CLAUDIUS F. WILSON, EDITOR & PROp'r. "LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIm'sT AT, BE TITY- COUNTRY, THY GOd's, AND TRUTh's.' I.50 A YEAS. CASH Hf ADVANCE VOLUME XXII. WILSON, WILSON COUNTY, N. C, JANUARY 28ht, 1892. NUMBER 2. It FEARFUL HOLOCAUST NINETEEN CI fNDIANAI- Agonizii. Oris Bniiiiti it, HI I &wftal About i 1 the Natiwi I occurred ye. ( the ad ! 1 I city. The fir intr, and sehov FWTT-SECO: Condensed Ileport o amendments senate the secrr'tfsi'y of th state dffSPest Viratr direct, tax refusd. a trodnced ivre t"e I (Colo.) to t!-a , Constitution ? 8t1 admitted into '.it- J; in the was ai novrnr d . escue was a ASumonery Run.F U H! US mtion of I bill ts j;rv tjrs .'! Sl.'S' 1. :tin. , HAVING n ery run mere is We at a big stat and vet iJ nothings stationary' Q) about it. This 0- --" seeming paradox is mm 1 t. A -! I orrmi.te er pi a plain fact, and is to our aiTixinrj ices to Goods : -veek due very low a lot ot bought 1: Come enouedi Tr a year. I u ' ' I 1 5 J k t - -41 n p md V sret 'O ou Lh 1 SlOKt co Streets. D- LLOR-AT-LAW, BROKER, I 2 tate Court? states Set- kht-and Xa.-dm 1 loid im AvDIN, ATTORN m 1 REAL X Ski.... Ik. t 1 SOU - - daM 1 1 9B InsuraiicCi). - rrir w T: mm - - SrGW-0,000. neSllL-nrs: to resided and i L Shrieic after i the inmates Thorooehly S each win ! lip could ! fiojii th-,,. be heard. 3 i from the 'ji the TictiiE3 t.l cr . 1 c they mivht not peri i m i: The poiic sn.i f.t.:- a a all worked ditig li cord, and many frdtn the npj er . ; by ders and carried to pfa theia. No afcfeeiapt anything hut lit'.-. The stairvrays j st V - f mnnica&ed to the wain filled with h:.: wra clothiTig-, who er :-vhd andhehi'il themseJ's 16 .d floor to theoth-v. The ci "i I nt to I it? i ii is! t ,- v. it .: of Cots were hurriedly eon. matrre?fe. and str a : : s picked tipilu-ii'.u.-.r-:n:;t-f them across the a wntt." pra-cha k 1 by 1 I Wilson. I At Wedders restaurant. I or eighty of the ; tfents i the sight prcsentei j looked upon the indfecri I ing o -ruit'eriiig criyp maudeneu by paia and Criendsr iras one i aim scriitin. rp i Ik1s snrpSil iati til- t: children moaning. their facc-c blam "... I choked with tfee inlialed. 'Oh, mister. v,: a legs; it will alint -pleaded a lit . ' extended w. v Ote . 3 Lazarus Si aim. has been a:: sal for about fie to oth 101. Ho -wash Ip'e were brace?, whiela Hecculd not get . .7 rolling down under 1 mate. wldJ'i wa ri HelavtLt-.: burned tb: : tlie of his. Tf' . 7 and a i ed in fee r,17te ,! Jt l K an.', f.ii vac-: mclancy a 1 lingrr, to ai S Mr. Sfsnfo ! cacy of ib? j to provltU nate.gati ana cou me it ski fid' was to bed U fire j restaura:. t j were f.o ba j burnt Sf?r ! An anil A lull l i or if you estate m Y. i Wilson, it vi with me. I have sever farming landj past side Tarb ' -All . enquiJ stamp jto rent in Wife .'bV. Tace in mv . 11 ' -. t,u, I ter or - -rfents collectecl I ,t, r at t't; end of ; r - ' j.. . tniiti it' ,ble to owner., . , ;i ,,n," or farrn- j w aWASE real I Jothendxt wfche ttwn of j ttj rnin j y;miiuniv-uiv hi lots and store on r -talc. ;:d enclose OI ASSETTS, - The Policies writ) are Described i fXon-Forfeiijii nrcstncceu travel after two years. t .t-f ifi-r i kvo vears beared bv an Invested Reserve f..iui K-.-fl Viv boiids and eVir r.rtt he.ns on real estat r.- 4t.n t-n i i r.":tf I securities r h- the. Stock mark Better paying investments than m. S. Bonds. 