1-10 $I.OO A YEAR CASH. 1 ADVANCE. , . ; "LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM ST AT,. BE THY COUNTRY S, THY pop's, AND TRUTh'S." ' -, " . : ; .-THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM : " ' " ' ' '" "" ' ' ' '' V". " . ' .''7:-' ' . ', " . . ' -' "';.; ' '. ..'. ' .;. -'T-'. .W,;-:, ; , ' -" v . -' - : - VOLUME XXIV. ; ; . ; , , '; ' ; WILSON," WILSON COUIOT'V' JU.Np'2ii -1894!; .'' ." . '. ' . ' NUMBER 25. II Glasswa re. The longstanding difficulties betvveen' the glassworkers and makers still continue, but a number of factories have, re sumed operations and we are accordingly enabled to present. A Very Complete Line We put on sale to-day the following: Our Magnet -4 Cents Assortment, COMPRISING TUMBLERS, FAN - SHAPED NAPPfES, WINE GLASSES, ABC PLATES, GOBLETS, CHILDREN'S MUGS, ( OVAL DISHES, FAMILY TABLE SALT CELLARS, GAT LING GUN TOOTHPICK HOLDERS, ROUND DISHES. . 1 Our "Ideal" : 91-2 111-2 9 in. High-foot Dishes. Deep Plate, Scolloped Edge. v : y High Arch Metal Handle Dish. Bent-in Scolloped Dish. These sparkling beauties only 28c. each, worth just 50c, tAND MANY OTHER MAGNIFICENT - I . WHICH WE CANNOT The Cash Racket Stores, Nash and Goldsuoro Streets, ,). M. LEATH, M'a'r. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JJ Fs F-RICE, Sumyor and Ciiil Engineer. WILSON, - - n. c. 30 years' experience. Office next to Dr. Albert Anderson. Jao. E. Woodard, W. H. Tarborough, Jr. WOODARD & YARBOROUGH, Attorneys-at-Law, Wilson, - - N. C. Will practice in the courts of Wilson, Nash, Green, Edgecombe, and. adjoin ing counties. . N. 11. Associated in Civil practice only. J R. UZZELL, Attorney at Law, WILSON, - - N. C. ' . Practices wherever services are re quired E3fAll business will receive prompt attention. Ofhce in Well's Building. JJ G.CONNOR, Attorney at Law, WILSON, - - N.C. Office Branch & Co's. Bank Building. GEO. M. LINDSAY, Attorney at Law, SNOW HILL, N. C ' Circuit Wilson, Green Wayne and Johnston Counties. ? INSURANCE. FOR IFire Insurance , Call on me, at the office of W. E. War ren & Co., over First National Bank. 419-iy H. G. WHITEHEAD. Wood & Shingles. I have press Shingles oh hand at all 4imes and will sell cheap. SAWED WOOD, WELL SEASONED, always ori hand and can be furnished at short notice. Yard on Railroad, West side of Nash Street. MT.3.U C. N. NURNEY. JLAD DO YOU KSOW -. FELIX LE BRUN'S El PE1YE3YCL PIUS uTblecnJiatv!Sd OBJy FBENCH,-Bafaandre. ilsonNNac DrUggist and Sole Agent Assortment. THINGS IN THIS ; - ASSORTMENT MENTION HERE. v A lull Boy.' "Yes." said Mrs. Fivcoclook, "the family are most interesting. . John dances divinely, lorn sings like an angel, David is a famous football j player, and Susanne paints beautilul- ly and belongs to the reading club." "And Henry?" ; ' Oh, Henry 1 Well, he's rather dull, you know. He only works and supports the others." Tit-Bits. The Why ami Wherefore. There is nothing marvelous in the fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla should cure so many diseases. When you remember that a majority of the dis orders "flesTi is heir, to" are ' due to impure or poisonous condition of the blood, and that Hood's Sarsaparilla is an effective and radical purifier, the whole thing is explained. ' Besides its blood purifying quali ties, Hood's Sarsaparilla also - con tains the best known vegetable stom ach tonics,, diuretics; kidney remedies and liver invigorants, and is thus an excellent specific for all disorders of 1 these organs, as well as for low con i dition of the . system or. That Tired Feeling. . : A- Difference. ;Yes," sniffled the i hypocrite, VI shed tears, or I .would shed them if" "Here, let up on that," interrupted the other map. "There's a differ ence between a s'hed and .1 would shed; and the; sorrow crop was fired. Atlanta Constitution. - - .. . , t IClectrje Bitters. r ' V This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular s to need no special mention. All who Lave.used Elictric Bitters sing the same spng of praise. A purer medicine does not exist, and it is guaranteed to do all. that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kid