The Commonweal H 'Army on ilarrfi to Washington.'. 7 n Its rOOTPRIXIS IX THE FLAKY SXOW. The Trocrsslon Without a "Goddess of Peace," ami as Vet Without Slgnifi cant Sitrcnsf h Pe-serNTS in tUo I'iril J'-UrUt M.i.!c S retch. Cantox, O., March 'J jind blistcry nj i-.t ..n ton,"-the common w-al I'). After a cold "C;im!) Lexing- armv resumed O eioeii liiis liU'iiiiuK, merited here by t'.ven iv.o'.l k:i; m-n's-.tnigglers. '.-. a u-iieu me pro-- j i - . I U:l L( cl.SlllIlJf- lieers went up tVrs hereabout idiT as a "ines- i i r Sunday. r:;:" on schedule eri;tps 75 in line WEEK IN CONGRESS. District of Columbia Business Goes Over for Unfinished Work. DEPENDING UPON THE UNEXPECTED. NEWS STATED BRIEFLY. N8W 'i .0 Weoii Condensed I 'anagraph :-d. The Election Contest Cases to Have Con. deration Tuesday and Probably Wednesday Other Schedules in Hoth Branches. -its marc li at . having' been ai1;." ty-live or thirty' Thousands iif i cession a..-, it ton," and trellis: from the lam. Ire who regard th. sender of lui u:.1' .Starti-il -i Coxey's :tr:ty out of iMasx'iiion tine. 'J here v. at the start, and ''-' less when ' Canton. eight uiii.-s :: ay, -was reached. Carl Urown. chief who headed the procession, was mounted on a white hors and was i'. ill. wed by half a dozen aids, all rao;ii: te.T -a horses . belonging to CmM 'V. . ir : 1 is i'e iii a carriage drawn .y ;i ):'.; . . . ! . 1. :".s. 1 i:e pro- css-.iu c;."e.'vU'i of the marslials, '.oAfV. 1 .'is ' sister, a I Higgler, our 1 e-oV.s e. :i t-ain :ng camp-' ar . ! . "-I si. -aw and several 1,', 1: ,:. . . 1'; a ! band .that !:-...' . ';. . I ' 1'. :.i o ;.t and - ' t :. e- uiinoii weal on .u.: : .- ' i '-is.dtt liie and e ' : ; -i.'-:l t:eir fancy, . ' ' . eere e.- ,V : .-;.? ;H:, were :-. . ."t . thev . i ; ; fault, but tlio . . : -r e-e government.'" . v.. '.: s Thpia. : v.. -..i-V. . :,. .':..a n t w hen the sta : ... t X procession was i.y a severe snow storm. v:-.-n is t-.-ndency, and a ;s i;ii! were reported , VL j . lii bt stop, was stiiy at Kedburn, the ;s t-.nward nvarch, and shortly, alter 4-o'cloclv :!.;;;u:i was pitche.i. . :.i1Ls L, and claims that t::us far exei-fl.s his N:veo:ati.;is, but this is !,; v:!'i his former de- i i i i-i " iasiliou t; t'aa iH A.!':.yc-i by a mob .'o'.'L' . in carriagesa I.'ol. -They mane tile ii tlioir- cheers and kepi, ly bowing and lifting eiih-.g Canton the army .- ftuiy '1 (.i.OOtl people, sod ou the bide walks a -id balconies along ''Godiicsd of I'csce." had t.) start on its iodde.-s of peace,'' "Ooti iV-v 'j'hi b.. i 'ruin ; . .''Ci-. . rci : '.. ,.Alr r a : ri.; reach, .i vlic. e Ca lus"V i Ul. t f,ar i , i ci:-:-. '. v . i :.. ton oi sit ,i vr.' hors.v' wcii- n ri Co:-.ey his -lia 1. 'VIS 1 wi:o v-.-rt attain W; ihe .-,.:'.. 1 marc a u il; as iio ui;, i.' that r.--le. ever, a V. in to carry th African i moTeme at. deserted i.i reached, celestial proncr uif storm uth' advised Ills i.: freight train. Coey J.l EiSMisoHA: Towidy, a a from Cinci;:r.. day: lie 1 Coxey's iint. to organize 2 tne, Co-vcv ai lie e-...-- '1 -i. d::y weelv.- 011 out to joiu la Vt',. advocatuirr ti; spend the v. . uncuj';lowd 1 IV. ,, .i n. :i co a Inst.-; Id bo id or fro !i IO "..ill to ttMsUUW a i:v.-.Ulesa. ho ve il is ifijen enlisted banner, thus giving the in the One group of -fire soldiers ! '':' b-.'oi'o Canton, was eir in.iv..,.;l t'a.jtight tin ; were i:ct exercising viiuii iu sending a snow liie advn;ing hosts and :c-n t-j.bve.ui for a passing ;. . :i.,;. in Alab; auia. 1 5.- John O. er;. l . uorvous man i'-- ac K' l h;re yester- ! t j ! one of J. S. nt Vifn.l says he comes Alaba rrgiinent of b.'f c ;e uaeniployed. i .e.t :...'!)) men by Tues . ch ('..