1 t Moensive -than assessmea More liberal than the law requires. Definite Contract. f Bin t at T,-piT"Nrn Manaser. Richmond, Va. SAM'L L. ADAMS, Special Dist. -cent, Room 6, Wnght Kuuamg, W K H t?-30-i'. Durham, N. C. I. C. LAMER. -PROPRIETOR- Wilson MarbleWorks ; DEALER IN ' .vi vnmt2. Eeodstises. Tablets. ,V MK.4 4--! ' Cemetery "Woi k.I., Examine our work rJeflfc purchasing elsewhere.- Satisfaction Guaranteed, Corner liarncs ami Tarboro Stress the crowd be their arms she w a DiOKt.'l 4!fg ' hois etret . 'r ered wiih 1 ribly and f r, . her desperal ; ago W hen raised ,f please don't Ilr; n my leg is broireu.' ferer contiua i taken iaio i he houso of a Mrs. G L,ibt a Nmetaen dead covered thus i . missing. The iS Paype. ajce 1 18, 1 Arnold, age i 1 iam Tl.r.'.;, Mrs. E. Earl i Chicago, jur .i'v d of the rear build: comb. O. : George Mrs. Burn;?, Ne Gorman. McDoJ Broak, Tayi : s il dorf, StSlwatfer.-3 ajd, NpgaT.'j-ej. Memphis, 'i Mortie Deck I Br.yless. Frank B Kate L. Strong, 5 Many pairs of t in ruins, s4icv nTifortnnates. in " had nalooaeaed tl cam av. a v. There were- 3J6 g, wbiea wa ll- - lr.- rsrrl blVf-'-" te ies Vitiiluinsr not y 1 1 Ca th i to nutted discov tented Castmi a bsL ! This knOwn spec; carrying it she bat so that tb A No Cr sollea sounty, S. ( tady a few boards being . library ceui.ii1 volume., beloi Seminary of t Presbyterian c gether with tb niture. The k insr. ranee. CHICAGO GETS IT, OK "SiATJO COXVi:;TION TO IS THAT CITY. cl !M tlo ljpJ.iThe World? ! ttns'SVitli Only One Voir, cv. ! !i Ballot STSoWeil ;.n Ijireasc Jftecuth "Wii.t Caosen ly A WEEK'S SEWS tOSDESeEU. Monday, Jan. 18. Jiy the explosion .f lccxTnotiTa boiler s x" B'rraingliata, Al., Enrini?er Hun and Firsa;aa Bradford wsr instantly ki'led. The head of the engineer was found a c aarter of a mils from the scena of th explosion. enry G. Dowd ttm arrcttd ia Nw ABOUT COTTON. rXANTEUS ADVISED TO aiOCCX TBS ACBEAGB. The Effect the Present Low Trim ha on Ctotj Bssinevs and Industry. . or O: '. Lv. :. : e,cc r.irh uttve CJH3- lad Iprt in the very aet of rutting tha fs f ""illiara Miller, who w waiSfng ?. tfee street It U eiti that a d jeea throat cuttiaa affMrs, ineln a Baltinoorean, ued list wc;k, ca be f st. ' r- j ia 1 tl tnnrderof Ji WilO Wt8 ffiUild trctd tc Dos'.d. Xafs,1tty, Jan. 19 l ie Clarvlaad cuea won in r;io waxd Pbi':.'!.eii Icpate. tUc (anting ot a aoiUI ( c - igatic firla that Uy so las e jii re: .ii-jis. I raat aalf L)C5 ths Denio- iia. 'Uli'.s levalaad atioiuti :r-l oeciura J sEfre mo the dsts conrsBii' O., Sofctily g. "dmasfr a gl aatrrai ai tit iUi:; 2- The , to mff, - - V'Ki '-a ,t . as W't Ttiic: u.i eaaiBi.-.?'ie rf-as.; lags la tlae Trioua (snaapeti Chairittaa Enca .U'.ed that woaid La tMowed twenty m prest it aleitn.. The represani,atif., of tht cilies then reeerated tit? cl- ita rerieetiT3 Vecjdities. and aiter eiasioa f tha apercije .i s .3 was t-aken till 9 a. w. At thai hall-ydBg -r loeatioa wf.n h? tl'.e fli at l-allat Chicsae h.d !-, k; 3, JC.nao City U. cinf.a'i 5, !a Frr.njir St. Fan! 7. On the d led with 13. On the 1 fcsd 1, .d ea : :.'5 had 54. fee e! to Iwia nji. that eit which tt J 1 aaOr. on any areTious tail ballots I vote"; were 1 count, end oa the cut wa ehosea hv t Fifteenth ballot- ! waukee, 1?; Kaasaa ! Detroit, 149. Sitllft, ec S : ; ; s i Tji C 'Ot fatally bnrr.jd. Sit tLt J John I a! a T 10' V - - -i. nraaaent tt hour the f$un. Oi . fcilwati- o: k S, Cin- - -it 2 and t and ti e loss w tiOO.OOO. W !1J. .IS. Tbeeiother af Mi E. Redtaond, the Parseliitt leader aud