W ilson $ I.50 A YEAR CASH IN ADVANCE- LET ALL THE ENDS THOU, AIM ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY S, THY GOD S, AND TRUTH S. THE 1SEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM VOLUME XXIII WILSON, WILSON COUNTY, N. G, AUGUST 10, 1893 NUMBER 32 Far-Seeing .People visit Vli" This is Straw Hat W eel with us. We are almost giv inn them away. We do not intend to carry j over one hat if the price will move it. New lot , of Ladies Oxford Ties just re ceived. Also Holland Shades and Laces. The Cash Racket Stores, J. M. LEATH, Manager. Nash and Goldsbon 1 Streets, WILSON. N. G. Worlii's Colnmliiiiii h'. u-.U iiin Will be of Value to the woi Id ly il'us' tratmg the improvements in the me cchanical arts and Eminent ihysi cians will tell you that t he progress in medicinal agents, has been ot equal importance, and as a laxative that Syrup of strimglhening Figs is far in advance ot all others'. Louisville. Aim.-' 6. In an at tempt made this morning by White i Caps of Harrison county, Jnd., to take the law in iheir own hands and "avenge a murder, four of the band were killed and a fifth mortally wounded. Their intended victims have so far escaped, but lynching will be their poi tion. I.il-r;il Way of A ! utI isioij. Make as many small English words as jiossible from letters .contained -in ; C-K-L-K-R-V I'-l-l.-b-S, uitli out usin a letter many one wort more limes .than il appears in "Celery fills. " To the person sending largest list will le';ivcii a beautiful matched.-pair of Cream White l'oiiies, CI old .Mountetl .'Harness and Phayeton ; a trip to the Wyrhl's lrair anil leturn for the. second largest list received.; a Fine upright. lJiant) for third ; a l'neimiatic bicycle fur fourth; Fine Cold Watch lor fifth; pair Diamond Fai rings for sixth: Parr lor Organ, for seventh'; elegant Harp for eighth; I'.l.iik Siik l)ress Paltern lor ninth; Music Box Drum ami bells for tenth largest list ; also kxj other valuable prizes for first nx persons sending n list of not less than 60 words made from letters contained in '.Celery f'ills." Ruilge's "Celery Pill's" are what you require if troubled with ner vousness, --insomnia, loss of rtTppetite, weakness, dyspepsia, VloiWal'l'i Iroublo, headache; indigestion',.-etc '..jSeiid thir teen 2cent stajnps with list'bf words and Iry for our handsome prizes and receive l'KKF a sample package, U'ith full par ticulars and list of those $1 voiir State who have won prizes to introduce this Kreat nerve and stomach remedy, all ilelivered in V. S. fkkk. I-aulose thir teen U. S. 2-cint stamps with list of words promptly to UtrrDCF CFFICKV I'lbl. CO., Montreal, 'hue., and you are sure oi a tirst-class prize for vour troii li'e. 4 Baxi.kok. Aug. 6. -Ratifications ff the Franco-Siamese agreement were exchanged on Friday. M. I'avie, the French Minister, will re ?v ume his p;.-,t here on nioiuliy. The I'rench tlag has been hauled down at Koh-si-Chang,' and the Siamese custom officers have been allowed to return. Rear Admiral commanding the French I Iumann, squadron, and is in with the remains' at Koh-si-Chanr constant -5- communication palace Mr-Kt)li ami ll. alUi. If Vou are not f.-.-l healthy, try Kleclric Bitters. If ' La "PPc" has left you weak and weary, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stom- t"-n. and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their func tions. If you are afflicted with Sick leadache you will find speedy and Permanent relief by taking Electric fitters: One trial will convince you tnat this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 50c, at A Hine's drug store. Teach "Ci V hv were tht rnm mandments written on tables of stone? lick Hicks So folks wouldn't be 'So likely to break 'em. The Cash Racket Stores. CONSTIPATION Is called the "Father of Diseases." It is caused by a Torpid Liver, and is generally accompanied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully It is a mild laxative and atonic to the digestive organs. By taking Simmons. Liver Regulator you promote digestion, bring oh a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "My wife was sorely distressed with Constipa tion and coughing, followed with Bleeding Piles. After four mouths use of Simmons Liver Regulator she is almost entirely relieved, gaining strength and flesh." W. 13. Lester, Delaware, Ohio. . Take only the Genuine, Which has on the Wrapper the red Trade mark and Signature or J. H. ZETLXN CO, Advice to Mothers Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, sof tens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for di. urine. Twenty-five cents a bottle BILL ARrS L1HTER. uv.' MARKS SOMK SUfitiKSTKINS Till; ! I N. NCIAli S I TU ATI iV: ON 1 1 Mli i it k HivNion is the Kemedy aixl in Willinir to IWvlde with Anylxxly Wlio will nivide Willi lliin, Etc. Now is the