The MiloiL $ I .OO A YEAR CASH IN ADVANCE- ivu. 11111 tv.MJb THOU AIM ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY S, THY GOD S, AND TRUTH S. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM VOLUME XXIV. WILSON, WILSON COUNTY, N. C, APRIL 26, 1894. NUMBER 17- e Far Seeing People Visit First A The Cash Racket Stores 1 This news ought to interest everybody. 24 ioc 5c 25c 50c 50c r ;v1 I told you last veek how we iiagea to get these goods. WNow I quote a few prices. We haven't space to quote many, but the stock all 1, 30c 65c through is about the same ratio. See what good your dollar can do.' Tee Cash Racket Stores, J, M. LEATH, Manager. Xash & Goldsboro Sts. 20c ioc PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J I F. PRICE, Surveyor and Cisil Engineer. WILSON, - - n. c. 30 years', experience. Office next to Dr. Albert Anderson. Inn. K. Woodard, W. H. Yarborough, Jr. WOODARD & YARBOROUGH, Attornevs-at-Law, WILSON", - N. C. .jroctice in the courts of Wilson, iictn, Edgecombe and abjoin-niics.- . . ssociated in Civil practice . UZZELL, Attorney at Law, WILSON, - N. C. 1 'radices wherever services are re fpiirtid E2TA11 business will receive prompt attention. ; . Office in Well's Building. J G. CONNOR, Attorney at Law, W 1 1. SON, - - N. C. Office H ranch & Go's. Bank Building, ! ' - GKQ. M. LINDSAY, A f f A1-n a r n T T o AIT SNOW HILL, N. C. Circuit: Wilson, Green and Johnston Counties. INSURANCE. FOR IF'Ixe Insurance Call on me, at the ofhee of W. E. War ren & Co., over First National Bank. 4 19-iy . If. G. WHITEHEAD. Wood & Shingles. I have Cypress Shingles on hand at all times and will sell cheap. . SAWED WOOD, . WELL SEASONED, always on hand and can be furnished at short notice. Yard on Railroad, West side of Nash Street. C. N. NURNEY. i 17 Wanted, 10,000 bushels cotton seed. .Young Bros. A big line ot rubber goods just re- ceived at Young Bros. Bed sheets Youngs. and mattresses at Cotton Bros. ceed hulls tor cows. Young Hv Persons are broke ur.i c.y..-.viak ., household cares. i s , ,(..;! Iiittt.rK itcbuilds the ' ' ' ;:v!io.i. removes excess of bUfl- - ..kro.. Uct the Genuine. .'.VI '3'',- Sheets good - writing paper, 3c Sponges, Soap, Stockings, Ribbon. Lanterns, 3c 3c 12 22c 28c 1 2y4c Ribbed Vests, 7c ioc Dotted Muslin, 7c ioc Palmetto Crepe, 7c Wool Crepe Cloths, 1 7 c 42 c Cashmere, $1.25 Ladies Shoes, 78c 25c Table oil cloth, 18c 75c Fur Hats, 48c $2.00 Fur alpine hat, $i.oon 1 . . Matting, '" 14c Butter Lace, 5c 4 One lot Gingham Umbrellas worth $1.00, now 49c 3 flaixl Times and the Farmer. To a small unsuccessful, haphaz ard farmer the times are always hard, no matter what kind of a season, or what financial depression the country may be undereoine, but the intelli gent thrifty farmer, one who diversi fies his croos. raises his meat and 1 bread fi d h know anything i smf . 4 t comparatively 01 tne nara times mat '"have caused so much distress thioughout the country during the oast vear ? Thousands and tens of thousands of honest, skillful mechan ics are out of work and are suffering for want of the necessaries of life. Is there an intelligent farmer in all North Carolina that is out of work or suffering lor bread? Every farmer who is not indolent gets a living during these hard times. It may be a pretty poor one for some, but he j gets it all the same, at any rate he is j not begging, nor is he enlisted in a mob fighting for bread. ! - 4 Everybody farmer for is dependent on tne 1 enough to eat, drink and to wear. Tney are tne producors of bread and meat, and serve themselves firsthand I the residue goes to feed the residue 1 ol humanity. A tanner who corn-Wayne-plains these hard times, when so much suffering exists among the un employed throughout the land, I should look about himself and com i pare his condition with that of others, j He may not have any money, but he has meat and bread and regular employment. He should not exhibit ingratitude Wjhen such superior ad vantages and better opportunities have lallen to his lot in these trying times than to the rest of humanity. North Carolina Bulletin - KowTry This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a Coueh. Cold, or any trouble with the Throat, Chest, or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion", Coughs, and Colds, is guaran- uon' v'ougns' ana. v'OKiS' Udrd"" teed to give reuel, or money will be Pld back- Sufferers from La Grippe - found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recov ery. try a sampie Dome ai our ex rw 1- 1 ill- . pense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at all Drug Stores. Large size 50c. and $1.00. Boots at $1.50 for men at Young's. A Young Man's Wild Oats. So far as a young man "sowing his wild oats" is concerned, writes Ed ward W. Bok in some editorials for young men in the March Ladies' Journal, it has always seemed a pity to me that the man who