recentiy sio-jttid a a asewibar tur Wtsn'oid, did lii Dublin yet&erday. Tea libal aait f aeaater. Qnay ajaiaat ae Nearer Star for Mtel reenited.ia a it iict ffaiity. Tae'senatr wiil iatsread. la bha!f at tte d-rfndants At 1'toria, ill.., IJarry Johnson,' e Chicago, .hat k: wife, who h id refused to The letter published below wan written from New Ycrk, Dec. 2 tat to W. D. 5Lountree & Co., of Nor folk, who lorwarded it to Thk Ad vance for publicatiop that the farmers of Wilson county might read it aad pass upon the views expressed the j rein. i Dear Sisis : Middling uplands cotto i is quoted to-day at 7 15-16C in this market, end 4 i-rd is Liver pool. 1 nese are tnc iowe?t prices 01 in Colura- tlx? season. The Liverpool quotation is 1 -3a lower than during the depres siori of last season, while tha New York igureaar-i tke lowest prices of that ;;e-"3on. return made to the planter i3 un doubtedly less than-the average cost of pr jductioa. The depression now existing and which has characterised- the cotton ivurkct for many months, is caused by the excessive supply, and is due to over production in this country. Most people have a theory that when ar-7 commodity is telling be low its actual cost, an advance must necessarily and speedily folio'?. Confronted with the condition of r BaaaMda el 5ity cthsr Iabt. ny, 1 tajaey. , f.l2 OTJ(Ir 5 ry. i Av- rs blows veph Croaaa ttnd aound. f.n h Chics 5fteenih b :ie follpwii -C'hicfl?o. Citv. 3: 8t ianapelit Iwaukee vo be'ffcp. 15 ro e-:., i or her, and taeto ahot himself. Both will i di.. A sleltjhiag party of to I her. of a aoeial arjnitati i wereraafiowe. by r. tin i from the eitv. Ot tka t hi in abon B6XB rot l; TO. f ihe e.; x the Canrt. Wassraero l?y, of tb. On died yaaterda) expected, t.1 it , dan. ted S . ;ur an last e to 5 urn- live with bias because of ha ;U treatment i overstocked markets in America, Europe and India, ;tnd the immense : re eipts from our present crop, this theoi f has not been of the least avail itosfem the tide of depression. Im iportant staples often sell below iheir ; cost, and corn has been so cheap at r 1 the West as to used by the farmers , for fuel. The price of cotton as of every J other commodity, i regulated, by supply and demand. Combinations or S speculation may temporarily affect or Mr. Mills ha. tendered his rosiruation imoede its operations, but in the end m.m . . . - ... t uc ill v. I c C .:L LLll, ICO of the national ho'j?o. had none for many years. My friends in the cotton trade here are all well aware of this fact, and it is perhaps scarcely necessary that I should assure you of it. I have not thought it neceaeary to give any statistics of the pretest stocks of cotton in America and Europe compared with previous yeara for you are familiar with the mbject. The visible supply of the world ia to-dsy 1,125,000 bales greater than for corresponding time laet year, 1,320,000 more than in iM3, aad 1,615,600 more than in :3S8. This letter is prompted ly my sense of the gravity of the mtuarioa and an earnest desire to trrgeet some practice! plan of relief wfeick the weight of your approval, would meet with acceptance by the tnrchl; and planters 01 the South. Yours very' truly, Alfred B. SnErpr.ssos. VV . C Y ARREN (ILO. FIRK INSLTRArfCE AGENTS, (Saooe ore t B. P. Brlrt A Ce.,) 0?FIC OVER FISST HAT. BAKK, WILSON, N. C. W purpose giving- the busi iiess intruded to us by the chi eni of Wilson mad neighbor t'ig terri)ry. our clos andpfli soiiAi