The WI1 on Advance CAUDIU F. WILSON EUlor, "BT-rne advance eu vvora to m an oon eeTflathful and lmpartu cjiroplcler of the SSriTdevotlwr pecial atteti to the tection n which It to ublished. Itls Democratio to the corean.4 will spare neither friend or foe who la In hostility to Democratic success. It haUmt the best inte.wt of the SO Uoa and the State imperatively demands She retention of the Democratic party in power and it will snare no effort to acoompi sh Eat result. It will seek to promote the in dustrial development of the slate and section ad will take pleasure in doing whatever lies in its power to aid the farmers and laboring men in their efforts to better their conation. Sverr honest son of toil will find I itr the Ad raiici a sincere friend. Every effort looking to the establishment of more and better edu cational institutions will receive our, hearty o-operatlon and endoteement. . TneADVac emulates lately m every eountyEastof Raleigh, and is therefore a SenAd advertising medium. Kates liberal. A first-class Job offloo is mn In connection with the paper and we will be pleased to re JeiVe orders Our office is one of the best Quipped ia th section of the State for com ercialworkand we will do as good work and at as low flan rea as anybody. . Entered in the Post Office at Wilson, N. C k second cl&rt mail matter. - WILSON, N., 1891. CANNING INDUSTRY. Editor AdvInce: Vhen one takes into consideration tbe multitude of minor products that find their way to mar tots, in hermetically sealed pack ages, the result ia simply ma veloua. It ia estimated that 350 varieties of. fruits, vegeta bles, fish and; meats are packed during their seasons. Ihere is almost no limit to the possis bilities of canned food it it is rightly packed and placed be fore the people. We are bo ac customed to haying .this easily digested, healthful food, that we look upon it as a matter of course, and often forget what a w privilege we enjoy. In no part of the country has this industry brighter pros pects than infctbe South. At the nresent time the Question is agitating the public mind, es peclally the investor, who by his sharp insight of the , busi ness world, can see a greater margin on each can of fruit or vegetable packed in the South, over the same kind and class of eoods made ready for the market in the North. Now to bring the subject home to your own cities and counties. Have you sufficient iruit and vegetables to supply factories of this kind of which I speak. Certainly, why it has been said .and is known to be fact, with an average crop, the fruit that falls from the trees . and the vegetables that is al lowed to decay in many of your counties. :-wonld if sold more than pay the tazea .o those counties think of this enormous waste, then picture to yourself, the extra amount of money that would be saved to your farmers ii there wer9 canning factories in operation that would consume the sur plus fruit that grows so aband ant in your section. What lias been true of former years is liable to keep on in the same way for the next half century unless tne nana or, man comes to the rescue. , An investment of thiskina pays large profits on the capi tal, besides being of much ben eftt to the city or county where the factory is located. The capital for conducting this en terprise ia within the means of a m a almost ever larmer in your State and can be carried on in connection without interfering with their other duties. The manufacturers together with the necessary machinery . famish full instructions for putting up and operating with one the aid of skilled lab ir. To operate a factory witi a m a y n capacity oi zuw a id cans per day you would require 12 hands, 7 peelers, 2 packers, one capper and tipper, one fireman, one processor. The capping, tipping, and processing is easK ly acquired, the balance of la bor dan be done by women and children. A building 20x40 is very suitable for this outfit. . Numbers of these