$1.50 A. YEAR CASH IN ADVANCE. LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY S, THY GOD S, AND TRUTH S. THE BEST ADVERTISING (MEDIUM- -. WILSON, WILSON COUNTY, N. C, JUNE 8, ;' :1893V. VOLUME XXIII. NUMBER .23- 1 UiU iHHU ISUIUCK Cash Racket Stores. World's Columbian Exposition Will be of value to the world by illus trating the improvements in the rae cchanical arts and eminent physi cians will tell you that the progress in medicinal agents, has been of equal Imr.rvrt'inr'o nnrl ns n ctrpno-f rienino' laxative that Syrup of Figs is far in advance of all others. I " SOCIETY'S FREAKS. LOOKING FORWARD! There is no principle of business which is so invalu able an aid to economy in the people, or which .does more to' encourage an .11)1.0 .w.. . Merchandise as the principle vc have embodied, inculcated, and premi umized since we have been in trade PAY AS YOU GO ! It has done everything for us, and enabled us to tkv every thins for you. There is no substitute for it, nothing can take its place. All time and all people have proven that there is but one' correct way to co business, either for the seller or the buyer, and that is with the dollar in hand. The greatest belp we have been to the people is in giving thema better conception of their financial capabilities. Our invaluable methods not only embody theirs, but we claim the entire credit of having been the originator and sole defender of eternal and universal cash ! You to the multiplying advantages it brings to you, ami we to the greatest powsr it places in our hands for .'. serving the public. . Bargains in Mattings This Week. The GasH Racket Stores, J M. DEATH, A 1 ; 1 1 UiU'. i - Nash and Goldsboro Streets, WILSON, N. C. DR. E. Ki WRIGHT 'Surgeon Dentist, WILSON, N. C. Having permanently located in YVil on, I offer my professional services to ; he public. iLlT'Omce in Central Hotel Building- Three small boys were drowned in East River, New York Thursday. They had hired a boat and were row ing round when the waves from a passing tug upset them. The Handsome And popular Shades of RIBBONS AND FLOWERS that we trim Hats and Bonnets with are of the very best quality and latest Shades. WE CAN . PLEASE YOU. Hisses Erskine & Hines' Why a Handsome Girl Was Finally Forced . to Leave Town. - - J I heard recently the, story of how a girl who wanted to and tried to did not succeed in entering society. Her face was, in that one respect, her misfortune. She removed to the city some years ago from a little out of the way town of a neigh boring state, and at once, ably seconded by her mother, started in to cut a swath and mow a pathway into the longed for green pasturage enjoyed by the ultra fashionables of local society. Her fam ily was not old, nor had it in any way the remotest flavor of Virginia origin. However, this would hardly have count ed against her, for she came of good, hon est stock and was supremely beautiful. ' She carried herself like a queen, and with her peerless beauty captivated the men of society. Her form was sur mounted by the head of a goddess, and the whiteness and exquisiteness of neck, arms and shoulders made men thrill. Her hair was a dream of sunshine, andthe light in her drooping eyes seemed divine. Her lips were invitations to love, and the color of her face enough to set an artist wild. She was modest, and yet exercised a sort of freedom that encour aged men to approach nearer than ordi- .narily and at the same time was effectual in its restraining influence. She. dis played her charms not lavishly, but abundantly. No wonder, then, that the clubmen about town took her np. They sought her constantly, and soon she held court with, if not the splendor, all the grace and graciousness of a queen. So con stantly was she in demand that at the ChrysanthemunTclub a sort of bureau of engagements was established so that she might, as it. were, be distributed fairly. She was taken everywhere by men. She was called upon unceasingly by men. She was soon the subject of conversation among men. Her beauty became niwre pronounced as she learned the little arts and artifices that please men. and she became the talk of the day wherever she went, at home or abroad. All ' this, and especially the way the men took her np, set the young women of the city's highest dead against her. They did not deny her beauty they could not neither did they besmatter her fair fame. They simply let her alone. The young women of society know a thing or two, and this they knew right well that if they did not call upon her, and left her at home to receive men. they would soon tire of it and let her alone also. Such proved to lie the case. She was never called on by those of her own sex, and consequently knew no body. No one ever received for her, and society, therefore, never Inuf uer gracious presence and queenly lieauty in its ranks. At last, in desperation or in some other mood, she left the city. Her course was everj'where a conquest. She is today envied by many who hear occasionally of her, and she is engaged to a wealthy