The Wilson Adranc e WILSON, N, CiSept. 4th, 1890 : - REEDS RULE, zizl Disgraceful Scenes in The House of Represeratives- Washington, Auj?, 27; The bulldozing rules adopted by tbe Republicana and enforced by their Speaker had their fitting and necesary outcome to -day in a scene of the most beastly dis- order ever known in the Ameri cat Congress. While a filibus tering rrotest against a partisan and inconsistent ruling of the Speaker was going on, Air. CanA non, the Republican floor lead er, insulted a. Democrat, Mr. McAdoo, in obscene language. At the demand of another Dem ocrat the words were taken down and while the House was having its lands full with; this matter two Republicans in private con versation ot into a fist fight on the floor and a third Republican in interfering was struck for his peacemaking. For several minuter, it seemed that the Bepublicau party had forgotten the Democrats and the public at large and were going to rend each other in pieces. It was f ullv fifteen minutes before any semblance of order was restored. Speaker Reed was entirely pow-t erless. The combatants were Messrs. Beokwith, of New Jersey and Wilson of Washington and such choice billingsgate as can not be even indicated in a fam ily paper was hurled at each others heads. Just before this embroglio.a personal rencounter between Messrs. Cannon and Mason came Dear taking placa in front of ihe Speaker's desk. The air was lurid, for a vhlle. All this turmoil is the direct result of despotic rule in gener al and especially I the effort to force through tb so called Pura Lard bill contrary to the order'taken by the House itself BLOOD POISON CUBED. I was troubled for years with a -.blood Poison in its very worst form. L was treated by tbe very and Kvansville, Iod., bat they failed to benefit me in any way. A few bottles of Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) cuied me sound and well. This was over four . year3 ago, and there has been do return of the tliaease since, or any' symptoms of it. I have recommended it- to others for blood poison, and in civery case they were permanently 7 curvil." ! - . D. H. Ii'AiN,Mt. Vernon, 111. Treatise on Blood and Hfcin LMs eases mailed free. - Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta, Ga. HUNGER IS THE BEST SATXCE - Ar a rule, a, person who has a good appetite has good health. Bat how mauV there are who en io9 nothing they eat, and sit down to meals only as an , unpleasant dutv. Nature's antidotes for this condition are so i 'appily combined in Hood's Sarsapirilla that u soon rescorea goou uiKesuuu, creaU s an appetitt ,:aud renovates and vitalizes the blood so that the benehcial effect of good looa is im parted to the whole body. Truly huncer is the beat sauce, and H.od'a Sar8aparilla induces hunger Radam's Miciobe Killer., Nashville, Ten a. Gentlemen 1 take pleasure m testifyiaig to the remarkable bene fit I have recently receive! rrom the use of Radam's Microbe Killer. 1 have been much troubled with chills and night sweats for months, and after trying a great many re medies -to no avail, bought a jag . of Microbe Killer 'and was com pletely cured in ten days. Respectfully, J. J- Smith Fb ankfoet Ky., March 15 1890 - For sale by D. Herring. . T fcheerfnllv testify that after taking Microbe Killer for fifteen days I am entirely cored, after being stektwo years with malarial fever, and during ;which time I contracted other diseases, flax, etc, 1 was attended during this time by threes of the bestidoctors of the citv without ; being benefitted Wm. Uoherty, 10 Celeste St . New Orleans. Feb. 27 1888. For sale by D. Herring. NOTICE. . Having qualified as administrator on the estate of Temperance A. Fnlghnm dee'd, late Of Old Fields Township, Wilson county, notice is hereby given to all persons indent td to the estate Of the taid Temper ance A. Fulahum toj niake iinmedi ate payment-and settlement ; and all . persons having; claims against H-Said estate will present them for 4pajment on or IwfJte the 1st day of AugnMi, iS9i, or 'this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Tbis July 29th, 1S9Q. T W. PULGP.UM, admr of T A Fnlghnm dee'd Jno F. Bruton, atty'. Jy 31 6w Administrator tlHtice. Having qualified aaadminLsiiHu.r of the wstate of Barilett Perkins, dee'd, notice is hereby given to all ; pi-rwon indebted to said estate to inakfe immediate payment to tbe unerdsigned and to jail creditors to present their claims fnr payment on or before tbe 4th' day of August 1891 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This the 4th - day of August-18904 G T. Daniel, admr. - August 7 Gw. NOTICE. Having qualified; as admin s tratrix of the estate of Jno, W Perry notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment to ihe auider8igned, and all persons hav. mg claims agains said estate will present them to me on or, beforetbe 1st day of August 1891 or this notice will be plead in bar of their r covery. This August Jst 1890. Lucy L.i Dew, admr. August 7 Cw, s fCopyrigh t ed by J. B. Lippi and published through special caa Free Association. . yes', but It may be days away yet, and Mr. Vincent has confessed to me that his whole fortune hangs by a single hair that this wretched speculation hat swallowed