BILL NYKS NAVY NOTES. HE PRATES OF THE GOOD SHIP I MINNESOTA AND HER "MISSION. The Sprightly Young: American Who En , tr the Navy With or Without Parents. ; Adorned With Ornamental Illustration ' Gleaned from Many Sources. I - Copyright hy Edgar VT. Nye. ! At the time of this writing the United Sfetes steamship Minnesota lies at the fnot of Fiftieth Btreet. North river. She la hrawad over for the -winter, and looks Eb the trim little craft in which Noah tlefied the long wet spell and saved his alBed show to delight and astonish na Uoats yet unborn. She is one of the i United States training ships designated by the secretary "of the navy for the pur- youth. Trie- yo the same styo m -eu m appears eoir.o in TMv-rv.iiurntor air coiioiuuit Thanking .the officers for the pleasure IUG DOU1V - i-j aw " - ' A a. ; in the sTeat mintini where she is repre- i find delightful hospitality of the day, 1 sented as waiting to be surprised while j $t the ships carpenter to hammer out bathing. She, however, wears a large -the places where my high hat had policeman's star on her forehead. This I buckled to, and, shaking hands all young man had no star. Ile had on his j around, we take our lives in our hands breast, however, a very good study in and startup Fiftieth street for home. India ink of Washington crossing . the ; Here it Was, along this street, that the Delaware, and. on one flank the burial Minnesota's Japanese steward was held f ,- .T.Vm "MVwp. Thfi doctors have to ! ud bv a cans and made to treat the VI v v" j. " w make memoranda of all marks and brands found on these applicants and transmit them to Mr. Tracy, who is making a collection of them.( Some of these lists read line the cata logue of the Lcuvre; others read like' the record t-f stock brands for Sweet--water ooniitv. Wvominsr.- Birth marks SELECTIONS . FROM THE WRITINGS OF ARTEMUS WARD. : west ide. I think things have come to ; a fine pass when our navy i3 foixibly held up within half a dozen blocks of j the cathedral and made to buy rum for j a total stranger. ! And yet that Is AT L Fiftieth street, j looking west as even i,' ; he broad glare of day. What .must i- be in the-dark-; also have to go in. So the description , ness? I thought as i wa ted up tnrougn ! might read something like this: ; the opaque atmosphere and the choppy Name, Michael Doorflingerj residence, : pavement that I would hate to leave,'' Long Island City; age, 13 years; height, ; anything out over night iir that neigh- 5 feet 9 inches; weight, 133 pounds; eyes i borhood that I. cared anything .about. , blue, hair red, complexion sallow, with Especially my motives, unless I expected olive green dapples on it; respiration ; to find them impugned the next morn- ; normal, with tendency to raw onions m ; excessive quantities; pulse regular, vis- j ion average; bir in marks, huckleberry on pit of B'omaeli, raisins ou left tiunk; j other mark.-, Goddess of Liberty in India j ink on forearm, portrait of $3- shoe man on withers. Union Jack over pancreatic region, bar V b;:r brand on quarter, panorama ot engagement between the Merrimac and .Monitor on pectoral re gion; admifion twenty-five cents. The secrtHrv "f the navy states dis- Arieuius Takes l'art in the Celebration of tlic Completion of the Atlantic Ca ble The Squire's Wife Shows Temper. Artemus Visits a Spiritualistic Circle. Copyrighted and published by special arrange ment with G. W. Dillingham, New York, pub lisher. IIL CErBSATIOX AT BALDINSTTLLE IX nOXOB " Oi' THE ATLANTIC CABLE. 6K3K AUNG FROM THE SHOEE. foee of enlisting and forwarding recruits Ifcr tb service who are between the ages i 14 and 18. These youth mostly hope to he admirals as soon as they can get a S&ove on their mustaches. Some of them, I regret to say, are disappointed. It was my good fortune not long ago, in company with Commodore Boeder, who may be seen on pleasant days walk ' ing the poop of the Pulitzer building, to visit the Minneso.ta and watch the ex amining board engaged in the arduous task of selecting proper young inen for the service, and forwarding sound can didates to join them that do go down to ttie gea in ships. Dressing myself daintily in fine fa tigue dress, with hectic necktie and high lic hat, and with hair thrown carelessly back to about the time of Queen Anne, I joined the commodore, and we rode to gether up Ninth avenue on a palatial train of elevated cars, each of which had a blase air, like that you notice on a spring morning when you ride a mile or two through clover meads and blooming peach orchards and then suddenly step into a nice air tight sleeping car. D;d yon ever, oh! dove eyed reader, with the delicately chiseled Graco-Roman not-e and also delicately chiseled pocketbock, enter a sleeping car just as it was wak ing up? Didst ever ramble up and down a meadowy brook at early dawn, crush iC the heather, and the sweet fern, and tfe bnll frog for an hour, and then, ftnsked with success, un joint your rod and, with the dew and the daisies cling i kig to your high boots, catjeh an early 1 train and step quickly into the 'great jgopre Works of a through car? -. Did you .iTing the rough, warm hand ' of ot tfAJu the station at 5 , Uncte Eben iuH. w memory of taimy and timothy and mignonette ano.'' flraa fried cakes and cherry blossoms, bkwdtir irirriedly, while your eyes were a little moist from the parting, into the funky aisle' of the sleeping catacombs, where you would think Gabriel-could hardly get a bugleful of freh air? Well, that is how an all night elevated train strikes me occasionally. It gives me heart failure and a keen neck pain which some day will drive me to the use J emne de menthe. Fiftieth street is a pleasing locality on the hill where the cathedral and Van der- til property are; but a few blocks away, where she bathes her neglected feet in the North river, you can get a flat :rv reasonably if you do not care mu. 