Tlie Wilson Advance A NEWSY "L2TTE3. LXTESAE7 ITOES- Variable Weather. IE- T mum CI.AUDIU F.WlLSoN EdilO! jw-T.De advance eu ""Hvors to Dean non eet, faithful arvl impartit chronicler of the news, devotiwr jpecial atte?, n to the 6ectioa n which it ia ablisbed. Jt is Democratic .to the core an.i will 6pare neither friend or foe who is in hostility to Democratic helteree the best inte.est. of the E3 Bon and the Btate imperatively demands the retention of the Democratic party in power and jt willsparo no effort to accomplish that result;- It will seek to promote the in dustrial development of the Stat nd section tnd will take pleasure in doihf? whatever ilea m its power to aid .the farmers and labornitf aen in their efforts to better their condition, Sverv honest son of toil will find in the Ad fANCB a sincere friend. Every effort looking to the establishment of more and better edu cational institutions will receive our hearty o-ope ration and endorsement. The Advance circulates larsrely in every eonnty East of Raleijrh, end is therefore ft lolendid advertistofr medium. Kates liberal. A flrst-class Job office is run In connection with the paper and wo will be pleased to re ceive orders. Our office is one of the best equipped in th section of the State for com mercial workand we will do as good work and at as low fUrprcs as anybody. , . Entered ic the Post O. "See at Wilson, ''N. C t second elas mail matter. WILSOi?, N;. O , March 2Gth, 1891. THE 'GRADED SCHOOL. Once again Wilson vote? upon the question of a Graded School. The proposition i to levy a tax of 20 cents on; the $100 worth of "taxable- proper ty in the limits of School dis trict No. 1 will be voted on, on the first Monday in May. Here is the boundaries of SchooUDis- s trict No. 1. i ' I .." Beginning at tLe bridge ' a orneo PlrSmi nrr Stramrv, Ml t.Tia road to Rountree's bridge, thenc9 North 58 degrees West to a point on the Barefoot Mill road, between the lands of L. D. Killett andtha heirs of. W. ' W. Winstead, deceased, thence North 20 degrees West to - the lane.on the lands of Mrs. Marv tha instead on the Raleigh road, thence North 18 degrees East to the line between Col. J, W. Farmer and the heirs of J. J. Smith, thence down Toisnot Swamp to a point dividing the lands of Martin Barnes and Mrs. Fannie Hines. thence South 45 degrees West to the beginning." . 3V.e do not hear much oppo sition to this movement that means so much to Wilsin! It is sa'd that the town prospered as never before during the - life of the former institution. Be that as it rnav.- it is now true that the town, as a town as a progressive, go-ahead, enter prising pUce cannot afford to let this opportunity for a grand etep forward go by unheeded. HUES AH FOE BLACE CEEEE ! - Special Cor. Advance, Black 3reek, March 25Mi. We are coming ! pany is being start a canning A stock co in built here to factory. The amount is nearly raised ' and work will soon begin. It is proposbd to have it in full op eration in time for this year's crop. Our most prominent townsmen and some of your Wilson jieople are interested. F:R. Mee; - ANOTHES DDI SILLED.I ' Special Cor. The Advakce-1 '- . it' Barnes Store, N. C. Mar. 23, '91 This vwill inform you that we killed a mad dog at j our house on the 14th inst.. jl'he dog.beldnged to Mr. J T. Kev el, of Spring Hill townhip.ahd has had the mad itch tor ebrae- ed him to go mad. People who have dogs that have this dis ease should cure them or tkill them. - ' Speaking ofjong names re minds me that there is a fami ly living near me sonaie of wmch nave verv lone nanifts. They are negroes and live on the farm of Mr. Henry Kirby. ;Three of the names are as fol lows: : Wilie Rufus Clayton White Kent, Sarah Angeline Jacqueline Henrietta Victoria Ophelia' Kent, and Caroline .Jemima Roaetia Florence Ann Jane Ellen Kent. ' C. W. Knight. The' Tarboro Southerner will please- note. We warped it that Wilson would be heard from. Editor "A HOSHIBLE ACCIDENT- i Little Geo. Nelson Tns'an'ly tilled " Whils Gunning. " (Special Car The Advance,) "Queen ville, N. C. March 23 'A most horrible accident oc curred here yesterday. Little George" Nelson - accidentally shot and kills himself. No ' who jiuowa. now is was done, but while out gunning with two or three otb6r boys his gun suddenly., fired and both loads entered his neck, killing -him instantly,. He will be buried to-day. His mother, who al most idolized him, is almost frantic. 