man who will give her queenly beauty regal setting Tins is a true story. Louisville Commercial. When old man Shylock retired from business he made up his mind to enjoy life in a quiet way. His health was beginning to fail, and the growing opposition to his financial methods had caused him to lose several law suits. The experi ence of numerous widows and or phans in their unfortunate dealings with him had made him very un popular, and people avoided him. The old fellow thought it all over, and decided to give up business. He had no family, and his fortune was a large one, and, with the exception of the small cottage in which he lived, it was all in cash. "If the people and the courts are against me," said Shylock, "it is no use to fight them. I'll keep my money and have a good time. -A man at seventy needs rest and recreation." People knew that he was rich, but they did not know how much he was worth, and it became the study ot his Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U S. Gov't Report. ABSOIXTTEiy PUBE ends and corners of numerous bank notes, but there was not enough left of a single- note to be of any value. "That package would have gone the sarri way remarked the doctor. "How much is it worth?" "Ten thousand dollars," answered Shylock. "All I have left in the world. I am a ruined man !" , After a while the doctor pursuaded Walter Bridges, Athens, Tenn.. writes: "For six years I had been afflicted with running sores, and an enlargement of the bone in. my leg. I tried everything I heard without any permanent benefit until Botanic Blood Balm was recommended to me Alter using: six bottles the sores healed, and I am now in better health than I have ever been. I send this testimonial unsolicited., because I want others to be benfitted. Deafness Cannot be Cured. By local application as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deafnesss and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound of imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed. Deafness is the result. and 41 n less the - inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever : nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mu cous surfaces. We will give One Hun dred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cur ed by Hall's Catairh Cure. Send for circulars ; free. F. Jr CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Sold by druggists, 75c- Underliriggs Nash Street, Hotel, Wilson, N. -C. FIRST-CLASS drocery and liar. I take this method to inform my friends and the' public that I elm TfTmvM 1 imp rloiK' Fresh Goods. Cash or trade given for all kinds of country produce. vive me a trial and I A party of yolmg people at For estville, N. Y., gave a newly married couple a serenade with tin horns, etc The bride s father answered with shot crun- 1 wo 01 the party were badly wounded. . Dyspepsia. in all its forms is not only relieved but cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. the old man to give him the package life to keep his neighbors ignorant of to keep until the bank opened, and his great wealth. He was in the habit then deposit it. 1 he physican went of hoarding most of his money in var ious nooks and corners about the house, and he soon drew out his bank deposit and concealed it in his cottage. ; Naturally, a. man with so much treasure to look alter could not go far from home. He rarely went out side of his yard, and when he had to go down town to make a few pur chases he carried his whole fortune on his person, fearing that a search might be made for it during his ab sence from his premises. V So, with po companionship but that of an old; woman who visited his house every day to keep it . in order and do a little cookiny, the miser home, and Shylock lay down to rest but not to sleep. The lonely inmate of the cottage was found in tne morning witn nis throat cuthen thedoctorjand several neighbors broke open his door. He had burned up $90,000 in cash that summer, and the pitiful remnant left seemed to him not worth living for. As be lay awake and thought of his fstrueeles, his schemes, his hard economy, his oppression of the poor and his long career of extortion, and then reflected that he had robbed hi m self of his ill -gotten - weal th . his brain reeled, and he found his razor his best friend. : - The doctors history of the case was found that time hung heavily upon, pronounced the most interesting pa- I - 1 npr pvpr rpan hefnrp trip mprliralsn. cietyof his' town, annd there are j many we'l-inforrhed physicians who talk about it to this day. Wallace P. Reed. his hands As the months rolled on he felt strangely nervous. He had no ap. petite, and his dreams frightened him. Every day he added new bolts and bars to his cottage, and he spent hours practicing with his weapons. He kept a pistol and a daggar under The'Lmlies. The pleasant effect and perfect his pillow, and the slightest sound at safety with which ladies may use the night awakened him, and caused mm California liquid laxative, byrup ol to count his money