attention. We represent f -me of the best comDanles ki a the world, Ve want vour in- I j sin anco. Come to see tv lilsBiColteate o ; t. JtXHiia, Six CU!'; vTo occu pant, at tka s3su,a aine war. k. mad And the others badly Injured. Hon. Arthur P. Gorman waa eaoaen oy i-ae .tiyiaau twisiatura L aicau State, senator to eucceed ii i taaeJ f. The rt pablicana of the twohoutsea cst Ui:r n:oe rotes for Hon. Lloyd Lowndes. Heutttor Gorman reeeired 100 Tn'n. Xlmrsday, Jsn. HI. es. ktliwo had leld, wiio auntarfeit J) jfizi inonlns. 2 BXA1 hetith hecavuo alarm his famil; at an fr- I OD :enc d si Tha 9-year-old stallion Arlon, recently purchased by J, Malcolm fc'-.Tas, of Bos ton, lor fiou,uw, 15 now en rout will make the journey by ea it a R. W; Wallace, a denuty shei arkana. Ark., shot and Inst, lien Sheffield, a bor ie drorcr, latter was rsistioji; arrest been ecgajed to shadow She was to b 1 shovar of money. North Bridgerort, Conn., I. all excite ment over tb nightly deprtdatioa. of a family of wild cat. Two calves tn:' ia nuiv:erable chickens have been killed; Sev eral childrtn bavs bc?ii attacked p.fter nightfall, aad cue in particular, litti. Tommy Collins, was terribly lacerated. Friday, Jan. 22. Fire !n the bia four story buildina, Nos. j & tc 9 Union square, .Ncr York, u.-a- a lections decided th Florida ee-iitst in favor of Senator Call. Trains loaded with petroleum collided on a Itus:an railroad. Fire followed and iz of tbe tr&inmea were burued t ieth. Hon. Chs.r!es Hoppec Gibson was vestsr- Si.iatare io perfectly conscious at all times, mind was clear and bright, Other Wotahle l?ni:.. Lord Gordon-Lennox, inLotidk 57. Rev. Father of the JsZ' i cay elected, oy tns ssaryiau : 1 serve the ttnexpired fcer a, ab-y, of the late United Stares yen. Tti.) haudr-jd prisoatere ccr fortresf of Santa Crua. at ti Rio Janeiro's harbor, reroite-- uva yi r Vv ii ted ia meutb t!-.e : Of rl "Wi nana IV ef Tnacafiy, of the Anetriae army At Faro, N. D.f loi;k, tycd M. Dr. throughont the war j nrgeon and nirgeom farnou. Fbnn.yl vani. msnt, and in 1869 aa ber &t trie Pcnnsylvai Beaver eonnty. Fo. chief clerk of the !' tied In Dakota in IS? Ofclte's Ija Wy.eHiKero?;. Jan. lifalster Egan waa of Secrotery Blaine liter l.?Rtt, t.'iC ::; legatioa in this city, ear, aoT.erarraentVaae rpcall ei Air. Tip-Rii n that tli Amerfean guilty of makiaX P ftiat were deliberate gaging in in:r-: jaet cresting trouhJe l States and Chile. IV. 9 C. . mar.. of only alter a :.t: Sa; 1 Rev. Er S fa'hcr-'Ti-iRTr, bitlhday. Re old geEtlemt". A t-ultsr me siding at fteho rested upnii 1 1 ki if! ife cn etdesSroyio Loadoa d be pe tatiy iars tie was ce. Ho set- 8 recell of requested y by Min- ' : i.'X dwai eigij e vea tor ;on :tt; Laca- Kill Nev.- exjdo. firs l Etn nil : ,1 tiectnc i brabe.-i" OUi of those hided are 40, and James C The injured ave aged ill : James jv Tony Rasa, abed ' taktn to the fteaby Ave L-ns: liighn-- .mu ,,-.,,1 um. A Kcjr.(e:l Baitoi's SnwrBrr'STowN, V.,, Prctfv Susie Frvreil. aged and killed lest evening by B out watching e8sl erf, w; Smootis gvabbed her by the L n: Jan. 25. 13, vras shot moctz. 3 Deen Edeuly prej-r:u a r.voirpr 1 The girl fell dead w forested a sin and lodged in jas Va., thfea: of fj heard beve. Great fin a. bia mi ourned at sp, auct tsat irifed. Cai.ta;:! Iri'i. Monarcb, report, seeing ea Jan. 16; but b'fore h abe was totally destroy. Ta Wilmington lac tenced yesterday as f.