J. R Rawls, WILSON, N. C, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Has now, and keeps constantly on hand a Full line of SILVERWARE Suitable for presents for friends. MusicalJInstruments keptjinjstock. "Vatches,;Clocks,'and Jewelry re paired at short notice. Have you seen my new line of Rings? They are beauties. Call and let .me show you around. Respectfully, s-3o-iy. JOHN R RAWLS. yTLANTIC COASTLINE. WILMINGTON &.WELDON R. R. AND BRANCHES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. trains;going;south. Efated Nov 23, 1S91. Lv Weldon, . Ar Rocky Mt v No. 27.N0. 41 ,?-.,23 FastM' Daily, Daily. I Daily. ex. gun. 11230 pm 5 43pm! 620 am 140 pm ! 724 am Ar Tarboro. . ;2 18 pm. .!. . Lv Tarboro . . 12 5Sjpm'6oo-p'm . . Ar Wilson 2iSpnv 7 00 pm; 753 am Lv Wilson. Ar Selma . Ar Fay'ville. . . 2 30 pm . . 330 pm.. 530pm;. . Lv Goldsboro; 315 pm; 742 pm' 840 am Lv Warsaw...' 414pm J 934am Lv Magnolia: 1 427pm! 840pm! 949am Ar Wilm'gton rjjoopm1 9 55 pm 1 1 go am TRALNS GOING -NORTH. Daily. Daily. Lv Wilmg'ton 1235 am 915am 425pm Lv Magnolia. 1057 am 6 10 pm Lv Warsaw 11 11 am 6 25 pm Ar Goldsboro: 2 55 am 12 05 pm 730 pm Lv Faye'ville. Ar Selma Ar Wilson .9 10 am'. .;iijjo8 am. . .12 10 pm . CHILD BIRTH MADE EASY ! " Mothers' Friend " is a scientific ally prepare.! Liniment , every ingre dient of recognized value and in. constant use by ths medical pro fession These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown "MOTHERS' . FRIEND" WILL DO all that is claimed for it AND MORE. ItShortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child Book to " Mothers " mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. aentbvexprcs- (m r.-.'-'l-i ' P"ce 1.50 per bottle Z ' BBAOFIELD REGvi-ATOR CO., Atlanta 6a. SOLO BY ALL DKUGGISTa The Wilson Advance. WILSON, N. C, - - Dec. 17th, 1891 AS TO OUK SEIGHBORS. The Boys of Tlie Press Who Print Current News and Wit. L 1 Wilson. . . . 3 35 am 12 5S prrif S 23 pm Ar Rocky Mt. 130 pm 853 pm Ar Tarboro. . . 6 30 anj 2 18 pm . . . Lv Tarboro 12 58 pm . . . Ar Weldon...! sc-s'am 255 pm idoop m Daily, except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch road leave Weldon 4:00 p m; Halifax, 4:22 p m; arrive Scotland Neck 5:15; Green ville, 6:32 p m: Kinston, 8:00 p m. Re turning leaves Kinston 7:00 a m; Green ville, 8:10 a m; arriving at Halifax 11:00 a m; Weldon 11:25 a rri, daily, except Sunday. Local freight train leaves Weldon at 7:00 am, arriving Scotland Neck 10:03 am, Greenville 3:00 pm, Kinston at 5:10 pm. Returning, leaves Kinston at 8:00 am, arriving Greenville 10:50 am, Scot land Neck 2:40 pm, Weldon 5:15 pm, daily except Sunday.. Train reaves Tarboro, via. Albemarle & Raleigh R. R.,. daily, except Sunday, 4:40 p m, Sunday 3.00 p m; arrive Wil liamston 7:18 p m, 4:20 p rh; Plymouth, 8:30 p m, 5:20 p m. Returning leaves Plymouth daily, except Sunday, 6:2c a m, Sunday 9:00 a m; Williamstoji, 7:40 a m, 9:58 a m; arrive Tarboro 10:05 a m, 11:20 am. Train on Midland Branch road leaves Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 7:00 a m; arrive Smithfield 8:30 a m. Return ing leaves Smithfield 9:00 a m; arrives Goldsboro 10:30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount 5:15 p m; arrives Nash ville 5:55 p m; Spnnghope, 6:30 pxn. Returning leaves Springhope 8:00 am; Nashville, 8:35 a m; 'arriving at Rocky Mount 9:15 a m, daily, except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday; at 6.30 p m, and 11:15 a h. Returning leaves Clinton at 8:20 a m, and 3:15 p m, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Southbound train on Wilson & Fay etteville Branch, is No. 51; Northbound is No. 50. ' Daily, except Sunday. Train No. 27, South, and- 14 North, will ston only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North, daily, all rail via. Richmond, and daily, ex cept Sunday, via. Bay Line, also at Rocky Mount daily except Sunday with Norfolk and Carolina Railroad for Nor folk and all points north via Norfolk. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't. J. R. Kenly, Ass't'Gen'l Manager T. M. Emerson, Traffic Manager. A MAN iSLar$450 HIS NEIGHBOR paid only For the very game 1'iano. Neither one was worth a nickel over $300. Insure Yourself urainst navmor exhor- bttant prices by buying direct zroxn LUDDEN & BATES, Savannah, Ga. W hd httlW fmtm Ti . . .1 A . , . 2 vho . c auu vuaL iiie lowest Knoicn, You can't pay them more than Instruments are actually worth. They are not built that way. "na ior Latest srnurAi OFFEIiS OforaPairofTiaMm tyi, (Custom-Made) tf from lnnufrs, Remnants. . I Siitisfac;:-"n guaranteed or JL J a 0 SEND YOUR ADDRESS FOR SAIWPi And Instructions for Self-Measurment. piedmont pants compa Winston - ems, and Tra. ' Marks obtained, and all Pat- foinex(. conducted for Moderate Fees. . opfice is Opposite U. S. Patent Offict n wc can secure patent in less time lhaD those i r.mte from Washington. Stud model, drawing or photo., with dererip i , We" aclvise, if patentable or cot. free of hi'ire. Our fee do! due till patent is secured. a pamphlet, "'How to Obtain Patents," with ... ten of s -tual clients in jour State, county, or 1 own, sent free Addrews, C.A.SIMOW&fCO. -.- tti 0.cr whihgto. O C TURNER'S BLOOD PURIFYING COMPOUND , (Extract of Hoots and Herbs) Soothes, Tones and Invigorates the Organs of Di gestion and Assimilation, makes good Blood and restores the vital functions to health and activity. It is no experiment, but has stood the test of years, and its value is attested by thousands of testi monials. It -reaches the Cause, removes the Evil and Restores to Health. Price, 50 cents. TURNER'S Anti-Bilious Pills! are the best Remedy for all Disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. A trial will prove it. Price, 25 cents. ForJSale by A. W. ROWLAND, IH SYPHILIS P!T.l.i..ir,;,: n.l.-.r l P. P. SJ1 and prescribe it with' grnt satisfaction for the cure of all forma ana wga oi rnnwry. jjwwwwr wm . a..w- fiyphiha, Sypoiiitic RlieunjatiEm, Scrofulous Lieeri and Sow GHmfultr Swfilinpa, rhstiir-atism, Jlr.laria, ol(J ChronicUUera tht h-tve relrted all trentunfiit. Catarr'iT, ri n n r I d CURES I0QBFGIS0H curUl Pobon, Tetir, S-M Head, etc, etc. building up the system rapidly. , ladies whose avsteuis are Doisoned and whose blood la ha an Inipure condition due fo menstrual irregnlritief p. re OR r.r CURES X MALARIA ptK'Ui.ariy i-uclii-a by l-'di 'Voiiueriul tome and biood Cleai-sing properttei of P. ?. P., Prickly Aih Poke Koot and Potassium. - LIFFHAN BROS., Proprietors, DrnggisU,LippmaasBlook SAVAH3AH, GA, for'sale by A. W. ROWLAND, WILSON, N. C. mm?. m t Its Vrorst Fo.rw BkntOS, Li'. , Wis'.', Dos., '83. KC. Bergu v j acnes ::t U3 foUowirs l.llTVi -y. who Wei . SQlferiug froiu Vitus Lhkfe ii: k j'-n ;orui for abou.t r , yen s. trtl vi-'tt.! vti iys icia.ts withoct effect, t it 'tiles oi t'liit-jr ioeaig a livtvo loaio Tipt- x, M-j , Ma.-oh i. IS9.1, m tfVion with c-ital jy . hen sS "11. wo li'icd (iififrent n:Pdi- It l n'o.v uli .-it i y ars Dnstor Koojaig'a Nrvo DOt ha:l lia ttMe.:k of tli ilis- G. DUSBER, if. j da e?j.s- diuoti that tiau. 1 hereby testily thtt T3iecttred a i'ir! or uo liaxice, ajia a ui aaas. '.Elf is. Ky . ct. , i. mv c.jiiiire -atio nt St f-rri d tad; o- tl.- pli es, i.i. V',. i'.. 1- ;.i.u.uoiI, A Valuable Book en Nervous lHseases sent tree to any address, and poor patients can also obtain this medicine free of charge. This remedy has been Dreoarod bv the Reverend Pastor Koenig, of Fort Wayne, Ind., since 1876, and isnow prepareg unaernis atrecuon Dy the KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III. Sold by Drussists at 81 per Bottle. 6 for So, larse Size, S1.75. 