again ana again. r lgs, unaer au conditions, mates it He made many plans to carry out his idea of enjoying life, but had to abandon them because they were all more or less expensive. He lost flesh steadily, and soon became almost a living skeleton, but he lost none of his alterness, and his eyes were as keen as ever, and showed the old- time greed their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the pack In the war between the States General Jackson (Stonewall) ordered one of his colonels to attack a certain One morning, Shylock slept later strong) position. The colonel hesita- Kliigsley's avh of Natnre. Charles Kiugsley was to the very end of his life thrilled and dominated by the beauty of the outer world. He had a fierce delight in the stronger and wilder phases of nature, a sort of viking spirit that was stirred by wind and wave. One wild autumnal night, after he had been reciting the story of a Cornish ship wreck, he suddenly cried to his guests: "Come out! come out and look!" They followed him into the garden, to be met by a tempestuous rush of warm rain. The preacher poet, heedless of personal discomfort, stood lost v in thought aud recollection, and suddenly exclaimed in tones of intense enjoyment: "Splendid! VvTiat a night! Drench ing! This is a night when you young men can't talk, can't think too much po etry." Intensely sensitive to every mood of nature, he sometimes shrank from her cruelty. "Don't go out today." he said once to a friend. "There is a northeast wind that will kill you if you give it a chance. It's an assassin." Youth's Companion. than usual, and when he looked about him he felt that something was wrong. r Without losing a moment, he open ed a secret place in the wall and took out a tin box. One glance was en ough. The box was empty ! What hid tecome of the $20,000 in crisp banknotes that had been placed there for safe keeping ? The old man turned as pale as death, and his 'knees knocked to gether. Before he could be convinced that he had been robbed, he examin ed the other hidden packages of money between tne wans ana eise where. Finallv. there was no doubt of the fact that the notes were mis sing. ted, and at length went to General Jackson to expostulate. . "General," said the colonel, "to attack that posi tion is madness ; my regiment will be exterminated." "Colonel," said the commander, "do your duty.- I have made every arrangement to care for the wounded and bury the dead." am the you sure to get your trade ' in 'Uture as 1 will Aatril mve more eoods than . any man in town for the same 1 money. Hoping to Tom you, lam Respectfuly, E.G.ROSE, vouth Tarboro Street, below R. R. WILSON, N. C. receive . a call 'I A in So Tired." Is a common exclamation at this season. There is a certain bracing effect in cold air which is lost when the weather grows warmer ; and when Nature is renewing her. youth, her admirers feel dull, sluggish and tired. This condition is owing mainly to the impure condition of the blood and its failure to supply healthy tissue to the various organs of the body. It is remarkable how suscepti ble the system is to the help to be derived from a good medicine at this season. Possessing just those puri fying, building-up qualities which the body craves, Hood's Sarsaparilla soon overcomes that tired feeling restores the appetite, purifies th Diooa, ana in snort, lmparcsjagerous health. Its thousands of friends as with one voice declare. "It Makes the Weak Strong." Mr. Bayard, Ambassader to Great Britain had his last interview with Secretary Gresham at the State De partment and received his final in structions. He will sail from New York on the 3rd. , . ' As Big aa a President. The governor general of Canada re ceives a salary of $50,000 a year, which is the same as that given to the president of the United States. In addition, Rideau Hall, at Ottawa, his official residence, is kept up at the public expense. That the Canadians are not niggardly in enabling the governor general to keep house in good style ' is shown by an account of the expenditures the past year.- They indicate, too, that the governor general is a very hospitable ruler. The items in clude one of $2,600 for new dishes, com prising 1,300 wineglasses and decanters of various kinds, 1,029 plates and 1,000 other articles in that line. Fifteen persons are emplos'ed to take care of the house and grounds, besides which $2,900 was paid other parties for taking care of the grounds and $475 was expended for removing snow. An al lowance of $8,000 a year is made for fuel and light, to which was added $334 for repairing stoves. It evidently costs some thing to maintain a domestic establish ment in Canada. Boston JournaL : Politics In the Metropolis.