The Wilson Advance. PEltTIN KNTL.Y 1'EKsOSAI . People Voa VVtLSON, N. C., - - June 4, 189 1. i;n u , to Will Knot., or Otiirlit B X ! ! THIS COM JUJN'CKHE NT EXKIICIS1 Wait for the 17 th. June 17th will be a red letter day in Wilsorfs history. Mr. Alex Quails has bought a lot and will build a house on Park Ave nue. A child of Mr. Joseph Atkinson, near Boyette, died Sunday morning. It was about one year old. Rev. Dr. Lafferty will deliver his rare lecture "Luck and Pluck" in Wilson, Friday night, Jyne 12th. On Friday (to-morrow) Mr. W. H. Blount will present the medals to the students of New Berne Collegiate In stitute. Our young friend, Chas. R. Alley, in the employ of the Norfolk & Wes tern Railway Co., is now located at Lambert's Point, Va. Come to Wilson on the 17th, inst., see our beautiful town, enjoy a good dinner, and hear the matchless orator and statesman, Senator M. W. Ran som. Mr. J. rh Hill, of the Toisnot sec tion, was in to see us on Monday. He says wheat is tine, tie lias some heads 7 inches long, and it is filling out finely. Mr. Amos Hays, of Black Creek, called to see us on Monday. All crops are looking well. He says the rains washed die lands some, but did no serious damaeie. - . We have it on good authority that I the nulls ot the Kenly Lumber Lom pany will be moved from Kenly to Greenville. This will be a big blow to our prosperous neighbor, as the pay roll of the Company amounts to over $200 weekly. Greenville has vour congratulations. Services will be held in the Pres byterian church, corner of Nash and Jackson streets, on Sunday the 7th inst., by the pastor, Rev. A. H. McArrt, in the morning; at 11 a. m., and at nigfit at 8 p. m., Seats free. The public are cordially invited to attend all services in this church. Mrs. C. B. Aycock is in town. Mr. Herman Weil, of Goldsboro, is in town. Miss Alice Barnes is at home from Baltimore. Prot. E. B. Phillips called to see us Monday. Mr. W. R. Henry left yesterday for Raleigh. Miss Marie O'Neil spent Sunday in Goldsboro. Mrs. W. B. Hill is visiting friends in Petersburg, Va. Miss Emma Greenwood is visitiug Mrs. W. E. Farmer. Mr. W. C. Taylor, of Whitakers, was in town yesterday. Miss Lizzie Redding, of Greenville, is visiting friends in town. Miss Ida Wiggins, of Saratoga, was in town last night. Mr. J. T. Morgan, of Nashville, was in town Wednesday. Mr. E. O. Mc'Gowan, of Green ville, was in town last week. W. W. Hargrave, Esq., of Tar boro, was in town yesterday. Mr. Wallace Batchelor, of Nash ville, was in town yesterday. Mrs. E. O. McGowan, of Green ville, is visiting relatives here. Mr. T. B. Tavlor, of Rocky I Mount, wis in town yesterday. Mr. R. L. Alley, of Washington City, is in town for a few days rest. Misses Ell Green and Nan Branch are visiting friends in Rocky Mount. Miss Nannie King, of Greenville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. C. Wells. Mr. Isaac Oettinger, of New York, is visiting Messrs. J. & D. Oettinger. Messrs. Will and Preston Brooks, of Black Creek, were in town this week. Col. D. Worthington, of Rocky Mount, was here yesterday, attend- A RED-LETTER DAY, IN THE HISTORY OF OUR TOWN, WILSON. LOVELY Let Everybody Come to Wilson on June 17th, ami Enjoy the Grand Celebration Everything to be in Fine Style Patriot ism Without Platitudes to be Dealt Out ly Delightful .Speakers The Old Town Will Celebrate the CiiveiliiiK of the Monument. ing court. Miss Bettie Wells from an extended visit Greenville. has returned to friends in night from Charlotte, been at school. where she has The Commencement exercises of Mt. Olive High School takes place to-day. The address will be deliver-. ed at 10, o'clock by Hon. E.- W. I Misses Hattie and Birdie Rund, Kerr, of Clinton. After the concert of New York, are visiting Mrs. A. . . .1 11 mi 1 . . j ... to-night trie metiais win ne presented rieubroner. by Mr W H Blount of this place. , Maftie Harrison returned last 1 ne talented editor 01 uie vjotusuoro Argus, Jos. E. Robinson, delivered Shenherd Literarv Society last nitrht. ' Miss Nettie Ellis, of Saratoga, was r . o . .1 1 .1. 