outfits are operated In Maryland and oth r. States and giie employ ment to thousands who other wise would be unemployed. The cost of canning one case (24 cans) of Tomatoes is about $1.25, selliDg price $1,90; Peaches cost to can $2.25 per case, selling price $3.00; Black berries cost - to can $1.15 per case, selling price $1.70; Apples cost to can $1.55 per case, se lin ing price $2.20; Corn cost to can $1.30 per case, selling price $2.00; Peas cost to can $2.00 per case, eelling price $3.00, Now when you take into consideration that with the 2000 can capacity outfit you can put up 83. cases per day, and figure on either of. the products mentioned, you can realize the importance of yonr people taking steps to the get ting up of those factories .in your counties. The markets are more bare or canned goods, at this season, than they have been for fifteen years, the reason is that cau ners sold as soon as packed all they got up, and at handsome profits. S. M. SiarDALL. Baltimore, Md.t March 12, '91, BUCKLENS ARNICA. SALVE, The best Salve in the world for Cots, Braises, Sore Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fsver Sores,' Tetter, Chap ped handd, Chilblains, Corus, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cares Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. W. Row and. THE DBAD CONGBESS. Th8 Democratio press of the country has rightly termed the ast Republican uongres "ex travagant." The appropriations made bv the Fifty-First Con gress, which was aptly referred o the other day as a "putrid reminiscence," will amount to over one billion dollars. Hon. Joseph Q Cannon was chair man of tho committee of Ap- propriat'.ous, The New York Sun says: "Cannovi jroea out leaving the accounts ia a muddle. tils mouth is tiiut tight about the financial ioo ijits of tho sesaion. Under hia niAnagement in the committee room and on the floor, with Speaker Keed exer cising despotic sway in the chair, riiii the House doing business under revolutionary rules and often with a mythical quorum, with discredited legis lators on the eve of dismissal from public life fumbling over each other ia their eagerness to get a last. rrab at the people's Republican Senate . t:vtm tb super- . -raucp of tha Ke cash, witT ready to r. lative ext: publican I iist, and a Republi can 1'resM- at wielding a pen red hot tor the signature of motif y bills, no wonder the aggregate, oi appropriations has reached figures which Republls cans are i n ih to tabulate. The Fifty-firs Congress, from beginning to end, has proceeded more in' the spirit of a Dutch kiriness tlin like a body of trustees charged with the con trol of hundreds of millions of dollars ioi their own. It has been no ordinary season of ex travagant and prodigality. It has been a rake-hell orgy ol ex penditure. "Two Democratio members of the committee on Appropri ations luce prepared careful estimate- :f ihe aggregate ap propriati ! - .iuring the two sea- . . 1? ITV a" A. A. BiouH vi iao r uiy-nrat ,onv gress. At the first session for Uie fiscal y-ar ending next June, th granl total was $464,442,510. Mr. Docanry, of Missouri, fig guris th regular and perma nent annual appropriations for the second session at $544,827, .961, making the aggregate for the Republican Fifty-first Con gress $1,006,270,491. Mr Say ers, of Texas, also, a member of the minority's representation on Mr. Cannons committee, makes the total three million dollars les. The difference of three millions is 'n the estimat ed size of the permanent ap propriations required to meet the pensions. With regard to the totals definitely voted in the bills the two computations aree. Bh are conservative, both leav -at of question per haps $.S0.,0AO or $1,000,000 in items oi to procur, were mu no accoui indefinit: the futur deieicy impossible .t the tkne the tables : an, and both take ot the enorruou3 but burden? imposed on ia the public trorks authorize! by this Congress, or of the '.b. an tics to - be incurred under the Act to Promote Com merce. "To appieoiate - the appalling total achieved by the Fifty-fire. Congress, it is proper to com- pare tbe -appropriations with those voiod by previous Con greases. The table subjoined shows tlib trand tota-U of regu lar a!i!iu .i and permanent an nual app.i .