By Tte Advance Publishing Company. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered in the Post Office at Wilson, N. C, as second class mail matter. "For the cause that lacks assistance, For the wrong that needs- resistance, For the future in the distance, And the eood that we can do." SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : One Year $ r.oo Six Months 50 Remit bv draft, post-office order or registered letter at our risk. Always give post-office address in full. Advertising Rates furnished on application. No communication will be printed without the name of the writer being known 0 the Editor. Address all cor respondence to - The Advance, Wilson. N. C Thursday, October 18, 1S94. KKliri-AIl IJEMOCKATIC TICKET. FOR SHERIFF, JONAS W. CROWELL. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT, JEFFERSON D. BARDIN. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS, SPENCER M. WARREN. FOR TREASURER, WILLIAM T. FARMER. FOR CORONER, CHARLES E. MOORE. . FOR SENATE, GEORGE W. BLOUNT. FOR HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES, JONATHAN TOMLINSON. FOR CONGRESS, F. A. WOODARD. FOR SOLICITOR, - I NO. It. WOODARD. What fault can anyone find with the Democratic members of the Supreme Court? They have been fair, impartial, and just in their rulings, and have made a model Court. Why not retain them? Will Faircloth make a better Chief "Justice than Shepherd? Will Furches make a better judge than BurwelP Consider well before you vote. We acknowledge receipt of an in vitation to attend the 32nd annual fair ol the Cumberland county Agri cultural society. The fair Is to be held at Fayetteville on November 14-16. Our thanks are due Mr. G. W. Law rence, Secretary, for the compliment. It is an old institution and will doubt less get bp a good exhibit this year. Nearly three weeks of campaign work remains to be done. Let those three weeks be passed with sledge hammer Wows by" the Democratic speakers Reduce the campaign to State politics, and stand squarely up on the Raleigh platform. . That, sil ver plank can save the State by itself if the people are told about it. Sound the trumpet and let the silver ring. Any man who is attempting to straddle the silver plank in the Raleigh platform should be relieved of his service in the interest of the Democratic party and sent home to meditate upon the silver question. We want no campaigner to be gad ding about the State talking about riots in Chicago, and ignoring the currency question altogether. Such men are not only not doing any good , but they are doing harm. Call them in. Much-a-do is being made by cer tain Democratic papers to get Capt. ivnxnin to come back to the party that he served so long and which he has 50 recently left. We think that is ail wrong:. Uf course we all want the Captain to come back, but we should not tell him so, because just as soon as he finds out that the Dem ocrats want him tocolne back just as sure will he go the other way. Kitch in must be ignored in order to be de caged. : . Capt. Kitchix has been cam paigning the State now lor about four months, but no one, if the papers tell the truth, has been able to get at the point of the Captain's talk. He says that so far as the State affairs are con cerned, there is no fault to find with the Democrats. He does not advise any one to vote the Populist-Republican ticket, but says that he is dis cussing principles and not advising anybody how to vote. He is mag nanimous to the people. He wishes them to be untrammelled in their Ireedom. In other words, he just wishes to convert them and let them join any church they choose. Some months ago we had an edi torial on the subject "Turn Loose the Cents." Last week we saw the edi torial copied in one of our best ex -changesi but credited to another pa per. We are inclined to think that that other paper used the article with out credit in 'the first instance and so led the former into error. We were led into error that way ourselves last week by giving credit to one paper which should have been given to another. The filching of matter is getting to be common and it should b broken up. What is the secret oiJarvis' suc cess as a campaigner? it is because he is standing upon the Raleigh plat form and dees .not fear to diseuss the currency question. He discusses the tariff, it is true, but the silver question receives its share of attention. There are other Democratic speakers in thi field, who do not even touch upon that question. 