VKAIVCASH IN ADVANCE. LET ALL. THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THYGOD'S.-AND TRUTH'S." BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMJ WILSOX,X. C, MARCH 14, 1895. NUMBER 11. .t i. YOUR SI'KC- I I $ ::.' i ion to A IK I OK i I I i" C V I . ; y hit I 1VKD AT THE CASH ,LKKT STORES J ,M. LEATH, s v : : i: -i i ami TARHORO St's. I i I Z 1 I Oil! 1 ii i N VOI VA NT. l Flt )SFNF 01 1 ynt:r 1 1 , , , ,i. re inieu.' l iiihkt me dfi-iivj -v.. n ;i . 1 WI Ctl Ul '11 1 I :it your door. M.ip. GUSINS. i K'A I hK'S NOTICE. -; ir.iauiied iis .executor of the i; sl imeiit of 15. K. Brink .i-v it.' notice is hereby given to t.s li i viiii: chums against said -liiiisii'v to present them for mi ofslKfore the loth day of -. .(iiih" authenticated, or this HI he plead in bar of their iAii I ;ill persons indebted to ii-.; wiil ( wim- forward and make st-tt lenient. 1". . k . liKINKLEY, Kxecutor. '.II. i v . ot. )ALE3MEH W ANTED .-nnsyUania grown Nursej- .-. b-.is . I MR Bust in. the All r,e:.v specialties as well as the -.-Suunlan varietM's ol fruits ana oriia ni'iil. iis. ao previous exicrience necessary. Salary and all traveling ex- p-uses p no. V rite tor terms stating a.rf. iiori-:-;. hko. thomas, Mtolc Ave ivw Nurseries, West Chester, 5r.lo.lt " Pa. Don't t'on'et- the s.ooo pair of men's and buys pants at soc a pair at ring's. Kcei vt.ur eye on the Advance ofhce-'bft"ftaPv':tiifs,in " inntino- and st ttioncry. - fjridir AI. inn and lnor hell coni- bund. I no nesriiuno- you ever saw at jlaryrave's. - IT., ,iitb 1 In r. tjiiiin: TT.rnrrfHi. Vioc advertised in his windovf the best coiioh syiVp on; the market fr only i c. NoIxkH' has ever sold it for less than 25c before. Coiip.-h ! eolith !! Cough !!! Every hodv in tht street is hackinn. Go r r 1 1 r r jo riaroraves ami j;ea a uoiiie 01 ur. StifV 0Mo!i Synip, and stop it at mice It ii!y cost 15c for a regular 2 sc s:ze. . . ; ; - - . Alpine and Derby hats at M. T. .'Yotiiiy's. . , .J.idiOs shoes at 50c . a . jwir at Children Cry for 4.1 i ;. i -1 sei Wck ! The Olcl Friend' And tte best friend that never fails you is Simmons Liver Regu lator, (the Red Z) that's-wht you hear at the mention of this excellent Liver medicine, l and people should not be persuaded that anything else- will do. It is the King of Liver Medi cines ; is better than pills, and takes the place of ''-Quinine and Calomel It acts directly on the Liver, Kidney and Bowels and gives new life to the whole sys- tem. This is the medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry) or made into a' tea. J-EVER PACKAGE-S lias the 'f. Stamp in xel on wrapper J. U. ZKILIJV & CO., Philadelphia. Pa. SOME OF THE IMPORTANT ONES The List V.ek of tlio North I arolina 1.,'ir- islature anil tlm"AVri on li:tn1. Rai.eioh. N. C, March 11. The week ends., as to tlit lesriskiture, with the certainty of a -new criminal circuit. Meeklenburg and Xe.w Hanover inelud- en, wnn reuaior t.ooic, 01 warren, ai judge ; with the j certainty of Nolle Con- I i as railroad comiais- . i teiiuere unsou ;is railroad aimniis- sioner as well -as-a trustee of the Uni versity; Captain Kitchen to:be superin tendent of the penitentiary if he can get Mr. Leazar ont rMcwlionie, of Le- i noir. to be commissioner of agriculture; the code commission iti doubt. . Our better halves say they roukl not keep house without, rhamlitrla'n's Cough reniedv. It is used in more than half the homes in Leeds. Sims Bros., Leed. Iowa. This shows the I esteem in u h'u-li that remedy is 4aeld whe it ha- been sold for'-'years-ami is well known. Mothers have learned that there is nothing so good for colds croup and whooping 'rough, that it cures these ailments quirkly and per manently, anil that it is pleasant safe for children to take. 2 and 5c bottles for sale by R. M. Nadal. SliniHter Khiikoiii t II. lloinc- Wasitin'oton, March ". Ex-Scnutor Matt W, Kansi iu .left here yesterday for his home in :.WPtdon, "N. C, where he will remain for ten days. He will then return to Washington for a few ays, it leiiig his present intention to i tart for his new post as minister to Mexico in about two weeks. . Krkles l.suex a tail Fir .Statement. Washixotox, March 2. Comptroller Eckels has issued a call for the return f the condition of national banks at the close of business on Tuesday. March 5. Or!erl Trial. Oakland., C.d." About two years ago 1 ordered from J. k. fiates & C( San Francisco, a bottle of Simmons Liver Regulator on trial, and so satis factorV been its use in expelling Due irom me svsiem, anu ickumuiis the action l the liver, that irom an order ol oneat a time t lie order las risen to a dozen bottles at once I'rince Uisiuark Will Kerrive the Army. Berlin, March! '. It is frnnounced that Prince Bismark yiil receive tne commanders of the German army corps at Friedrichstah April 1. On April 5. a deputation of college teachers wijll pre