11 4i . T t-, 1 1 1 r - " ! in town yesteroav anu auenueu uie Messrs. A. N. Daniels J. . 1 nvett, . , 3 . .... - , 0 Vr Ji.r u ' . concert last night. J. Atkinson and Rev. H. W. Bat-' & ti c? 1 ... I 1r ,rl Mrc W f Carter Ifft le, were in taioopo iusl ouiiuay. j "H' uu ..v.. V. ri. V . l.lllie 1 M L.R I ICU 11 IH I- -'KMiua ivii v.j..i..w w v , ...... - . - . - . . , 1 r . Ill' .11111 111. 111. At ,1.1.-1 IlllllIUCU 111 " - - - - " . . .1 ". -l : l 1 i 1 - II uni t ait UlC 111 LIlUllll. UUl OH t.tanko., k. hum 1. ci the. t-,-i.ii. . .r.u i ,i...u ,.r a. ' K 11 '. ' C r I I I I I I I I I II lilt tllltlllltl Vlt .ILll II till. I .....I . 1,.,..,,, I r , .1 v Vw nor Court, is in town. C. Tarrar, who-built the church, a mall debt remained unpaid, and ac- j ording to Baptist usage, it could not 1 n. jA n1 until tbiL- 'n-wtini- --t lid. A collection, amounting:, was taken up h church out of debt. Sound the hew-gag ! Play the pattle-tong ! Let the jaw- bone jingle ! For this is Wilson's gala day ! Wednesday, June 17th ! That's the day you are cordially invited to come to Wilson. For on that day the town is going to put on holiday attire and entertain its guests. Tell your neighbor about it and tell him to come. Some of the attractions are : An address by Hon. M. W. Ran som, who can break up the hidden depths and bring the tears, unwilling prisoners, to all eyes. He is essen tially an orator ; and no less a states man, and an honored son of North Carolina. A grand military parade. Among the Companies who will participate the following have signified their in tention to be present : The Wil mington Light Infantry, the Sampson County Rifles, the Rocky Mount Light Infantry, the Goldsboro Rifles, and the Wilson Light Infantry. The Wilson Fire Company, Old Veter ans, Sons of Veterans and citizens will participate in the parade. Col. Samuel Hodges will be Chief Marshal of the occasion. W. C. Jones, Colonel of the 2nd Regiment, and his staff will be pres ent. ' v The 2nd Regiment Band, 24 pieces, will make music for the occa sion. And the citizens of Wilson will give a warm, cordial welcome to all who come. The programme will be announced later. 01 Prof. Warren's Excellent Institution, Wilson Collegiate Institute. leaving to the We Want Ten Million Pounds. Wilson, N. C, sold two inillion pounds of tobacco from September 10, 1890, to April 30,1891, and ex pects to sell four times as much next season. Ld. race, the place, and ivmers are workintr tor it' Rich mond suuincrn 1 ne 1 . t . aiaiorue. The Catalogue of the University c m.,..u 1: i - ; 11 intellectual bill of fare onered to the young men of the coutry. The University is well equipped in books and apparatus for instruction, and has a full corps of professors. The Law School and the Medical School are flourishing. There were 97 matriculates. We note that Pres ident Battle has resigned in or to ex cept the Chair of History, recently established. His successor is shortlv 1 to be elected.' Prof. Holmes' department is also to be provided for as he has accepted the office of State Geologist. Playing Hall. The grounds are in excellent con dition and the boys are daily practi t .ng. They are doing ' some good preliminary work. The game is good, healthy exercise and should be encouraged. Recently in a ser mon the Rev. Dudley Rhodes, of Lmcinnatti, said : "Baseball is the most beautiful ex- -Ii'np a man r:in rati' nrnvwieil it i ken morally. Baseball is the noblest hpitrht of gymnastic exercises. . We have been t ld that there are Sermons in stones and running b; oks ; so there is, too, in baseball. Baseball has within it the best ele 1.1 -nts of the old Roman and Greek .11 . " arnietic games. The Christian church and the pul 1 ' t cannot afford to ignore this game, wiiich is rising to the dignity of a 11 ttional sport, ami drawing all the young men and children in the land t ; .ard it." Dr. H. O. Hyatt, of Kinston, is at the hotel. He is prepared to treat all diseases of the eye. Mrs. Riggsbee, of Durham, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Middleton, has