neys, will remove , pirn pies,1 boils, salt rheum and other efiections caused by j impure blood. - Will drive malaria i from th6 system and prevent as .well as cure all malarial fevers. . U ti-U y t? v gesticrl try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money re funded. Price only 50c. and $t.oci per bottle at Hargrave's Drug Store. WEEK III THE SOUTH Too Many Courts May tavo " tho Heck of Murdoror Mi"cr.' TEE SOUTHERN RAILWAY C02IPA5T. j - J. Card J Quiet In Chatham Hatch In T.'orth llnaChirlcs Tattoraon Killed Mtir' . lcr in Jacksonville Other ; : V 1 1cw of Interest. DAI lap, Tcx.n June 1C The clerk of the cotirt of Criminal Appeals issued a mandimns to Judce Clint, of U.o Cripi inal Court, notifying him. that thtt' Su preme Court of the United Mates hats dismissed the writ of error in the casv 'of Frank Miller, who vas condemned, to be hanged for the killing of Pwlieo v officer Eiddell. and to let the l;iw -take its course. TJiller ' v-m-s condemned in tne lor.rtb OLStnct court. Si n pr . h is conviction the criminal district has t fc been ereated and all criminal jurisdic tion taken from the fourth distriet court. Miller's attorneys say that neither of the Judges can legally pass senteneo of death on Miller, since the fourth district court ha3 been legally deprived of all criminal 'jurisdiction and the criminal division never bad anv 1 jurisdiction of a case which was dis- posed of before the , creation of that court, ana mat any legislation giving either , court jurisdiction of the case will be of the post-facto character. Judge Clint says that he will sentence Miller. , - . SOUTHERN' RAILWAY COMPANY. The Karhe to be Applied to the Kichmocd and Danville Under the New EcgSaio. Eicmoxd, June 18. The Riclimond aod Danville railroad was yesterday sold under a decree of tho United Stutes circuit court to Messrs. C. IT. Coster and A. J, Thomas, a purchasing com mittee of the Drexel, Morgan &. Com pany reorganization committee. Their bid was $2,030,009. The ; foreclosure add sale under the third mortgage and subject to the gold, debenture 'and equipment mortgage.- The sate was immediately confirmed by the court, and this act constituted the reorganiza tion committee, a corporation under a charter granted by the last legislature. The committee will meet here Monday and reorganize the road, giving it the name of the Southern railway com pany. ' - - '--' ' ' QUIET m CHATHAM. The Divided Democracy Undetermined bat . the f Actions United. : SAVAXJfAn. June 18.-The divided de mocracy of . Chatham county ' accom plished last nigh what heretofore seemed an impossibility, and a harmon ious meeting at the theatre. ' The twd factions, Eussell and anti-Bussell, were apparently evenly divided, but there was no necessity for takiug any but a viva Voce vote, and the numbers were undermined. The meeting was that oi the third militia district adjourned from last Tuesday night on account of the howling mob which had it tmder control. ' . ' HATCH IN NORTH CAROLINA. The Dlstinjruished Conjrrc&susn to peak f at the State Agricultural College. Raleigh, N. C, June 18. Tomorrow at 10:30 a. m., the annual literary ad dress will be delivered before the Agri cultural and Mechanical college by Honorable W. H. Hatch, of Missouri The congressman will arrive from Washington tomorrow morning, and will be met by a committee of. state of ficials'and citizens, and escorted imme diately to the college. Much interest is manifested in the address, and a large audience will greet . him. ' - Wed nesday is commencement day proper. CHARLES PATTERSON KILLED. Took Fart In a Political Celebration, and Was Struck by a Train. Atlanta. June IS. Charles Pat terson,' son of a prominent farmer of Spalding county was killed by a Central railroad train shortly -after midnight Sunday morning. He had been to Grif fin to carry the election news from his district, lie took part in celebrating General Evans victory in the county and was late starting home. It is' sup posed that he was asleep in his buggy when the locomotive struce him. - Murder in