'i abont environments. It is rather ar ekv neighborhood, musical with the bleat f the nanny goat, reeking with the blerubvl odors of passe New York odors that t:;ke one back to the malarial summer fol . lowing the flood, or the days when Pharaoh and his hosts began to swell up and float ashore; I Stale beer, over6timulated asparagus - beds, ill ventilated hotbeds of vice, poor ly corked all night rum holes, cast off iotbing, cast off children, old and da:.. iaged marriage ties, unsecured and noa rdiridend declaring bonds of wedlock,. Ipnrple nosed politicians, dignified ;ind i greatly overestimated billy goats, mud, ooee, slime, pestilence, frog works, stench and one long, piercing, wailing cry to heaven for soap, salvation and Street Superintendent Beatty, mark the locality. . f In strong contrast to all this came the tlean and glistening decks of the Minne sota, and the trim and well fed , officers who welcomed us. We went down to the wardroom, where I removed lny beautifully dimpled high hat, and wa isat down to breakfast. At the hea 1, of the table sat Lieutenant Command.-r E. S. Houston, commanding; on his l ight sat Pay Inspector J. E., Talfree, of the delirious signature. Next to the F. E. Spinner of the navy came Chaplain S. D. Boorom, a gentle looking warrior as er manned a menu or poulticed a sin sick soul. Then came Assistant Sur geon James F. Keeney, who has to ex amine the boys who apply and scruti nize them for physical blemishes. On the left of the commander sat Lieut. A. B. Speyers. lie was pleasantly situated next to me. Then came Commotio Roeder, and next Ensign J. L. Pure 11. I rather like the rough sea fare we had. Shall I tell you, gentle re;. Her, you sweet, thing, yon shall I tell you what we had? Yes, I fancy I hear you say, with a mellow ripple of . laiitrhter. 11, thwi, I wtM tell you, provided it flea not pj any further, - At first we had ln-oiled fresh mackerel at least I think it was. Yes, broiled mackerel snised on the nlace. Then lamb chops, with nice browned potatoes cunn triangular hunks, also hot rolls. Wa did not have any horse doovers Sometimes they have huitres, bo", not always. Poissons are used quite com , monly, especially when company ct.mes en board. Releves occur on Tuesdays asd Fridays. We had cafe noir", also sliced oranges with crushed cocoaniit on to them, also grown on. the trounds. Vins consisted of Philhp Best's Burgundy and f rapped Crotonne Sec. Then cigars ad speeches followed. I spoke on "Free linage and Free Lunch, the Richlv Vpholstered . Goal Toward Which We Are All Gayly , Hastening Toward." poke from mere thoughts, so did not occupy much of tke time. It was in every way a corker. Otiier speakers followed, but space will not admit of an expended reference to their subjects or the remarks which were made, (Having made several excellent speeches at Delmonico's this -winter which have not been reported fully, I re- fer above rather pleasantly to this" one.) After our cigars we went above, and the examination of recruits began. We uayyvuKu. in accidentally wnue JJr. j tinctly that no aJowance will be made j for the travf liag ypenses of applicants, j whether accepted or not.. This seems j rather tough; es;edally where the appli l cant is acce; te l. for he i day be at once ordered to niaKe a iorg voyage,- ana unless he caa get a rste' on transporta tion his sui.ivy, which consists of $0 a month and cnejr::r;on, would ue insnffl cient. Pos: .lily , however, the beautiful, heaven born interstate commerce law permits sail ii'3 so ridu i'ree from port to port if they f . ier.Cly to the adminis tration. , - These bovs ci-Md. to scn:e r,s fsr-ron-tices until they are of -rtv, vr--.i-r. th may, if. still inoral and free irui.i ihc uia of profanity, tali. : legttlaily licve their trousers laced up the back for years to come. Minors must not trj" to enlist under eighteen withont the consent of their parents or guardians. Some boys get pro tern. par., uts .to ?ome and give .their consent fieti; wnen tne snip sans the real parent,-;-with a light running, noiseess hoe handle, comes down to the foot of Fifiie'.h street and threatens to knock a large cknuk tH the jib of the war ship or 'kick. her in the wsasf if the Officers do nut rot urn Lis child. No minor pt k on under fourteen , or in sane' person or idiot (who is not related A -Talented Salesman. - Fair Customer 13 this real antique? Furniture Dealer A er modern rer vival .and er -evolution of an ancient eoiirt style, madam. Fair Customer (doubtfully) What kind of wod is it? ' Dealer (impressively ) W -.1- Madam, this '.i3 the wood that iw.ets 'h. ve raved over when .-Jluding to the mn.-de of na ture. It is- the wood that first greeted j. the eyes of the weary Pilgrims at Plym- ' outh Rock as the mighty trees, rich in verdure, bent beneath the siow. It is the wood that even now attracts invalids to the forests where it grows. It is pine, madam genuine pine.' New- York; Weekly. ! M m in any way wita pr inent.ije-opie). or female person, w.iciiicr unavoituniy so or not, or 'des-i-i'fers; fr.!'i the army or navy, or life convicts who are detained by state prison ar.thoiitie--, or Mugwumps over eighty-five' yars of age not taxed, ' - ' h e It Swmoi Slranjre to ITer. Wife Yi '! c . ,t i A Uns Ivn struck l-aa:')v . llusbai!'": Yes, last'' night. And was masti-r of seven languages. Wife I? it jwssible? ' And was he struck dr.mb in all seven? Texas Sift in gs. ALDINSVILLE, IsjIAS: NT, Sep." the onct, 18&58. I was sum mund home from Cinsinnaty quite sud din by a lettnr from the Superyisers of Baldinsvilie, sayinlas : how grate things was on the Tappis in that air town in refferunse'to sellebratin the compleshun of tho Sub-Mershine Telleraph & axin me to be .Pressunt. ; Lockin up my Kangaroo and-wax wurks in a seknre stilo I iook my departer for Baldinsvilh? "my own, my native lan," I which I gut intwo at early kandie' litin ' cn trie f-"!k-rin night & just as tho scller-brc.