The Wilson 'Advance, y XV. I. CAMVVKIX. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. riS i , , r " Entered in the Post Office at Wilson, N. C, as second class mail matter. ,'For the cause that lacks assistance, For the wrong that needs resistance, For the future in the distance, - ;. - . And the good that we can do." SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : One Year. . . Six Months. . . . . ....... :-$t.SO - 75 Remit by draft, por-t-ofticc onler or registered letter at .our risk. Always give post-office address in full. "Advertising application. Rates fiirnished on LU UU1 III unit auuii without the name .f the wt-ttr being known to the Editor. Address ail cor- respondence to The AnvACK, Wilson. N. C. Thursday, October 19, 1893. Plewte Pay Noy. rriends, during the summer months when monev was so scarce we carried along many of our sub scribers without pay for the Ad vance, but now w must ask them' to remember us. We nekd the money. Don't delay the matter but ct at once. Please pay NOW. LET ITS AWAKK Every town in the State is doing something to promote prosperity, in duce healthy growth and build them selves up generally. Wilson alone stands, as it has always stood, quiet and impassive. The Wilson people believe there is. no place on this green earth like Wilson and further more that it is not at all necessary to say or do anything to make outsiders agree with them. We have nere all the requisites ojf a manufacturing town, and . yet one cotton factory, one carriage factory, arid one plow . factory embrace our .manufacturing industries. Why should we not have more industries ? . Why can't we manufacture plug and smoking tobaccos. How can we better build 11 r o marlrof frr Ion f fAKnrr Kor ki using a portion, at least, of our crop, here at home. Why is it ? It is simply because our people are so very. "conservative" that they must needs have two dollars safely deposit ed in their left hand pocket "before they will let go the one they have in their right.; We pick up exchange after ex change and notice in the advertising columns, "Home .advertisements," merchants, lawyers, doctors, 'tailors, painters, contractors and every other branch of trade you can "mention is represented, while, with a few notable exceptions, the Wilson public think they have done a noble and generous action' when they have subscribed $1.56 to their town paper. ! Outsiders, to some extent, judge a town by the appearance of the pa per. If the paper lias a thrifty, well fed appearance, they look farther, bi; t if four-fifths of the space be fd'ed v.ith patent medicine advertisementsshow ing that the paper is forced to go abroad for a living, they immediately come to the conclusion that the town is not worth investigation. If the . town merchants have not sufficient public spirit to induce them to help out an industry devoted entirely to the best interests of the town at large, then people who have capital to invest will go elsewhere. Our much berated sister town of Rocky Mount furnishes a fair illustra tion. Every business man, with pos sibly pne or two exceptions, gives his hearty and substantial support to the the town paper. Three fourths, of their advertising space is taken up by home advertisements, which pay a reasonable profit to the management, and as a consequence the editor gets out a creditable sheet and devotes his entire energy and brain to blowing" the rpr fancied merits of the town. With what lesulf, you will ask?." The result is just this that within the past two. years, the taxable property of the town hasten more than doubled. Many industries have been started, numbers of new stores haye been built and two large Land and Improvement companies have been formed and brought, thousands of dollars of Northern capital into the town. But I hear- some wise one say "the land companies have all but failed." Granted, but such would not have been the case had that -money been placed in Wilson. There ' they built their house upon a sand .foundation, but here we can offer a foundation of bed rock, and though the winds -may blow and the floods descend the house stands, even if the roof is sometimes, blown off. - LI ! Kit All Y NOTES FOIt CCTORKK. uie iNortn aroJma Urn varsity Magazine for . October at 'once takes rank with the best of the high class niigazines. To begin with, its new'j cover will compare