Jacksonville. . Jacksonville, Fla., Jnnel8. The body of &n . unknown colored woman was found yesterday in the Springfield suburb. She had been stabbed over thirty times, her . throat cut and many other wounds inflicted. Evidently, she had defended herself desperately, as her hands and fingers were cut to the bone, where she had grasped the knife blade. There is no clue to the mur derer.: ' - - Shooting Scrape in Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga., June 16. Policeman Barrett'who was- suspended' Wednes day from the force upon evidence of a Grocers clerk that he was drinking freely and disorderly in his store, was shot yesterday afternoon by the young gentfeman in question. The wound may not prove fatal. : Barrett accosted htm, and the shooting is said to have been in self-defense. Tennessee Republican Nominees. 'IJabhville, June 1G. William Ran dolph, of Shelby, JChn - H. Walker, of Gibson, Lewis Shepherd of Hamilou, and George N. Tillman,, of Davidson, were nominated for juages 01 the su preme court by. the ttate republican convention. The - nominations were made on the first ballot. ' Lightning's Deadly Worfi, V ; Grenada, Miss., June . 18. Near Oravsnort. durinff; a thunder storm Meredith Bowcn was paralyzed and James Smith killed ty a stroke of light- j ning... Both men were well known ' citizens 01 tnis county. 1 J University of Alabama. - - - , Tusckaloosa, - A la. , J une 1 8. The sixty-third university 'commencement was formally opened with the ccm 'mencement sermon by Bishop H. W. Jackson, of the Episcopal church of Alabama. ' ' . , Backlen's Arnica Safve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, .Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all "skin fcrup- Forcure'e , and" findiV perfect satisfaction, or money refunded., Price 25 cents per box. F or sale by B. wVHargrave, Druggist- , ; : Do not ruin the stomach with chemi rals. . Simmons Liver - Regulator is pUreiy vegetable and effective. . A POLITICAL BLUNDER. ; Eiwkliiritlpro Ir o1owts 'Siovr Rerot Their ; .- Rooming of f-ettlo. " Fn a k kfotiTi Ivy.,- .lunc 18. The con gressional race is dcllomin this part of ( the district than it has been at any time since the Cht beffan. The Breck inridge boom. which went Tip during1 ms recent visit to the district, lias coin pletely collapsed, and his followers Tiava Ktvin licf lca i" Hicrfnctpil TVi ;- now-admit that they have made a po Mitical blunder in boosting Evan Settle, who, instead of making ateessions from i the Owens liji, has grained nearly all of his strength from the ranks ojf. tha ; present congressman. . ' r The lireekinritlgo men, however, will not yet admit that their man has lost all hope of victory, but from their move ments it is evident they fear defeat and realize that their greatest hope now is to hold a balance of - power and: defeat Mr... Owenti, 'who, by his airgressive campaign, has gamed tha animosity of the lireckmrulge forces dniost to a man. . . ' :-, , ' '.,. There is a deal of speculation going on as to the. result in the event of a final narrowing down vof the contest between fettle and. Owns. and itf is generally conceded that the vte in that 1 event wuuiu piuity ci,e. . ceo- a. . . .1 v.'- n.. -t . nil. . c'.a . 1 lie men ciaim tney win lau neir 10 me entire Tsupport of Breckinridge, and that tins woiild be sufficient, with the , vote he now has, to give fccttie com- fortable majority. HIS SKULL FRACTURED. Tommy SllUcr Fatally Injarctl in a - Prize Tight at Canton, Ohio. " Cantox, O., J.une 18. Tommy Miller, who had a finish fight with Jimmy Car ney, near Meyer's lake, is in a Drecari o'bs condition at the Casino hotel at tha Lake. When he was knocked out he fell on the back of his head - and his skull was, fractured. All participants and spectators will likely ba- arrested. THE WEEK'S NEWS CONDENCED. The Fraser Iliver is falling very rp ully. . , There are 40,000 Seventh Day Advcn tists in Wisconsin. .