f lie WiIsH Aftviic 'iTwiLSOX, LOCAL. EDITOR, . ji My Gay ihumm d Monday m tier trip to Fiatikimioiv -v Miss-Sadie Kii by, of Goldsboro, i, visiting MisH,IleiiDi Green. ; Miss Fan Arrrastead Barwep,;-of Chailottv, M viVitiiiiJ Miss ilrnmo Afr.Vjir !fl. vpHt.r- .1. 11:11 i .r .11:. .'-- Vt -nV the circna at Raleigh ,1a V t" 'to-day-. n. Williams i.s in tewo k to thedi. light id' his Many th!8 WS' frit tll'.S l'e '' . ' Ml8 iU: .... ,...,tiV'i-fe in ,vt. week don't iorget to in y.iuir pocket for the . , j 0-t t i nge r and - mile ,, ' '.r visiting" fnMidc;:.'md jXveV iu AVx dri,, Wh- liiirto'a-f'"11 ; tinaueuUal fanners, i3;yi friends in tow:-. joln"1 Superior Conr.t :$- r C. F. V iU it, -.Tit! bepreseit If M1 ov-'i U-i 1 'OK. rut (or 1; :t The s ii- Wilson ountv have averaged SlOO ;aur? Cre this ye:u- , Di-. 11. 11. Lewi?, of Raleigh, gpEdALibT in Eye . Ea-: and Threat diseases will be at the Bmgs Hotel on Thursday; the J3th inst, aiid will see patients irom 9, am, to 1, p. m. Returns indicate that tin ma jority of our towEsman, Juo. E. Wnndard. LiSQo tor &oiicuor, will probably be over 5,000 This is doubtlS3 as gratifying tobim as to his friend? here. At 5:30 on Wednesday Oct 22utl. Mr. J. E. Sp'ar ancs Miss uuanty E. Daw son were united: in t tic ho' hor.drt'cf mat rtui.cn y at the iesuuui: e James Dawsou' Esq., in Pirt coun ty. The Hroom is a baadsonie ous iness oirtu of Grifton and .the'bride ia a 8we;et and lovely wom'ali. ! Mr Kuffin iienfiow, of CrofS Roads towusbio. and by the , way, one of the be,st farmers m the Coan- ty. tells us de mans -o umuws of ewtet potatoes fio-ii tvo. thirds of an acre. He brought us tne pro duction ofone hill and they we:ghea just twelve pounds. ! - At the residence of J. L. Tucker Eija near liMitreville' Oil- Woi'hies- w -j , - day eveuitMr At 8 o'clock, Mr. v B- Qaiuerly . avd :Mss Lulia Tiu ker were ocit:-! in the bo.'ia of ma: n- . ... r. . Eony. Mr- (.juuifi-Sy-H-ona m u;e most 'success; u I business :myu ot Pitt county, and hai; won th Ls.art and hand of one of the lovely daughters of entervi!it. ''Election Me: hods in the South'! number of the Koiil! -America i Review, by ex'vCorig'i e;-'mari jic-ert Smelly, row eoMt'Ctor i-f the Porr at Beauforr, u -South Csrolis i In' thd same i;ue cu lue Us-vso-v A. W. Sbijffer, one of ihv '. i t Si pervisors tf Electi iu ii JN-.hu . Catolin-a. sttt forth m a sreii-ainf article die I jeciioEs of S itithein Keuul-rcans tc ";e JUodge lh i. The D'.cpfes Conveution. wa:", held m New Herto last week The Wafch.-owrfays-, -'Bro. M.T. Moye, of 'B.w!ir.jf G-eenVi-., as .lt ,t ":."e Conve'utiou. 'We Vntu tii-t?i.; Isun '.thac ls will relujn to Kbith pa:oIi sia at the'close of the jer.. We ave rot ;t single nnuister o'JMre., nd certainly you cau 111 afford to are so cultivated a in tn, s'j earn est a j-Teachir, as ltev. Mr, Moye. "We are fi'.Kt be will co.co, back.. V'e learn' lrom the Neves and Observer tha-r Mr. Piammer ?i V'ch ellor's fiue horse, Pamlico, . 'd be in KaleJjglj this week from the North where lie has made euch a fast re cord. vYe are noc Mire bnfc it is highly probabte .that Pamlico will be on exhibition at the Rocky .M.cuut Fair, We do know that an effort is beirig made to secure him and if he comes an exhibition mile will be trotted. This is -woith seen'tfr, for be hag a record of 2 16A, we believe. The thanks o te Wilson people are due to the manager of M.uno ha Hall for the appearance to night of Miss Rose Oboine iu the the chatmiiig -melo.dr2-m.i,- 'i-. ;tan.'' She is an actress of -doubted ability as is .evidenced h ihe fact that, for two weekti .la : pnng 5he played hi .Windsor Theatre, -New York, , ntd will de. ligtit and eiit'ertaiu a laige VVil-on sudience. Reserved s t s -.ti e now on sale at. K.wiand's ii'u' store and you cannot ariply too Mt-arly o secure choice seats. 