time for everybody to show their charity and good will. Let us all divide out and help one another. The papers all say that there is plenty of money and the banks that have suspended h:ive got nienty of assets, and if confidence 1 -j - could be restored everything would become calm and serene again. Well let us all take on confidence and di vide out with one another. A; man told me that he knew of one r man in Atlanta who had shifted all his money into gold and had $20,000 of it locked up in a private drawer in one of the banks and there were lots of men who had from $5,000 to $10,000 locked up in the same way and they were waiting to see what Congress was going to do with silver. That is all wrong. That gold ought to be turned loose. I want a little of it right now. Let us come to a divide until this trouble is over. When the war was over and every body was as poor as Lazarus there were a few here and there who had notes on their neighbors. They say law had prevented them fi 011 collect ing, but when that law played out we poor fellows who'owed a fitted ante bellum money were suddenly invited fo pay it and it took us years to do it. We were sued and pursued. My friend Bill Fort told me that it '.was an outrage, and it was. All our sub stance destroyed and 'now these debts to hang over us world without end, and so Fori -'tried to get up a town meeting and pass resolutions to have a big bonfire in the middle of the street and let everybody who had a note or a debt on anybody be called upon to come forward like patriots and cast the note or the debt into the lire and then let us all Like a new statt in the world. I thought it was a splendid idea, but when we began to agitate it it was discovered that nobody was in favor of it except those"" who owed the money. Patriot ism is one thing and money is anoth er. They are no kin. But now, it seems to me', is a good time for evei ybod y to come to a reasonable divide. I will divide with anybody who will divide with me, though I am 111 nil l erkins s nx nynt now. m never had any money to speak of, but he always held his head up ke a gentleman. One day a poor mntryman who knew Jim and jhj. oked up to him took him aside and begged him for a loan of five dollars until harvest. Jim seemed very much distressed and told the poor Tellow 'be didn't have that much in the world. Then the poor fellow lowered his sights and asked for $3, and Jim said' he didn't have that much. "Well, let me have $1," said he and Jim said : "'Jack, I hate to ac knowledge it', but I'll". swear, before high heaven I haven't had a dollar in a month. No, I haven't had a dog-on cent. The times are awful hard, but if we will all come to a divide nobody will suffer. It's no time to be draw ing on a man through a bank when the bank wouldn't lend you a cent. Banks are established to help the people in just such times and Atlanta brags on her banks, but you can't borrow a dollar through the front door. They say there is a back door or ground floor somewhere, but I couldn't find it. I was willing to take silver, but they didn't have it I reckon. I don't like for anybody to draw on me through a bank. What has the bank got to do with a man when they won't help him lap over or bridge over the bloody chasm. Here I am without a dollar and can't buy a chicken or pay the preacher, and ever and anon get a love letter through the mail saying they have drawn on me through the bank for that little account that has been run- Elder S S Beaver, of McAllister ning so long. Well as the boy said villc, Juniatta Co., Pa., says his wife to the molasses, "just let her run." is subject to cramp in the stomach. I I'm in a strain just now. ' It is the fiM h, fii-PP i I tlv.it didn't have a dollar in my pocket or one somewhere within reach. I can't l il ..,,!!,.,., 1 do..t m down town. I'm waiting for some thing to lnppen. Tried to sell some literature, but they smiled and said .they were not dealing in luxuries now at least they were not paying cash, but would give me a duebill. "What can I do with it ?" said I. "Keep it," they said, "until things turn loose again." S I took it tor better or worse and I will divide it with anybody who is as bad of as I am. Let us all divide. Now is the time a man wants an office a salary that comes in every -month. Now is the time that these office holders ought to eoiise to a divide. 