C-Daniel. VOLUME 20. BH..L AEFS LETTBB y :o: r w OF MONET IN f:loUTUEK.y STATES. . Kmtihem Towns That are friend in Bill Aro. Verily the South land is loom . nn I dident realize bow !u"iny until I visited North Sabama last . week,' and with v own eyes saw the wonder ful growth of new towns and tie prosperity of the old ones. Millions have been.i added to ier wealth. in. the last two or three years, and millions more ara coining- There is no let np in her progress. When a little, old fa siioned village like Flor eace rises from 1,200 people to 7 000 within eighteen months. ana builds furnaces and foun dries, and factories and colleges, and her taxable property in creases from $500,000 to ?3,000, 000 it all seems like a dream. This does not include, any of the numerous works in construction among which is a cotton mill of 53,000 spindles. It would take half a column to enumerate all of her industries anil those in construction. Money flows in and around her as free as water and it takes three national banks to transact her financial fcusiut S3. It seemed to me that iverytody was rich, judging from the beautiful houses and jiaes of her people. Every There is heard the sound of the hammer and the saw. Streets ire being graded, for electric ars, hills dug down and hollows filled up. The town grows so fait that the city fathers can't feep np with it; can't grade the tew 'streets nor pave the side walks. It is yet a city of mag- Dificeht structure, and will soon bs opened for educational pur poses. Sectarian colleges are now tha order of the day; and seem to prosper more than any other. One thing I saw at Flor ence gave me especial comfort. The wagon factory that is turn ing out thirty first-class wagons every cay, ana will soon In crease ita work to fifty. Ever since the war we have paid mil lions' in annual tribute to the North lor our wagons and bugs gitjtjand carriages The time is near at hand when we will make onr own. A few years ago we paid $90 for a wagon a wagon that did not actually cost more than $40.- Studebaker and Whitewater and other Northern companies, got im mensely rich from' Southern patronage. The Florence Wa joa Company sells a better wa m for 50, and is making mon ey, in face they wholesale ILem for about $40, for I saw them, in the neighboring towns wheru the merchants keep them md the merchant pays the freight and sells them to the farmer for $50 arrrTmakes a pro 21. There is a world of magnis fxect timber around, Florence, and this wagon Company invites aa inspection of the stock of ish and hickory and white oak that is put in their wagons. Why can't we duplicate this factory in Georgia aBd save our tiinbtr from wanton destruc tion. Florence has built a very fine hotel and it is hoped that th Luiiness part of' the town will soou grow to it; but at pres ent the commercial traveler suffers and sweats and frets flown own and gets away as soon as possible. A good hotel is tin very best advertisement w a growing town- fit would Florence and Sheffield to build one each for the commer- travelers and have them U kept , even if the hotel lost jaoney. The drummer wants a tone for the time being. His Hrd life demands it. I peruse wem and ponder them with iu tfiEse interest and warmest empathy... Everywhere I go I eet them and wonder that they be so cheerful. At Tuscum f eight of them left the hotel 11 eight on the 10 o'clock train, 4Jd seven came in to take their ces. The night ii to them tost like tne day all broken ins l pieces. Their schedule is !ae up a d. like the Wander- s Jew, they must keepmoving. una tLe big dirty- stove in e reception room they gather talk, tell of their ups and lisi or sing until.traiu time, - w W VVw UtlAU -uiner it be early or late. At "QfitsvillH a. senrn nf thorn noit. t oin 1 1 to 1 o,clock on a be n train. It was cold and "less, but I heard no com- no bad language. I was ' sleepy and it was a juggle, for me to keep calm and .1 J X lUUUKUh Ul IUD ie-. aaimeis and kept my temper I thought of the father mother, the- brothers ana lliat tug J1CWBUI UUWD was far 7 m tbey all to receive JJit from the boy1 they loved. -uugnt or the midnight trav - -UU in ft r.heoi-1 p.. -VV41VOO ivviu irwgio 63 7 old schoolmates ionce wrote in ni comnositinn. i wa "all solitary and alone, all by himself, with nobody at all with him." Wasn' t he lone borne? .. Elorence is