- ' Of practical politics in New York Mr. Theodore Roosevelt says: "The process by which a man rises in New York city politics is to keep first one saloon, then ! several, then go to the legislature and so on." Mr. Roosevelt told of the duties of a New York politician, among the chief of which were "bailing out their constitu ents" taking & trip each morning around to the various police stations. Buffalo Express. . Weather In and Near California. In 1887 California was visited by ex cessive heat. During a period of four days in June the temperature ranged from 93 degrees at San Diego to 114 de grees at Yuma and 122 degrees at Spring ralley. It is an interesting fact that at the same time ice formed at Cheyenne, Wy., only 600 miles away. Pittsburg Dispatch. - Pimples, blotches, .sores, and their cause, removed by Simmons Liver Regulator. , He ate nothing that day, and tried to summon courage to inform the police. He was pfraid to let his loss be known. People would jump to the conclusion that he was a millonaire, and the thieves would come in force and overpower him. - Then, he was mystified about the robberv. His windows and doors were all bolted and barred that morn ing. How did the thief get in ? In about a- week he was robbed again of several thousand dollars, and still'there was no evidence of burglary beyond the fact that the cash had dis appeared. Some nights Shylock spent watch ing until daylight, but with no result. In the course of three or four months', fully one-half of the hoarded wealth in the cottage had vanished without leaving a trace or a clue. ; Old man Shylock was now about half crazy, and incapable of acting with ordinary judgment. When things were nearing their worst the victim called in a neighbor, the doctor who had always been his medical adviser, and told him the whole story. The physician harshly told him that he was a fool for not telling him be fore. "I have my theory," he said. "I have not studied your symptoms for nothing. - Leave it all to me, and I will get to the bottom of this business." That very night the doctor posted himself where he could get a glimpse of Shylock's well-lighted room through a small crack in the rear end of the house. It was about 1 o'clock in the morn ing when Shylock slipped out of bed. He went straight to one corner of the room and raised a small piece of the floor. Stooping down; he drew out a tin box, frcm which he took a pack age of banknotes. I he doctor watched, the patient closely, and saw him get a -box of matches and go to the stove which still held its place, although it was midsummer. The watcher yelled at the top of his voice, and by loudly knocking on the wall, awakened old Shylock from his slumber. . That was the secret of it all. ' The miser had become a sleep walker, and he was about to giye his money to the flames ! When the sleep-walker had come to his senses, and had admitted the doctor to his chamber, he listened in horrified astonishment to the story. 1 The two , men : investigated the stove, and found there the scorched A boy stood on. the burning deck, Unwisely, too,' 'tis said, For with the fast approaching (lame, His elders quickly tied. So many now in peril stand, Unmindful of their fate, Till, step by step, Grim Death comes cn And then, alas ! too late ! Far wiser, surely, "would it seem, When his approach we see, With "Pierce's Pellets" well in hand To vanquish old "G. D." Pierces Pleasant Pellets .have re markable power to correct all physi cal derangements, thus warding off disease that would surely follow. Purely vegetable, pleasant to take, perfectly harmless ! With a little forethought they'll be a present help in time of need cheating the doctor and robbing the grave? As a Liver Pill they are uneaqualled. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take. One dose as a laxative, three or four as a ca thartic. Tiny, sugar-coated granules, in vials; 25 cents. limpid beauty, while on the other the raging Atlantic in furious dispason lashes the shore. Rosy fingered Morn steals up behind angry billows of ocean, while the King of Day goes down in quiet splendor beneath the surface of Pamlico. From the one side the branching breezes blow from crested billows; from the other the gentle zephyrs, like the wreath otj sylphs and sea-maidens come at evening to cool the visitors ennuyed brow. In the heart of the Island, Silver lake, a mile in circumference, whose indented edge is fringed with queer shaped tea trees, surface dotted with sail, and; waters teeming with fishe, lends variety to the scene. It is said that here was Captain Kidd's rendezvous and that the cir custance of his capture gave the Island a name. He .is said to have paced the deck of his vessel all night before his capture, feeling a presentment of foreboding evil, and once in a while would cry out "O Crow Cock." Even now the eld inhabitants call the place Ocracoke. Many believe that rich hidden treasures lie buried here to this day. The oldest grave yard and grave stones in the State are found on the Island, and the quaint and in teresUng customs of the people, -as well as their hospitality, remind the stranger of the story of the fishermen of Gables. Much of their time is de voted to fishing and hunting. - ' The waters of the sound an ocean teem with all kinds of fish, and .there is no better hook and line fishing on