returned home. Miss Jennie Battle, who has been visiting her brother, Rev. H. W. Bat tle, has returned to her home in New Berne. Dr. Geo. L. Kirby and wife, of Goldsboro, were in town last Satur day the guests of Mayor Geo. D. Green. Howell Whitehead and Ashe Hines returned last Friday from Warrenton where they have been at tending Mr: Bronson's School. ' Misses Cora, Hattie and Minnie Applewhite, and Annie Lane, of Stantonsburg, . were in town last night, the guets of Mrs. J. D. Farrior. Mrs. P. E. Bunn left Monday for Washington City, her future home. En-route she will stop at Murfrees boro, ts take in the Commencement. Among the lawyers present at this term of Court we notice Messrs. B. H. Bunn, Jacob Battle and J. A. Farmer, of Rocky Mount, B. F. Tay lor, of Nashville, C. B. Aycock, of Goldsboro. held Kveryhody ;. I'he Board of Commissioners neeting Monday night. 1 he ordinance repairing cattle to kept oft of the streets was passed, w ill be seen from notice published . where. i lie sum of $40 was appropriated Committee of arrangements for celebration here on the 17th inst. A summer uniform, not to cost et" $25, was voted the police. t i he electric light and water works tion was discussed at length. It decided to hold a special meet uext Monday night, the iSth, to de the matter. All citizens of the ii who feel an interest in this mat are earnestly requested to meet 1 the Commissioners and lay be them any suggestion they may think wise and worthy of considera t an. We make this prediction : Some- th n is going to be done you all about it tht th. u 1 The Town Commissionere in Session. The Town Commissioners met in the Mayor's office Monday morning to organize for the coming year. There were present : H. M. Warren, E. Barnes, Jr., J.J. Gay, J. Y. Moore andj. R. Rawls. Justice Lancaster administered the oath of office quali fying them for their duties. E. Barnes, Jr., was elected Chairman of the meeting. Geo. D. Green was re-elected Mayor by a unanimous vote. J. R. Moore was re-elected Clerk and Treasurer. S. A. Woodard was elected Town Attorney. Chiel of Police, D. P. Christman. Assistants, J. A. Privett, J. L. Mayo and J. H. Marshbourne. Lamplighter, K. P. Saunders. Tax Collector, A.J. Simms. This is Mayor Green's fourth term. He is a model officer. The town's affairs will always be safe in such hands. Mr. Woodard, the Town Attorney is one of the brightest members of the profession in this part of North Caro lina. He possesses ability, brains and is versed in practice. Of the police force it is unnecessa ry to say one word of praise. The people of Wilson know we have the best and most efficient corps in the State. Brave, vigilant and ever courteous they deserved the compli ment of a re-election. Mayor Green and gentlemen, the Advance salutes you ! Superior Court. Court convened here Monday morning at 10 o'clock, Judge Spier Whitaker presiding. The following Grand Jury was drawn, qualified and sworn in : H. W. Privett, Foreman ; W. H. Dixon, H. H. Love, D. A. Yelver ton, S. V. Tyson, J. B. Barnes, W. J. T. Beland, Stephen Peele, J. T. Williamson, Isaac Davis, E. D. Cole man, C. V. Pettway, G. M. Smith, W. G. Sharp, J. P. Lamm, Rufus Renfrow, Simon Barnes, Jr., Amos Watson. Judge Whitaker, charged the jury in his characteristic way. The petit jury was drawn, empan nclled and the State docket taken up. Up to Wednesday night the fol lowing cases had been disposed of : State vs. J. D. Williams, oft. State vs. Elisha Woodard, not guilty. State vs. Harriett Griffin, F. & A., guilty. State vs. Peyton Jones and Milley Powell, F. & A., guilty ; judgment, fine of five cents and costs. State vs. Ben Dew and Granville Home, nol pros with leave. State vs. Josiah Lamm and Celia Hawley, F. & A., guilty ; judgment, fine five cents and costs. State vs. Gray Boyette, Thomas Watson, Harris Davis and Bryant Lamm, guilty: judgment, verdict set aside as to Lamm, other defendants pay a fine of five cents and 1 3 of cost each. State vs. Caesar Wooten, contin ued. State vs. Ed Lamm and