on one side of the great river and Sheffield on the other. Five great leviathan fur naces are continually breathing out fire and smo&e in Sheffield, but the town is not making very rapia progress now. It is bean uiully located and has broad, graded streets and handsome drives. Montgomery avenue is just lovely. No more beautiful street can be found in any city in the South, and all it wants is to be filled up compactly with such residences as now adorn it. There is much wealth there, but not many industries besides the furnace From Sheffield I ran down to the little unpretending town of Russellville. I did not know there was anything there but an old-lashioned primitive village with a court house and a jail and a Baptist church and Methodist church and a few humble dwellings and" stores, but I found the town on a little boom, and every man, woman and child on a strut even the dogs wagged their tails proud ly. Town lots had gone up from $200 an acre to $10 a front ; foot. Iron ore had been found ! in the naboring hills and iron men f torn Birmingham hadcoxne np and bought it and were tear ing np the face of the earth They had built a branch rail road around it and had a reser voir that held 10,000,000 gallons of water, and were operating immense steam shovels and washing the gravel ore with ponderous machinery of the latest improved models, Whole train loads of this ore were moved every day to Birming- ham and Sheffield. Houses for the workmen were thick in the suburbs and everything was lively, A new schoolhouse has just been finished and furnish- ed. A new hotel Is on the way, and it is to be hoped that the same jgood lady will preside over it that now presides over the humble tenement that gave us food and shelter. What; clean nice beds and bedding. What cheerful fires. What good old-fashioned cooking and shin ing table ware. The drummers like to rest there, 1 know, but space is scarce, and they have to double and treble in a room or take the first train and get further. But they leave their blessing with the widow. I dou't like to room with a s.ran ger, lor mayDe ne is a nervous man and don't like pasal trom bone music away iD the dead of night. But then a man ought to be willing to endure for a night .what some of my family have endured for years and years, l am not a very nara case, however, and always turn over and hold up when my name is called. ' " But Huntsville is the grand old town of North Alabama, and grand folks live there. I don't mean proud ioiks or vam iuiks, but the old-time aristocracy or the South, the refined and culti vated people who will be gen tie-men and ladies wnetnerpoor or rich. There is nothing small or mean or selfish about the average flunesville citizen. Honor and principle are cardi nal virtues, and the children and youth grow up imbued with the best ideas oltrue mpnnooa ana womanhood. It has always been marked as the home of virtue and beauty, n i was a rich man and could can oacK about twenty-five years and Mis Am conld do so too, 1 think I would move to Huntsville and luxuriate with her people. Bat we can't all be rich and so we can't all go to Huntsville. It is easily possible to be nappy in other places and it is general-. ly our own fault if we are not. Happiness is not iar away n we will only sees it. Happiness is at home bj tne neartn stone with a contented and loving family. I found it while I was gone even in the little village of Lelghton tnat puts on uu airs, but where good people nauor with eacn other in irienasmp and love and good will. I nev er mingled with abetter people than I found at Leighton, and shall never forget the love feast we had on that rainy night in the little schoolhouse in tne grove, where music and song eave welcome to the stranger in their midst, ana "isomiy xjwu. and "Araby's Daughter" carried m back to the songs of my nhilrihnnd. Peace and prosper ity to Leighton; may her people nAVAr vet Door enough to steal nor rich enough to be proud and takfl the name of the Lord in vain. v Bill Aep. I have used Dr. Ball's Coagli Svrnn and found it th9 best coagh remedr I ever tried. W. P. Clarke. 