V r 1 Ci Daniels.Ed's and Prop's ali EflOb rilOU AITl'ST AT, BE TUT COUNTRY'S, THY GOO'S, AND TRUTHS', 3 50 a Year, ens li in A I v : i v ,1 A1 R 20 WILSON, WILSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. DEC. 4, 1890. 11.' jWi'l WHAT IS TO BE , fS OF TUB G IJBLS. art I nfd hi Ed uca'ed y should do for. a ijfjextioii, that is Oh. u. oouatry. It makes Used to get so ma- i '(..- afcfiw fr eP and ", HeipV tUat I cannot r't.'u;?-i The letters 1 w -; y s v 1 1 c o in e f o r i t is i j. a, mari to know of hu , troubles nd to lend his -.thy. Ic i.-s better to go ilt Ironse of mcirning than --. i O'. leaatiiiK j uuii iuoso i:ke me feel Leldles3. her make ine feel that I wish ; rich and wise so that 1 a A 11 n ,r respond to every- can or. i j ; 1 wish that some great ."naive would die and leave .;oiley t me to v. e in or misery. Sometimes i I look 'ttround upon ray mi iiGine;it alamia'ine for i, vv y not .had my share uh ana it .will come yet e I die and fail upon my lUidren. They are not stronir YT-U ill: : iic1 .ar Mr vriO; 611 an t f ABP'S LETTER -i of their sex are nt supported wy tue men ana tney are com palled to go out in the busy worH and support themselves. They would willingly marry if the right sort of a man was to come along and ask them, but he don't come, and but few of the men are ntten to marry, and not fitten to getfitten, and there who are, getting scarcer and scarcer as the years roll on, and so the girls prefer to toil rather than b8 pensioners upon the bouuty oi their kinfolks. Well, it does look like tile old man is right, and the wom en, ara right, too. Ia is lookiug backward at the good old times and they are contending with thd hard facts or the present. Half a century ago who would have thought of seeiug a nice young girl in a store or counting rooiQj or a printing office, or a theatre, c r singing in the chut ch for pay. It would not have bo 3 i tolerated. They were al lowed to teach the village sctn 1 or keep a milliner's shop, and that was about all. Housework domestic work, was their em ployment until they got mar ried, and then they had plenty to do afterwards, Mrs. Arp did I know. Her good mother a light -'her to sew and knit and make aad play upon the piano aid ride horseback, aud she can now work a neater buvtonhoh than any child she has got, and the little dresses she made and hemmed, and hemstitched aud pla itcd, were marvels of beauty. From sixteen to forty-five no woman ever made more littlr garment or knit more stocking or 'was in re dilligent in house hold business. And yet she has uot suffered, nor felt oppressed, nor lamented her lot. The ma ternal pressure was consiauly, up m htr, and she had no time io lam-snt no tima for dreams and reveries or Utopian desires, vhen she was weary with work she rested by reading reading books-that were fit to bn read, aad she never forgets them. She irs the standard of tha house hold upon all literature, from Milt-in to Mother Gcoae. That's the kind of a woman she is, and never went to college. Mrs- Ella "Wheeler Wilcox be trind l;er b.tter oiu the old man's ide of the question, and says: "Hjj letter contains a greater moral lesson for the young gen eration than is preached in a thousind pulpits in a thousand Sundays.'' She blimes tho m'sther.-j and teachers for en couraging the girls to showy ac compiishments and public dis pliys. She blames the yountj men ft ir pa ing more attention to showy and entertaining girls than to practical and indus trious ones. The voung men want their sweetheart's to be showy and ,i uo.uol.e- would go hard Win. The child never 2,;,'. rtrong while the parents iiv. if the old folks , have i. iL:i else to give they can n . . A -9 cmtort ana sympainj ."ice. and when they die i.; gone. ; ' the girls the girls 5r! ;K is. to become of the girls'? XL; t is the Question that is nyieruiost in the minds of Uira:mds of 'parents. It did L jt use -to be so half a century uo, ai:d" what , is the matter cow. Of course the old time parents felt ; anxiety about ibelr daughters, especially about seeing j. them happily m :u J y nd battled down, but as a general .riile they did mar-, ry i: v: a the .young couple went to wnvk pi mleutly aud sensibly and bv-,Mn'to rjiise children and with a hiilii. help were pro?-.-r-cu'i"ii-3;i i.si'pV-. There was uo grert luirah about how wlifcTvi the girls should b'i edu tat;--:1:. .'The- old - field school ws:.: tiooi tU'jii-j'u if the teac-uer m a. trood one, Kichard Mai cot.! Jjhnfiiin taught one of tht-Ki for tweuty years, and u c .I!.