favorably in de sign and execution with that of the Century, Scnbners, The Cosmopoli tan or McClure's, and it is evidently The work of an artist. -The contents of the magazine, too, fulfill the prom ise of its cover. The Rev." Frederick Towers" compares the ancienrGreek and modern (Elizabethan diamas. Henry Jerome Stockard contributes a sonnet 'of rare worth, Miss Fries writes erichantingly of Old Salerri Academy and her article is illustiat ed with bits of scenery, portraits, and interiors drawn by E. J. Meeker and others. An article full of interest recounts some experiences at a Ger man university and is jn some re spects the bot thinqf jn . the ' maga zine. Geo. L. Wills, a sophomore, contributes a love story. Dr. Battle wr'les of Commodore Maury's es timate of General Pettisjrew, and Thomas Clarke tells of the electric furnace. The book notices are unus ually good, and the better magazines are reviewed at some length. The college recqrd, alumni notes, etc., will be of special interest to Univer sity men. The price of the maga zine is $1.50 a year. Marion Crawford opens up a hew line cf thoughts In his article entitled "Rome, the Capital of a New Re public,", appearing m the October Cosmopolitan. It is not likely that the October number will have -the . , - .'f C ! success watch attended that lor bep j tember The extraordinary specta cle was presented of a 12? cent magazine' selling fof 50 and 75 cents, and many hundreds were even sold at $1.00 each. Probably, the record remains without a parallel, in period- : ical sales, of a" number proving so in teresting that, after 211,000 copies had been sold, the News Company had orders for 50,000 more than they could supply, while dealers in various parts, of the country, discov ering the esteem in which the maga zine was held, immediately raised their prices to double, treble, quad ruple and in many cases to eight times the regular price. The pub lishers do not yet know what their real circulation is, owing to the limit ed capacity of their presses ; but machinery is being put in .place which will supply an edition for De cember exceeding 306,000, and dur ing that month it will be possible to determine jusf how many Cosmo politans the people will buy. We are under obligations to Messrs.' Latham, Alexander &. Co., of New York, for a cop of their val uable annual book of "Cotton Move ment and Fluctuations," a standard book of reference and one of the most reliable authorities. In addition to the usual features, statistical tables &c., this number contains an interest ing review of the Cotton Trade of the World, written expressly for this edi tion by the distinguished statistician plr. Thomas Ellison, of Liverpool, and also some decisions of the Su preme Court bearing on Cotton Con tracts as conducted by the New York Cotton Exchange. As a whole it is an invaluable publication to those interested in the co ton trade. fit: Helcua's nur li. . Making an appeal forme ins to re pair the damage to St. Helena's church," Beaufort,. S! C, by the great storm that recently swept the coast of that State, the correspondent of the New York Churchman says that in a period cf fifty years this church has given thirty-eight men. to the ministry of the Episcopal church, (among them four or five bishops and many prominent, presbyters.) Are- cord unnfatched in the annals of Christendom in any age or ocuntry. That from a certain law office in the town Richard Fuller, a Baptist minister went forth, abandoning a lu crative practice, and was succeeded by Stephen Elliott who served the mini, try, his law ' students, Wil- ham Johnson and C. C. V m ckney, j luai 1 nomas rutier and James U. -Elliot who successively "occupied the office, abandoned ,the law for the Gcspel: - - : - v T. C. D; ... 1 . -. a. I a. 'I -1 11 , Asist;iut 15Ksh) Cheshire. Taruoro, Oct. 15. Rev. Joseph Blount Cheshire, Jr., D. I)., with most solemn and impressive cere monies, was to-day consecrated as sistant bishop of the diocese cf North Carolina. Calvary church was filled to the 'utmost capacity, the weather being most . propitious . for such an occasion, and indeed, great interest was "manifested by- all of our people, as the newly-elected assistant is a na tive of this place. The following bishops were pres-' ent and took part in the ceremonies : Bishop's Weed, of Florida ; Quintard, of Tennessee ; Dudley, of Kentucky ; Sessoms, of Louisana ; Capers, of Sout'h Carolina ; Watson and Lyman, of North Carolina. Bishop Dudley, of Kentucky, preached the sermon, which wa most powerful and lucid. The consecration services were per formed bv Bishop Lyman, assisted by other bishops-. Quite a number 01 clergyman and laymen from vari- I ous parts of the State were present. GENERAL SOUTHERN Vt""!' Chahlkstox, S. G., October 13. IJ, S lihett,. for seventeen years treasurer i f tlie Northeastern railroad, died at 1-mnmervillc today of apoplexy, aged !