$I.OO A YEAR CASH IN ADVANCE. "LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY S, THY GOD S, AND TRUTH S. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM VOLUME XXIV. WILSON, WILSON COUNTY, N. C, MARCH 8, 1894. NUMBER 10. f s) .. - - , . " Advance. : vv ilBon GOOD RESOLUTIONS FOR 1 804. Siiop Economically, v You cannot shop economi cally at stores where one rum ored per cent, profit are put on jjoods. you need in every day'life it is impossible. To shop economically, you must single out the merchant who sells goods for, . Cash and Cash Only, and who by so doing can af ford to undersell his "Credit System" competitor to the tunc of from twenty-five to thirty-three' and a third per cent. " Walk hand in hand with the CASH merchant and you have started on the bright road to economy and wealth. The ':ash merchant has no book keeper's salary to pay, no collector to pull your door knob' (iff,' no printer's bill for stacks of printed bill heads. All these . expenses, not to mention the losses bv bad M! '!-, are: saved to iivMi, but ilie credit man must: add on SO much to his profits : to cover these necessaries, j and You Pay for It. I Did you ever think of this ? j We admit its "so conven-l ietit, to have it charged," but kind friends, this "conven ience comes mighty high to you..- Our low prices and cash system . have made the Cash Racket Stores a by-word in every house in Wilson and the -adjacent counties. We shall strive to make 1S94 the ban ner year of all its predecessors by, giving our patrons unprec dented .bargains. Our change less motto in Underbuy and Undersell. That's our secret. Start to-day and shop econom ically, we can help you do it. m Ti3 Gash Racket Stores, I J. M. LEATH, Manager. Nash and Goldsboro Streets, WILSON. N. C. - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TEW BOARDING HOUSE. MRS. DR. KING Has returned to Wilson and opened a boarding house at her residence on South- Cor. Green & Pine Sts. Board both Permanent and Transient. 2-1-4L J I F. PRICE, Surveyor and Ciiil Engineer. WILSON, - - N. C. 30 years' experience.' Office next to : Dr. Albert Anderson. Jno'.'K.' WwnUril, V. H. Yarborough, Jr. WOODARD & YARBOROUGH, Attorneys-at-Law, Wilson, -. - N. C. . Will practice in the courts of Wilson, X.iM, ireen, Mdgeconibe and abjoin i:'..' c unities. N. 1. --Associated in Civil practice J.. R. UZZELL, .Attorney at i aw. WILSON, N. C. lice's wherever services are re- i. 3 All businiss will receive : l attention-. a- in Well's Building II. C. CONNOR, Attorney at. Law, WILSON, - - N. C. Branch & Co's. Bank Building. DR. E. K. WRIGHT. Surgeon Dentist, WILSON, n. c. Having permanently located in Wil I oiier my professional services to he public. M?"Otfrce in Central Hotel Building. GEO. M. LINDSAY, Attorney at Law, SNOW HILL, N. C. Circuit : Wilson, Green and Winston Counties. Wayne Wanted, 10,000 bushels cotton seed. Young Bros. ; . A big line of rubber goods just re ceived at Voung.Bros. Bed sheets and mattresses at Young's. V- V- Cotton seed hulls lor cows. Young Bros. Tarboro stockings for children, the best in the world at Young's. Ladies' hats, latest stvlps o , j , w 1 oung s. See Young's line of Knaby hats. Bargains in pant goods at Young's. BROWN ' S I R0H I ITERS cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. 1 The Old Friend And the best friend, that never fails you, 13 Simmons Liver Begu lator, (the Red Z) that's what you hear at the mention of this excellent Liver medicine, and people should not be persuaded that anything else will do. It is the King of Liver Medi cines ; is better than pills, and takes the place of Quinine and Calomel. It acts directly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels and gives new life to the whole sys tem. This is the medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. WEVEKY PACKAGE'S Has the Z Stamp In red on wrapper. J. H. ZKILlIi & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. WEEK IN CONGRESS. I Hawaii a Standing- Dish in the i Senate f Eranch. APPROPRIATION BILL IN THE HOUSE. I All Sorts of Side Motions and Oiseussious to Fill l!p the Vacant Intervals. Matters for" the Coming Few Dajs. Washington, March 5. The senate will wait for the iiuance committee to act 011 the tariff bill. The house will continue to make a show of industry on the appropriations bill. - This, in brief, is the probable con gressional program for the ' present week.