1 They are cowardly, and should be dismissed from service by the Democratic executive com mittee. They should not be allowed to thus toy with Democratic princi ples. Senator J arvis has been in the West making Democratic speeches tor the last month. He does not fear to discuss any part of the Raleigh platform.. He stands squarely upon that document.silverandall. He is not bushwhacking on any part of it. He is discussing the silver question as much as he is discussing the tariff question. He is making the Republicans and Populists run to cover all along the line. Let the other speakers stand upon the silver plank and sound the silver horn also, and they will accom plish more. ( WHAT HATH THE PARTY DONE? Many are asking themselves some important questions just now. Some men, who have- affiliated with the People's Party, ate now seriously considering the question of party fidelity. They are honest men, and they want an honest reason for stand ing by the party of their choice. There is a very important question uppermost in the minds of all. It is ijhis: What has the Democratic party done? That is a pertinent question, and one that is eminently just. Every man has a perfect right to ask it, and all have the same right tD an answer. We propose to mention one thing that the party has done since it came into power. Eighteen years sgo the great Zeb Vance was elected Govern or of North Carolina. The-Democrats carried thei legislature the same year. Since that time the Old North State has remained Democratic. What has the party done in these eighteen years? Men who have had their eyes open during these years can answer that question by giving a variety of things done. There is no need of telling how our courts have been purged of unjust judges and property and life rendered secure by wholesome Democratic legislation. There is no need of referring to the lour hundred per cent, reduction in taxation that has been brought about by Democratic measures. That has already been referred to in these col umns. There is no need of telling how Republican extravagance has given place to Democratic economy. That is an old t song that even the children nave learned to sing. It is not necessary to tell how Re publican tricks and frauds have been exposed by Democratic detectives. All of those hings have been known and read of by the many. It is not needful to dwell upon them, because they are admitted as facts. There is one thing, however, that we wish to call attention to now, one thingr that the party has done, that deserves to rank as one of the great things of Democratic policy. That is the country government system, Soon after the war the negro pop ulation was the most numerous in nearly all of the eastern countries. They had been recently slaves and of course were 'ignorant of government. They had the right to vote however, and exercised that right. They elec ted magistrates of their own color and ignorance. They elected com missioners the same way. The af fairs of the counties passed into the hands ol incompetent persons. They wasted the finance of the counties. They mismanaged the affairs, and piled up debts upon the county governments until ths people of those counties in tneir agony cried out "save us from the ignorant majority. save our people from themselve I he Democratic party heard that cry. They a'dopted it as their slogan and great was the victory won. The - government of the counties was taken from the hands of incom petent managers and placed in those of intelligence and honesty. No man can say that the county government system has been a mistake. No man can say that Democrats have man aged the county government badly, It has had a clean record. Then what has the party done? There is no objection to the answer, Let it be answered from the hill tops and let the welkin ring with its mel ody. Otlt STATE TICKET. What concerns North Carolinians more closely than anything else this year is the election right here in this State. We are, or should be, more interested in the election of good men to sit upon our Supreme court bench and Superiour court J benches than anything else. There is hardly a matter to come up lor our consideration more important than that. uooci men are now upon these benches. Good men are now candi uatca iu! lueac positions, it is emi- d ml v desirable that good men should jc elected to those4 places. The courts of North Carolina are noted for their uprightness. . They were not always thus. In the days that are gone there were corrupt men up on the bench. Drunkards were Irnnivn tn be holding the balances. Libertines, were on the bench to ren der decision upon questions of chasti ty. Bribe takers were there to de cide questions of honesty or dishon esty. Immoral men were there to de cide questions of morals. Happily, however, those days have passed. The old State has been rescued from the clutches of those who degraded her courts and dis graced her records. Honest men, sober men, and moral men have been placed in those high places of honor to dispense justice to our people. For twenty years the Democrats have supplied the men for those posts of duty. Every man now upon the bench in North Carolina is a Demo crat. They have filled those places with honor and dignity. No man can point