- Globons.ten years impri in pillory, ftltrn b.tha-i. motsey id i.Ot'O flae. 3 -seven years; Mrs. Clark outisr Joseph Cl-trk tin tion the pritonert; were cacti costs. P3I Jj ADE LPH3 A Closme; Q-ort?.tiois af Freetnoa Bkc! PVmiAoanrBiA, Jsa. J wseiuilaed fir-n . 'v.t-.'t-except in Kevi'ii.;. wi . E9nei-i Bor!se t t-cLae bonds were dall aud iaaitiveetBoanvstock' r re .veaty deauted fs r t tie as orir in PKinseylvtn were ns--Vii ; im J. retitr.tinn Clark gts ye? re, and '.. In eddi ed 1500 end iehiirij Narigatioti ai Srusd Toy pre.rr--d, s Foilowlns ware Lehigh Valley. . ... t8i if. P&c. com -t P.c. pf BT54 PeansylTaaia -; Reading 2C;s Lehigh Uav. 4&A StFaul a ;f? ai H-Miit;a id a', i 1'. v : i.i'j b.rta, Radios Rca.ii?,.,- tl ncsriiliSi'd Readiuita oft -e: 3rt ia-iiny been vit pievuih. Tir ji RicHMOna, tion confltTB Virginia der fiitance oocm legisiaturs yoatoraay. vnanimoaaly by hoti houio. :" the" settle w? reporte ee oi' bi'ih hi It tha rittent. OI V. V i by rasee-ox vras pas;"-d senate, and du the tiie the The ;host at the wh hali-ofeverv n e Hon: -ital. i e ta claimed, diseases cemovc 0 other awe will dri and prevf fevers,! oatio'.! an fr enttre s m money refund:. ft bottle at A w iyi pleasant .a icr.t. opera- acne, cousti 12:cctric Bii- ti a ran teed or noiit doubt market. e eiTectually destroys ; front the intestines dian Verniifuge. it the best article in the :t;red an md Colds ood gate rosy she' cute en ghj, tii 101 sue in n Ui pain. e is said tit he could ork, if he air, and ugh Syrup aie coughs in the late :i she said Igia kiss her smiled, for the trreatest I. R. Branham, edit des. Atlanta, Ga., writes used Bradycrotine with prompt, decided relief." Christian In- "i nave unfailing, General Markets. PHiLAnsr-pniA. Jsa. -!T-:ats and vestera flour, super., J. !.:. . 't do. do., extras, J . 8.t0; JSo. a-Wiiiter family, $ (i 2.4.1 h stat. roller, straight, S4.Suft4.SO; western wir:r, cle.r. S4.1SM.M: do. do., straicht. ft'',...' : winter patent, $t.f$.i.V-: Mlnbeeota clear, (4.SCtt 4.9f; do. straijl-.t, $4.T;tl.5j; -' P?Weat, J4.3:) 5.!5; do. do., fr.-.orite kiandf higher. H fionr, WjCA-O I per barrel. Wheat Finn, bisuer, with 51Vd and 1 0 .sited for JanarT; fl.'.'i bid au'i il$ aeked for February: fl.'-i-J bid sad fi.04 asked for March: M hid and !. '4'i t for April. Com Weak, lower, with 48c ! and 48hc asked for JajTiry: 4T?c. uij asd 4 Sc. asked for February; Md nJ try lor Mnrch: 47ic. bid Bd . uke I for Atril. 0ts Steady, dull t ,ih iX bid njid oT'.c. asked for Janoary: : vf. Md end S9c .eked fur February; 36ije. bid aud ffllc. a;i;ed for March; 38u. bid and 3Bc. aakei for A pi Beef-Qaiet, extra meas, SJftSIO: family, $11 13 . Pork Moderately active, steady; u.ts-. S9.75 iO.r'i; extra pricie. ! . Lard Quiet, firm; steam ren-.tercd, i0.5Ts. ro Centennial Headquarters ' ' I find Dr. Ball's. Cough Syrup excellent, having ready sale and rendering more satisfaction than anv ccuh svrup I have ever sold, A. R. Malon 15b & Carp hila., Pa. An artcle based on true and honest principles in Salvation Qjl. 25 cents. Why do you endure the agony of dyspepsia? Simmons Liver Regulator will always cure you. i the law 01 supply and eemancl m its ! relation to values is inexorable. The cultivation of cotton is the greatest interest in the South. The price realized for the crop affects every business and industry in the South whose success depends in any degree upon home support. Unremunerative prices for cotton mean scarcity of money, restricted trade, and financial embarrassment