-Iinn and illuuiernashun ware com- Giensm. 'ot Mueli Ahead. "You must lose a good many dollars a year by .that man," was remarked to a Woodward avenue grocer as a citizen went out after "picking"' at grapes, fi-j, apples and other things. "Well, I duuno." "Is he a good customer?" "No; a very poor one.' "Then all he eats is dead loss?" "Not altogether. There are oiTsvts." "How?" "Well, all the boys are onto him. In the last year we stol- three umbrellas aud two pairs of gloves .from him.-and you see lie has gone out and left a chicken in that parcel, which we will at once proceed to cabbage. If he thinks he i? getting ahead of us that's all right.' Detroit Free Press: NYE HURTING THE i-UIP's TIMEEIt. or ruptured orphans - over t-ihty years of age, ma y 'be 'permitted to enlis the prbvisi rss ' etion i.4'20 of vised statu'c i - ue L nite I States. Applicants mv.-t -be able to read and t under the re- vnig and liright, : read Browning lie not under the n: r ;nar !;:;:. t . . -r-r. -.V! -: a' la.ti c.e ; - o have bet-ii c' ' as-- will not be iu caticel their !. it I jsst'i local V; 01 .lice, i;)t! : in ml v this write, but, if. well, -sf will not be rqnired t and exp!ai)i .' iiiie wi inflnence.'.f -liqr'r. . - Shipph.g' f.i j ?cle:? sent of par a plug ot V Testauit-i.!. three pints Boj-s w) capital le.vs they : tioii wiihe: 11 crui-' - ; ; , at cenfanee. mrme to barlx.-r. K:m- b.-t? thev can i ex-itiii: new biriJi. '":.'. ! -.. I. "sun l, tli'.. -i f ' '' ': ; i T" 1. fog goddi. '-?" -f Vb-V' -r ;-t?v- at i.-!-rl:s- the ato:;:.-.hed .- .- ' :i . ;,ev; ful desigt: in ; " " .-; - tions. Tho boys quepi e,no -1 -rid s. on the starboard sid a;-.d .Tvani ically on the port sid- cn t'u of the ship, if yen :1r not 1. is the port tid.-. you' may ea- il by asking tae r-nsini or the eo omcer. x-i:e w.ii r - m containing t :srefe tl.a flight, abaft i he f -yc. Dr. Keenev :;ai.l he con r with a New loldiug i ! .. v f Caught. : ! - 'v , - . ' ' j .( ' - - i r wu " -VTiorr-' BaluiuETille was trooly in a blaze of glory. The Tavern was lit up with tal ler k;Hidies all - over & a grate bon fire was burnin in f runt thareof . A Trans pirancy was tied onto the sine post with the follerin wurds "Giv us Liberty or Deth." Old TcmpMnsis groser- was ilium ciliated with 5 tin lantuns and the follerin Tranepirancy was in the winder "The Snb-ilershine Tellergraph & the Brddinsviile. and Stonefield Plank Road the 2 grato eventz of the 10th centerry may intestines strife never mar their gxaMdjare." Simplrinsis shoe shop was f II ah'irt;:o with handles and lantuns. A American Eagle was painted onto a flag i.i a winder also these words, -viz. "The Constitooshun must bo Pre Farvcd." The Skool house was lited up in grate stile and the winders was filld wit h mottoes amung which I notieed the follerin "Trooth smashed to erth shall ri&o agin Ypu. can't stop her." "The Boy stood on the Burnin Deck whense awl but liim hatd Fled." "Prokrastina shua is tho theaf of Time." "Be vir toous & j ou will bo Happy." , "Intem peruuso has cawsed a heap of trubble ehtui the Bole," an the follerin sentiment written by the skool master, who gradu sted "-at Hudson Kollige: "Baldinsvilie sends greet im to ner Magisty the Queen, & 'hopes all hard feelins which has here tofore previs bin felt between the Super visors of Baldinsvilie and the British Pariimunt, if such there has been, may Dow bo forever wiped from our Escut- cliens. , 4-1. grate nashtuis onto. Bald'insvillo this niht reiecr.a glorious -event wly. A"seraentz 2 nno .irniliiT bv - i ;j.n.-,ins oi a ticcli ic wire under tne roar- in biilers of tho Nasty Deep. Quosque TANTRUM, A EUTTEE, CaTEHLINY, PATENT KOSTJJUM!' Squiro Smith's house was lit-ed up. re sardlis of exnensc'. His little; sun Will- I iam Henry- stood upon tho roof firin orf I ;rackers. Tiie old 'Snuiro hisself was "Hi! Somebodv l-rit)g a light ! I've Messed up in soljer clothes and stood on stuck mv toe in this blamed' trap.' and ! bis door step, pintin his sword sollumly there's a rat - at the other end biting it! to a American flag which was suspendtd like thunder." ISIunsev's Weekly. , ie'ted of eeptei un- ecu- e;r ae sit the before ath. ii India, rorji the --5 to beanti- t- :.'ieu pi;vs-po.i-t side ov,-.viiich " .h.iect it 'n" ": bilop, i.ti one Sojiio Revised Aneedotes. " Dr. 'Johnson's Tribute to lieynolds ; Dr. Johnson's ready -wit has become ; proverbial, "(rood morning, Oliver," i quoth he to 'Goldsmith one morning, j meeting the m -lest author on the'Stran 1. "Whither away?" "To Sir Joslnia's," j . replied Goldsmith. ' "And wh.Tefore. O.; modest Noll! do you seek Sir Joshua?" I queried Samuel. "To have my portrait j Iainted." "Just my luck!" retoried' Johnson, like a flash. ."I've lost my b ."' ' "Have you a bet?" said Goldsmith, with a show of interest. "Yes.' I bet Gar j rick five bob you would not be immor tal; but, by the gods, if Reynolds pain' 3' you I've lost." Goldsmith smiled ly and passed on.. Garrick's Estimate Garrick, upon be ing asked whether or- not he thourht Hamlet era 'B'jt kl:0-.v. j ridded 1 ever saf." iiimseif pi.iyc The ,-ilae of this v. what destroyed .by the having been -inspired, jealousy. rexlied that he really penences with eel animation. One a ed on account ot turned out t be a silk factory. b: ad bi; oine odd ex boys on ex was re.iect ' -'.