--? didn't tarn ' cut any beitrr ;C Solars than he did My Lumorous-and lovely wifn Weiit just fuch a one until sLe was sixteen, and I didn't waut her to ge any smarter, and .- V3 'mated,- and . she knows as ; much abuut" book? and everything else a-her col-let'tr-i'rrd daughters. There is iiol v. rchuol boy that can speab Marco r:z2aris like she can. :- Bat wha is itne matter with tli&gii? The Kew Wcrld is rli o:; lull of letters fibout tiitiii whole ;pagts of. letier that t til Lb A' . they shou.d be educ vt (1 and what they should i(i ! s ;t living It seems - that hi oil gentleman wrote the fiir", ietter and bitterly 5e coi.i c i the -prevailing met -ofc ai.d the modern colleges, f'v: e accused wouian of in-. vaoi Hob, -sai;! n and and sta; an. do Hi: lig the spat-re ox man ii unwomanly things, i tiiHt the had better u ii.y and raise the children hi science and art and mperance alone. pungent and cs and t letter was iiiea-tn; a:;d lias aroused the fir x ::aud now we are, hav bu 'it '-i and.; spouetd on both ci le-. Such hotab' women as i .jeier AVilcox and Ma i!and and Mrs. Austin Bryan and Mrs ti.,i. He:.ry Ward Heecter have rn-teicrl-ihe field. and given lh Ir Vb.h :is in a. vigorous si.-d '' x&- . -Aiscdre or two i oti t : v. r.ters, icale and female,. ; t(:.'poi.ded and the cry is aiiii they cm and nothing is i?VA- :. Ii j.3 hard to tell who il t--id for some of . the w-o-; re uithe old Kent le man's ft'i si,d some are; half and b'"-: ?-5Hl-sum6gay he is iauatic e "; '- .o btf arrested. TLe ' ;;i.-.ni:u;ha3 no patience hnjred, pushing, but vauts wo- x ; h?alile and retuii g ;'af'--r thun" cold, defiant and ortiii:;.' . IIu wants Ui : !' s:?.v!.'-.at 'home m-1 f''c- -': couiNirla'.ble ard'hiviu i. A expresses Lis; disgust ? ;; whoie tribe - who are fei' -. -uiigly. writing noyels i jui.-y analytical stories ( , j . tLii 'i n.and that is her .high- e-&ii l-best vocation. " &jue the women go for "'' !k yilo'v; jackets coming 'Jt ei a hole "in the ground, -tii-ey stung him fearfully. J .hinfe that he has taken to the iuess to get rid of them, for tas not jet put in - a rejoin. They 'say that thousands their wives domestic, and as the average girl cannot be both she does not. marry, or f she does a-separaticn or a divorce soon follows. , Our own" sensibl Mrs: Bryan says the old man is both right arid wrong. She defends the health and muscle of a women today, and says they under stand the laws of health better M an did their mothers or grandmothers. That their rooms are better ventilated, and they have quit lacing their waists and cramping their' limbs and wearing French heel slippe's. It was not uncommon in the old gentleman's time for a lady to faint in the ballroom and their stava cut in a hurry to give them breath. Bat Mrs. Bryan does lament the decay "of what she calls the 'maternal instinct amng the educated cla-ses. She says that but few children are born to them, and the num bcr is' constantly growing less, The time was when it was a re flettiun upon a woman if she did not hear children, but not now. The society woman of tod-iy fljes not want them. They are a trouble and are iu the way of . her selfishness, for motherhood means selt sacrrs fice, ssb! J the roblem of over production and excessive . pjDpulatioa in the future, and that maybe if iU're are fewer Children born they would be better ones. The tiiouse in the fable taunted the Hojif-s -with having so few off Spring, and! the lioness retorted "But they are lions." sVell, I don't believe in any thing that is not according to nature. I never saw a right healthy matured woman who was net a mother. I never saw a trood one who did not wish to be. i Mrs. Austin writes most tens derlv and truthfully about this and as:3erts that maternity brings back youth and keeps it freh au3 buoyant. She says "I was torn over seventy years ago, and now in fny serene old age JL. look upon my children and grandchildren as aworkman looks upon a piece of work with which he is satisfied. My chil dren are still my babies, and their lUtta ones bring back my youth. That? so. I know it is so. My wiifo has flourished on it. She hao gone to see a sick one now. What would we be with out thorn. Why, I wouldn't enjoy iny last illness if there were no children around to love me and weep when I was gone. But old Mrs. Beecher writes a cold, Jbard letter, loo hard I think, find tells how she Iiad to do the 'ashincr and ironioning and