910 Walnut street,Phiiadelphia,Pa. It sells all the year . round and Salvation Oil the great remedy for pains, 25 cts. "IBT AU TIIB CUPS TIIOP AIM'ST AT, BE TljY COUTHY'S, THY GOD'g, WILSON, WILSON EDITOE'S DESK jlxm.eMjX comment on im POBTANT ENVeTS. Short ; Paragraphs on Topics of J Avely Interest to our Headers The next Legislature will be called on to redistrict the State. This is a very important work and should be carefully done. The demagogue who thinks the people are opposed to the present system of county gov ernment is respectfully refer red to the results of the resent election. . The professional , reformer (and their name is legion) will now please prepare his little bill for the Legislature. He'll get somebody to introduce it and pigeon hole it. Western North Carolina, as well as every other section of the State, acted her part well. The white people of the West will never again be deceived by Radical revenuers and boodlers. The victory is so great and so gratifying that we can scarcely believe it i real. The people can be humbugged and swindled for a long time, but when they do arise they come "like a thousand of brick." There is danger in success. We hope the Democrats of the country will use the wonderful victory they have achieved in such a way as to strengthen the party in the whole country. Let us act wisely if we would make our victory permanent. Honors are now easy between Eaves and Mott. Two years ago Eaves helped the Democ racy to pile np a tremendous majority. This year the "Iron Duke'' managed things and the same glorious results followed. The work in Kansas is due to the Alliance. They deserve the praise for breaking the back bone of Republicanism in that hotbed of hatred of the South. That the teachings of this or ganization has aided materially in instructing the people all over the country no oie will doubt. The children of North Caro Una are at last to be provided with better schools. The farm ers of the State demand a larger appropiiation for' school pur poses and they have control of the Legislature. We long to see the day when every child in our borders shall have the opportunity of attending school nine months in the year. That the next Legislature will giye us a Railroad Com mission there can be no doubt. The farmers of the State are determined to have one and they are vastly in the majority in the Legislature. In fact the next Legislature might proper ly be termed the Farmers Leg islature. The Democrats carried Wake county and the Raleigh State Chronicle is largely responsi ble for the results. No paper ever did more earnest, fearless worK to secure good govern ment than did that paper. The Chronicle has been a power of strength in this campaign. It his "poured oil on tbe troubled waters" when some by hot headedness would have made division in the Democratic par ty by arraying one class of Democrats against another, fit has been an earnest uncompro mising fighter and has helped to hold together many who were almost ready to depart from the ship of Democracy. Truly the people owe the Chronicle a debt of gratitude. The Legislature will be over whelmingly 'Democratic and the Allianco-wiH -have a large maiority of the Democrats. If the next Legislature does not redress every grievance tnat the Alliance has so far as North Carolina is concerned then that organization can hold ita own members responsible for failure to perform their du ty. The Alliance sought to control nominations and there by secure complete control of the Legislature so tnat tney might redress the grievances of the farmerd. They accomplished their object they have the res sDonsibility resting upon their shoulders. We are glad that it does; we feel no uneasiness but they will legislate wisely for all the people. There will, after the next Legislature, be no cause for complaint among the farmers of the State, so far as North Carolina is concerned. Buckles' Arnica Sato - The Best Salve in' the world lor Cuts, Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Halts Bheam, Fever, Soie, Tetter, Chaps ped Hands, Chilblains Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box COUNTY, tfORTII AN ACCOMMODATING EAIlEOAD A Valuable Old Getleman's Mishap and How it was Esmeded. "I've heard of railroads so accommodating that trains would stop and let pasengfst get cut and piek blackfoe-rrisa alftTlff t.hft lino " 3 AUU OU1U UVTUijl V t Tilt bert. the trnvftli, ,rnr- . "DUt 1 w o j - -- -ti u. . ran across a i-ailfSa il j . , , ., down in North Carolina-1?? other day that can i'iva points, it is a narrow gnage.j&Ld aoes a big