-nations including and :. siiic Lo Forty -third Con gress;. : Congroso. Forty-third- IVpublioac Appro priations. iloube, Ke mtilioan Sen ate, ,ltepuUll&Q Execu tive Forty-fourth Oeaiocratic House, Uepuoiioan Sea-ate,- Republican Executive Forty-ftrth. D.'.-nocratio Houso, Kopjhiiepu Senate Uepablicau Executive.... Forty-a iacth, Democratic House J)oiw:ratie Senate Hepublicau Kxecutive Forty-sevencu. Republican House Senate a tie Repub lican Executive Forty-ijrhtL .Democratio House Republican Senate Republican Kxecuttve.... Forty-ninth Democratic House Republican Senate Democratic Executive Fiftieth, Democratic House Republican t-nate Demo cratic Executive Jifty-ftrst. Republican House Repubiican Senate Kxecutive.... f 6.59,791,901 594,643,272 703,695,953 737,696.803 777,685,948 65369.403 74643;948 817,878,078 l,006,270,4n 709,1M,469 l,Out$,270,m in two extra va- Average of eitbt Congresses Fifti -iirst Congress "A billion dollctrs years of imbridled ganct! TLre- hundred million dollars xaore than the average of the iKht preceeding Con gresses, with the permanent an nual appropriations for interest on the public dabt aud so forth increasing 2 steadily all the time! About half a million, dollars for every yreek day in the year iu excess ot the needs of Goveruinent as shown by the experience of ihe past sixteen years! Such is the monumental jecord of the . Congress that went out of existence last Wednesday." NOW, GIVE ATTENTION. To the i ur:flcat'on of your blood for at no w. y.oa is the body so sus optiole to the beuefiu to be derive ed from n good mediciue, as is March April and May. Hood's Sarsaparilla is tire people's favo rite r-p?in: medicine. It stauds un equalled for the blood, caring scro f'nla, salt rbeara, eLc, regulating the kidneys and liver, repairing nerve tissues, strengthening and invigorating the whole body, as well as oueckiag the progress of acnte and chronic disease and reiss tojiog the afflicted pares to a nato ral healtfc' condition. If you have ueyer trie:i Hod'a Sarsaparilla foi yonr spnug medicine, do so this season, 10,000 yards at E. K... Gay's. Tobacco Cloth WASHINGTON LETTER- PoiiticaardPolitldam at thi Na- ttonal Capital- . , spwlalCor.THaADTAjrct . WASHuroTOK. D. C. Mar. IS, '91. Mr. Harrison was fortunate in being out of town this week. He escaped tbe first exuber ance of the Blaine howlers, who have gone completely wild, because the alleged rec iprocity treaty haa been form ally accepted by the Brazilian government, instead of being rejected as had been rumored, and became the British govern ment has agreed to submit the Bebrlng Sea dispute to arbitra tion, reserving the right to insist upon the payment ot damages by this government for what it calls the illegal seiznre of vessels sailing under the British flag. Before crowns ing Mr. Blaine king of the world of diplomacy the Blain- iacs should procure a copy of the dispatch of Lord Salisbury, sent to the Britiih Minister here last summer, which was a part of the correspondence submitted to Congress at the last session. They will find that the proposition then made by Great Britain to arbi trate was, with tbe exception that it included the Canadian fisheries dispute, substantially the same as that now icoepted by Lord .Salisbury. If there has been any diplomatic vic tory won in these negotiations Mr. Blaine was not its winner. Notwithstanding the state, ment that Mr. Harrison had concluded not to make the ap pointments of the nine United States Judges until Congress met again the Republican ap plicants for these life time po sitions are patiently waiting for him to return to the White