- Years. IIrxTsvji.T.E,- Aljs., October 13. M. K. Matthews, an attorney, of Decatur, Ala., was arrested .there' vesterdav hv there vesterdav hv u deputy United States marshal on the charge of forgery. - Ihii.viNuir.vM, Ai.a., October 10. The First National bank, which suspended here on Anrust 2d, resumed business thismoi-ning. Many old patrons made heavy deposits and it stands well up agam in public confidence. . iHrisvn.i.E, Kr., October 10. The employes of the tiicsapeak, Ohio and ..out-a western raiiroa,lshave agreed to liccept the 10 per -jent reduction in wag-es under the. terms of General hcht)I s proposition and the trouble is at an cn.i. . Cor.r-:;iA,.s: O,. October U. The dis-pens-rv received - another severe blow to-ia y when .) udge Gary followed Jud"-e lfn!Ma'i it :d and quashed iudictments against several persons for selling !!OI1r"."- . LT5ir 5. ... (rrounil announced by J.udga Hudson. J;h::jixgh,vw, Ai.a., October 1L The wiiite can;ers, it is supposed, burned four ;-:us a.-id water power grist mills near t'-ourtla-nd yesterday morning, be tides seventy-live balescl cotton, four hundred of corn, and several IhoaFand bushels of cotton seed. Los over SiO.f'O')., . IJiK?,;txi;i.: m, Ala., October 14. The football sea' on in Alabaina onened at;jur.5a today. The game was be-tv.-een the university team and the Hirnnnshau, Athletic Club. Birming ham, won in a s. core of 4 to 0. OiT of.the university team was badly crip pled. . ' . Continued from the 4th. page bo bud as you hzen tei to "relieve. The 14 ince' p:iid ins great attentions, and ray vanity was flattered by them; I liked him very inueh, thousrh I did not love him; I was scarcely more than a child; I knew nothing o'f the world. and when he used to talk about a mor- trnnanc marnasrc i taw no lmpossi.- unity 111 sucn an arrau remenu inueeu, so far as I had any voice in the matte 1. A. T I J , , I had conserfted to tl when, ail of a sudden, I was'told tl ;,t he had gone considerable amount of damage, away, that ' I should never see him j It appears that there are some peo 'again, that he had even been placed , in Council Bluffs who all alon"- sus-n!lior-a f arrest, ancWhat I ws j ected mcnibers of h d to marrv M. de Chanteloup. Of cours - . , . 1 was ve'rv unhappy; lut I had always '.Pmeiit were in some manner re been completely under the control oi , sponsible lor the numerous fires. As my mother, who toid me this was "havkn't you heard? bhe is dead YES, DEAD!" she had done the best she could for me, and that I must bow to necessity. It was not until after my marriage that I learnt from my husband by what im famous means the transaction which handed me over to him had been brougt about. I don't speak of my mother's, share in it She was ambit ious, in her eagerness to make what she considered a magnificent alliance forme and she probably committed herself to false statements which may afterwards have teen used against her, and from which she could find no honorable way of escape. At any rate, my husband' revelation came far too late to save 'or serve me. If I had proclaimed my true story from the house-tops, .not one per son in a thousand would have believed it But you, I hope, will believe it, and forg-ive the wrong I was so nearly doing yon, as I have forgiven those who have run ed my life." There was a good deal more; but I could only glance at the remainder of the letter; for young Pomeroy had started up from his recumbent atti tude, and his cold, trembling fingers were laid upon my wrist "Well," said he, impatiently. "Speak out don't be afraid of hurting me. Do you think she did it?" I was astonished at the question. "Why," I exclaimed, "You yourself told me just now that you were per suaded of her innocence, and I must confess " "No, no!" he interrupted fretfully: "you don't understand