbon to bother - the operator. It is neat, substantial, nickel plated, perfect and adapt ed to all kinds of type writimr. Liicsa print ing press, it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. Two t ten copies can be mide at one writing. An intelligent person can be come a good operator in two days. We offer $1,000 to anr operator who can equal the work ox tno uouoie uase ueu. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special inducements to Dealers. For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, 4c, ad dress - ODELL TYI'E WRITER COMPifY Rookery Builainir, Chicago, IT THE WILSON BABBEBS. When you wish an easy shave. As good as barbers ever gave. Just call on us at our saloon. At morning, eye or noon We cut and dress the hair with grace, ' Toeuitihe contour ot the face- Our room is neat and towels clean, Scizzors sharp an 1 razors keen. And everything we think you. 1 find To suit the face and please the mind And all that art and skill can do If voulust call we'll do for von o n n Absolutely Purp. - A OTeam of tartar banking powder. High est of all leavening stuength. rj, 8. Govern ment Report Auyugt 17 1888. " ; Fresh turnip seed at Anderson's Drug Store. 1 A very desirable dwelling house for rent possession given at once! U, U JLIANIKJJ3. mada to see the evils of the tnfin. Renidps these prizes Prof. "iTftw . ia Cnra All Skin diseases haniliinmA simnlr imT Swavnea uinunenu no Cures tetter. Middleton will cive a handsome l simply apply, "sweiic gold medal to the young man Who lema. Itch, aUerupUons on the face, tondsj . . . , ;n I iT iMvinir tha akin clear, white and maces tne most improveuirni. 'u I nThy."itsgi:eit healing and curative pow- I Zl i .s- 1 vour dnwglst for Swayoe uinuneni. H. F. KEEL & CO. GREENVILLE N.C. Have joj?t received a fine cat load of Horses and Mules which they will sell cheap for cash, or on time at reasonable tertr. Call and examine before buying elsewhere. They also have a fisst-cla&s .Livery and Feed stable in connection, - rear of Skinner'd Law Ofice. I UaaNMas TwtiMal (ran all Kr IpwU af UmcMw. PfmpwtasPOST ill V UZfcXZ S vSTm It alrlirw aT I Am Now s - . - ' .IiiTlie To Buy My Fall iA.ND! Winter Goods. Look Out When I Com e Back ! n no nnri 9 (maxagek) for M. R. Lang Manufacturers And Dea ers In Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Moulding And S tair Work Hardware. Paints. Oils. Brushes. An.: Afi- ITT J "m i 'n ".T f 1 I "T 1 m 15 tresi iYiarKet oquare, worKiii a va: CORRESPONDENCE SoLICED lira FOR CASH ONLY. C3-OOID DOCTEIliTE W e are not sorry that we adopted it four years ago, oh, no! To its adoption and the strict adherence to its ' - EVERY PRINCIPLE do we ascribe our success and V71DE-SPEAD REPUTATION as the distributor of NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS ! The reason BA DAM'S MICROBE KILLER is the most wonderful medicine, in because it has j reyer failed in any instance- no matter what the disease from LEPROSY to the simplest disease known to the human system. - The scientific men of to day claim and prove that every disease is caused by microbes; and I ' SAD All' S MICEOBE SILLED i exterminates the microbes and drives them out of the system and when that is done you cannot have an ache or pain. No matter what the dis ease, whether a simple case of Malarial Fever or a combination of diseases, we cure tnem ail at the same time, as we treat All diseases consti tutionally. Cry-Asthma, Consumption, Ca tarrh, Bronchitis. Rheumatism. Kidney and Liver Disease. Chills and Fever, Female Trou bles, in all itf forms; and, in fact, every disease known to the human system. ' .- . Beware of Fraudulent Imitations. Since the success of Radam s Microbe Killer has been proven, no less than fourteen spurious imitations have been placed on the markot, the proprietors of which expect to sell en the repu ' tation of Radam,'s M lcrobe Killer. They are called bv. various and snndrv names, such as Germicide, Germeteur Germ Exterminator Electro Germicide. Microdide, Micro and vari oua other names. They are self marked conn terfeitcauditishoped the public will not be deceived by them. These are the usual attemp to defraud the people by imitating a successful aud meritorious article. We warn the pup against all such. See that onr Traoe Mark I same as above appears on each jug. Send for book "History of the Microbe Killer," given away by PAIIH1 Sole A-gxat - ary. which other houses have not the nerve to offer. We don't have to advertise any "marked down goods" pimply because we MARK THEM DOWN (and 'way down, too,) the minute they are opened up. Only a very small living profit we ask nothing more. No allowances for bad debts. Thus by quick sales and small profits our good are al A 4Y. CJ 4 l l J 1 1 ja ways uu iuo uiuve. w Byvnn. luttuiu a hu cttueu "marked down sale to reduce stock" quite unnecces Doa't you SEE t We cin safely s ty we lead iu CORSETS. Our "C. B. R." for 44c. ia tbe wonder of -tbo community. Hun dreds of bargains exi-t in our "stock' of HANDKERCHIF8, TABLE DAMASK and NAPKINS. We have also some of the handsomest patents in vVHITE EMli'D. ROBES yon ever saw. Always visit mm rASH Tfc A KK t FIR -A.RFT n.Ai KKP T ARB STOIiK, TORE, WILBOW. It. C. ILSON. N. C. S1LEIFEI ALE ACADEMY- a at w w c ' Tub Oldest Fbmale Collegb in THK SOUTH. Tbe 89 ih Annual Session beeins Aug. 29th. 1890. Register for last year 315. Special features : -Tne Development of Health, Character, and Intellect. Buildings thor ougbly remodeled. Fnily equipped Preparatory, "Collegiate aud Post Graduate Department., besides first-claas schools in Mosic, Lan-. guagea, Commercial aud Industrial Sfndies. JOHN H, CLE WELL, PbincipAl Notice. m a a i - a iintriiiff nno itiun a anmiidHirM tor ot the estate oi Auguiiu Farmer, deceased, notice i hereby given to all person indented io said es'ate to make immediate payment, and to all persons having claim againat said estate to pre sent them tor payment on or before the 17th day of Jnly, 1831, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. TMs .Inlj 17tb, 1890. . j J. W. Thoknk, Admr, J. D; Bardin, Attorney. Tii wiiiiiiuiiiiii imi. v

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