House in order to renew the seige. Bis ostensible reason for goinx to Maryland was to shoot wild ducki, but I think that his real reason was to es cape the importunities of the 'lame ducks" of his party. It is thought here that he will make these appointments be fore going to the Pacific Coast in search of votes in the next Republican National Convens tion, and the vote hunting Jaunt is to begin, very appro priately, in the neighborhood of the first of April. Attorney General Miller is said to be studying the law under which these judges are to be appoint ed, as doubts hare been ex. pressed of its constitutionality. Secretary Foster is in Ohio, but there is Quite as much con sternation in the Treasury De partment as there usually is upon a change of administra tioc. and ihe impression is general that many heads are to fall in order to make places for Foster's machine Republicans. Treasurer Huston is expected, to return to Washington to morrow, but he will not, they say at the department, again resume his duties, although his resignation has not been offici ally accepted. There is & well defined rumor here that Mr. Harrison will try to get rid of Huston by tendering him an important foreign mission. Private Secretary Hal ford pays there is nothing - in it, but it finds many believers neverthe less. Last night at the hotel at which Hon. William R. Morri son, lives there was a gather ing of delighted Illinois Demo crats exchanging congratula tions upon the election of Gen. Palmer to the United States Senate, and no one expressed more pleasure than Mr. Morri son, who had been prominent ly mentioned as a candidate in case of the. withdrawal of Gen. Palmer. Republicans here take a spe cial delight in the knowledge that the extravagant appropri ations of the last Congress will make a deficit in the Treasury which the incoming Democrat ic Congress will have to pro vide' for, either by reducing ex penses or increasing taxation. and they actnallv have the "gall" to express their delight to Democrats, Perhaps when the Democratic House begins to show up some of the finan cial crookedness of the majori ty iik the last Congress, as it is almost certain to do these fel lows will not feel quite eo glee ful. The Trea&ury Department has notified the claim agents that all payments under the di rect tax act will be made to the States in trust for citizens thereof from whom they were collected and that no one will be allowed to examine the di rect tax records of the depart ment unless authorized by one of the States to do so. This is a black eye to the fraternity of claim agents, but it would be safe to bet that copies of the department records were in the possession of favored individu als before the order was is sued. The illegal sealers in Bea ring Sea will have a lively time this season, as pending the ar bitration ships of Great Britain will assist tho?e of the United States in patting an eocl to the business. . Speaking of Shirts, there is no doubt that the best value in the world at SO cents oan be found at C R. Gay', eor. Kaab and Tarboro etreeta. im I x im ii in null ' No one doubts that tfie Kabo corset lasts a year without breaking or kinking or shifting a " bone," because we refund the money in case of a single item of failure in these respects. And no one doubts that the Kabo answers its purpose and suits the wearer, because, if it . don't, we refund the money on call within a week or two or three. It is the unbreakable cor set, the Kabo. It is the un-wear-out-able corset, the Kabo. It is the corset that suits, the Kabo. The only question is : Do you want the Kabo kind of a'corset? v . - We have a primer on Cor ets for you at the store. FOll ?ALK BY I -i ft r? Wilson, N. C - I HOTJ GtBL AND BILLS OF ANY DESRIP TION FILLED AT-SHOUT' NOTICE. L. R. L-P.rD, Kenh - v 2-26-tf. ' DUNN, JJ. a Sj)t;cialtist m tin: ti ; t Cancer JScfV iff. Will be at iin' ' I .; 1, .. N. G., every Moii-.; y- "m-.? antil farther in"' i, . . worsen i Having qnalified as li-i eui-.r of t'.i vMaic of Solomon Lamw, deceased, before' Tbe Pro bate Judge of Wilson count v. v. '-tire' i? bere by given to all persons ia ie!.i. . 