business. It is a monopoly too, but it evidently means to treat every one fair and kindly. The day I was passenger on this road a very valuable old gentleman sat in the seat directly in front of me. He talked much, and in talk ing he opened his mouth very wide.. He had store teeth, and the plate had either shrunk or the old gentleman's mouth had expanded since the teeth were fitted to him. for- thev kerjt bobbing up and down as he talked like piano keys inaction. i ou better look out, old man,' said to myself, for if you haven't got a string to those teeth the first thing you know they'll desert you. "We were tipping along at a pretty good gait. It was a warm day, and the old gentleman had his window up. TPretty soon he opened up with a few remarks, in the middle of which he felt compelled to laugh. He gave one hilarious snort and, zip! shot that set of misfit teeth out of his mouth. It wasn't satis fied with getting rid of his mouth but it threw itself out of the car through the open window as well. "Gosh all fishhook" was un- was was what the old gentleman doubtedly imagined he saying, but his upper lip caved in almost to his plate, and as he had to push it back and hold ,it there with his tongue before he conli talk his words came a trifle thick and full of splutter. That was all the old man said, bui he shoved his head out of the wiDdow and looked back manfully towards tne spot where his teeth had left him. We had gone a mile or more. I guess before the conductor of the train had learned of the old gentleman's bereavement. He pulled the bell rope. The train was stop ped. Then they backed to the place where the Jteeth had shot out of the window. There con ductor, engineer, fireman and brakemen formed themselves into a searching party and went to work to look up the lost teeth. They searched the country on both sides of the track for several rods, up and down, and at the end of half an hour a brakeman shouted : "Here they bel" "He had found the old gen tleman's teeth. They were all there, safe and sound. The old gentleman shoved them in his mouth and thus said : "Gosh all fishhooks. I'd a ketched helix when I got home it I had't a found them teeth!'- "Then the train started and old man commenced his talking where he left off when his teeth had got tired quit him. Nobody seemed to think the stopping of the train and going back af ter tbe teeth was anything- out of the ordinary every day way of managing a railroad and I wasn't going to be conspicious by kicking. But it was accom modating, wasn't it?' REMINDERS OF EOYII CCD. Thoughts That Inclined tho Minds . . of tha Jury to sympamy. In the good old days when tbe Inferior Court of Rowan w?s in the hey-day of it glory, a poor lit tle scared nigger was up for steal ing a watermelon- The counsel on either side made ab!e speeches, the jury, of which Frank Rogers was foreman, listened attentively to the arguments and ia due time retired to consider the case. When at length they came filing back, a mighty hush Ml upon, the great crowd in the court house. When the clerk asked, "Gentlemen, have agreed unon the verdict." the lors mao stepped forward and said : "They jury, after due considera tion, find the prisoae- at the bar guilty, but inasmuch as tbe jury nd that every member of it has been guilty at. some time in his life of the same offence as the prisoner, they recommend him to the mercy of the court. Chief Justice F. E Shober and associate Justice Sloan and Fraley then put their Leads together and shortly afttr Judge Shober arose and remarked with a solem dignity becoming one who wore the ermine: The court, after consultation, have agreed, in view of the fact that all the members ol this conrt have been guilty of the same offense as the prisoner at the' bar, to suspend jadgement in the case." If your baby "is sick suffering and crving with pain of cutting taAth. soothe it with Dr. Ball's Baby syrap. Prica 25 cents. CAROLINA. NOV. 13, 1890. MY CHOICE. I never was fond your goldon blonde With eyes of azure hue, For there's more of art than there is of - " heart. In a girl whose eyes are blue. Jiut the little brunette with her eyes ot jet. Is ever the girl for me. i r , . , , , . , . My heart she'll ensnare with her. raven Via it --ivi,..... t v.. j ... x malice iu vc. I ... H3 ""."P 'our Slass to the dark eved ' We'll drink a health, old man. iiay