- There will be all sorts of side motions and discussions to iill up va cant intervals. In the senate, Hawaii is a standing dish, and is likely to remain so for VUiC WAJO kVS VrVSLUCa Lit. V. V L . 11V. 1 J ; t '.W,r I of Louisiana, Is one of those who has given notice ' of an intention to speak on this subject, and there is some curi osity to hear his maiden effort at ora tory iu the senate. The unfinished business before the senate is the bill to remove the existing death-trap and to build a new govern ment printing office. Disputes as to sites have hampered the consideration of this measure heretofore, and now, by the remarks of Senator Dolph of Oregon, on Thursday, tariff questions and the wnole subject of government expenditures and receipts have beeii in terjected into the debate. It is expected that appropriation bills will hold almost undisputed sway hi the house. The general debate on the pension bill will probably close today, and then it will be subject to the limitation of thj five miuute rule 1 until passed This stage of proceed-'' ings, O Xeill, of Massachusetts, who is' I in charge of the measure, hopes 1 and believes will be - reached I by Tuesday afternoon at the further- J est. Following this bill the District of I Columbia appropriation bill will be called up and then the sundry civil bilL ROSEBERY, THE PREMIER. Official Audirnrc with the (Jue n in Duck- '. , iagiiam t'a'.ace. London, March -5.Sir llonry Pon- sonbv. the queen's private see'retary, ... " i t r u.i u. . ;n'r.. i Tisited LiOrtl l(o.seleiy, in. Lomlori, hat-1 ." . , , . . ' , I MAUC&y (11 t i (iV'V'l.. .i. ..v. i. v . ii ill. lit ills. queen's wish that he accept the pre miership. The queen came from Windsor to London today, and gave Lord Kosebery an audience in Ituckingham place. Sir William Ilarcourt, chancellor of the ex chequer, Earl Spencer, first lord of the admiralty and Herbert Asquith, home j secretary, called upon Lord Itosebery j yesterday. Mr. ami Mrs. iI:id.s!oii at Krighton. j London, March 5. Mr. .Gladstone has written a letter to Earl Rosebury congratulating him upon his accession to the premiei ship. It is stated that ; Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone will 'o on . Tuesday to Brighton, and that tliey i will spend Easter at Mu warden castle. U. S. SUPREME COURT. Rprlnjr Term Convene In Washing"", but the full I So ll-h Ctt.se I'ussril Over. Washington, March 5. The spring term of the United States supreme court began today. None of the cases which have been awaiting the hearing by full lench will be taken up at once. There are twenty-five of these cases on the waiting list, among the most im portant being those involving the title to mineral lands in the grants to the Northern Pacific railroad, the finances of the defunct Morman church and the Interpretation of clauses of the Mc Kinley tariff act. The delay is necessitated by the ab sence of Justice Jackson, who is in Florida, where he will remain until April for the benefit of his health. Sev eral cases needing a full bench for their consideration are on the calendar for hearing today, but they are neces sarily passed over. THREATENS KING HUMBERT. Th Sams Crank Who Caused Trouble Three Years Ago. Romk, March 5. A man named Oli rerl was arrested here on Friday night because he had threatened to attack King1 Humbert After his arrest the police learned that he was the person who, during Emperor Williams visit here in 1890, threw into the imperial oarriage a. letter denouncing Germany and the house of llohensollern as re sponsible for Italy's financial troubles, and put under , arrest. . Simmons Liver Regulator, cured me me of general debility and loss of appe tite. Mrs. Edmond Fitton, Frankford, Pa. TALIIAGE WILL STAY The Brooklyn Divine Reconsiders His Recent Resignation. A PRELUDE TO SUNDAY'S SERMON. In a Letter Head to the Congregation the Celebrated Tabernacle Pastor Gives Ills Reason for Remaining With the Church. Brooklyn, N. Y., March 5. The Kev. T. DeWitt Talmajje has again ( changed his mind in regard to resign-' ing the pastorage of the Brooklyn tab ernacle. A few minutes before Dr. Talmage began his sermon at the , morning service yesterday he told the congregation that he had a few words to say to them. He then read the fol lowing letter, being several times in terrupted by applause: ."Dear Brethren of the Board oi Trustees of the Brooklpn Tabernacle: - 0nt "Your urgent letter is at hand. I ; The New