Augustus Lamm, off. State vs. C. A. Young, obstructing road ; not guilty, State vs. Preston Brooks ; enticing a servant ; not guilty. State vs. Joshua Pridgen ; pleads guilty ; fined five cents and cost. State vs. Ben Dew and Raiford Dew-; judgment abjjolute. State vs. Henry Edmondson ; as sault ; pleads guilty ; fined $25 and costs. State vs. P. K. Kidder ; pleads guilty ; fined five cents and costs. State vs. A. T. Smith ; pleads guilty ; fined five cents and costs. State vs. Dock Baker ; continued. State vs. W. B. Weaver; not guilty. State vs. Philmore Bottoms and George H. Morris ; affray ; guilty. State vs. Mack Harrison ; assault with deadly weapon ; pleads guilty ; fined five cents and costs. State vs. Jesse Taylor ; cruelty jto animals; guilty. State vs. Arch Finch ; cruelty to animals pleads guilty ; fined five cents and costs. Yesterday the two boys Geo. H. Morris and Philmore Bottoms, who shot at the house of Albert Lamm, were called into court and sentenced to 30 days in jail and to pay 4 of costs. Jesse M. Taylor, found guilty ot cruelty to animals, was hned s cents and costs. State vs. M. T. Langley, selling liquor on bunday, (two cases; continued. The criminal and civil dockets were finished yesterday evenintr and Judge Whitaker discharged all ju rors. The Grand Jury will finish its work and probably be discharged to day. Judge Whitaker is business from the time he walks in a court room on Monday morning until the jurors are discharged. He is en larging the favorable impression his first appearance created upon Wilson people. The girls are free ! For ten months the pupils of Wil son Collegiate Institute have worked faithfully. They have studied assid ouously. The winding up was a grand success. The finale last night was a magnificent triumph. The young ladies are glad it is all over. Now they can take a deserved rest, and enjoy a well earned vacation. The Advance hopes every pupil of the school will enjoy a pleasant va cation. The programme for Tuesday night led off with the Celebrated March From Faust (Gounnod) rendered by Misses N. Harrison, J. Gay, S. Blount and I. Deans. This was fol lowed by a chorus "On the Sea" (Little Tycoon) by the class, which was heartily applauded. Fra Diovolo, Overture, (C. Czer ny) by Misses I. Warren, A. Moore, Z. Winstead, B. Harris, A. Simpson and A. Norris, immediately preced ed an iustrumental solo, Last Idea of Weber, (H. Cramer) exceptionally well rendered by Miss B. Harris. Then came the feature of the even ing, for which the above was the pre face and for which the chapel full of people were eagerly awaiting, the address by Walter R. Henry, Esq., of Henderson, N. C. We had heard much of Vance County's talented son and read more; yet we were not prepared for what he gave us. He was introduced by Mr. J. E. Woodard in a few appropriate words, expressing his pleasure in being able to present such a man to this people. On the rostrum were seated Judge Spier Whitaker, Drs. A. Anderson, C. E. Moore, N. An derson, Col. J. F. Brutdn, Rev. H. W. Battle, Rev. Jno N. Cole, Messrs. Jacob Battle, W. H. Blount, F. A. Woodard, G. W. Blount, C. F. Wilson and Prof. E. L. Middleton. Mr. Henry's address was in manu script, which he used- freely. But he was not confined entirely to it. His theme was woman and it is not say ing too much to say he did it full and ample justice. It was a magnificent panegyric to the worth and influence of the sex. As an historical produc tion it was very valuable. He traced through all the past the course of woman's influence and deeds. He showed how they had ruled the world. Such tremendous research evidenced the scholar and patient student. It evidenced hours of pain ful labor. It breathed the smoke of the mid night lamp. And through it all there breathed the soul of a chivalrous, courtly, southern gentle man, afire with love arid esteem and high regard for man's better half, God's last and best gilt to man. No synopsis of Mr. Henry's address can do it justice. We attempt none. We are sure we cannot praise it too highly, nor can we