The Wilson Advance. jODitlOliS ADVERTISING. I'fMtfi many a new business, rn! ri;-s many an oid business, Revivrs many a dull business. !i s u-s many a lost business. Shvps many a falling business. Prt-wrvf many a lare business. ,.- n r- success in any business. Keeping at it Constantly Brings Success H argrave's D rug Store Will lie Open Next Sunday. LOCAL. Our subscribers are hereby notified that Mr. W. E. Clark is no longer acting as our agent and we will not be ht-ld accountable lor any amounts paid to him. Advance Publishing Co. It -is exactly two months to Christ- 111-13. . " ' ' The Raleigh fair is going on this week. Tiie-circii had -several very fine horses. Mr. E. F. Youne, of Dunn, was in town Monday. Mr. Sam Earl, of Spring hope, was in town Monday. Mrs. Robt. Boy kin lelt for Raleigh on Monday last. Mr. Joe Batts, of Norfolk, is in the city for a few days. Mr. Jas. E. Rountree, of "Morgan ton was in the city this week. Santa Claus is now getting things in order for his annual rounds. Miss Sichue Boykin, of Tarboro, is visiting her sister Mrs. J. F. Corbett at Talbot. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic a guaranteed cure. For sale by B. W. Hargrave. Notice our offer to club the semi weekly World with the Advance for one year for $1.50. There is no room for a lazy man in this world. He had better emi grate to a' more congenial clime. The Advance is a reliable medi um for advertising- Put in your" ad. and thus increase your business. '.' If you want to get full value for v ur money, take the Adnance and th. Semi-Weekly World, both pa pers for $1.50 Prof- Dred Peacock has been elec ted President of rthe Greensboro Christian Advocate Pub, Co., in place of Dr. Reid, deceased. The phonograph has been in town several days, and the children and grown folks have had an excellent chance to hear some good music. Superintendent Geo. W. Connor went to Chapel Hill last Saturday. He also attended the educational meeting at the State fair last Tues day. At the Planter's Warehouse yes terday ten thousand pounds of tobac co were sold at an average price ol sixteen certs a .pound." How is that for high. Several of, our merchants had their business advertised in the circus the other day. The clown was especially complimentary in his re marks about certain of our mer chants. Searcey one of the Quantico rob bers has made confession and surren dered to the authorities a pouch countaining the greater part of U. S . Bonds and bank drafts. Only two men were engaged in the robbery, Maj. Robbins made a clear and convincing speech in the Opera House here last Wednesday night. The Major gave the Populist-Republican' combine some hard blows which were greatly appreciated by his audi ence. Mr.W. A. Montgomery ,of Raleigh, has been nominated by Marion But ler for the place on the Populist judi cial ticket made vacant by the decli nation of Judge Connor. Mr. Mont gomery has always been a Democrat He accepts the nomination. Wait for the arrival of E. R. Gay's new line of silks, velvets &c. which will be opened up ready for Monday morning's trade. His first purchases this season have been so nearly closed out that he was compelled to lay in another big stock in all lines to meet the demands of his steadily growing trade. See his ad. I.:uf Crowd iii Town. Monday there, was a very large crowd here, made up of country peo pie, and the natural followers of the 1 ircus train. Plenty of drunkenness uas on nana. 1 he streets were crowded from early morning till late ni'dlt. Wp hnvp hprti ri nr lighting. Help Young Bro's. fight the Bag ng Trust by buying your Bagging uoni them.- v ' . ' Kocky Mount Fair; The Rocky Mount Fair Associa tion will, hold their annual fair at Rocky Mount on Nov. 7th, 8th, and ' 9th. - The Wilson Cornet Band has been I engaged to furnish music for the oc-! casion. County Canvass. The Hon. VV. R. Henry is assist ing the county officers this week. Tues day he visited Elm City, yesterday j Gardners ami Wilson, to-day Saratd- I Sa, aim lo-morrow lie will speak at ! aianionsDurg, in the morning- and Black Creek at night. . . i Mr. Ile.ry is a fine speake r and is j doing effective .work for the cause of Democracy. ! d TfBchirs' Institute. We have received a copy of the Teachers' Institute published by" E. L. Kellogg & Co., of New York. It has a North Carolina supplement cuiieu ijv ivir. i nas i r-arvpr fit j:.J 1 TIT T TV 1 ' ' J ' I Raleigh. We'think the Institute is a very fine paper, and with the North Carolma