-'.y taey will start iurT its march to e has a lot of iitcraluie ' .i!ld pr;post'S to . a',. y , n i ..rcssing the -!V3 fil.-,t:-:Ct. B;-rVi!LlE Colt!mt;;a!i : tr'.cai ( '!!' Xsw Yof:S tee iu charg closing -of il ujeEeeii'ent the '):-.:';:-Col'..!...'.: movou t th vve.-i-. . . T - re ma : : Ci r;.- ; -.': : :L'E3RAT!0N. v.- . .Jfrnsa'fra- Klec "' Ith .iU ht- VfrII. '1 . .. -The : 71; i ! . 1 l.-k to :. m . th: . lim ca'! .- i vv I ti'e ' n ati her her r:;ri cduiinitt.'.'-i by tiHgl Va- Tilbn:n ,i v. of l"'ate..;-.t. istry t t1. SsOUvh k'u re be giy -n a feupremo t agresmeiii; fix the sec: comnnt- c-brali ni of the ii and the eom iicth century of e to have "the 1 Peace le!l re I for Christmas olographic eom--b-rnsa'em and ii ail over the "Tore the time, 1.-ines?:. connect . )-nsalem wire with the great e i.oin- vrhen the the signal m-?y 1' tc'o..-.ipnic in- wn:id. - r e'rcr.'iar, say t Ii .harmonious -and. -o;ineeied e t.'e.i ! CxLstlllg s i f the world, v-uees and ijclis 'y.ay at the same i:" eS Oi J . - very .';rn ' l-cv.t in har- a:,,; 'i-(.,rv of 1 -s i.i'i t fii .' C'. -ii !il . . Tipirsvh. . ."- voncr ;hl. bat Tiiis is t.-rsi-.ter, Alice, v six years ago Washington. March 26. According to the rules Monday is District of Co lumbia day in the house, and under or dinary condition the committee m charo-eof affairs relating to thedis Uictwould have undisputed right of way for the consideration of measures called up by it. Hut when the house adjourned Saturday the postal appro priation bill was pending, and consid eration of that measure was continued when the house met today. Should district measures be taken up the bill to authorize the Metropoli tan Street Railway company to change its riiotive power is the unfinished business. It was considered two weeks ago, giving rise to an animated discus sion of the merits and prospects of the underground trolley system. The O'Neill-Joy contested election case, from the eleventh district of Mis souri, will be called up torn -rrow. After this has been disposed of, the committee on elections may proceed with the English-Hillbofn case from the third California district, in which the majority have reported in favor of seating English, the democratic con testant. The returns show that he was defeated by about 33 votes. The contested election cases out of the way the consideration of the general appro priation bills will be resumed, and according- to the opinion of Speaker Crisp; there will hs no interruption of the program until all shall have been passed. Of course this does not mean more bills may not be disposed of by unanimous consent, and doubtless a number of these against which no ob jection lies will be sent to the senate every, day. The week in the senate depends more upon the unexpected than anything fixed and determined. Should the president send in a message to the house vetoing the Bland seigniorage bill, the senate may find itself plunged into an irregular financial debate on various silver propositions now before it, and a tariff twist will certainly b sriven to the discussion if the silver senators who threaten d that a veto of the seigniorage bill means illimitable opposition to tariff reform, know what they are speaking of and have their forces as well in hand as they say they have. Another week remains before the tariff bill can be taken up in the regular order of business, but the sil ver men are threatening that this week may be spread into months of discus sion if the seigniorage bill should be vetoed. - COLQUITT IS DEAD. The Senior ' Senator of Georgia Passes Peacefully Away. Washington, March 10. Three United States flags floating at half mast over the capitol of the nation this morning tell