me. As if I would let you dare to cast a doubt upon her. innocence. What I mean is, do you do you think she killed her self?" I could only Bay, as I had said in a previous mstance, that I thought she should be allowed the tenefit of the dcubt That's ail that 1 can say or think now; and although Eyre Pome roy would have been letter pleased, I suppose, if I could have given him the more positive assurance which ho craved, he did not,' presumably, con sider that the circumstances would jus- tify him in fulfilling his own threat of self-destruction. Far from acting so foolishly and wickedly, he has lately gratified his family by making a highly satisfactory marriage, and I si ould not imajrine tha; he has revisited Pere Lachaie sines the dismal, rainy day when he followed poor Madame de ChanteJonp"s remains to their last resting-placu in that dreariest of all burial grounds. Catarrh Caunut b cured with Local Applications, as they can not reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional dis ease, and in oider to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internally, and acts di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this coun try for years, and is a regular prescrip tion. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on themucou surfaces. The perfect combination of thedwo ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curine Ca tarrh. Send for testimonials free." F. . CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Unfailing in effects, always reliable pure a nd harmless, is Simmons Liver Regulator. Don't Yon Know That to have perfect health you must havd pure blood, and the best way to have pure blood is to take Hood s Sarsaparilla, the best blood purifier and strength builder. It ex pells all taint of scrofula, salt rheum and all other humors, and at the same time builds up the whole sys tem and gives nerve strength. Mrs. Elizabeth Messer Baltimore, Md. Rescued fsm Death All Said She Could Not Live a Month Xoto Alive and Well Thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla. "1 must praise Hood's Sarsaparilla, for !lt is wonderful medicine. I suffered 10 years with Neuralgia and Dyspepsia "JU """ speiia. sometimes I would son witn cold perspiration. I srient taSlrtM0 moneX. eSicaittendtnfce! f101 benefit until my daughter told me about Hood's Sai-saparilia, and I bean to take-it. I weighed less than 100 lbsTand - A Picture of Misery Every one who saw me thought I could not live another month. But I becan to imorove ialav gradually gained until I am now Hood's Sarsaparilla wi?.1! nSw- 1 ani. alive and ' J.1," .4a ,,w- lBS. ElJZABETH ME8SKH. 19 Eagt Barney Street. BaltinwrefMd HOOD'S PILLS axe purely vegetable, per fectly harmless, alway reliable and beneflcial. " almost stlir with pnlrl nr.nlrafn not a ease for argument, that Alaklng IJusiness for Themselves. According to, the newspaper cor respondents a most peculiar state, of affairs obtains at Council Bluffs; Iowa. During the past few weeks an extraordinary number of incendi- J ary fires have occurred in that town, Kiif mnr, tn iU r ; wu'i -j m iuiicuiy ui 111c lire ' j4.-. c 1 j i .department the fires would be extin guineu oeiore, tney could do any 1 j 1- ., .. a result oi tms suspicion a close watch was placed on the firemen, and as a reward for this espionage the chie f of I ine department and one ol his assis-; tants .were caught in the verv act oft setting fire to a building, and when they were chased they took refuge ifi the "nearest fire engine house and ! feigned sleep. As a-result those two men and other employes of the de partment who were implicated by a confession of one ol the accused have been placed under arrest and the peo ple are rapidly taking sides on the burning question. Little but I.lveJy. "Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean, And the pleasant lanck" And dropping into uprose, we would say, that Dr. Pierce's Pleasent Pellets are mild, but prompt in re lieving constipation, sick" headache, billious attacks, pain in the region of the kidneys, torpid liver, and in re storing a healthy, natural action of the stomach and bowels. 