- ; , - Frye'a "army," 300 strocg, has reach ed Cumberland, Md. , ; The Missouri River at Omaha, Uob. is near the danger line. " v The De Pauw; University School of Law has been abolished. v The report of the failure o: the Pii- i eblo J ournal is not true. 1 Kelly's commonweal. "navy," now in Indiana, numbers 1,133 men. , s . , Large schools .of menhaden are re ported near Gloucester, Mass. ' . Rich deposits of gold are said to have been found near Bluff City. Colo. Coxeyites fried to board a passenger train at Steele, N. D., but failed. ' Twenty two Coxeyites were arrested at Fairfield 111.; for train stealing. . The Independent state convention of ; South Dakota is in session at Mitchell V Petsr Cheney, the Chicago counter feiter; has been arrested at Tahlequah, It. . Only three jurors are now needed to complete the "Bat" Shea jury at Troy, Y. A saw' mill engine near Laclede, Mo. exploded, killing two men and injuring a third. W. F. McCoy; Q. a, has elected Grand Master of tha Masonio body in Nova Scotia. . : . " , Clinton Osborn, a popular politician of Halton, Kan., shot and killed Chas. B. Hamble. ' . j.,. t, , 1 Association is in session in" St. Paul,J ... , , Minnesota. A seizure of 5,000 worth of unlicens ed liquor was "made from one dealer in Boston Thursday. - Vice-President Stevenson and party will go to Cape May, N for a week's visit, : J., next Friday.! j General Aubrey's industrial army is deserting at Columbus, Ohio, because he enlisted tramps. The National Linseed Oil Company has won its suit in the Lnited States mirt to fsKiin bonds. ..,. . .. . - y. T n. F. WiJkie, the absconding Just:ca . . , T , T . of the Peace, of Elwood. Ind., 13 in cus- ' . . . , ' ,.. T tody at Columbus, Miss. J ' J South Norwalk, Conn., . wants tho monitor Miantonmoh to aid in its 24th, anniversary celebration. . Seattle and western Washington have been without eastern mail for two weeks on account of 11 oods. . Tho Winnebac-o Indians had' a rain dance near the Black river falls (Wis.) reservation Saturday night. v Prof. Goodell, of Yale, has accepted not exienu u iu the professorship of Greek in the should be any difficulty experienced in Americal school at Athens. . " ; bringing it to a close, -the power of the mi t,m -rt 1 r j 4. o Lcommittee on rules will be invoked, so . The Pike's Peak Cog road at Colora, , K wiU bnrden the calender nolon. do Springs ran its first train of the sea-1 than Wednesdiy at the farthurest.- son to the summit Thursday. , , ' Then Mr.- Joseph, democrat : of New The annual conference of the United Mexico, will bring forward his bill to Norwegian Lutheran Church of Ameri- admit the territory of New Mexico to ca is in session in St. Paul, Minn. rr statehood. This will be antagonized Mrs. Julia Josephine Irvine, a grad- it is supposed, by the republicans prob nte of Cornell, has been appointed c- , ably without avail. After these two ting president of Wellesley College. bills are out of the way, it is thought The national convention of the Su- i the general , deficiency' bill will be put premo Castle. Knights of the Mystiov on its passage. It will be reported to Chain, is in session at Providence, R. I. ! e house, it is understood, tomorrow., ... , .. ' But should it not be taken ap, Mr. The thirty-ninth annual convention Coopclf; htaIlds reat,y to urge his biU of the. Pennsylvania organization of icinff for the . taxation of green the Ancient order of Hibernians is g he same as gold and silver are session in Pittsburg. . . j beeQ favorably An official investigation "of the col- sorted from the committee' on banking lisiononthe New England road near currency. And the friends of the Stillwatery R, I., fixes the blame on the bill, providing for the election of sena I Stillwater operator. , ' tors by direct vote of the people are j. ' The directors of tho Bell Telephone , earnestly pressing the house managers Company decjared at Boston the regu- . for a day on ' which that measure may lar quarterly dividend of , 3 per 'cent. No extra dividend .was declared. ;-. j t The first through party of passengers from the East since the flood began, ar rived at Seattle, .Wash., Wednesdav," . fifteen days on the way from Chicago. Illinois.' ' -General rain fell over northern Min- nesota and North acd South Dakota. Orain hud begun to suffer serionsly' from the three weeVa drought and m- " tense heut. The popular store U J. & D.