11 every man had 'an office what a glorious world it wuii'd be (ire.tt -piles ot money to come pouiingin to every funily. That's the. way it is up north. Every other ,iyan you meet in the road Ins gut an office or a pension. - Illinois gels Si 2.000,000 for pensions this year and then there. are the offLe holders besides ami the grab at the world's fair and we poor miserable sinners not only get noth ing, but have to help, pay it all. If Mr. Cleve'and had been a little big ger around his waist he would have iriven our boys all the offices as a set-off. There are bowels of mercies and bowels of compassion according j to scripture and Mr. Cleveland ought to have them ami help our people j out. I see that The Boston Herald , has figured it tin and says that the -e I south has paid to the north $3.50, 000,000 on the pension account, anil that it is likely to run on for half a century longer. Don't it make your blood boil to think about it ? 1 Iere I am without a dollar and can't buy a chicken and comp iny is coining next week and I owe the butcher and the preacher and my taxes are com ing on, and yet in the face of all these I hear the same old call for more ! pension money. i early every man and woman nortli ot the line stands privilege to stop over at each point, around the public treasury with their j These tickets are valid for return mouths open like voting birds in a journey until November 15th, and nest and say to the paternal govern- are not restricted to certain trains, ment : "D uldy, drop another bug in j but are good on all B. & O. trains, here." They greedily swallow up 1 Besides . .the opportunity of visiting the millions that come from pensions Washington, a privilege afforded by and the government contracts for the ; no other route, tourists via the Balti army and the navy and nine tenths more and Ohio Railroad will traverse of all the offices, and, these pious ' the historic Potomac valley, the hypocrites go to . lun ch on Sun- day with a gold-bound hymn-book ' under their arms and tnan'rc liod in their- prayers that they are not as those publicans down south.. Hut the weather is too hot to ruminate upon such things and we will try and be calm and serene. ' Bill A up. 1 .1 it i- it s cm pro-. 1 such won- 1 ;.r. -. f ! l.a. . I : ig 1 . - 1 liu IfoHi r puj s Si Hi A correspondent- of the 1.1- Ch.ulotte Salisbury Observer, writm-. Irmn says : Mr. Win. II. Ilorah, an aged and highly -.respected citizen of this city, and one who1 is well known for h:s veracity, tells the following incident as occurring to his knowledge re garding the payment 'of .debts with a single dollar: While m business be fore the war he had occasion to at tend a sale in the county where some one in the crowd - asked him for $1. Remembering that he owed the man this amount he paid him. whereupon the man at once paid it to another 1 man he owed, w ho in turn paid it to still another, anil so on until it had reached the fifth man. The latter happened to owe Mr. Horah $1, now' handed it to him, in payment ot his account. Mr. Horah returned home with the same piece of money, hav ing paid a debt and collected a bill with it. The money, besides cancel- ling a debt and settling an account for Mr. Horah, h id paid bills for five ! other men the same daw-- This is a true representation as to the circula tion of money, and if, as the Obser ver said in an editorial on Saturday T..1-. 1. .1 1 1 t juiy jyui, ine peonie wno nave money would pay their bills when presented it would make this much required aiticle more plentiful. j Chills and fevers of three years standing cured by Simmons l iver Reg ulator. F.. Watkins, Watkins House, I'ptonville, Ky. Cim'l llrlj Themselves. -If there is anything I He detest a flirty it's a flirty woman She Humph ! man ? Why not He O, well, a man has some ex Cuse. Women are so attractive von know. N. Y. Weekly. Stimmcr Weakness And that tired feeling, loss of ap petite and nervous prostration are pure t r sluggish, to permanently cure driven .away by Hood's Sarsaparilla, habitual 'constipation, to awaken the like mo:st before the rising sun. To kidneys and liver to a healthy activity realize the benefit of this great medi- without irritating or weakening them, cine, give it a trial and you will join to dispel headaches, colds or fevers the army of enthusiastic admirers of use Syrup of Figs. - , U Hoods barsapanlla. Manaeinp- Editor You sav here that you. have cultivated hot house lilac bushes that have attained ' a height of over fifty feet ? Horticultural Editor Yes. Why ? Managing Editor musingly) Nothing, only I wish I could lilac that. Texas Sittings. Last summer sne iriea namuenam .s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme- dy fir.it. and was much pleased with , wdy. relief it afforded. She has since used it whenever necessirv ami found that it never fails. A. j. Hines. V"" For sale by "I say," said Fuddles, who some times thinks he is smart, "what sort of fruit can you raise on an electric plant ?" Hut Faddlers, who also thinks he is smart occasionally, promptly replied, "Currents." Washington Star. V. & O liediiceH th World' F:Ur K lies The Chespeake and Ohio has placed on sale a World's Fair ticket which is sold daily at one fare for the round trip, the rate being $ 1 9 from Richmond and $17 from Lynchburg. Thcs- tickets are limited to fifteen days fronvdate sold and do not per mit holders to occupy sleeping cars. They are good, however, for first class passsge in the bandsome vesti bule coaches of that company. r. Kr l'i 1 1 1 i ifi-,r t !