the sad news of 'the death of Georgia's senior senator. At 7:30 o'clock this morning the soul of the statesman and Christia- patriot silently slipped away. General Colquitt's death was su premely peacefuL Seemingly the tide of life passed out without a trembling or a ripple. , lie continued to improve until 9 o'clock last night, when the anxious loving watchers in his sick chamber noted ( a perceptible and gradual de cline. He continued to grow worse, his breathing becoming apparently more labored each minute until 7:30 this morning, when he died. Up to within two hours of his death ("encral Colquitt was seemingly '-per-fes 1 conscious, lie was aware of the near approach of death, but his mobile faci, chisselled and fine cut by his long iliiiess, shone with light and courage. Ther3 was no pain expressed upon his I features, and it is believed that he died without suffering. All of the members of his family were with him throughout the night. Also his family physician and General and Mrs. Caroline (Jordon. MUST ACT BY FRIDAY. eic-,!. -e vfcoiir, inn's di-p n r. pet i: j'Ml on i.i 1- ri v.ii'K "i'a'iiie to.'' :rch i. Governor ; " 1 1 : , t Commission t r , to cnuiDjl the reg it 'i"almett ' on .nsary ii-vuors will t'the United States April lJ, unless an by the conn-el to month as the date. IbTiA '; finally .-'; bra.-y : 1 lousmim i 1 liie. trail i1 triaea sou h: a 01 K .-. .. h's Library.. i'!i.':ir,r;m'V,.-Tt has "bee I? Not. the Bland Bill Will Become a Law Without Cleveland's Voice. Washington, March 20. There has been some doubt expressed as to when the bland seigniorage bill must be acted upon by the president, or when, if not acted upon, it Hvill become a law without- his approval. The best au thority, on that subject is Secretary l'ruden, who has carried every veto from the white house to the capitol for more than twenty years. Mr. Pruden's statement of the con struction of the law that has been fol lowed during all administrations of late years is that ten clear days must be allowed, Sundays, of course, not be ing counted. The seigniorage bill was carried to the white house after the ordinary departmental office hours on March 10th. The president had gone out riding with Mrs. Cleveland a few lain -ites before the bill was brought to me executive mansion. This throws the date of'its ofiicial receipt over to the following day, March 20, and gives the president until Friday, March 30, for his action. l.oiv Kossuth's li i in the Isational 1. lev. i emi ssion, tor r.i of the body to Aus c a raided. I So Itself. So. eminently Safsapurill.'i be citizens Iron: a Statrs iurniuh which seem - snccessful has Hood's :-n thut many leading 11 over the United testimonials of cures almost miraculous. Hood's Se.r.saparilla is nut an acci dent, but the ripe fruit of industry and study. It jvosscsses merit pecu liar to itself. Hood's Pi-Hs cure Nausea, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Biliousness. Sold by all druggists; -A journalist -is- a grumbler, a cen surer, a stiver of advice, a reeent of i sovereigns, -a tutor ot" nations. Four host'Ie 'newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets. Newbern journal. Give your pet dogs and cats Simmons Liver Regulator, when sick it will cure then Soil-action .No Crime in the District, Washington, March 24. The Pollard Breckinridge case has developed the fact that there is no law in the District of Columbia for the punishment of se. auction. Congressman Morse, of Mas sachusetts introduced a bill, which contains the text of a stringent Massa chusetts law on this subject. General Campos Declines Reward. Madrid", Spain, March 26. Captain- iienerai martin ez uampos has been of fered