6 Bottles for S9. FREE PLES "ANAKESIS " gives instant relief anii is. an infallible Cure for Piles. Price$l. By Drug'jristsormail. Samples free. AIdress"AN AKE.SIS," Box 2418, Kew Vork City. FOR SALE BV A. V. ROWLAND. Woodall's Smithfield Herald. We regret to learn of the assign merit of of the firm of Moore Bros., of Four Oaks, which occured Mon day. They are young men and were doing quile a business in merchan dising and turpentine. Their pre ferred creditors amount to something over$i,ooo. Dr. J. D. T. Wellons is the assignee. Orator Milliard's Democrat. Congressman H. P. Cheatham was in town one night last week and lectured to the colored people on moral questions. Mr. G. W. Bryan killed on his lot back of town yesterday a blue heron which measured 70 inches across the back from tip to tip and 60 inches high. Mess. M. R. Lang, of Greenville, L. Heilbroner, of Tarboro, and A. Heilbroner, of Wilson, spent Thanks giving day with Mr. M. Hoffman. Burgess Johnson, a colored man living on Capt. Garabaldi's farm near Crowell, lost his barn by fire last Thursday night. He lost 100 pounds of fodder, 2 bales of cotton and 2 barrels of corn. The Democrat has just put in a complete job outfit, and we are ready to accommodate our friends with any kind of work they need. Mr. M. A. Cotten, who has been proprietor of the new hotel here since last April, removed this week to Baltimore, his former home. Miss Louise went directly to Baltimore Tuesday. 69-year-old Tarboro Southerner. It is estimated that 100,000 people visited the so-called Inter-State Ex position at Raleigh. Patrick's swin dle was profitable. Judge Connor has just cleared the Augean stables of gambling in Wil son, l ie is a tearless and an upngnt Judge, with naught of the sensational hypoency ol Walter ClarK. Theodore Fountain recently killed five hogs, fourteen months old, one two years old, whose combined weight was over 1,500 pounds. The two year old made 490 pounds. At the Hamilton depot tfiere was a barbecue which Pippen and Roberts with feeveral others attended Thanks giving day. While there Roberts was showing a heavy 32 pistol. In handling the weapon was accidently discharged and Pippen was shot in the big toe. Dr. T. P. Wynne ex tracted the ball. A fight occurred at Wiggins' X Roads Tuesday between Miles Sharp and David Porter, both col ored. Sharp was cut three times in the abdomen. Porter has been ar rested. Mrs. Nettie Dunn who was con victed at the spring term of the Su perior Court with K. C. Pope of for nication and adultery, and sentenced to a term of six months imprison ment in te county jail has been par doned by Governor Holt. The pe tition for the pardon was generally signed by the citizens of Battleboro, the bar of this place and the solicitor of the district. The receips of cbtton at the cot ton yard was 3,500 bales less in Oc tober than for the same time in 1890. November this year not only held her own with that month in 1S90, but had 206 bales to go towards re ducing the ,500 shartaee: The re- 1,388 ceipts for November were against 1132 in 1S90. Mayor W. E. Fountain has bought Mr. John McDowell's interest in the Pioneer Warehouse. Mr. McDowell goes into the leaf business. Weldon News. Capt. W. H. Day has moved into his new office on the second story of Evons' brick block. The canal is completed and water was turned in on Thanksgiving day. The Rev. W. B. Morton recently tendered his resignation as pastor of the Baptist church in this place and it has been accepted by the church. Mr. Morton will leave here sometime before the new year, but has not yet taken any other work. Dr. Long' Brown made his escape soon after A colored man named John Barnes, who hails from Nash county, after being at work with Mr. C. R. Hin- ton, near Princeton, about a month, decamoed Wednesday merit tor Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that lor years we have sold Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as Syrup of Figs, n j-. ;j r ii . 