framed that sentence didn't die before he con structed it. From the way some people talk one would imagine that every man had instilled into him at his birth a certain amount of deviltry which he must get rid of belore be can become a man of honor. Now what is said about "sowing wild oats" - is nothing" more nor less than self-degradation to any voung man. It doesn't make a man one particle nlore of a man because he passed through a siege of riotus liv ing and indiscretion when he was nineteen or twenty; it makes him just so much less of a man. It dwarts his views of life tar more than it broadens them. And he re alizes this afterward. And he doesn't care one iota more of "life," except a certain phase of it.which, if it has glit ter lor him in youth, becomes a repel lent remembrance to him when he is matured. There is no such thing as an investigating period in a man's life ; at one period it is as important to him to be honorable and true to the teachings of his mother as at an other. No young, man need seek the "darker side of life." The Lord knows that it forces itself upon our attention soon enough. It does not wait to be sought. A young man need not be afraid that he will fail to see it. He will see plenty of it and without any-seeking on his part, either. And even if he does fail he is the gainer.There are a great many things which we can accept by inference as existing in the world. It is not a liberal education to see them. Too many young men have a burning itch to see wickedness not to in dulge in it, they are quick to ex plain, but simply to see it. But the thousands of men who have never seen it have never felt themselves the losers. If .anything thev are glad cf it. . 1 . " : " ' It does not raise a man's ideal to come into contact with certain Jypes of manhood or womanhood which are only removed from the lowest types of the animal kingdom by vir tue of the fact that the Creator chose to have them get through the world on two legs instead of four. The loftiest ideal of womanhood that a young man can form in his impressi ble days will prove none too high lor him in his years of maturity. Tq be true to tne Dest mat is witmn a man means, above , all, to be an earnest believer in the best qualities of wo manhood. Statesville Landmark. Specimen Cuses. S. H. Clifford, New Castle, Wis was troubled with neuralgia and rheu matism, his stomach was disordered to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters- cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg ot eight years standing. Used three bortles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and his leg is sound and will. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had .five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by all Druggists. ; mmm- : ( Pleanlne Their Vanity. ' : He had been the leading dealer in ladies' shoes for years and had re tired with a fortune. "How were you so successful?" asked a less fortunate rival. "Easiest thing in the world," he replied. "The first thing I did when I began was to mark down every pair of shoes in the place and keep the stock that way." 4 "Mark down?" '"Yes."'';-.'; :---:- "In price, do you mean?" The wise dealer laughed softly. "Oh, no !" he said. "In size." Detroit Free Press. There are Sarsaparillas and Sarsa parillas; but if you are not careful in your purchase, the disease you wish cure wm only bg intensified. Be ; gure yQu get Avers Sarsaparilla and fW lt mmnnnflpH fmm - , the Honduras root and other highly concentrated alteratives. If you are melancholy or down with the blues you need Simmons Liver Regulator. Coffee 15 cents. Young Bros An Karlv Trjumpli. Vance's vigor, determination, wit and power of repartee soon won him friends and clients. "Nick" Woodfin was then the leader of the Buncombe bar, if not of the bar of all "western North Carolina at that dpy. He was an exceedingly able m&fi, and jealous of his pre-eminence ana5 lead ership. The young legal fledglings generally stood in awe of him. But young Vance, .with an audacity that appalled all onlookers, won a victory over him one day. Vance was engaged as counsel in a case on - the opposite side from Woodfin. The .latter got up to ad dress the jury He was a tall, spare man, of a most nervous temperament, high-pitched voice, wild gesticula tion, sarcastic and sardonic. He worked himself into a furor in this instance. The wild waves of his ora torical anger followed fast and furious after each othejr, and it seemed as if the cause of Vance's clients would be drowned in judicial depths a thousand fathoms down. Col. Wood fin fairly sawed the air in the violence of his gestures. After a protracted speech he jeft his righteous cause to the jury. Then the doomed young lawyer got up to reply. All eyes were turned upon him, and he was. the ob ject ol great chuncks of pity. ' Walking boldly up to the jury, he struck a Woodfinian