everyuring that a rise of a single penny means beggary to ns, for he can no longer answer his broker's calls. i "That may have been so when he wrote; but Mr. Clark Beams to have had a little better luck locally. I infer from what he told me that they were safe fox today and could meet the raise of that critical cent or two; so that, despite the great loss they have sustained, there is not the certainty of ruin that so over whelmed Mr. Vincent on Wednesday.'V 'You give me hope and courage," cried the poor, anxious hearted woman 'as she . seized : and" pressed hi hand. 7 f'And and you come to us in the midst of our troubles! Mr. Vincent was so touched by your writing first to him; it brought back old days, old times, old fashions, that he loved to recall-days when.he, too, was young and brave hone and cheer." and full of And I have your good wishes, too, Mrs. Vincent? even though I am only a soldier and have so little to oner her be yond beyond"- But he could not finish. He had looked into her face with' such eager hope and dengue wnen ne Degan; y oroce aown helplessly when he tried " to speak of his great love for her sweet daughter. "I know what you would say, she an swered with quick and ready sympathy, "I have seen how deaf my child has been to you almost from the Very first In deed I do wish you happiness, Mr. Lane; but Mr. Vincent told you that we once had other views for Mabel. It is only fair and right that you should know. "How could it have been otherwise, Mrs. Vincent? Is there any man quite worthy of her? Is there any station in life too high for one like her? I never dared hope that your consent could have been so freely given. I do hot dare hope that she can possibly care for me yet. I will not keep yon longer, then. said she, smiling through her tears. "I will see you after a while, perhapa. Ma bel is in the library. Wow ill leave you. With, tumultuously throbbing heart, he softly entered and quickly glanced around. Hhe .tiers .of almost, priceless volumes, the antique furniture, the cost ly Persian rugs and portieres, the pic tures, bronzes, bric-a-brac all ' were valueless in his eager eyes. They sought one object alone, and found it in a deep bay window across' the room. - There, leaning back in a great easy reading chair, with a magazine in her lap, her fair head pillowed on a silken cushion, reclined the lady of his heart, smiling a sweet welcome to him, while the rosy color mounted to her brows as he came quickly forward and took her soft, white hand. How he was trembling! How was quite as good as . any of the "West Pointers, in his own opinion, and in so ciety was very much more at home than many of their number. A3 a dancer, he was looked upon in his: regiment and throughout the cavalry as one of the most accomplished in the whole service. And all this interest and all this cordiali ty he had accepted without hesitation as a tribute to his own superior qualifica tions and attractiveness. It was there fore with a feeling akin to pique that he heard of this possible engagement exist ing between her and Capt. Lane. ' In all the Eleventh cavalry there was no man whom Gordon Noel feared and possibly hated more than he did Capt. Lane. This arose from the fact that Lane as adjutant of the regiment had seen all the communications that passed from time to time relative to Noel's ab sence Qom "his command when his ser vices were most needed and when any man of spirit would have taken every possible precaution to be with it. He knew how silent Lane had always been, and how thorough a custo jan of regi mental secrets he was coi.iidered. But nil the same -the mere fact 'that Lane knew all these circumst;mces so much to his disadvantage, and had seen all his lame and impotent excuses, had made him fear him as a possible enemy and hate him simply because he stood in awe of him. loo one, to watch Noel in society or in the-presence Of his brother officers, would suppose for a moment . that he looked upon Lane with other than feel ings of the warmest regard and com radeship. It was only in his secret thoughts, which he admitted to nd soul on earth, that Noel realized what hii real feelings were towards a man who had never done him a wrong, but who had treated him on all occasions, public and private, with courtesy and consid eration For some reason or other the lieuten ant" felt restless and dissatisfied this morning. The atmosphere of the office was decidedly uncongenial. He was a man who rarely read anything, and tc whom letter writing was a bore. To be sure, he had jittle of it to do, for no man in the regiment had expressed' a desire to hear from him. It was a hot, sultry day; the stylish white flannel suit in which he had arrayed his handsome self was wasting its elegance on the desert air of a bare and empty; room, instead of being seen in the boudoirs of beauty or the billiard rooms at the club. Busi ness was slack; no recruits were com ing in, and Mr. Noel could stand it no longer. A ring from his bell summoned the sergeant to the room. "There doesn't seem to be any likeli hood of recruits coming in such a day ac this, sergeant," said Mr. Noel. "I'm go ing up to the club for a while; if any- 1 J T 11" 1 uuuy suomu, comem sena one or tne men up