T AdYanee. it $1.50 A YEAR CASH IN ADVANCE. LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY S, . THY GOD S, AND TRUTH S. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM VOLUME XXIII. WILSON, WILSON COUNTY, N. C, JUNE 1, 1893. NUMBER 22: World's Columbian Exposition Will be of value to the world by illus trating the improvements in the me cchanical arts and eminent physi cians will tell you that the progress in POETRY. OUK MOTHER. j We have laid her in the silent grave, a cties the Barps! Fans, and a Dress his Week in tlie Back Store, 6 Pairs Slippers at 60c. Corner Store Fans, Fans",, from 4c. to 980. new lot of Cream and Tan Goods. In the Original Store Just received : New Stationery, Cor sets, and another lot of those Ladies : Silk Umbrellas with fancy handles, at $i.66.' . A l3You know we don't keep goods long in stock; so it you want any ot tne above named articles call early. J. M. LEATH,. Nash r . u A - -1 . .... 1 1 f UUI IIIULIIC1 UCdl, iJ tai , 1 - We hope her longing spirit now importance, and as a strengthening T . . . , . c r ... ; r. i Is numbered with the blest. laxative max oyiup ui i iga is iii advance of all others. in A BRIDGROOM 209 TIMES. Polygamy Practiced With Impunity Under the Very Nose of the Law. "Marriage!" exclaimed the big fellow to the group of sailors, novelists, liars and men about town who were swopping yarns in John Brosnan's resort the other evening, "marriage! Why, I'll bet a bot tle of Scotch ale I've been married 10 times' as many times as any gentleman here." ' - How, it happened that there was a man present who had actually buried four wives. He was drinking with an undertaker who had heard that his fifth wife was sickly and had called in on him to look the matter up. This man took the bet. To wiri it the fat one must have been a bridegroom 5ft times, which was an impossibility. "Well, what's your score?" the fat one inquired. "Five," replied the other proudly. "Bah, man, you've lost!" "Do you mean to say that you have been married 50 times?" "Have you any regular arrangements with any ahem any, entomber?" ex' claimed the undertaker, "I mean to say," replied the fat man proudly, "that I have, been married 209 times." "All different women?" "Are you a Mormon or a Turkish sul tan?" - "I am neither. I'm a freak in a dime museum in fact, I am a professional fat man. Here is my card," and he handed it around: UK. AND MKS. B. LUBBER & CO., : : Professional Fat People. : : Combined wfoht 1,504 pounds and : : steadily 'increasing. : N. B. Marriage fake by special ar . raiurcmcnt. Heaven retaineth our treasures, Earth the lonely casket keeps ; And the snow-flakes love to linger Where our darling mother sleeps. What is home without our mother ? 'Tis our cottage robbed of flowers, Where our broken, bleeding hearts Will spend many lonely hours. On this earth we'll no more meet thee, Oh, 'tis hard to bear the smart ; Yet I saw thee Fast declining, - And I knew that we must part. Fragrant flowers still are Dlooming, But for them no more you'll care ; In those far off blissful regions Brighter gems than these you wear. Yet we culled the choicest flowers That on earth we loved so well, Placed a cross upon your bosom When we took our last farewell. Gently, quiet, thou art lying," In the silent night of death, And the evening breezes sighing . O'er thy sweet unending rest.J Then, fond children, cease your weep ing ; ' Dry, oh ! dry, the falling tear, Mother is not dead, but sleeping Till the last great trump she'll hear. Fare thee well, the ties must sever, " That on eartli we formed with thee ; Fare thee well, but not forever, Thy loved face we yet-shall see. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Li IMPURE and Goldsboro Streets, WILSON, N. C. DR. W. S. ANDERSON, Physician and Surgeon, wilson, n, q. ; 0:lii.3 in Drue Store onTarboro St. DR. ALBERT ANDbKMJIN, Physician and Surgeon, WILSON, N. c. ; Office next door to the First Nationa DR. E. K. Surgeon WRIGHT. Dentist, Three small boys were drowned in East River, New York, Thursday. They had hired a boat and were row ing round when the waves from a passing tug upset them. WILSON, N. C. H.uin;.; permanently located in Wil "ri, I offer my professional services to lie public. . . j' OHice in Central Hotel Building- IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE THE BEST T ' . ,1 '15 U ) itllie most reasonable- prices, wrrte to us tor prices and catalogues. Our fii- tnitiu-iits are caretully selected and our sruaraniee is absolute. aliini't Organ's. We cirrv an immense Stock and oiler. th-ein at lowest prices, ror par ticular address,' E. VAN LAER, 402 and 404 W. 4th St., Wilmington, N. C. t?TV refer .to some of the most Prominent families in V uson. 10-27-301 Walter Bridges, Athens, Ter.n.. writes : "For six years I had been afflicted with running sores, and an enlargement of the bone in my leg. I tried