- Oet tinger hus been the scene of immense activity the past week. Caue: Bar- gains next week they offeranother batch of .; bargains. - Read their ad ladies, and go early. . A11 mis-crable suiTerers with dyspep sia can be curetl by Simmons Liver Regulator. - TARIFFS LAST HOUilJ r . . . n . - .. . . .- . Harria " Colievea That .tlia W&i: Will Sao the "VS'orb: Comploted. ALDUICH CONCEDES THE ADVANTAGE. In tho Hasc tie ftrulca Ecffla Witt thj Call for ' the Anti-Option Bill Otho? IZattera Follow in the "Wako .' ' s. I'rogram in Itranchca. . , ' WASjiiyGTo, June 18.WTho ccmo cratic managers-lock forward to tire current week in the senate with, con ti- indifferent... :2it..- Harris the parlia- t - r- . Kno Hth Wit ronte.t fl?,lnr,v th:.f , fj - 7- - : - - , when iiext Saturday, comes the tariU bill will te out of committee of the whole; and Mr. Aldrich the republican leador admits that the outlook is f av m-able to progress. Both of these de clarations coming from opposing leitd crs,; would appear to justify the conclu sion that the end is approaching. Xcv- t-rthek'ss, in those portions of the bill 1 1 liieh uave vet to be acted upon, there Jq much thaJ. must caase debate. Last v-eeks progress was really amazing nn-' c"-"- the peculiar difficulties ' thet con- frOQtcd the tatkA cevolt a?ainst fipfillrnrnin th wool xohote ule was led by senators Mills, Yilas, (eo. and Berry, and for three days the party managers labored to bring"' about an agreement. Meanwhile Mr. Quay armed with an endless speech cover ipg every thing f rorn the textile fabrics manufac tured in the garden of eden, down to tba present day, refused to listen to any agreement ' until the ; concessions de manded by Messrs Smith and Murphy, reinforced by the senator from Penn sylvania, had been conceded by .the re volting democrats. As soon as this was done, the voting began and paragraph tifter paragraph rem'odled for the last y.ine went through according to the pro gramme, Messrs. George and Berry', however, true to their convictions,- re fusing to vote, "v- v ' Two Schedules O0I7. ' ' ' - But two schedules remain before the fee list is reached. ... ' x They are" paper and sundries. But j little debate rs expected in either. The democrats believe the free list will be I agreed to as fast as read but ther wes- tern republicans when raw ,wooJ is reached, in the' free list . will renew t their attack and seek to have a small dutv, at least, but upon that article. Every membdr of-'the committee on the democratic side has declared that he draws the line there and that under no condition will he consent to - the re moval of wool from the list .and some of the members assert it is the only thing demanded by the party platform which is left in the bill. The vote-in the sen t afe a few days ago was too close to be icnored: and when ' the Question comes up ajrain, the surprise would not be very great if some .small duty Were placed on raw wool. 3Uiliough xid; positive announcment to that effect has been Vnade, it is be lieved as indicated more than "week ago. tne democrats would oe willing to recede from all their, 'proposed amend ments to the admtnitrative - feature of fje bill, if by so doing they can shorten the time for debate. Inasmuch 3 as 4ft pages are devoted to this subject and amendments are numerous it is obvious that debate . would be very materially shortened by letting the McKinley ad - mioistrative tUll stand unamended. Secretary Carlisle and custom officials who have been consulted agroo that owing to length of the debate up to this time, it would be better to permit " '. .. v- t - ,onn tne administrative act of June 1890 to stand rather than to attempt a recoh- strucftion of it at this late date. The Week in the House. - Now the appropriation billsi except t.hn.t nrnvidino- for. fsnp.ral dctieiencies. aro out o tllo way$ flie house is likely to be precipitated into something of a struggle for priority of consideration of a -number of measures .of inore.br less crencral importance. , The contest ' may not take place in the open sessions of tlia house, although it is probable, . 