there for me; IT! return at once." t : . i. . i ..i ii-i , i r - leurtuv up Mguxo uiannaay mi 7," : rC " t-uxu vo luutL ai mure txiau unce. ; iui. &mn. cle- gant in build, always dressed in excel lent taste, Gordon Noel in any commun ity would have been pronounced a re markably presentable man. His face, at has been said, was very fine; his eyes dark; and handsome shaded by deep, thick lashes; his-hair dark and waving; his mustache, dark and drooping, serv ed only to enhance the brilliancy of the even white teeth that flashed underneath it in his frequent smiles and joyous laughter. One would say, in looking at Noel, that he was a man of singularly sunny disposition; and so he was,, and so they found him at the club; and so the loungers there hailed him with jovial shouts as he entered; lor, though only a fortnight had ' elapsed since" "his' arrival, and four days of that time he had been absent, giving his testimony before the court, martial in New York harbor, he had nevertheless won his way into the hearts of all the young fellows around the club, and no more popular man than Gordon Noel had ever come within the doors of "The Queen City." 1 'What are' you going to have, old man?' was the first question asked, and Noel Lynffhinclv ordered a sherry cob ifo Cesfen pronto. Bu GflPT. GflflRLES KING, U. S. fl. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, arrangement wun ue a m en- oier, saying tne oay was rar too not zox anything stronger. 7. "Who's that I just saw going into the billiard room?' he asked. That? That's Bgy Vincent. Haven't you met him yet?" 'Begy Vincent, said JNoel. "Is he the brother of the Miss Vincent whom I met at the party last night?' "The very same, was the reply. Mighty bright fellow,' too, and a very jolly one; though, he has been .in hard luck of late." How in hard luck?' asked a quiet looking man seated in a big arm chair, lowering for a moment the newspaper which he had been reading. "Well, through his father's ill luck on 'Change. You all know, of course, that Vincent was nearly busted before that corner went under last week., , "I know this," was the calm xeply,. "that while he did stand for a few days on the 'ragged edge,' and while it may be that had that corner not broken when it did he would have been in sore straits, in some way he or his partner, Clark, came to taw with additional funds, and had the consummate pluck to put up more at the very moment when it waa believed that that syndicate was going to have everything their own way. So far from being badly bitten by that deal, it's my belief that Vincent, Clark & Co. came out of it with a very pretty penny to the good. "Well, of course, Harris, you must know more about it than I do. But you cannot be gladder than I am to hear that Vincent's status is so much better than we supposed. I'm glad on his account, Tm glad on Regy's account, and I'm particu larly glad on Miss Mabel's account. And now Im particularly . chuckling over Billy Bossiter's frame of mind when he hears 'the real truth of this matter, When he went after her to Rome last year, and everybody supposed that Vin sent was worth a million, there s no doubt in the world that he did his best to win her, and that was what he was sent abroitd by his father to do. But W didn't 'win her then, for she strenuouslj our eyes open, and our ears, too, for that matter the fact is, I always have both eyes and ears open travel with them that way, sleep with them that way. would inot be the man I am in the busi ness world, Noel, if that weren't the case, And, pretty though Miss Vincent .may be, she's not the girl for you to waste your time on. "But why not?" asked Noel. "They have a magnificent home, and everything about it indicates wealth and refinement and culture; and there is no denying that she is one of the most attractive girls in society1 in this city; certainly I have Been none whom I have admired more." That very morning Gordon Noel was pre sented to Heginaia Vincent. "That is all very true, perhaps," was the reply; "but her father was very bad ly bitten during that wheat corner last month aud in fact he has been losing heavily for the last two years. Warden, who is his broker on 'Change, let it leak out iu more ways than one; and that wife 6t Warden is a regular scandal monger she can't help talking, and everytliing she manages to extract from him in, the way of information goes broad cast over the entire city. Of course, when the corner broke, as it did, old Vincent managed to pull out of it with out absolute loss of his homestead and his entire business. But the rally came only ih the nick of time. I am told that Warden has said that if wheat had gone up onj cent higher it would have knocked Vincent out of time; he never could have come to again. Gordon Noel, we have another plan for you. Wait until Ned Terry's sister gets back from the east; between her and her brother they have just jjbout as, much money invested in the best paying business in this town as any people that I can possibly name. She's p. belle; she's just as pretty as Miss Vincent. She isn't as smart, perhaps, but she is a woman worth cultivating. Now,! hold your horses. Wbere did you meet her, by the way?' "I 'first met her at the