25 cents a vial. One Pellet a dose. Little but lively. The use of the old style, drastic pills is an outrage on the sys tem.. It was at a beach picnic that little Dollie asked thoughtfully t "Mamma, they put salt into the 50a ; why dont they put pepper in, too ?" Pains in the region of the." kidneys are cured by Si unions Liver Regula tor. ' ? - LOCATION: lest Side ol Lodgo Will AMERICA'S : KATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT. PAWHEE BllvXa Indian Museum, Grand frlpxican Hippodrome, International Exposition of Novelties, and Grand Pyrotechnic Display. Th he Greatest Wild . And the only one now traveling --, ,ttVs ,eartu,res stircieuvior tiitir -I- u , , o';menca in particular, and- in- World at large, as Nature's Own I ruUiiul Ijxniuiiion: I'awnte Dill's Wild West has fulfilled every purpose and is acknowledged to be Educational and Instructive ine uerool OKtanonia, ana Great ... ,111C naxve jjiii), nas spared sr A RTLING a n d sterling novelties. inuian V.HH-1S 01 renown. A whole j J t Pesenicu. spotted 1 ' "u ' 'Hui. il v. .11 1 10; s i ruin inece.eor.itca iioux, Comanche, Cheyenne, Arap.jhoes, and otlier, tribes, together with The Only Indian. Band of Ed ' ARE SHE.X AT EACH An Armv of Cowbovs and F repulses of the bloodthirsty Redskins oiage voacn. WOUNDED KNEE FIGHT AND Standing Races, Chariot Races, Hurdle and Wild Texas Steer Races an Indian runner, against a- Horse. Senor Francisco and his Vaqueros. Miss May Lilhe, the only lady who can shoot imerrinlv with a rifle on Horseback A bevy of , beautiful Wild Western Girls. Miss " Braddon, the Queen of the 1 lains. Spotted Mustangs, Bucking Bron, a drove of Wild Texas Steers Artilery races in the clearing. And the only herd of Living Buffalo, with many Celebrities. Mustang Walter, Corey, the crack pistol shot, Pony Bob and some of the most noted Rangeinen, famous for their skill with the Lariet. On tlie 2?2oti-cid.-"u.p and. 23ra.xic3.i-ng- Cattle. The Mexican Band, the Feature of the New Orleans Exposition, and A BAND 0F BEBOaiN' ARABS',"'--. Remarkable for their dexterity with the Rifle and Bayonet and feats of Her culean strength and astounding agility, eave been added to this great Congress of Wonders. In addition to the forgoing Marvels, thousands of Novelties, and an array of strange and talented people, with their outfits and appurtenances as they always have been, will be seen in THE GRAND STREET PARADE r ' - . which will start at 10 a. m., immidiately after the Cannon is heard to boom This is the signal to start, look out for it ! GRAND PYROTECHNICS AND METEORIC DISPLAYS. The immense enclosure lighted at night by the most powerful Calcium Lights, making the interior as the Noonday Sun. SEATS FOR EVERYBODY LADIES AND CHILDREN OUR SPECIAL CARE. LOOK OUT FOR PAWNEE -Nothing will -be 'omitted at one ADMISSION RESERVED SEATS. Children under 9 ONF TICKET ADMITS TO ALL. Go to the ADVANCE OFFICE for Job printing. Notice. H aving: quauhed as administrator upon the estate of Stephen Cher ry, deceased, all persons indebted to saia estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having II 1 i-"iiu" ugaiusi sdiu csuue tu present tnem uuiy vennea to the undersigned. or his attorneys, on or before the 20th day ot Uctober, 1894, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. R. H. MOORE, ' - Administrator. Woodard & Yarborough, Att'ys. Wilson, N. C, Oct. 16. 1893. Notice. fn Wednesday, November 15. 1893, K ' I will sell for cash, to the. hiehest bidder, at the late residence of Stephen nerry, aeceased, in uarueners Town ship, Wilson County, all the personal property belonging to said estate, con sisting of crops, stock, farming imple ments and household and kitchen fur niture. ' R. H. MOORE, Administrator. October i, 1893. Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Dr. H. D. Lucas, deceased, late of Black Creek, Wlson County, N. C, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th dav of October, 1S94, or this notice will be plead in bar ot their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate'payment. W. h.. YELVERTON, Administrator. Jno. F. Bruton, Attorney. This October 17, 1893. ''So Dauber has gone on the stage. How does he do there?" . "Doesn't draw any better than he 1 - aia wnen he was a painter." Bicycle riding does not appear to be conducive to amiability. No sooner does a man bestride a wheel than he gets his back up. tor a mild tonic, general laxative and invigorant take Simmons Liver Regulator. OCTOBER 31St. Street, Running West to Spring. AGE AITS West in the World, Moving, hj. its own train of nalace cars historical value and character from the While Chief of the Pawnees, Major Gor- neither trouble nor expense in his Itt3ian Villajre. Travoys, and thousands aii, Alraid ol His Horses, Left Hand, a cut ted Musicians on Earth TEIiroiai ANOE.' at Tn:per Tom's Cabin and Fort Hill MOUNTAIN MEADOW MASSACRE BILLS WILD WEST TRAIN. and done at another Performance.