- i-kfr tu oil mi to w ii'. 1;,;, ,.,. -A... a rates. World s r air ; matter, ixc, ad- j ti. y-i .. . r:..:..: u..... ; uress 101111 u. 1 uiir, lmshjii 1 in.-v 11- , ger Agent, Chesapeake and Ohio railway, Richmond, Va. "Where is the island of Java sit uated ?" asked a teacher of a small, rather forlorn-looking boy "I dunno, sir." "Don't you know where coffee comes from ?" "Yes. sir. we borrow it from the next-door neighbor." Tit-Bits. to tii 1: . tfmimi's faik via it. ioiii via WaKliinxtou or liultimore rel uriiiii ia Niagara Fall. ami The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has placed on sale at its offices ex cursion tickets to Chicago good go ing via Washington or Baltimore via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and re turnin" via Niagara Falls, with the theatre of the war between the States. At Cumberland they will be offered a choice of routes, via Pittsburgh or accross ' the Allegheny Mountains, 3,o)b feet above the level of the sea, and via Deer Park and Oakland, the fimous summer resorts. The scenery along the Baltimore and Ohio route is the most picturesque in America. Address for further information Arthur G. Lewis. Passenger and I Ticket Agent, 76 Main St., Noifolk, Va. . Teacher Define "gentleman.'' Boy A gentleman is a grown-up boy wot used to mind his mother. Good News. Ask Yiiir 'ri-iiU Who have taken Hood's Sarsapa rilla what they think of it, and the replies, will be positive in its favor. One bas been cured of indigestion and dyspepsia, another finds it in disjensable for sick headache, others report, remarkable cures of scrofula, sail rheum and other blood diseases, stiil others will tell you that it over- comes that tired felling," and so on. the best advertising which Trulv. j Hood's Sarsaparilla receives is the hearty endorsement of the army of friends it has won by its positive medicinal merit. ' " ' An old gentleman, walking leisure ly : down Oxford street, suddenly stepped up to a gentleman who was awaiting an omnibus, and, touching him lightly on the shoulder, said : "Excuse me, but have you dropped a half sovereign. ?'' at the same time holding out in . h'S hand the sum mentioned. The gentleman ques tioned g'azed a moment at the money, assumed a look of excitement, made a nasty search ofjiis pockets and said: "WhjMso f .did." and hadn't missed it,' holding out an eager hand. The old man slowly drew forth a note book and said, "I thought so." Theft he took the name and address of the loser, and, putting the bill in his pocket, turned away. ; "Why ?" said the other, "do you want it all as a reward " "Oh, I did not find one," returned the be nevolent old man, "but it struck me that in a large city like London there must be a large quantity of money lost, arui upon inquiry I find you aVe the thirty-first, man who has lost a . . nan a sovereign mis raornnif . cm.rchman To Cleanse The .System." Effectually -yet gtntly wben costive or bilious, or when the blood is im- Washington Aug. -i No more silver certificates will be issued bv tne Treasury Department for the present, as the limit prescribed by law has been reached. That is to say, as many silver certificates are now outstanding as there are stand ard silver dollars coined and in the Treasury to redeem them. It Cured lit- Wil 1 Children. Purcepolis, Robtrson Co , N C. We gave a loft!e of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem-, jedv to a gentleman whose wile w.- 's bad off with bowel complaint and two doses of it cured her. 1 lis children w re also taken wi.h bowel omplaint and it cured them. It is cei tainly a j good preparation. Alderman ei Buse. For sale, by A. J. Hints, Druggist. New York harbor is becoming strong in defense. A 12-inch gun weighing over 51 tons, 36 . f et S inches long, capable of making a hole in the heaviest armored ship at a' dis tance of six miles, and of making a bole in armor 233 inches thick at a distance of 1,000 yards, has been put in position at; Sandy I look, w here it ' commands the entrance 10 the. mam ship channel to New York. This is only the first of a nu?ubtr of equally effective guns :to be put in position. rChurchnianJ I'lu.x' C!ur il in '1 wo D:iv. j Makkngo, Anson Co., N. C. I We have used Chamberlain's Culic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in two cases of llux, and . . effecting a cure. find it spetdv Tlrey were en . . tirely well two days after taking the first dose. Wall cc Spenckr, Merchants. For sale by A. J. Hines Druggist. Bishop Keane, of the "Catholic Univerity" says : "We know well enough Washington is not