J. R. Rawls, WILSON, N. c:, WATCHMAKER . AND JEWELER. Has now, and keeps constantly on hand a full line of SILVERWARE Suitable for presents for frie'hds. , . Musicaljlnstruments kept in stock. E-Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry re paired at short notice. Have you seen my new line of Rings? . They are beauties. Call and let me show you around. Respectfully, s-30-iy. JOHN R RAWLS. TLANTIC COAST LINE. WILMINGTON & WELDON R.R. AND BRANCHES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 27. No. 41 Dated Nov 23, 1S91. No Daily, Dall'- i nailv. lex. Sun. Lv Weldon, . . Ar Rocky Mt. 1 2 30 pm 1 40 pm 5 43 pm 6 20 am 7 24 am At Tarboro. Lv Tarboro. 12 l8 Dill i2 58pm6oopm Ar Wilson Lv Wilson Ar Selma Ar Fay'ville. . 2 iSpml 700 pm, 7 53 am 33Pm 5 3opm Lv Goldsboro; 315pm 7 42Pnl S40 am Lv Warsaw 4 i4pmj I 934 am 4 27pm 840 pm, 949 am Lv Magnolia. Ar Wilm'gton 600 pm, 955 pm 11 20 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. xt v 'Nb. 40. NO. 14-NO- 78.I TXnilv Daily. Daily. I s ' ' Lv Wilmg'ton 1235 am 915 am, 425 pm 10 57 am! 6 10 pm 11 11 am 625 pm Lv Magnolia. Lv Warsaw . . Ar Goldsboro 2 55 am 12 05 pm: 730 pm Lv Faye'ville. Ar Selma Ar Wilson 9 10 am 1 1 08 am 12 10 pm Lv Wilson Ar Rocky Mt. 3 35 am 12 58 pm 1 30 pm 823 pm 853 pm Ar Tarboro.. . Lv Tarboro . . 630 am 2 iSpm liasSpm Ar Weldon. 505 am! 2 55 prniooop m Daily, except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch road leave Weldon 4:00 p m; Halifax, 4:22 p m; arrive Scotland Neck 5:15; Green ville, 6:52 p m: Kinstbn, 8:00 p m. Re turning leaves Kinston 7:00 a m; Green ville, 8:10 a m; arriving at Halifax 11:00 a m; Weldon 11:25 a m, daily, except Sunday. Local freight train leaves' Weldon at 7:00 am, arriving Scotland Neck 10:03 am, Greenville 3:00 pm, Kinston at 5:10 pm. Returning, leaves Kinston at 8:00 am, arriving Greenville 10:50 am, Scot land Neck 2:40 pm, Weldon 5:15 pm, daily except Sunday. ' Train leaves Tarboro, via. Albemarle fk Raleigh R. R., daily, except Sunday, 4:40 p m, Sunday 3.00 p m; arrive Wil liamston 7:18 p m, 4:20 p m; Plymouth, 8:30 p m, 5:20 p m. Returning- leaves Plymouth daily, except Sunday, '6:20 a m, Sunday 9:00 a m; Williamston, 7:40 a m, 9:58 a m; arrive Tarboro 10:05 a m, 11:20 a m. Train on Midland Branch road leaves Goldsboro daily, except-Sunday, .7:00 a m; arrive Smithfield 8:30 a m. Return ing leaves Smithfield 9:00 a m; arrives Goldsboro 10:30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount 5:15 p m; arrives Nash ville 5:55 p m; Springhope, 6:30 p m. Returning leaves Springhope 8:00 am; Nashville, 8:35 a m; arriving at Rocky Mount 9:15 a m, daily, except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, at 6.30 p m, and 11:15 a m- Returning leaves Clinton at 8:20 a m, and 3:15 p m, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Southbound train on Wilson & Fay etteville Branch, is No. 51; Northbound is No. 50. Daily, except Sunday. Train No. 27, South, and 14 North, will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon lor all points fsorth, daily, all rail via. Richmond, and daily, ex cept Sunday, via. Bay Line, also at Rockv Mount daily except Sunday with Norfolk and Carolina Railroad for Nor folk and all points north v ia Norfolk. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't. J. R. Kenly, Ass't Gen'l Manager T. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. A MAN S45G HIS NEIGHBOR paid only For the very same i'tano Neither one was worth! a nickel over $300. Insure Yourself Attains t Da vine exhor bxtant prut by buying direct irom LUDDEN & BATES, Savannah, Ga. Who hATe but On Prirf an A t hut tha Intfifjtt Ten mm You can't pay them more than Instruments are actually wortn. iney are not built that way, Write for Latest SPECIAL OFFERS. TURNER'S BLOOD PURIFYING COMPOUND. its most active ingredients. The Best Blood Medicine Sold. Price 50c. TURNER'S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS! nhf