-. wJio e...Ior3'-in 1'ivotiga- sole vras ! s. After t change i:ke "pink lear down rii.-i-!ii is s-ii;i3-snsjiieioii of its br iinif.-h-mMl : install on top of a pole in -frunt of his house Frequently he wood take orf his cocked hat (J; wave it round in a impressive stile. His oldest darter Miss Isabeller Brc.i'.h. who has, just cum home from the Peririr.sville Female Instertoot, appeared at th-j frant winder in the West room as Mie g.vldis of liberty, & sung "I see them on tiwir windm way." Eootens 1, sod I to mvself, you air a augil & nothin shorter. ,N. Bonaparte Smith, tho 'Squire's oldest sun, drest hisself- up as Venus tho God of Wars aud red tho Becieralion of Inderpcnduuso from the left eharubir winder. Tho; 'Squire's wife didn't jine in the frstivcTties". She Eed it was tho tarnu lest nonsense sho ever seed. . Sed she to the 'Squire, "Cum into t.. - !: and go to bed you old fool, yo ;. Ton;ori-er you'll be goin round half-aid with the rumertisni & won't gin us a : :init's peace till you get well." Sez the ". -quire, "Itetsy, you little appreciate i'u-j im-p-oit.mce of the event which I this night commemorate." Sez she, . "Coiainemo rute a cat's tail cum into the honse this you pesVy old critter." "-Betsy," 'Squire, wavin his sword, "re- tiro." This made her just as mad as she could stick. She retired, V cum out enny," sea 1 noi a prrrf- serpul. Bne in the show biznis." The man in black close, I will hear obsarve, seemed to be as fine a man as ever was in the world. "But," sez he,' "you hav feelins into you? You cimpathize with the misf or tunit, the loly & the hart-sick, don't yon?' He bust into teers and axed me ef I saw that yung lady in the seet out yender, pintin to as slick a lookin gal as I ever seed. Sed I, "2 be shure I see her is 6he mutch sick?" The man in black close was appeerently as fine a man as ever was in the world ennywhares. "Draw eloster to me," sed the ma. in black close. "Let me git my mowth f ernenst yure ear. Hush shese a Oc TOEOONl" , "Wall, Avhot upon arth duz she doo it fur?" I inquired. "She kan't help it," sed the man in black close- "It's the brand of Kane." "Wall, she'd better stop drinkm' Kane's brandy," I replide. "I sed the brand of Kane was upon her-aiot brandy, , my fren. Yure very obtoose." I was konsiderbul riled at this; Sez I, "My gentle Sir, Ime a nonresistanter as a ginral thing, & don't want to git np no rows with nobuddy, but I kin neverthe les kave in enny m'an's hed that calls me a obtoos," with which remarks I kom menst fur to pull orf my' extry gar mints. "Cum on," sez I "Time! hear's the Beniki Boy fur ye!" & I darnced round like a poppit. He riz up in his seet and axed my pardin sed it was all a mistake that I was a good man, etset tery, & sow forth, & we fixt it all up pleasant. I must say the man in black close beamed to bo as fine a man as ever lived in the wurld. He said a Octoroon was the 8th of a negrow. He likewise statid that tho female he was travlin with was formurly a slave in Mississip py; that she'd purchist her freedim & now wantid to purchiss the freedim of her poor old muther. He sed he knowed the minit he gazed onto my klassic & beneverluntase that I'd donate librully and axed me to go over & see her, which I accordinly did. I sot down beside her and sed "yure Sarvant, Mann! How do yer git along?" She bust in 2 teers & said, "O Sur, Pm so retehid I'm a poor unfortunit Octo roon." "So I Iarn. Yure rather more Roon than Octo, I take it," sed I, fur I never seed a puttier gal in the huH endoorin time of my life. I pittid the Octoroon from the inmost recusses of my hart & hawled out 50 dollars ker slap & told her to buy lier old muther as soon as posser bul. Sez she "kine sir mtitch thanks." She then lade her hed over onto my showlder & sed I was "old rats:" Sez I "Marni, I'm trooly sirprized." 1 Sez she, "git out. Yure the nicist old man I've seen yit. Give us anuther 50 !" Had a seleck assortment of the most tre menjious thunderbolts .descended down onto me I couldn't hav bin more takin aback. I jumpt up, but she ceased my coat tales & in a wild voise oride, "No, Be never desart you let us fli together!" Sez I, "not mutch we wont," and I made a powerful effort to get awa from her. "This is plade out," I sed, "where upon she jerkt me back into the seet. "Leggo my coat, you scandaluss female," I roared, when she set up' the most nn arthly yeilin and hoUerin you ever heerd. ;Tho passinjers & the gentle munly konductur rusht to the spot, & I don't think I ever experiunsed eich a rumpus in the hull coarse of my natral ua:ie. i ne nuvn yiuia-ioejirr p to me x sed "Maw aair yninsuit my neece, j?ou horey heded vagabone. You base exhibbitter of low wax figgers yu woolf in sheep's close," & sow 4th. I was konf oozed. The konductor kum to me ij ; setl the insultid parties wood seftle for $30, which I immejitly hawled cut, & agane implored somebuddy to state whare I was prinsipully, & if I fhood be thare a grate while myself ef tilings went on as they'd bin goin fur sum time back. I then axed if there was enny more Octoroons present, "becawz," sez I, "ef thero is, let um cum along, fur Ime in the Octoroon bizniss." I then threw my specterculs out of the winder, smasht'my hat wildly down over my Ise, larfed highsterically & fell under a seet. I lay tliero sum time & fell asleep. I dreamt Mrs. Ward & the twins had bin earrid orf by. Kyenosserhosses & that Baldinsvilie had Liu captered by a army of Octoroons. When I awokod the lamp" was a burnin dimly. The on prinsipuld Octoroon & the miserbul man in black c lose was gone, & all of a sud dent it fiasht ore my brane that l'de bin swindild. The Usual Way.' Mrs. Greathead What kept you so Lite at that meeting? .;' Mr. Greathead I had to draw up a long set of