YorW Athletic club will had fully resolved to resign my posi-; have a cross-country run at Travels tion, not only because twenty-five years island. of my Brooklyn pastorate will soon M. . Plant, the leading merchant ol have passed because of financial en- j Oxford, JS'eb., was killed by a bull ie tanglement, resulting from a series of ! cently. disasters which would have crushed any j During the Chilean elections thy j bank', or Insurance company, or worldly j state of siege will bo-suspended, except 1 institution. j "Now by the blessing of God, up n ' i your management, . our church is put j out of all embarrassment and, I hope, j has seen its last crisisi I am persuaded by what you say in your letter of yes terday and what I hear from all side.1) - now, and here, declare my intention to remain your pastor. "What I have suffered at the antici- ! pation of parting from this noble and j devoted tlock atid from expected re- Itu i terested, no one. can estimate. "And now, with more faith and high . expectation than I ever had at any pre j vious point in my ministry, I join you ' in a new campaign for God and the world's betterment. Yours, etc, T. DeWitt Talmage." After Dr. Talmage had finished read ! ing the letter he was loudly applauded for several minutes. ARREST OF THE RIOTERS. Fourteen of the Kagl Peace Disturbers In Custody The Situation Unchanged. Charleston, W. Va., M irch 5. There is practically no change in the situation at Eagle today. Fourteen rioters were "arrested at Montgomery yesterday and taken to the Fayette county jail. Ten J " " ostensibly to assist in extra guard duty, but it is believed that the arrest oi strikers will cause trouble and more troops are needed in case of an out break. Four more men were sent yes terday from Huntington. The troopa will stay on the ground until legal ac tion is taken against the rioters. The inquest over Adkins may be con cluded to night in spite of the strange spectacle of two coroners fighting for the same body. Arrest of Wyant. Chari.kstox, W. Va., March 5. Con siderable excitement was caused at Eagle about 8:43 last night .by the ar rest of Wyant. A large crowd is at Eagle making all sorts of threats, but so far no actual violence has occurred. COR3ETT IN BALTIMORE. Several Honrs Sunday Spent in Atlanta, Georgia, Knroute North. Baltimore, March 5. James J. Cor bett, the champion, arrived in the city today from Mobile, Ala., where he I gave an exhibition in Princess theatre. : Several hours yesterday Corbett and ! his manager were in Atlanta, Ga., en ! route. He speaks confidently of his engagement with Jackson and says ha is anxious for the meeting. T-'t .HI . J Cli Jf Tox, S. C, March 5. A yery de- structure re broke out at 9 o clock yesterday morning m the second story of the building occupied by J. S. Hairs- . , , . , .S -j ton, and destroyed the stores eccnpied by Mr. Hairston, W. H. Stone, Horton Uros., T. C. Summbr fe l?ro. The buildings were about covered by insur ance. All "the merchants got their goods out with considerable breakage and damage. - Sabbath "Reform" Coventions. Columbia, S. C, March 5. The se rene Sabbath was selected by the re form politicians here for an under standing as to this week's events. One of these conferences was held behind locked doors in the statehouse and Gov ernor Tillman was present. The other conference was held at the state dis pensary building. - Capture of (Sylvester Rhodra. Savannah, Ga., March 5. Deputy Sheriff Cobb, of Tatnall county, reached Savannah last night from Jesup, hav ing in custody Sylvester Rhodes, col ored, who is wanted in Tatnall for the murder of a white man named Robert . rm j 1.1 Kozier. The murder occurred. Fetn ruary nu. Ano. her Attempt at the Fair Buildings. Chicago, March 5. One more of the frequent attempts to destroy the world's fair buildings was made yes terday afternoon, but the attempts failed and resulted in the arrest of a nran who gives his name as Michael Murphy. The Tariff Hill Come Up. Washington, . March 5. Unless the plans of the democratic members of the senate finance committee go all awry, the tariff bill will be laid before the full committee Tuesday motning at 10 o'clock. Death of Judge Hoyt. Atlanta, .March 5. Judge Samuel B. Hoyt, one of Atlanta's oldest and most respected citizens, died yesterday at the age of sixtj.ilve years. Railway Employes Strike. Yousgstowx, O., March 5. The Youugstown street electric line was tied