1 to ih-..--tat.; of said deceased to lnakc ini'iie.liau ;. n- :: and to all persons havin-j- c:!;:t:H s r tiiat the deceased to present them for paviiient on or before the 19lh day of l'( !!: ua'- "j.h;;. r this notice will be plead in bar i thoir ret: -, ery. F, A, & S. A. WOO DA H !), Ativ's. ' 2-19-6t, IMOTEQ! Having qualiHed as a li! t ? Os wald IapBeomb, decease-!, hit.; of Wi.son eouu ty, N. C, ttis is to norir,- ;.': r.!is.jns having' claims against the, esure deceased to exmou mem to tbe umk 1 the 26th day of February, in.' will be plead in bar oft persons indebted to said es rs 0 .h: eov bei'oi'e ; notice ry. All ; please .itrix. mane immediate payment: ,rtMn. S, 11, LlFSOOMIl, A.Lniai-' JNO, F. BKUTON, Att v. 3-26-6t, a.fye fSom my farm ncar J1ac:; Creek on Sunday February 15th, asbrrell h-rs:-iiiuioof SJSdi'i2..B!?e; "fr1 8wvn A liberal re- w will be paid fjr his return, or for inform ation leading to his recoverv. a. s, coPtir - ifj U Agricultural Lime. Place your orders for Rock Lime m bulk lor tno PEANUT with us. Building Lime, Cement and Plaster always on hand, Respectfully youi-3. Geo'. D. Green & Co. 3-5-tf, NOTICE ! Ry virtue of an execution to me 2frvcteJ, from the Superior Court ot Wilson county, in the case wherein John "T. f?arne3 is piaintill' nd James Koiht is defeii'lunt, to eur.rce' Mechanic's Lien. I will on Mim-:av the ft'h rinx- of April 1891, at 13 o'clock in,, nt t.ic Couttj House door in tho town of Wilson, N. C oficr i iur nun iu tue ni)rocs i.'ij?r ii.f ea:a. filtue s rlg-ht. title and interust, v.hich ;"ne taiJ -James Knight, the defendant had in the idiiowinir desenbed real estate to-u'i: quo house an is ioi on spring street, in tne town of Wilson. ! N. C and bounded as follows: on th Noivh .- by James Wig-gins lot; on the West by Sam j WiBams, on the South bv Jan. ok Wisna i.r. I ' and on the East by Splinjr stret t; containing ; enwfoajrth aero more or loss, to siiti'y sitid eiefltitioa. r' J. W. CROW ELL, -Sheriff. U March 2, 1891. f THE WILSON BAEBEKS. When you wish an easy sliave. As good as barbers ever g-ayu, Just call ou us at our saloon-. At morning, eve or noon IWe cut and dress the hair with praco, To-Bttitibe contour ol tho face. Our room is nea and towel 3 clean, Scizzors sharp an razors kesn. And everything wa. think you' I find -To suit ihe faca and p.wo the mind' An all that art and skill ear -Uouiuit call we'll Ion i 1' m 1 nup 5'an F iiairnQ LiJyL-ll-iy I. L4 ULii 'J. Ol'R kft: ST' Ck OF I Vi ATS ! I S TO OK n li V; ; f 1 p AND. xl La "f mi i mm M k m l it n THE ?3 A "S H STREET. 1", &G0 iiUUtiUauLi IS. 4 -4 - tt m :. I in -a To 50 ct.-. t- oi tht.t' t" - ;.; .' t '. . i J f, ' TV-, !-. ociiviniei.t. artw ; y to call and . Wj-ifjij;" Piiper?, Korn - , V - r,'.aeil', Ink P-o OQL BOGICS: 7 1 ----- PRICES, , -:';:ofVi-i' Aiil ii 3G, 65 and Si. 01); ers, -0 ce. metics, 20, lloVnes' ILrtddra, 15, 25, 40 and 50 cents; Maury's Geogra phy at GO ami 81.23.' r' cr c i. : lj cacU to 20 POGKaT BOOKS and PURSES: r.. 10. !", 2 J. 25, 35, 40, 50, GO . ami 75 eccti. u3ii. OIL OKS &, CARD CASES: Good Leather :it prices ranging troni 50 Cf iu.-v each to $2 00. :T SOAPS: An entirely new line, comprisr iiiff the hitest odors, bought fiireec iVosn the manufact urer. A nice toilet soap tar 5 cents. Splendid, ly perfctaipd, 10 cent -cakf, 3 Jor 25 cts, A GOOD ONE, try ir. and also the f Ciidrd soaps, sceh Cashmere Doo- ouet, for 23 cent!?, Cas- t.:l..'s, iatnoMc,- lar, U19- K:f4-i:rr;t, Culicur, uh! ?!:-r . Medicated Soaps. - , ar-M i-tf. 