'Tis so sad. to think about- - - . ' Cards are out for the mar xiage of Miss Henri ie Williams to Mr. W ill M. Buss on Tues day, March 31st, at; 7 a. m., in St. Paul's church. . Bishop Watson" preached here yesterday to a large audi euoe consiaering tne extreme inclemency of . the weather. Misses Bessie Jarvis and Lucy uujt wereconnrmea.. presiding. Elder Oglesby preached at the Methodist cnuTch to the delight of his large congregation last night The impressive communion services were held and ev joyed. Miss Susie Brown is visiting irienaa in snow Hill. Old Special Cor. The Advance. - Nashviixe, N. C., Mai-. 23, '91. Mr. Editor: At the risk of appearing ijbyer than .the weather we Lave had for sever al weeks past, I 'ill write a short letter to the Advance, which. is so -'popular with our Nash county people. . Onr towr iias been crowded very "mucf; for bcveral days past with ' trt3 and wagons which are e-irrying off an un usually larKa quautity of fer tilizers, and judging from the crowds winch throng th stores our merchuuta Tire doing a lar ger business than ever before; in fact, budiUHKS in every line is good. W are expecting constantly to hear that work has beun on the from Oxford to Nashville, as we are assured now, by those who are inters ested in the movement, that the road will be built. This road will develop a very fine country und we' are anxious to see it compreted. We . will have a tobacco market, ready for the fall crop, and as soon as our new road is completed, we will enter the race with ;tue "Boomers." '. The farmers havd been very much discouraged on account of the recent rains and have not made very satisfactory progress with their farming operations, but have lost no time in pr; paring tobacco for market, They are in. better condition now than I have seen them in nrmyyaars. It is no surprise to find 10 bags of cot ton lying in a farmer's yard, or 10 barns of "the yellow leaf" yet uustripped. Mr. Thos. F. York, of .Hil liardston, was buried Sunday, amid the tears of many sorrow ing friends. Mr. York was the first man discovered that Nash county lauds were so well adapted to the cultivation of fine tobacco, and in this has proven himself a great bene factor. H1m discovery has done more for in developing and advertising our county than anything else and we shall al ways cherish his memory and extend to Lis five little chil dren and devoted wife our ten dered sympathies. Mr. York was sick only, a short while with pnetinooia. You havsj already heard of the sudden death of Mr. T. J. fBraswell, Sr., which occuned several days ago. lie too was one of our 'iesv citizens, and a farmer vho made a fortune while hisiicighbors complained that there wad no money in farming. He was aa honest, good man iud we mourn over his departure as a serious loss to our couuty and society. Mr. E. B. MsCuilen, formerly principal of the school at Nash ville, but iaor6 recently of New York city, has been spending several oajs among friends here, but vrili leave tomorrow, together with our genial and handsome friend, Gabe Holmes for Faisons. They will spend a few days there with relatn es and go thence to the "State of Washing!' n. Oh! the pleasure there must be in a dream of Western wealth! 1 hope 'the young men will find buccess in their new home, and, should they both fail, each of them will have what "misery" loves company. The County Commissioners were in session today and are making a thorough revision of the tax bo:;ks. There are hun dreds of acres of land in this county which have never been listed for taxation. These have been searched up and put 'upon the list." This, of course, will be the source of quite a revenue Ux the county, and I think that other counties mi :ht profit by the suggestion. I visited the booming little town of Spring Hope last Fri day, and iadeed there. . is uoth ing "muxlir winy" about its prosperity. It is unquestiona bly oue of the best towns for business in this section of the State. Thay have a largeterri iory to supply, and , by giving tho top of the market for farm products, they come from the meadows to the mountains. The ring of the hammer and the song of the saw is heard on every hand. Please excuse me for consum ing so much of your viluable space. ' Very truly. .' Nash. ' A BI3 STBIEE - Special