up today by a strike of every em ploye. The Hlodern Way. Commends itself to the well-formed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest jnanner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, headaches, and fevers without unpleasant after effects, use the de lightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. NEWS STATED BRIEFLY. News of - the Wceic Condensed and Paragraphed. Nagasaki. Japan, is being ravaged by smallpox. Japan proposes to tax bicycles 2.25 per year each. Ex-I'resident Harrison has started for California. Emperor Francis Joseph left Vienna yesterday for Mcntoue. "Old Hutch" is going into the saloon business in Chicago. Two new wheel clubs have been or ganized at Havana, Cuba. Nelson, . the Springfield cyclist, has recovered from his illness. Martin is now in Paris training foi the Bordeaux-Paris byciele race. E. A. McDuffee, the celebrated wheel man, is training at Richmond, Va. Premier Sagasta, of Spain, is suffer ing acutely from gastric catarrh. , Detroit Wheelmen are already ar ranging for a trip to Niagara Fulls. ranging for a trip The Rhode Island democratic state convention will be held March 14th. Mother Mandelbaum, the famous at Santiago. Manuel Garcia, the bandit "ifing oi Cuba," is levying blackmail in lhe "ever-faithful isle.' In the opening game of the billiard tourney at lioston, Slosson defeated Schaefer 000 to 247. Ten persons were killed during the ; storm m Germany By factory chimneys j being blown down, I Several citizens of Baltimore are or ! gjanizing the Commonwealth Savins bank in that city. The Virginia legislature adopted re solutions of regret at the deat h -of Gen eral Jnbal A. Early. Another cave-in attlm Gaylord mine destroyed the fruit of thHe tla.ys' labor by the rescuing party. . IJonilla's troops are said to be shout ing even women ami children who sym pathize with asqucz. Two burglars were driven out of a house in St. Louis by two girls. One burglar was shot. The tobacco monopoly in the KepuU lie of Columbia, S. A., has created great dissatisfaction. . The governor of Virginia has been notified that oyster pirates made a de scent upon James river. Dr. Robert Wickham, charged with murder, has been released in Chicago, ibut will be re-arrested. Every coal mine in Georges creek re gion, Maryland, will resume operation! within the next ten days. Rio Janeiro advices say that Presi dent P.-ixoto has prolonged the btatc siege until the firs . of May. i The Citizens' - Investment - company has been organized at Jacksonville, Fla:, with 850,000 capital. . The Five Per Cent association at Co lumbia, S. C, is planning to organize ,another bank in that city. i W. T. Stead will leave Chicago f oi England tonight. His book on that city will soon be published. Thomas F. Bayard, United States ambassador to England, denies the re port that he intends to resign. ! Twenty more anarchists were ar rested in Paris during the twenty-four hours ending yesterday morning. f All gambling establishments and dis orderly houses in Omaha, Neb. , were ordered to be closed by March 5th. Joseph Donjan was sentenced in Bal timore for sending a threatening pos tal, card to Vice-President Stephenson. Meakin and Farrell, the famous bat tery of the Washington baseball club, have been secured for the New York team. Advices from Gaudalajara are to th effect that Congressman W.- L. Wilson continues to improve. He still coughs a little . George L. Littleueld, of Pawtueket, R. I., has just announced his candi dacy for the democratic nomination foi senator. , The report sent out 3esterday of the burning of the Negro Len Tye by ;t mob in Harlan countj-, Ky., is believed to be false. Miss Carrie Pell, the first woman to be named for public office in' Colorado, ' is the populist candidate for city clerk of Creede. Judge Willis, of the district court in it. I'aul, Minn., threatened newspapers which migiit publish comments ou criminal trials. Baron Giovanni Nicotera, the Italian ex-minister of the interior, who was stricken with apoplexy Saturday, is better. Receivers have been appointed for the' Auburn (N. Y.) Woollen company. Liabilities, J50,000; value of plant, $500,000.' Mob violence in Acquaviva. Italy. and Vienna, and bursting bombs in I'isa and Paris, testify to the uncanny con dition of Europe. The Jackson brewing company, Cin cinnati, made assignment fc-'ati'irdny. The assets are 8400.000 while the liai il ties are but $150,000. In