Thorntons' dinner party. She was there with Capt. Lanei and some other young people whorji I had not previously met." "Oh, yes; that reminds me. It seems to m4 I have heard once or twice that your friend" Lane was very much smitten in thit quarter. Now, you'd much better let him carry ofi5 Miss Vincent, if he can. She would suit his modest views of life very fwell. But I don't believe the girl has a' penny to her fortune; at least she certainly won't if Vincent has no more luck in the future than he has-had in the last year." "I took her down to dinner," said NoelJ thoughtfully, "and I , remember that she talked a good deal about the army, and asked a great many questions about the cavalrj-, 1 of it T noticed ths Now that you speak that Lane, who sat on the "opposite side of the table, didn't seem to ! he nartiritilarlv intprpstftd in thft ladv be particularly interested in the lady he was escorting, although, of courte, he had to be civil and tried to . w up a conversation, but everv now and ihen I would catch him looking at us, and particularly at her. But she looked so pretty that I didn't wonder atitin "When did you next see her?" said Withers. -umy iasi mgnt. you Jmow, 1 was called away almost immediately after the lliornton affair, and had to go on to New York on the court martial, where I was summoned as a witness, then only got pack in tame for the party last night. That was my second meeting with her, and "by this time Lane had gone out to joinjthe regiment. I didn't even have a chance to say good-by to him. Do you think, really, that he was smitten in thai quarter?" "That's what I certainly heard," said WiQiere; "and as soon as you get to know young people in society I venture to say.that you can readily find out all about it. These girls all know one another's secrets, and . are . generally pretty ready to tell them. That's the result of my experience." y- It was evident that Amos Withers' cousin was not to be neelected in tht i i een City. Xwo parties at private houses, a reception at the club and three dinners were the invitations which he found awaiting him at his office. Half aiirur was occupied in acknowledging and accepting or declining, as happened to be the case, these evidences of hospi tality; then, having no especial interest in the morning paper, his thoughts again reverted to what Mr. Withers had been telling him about Miss Vincent, and the possible relation "between her and his regimental comrade. He had been very much impressed with her . the night be fore. Her beauty was of such a rare and radiant character, she was so genial and unaffected in her manner, so bright and winning, with such an evident lik ing for his society, that Mr. Noel had come away flattering himself that be had made in this quarter a most fa vorable impression. He had thought of her very' much as he went home from the party of her interested face, as he talked. or danced with her; and she danced de lightfully, and was so good as to say that his step perfectly suited hers. He re membered now, too, her remark that it was so delightful to dance with army of ficers and graduates of the Point; they all seemed to feel so thoroughly at home on the floor, Noel was not a graduate of the Point by any means; but he saw no reason for disenchantine her on that score. He his- kind gray eyes were glowing! She could not meet them; she had to look away. She had begun some pleasant lit tle . welcoming speech, some half laugh ing allusion to the flowers, but she stop ped short in the midst of it. . A knot of half faded roses his roses nestled in her bosom, contrasting with the pure white of her dainty gownr and now those treasured, envied flowers began tar rise and fall, as though rocked on the' billows of some clear lake stirred by a sudden breeze. What he said, he did not know; she hardly heard, though her ears drank in every -word. She only realized that both his hands were tightly clasping hers, and that, scorn ing to seek a chair and draw it to her side perhaps, too, because he could not bear to release even for an instant that slender little hand perhaps still more because of the old time chiv alry in his nature' that had prompted him to ask parental sanction before tell ing her of .his deep and tender love. Capt. Lane had dropped on one knee close beside, and, bending over her, was pouring forth in broken, incoherent words the old, old story, of a -lover's hopes and fears and longings the sweet old song that, day after day, year after year, ay, though sung since God's crea tion of the beautiful world we live in, never, never can be heard or sung except in rapture. Even though she be cold to him as stone, no true women ever lis tened to the tale of a man's true- love without a thrill at h,eart. Once, only once, in the lifetime of men like Lane-yes, and of men not half his peers in depth of character, in intensity of feeling there comes a moment like this, and, whether, it be in the glow and fervor and enthusiasm of youth or the intensity and strength of maturer years, it is the climax of a lifetime; it is the "fftt.A fi-rvni wTiirV fill -if Vioti oil aswvna trials, tnumpns, tafee tneir due appor tionment; it is the memory of all others that lingers to .the very last, when