r on an $I.OO A YEAR CASH IN ADVANCE. LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY S, THY GOD S, AND TRUTH S. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM VOLUME XXIV. WILSON, WILSON COUNTY, N. C, JUNE iS, 1894. NUMBER 24. Wife C0 1 . Uriassware The longstanding difficulties and makers still continue, but a number of factories have re sumed operations and we are accordingly enabled to present A Very Complete Line .... We put on sale to-day the following: Our Magnet 4 Cents Assortment, -COMPRISING TUMBLERS, FAN - SHAPED NAPPIES, WINE GLASSES, ABC PLATES, GOBLETS, CHILDREN'S MUGS, OVAL DISHES, FAMILY TABLE SALT CELLARS, GAT LING GUN TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, ROUND DISHES. Our "Ideal" 9 I 11 1 9 II 2 in. High-foot Dishes. 2 " Deep Plate, Scolloped Edge. " High Arch Metal Handle Dish. . " Bent-in Scolloped Dish. These sparkling beauties only 28c. each, worth just 50c, AND MANY OTHER MAGNIFICENT -1 WHICH WE CANNOT The Cash Racket Stores, Hash and Goldsboro Streets, , J. M. LEATH, M'u'r. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. HF. PRICE F. PRICE, Sirveyor ana Civil Engineer. , WILSON, - - N. C. "3 years' experience. Oiilce next to Dr. 'Albert Anderson.: Ino. K. AVyortiml,. . W. H. Yailoroi;rh, Jr. WOODARD 8c YARBOROUGH, - Attome's-at-Law,-- Wilson, ' - - N. C. Will practice-in the courts of Wilson, Nash, Green, Edgecombe and adjoin ing counties. N. li. Associated in Civil practice only. R. UZZELL, Attorney at Law, R. UZZELL, WILSON, - - N. C. Practices wherever services are re quired EWAlt-- business will receive prompt attention. Uilice in" Well's Building. HG. CONNOR, I Attorney at Law, WILSON, - - N. C. Office Branch & Go's. Bank Building. GEO. M. LINDSAY, - A tj"AT"n fAT '' O I cnanSe wou'd make an annual in x -tLvl 11V y ClL x(X ' j j come sufficient for an African prince. SNOW HTT T . N C i Circuit: Wilson, Green Wayne and Johnston Counties. INSURANCE. . FOR . jFiie Insurance Call on me, at the ofhee of W. E. War ren & Co., over First National Bank. 4-19-iy H. G. WHITEHEAD. ScShinoies. I have Cypress Shingles on hand at all times and will sell cheap. SAWED WOOD, WELL SEASONED, always on hand and can be furnished at short notice. Yard on Railroad, W est side of Nash Street. i::!m G. N. NURNEY. hJxytJUkM-110 10U mow D-r?i FUX LS BHUN'S STEEL fiflD PEpYRQ YHL PILLS Nav;,a''. rusgist and Sole Agent viion, N. C. Wood betvyeen the glassworkers Assortment. THINGS IN THIS j - ASSORTMENT MENTION HERE. I A New Coin Needed. in these days 01 money discussions t 1 . r 1 it jo J v-1 ki&JV-Jk ivy '.uu ivy much-needed coin. The denomina tion in mind is a 9 cent peace. Mod ern business ingenuity and enterprise i have brought about a fine discrimina tion in the matter of selling prices, and instead -of being satisfied with fixing- their profits in decimals and demi-decimal denominations, find it to advantage to make the concession of a single penny, on a $5, $10 or $15 sale. In values that are less than $5 it is almost as common to see 99 and 49 figures as it is those ending with o and 00. In fact a 9 cent piece. It is very pleasant to our feelings and desirable to our purses to enter a large store and purchase a 20-cent collar for 19 cents, but it transforms us info pestiferous and cranky indivi- duals to be compelled to stand on r ' , r - ' . . V one lood lor 27 minutes and wait lor the return ol the penny due- in change. The pennies we save in promiscuous buying would provide us with afternoon papers and postal cards,) but the time lost in waiting for Shoe and Leather Facts The Why and Wherefore. There is nothing; marvelous in the fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla should cure so many diseases. When you remember that a majority of the dis orders "flesh is heir to" are due to impure or poisonous condition of the blood, and that Hood's Sarsaparilla is an effective and radical purifier, the whole thing is explained. ; Besides its blood purifying quali ties, Hood's Sarsaparilla also con tains the best