'iiiVitf WCJOdS " WicicN. LaartTiis vt all pricca. Tij- n-j. Wc h ive a largo oek oi" alt jiiiteus aod propria at.i popular in this section. We ': save'o'i.moaer, ' and 'appreci: ate your pAtj-ouage. ... Giv-vuv a c.ill, Sr. W A tobm&h Tarboro St, 21 I ' Pi in illll fell Racket OF Wilson and-- Adjoining Counties! We bCp, 'o call your atten- iion to the fact that we re aKaiu offering our old and reliable brauds of Guano to tha trade for Cotton wbich ba w,oc f-vr itself-a reputation -that places it at'tiie bead of liet on all rot ton goods. liiy's . Hili - tlrauo, for Tobacco, "which, by r&s.s- ( ti of ity extra strength and special adaption for trivirg f olnr to the leaf in ciiriD-;-, . Ilacea it- bfeyon.1 . valno . to f rprT f f:ier. - who iutn.'' t riiit Tobacco. We have a full fnpply of tbene gor63 o?i hanil s " .. - as MM - G0!tQ3 - iOi, and Kainit, all ot which we offer to tbe trade for cash or on time as low as any goods of similar quality can be sold. Call and see us or write and ou will be convinced. o!;: Agents for Eastern In. U. 2 -12-3m. ALLSKINwo BLOOD j DISEASES. The Best Houseliold Medicine. Once or twice each year the sys tem needs purging of the impuri ties which clog the blood. From childhood to old age, no remedy meets all cases with the same cer tainty of good results as BOTANIC BLOOD BALM.' W. C. MuGauhey, Webb City, Ark., writes. ' B B. B. has done me more good and for lest money than any other blood punfier I ever used. I owe the comfort of my life to it. P. A. Shepherd. Norfolk, Va.. August 10, i8S3, writes- " I depend on B. B. B. for the preservation of my health. I have had it in my family now nearly two years, and in all that, time have net tad to have a doctor." . r'' rr Write for Illustrated "Book of Wonders," BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta. Ga. Bent free. Sostrils. fit (Successors to Sash, fpS-ELV'S -CREAM fifo&fffi&iim PassaKCS, Allays- l a. war . IX Oives Relief ai r-' Avvlu into the Viiv&sg S9c D'uggists.orby mail. Doors and Blinds, Bidders' Hardware, Paints, Oils, Giacs, Putty . . a:-:d - . Building NOS. 16 -WEST SIDE MARKET iJ; m in t m . a r-. C I P" ; W rfcfto . mm Manufacturers Saslies, Doors, iSfJL n jfSSs. Prv issa y Hardware?, 'Plr.ts, Oils, Brushes, &c.j Sec West "Market Square, Norfolk, Va CORRESPONDECaE CSITED. CO SEED. Uaglatid's Varieti sre stan'lHT.Is of excellence Ii all classed ui4 ty pes of Xobacao, and particularly for EXTRA FINE BRIGHTS, MAII0GAS1SS " AND SWEET FILLERS - for -which his collection is unsurpassed, n4 that produce the best paying: crops. H is new eataiogue free will convlnc plant crs M the advantages in usins? his superior va rieties Write far one, order the bf-st, and raise crops that pay. R. L. KACLAND, , HVCO, VA. SEED FOR SALE BY DOASB U ERRING, iin:l A. W, ROWLAND. WILSON. If. C. Mm& hslitata,-- t or Young Ld-s.-. TtseS, g:a on u-:- '-!i' Jav-ny 1891 Ti . '.he !r(riiii-.ho! an iticreas jo jtit'M-ni s,-tuh.v. an- li iH .;i .l.e ERE! i-j. it ORKEVlLLIvN.C. . Have just received a fine car Trrl of Horses and Mules which Lh-.: w'iil sell cheap for cssb, or or .fi'm 'at reasonable terms. Call and examine before buying else'whert?.. ' They also have a 8t-i3s? Livery and . Feed stable in" conuiCtio:i, rear ol Skinner's Law Office. . H HP CQUOH OR GDIS Throat Affsotti Or ct.'J Disense wTiar tho Throat and Zy are Inftntncd, Lact of Btrenaifr or JS'we Fewer, t,ju can bp relieved and Cttttd tfjf OF COD LIVER-OIL With Hypopbosphltes. .PALATABLE AS MILK. Asli for Scott' Emu'tion. and U tut plisnatiurt or ' solicitation in&ttie yoti accept a substitute Sold by all Druggists. FOR Udies E5 DOUCLAS u u a T:.ntpi!, 3j3 S 1) tios for Gentlemen, and oJjer Bpecial- '4? a a lJadle,etc.,arewar- -'1 m stomped ou bottom. Address sOlUl.Aft.Urockton.Matin. aoldhr 1 BALFal C'car.scs t'ae asal a and InllaHirnatlon, Heals Taste antl Smell, and Cures oneo for Cold m Head It 3 yt .' jr Aomr, Material,. SQ. .an i ROANOKE AVENUE An Blinds, 0 "3 VV liVbrk Q'"a T3 il li lii W U fe3 o W Y 1 il m Wi"mmw rt m m iw s?i i Eg li L I n iC ll G 0 A Dc3 :rs In Mantels, HAJD-ftlA E FOR ANYTHING I N THK HARNESS USE Call on or HdiiiH.vs W. c. HEW LETT, Oct. 9. 