- .50 CENTS. 25 GENTS EXTRA. Years, Half Price Greatly Reduced Bates to the World' Fair by the Direct &cculc ltoute Chesapeake and Ohio Jfy. ; , From four to ten hours the" quick est route, and the only line from the South east entering Chicago on the Lake Front over the tracks of Illinois Central, passing in full view of the Exposition grounds, and land ing passengers at the World's Fair Station Midway Plaisance, Hyde Park or Thirty-ninth street, Twenty second street and Central Station, in the immediate vicinity of the great hotels and boarding houses of the South' Side, which saves from two to six miles of transfers and incidental expenses in Chicago. The route is via Cincinnati" and Indianapolis - and through the Garden of Illinois. Full information as to the low rates may be obtained of C. & O. Agents, or by addressing John D. Potts, Division Passenger Agent, Richmond, Va. That iful I .iii:jr With the exhilarating sense of re newed health and strength and in ternal cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of figs, is unknown to the few who have net progressed be yond the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well in formed. GEO. M. LINDSAY, Attorney at Law, SNOW HILL, N. C. Circuit: Wilson. . Green and Johnston Counties. Wayne Notice! HAVING ijyalified as executors of the last will and testament' of Si las Lucas, Sr., deceased, this is to no tify all persons having claims agaist the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of September, iSg4, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. W-T. LUCAS, J. H. LUCAS, . Executors. J. D. BARDIN, Attorney. Sep. -2nd, 1S93. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) Wilson County. ) In the Superior Court. Mollie Hoffman, ) ,,. vs ( Publication ot Chas. T. Hoffman. ) Summons. The defendant above named will take notice that an action has been com menced against him by the said Mollie Hoffman in the Superior Court of Wil son county for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony: and the said de fendant is hereby required to appear il luc ucai icrni oi wnson superior Court, to be held at the Court Hoose in Wilson orl the eighth Monday after the first Monday in September, 189, and answer or demur to the complaint of the' plaintiff, 6r the relief demanded therein will be granted according to law. A. B. DEANS, C. S. C. Woodard 8t YarbokougH, Att'ys. sept 2i-6t Notice. THE TAX BOOKS for 1893 are now in my hands for collection. Come forward promptly and pay your taxes. Remember that it is much easier to pay them early, while you hake something to pay tnem with, than to wait until late in the fall when the ihoney is hard to get. All who do not pay promptly, will find their taxes in the hands of a ml lector, who will have .p.ositive instruc tions to levy on and sell property in every case, I mean every word of this, and if you don't think so, you will find out by not paying them promptly. I am bound to collect your taxes and I am aeternuned to do so. J. W. CROWELL,' Sheriff. Notice, By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court made in the civil action wherein Mrs, M. A. Ellis is PlaintiffanH Burton Armstrong et. al. are Defend ants, 1 will sell at the Court House door in Wilson, N. C, on Monday, the 30th day of October, 1893, the following ucsLiiucu ianu: Situated in Gardner's township, Wil son county, one tract adjoining the ianas 01 k.. k. torts, John Webb" and others and containing seventy-three acres, more or less. One other tract adjoining the above tract, James tllis, James Pittman and others, containing twenty two acres more or less. - One other tract adjoining the lands ofW. M. Pippin. James Ellis. James Pittman and others, containing . nnp hundred acres, more or less, and for particular description reference is made to mortgage, recorded in the Kegistraris orhce, V llson county, book 27, page 206-208. TERMS: Cash. W. E. WARREN. ComV John F. Bruton, Att'y. Notice. By virtue of a d ecree of the Superior Court made in the civil wherein Mrs. S. B. Lipscombe et. al. Plaintiffs' and lames Gay and Mrs. Fan nie Forbes are Defendants, I will sell at the Court House door in Wilson. N C on Monday the 30th day of October 1 i'-'y.t luuuniiig uotnueu property : One tract of land situated north of the town of Wilson, Wilson county, North Carolina, west of Nash street! extended and cnsLof h' joining the lands of II. G Whitehead's heirs, D. I). Noliev. Geo. W. RInnnt ana others, it iK-ing known as the 100 acres, more Forbs tracr. containir or less. TERMS: Cash. - V. K. -WAR KEN, Cotn'r John F. Hkuton, Att'v. "Dy virtue, of ;v I-.