sent to him a collection of the exercise books used by him during his school days ai the Berlin college of grey cloisters. Bell Telephone Report. Albany, N. Y. March 7. The an nual report of the International Bell Telephone company, filed -with the sec retary of State today, shows : Capital stock authorized, J,700.000; capital actually issued, 81,207,-200; debts. $170,- 000; assetts, 81,407.200. Senator George's Intentions VtellKnoivn Wasiiikgtox, March 11. The state ment established today- that Seiiutor George of Mississipp, will not be a can didate, for re-election, creaiccin 110 sur prise in this city. Mora Arm Shipped to CbJr.a. New Haven, Conn , March 11. Tlje Winchester Repeating Arms company yesterday shipped 2,000.000 cartridge; to the Chinese government. . l-n't int it eir. The necessity ot a spring medicine is universally admt'ttd. This is the best time of the 3 ear in which to purify the blood, to restore the lost r.ppeiite, and to build up the entire system, .as the body is now peculiarly Misceptible to benefit from medicine. The great pop ularity attained by Hood's Sarsapatilla, owing to its real' merit and its remark able success, has established it as the very best medicine to take in the spring. It cures scrofula, 'salt rheum, and all billiousness, dyspepsia, headache, kid ney and liver complaints, catarrh and all affections caused or promoted by low state of tl e " system or impure blood. Don't put it off but take Hood's Sarsaparilla now. It wili do you good. '' Bio; lot of shawis at I'-ijj recluctiors at Young's. . The best tiling out is the patent Burglar Alarm at I Iirj; rave's Drug store. Men's boots at a Young's. doll; tr a pair at Pitcher's Castoria. EYES ON THE SOUTH Northern Capital. Looking About Dixio For Investment. THE STORY OF -PROGRESS ITK WEEK New Mills, New lOnterprisej of Various KIiijIk Dotted Here hiicI There, anrt a iencrl Feelintj of Coutiilence Throughout the South. Hai.timoiik, Md., - March S. Special reports to the-Manufacturers' Record covering1 the business interests of the Koutli for the week show that cotton manufacturing matters continue to at tract increased attention. Among1 the new cotton miU enterprises reported for tne week is a' $125,000 addition to in clude 5,000 spindles' and 20) looms to a Grifnn, Ga.,. mill. A mill company- at Langley, S. C:, .will lfnild Rn entirety aew'miH with 12,000 spindles. A $100. OO'l company has been organized to build a mill at Central. S. C. and a $10. 000 one for the manufacturing' of cotton floods novelties at Rock Hill, S. C. New mills are reported at "Prattsville, Ala.t' and Trenton. S. C, and new projects under way at five or six different piints in Georgia ? and several in Ala burnt. North Carolina and South Carolina. A $50,000 company 'has been organ ized to mine corandutn in North Caro lina and to manufacture, wheels. - A 50.000 construction eouipnny hae becn'starced in Florida: a" .'00.000 wa ter workscompany in Texas a SIOO.000 packing company at Rockdale in the same state; & 100,000 company to fle velon dock facilities at Arkansas Tass. Of miscellaneous enterprises, the past Week shows a smaller number than for a considerable time. "'. In rail- i road construction matters work has I. beeq commenced on" a 2:10 mile line in Arkansas 20 . miles having been let to contractors and contracts for the bal ance are-now pending; and new proj ects include electric roads in Lonis'ana and Alabama, '40 miles of new steam railway in Florida. 15 miles in Alaba ma, and Georgia and a 10 mile branch line in Alabama. ' ' ' Among .the new building enterprises of importance reported for the week were a 27,000 building to he erected at Newberne, N. C, a new hotel and a 8150.000 enlargement of an old one at Atlanta; hotel , in North Carolina, a $35,000 church, and a $20,000 society building in the same state; an opera house in South Carolina and a large number of general'buildings in various parts of the south. ' . Ojuite a number of northern people are now in the south looking for sites for manufacturing interests, and con tracts are pending for the location of several large cotton mills to be built by New England people. At least two of these will probably include the pur chase of very large water power. WHY INMAN FAVORS&ILVER. Cotton Is Selllns in Mexico I or 16 1-2 Cents Per Pound In White Meta'. Neav Yokk, March 7.