illl?usns! Constipation, Sick Head-Ueirthnrn0AoS'- ?y8.??psia. Flatulence, Heartburn, &c. A trial will prove it. Price 25c! ForSalebyJ : JA. W. ROWLAND, 5-14. Wilson, N. C. Careate, and Trade-Harks obtained, and all Pat ent business condocted for Moderate Fees. Ooh Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office -na we can secure patent in leas time than those iniote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., wit deacrip--F!. We advise, if patentable or not, free of i '.s-ge. Oar fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patent," with i - M09 of ai tual clients in your State, county, or vn, sent free. Address, CA.SNOW&GG ?TtMT Office. Washington O C $2 for a Pair of (Custom-Made) from VnnnfrR Rpmnflnta Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. SEND YOUR ADDRESS FOR SAMPLL And instructions for Self-Measurmont. PIEDMONT PANTS COMPAN WINSTON "3. n i intin .row - i nit i y A Minister's Cure A MINISTER AND HIS LITTLE BOY CURED OF OBSTINATE SKIN DISEASES BY THE CuTI CTJRA KEMEDIES! PlIAISES THEM IN THE PULPIT, HOME, AND IN THE STREET! Cured by Outicura For about thirteen years I have been troubled with eczema or some other cutaneous disease which all remedies failed to cure. Hearing of the Cuti CURA KEMEUiEri, I received to give them a trial. I followed the directions carefully, and it avoids me much pleasure to say that before using two boxes of tho ConcWA. four cakes of CUTICURA Boap, and or.o bottle of Cuticuka Resolvent, I wa entirely eared. In addition to my own case, my baby boy, then about five months old, was suffering with what I supposed to be the same disease a3 mine, to such an extent that his head was coated over with a solid sca, from which there was a constant (low of pus which was sicken ing to look upon, besides two large tumor-like kernels on tha back of his head. Thanks to your wonderful OOTICUBA P.3MKDIES, his scalp Is per fectly wdl, and the kernels have been scattered so that there is oniy one littie place by his left ear, and that is healing nicely. Instead of a coating of scabs he has a fine coat of hair, much better than that which was destroved by the disease. I would that the whole world of fufterers from nkin and blood diseases kr.ew tho value of your CimcCRA Reme dies as i do. Tiff are worth ten times the price at which flsey are sold. I h:-.ve never used any other toilet soap in my In use since I bought the first cake of ymi- CrJTICtHAj Poap. I would be inhuman, as weft as ungrateful, should I fail to speak well of and recommend them to every sufferer. I have spoken of them, and shnil continue to speak of them from the puiptt, in the homes, and in the streets. Praying that you may live long, and do others tlv same amouot of good you have done mo ami rayjphild, I remsb, ywm gratefully, (Rav.j C. M. MAN'NINt. Box 23, Acworth, (is. Cuticura Remedies Arei:i truth the areatest skin cures, blood purifiers' and humor remedies of modern times. Sold every where. Price, CimctMU, 60c; Soap, 25c; Re soi.v f.st, 1 . Prepared by the 1'otteb Pr.uo and C'liKMlt Al. COBPOttATtOfi, BOBtOB. 4-Send for " iow tp Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. Piajl'LES, black-heads, red, rough, chapped and tn oily skin cured by Octk-uba Soap. OLO FOLKS' PAINS. Full of comfort for all Tains, Inflam nation, and Weakness of the Aged is the Onticur Anti-Vain Plaster, the fim and onlv pain killing strength- . , - . r. , 1: v. 1 ening plaster. Hew, inaraatapeons. luiaiuuic. CURES SYPHILIS and precriU it with gnvk atlrfaction for th enre of all form nd it ape of Primary, ftcmdarT and Trttrr sm ojb "mm "msm Sores. GlBBdalar Swellir.gi, Rhnmatlim. Malaria, eld Svnhili. STPfJll't bcrofulotu L Icen and Chropic Vkmt thut pt rttttod 11 trtmnt. Catarro, P.P.RMS?Ssoi uftifi, iLcxAma, cn-omc ftmiii tompu curiftl Poison, TstMr, bcld Man, He, c P. P. P. k a powrfal tonie nd an xtmlsat apjatfaar, baildlng np the fjttewi rmpldlT. Ladies