Cor. Adva'nck. Keni.y, N. C. March 25. Our little towa bas been some-N what er cited to-day over a strike in the biu lumber mills hert. I learn that it resulted from the desire on the part of the proprietors to pay the em ployees monthly instead of weekly. The employees would not listen to' this aad struck. ine sin fcers won their point and went to work again to-t?ay. . - - KENLY. Now about Dress Goods. We claim to have the richt styles. prices, &c.' Our line of wash fabrics are unasually attrac tive and we will take great pleasure in showing you through. ' Pj. R Gay, corner What Tho Pccpb cf "Gooi Nash" Are Doing- . MRS. FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT, Ooatributea to the 20 -page Eas ter Number of the New Yoik Ledger issued March 21, a touching sketch entifJed Eight Little Princes, right in .the hoe of her Little gLoid Faontleroy. Amelia EI Barr utarts A Sister to Esan, a Scotch serial. George Bancroft writes A Day with Lord Bryon. Amy Randolph, Doctor Felix Oswald Jean 'Kate Ludlum, Wilson dtv bltzx and He.-en- M. North are o.her coatnbutor? A TALUBLE N UMBEE. In the April number of The Fo rum, Representative-R. Q. Mills, of Texas, will make a-critical analysis of tne census, to show that it is so seriously defective as to be useless. Id the same number of The Foruai Senator Hoar of Massashusetts, who was . the champion of the Ele ction Bill in the Seuate, constrncts an ar- gumenc to prove that the Republi can party was untrue to its prece dentH and to ics principles, because the late Congress adjourned with out enacting the Election Bill. He argue that the series of great hn. toriual achievements of theRepuoit can .party suffered bo serious a breach by - this inactivity, that the party must find new vigor to make its future in any way worthy of its past. v SOMAN GE The march number of Romance coutains 20 short stories good ones, too. and several lnterestiue: au noancements. There will appear in the magazine forthwith stories illustrating life in the Confederate States during the war, tall of pathos aad of tragtdy. Arrangements have been made also for the publication ol original stories of the sea, illustrating Amer lean . endurance and courage, bo in the marine navy and in our merchant iu old days aud in recent times. The price of Romance is only 25 cents a number, and a specimen number will be sent on application for 10 cents by the publisher. Ad dress the New York Story Club, SO E, 23d St., New York. Where did you get that Hat? Invariably the; answer is from Gay's. v "A stitch in time saves nine," and if you take Hood's Sarsaparrilla, now it may save months of iutnre possible sickness. spepsia Mkes the lireg of many people miserable,' and often leads to sell-destruction. Distress after eating, bout stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, " all gone" feeling; bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu- . larity of the bowels, aro ' DISiTOSS some of the more common ' After symptoms. Dyspepsia docs .n.. not get -well of itself. It eatings requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa partHa, -which acts gently, yet eurely and efflclenUy. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a .good appetite, and by thus eicU OTercomiag the local symp- 9V . toms removes the sympa- MaCl3.CrlO thettc effects of the disease, banishes the headaehe, and refreshes the tired mind. " I hare been troubled with dyspepsia. I bad but little appetite and what I did eat IAarM distressed me, or did mo ar little good. In aa hour . DUrn after eating I would expe rience a faintness, or tired, all-gone feeling, as thsugh I bad not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by. my business, which Is that of a painter, and from being more or less shut tip in ,a gour room with fresh paint, last " . spring I took Hood's Sarsa- StOmaCil rtua took three bottles. It did me an Immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the c raying I had previously experienced." Gsobos A. Page, Watertown, Mass. : Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by anArngglata. fl; dxfosS. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Ie veil, Ilase. .100 Doses One Dollar If YOU WISH To Advertise " Anything Anywhere ATAny time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell&Co. No. io Spruce Street, NEW YORK. . jjH. ALBERT ANDEUSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . - WILSON, N. C. WOffloe next door to the Post Office. JJR. W, 8.ANt)EKSON, PHYISCIAN AND SURGEON. -. WILSON," N.C. t3fflce in Drug Store on Tarboro Street, ATOOCK a DAMIXL8. C C. DANIELS Wilson N.C. Goldsboro. N. C. YOOCK,& DANIELS & DANIELS,! ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ' , " WILSON, N. C. office 1p Advance Buiidiwr WEIGHT .SURGEON DEN 1ST, - .WILSON, N.C " Having permanently, located in WUson, I ffer my professional services to the public erOffloe in Central Hotel BuUdlhK. Winston-House . SELMA, M. a Mrs C3-. J- -TtjloIs. W POEP1RETRES3. - and Whiskey Habits cured at home with out pain. Book of par ticulars MDt FREE. B.M.WOOLLEY.M.D. tnuitswtia. Office 104H WhitftbaU St xr Toxrn back Or yon are all worn oat, really gooA r aota , ifr, it i reoeral debtlHy. Try Brfl c'-t v vn"r t Py mm . "Maria, Maria! " Oh, Mariai"- .-' Wliat is it, 'Zekiel?" ... . "Soine tarnal critter hez done stoleiHw barometer, an' I don't know whether -to start the furnace or fill tho water cooler.? co CO ULMAR. THE STANDARD BEED TEOTTIKQ STALLION OF EAST CAROLINA; NO. 2. 542. . 'I" He is standard Jby breeding per formaace and progeny . v lie bas a noble ancestry, can trace his lineage back through the most famous sites and dams of the trot ting world. . Sire; Bona Fide, grand sires. IlatubletoniaD, 10, Abdallab, Matn briuo, and Imported Messengierj Dam yoang Nellie; grand dams Nellie, Daughter. . O Is fuil brother to Itagmar with a recoid of 2.30 at 2 years old, of Humburt with 2.33 1 4 seeond. His dam has a record of 2.39, II is grand dam was sired bv Abdallab-who was also the eiro of Goldsmith Maid. That Ulmar stands at the head read the following from tho 13alti- uoie American, 'which' baliss chronicling hia great victory, des cribes the horse as be is to-day ; It certainly must be gratifyiug re sult to a breeder, or the owner of a stalltoo, when he rises above all competitors in the show "ring aa the poss'ssor'of the "best stallion'' lie no doubt feeU his importance for it is uo small matter, where eompatitors are pleniiSul and jBonir- petitiou is busk to snatcl. Uie-vioe ribbon from his rrativa eountv. At the Fredarick county Fair, Ulmar catried off the honoisover Martnioo Golddust, Cuyler Clay, Manxman, Blackwood Patchy u Canton Cyclops and Sun bright taking" the lirst prize. The honors, in this case, should be doubly appreciated wben taking into considera'tiou the-fact thai the judge of borses was Col. E. S. Edwards, of Newark, N. J- who did not know a single tntry, or die owaers personally. - Conseqaenjly in this case, the hwaid was aifos gether free from fs,vi i-m; Ulaiar the winer is a brown boi.-e Standard bred No. 2542, foaled 1338 cot by Bona Fide (720) dam Young Mollie, by Ashland Patchen (48), i. JD. Nellie by Alexander7. Abdallab (15) ile was bred and raised by Baker & llarrigan, Great Meadow Farm, Oomstock. N. Y., purchased from them by Dr. J. VV, Dowaej', of Newinafkct, Frederick county, Md. who now owns him 0" s ir is full brother of the great th' -:-v oM, Dagmar record of 2 n i is borse of powerful bu " -u j Ai tiug action, with pleui j i f r Vi .vd substance, and standing' laliy 15 3 in height.His brown coat is finish ed with black points, while his bar rel i rouud aud well ribbed 'cp standing on clean strong well plac-" ed legs as ever belonged to a trot., ter. This with his true strengthpf loi?ree -videntlyenabled Col. Ed wards to judge which horse'desv- ed the class of pi emlei stallibn. In presenting" Che claims of this hofe, the. judge selected had no doubt a dtfiicult task, as it is necessary to make comparisons with other breed aud their qualifications, but not in the sense of detracting anything, from their merits for the purpose." for which they are.intended or es-; pecially adapted. All his competiv tors are bred in tha highest aq-d the.most fashionable strains of the' day.. They are rich in breeding and have qualities of no mean or der. Will make the season at T.irboro and Wilson two weeks at the time in each place. - Wilson beginning March 30. - : Tarboro April 13tb. Terms: Insurance $25, season with privilege of returning mares 20. W..F. THO EN E. Careata, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent burin eea condocted for MoocrXtc Fees, j "Dor Orncc is Opposite U.S. pTEiTOrriccJ ana we can secure patent in leg time tnan mow remote from Washington. - '-- - Bend model, drawing or photarwlta descrip tion. We advise, If patentable or not, free ef charge. Our fee not das till patent is aeenred. : A Pamphlct, " How te Obtain Patent a," "With namea of actnal ellcnta Id Josh Btate, county, town, sent Ire. Addresa, , , - -4 . . c.A.cnow & co'. W aw r m MM OF Wilson and?