resolutions for publication "comphmenting Mr. Bullhead's great effi ciency as a member of the board, and expressing our heartfelt regret at losing his invaluable aid and counsel. , "Of all things! Why, you and the rest have been fighting for the last three months to get him out of the board." "Yes; but to-night he resigned volun tarily." New York Weekly. A Case. ... I y New Office Boy Dere's a man outside as says he's got 'r case he'd like ter show yer. Shall I tell 'm ter walk in?, . , Lawyer Seedy A case! Do I want him to walk in? No, boy; tell him to fly in, and you want to be quick about it too! A retainer means the first dinner I've had for a month. Begonel blMTMYj NEWS OF v; -5.. WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD AROUND US. " "A CONDENSED REPORT OF THE NEWS FROM OUR COXTEMl'ORARIKS ABY: ONE SOLID SORE Tried Everythlnjf without Belief. No Best Niht or Day. Coxed by Cuticura Bemedles Apparent Client I hare herer sir, the most complete comb case on the market, which I will sell for the 'small sum of a dime. Judge. lie XVma Weary. The porter of a Pullman palaoe. car stood outside the Third street depot the other day, leaning against a porch col umn with his arms folded. Two colored men coming down the street caught sight of him and; halted, and the first ob served: "Some folks would reckon he owned dat big depot." "But he doan'." . . "No. He doan' ebon own de rail roads." "Nor he doan' own de kyar on which he runs," "No." Th-w were silent for a minute or two as they looked across at him, and then the !irst remarked: "He doan eben own Mieser Pullman." "No." , : . '. - "All dere is a bo at it is dat when de train is about to go out Mieser Pullman comes down an', says,' 'Gawge, I wish you be second boas in' dis kyar to Buf falo an' back, an Til gin you to dollars.' An' Gawge goes wid de kyar, an' den an' wants eberybody to take him for de biggest man in Detroit. Shoo! It makes me tired. " Detroit Free Press. KiDgsloro po8cffice in Edge combe has been changed toPeuelo. It is said that a rich gohi mine has beea found near Gary, Wake county, on the laud of Mr. Yates. The report is, that it is wiv valua-s ble. Gus Bobbins 'bo cJored liost u aster ol Wiud"cr. bs be? i di.--placad from his ollice foe f-lwirage in bis posfeffice incuej , f.-.f ,sev;t 1 hundred dollars. The Baptist. State StBitLiy Sci.oo! Couveu'tiou was in session ,i Ji 1 eich last week. N. B. lirtuihio? was elecrt-d Pifsirten'. . Tiny at. tendance was about 30 The'New Ymk VVorl t avs ?bat Joe Burk, ol IVutbei C'n-ik, N. C, claims to have tntfn 12S tgs at one sittiug. He is eitutr ;t sreao egg eater or a great liar. Oilin, the oldest sou of VV. G. CoIIius of Cedar liock. 1i:m1 th- mis fortune to lose two of t;; .);??', bj the burst'ii of a gun, wbil; out shooting one day last wt-efe. Franklin Times. The Chatham Record myp; The most peculiar process ttsm, we l.ave ever seen issued by any court is a summon issued by a luagis- trate of this county again.-t a dead person. This summons commands the constable ' to summon Louisa Jordan, -deceased, and heirs to ap pear, etc. ine constaoie mg able to serve the, summons wrote on the back of ir the ioi'ow iugrelurn; "lteturncl t or. execu ted for the reason that ir appears from the face ol the sum mens fiat the defendant has go;n f that land from which no'tntu-ilcr re turns and this official doubi.s the juiisdiction of the court as fo the subiect matter. Besides v are told that between- us and the de--fondant there s a great gulf, tixed. so that they wbioh would pass from thence cannot. My baby. -when two months old, bad breaking out with what the doctor called eczema. Her bead, anna, feet, and hand were each one solid aore. I -tried everytiting, but neither tho doctors norcy- - imageise aia Jieraiiygooa. - AVe could get no rest day or mgni wun cer. in my xtremltyl tried the Cd- TICTJBA KEMBDIIS, but I confess I had no faith in them, for I bad never seen them tried. To my great -surprise, la one week's time after beginning to use , the Ccticttra RlMIDIla, the sores were weU, bnt I continued to use the Ra boltent for a little while. - and now she Is as fat a baby as you woald like to see, and aa aonnd as a dollar. I believe my baby would hdve died if I bad not tried CuTKrou Rn ediks. I write this that every mother with a baby like mine can feel confident that there la a medicine that will cure the wost eczema, and that medicine is the Coticuba R5ntDr8. ilaa. BSTTXS BIRKNKtt, Lockhart, Texas. 4. m Cuticura Remedies Cure overy humor of the skin and scalp of Infancy and childhood, wnetner torturing, aisngnnng, itcn. Inz, burning, scaly, crusted, pimply, or blotchy, witn loss oi nair, ana every uopamy oi mo oiooa. ether simple, scrofulous, or hereditary, when best Dhvsiciana and all other remedlec JaJL Parentu, save yonr children years of mental and physical suffering.-Begin now. Cures made In childhood are permanent. CuTicrBA RjMfKDrES are the greatest sUn cures, blood purifiers, and humor remedies of modern uines, are absolutely pure, ana may be used on um . youngest infant with the most gratifying success. Sold everywhere. IMce. Cuticpra. S0c.:-8oi.r. 25c.; Resolvknt, . Prepared by the Potteb UliUU AND HJCMICAI. CORPORATION, HOSlon. S-Bend for 44 How to Cure Skin Diseaaes,' 0 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. Tiio Mixlern Method. "Was their match a case of love at fk-st sight?" - "Not exactly. It wrfs a caso of mar riage at rst sight." Puck. ; - pes the anfl 'ilonte Cristo "Dumr:.-," said Balzac., "if you wero v.-ritincr Monto Cristo over again would yon do it again i Pptty qraek with a pa as you .lid it first?" "Not exactly. In j hot water which sho thr the main it would have been the same." j the Squire, & Surs, you -.' "In wiiat respect would vou have altered '! Tovlv sides larfln to see th. -.. it?" "In no re?r.eet I should h.ivo ! ''P auV holler & run into the augmented it-." "Aud how?.'