1." l .... I rrouuceu ironi me laxative anu nu tritious juice of the California figs, combined with the medicinal virtues of plants kown to be most beneficial j to the human system, acts gently on A HAPPY TIME parts unknown, taking wilh him $33 SgiSSf "SE JTtSt ! kidneys, liver and bowels, effect of his employer's money which he secured by breaking open a trunk. There is an old lady residing in Nahunta township who is a most re markable woman. She is 93 years old, was never married, reads with out glasses, can walk a mile without stopping to rest and is in excellent health and as gay as a lark. Her name is Mis Catharine Allcorn. She survives her four sisters, all of whom were married and lived to be nearly 80 years old. satislaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund ther purchase price, if satisfactory results do not fol low their use. These remedies have won their popularity purely on their merits. A. W. Rowland, druggist. Whitakers Rattler. The Slock law was voted down by a large majority. Mrs. Angelina Neal, of Nash, who lived about 4 miles from here died last Thursday, aed about 76 years. Several uallv cleansing the system, dispelling" colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. The Shows that all epidern Germ ic, endemic, and conta Theorv. gious diseases are pro duced by minute infecting germs or microbes, peculiar to each disease, I which enter the system. It being a j well settied fact (hat anv remedv Is one which is guaranteed to bring which would km the ,Term or microbe you satisfactory results, or in case of! , , . I failure .1 return of nnrrhP nrirP On WOUld destroy the hie- Ol the patient, I this safe plan you can buy from our ad- ! it has been found that to force out vertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's these germs is the only safe relief Tobe Saunders, a negro, was jailed in Smithfield last week for stealing a pair of shoes from Mr. Seth Woodall. A Safe Investment. FOR WILSON And the Surrounding Country. -:o: :o: New Discovery for consumption. It is j from their ravages. In this way s;uaidiuccu tu uiiiit; iciici 111 cciy i o Ti c 'H 1 r - 1 ji-jQj qJ , o up.euie liaj ava uu y vlli o fhanksp-iving our citizens ioined in and had a hunt and barbecue on day. After catching two foxes John Etheridge trailing one and Oliver Cook the other the crowd went to Mr. A. L. Taylors' farm and partook ol a barbecue. John Lewis' Phoenix. Mr. Tom Haywood had the mis fortune to lose his house, furniture, and a large quantity Of tobacco by fire yesterday. He had $250 insur ance. A new schedule for the Nashville train went into eftect Mon day. The train leaves Rocky Mount at 5:14 arriving in Nashville at 5:45. We regret to learn that Mr. Thos. V. Avent's dwelling house was de stroyed by fire a night or two ago. All his tobacco which was in the second story was destroyed. The tobacco was insured. raw vvnen nqpil for nnv n throat, lunars or chest, such as consumn- ! curing-blood and skin diseases. It tion, inflamation of lungs, bronchitis, ; forces out the microbes through the j nihinn whonninsr rniifrh. rrnnri. etc I -fA. i i i ri , " - ' : pures 01 me skiii, anu soon senus out I II I.T J l.linilllL 1111 V J fLilVVfilJIV LV Kl.TLt.. fox Dave Whichard's Reflector. Tne gin house of B. F. Crawford and J. F. Allen, which they operated together in Beaver Dam township, was destroyed by fire on last Wed nesday. Loss was fully $500 upon which there was no insurance. The Greenville Tobacco Warehouse sold over 80,000 pounds of tobacco dur ing the month of November. Mark Patrick, colored, was put in jail yes terday morning for stealing a bale of cotton from Josephus Cox & Co. He sold the cotton to A. G. Cox. In Bethel Tuesday morning Willie Carson, white, and John Gray, col ored, were tooling with a pistol. It went off and Gray was instantly kill ed, met The Mor. day Board of Magistrates and Elected Mr. S. A. Gainor, of Bethel, County Commis sioner, to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Mr. G. .M. Mooring. An article shown up as a fraud must lose favor wih tthe public. Salvation Oil has been shown to lie a genuine and good preparation. 