everything I heard , without any permanent benefit until Botanic Blood Balm was recommended tome. After using six bottles Wie sores healed, and I am now in better health than I have ever been. I send this testimonial unsolicited., because I want others to be benfitted. The Handsome And popular-Shades of HIBBONS AND FLOWERS v that we trim Hats and Bon nets with are of the very best quality and latest Shades. Wi: CAN PLEASE YOU. Misses Erskine & Hines' Under Briggs Hotel, Street, - - Wilson, N. Deafness Cannot 1ms Cured. By local application as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafnesss and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed vou have a rumbling: sound of imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an innamed condition 01 the mu cous surfaces. We will give One Hun dred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cur ed bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars ; free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Sold by druggists. 75c. . A party of young people at For estville, N. Y., gave a newly married couple a serenade with tin horn's, etc. The bride's father answered with a shot eun- 1 wo ot tne party were badly wounded. Dyspepsia in -all its forms is not only relieved but cured by Simmons JJver Kegulalor. "We go aronnd to different cities un der assumed names and pretend we l, l-ln'n ctjul ber. "Then we fall in love, and the manager gives it out that the fat man is lovesick and that the fat lady is coy. Crowds come to the museum to see me and my wife making eyes and looking poetic. After awhile our engagement is announced. This draws another mob. When the novelty lias worn off and no more people win be induced to come and see us on the strengtn 01 our engage ment, a grand wedding is held in the museum, and after the 'excitement of it has gone down we go to another city and repeat the fake. "It doesn't do to get married in the Bame town too often. We did it in a Texas place twice, and an envious mu seum manager with whom we broke a contract gave the thing away, and we got mobbed. The mayor, who was a perfect old fool, had performed the cere mony, believing that he was participat ing in an affair of romance. When he discovered that he had been duped and that the whole town was laughing at him, he got mad and issued warrants for our arrest on the charge of bigamy. We were held in $.j0O bail, and the case will Boon come up for trial. Our lawyer claims that it isn't bigamy to marry the Bame woman twice. The mayor says it is bigamy in Texas, and that he'll have us in jail." And the crowd drank to tlie confusion and defeat of the misguided Texan. New York Herald. , 'Advice to Motliers Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, sof tens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarr hoe. Twenty-five cents a bottle BILL ARP'S LETTER. tabernacle is a Nashville institution, and in it they have preachers and lectu ers from all over the country, and its work is refining, and elevating and has given a high moral tone to the young men of the city and the neighboring colleges. Sam Jones and Captain Ryman have founded all this and the captain has besides a mission hall of his own down near the wharf 1 for steamboat men and has been preaching or service there every night for seven years. 'Just think of one man's power, or say two men's power, tor good in a community. I con fess that I was amazed. Hundreds and perhaps thousands of men have been saved from ruin by it, and many a mother and many a wife has been made hippy. "Taiy w ho have called many unto righteousness shall may shine as the stars forever and ever." i was carried to court and she obtained an injunction restraining tne compa ny from operating that portion cf the road. Mrs.Currin has built a fence across the track and stands guard with a shot gun to warn the -company's agents off. 'I Am So Tired." Is a common exclamation at this season. There is a certain bracing effect ' in cold air which is lost when the weather grows wanner ; and when Nature i is renewing her youth, her admirers feel dull, sluggish and tired. This condition is owing jnainly to the impure condition of the blood and its failure to supply healthy tissue to the various "organs of the body. It is remarkable how suscepti ble the system is to the help to be derived from a good medicine, at this season. Possessing just those puri fying, building-up qualities which the body craves, Hood's Sarsaparilla soon overcomes that tired feeling restores the appetite, purifies the blood, and in short, imparts vigorous health. Its thousands of friends as with one voice declare. "It Makes the Weak Strong." Prisclllu Cailwallader's Propliecy. Priscilla Cadwallader, a Quakeress, delivered a remarkable prophecy in what was then known as 'Williams' New Barn," at; Leesburg, O., on Aug. 22, 1830. Part of it has already "come