grow extravagant in hearty commendation of it. Mr. Henry, ia first, a brilliant man ; sec ond, a ripe orator; third, a thoughtful siuoeni ; iounm, a ponsneo. cnnstian tlic btate. Uur people are glad to known they have such an institution here. They are proud of it. They congratulate Prof. Warren. The Ad vance does so most heartily. Miss Lillie Gay, who supervised the Concert, and to whose untiring labors is due the success attained last evening, has had charge of the music department for the past several years. The deft skill exhibited by her pupils reflect much credit upon her. She may well be proud, of them, and they may feel proud to have had such a teacher. The next session opens the first Monday in September. The Freshet. It was almost a flood. Such a rain as fell in Wilson and Nash counties Tuesday night of last week was never known before. And then all day Wednesday and Wednesday night the flood poured down. All the streams in this county were flood ed with water. It rose above the banks. It took to the fields. It spread out over corn and cotton crops with amiable impartiality. The lands of the just and unjust were equally covered. Nobody was slight ed. On the torrents relendess bosom, turbulently tossed, wrecks of bridges, mill dams, mill houses, plank and rail fences fitfully floated. About ten o'clock Thursday morning the bridge across Contentnea Creek at Wiggins Mill was floated away. In the mill house the water was three feet deep. Many Wilson people visited the scene to see the water hieher at this point than in the memory ol the old est inhabitant. . Mr. J. T. Wiggins stood anxiously around watching his property. The crisis passed, the house was left standing, and he went his way rejoicing. Every bridge across the the stream was impassable on Saturday and Sunday. Much damage has been done in Wilson county. It will cost nearly $2,000 to repair the damage to the bridges. The one at Wiggin's mill will cost at least $1,000. At Rocky Mount on Thursday the river was three miles wide. Mr. W. D. Stokes, of Battleboro, told us that the water was two inches above the high water , mark of 1887, and that was the highest since 1840. In 30 hours from 6 o'clock Tuesday evening of last week the river rose 1 5 feet. Mr. Eli Sasser has a mill in Wayne county. He had only an ordinary head of water. After the rain the pond began to rise. He opened the gates. It continued to rise. He knocked out the bulk heads under the mill house. But it did no good. In twenty minutes the water had ' run over the dam and floated his mill house down the creek. It was a to tal wreck. When a married man buttons his suspenders on eight-penny nails it is sure evidence that he has been disap pointed in love, or in marriage. If you decide, from what you have heard or read, that you will take Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not be induc ed to buy any substitute instead. HOME ITEMS. Some Fine Tobacc gentleman. Will his address do srood ? Yes! Every man and woman who heard it has a higher conception of the duty, the responsibility, and the in fluences of life. His sentences, spark ling gems, were gathered up and stored aw ay in memory's closet. The address made a profound impression upon Wilson people. Mr. Henry was the recipient of three handsome boquets of roses from Wilson ladies, as evidencing their appreciation of his magnificent oration. Through some mistake , they were not publicly presented. At the conclusion of the address Misses A. Moore, B. Harris, S. Gay and I. Batts rendered an overature. Quartette, Homage a Verdi, (Duroe) and the audience was dismissed. the concert. Last night at an early hour every seat in the spacious chapel was occu pied. At 8:15 standing room was at a premium. The gallery and win dows were crowded with patrons and friends of the Institute to hear the annual concert. It was a good natured audience and, considering the intense heat, well-behaved. The following programme was pre sented 1 j MARRIED. In Saratoga Wednesday night of last week Mr. John Strickland to Miss Ellja