1 The Rocky Mount Fair begins next Wftdi.esdav. ..The : racing promises to be especially good tliis year. We lferu that a big race (for Sl.OOUl will be rua be tween Weidon acd Tarboio horses This bo a biirtlrac won to manv rjeoDles LiSJcireion trains crill ha t in oVflrtT fiX . j ..ALL 1m- Xl . v J J QThursdav next, the 13tli, a : -.7 - . . ' SDerinl froin xn cx T TTO X ILUl AO. II 111 w Goldsboro, returniua: earns day. he lair promises to be a big success and we propose to go. : Died. At Ler home in this place tist Saturday evening, Mrs. R. S: Kiugsinore, in the 50th year of her age. She was buried on - Sunday afternoon at the Win stead place, two miles from town, She wa3 a . good wife, and a trua friend, Peace to her ashes I ine C"i-:,r; " ..... ...... , . I..- i.....! -stiv- --VSin An.r.' i'. j Burn -.".'' u 1 : ' :iJ'" "r" lest - ' j ,. , lti lat ;s'; -', i'-'".t-'! . '-' ; " I'll'. 11 ' i',ivt,t ; '5' li u-: l,iti Lb ,.l l;..:vU Cn t;- . ."' ;!. if-R-i-rLi. .'.! es and:' Oittvcr .tig ii. W ILSON COUNTY. Eer Grand Dnocrattc Record Proudly Sustained.. AS USUal thft npnincrsils nf VVil ' soa have won the clay. There was Virtually do opposition. Some of the warm friends of A. B. Bodkin Esq., thoughf. that gentleman could defeat our present worthy and deservedly popular sheriff Jonas W. Crowell. They were' mistaken sadly so. So little in terest was manifested that up to the time o: going to pre -s the re tr n.s from the different townships a-e not all in. i. very light vote has been polled. .Wilson, Black Greek, Toisnot, Gardners, . Sara toga, Stantosburg give the -following Democratic majorities: Jp dicial ticket 1,329, Solicitor l,354, Mewhorne 724, Freeman 1,002, Lass 1,039, Crowell 1,138, Not a vote vaa cist m thesi townships for Renubiicau iad-res Solicitor or any comfy officers ex cept Soenff, and the county ticket rc..Mved. over 1,300. In V Ison toTi-nslMtrRice nd Poter, R -.?pub-? fajuluiJtes for tiV S.-nate ;?-tw-2S3 vot?, n.-.i Jack Ch-r for 4ihe to V -i II i !S-t . liili :;,'-,rJi i'-U Will'- K'Ve eunMjr-rir 'i' .j r, I !;.-, ot jve-r 400. ;c - TOBACCO NOTSS- ".".vj b;at "Txie We3cL', as Oathar ed by Our Sep:r ter ror three weeks rhe been" ve hih. H bijtr- i-iVe il:: --- : "Vi- jo.T. ii!0e, 4iiid ( e V . . i )H: Iji.'pi" I iWm Up t- 111' f every tic'-.. SJU;e ' hich (t v-.-1 ue-'. h ive ot-en made ;.ul i'.l.n.tvt. lett K.ttiliv'(i w;:h heir rt .M.l sCf their sale. Moadny of last week there was is b :g bttak oa the liooi, Wn.Uodges -o.d ior 312.25, 21, 1G. T. M. Let ter sold S27f 33, 23, 15. N. W.'Bovn kin- old for $8,25, 9, 12, Solomon Dixou sold for 16, 16, 12 25. 8.25. W. W, Farmer. sold for $22,29,12, 7.50. E. B. Bi.tta to!d for ?8.25, 12 23, 15 50, 22, 38- J. M. Williams sold, ior $6, 36, 20, 45.50, 10.25, 10.25. James Lamm sold lor 21, 11.50, 12, 12. 12. 12, 12, 12. Davis Iiufii sold for 14.75, 14, 10 50, 9.50. ' - Oa the 29th, (Wednesday) u. W. Weaver t-old six lots at $20 each. J. T. Wiggins sold for S23.50, li, 20 50, 17 50, 13.50. J. P. Vick sold lor $15, 10, 21, 50. J. E. Baits sold lor $16, 23. Jno. Watsoa was sat. isffed at $13, 20, 9 50, 17. 11. B. Ba'efoot realized 816.50, 16 50, 26, 25 o'-). W. P. Stalling was giadden- d bv a 15 50, 12.50, 26.25. W. a .louts realized 10, 21, 50.50, 4G, 14.25, 21, 2G. O. F. Thompson re alized 12. 