known vegetable stom ach tonics, diuretics, kidney remedies and liver invigorants, and is thus an excellent specific Ior all disorders of these organs, as well as for low con dition of the system or That Tired Feeling. An editor wrote a ball-room puff, saying: "Her dainty feet were en cased in shoes that might be taken for fairy boots." But the blundering compositor made it read : "Her dir ty feet were encased in shoes that might be taken for ferry-boats." Printers' Auxiliary. EWS IN M SOUTH Lawrence Spiller Gets a Lc7c.l Execution ir Virginia.' BRIDGE EURS1XC 13 ALABAMA. Bishop Fitzgerald Talkn-Col1ai?se of Warehouse Tilln-.an fur the tomto. Judge llines Vpcu ks Simpson Very Sick Other News. Stauxton, Va., June 9 Lawrence Spiller, convicted of the tminLr of Lot tic Kowe. on April asth, in the suburbs "of Staunton, wa? promptly hanged at Si-'S o'clock 'yesterday morning. The drop was only four feet. There was a plunjre, the head dropped to one side, the body slowly swung around and came to a rest. Death seemed .'.install taneous. The doctors declared the neck broken. Inspiration ceased instantly .: and the heart ceased to beat in nine minutes.- J Spiller was visited in his cell at 7:30 j o'clock in the morning by newspaper I week, a summary end to debate may. : sonnuin the Columbia Liver near Wil men, who remained.: in the room seven j be secured -by means of an order from i; oaT' minutes. He looked very bright and i the committee on rules. 2ext in order : 1 Wootl's Uoll. Hass., formerly Wood's cheerful, and told the reporters that he will come the bill to erect a overmen?! Hole, will agaii be called by its old pereciiy reconenea to go. -a num- ; ber of colored friends and ministers and white persons interested in him were also present. There was an al- f most continual singing and praying, j Spiller ate a hearty breakfast with evi- 1 dent enjoyment. His confession was ! published in extras immediately after the hanging. TKETKIRD E RIDGE BURNED. Of . Enet-ndlHrv OrtRln. and Indications ! Point to striking BJincrs. : Birmingham. June 11. At an early 1 hour yesterday a bridge on the Linton i Branch of the Louisville- & Nashville was burned. This is the third railroad j br:d(vr t'n.-it, has b"rn lmrni'd ivithin 1,hp. i past four days and all of which fires are surposed to have i een of incendiary I origin. Investigation showed that the Linton bridge was set on fire, for brush; and oiled timbers were found at either ' end. Suspicion points to the striking miners but so far nothing has been j learned that will warrant the arrest Of i suspected strikers who. were known to t .. "j . 1 i nave Deen mricing m tne vicinity oi ine ; fire only a few hours .before it slarted. Saturday morning od the Kansas City, Memphis and Birmingham - railroad near Adamsville, in front of a limited mail from Memphis a bridge was fired but the fire was discovered in time to prevent the train from running into it. BISHOP FITZGERALD TALKS. Distinjjnlslied Georgia Divine Preaches to a Large Audience in North Carolina. Geekxsi:obo, N. C. June 8. The commencement exercises at the Greens boro Female college were formally opened yesterday by the baccalaureate sermon by Bishop Fitzgerald, of Atlan ta. The speaker took for his text, "Iler price is far above rubies." The bishop devoted a great deal of his time to a protest against woman's suffrage, yet he spoke in the most respectful and loving manner of the women of the Bible. He said that no advance in civ ilization can ever excuse female- suf frage. The sermon was full of good advice and not calculated to huit tlfe feelings of any one. Greensboro has again donned holiday clothes in honor of her institution of learning. Most of the business houses are decorated with white and green, the colors of the college. COLLAPSE OF A WAREHOUSE. Too Heavily Stored With "Wheat and It I'cll to the Ground. Chatvaxoosa, June 11. The large grain warehouse of J, T. Thoraasoii & Co., covering almost an acre of ground, gave away yosteilay and the building of corrugated