.' "Bv send-1 . Doctor liutchinsis oQss was likewise rion it was - shown lii-ir-hi in distingui; !' : jg prii.,;;-y ; that he would name the sli in shade whh irreut tu-'-ti-p-No. 20," "giv-a No. -13," n to a fractio.,, but' -'ho couldn't -be relied upon to tell - lain gi-cn' from blue. When rirt ivct ived on board the training shio the-boys lvci ivo an outfit of clothing vulned at sj-lo. T3;is amount has to be ref raided if - tlu? wen rer does- i not serve out tho torln of Lid" nlistment, as the 'othiiig- very rarely -fits, the ad miral or" hr-ids of '-.-bureaus at Washing ton, and so ij practically wdnlu'eb.-. . Apprentices are gradually transferred to seagoing vessels as they become pro ficient in tbt course of preparation to be laid down b he bun-au of navigation. Upon the expiration of 'His enlistment the recruit will, if rt-roinin-nded, re ceive an hororable discharge and con tinuous service certificate. .Upon re-enlistment within three -muni lis from the date of oischavge he will bo. entitled to three i;t mt'is' pay and the freedom of the Atlantic ot-oan and aw increase of 1 "per month, which hi may invest in gov ernmenr bonus or cover into the United .States treasury, receiving silver certifi cates for same; or h.? can. through some reliable broker in. New York, negotiate for a nice, birge walernielun. ' ... The engineer came on board before'we left, and afivi (--.'mining' the place where the engines v,-d to be retired to, his. apartmf nto i'. -i-much needed rest. The iiig the count to the United States senata ! ii,-'d and a Transpirancy on which for a term. He was-rich enough, heaven t painted the Queen m the act of lenov.-s." It was this j-st that enal.dea "B;ilz;ic to realize why Diimaa was con- I si.lered worthy to as.-ociate with the i ni ls v iJncK. Ilis l'art. It is related bv an actor who overhf-nr-il I the conversation that 'a few mornings i on your Anne: since Mr. Barrett left the Players' club earlier than usual to goo the theatre. Mr.. Booth had ensconced himself with a pipo and newspaper, and looked at his com panion in surprise. "Whither now, Larry?" asked tho. great tragedian. "To "rehearse," answered Mr. Barrett, as he fastened another button. "To rehearse? Are you always re hearsing?" queried Booth.- "It seems, to me you are doing more of it than usual : lately." ; : j a ney.T -piece "Weil, you see, we jiave on Saturday.". ' "And pray v what is the name of it?" " 'Romeo and Julief.' " "Come now; Larry," laughed Booth,! "and what part (h you play?" j Mr. Barrett appeared for an instant I dazed. "What part do you suppose?" he ! said. . ,' " ', "Pray, how should I know?" answered I Booth very seriously. "1$ it the nurse?" ! Barrett left the club in three mighty 1 strides. The Theatre.- ' j drinkm sum of "Hutchinsis invigorater," was stuck into one of the winders. The Baldinsvilie Bugle of Liberty noospaper caiss was also iilumexnateds & the fol 1 eri n mottoes stuck out ' 'The' Press is the Arkermejian leaver which moves iho world." "Vote Early." "Buckle "Now is the time to Subscribe." "Franklin, Morse & Field." "Terms $1.50 a year liberal redncshuns to clubs." In short the villige of Baldini ville was in a perfect fewroar. I never seed so many pcple thar befour in my bora rdavs. lie not attemn to describe the seens of that grata night. W urda Uti pawsea a minit and then sed, "Air yu aware, Sir, that the krisis is with us?" "No," sez I, getting up and lookin under the seet, "whare is she?"' - "It's hear it's everywhare3,".he sed. f-kz. I, "Why how you tawk!" and I gut up agin and lookt all round. "I VCilling to Obli ' I 'Am Mr ' ram A Well Matched Coaple. A convict at a French penal settle ment, who was undergoing a life sen tence, desired to marry a female con vict, such marriages beingl of common occurrence. The governor of the colony offered no objections, but the priest pro ceeded to cross-examine the prisoner. . "Did you. not marry in France?" he asked. -. "Yes." "And your wife is dead?" "She is." . . "Have you any document to show that she is dead?" "No." ' "Tiien I must decline to marry you. You must produce some proof that your wifo is dead." There was a pause, and the bride pros pective looked anxiously at the would be groom. Finally he said: "I can prove that my former wife is dead." "How will you do Bof "I was sent here far killing her." And the bride accepted hiv notwith standing. Texas Sittings. ALLSKINndBLOOD DISEASES. The Best Household Medicine. Once or twice each year the sys tem needs purging- of the impuri ties which clog the blood. From childhood to old age, no remedy meets all cases with the same cer tainty of good, results a,s BOTANIC BLOOD BALM, W. C. MeGauhey. Webb Citv. Arlr.. writes. nB. B. Bmfc ifigJa Tiftrhore irood and"Jor"fesa money than any other blood purifier I ever used. I owe the comfort of my life to it." P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., August 10, 1888, writes : "I depend on B. B. B. for the preservation of my health. I have had it in my family now nearly two years, and in all that time have not had to have a doctor. r fW Write for Illustrated "Book of Wonders,'' BLOOD BALK CO.. Atlanta, Oa. Sent fre9. WOULD YOU LIKE ' A NICE GARDEN? No Testimonial. Advertising Agent Your pardon for intruding, madam, but I understand that you have been sick and are now perfect ly well, and that during your illness six bottles of Dr. Cnrem's elixir was bought at the corner drug store. Madam Yes. The name who came to take care of me got sick, and ordered the bottles for herself. I did not tak any of it. "Humph! Can I see her?" , "She's dead." New York Weekly. . DIMPLES, black-head, chapped and oily akin I I III cured by Cgticvba Indicated Soap. r FREE FROM RHEUMATISM la one minute the CuWaura Antl-Padm Plaster relieve rhaa matic, sciatic, Up, kidney, chest, and muscular palna and weaknesses. Tha first and only Instantaneous pain-kllllug plaster. WILMINGTON &WELD0N RR AND BRANCHES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOOTH. May llth, 1890. d c oJ&P pb c Leave Weldon- i 30 p m 5 13 pm 600am Ar Kocky Mt-... 