out a flaw in the judicial character of Shepherd, or Clarke, or Buiwell, or McRae. They are nfen eminently qualified for the positions 1 for which they are now candidates. Every man that has been nominat ed by the Democrats either for the Supreme court or Superior court will fill the office with honor. They are men of acute legal learning and ju dicial minds. They are nun of high character and incorruptible qualities They are men who have made model judges and will continue to hold! the balances of justice with steady hands. Do ' North Carolinians desire to turn these incorruptible judges out and run the risk of putting others less pure in their places? Are North Carolinians growing tired 01 courts characterized by fairness and impar tiality and want to return to the days ofdrunken and debauched tribunals? Beware then of trifling with t his mat ter. The matter presents itself thus: We have a pure judiciary. We have tried it and found it good. Is it safe to cast off the pure for one that is not puier? Is it safe to turn down one that we know is upright and put in one that, to say the suspicious? We think not. North Carolinians love justice. They love and honor the upright judge. They will cling to a bench that is , pure. For that reason we believe the ticket headed by the incorruptible Shepherd will triumph. AVli AT WILL TUE FARMER SAT ? This is a time of political heresies. Opinions and count opinions --are plentiful. Theories and vagaries are rife. Charges and counter charges are made. Criminations and recrimina tions are indulged in. One scarcely knows what to be lieve. An ordinary man is almost at sea when he begins to think about things political. He scarcely knows where to place his confidence. So many contrary views and statements confront him whenever he undertakes to read a little on political matters. He reads what one man says, which seems reasonable; and maybe ; next day sees all those things knocked in the head by the brilliant wit of another on contradictory lines. Then what shall plain everyday folks do? It will not do, as we all know, to lis ten at every idle word that is spoken; and it may as well be said at once, that nearly all these political clap traps that one sees in the papers and hears Irom the stump are idle words. They have no great big meanings that should command the attention of any considerable part of our people. The country is not going to be destroyed, or ruined, no matter who gets into power. Neither is the country going to be ruined no matter what party has the control. ' Then what shall our good country gentlemen, the backbone ol this coun try and the best people ol our land dor In our opinion the thing for us all to do is to think for ourselves. 1 r t . . vv e snouia never allow ourselves to be led1 by any man, especially if that man is seeking office. We wish to submit two questions for the consid eration if every voter who is trying to decide how he , shall best exercise the great right of American citizens in November. If those Questions shall open any field of thought we shall be greatly repaid. First, Has the Democratic party ever done anything that commends it to the confidence of Southern people? Second, Has the Democratic party ever done anything which lorfeits the confidence of the Southern people? If so, when, how, and what? We feel sure that a truthlul, consci entious answer will lead any Southern white man to stand by the old flag that has won in so many battles and gone down in so many defeats; De mocracy needs the farmer, and the larmer can scarcely exist in this coun try without Democracy. Who is then to stand between the farmer, (all the people of North Carolina are farmers) and the trusts of the North? There is only one power that can cope with those great allied powers and that is Democracy ,and Democracy is bound to stand by the people. BOLD TRAIN BOB BERT. Last Friday night the North bound mail was held up by seven masked men near Quanticq Va.,and robbed of a large amount ol money, variously estimated from fifty thousand to two hundred thousand dollars. It seems that the train was going at full speed when two men suddenly scambled over the tender into the cab and, with leveled pistols, ordered the engineer and fireman to stop the train which they did. Other men then blew open the express car and robbed the express packages of all the valuables. The conductor was very brave and wanted to go out and offer battle to the ruffians, but he had no arms and the nasseneers would not allow him to go. He asked for a pistol and succeeded in finding one small one. With that he stationed himself at the door and ordered all the male pas sengers to draw their knives. Some complied, but others were dodging behind their seats. The robbers did not attack the passenger coach. As soon as the robbers had secured their booty, they boarded the engine, cut it loose