iron is a complete wreck. The loss will approximate 10,000. At the time,'60,000 bushels of grain were stored in the building. The side of the house adjoining the railway yards had been unequally packed with grain and the great weight threw the structure oif its foundation. Falling against cars loaded with pig iron, they were lifted off the track. The entire roof fell in and one. side was disman tled. TILLMAN FOR THE SENATE. South Carolina's Governor Openly Declares His Candidacy.' WissTOX, N. C, June 8. Governor Tillman of South Carolina was inter viewed here on his return home from New York. ' He said that dispensaries and high license will be t e issue in the fall 'campaign in South Carolina. The question will be settled by dem ocratic primaries in August- "I will not be a candidate for governor, but will be in the race for senator Butler's seat." said the governor, "And I expect to win." - "' ; : ' . JUDGE HINES SPEAKS. He Opens His Gubern.it orJal Campaign at Stone Mountain. Stoxe Mouxtaix, June 0. The first speech of a nominee in the gubernato rial race in Georgia was made here to day by Judge James K. Hines, the pop ulist candidate. The crowd was a great disappoint ment to the supporters of Judge Hines. Between 2,5(!0 and 3,000 were expected, but only about 800 were present. Simpson Very Sick. Beekely Spkia'gs, W. V., June 10 Congressman Jerry Simpson was much worse yesterday. His rheumatism Beems better, but a serious kidney di sease has appeared and his recovery is despaired of. Georgia Bankers Resolutions. Atlanta, June 8. The Georgia bankers association adopted resolu tions indorsing the financial legislation of the present congress; another reso lution recommending the issue of low interest bearing bonds. Kditor Thompson Arrested. Gbeexwood, S. c JuneS. Editor W, W. Thompson, of the Greenf ood Advo cate, was yesterday arrestee! for shoot ing Editor P. E. Kowell, of the Green wood Leader, three weeks ago, Kow ell is in a critical condition. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the wprld for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by .15. W. Hargrave, Druggist- 1 Simmons Liver Regulator has never been known to fail to cure all liver asjpuses. THE WEEK IN CONGRESS Proceedings in Both Branches Out- lined for the If ext Pew Days. SPIRIT SCHEDULES MSG THE SENATE. District Day i'i tbo House Followed by the Consideration of the Indian Appro priation Hill aiul Other Koun iino Matters. Washixotox, June 11. The order of ! work for the house this week is pratty t clearly blocked out by the managers, i bat that the house will fulfil their de- j sires is very uncertain, 'loday will be I devoted to the affairs of the district of ; Columbia.-' Then the Indian1 appropria- j tion bill, of which seven, pajjes were; considered last week, will, again be-; taken up under the live minute rule. It is the hone of the lea.Vrs that it vr'.'l be out of the way by Wednesday night, t but the outlook is' not Mattering." If the bill still draffs along later in the 1 printing otiice on one oi ine pn;,lie re- servations in the city, Vn: Ilatchs anti- option bill, or Mr. Coopers bill to tax ! greenbacks as other money is taxed. I These three bills, are marked for com I sideration after the Indian bill is out j of the way,- and before the general de- '. ficieney bill shall be called un. The t i order in which they will be eonsjjlered, j ! however will depend upon the action j of the house itself. ; the Week in the Senate. j The fourth draft of the pending tariff ; bill which was. laid befoio the fconate for consideration the '-nd of last A;ril names th of Jnne ars the tisii i when That he law shall ro ir.to yilc'.'t. dav ends the fiscal year and throughout all the prolonged debato which has since occupied the senate Jones and Harris have contenued they would begin collecting duties nnder the new law with the beginning of the new year.