attitude and re tained it. He turned himself into a kind of Nick Woodfin kaleidoscope. He never opened his mouth, nor spoke a work, but continued to re produce all of Col. Woodfin's distor ted gestures. He sawed the air, he writhed, twisted, contorted, and made grimaces, for the space ot five minutes or so,, and then sat down, with a cool confidence that seemed to say "I have fully answered all my opponents arguments." Court and court house were con vulsed with laughter, and whether he gained a victory for his client or no, he gained a great one for himself. Charlotte Ooserver. Kriglit Spring DayH. The spring should be pre-eminently a season of contentment, happi ness, and hope. In these bright and pleasant months the country should enjoy its highest degree of tranquil ity and prosperity. But spring, it is well known, is often a period of dis comfort and disturbance in the phy sical system. Important organs of the body become torpid or irregular in their action, and the fact is instant ly reflected in the mental condition of the individual. A disordered liver means disordered nerves and a dull and unsteady brain. Anything which will bring the physical system into harmony with budding nature confers an enormous benefit upon the nation, besides the mere allaying of physical comfort. Hood's Sarsaparilla does this, as thousands of grateful and happy men and women can testify, and increased use of this standard spring medicine is of more real prac tical importance in promoting health and quiet in the business world than reams of abstract theorizing. For wakefulness, weakness or lack of energy take Simmons Liver Regula tor, f ' Winston Sentinel : A serious if not fatal accident befell Mr. Frank I Tise, driver for Mr. John Peddycord, about three o'clock Saturday after noon. . He was driving a twe-horse team about four miles north-west of JVVinston. The wagon was heavily loaded, having on one cord ol wood. The accident occurred in the woods. Tise was walking on the lower side ot the wagon on a "slant." One wheel on the upper side struck a stump, throwing the wagon and en tire load on the driver. Men at work in the woods went to the rescue of Tise. It required several minutes To remove the wood off of him. It was at once discovered that his injuries were serious. Dr. Summers, the at tending ; physician, says that three ribs on the left side are broken. He is also badly hruised on his face and body. : ' Hood's and Only Hood's. Are you weak and weary, over worked and tired ? Hood's Sarsa parilla is just the medicine you need to purify and quicken your blood and give you appetite and strength. If you- decide to take Hood's Sarsa parilla do not be induced to buy any other. Any effort to substitute an other remedy is proof of the merit oi Hood's. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner Pills, assist digestion, cure head ache. Try a box. Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSouUmar pure STATE NEWS. Warrenton Gazette : Western j papers say that there is such a glut j of eggs at some of the shipping points th; thousands of crates will spoil. A".d no political campaign in sight eith '. Gold, ioro Caucasian: A cor respondent -from Haywood county says that a few years ago the sheriff did not return a single insolvent man in the county, while this year the sheriff's return's show 200 men in solvent, who had always paid their taxes before. Louisburg Times : Mr. Geo. Teasley, ot this county, is entitled to rank among the best farmers. He has just sold the last of his tobacco crop, made on five acres, and he says it brought him $1,100, dear check. He pays personal attention to his crop, and is well pleased with the prices he received. Southport Leader: Capt. John Watts, of the Cape Fear Life Saving Station, reports having seefl a piece j of wreckage about a mile and a half off" Cape Fear on the 2nd inst. and went to it on the 5th. The wreckage was the keelson, with small portion j of bpttom attached, of some vessel, ' and from the looks ol the timbers, had been in the. water a long time. Southport Leader : The Leader is indebted to Jesse Weeks for a cu riosity in the shape of a clam which 1 firmly held by its shell one of the claws of hawk. The curiosity was picked up at low water, and the situation points to the fact of the fish hawk having been walking about at low water seeking food, stepped in the open shell of the clam which was quickly closed, holding the bird until the rising tide drowned it. Madison Dispatch : T. Mc Woodburn comes to the front with a curio in the shape of an egg. He showed us last Saturday an egg on the small end of which was an "E" as perfect as it a . human hand had put it there. The letter was raised and the part forming the letter was of a clearer white, than the shell ol the egg. Superstitious people may think strange things of this freak of nature but we assure them it is only the beginning of "Eternity," the end of "Time" nd "Space" and "Name" and "Plact .". :..''"' 