in every branch of business, throughout the cotton belt. To secure any marked improvement in the price of cotton, the chief essen tia! will be to give the world some certain assurance that the present i large stocks will be diminished in the near future and not again aug mented by ancther large crop in 1S92. If such action should be taken at the South as to induce the belief that the acreage of the next cotton crop would certainly be materially reduced a liberal advance in prices would almost certainly ensue. Spinners and merchants would not wait for the I stocks to be actually largely diminish : ed by reason of a reduced crop, but j would discount the fact months in I ad mce of its actual accomplish ment. j For years past many of the best ! men of the South have urged the j policy ol planting less cotton aiid more corn. It has usually resulted in j a shelters! acquiescence in the sound j ness ol advice, while each individual I planter has actually put in a little j more cotton and a little less corn, thinking his neighbor would Jo just the opposite and bnng about the result of making cotton high and I corn cheap. Nearly every planter ! thought it would be a shrewd thi ig j io have a full crop of a dear com 1 in oddy and a small crop of a cheap j one. The last season resulted in j giving them a very big crop of very j cheap cotton and a very small crop I 1 r, drr-r rorn. The nresent crisis is so grave, involving as it does many interests besiders cotton planting, that decioed measures seem to me to oe- impetatively demanded to avert impending financial disaster to the South. A reduction of cotton acreage cotip'ed with an increased acreage in gi in would be of such incalculable ad .'antage to the planters, merchants and manufacturers, that all should heartily unite to bring about. 'this result. An indefinite agreement to reduce cotton acreage will not begin to meet this result. I beg to suggest that a practical plan and one almost certain of suc cessful results would be for the Factors and Merchants of each place to agree with each other not to make advances to any planter upon the next crop unless upon the positive understanding that such planter would plant ten per cent less cotton and devote the decreased acreage to corn in addition to his previous acreage in grain. Then have the planters of each election precinct form "Ten per cejnt. Clubs," agreeing with each other to put 10 per cent less acreage m cotton ana to put m corn every acre thus taken from cotton, for the next season. w ith only a lair season, a crop of 8,000,000 bales of cotton can be crown upon the present acreage. A reduction of ten per cent would pro bably reduce the next crop to about 7,200.000 bales or less, and the markets of the world would be re heved of the pressure of the immense stocks. A larger reduction oi acreage would not be advisable as it would tend to stimulate production in other countries, while a smaller reduction would rtot be snfficiendy radical to accomplish the desired result I have no pecuniary interest di rectly or indirectly in cotton and have Who composed the fbl'owiHf de ! senption ol the Bible we may never know. It was found in WeetRiiaeSer 1 Abby, nameless and chtcless, b neverthelesa it it invaluable for sis. wise and wholesome counsel to the I race cf Adam : A nation would be truly happy if it j were governed by no other lnws than those oi this blessed book. T t rnrt'unt e-va. rvr le. 1 v rr n Known or done. It