whose syitems are f-oitooed and wfaoet blood to hi an rmpare corvdltioD doa to menttraal trregTilarities ere CURES ALARM peculiarly bene&ted by Cieaniing propertie of aS3R loDdertul tonic P. 1 P., Prickly Aih Pok Root and Potaisium. LIFTMAN BS0S., Proprietors, Druggists, Lippmsa's Blookj BAYANK AH, QA. FOR SALE BY A. W ROWLAND, WILSON, N. arozi irci FOR SALE BY- -A. W. ROWLAND. FOR Hand and Machine Use. POR SALE BY J. & D. Oettinger, J. D. & S. C. Wells, M. Rountree & Co., (A. Heilbroner, Manager, for M. R. Lang. A Household Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES Bi Bi Bi Botanic Blood Balm It Cu ri SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT II VUrgS rhfum ECZEMA, every iorm ot malignant skin ERUPTION, be sides being efficacious In toning up the system snd restoring the constitution, when Impaired from any cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties Justify us In guaranteeing s cure, It directions are followed. SENT FREE ILLUSTRATED Book of Wonders.' BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Ga. FOUTZ'S MORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS No Hons will die of Colic. Bots or Luhs F EK. .! Foutz's Powdera are naed In Mm rzs. I? . , "ers iu rnre ann prevent Hog Cbot.m. Vo-tz Powders will prevent Gapbs ra Fowls. ro-tzs Powders will increase the quantity of milk snd cream twenty per cent., and make the butter firm mu sweet. Fontz's Powders will enre or prevent aimoSt Jisfask to which Horses and Cattle are snhiect. I'outz's Powni.ns will giyk Satisfactioh. iaold everywhere. david xt. FQVT8. rpiietor. - - v 1.. 1 . .1111. n n n r nr. KM J &P.60ATS' "W. "S3 SIX-CORD Spool Gotten IN ffflffi, BIACE m COLORS, The Wilson Advance. WILSON, N. C, - - Dec. yd, 1891 THANKSGIVING DAY! With grateful hearts let all give thanks, All lands, all stations, and all ranks ; And the cry comes up along the way, For what shall we give thanks to-day? For peace and plenty, busy mills, ' 1 he cattle on a tnousana nins. For bursting barns, wherein is stored The golden grain, a precious hoard : Give thanks ! For orchards bearing rosy fruit, For yielding pod and toothsome root. And all that God declared was good In hill or dale, or held or wood : Give thanks ! For water bright 'and sweet and clear, A million fountains far and near, For eracious streamlets, lakes aud rills That flow from everlasting hills : Give thanks ! For summer dews and timely frost, The sun bright beams, not one ray lost, For willing hands to sow the seed And reap the harvest, great indeed : Give thanks ! For hearth and home love's altar fires. For loving children, thoughtful sires : For tender mothers, gentle wives, Who fill our hearts and bless our lives : Give thanks ! For heaven's care life's journey through For health and strength to dare and do. For ears to hear, for eyes to see Earth's beauteous things on land and sea : Give thanks ! M. A. Kidder. President Harrison and ex-Presi dent Cleveland are both very sorry they had to decline invitations to vis it the Inter-State Exposion. The Lenoir Topic gives the facts of the recent disgraceful affair in Yancey county. It states that Mr. Sol Carter, a leading citizen of Burns- ville, died suddenly and was buried with Masonic honors, Judge Bynum adjourning court for the funeral. As the people were returning from the cemetery, Bis. Ray, aged 20, who was crazy drunk, spoke insultingly to' Judge Bynum as he passed, and afterwards shot at several parties. The Judge ordered Solictor Newland to write out a warrant for Ray's ar rest and arraignment. The sheriff took the warrant, but Ray armed himself and defied the authorities and even threatened Mr. JNewlana s lile. He got out of town and was never arrested. He did not enter the court house. "A stitch in time, saves nine," and and if you take Hood's Sarsaparilla now it may save months of future possible sickness. P. P. P. makes positive cures of all stages of Rheumatism, Syphilis, Blood