all, all but this are banished from the dying brain. ' Rome, in her pride - of place, made the building of her capitol the cli max of mundane history; everything in .her calendar was "ante urbem condi- tarn or the reverse. The old world measured from the flood; the new world our world measures from the birth of him who died upon the cross; and the lifetime of the man who has once deeply and devotedly loved has found its climax in the thrilling moment of the avowaL . "Have you no word to say to me, Ma bel? not one word of hope? not one?" he pleaded Then she turned her lovely face, look ing into his deep eyes through a mist of tears. , "I do like j'ou," she murmured; "I do honor you so, Capt. Lane; but that is not what you deserve. There is no one, be lieve me, whom I so regard and esteem; but I do not know I am not certain of myself." "Let me try to win your love, Mabel, Give me just that right. Indeed, indeed I have not dared to hope that so soon I could win -even your trust and esteem. You make me so happy when you admit even that." "It is so little to give in return for what you have given me," she answered, softly, while her hand still lay firmly neld in the clasp of his, "Yet it is so much tome. .Think, Jslabel, in four days at most I must go back to my regiment. I ask no pledge or promise. Only let me write to you.; Only write to ine an I ! t me strive to arouse at least a little Ll .-j i i your true heart. Then by and bV ;ix months, perhaps ill come again and try my late. X know that an old dragi me, with gray hairs sprouting - in his mustache " But here she laid her fingers on his lips, and then, seizing both her hands, he Lowed bis head over them, and kissed them passionately. The day of parting came, all too soon. Duty the mistress to whom ha had never hitherto given un 1 " . i lei alle- giance-r-called him to the kL : .1 west and tho last night of his u . .- Ja-l hL. Lending over her in tlin iix A l win dow. He.was to take a luio train for St. Louis, and had said farewell to all but her. And now the moment had ar rived. A glance at his watch , had told him that he had but twenty minutes in which to reach the station. She had risen, and was standing, a lovely picture of graceful womanhood, her eyes brimming with tears. Both her hands were now clasped in his; she could not deny him that at such a time; but but was there not something throbbiug in her heart that she longed to tell? ; "It is good-by now," ha murmured, his whole soul in his gjowing eyes, his in finite love betrayed in those lips quiver ing under the heavy mustache. She glanced up into his face. "Fred" and then, as though abashed at her own boldness, the lovely head was bowed again almost on his breast. "What is it, darling? Tell m-," he whiskered, eagerly, a wild, wild hope thrilling through his heart. "Would it make you happier if if L told you that I knew myself a little bet ter?' - .. " "Mabel! Do you mean do you care forme?" And then she was suddenly clasped in his' strong, yearning arms and strained to his breast. LongJong afterward he used to lift that traveling coat of gray tweed from the trunk in which it was carefully stowed away, and wonder if if it were indeed true that her throbbing heart had thrilled through that senseless fabric, stirring wild joy and rapture to the very depths of his own. v , "Would I be sobbing my heart out," at last she murmured, "if I did not love" you and could not bear to have you go'r ' Ccn'iuued uext week. WE treat and I ermanf.nti.y cure, or no fa y, all Chron ic IMskases, Deformities. and Sirt-uiCAi. Cases Skx- VAL DlSKASKS Of MKH, Vo- m en, una chi lurks ttie re ' suits of Jntpn led Iteeelopment, Jiril HuOil or E&vsses, Opium and the Whiskey Huba. A laree and magnificent Sanitarium nnd Private Lyisq-In Hosp tl In coonec tioo, Hook of Life, with particulars (or Home Cure, Free. 1r. Hakkfr's Mki iCAti & Surgical. Institl tk, 151 Jforllt Advice to tife Aged. A krtni tarirmltt, muetk mm mint Se and torpl4 llvr . - Mi Jtimal.fu.JC tbe bowel., ll dlMb.ric-M without .tr.l.lBC IlTr. They ar adapted .Id r yoan". SOLD EVERYWHERE JED UCA. 1 lONALt. SUFFOLK MILITARY ACADEMY ' Established m 1875.- , One of the best equipped High Schools in the South for BO8 ana Courses in Bub fries. Science, LamraaKesana Mathematics wttn Engineering-, iaeis irum a States 14 from North Carolina last session. For 35 pasre catalog-ueaddress v: UOSEPH KING, K. M., Frlne paU ., r ; Suffolk, va, S SOUTH BOSTON FEMALE INSTITUTE The Seventh Session wul betfnT September Sr-iAncR, Literature acd Art.