gives instruction to a Senate j authority and direction to a magist rate. It csutions a witness, require an imparitial verdict to a jury, snd furn- i ishes the judge with his sentence. It sets the husband rs tka lord of! his household, and the wifo ai Dais tress of the tabletells hirn how to rule, and her how to nonage. It entails honor to parents and en joins obedience to children. It prescribes and limits the array of the sovereign, the rule of the rulers and the authority of the masters ; commands the subject to honor and the servant to obey, and the blessing and the protection of tbe Almighty to all that walk by this 1 ale. It gives direction for v. eddings and burisia. It promises food and raiaent, limits the use of both. It points out a faithful and eternal T j - J i illvMUU tl. or 1. bung Ladies t?3tnctly Noa-Sectariari. i s Sprisf Tern. Be:ns Taosdiy, J.rsuary sj, iSi.t. A -nest thorough nd eorr.-iFebensive preparatory ceurse or Study, with a fu'.l euio course eijual o uiat of any iia CeUefce in the South. Excee facilities T'jr the study ot Music and otanda; d 01 scholarship unusually Healthful location. Rulldingi grroaSKta larf e and pleasantly, situa Modentt. charges. Catalogue Circulars oa .npiication. SILAb . WAKRFX, Principal. H AT M1 Miiimery, ERSKINE IVIIOO Announces that the Holiday ade so nearly cleared out the lee m aday gooes that the alndcr wQI be sold very R.errjlr Millinery Bus!: re lovr. less, now guardian to the departing husband and father : telta him with whom to leave his fatherless children, and wfeom his widow is to trust and promises a father to the former, and a husband to the latter. It teachc3 a man to set his house in order, and how to make his will ; it appoints a cowry lor ms une, and entails the rights of the firstborn, and shows how the young branches shall be left. It defends the right of all, and eveals vengeance to every defaulter.. over-reacher and tresroassor. It is the first book and the best ;ook. It contains the choicest matter, gives the best instruction affords the greatest degree of pleasure aad satis ¬ faction that we have ever eniovea. It contains the law and meet pro found mvsteries that were ever pen ned ; and it brings the very beet of comfort to the inquiiing and disconsolate. It exhibits life and immortality trout time everlasting, and shows the way to glory. It is a brief recital 01 all that is to come. It settles all matters in debate; re solves all doubts; and the min and conscience of all their srt:pl?.t It reveals the only living and ti t God, ?nd shows the way 'o Him, anc sets aside ail other gods and de. cribes the vanity of then; and all tha trusts to such ; in short, it is a book of laws to show right and wrong ; 01 wisdom that condemns- a loUy anc mades the foolish wis- ; a book of truth that detects ail lien and con j fonts all errors ; and it is a book of ; ne mat snows me w;:y lrom ever asting death. It contains the most ancient aniiqu; ties and strong events, wonderful occurrences, horoie deeds, anparal- leled wars. . It describes the celestial, terreatriai j and infernal worlds ; and Lhe origin of! the angelic myriads, the human tribe nd tne devihsfa legions. It will intruct the accomplished me chanic and most profound critic. It is the best covenant that ever was agreed on ; the best that will ever be signed. To understand it is to be wise indeed ; to be ignorant of it is to be destitude of true wisdow. It is the king's best copy, the