only go ing to be the heart of the nation through which all its life-blood passes, but is going to be the brain of the nation, .where there will be more thinking to the square inch than in any other part of this land." Church man. A l!;lil Case of Tin v ClirtMl Georgkvillk, Cajlxruu.s Co , N C Mr Allen Blockwilkle.r had sent after the doctor, but . he was not at home, having been called olTon some other case. The mart who came for the doctor said that' Mr. Bioekwilkler was very sick, that he was pi ssing blood and vomiting. We gave him a small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and told him to go back and tell Mr. 15. to try it. After using three-quarters of the jnedicine he was well, WiokxtiousE ci. Siiinn. Mess. Widenhousd ec Shinn are prominent merchants and are widely known m that part of the state. Their statement can be relied upon. For s tle by A. J. Hines Druggist. Frank I don't see why a woman any more than a man should be per mitted to wear her hat at an enter tainment. May I do. It's ever so much easier lor you to comb your hair. Tv Soul. Avilli lint :i Soi As they sat side 1 'I lllMlnlll." by side, thev sighed. "Oh, my idol!" he said, and then idled. "Dear Luke," said she, as she looked, "1 will wed thee if thou wilt," and lie wilted. The. honeymoon passed in an .excess of joy. P.xcess m eating r.icn loixl brings indigestion, sick headache, and frequent attacks of dizziness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets will cure -all these. They are tiny, sugar-coated, and easy to swallow. No other pre paration compares with them as a Liver Pill, They are guairanteed, and one is a dose. Washington,' Aug 3 Represen tative McCreary of Kentucky,, a member of the International Mone tary Conference reassembling in Brussels in November next, said this morning : I have been in correspondence with many of the representative inch of the Conference and am encouraged by the reports that I hear. I cannot say that 1 believe in the "ultimate fail ure of the Conference. The' action of India was not a surprise to me, be cause it had been predicted. Al though they are no longer to have free and unlimited mintage of silver' in india, nothing has been done to prevent the Government from coin ing silver. The position there is similar to that in this country from 1S7S to 1S90. Many of the -lei; ding men. in Europe who are members, of Conference think it is very impor tant to ket p the body alive, so that we may after a w hile reach the in ternational bimetallism. I believe international bimetallism, on a com mon ratio among the great nations of the world, to be the best solution of the whole trouble." ;-; Hon. Claude Matthews, Governor of Indiana, says in a letter to the Pond's Extract Com pany, dated April 15th, 1S93 : "I had previously been acquainted with the many vir tues possessed by your preparation, and have long regarded it as a house hold necessity. I assure you of my appreciation of the substantial merits of Pond's Extract." JiiHlifi:iIle j . , , -, -r Judge (severely) " oung woman, you are charged with playing Wag - ner's compositions until your victim expired in agony. Prisoner "I was 11 self-defense, your Honor. He persisted in ex- plaining base ball to me against my expressed wish , Judge (to sheriff ) "Release the prisoner! Our job presses are kept busy all tne time work. The public appreciate good CRASH OF DEATH. Tivroo Sloopln-7 Cars and an Engfina Crurhod L.ik3 Egg Shells. GROAN'S OF.TH: DYi.VG AND WOUNDED And the Hissing of Escaping Steam Add Horror to tlip IHsaster Throe , raple Killed Ontright Hnd Twonty-flve Injured'. Cr.KVEi.Axn. O.. Aujrust 7. A special from Fremont say: A. terrible wreck occurred last nig-ht shortly after 10 o'clock at Lindsay, a small village of about 500 inhabitants, eight miles west of this place on the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway, i An engine and three sleepers were badly demolished and three people killed outright, while fully twenty-livo were more or less badly injured. ,Tha wreck was caused by . the collision of a westbound passenger train and an castbound freight. 