spite of the new fall-in the Gay- 1 ... ia ,,i iu ' .u ' work is to go on until the men or then !,.. lord mine in 1 lymoutli, l'a., the rescue Thomas L. Lyle, of Fort Worth, Tex brought a divorecsuit. and declares his wife forced him to marry her by threat ening to shoot him. Bishop llonacnm, of Lincoln, Neb., has excommunicated the Rev. Father Michael J. Corbett, who recently sued him for libel in the civil courts. The Alley "L" road, in Chicago, will be extended to Lake street, bringing the tracks directly in front of tha Wa bash avenue side of the Auditorium. . The attorney-general of Kansas an nounced S;:tirday that he would make no attempt to close the gambling dens of Kansas City, as the law was inade quate. The Cotton Exchange in Liverpool will be closed from - Thursday, the 22d, at'l p. m., until the following Wednes day m-Tning, the 26th inst., in observ ance of the Easter holidays. Both branches of the Colorado legis lature have adjourned t sine die. This extra session called by tJovernor Waite continued fifty-two days at an expense of 75,000, and only a dozen bills were passed. It beats the doctors. Mrs. Boyd, 22 Weeden St., Providence, R. L, says : "I suffered lor three months from rheumatism and neuralgia. The doctor's medicines not giving me any relief, I tried Salvation Oil, the best of linaments. Why suffer with sick headache and billiousness when Simmons Liver Reg ulator will cure you. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Looking Over the Sites. Atlanta, Ga., March 5. Presi dent Hemphill and Mayor Goodwin le newed their search for a suitable site for the exposition again this morning, after spending a busy day Saturday on the same business. Today they are making a personal survey of the old waterworks property and of Grant park. Bankraptrjr of an Ohio County. East Liverpool, March 5. - Columbia county is bankrupt The treasury is empty, and Treasurer Martin has been compelled to stop the paj'ment of all orders for want of funds. The courts will be suspended until the treasury is .reple.nie.hed. Captured Members of the Goodman Gang. Elwood, Ind., March 5. Murray Cain and Bid May, members of the fa mous Goodman gang, were captured at Orestes last night by Jules Carnal, a farmer from whom they were stealing live beeves which they had in a wagon and were hauling away. The Miners Keturn to Work. Washington, March 5. All the mi ners in the Ohio sub district, ovci seven thousand in number, returned to work, pending a settlement of tlm wage question by arbitration. Arbi trators were appointed today. People with delicate stomachs find Ayer's barsaparilla agreeable to the taste, and, therefore, prefer it as a blood-purifier to any other. This is one reason for its great popularitv as a spring and family medicine. Safe, certain, and palatable. The Shopper Weakness.. Lady Shopper What ? You ask $3 a yard for this cloth ? Why, I can get it at Dreighgoods' for $2. Clerk Yes, madam. But we're offering this on our bargain counter. Lady Shopper (taking out her purse) Oh! Let me have ten yards, please. Chicago Record. The burglar at night may be feared by the timid ; but he is not so much to be dreaded as an insidious cough, which stealthily enters the system, and undermines the constitution. When the cough first appears use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the effec tual remedy for all such troubles. Serious- Headache. Wife Oh, I have such a fearful pain in my head. Husband Very sorry, my dear, vou will have to wait till the first of the month. I can't buy you a new hat till then. Alex E. Sweet. Guaranteed Care. We authorize' our advertised drug gists to sell Dr. King's New Discov ery lor Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold, or any Lung, Throat, or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disap points. Trial bottles at all Drug Stores. Large size 50c. and $1.00. He morse. - Teacher Do you understand the meaning of the word remorse ? Bad Boy Yes'm. "Define it." "It's bein' sorry you forgot to put your g'ography in your pants." Good News. Since its introduction, Electric Bit ters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medical tonics and alteratives containing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or in toxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of Stomach, Liver, or Kidneys. It will cure Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, and drive