Poison, Scrofula, Old Sores, Eczema, Malaria and Female Com plaints. P. P. P. is a powerful tonic, and an excellent appetizer, building" up the system rapidly. Abbott's East Indian Corn Paint is a quick cure for Corns, Bunions and Warts. Erysipelas, swolen limbs, bad sores, ; scales and scabs on the leg have been entirely cured by f. r. P., the most wonderful blood medicine of ihe day Skin and scalp diseases, the head, at times, a running sore, the body entirely covered with sores as large as a quarter of a dollar, and no medi cine had the desired effect until P. P P. was taken. The disease yielded at once, and P. P. P. proved itself the best blood purifier of the age. The Shows that all epidem Germ ic, endemic, and conta Theory, gious diseases are pro duced by minute infecting germs or microbes, peculiar to each disease. which enter the system. It being a well settled lact that any remedy which would kill the germ or microbe would destroy the hie of the patient it nas Deen lound that to force out these germs is the only safe relief from their ravagfes. In this wav Swift's Specific has for 60 years been curing blood and skin diseases. It forces out the microbes through the pores of the skin, and soon sends out the poison which they may have left In this way the disease is cured, and the general health of the patient built up. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed tree. Swift Specific C0.7 Atlantic, Ga. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, OIVE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effecte, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it- Do not accept any substitute. QALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. The Cause of Rheumat im. An acid which exists in sour milk and cider, called lactic acid, is be lieved by physicians to be the cause of rheumatism. Accumulating in the blood, it attacks the fibrous tissues in the joints, and causes agnoizing pains. What is needed is a remedy to neu tralize the acid, and to so invigorate the kidneys and liver that all waste will be carried off. Hood's Sarsapa rilla is heartily recommended by many whom it has cured of rhema tism. It possesses just the desired qualities, and so thoroughly purines the blood as to prevent recurrence of rhematic attacks. We suggest a trial of Hood's Sarsaparilla by all who suffer from rheumatism. The Kinston Free Press says that on Thursday, the 5th, inst, Mrs. S. B. Taylor, of Onslow county, was thrown from a buggy while out driv ing and received injuries which re sulted in her death on Saturday fol lowing. The germs of Scrofula are destroy ed by Ayer's Sarsparilla. Sold by all druggists. F. H. Hickey, 1208 Main street, jLyncnourg, va., writes: "l was broke out all over with sores, and my hair was tailing out. After using a few bottles of Botanic Blood Balm my hair quit falling out and all the sores got well." -4ft A "Wonder Worker. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of Burlington, Ohio, states that he had been under the care of two promi nent physicians, and used their treat ment until he was not able to get around. They pronounced his case to be Consumption and incurable. He was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds and at that time was not able to walk across the street without resting-. He found, before he had used a half dollar bottle, that he was much better; he continued to use it and is to-day enjoying good health. If you have any ' Throat, Lung or Chest Trouble try it. We guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottles free at A. W. Rowland's drugstore. Advice to Mothers Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, sof- tens the gums, always an pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhce. 1 vventy-hve cents a bottle Mr. F. C. Martin, who killed Mr. Mc. G. Manning", near Bethel, two weeks ago, came to Greenville last Thursday morning and surrendered himseif