- ' ' Adjoining Counties ! We beg to call your atteh lion to the fact. that we are again offering oar old and reliable brands of Guano to ths tirade r - for Cotton which ha woi for itself a repntation that places it at the head of list. on all cot ton-goods. - S - for Tobacco, wliieh by reas on of its extra strength and special adaption for giviug color to the eaf in earing, places it bfeyond value to every farmer who intends raisiug- bright Tobacco. We have full mpply of these goods on hand as well as . : ;. - National - Cotton - Goons, AwI J l )i.j u : 3. - . and Itainit, all of which we offer to - the trade for cash or on time as low as any goods of -similar quality can be solid. Call and see as or write and joa will be convinced. Sole Agents for Eastern N. U 2 1 2-303.' J n TJeiniel Duim, m. a ' ' -. - . - Special ti8t in the treatment of Cancer and Scrofulous Dis eases. Will be at Brigg's Hotel. Wilson N. C, evory Monday and Taesday until further notice. NOTICE! Having qualified as executor of th estate or Holoraoa Lamm, deceased, before tae Pro bate JudirM of Wilson county, notice is here by (riven to all persona indebted to the estate of said deceased to make immediate payment and to all persons havlnjr claims aganst the deceased to present thorn for payment on or before the 19th day of February 1803. or this notice will be plead in bar ol their reoovery. I. H, LAMM," Executor. F, A, & S. A. WOODARD, AUy's. 2.1-6t, - - NOTICE! Having qualified as administratrix of Os wald Lipscomb, deceased, late of Wilson oouu y, N. C, this is to notify all persons . having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to tae undersigned on or before the 36th day of February. 183, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery,. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment; - Mrs, S. B. LIPSCOMB, Administratrix, JNO, F. BRUTON, Att'y. , -2-28-6t,- Agricultural Lime. Place your orders for Kock Lime In bulk for tho - - PEANUT CROP with us. Building- Lime, Oment and PlasUi always on hand. - - fs : -;. ? Kespectfully yours . 'Geo. D. Green & Co. 3STOTIOE! By virtue of an execution to me directed, from the Superior Court of Wilson oounty. in the case wherein John T. Barnes is plaintiff and James Knight is defendant to enforce a Mechanic's Lien, I will on Monday the 0th day of April 189 L, at 12 o'clock m at the Court House door in the town of Wilson, N. C offer for sale to the highest bidder for Gash, all tit right, title and interest, which the said James Knight, the defendant had in the following described real estate to-wit; one house and lot on Spring street, in the town of Wilson, N. C and bounded as follows: on the North bv James Wlnrlmi lot. nn tha Vmi t iUm WQ2ams, on the South by James Wiggins lot and on the East by Hping strett; oootalnlng onoiSfourth acre more or less, to satisfy said eivcuuoa. . J. W.caOWXLL, Sheriff. " March 3, 1891. , - jQH. B. W. JOY NEB, SVBGE02I DXlfTIST, : WILSON, N.C, lhaveb-wome permanently identifled with ne poop i or w uson, nave praouoea nere ro .he past ten years and wish to- return thank o.the generous people of the community fo he liberal patronage they have given me. Bf&L spare no money to procure instrn aents that will oonduce to the comfort of my fetients. For a continuation of tne liberal tronage heretofore bestowed on see I .shall .el deeply grateful. . ' 7. It. JJEST'S Tonsorlal Pnrloro, EAST TABBOBO 8TBEET, WILSON, N. C. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Ilalr cut In tb latest style. ' F0C0L10KE- Hip E.11I9&BI, Mm Mm "- . y. -v- ; SEE OUE NEW STOCK OP rHATS ! J ;: - ' HATS! ! HATS! - SEE OUE NEW. STOCK OP HITE 0000 ...AND. TRUUY THE NASH STREET. DR. W. S. ANDERSON & GO DRUGGISTS, WILSON, N. C. STATIONERY: - - Fancy Box , Paper, . Tablets frcm a penny a piece to 50 cts. We have a Isnge line of these, popular ana , convenient arti-, cles and a?k yoa to call and see, tbem, .Writing Papers,; TSotfr Books, Pens, IVnciJs, Ink Pen" Uolderr, &c. , , , ,. SCHOOL BOOKS: The booKsf nsed ic pnUc schools" and recommended Xs State ' Board of Educatiotr. at " -: LIST PRICES, as follows: Han fiigon spell'' ers, 20 cets, SanfordV Anth- . metic-s 20, 36, Go and St. 00; Holmeb' Headers, 15? ' 25 40 ; arid 50 ctrits; Siavttr.v'd Geogia-1 I phy at 60 an a 8 1 28. '' SLATES: . from 3 cents each to" 20 cents! -POCKET BOOKS arid PURSES: 5,' 10, 15,"20','25 35;:40, lo, GO '. and 75 cents each. ' " DILL BOOKS & CARD CASESr : -r- Good Leather at prices ranginjs: from 50 cents each to $2 00, TOILET SOAPS: An entirely new line, compris ing the latest odors, bought direct from the mannfact- ' . urer. A nice rouet soap . for 5 cents. Splendid . ': ly perfumed, 10 cent ; cake; 3 lor 25 cts, . - -v A GOOD ONE, " Jtry it and also the standard soaps,- v such as Cashmere" Bon- quet, for 25 cents, Cas tzles, Carbolic, Tar, Dis. infectant, Cuticnr, and , other f Medicated Soaps. LAMP GOODS: Lamps, . Chimneys, Barners," : Wicks, Lanterns at all prices. : Try as. We hare aT large stock of all patent and propria atory M E D I C I N ES;-- popalar in this section. We - save yon money, and appreci-. ate your pattonage. . Give u a C4l, ' 5?. W. S.i!!& k LACES CASH CATCHES iiiiP Cash tacket - ' ill ill ii . : - ' Tarboro St, - - WILSON, K. O mi " 1 set my crop of Tobacco last yar with a ana am thoroughly convinced cf its practical utility. I am now the Authorized awent for these machines in Wilson, Nanh and Edgecombe cocnties, and will make a practical exhibition of them atitbe followiug times and places: Wilson, Rocky Mount. Nashville, Tarboro, 003WCJS .OTJ JBlTXEXlS arid be caavioced that this MacbiDe will set plants better tlua can ba doha bv band, and will iosare a stand when the gronad is dry; Mr.- Ferry Renfrew and Br. h. D. Lucas have eata bought One of these Transplanters irom iae iui bbibuu. dow p these gentlemen saw mine at woik,Ltst season, and. are eoa vinced, apart from tie oconomy, that better work can be don with Ma Machine than with the hand. Write for circulars, testimonials, &c. - LUCAMA. WPE A ; inoit Nothing : - . .. .--- . The Most Marvelous Acbievement in ("heap and Useful MtLhiHtf. It doaa sod work? Operates entirely automaticaTly. Is slmpl In construction. Has s parts Hftblto wearout I compact In form and lisrht In weight, is well mad. and neslly finished. Will write rapidly with practice. The Merits of Call forth the-kiataest praise and testimonials from hundreds. BBCAII8B: It hss nor tons to wear out. Loayes every word visible to the operator as soon a minted. KeQuires so skill or Braotice to operate. Operates by use of one hand only. Its size and weiht adapt It totrarsT ffltorT. heyouoir, The ieKibility and beauty, of Its work reoc Th'Voitfful'a'nd' uefurmachine will be "presented, TRVBV to eTery new ""if'wnJ; lngjy-sO for onyear's subscription tc BELFOUD'S M G AZINB. bend at noe before tns present supply is exhausted. v Helford's 3,26-tf. 1-ELY'S CREAM dtra liaUa-e at. 60c li'aEgists or by mail. (Successors to. Outlier Sheldon.) Sash, Doors and Blinds, Builders Hardware, Paints, Oils, Class, Putty ' . - -AND ilding NOS. 16 WEST 3IDE MARKET Bu: MRFLK. VA. 4 Manufacturers Sashes, - Doors, m lviouiain Hardware, Paints, Oils, Brushes, &c, &c. 8 West Market Square, Norfolka Va CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. TOBACCO SEED. Ila gland's Varieties are standards of excellence in all classes and types of Tobacco, and partljularly for ' EXTRA FINE BBIGHTS, MAHOGANIES . . ASD . " . 8WEET FILLERS i , for which his collection ia unsurpassed, and that produce the best paying: crops. . - His new catalogue free will convince plant ers ol the advantages ia using his superior varieties.--Write for one, order the b-st, and raise crops that pay. R. L. RACLAND, ' : HYCO.VA, 8BED FOB BALE BY DOANB HERRING, ani A. W, ROWLAND WILSON, N, C. I i Thursday, April 2nd. Tuesday, April 7th. Thursday, April 9th. Tuesda-, April 14th. ViIson County, N. C. WRITER This Machine Magazine Company, 860 Broadway, New York. BALM - CIboi i tie Nasal ftSfrTtorTaste and Smell, and Cnr.) fWjgW raJisA for c!nln in lies ZLT BK08., 68 Warren St., N. x. Material, SQ. an i ROANOKlNAVEKUE An nea crs In Blinds, Mantels, And t air Wor k AND BILLS OF ANY DESJRIP TJON FILLED AT SHORT NOTiCE. L. K7. LAND, Kenly, N. C. 2-26slf. Iltio

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