'GO- , mm mm ORNAMEW AL h: V BLE VvOHK '6 NortL Fowaru" Sr . li liimore. Wiie Kailing t'oi V? m ries Lawns, (i-.y;ib'i', aiiJ BaJ coniep, Wi?i(!.w Guvrd.s. Tre ders, (jfjtrt.x, Screens iron f.;! ;oui Coal Sett et's. &:. offer; BUY in AnOTst, Sepfcabtt or October maA pay crops are Bold. Spot Caalj Prices, ina lxwtt in Just a little cash down, bl December 15th. No inter Onr entire ntork tit mi price or style. BEST Haa. mer oner we ever i Write for Clrcnlar suauiEit offer tmm LUDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH, OA. V.'K ta-at an I ' i:i:m ANFNTI.t Cl'I'K, or Nl v. l!l'HKON lO OISKASF.S, JlEWHJiniFA . and !?VHt;iVni C'Ar-"F.S SfcT- vai. I)ihi:as;i of Me.1), Wo wmn, ii!ul CmtiiEKS the re- itvJS- sulLsoi J iiivi ii-vt Ui ri U.pi.init, irU i'ibit.iar J:'rcrxs-s, Op.uni ' Rlifl th5 Whiskrji Habit. A Inrce nnd mnanirkvnt S inmahh-ji r.urt FrtlVATH i.YINO-IS IliiSi TA t. in C(il.':ci tio'i. liMi of Lift; with particular fur Jlcme Cure, KriK!i IK- 'A hki:ii'k M eh-. IfAi. A :-.;'i:(.irAL .Instiv tk, l';l?i VutA torii'i'i''! J.shvijli' (k-'v TOBACCO SEED. Planters, Warohousenmn and Retail Dealer! anting the best varieties for Eastern North Carolina, can gret RAGUHD'S CELRBltATRil SEEDS t hia prices, -wholesale and retail, by apply-, tag WILSON, N. O 1-29 lm. ' j no L J tea I Havin(r qualified us tlie administrator of the estate of Mrs. Martlia Clark, deceased, notice is hereby given to all parties indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to all persons holding claims against said extate t present same for payment on or before i'ofc ruary 4th. 1893, or this notice will be plead in bar of thwir recovery. This 4th day of Febru ary, 1891, J. E. CLAUK, Adni'r, 2-5-fiw, - SIX-CORD Spool GoKon - 1 r IN OTHB, BLKCK MB COLORS, FOR Hand and Machine Use. FOR SALE BY J. ft D. OettiriKtr, .1. 1J. S. O. Wi-llg.- I. WifR-ins, M. K untrH! ft Co-, A. Heilbrone M.tnaKcr for M. U. Lhiib.) 1) K. AliRERT AJi D KUSON PHYSICIAN AND S PRO EON WILSUN. N.C. CSroffloe next door to the Post Office. TV It. W. S.AN DEUSON. PHYIF.CIAN AND SUUGEON. WILSON, N.C. ' Offlcc in Drujr Store on Tarboro Street. ATCOCK ft DANIF.LB, C. C. DANISLi GnlrtsWirn. N. C. WHson N.C. YCOCK,& DANIELS i DANlELb, ATT;t:NliYS-AT-LAr, WILSON, N.C. C"Offloo; In Advance BulldinK Winston House, SELMA, X.C. Mrs POllPIBKTUESS. jQH. U-W. JOYNER, . . SiritOEON IJKNTIST, WILSON. N. C. 1 have b Mime permanently identified with he poop' i of Wilson, have .practiced here fo he past ten years and wish to return thank o tne generous people of tho community fo he litxsral patronage they have given me. a?" spare no money to procure instru aonts that will conduce to the comfort of wT a-tienU. For a rontiriuation 6 tne liberal tronagre heretofore bestowed on me I snail el deeply gTratef ul. D R.E. Kf WRIGHT 8CRGEON DEN 1ST, . tWIL50N,N.C.: Having permanently located in Wilson, I ffer my professional services to the public. (3f-Offlce in Central Hotel Building. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Bo Hnnt will dl of Bots or Luxe F Ta, if Fontz' Powilpr nre need in time. Foate'a Howrtem willrure nrt prevent Hoe Obovss a. ToaW Powrlcm will prevent Gapes 1W Fowl. Koiitz1 Powders will inrre.ife the qnantity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make the batter firm and iwnL Fontxn Kowdem will enre or t rpvent arniraS ' Diskakk to wlilrli Horw and .ttlere sohject. " FOTTTZ'B POWDKRS WILL SIVlC S ATI ST JLCTIOJI . Bold everywhere. I DAVID B. FQTJTZ, Proprietor, BALTTMOBE. USJ WOULD YOU LIKE A NICE GARDEN? It o.raiiw PERFECT TE6ETABLES with POWELL'S , SOLUBLE PHOSPHATES Which are clean and toodor oua. Pat np in sattabl qaaa. titiea for tmall and-larg gar imi. fio trouble tm mmm. eirenlu telliiur how to 1 ten. a aood -arden, aent Fra rinnury Dale L 1890 J JMCSMTS' W. B. rUnKljijwvU Obamioal FartiUaw affra, Baltimere . , f For GARDENS

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