to pass." If the remainder be true to the letter, we may expect America to be a "negro re public" or despotism in the near future. Here is the "prophecy" verbatim: "And the signs of the times are omi nous on the subject, and the period is hastening on wThen as the waters of the great deep in billowy surges roll together and the conflicting" elements contend in wide uproar, so shall the nations roll one against the Other. And the various religious sects, in support of their differ ent views, will clash together for vic tory, and great will he the devastation. And this avful commotion, commencing in foreign lands, will extend to our shores" and pervade North America. Then will we see the horsemen pushing forth to battle and hear the sword clash ing against sword in deadly conflict and garments rolled up in blood! And the sons of many who are now iv. this build ing will be dragged to the field of battle, and the bodies of multitudes will welter in blood, exposed to the eun until the very birds of the air pick the flesh from their bones! "We will riot then "contend with a brother or a sister about our different views on religion, but all in common will seek for safety, but no refuge will be found except in God. That will bo a great time of trembling and consterna tion throughout the length and breadth of the land, for the voices of the op pressed have ascended on high. The sons of Africa will broak their chains and as sert their freedom, and finally when they hold the reins of this government woe, woe be to its iieoplel " The eyes of some of you who hear my voice will see these things. I may live to see them, or I may not." St. Louis Republic. Mr". Bayard, Ambassader to Great Britain had his last interview with Secretary Gresham at the State De partment and received his final in structions. He will sail from New York on the 3rd. Giving Her a Lesson. It was 3 a.m. when he came in, and he had an idea that his wife would be asleep. Ideas don't always realize. She wasn't asleep. . "This is a nice time of night for you to be coming in," she said explosively, and he dropped his shoes on the floor with a dull thud. "Beg your pardon, m' dear," he replied thickly. 1 "This is a nice time of night indeed for a husband to be coming home," she replied, with more emphasis than before. "You will excuse me, m' dear, if I differ with you on that point," he said slowly. "It isn't a nice time for a man to be coming homej and I am astonished and pained that you should knowingly make a statement that is so lacking in veracity. You ought to 'set your hus band a better example," and then he stumbled around in the dark and got to bed somehow. Detroit Free Press. Every mari should subscribe to his county paper. Nashville, Tenn., May 21. Who is Captain Ryman? I have been his guest for a day and a night. . His beautiful home is on the heights.- It is embowed in shade and sur rounded by flowers flowers without and flowers within for at the beau tiful table I found matrons and maid ens and' schosl girls, all ready to give welcome to the stranger the Geor gia cracker as they call me. It is a large family, and reminded me of home,' for as it is in all large families, there is more freedom, more com panionship, more talk more music and more company. Gaptain Ryman is a waterman. He runs the line of packets or steam boats from Nashville to Evansville, 350 miles. There are eight boats and averages a round trip in a; week and so there is one to go and one to come every day. There is nothing strange or peculiar about that. The captain's office is near the wharf and I concluded to visit the outgoing steamer and see her outfit. Every thing aboard was lively. I noticed a sign over , the cabin door and got ready to thow away my cigar, for I supposed the sign said so, but.it didn't. It said "Trust in the Lord and Do Good." On the inside and over the same door, it said ; "The . Heavens Declare the Glory of God," and at the lar end of the cabin was another line ot scripture, and all about were gentle reminders that "in Him we live and move and have our being. " "Is this a missionary boat," said I. "Ye.c." said the captain, "ours are all missionary boats. We have , no bars nor quick sands, no drinking pilots or deckhands, no swearing men white or black, no gambling tables. We may carry a tough sometimes but we don't know it and don't throw anybody overboard. Yes, you may call them missionary boats il you choose, for they have converted some sinners that I know . and have im proved the morals of boatmen all along the line." I learned from others that the cap tain used to run his boat . like every body else, and whiskey and cards and a good deal of swearing were con- siaerea part 01 tne iurniture, out a few years ago Sam Jones came along and in one of his magnetic ser mons shook the captain all up and knocked out his props and put him to thinking. He has