coast. The stranger is amazed aLthe tremendous catches of millions of mullets by the natives, who jump from their boats and encircle the schools of fish on the shallows. Clams and oysters are caught, fresh and lus cious every day in the year. This island and adjacent ones, abound also, in birds of many varities, and it is verily the "Sportman's Paradise." Sailing andsurf-bathing are unsur passed, and as a health and pleasure rendezvous, free from the stiff formali ties of fashion it has no equal. The mammouth four story Ocracoke Ho tel will be open after June 15th, and a pleasanter week or two can" be en joyed nowhere. The Coast Line R. R., and the J. & W. R. R., will take passengers to Washington, K'. C, and a steamer will -transfer them to the Island. The steamer also con nects at Belport with the Norfolk Southern R. R. Mr. J. W. Mayo, Washington, N. C., who is the pro prietor, will take p'easure in , writing you any information. Address him at Washington, N. C Washington, In. C. Gazette. : A Joke iu the Thick of i:atte. An old Tarheel, who was "thar" says that aLthe battle of Chancellors ville, while the fight was raging, Gen eral Rhodes rode up to General Ram seur, and asked him what time it was. Ramseur pulling out his old time piece slowly said: "General-, in such an emergency as this my old watch never runs." Rhodes "took" right off, and returned to where the bullets were the bullets were "ticking" the seconds. 1 . V 1 , It 'it i 1 1 . . 1 '1 Thousand andl- i , Forty-Eiglit : : M I V 111, ' HA 1Kb p1 Ladies and Childrens CLOTH .Worth from $1.25 to $2.50, both Lace and But? ton, will be on the coun ters this week at a o 4 -. per pair for your choice. Come beforci they are picked over, t; v i SLIPPERS. V- Another Shipment of Oxford Ties just in. It ' might pay you .to see them,' as they were bought ': ltte in the season. The . prices are way down. . ' Yours Respectfully, YOUNG BROTHERS f-i Ik , it, To get at the Facts. - Regarding Hood's Sarsaparilla, ask the people who take this medi cine, or read the testimonials often published in this paper. They will certainly convince you that Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses unequalled merit, and that Hood's Cutes. "O CROW, COCK! Sporting Man's Paradise. in na- We all admire the beautiful ture, and that which is ' suggestive of antiquity at once invites inquiry and investigation. Today 1 write of a place distin guished for the marvelous natural beauty and one that has weird legends as well as strange realities connected intimately with its history. There is a long line of slender is lands stretching paralled to the Atlan tic Coast, which the curious have considered freaks in geological, crea tion and indeed it is so. At one i point this queer stretch of landsmakes out into Cape Hatteras, the most dreaded locality on the American coast to mariners. Just 25 miles from Hatter as light in the center of Ocracoke, where the God's have dealt out blessings with lavish hand. The island is eighteen miles long and two miles wide. On the one side the clear, placid waters of the Pamlico Sound stretches out in quiet, ' - : 1. Are you insured ? If not, now is the time to provide yourself and family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as an insurance against any serious results from an attack of bowel com plaint during the summer months. It is almost certain to be needed and should be procured at once. No other remedy can take its place or doits work. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by A. . Hines. Dispatches from Columbia S. C. report various rain storms, through out the State. A washout on the Richmond and Danville R. R. near Ridgeway caused the wreck of train No a. The engineer and fireman killed instantly. Mrs. Thos. Currin, of Rochester, N. Y., defies a railroad company. The company had put tracks on her land against her wishes. The case was carried to court and she obtained an injunction restraining the compa ny from operating that portion of the road. Mrs. Currin has built a fence across the track and stands guard with a shot gun to warn the compa ny's agents ofT. - ' The first squad of the "Waldenses" have reached Conelly Springs, N. C, where a settlement of these indusN rious people intend to form a colony. Thev have purchased 10,000 acres of farming land and will proceed to culti vate the same. They are a very desir able addition to our state. Fifty cents is a small doctor bill, but that is all it will cost you to cure any ordinary case of rheumatism if you use Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it and you will be surprised at the prompt relief it affords. The first application will quiet the pain. 50 cent bottles for sale by A. J. Hines. Quite a sensation was caused in Winston, N. C, last week by the affray between sheriff Mc Ajrthur and Mr. Goslin, editor of the Republican. The sheriff reseated something that Goslin said about him in the paper, Goslin stuck to it and got a beating. Pills promote constipation Simmons Liver Regulator cures