1 ... .. t - r . . 1 J . T. 1 mittee on rules, ihe nrst struggle is , j ...i, r ufi, , tromised for today, when Mr. - Hatch - a ' : ,tmr. u 1 democrat of MissouriT chairman of the ) ... ... - tl. ' committee on agriculture will ask the - house to take up his anti-option bill. ,The msasure is materially differeni frotn the oae fc0 formally championed,; but the general purport js the same. Will " be opposed by the represen tati ves from j the large cities and their vicinities,, but it is believed that the: majority, of the house favor. the principal of the . bwL . The author hopes that debate on it will ' be given the right of way. Argument Heard by Judge Simonton. Charleston, S. O.,' June- '18. Argu ment was heard by Judge Simonton in the United Stales circuit court yes terday on a motios for the appoint ment of Arthur M Shedden," , perma nent receurer for tha ' Manchester and Richmond railway-: and electric com pany. . Counsel -for both sides Were heard and the matter was taken under advisement.. i - , As a blood-purifier, the most' emi nent .physicians prescribe" Ayer's Sar saparilla. It is the : most . powerful combination of vegetable alteratives ever ofiered to the public. Asva spring -and family medicine, it' may be freely used by old and7 young alike. - - I ' ; 1 : STATE NEWS. ; '; Reidsville Weekly : What ab-iit this ? An exchange says: "Purine this cool weather the 'oldest inhabitant' tells of the: year 1816,: or the year without a 'summer. In that year it is said that it frosted every month dur ing the year except July. In August every green thing was killed. It is hard to down the - 'oldest inliabitant when it- comes to weather reports. They had weather, in the good days of yore." , :v ; old - Ve very niuch regret fo -learn of the deah f SllaS E" Warren, for the past eight years .president of Wilson r Collegiate - Institute, which occurred last Friday.- Prof." Warren was a 'geniaU scholarly, !and accom plished gentleman and ; a . successful educator. A. few years' afjo, he' mar- ried Miss Savage, of Virginia, sister ot Mrs. (jeo. pi hlam," late of Hen derson, and was herself well -knowp to many of our citizens.--Henderson Cold Leaf.:' , ' - ;- : Fayetteville Oheserver j- Four colored prisoners" escaped from the county jail - in this- city . op ' Sunday night. Their names are Isaac Brink ley, Joe Monaghan, Tomf Brooks, and Lewis Williams".. Tney" were in one of the two large cells on " the ground floor,- which is divided by a double partition with a brick wall be-t tween.' - They broke off one of the "boards 6i the, partition in their cell and then found little; difficulty in- re moving the brick wall between,; as the bricks, seem to have been laid loosely Nwith a little sand . between thern. They thus literally worked their way lengthwise through', this .brick" wall for several feet' unt'I they gained their freedom. ' T , , StatesviIle Landmark : Mr.- J. M. Whitlow met with a' fearful acci dent while at work at Kestler's mill, two miles south of town; late Thus day -afternoon. ' He was learirig oflf lumber from the saw mill when he slipped and fell in front of the .saw.' Both legs v were caught and so horri bly mangled that vamputation was necessary, "Messrs. G.- Mills and John D. Somers were working at the mill, and but For the prompt action of Mr. Somers. Whitlow would have died before physicians could be sum moned. Securing a halter r-rein Mr. Somers wrapped it 50 tightly about the mutilated limbs that the - arteries proiruaea. inese were caugni .up. j and thus-; the DOOr fellow - was saved f r . from bleeding to deaths Oxford Ledger: On- Monday afternoon the aftable clerk of Mr.' J. T. Brpwuf Ernest Edgerton, and Mr. N. H. c.Vyhitheld were .conversing in the stored when all- at once they heard something pop, and saw a piece of paper, commence to burn on one of the shelves Both of them rushed to the shelf to put the fire out. and discovered a rat near by with" a small box of matches ignited. . They made an "attempt to kill the