we both get maids with the raven , braids , - . . . , . That is to say, if we can. Alfred Edmuns. PURSUED BY A GANDER. Ns Gander Could Chase Him and . ' Live- A man who was caught in the act of skinnig a neighbor's eheep covered his , embarras ment by declaring that no sheep could bite him and live. The logic of this says that Youth's Companion, is eqaaled by that of the Yankee soldier who once had a narrow escape from an enraged gander. i The men of a certain Maine regiment,, whicn was in the enemy's country in 1862, con sidered the order "no foraging'-' an additional and uncalled for hardship. One afternoon about dusk a soldier was seen beating t rapid retreat from the rear of a farm house near by, closely pursued by a gander, with wings out spread, whose feet seemed acarely to touch the ground ,and from whose beak issued a suc cession of angry screams. The fugitive was- not reas sured by the cries of the gan der's owner, "Hold on, man, hold on ! He- won't hurt you !" "Call off your gander ! Call Jiim off,shouted the fleeing sol dier. Neither man nor gander stop ped until inside the camp lines, when the soldiers friends re lieved him of his fierce pursuer with the aid of the butt of a musket. " "Did that ganger thiuk he could chase me like that and live ?" the soldier exclaimed, as he surveyed the outstretched bird; but he said nothing of the baited nook, with cod-line at tached, which might have thrown light on the unfortu nate gander's stranger actions. A MISNOMER. Crimes Against Society" Mostly a Grand Old Lie. Did you ever stop to think of th absurdity of this thing we call "crime against society?' Some one breaks into your house, steals your money the saving of years and leaves you helpless 'Or some one gets you to endorse his note, leaves you to pay it, and ruins you finan cially. This is called an of fence against society, the man is dangerous and must be pun ished and restrained: He is sent to prison for twenty years, so as to give him ample time to repent set to work, and the proceeds of his labors taKen by" society. Where are you? You are really the one against whom the offence was commit tedyou are the only sufferer. Why, then, not let the earnings of his labor go to reimburse you ? That seems so simple a rule of justice that the wonder is idiots, 1st alone law-givers, have not seen it long since. But they haven't, and they won'd as long as we allow men who live by teaching such stuff to do our thinking and law mak ing for us. Even a savage, a barbarian, knows better than this. This "crime against so ciety" is like the old fiction of "a sin against God." You go to hell for one and to the penitentiary for the other, when in fact the only "crime" committed is against the man who suffers thg injury, and the only sin committed is against our fellow-man who suffers, r Mr. Theo. H. Hill, the .Raleigh nost, in his old poem "The' Shadow of the Rock' writes this : "Far, far away, beside a gloomy hearth, "Where feebly now the fading em bers burn, Thy hoary sire, and she who gave the birth, Heart broken, wait to welcome thy return : God shield thee ! hapless straggler from the flock. " And hide thee now within the shadow of the Rock!" Catarrh is not a local but a cons stitutional disease, and requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla to effect a cure. . Swelling in the neck and all other forms of scrofula, salt rheum etc., are cared by Hood's Sarsapai rilla. . , 1 " - - ' '1. 1 iwiiiyniMnMu. AKD TRUTHS'." NEWS OF: A WEEK. WHAT J 8 HAPPENING IN THE WOHisH ABO UNI) US. Condensed Report of the News From our Contemporaries. The C. F. Y. y. Rnilroad is being vigorously poshed through Stanley county. The Win8toi Daily tells of a po tato that measured two feet four inches. y " A baby was born in Indiana that weighed only one and a half pounds. , - We regret exceedingly to see that the Greensboro, Dally Patriot ts to s append.