1 ' ' Passeng-er train' Xo. 0. the, Pacific ex press due at this place at 1:50 o'clock, left here last night about teu minutes late. The train consisted of aa engine, baggage car, two express cars, three coaches and five sleepers. The coaches dnd sleepers were ail well filled with people, many of whom were on their way to Chicago. At Lindsay, the next station west of this place, the train passed a local freight, No. 74, which had been sidetracked to let train No. it pass. The train was running at full speed and passed safely until the sleeper neared the switch, close to the freight, when the first three sleepers jumped the track and ran into the engine of the freight. The engine was wrecked and the sleepers cr.ushed like egg shells. As the sleepers were filed with passengers, it seems a miracle that all were not instantly killed. JIKAUTUrXOIXG SCKXBS. The scene that followed the collision was heart rending. The groans of the dying, the shrieks of the injured and the hissing of escaping steam combined to add horror to a sight tliat will long be remembered by those who witnessed it. v THE KU.I.KI) AM) IN.Il'IiKD. Those killed outright were: Edward Laferth. engineer of local freight No. 7, residence in Elmira. married and leaves a widow and four children. ' Charles Spane, brakeman on freight, residence in Claysride, N. Y. Porter Robertson, colored, of the sleeper Erie: resilience in Chicago. a ue seriously lujureu are as ionows: Professor ' Emerson, of Amherst col' lege will , Gloucester, Mass., chest ernshed, die; J. A. Hamilton of Pittsburg, injured' internal!, perhaps fatally; l'orter Stevens, colored, of New York, extent of injuries not known; Porter relliam, of the sleeper Orinoco, of Chicago;' injured internally very serious; Cen'terfieldev llya.11, of the' Chicago baseball club, bad cuts; A. H. west of Chicago, badly cut; not seri ously; Catcher. Kit t.ridge.. -of the Chica go baseball club, cut about' the head and body. . A FATED SECTION. The , Dlsas'prs with Which . Koine TUonros County rarmiTH Have to Contend. Forsyth, (1a.. August 5. A certain section of ;!onroe comity .seems to be fated. A few mouths ago a cyclone, passed n few miles' south of Forsyth, demolishing houses and injuring prop erty generally, .lust after those in jured rallied from this disaster, another one came in the form of a hail storm. Some of the crops were completely de stroyed. The eottoii and corn in some places, winch ' had attained a good growth., was so m-aten up that it was plowed up atul a hew crop. was planted. Strange to relate, this week this same region was visited by another terrible hail storm, and the young crop just now beginning to grow was again wiped out and destroyed. Some of thi' farmers are left in a helpless condition, without": any prospect for a crop. ' - HC-ME FROM HAWAII. Wouldn't Wait for the Acceptance of III l;'si;jiiati!i. Sax Fhancisco, Cai,.. August 3. Au thentic advices received . here state that Minister Illounf has determined to turn over the matters in Hawaii as far as the United States is concerned to Commodore Skerrett, of the "Uos ton," and he will sail.for the United states on the (ith without waiting for the appointment of his successor. Blount may, therefore be expected to arrive at San Francisco about August 12th. . l'orter Stocks' Sentenced. Atlanta. G a. .Augusts. This morn ing Porter Stocks, the slayer-of Alpheus Cassin. was sentenced to live years in the state penitentiary by .f udge Rich ard If. Clark. Stocks will accept the sentence of the court and ask that he be sent to the Chattahoochee brick va'rd. ' ' A Maine Man Appointed.' . "Washington, D. C, August. 2.- Sec retary Carlisle has removed John It. Lynch, of Mississippi, the negro fourth auditor of the treasury, and appointed in his place Charles 15. Morton of Maine, who was commissioner pf navi gation during Mr. Cleveland's first -administration. - -' Karrett iu Tronhle. Spaktaxei ko, S. C, August 4.- a p. Barrett was arrested today by United States Marshal Kirby-for tampering with the mails. There are -two charges against him and Commissioner Calvert fixed his bond in each case at 1,500. - - Drifted Ashore. Bkacfort, N. C, August 3. The top of the cabinet of the schooner Charles has drifted ashore oif Hatteras. Also thediody vf a man wrapped up in a ,- , "I "1. II ..1 J 4. 1. Smai 1 STanuing Ji. lie i-uuiu mil oe ! identified but is KurposeI to be Cap- L Edmund of the Charles. j .- , T Walter P.ridges, Athens. Tenn. j writes: "Eor six years I had been ; afflicted With running sores, and an j enlargement of the bone in my lee. r j tried everythinq I heard without i any permanent benefit 'until Botanic Pdood Balm was recommended to me. After using six bottles the - sores j healed, and I am now in belter health than I have ever been. I send this imonial unsolicited., because 1 wanted others to be benefitted. Highest of all in Leavening Po ABSQUAEUlf PURE THE NEWS OF THE WiSKK. : , Tuesklay, August 1. , The world's fair is now half over, and the total paid .'attendance for the first three months numbers 7,000,ikh: persons. " ' . George D. Vadley has Yesigned as general sijperir ienden t of the Cen tral railroad. svsteni , nnd is tucceeded bv T. I). Kline. ; ' One" tiiousavd ungmploved meii reached Chicago .rt freight-trainx over various western railroads i;uiining into that city. Speaker Crisp, in an interview , gives it as his opinioi; i ait t lie extin session of congress will continue into the reg ular session - The First National bank, of Kendall ville.Tnd., which suspended puyuient June 22, 1803 has been permitted" to re open its doors for business! N. YV. Murphy, general manager of the defunct Atlanta Provision Com pany, rerurneu lo tliat city, surren dered himself, and gave ' bond for his appearance at court. Wednesday. Auptcst 2. At Denison, Texas, Petty Harris died at the age of 104. '.' Gainesville, Ga., is preparing for an election on the prohibition question. The steamer Alexander, from Havana yesterdy, brought half a million of gold to New- York. The tax returns from seventy-six counties in Georgia show a falling off from last year of f.CT.i.OCO. 