-Cotton advanc ed 8 to 10 points and closed steady with sables of 161,200 bales. Liverpool advanced 2 to 2 points' and closed steady. Mr. Samuel M. Inman, of -Atlanta, has just returned from Mexieo and favors silver, -as cotton in Mexico is selling at 16j eents a pound in silver, or equal to about 8 cents in-our mon ey. There is a duty of 4 cents a pound on cotton in Mexico, and - this and other charges, according to calcu lations made here on a shipment from, say Galveston, would cause a loss of to a cent, per pound on cotton ship ped to Mexico. THE SONS. OF CONFEDERATES. Solicitor-General onrad Opposes the Or. " caniaation of the Order. j Washington, March 11. Holmes Con rad, the new Solicitor-general of the. department of justice, has astonished the confederate brigaders and other veterans by taking strong ground against the proposed organization of Sons of Confederate Veterans. Mr. Conrad was assistant adjutant-general in Rosser"s cavalry. " He says he does hot care to see such an orgnuization formed, and above all he thinks- it would not look well for holders of fed eral positions to engage in it. Wholesale Discharge of Conductors. Jacksonville, Fla., March 0. Pink' erton's men are cutting- a swath into the ranks of the conductors of the Flor ida railroads. Eight conductors have been discharged from the South Flor ida, five from the East Coast Line aud yesterday five "from the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West railroad. No reason given. Uenediet Dismisses One flnnrireri Men. W'ashixgton, March 9. Public Prin ter Benedict yesterday dismissed 100 employes of the government printing office, the majority of them being compositors. The removals were caused bjr the adjournment of congress which made a scarcity of work. Other dismissals will follow as .the business of the bereau decreases. As Yet No Senator Elected in Delaware. Dovkb, Del., March 9. Yesterday's meeting of the joint session of the leg islature to ballot for a senator was bet ter attended than usual, as there was a rumor that a third man might be de cided upon. Once more the crowd was disappointed. No election. Med lis to the Troops With Victory. Romk. March 11. -The government has decided to give medals and flags to the victorious troops in Italy's East African territory andjto name the four successful batallions the conquerors of Agordat, of . Kassala, of Coatit, and Senate. . , Woman SufTrafe in Maine. ' Avousta, Me., March 9. The house yesterday voted 49 to 54 in favor of the" bill giving municipal suffrage to wo men. :; : ' - PROTECTION from the grip, pneumonia, diphtheria, fever and CDidemic8 is given bv Hood's Sars&na- rilla., It makes PURE BLOOET. AVe will sell you snuff pound Young. at 25c per J . Big redui l orrs on men's neck wear - th:s week at Young's. 1 WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. No new cases of smallpox " were re ported at St. Louis yesterday. The freight claim association will hold its annual convention in Chicago March 13. ' " -. ' W. I). Griswold, commercial ..front of the Michigan Central at Chicago has resijrned. . " . Baltimore and 'AVashingtou poultry aud pigeon fanciers have organized an association. The-business portion of the town of Alvo, Neb.,, was almost --destroyed by tire Monday. General McCook ami staff will t.ike . part in the opening of the Preseott and Phophix railway. ' Government officials secured a Iarg quantity of opium in Chinese stores at Baltimore Monday, . .--.'.- " Eastern Passenger Agent White, of , the Atlantic Coast line, is rceover'iio- from a severe illness. - Nine persons on an ieeboat at Menom inee. Mich., narrowly escaped drown ing by running into an air hole. - Much damage was done by the break ing of a dam across the Nahoamg river at-Warren, O., last night. The next annual meeting of 1 ho Car Accountants' association will be in Id in San Francisco, April i(5 to April I',). Five persons in the Atchiso'it. Ku., jail escaped Monday night, but three were recaptured, one of whoin,wa.s aa tally shot. C. II. & Pa., have W. A. Barrett, of Pott'sville. purchased the Norfolk anitres of thochurch. I shall establish a new Ocean View- roadrand 1. l. .;... A 11 . operate it The Gemnan emperor arrived n't Wil helmshaven Monday fyrenoon ami went to Heligoland Tuesday, and from there to Bremerhavcn. ' -'''. ' . ' At W'e-t Palm Beach, l'la., Friday, Miss Deborah W'ooiley", of Lakewooil, N. J. was instantly killed by falling down the elevator shaft of a hotel. I . A meeting of ' the Southern lines is called for in Atlanta today (Friday) to complete the organization of. the new Southern states passenger association. The Paris Figaro says that President Faure will be present at the unveiling of the Carnot monument in the prov ince of Cote d'Or on the anniversary of the murder of the late president. . The FrankfortZeitung announces the a number of sermons denouncing In- -betrothel of Chancellor Prince von Ho i gersoii. He recently defended Thomas henlohe's son Alexander to the widow '-C. l'latf from the'pulpit against the at of Prince George, of ialuis-Itrannfels. . tacks of He v. Dr. Parkhurst.. , Prince Alexander's age is 8 I. while that of his fiancee is 4 L The record of .railroad accidents for January-shows that there were 1:20 in all. of which 55 were , collisions. (17 de railments and 7 other accidents. Thirty-two persons lost their lives and 100 were iujured. General