12.25, 17.10. J. F. Stokes of Nash County sold for 24, 17.20, 10. E. B. Hillard, one of the pioneer tooacco growers of old Nasn, sold for 16 50, 25.50, 9, 25, 13, 14.50, 19.25, 22.50, 12, 22, '25. S, J. Waty sou received good prices'. as follows: 7, S, 17, 22!50, 25.25, 50, 36. Jos. Pt.i was not tar be dnd with $10.50, 6, U. 2L 30.50, 55, 94, Oa Fridav J. P. Williamson sold for 812.50, 25, 31, 33,- 20 50, 9, 10.25. S. D. B iykin sold for 18, 20 .50, 9.25, 15. W. E. Wairen re o-vrid 15.50. 12.25, 22, 24, 14, 11.25, 11. Las: Saturday W. F. Wrcodard sold for 20.50, 19.25, 14.25, 13.25, 13, 15, 12, 25, 10.50- T. F. Smith sold for 815, 11, 19.50, 15.50, 14-50. W. II. Me'-cee, of Edgecombe coun ty sold for $37,-20, 24.50. H W Pnvettsold for 25:14.25 1425. Ou .Mondav Lee '-Harrison ' fold for 14 50 17.5013 25 12,25 12. J It Marlowe sold for'13.25 19.25 16 18 10. t M Capps sold for 16 20.50 is. - A prom.aenfc farmer of ti-c Black Uretk ;-ec;ion i-aid to us on Mon day ul guess I will bring 'down some of my tob.iceo,next week and try jour maiket.", THE ADVANCE iuiys it is the highest market in the State, aud 1 guess you know what you are talking about " We tcM, him to come on and we venture be v.;ii go away well pleased. TLe proprietors of the leading wa e Louses in Danville Va., write here that our people are paying more for tobacco than any North Caro iiiia market. They are in a posi. Hon to know; we are not, tut pro ose to take their word tor it. . .ve du.Kuow that Capt. Pace can and docs save every man who selis here money in wareuouse charges, isead his advertisement this wetk and try him with a shipment. a ttontior v- Thft rac-mar monthiv inspection of the Wilson Light Infantry will b3 held at their Armory on j?nuy nitrhi at 7 iV.lnck. It is important and 'all members are commanded to be present, " . Doane Her kino, isc oergi. y order of Job u F. Bruton. Capt. Is the most ancient and most general of aU diseases. Scarcely a family is entirely free from it, while thousands everywhere are its suEering slaves. Hood's Sarsaparilla has bad remarkable success In curing every form of scrofula. The most severe and painful runr.j"g sores, swellings in the neck or goitre, humor in the eyes, causing partial or total bUndness, yield to the powerful effects of this medicine. It thorouglily re moves every impurity from the blood. -st ihi riainrTitpr's' life -was saved, as we beUeve, by Hood's SarsaparUla, Before she Was six months old she had 7 running scrofula sores. One physician advised the amputation of one of her fingers, to which we refused assent When we began giving her Hood's Sarsaparilla, a marked improve ment was noticed and by a continued use of it her recovery was complete. And she is now, being seven years old, strong and healOiy. B. C. Jones, Alna, Lincoln County, Me, HoocFs:; Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggist. Jl; six for 5. Prepared by C I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Maafl. 100 Doses One Dollar New Advertlsenes Lead the new advertisements ol the Wilson Warehouse. Capt. Pace will surely do all he claims. Winter is almost here and yon need heavier wearing apparel. The fact is, you are just bound to - have it. Davis & Gay claim to he ab! (and they ate) to supply y;Q with any t inner on w.nt. nr noo,. ts are doing a big business and this seems to justify their claim of lo.w puces, jietter call and see them. ".Cash catches the bargain a vf course it does, and will always con- wuuo 10 uo so. it makes trade brisk and tna Cash RaetAt. S.tnra has been compelled to enlarge its quarters and h. Liueham Luiluing in addition to their all e id y lsrse store Thc cao'ftell you all. but invite ou to come and look around. Won't oa do it ? The Third .'errand in liii.y .:i Young -Bros, K:iinoriui is the falk I 01 me day, 'Tune . trips to the NoithiTi matket-H uavt? -bi-en ueces- i sary ;h:s Fa!i Ehv :i.e i i CoM:, ou-i g Tar I'.