'At: Monmouth Ptrfk the winners we're Loantake, Pick Pocket. Terrapin; Alo pa, Cactus and Stone Nellie.-..' . Near Asheville. N. C, a colored wo man gave birth to triplets for the third time. She has nine children, all living. A dispatch from Bangkok says that English and German, gunboats entered the Menam river. They proceeded up the river and came to anchor oil the coast. Thursday, . I u-si5s!- 3. The First National Bank .of Birr mingham, Ala., failed. The first bale of Alabama raised cot ton was sold atOziirk. at 10 cents. John Hicks shot :i nd kilted .Jeff Reynolds at Willinmston. S. C for undue intimacy with the former's wife. . At Chicago the following firm' failed. C. E. Gggleston it Co.. Geo. YV. Parker, & Co., Thomas G re. . -all extensivi provision dealers. Levi P. Morton's immense new barn at Ellessee Ithinebaek, together. with one hundred head of Guernsey cat tin and all the farm horses. -.was destroyed by fire. Loss over Slnn.Ofii). 'Friday, August 4. ' Mr Blount is expect ed to reach Washington from Hawaii about Au gust 20t.h. Mr. Sam Parrott is to succeed fr. Cecil Gabbett as general niauaagcr ot the Columbus Southern. ' At Green ville, 111., in a jealous ra.ee Douglas Davis fatally stabbed his wife and cut his own throat, dying in stantly. The Virginia People's Party conven tion nominated K. R. Cocke for govern or and J. Brad Beverly for lieutenant governor. Rev. T. C. Tupoer, late rector of St. Philips church of Atlanta, Ga., has been called to take charge of the parishes-at Bridgeport and Seotsboro. Ala. The amount of g- Id on the way from Europe is now over PT.OOa. ;(), and the month of August' will probably w it ness the largest -.gold imports ever known. No more silver certificates will he is sued fpr the present, as the limit pre scribeed has been reached, there being as many now outstanding as there are silver dollars coined and if. the treasu ry to redeem them. Satiirdiiv. AiiRBiit . Two hundred . men swere discharged from the Central railroad shops at Macon, Ga.' ... A drunken iijrht at a lewd house in Atlanta, Ga.. resulted in the fatal in juVy of two women. Within the last few days gold to the amount of ?0,OiM.0'K has been secured iri London 'for shipment to this country. George Harbng, eo'ored. has been appointed postmaster at Wilerforce, Ohio. lie is. the first negro postmaster for that state. 1 The treasury department today pur chased 1 (!, KM) ounces of silver at 72 cents an ounce, an advance of I 1-10. per cent an ounce over the price paid Wednesday. It is stated at the treasury depart ment that "-there is no' likelihood of the resumption of the issue of gold certifi cates until the free gold stands from seven -to. ten millions above the re serve. ' .' Monday, Anui:!' 7. In Jfe'w-.York city r.'.)77 men are re ported idle in fifty-seven different trades. Leaders on both sides of the silver question say th y are ready to open j the fiffht as soon as Congress is in I working order. ! The Italian embassy at YVasliington I officially denies the truth of the report that a treaty has been concl uded be tween Italy and Russia.. A mob of NX) attacked the Conrad boys, who' killed their father at Cnry don,Tnd. The boys killed'iive of the mob and then eseaped. Those kiiled are among the best citizens. Vice President Stevenson, in. an in terview, gave it as his oinion that the extra session of congress. would be very 'brief probably not over two weeks. At the Democratic Congressional caucus Hon. Charles F. Crisp was unanirnouslj- nominated for re-election to the speakership; Mr. K" err for door keeper, and ex-congressman Snow, of Illinois for Sergeant-at-arms. Take Simmons liver Regulator fori heart troubles, often due to indigestion. Latest U.S. Gov't Report no ROBBERS FIRED IT. Looted i he Cold Storage Itulldlnc and Theo Set It on Fire. CniCAoo, August 5. Evidence of a startling nature concerning the cold storage warehouse lire was taken by the grand jury today. The witness who gave the startling testimony was John Joseph Duggan. formerly a Stony Island avenue bar keeper, and Ihe man who first told of the looting of the cold storage warehouse and its firing by a gang of robbers. According to Mr Duggan, there were 150 men concerned in. the con spiracy,, and he declared that he had given the names to the grand jury. He said that, from the opening of the exposition up to the time of the fire, goods were stolen, or at least removed from the cold-stovage warehouse by the wagon loud. The wagons used were express wagons generally, though: he had known of w atering carts going out of the gates with the tanks tilled with hams, bottles of wine and other stock. .