1 6 . 7 10 " Ar Tarboro....... 9 3t p m . ...... . Lv Tarboro 10 20 a m ..: Ar Wilson......... 2 20 p m 7 00 pm 743am L,v Wilaon J2 80 " , !Z Ar Selma- 3 40 " ; Ar Fayettevilo- 8 00 " ... .. Lv Goldsboro.... 3 16 " 7 40 " 8 it an. Lv Warsaw .. 4 10 " 9 84 - Lv Maprnolia...... 4 24 " 8 4) " 49 Ar Wilmineton 6 50 " 9 55 " 11 30 " TRAINS GOIXO NORTH. Lv. Wilmii.tfti Lv Matriiolia... Lv Warsaw Ar Ucldsboro.. Lv ayettevillc A- Pelma Ar WU-on Lv Wilson Ar Hocky Mt.... 12 01 a tn 9 K) a m 400 p m 1 21 " H 34 " 6 m " ..... jQ 48 - 2 23 " ,11 45 " 8 58 " .! 40 .ni oo 12 10 a in: 12 ;7 p ui 1 1U " 7 47 w 8 18 " t. 1 Ar Tnrboro-. .. j2 3(i p m - ' Lv Tarboro pu 30 am ... 'V' Ar Weldon .. Jjo.-Jpf 45" t&fj . If so, raise PERFECT VEGETABLES with POVELUS SOLUBLE PHOSPHATES Far GARDENS Which are clean and inodor ous. Put up in suitable quan tities for gftutll and large gar dent. No trouble to ue. Not expensive. For sale by general Btores.DruggistB and Seedsmen. An intoxeetins circular telling how to make a good garden, sent Free. W. S. POWELL CO. Chemical Fertiliier1 Mfra. Baltimore. Md. 44,000 PIANOS ORGANS Placed in Southern Homes since 1870 Twenty years successful business sales over Stx Million Dollar and yearly increasing. Why ? Because the Country ia flooded with Cheap Inferior Instruments, built TO SELL-NOT TO USE and the public has found out that WE DON'T SELL THAT KIND Our Instruments lead the world. Our Prices, TjEHS than factories. Terms, Easiest. Methods. Fairest. Inducements, greatest, and we pay freipht. Writ for Free Catalogues and Circulars explaining folly all in plain print. Easy to buy from us. I UDDEN&BATEQ Southern Music House, U SAVANNAH. CA. -ij (U -. -Jr. John'E. Gett (at "an amateur mu sicals) Whut's he singing? Miss Van Cl n "Let Me Like a Sol dierDie.". Mr. Gett If I had my gun with m he should bo gratified! Puck. gunner was not on '.board, Imt by good luck-I (lid I'r Vnnw it- -wliiLi T .,-.. and sc 'tit comparatively secure. While 1 n" tumbl0r aild lae first droP didn' walking alt 1 thougntlessls- ran mj um- A Hopt-less Appi-fiitioe. 'Che chemist to. the boy (in 'the labora- I tory) What, wretch: You tell "me you ! drank up, y..-terd;iy, all the prussic acid brella tiiron-h one of the timbors of the ship, -bv i foi-rnnately did not spread it. The I Iir.ij1.30ta is. a .very old ship, and, like th- acting of James Owen O'Oonor, somewhat rotten. . Unlike his stage work, however, it was not always rotten. Jeace and gently, eternal slumber to km vou The boy., (frightened) No, sir; it didn't. But it wasn't my fault. I didn't know it was prussic acid. Paris Figaro. A Bracer for a Wearied ltiain. An exhausted dude ordered " pttS sarsaparilla" at a Broad street pharmacy loci- i ,--1 - r,.--. ; 1 . . - ci,iT.. -u x, . i s"". m explanation 01 nis Keeney was engaged in examinini? a ) av un ' .i K.ate that hehadbeen umpiring a gams Philadelphia Record. mjit say, my fren," I continnered, as I resoomed my seet, "that - I kan't see nothin of no krisis myself." I felt sum what alarmed, & arose & in a stentow lian voice obsarved that if any lady or gentleman in that there kar had a krisis consealed abowt their persons they'd bet ter projnee it to onct or suffer the konse quences. Several individoouls snickered rite out." . 'Sit down, mv fren," sed the man in j black close, "yu miskomprehend me. I meen that the ik-rUttercal ellermunts are orecast with black klouds, 4boden a f rite- ful storm." "Wall," replide I, "in regard to per-littercal.-ellerfunta I don't know as how but what thsy is as good ae enny other kind of ellerfunts. But I maik bold to say lhay is all a ornery set & unpleasant to hav around. They air powerf nl hevy "eaters & take up a right smart chans of room." The man in black close seemed to be as fine a man as ever was in the , world. He smilt & serl praps I was rite, tho it was ellermunts instid of eller funts that he was aUudin to, & axed me 'jST?o52i7 rinserauls? Not Neeuecl. "Do you keep -burglar . alarms here?' she asked of the owner of tho shop. "Yes'm." "Are they sure to go off?" "They arc." "Kill the burglar "every time?" "Why, no. A burglar alarm is not ex pected to kill a burglar." "What, then?",,. "To alarm the household." "Oh, that's it? .Well, our household has been alarmed every single night for the last twenty-seven years, and I can't see that we really need a burglar alarm. Sorry to have taken up your time, but you really ought to make them kill the burglar;" Detroit Free Press. Put None bat Cooks Guard. Young Husband (wife at church, girl away) Let me see. She said as goon as the water boiled to put the meat in. I wonder bow -a fellow ean .tell when it does Iwil? Puck. UeneatH Contempt. Mr. De Broker 1 am a defaulter, and I want yon to defend me. J Great Lawyer Certainly, Mr. De Broker; I'll get you Off all right. Have no fear. How many millions is it? Mr. Do Broker (with dignity) Sir, I am short only a few thousands, and -1 hope t'3p?ry that soino day. Great Lawyer (to offico boy) James, sWive this vile scoundrel the door! New Yi;rk Weekly. - I'njusily Reproached. Gh? GentlemanAren't you sorry now tlttit you didn't" work-. for your money ike other people? Convict I've worked hard for all the 