from the train, and flew up the road. They perhaps eft the engine soon after starting, and then opened the throttle and let the engine go ic wild up the road. An agent at one of the stations by which the wild engine passed telegraphed to Quan tico to look out for a wild engine. The switch was changed and the en gine dashed into the freight yard and ran itself to the ground. It was frightfully battered up. The robbers escaped to the Mary land side of the Potomac with their booty. Gov. O'Ferrell has offered a large reward for their apprehension It was one of the boldest robberies ever committed in the Southern States, and has produced much ex citement in railroad circles. It has aroused the railroads to discuss the question of safety from such attacks", and it may result m having a com plete police force on all trains. County Canvass. The county candidates will speak at the following places: Old Fields... ...Friday, Oct. 61 Taylors Saturday, " 20 Elm City ..Tuesday, " 23 Gardners Wedns., " 24 Saratoga.... Thurs., " 25 Stantonsburg, ........Friday, " 26 Wilson ....Tuesday, " 30 Distinguished speakers will be present at all the above named places. $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Halls Catarrh cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. 1 Catarrh being a constitutional disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one hundred dollars reward for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & co. Toledo, O. tifSold by Druggists, 75c. More shoes than you ever saw be fore at Young's. Baging and Ties at half price at Young Bro's. Down with the Bagging Trust is Young's motto. Bagging and Ties half price at Young Bro's. Go to Young's for shoes. DISSOLUTION. Mr. A. R. Paschall of tne firm of Paschall, Bro. & Co. having disposed of his interest in the Wilson Iron Works to Mr. G. R. Winstead, the business will be conducted under the name of Paschall, Winstead & Co. All parties indebted to old firm will please settle their accounts as early as possible as the books must be closed up. Paschall, Bro. & Co. Trusting that you will continue to favor us with your patronage. We remain respectfully yours. PaschalL, Winstead & Co. Notice. ' Two first-class fifty saw gins for sale cheap by Paschall & Bros. FOR SALE. A valuable house and lot, conveniently located. For full particulars apply to J. W. BATTS. A -1 ui in vV. f. vV- gl, an. Hg. S W JJ -f? W W Constitution, Or Semi-Weekly World, and the AT I.OO Per Year. Rates ADVANC: Jew is the Proper Title. We are not Hebrews. Hebrew was the language spoken by our an cestors when they lived in c Palestine. They were then a race whose mother language was Hebrew, and as He brew speaking people it was certainl proper to refer to therri as Hebrews. Hebrew refers to a language which which we do not speak, Israel to a nation which we no longer form, and Jew to a religion to which we belong. Therefore, we are not Hebrews, we are an English or German speaking people, or whatever happens to be the language of the country in we live. We are not 'Israelites, but Americans, Germans etc., proud of citizenship in our country and law- abiding: and law-reverencincr. We are Jews as a religious community, proud of the history of the Jewish people, but with no -desire to ever again form a separate nation or speak a language different from that of the people in whose midst we live, and of whorn r f-T m .t "orjiponent part. LiUie May Bentley Born a Genius Disease Threatens to Cut Short a Noblo Career But Hood's Sarsaparilla Restores Cood Health. Lillle May Bentley. is an accomplished elocu tionist and natural born speaker of only 12 years of age. She is the only child temperance lect urer before the public. Her genius, however, did not exempt her from an attack of a disease of the blood. Her own words best tell the story: C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. : " I heartily Join with the many thousands that are recommending Hood's Sarsaparilla. I had been troubled from Infancy with Catherines In the head. 1 was compelled to leave school upon I the doctor's advice, tic thought it was the only' uuug wj save my me, out i Continued to Crow Worse. I was persuaded Anally by a friend to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The use of one bbttle acted ef- Hood'sn Cures t ectlvely upon the blood and I began to improve. After the use of three bottles the gathering ceased and I am cured of my former trouble. I owe my life and will always remain a true friend to Hood's Sarsaparilla." Lillik May Bent ley, Shelby ville, Indiana. Get HOOD'S. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and efficiently, on the liver aud bowels. 