supplemenc added it becomes doubly- interesting to North Carolina teachers. j At Sni. The Republican party of Wilson county is. thoroughly at sea. They have had several meetings lately, but have done nothine ' definitely about fusion. The.y are being courted quite extensively by a certain politi cal organization, but the old maiden has been rather shy thus far. There is no telling, however, what another week may bring forth. Man Slioi Muuduy iMj;lt. Excitement seems to have been the order ot the day, on Monday last. The circus stirred up the peo ple all round, and as a parting salute one negro man shot another in the back and fled. Whihxpainful it iV not thought to be serious. The party doing the shooting is not known. Some people think that it was he that the train ran over and killed. Toiniiot Association . Last fweek the Primitive Baptist, Association met with the church at Moore's. Quite a large ciowd at tended. Sunday a tremendous crowd was in attendance. This is a small association, but is composed of a number of godly and enthusiastic churches. We learn that the meet ing was very successful. Quite a large crowd from Wilson went out on Sunday. - "' The Clrcns. Hunting's circus gave two exhibi tions here on last Monday. The acting was very good and the riding above the ordinary.- The clown's jokes were, however, low and vulgar. A large crowd attended. All the seats were occupied at the afternoon performance. The street parade was fairly good. v Joint Discussion. Last Friday night there was a joint discussion between Jeremiah Scarboro, Populist, and A. W. Jones, Republican, both colored. Those two acrobats seem not tJ have been able to fuse like the rest of the Popu lists and Republicans, .and so met each other on the sands last Friday night aforesaid. As we were pur suing the even tenor of our way at home that night we cannot give the outcome of the conflict. Persons who were present, however, say that it was rich, rare, and racy. Some say that Scarboro wiped up the floor with Jones, and others say Jones, wiped etc. Kepnblican Conveiilili. Last Saturday the negroes held a convention in the court house to de cide what action should be taken in regard to fusion with the Populists Resolutions pledging allegiance to the national Republican party were passed. A resolution endorsing Cheatham was passed also over the head of a Populist negro who seemed to have crept into the convention unawares. It produced a storm, and chairman Jones leaped to the floor, and with his mellow voice poured oil upon the waters. Jones then pro ceeded to make a speech which was ingeniously conceived and delivered, in which he scored the Populists and defended both the Republican and Democratic parties. ; The Siftiog ProceHK. At the Republican mass meeting last Saturday A. W. Jones, the negro orator of Wilson, got off a good joke on Mr. Grice, a Populist of this county. He said that he attended a great panorama, in which he saw acted the history of the parties for the last two years. He saw Me. Cleveland come upon the stage and announce his intention of purifying the Democratic party of bribers and ballot box stufters. He had a large sifter in which he poured the broken elements of the party and he and Mr. Carlisle commenced the sifting. The whole party stood the test except Mr. Grice. He dropped out. Mr. Grice is the man who, in a Populist convention some time ago, stated that he had bought negro votes. Jones' speech was highly sensational and wa3 heartily enjoyed by the Democrats who were-present. The People's Party Canvas. The canvass of the Populists open- t ed at Black Creek on Tuesday last. Th e sev-eral candidates were present sd made short talks. Nn aKi "fire - eating" language -was used Simolv a strm.nt . r n,- r the assembly and an expression ol the desire that the people would come out and support them. There were about eighty men present. Ani For e...iri. ,.,, Last week W. G. j Harrell, post master at Old Sparta, was arrested tor embezzling money orders. letters containing Some irregularities had been noticed and the detective soon fastened the fault upon Old S,m,s mr. He was .cord- ingly arrested, and placed under a- bond ol $1000 for his appearance at' court. A UaMurdl.r leetl. Last Friday nieht the nrize house ?. . . . - - " 1 Delonfiny to hi rs. . I IWrtoe T. Barnes ot tri.V-...' . '. c '' , . imiLy, w cunsunieu uy nre. in ' u nau oeen stored tins year s crop ot . , , . . tobacco and some wheat, all of which was a complete loss. It is quite