'money I ever made, sir. Old Gentleman I thought you were here for counterfeiting? Convict So I am. I- made $2,000 in tens and twenties, and I've done ten years at hard labor for it. Detroit Free Press. . . Tho Traant Strand. Twas only one wee warelet -From some sweet woman's' head; A blonde and curling truant A strand of golden thread. It lay athwart his shoulder, . Like bright silk finely spun; In graceful carves it 'nestled. And glinted in the sua. It told of amber tresses. And eyes of violet blue. Lips like bow of Cupid. And cheeks of rosy hue. Unconscious of its presence, He wandered home to tea. And there within the portal Stood "wifey" all aglee. Within a little second, ' ' ? Ere her he could embrace, Her dark eyes flashed their feeling, A cloud burst o'er her face. With woman's quick perception. The tress had caught her sight She went for him like blazes Her hair was black as night. Edward A. Oldham in Drake's Magazine , A kill .-- ab.! jUdifs hV5 - 1 uiumm it'wx - - W. L. DOUGLAS aa sr B 1 a? and otlspr special- TBJ SniJ (t ties for fipntfemeu, r ar Hssi Lalier!, t!.,iiro war ranted, and so stamped on bottom. Address -W, L. lOUtiLiA, Brockton, Miiuh. Sold by E,RCAY HORSE AfjD CATTLE POWDERS W FOUTZ 'ryszRttt foutzj Trains on Scotland Neck Rraiiu.'. aii3 leave Weldon 3 15 Halifax 3 37 P M, arrives Scot land Neck at 452 P M. Greenville 6 00 P M. !tetui-nrrf leaves ureenville 7 20 a m. ArrfT- 111R Haiifux at 1010 A U, Weldon 130 b m daily except Sunday. ua Monday Wednesday and Kridar Ijooal Freicrht leaves Weldon 10 30 a m Halifax 11 i a m Scotland Neck 2 Oti p m Arriving Green- vineoiu p m returning leave ureenvuie -Tuesday Thursday and Saturday 9 30 am Boot- land Neck 1 00 p ui Halifax 335 pm Arriving Weldon 4pm . Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemarle & Raleigh H. It. daily except Sunday. 4 85 P M. Sunday 3 Oo P M, arrive Williamston, N C, BJ3 P M, 4 a P M. Plymouth 7 50 P. 6 20 PT M- Returning leaves Plymouth, N. C, Daily except Sunday. 6 00 A M. Sunday W 00 A. M, Williamston. 710 AM. 0 68 A at, arrive Tarboro, N " A M. 11 30 A M. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Golds boro, N t'. daily except Sunday. 6 00 A M. ar rive Sinitlifleld, N C. 7 30 A M. Returning leaves Smitbfleid, N C, 8 00 A M, arrive Goldsboro, N C, 9 3C A M. Tr&in on Nashville Branch leaves Rekr Mount at 3 00 P M, arrives Nashville 3 40 P M, Spring Hope 4 15 P M. Returning leases Spring Hope 10 Oo A M, Nashville 10 85 A M, arrive Rocky Mount. 11 15 A M, daily eicept Sunday. Train on Ciitton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily except Sunday at 6 00 P M and 1110 AM Returning leaves Ciiniod at 8 SO A M and 3 10 P M, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41. 40, 23 and 79. , ' Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettville Branch ij No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. 'Dally except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson. Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North daily. All rail via RichrroBd, and daily except Sunday v Bay Line. , All t.-ains run solid betwe 3 Wilmington and Washington, and have 1 ullmau Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Bupt. .1. R. KENLV, Supt. Transpoi ation. T. M. EM ERST N. Gen'l Passenger Agent. 3 Drew the Line There.' - The shoemaker's daughter (dressed for promenade) Now adieu, papa, I must go over to the conservatory. v Father Ah, but wait a bit and 111 go along with you part way. . r . Daughter Father, what possesses you to suggest such a thing? Think' of my social position. Fliegende Blatter. No-Horri will die of Colic. Tots or Lung Fb vkb. If Fonts' Powders are used In time. Foatz'slowders will rare and prevent Hog Cholera.. route's Powders will prevent Gapbs in Fowls. Footz's Powders will infrease.tlip nr.antity of milk and cream twenty per cent.; and make the butter Ann and sweet. Fo'g Powders will enre or prevent DlSEjruc to which Horses and Cattle ar euhject. FOTTTZ'S PoWDmS WILL 6IVB SATISFACTIOlf. Sold everywhere. . niviD E. FOUTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMORE. MB. Salvation Oil ijy'm oif QOMETHINGTOBACCO w-j NEW for I BEDS. POWELL'S SOLUBLE PHOSPHATES Tar tooaoeo beds, supplies plant food In propsr forma, and. innaree m aood snnnlv of healthy plant. Kills the, worms and insects. Put np in quantities sufficient for ordinary sue beds, price $1.60. No trouble to usa. For sale br general stores. DruKirists and Deeos- awa. Sen J for-ircul&r. W.S.POH FLL W. fJUemioal FeiUliaei Mannfaotnrera, Baltimore, 011 Must Brilliant, fare and Terfert Lem In the World. Cnmbined with Great lie fractin Power. They are as transpareat tnd colorless as light itself. . Ab 4 for soilness of endurance to the ye cannot be excelled, enabling tha nearer to read for hours without fatigue. Id fact, they are -Perfect Sight Preservers. TesMmonials from the leading physicians in the United States can be given, who have had their sight improved by their use. All eyes fitted and the fit guar anteed ai A. W. Eowian d's Drug Stoke Where an immense assortment of these celebrated glasses can be found and properly adapted to- all conditions of the eye. These glasses are not applied to peddlers at any price. r one genuine unless the name Huawkes w W 1 ijmti - A stm.Te me O r jHa To euro Biliousness, Sict Headache, Constt pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe and certain remedy, , SMITH'S e,BI F (he sXALL Slac (40 lit tie Beans to tha bottle). THSY AM TBI ilOT CONTBKIRHT. Suitable tor aU A(M. Vrlcm of either wiae, 25e. p r Mottle. rflSSinG"7-17-70-! lklUWlllUs.iMfrtcu.(MPP",w nupal. J.f JSllTB.eiJUior..r"BILBKAl.S,- T.IUP1 . V 1 i

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