Owens, Eld. Thos. Moore officiating. The happy couple are two of Saratoga's popular young peo ple and Itave hosts of sincere well wishers. At the residence of the bride's father in in this place yesterday at 1:30 o'clock Miss Cora, the lovely and accomplished daughter of Mr F M Winstead was married to Capt. Will Abell, the popular "Short Cut" Conductor; Rev. H W Battle officia ting The couple left on the after noon train for Smithfield where the groom's father tendered them a re ception last night They leave Sat urday for a Northern bridal trip Last Friday afternoon Mr W M Carter to Miss Hennie Green, both of this place- The bride is the oldest daughter of Wilson's popular Mayor, George D Green, and is a young la dy of culture and genuine worth Of a steet, confiding disposition she has here, where she is best known, a large circle of friends The groom is a na tive Virginian and is an experienced tobacco broker Coming here at the opening of the market he has been no small factor in building up Wil son s reputation nexwon tne com plete conhdence and esteem ol our people, and enjoys their warm friend ship Shrewd, energetic and enter prising he commands success He is to be congratulated upon winning such a lovely bride, and the Advance wishes them a bright and happy fut ure. When in need of anything in wearing apparel, either for ladies, gentlemen or children go to E. R. Gay's. See Weaver tk Clark for Tobacco Flues at greatly reduced prices. Now about Clothing. We have had a nice trade in this line this spring, but still can give you what you want. We are ottering some rare bargains for the cash in order to close out certain lines. The nicest line of summer Coats and Vests in town at E. R. Gay's. All silk Grenadines 75&S, $1 and $1.50 per yard at E. R. Gay's. Reductions in Dress Goods at E. R. Gay's. Mowing Machines. We have just received a . car load of the cele brated Walter A. Wood Mowing Machines and Horse Rakes which we will sell cheap. Write us, for cir cular and price. F. S. Royster ct Co., Tarboro, N. C. The most complete line of summer Underwear, in silk finish and French balbriggan, &c. at E. R. Gay's. If you want a nice Hammock go to Young Bros. Slippers ! Slippers ! ! Slippers ! ! ! Young Bros. Gloves all kinds at cost, Young Bros. Boys Suits $1.25 at Young Bros. Percales io5ls at Young Bros. We have open on our counters this week a full line of Notions in sam ples that we are selling at cost. Young Bros. Don't fail to see our Fans this week. Youher Bros. A big line of sample Handker chiefs at cost Young Bros. A big line ot Ladies beans at cost Young Bros. We can safe you money this week by looking at our Samples, Young Bros. Another lot of Slippers just re ceived at Young Bros. See our Shirts at cost, Young Bros. If you want a Bargain go to Young Bros, tins week. Parasols at cost, Young Bros. Handkerchiefs at . cost, Young Bros. t Don't fail to look at our line of Samples this week, Young Bros.! We are offering bargains in Wliite Goods, Young Bros. Suspenders all kinds ot cost. Young Bros. We are offering bargains in Slip- pers this week at Young Bros. Don't fail to see our line of Notion samples this week, Young Bros. Fans in profusion at Young Bros. We have reduced prices on Sum mer Clothing, come and get a suit be fore its picked over, Young Bros. WThite Counterpaines and Table Cloths at cost, Young Bros. Our White Dresses at cost this week, Young Bros. See our Dress Goods to-day Young Bros. Ladies, gents and childrens Hose at cost in samples Young Bros. Ladies and gents Underwear .at cast in samples -at Yourig Bros. Corsets at cost, Young Bros. Seersucker Goats and Vest $1.00, Young Bros. Pants for socts, Young Bros. 1. . Tourists, Whether on pleasure bent or busi ness, should take on every trip a bot tle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kid neys, liver and bowels, preventing levers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in soc and $1.00 the Advance proposes to tell j bottles by a11 leading druggists. Gloves for ladies and gents at cost in samples this