Passenger Agent Daniels, of the New York Central, js expected to deliver an "address before the meeting .of the American association of general" passenger and ticket agents in -New" York March 19. Presenting the Chinese Kuv.iy s. Rome. March 11. The Chinese minis ter to England will present to King Humbert on March 14 the Chinese en voys who will arrive here from the north on that date. Tt is reported that the envoys will seek to interest the King and the cabinet in a plan, to end the China-Japanese war by arbitration. BIr. Carlisle Getting Stronger. Washington, March 11. Secretary Cailisle was in his oflic at the treasury department for several hours this morning. Although not fully recov ered from his recent attack c-f the grip, he is feeling much stronger and is en couraged to believe that he will soon be in his usual goodhealth. , ' ' The War in the Kast. Toicro, March 9. General Nodzu re ports that the first army has advanced . to Kokall, where no traces of the ene my were found. The third division is encamped at Chioshinto, ami the first army staff with the fifth sliyision is eu-'i camped at lenh wanton. ' Virclnian Charged With Forrry. - Kiciimonu, Va., March 8.- Hurnlcy Taylor, commissioner of the revenue of King William county, was arrested yesterday and brought to this city, charged with uttering a forged order ,upon the commonwealth for the sup"j port of a lunatic. Capture of New Ch wan j; Confirmed. Washixotox, March 11. ine Japan ese legation has received the following dispatch confirming the Capture of New Chwang: '-Japanese army captur ed open port of New f-'bwang March 6th. All foreigners are safe." 'Resume AVork for a Oeorgls RaUroiirt. Bkthlehkm, Pa., -March 11. The largest steel mill of the Bethlehem Iron company resumed operation.-, t-.-day on a twelve thous-ind dollar order for a Georgia railroad. Fifteen hun dred idle workmen will be given em ployment. 1 he First American Mercli.nt Ship, Washington, March 11. TheAmer ican consul at-Bergih, Norway, reports that for the first time in fifteen ye.-.rs an American vessel, the ship Hamilton Fish, built in 1856, of 1.6JS tons, was entered and cleared from that port. North Carolina Dally to Snpead Ralkigh, N. C, March 11. It is au thoritatively stated that the lost issne of the Daily Caucasion, owned by U. S. Senator-elect Marion Butler, will ap pear Wednesday. .The weekly - will not be affected. More Troops Start for n'-.a. LiOJ?rx)X, March 11. The Times learnt from Madrid that d,500 more troops wil' start for Cuba on the -20th. with ' si cruisers and nine irurfboats. - It will be an agreeabte surprise, to persons subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be . had bv taking Chamberlain s - eolir. i Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv. In many instances the attack may be pre vented by taking this remedy as soon as the first i;ymptnis of the disease ap pear. 25 and 50c bottles for sale by .K. M Nadal. "" . ' " Get your gardens ready ?nd get the best seed from Hargrave. TOM DIM RESIGNS . a ' - " The C3lebrated Qotham Divina , to Quit Hie Pastorate. '". . - "' , ' X'ILL ESTABLISH CHURCH OF ELS OWN " r ' ' - C.-fr of a Jonnj Mlntsler liean.VMt m )oi f ttjp Mpt l!eniarkahl nf the" Conlnry Korth aroliuian , of a -Treacher lainily." . New Voisk, March ll.For a long time past there, have been dissensions ;miig thei.members of the Twenty third .street . Baptist church, due to the objection of .' the more eonfcervative. members of the concrefiration to the -seiiatro:ial' character of the sermoob pre:;e!i-d (luring the last five years by the pastor. fU; v. Thomas Dixon, Jr. Yesterd ty .morning Mr. Lnxon an nounee.l lii.s determination to sever his connection with the church and found a new oue d:i a broad an. I p,jpniar plat form, and irystead tif speaking on '"Spt ctj taele versus ,-nsation." in renlv to "an oid fashioned clergyman." as ati- ; Bounced. Mr. Dixon read his resigna- i tion to his ongregation, many portions ot which were loudly applauded by the friends of trie" retiring pastor. In referring brieily to the circum stances which prompted his resigna tion, Air. Dixon said: . ' N -, "My act ion is not one of su.ldeu Impulse and has no rctuicvu o to thintrs that have happened w.ih.u a year. I determined upon it one year ago. .l.iit found it impossible to carry out my wish tiyniuse tho church w;iKtheu encuuibered with fin mrial debt. I feel now relieved from that nutitration cf delav. The utmost good will t 'prevails betneeu myself an J the oflieflils an-1 lief in the f.ord Jesus Christ. I believe it to le N inoic iinpoi tnnt part of my life work to lift many jnt c out of the ditch than' to spend my time m making a few men IS.iptists.'" Mr. Dixon's resignation takes effect May 1st. . M r. Dixon, who is only 30 years old. I was l.-orn in" North Carolina and is the .son ol a clergyman. It is -saiu he was elected .