1 Hend' rson Gold Leaf: Is it true that anator Ransom does not represent tire views of the laboring class in North Carolina, or is not in sympathy with it ? This is the opin ion expressed by the Mecklenburg County Farmers' Alliance. At a re cent meeting that organization adop ted resolutions requesting Senator Vance, Congressman Alexander, and others to use their influence to pre vent any further issue of bonds, in which these words were used : "We ask no assistance from- Senator Ran som, as we do not leel that he repre sents the views of the laboring class in North Carolina, or is in sympathy with it." Statesville Landmark : The wild mule which has been "using" in north Iredell for several weeks past, and which many, futile attempts had been made to capture, was roped in last Thursday by Air. S. R. Morrison, of Bethany township. Mr. Morrison has spent some time in the West, re turning home last winter, and had while thtre become an expert with the lasso. Mounted on a western horse hesucceeded, after a long chase, in lassoing the mule. The an imal was gentle enough after its cap ture. It has been roaming over the country for several weeks and has been chased by dogs and shot at, but always managed to escape. Where it came from or who its owner is is not known, It will remain Mr. Mor- rison's property unless the turnes up. owner The Evolution Of medicinal agents is gradually rele gating the old-time herbs, pills, draughts, and vegetable extracts to the rear, and bringing into general use the pleasant and effective 'liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs, To get the true remedy see that it is manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by all leading druggists. . Sugar 5 cents. Young Bros. PKESSM)PIN10NS. Senator Hill wants pairs counted in the blurt game called the Senate. David is working in his own interest. He knows that New York has a pair of Jacks that can be depended on to open the pot. Durham Sun. African slavery was abolished in 1865 and a financial system estab lished in its stead, which, , if not changed, will enslave both the Euro pean and African in 1895, not in chat tie slavery but in Russian serfdom ; which is even worse in some re spects. Oxford Reformer. Panics have causes, and the .causes are purely commercial; The panic of 1837 arose from land speculation and the failure ot wild-cat State banks; the railway mania of 1845 caused a panic in England, and the panic of 1873 was from speculative causes, especially investments in rail way bonds. Nearly all panics are precipitated by over-confidence and over-credit. Winston Sentinel. Ex-Gov. Thos. M. Holt sends us a card in which he repudiates the idea that Congress ought to adjourn right now, and takes the same ground that the . North Carolinian has always taken. He stands flat-footed on the Democratic platform and wants Con gress to pass the Wilson bill -quick and adjourn. We never supposed that the ex-Governor wrote the arti cle criticised by us, but the people will be glad to hear from him on this matter as upon all , other ques tions. Raleigh North Carolinian. Those who are disappointed with Mr. Cleveland's personal legislation, if his actions as president could be so termed, should not allow - themselves to be too severe upon the party. Mr. Cleveland is only a man after all and his individual mistakes should not damage the party at large. - The Chicago platform has not changed one iota, nor has the bulk ot the great party that formulated it. On this platform the party has won, and mark our prediction, it will win again. Taiboro Southerner. The Mecklenburg Times submits that it is not fair to judge Ihe Demo cratic party by the acts of Cleveland, Ransom, or any other one man. The House is the best index of Demo cratic sentiment. It is to the House we look for a determined effort to fulfill the promises made in the Chi cago platform. We do not expect that it will do all that was promised. There are enough traitors in it to prevent that. But it is the best ex ponent of Democracy in existence, and if Speaker Crisp would apply the thumbscrew to Thos." Reed's gang, and their Democratic allies, and compel them to vote. Democrat ic legislation would, be expedited and the will of the people obeyed. Ox ford Ledger. There is one thing always to be said of President Cleveland, and that is, he does not discriminate against any section in the making of appoint ments. Few realize how much he has already recognized southern ability, i nree . cabinet othcers are from the South. - Two ambassadors and ten envoys extraordinary 'are from Southern States. Five minis ters resident are southern gentlemen ; and at Washington the' South has the chief clerk of the treasury, the director of the mint, the chief of the bureau of engraving, the chief of the consular bureau, the chief of the state department bureau of statistics, the first, second, third and fifth audi tors of the treasury, the register of the treasury, the commissioner of ' internal revenue, the superintendent of immigration, the chief clerk of the navy. department, the register of the navy, the commissioner ot railroads, three of the six attorney-generals,-the solicitor and chief clerk of the depart ment of justice, one of the three civil service commissioners, and scores of other executive officers and their chief aids. This is a great advance ment towards fairness since the dav when hardly a southern man was to be seen in a prominent government position.