a title and a pension as a reward for his services m the recent troubles in Morocco, both of which he has de clined. Mr. Gladstone's Health. London March 20. Mr. Gladstone attended divine worship at Brisrhton yesterday and remained throughout a service of three hours' duration. WediieKday, March 21st. Einilio Vasquez, the notorious bandit of Joaquin, Mexico, is reported to have been captured. The IN'ew Haven (Conn) police de partment will enforce the law against all "nickel-in:the-slot" gambling ma chines. The fifteenth annual session of the New England Chautauqua Sunday School assembly will be held at Lake view, Mass., July 10-24. A Virginia companv has been incor porated to utilize the water power of the Great Falls of the Potomac in light ing Washington, D. C. George Eranckum, brother of the di rector of the Australian exhibit at the San Francisco midwinter fair, was found wandering the streets of Chi cago, I1L, yesterday with a fractured skull. Thursday, March 12 1. The Cleveland democracy held a mee ting in Buffalo last night. Joseph Stephenson dug out of an old cellar at Warsaw, Ind., an iron , kettle containing 9,000. No mails have been received at Port land, Ore., from the far east for over a week, owing to Washouts. Governor Werts, of New Jersey, has deferred the execution of Charles Bergesman from March 29th to April 2('th. John W. Howe has been chosen re nublican and Caleb W. Mitchell demo cratic candidate for president of Sara toga, N. Y. Work on Woolner's anti-trust distil lery, to have a daily capacity of 10,000 bushels of corn, was begun Tuesday at Peoria, Ills. A contract has just been made by the Canberry Lumber company, of Du luth, Minn., to cut 100,000,000 feet of logs for 8500, 000. The city council of Woonsocket, R. I., has just authorized the issuing of $350,000 worth of bonds to take up the floating debt. Saturday, March 24th. The Wilmington Methodist ftonfer- enoe is in session at Salisbury, Md. Captain John C. Soley, commander of the Massachusetts naval brigade, has resigned. Eight convicts broke jail at Little Rock, Ark., yesterday, and four were recaptured. The body of a well dressed man was found on Charles river flats, Boston, Mass., yesterday. J udge Charles Kellum, of De Kalb county, Illinois, is in a critical condi tion from apoplexy. The insurance 1 sses on the Bath, Maine Iron works, which were settled yesterday, aggregated 8100,000. The Kensington hotel and adjoining cottages at Saratoga, N. Y., were sold yesterday in foreclosure for ? 14. 000. George S. Hubbard and Mrs. Abner Roberts, twins, celebrated their 81st birthday yesterday at Farmhill, Conn. The Bull Hill miners arrested Tues day were imprisoned for assault with intent to kill at Colorado Springs, CoL, yesterday. Dal ton E. Young, nominated by Rhode Island democrats for lieutenant-governor, is the second on the ticket to decline. A vein yielding ore said to be fully half gold was struck yesterday at the Keystone mine, in the Black Hills, South Dakota. A scheme to construct a ten-mile electric railroad from Warren. N. H., to the summit of Mount Moosilauke is projected. Two masked men held up the statre running between Bowie and Solomon ville, Ariz., last night and stole the registered maiL The Sulphur Mines company, of Vir ginia the largest producer of pyrites in the country, has absorbed two sul phuric acid companies. The Boston (Mass.) Central Labor union held a meeting last night to de nounce the old parties and urge inde pendent political action. Wallace S. Johnstone, contractor, who disappeared from Maple wood, Mass., two years afjo, leaving many creditors, has again disappeared. Dean Briggs, of Harvard, denied that he promised a scholarship