-a ini,-iiiber of the legislature of -North CarjiJna before he was '20 years of age. II u won live gold medals of merit at Wajce Fores col lege and after wanl toVk a post graduate course at the Johns Hopkins college ' inltalti-,' mores He was admitted to the bar, but believing it to be his duty to preach the 'gospel, he. became a minister. His. : first pastorates were at Raleigh and Goldsl.oro. N. C. . Mr. Dixon came to New York nearly seven years ago. In 1892 he preached- STRONG REVIVAL OF BUSINESS. Report to the State Department on the S'.usine.s of Fl isri n Textiles. Washington, March 11. -"United St stcs Consul Taney at Belfast, Ireland, has mude. an interesting report -on the foreign trade in flaxen textiles. ' - He states that 1804 was a very bad year for Belfast .on account of the com mercial depression in the Cnited States, where the greater part of Bel fast s l!ax goods are sold. . lint Mr. Taney said that after the tariff agitation had ended "orders be ran increasing and business in the tex- tile'industry revived until the demands are now equal to what it was atiny time within the past five years." 1 The revival is so pronounced that it has brought the total exports of linen piece goods in ISM np to -ISfi.'illS.BOO yards, as agaiust 153,3:55,300 yards, valued at $17,5:-!7,21(i, in the preceding year, showing a diminution of barely 1. per cent in quantity and 4 per cent , in value, whereas, for seven months ending. in July of 181'4, as compared with "" the same months in the five previous years, it has fallen off 20 per cent in quality and value. WHEAT FED TO LIVE STOCK. Larse Amounts Consumed in This Way in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri. Washington, March 11. The secre tary of agriculture has received "a com munication from ' a leading, manu facturer and business man of Omaha giving the result of his observation and inquiries during a recent" trip through the state of Kansas as to the present outlook for-the wheat crop in that state" and the extent as to which wheat has been fed to stock by -Kansas farmers-. The conclusion of the letter is: "In Kansas, Nebraska; f Iowa and a portion of Missouri I should estimate that between 03 per cent and 50 per cent of last year's crop has been used for feeding and if the farmers continue the present ratio more than one half of last year's crop . will be fed to live stock," - - ' ; lo'rd rosebery may resign. A Urowiitg Humor That He Will Retire Fr-m the Premiership. Loxiwix, March. 11. The St.. James Gazette says : "The rumor gains ground that Lord Rosebery will seek rest and health by resigning his office, which he is unable to hold without friction, and which is no longer very congenkil. to him.'' Lord Rosebcry's conditiou is re ported this morning as unchanged. . . Ofliciais Aeain at Their Desks. WASHisoTox. March 11. Assistant Secretary McAdoo has recovered from his- recent indisposition, and was on duty at the navy department today. Capt. Sampson, chief of the naval bu reau of ordinance, although still suf fering from the effects of the grip, was able to spend a few hours in his office today. . '" New l-nperintendent f stamp Vault. Washington, March 11. Secretary Carlisle has appointed Henry L. God sey of Kentucky, superintendent of the stamp vatllt, internal revsnue bureau, at S2.000 per annum, vice Henry C. Uoyd," promoted to be chief of division. There hits bv.o a great fight for this office." ' .' " -'- Death of Bishop Thomas. Sauna. Kan., March 11. Rishop Thomas died at 9:35 o'clock last night. ITiK-kten's Ariiif-a Salve. The T.est Salre in the world for Cuts, P.iiiises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin erup rfons, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Tt is guaranteed to give perfect saiisfactton. or money refunded. Price 23c per box. For sale by B. W. I largrave. Who can'bat this! 15c will buy a 25c bottle of the best cough syrup at ilargrave's drugstore. IN NORTH CAROLINA . . . Current News for the. Week : ' Th.rouKb.ont the State - - FUSIOXISTS DIVIDE THE PATRONAGE. The UUposltioa of the Pnhllc l-rlntlng t'ni TUt lirtweea leiatorn. Other Stat News Contleost L la Uort raraicnpha. Ralkioh, N. C, March Thorc was an exciting -session of the house last night in which Ray, of Mae in led th democrats in a fight against fusion majority report to give the public printing to a bidder whose figures ex- i that may lead to proceedings as uom eeeded the lowest bid ome .SOO. Rjty j plicated and, prolongetl as those tfurt hinted at brilwry ami had a sharp tilt j originated exactly four years ago in with Philips, whom he accused of j viuiiiu ui urvry- upon vue nimoxtty. ' Philips deniel it and Ray called upon two members who said they heard him say it. Kay ulso charged Philips with j having said he would give' the printing to Stewart Brothers despite Jt,he lowest j bid of Edwards & Brough