- Asheville Citizen. . Nervousness is from dyspepsia. Take Simmons Liver Regulator and be cured. Wanted, 10,000 bushels peanuts. Young Bros. Furniture 1 Furniture, at Young's. a Tobhcco Perti: , SIGH GRAJDE-Q TJICK RELIABLE. Ytt Farifin eaflorse 1L ; Tier say lt tells to tie FIELD ani ca tie WAREHOUSE FLOOB. S. W. TRAMS & CO., 4.0XHTS WAHTED. fKICES REDUCED Don't waste your work on cheap Guapos made out of Kainit, Acid Phosphate, and alittle Cotton Seed Meal. Notional -:- Tobacco -:- Guano OR National -:- Cotton -:; EITHER, will not only make you a good: crop this year, but will be a permanent improvement to your land. ill Sell to Y011 for Cotton. You know you can make the cotton, but the cotton maybe worth only five or six cents. Come and See Us. Respectfully, Yoiaryg Bros. IBeepiood&Bone V .V. , T pcn 1 r WILL GIVE SATISFACTION Especially Prepared for J' ByS.W.TRAVERS&CO.Richmond,Va. Write tor Prlcem and TemtJmm1n1m.&k A Raleigh Frrak. A young man living in this city, a clerk in a store on Fayetteville street, has had some queer experiencts. He has shed his skin entirely thir teen times in twenty-four years, and each time it has been replaced by a new skin. Before the shedding the body turns red and he has symptoms of scarlett fever. When fourteen years of age he shed his skin twice in one month. The change usually occupies about two weeks. The new skin replacing the old is usually so tender that it is impossible for him to walk on a carpet or rough floor. At times his finger nails and his hair have come out, and they have been replaced by the new in a short time. He has been able at times to break the skin in the palm of the hand nnd blow up the skin of the arm like a bolloon, showing that it was thor oughly loose from the new forma tion. He has with his own hands removed a piece of skin from a leg between the kneecap and thigh as large almost as the front of a vest. - This may be regarded as a fish story, but it is vouched for by the gentleman himself and others as well. It is a curious case. There is noth ing remarkable in his appearance when the shedding season is not on, and he has very good health all the time. Progressive Farmer. OOD'S AHO ONLY Hood's Sarsaparilla li th j medi cine for you. Because it is the best Mocd purifier. HOOD'S CURES Bargains in pant goods at Young's. Mm need a powerful nourishment in food when nursing vabies or they are apt to suffer from Emaciation. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime and soda, nourishes mothers speedily back to health and makes their babies fat and chubby. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Babies ' are never healthy when thin. They ought to be fat. Babies cry for SCOTT'S EMULSION. It Is palatable and easy to assimilate. Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N. V. Druggists tell It. t Importers and Manufacturers, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Writa Sot Testimonials and Prlou tle Best. - imcn t " r ltucklcn'a Arnica Naive. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is euarantced to give perfect satisfaction, or mone'y refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by . J. Hines, Druggist- There is in New York a man named Weaver who never read of General Lew Wallace nor of "Ben Hur." He makes affidavit to these facts in a coujt bill But he seems to have derived no benefit whatever from his singular advantage over the rest of the community in this respect, for the court bill is about a suit wherein he is charged with having written something exactly like a chapter of "Ben Hur." Richmond State. DeafneM Cannot be Cured by local applicationg, as they cannot reach the diseased portion ot the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness,, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mu cous surfaces. - We will give one hundred dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by ca tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Props., - Toledo, O. Price ,75c. per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Tarboro stockings for children, the best in the world at Young's. Suits at half price at Young Bros. See Young's line of Knaby hats. noro Guano, iiiuii ami uuniH