- llie present condition ol things hardly supports their belief, j There are several important schedules ) yet to be .considered,, to say nothing of m i 4- hatia l.ii-.r irinn fiTi1-. f ""' injr final action when tt on I comes out of -the committee su: into the senate. ie and goes i The spirit schedule will probably he j completed todav and the debate on the ! committee on schedule will then be- j gin. The wool schedule and the putting of raw wool on the fntrlist questions which will follow are bound to call out protracted debate. l'rolilic sub jects of discussion will also be fomnl in the rates fixed on silk, papers, and in the sundries' schedule, where coal will be found. 1'earl buttons iiid gloves will be made the basis of con siderable talk auel the free list can hardly be disposed of in a day. Three great items in the free list sgrieultur- al implements?,. -'umrber a:: 3 raw woe-" 11 will be stubbornly fought for the par pose of making a record-but without hope of changing the result. When the bill has been tinally con sidered in the committee, cf whole and reported to the senate, the- struggle over sugar will be renewed. Mean while the condition of appropriation bills is giving the democratic loaders uneasiness and if they do not g. t through by June 30, - joint resolutions extending the terms of the present ap propriation bills will have I.ev-n parsed. CRAZED BY JEALOUSY. Kufus Kiiy 3Inr;(!TS Hit Vilf: rend Kcenis Insensible of the Crime. Cr,ARKSViT,r.K, Term.. June 11. Kufus Kny, a farmer living near Erin, in Houston county, Term., i; m jail for the murder of his wife. Bay's wife was seated' at liome sewing, when, witiicut warning, the brutal husband walked up and brained her with an iron crow bar, and the woman fell to the lioor dead. The father then sent his chil dren to a neighbor with i nstructions to tell of thetleed he had committed. '11m authorities were notified and Kay va arrested and put in jail. When the oScers arro' to 1 Kay he was making attempts to cut his throat with a razor. He i now in jri il at Erin. No reason is given ior the murder. Ray and his wife have not had pei-sonal disagreements so far as is-known. The murtlerer seems indifferent about the affair and does not fceem to realize what he has done. lie was probably crazed and perhaps by jealousy. ACONITE FOR -I ' 4 Tarty of -.Sunday l!ro;i'xer isi Alabama Driuk a IHaMy riuid. Sei,ma, Ala., June 11.-SM Fowl";. David Johnson and Fred Jones went out for a days fishing, seven miles from the city yesterday. They carried with them, as they thought a demijohn of alcohol. They stopped at the house of Paul Frazier, who was the first to sam ple the contents of the demijohn. The old man died in a few minutes. John son the owner of the demijohn,- then gave his supposed alcohol to his com panions, to show that the old roan died from other causes, but not liking the taste, they both spit it. Johnson then took a big swallow himself ;:nd in ten minutes was dead. It now turns out that the deadly fluid was aconite, stolen through mistake for alcohol from Caw- thorne & Colemans drag btore in this city. - . '' Jails Crowded Willi Strikers. Pana. III., June 1 1. The sheriff and his posse have returned to this, city bringing twenty more prisoners. They found no miners at Bartonville, Ilollis or Kingston. The sheriff heard the strikers had assembled at Edwards station, and going there, found his prisoners. They are now in jail, Ono Striker Killed. U.xiontowx. Fa., June 11. In an en counter between deputies and strikers at Lemont, one striker was killed out right and three others were fatally shot. Deputies were endeavoring to release workmen captured by strikers. Many arrests were. made. A gentleman, under forty years of age, whose hair was rapidly becom ing thin and gray, began the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and in six months his hair was restored to its natural color, and even more than its former growth and richness. For Malaria, Liver Trou ble,orlndigestion,use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS THE V':x'f MEWS CONDENSED. 