-- naif this i.---Ut;'-i.-. i.V Of V i ofUi-;.:)? If tj n,, .t ! , t i' ' ' ' - i -1 : . .v .. i. i tu; - t x .:! . .,. .sr.,; . u .. :-. r- , se i- ;;x-;.ihi.' i, !.-..f5.,;,i : i.H'it;o ts tier s ' : , hi!jt g'ii; t:-rj, ; : , ; ti i. : il . . . . r: . tS: (-.;'. I;ue i ': . . ... J'lT Do!:'f lse :m v t::. ; ji . c.v'.ak. - 'L Si ore OS. . U-:. i't'in-i.- w a Si. Id i ob.veo l l.'ti 3?.o?i witii Hani;-; Gucci, & Co.', of ll-o'd. : ;;.e. i...t. l.we .li.'SS. ' l'M5: . are ail .well piea.fd "w-ii: mie! and t!.e chwr tre'almeut !-Liey have! Hceivfed. .'ine iaet thai, this -liirn' sells three.'fourths -of iho tobacco of th&ir ticme people seems to be a sufficient guarantee id tt.eir own reliability and uprightness, The Advance is h lad to have occasion to commend them to its readers. We call attention to statement o the Banking House of Branch &Jo, which appears in another column, Co'nMderlng the f et that the Bank was only established in May lS89,we think itssuccei's alrno;st phencmenal under the management of its nresU dent, 3Ir. Braiicli, whose f ncces in ine mercantile world is well known, wo predict for. this Bank a bright future." We had occasion iu our last is?ue to call at tent ion of oarjceaders to tneir lare deposits. which a inputted to. over $35,000,00 ia one oa3T. We are now iniormed by the' daslder that their .denosits on Monday 3rd, amouutea to S59,C90.8S. The uniform accom'od liiou of the officials to their casroinei A together with the entire responsibility v?nlitle this Cank to the patronage of the public. HOME ITEMS .riLES! PILES I iTCniKG PILES. Symptoms Moisture; iatenso itchirig- and Ptinging; most at niht; worse by scratching-. If allowed to continue thmor3 form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming- very sore Swayne'3 OiSMEXT stops the itching- and bleeding-, heals ulceration, and in most cases reujves 1 he tumors. At druggist, or by mail jor 50 cents. Dr. fcwarne Si Son, Philadeluhiu. Wanted! . posilioa as salesman. Seven years .exper ience. Heference. furnished ad dress drawer No. 2. care Advan ce office. Dariw c5 Gay Hen g' 5,000 vds n'aidwJU 5e. 1,000 u? domes tics, yd wide at Go, 1,000 ds g-.'od calicoes at 5, pairs Vhiidrv.n's black toekings at' 5c, 200 men's liuea shirrs at -'50 , idsb bargains iu shoes, hats, clothing, dress goods. S. S-''.'Befger, vejts that the prices., paid !or tob.u'co at his warehouse, 'he Eagle, me not so is passed iu DarU-im, Oxford. Hen derson, !!t even Duiv.he, Ta., the largest leaf '.obacco maik t iu the world. Pat liiiu to the .test. He is wdhrj to stand o fall by the de c;.;- en. Tne first : tobacco waretionse ereei td i: il'ocky Mount is known as t!:e i. .Je Warehouse aud Is manage 1 bv S. 8 Berger, of Daw viile.":tTo belter prices have oeea paid at any war.ehf-nse in any town than this. Prices paid for tobacco at Rocky Mount compare favora bly with 'c-Tiy of tho boasted markets. The Eagie Warehouse S. S. Berger, proprietor, has 12 buyers and orders trom toe argest tobacco farms... in the world. Frfflish Snavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and "Blemishes from ho:.