een- 1 erally believed that it was set on fire by some demon in human form. 1 Mrs. barnes thus loses much upon which she was depending for sup- port. Her husband, the late J. T. Barnes, of Elm City, died about two ,v,ti, rt jwu -L r months ago, and left her wuh a fami- ly to raise. She now experiences this second loss, which she can ill al-1 ford to lose. It is a good cause for our benevolent societies to enlist in. There was 110 insurance. (ierimin Muly Jv'ight. The young men gave the first pub lic German of the season on Monday evening last. The music was furn ished by the Italian string band. Quite a large company was gathered together and a very pleasant evening passed. Among the ladies present were: Misses Anderson, Branch, Brodie, Gertie Blount, Sue Blount, Gardner, Green, Harriss, Hadley, Johnson, (Clinton,) Pace, Pennick, Sanders. The young gentlemen of the town were reinforced by Mr. L. B. Gregory, of Rocky Mount. Tue chaperons were Mrs. Brodie, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. "Branch, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Copeland, and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Hargrave. That the evening should be per fectly enjoyed, Mr. R. B. Whitehead, who lead the German, introduced a novel feature, in the shape of a pho nograph. A NRro Killml. 'v- Train No. 32, North bound ran over and instantly killed a negro man last Monday night on the track of the A. C. L. between the freight and passenger depots. It seems that the man was watch ing the circus people prepare their train for moving when the sudden ap pearance of No. 32, so startled him that he b came confused ai d stepped on to the track of the incoming mail. Before he could correct his mistake, of the engineer stop his train, the en gine had passed over the body of the unfortunate man and reduced it almost to a pulp. The head and body were so much disfigured that it was impossible to discover who the man was, there being nothing upon his person by which he could be iden tified. The man was stranger in Wilson. evidently a Can the negro afford to vote with the tail end-of the Democratic party the fusion ticket,' when the fact is they stand on record as opposed to all meth ods that the Republican party drafted to raise and elevate- the Negro of America? Be it understood, now and forevermore. that every Negro who votes the Populist fusion ticket is vot ing himself, wife, and children back into slavery, and more than that is voting to disfranchise every member of our race that can't read and write which number is largely in the major ity. Ten times to one it is better for every Negro to vote the straight Dem ocratic ticket, whose leaders and or gan say "every man either with or without education has a right to cast his ballot,"rather than vote for a party of ex-ku-kluxes and Negro haters, who say, '"The Australian ballot sys tem, or White supremacy must rule." Fusionism must and shall go. Her ald (Col. Rep.) That JojTul Feeling With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength And internal clean liness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substitu ents sometimes offered but never ac cepted by the well informed. Two first class fifty saw gins for sale cheap by Paschall 8c Bros. TTOR SALE. A valuable house and lJ lot. conveniently located. For full particulars apply to J. W. BATTS. Think of 8A cents a yard for Baging 6 for cotton. Young will save you half jn your Bagging and Ties Wanted 100,000 bushels Cotton 1 Seed. Young Bros. Halloween Tea. Don't forget the Halloween party at Mrs. W. J. Boykins, next Wed nesday evening. It will be one of the most novel and enjoyable affairs of the season. If you have ever at tended one you will need no urging, if you have not go and you will never regret having been there. We, the colored people of Wilson Co. in convention assembled, hereby declare our "firm allegiance to - the National Republican party; and with r:iteml hearts acknowledge what it uds aucuMipiisiieu i r me negro race. We rtnew our adheienre in its nrii-. ciples, as declared in its last National platform, and standing squarely up- i Rret ne deParture which has been be fusionists. We denounce the ef fort made by the minority of our parry to sell us out to the few design irg men whose ambitions are alone for office: who are emboldened to Urra us traitors because we are not willing to sacrifice our nrinciDles to ' ... .. ... j lurluer lneir ambition. We know I that the attempt at fusion, as