make cheese and cook, and darn and plait straw, and was never i!Ue except when aoleep and she thinks the giris should be rais il that way. All that is well uugh if she was 'jappy and she says she' was, but she declare! that if she had a doz en girls she would make them do the ::-ame thing,' aud would never rx cntion marriage to them and if l&ey did not marry she would sind them but to service es, lire them out to work in somebody's kitchen. May the good Lord forbid ? That is what I rfiil poverty, hard, pinch ing povirty when an educated girl has to come to that. She says: "Dur little girl had a beautiful shook of golden hair that cui led in ringlets, and one day a lidy. called and said to the chill : What beautiful hair you ha1 a got, you are so pretty I want 3. kiss.' In the after noon I raw my child looking at herself the mirror. Her fa ther saj her too and lifted her down r.nl told me to cut off those cirls. I did so and the iittle lamb "as sheared.' If I hid ever done the like of that torsy child I wouldn't own it now. Bless God I nevor did nor had ny desire to. That child's aaaker gave her that beaulifai hair aa an ornament and it was no more harm to be proud of it than lor us to be proud of her beautiful eyes. The mother might 'with is much reason make her go barefoolad to crush her pride. The old! lady closes her letter with ':cat off the curls, close the piaa.o and the fiddle box and givD the girls pleLty ' of work tc do." This puts rne to thinking either If.rs. Beecher is a hard woman or I am a soft man, for I shall not cut off the curls nor close tie piano or the fiddle box. Tliey are all a pleasure and a tieasure at any house. But ii aiL these letters there are god thoughts and food ton refh.-ction. The gist of the w bold -matter is that every re spectable family ought to do the ver best thoy can for the girls, and I reckon they will. Good example and good pres ceptf, and a happy, firesido are the hst safeguards. If the girls nc not have these at home there ii ?io security abroad.. . Bill Arp. EDITORS DESK TIJIIELY COMMENT OA" 1M ly OUT ANT ENVeTS. Short Paragraphs on Topics of I A cely Interest to our Readers. - NTJMBEE46 U4 Ticklin? Mrs. Bryan hints that pos- t! is is intended to solve In .yonr Jbroat which makes you congii o. ;ce iu a wiiile and kees you conciautly e'eanug yoar throat arises ii nra Catarrh', an .las catarrh is a con; titational disease the ordi nary cm gh tm'ilieinps all fail. to hit h-c- .pot , What ycu neel is a con sti'ii le-i! renivdy. like flood's S.ir-saj.i.-uii'.i , Many people who have taken li :s ajiiiciue,- for eerofula dy:- jepi loss .!' appetite and otli r troubles have been surprised that iuheukl enru this troubles crjje crugb, . But to know the actual c vana of the cough is to solve th3 rays'ery. Many case.Hof csnsamitioo can b? traced back to the neglect of some s-och jiligh" af fection i l liis. (JoGfurnption can oe coatroIScd ia - its early stages, and the niect of Ihi Ml's Sarsapa rilla in purifying the blood, build ing up tbe general health and ex peiluig AtQ fccrofa ous taint which is the ci.ute of catarrb and cou- i!Oiplio:3, has restored to perfect isealth canj persons on vhoin this dreaded disease seemed to have Arm iioljl. Tba Sp.nford Express is in fa vor of the Australian ballot and wftats the next Legislature to p. ss it the first thing. Capt. w. W. Caraway, one of the '.est men who has travel ed for a newspaper, is on the road for the Raleigh Hews and Obs? rver. . Is .? truer words wero ever spol-than when Abraham Line 'n eaid; You may fuol some of the people all the tiuu ; you map fool all of the peop i some of the time; but you cau't fool ail of the people all ui' the time. Au'iut Belmont, of Net? Yoik ia dead. He was tr some years before tho war, Chair man of the National Demo cratic Executive Committee. He was "never a candidate for any office, ut always an earn est Democrat. Ex-head-chopper Clarkson says there are about five Deni ocratic papers in this country to cue iiepublican. Thus do they own up that the Demo cratic party is the party of in telligence and of progress. Wilmington Starv It is rsported that General JutELi Early recently refused to tike a 85 bill because it had vignetto of General Grant on it. Wilmington Star. And yet. degraded old General, he allows himself to be used as a decoy to defraud those who fearlessly followed him amid the dangers and privations of war. We have always tiven our voi:e r.v.a vote for good schools and we still believe the public schools of the State should be very materially improved. This improvement cannot be accom plished without money. We have no sourcafrom which to get th'i money except by taxa tion. Therefore let the ta for cho.,1 purposes be increa d Mr. -Jesse Brake, who was elecl.'d to the Legislature from Edgecombe - county, i3 one of the best men in the State and, if we mistake not, will be found sharing with Hollman, of Ire dell, the honor of being known as Hi - '' watch d:?g of the treas ury. ' Mr. Bi".ko says the rea fon j.u uueiiw elected him was tha. they wanted to put a Bra!.