1 Norwich. Conn., republicans elected j their entire ticket. j 1 ho Lnited Prcsbvter'ans will meet r.ext year at Pittsburg, 1'a. ! Mrs. EhVabth Wiiams of Green- j 'ville, Pa., was robbed of Sl.ooa, i Korglar entered the Post Office at i KamTfoid iio., and stole -100. i r, , , ,. . . , , ' . ; luon placer diggings nave been dis- i covered near Loon Lake, Idaho. j The report that Xaslo, IL C, has been j fewept away by floods is incorrect. j . A Lock Island rain maker is onera- ! fang at islOO a day, at Pawnee, Neb. Splendid mackerel and lobster Ashing is reported off the Xova Scotia coast. ;. Frost last night, injured corn and po tatoes in eeutral and northern Illinois, . -SliiinQapoiifi parties have secured the contract ior a 2,000,000 canal in Ari zona. .. '. Three persons were killed by a cy clone in Grant County, Oregon Satur- The body of Judge Kmnaird has been name. .Two children of John Long were burned to death in a fire at Duke Cen tre, 1'lL. The Viking ship has been donated to the Field Aluseum, Jackson Park, Chic ago, 111. The Uank of Lengal has reduced its rate of discount from 7 per cent, to 6 per ceii t. . Annie Toolen, the "angel" of Kelly's army, was married to Major Sutliffo at Cairo, HI, A sirs al I yellow drought worm is des troying .the corn shoots around Webster City, Iowa. - The Lowell (Mass.1 Manufacturing Company will shut down it ,.!r:- - . 'uoiiday. Sheriff Micrry burned several cart loads of gamblintr naranheroalia . at .Munice.Tn;!, Senator Walsh introduced a bill fora permanent National Exhibition at .Washington. .... - The nost o!'lee at, Mechanic F-.lU Jle., was brolien into Wednesday night and 1,0 JO stolen. K m 01 tl interviewed m London, SU3 S is ready to meet Jackson . 1,1 Jacksonville, iTa.-. The saloon of Charles Noffz, No. 1SS Eighteenth street. Chicago. 111., was wrecked bv dynamite The twenty-fifth annual convention of the Alpha Zeta fraternity is in ses sion at Schenectady, N. Y. The sixth anuual convention of the Boot and Shoe .Workers' International Union opened in Boston, Monday. The administration department" of the Vermont Wtate Insane Asylum at Waterbury was dedicated Saturday. The Order of Elks, will hold their an imal meeting of the Grand Lodge at . Atlantic fity, X. J., despite opposition. Secretary Morton and Dr. Zeballos, Minister of the Argentine Republic, visited the Latonia (Ky.,) race Satur day. The engineer was killed and seven of the iii'-:i in jured on a work train of the BiuiL Line near 'Alton, Illinois, Mou day. W. .. iXieedaus. husband of Znlla "V? a us, has filed a petition for divorce ia the district Iowa. court at Musjatiue, The SpanL-b. Government has forbid den the admission of German goods by " rans of certificates of origin from other nations. Menacing - manifestations prevail in IVlermo. Mo:Jy, over the sentence; of .Deputy De'leliee. The police have made many arrests. A battle in which' three men were .wounded was fought on the north bound Frisco traia between Arthur City and Grant, I. T. Capt. Adolph Frcitsch, of Milwaukee, Wis., arrived at Buifalo, Tuesday with the thirtecn-tou schooner in which he will cross the Atlantic. The differences between the London cab drivers and the cab owners have been submitted to the arbitration of the Duke ot Devonshire. James E. Malone, of Wisconsin. Reg ister of the Land Otiice at Perry, O. T., at the opening of the Cherokee Strip, is being tried for bribery. The German steamer Alvvine Seyd, in the C hina Sea, has been wrecked on Bjirren island, Tasmania. Many pas sengers and crew were drowned. Several persons have been arrested in Montevideo, Uruguay, on suspicion as forgers of the checks on the London and River Plate and other banks. The sugar trust case, which was to have been heard in the Supreme Court, Boston, Mass., was at the request of Attorney-General Knowlton postponed for ten days. The local racing association at Great Falls, Mont.,. has asked for an injunc tion restraining Gov. Richards from in terfeing with the Creek Indians' sun dance next week. The will of Brewer Valentine Blatz, filed at Milwaukee, Wis., distributes