to Student Kcbabian, who, it is alleged, wa offered inducements to leave Yale. The Michigan Grand Army Republic, yesterday elected Louis Kanitz, of Muskegon, commander m chief, and indorsed Judge Long for national commander. Monday, Blarch 20th. The snow blockade on the Union Pa cific railroad has been overcome. A frost" in Texas has damaged the young corn and the peach buds. The Indians on the Mille Lacs reser vation in Minnesota, threaten an out break, j The winter fleet, consisting of S6 vessels, with a capacity of 2.55,000 tons, is nearly ready to move from Chicago. Sidney Sapp, a populist lawyer ol Perry, O. T., has been arrested on a re quisition from the governor of Ne braska, charging him with embezzle ment. SmallroJf has broken out among the seventy-seven Chinamen in the Cana dian Pacific bonded warehouse at Van couver, B. C, in bond for Portland, Se attle, San Francisco, New York and other Ame:ican cities. A desperate fight took place at Alta mont, Tenn., between James Lockert and Tom Givens, which resulted in Lockert being shot dead and Givens re ceiving three knife cuts that proved fatal. The Baltimore ' baseball is on its southern practice trip. A week ol work on the Macon, Ga,, grounds will be followed by exhibition games in Mobile, New Orleans, Atlanta, Knox ville, Roanoke and Charlottsyille. What is m m m m w - - carat m 1 Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. ; Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. -THE LEADING See A TL ANTIC COAST Lf WILMINGTON &WELD0N R AND BRANCHES, AND FLORENCE RAIDR I. - HJ Castoria. " Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dr. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Kinceeloe, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " C" -f-"'i:i 1 i ' i! .!! .: ': utehiMren that I reconaacud it as super ior u any prescription known to me." H. A. Archxr, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." L .sited Hospital amp Dispeksabt, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Pres., Silver Offer. RE MEM It Costs You Our WWVl DD I U rr JBH JH i-f JLSL" - t Nash Street, DUD WILSON. N. C. j DULY- CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH DATKTV Doc. 2i, 'tti. Leave Weld on . Ar Kocky Mouii' j Arrive T.arlioro... Le-ive Tat'ooio... Lv Kocky Mount, be ivo vv'Us n i Ic;tvrj Seima : Lv KeycttevK In.. I Ar. ivo r lo.cnce. c'3 A M It 47 I-' ,V. 12 07 : 45 , t ' VIA ! ! St 10 r 10 4.V 11 : i- 1 in i fi . tile The Centaur Company, TT Murray Street, New York City. Not lung i". M. ( Tjoavc Wi s n 2 .: Luve ! ;s!i roj :t 1 0 ; Leave Mairiiolia-.l 4 I ! 1 Ar Wi)inintti...'i ' ."!), ' V i ' trains .goi; A V 10, n a y, NOkTi I s t XhT ' 1 ' O C (- 1 ( l " ' C ; n A T 1: 1 ? 1 i Leave Florence Lv. l-ayt'ttovill . . VW V i Hie iU Ll V i J i 1 i VvJ - Arrive viisn.... For Cash or un the Inslallment j Y.'r- A : '.y.t 1 i , i I : ! Ii Is ' I'll 11 :.t pi"- H if piss r?n .a " e. i i.e r Dr. E. C. Vccl's tii'vi wi t.-j,, Trei.tTsr.: is sold under po-.utivo vriii: -: ; . hx. au;b.r ixuA Ofents only, io t; &U- u . ', T. .. s Brain and Nervu iV-wcr; r.e- i !.':.:, . ".s-iVi .!. -?-Kipht Lossss; K'-ii .T: e:-.:....; J u :; i.f O'lnifii-iso;: Kervoatth!e?; Lh.-fiiuiU-; u:i Prri.ii; !.:wo' l-mrvi-ol the Goiiorr.i jvo Oi-ir i:. ia : ;. -.r-f'-.'. oveNexertiou; Vttuthi'tii Jirj-oia, re , :T t," Tobacco, Opium or l ienor, -,cl-.U-!i t ;-.:: U-e.. t ' Mier, Consunititioa, l:isin.;ty at:.i !';':, ii. ley jutu. tl bfs; 6forJo; wirh vrtiii.'i m.-.n '.; tn-orc-;.-.' refund money. VESi" '.jiViT.;Ttj -.y.:; - ,-i cure for CoutfUPj CuMo, ..sf lirtsu.-j. Cicw,.' Whooping Coufro, Soro T(iro.-.r. -i.-:.e..:!? ' Small size discontinued; oUI. rw. izu, i -." e: ; o. H size, now SOc UUABANTS issu.