-; on the Ltjjslature. His EOSN TO BE A-LAWYER-' Talent sehow Themselves in Various Attitude- s s ier preparation for the si the ih.-ane of the State, art numbers of poor Ti'.e Raliigli State Chronicle is ur .iag the necessity of mak ing . car. The unf are uuuned in the jails be cai? the Asylums are inade-qunf;-- u accommodate them. The State can afford to provide amj '-j accommodation for her insane. Let no spirit of false tsconmy maae us do an injus tice to the poor aud unfortu nate. Souse otherwise good business men look open newspapei" ad vertising as a sort of extra ex pense that brinies little or no returns. They will spend a few dollars that way occasionally, but they teem to do it in the spirt that so much is gone to the Expense and lost account It i a mistake to think that ad verging properly, intelligently and persistently does not pay or thai any reputable newspa per is indifferent as to its ad vertising bringing the inveslor a profit. Henderson Gold Leaf One of Colonel "Bob'' Inger solFa stories is that he found himself alone in his office one day while as a yousig man he was studying la with a firm out West. He was interrupted by the entrance of a raw-boned, sharp-featured country woman, who anbled into the room lead ing a freckle faGed, watery eyed, ten year old boy by the hand. "Air you the lawyer?" she be gan. On being answered in the afflrmativa she went on td sy i that she had brought her boy to town for the purpose of bind ing him Dut at the "lawyerin' trtde." She was mortally certain, she avered, that Jim was a born lawyer, aud that all h3 needed was a chance. ,:But, madam," objected the colonel, "he is en tire'y too your g to begin to study law." "Too youug, in deed' sniffed the fond mother, contemptuously; "you don't know Jim. Le was jest born for a lawyer,"'- Much amused, the colonel asked her on what grounds she based her hopes for future greatness at the bar for her darling child. 'Why," said she, "when he was only seven years old he struck work and swore he wouldn't do an other lick, if he got killed for it. When he was eight he got sassy and put on more airr than a prize horse, at the county fair, and now, Law bless me, be jest reezes into everything he can ay his hands on." New York Sun. ' Might try Alaska There live3 out in Joe Can non's district in Illinois an old farmer who is a zealous B,e- publicau, one of the red-tot partisan stripe. When he heard of Cannon's defeat he said to hia wife, who is one of those women who obey their ordand master blindly: Mary, pack up everything, I'm going to move. Why? asked Mr.ry, Because Joe Cannon is beat and I won't live iu a Democrat ic district. Very well! said Mary, with a little resigned sigh. Then the old man went to town to sell his farm. There he heard all the election news. He returned home, and enter- m the house g&iq: Mary, you can, qait pi eking up. l ain't a-goio to move. Why? inquired Mary. Because,. he replied sadly. there is no place to move to.- ashington Mirror. NEWS OF A WEEK. W1TA.T tS UArrKITING IS 1HK WOItitD Alt O U JD W&. Condensed Report of th New From our Contemporaries. to- have a tcphooe 1 nr. citEATll of a chronic eatarrti patent is often so offensive that he becomes as ol'j?ct of disgust. Af ter Mire Ulceration sets in, the a . Bklen's Arnica Salve. The test salve in the world for Cats, B nises, Sores, Ulcers, Sale Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Ha i'is, Chilblains Corns, and skia B i prions, and positively cures piles o no pay required. It is guar an , ged to give perfect satisfac tioo,or iioncv refnutled. Price 25 esnfs pc r box. For sale by A. W. Row; an '.. EESTO &ED , HIS WIFJi'S nEALTfl. My v e ullvre! for jears from debility in,l a general breaking down o! iieaith, the resulta of dis- eases p cnliar to' .Tomen. A few bottles Of Swiit'rt Spee.ifie (S. S 8.) restore--her to perfect hfal'h. If built