- fcoeatkm health lKtii -i nnrouiru . iuhv uuuuu , " ful, accessible and beautiful. Terms very moderate. For catalogue or further informa tion apply to J. r. aaHA u rnncipau Rrmth Roaton. Va. Ktniint will have free access to the Webster lathi. Water.. ? CHARLOTTE FEM ALE INSTITUTE, u Spsaion bec-ins 8ettember Srdt 189& with the larg-est and-flaest corisof teachers -the insti tute ha evR huL: A lroointments o t he Rrmrdina- TJerartment eaual to ailT in me South, The . Music , Department undor Mr. MacLean, conductor of the lata June Musical Ppsfival n Charlotte. Is the best lu that 8tate The citizens of Charlotte will tU any Inquirer thatMr. Ma(iLean is superior to any musii teacher who ever taugnt in cnariotit, or tu whom they have sent their daughters. jror catalogue appiy to . KBV.WM. R. ATiflNSOV.PrfnclpaV jul7 8w r - Charlotte, N. U, HIGH ' POINT FEMALE COLLEGER -HIGH POlJSTN,0:- The next Annual Session will open '-on .the last Wednesday in August . Advantaui-s bet ter and expenses lower Inan ever, lbe Kastaiian. alitrrry quarterly, and the annual catalogue give full particulars about ihe town the buildings and everything pertaining to the Institution, w rite ior copies or eacn to , , Rev. J. N.Staixings, ik rTesident, -:' High Point, N, C. WESLETAH FEMALE IBSTITUTE. STAUNTON. VIRGINIA. Opens Soptember 18th, 1890. ' One of the most thorough and attractive Schools for young Iadie8in the Union, Full course. Able faeulry Conservatory in Music Delsarte System of Elocution Improved methods in Art and Cal(athehiC8 Fall commercial course Huildin ia with steam heat and gas light Situ ation srand Climate unsuroossed lor health Over 130 boardintr punila from 19 States Terms exceedingly low Speoial inducements to per sons at a distance Forthenreat inducements of this CELEBRATED VIRGINIA SCHOOL. write for a catalogue to Wm. HARRIS, n, D., President fctauot on. Virginia.. ' - The Battleboro Male and Female Institute. iJireoiors : ' x. r. oraeweii, - r (- s r J. 11. Philips, r. . ttawitngs, .i. W. H. Whitehead, M- O Ths second session of tola school will I a gin August 13th, l&M. - -. t Tbe school . is amaea into three wen- quipped departments, which are presided over Dy tnorougniy cempetent instructors. The courses of studr are so arranged as to fit for active business pursuits and to give a tnorouirb preparation for college Special attention will be givenlto practical drill in English work. F r further information anply to W. a. WILKINSON, Frincipal Battleboro, N. C. U17 4 w . , ... CHESTER FEMALE INSTITUTE, Chesteb, Virginia,' . Begins its Session Sept. 10, 1890. Within a half-hour's ride of two large cities' at the highest point of .Atlantis Coast Line, w th tine Medicinal Springs, and an ablo Kaculiy. this school offers fine educational ad 'uri'agos and physical culture at reasonable rates. . . For circulars apply to i Mrs L. 11. Shore, Priticipal, 112 Bute Street, Noi folk; or Miss Nellie Dickinson. Ulieetler, Va. ju 1 Cw QORFOUS. thorough; pkactioal Institution, for both sexes. Open tlie entire year. Penmanship BookkeepiDK, Shorthand, Type writing, Arithmetic, Spelling, English Grammar," Banking and Correspondence.' Stadents can enter at any time - Pleasant roomf. Good Board in private familea for 83 and upwards. Gradu atea assisted to positions. Write for catalogue. I. W. PATTON, jiu 17 3u Norfolk, Va. EXCELSIOR COOraOYES THE BEST 1H THE 1IARKET. . Fourteen different sizes and kinds. Five sizes with enam eled reservoirs. - A dap ted to all requirements, . suit all purses. LEADING Doubla wood arid? ?- priced to FEATtTRES: doors, pater- wood grate, adjustable - damper interchangeable automatic shell broiiiug"doof 'swinging hearth plate, swiuglng-ue-stop, re versible gas-burning long crost piece, double short centers, heavy ring co era, illuminated fire doors, nickel knobs, ruckle panels etc,"' Uuequaled , in " Material, in finish, and in operation. Manufactured by ISAAC A.HEPPARI) & CO rx; : BalUiimre, Md For Sale by V GEO. D.; GREENE & CO., ' Wilson, N.C. " on i -snodVNViaNi 'SMyOM 3N19N3 SV11V S33IUd o3nt)01VX0 UOO UOJ Olllt I sir A oo I wf'im ' " ' ' in in i flit, AMDaa-i. Aiiuuiwvui WILSON. N.C. . rofflce next door to the Post Office, DR. W. S. AN DKKSON, 4 rtl X ISUIAH Aau out.""" " WILSON, N.C. . roffice in Drug; Store on -Tarboro Street. irinn & nAKTKlS. V. v. Goldsboro. N. C. . w lison . u. YCOCK,& DANIELS & DANIELS 1- ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW, , , ; L-5i-'.- - WILSON, N. C . - "Office" in Advance Buildin " ' JJ.iJ. E. BROTH ERS ' fH V SICI AN AND SUH IjriiiUi j Wilson, N. C. rnsna np,t ,ioor to First National Ilank, Residence corner Tarbor and Le spreeta. c. B. MOORK, ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON WILSON, N. e. yOflice second Tarboro Street. Feb. 21, ly door from' Advance office. D U. B..K-. W-ttlUHX SURGEON DEN 1ST, WILSON, N.C. .1-Having-' permanently located in WUson, I ffer my professional services to tho public, W-Office in Central Hotel Building. - TNO. B. WOODAR1), ATTOKNEY.AT-LAW, WILSON N.C QEO. S.XLOYD. M. D., Limited to . . EYE, EAR, NOSE AND'THKOAT, "Office, BRYAN HOTEL, M " ; TARBORO, N. Soy. 18-ly J D. BAKDIN. , J V ATTOKNET-AT-LAW: ' ' - WILSON, N. C. 3BrOince in Court House. - . A & S. A. WOO DA HO, ATTOKNETS-ATLAW, V'rLSON.N.C. t0:Mi-e in rear Oi the Uai . J T. BKUTON. 'ATTOHNET-AT-IAW ' WILSON, N. C. POfl";cc over First National Bank. JJR. E.