-a i-uly i-y E. M. Nadal, Druggist and Sole Agent Wilson, N. C. Station QHsrV VOlt EtTlIKit SFX. This mtzz T beins imocted !i recti t to the seut r" thoitt disests of the Genito-Unnarv Cr - gaiis, requires no change of die-fc c; -j, raueous, mercurial or poisonous rtui VjTl to bo taken iiittraiiiy, used sitiicr se it Is impossible to cm.'.rz.A a;iy vcaereal diseafre ; but in tba ccs'r w rdq te a cure. ; rice uy iv.2.ii, posiao & Ql pa Lux or O for , E. M. Nadal, Druggist and Sole Agent Wilson, N. C. WHITE ewelry Store, W. J. Churchwell & Co. Proprietors, -DEALERS IN- Pianos, Organs, Watches AND JEWELRY. Also Agent lor the LIGHT RUNNING m i.. ..a .. JLOD THE Repairing a Specialty.' ! A M I : Lv Wihnii r'nn,. .' ;i I t f Lja vo Mum tr ilia . .j !i i LoavoXiDiii.slxiro..! 13KI : Ar:ivo Weilsun ....l3.Wi CA t ; : ! "ci sXj "t-J M4GHIIE, tH- "i? Ii? if W Wedding and Birthday Presents, A Fine Selection. ME!) GOODS. AT HUTCHINSON'S You will find a full line of Fresh Canned Goods. Fruits, Vegetables, Soups, Meats ana in fact everything desira ble in that line. Also DAY, Loaf Bread, Rolls, Macroons, Jelly Cakes, Lemon Cakes, Vanilla Cakes, Buns, and in fact Anything to be found in a FIRST-GLASS BAKERY. Leave Your Order." C. G. HUTCHINSON Leave Wiisien . -Ar Itocky Mount. 1' M 1 1.1 -3 (1. A rri ve Tarboro . . ; 2 :;5 Leave. Tnrbori....i 154 Lv Kocky Mr.unt.j 2 t'T Arrive Veldon... :i IT ! I'M V M 11 13 c ! 12 'CM A .M V V. u ""I 1' M M. FRESH, EYERY COPYRIGHTS. CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a Srompt answer and an honest opinion, write to Il'NN& CO., who have had nearly fifty years' experience in the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerniag Patents and how to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken throuRh Minn & Co. receive special notice in the (Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by rar the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. 83 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, 2.50 a year. Sinple Copies, 2- cents. Every number contains beuu tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO., New Yokk, 3tl Broadway. Any of the above will be sold on easy terms. SSRepairing a specialty. Nerve Tonic Blood Sder Malaria,- Liver. Trou -or Indigestion, use BROWN S IRON BITTERS "hi Valuable Gold Find In the Old Dominion. Richmond, Va., March 24. Two valu able vcim of gold, bearing- quarts as say iug oa the surface from S9 to 813.50 per ton, have been discovered in Louisa county. It is said that New York capi talists, who own th? property, have or ganized a syndicate to buy all the ad joing lands. ' , The A uarch sc Dies In Prison. 15 akcelon'-A, March 24. The anar chist GarriqudZ died in prison yester day of asthma. He was arrested be cause the police had proof of his com plicity in the 'plots to assassinate 'General Martinez ue Cameos and to j blow up the Lyceum opera house. They all Testify To the. Efficacy of the World-Renowiwd " s xi-" j. per dox. 6 for &pF . Life, Fire, and Accident nsnrance. Fend for descriptive iiami.lili't. iWEr. wrLLIAKS MEDICINE CO.. Schenectady, N.Y. md Brockviilc. Onfc I represent the largest Fire Insurance Company in the world Liverpool, & London & Globe, and many others as reliable as those of any agency in the State. - Place your insurance with me and it, will be safe, i E. F. McDANIEL. Nash Street. WATER WORKS. -ALSO- Look 1 a (tor Cloiin M..J5, -V . LOOK HERE. I have bought the largest and best se lected stock of MILLINERY Is It? Why If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, 'Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation vou must use BRAD FIELD'S .REGULATOR- This y- '.'l innt :!