Malaria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c. per bottle. Sold by" all druggists. Didn't Dare Take It Caterson (Sunday morning) Don't give me any coffee this morn ing, my dear ! Mrs. Caterson Why, I never knew you to refuse coffee before ! . Caterson Well, I am going to church, and I am afraid it might keep me awake. Puck. Despondency, caused by diseased liver, can be avoided by taking Sim mons Liver Regulator. STATE NEWS. Dunn Times. Just as we go to press we learn that some one broke, into the house of Mr. John T. Mes sers in Grove township while he Was away from home and stole $109 Durham Recorder. Last Sunday night a horse died in a back lot in this city the poor animal found nothing to eat and no place to get into that coid and freezing nioht. n Chorus cries of dogs can often be heard over the body of an animal be cause the owner is worthless. Scotland Neck Democrat. There have been more horse drovers here this season, to be sure, than we have ever seen in one season before. Last Saturday a Pennsylvanian offered a Gar load of horses and mules at auc tion, but he did not .make much headway. He left for Enfield Mon day. - Durham Sun : News reaches Durham that on yesterday, on the plantation of Clint Rogers, near Creedmoor, Tom Foster and Sam Lawrence, two negroes, became en gaged in a difficulty, when foster drew his "weepbn" and carved one of Lawrence's arms to such an extent that Lawrence bled to death before he could get medical aid. It is said they were "on a drunken spree. Ashville Citizen. 'Deputy Sheriff J. H. Hampton received Saturday night a check for $100, which was the reward offered by Governor Carr for the arrest of Lawson Howard, the Cleveland county colored man charged with murder. The reward, was divided between Deputy Hamp ton and Deputy F. M. Jones. The additional $100 reward offered by the reletaves of the murdered man is yet to be paid. : Smithfield Herald : On Saturday, Feb. 17th, Mr. Benton D. Tart, near Mingo, Sampson county, left home and went out, he said to look a hen's nest. In about hall an hour some one "went out to look for. him and found that he had fallen into a ditch about 32 feet deep and had broken his neck. He was subject to fits and is supposed to have been taken with a fit. He was a son of Mr. T. S. Tart, and about 20 years of age. Fayetteville Observer : The boil er of J. F. Jordan's saw mill, at Gulf, Chatham county, forty-five miles north of this city, on the Cape Fear and 'Yadkin Valley railroad, blew up one morning last week, killing two men and wounding another seriously. All the men were colored and one of them was the engineer. A corres pondent says : The concussion shook houses a mile .away and frag ments of the saw 'mill building and the boiler were thrown a distance of five hundred yards. The mill build ing was badly demolished and a piece of the boiler crashed through the top of Mr. Jordan's residence, a consider able distance from the mill. Washington Gazette. Tuesday William Flynn was incarcerated here in the county jail for killing another negro at Six Landing', in the Roper swamps. -It. appears that the negroes were playing, as they often did, and "fooling" with each other, when Flynn snapped what he supposed was an unloaded pistol at the victim. As is almost always the case, the pis tol was loaded, and the bullet took effect in the stomach and the negro died in a few hours. Flynn has a bad reputation, still it is generally believed the shooting was not inten tional. His victim was a peaceable and hard working negro and leaves a large, family. Wilmington Star : Superintendent Byrnes, of the New York police force, says that a distinctive leature of a criminal, especially ol a thief, is his foot, and that he can recognize it as far as he can fee it. He says that no matter what sort of a boot or shoe a thief may put on, it will put on a rounded look and turn up at the toe. Generally the arch of the foot is low, but whether it be or not, turning up of the toes is always there, and comes from the thief's characteristic method of walking. The superintendent said that he had spent many hours study ing the feet of criminals, and that in ninp nepe rnfr r1 ton Vi o ran tfA a ...... - iniei uom an none:1 man UY U1C 1JJU J of his foot alone. Do You See the We will save you Tinsley's Guano. How Can It takes two tons of Pocomoke, Whann's, Bradly's or other cotton eoods to make axs r.er cent, of Amonia. It takes the