-W. JOVNEK, - SUltGKON IlriTlST, . ' WILSON. N.C.' I havo b Hrnmo nermanentlT identified with the peop' : of Wilson, have practiood here for rhA Dfiflt iin v(, rl ann Winn in reiurn iupuu to tne g-enerous people of the community for Uim liberal nalronau-e thev have sriven me. 0T1 spare no money to procure inBtrn ments that will conduce to the comfort of my mtientji. . For a continuation Of the UDerai Datronaare heretofore bestowed on me I shall feeldeeulv irrateful. ,. . FDRSALE. AFEWF1NE . ' : GRADE GOTSWOLD LAMBS- Apply to ' F. W BARNES. WiImoo, N. o. May 293m - . i . A Thirty Five Hors . Powtr Eutfine and Boiler and Saw Mill. All in t lorontrli repair. Applv to F. A. WOODAitD, or PASCHAL & riRO, Wilson, Iota's sitps, UKNlTUilE DEALERS . and'' '". : undertakers;' WI!.SON,N-d Wft Hell at lowest prices, Bed- Rooni Sets, Wardrob'S, Brack- eta, Folding -Chains, Camp btools, Ficture Frames, and in deed every thing in the way ol HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Administrators Notice' . Iaviuii qualified us ailminitf ras to-' of the e.sute o':Biaiit S. Bqun, deceased, notice is liereby given to all persons iuiif htel to s;inl estate to make immediate iKiyrueut, aDd to all pnroni Laving claims against sniil estate to pnsent them for pii.unent on or before the 10'Ji day of.June, 1891, or .tbis noMee will be pipad in bar t t tber recov. ery. . Jno. 1, Barnes, Admr. J. D. Bardin, Attornev. This Juie lOtb, 1890..' , Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Oon Orncc is Opposite U. S. Patent Office and we can secure patent In lees time than those remote from' Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrii. Hon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PaMjPhlct. "How to Obtain Patents," with names or actual clients in your State county or town, sent free. Address, . , C.A.SNOW&COi Op. Patent. Office. Washington, o. c PIANO ORGAN BUY in August, September, or October and pay when crops are soli 8pt Caah ' Justslittle cash down, bslaaea ueoemoer iota. Nuitereac. Our entire stock any make prtoe"or stjla. BEST Sim mer fler we erer made Write forCirenlar-' sumaiEit offkk. lsde LUDDEH & BATES. SAVANNAH, CA. Ml IALE 1890 T IPPMCOTT S MAGAZINE; with u e"Unt contents, U library It wu indeed a happy thought to trimt mm entirt novel in each numier. Not a short novelette, but a lone story SMtik s Jart used to get in took fofm a?dl from one dollar to one dollar aid a half for? Not only that but with each number you gmt an abundance of other contributions, which pSZ yon m good magazine besides the novel The ringing blows which have been struct tm thegatewayof popular favor, have resounded cotf s Magazine stands tn the fr.JranTof ly Pf lJ"', and is the m., , widefy Vtorld. i, ForfuU descriptive circulars, address Z.IEPINCO TTS MAGAZINE, PhUadelphim $3.00 per year. 2$ ctr. single number. ,s The publisher of this paper will receive your subscription. Brilliant. Pure and Terfect Lmes Tii the World r Combined with Great Rtiractmg Power. Thev are as-transparent and colorless as li,''t itself. And for softness of endurance to the eyo cannot be exoellei, enaljling the wearer to read , for hour without latigue. Id fU they. are- PERFECT SIGH. I Pli)i?ERVEKS. Testimonials Viom tbe r-iartiop physicians in the Uinte.i Stat oan be given, who hace bd their night imnrved by their usr. All eyes ntteo nun ni A W. KOWLAN D'S D&VO uThorn nn immense asvorrmfLi of theses celebrated ttitssea can be found and proper adaptea io an conditions of the eye. These slasses are not appneu io peddlers ac any pnee. None geuuine-uuijoo mo Hawkes is stamped on the frajne. Wholesale Depots, vuauw ua Austin. Texas. b&i Hi Witt Will be given out to some one "i KVAMS' ruruii.tK . u. uwls' Jewelry Palace. Saturday night. at 8 o'clock sharp. - . ISir Kememoer, every meiauer win w v incui, rt a hnndsome watch at the ex- piration of twenty-five weeks from the time, of starting. No one will be swindled as there are no m AHKS The member's name who shall remain in the hat the longest will be presented a handsome cha'n to goWith his watch. . Jkw and ttKNTILE, ' . SAINT AND SINNER are cordially invited to witooes these draw- . lng, out De it unaersioou ; ALJL KASCAS ARE EXCLUDED. Hand in vour names if you wish to join th Silver Watch Club 50c.awcek is all it will cost you for 26 wweks. Fewer the vices bet-r ier the morals: Stop drinking, chewing or smoking and you can easily save this amount! and buy an accurate time piece that will notify. you when to go to your labor, atlena court or go to church. k. u. EVAfls. wanawer. 1 SIX-CORD pool Goiion ' IN WHITE, BLACK MD COLORS, fou Hand and Machine Use. T -s FOR. SALE J. ft T. QetUljger, J. u. a. o. Wijruins, M. K iuntre ft Co Manager for M. K.l,ang.) BY C. elT. J. T, , A. Heilbroner I and Wniske v Hahlta I cured at home with out pain. Book of par- I ucuiars sen i r hle. I B.M.WOOLLEY.M li. -Atlanta. ia Ofiii Atlanta, ia. Office KM Whitehall at Most.- 2 ..... . . tW ACQUAINTED WITH TEE GEOGItAPIIV- OP COtrifXRT, WILL OBTAHT tmuuxx vi,UAiiiJi iwrUEMATIOII Til?". KAa.. . ins uiiiuaiiu, flSJGK .SLfiHO S PACIF6C sl.D:. Includincr mrA Missouri Rier" TFall DX7 pa Citv-to Ror rJl. . lea t.otttth .rjr -rl"1 town. MinneapollSr StTl, int?We iiiX.