he? up, i!creased her appes tite anil -ighf, - until the is hot the pict 2 re f health. The speedy recover, ? of my wife from her long il.'ness t ansed ah my family, and several :4" my neighbors, to take S. S." S. '.lis a tonic we are all delighx ted witii it. Geoege FjJamjiee, : Coviiigton, Ohio. One ! sp ;iti mother's) for the well b 3V ia daytime. About 700 laps of She bed room floor at night for the Sappy (?) father unless ho has Dr, Bull's Baby Syrpp to ease the lilt: H safferer. spongy bo.ies are attacked and fre queai!y satire!.? destroyed. A cons stai-t source of discomfort is -the drii piag of tho pamient secretions into the throat, sometimes produce ing inveterate bronchitis, wfich m its tarn has been the excitmg can e of pulmonary diseases. The br.IIunt resuits which have at tended its use for years past prop erly Oeoiana'e Ely's Cream Balm as by far the beat and only core. A. Eeart-renderirg Ciroumstance It must have b'een a little embarrassing aud doubtless very mortifying to che gentle man at the Cape Fear ace Yad kin Valley depot last Saturday to see the precious contents of a half gallon jug pouring out through his canvass valise and saturintf the platform. A young man standing near loos ea with regretful eye ana res marked: "It's not only a pity, it's a d shame," while the odor of "corn" permeated the atmosphere. Nashville, Tenu., April 8 Radam Microbe Kiiier Cc, '90, Nashville, Teno. the Oxford U exchange. The new part to th Dake Facto, ry in Durham is about .coou'leted. The old reliable Ihirhau Re corder has donned a mw drsss of type. Tbe Greensboro Workn - re- porta vrheat as not coming up o well. Tha bears are said to be Troub ling the iarmers down is Patqao tank. ' Tha Sbeiby Aurora tel.'s of a felloe who stole u bee-gam lull of bees. M -nroe voted the boml-i for e.ecnio iiguts una street miiirove-. aients. - . Rev. Frank: Jones, a son of laie Lr. Joues of G-eensboro male College, is Head Salisbury is soon to have nice factory, probably a brewv-,- aud electric light plant. Oue of tbe nurseries of Greens. boro bas received an oreer f.r trees from Baden, Gem1 any. Mr King, of Frinilin conotv, toolt several premiums at the At lanta Exposition ou farm prlao;o The 96 counties of North Caroli na have organized County Allian ces. Tlfere 2,171 sab-Alliances in the State. Fayetteville cotton seed oil mills were destroyed by fire Thurs day night. Loss 10,000 j insur ance $7,500.- There is some talk of organizing a joint slock company with - cap ital stock of 110,000, lor tb par nose of establishing a lar. car riage works in Henderson. Senator Hampton was s Men tally shot by bis son in In eye. Tbey were out bunting in Mississ ippi near the same vx ttv'hiqb lie lost his leg while Lau.u;;. Mr Jno Nettles, of Edgecombe, nets $1,000 from his crop o.: seven acres of tobacco, and Mr. Mack Kihebrew gets ioOO from ".s two acres. Koctcy Mount r can, it. i Rev. L. W. Crawford, of ureensv boro, has gone to Trinity t College to take the chair cf Biblical Liter atuieand New Testament H:tory, to wnicb ne was elected la' Jane. A M'ssouri oank cashier who lost. an arm in defending bis bank agains tho nptM highway mm Jesi so James, has jast been sent fo jail for robbing that aame banx of ? 100,000. Col. L. D. Stephenson," a ruomis oent Reiubl?cau and wet- to do farmer of Wake county, in an assignment Monday. He v,j-i ou the bond of 0. D. TJpcharch Clerk of the Superior Ooart of Wake county for 16,500. Henry Taylor reports i-at a dark complected hen belong ng to Abrara Herring laved 43 egjiS, not at oae "Kitting' but before ''set. ting," Henry b!iBeIf U daar corns plected aud his story is not witn out coloring.Bargaw Her;-. 11. Mr. uaaries ry i'oweii Dr:-igs us the twig, of an apple tb it has borne two crops of apples and is full of blooms for a third, which, unlike the trasla flower, are dootiifd we fear, to be cut down without producing frnit.-Lenoir Topic: A colored man-by the n -Tin e n JoVu Mason, who lives at Hills dale, last Thursday saw. a c -y of :.rdt iu tbe field. He took ut bis pjcet knife and threT it at theai, aDd by wtm? means the biads flew open aad killed tw of th1 bird, cuttiug one's btad entirely cff.--Greensloo North 3le. of a The GoidhlHuj A---. tc inrn'-p that rwigu Si p -nnds. Beidsville has put of.. - its elco THEY BOTHERED H!M SOME. trie light plant. It i ... owneu oy uauviiie - The Me'bod: IV ft'.renee wdi rpen i WfaUin o") Deeu'Ti Tbe R doigh Ohmr-u Wagon Facrry t.pjt- Of workl We wisii i the State was v. wit ;e of the State. lhj TilIle repoiu tween a win mu n woman ia a back ic The woman, it save. v. vrar- nn es.ily ui. kill landed him iu il on bis head. The Alliance of contemplating estaht.