ton. Philips ; denied this in a "hot speei-h which - created a sensation, the lie. being used j with vigor, Ray keeping cool under all the taunting the majority almost into a frenzy. j THE CIGARETTE MACHINE CASE t The Huccm of the Cae for the Winston Klrn Means Much for That t'ttv. Wixston, N. C, March H. The at torneys concluded their work here late Hatnrdny afternoon of takiug deposi tions in the eijrarette - machine case. I Mr. Browne, a patent expert from " Washington, was on the witness stand i -all of the week. The testimony taken here is for the Winston , Cigarette Ma chine companyvtlie defendants in the j case, i ,ine sun was orougni iy ine 10 ! bacco trust which uses and controls the Bohsack machine,- The case will come up Inifore J udge-Simonton in the UniU-d States circuit court at Greensboro,, in April. A gentleman who is in position to know tells a correspondent that if the W'inston company wins this suit several large cigarette firms will begin business here in a short time. The Bon sack people make the claim that thia Winston machine is an infringement on their patent. It is a notable fact the trust brings suit against every new machine that is invented. ' LEGISLATIVE PATRONAGE. The Republicans and Populists Divide the Spoils. -Raleigh, N. C, March 8. The repub licans get the second position at the penitentiary, and this goes to Under wood, of Nash county. The fusionists are to evenlv divide the oatronaire of ' the penitentiary and of the Atlantic &. ! t North Carolina railroad. ' While Sena- tor Grant or Duncan, of Beaufort, is to be made president of that road, yet the change will not be , made-until ' next September, when the regular annual meeting is held. . The bill regarding this- road provides for the election- of state proxy and to equalize the stock so that the state will have the S3ine representation as pri vate individuals. This, of course, is to put the road in the hands of the state proxy, who, it was arranged, should be - selected by a caucus. NORTH CAROLINA IN BRIEF. Six divorces were granted at the term of Wake superior court just closed. 5 The Friends' orphanage at High l'-oint is now ready for the reception of chil dren.. Even so late as week ago a man, John Macon, froze to death in the eastern part of Uandolph county. Cantain Thos. W. Mason will deliver , the literary nddress at the Wake Forest commencement in June. j he g rand jury returned into court Thursday afternoon a true bill for raur- der against Shemwell at Lexington. The machinery for Key & Co's new tobacco factory at Slatusville.is arriv ing by the car load and is being placed in position. . , t During last year the only aceident 011 the Chcstejk& Leo'iir narrow guage road was one which resuite I in an em ploye getting a finger mashed off. It is alleged that some of the popu lists now care very little for the county government bill since the republicans ran over them heavily in that matter. The Wilkesboro Chronicle says that a two year ld daughter of (!. 1 ). John son, of .Wilkes weighed.' three-quarters of a pound when born, and weighs now IS pounds. Editor Harman, of the Southern To bacco Journal, has gone to Florida to write up the tobacco interests' of that slate for the railroad companies, whose guest he will be during the. trip. Elder Robert P. Greene, of Greene county,' committed suicide, by shooting out his brains, last Thursday. His li cense was taken away from him re cently on account of an infamous offense. He was 70 years old. It appears that there is one demo cratic club alive in the state at San ford. Mttore county . It hvld a meeting wt-ek before last, endorsed the appoint ment of General Ransom as minister to Mexieo and denounced the legislature for its honor to Fred Douglass. Some years ago Miss Sarah E. Robi nett, of Alexander, got off a passenger train of the - Western North Carolina railroad at Marshall while it was' t-till in motion and in falling one of her feet was cut off by a car wheel. She sued for damages and the case was compromised in Madison Superior court Wednesday, the plaintiff getting j!.500. The state board of education" Thurs day made nominations to fill vacancies which will occur ia March next year, of the trustees of the Normal and Indus trial collage. .The board sent 'to the senate these names: John Gratia in, populist, from the second district; Sen ator J.. E. Fowler, populist, from the third district, and .'