-'-... , "Who removed these, goods," was asked. - "Employes of the cold-storage ware house and a gang that lives on Stony Island avenue, just this side of the grounds." "Did you give evidence that would implicate criminally the persons who removed the-goods?" "Yes, there'll ho a sensation when this whole thing comes out. There are about 150 implicated. . I have given their names to the grand jury."' ARREST OF A BANK PRESIDENT. IIli Depositors in TiiHcumlil:i Afraid of Los ing Thek Money. TrsccMniA, Ala., August 5. 1 tin ton E. Carr, president of the Tuscumbia Banking Company, Was arrested at Ceder Rapids, la. Carr came hero some five or six years ago fram Jasper, Ala., where, it is said, he had wrecked a little banking enterprise, but ho landed here when times were good and confidence not hard to gaiif, and started a bank. He went to New York-ostensibly to sell SlOo.oflU i worth of Tolbert county bonds, and during his absence the suspension of his ba nk was .announced, and it was .realized that a number of people here of modest means had suite red to tu'i extent ag gregating .:5.000, wit h no show for a cent. Carr was to have been arrested ew York, but hastened, to Tus- enmhia and made a plausible state ment, which got him mercy and a bond. He left here August 1st, and had not been heard of until his arresL ENGLAND WINS THE CASE. Rcsulatioim to (iovrrn Seal FiKherieit .He' , illi liRCIIHCd. London, Augn:. t 5.- A dispatch from Paris to the Pall Mall "Gazette says the Behring sea tribunal of arbitra tion has made good progress and the ex pected decision will' be rendered .in a fortnight. The dispatch adds that every point at issue now has been adjusted and that the decision will give entire satis faction to Great Britain and Camtda. In every instance the claim's advanced by Sir Chales Russel and Sir Rich ard Webster of the counsel for Great Britain are held to be good. The decision will be unanimous on all points save one, which Justice John M. Harlan and Senator John T. Mor gan the American arbitrators held out for the American claim. '' . The tribunal' $ now discussing the question of regulations to govern the seal fisheries GOES TO SEWANEE. A Popular Kplticopal Clergyman Accepti an Important Call. l.oftKNCK. S. C-.. August r.. News has been reccivjffl from Rev. W. A. Guerry, of this ity! who is spending his summer holiday jn North Carolina, that he has telegraphed his acceptance of the chaplaincy Vat the University of the South at Sevvance, Tenn., made vacant by the consecration of Rev. Thomas T. Cailor as bishop of Tennesf see. . - i r. 1 1 m 1 1 y ij.i' ivtvinu . ... ....... St. Philip Lpiscopul church, Atlanta, from New Orleans, La., arid from Trinity church, Columbia, S. C, which it was thought he would accept. Head Belde the Track. Nashville, Tk.nx., August 4. John R. Square was found dead beside the Louisville and Nashville railroad track near Fountain this morning with a deep cut in his head. He is a member of the firm of Louisville contractors II. II. Square & Co., who are con structing a tunnel near the place where the body was found. The death may have been caused, by a fall from a train, but the cause is believed to have been robbery. Fatal 'Family Row. ' Ciiebaw, S. C, August 2. In a fight at the residence of W. A. Courtenay, at. Dudlv. Chesterfield county, Courte- , na wa; shot j,y jiis brother-in-law, a boy named jovans. ne uicu inay aftei no m; Evans was dangerously shot twice bj- Courtenay's son and was cut by Courtenay. Courtenay's wife, who is Evan's sister, interfered and was shot tw ice. The men had been drinking cider. J.. A. Armstrong was the only disinterested witness. 'Both were substantial citizens. lull Time In Iron. Ci.KVF.i.Axn, O., August 5. The Iron Trade Review this week says: "The volume of business in all lines of iron and steel is at the lowest point touched in years, and sellers are quito as unwilling as buyers to increase the amount of contracts. This is a season of the year-ordinarily developing quite a volume of contracts in finished' mate rial from agricultural and other estab lishments upon which roiling rams depend for one part of their market." if rorn hack acties. Or you are all worn out. really gxxl for noth fnT. It inceneral debility. Try JtltOtriV'S lit OX HITTKKS. It will cure you. cleanse ycr liver, acd giv a good uppctiUi. wer.- 00

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