a great big heart ana is luu 01 sympatny lor tne poor and unfortunate, and so suddenly ''came to himself," as the scriptures say of the prodigal son, and broke up his bar and forbade all gambling or swearing on his boat, and he had all the scripture put over the doors and discharged every man who was un willing to work on the new schedule. It was hard on him for a while and hard on his boat, but after a while he whipped the fight, and then he bought out some of the other boats and 'now he controls all the boats on the river, and there is no liquor or cuss words on any of them, and it is said said that this is the only line of boats in the wide world that is run by water and a Christian code of moral ity. You can tell it lrom stem . to stern, from the pilot to the fireman, from the waiters to the deck hands. Everything is sober and everybody polite and well mannered. Captain Ryman then began to play missionary all over the town and started the great tabernacle move ment and got help everywhere, and Sam Jones put in his sledge-hammer licks and raised $22,000 in one. night, and all denominations, and the great Of -course I met my old friend Cunningham here. He pretends to live here, but really lives everywhere -every where in the south where he can find a dollar for the Confederate Veteran, which he publishes, or for the Jeff Davis monument fund. He knows more people, especially more lonely women, in Tennessee than any other man and he always has their sympathy. He is the universal friend and the great southern patriot. He travels on free passes from the Poto mac to the Grande and makes an ac quaintance on every train and scatters sample copies of The Veteran. It is a beautiful monthly, and costs only 50 cents a year, and he is making it a success. Cunningham will die hap py if he lives to see the monument mat ne is working ior. i neara a mutual friend say that when Cunning ham died and went to heaven's gate he would shake hands with St. Peter and say, "I'm delighted to meet you, St. Peter, I knew your mother so well. She was one of the noblest women in the world," and he would just walk right in and inquire for the young ladies. - Nashville is, perhaps, the greatest educational center in the -south. Her great college and female seminaries and normal schools and public schools make a grand system. The popular lecturers at popular prices ' at the great tabernacle have become an es tablished feature of popular educa tion. That building has already cost $73,000, and is not finished, but it will be if Captain Ryman lives a few years longer. Sam Jones comes here occasionally and wakes everybody up, and the people surrender when ever he comes, for Nashville is his Mecca, his stronghold, and the en tire cemmunity are his friends. They point with pride to his work and say, "Look at that tabernacle ; look at that Young Men's Christian Association building, and its splendid corps of Christian workers ; look at that mis sion church and that line of te inner- M. ance steamboats, and look at the good morals of the young men all over the city. Seven years pgo we had none of these." . In haste, Bill Arp. A K 1 . , ' n 1 1 t , . xvjivcty ume in rvnoae isiana is expected. The legislature is a tie and as a result two governors be expected. A : 1 rr . fvic yuu msiureu r 11 not, now is the. time to provide yourself and lamuy with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy dt an insurance against nnvsprinnc results from an attack of bowel com plaint during the summer months. It is almost certain to be needed and should be procured at once. No other remedy can take its place or doits work. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by A. J. Hines. " Mrs. Thos. Currin, oi Rochester, N. Y., defies a railroad company. The company had put tracks on her land against her wishes. The case Fifty cents is a small doctor bill, but that is all it will cost you to cure anj' ordinary case of rheumatism if you use Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it and you will be surprised at the prompt relief it affords. The first application will quiet the pain. 50 cent bottles for sale by A. J. Hines, A convicted murderer escaped from the upper Marlboro, Md , pris on Thursday. Carelessness on part of the guards. 