-crt-fpf the Superior JLJ Court n.: i.; ia 1: u f ivil action wherein J. , K. lir-.itor,,. Trustee, et. al. Plaintiffs ai. J janes ElYui tl. al. Defend ants, I wiH ss'l m the Court House door in Wilson N. C", on Monday the 30th day of October, i3j- the following described property: One tract ol land situated in Gard ners township, Wilson county, adjoin ing the lands o! Dan'l. Baker. Mark Atkinson, Burbon Armstrong, it being a part of the old John Webb land bought of one Wm. Pippin by said Ellis, containing So acres, more or less. Terms: Cash. JOHN F. BRUTON, Commissioner. John F. Bruton, Att'y. j '1 ' ' Rev, John K. Chask, of South Hampton, N. TL, says: "The best remedy for La Grippe that I know of is AYEli'S Cherry Pectoral." "Last Spring, I was taken down with La Grippe. At times I was com. pletely prostrated, nd so difficult was my breathing that my i(iPust seemed as if confined in an iron cage. I procured a bottle of AVER'S Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began . taking it than reliet followed. I could not belie ve'that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete. It is truly a wonderful medicine." W. II. Williams, Crook City, S. D. . - . "From my own experience, tI take pleasure in voluntarily stating that . of all the medicines I ever uspd for fresh colds and La Grippe, AYKB'S Cherry Pectoral is, pre-eminently, the most potent remedy. Ordinarily, the most virulent fresh cold in the head and chest vanishes in a night, as if by magic Just follow the directions, and AYIl'S Cherry Pectoral will do the rest." Geo, II. Pike, Cadiz, Ky 'Tor two years, I suffered from a most distressing cough, which, at" last, became of a consumptive character, and very alarming to my frknids. After trying various remedies, without success, I began to take AVER'S Cherry Pectoral, and was very soon relieved. Two bottles cured me." Celestixk Sikois, Augusta, ire. The best remedy for colds, coughs, and the common disorders of the throat and lungs, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral is universally recommended, by the profession. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ajer & Co., Lowell, Mass. lE'roixipft "to o,ot,, sure to oiore vV. P. SIMPSON, President. ' 1 - A. P. BRANCH Assistant Cashier Braxroli & Co.; BANKERS -. or, TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ', IN ITS FULLEST SCOPE. SOLICITS THE BUSINESS OF THE PUBI IC - GENERALLY. MI 1,1 , 1 - Our Fall stock of NOTIONS is daily arrivino;. Every thing you need in the Millinery Line can be found at our store. Call and be convinced that -we have the best selected stock in the city. ' . L)RESS MAKING. We have secured the services of Miss Anna Davis, of Baltimore, an experienced Dress-maker. Satisfaction guaranteed to. all who will favor me with their orders. : . - MRS. S. I: GRIFFIN, Next to Post Office. THE: Cen treBrickWarelio HAS OPENED UP. 2Q,8n evenly space. e 111 When you hear a blab-mouth talking about ' ' .1 1 1 l-.'l 1 . , r . ui, some aognas oeen nit witn a brick, hence the "halloo!" We are here to serve you, and it shall be our pleasure to stand close up to your every interest in the sale of your TOBACCO, let our sale be first or last. " Consult us before selling and we will you our best advice. Your Friends Truly, Pace, Cozart & Co., - Proprietors. YOU SWEEZE Cough, Choke, and Gasp for Breath, BEWARE! It May be a Serious Symptom THE SPECIFIC For all Throat and Lung Complaints IS - - Ayer's Cherry Pectoral f. C , HALES. Ca.5f.irr - - - N. (. Pounds ERYl Our Sales Floor is the best lighted of any warehouse-ever built, containing 140 solid Skylights, diffusing the light over ALL the floor . ... . . . . . . . . ; o r ! give

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