Mas- i j l ,l ... - a-r m .. vi ij m"- utiilfllius ctllU CI1U113 OI so-called Ptople's Partv in this coun ty, has no of tairness or justice about it; that the negro is altogether feed,- a"d that if he does not ! swallow at their dictation, a ticket ! " ""- u uaj uuilliug IU UU Willi making, he is declared a renegade which he has nothing to do with and a traitor. They Have not even; Put a -Republican of either color on theirJticket and th.ey do not Pretend to advocate a single principle enunci- ated in the Rpu&ican platiorm, therefore be it Resolved, that we! are the Repub- lican Partv and those who denounce us are the traitors W. H. Vick, Chairman. W. S. Mitchell, L. H. Peacock Secty's. E. L. Reid," j Almost a New York Oally. That Democratic wonder. The New-York Weekly World, has just twicea-t changed its weekly into a week paper, and you can now get the two papers each week. ' . Think of it! The news from New York right at your door fresh every three days 104 papers a year. We have made arrangements by which we can furnish The Advance and the twice a-week New York World all for $1.50 a year. Here is the opportunity' to get your own local paper and the New York World twice every week at extraordinarily low rates. The Cnmpal thetate. We feel that it is pertinent just at this time to call 1 attention to the necessity of interest being concen trated both by the people and by the press upon the importance of a strong fight being made lor our slate ticket. In reading our state exchanges we note that there is a tendency to give prominence to the national issues and to neglect to some extent the State issues and and the State ticket. In the rapidly closing weeks of the campaign special prominence should be giyen to the State canvass and the issues involved in it, the high charac ter and claim for recognition of our candidates for the judicial offices and for State treasurer, : and the very great importance of electing them as well as the Democratic legislature. Our people have doubtless felt so cer -tain of electing the gentlemen that but little accent has been placed up on their candidacies. The time is getting short and it is imperative that the greatest prominence be given to the State canvass. As we recent ly stated we have a double enemy to fight, and this double enemy is com bining against us. It is not necessary to neglect the national politics, but the . importance of State politics should be pressed home to our peo ple. Urge the club and local organi- z itions and committees to perfect our organization and complete our regis tration and to give a big majority. All that is necessary is untiring and zealous work. Let us not fail to car ry through our State and county tickets. Durham Globe. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort'and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect laxative-; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. GAY Wait NextWeek! No Exaeratioi.! show the prettiest line of v - 1 , GOOtlS. fc-. 18. MOIl MllCS Ad Ever shown in Wilson, and prices STILL' LOWER than ever. They will be un! Saturday morning (of this week) and opened up ready for Monday morning s trade. TC..' - : I 11CV lcilltfC 111 U1ILC 11UIU IOL. Iclll VVUU1 Weill J J nels) to the finest' at $i -5oper yard. j Velvets, Velvet Ribbons Boy's. uits. age 5 to See them. . An entirely new line of Ladies' s Misses' Wraps! Fine Shose Also expected. Our store is already filled with goods, and still more to arrive. What better do you want than Banisters & Reynold's Fine Shoes for Men. E. P. Reed's Fine Shoes for Ladies. Hays-Partridge Co's Children. R. & G. Corsets for Ladies, and Misses. Mellville Company's and I Knox Hats. Cluett, Coon '& Co's Collars and Cuffs. " Monarch and Pearl Shirts. Roller Tray Trunks. &c.,v&c, &c. . Be sure to see us before buying. Respectfully, EL v Gay. Corner Nash and Tarboro Streets. North Carolina, ) in the superior Wilson County, f court. Barnes & Davis, j Notice of -: Jno. w!Gardner,.J Executio" Sale. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Wilson county in the above entitled action, I will on Monday, the 1st day of Oct 1S94, at 12 o'clock, M., at the Court House door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, ti tle and interest which the said John W. Gardner, Defendant, has in the follow ing described real estate, to-wit : One tract of land in wilson township ad joining the lands of J. F. Smith, John w. Gardner, Sallie warren, and J. D. Lee. It being the excess after the al lotment of John w. Gardner s home stead, containing thirty-five (35) acres, more or less. The above sa!e has been postponed until the 1st Monday in November, 1894. J. w. Crouell, Sheriff. Aug 16th, 1894. N OTICE. North Carolina, ) WlsonCouniy, J" C. G. Hutchinson, ) vs. - ( Herbert Rountree, f In the Superior Coart. Notice of Execution Sale. and J. R. Billings. J By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior court of Wilson county in the above entitled action. I will on Monday, the 29th day of October 1894, at 12 o'clock j M, at the court nouse cioor 01 saiu county, SELL to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title, 'and interest the said Rountree & Billings, defendants, hav in the following described real estate, to wit: The brick store situated on the corner of Tarboro and Barnes Sts. in Wilson N. C, known as the M. Rountree corner store, now occupied by Messrs. Young Bros. J. W.Crowell, Sheriff. To Keep Kalm Kollected Kail on HUTCHINSON and get one of his refreshing drinks. The best Soda Water, The Finest Sherbets, The Kenownea uoco - Cola. Tn fact everything you can ask that will tickle the palate and slake the thirst. We are daily receiving fresh goods for our summer trade, -: CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, :- both dried and fresh, and eve rything to be found in a first class grocery. Our baker is surpassing him self with s BREADS & CAKES. Leave your orders with C. G. HUTCHINSON. Clothing Sales Agent wanted for Wilson and icinity. Liberal commissions paid, and we furnish the best and most complete outfit ever pro vided by any house. Write at once for terms. Send 2 or 3 references. WANAMAKER & BROWN. Philadelphia, Pa. S OCT. 2STH, '94. ; Q ..,1 U - French novelties and Trimmings to latch. 15 at 81-00 per .Suit. Shoes for Misses and BOYKIN & :'GQ. W I IO LES ALE AND RETAI L 4 DEALERS IN Suar, Coffee, Flour, Meat, Lard, Star Lye, Mendelson's Lye, Thomp son's Lye, River 5ide Soap, Wild West Soap, at BOYKIN & CO'S. Horsford's. Good Baking Powders at Luck, ; nd Rtx BOYKIN & CO'S. ('ikes, Crackers, Cheese. Nuts. "-Candies, Scc. at BOYKIN & CO S. Wc also carry a full line of Cheroots, Cigars and Three Graces and. City -Talk'.-' Cigarettes. All kinds of Snuff and Tobacco, at BOYKIN & CO'S. Hay, Rice Stra v, Corn, Oats, Rice Flour, Wheat Bian, Ship Stuff, Mill Feed at BOYKIN & CO'S. All kinds of country produce bought and sold Respectfully, BOYKIN & CO. ; Dress Making AND MILLINFRY T Having engaged irs. Parkes, a fash ionable and long experiences dress e vvc are Pre" iParedtoe ou he ;iite&t oijie aim vui. PRICES TO S.UIT THE TIMES. ALSO HATS of all KINDS .'- AT Miss Mary Hines, Next door to McCraw's cash store, " Tarboro street. NOTICE. Having moved my tin .shop to ihe Morns building on Goldsboro street, and increased my force and stock, I am better prepared to serve the public that heretofore. All work done at the lowest cash price." Mr I. H. Parker will manage for me in place of Mr. J H. Lockamy, who has severed his con nection with me. Thanking you for past favors and asking a share of your future patron age I am, Very Respectfully, 2t. S. B. Parker. Don't buy old Ties when you can get new ones at Young's. Read Gay's adv. this week and thus keep up with the times. - Important Notice. U X ' A, ; - " t . . c'l ' -' ' .-I!-''' .'-;.-iv?-J-f 3sf:,1tVB- i'v 'l J BEST IN THE WORLD. It gives us cre.Tt pleasure to inform our patrons that the i Princess of Wales Company, manufacturers of Her Majes ty S Corset, will have in Wilson on Monday, Nov. 5th, Tuesday. Nov. 6th, Wednesday, Nov. 7th, Thursday, Nov. 8th, Friday, Nov. 9th and Saturday, Nov-. 10th, one of their expert fitters for the purpose of explaining to ladies the many merits of Her Majesty's Corset, and the reason why it is superior to any other corset made in the world. Mesdames Ouarles & Manning (next door to us), have offered us the use of their dressmaking room, where it will give MISS LLOYD great pleasure to try on all ladies who wish it, a pair of Her Majesty's Corsets, thus illustrating without doubt, that they will give fhe most Perfect Satisfac tion and create a Magnificent Figure. We trust that all ladies will avail themselves of this Grand Opportunity ta learn what a Perfect Fitting Corset really is. We desire it distinctly understood that Ladies will not be expected to purchase a Corset if they do not so desire after a fitting in made. Yours very truly, . j. &. D. Oettinger, Solo Agents for Wilson. r