- ' ; f The Oxford Ledger :bas been changed from a semi-weekly to a weekly publication. " The question now with the preach ers in the W esxern North Carolina Conference is, What paper shall be their organ. Two revenue officers in the fourth district have brought suit againt a newspaper for $1,000 damages for libel. Old Mr, J. J. Obristophers, the oldest mason in North " Carolina, died in Raleigh a few days since in his 90th year. ' Hon. Samuel F. Phillips, of North Carolina, is mentioned for the va cent place on the TJ. S. Supreme Court bench. Now is the time for Eastern Car olina to rise in her strength aad beauty. The billows have receded and we can now gather pearls on the seashore. George Gowan was rabbit hunt ing near Asheville a few days since, when his gun was accidentally dis charged, tbe load taking efiept in his bowels and death ensued. The Lumberton Robeson iau tells of the accidental killing of Mr. James Lytcb, who was 74 years old. He drove off a b: 'dge and the horse fell on him. A stndent at Wake Forest, J. B. Settle, of Asheville, attempted sui cide one day last week by shooting himself in the bead- He was 17 years of age and apparently con tented.a He is yet alive. There is a good deal of excite ment in Europe over rich gold finds in Sooth Africa. . The gold bearing region is said to be won derfully rich in ore, and a good ag ricultural section as well. We learn that Mr, A. M. Over ton on Friday killed in about 8 hours ninety-seven partridges aDd seven rabbits. He certainly is about to down our champion bird: hunter in Oxford. Oxford Ledger. Bud McCoy, leader of one of the West Viiginia waring factions has been killed. The feud between tbe McCoys and Hartsfleld has result ed in many murders and caused the people of that section no hfcle trouble. The Goldsboro Headlight tells o the burning td death of a little ne gro child on Willis Brogden's farm. The child was locked in the house while the mother went to the cot ton field and was burned to death before help came. Dr. R. L, Abernethy received over a thousand in Durham on the 30th for rebuilding Rutherford Col lege. Durham should be congrat ulated on its generosity. Although it is helping to build a great col lege in its own limits it does not forget other objects of charity. The Raleigh News and Observer savs the Board of Aldtrmen have decided to establish a department of manual training in connection with the city graded school:. The salary of the teacher to be employs ed is 11,000 for the hrst year, and the board appropriated $500 for equipping a department in me chanical drawing and wood-works ing. There is yet a large' quantity of cotton in the fields of this county. The writer, while riding a few miles in the country last week, noticed a field of cotton that had been picked over only one time. The locks of cotton were so thick and beautifdllv. white, that 'twas a sight to behold. Tarboro Souther" ner. rvha nvster shuckers . are now making Elizabeth City the centre ot their trade. They fear that native labor on the reserved oyster grounds will not be able to supply thfi demand of the canneries and h i At in cr factories. Those who haveiexamined our natural beds dtclare that tbe supply is inex hanRithle.-JElizabeth City Econo mist. Rev. Kittrell. the Tennesse preacher, who is holding meetings at the Mam steet .M. B. church, said last night- he had observed ! t.ht. Rpvral gentlemen who were attending his meetings were chew- iag tobacco. In the; goodness oi his sooL he said that . any one wuu insisted on chewing could.use his hat for a cuspldore. A devout gentleman who., was sitting in the 'amen' corner commencedto sqairm. His left cheek was swollen with a quid' and he presently arose, walk ed down in front of the preacher and said x 'Parson you'll please ex- cuse me, Ana do waiaeu uuu the night, erapited his mouth and this merning it was discovered that he had drowned a colored boy about 17 years of age-Durham Glbe. Brusby Mt. keeps ahead on cu riosities. Will Harris out there has a right young pig hat has the fore feet just like a possum: It has five toes on each foot, nnd the toe ends with a claw. Its fore legs are right on the aide of its body, like the fore legs .of a walrus. Wilksboio Gbronicle. A yomg girl seventeen years old, ran away from Oxford College last week and was found on board a coal barge at anchor oil Lambert's Point in command ot a captain named Lind. The c?x tain of the barge swore when the ulcers came alongside, that tho girl could only be taken over his dead body, but when they covered him with pistols hemeekly succumbed an 1 turned the young lady over to the detectives. The parents of tbe e xl arrived next day and took her hoine - : r It is announced th;. i F, M. Sim mons and Clement .f'anly have formed a partnership i .r the prac tice or .Law in the citv f Winston. This is a strong firm. It is com posed of lawyers anc gentlemen who reflect honor upon every com munity they enter. New Berne suffers an incalculable- loss in the removal of F. M. S. imons and Clement Manly. "Election Methods ir the Sonth' are ; described in thR November number of the 'North American Review'' by exNConsresman Robert Smalls, now Collector c the Port of Beaufort, in South Carolina. In the same issue of the "Leview'' Mr. A, W. Shaffer, one of ;' lechiof Su pervisors 'of Election In North Carolina, sets forth in trenchant article the objections jf Southern Republicans to the LoCge bill. A special from A dated October 30tb, .. during the absence of t a negro made a brutal on , Mrs. Matthews ai hens, Ala., i last week .r husband, assault up her home near that city. The lady seized her husband's revolve' and fired two shots at the negr who fled. Yesterday the attention of a party oi nunters was attract n by a con gregation of buzzard? It was foundthat they had b ' n attracted by the dead body of a legro, and that both shots from Mrs. Mat thews pistol had taken ef fect, causing death m f- few hours. One of the most economics bachelors we ever heard of- is liv ing near Dudley. He h s conceiv ed a plan to save . the expense of hiring a cook and the extravagance or a wife. He shells hi corn and before carrying tho corn to the mill spreads it on the floor be tore the fireplace in his house. Then he builds a lar,g fire and parcnes the corn. T' e corn is then ground into meal, t- ad when be starts to work in tbe morniug be makes up a mush of meal and places it in the sun to t ry. As tbe meal is ready cooked it ' will be ready for his dinner wh; n he comes ' r i r . rr j in irom wors. vjoios: .to xieaus light. A Deserved Reply. A postmaster in Ark msas tele graphed to the Postmao er General a few days in these woras: "Hon. John Wanamaker, Washs ington, D. C: "Stranger entered otflco to-day and presented Winchester rifle at my head in threatening manner. Wire answer at once'' Mr. Wanamaker was awav, but his assistant Whitfield wired him in haste, "Johnny, get your gua" Some papers are now believing Whitfield to.be a Democrat. To the mind of Dr. T B. Kings bury marriage is not a failure, Hear him, thou single man, and "hoot up" in doable harness . as soon as the girl says yes : It is a long time to t a married thiitynine years. It ia a blessed gift from God to have a faithful, loving wife to rejoice with yon when the heart is happy and the sk is are bright and -tue flowers bloom and the birds sic,T their lit tie songs of bappine' and to sorrow and weep with you when God's hand rests heavily upon you, and tbe heart aohes, and the clouds gather and the silver cord is loosed and tbe golden bowl is broken. An Incorrigible Child. It is a littie bard sometimes to teach small children to be human:. A little girl stepped purposely upon a beau tiful caterpillar on the porch, and crushed it to death. Her aunt took her in hand. "Dorothy, dear,'' sa:d this re lative, holding her by the arm, don't you know that God made that caterpillar ? Well, said the child, looking up archly, don't you think he could make another one V-Boston Trans scrip. - Little Mable described grapbicai- Iv her sensation on striking a dimple elbow on the. bed carving, O. mt I she siehed. raamma, I've I'vtri strucked my arm where it makes in my fingers ! Jewish Messenger. The great need of the State, of society, of business world, is men and women of character; the men nad women who have llie strength to stand up for what they believe j at t and right and with wisdom e. efficient to make them attractive while yielding a willing obedience to duty. It we would influence others we must c nirot our aftlves. We mnst aiase onr ntraahHirnt and af :racuve ix a wnnld scatter s jnshine in the lives of others. $1.90 a Year, cash In Advance, NUMBER .That Little Ticklins . In your throat which makes you cough once in a whila - and k ep3 you constantly clearing yoar throat arises from Catarrh, and as catarrh is a constitutional disease the ordi nary cough medicines all fail to hit the spot. What von need fa a con. stitutienal remedy liko Hood's Sa,r. laparilla. Many people vrfio' have tiisen mis medicine for scrofula, dyspepsia, loss of, appetite and other troubles have been surprised that it should cure this tioables