to Sheriff Tucker. Just two weeks ago Mrs. E. C. Glenn, of 1m City, came among" us to visit father and mother and friends and to be here at the conference. Now she is no more. She passed quitlv away on last Saturday morning at the home of her father, Mr. I. T. Cherry, after an illness of a little more than ; week. George Dudley, who kill ed Kedmond clow over a ten cent 1 . . , card game in May, was later on captured near Richmond, tried at September term of Pitt Superior Court, convicted and by Judge Con nor sentenced to be hung December 4th, has escaped the gallows. Gov ernor Holt last week commuted the sentence to a term of fifteen vears imprisonment in the pemtentiary. Greenville Reflector. Syrup of Figs, Produced from the laxative and nu tntious juice of the California figs combined with the medicinal virtues of plants kown to be mcJst beneficial to the human system, acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, effect ually cleansing the system, dispelling colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. The Of microbes (micro-or Invisible ganisms) is a mighty nRMv. nost, which indeed no man can number. Invisible to the naked eye, the poisonous part ol this army is the cause of four-fifths of a the disease of the human family they destroy j more lives than war, famine, fire, murder and shipwreck combined, and they actually abbre viate the average term of human life by three-fourths. The way to re lieve the human body of these mi crobes is to take Swift's Specific. When this medicine gets well into the system the poisonous germ must leave he cannot exist there, hence he seeks an exit through the pores of the skin. After he departs, a continued use of the Specific will force out the poison, and the patient is well. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. LOOK OUT!!! for these imitations and substi tutes, they are poor stuff at the best and increase your misery. Take Simmons Liver Regulator only. You will know it by the large red Z on the. face of every package and by the relief it gives when taken for Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Constipation, Biliousness and Sick Headache. TAKE SIMMONS ONLY J. H. Zeilin & Co.. Philad'a, Pa. LADIES Needing atonic, or children who want build ing up. should take BROWN'S IRON HITTERS. It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Jndl Soslion, tiiliousuesB aud liver Complaints. Wl W Mm I llll I mm When you make up you mind to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not be induced to buy some other prepara tion instead. Clerks may claim that 'ours is as good as Hood's" and all that, but the peculiar merits ol Hood's Sarsaparilla cannot be equaled. Therefore nave nothing to do with substitutes and insist upon having Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best blood purifier andsuilding-up medicine. The NcwvYork Weekly World OnesDollar a Year. Contains the best features of any Weekly printed. M. QUAD, late of the Detroit Free Press; Writes a page of matter every week. Send for Sample Copy The Weekly World, New York City. NOTICE ! Wcurino- nnalififd ns ndminit;trntnr of the estate ofW. F. Howerton, dee'd i notice is hereby given all persons in debted to said estate to make immedi- j .-. , ... r" w " ate payment, and to all persons having ; claims against the deceased to present them for payment on or Deiore tne 2MI1 day of October 1892 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, V. ii. KICKS. io-2g-6t. QOMMISSIONER'S SALE OF VAL- uable farmine lands. Bv virtue of a judgment or decree of the Superior j Court of Wilson county, rendered at February Term, 1891, in an action en-1 tidAl I T3 Uraiirar n.Toinet ( t YV I titled I. B. Brewer aeainst Geo. W Blount, the undersigned will sell at the Court House Door in Wilson, N. C, at 3 o'clock P. M. on Monday, Dec. 7th, 1801, that tract or parcel of land Dear the town of Wilson, N. C known as the "Selby