25 cents. "S our life is in danger when you al low a severe cough or cold to go un checked. Dr. Bull's Cough. Syrup is a clieap, rmless and "reliable remedy. Advice to Mothers Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, sof tens the gums, always all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhce. Twentv-five cents a bottle Prof. J. A. Holmes, State Geol ogist, is now in Weldon and will work in that vicinity during the winter. P. P. P. makes positive cures of all stages of Rheumatism, Syphilis, Blood Poison, Scrofula, Old Sores, Eczema, Malaria and Female Com . plaints. P. P. P. is a powerful tonic and an excellent appetizer, building up the system rapidly. Abbott's East Indian Corn Paint is a quick cure for Corns, Bunions and Warts. Erysipelas, swolen limbs, bad sores, scales and scabs on the leg have been entirely cured by P. P. P., the most wonderful blood medicine of ihe day. Skin arid scalp diseases, the head, at times, a running 'sore, the body entirely covered with sores as large as a quarter of a dollar, and no medi cine had the desired eftect until P. P. P. was taken. The disease yielded at once, and P. P. P. proved itself the best blood purifier of the age. SIX-CORD Spool Cotton IN WHITE, BIM AH COLORS, FOR Hand and Machine Use. FOR SALE BY J. & D. Oettinger, J. D. & S. C. Wells, M. Rountree & Co., (A. t Heilbroner, Manager, for M. R. Lang. 5-14. Wilson. N. C. A Household Remedy BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES B.B.B Botanic Blood Balm I Ture SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT II. V,Ure5 rhfhm ECZEMA, every form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be sides being efficacious in toning up the system and restoring the constitution, when Impaired from anv cause, ttr. almost supernatural healing properties justify us in guaranteeing a cure, if directions are followed. QCIIT EREE ILLUSTRATED OCR I rltCC "Book of Wonders." BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. Rocky Mount Argonaut. . We are glad to note that Rev. J. 0. Guthrie has been returned by the Bishop to Rocky Mount. ' Mr. Guthrie did a fine work here last year. Mis report showed that there were raised for church purposes and additions to church property bv the church in Rocky Mount during the past year, an amount "equal to $26.27 for each member, which was the largest amount reported from any church in either of the conferences. Mr. Parish and another gentle man from Suffolk, Va., have pur chased the land on whicli to erect a plant for the, manufacture of sash, doors, blinds, and all kind of wood work for building purooses. This is an enterprise for which there is a fine opening and which will without doubt, pay handsomely. We are glad to state that the re ported burning of Mr. J. V. Avent's house was untrue. Nashville Items Mr. Wallace Batchelor has moved his family to Kinston, where he is now in busi ness. Mr. C. F. Boddie had the misfortune to have one bone of his left arm broken on Thanksgiving day, by the slipping of a rail of a fence he was climbing. Mr. John W. Sneed, who lived near here, died last week of typhoid fever. He was unmarried. When Baby was sick, we gaTe her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorifc. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. .-.cm. y jmmm. lit LU IdSIC, 1 , iX , IC, perfectly safe, and can alwavs be de- LUC Prison vviiiLii uiey may nave itai. pendedupon. Trial bottles free at A. In this way the disease is cured, and W. Rowland's drug store. i trie general health of the patient is built UD. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases A regularly organized band of cot ton thieves (2o white men and 20 negroes) have been discovered near I Salisbury. j . . - Strike at the fountain -lisaci, the I source of all evil. Is it worms that has destroyed the health of your child? Cdve Shriner's Indian Vermifuge before it is too late. Only 25 cents a bottle. mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlantic, Ga. ."F O XT T S ;ORUE AND CATTLE POWDERS A negro child was burned to death j near Windsor Monday of last week. ' This makes the eighth, negro child j burned to death in Bertie county j within the last year. Mr, M. A. Murray, Wilmington, Del., ; writes: "lhadoneofmv severe head-, aches and was persuaded totry your j valuable (Bradycrotine) medicine,. I j never had anything to do me so much ! ?io lI'iRfB will rtis of Colic Bots or I.ujfG Fi: fKE. it Ko'it?..' Povi1p!-s are used in time. 1. emu's IViw.i"rs trill mro n! prevent Hog CnoT.KA. 1 r,;:t7"s Powtfers will prevent Gavks in Fowls. t'ontz's Powfiers will inerefie the onantiry of milk nl cream twentv per c ent., an 1 nuike t lie butter linn iljii ii et. Foutz's Powders will enre or i revent annoo? rT: .;MvM to which How and ( Kwleare subject. Kol'TZ'f I'nWln KS WILL GfVJt SATISFACTION". Sold everywhere. DAVID EL FOUTZ, Proprietor. BALTIMORE. MD THE OLD Al ORIGINAL Edwards, IS BACK HOME AGAIN, WITH ONE OF THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO WILSON AT PRICES LOWER THAN I EVER SOLD. THESE GOODS WERE BOUGHT AT A MERE SACRIFICE, AND AS WILSON AND THE SURROUNDING IS MY FAVORITE, I WILL GIVE THE PEOPLE THE BENEFIT OF THE t Wonderful Bargains. :o: -MY STOCK CONSISTS OF- Ed. Dillard, colored, burned the county jail in Leliand, Miss., last Thursday night attempting to escape. He was also burned. Everybody knows that the conditions for health are not favorable whea the stomach, liver, and bowels are disor dered, In such cases, headacee, indi gestion, and constipation are the re sult; for all which ailments the proper remedy is Ayer's Cathartic Pills. A revenue official yesterday ex pressed his belief that there are at least thirty illicit distilleries in Wake county. Pills often leave a person constipat ed. .Simmons Liver Regulator never does. DOUGLAS iDry d and other special ties for Gentlemen, 1 .adies, etc., fire vrar- F. H. Hiekey, 1208 Main street, Lynchburg, Va., writes: "I was broke out all over with sores, and my hair was falling out. After using a. few bottles of Botanic Blood Balm my hair quit falling out and all the ' sores got well." Dyspepsia. 111 all its forms is not only ( relieved but cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. I W, L. $3 SHOE W. l. DOUGLAS, Brockton. Mass. Sold ljy E. R. GAY. "The best thing of the kind we have seen." ZT. JT. Independent, 5 Great Christmas Stories Mr. Christopher Stephens, a lead- , ing fanner of Richland, Onslow I county, died Sunday. He com- j menced life as a poor youth, purchas- j ed a $25,000 farm, and prospered i until at the date of his death he owned j 11,000 acres of land in Richland! township, says the Newbern Journal, j oods, Clothing, Notions, Boots arcl Shoes. THESE GOODS ARE HERE AND MUST BE SOLD, THE PRICES ARE SO LOW THAT THEY WILL ASTONISH YOU, I DON'T INTEND Making One Gent Profit ' FOR THE FIRST TWELVE MONTHS. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET THE GREATEST BARGAINS ON EARTH. TO BE CONVINCED OF THESE FACTS Come and see for Yourselves. SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL. YOU CAN FIND ME NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE. MESSRS. JOHNNIE LEE AND COLLIN McNAIR ARE WITH ME AND WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE THEIR FRIENDS. Lv. Lyvcl weirds, THE FATHER OF LOW PRICES. Special invitation tto Country Merchants, I can save yoifyo per cent. Come and see me. T. J. HACKNEY. GEO. HACKNEY. W. D. HACKNEY. W, P. SIMPSON The most of our ailments come from disordered liver which Simmons Liver Regulator cures. EUDVARD KIFLING. " A Confederate Christmas," by Nina Fitch. "Jltnmie Daly's Christmas," by Edward Harrlgan. " Full Fathom Five," by Tom Hood. "What -Came of a Surprise," by Franz Reuter. " The Old Oak's Last Dream," by Hans Andersen. In-" ROMANCE "decSSW. And 8 OTHER COMPLETE STORIES by the best writers in the world. "The best stories ackney Bros. & Simpson, -MANUFACTURERS OF Syrup of Figs, Produced from the laxative and nutri tious juice of California figs, combined with the medical virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to tne j to be found in literature." Indianapolis Kvv:s. human system, acts gently on the J kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds I and headaches, and curing habitual j constipation. You cannot feel well without a clear head, and for this take Simmons Liver Regulalor. -4 The Ol microbes (micro-or-IxvisniLE ganisms) is a mighty Army. host, which indeed no man can number. Invisible to the naked eye, the poisonous part ol this army is the cause of four-fifths of all the disease of the. human family they destroy more lives than war, famine, fire, murder and shipwreck combined, and they actually abbre viate the average term of human life by three-fourths. The way to re lieve the human body of these mi crobes is to take Swift's Specific. When this medicine gets well into the system the poisonous germ must leave he cannot exist there, hence he seeks an exit through the pores " RflMANPE? " EO" in its iih vc!" i3 a iiuinntiub, monthly magazine or com plete stories by such writers as Kipling, Robert Eouis Stevenson, Rider Haggard, Bret llarto, Thomas Hardy, Maurice Thomp son, Conan Doyle, Olive Schreiner, Am brose Bierce, and all the other gre&t writers of short stories. " ROMANCE " contains : Stories of Adventure and Love Stories, Tales of War and Tales of Peace, Stories of Town Life and Stories of Country Life, Legends and True Stories, Mountain Yarns and Sea Tales, all having this in common : that they are clean and vigorous. They have action and life in them the kind of stories that have made the short story, especially the American Bhort story, the most notable feature of modern $2.50 A YEAS. literature. j 25 CENTS A NUMBER, SPECIAL OFFER : To r one wh0 sTd u ' ua the names of twelve readers of good fiction, Inclosing Si. 50, we will send " ROMANCE " for a year, giving the special Christmas Number free. A "Book of Forty Stories," selected from the best complete stories in the world, by the greatest writers, postpaid, 50 cents. ROMANCE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Clinton Hall, Astor Place, New York. CLCB OFFER : (Send order to this office.) A year's subscription to this paper and " Romance " (the Christmas number free) will be given for BUGGIES Al CARRIAGES, FARM - WAGONS - AND - CARTS, WILSON, N . C 5-aS-ly. "Seeing is Believing." And a good lamp must be simple; when it is not simple it is 1 not good. Simple. Beautiful, Good these words mean much, but to see" The Rochester" will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, tough and seamless, and made in three pieces only, it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar velous light is purer and brighter than gas light, softer than electric light and more cheerful than either. Look for this stamp Thb Rochester. If the lamp dealer has n't the srennlnc Rochester, and the style you want, send to us for our new illustrated catalogue, .and we will send you a lamp safely by express your choice of over 2,OUO I varieties from the Largest Lamp Store in the World. ROCHESTER LABIP CO., 42 Park Place, New York City. lC-15m3 Jill of the skin. After he departs, a continued use of the Specific will force out the poison, and the patient is well. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Roscower's Goldsboro Headlight. Rumar hos it that a certain young lady residing on Slocumb street wiil shortly "join hands and hearts" with one of Wilson's Gay young business men. In a quarrel over a game of cards near Bull Head, Greene county, last Sunday night, William Brown, colored, shot and dangerous ly wounded James Herrick, colored. Oj?ce b..tioys Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasnn and refreshing to the taste, and act: gently yet promptly on the Kidney;:, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, .head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing t the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only frorn the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 61 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FfG SYRUP CO. , SAN FRANCISCO-, A LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. LOOK for these imitations c.rv tutes, they are pcor siu best! and increase your Take Simmons onif . . 1 large repackage when taker gestion, Co and Sick H IIS r SUf;Stl- OTICE ! -LA By virtue of a decree of the Supe rior Court of Wilson county, wherein Jesse Norris was plaintiff, and J. W. j Cherry et als. swere defendants, I will : sell at the Court House door, in Wilson j on Monday, the 21st day of December, ! iSgr, the following described property : j One tract of land situated in j Wilson county, Toisnot township, ad- joining the lands of Jesse Nor j ris, John R. Bates, Stephen Cherry j and others containing Five Hun- dred and Ninety Six acres more or less it being tne tract 01 land whereon said J. W. Cherry now lives. Terms Cash. S. A. Woodard, Commissioner. F. A. & S. A. Woodard, ! n-ig-4t Attorneys for Plaintiffs. !. The Sun ' Has secured during 1892 ! W. D. Howells, H. Rider Haggard, i George Meredith, Norman jLocfeyer. I Andrew Lang, Conan Doyle, I St. George Mivart, Mark Twain" Rudyard Kipling, J. Chandler Harris, R. Louis Stevenson, William Black, W. Clark Russell, Mary E. Wilkins, Frances Hodgson Burnett. And many other distinguished Writers. for Infants and Children. " C as t ori a is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abchzb, M. D., Ill So.' Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. The use of 'Castoria' is bo universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse i t. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." ' Carlos Marttk, D.D., New York City, rate Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. Castoria cores Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwik F. Fardes, M. V., " The Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Thk Ckitatjr Compawt, 77 Murray Strsxt, New Yobx. SB k CI: oa vi; 1 Z or. and by The Sunday Sun r Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper the world. i P.roe 5c. a Copy. By Mail $2.00 a Year. Address THE SUN, New York. IP TOUR BACK ACUf S. t jou are all worn out, really good for noth ing, it is general debility. Try BROWX'S IHOX JilTTEUS. Xt will cure you, cleanse your iver, cud gtya a good ippetite. BARREL ARREL ARREL COTTON FACTORS AND COM'N MERCHANTS. No. 7 & 9 Commerce St., Norfolk, - - - Va. Strictly a commission house. Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Saw ed Lumber, Stock, Eggs and Trucks will receive our special attention. 9-1 7-3111 BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. ESTABLISHED 1875. B G Pollard & Co., Cotton Factors AND Com'n Merchants, No. 20 Roanoke Square, NORFOLK. - VA. Special attention paid to the sale of country produce, which we want you to ship us. 9-1 7-3 LADIES Needing a tonic, or children who want oulia- intr up. fehould take BROWN'S IKON BITTERS. It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, moi "estion, Biliousness and Liver Complaiaw.

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