(! I X oeina irc.ite. vrer? at U nr; of i-;id ,!t: cllect Iru! .rtii e :!.-)- t '. .j-!iyt3i'iif L.iv Book io ' vain,. -vr-' April 3G, 1836. i"-inbi?r- of my Tig ciiTered for rrcjj-ularity. .-iiii.m: bi'u.'it I-v olivsicians. ! f(;i;)f!"fe:l;'("t'iTil by 0110 bottle s-'c?:. -! ilfffuSator. Its v f r.';..-i-.i ".l. j. Vv". SthASOB. " ;kii KiiEK, whVA contains : .;ii ; i-u a nil foiaaie diseases DRADFitLi .ran ftf-li'JLATOR CO.. Wanted, 10,000 bushels peanuts. Young Bros. ill M .1 H I llaM 11 n i:n I I ft wuis a 1 h tin 11 f I 1 f E I Swiff's Specific. The old-time simDlo I remedy from the Georgia swamps and fields has I gono forth to the antipodes. astonishing the skeDtlcal and I confounding the theories ol " those who depend solely on the physician's skUL There 13 no blood taint which ltdoesnot lmmwii.-itaiir eradicate. Poisons outwardly absorbed or tho result of vile diseases from within all yield to thU potent but simple remedy. It Is an nnequaled tonic, builds up the old and feeble, cures all diseases arising-from Impure blood or weakened vitality. Bead for a treatise. Examine the proof. Books on " Blood and Skin Diseases " malted free. HrytggUtm Sell It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga. Shoes at cost at Young Bros. Feed your cows on cotton seed hulls. Young Bros. Cotton seed meal at Young Bros Shirts, all kinds, at Young Bros.' ever before brought to Wilson. MY MILLINER ! Miss MinnieTKidwell, ' comes hie-hly recommended by Arm- i strong, Cator & Co., of Baltimore. ! She will have charge of my trimming ' department, and she is fully " competent to please ! The Most Fastidious. I Having bought at a great reduction I can give my customers the j ad vantage of LOW :-: PRICES. 1 I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. , I MEAN BUSINESS. Thanking you for past patronage, and soliciting the same for the future, I am, Very Respectfully, Miss Bettie H. Lee. Cobb Building, Nast St., Wilson, N. C. Fop-First-Class Work IN Boots and Shoes CALL ON H. D. WALKER, TARBORO ST., Sign of the Big Boot. 1 Blankets and comforts at Young's. Overcoats at half price at Young's. Boys' suits for 98c at Young's. That the most successful busi ness men 4 are the strongest o believers in Life Insurance ? I That they attested by the following letter from a well known business man who held a Tontine Policy in the Equitable Life POWELL & SNIDKR, Staple and Fancy Groceries, - gbain and flour. Ashevillk. N. CL. Jan. 18, 1894. Mb. W. J. Robdey, Jlcck Hill, S. C. Deak Sir : I have accepted the cash value of my Tontine Policy in the -Equitable," which matured Jan. 3d, 1894. I desire to say that I am very well pleased with the results, as an evidence of which I have applied for more assurance on same plan. Respectfully, W. F. Sxidbb. If you are interested send your age and let us give you figures I on a Tontine Policy. Address W. J. RODDEY, Manager, Department of Carolinas, Rock Hill, S.C. Jk&ti' &'' Constitution, lUllUvJ. Or New York World, Or Detroit Free Press, and the We are making a specialty of PLUMBIN G. We can fit in vour Water Pipes for and Bath .Rooms, te. 11 u iijU Galvanized Pipes furnished and put in by us A 6 s. fV V 3; JJ i , f Daily except Monday. J I)a : . ; cept Sunday. ' i . These trains 'carry only fmid passengers holding accoinnio-i dations.i , , . '" Trains on Scotland Neck Bran li road leave Wjeldon 3:40 p m; Halifax, 4 do p m; arrive Scotland Neck 4:55; (..n-tn-t ville, 6:37 p in: Kinston, 7:35 p m. Ke turning leaves Kinston 7:20 a m; Grcen-f ville, 8:22 a m; arriving at Halifax 1 1:00 1 am; Weldon 11:20 a ni, daily, ct tp" Sunday. $ Trains on Washington branch kau Washington 700, a