- factory somewhere -i-W learn that tbe d otf'o'ik bis beea tak Euterpribe. The Winston Ia;l; my that wiM intert-st Tr? tobacco. crop i - 't)g r was reported e.oj"pia Plenty cf e.r rvsixj wrappers ai l ti: uiififlinj. . A f3rmer living Iu 1 is tte ftu-r o Ax thy'ire all twHt v a formerly j lAdlaun Were Afrultl That tlie 'iiny, tant Con ession ia e 10th. : i Kays the !oDg lo;. ; wagou iu j le borders i j fight be j I t wb:te j Toii'iord. : .u ber ad ' I '. a . s - da of ever d.v ctr Of-'ober. It it rut-.' -r d Tillaii-, Of ) ('ard oa cl h; era at.ii"ii John. if. Icb, i;y Lav ed to Hnip.o .V . ted States Senaie. The Wir58tou I) the girls of tnst tL'tiv a fellow : A yfriri i ston, anked bin "baf1, u pany him to the when the hS.j -.vt hK him 8Tiib'cI?,,! vf that she d'ii't ei. his poverty.'' Hon. T. R. Jeroi .lie North Oai''iif! V; pencil c' Rsleipii, ? i temoon dail, r ;. thoroughly cquiptd, a lish trie pi-pss disrate.-' The- term nus ' branch of thi We'ezu lina Riiroad ih uof six ip ilea eat of Mar m'ilwtt w( of A .ht v ;. Our reedcR ?.':? :r learn Cnpr. K. M. RepubLcan caLt'.d" ri vs o.g3ii'. cv'. Cowley, hss ci'CL.ijfi";' is fi:t sei mou ..rt Lineouoo, Saada--- rora. Toerft rn sorr-i h. rted nin ia CbarloUe. ii ias i :st leaked ont ' tbatfoiasbis -" "i mercbaat b by:D paying the iary of a feacher at tbe Gr bi: ieet chap el to teach the. -f-. cLildren. 8he has bnd a clans . -.'hirtj-five. In nober p rr of city 'hi. toercha'tb b?is bee i c-at;ig a cnooi of poor eh;' . . meeting tbe entire expens'M oi r his ovn pocket. He has - en doing this for an advertipr :t, for not. eren the cbiidr?n knu - tois their ben9' actor. Cb'-tilo't .s. 1th giea su barren' county Is j isr a shoe i :o coonty. ! 1 amount i Newton 1 .A this to - readers : o flatter Vnite luo the rich ; came up ue couaty dren and e pairs me birtbs a the 5tb -ruorelect will re-scppoi-t-er cauvass tim elcct 1 he Uni- 'e!!s how vwn treat iu Win- toaC'.'OQi 'si nigbt gav v saying . editor of 'y Infe!!U ut an al Will iA- i will pub. ISturphy :i h' Carob Tomotla, and 117 uprised to for Coii h. n. .'-eachiua. dlveied fn :clby Au- 1 1 Pron:tmc:d Hopeless, Yet Saved From a letter written by Mrs, Ada rj. Hard o! Groton, S. I)., we quote: -was taken witn a ban cold, which settled on my Lungs, cottRh set in and finally termina ted iu Consumption. Four doctors gacc sns up staying I could live bnt a eho-t time. 1 give myself up to my fy-viour, determined if I could not suy with my friends on earth. I wo n id" meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. Kir.s Dew Discovery for Consump tion. Cough and Colds. , I gave it trial, took in all eight bottles; it has -.' v.r'jd me and thank God I am nov -j. i-U snd hearty woman.'' Tri?i bottlvs free at A. W. Row lan.'s Drngbtoie, regular size. 50c and 531 00. Gentlemen - After bavins dys. persia fifteen jeas I tried your JVIiciobe Killer. Usiug it about five months I find myself entirely relieved. Very respectfully, A. IV Mathews. Columbia, Tenn. , Feb. 17 Radam's Microbe Killer Co.: Nashville, Tenn. Deur Sirsol will say as to the merits of Microbe Killer that have an old servant vho Uas lived with our family for sixty years; her age is sixty-eight years. She bat bad the dropsy for thirty-five years. I saw the Microbe Killer advertised aud bought three jut's and it has cared her entirely. This I know to be a tact. This was before I took the asency for the Microbe Killer. 1 could give ynu testimonials from xiozens who have been greatly benefitted by using Microbe Killer. Respectfully, Aigie A. Hodge. For sale by Doaue Herring. BABY CURED. My baby bad the worse case of Gatarbb that I ever saw. a small child with. Tbe Nasal discharge was very large and very off ansive, Having some personal knowledge of the curative properties of S. S S., I gate the babv a course of S.! S. S., using nothing el?e In a short time the disefcarge from the nose stopped, aud the Catarrh was cured entirely and permanently, as there has been no return of It since. David Zartman, May 10, '90. Independence, O. Treatice on blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. N -y rnisrepresentat ons are . need ed to sell Saltation Oi!. It is an honest article, Only 25 cents. It you suffer from catarrh why don't you take Hood's Sars&parilla tbe