. ). Wilcox, repub Heau, from the eigl th district ' Rheumatism Cnred. Rheumatism is caused by latic acid" in the bloed attacking the fibrous .tis sues of-the joints. Keep your blood pure and healthy apd you will hot have rheumatism. Hoods Sarsaparilla gives the blood vitality and richness and tones the whole body, neutralizes the the acidity of the blood and. thus cures rheumatism. - 1 Hoods . Pills are the best after-dinner pills, assist digestion, cuie headache Highest of all in Leavening Fower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report v HEV. DR.k PARKHURST ON TRIAL. VH Celebrated Ilviae Drawn Over the .eieeraHMi wivine urawn over ue i Coals y the rrcbytcry. , New York, March 11. Dr. Charles - The following is a "condensed synop II. I'arkhurst ia to be the subject of j Ris o.f the proceedings of both "branches special attention at todays session of Jot the general assembly for tho past tne iew York Presbytery in a manner. f the case of Dr. Charles A. Biggs of Un- tun oemmsry. x ia?2S are now ipriaiu to give Dr. Parkhurst a scorching over the - cyals of criticism . respecting his conduct toward brethren 5n , the minis- try, If these plans are followed out, its they give promise of leing. there is likely to be -as great public interest in the proceedings of the Presbyterian chuuch for the next few years, as was created by Dr. Parkhurst's friend and sympathizer, Dr. Briggs.. Trouble has baen preparing for Dr. Parkhurst ever since his strictures uttered in the pul- pit and published ia the New York Tribune upon the financial integrity and business honor of thjt New York Presbytery in relation to the sales of the abandoned church of Sea and Land. THE A. P. A.'S TO CONVENE. The National Convention of that Order. to Meet at 8ufflnaw. Saoinaw, Mich.r March 1 1. The nat ional convention " of Aineriean Pro tective Association opens tomorrow for i . a threee J days session. The prime object is the consideration ! of the proposition for the forma tion of what is to be known as the ; independent American party. State. President Beatty says: We feel strong enough now to form a party We number over one hundred thousand in Michigan alone. We cannot tell what the platform 6f the party will le until it is framed. We knoWwe would resrict immigration, but beyond that the political complexion of the con veptioh will decide. It is said that the party will put a Presidential ticket in the field next year. ' HARRY HAWARD MUST DIE. The Verdict of the Jury in the Celebrated Murder Trial: "Guilty." Minneapolis, March . The jury in the Harrv Havward trial yesterday, after retiring, ate dinner, took one bal- lot and found the defendant guilty of murder "in the first degree. - At 2:10 i o'clock it reported an agreement and at 2:30 the verdict was rendered. , When the verdict was presented evr ery eye was turned to Hay ward as the elerk started to read the paper. There was nothing in his face to mdicata that he. had heard a word of it. He threw his head back as the word "guil ty" was pronounced, but it was only to adjust his collar band. - He did not change color in the slightest. Then, looking around at the crowd, "he raised his eye brows inquiringly. . . , " - THEY ALL DENY THE CHARGE. Heirs of the Negro Agitator Claim There is no Strain In Relationship. Washington, March 8. The sons of the late Frederick Douglass authorize the publication of the following state ment : The statement telegraphed from Rochester, H. Y., to the. morninf? papers of tho country that there is, or has been, any antagonism bo tween us and our father's wife or his widow, at itny time, Is utterly false. That there has been any consultation - with any one at any time or any place, in rejrard to any will of Frederick Douglass, our father, we have no knowledge. We are absolutely unable to ac count for the statement made from Hochester. The man Lee, who .says he is bound to secrecy to all parties, tells an ubtruth if he includes the undersigned In "all parties." We have hsvd no conversation with him at any time !u regard to our father's affairs. His statement is wholly unwarranted, (Signed) . Lewis H. Dntrol.Ass. Chaki.ks. It DoCUI.ASS. WILL PROTECT OUR FLAG. Consul General Williams RK-aks I'lainly Abont His Unties in Cuba. , Pobt. Tampa, Fla., March 11. The steamer Olivette arrived yesterday with advices from Cuba up to one o'clock Saturday. La Lucha, of Havana, pub lishes an interview with Consul Gen eral Williams in wlrich that gentleman defies any knowledge of a request on the part of the Spanish government for his recalL General Williams states very emphatically that his duty is to protect , American citizens and their ' property and that he will do so at all hazzards. - - . ASSOCIATION REORGANIZATION Railroad Official Slightly Changs Their Organization The Commissioner. Atlanta, larch 9. The mass meet ing of representatives of southern lines held in this city yesterday, resulted in the reorganization of the old passenger association under a new name and with the old articles of -agreement slightly changed. The only qnestion on which - there was any considerable; issue was the question how best to raise the funds among the members for the sup port of the association. Sugar 4 - a pound at Young's. Children Cry for Are You Fortified? Vhen you are in a low state of healtli, and on the vergo of illness, there is no nourishment ia the world like ; Scotfe EmtiBsion ' ; to restore s'rength; Scott's Scott A Bowne, H. Y. All .urns NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE ....n,.