some coagh, 13uc to know tho actual cause of the cough is to solve the mystery. Mauy cases of consumption can b& traced back to the neglect of some euch " Might arv fection as this. ConsaoVntioV can be controlled in its -eatlv stamps . and the effect of -Hoea'a S:. rilla in purifying the blood, build- iug up tne general health and ex pelliHgthe scrofu.ous taint which is the cause of catarra v.nd con- sumption, has restored to perfect health many persons on. v, bom this dreaded disease seemod to iave a firm hold. .NASHVILLE, Tenn.. March-25.. Radam Microbe Killer Co., Nashville, Tenu.: GentlemenIn reply to yours, inquiring of my health at tho pres ent date, will say I am well, hav ing had but one spell of illness since my last testimony in 18S9; that was bilious fever last August. I had quit caking Microbe Killer about five months, having had no need for it. I broke up my fever aad smarted to woik tbe iirt of fceptember and have nt t lost a day since I now feel as tto '.ih 1 was entirely cured, but thresh fear of another attack I contim; 1 the nsje of it through this Ti agreeable weather. My lungs a- , .- urely in good condition as 1 pi y lust b. flat cornet in Uaxter lK IVaa. Reg imental Band and fVci m f iTocrs from it. Any cm Ui.o.vj! ;t ie, quires power Irom th b;r.ss to use this ' instrument. I bhvvr'u ly -rocs oaimend it to all of u ;r-;-k conHti siitution like ujystlf. i h;;vo ued filteen jugs aud have experienced nothing bat the best results, aad can safely say it is.not .srlou.- to the syoteib, hnt on t!ui cr'aer hand gives loye and .vigor. Very truly, vv. C. Hawkins. For sale by Do-nie ilfisiin-. m hcj,,i GOOD ADVICE Saveral years sgo I teas covered with boils to 6uc:u au extent that my life was a misery. After trying a number of other remedies with out any benefit, I was PdviVed by a wholesale druggists aft Columbus to try S. S. S. One botile of S. S. S. cured me entirely. I b.ive" not had a boil since. To tho.'o afliict ed with boils or Piiia erupiious I give the same advice my Vtholesale druggist gave me. take S. S. S. David zaetman, May 10, 1890. Independence, Ohio. , A PROMPT CUUE. I was cured sound and well of a case of blood'poison by S. S. S. As soon I discovered I was afaicted with the disease I commenced tak ing Swift's Specific, S. S. S. and in a few weeks I was permanently cured. Geoege Stewart, ' May 7, 1890. - Sp!f, Ohio. Treatise on Blood anU .un Dis eases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., At :?- . , Ga. MERIT wins. We desire to say to our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for con-, sumption. Dr. King's Kew Life Pills, Rucklen'a Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters and have uaver handled remedies that wo t-eU as well, or that have givcrr Bach nui versal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee theui every time, and we etand ready to re fund the purchase, price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. A. vV. Rowland, Draggiat. - ASafelnvo&'r.f'nt. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or case of failure a return ofparchas'V price. On this safe, plan you can bay from our advertised druggist? a bottle of Dr. King's Ne w Discov ery for consumpti'i. It is guar anteed to bring relief ra every eas, hen used for any affection of the throat, lungs or cheat, each as in flamation of luag, cji. iinptioti, bronchitis, asthma, wuoopiug cough, croup, etc.. can lys be dp3nd"d on. Trial t trea-ac A. W. Rowlands drn sioie. The breath, of a c'jroriic catarrh patient is often so oifen'-uve that he becomes an object of dr- ust. Af ter a time ulceration acta ia, the spongy bones are attacked and fre quently sntlreiy destroyed. A cons stant source of lhaomfurt h the dripping of the pnruient secixtions into the throat, omenmea pruauu ing inveterate .bronchitis, wtich in ta turn has been tua exciting cause of pulmonary diseases. The brilliant results which nave at tended its use for yeara past prop erly designate Ely's Orem Balm as by far the best aud only care. Charlotte, N. C. March 15, '90. Radam's Microbe Killyr, . i Nashville, Tr,-.i,: Gentlemen Replyiag to yours of the 20th in3t., we can co3scien tiously say that we have never f-old any medicine that gave b.-tter sat isfaction ta the customers t'uixn. Radam's Microba Kilisr. J Yours truly, R. H. Johb an & Co. For sale by Doane Ha i