1 Twenty five thousand people col lected at Dallas Texas last week to celebrate the opening of Navigation between that point and the sea. Lead ing men from all parts of the state were present and made speeches. Stanley as an explorer, Edison as an inventor, Miss Flora A. Jones as the discoverer of the Famous Blush of Roses for the complexion ; are names that will be handed down as benefactors of the race, to all record ed time. A. J. Hines comes in for his share (of the profits) as he always keeps a big supply on hand, and sells it for 75 cents per bottle. Farewell to Washington. Arclililsliop Dennison's Famous Toils t. "Here's health to all that we love, Here's health to all that love us. Here's health to all those that love them, That love those that love them That love us." Do you notice what a large circle this wish for health includes ? and will you notice the reference is not to the wine-cup, but but to a standard medicine, the "Golden Medical Dis covery," that can bring health to the large number of friends we each love. True, it is not a "beverage," and does not inebriate, but is a health -giving medicine, blood purifier, liver in vigorator and general tonic a remedy" for Biliousness, Indigestion, and Stomach troubles. It cures Con sumption, in its early stages, Scrofula Bronchitis, and throat diseases. Washingvon, May 25.-The Infanta Eulalie left Washington at ten this morning on a special train on the "Pennsylvania railroad for New York. The Infanta rode to the sta tion in the President's carriage drawn by the the escort of four troops of United Stater cavalry. Prince An toine and Secretary Gresham oc cupied seats in the carriage with the Princess and other members of the party followed in other carriages. The station was packed with a multitude of spectators. As the train pulled out every woman waived a hand kercheif, every man waived a hat and cheered and and the Infanta smiled and bowed farewell to Washington. A , correspondent wants to know how to tell when to use "lay" and when "lie" in writing. - Watch hens and lolks. The hens do all the lay ing and the folks all the lying. Dr. M. J. "Davis is a prominent physician of Lewis, Cass county, Iowa, and has been actively engaged in the practice of medicine at that place for the past thirty-five years. On the 26th of May, while in Des Moines en route to Chicago, he was suddenly taken with an attack of diarrhoea. Having sold Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for the past seven4-' ' - years and knowing its reliabilir pro cured a25 cent bottle, two of which completely cured him. The excitment and change of water and diet incident to traveling often pro duce a diarrhcea. Every one should procure a bottle of this Remedy be fore leaving home. For sale by A. J. Hines. Strength ami Health. If you are not feeling strong' and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "La Grippe" has left you weak and weary use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach .and Kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. I you are afflcted with Sick Headachy you will find speedy and permanent re lief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 50 cents, at A. J. Hiiies Drug Store. ' Snow fell in Michigan last week. Over a territoiy of 200 miles around Ishfeming it covered the ground to a depth of 4 inches. ' ' ' Hood's Cures. " In saying that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures, its proprietors make no idle or' extravagant claim. Statements from thousands of reliable people of what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for them, conclusively prove the fact HOOD'S Sarsaparilla GURES. m HERE'S Double Value FOR YOUR MONEY! $8.00 for Choice from Special Line of Men's Suits, Worth $10, $12 anil $15. Values at the Prices Named Never Before Heard of. This sale is especially for the Clerk, The Mechanic, the Laborer and the Farmer w hose If)nM)e limitti-1 A C'RANI) BARGAIN '.Those who haije never 'worn our $S Suits should see them. They are ready worth bouble the money, and are actually sold for double the amount by other houses. Talk about a treat for! men of moderate ' means, now here it is. Such values were never known before. This-otTer of ours is equivalent to a discount of 40 per cent. We have just re ceived another shipment of Ladies Mimfs nml Chil dren's Oxfords in all colors, at prices that, are bound to sell them.- It might be well for you tosee them and get our-prices If you are in need of Summer Shoes we will make it pay vou. ' ' Yours Respectfully, YOUNG BROTHERS SLIPPERS After the grip when you are weak and "played out," Hood's Sarsa parilla will restore your health and strength. There was an insurance of between $80,000 and $100,000 on the life of Mr. Robert H. Whitlock, who died in Richmond recently. t A corner on alligators is the latest. A northern man is said tp be buying all the live ones . that he can get in Florida, but what his object is no one knows. It is said that he recent ly purchased seventeen small alliga tors in one day. , f llow KitpKlly We Think. Helmholz showed that a wave of thought would require about a minute to travel about a mile of nerve, and Hersch found that a touch on the face was recognized by the brain and responded to by a manual signal in the seventh of a second. I le also found that the speed of sense differed for different organs, the sense of hearing being' respond ed to in the sixth of a second, while that of sight requires one-fifth of a second to be