-e Wui rantedthe most wonderful Blemish, r-ti-ii. 1 n Cure oyer known, ooia ov jp. jj Nadal, Druggist Wilson, N, C Rurpra from Louisville, Danville Richmond, New Yorir. and for Ear, A,n hmtCPS. MIlGDU TUt3 UUil- uwuv-'-') 1 - - . -w- 1 . TI' 1 jreaks at the'Hiagia vva'eaouse Kocky Mount; '.-,'' a rnnsifrn ehi o (obaeco to S. S, Keiger'for sale at his Warahouse hty -his nersiouai attention and is made to br Mg as high (if not higher) )ric5 as it tte u-iic-r- Wi.ro pre&eub himself, Rhip oar Yobae.'o to the- Eagle Warehouse, -where prices are ss hivu an the iiiabest, buyers as nr.m- f'rnn?. Yd-i t'o'J i en-roui ags a home enterprise at no expense to yon whatever. TUnm vTVinld liB far Itss com plaint against the whiskey business if peop'e wto o.nnif wouiu ufui" a fine whiskey ok standard brand, and accept no other. Jueie ait many straight aud .-.well-matured whiskeys on the murker, but no other stands so hign with the med- :cal fraternity and PHUConu-u.B at the celebrated I. W. . Harper wir.s'ier, of SMson county, Ky. Tiio genuine 1. W. Harper is void only by - W. CORBETX, onij ov Wilson, C, "Hew, to PnPUSJDteS Simply Pf1TolneB"required: "Cures tetter "arepo8sesSea" - ",s "A ntmci. In S M il l i n -'- 1 v1? fJ i ' i a 3k 1 il sS - - . -TS :ti I If! S " " Jt. Tk W' 111, 1 J 'J?' '; P - .-t ; . : A - m 8,v : ' J! We pleasa ths children, we please the fathers and we please the mothers. In fact we offer bargains that will please anybody. A solid . leather boot for 1.50 per pair; a solid leather shoe for 1.15 per pair; a ladies' solid leather shoe for 1.15 per; a boys' solid leather brogan for 75 cents per pair. All thesa we warrant. m$ z r.'.-.' ran s hi nil'! . hi; iibb uk imb -x kx i ' m 1 (D m a o . r a o 3 O o 3 C i BS - 1- 5 n D O o te fcr CO e3 2 52 Jo - a g-. Sod a ft. x c3 m C a CD .-! be o S3 g' ' j g - H c. . s ,C3 in q o p. c3 3j a g si S sft So a ' - 03 a o ea o H2 O -2 2 'o s.S . sag s - i o 2 n e3 rrt -rl S CQ t o M W ID " B H . t-i Ui CD S 2 r Hi l o c S 2 2 rr 9? o o o w rt MM ea XT" n o O a o terfeit3,a iditishoped the p'.ihlio will not b3 deceive! br theni. These are the usual attemp todefraud the people by imitaHn? a successful audmerito '"ous article. VSTe yarn the pub against ail such. See that onrTraaoMark Lsame as above appears on each Jug. Send for book "Historylof the Microbe KiUer," given away'by . . . : mi Sole Jg&xt A CAE LOAD OK LOGBERRY FULTZ, RED VSRGINIA . SEED WHEAT . Flow is the time to sow; let us sell you the best Seed Wheat on the e 5 . .; V ' : .. .:--;'' Richmond Virginia: THE 'ONLY-:. "GOAL. ELEVATOR SOUTH! ThftVft e'rft 72 Acre ens in the t into the coal as it m the elevator iuto the carl3. Consamerti can get their coal and perfectly clean. Ait Prompt sninments. vjraers soiiciiea. o. n. nA'ifio, Oct 9, 2m ' . Richmond, ya. The reason PA DAM'S MICROBE KILLER i theniost wonderful medicine, is because it has rever iaileo jn any mpiance: no maner wnat the disease from LEPKOSY to th6 simplest disease known to the human system- Theseien 'tcni-nof to day claim and prove that every di?uaoe is caused Dy microDes; and 'exterminates the microbesand drives them out of the sye'.eu and when that is done you cannot have an r ehe or pain. No matter what the dis ease, whether a simple case of Malarial Fever or a combination of diseases, we cure tnem all at the same time, as we treat all diseases consti tutionally. tA8thma, Consumption, Ca tarrh, Uronchitis. ttheumatism. Kidney and Liver Disease. Chills and Fever, Female Trou bles, in all itr forms; and, in fact, every disease known to the human system. . ... . "Beware of Fraudulent " Imitations. Since the success of Radam's Microbe Killer has been proven, no less than fourteen spurious imitations have been placed on the markot, the proprietors of -which expect to sell on the repu tation of Radam's Microbe Killer.