25c Valuable Real Estate Sale. On Dec. 1st, at the Court House door in Wilson at 12 o'clock, M., I will sell to the highest bidder the following Real Estate. Lot No. 1. A two thirds interest in the farm known as the "Rountree Farm" situated on the old Plank road three miles from Wilson, and containing 450 acres, more or less, This farm is in a high state of culti vation and is considered one of the most valuable in the county. Lot No. 2. The plantation on Nash road known as the "Forbes Place," containing 335 acres, more or less. This farm is admirably located for one who would like to farm and at the same time have the advantages of the town, situated as it is on one of the principal roads leading to Wilson, and within one mile of the Court House. It has a four room dwelling house and all necessary out buildings which help to make it a most desira ble plantation. Lot No. 3. Two brick stores situ ated on the corner of Tarboro and Barnes streets, two stories high, 1 with pressed brick fronts, with cotton yard in rear of stores with a frontage of 150 ft. on Barnes street by 114 feet deep will go with stores. They are in thorough repair and now occu pied by tenants at a rental that makes them a most desirable investment. Lot No. 4-: One vacant lot cor ner Barnes and Pine streets 50x71 eligibly located for business. Lot No. 5. One vacant lot with a frontage of 50 feet on Barnes street and 71 feet deep adjoining lot No. 4 Terms of sale one third cash, bal- lance one and two years, with inter est at 8 per cent, from date. ' De ferred payment secured by mortgage on property. - PERSONAL PROPERTY SALE. TERMS SPOT CASH. On Dec. 3rd., at the Rountree farm, beginning at 10:30 a. in., I will sell to the highest bidder six fine mules, a lot of hogs, about 150 bbls. corn, lot of forage of every kind, and all fanning implements, also a 12 H.' P. engine and boiler mounted on wheels, good as new ; one 60 saw gin and other things to numerous to mention. At the . "Forbe's place" on Dec. 4th, beginning at 10:30, a. m., I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, 4 fine mules, 1 colt 2 years old, a large lot of corn and fodder, and farming implements ol every kind usually found on firms of this size. W. J. Davis, Assignee of M. R. & Co. Sept. 20. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, in, 113 a..d 115 Bank St., NORFOLK, VA. Large stock of finished Monuments, Gravestones, &c Ready for shipment. Design? free Go to B. W. Hargrave's for John son's Chill and Fever Tonic. A sure cure or no pay. Help Young uro's. fight the Ba- ing Trust by buying your Barrew from tlipm " from them. ; Go to Young's for hats. ITCHING SKIN DISEASES Are Instantly Relieved And Speedily Cured By Cuticura Remedies A warm bath with CUTICURA SOAP, and a single application of CUTICURA, the great skin cure, will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, economical, and permanent cure of the most distressing of itching, burn ing, bleeding, scaly, and crusted skin and scalp diseases, after physicians, hospitals, and all other methods fail. " Cuticura Works Wonders, and its cures of torturing, disfiguring, humiliating humors are the most wonderful ever recorded in this or any age. 1 CuTictmA Remedies are sold throughout the world. Price, Cuticura, 50c. ; Soap, 25c. : Resolvent, $i. Potter Drug and Chem. Corp., Sole Props., Boston. "All about the Blood, Skin, Scalp, and Hair," free. pijyjPLKS, blackheads, red and oily skin pre I 1 til vented and cured by Cuticura Soap. MUSCULAR STRAINS, PAINS and weakness, back ache, weak kidneys, rheumatism, and chest pains relieved in one minute by the Cuticura Anti Pain Plaster. - . !T (9 ABSOLUTELY The Best SEWING MACHINE MADE TTE Oil till can sell you machines elaeapor tljan yon can Get elsewhere. T2iO TXZIW Is onr best, b ut ivo make eh caper kinds, inch as tlio CirIAX, E IDE A 5. and oilier High Arm Full NSciiel Plated. Sewins JSaenlnes for $15.00 and up. Call oa our aseni or write us. Wo want your trade, and If prices) terms and square dealing tviil win, wo will have It. TVo clialSeno tlio world to prodaco a BETTER, $50,00 Sowing machine for $50.00, or 1; tetter $20. Sewing machine for $20.00 than yon can buy from ua, or onr Agents. THE KEW HOME SEWIHG MACHINE CO. Obaxgk. Mass. Bostoh, Mass. 83 Usicx Squars, N.Y. CaiCAOo. 111. 8r. Louis, Mo. Dallas, TKi'Ad. Sas Fuascisco, Cal. Atlanta. Ga. FOR SALE CY Privett & Chnrchwell, Tarboro St., Wilson, It C. Fall Hats. We have had our Fall Opening and are now ready to jrive our whole attention to the Fall Trade .7. ...... .... OUR MILLINER is one of the best that h?.s ever visited Wilson Come early and leave your orders.' We carry a. Full Line of everything to be found in a first-class MILLINERY Very Respectfully, Miss Bettie H. Lee. Cobb Building, Nast St., Wilson, N, C. In front of Cash Racket Store. CAN YOU WRITE? If vou can we 'will give you a FOUN TAIN PEN FREE. Carried in the pocket. Atways ready for use. The Holder is of hard rubber, perfectly formed and finished. The feed is of the most approved pattern, (the same used in a pen costing $2.00,) insuring an even flow of leakage. The Point will write and last nearly as long as gold. Each pen is filled with the best ink and tried before sent out. NOW FOR THE PLAN..