felt and signalled. In all these cases the distance traversed was about the same, so that the infer ence is that images travel more slow ly than sound or touch. It still re mained, however, to show the por tion nf this inffi-tri1 i1in .1. K.. for jheap- actionf)fthfl hrn. ' The County Whiskjey Board met in Charleston Thursday and elected W. G. Whaley Chairman. A form of petition was adopted pointmentoie oareer, 1 nc ; pr6f Dond by very delicate ap Board decided that, these petitions paratus has demonstrate(, this tQ ,lJC must be sent m before June 5. .The" about seVenty-five thousandths cf a Board also decided that each petition ' second. oflhe whoIe interval fbrty must be signed by a majority of the thousandths arc occupied in the freehold voters of the city. 1 he total simple act of reco nition and thirt number of these voters here is some- five-thonsnnrlth for tl r,.,;n;. that a State bar be established here the petition must be signed by 750 voters. This makes it reasonably certain that Charleston will either go dry on and after July 1 or will de--peadon the blind tiger for its toddy. response. A L,uty Penuylvaiiia Fninily. Meyendale, Pa., May , 24. In 1829 John Sayler built a house on his farm on Sayler Hill, near this villao-e. irot married and moved into it with his bride. He raised a family A lllxtoric Flag. Richmond, Va., May 18. The Confederate bazaar recent held at the armory for the joint benefit, of the Confederate soldiers and sailors' monument and the JeffDavis museum relized $28,418. Today at a mass meeting of the ladies who participated in the bazaar, Mayor Ellyson in a brief but appropnate speech present ed to the ladies of the Confederate C ' 1 A. .1 J ViA Vt-vii?o oil C - C 01 eigui uiuuicu ... wua r , Carolina. This fl made , . ..A-.ll I hnn ho inn I rt J wnoni aic M.U MY...S. - "V . the young ladies of B his wile handed tne larm over 10 ineir son John L. Sayler. John L. raised a family of eight children on the old homstead and retired from active life in favor of his son William. Wil liam has become the father of eight children on the farm, and a few j days ago occurred the first death that has broken this remarkable family circle. This was the death of William Say ler's wife one death in sixty-four years in a family which ndw numbers seventy-eight. The Cireu Fetched 'Kn. The coroner's jury in the case of Frank Suhlessing, whose body was found in Flushing Bay two weeks ago, have rendered a verdict of mur der, instead of suicide, as was ex pected. Subscribe to The Advance. . A Tennessee man tried to frighten his wife by coming home late and rattling the window blinds. She was equal to the occasion and put a bullet through his hand. ' . The I.adien. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use the California liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the . pack age. ' - The doctors who cut an assassin's bullet out of Millionaire Mackay's back want $1 2,000. Mr. Mackay re fuses to pay it. He does not think ihat doctors should charge a man's financial ;tanHinor for all t is wnrth i minutes to 2 o clock now. . If you desire a beautiful com-j "H'm !" said the foreman "tell the plexion, absolutely free from pimples judge to hold on halt a 'minute." and blotches, purify your blood by New York Press. the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.- Re move the cause of these disfigure ments and the skin will take care of itself. Be sure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "Gentlemen," said the sheriff put tiner his head into the iurv room, "if there is no chance of your agreeing immediately on a verdict the judge will step out to lunch." "Tell his honor he may go to lunch," said the foreman. , "I was about to add," continued the sheriff, "that the circus comes into town at 2 o'clock, and it's twenty If you feel T7eali and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS young ladies ol h-dgeworth re- male Seminary of Creensboro and through. Miss Mary Morehead, one of the pupils.was presented to the Guil ford Grays During the early part of the war. Mrs. Morton Wortham Sloane" of Baltimore, in whose possession the flag has been since the surrender sat Appomattox, donated it to the North Carolina ladies, who in turn presented It to the museum. It was turned oyer to the relief committee. Itetter Than Mottt Other Iteanonn. "Man," said Mr. Wickwire ora cularly, "views woman as a being to be looked up to." . "Is that the reason he lets her stand up when- he has a seat in the car?" asked Mrs. Wickwire, and her husband looked disgusted and said not a word. SATISFACTION la guaranteed to every consumer of HOOD'S Sarsaparilla, One. hundred doses in every bottle. No other does this. " The Florida House Representa tives is endeavoring to impeach Federal Judge Charles S. Wayne, of the Northern District of that State, and has asked that he be investigated. I