plantation, adjoining the lands of Elizabeth Thompson, Calvin Barnes, Miss Georgia Adams and county of Wilson Poor House, con taining 200 acres, more or less, ana being the land conveyed to J. ii. Brew er Fab. a8th, 1888 by a mortgage deed recorded in the Register's office of Wil son county in D. B. 26, page 302. The farm has good buildings and tenement houses and is veil adapted to the cul tivation of tobacco and other crops. Terms of sale: One third cash; bal ance in two equal installments payable one and two years irom day ot sale with 8 per cent, interest from that date and secured by a mortgage or deed in trust on the property. This the 28th day of October, 1S91. R. W. Winborne, XO-tQ Commissiondr CHILD BIRTH MADE EASY! " Mothers' Friend " is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown "MOTHERS' FRIEND 99 WILL DO all that is claimed for it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to " Mothers " mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Sent by express on receipt of price $1.50 per bottle BR AO FIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta 6a. SOLD BY ALL DRUGOIST3. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. for Infants "CMtorU la so well adapted to children that . I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria'' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Mabtth, D.D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. T.J. HACKNEY. GEO. HACKNEY. W. D. HACKNEY. W.P.SIMPSON Hackney Bros, k Simpson, -MANUFACTURERS OF- BUGGIES AID CARRIAGES, FARM - WAGONS - AND - CARTS, WILSON, N . C. s-as-iy- . ii Seeing is Believing." And a good lamp must be simple; when it is not simple it is not good. Simple, Brautijid, Good these I words mean much, but to see "The Rochester" wiU impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, tough and seamless, and it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for itsjnar velous light is purer and brighter than gas light, softer than electric light Look for thisstamp The Rochester. If the lamp dealer has n't the genuine Rochester, and the style you want, send to us for our new illustrated catalogue, land we will send you a lamp safelv bv express your choice of over 2.O0O I varieties ftgm the Largest Lamp Slut e in the World. ROCHESTER LAJIP CO., 42 Park Place, New York City, j "The Rochester.' 10-15m3 Spasmodic Convulsions are fre quently caused by worms gnawing at the vitals : therefore, at the first in dications of worms, Shriner's Indian Vermifuge should be used according to directions. NOTICE! By virtue of a decree of the Supe rior Court of Wilson county, wherein Jesse Norris was plaintiff, and J. W. Cherry et als. swere defendants, I will sell at the Court House door, in Wilson on Monday, the 21st day of December, 1891, the following described property : One tract of land situated irt Wilson county, Toisnot township, ad joining the lands of Jesse Nor Tis, John R. Bates, Stephen Cherry and others containing Five Hun dred and Ninety Six acres more or less ii being the tract of land whereon said J. W. Cherry now lives. Terms Cash. S. A. Woodaru, Commissioner. F. A. & S. A. Woodard, n-i9-4t Attorneys for Plaintiffs. J. D. BARDIN, ATTORNEY-AND- COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, REAL ESTATE BROKER, WILSON, N. C. Office in rear of Court House. Practice in all the State' Courts. -Claims Collected. Estates Set tled. Lands Bought- and . Sold. Parties" having houses to rent in Wil son would do .well to place them in my hands. Taxes paid, rents collected and promptly paid over at the end of each month, without trouble to owner. If you have lots in Wilson, or farm ing lands in Wilson county, to SELL, or if you desire to PURCHASE real estate in Wilson county or the town-of Wilson, it will pay you to communicate with me. I have several bargains in lots and farming lands. One brick store on east side Tarboro street for sale. All enquiries answered enclose stamp ESTABLISHED 1875. B G Pollard & Co., Pffnti Fartnrc. v-UUWil A aLlU13 A "NTT AND Com'n Merchants, No. 20 Roanoke Square, NORFOLK. - VA. Special attention paid to the sale of country produce, which we want you to ship us. g-i 7-3 ft Uarrel & To VJ U 11ARREL U. VO., COTTON FACTORS AND COM'N MERCHANTS. I No. 7 & Q Commerce St., i Norfolk, - - - Va. Strictly a commission house Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Saw ed Lumber, Stock, Eggs and Trucks will receive our special attention. 