m., arrivts a; Parmele 840 am, Tarboro 950 rttiirn- ing leaes Taiboro 440 p m, Parmdet 6 10 p m, arrives Washington 7 35 m," daily except Sunday. Connects wuh trains on Scotland Neck Branch. t Train leaves Tarboro, via. Albemarle 6 Raleigh R. R., daily, except Suialnv, j? 5 00 'p ni, Sunday 3.00 pm; arrive I'ly-J mouth 9:20 p ni, 5:20 pm. Ketuniing' leaves Plymouth daily, except Suisilay 5:30 a m, Sunday 9:30 a m; anivet Tarboro 10:2s am, and 11:45 p in. t Train on Midland N. C.liranch 1 1 , Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 6e i a m; arrive Smith-field 7:30 a m. k . p 1 n ing leaves Smithfield 8:00 a m; ar"t Goldsboro 9:30 a m. s Train on Nashville Branch It u Rocky Mount 4:30 p m; ariues Nash-t ville 5:05 p ni; Springhope, "5:30 p-rn.-Returning leaves Springhope--8:00 a m.f Nashville,' 8:35 .n'm; arriving at KckM Mount 9:15 a m, dailyrfxc-jt :, ? Train on Latta Branch Flore net- K & l leaves Latta 630 p ni; arrive I unhurt 7 40 p m. Returning leave ihmharl 630 am; arrave Latta So-j a m. limy except Sunday. Train on Clinton, branch leaves 'War saw for Clinton daily, except Sundry, at 4:10 p 111. Returning-"leaves - Ciinton at 7:20 a ni., coi-uecting at Warsaw with main line trains. Train No. 7S nir.kes close-conr.e lion at ueitioii all rail via. cept Sivnday r points-Norlli, daily, Richinond, and daily, ex- I'ortsir.oiUli and I '.ay s J.. j j.ine. r.Mo at Ktcky. Mount -v itl.i-Aor- tiai- folk and Carolina road for Norfolk "-'Al Tv'-x v and all points North folk ' I Jo not believe this insti tution has a Superior in the South." ho wi and 1 Lies a:i eminent sci.ol iv.'ueofthe Wilson Col! lecriate institute, ouha V V .SON ADVANCE AT- 81 JOHN GASTON, Fashionable Barber, Nash St, WILSON, N. C. Easy chairs, razors keen; j Scissors sharp, linen clean. ; For a shave you pay a dime- T?arrra;r,c f hr'c Mt Vnly a mcK. Sel Snine; Young's. mpoo or hair cut Pompadour You pay the sum of twenty cents more. .50 Per Year: N. C. (I-f-tablisiu-d in 1S72.) IITL T-i'Tr-f I"rrA.' . a 'iiui i.-. 1 1 1 u 1 iu.s is entirelv non L sectai tan, and offers a thorough preparatory course of study, together with an unusually full and comprehen sive' Collegiate c.o lexcelk-nt fa cilities for the study of Music and Art. Healthful location. Spring term, .or 24th school year, begins Jany. 22, 1S94. . For catalogue and circular, address Silas E. Warren, Principal, Wilson. N. C. daily except Sunday. JOHN F. DIVINE; Gen'! Su; J R KjKNLY, Gen'! Manager. T M Emkksom. Trallic Manager. FIRST-CLASS Grocery and Bar, I take this method to inform ny friends and the public that A am receivino" dailv. Fresh Goods. ' all am w THE COUPER. MARBLE in, 113 awd 115 Bank St., NORFOLK, VA. Large stock of finished Pp Monuments, Gravestones, &c fgji Ready for sliipment. Designs free, iy 0RK3, k ! WALLS PAPERED OR PAINTED Cheap and Ouick. TOOMS PAPERED from f5.oo up. it All kinks of Wall Paper, Rcom ilouIding and Window Shades to match. Wall Paper, 3c. per roll up. Room Moulding, ic. per foot up. Apply to FRED. M. DAVIS, Room Decorator and Sign Painter, WILSON, n. c. Cash or trade cfiven for j kinds of country produce. Uive me a trial and 1 sure to fret your trade in the future as I will convince vou that I'll give more goods .than any man in town for the same money. . Hoping to receive a call from you, I am Respectfuly, E. G. ROSE, South Tarboro Street, below R R. WILSON, -jN. C- We can't climb a string, But if you wish Iie:at job- We. can do you up in fine shape. Advance office m StOD, Tliemi The Man or Woman who has bouo-ht -FROM- Wootten Stevens Will tell you, that is the place to get the Best Goods tor the least money.

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