raf but he was too slick and got out of the way, fol- towed closely by cans of. corn and tomatoes. If this had occurred- at night the building would in all prob ability have been consumed. - - , v Smithfield Herald : On Ma,y 30th, Mr. John J.; Barnes, ; of the Leachburg section, was' standing' in his yard just after a storm in a few feet of a tree, when lightning struck a tree, splitting the bark aid tearing his shoe to . pieces, but without hurt ing him 5 in the least. Mr. Barnes says. he did not discover that-jhe lightning had touched him until ;Se made a step and his shoe came off. the eyelets in his shoe were even torn out. , This ,is i the jfhost remarkable case of the kind we hae ever known. This is certainly true, as Mr. Barnes is la most reliable man and - vouches for Its truth. Gastonia Gazette: - The man found dead last Saturday morning on the narrow guage track a ' -mile be yond Lincolnton was Dr. ; John P. Irwin, son ol Mr. James P. Irwin, of Charlotte. Conductor Hamlin was in charge of the train, which fortun ately was stopped before teaching the body.- ; The dead man held a ! , Smith and Wesson revolver m his hand and had a bullet holejust1 above his left eye. The ball passed out behind the right ear. , He had nearly $606 of money on his person the proceeds of a house a few days .previously, .in Charlotte. The dead man was about 39 years ol age and was suffering from mental aberration. , v He ; left home the Wednesdays before.' He did not tell where he was going," but as that was usually, his way of leaving the lam ily thought nothing of it. v f-'Lt - you sol weaK. 7 and all worn out f take ROWN S IRON BITTERS .' Hishcst of all i. Leavening Power. - s ' L-iv ) Lexington Dispatch:- . One day last week 3t6,'rioo young'" shad, were turned loose in thi;. Yadkin' icar the railroad bridge, v As i,.is shad nature to return at spawning time to the rivcrf in which if spent their "childhood day's,' so to speak," the prospect .for fishing. ought. to be greatly improved when the small fry .grow up. - A citizen remarked to'-day that a stranger, could tell that the tobacco factories wete.v 'in operation. The plan of judging ts the' number ' of, col ored people that can: be seen every evening ; drinking lemonade, eating ice cream, etc. . "hen a darkey works,',' said citizen, he lives o(f the fat of 'the1 land, . and;, cares- nothing about'a rainy day.'' Winston Senti nel. ' ;'. CatarrU'Cannot I5 Cnwd with Local Applications, as they can not reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or, constitutional dis ease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken - internally, ' and acts directly on tl e blood 01' miietius sur faces. Hall's " Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine." It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this coun try for, years, and is a- regular prescription.- It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with tha best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients ts wiiat produces such wonderful results in .curing. Catarrh".- Seud-for testimonials,. free; t F. J. CHENEY-& CO., Props.,' .. i- Toledo, O." Price 75c. per bottle. 1 Sold by all drug-! gists: Tlie Way to Elect Senators. There is a plan ' which has been work"ed and found" satisfactory. We hope to see the Democratic and other political organizations ' adopt it to a greater . or less extent in . several . .... " .' S . . . : I " btates. , Illinois tried it two years ago and California will : Uy it this year,- ', ' . , -' t r t ' This plan is .to allow the various county or district conventions to ex press their choice for United States Senator Ther tnose- who are nomi nated on the legislative ticket can be instructed to yote. for the election of the choice of the convention,' This would bring the' election ol ; Senators nearer to the people. ... ' 1. W e liave no doubt: that the senti ment of the - people overwhelmingly. favors - the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people. The, only, practical test of this was a vote taken in California year before Inst when every ballot "gave the