an estate of nearly 83,000,000 to his five children, one of whom is Mrs. Alma Kletch, of this city. By order cf Supreme Court, C. II. Bart, Treasurer of Meeker County, Minnesota, has been ousted and the long contest with Gov. Nelson, who first suspended him, is ended. Donald B. McKenzie, confidential book-keeper for Samuel Bingham & Son, manufacturers of printers' rollers Chicago, has tlisappeared, leaving an apparent shortage of 9?3,OOJ. Miss Kitty Cheatham the actress, was twice married toW. II. Thompson, at Nashville Saturday night. The firt officiating minister, Bishop Quintard was not at himself, and after the cere mony, the groom called in another and had it repeated. Reports from the weather crop Bulletin for the week ending June 11, show a small improvement -in the crops, but the weather was rather cool for healthy growth. The indi cations for this week are warm nights with showers the latter pari of the week, which will no doubt materially aid the growth of plants. STATE NEWS. 1 Hcnderson GolJ Leaf: Ukc , , , , 1?rown. a colored drayman, swallowec. j halt a Pint of sPirils of turpentine j Tuesday, with suicidal intent. Thus j js the second or third attempt he has , .,.,.,..! made, turpentine being, his favente j . . potion in eacn case. I'nysictans brought him around all right, though hfk vows that ho will vPf nut Pm1 i - j jto his miserable existence. It is .a i rare thing that a negro takes his own I life. Stnithfield Herald: At 9 o'clock Sunday morning the saw and planing mills of Walter Rand cc Hro., were burned. The fire originated in "the dry kiln house where there h:u been no fire for a week. There h.u! iven no fire about the engines since 1 2 o'clock Saturday, so it murt have been the work of an incindiary. Very few of the tools around the millj :::ir saved. The planine maeliinery was ruined and the engines and boil badly damaged. About -.-v.,o ; of lumber was Lurned. L;.,-; $2,000. No insurance. 3 ! f Goldsboro Headlight: Quite a serious accident beiell Da! Crawford, 1 a young colored man, 'employed at the saw mill ot Mr. IJ..F. Scott, in Great Swamp township, last Thurs day morning at h o cloctc. Wn the act of cro3irg- a saw cbjt h- ie m ma;. lr.-l rv!;:t?n ? r: b most m an .instant ins right went off,, whi! a deep gash was c. across his shoulder, besides his leu hand was badlv mamded. Drs. R. E. Cox, of Fremont, and W. f . Jones, of this city, dressed his wounds nd amputated his right arm, just above j the wrist, and one of his left fingers. At this writing the chances are in favor of his recovery.' Williamston Sun : Last Sunday night about 1 o'clock the barns, sta bles, carriage house, and smoke house of Mr. Marion Burroughs were completely destroyed by fire. .All the farming utensils, buggies wagons, and carts were burned, and it was with much- difficulty that the stock were saved. The ovcrshadowin-r elms protected the dwelling from the fire and it was saved by hard woik. The loss is great, and at present writ ing cannot be ascertained. Raleigh North Carolinian: Mr. G. W. Johnson, of Elevation, John son county, has a record of which any farmer might well be proud. He is now a man of middle life and has accumulated a great deal of property about him, though he started without an acre ol land. And 'yet. he has never had to luy a pound cf tne.it or a bushel of corn. Ho believes in raising his own supplies, even lh iuoh he should not plant stalk of cot toil.. . -Louisburg Times t 1.1 We l-.r n caret tne saying, you r-i ci-'t sense to bell a buzzard," but this county can boast of two youths who have accomplished that feat. Their names are Thurston Allen, stm of Mr. J. J. Allen, and Bennett Perry, son of Mrs. S.dlie Perry. II:':; bvz zardship is, we suppose, still son ring with the bell attached to his neck.- Fayetteville Observer: Mr. II. C. Davis, who has been in weak health for some time, was found d-:v.d in bed this morning when the fimily of his son-in law, Mr. Wm. Deal, af whose house on Mechanic, street h' was temporality staying, arose for the day. Mr. Davis was a b ird v..