common sense remedy ! It has cured many people. The State Farmers' Alliie, of Minnesota, proposes to have a hand in tbe national politicr of 1892. A call bas been sent to the country Alliances of the Stite for a convention of the A'liance. The ohjpct of the convention, i ;s nn der8tood,is to 'take steps toward the reorganization of a national Alliance political party. One of the W. N. O. cuts about two miles from Mnrpby o.vdr- a bed of c'ay ae white and pVriti'c sp dough. Parties who- cL im to know pronounce it a good quality of kaolin, or potters clay, If there is anv god thing lhat r.jnt uf found in Cherokee county T on will hive to go to heaven to j et it. Cherokee Scout. The Shelby Aurora tells of a muchly marrying lot of mc-u ; . Mr. "viiliam w hue. or this eoanty, r- joices in bis fifth wife. Another man in Cleveland this yer married his fourth wife. In one rear he had three wives. Ia th spring hi first wife died in the summer be married a consumptive, who died in October, then at Ohri"nas he married a tbird wife, all in rne year. Last Thursday Mr. Joe Shields, who residt about six wile west of Durham attempted tb go into ore Mr. Carden's house for hc pur pose of getting a gnn, which Car den had refused to loan him. Tbey became engaged in a quarrel; Shields jeiked an axe one cf Car den's band, which be bad wbettng. and struck him cn tbe bead several times, cutting off one ear, breaking his fckull and colar bone. Garden is critically ill; SbelJs was taken to Hi lis boro jail Saturday to await the result of his bloody wor. The affair occurred in Orange county Durham Rorder - I Joseph Brri-iE--'!, .. correspondent, Las bi ll Del by John M. Bto fejited ca-ididate fo1 the Fifth Disiriot. T Stanley our'ty s?ir cn Mi. Cravifiaid ?n '!.-.-pabUcan office iu V Go-niin, tbe editor of '. otiii, prompt' y wro'- ol field's bf.mi, nd In w tfradfield s-ys Rio vot Jet hirr?lf dor.'?.s r-f si- ap.i he nieui'.'-1 will jjwver coins fr- The rrat f - of l-!. well Lv,'V' 1 hi! bundved ws'8 ovi i:vc est Cel. !3:;,? i- square an ar1 e"f . owfs nd have sc-r . rejices in tilt's iao e i corder. H ia e)i' Durham, wnotn honor s n(l revere. Durham in the ua' her history and iec . lir oi his v j. ; tbr'f. knew he -roi ' I !.v ? He was onr f.i?..u, Duvbam rrjoice ov-f : day-light i b-eKi' cloud of adv.rai'y corder. The Wisston co the Sf-jte Clonic'? near that citv. D . . f'ulted Piaukct D sl ier took it op and hi', vefe blow, when to r friends stepped up a. affair. By this titae oat a bg knife ' v -rriks at Julius 1Y Yonui'fl fri.-..'i'ds,'ect -niosL from fr. J 'c-. a . b-tste he made a riik sknli, r:pping sua ?cs" fj-r 'tchfls ? "!!. other fn-ad, Will t eTeral placv.- d rv ha been cspturtc' jail. The latent re;. Disber is dead and v a precarious cord..;,' is considered ot cf .ewspaper . sued foi , the de" C ngre.H in i!f.eriff of .'-e papers rdon 1 "s -ton, Mr Hepub!i Idr. Brad- released, i iiying to as possi tbe case . T. Black -'tars one iar. Hon- abld to ry cent he t. No one o the E.e - fathet ot ill should ;,food bv j -tours in very doi- vhen he 6 it agilii. ..v let all fiCt that over the ?rnuui Re .ondent : of i i of a rov-; Younts iu ; . Toe lau ' -nnts a se I he latter' -nrered the ' -mels had making a ;" one o i t aroat r.K ti about i: at Yonnt', epen for t ' ing Yount'f ' .ro-!, if'' ui. Daaieh lodged in . t "are tha:; ets was is . Hampton ; iger. ! mer'n Bill Wu a -uutrfrit. I was in pretty good sixed Canadwa m not very far from lue bordrr," ui4 j drummer, "and I was going away on t train Saturday night As I eat ia j hotel about train thuo it occurred to tbat all the money I had with ca a $30, and that was om ot thuas jxi y backed United States goid cwrtig :es. Now, I thought, the chances uw ) landlord has never seen ono of these, 1 m probably have troubla. Ikirarar, .en tho Iras driver called out tlw traia ' ent over to the counter, put my over vt on, whistling softly to giva myst i air of innocence, aud theu I took a, i hill and handed it to the landlord. ' 'Heyr says he, 'nothing smaller tha- 9? ;'I stopped whistling lojg eniU to . nope,' 'He looked at it whiloleougbt isy 'I s'pose it's good enon;!). lao said. ' 'Wish I had a hundred of 'em,'8ii3 1. "The landlord took a roll of bills froca i pocket in a hesitating way, hUd n a ten and a fiv, tiirned parUy ' und and pretended to bo looldnj fes ie ones and twos, although I saw that had plenty of them. 