constipation. - Robert Watson, minister ol public works in the Manitoba government, predicts for the v-anadian prairies a phenominal crop of wheat for the au tumn of 1893. B. R. Price of the Central railroad of Georgia shipped from. Grand Is land, Fla., the first carload of water mellons of the season of 1893. It was consigned to Cincinnati. Dr. M. J. Davis is a prominent physician of Lewis, "Cass county, Iowa, and has been actively engaged in the practice of- medicine - at that place for the past thirty-five years. On the 26th of May, while in Des Moines en route to Chicago, he was suddenly taken with an attack of diarrhoea. Having sold Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for the past seventeen years and knowing its reliability, he pro cured a25" cent bottle, two doses of which completely cured him. The excitment and change of water and diet incident to traveling often pro duce a diarrhoea. Every one should procure a bottle of this Remedy be fore leaving home. For sale by A. J. Hines. Hood's Pills cure- constipation by restoring the peristaltic action of the ailmentary canal. They are thv? best family cathartic. ' " I'erNhetl In a W ! k Victoria, B. C, June 2. The Steamer Tacoma which arrived from Yokohama brings the news that the Russian Corvette Nitias went .ashore . on the Corean Coast May 15th, and' became a total wreck. Nine lives were lost.- - . A Thrilling Leap. Birmingham, Ala: Brookes Story the express robber who escap ed from the Mississippi Penitenitiary at Jackson three times and was recent ly captured at Americus Georgia jumped from the car window on a fast Queen and Crescent train yester day afternoon near Vinces. He was manacled and in charge of deputy sheriff Montgomery. Advice to Mothers ( Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, sof tens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhce. Twenty-five cents a bottle Commissioner Bldunt, who has since been appointed Minister to Hawaii, has made public his: instructions and' has informed the people there that if they get to fighting lie will rioK mter fere except to protect' Ameriams -who do not, involve themselves in- the fracas. He, however, is not to per--mit any foreign power to interfere.' " A $250,000 Fire. New York. 2. The Architectur al Iron Works of J. B. and J. M. ! Cornell, 26th and 27th streets and nth and 13th avenues, were dam aged by fire last night to the extent of $250,000 ; fully insured. Dyspepsia in all its forms is not only relieved but cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. . Big Fire In New Orleans. New Orleans, June 2. Fire last night destroyed the Home Brewing Company's plant, a cistern factory and other adjoining buildings. The loss is estimated at $125,000. Daniel Salmage's Sons & Co.'s rice mill, 41 to 53 Girod street, was burned. The loss is estimated at $25,000. The Cholera In A astro-Hungary. Washington. Tune 2. United States Consul General Goldschmidt, at Vienna, has transmitted to the Department of State official rqort on the cholera in Austro-Hungary up to May '4th, showing that during the week, from April 26th to May 3rd, only one case proving fatal occurred in the community of Kudrynce. In the case of the man who died at Smykowce and another who died in Buczacz, the presence of the Koch bacillus was detected. Walter R. Main's . circus was wrecked near Hottzdale,: Pa..' and six people killed and maiiy Injured. All the animals escaped and the , in habitants of the region are terrorized. An order has been issued from the executive office of the Baltim'ore and Ohio railroad reducing the force of employes of the road1 Many dis charges will be made during the conv Comptroller Eckels was adyised of , the failure of the First National Bank of Brady, Tex. The bank was a' small one, its capital being only $50, 000. .- -. ' Placards posted throughout Seoul, the capital of Corea, .warn foreigners ' that unless they leave the country before a certain date the Coreans will rise and kill them; - - ' " ; c t T-! i - 1 lie vjicck tjuvernmeni is negiia? . 1 ting through the house of, Harnbros, for a loan of 4,000,000 tyith which; to pay the July coupons 4nd other , current obligations. . i J. A. Hutchinson of West Wirginia ' formerly private, secretary to the late . Senator Kenna, was appointed con- . fidential clerk to the supervising . architect of the treasury. Mr. I futchin son is a newspaper man. .'. , A dispatch received at the state department from Minsisfer Baker,' dated Messaya, June 1, states that peace is restored at Nicaragua and the new government has gone into operation. ' The pope haS sent to'. Ihe German emperor the first copy of his new encyclical regarding social conditions A Berlin correspondent says thab Emperor William 'has accepted art invitation to attend the wedding of the Duke of York.' : - A suspicious looking object, sup-' ,1 posed to be an infernal machine, was . found in the corridor of fhe exchequer court in Dublin. The police are investigating.

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