-.: ':. -, and industrious man, and leave.-, - vv-ile and five children. Rocky Mt Argonaut : we learn from good authority that nego tiations are pending between a North ern syndicate of railroad men and the city of Petersburg, Va., for the pur chase of the city's rights 'and fran chise in the railroad, now partially graded, between Ridgeway, N. C, and Petersburg, Va. If satisfactory arrangements are made work will be commenced at once and the railroad completed between these two points as soon as possible. Free Jills. Send your name and address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a Iree sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pais. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action anti are particularly ef fective in the one of Constipation and Sick Headache.' For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to be perfectly free from eve ry deleterious substance atxl to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giv ing tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. ' Reg ular size 25c. per box. Sold at Har grave's Drug Store. Highest cf all in Leavening Power.- Site Unlimited KuecesKfully. II. W. Allen, a well .known and popular drummer for a wholesale grocery house of Rockford, 111., is s.iid to be tliir.king seriously of swap ping jobs with his vvite and letting her "go out on tj:e nrad to attend to bus bu--ir:-.:-.s h:j lie stays at home to keep, house -rd mind' the l;ab)'. A tew o i s j" dent which ;. .; f i ; . h nv;:t with an aeci-;-'.v his hou!der out of 5 very much worried O-.O: : were t forced idleness, .is there :e of his best cust.ners ih;t c::riht to be seen, so liis vviie proposed it would take Li:? sa:o; f'se d go c ut to see tliem for hhii. '.it.'ully ronsenteil, and wa . . ell S'i:'j Jl'ist't! " to fi id r. ' ci! she 1 th:- night that she had :v --v.1 tcr. of orders more th. a he t ' . ' St . cr. j cv ! ca.-c i i is t: red in one day in his .v!iole j now thinks th.at his wife r drummer of the two. ndmark. 1 1 a t.iinr.ot t.'e Cit : t ,d Applications, as they can e s .it' of the disease. Ca- tiit.'ii is a biood or constitutional dis ease, and in order to cure it you must ta!;e intern. il repiedies. Mail's Catarrh Cure is t;i::ea iniern.il'v, and acts airecuy on ti fact. Half's e moixi or mucous sur f's Catrurh Cure is n't e cine. It was prescribed in quack rut one of t ... j ... .... ..... v.--. ... ars, and is a regular prescrip- I u v 101 ; tion t n compose-d e)t tne best tomes known, comlhmea wuti tne uest uiooei purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces, 'llhe perfect combination of i'io two irgjrcdier.is 1:; what produces such wonderful results in curing Ca tarrh. Seiuil ior testimonials, free. . F.J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all drug eists. , .... . ..I It is authoratively announced that the pending tariff bill will not be disposed of before the first of July. There are some more Republican gas bags to be blown off before a vote can be taken, and that will take two or three weeks longer. Night se-:;jin.s would now be in order when plenty of time could be secured. Senator J.irvis seems to be in train ing as a humorist, as well as a states man. Almost daily one see's" some reference to a bit of humor lately in du'ged by the junior Senator from .T.,r.h Cl; -h':ia. They do siy. that it wr.: o.:e- e.f the Senator's jokes that m. in..- ..si. u .rm in s:ck. He w.is l a congested iivirancl 'lilt there is an affinity nu i ;t.ib tii.u lOivCa. il uie a ? ..... . i : ! i.-.t. 1-1 ke w.is accurately reproduced puhiic prints, I must confess m ire 1 l:n::k th- diagnosis of Senator .ar's aii'tieiU the coirect one. G'. rv i ; r 1 1. inlv it a Ic-ical one. The t, though. -i.t'jr is aii ri;' .i'.'l suprii c his ! j farmer lie is "qiiJcf d up" -:o. IJo- icn:;u!i n Ch.trhjlte Obscrv-. r. .ill' Free-. Tiif-rr; v. ho have used Dr. Ki.,,f: e-.v Discovery !:.(.'. its 'vTUne, and os-.