- They are cailed by various and bi.ndry names, suchas Germicide, Cermeteur Germ Exterminator Electro Germicide, Microdide, Iicro andvarl ous other names. They are self marked coun Wilsorx - 1ST " ; Very Respt. building. No dastTar or dirt can runs aver these screens in passing coai selected ana or .oesi quaniy, ffl-'-.Ull" T-B A lor: t M 5 I am not going to wait for the endlof the season to offerspe cial'iia'rgains this I'all, but I am now ready to spring them ou the public at the v;-ry heginninir of the busy season" and offer yon now the follow ng goods with thp guarantee that they can not be duplicated by any of my competitors at uch prices: Here Begins The Story. 1 hae p hired oc :ny t;.Mii;t.rs 2,500 yards of sl v o d Fiausiel ii iMst 'All et-; s- Her yard; worth 33 eeii. 2.10) yards .ot . . BrilUntiiiri L'd'.ih.livail-ii!?w s idou, a.t 28 cei.tp; worth . .(..-. My tid. dfi .".uisO all s?yl;-f! 'i-r! f,y. in i !ff ir.t-f L .rd ft "f iiei I hedes 4t 421 e, A : i i-.j r U.e ! r '. :;. 2 -i i v.iluy al 3U CLit. vents; At a trreatly r-u iced price i offt'r u lot of silk I enrietta at 75 cetits; former in-r-e 1.27. 250 sample tickets and Plush Wraps at Lai price. 'Besides the ab;-''e ppscial bargains I am - -.-Burin jr the handsomest line of Dress Rabtts, Series, an; Astrakau Plaids the Laadiii; Goods or the Season. Last, but net 1 ist, is ray line of Black Goods in which I challenge the town o equal. Carpets, Rul3, Oil Cloths. Fine Ladies Shoes, I have a large stock as usual IfeLltlliSlliiLiiT mm M Would like to tc i you all about the improvements we. have mape since mnex'ing the Ltmaham 'building and in- creasing ou. ?tock in "c;cry depart incnt, and all about . .'the immeiiK- slock of CHRISTMAS GOODS, but have - ''not the tinv?. Can't you call and look around? Yours Truly, " :4:.CAHK RACKET STOPE. Young and Lauanam Buildings. Nash Street. ' DDf:V. 6 " K Li INTER IS ALMO'r HERE - - - ' O WEARING APPAREL I OR EVERYEOQY. WE CLAIM TO BE ABLE TO SUIT ANYONE IN WEI AT TAEY WANT AT THE LOWEST OUR STOCK OF T Genfs Fiirnisniiiffs, Glotiune, Mats S FurBisliliig, Goods - ' - "!- - . st Tc ,'ftmirt. Our (M-v.hin2 Department (up stars) is filled with, the nice selectione for men, yout s and boy.at Examine our stock in wry acpanmeui utw. uu,...6. .i-.., D A er. Corner Nash and T2rboro streets. STAB TEK -AT- CLOTHS HQ. An immense Stock Consisting i f Men's Youth's. dy's and hiklren's suits and overcoats. A a special Drive I am offer Dif. this week 125 children's s-iitsat 1.25; worth 1.75. 15U suit.-? at $200; worth 2.50. 100 Pou-h and il ?ty Child-i-en's t-uils, which -r- tne would refuse Uvbu at & 75, I sell at 3.25. 125 school .suit ai 3.50; good value at ?4.o().; ; 125 Boy's suits at 1 50; worth G .00 of auybojy's money. A full Line of Gent's furn ishing goods, Hats, Bcots- and Shoe," Neck-wear, always a large stock. As I don't own this paper and my space is now exhausted, I must stop, but will tell you foinething more about clothing in next issue. Thaukiujr you for past favors and soliciting your trade this -Fill, I'am, ' Respectfully yours, (manager) for Mi R. Lang. ' in il ii .ni Fill Hmmm WHICH NECESSITATES HEAVIER FIGURES 'O' 1 a! Vs. p . , ' fill A 109U ?9 M la 9 4fA a sa D Mi goods, AY

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