9-17-3111 ADIFS FftBnve 75 DOUGLAS and other sprrlal- ties for lent lemon, Indies. ote...nrev.-.ir- tanted. nixl i ed on bottom. Address DMOktOBi Mass. Sold by GAY. TfrrTTirfiir and Children. Castoria cores Colic, Constipation. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Witnout injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, 1 and shall always continue to do so as it lias invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Fardm. M. D., The Winttarop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. cAfl woo W. L. $3 SH HO 1 E. l TH CtNTATTR ColtPAKT, 77 MURRAY STREBT, NEW YORi. made in three pieces only, and more cheerful than either. x Traill r 1 1 ' r Anderson, Jones and Co., Proprietors of the Planter's-:-Warehouse, For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco, Wilson, N. C. w tobacco ) rices are much better now ; we make a QUIOK and LIVELY sale, and do not DRAG and KILL the sal of your tobacco, for we SHOVE it for all it is worth. r Come and see us sell and you will be convinced of the" facts. Our buyers are out in full force every day and have large orders to fill. We want 1,000,000 lbs. Ourselves at our house this year, and we want 5,ooo,ooolbs. WE have added a large basement to our warehouse and are now prepared to handle the farmers tobacco in first-class style ; we are working from 50 to 75 hands daily Don't forget us when you come to town, and try us with one load and you will go home happy. We have the best -auctioneer in che State, and the best lighted house in the State ; no dark corners. We will be glad to show and tell the plan ters all we can about handling their tobacco. Don't hesi tate to ask us ; we have had long experience in growing and handling the weed. Tell your neighbor to come with you and don't stop until you are under our shed. Ample ac commodationfor man and beast which shall have the best attention. We have made our house headquarters for East ern Carolina, so when you come to market come to head quarters. ' Yours respectfully, A1ERS0N, JONES and CO;. A HAPPY TIME FOR WILSON And the Surrounding Country. -:o:- THE OLD AID ORIGINAL v. Edwards, ' IS BACK HOME AGAIN, WITH ONE OF THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK 01 GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO WILSON AT PRICES LOWER THAN I EVER SOLD. THESE GOODS WERE BOUGHT AT A MERE SACRIFICE, AND AS WILSON AND THE SURROUNDING IS MY FAVORITE, I WILL GIVE THE PEOPLE THE BENEFIT OF THE Wonderful Bargains. -MY STOCK Dry "Goods, Clotbin Boots ard Shoes. THESE GOODS ARE HERE AND MUST BE SOLD, THE PRICES ARE SO LOW THAT THEY WILL ASTONISH YOU, I DON'T INTEND Making One Gent Profit FOR THE FIRST TWELVE MONTHS. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET THE GREATEST BARGAINS ON EARTH. TO BE CONVINCED OF THESE FACTS Come and see for Yourselves. SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL. YOU CAN FIND ME NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE. MESSRS. JOHNNIE LEE AND COLLIN McNAIR ARE WITH ME AND WILL BE - , PLEASED TO SEE THEIR FRIENDS. L. Edwards, THE FATHER OF LOW PRICES. Specia.1 invitation to Country Merchants, I can save you 4 per Cfent. Come arid see me. E wish to call the farmers attention to the fact that we are amongst them to give all the aid we can towards getting them full worth for their to Buy to Sell -:o: -:o:- CONSISTS OF- g,No

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