fa Poor ... : Health vou imagine serious and 1 fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's 1 greatest gut health. If you are feeling out of sorts, weak , and generally ex- L hausted, nervous, JT have no appetite and can't work, begin at once tak ing the most relia ble strengthening medicine.which is Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few bot tles cure benefit comes from the very first dose it won't stain your teeth, and it's pleasant to take. It - Cures 4 Dyspepsia, 9 .i Kidney and Liver Troubles, neuralgia, JT Constipation, Bad Blood viaiari? , nervous ailments Women's complaints. Get onlv the genuine it has crossed red f lines on the wrapper. All others are sub- i stitutes. On receipt of two 2c. stamps we f will send set of Ten Beautiful World's 1 Fair Views and book lree. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MO. The New Jewelry Store; I have opened an entirely new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, and intact every thing to he found" in a Jewelry Store I also carry a full line of Spectales and Eye Glasses. I am also prepared to do all kinds of EEPAiEiXG AT SHORT NOTICE. Everypiece of work is guaranteed, and At Prices to Suit tiie Times. Give me a trial. MAX. HARRIS, Tarboro St. opposite Store. Nadal's Drug Go to Young's for hats. Iron : Bitters DM INISTRATORS NOTICE. Havinir qualified as administrator of the estate of Calvin lione, deceased; notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to settle at once, once, and to all persons having claims 'against said estate to present them. for payment on or before Sept. 26th, 1895, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. This Sept. 26th, 1894. David Daniel, Admr. J. D. Bakdin, Atty. N JOT ICE. LAND SALE. Pursuant to a decree, of the Superior court of Wilson county rendered at February term 1S94 in the case of O. Ci. Jones and W. P. Simpson vs. Thomas Johnson, I shall sell at the Court House l"or in Wiison on. Monday, the 25th day of October, 1S91, the house and lot in the town ot Wilson, on the west side of Lodge street, adjoining Morris Jones and others, and being the lot on which the said Thomas Johnson lives.. Terms of sale CASH. -This-Sept. aSth 1894. J. C. Half.:., Commissioner, A Rare Opportunity. AYe want a live, energetic man to take hold of our business in Wilson county. We have a large trade al--ready -worked up and will be realized on this fall. We furuish a nice, light running wagon, agent to furnish horse and harness and make a 500 bond. We must have a good man quick. Tiik Singer M'k'o. Co., Wm. Kivknrark, Dist. Agt. J. II. Haklkv, Managler, Wilmington, N. C. io-it-3t DISSOLUTION. -Mr. A. K. Paschall of the firm of Paschal, Bro. & Co. having disposed of his interest in the Wilson Iron Works to Mr. G. R. Winstead, the business ; will be conducted under the name of ! Paschall, Winstead & Co. All parties indebted to old lirm will please settle their accounts as early, as possible as the books must be closed up. Paschall, Bro. & Co. Trusting that you will continue to favor us with your patronage. We remain respectfully yours, PaschalL, Winstead & Co, A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator ol Blount Atkinson, deceased, I herby give notice to all 'persons indebted to said Atkinson to make payment to me at once, and to all . persons holding claims against said estate to present them to me, properly authenticated, by the first of Oct. 1S95. or this notice will be pleaded in liar of recovery. T. J. Hadly, Admr. j October ist, 1S94. CAN YOU WRITE ? If vou can. we will give you.a FOUN TAIN PEN PR EE. Carried in the pocket. Always ready for use. The Holder is of- hard rubber, perfectly formed and finished. The feed is of me niosi approved pauern, ine same used in a pen costing f2.oo,) insuring an even flow of leakage. The Point will write and last nearly as long as gold. Each pen is filled with the best ink and tried before sent out. NOW 1'UK THE PLAN. Send us 25 cents in ic and 2c stamps or silver, for a half year's subscription to Virginia, a beautifully iilustra;edT24 page monthly magazine, with excellent information for the office, parlor, bedroom, dining room, kitchen, farm and garden, with just wit and humor enough to drive away the blues. Don't put it off, but write to-day, and you will have both the pen and magazine promptly. Address Virginia Publishing Co., 5-24-26L ', Richmond, Va. Go to Young's for Clothing. A

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