voter an - opportunity, to express Ins opin ion. , v' ; ' , ' - . . The result cf that vote was that 187,95s people in California voted in favor of the election, of Senators bv direct Vote of the people while only 13,342 were against th proposition f the - majority Avas i 74,6 1 6. Could any thing be ; more convincing - than that? And we have no douot .tftat were another - vqte to be taken this year the majority 'would be greater stilL ; A consideration of this 'subject leads us to believe that1 the party which goes on record this yeaf as in favor of some such plan sc. above out lined will win the- confidence of the people and have an imhiense advan tage over the party that does not so declare itself. Winston Sentinel.'-- . Facts speak louder than words. Sim mons Liver Regulator does cure boviel disorders.- "-. -. ODD7 ONLY barsapiriiu u .th ir.ccli- tJS3 fcryou. li!r-d norifir. L' cause it ii- Ins best NDCE'?; CURS are sighs of weakness. are weaker ' and nearer at once with . , S sotfe j of Cod-liver Oil, vith hypophosp'hites of lime and soda. ; It strengthens the Lungs, cures Coughs; and Colds, and builds up the system. Physicians, the '. world' over, endorse it. Wasting Pissases of Children are speedily cured by SCOTT'S EMULSION. It stops Waste and makes children fat and healthy. Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N. Y. Drugglst sell it. Latest U.S. Gov't Report 4 Xewapaper Lws. i. Subscribers who did fnot give express notice to the contrary are considered as wishing to continue their subscription. , - 2. If the subscribers order the dis-continu.-yKe of their periodicals, the publisher may continue to senfdthem until all arrearges are paid. . 3: If subscribers neglect" or refuse to take their periodicals from the of-, fice to which they are directed, they .; are responsible until they have settled their bills and ordered them discon tinued. - 1 4. If. the subscribers move to omer piaccs witn, jut lniormmg me p jblisher, and the papers are sent to the former direction, they are held re- sponsible. " ' ' 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take periodicals from the office or' removing and leaving them uncalled for, is "prima facie" evidence of intentional fraud. ? 6. If subscribers pay in advance they are bound to givp notice to pub lishers at the end of their time, if they do not wish to continue taking it ; otherwise the publisher is authorized to send it, and the subscriber will be responsible until an express notice with payment of all arrearges is sent to the publisher. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111,, was told by. her doctors she had Consumption and that there r - "I....- i :r ' 4. .... t. . was no hope for. her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured her, and she says it saved her life Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St San Francisco, suftered from a dread ful cold, approaching ' Consumption, tried . without result everything else, then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New'-Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is 'naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are: samples, that prove the wonderful ef ficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds.. Free trial bottles . at Har grave's Drug Store.' r Regular size 50c and. $1.00. . ' Qcracoke Hotel; -This favorite Summer Resort has been purchased by N. IV. Selby, and for the Summer o fx 894 will be refitted, and in evfry way possible be arranged' for the comfort of its guests. DHndG have been put to c the Windowc, and otKer Improve-: mcntG made. . - . '.. For fishing and natural advantages i :0cracoke Olers Many Induce tS.:- And the fare shall be all that its guests may require. STEAMERS connecting with the Atlantic Coast Line from Washington to Ocracoke will be out on July 1st. ' - - - Urates'. Per day, Per, week, Per month, - ' - - $1.50 v ': ' - - 7-5 25.00 N.'B. SELBY, Proprietor. , Care Hotel Nicholson,' Washington I. C, ' oUdlo Don't wait until you Consumption. Begin -, Emulsion

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