'No use be eaid, 'I cau't mak tk : vnge. 4 'Well, what can I do? said L 'He didn't make any suggestion- Tve only six centes,' 1 said, wr( m that bill, and there isn't tinio ti ; it changed anywhere else to-niht,' ' 'Oh, well pay me when yon cxvsa ik,' said he, preferring to riak Iowa a . thirty-five cents (that's the. pries J upper over there) rather than tike & ! L 1 Til give it to the ""DU3 lnvor at tte xt,' I said, and I went ont follow- L the silent looks of tlio assMabk'dcous1 I- iy, wb undoubtedly Cvjn.Tratalatad i" landlord as soon as ti n duor waa p'i it on escaping with so sr.; til a losa fii t:. rty-five cents. 'I was exasperated and I wan rald experience would bo repented t th Cion, and what I'd do the!i I diia't yv. I wasn't acquainted "v. i'.'l: ? r.Yii town, aud even if 1 5,vr Wea I ddn't have cot tho lniUt-n- Sek.J t u away that night. ' 'Ticket for Detroit,' 1 Sixid, find Wi vn tbe bill, while ttw 'Uts drirei o behind me waiting. 'Smallest you've got?" says the tick ler, looking at the bill on both rades. ' 'Only thing I can give you,' ea;d i. 'lie laid it down and studied it c.irt ly. 'S' many o' these darntd things j counterfeit,' he said, while 1 stood r-e boiling mad, but keeping n pL-s-1 e. ' 'It seems to be all right, though,' ba 1 at last, and then ho gavo ine thd iet and change. I handed the driver his money, ghed with hiru about tho landlord be ; afraid to cliango the bill, anil thn it out and walked up and 'do ivn the fiform, feeling bully. Some one touched mer ou tho shoul . It was the ticket seller. 'I'm a tie afraid o' that bill,' sail ha (a a f apologetio tone. - "Come into the office,' I said, 'and I'll .- and fix it up,' and as I as rummag ; around for a card I hapxenod to ra mber that I had a checkiu my pocket about 10, which a customer ia aa- . .er town had given me to send to ti n. I showed that to the agent. Ho 3 puzzled to know what to do. ' 'I believe,' he said at last, 'I'd rather 7e this than the bilL There's so many jhose bills counterfeited 1 don't like . looks of it.' Then he gavo iao back twenty and twenty more and took check. :Yon can imagine what T thought of .t man. There was a ck ecu that he 3W nothing. abeut. dra'--.: ) " f order a firm be knew nothir.;, at, in--sed by a man he knew i.. l . : : y about, I yet he took it rather t : i take a '1 for half the amount guuiuuteed-by ) United States governineut. Lord', en I got through being mad I was uck with the ridiculousness of the ng and I laughed all tho way to Dij it, and I laughed again tho iioxt day , ..en I handed the bill to tha clerk the Russell house and I toil hira 1 -ut it. ' ' 'Well,' said another drummer, 'they i p.oything but flyover lbs -liie. m-A if s a fact.' 'Perhaps so," said the fir.-t jn i:i, 'fc-at ) Russell house wouli.lii't t:i-Uo the bill, 1 the bank wouldn't taLa it 'today, . 1 darn it, 1 guess it is a eounU;rfeii4 .er alL" Detroit Freo Press. E'upspsy- This 13 what you ought to - have fact, you must have it, to fully joy life. Thousands are search - for it daily, and moarui-ig b" ase they find it not. Thou -and.-, on thousands of dollars are .spent nually by our people It tho hope it tbey may attain this bun. id yet it may be had by a!!.. Ya arantee that Electric EiMor.i, if i id according to directions aad e use persisted in, will briut you ' K)d Digestion aud oust the ie on Dyspepsy. We reeoir:rtn? 1 ectric Blttrrs for -D.i-spepsi i und I diseases of Liyer, S.omr.c!) and . .idneys- Sold at 5t)a and $100 r bottle by A. W.Rowtau J Drie WHAT IS A COLD i the head? Medical autLoiu y it is due to uneven clothing e bouy, rapia cowing when eS g ol in a rtpiration, &;. TLo importuM 'int is, that a cold ia tho :i i : is ; infiamatioa of the lining in."ra aneol the nose, which, --when u.is eked, isc3rtain to producr- a c t rrbal condition, for catarrh h e--ntially a "cold'' which nalu;e ii longer able to "resolve' or i row off. Ely's Cream Bahn l as oved its superiority, and ;u.1yri-r.i lould resort to it before tha': e.:i'. on ailment becomes seated aad' ids in obstinate catarrh. which cough The indifference r many peopl-i egr, A cold is traly uuarj" affections iifteo h i tion, and ahouid rL time by n3 cf Drc Symp. Tries 25 eauts a Lottie. b!e, The? in .i'i's Congu i you don't want to have -cltiate so' onble cure your catarrh new by cr sing Old Saul's Catarrh Care. Ic . 8ts but 25TCents. For scrofula io t rood's- SarsapuiiiLi j tliabie remedy. It h . qoalled record of cares. every ivz tn ii a radic d, hj UT;3n I i ' 1

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