- v.h- ;;,-ic not, l.ai; no-. the vortvm'.iy to ti"3 it liee. C;J1 cn iv em rd druggist and gC-t a tree. . Send.; your name trial uoti j i. to II. E. Bucklen &. Co. . J ' ,;.:c:-go, :-nci ;ct a sample box of . a New LiL: Pills free, as well as .-. copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed lo do you good and cost you nothing. Hargrave's Drucr Store. No pill or nauseating potion, but a pleasant tonic and laxative is Simmons Liver Regulator. When. -you are without somcvv'hJre, or else your "7I A "y- ? f9 W?-M & & m ta 3 J 7 tta of Cod-fi'vcr, with hypophosphites of lime and soda, finds weak spots, cures them, and stores up latent strength in solid flesh to ward off disease. Physi cians, the world-over, endorse it SCOTT'S EMULSION cures Coughs, Colds, Weak Lungs and. Wasting Diseases. Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N. Y. Druggists sell it. Latest U.S. Gov't Report lie Doenn't Advertise. The non-advertising- merchant go eth forth to his lair at rising- of the sun and lo! no man interfereth. He standeth around all day like a bottle of castor oil, and the people with the chcckcls come not to his shanty. He advertiseth not his wares, and his face is forgottoh on the earth. Who hath dried apples? Who hath fiy-soiled gingham ? Who hath stale baking powder without end? He that knoweth not the way to the printer. Johnstown Republican. .Site K iaited the Wrung Man. A mo ;t amusing incident was wit : . ...:d the special train of the Sea board Air Line at Raleigh last week on the occasion of the laying o; the corner stone of the Confederate mon ument. A young lady was aboard, -whose attractive and winning ways, made her the cynosure of all eyes. Just as the -conductor shouted all aboard and the train began to pull out, two handsome young men rushed aboard to say good-bye to the charming., little fairy. One was a brother, and the other was, well, one who wanted to be more than a brother. ' In the hurry and confusion oi say ing good-bye, and intending, of course, to kiss her brother she kissed the other man, and then, her beauti ful face suffused with blushes, she said, "Oh, what have I done, I in tended to kiss brother Will." The young man remarked that he would willingly give the kis3 back if she de sired it, but she refused to accept, and saying she had just one more left, she fondly give that to her brother, and as the two young men left the train she sat down and laughed until the tears streamed down her cheeks. Weldon News. . The Mason's will celebrate St. John's day at Oxford, N. C, on the 22nd of i this month. The Grand Lodge meets there at that time. The Oxford Orphan Asylum is situated at that place, and is the. property of the Masons of North Carolina. This ought to be the rallying ground for Masonry in this State. They ought to be fully acquainted . with their property see how it is being con- ducted and what it is doing:. The Orphan Asylum is one of the great est factors in the State to do good in the best way, to those who, without its beneficent influence, would bring dishonor instead of credit. -Woman's l'ulure on tha Farm. The farmer of the future will be a woman, if Michigan affords a bafds "or prophecy. In Wayne county aieit.o there are 220 women farmers, and iu the whole State 8,707, with an owner ship of (30,4:50 acres. The value of the nd is estimated at $4:1,500,000, and the earnings of the women aggregate Short and Swent. " "What did you say he sent her ia memory of their short engagement?" "A pair of little Bouvenir spoons," "Vogue. iMftily "I am s. unhappy. I begin ,to see that Arthur married me for my nir-ney." Emily's dearest friend "Well, you 1 1.1 the comfort of know ing he is not ns simple as he looks. Caricaturcn, Vienna. " r:ir. you h.-.ve .',! ?p; e I on my lint!" growled the old g r!ti.'inaal to the go-aut-betwi'ca-the-aets man. "I am very sorry," .said tij i.-vhcr. 'To avenge T." tters. 0:1 rny return sir- 1 shall giv ."elf liio ; i : s-.! .: pj.'nyonj'oar . healthy flesh you are weak food does not nourish you. Emulsion 4't-.v.-r--.gS'!?SSt:' ?,.-iCffl5RTTCSy