-" if, ljaKe- i-ipes cone, liansas City, it also constitutes era pomta conyvrz' THE SHORT LSNE TO DENVER AND T!' WEST. FOIV! r THE eVElSSOURI RIVER. xsroriri frT; i-ul? "i. ncnesi; tmsporteuontoandf.ii?osKpopUap economical cysto KRna r:fT.' i . territory. Palace Sleed SSSL'1 , , AIF,CENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, . SornllVoomc?t!?ifind cool in summer. wanueJ. ' -leave KnsaJ cit? S JoSri Woi ventilated and free- torn duat and toutlaeaL with JSaA? S1VdailY' oa arrival of trair,3 from th J East FB.E3 i CbBirf-i3- Pullman Palace Sleeijerd tuiil Benver Coforlio aneanrt TROUGH WITHOUT CLA.NaE to- x tervaaing stationB in KS 0n10' r?akl etP5 ocly important in-veni-ntsta'ionsvetn1 , tiuperb DiUinff-BotcddiUeon-'. . . at e eonabie boulnd afmdem fr0 fticlouB roeal THE ROCK ISLAND IS THE FAVORITE TOURIST LINE FaUE,1dahS'lrfa!,abk9' Teen Mountain - resortB, htmti? an'd' fl?.S ,,n,5ark3Ulaiuln? camps tid cities, 6&nitrr ltsVestibulaExDresarrd?'en enio attractions of Colorado- that can audi to rtftV5,SIt?iiulpped uitn every modern impi ovement They also make cro or,nTen5e' co1ort and luxurious cnioymont. Depots)1 witl? the l ee in Colorado (inUuion . Denver Texa -nd Fort rtblLnS ail assued ion Jl VTnul-iSfr ' iua-iaer desired rJr ... mi , .' . AND QRNAMEN jAL MI BLE WORif ) JDTTF XJFL cSc CO . 6 KortL Poward Sr., B: Itimore Wire bailing for CemererL Lawns, Gardeus, Offices anu Hal ' conies, Window Guards, Tre Guards, Wire Cloi.h. Sieve Fen ders, Gnees, Sand -nd Coal Screens, Irori Benstcads, Chairs AND liltANCUES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. ' TRAINS GOING SOOTH. Si IIA1KD May Htb, 1890. Leave Weldou. p m 5 (3 pm 6 00 a m -7 10 - J Ar Uocky Mt.... I WILMINGTON& WELDON R R - - I 48 . " 2 38 p- m ...... ..... iOW am ... Ar Tarboio Lv Tarboro... Ar. Wilson Lv Wilson....... Ar Selina- Ar Fayetteviie- Lv Goldsboro, Lv Warsaw, Lv Magnolia-- Ar Wilraincton TRAINS GOING NORTH. Lv. WUminsrton 12 01 1 m; 9 00 a m 4uo p m r; : W 34 " 5, iti .... !l0 48 Rii " 1145 " 6 53 " Lv Mairnolia..- 121 2 23 -"Lv Warsaw..... Ar Qoldoboro- Lv Tayotteville 8 40 A" henna Ar Wilson - Lv Wilson ..... Ar Kocky Mt.. 11 00 " 12 10 - S 03 m 12 37 pm T47 pn, 1 1U " e 18 - Ar Tarboro.. Lv Tarbo.-OM 2 30 pm' lu 20 a 111 Ar Weidon-.. 4 30 2 45 piu30 pm Daily excepl Sunday. Trains on Scotland Nt-ck Drench Koad leare Weldon 3 IS Halifax 3 37 f M, arrive Scot land Neck at 452 P M. Greenville 6 00 PK. Keturninrf leaves Greenville 7 30 A M.Arrlv iiifr Halifax at 1010 A 14, Weldon 130 p m daily except Sunday. On Monday Wednesday and Friday Local Freight h aves Weldon 10 30 a m Halifax USD a m Scotland Neck 2 Oup m Arrivintr Green ville 510 p m Keturning' leave GreeDviii Tuesday Thursday and Saturday 9 30 am Scot land Meek 1 00 p iu Halifax 3 35 p in Arrtving Weldoq.4 p m & Kaleigh H. K. daily except Sunday. 4 05 P M. Sunday 3 00 P M, arrive Wiliiauiston. N c, 6 30 P M, 4 2ii P M. Plymouth 7 50 P. M., S 20 P. M. Keturning leaves Plymouth, N. Cn -Oaily except Sunday. 6 00 A M. Sunday 00 A M, Williainston. 7 10 A M. 9 58 A M, arrive Tarboro, N C, 9 30 A M. 11 20 A M. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Golds boro, N ". daily except Sunday, 600 A M. ar rive Smithlield, N C. 7 30 A M. Heturnin leaves Smithticld, N C, 8 00 A M, arrive Goldsboro, N C, 9 30 A M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Kooky Mount at 3 00 P M, arrives Nashville 3 40 P M, Spring Hope 4 15 P M. Returning leases Sprint Hopo 10 00 A M, Nashville 10 35A M, arrive Kocky Mount, 11 15 A M. daily eiwpt Sunder. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw lor Clinton daily except Sunday at 6(H) P M end 11 10 A M. Itelurnin? leaves Clinton at 8 20 A f.i and 3 10 P M, connecting at Warsaw vita Nos. 41. 40, 23 and 78, Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayetteville Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. 'Daily except Sunday. 'I'pnin Nrt. 9Tt fulfil will itAn nnlv at. WUann Goldsboro and Magnolia. ' TraiM Uk 78 makes close connection at VW don for all points North daily. AH rail Tie Kicbrrond, and daily except Sunday via Bey Line. . All tains run solid betweai WilminRton and Washington, and have 1 ullman Palace Sleepers attached. - i JOHN F. DIVINE. Gen'ISupt. T H VRMI.V Sunt Tranan,. ot .An rn t utruiucVT . , 1 1, .. a To euro Biliousness, Sick Headache, Coneti pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take ' the safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S 'TJe the ttJIAI.1. Slse (40 little Beane to the bottle). THKV ABE THE MOST COICTKNUKT. Snltable 4or all -A.9m. Price of either itiac. S. per liottle. KISSUJGiili'J:!? fHOTBfleAVIlH PANEL SIZI. J.f .StStTH J.CQ.Makeraor-BILEBEANS."ST.LOniS Ml. i.ieof,or. or ...Ml r lOSTorf AILIBO KAMEOOSl eral ud NEKV0U8 sUlUTTi ni-ueof Bodv and Kind. Ifftrte . jrroraer jsaeeeees in elder I oof. O fully Hrlorrd. How U nlirr 1 ITELOPKDOaUASSAPARTilOt !, elr u r!... JXK TRKATHKIIT ftmiu tm 4tf. Ren tcstil r.-'.vt aeripUTO. if. r 1. ,-i '.nllnut noe Mtllre (tue ) trm. raran vautrtM. Writ 1MB. tiAk CO.. BUFFALO, N. V. TIlQM A, STUDY OP THIS MAP OF L ' J J?181 an.". V.t , Nprtaand Northwest fro r. h . i iotnea ramiine ar.d trrazino- lnd m 01 Col- FfiEE EeoUnine- Chrr Cars between Colorado Midland, Union Facmc, ,l4irerc optoa of the " Western Trail,' iiiformatlon, address wv.uir, -, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Oen'l Tick at Fan AfnC 3 30 p m',7 00 P m 7m t2 30 " .... .! 3 4U I 6 00 . " ... j 3 16 - 7 40.- - 8m 4 10 " :.... 34 4 24 " 8 ) w w - 5 50 " 9 55 " 11120 ij t . " a- BEANS Rvbnt, N-'.ii- Atwoinl 1 , (Jmcaero, ana, vi.e. v.iit mton. Sioux Fall.-, Wnu-i-towns and cltitiri-it U : from St Tiuia (!i -li. 1

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