same" to. get 14 per cent, available Phosphoric Acid. In one ton of . Tinsley's Higli Grade We give you 435 per cent, of amonia, 14 per cent . available acid. Calculation: Two tons cotton guano $26.50 per ton, $53.00 We sell you one ton unciey s Tobacco Guano - - Profit in favor Tinsleys, ... - - - Why does your tobacco take second growth and cure black ? Because just at the time that it needed all of its strength to ripen, your cotton guano gave out in strength. We can point to farmers who have -never failed to make bright tobacco, they use nothing but Tinsley's Guano. You had better use one sack of Tinsley's to the acre than three sacks of cotton goods. It will give you better results. It is the color that tells in Tobacco. ' Your Young Statesville Landmark : A number of the colored people of Staicsville have become impressed with the be lie! that the end of the world is near. Some of them have seen unusual signs in the heavens recently and many other incidents that tend to confirm this belief. As a result many of them are continuing long at prayer and have their lamps trimmed and burning, awaiting the summons. One colored sister, who is very devout on all occasion, asseverates that she rose up early one morning recently in order to have a season of prayer before beginning the day's duties- and that while engaged in her devotions she distinctly heard the word "Pre pare." This she firmly believes was a-warning from the other world. Tennyson on Sjriiii. We have the word of Alfred Ten nyson for it that in the spring the young man's fancies lightly turn to thoughts of love. It is singular that the great laureate omitted to mention the fact that it is in the spring that a AValo'inc;, K inxan & .Marvin, Whole . j sale Druggists, Toledo, O. cuii&iuerauie puruon oi ine unman, race turn to taking Hood's Sarsapar illa. Probably nothing but the diffi culty of. finding a good rhyme lor that invaluable remedy deterred him. Certain it is that the old-time domes tic remedies are generally discarded in favor of the standard blood puri- fier, Hood's Sarsaparilla, which his attained the greatest popularity all over the country as the favorite' Spring, Medicine. It purifies the blood and gives nerve, menial, bod ily, arid digestive strength. A FAIR TRIAL of Hood's Sar-" saparilla guarantees a complete cure. It is an honest medicine, honest ly advertised and it honestly CURES may be inherited ; not Consumption, chested children are the ones to Everybody with a tendency toward should take Scott of Cod-liver Oil, with soda. It builds up the and Wasting Diseases. endorse it. Hereditary Weakness and all Blood Diseases OilJX. 11 IS a lOUU IIUU Prepared by Scott & Point?c $15.50 in one ton of We Do it ? of Tobacco Guano 37.50 $15.50 friends, Brothers; Wilmington Messenger : The venerable Mr. J. O. Bowden and his excellent wife celebrated their golden wedding last night, having been mar ried on the 28th of February, 1 844. They kept open house at their resi dence, 212 Red Cioss street, last evening, and a large number of friends called to congratulate them upon their fifty years of married life and to wish them more years of hap py union. The ageO couple received quite a number of presents. Re freshments were served to their guests and a pleasant evening was spent by all -who ' caUed. llou'x This. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not '! cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. . CHHXEV &. CO., Props., - Toledo, O. W, tile .undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financial ly able , to carry out any obligation made by their firm. W 1 ST Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. - . : Hall's Catarrh C lire is taken intern ally, ac ting directly upon , the blood aiid mucous surfaces of the system. Ft ice 75c. per lioltle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials lree. Time 2r"ie, .Soiiifftiinert. She Papa said you must not stay '.after eleven o'clock He It's nine o'clock now. . She Mercy! We have only two hours to say good-night. N. Y. Weekly. Get your neck wear at Youngs'. . 5,000 pairs sample shoes at New York cost at Young Bros. H Furniture ! I'urniture, at Young's Men's hats at $3.50 to $10.00. Young Bros. Thin, narrow look aut for. Weak Lungs riypophosphites of lime and system. Cures Coughs, Colds Physicians, the world over, are cured by SCOTT'S EMUL- m neui ijuiucuu t Bowne, N. Y. Druegists fell it. EniiifsSon