week, Young Bros. Ladies' Scarfs at cost, Young Bros. See our Summer Ceats, and Vests, Young Bros. Dr. H. O. Hyatt,' of Kinston, will be in Wilson from June 1st to the 14th, for the purpose of treating per sons suffering with eye troubles. He is an experienced oculist and has had practical work enough to familiarize him with the many diseases of the eye and their cure. If your eyes are troubling you you should see him and have them examined. We Dress Bros. are offerin Goods this Visit Young Wilson. bargains in week, Young Bros, when you visit part r March aus den Ruineii von Atlien (Heethoven) Miss Lillie Warren., Chorus, bee Saw, (Crowe) Duo, Turkischer Marsch,(L. van Bee thoven) Misses B. Harris, J. Gay. 1 no, Oalop, (Streabbog) Misses L. Royal, R. Gold, E. Anderson. Duett, Leo March, (Weinman) Misses J. Porter, A. Barnes. Chorus, hen Love is Young (Lrmi nie) by the class. Trio, Mocking Bird, (Hoffman) Misses S. Gay, Z. Winstead. Vocal Solo, In the Chimney Corner, (Cowen) Miss A Barnes, CJuartette, Prima Donna Waltz, (J. A. Fowler) Misses L. Warren B. Deans, I. Deans, A. Barnes. Sextette, La Californiennie, (Henri Herz) Misses Stanton, S. Eagles, A. Moore, A. Morris, A. Simpson, N. Har rison. Vocal Duett, Land Ahoy, (Shelley) Misses Mattie and Ktta Taylor. Trio, Loretta, (S M B) Misses K, Bass, G. Stanton, M Porter. Duett, Lucia de Lammermoor,(Getze) Misses I and B Deans. Principal's report. Presentation of Diplomas by Rev H W Battle. PART II. Overture, (Floton) Misses J Gay A Simpson, A Norris, B Harriss,M Porter Vocal Duett, Come Silver Moon (White) Misses A Barnes, F Batts, 1 no, uverture, oaruier tie Sevilia ue Rossini, (Czerny) Misses S Blount, N Harrison, A Simpson, Duett, Visions of Rest, (F T Baker) Misses S Porter, I Deans, Quartette, Rosemary Waltzes, (J A .Fowler) Misses A Moore, S Eagles, K Bass, (i Stanton. Vocal Solo, Just Down the Lane, (Barnes) Miss A Simpson Quartette, Symphonie I, (Beethoven) Misses J Gay, A Moore, A Norrip, I Warren Duo, Martha, (Alherti Op 20) Mjsses S Gay, I Batts There were three pieces, in addition to the above, on the programme, "cut" on account of the threatened storm The report of the President was most encouraging. During last ses sion 104 pupils were enrolled. The Institute is gradually extending its field. It is growing. It substantiates its claim of honest, thorough work. It has stood the test and found to be the equal of any Female College in diei. At his home near Toisnot last Fri day morning, Mr. John Dawes. He was 92 years old the oldest citizen, perhaps, of Wilson county, the lather ot a beloved lamilv and was esteemed by his neighbors. See our line of White Goods from 6 to 35CIS. per yard, Young Bros. Suits from $1.50 to Bros. 15.00, Young (SPECIAL COR. THE ADVANCE.) Farmville, N. C, May 26th. The prettiest tobacco in this section, if not in the State, is on the farm of Mr. W. R. Home. He has three acres the leaves of which will aver age 20 inches in width. Can Wilson beat it? I AY. See here, Jay ing us. vv e week about Wade Davis' tobacco! and you beat him eight inches. We will let ' you hear from us next week. Now it what are vou eriv- were bragging last my Advance can beat want him to report to Editor. reader of the the above we this office. Sweeping reductions in Hats at E. R. Gay's. As usual our stock of low Quarter ed Shoes for ladies, misses and men take the leatl also our stock in oth er styles. The best place to buy is at E. R. Gav's. ii oq 3 a' ST 3 nj o r I in o o JO i c 00 Where, will you Buy your SPRING SUPPLY ? This Question can be Easily Answered by calling at HEILBRONER'S W II Y V 1 s Style- Cf hhIs and that T) U . 