- Send us 25 cents in ic and 2c stamps or silver, for a half year's subscription to. Virginia, a beautifully illustrated, 24 page monthly magazine, with excellent information for the office, parlor', bedrodm, dining room, kitchen, farm and garden, with just -wit and humor enough to drive away the blues. Don't put it off, but write to-day, and you will have both the pen and magazine promptly.' Address Virginia Publishing Co., 5-24-26L Richmond, Va. J. A. POLLAK, CABINET MAKER. ,1 am prepared to make every kin'd of Furniture, to do Upholstering, .Fancy Carving, and Turning. The Repairing of Furniture a Specialty. Give me a trial and ypu will find my work satisfactory an I my prices low. Come. j. A. POLLAK, Goldsboro Str, Next to Farrior's Stable. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of Blount AUinson, (deceased, I herby give notice to all persons indebted to said Atkinson to make payment to me at once, and to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to me, properly authenticated, by the first ot Oct. 1895. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. T. J. Hadly, Admr. October 1st, 1S94. ELI CITY ACADEMY, (FOR BOTH SEXES ) ' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Fall Session Begins Monday Oct, 1st, 94. j COURSE OF INSTRUCTION THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL. Experienced teachers in all Depart ments. Superior advantas n Mnd nd ,Art' ExPenses very moderate, r or lull particulars annlv to James W. Hays, Prin., ye ? AND fif0f MONEY . -Twenty thousand dollars -THAT WILL Hard Times Prices. The prices on these goods are just as low as 5 cents, is for cotton. Our buyer has been in the northern markets for.the past two weeks looking for BARGAINS and we can truthfully say we have never been able to offer . roods so low. AVe.can sell you anything in this line at one-half the regular price. Women's Grain Polkas that sold at $1.25 we are of fering at 75 cents. Men's Whole Stock Kip Shoes worth 1.50, at 75 cents. Shoes are low at our store and it will p?y you to see them if you have any to buy. , Dress Goocls. Our stock of Dress Goods is complete. We have them at prices mat win abiuiiihii you.- iicc luu ciuui ui 'm;. . Of course we have the inferior grades at lowrer prices. Ging hams from 5c. to 2y2c. A full line of the latest patterns in Satteens at from 8c. to 12c. per yd. Big line of novelties in Dress Goods. .clothing; We can sell you a man's suit for $2.25 up to $20. Boys' suits from 75c. up. It will pay you to look at our clothing it you don't want to buv. . ' HATS AND GAPS. All varieties and all prices. You can buy you a hat or a cap at any price you want one. COME AND SEE US. This Space is Reserved for E. VAN LEAR, WILMINGTON N. C. P. SIMPSON, President. A. P. BRANCH B reiric h & Cot, BANKERS, Wil -iifeor," TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS IN ITS FULLEST SCOPE. SOLICITS THE BUSINESS OF THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. " HAHCRAVE New Store, New Goods, New Man. ISTJSW EYERYTHIK 3STst Doer to Rowland's Drug Store has street and a complete line of old stock. Call at Hargrave's Next Door " "0 .0 cTo o o Stop T tie m ! The Man or Woman who has bought FlffllTUR -FROM- Wootlen El Stevens,' Will tell you, that is the place to get the Best Goods for the least money. ! j m. uuiiy uius. &iioes cneaner man v,.,,, r-' j .1 ever. euara.uu.'ca to cure a. i oirw, Ueadacbe. Wakefulness. Lott Manhood ness, all drains and loss uy overexertion, '13 ulants, which Test poo net. live a wri Loi.Nu. In plala wrapper. AuUressNEUVilSEEUC'O.iAlusouieTeuu'le drilfFirtntn. A iorsale in Wilson. N. C, wcrth of New Good at ros.' BE SOLD AT- ros. J. C. HALES; C Assistant Cashier shier New Garden Seeds, New- Cigars, New Stationery. t2a.3 IPiDst Office. been moved to opposiu: sul fresh drugs takes p!a.:e pi ' - Druo- Store, to Post OfHce. d b o o n r the H. A. TUCKER & BRO., DEALERS IN Granite, Marble, and Bro'wnstone, Monuments and Headstones. Building Work Furnished Short Notice, of Granite, Marble, Brown stone, and Sandstone. A J DOORS, WINDOW SILLS, LIN TELS AND STREET CURBS : ALWAYS ON HAND. 310 S. Front St., , YilmiDgton, N. C. Go to Young Hro's. lor Uaggi'ng- Ties at hall price. New Arrow Ties and reused V'A g:ng good as new, Young Hro's. n,: i. .n Hi rmiu 1 nervous diseases, sucti as Weak Memory. veOivans.of eituer wxenu of power In Generative Organs, of iim- by D0ANK 1IKKK1NU, Druggist, uam B B o.. o . o ' o o o ' c ; dm; STORE. lead to Infirmity, Consumption or Insanity, t an n w0 , yiiutmui errors, excessive use 01 n' - .n l per box. f or ., by mail prepaid. "" ;,' . t,v il tten tuarnnUe lo cure or refund the money. . ' , . at