magistrate s best rule, the house keeper's best guide the servant's best dictionary, it is the schoolboy's spelling-book and the great learned man s master-piece. It contains a choice grasamar for novice and a profound mystery for a sage. It is the ignorant man's dictionary and the wise man's directory. It affords knowledge of witty invention for the humorous, and dark sayings for the grave and is its own interpreter. It encourages the wise ; the warrior and the swift it overcomes ; it pro mises an eternal reward to the excel lent, the conqueror, the winner and the prevalent And that which crowns all is that the author ij with out partiality and without hypocricy. "In whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning." with new attractions, will be resumed. MISS P. ERSKINE, Wilson, N. C. Under Brings Hotel. Scotland Neck Military School SCOTLAND KSCK, W. C. Spring Term Boia. January Sflh, 1892. TBs IDEAL SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Two thicks armed at: Health of body and rigor ef mind. Charge, rcasoualdc. For ia'tfreeitioa address, W. C. ALLEN, r OHiST D. COUPER, j liARlLt & GRAN1TS Vfortuxncnis, Gravestones, S.c. 111, ri3 and 11,5 Bank St., arosyohX, VA. rsas free. vVric for price. t:ot. 1 S-H-tf. R. W. S. ANDERSON, Physician and Surgeon, sY. c. : on Tarbofo St. ir. ia Dra Stor . ALBERT ANDERSON, Physician and Su rg eon, WILSOM, i'. ice seri dour to the "irst Natioua DR. E. K. WRIGHT, list, Surgeon Den WILSON, N. C. in permanent! y located in Wil- i., I oner may professional services to e puhiic. rOffice ia Central Hotel Building. ! 1 of the Su- special pro division en . Barnes and ! for eash to Court Hosise "rOTICE. -l Bv virtue of a decree I erior Court made in the s 1. ins to sell lands for titled W. G. Barnes, H. f. others, ex parte, 1 v. ii! sell the highest D'.duer at .ua ao ;- in Wilson on Mordavlhe 31st day oi ! lecember, A. D., 1891', the tract or n el of land in Gardners township, IVilson county, being the undivided portion 01 the late Hardy F. Barnes, home tract containing three hundred and thirty (330; seres more or less. . lis the siitd. r. A. f).. iSei Jok-1 E. Wood a r d. -' -. ')-4 w C umrntssiorKr. 0T!fE ! j. V Having qualified as Administratior he e.-t.-te o Miibry rr' rgins, de.ceas-. cd before the Pre!. ; ' e of wiison co.'iity, aotfee is htrel y jven- to elf ', persons indebted to the estate of .aid deceased to make Immediate payment and to !1 persons saving claims against the deceased to present them for pay ment on or before tjhc r6' h day of Dec, 1892, or this notice will le plead in bar of tneir recovery. J il BARCLAY, F V & 3 A ".,, Att'ys. Admr. Dec. i6ta, iSai. Dec 17-6 r OTICE! il By virtue of a decree of the .Supe Best iodides and vegetable altera tives make Ayer's Sarsaparilia th best blood medicine. rior Court as wilson county, v. herein R S. wells is nlantiif, a .d Cl H. Barron is defendant, i will sel! at the Court house door, i-.i the town of v.. -on on Monday, the 18 day of January, 1892, the follow ing described property; Cue tract of land situated in wiison and Edgecombe counties adjoining the lands ot Mrs. wells, Dr. wright Barnes, M. A. Bridg ers, Edwin Btts, M. E. warren and others, containing eight hundred and seventy thres acres, more or less,- Terms : Cash. This, the 13th day of December, jSji.ti i A WOODARD, omir.issio: t A is A WOODARD, -A.rtorn.ys for Plaintiff. H Sc.- -' ' igS -

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