1 1 n uccdubc ne leaus in r rices am keeps a full stock of the newest are placed upon the market ; never misrepre: sents anything. His purchases for the Spring Season are complete in all departments, more so than usual; and he prides himself on the fact that no establishment offers more inducements to those who propose to sae money. An early call is solicited. A. Heilfcr iier. MANAGER. Silk Mitts at cost, Young Bros. SCROFULA It Is that impurity in the blood, which, ac cumulating in the glands of the neck, pro duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which causes painful running sores on the arms, legs, or feet; which developes ulcers in the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blinduess or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, can cerous growths, or the many other manifesta tions usually ascribed to " humors; " which, fastening uion the lungs, causes consumption and death. Being the most ancient, It is the most general of all diseases or affections, for very few persons are entirely free from IU. HrBcr cured By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished often when other medicines have failed, has proven itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Some of these cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. My daughterMary was afflicted with scrof ulous sore neck from the time she was 22 months old till she became six years of age. Lump formed in her neck, and one of them after growing to the size of a pigeon's egg, became a running sore for over three years. Wo gave ner Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and all indications of scrofula entirely dis appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy child." J. S. Cakltle, Nauright, N. J. X. B. Be sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbyalldruggUU. gl ; six for ?.". Prepared only C. I. HOOD & CO.. Apothecaries, Lowell, Mm IOO Doses One Dollar Dress Goods all kinds at Young Bros. Straw Hats 55ts each at Young Bros. One thousand Straw Hats to be sold at Young Bros. Another line of Slippers just open ed at Young Bros. Go to Young Bros, and get your Shoes. Look at our Ladies' Hose, Young Bros. . ! See our Gents Socks, Young Bros. Fans all kinds and shapes at Young Bros,. Don't fail to see our Clothing be fore you buy, Young Bros. Straw Hats at your own price at Young Bros. Ladies Silk Mitts at Cost, Young Bros. Straw Hats go to Young Bros. Shirts of all descriptions, negligee's, pique, percale, full dress, &c., all prices at E. R. Gay's. VTOTICE! ' At the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Wilson, held June 1st, the following ordinance was passed : After the 15th day of June, 1891, no cattle will be al lowed to run at large on the streets un der a penalty of $2.00 for each and ev ery offense. , J. R. MOORE, Clerk. 6-4-2t. a T. J. HACKNEY. GEO. HACKNEY. VV. I). HACKNEY. VV. P. SIMPSON. Hackney Bios, k Simpson, MANUFACTURERS OF The Finest IN WILSON. That is the verdict placed upon the turn-outs in my Livery Stables, after an examination. They are FOR HIRE, By the day or hour to responsible par ties at reasonable rates. Strangers inl town are especially looked after! and given good teams. . s YOU HIRE THE TEAM, , I DO THE REST. Very respectfully, 5-21-301. VV. J. BULLOCK. BUGGIES AND GAR II I AGES, Carts, FARM - WAGONS - AND W I L S O N , N . C, 5-28-I y. for Infants and Children. "Cutorls U bo well adapted to children that I recommend i t a superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. AacRxa, H. t., ,111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of 'Oastoria' is so unlTersal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Cantor i within easy reach." Caklos Mabtth, D. D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Beormed Church. Castorla cares Colic, Constipation, Hour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di- Wii restion, thout uij injurious medication. " For several yean I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. I'ikkes. If. D., "The Wlnthro.,' 1Mb Street and 7th Are., New York City. Th Cdttau Company, 77 Mcbeat Strekt, New Yohx.- ELY'S CI I Passages. A I I the bores, REAM BALM-Cleanses the Nasal lavs I'aJn aud 1 nflinmatin. Heads Kr tores Taste and Hnaell, and Cares ;iven Relief tit once for Cold In Head. m,lu into ihr Nnttrilm It tM iMieklv Abmirbttl. soc. Jj'upgisis or by mail. ELY BROS.. 60 Warren L, . x

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