- r ik. ivi.'. Work In Both . . rcnate and llouiie. week: 4(th DAT. In -the senate and house Will wow Introduced to preveut bnvcotUng by rail- . roads in Uitf slate. A ft no tf 11,000 utid forteil' iire ot ttse. chiirtero ftaoSentlinn' roH(J Is th jiennlty iiroitt. Ia the nonato ft. bill to nr" propri;te s.tJu Tor a wonisrn'i xhibtt at the Atlanta exposition, as tub'.cd., A bill to levy a s'uccc.sNiim tivx oa lnHrrit.titoe and to create y an iii.s-ir8m eiMimmls.sioa wa defeated. : 41st Pat. The seuata today passed a bill to Ut-t ntue u.lu ttonal members of' the board of dircrtors of" the peiiltontlary nnd to abolish the nnu-o'of suixTlntendcnt. This is done In ordyr to thune: the ' prenl maniMremunt which !s ilouiot-raiic. and put tho Institution . into the control of tho republican. The reve -mie act as lassod by the. house provides for tbe tuxinn of lawyers nnd doctor $10 each, but" . ubolixhtuj; the tan of fltm on driuiuuera, ;A tax - of loux-tiiiLs a thotasaud "Vriis Impound on ciiru- retu-i "- IrfiKkjiiiiht the house printing quos tlop wui considered and ttnalU disposed of, bcin-i trtven to Stewart Brothers, of Winston, " rcpulilicaus. tlurtijth F.dwnrds & Hroupliton. of this uiiy. tleuitwirats. bid ovei V!0 lower, a bill liiiTinK'bcen pivscd some time ao to give It to tbe lowest bid-Ier.-. ; , . ; 42i Dav. In both branches Tonal bills were ruMhod throHijh with- rcmnrkablo rapidity. . Turn to provont preforenceii passed aecond rcadinp. The bills for-tho support of the white- insnno asylum pusxed both branches Tho bill to amend rtie charter of Washinstoe jiasxed tho liouso, and the Confederate Aonu nient biil p.issed Its Mx-oad readine. Bills fur ther passed to rcduee the salary of the mana- -l.-et.or the (Kuitontinry to W,00ir, to extend tho time for onraniains; tho North Carolina Invest- : ment company; appropriating f 100,010 for sup port auj repaiisof the state hospital; to re- -tiuce the f!;s of the registration and probato of dueds of Huncombe; to fai-illtato the settle- --. ment of election contest;-to amend the char- --tor of tho Polls railroad; to amend the charter . of the Aberdeen and West Knd railroad; for the reliof of Sheriff Ciallowav. o Itockinghom. 43t Pay. Senator Cook was elected JudRO . ot the ne criminal court; tho hill continuing . the presi'nt solicitor and clerk of the criminal court of MecTylenburKfasses the houses bill to ' permit, the removal of tho cotlrt house site ol Mocklenlmn? passes one house; Mr. S. Ortho Wilson elected railroad commlssionor; the revenue bill passes the senate with the tax on -lawyers and doctors, nnd an amendment in- - eluding dentists -besides; tho machinery "blU . passes- also: bills to establish tho county of - Marion and to amend the charter of Salisbury , and Kockinghnm, fail; to move the county seat KutheiTord, pusses tho houso; various appro priation bills passed. EX-PRESIDENT HARRISON ILL. Con lined to Ills lied With Severe Attack of Bronchitis. Indianapolis, Ind , March 11. Gene ral Harrison is Confined to his bed at . his home, 074 North Deluwar itr.jt, suffering from plenro-bynia and bron chitis. This is the diagnosis of the case given by his physician, Dr. Henry r Jameson. The doctor said this niorn ing : ' ... ' . - . General Hsrrtrfn ha-boen working very -hard in tho trial of tho Morrison will case at Kiehinond. Ind. " When ho returned to his home- last Saturday he was suffering from a cold, which almost amounted tS the (rrtp. Later wute .-bronchitis, dovelopcd, and on Thursday he was at Uu-Uod by pleura-Uynia, or what is known a pleurisy paiu. Mr. Harrison first took to hi bed on last Sunday. He remained in bed until "Thursday, when he pot up, but was compelled" to ifo to1 lied a---ain Friday. - He l- -seriously ill, but I should not say was in any tiaruccr. OvorworTf has much to do wild this attack of sicknesM. The Discovery ftuyeil his l.lfe . G. Caillouette, Druggist, -Ben- M ves, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe irif life. Was taken with LaGripfie and tried all the physi cians for miles about but of no avail was given up and told I Could not live. 'Having Dr King''s New Discovery in my store 1 sent frr a lxiMle and bewail its use and from the first dose began to r get better, and nTter using three bottdes was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gokl. We' wont keep store or house without it." Trial bot tles free at Hargrove's tlruglore J THE EXPOSITION'S THE THING. Arranjifcineus for the Sewer and Water. JWade Other l'rottens. Atlanta, March 0. The execptive committee of the Cotton States and In ternational Exposition has accepted bids fyr transjiortulion building,- sewer pipe and water pite for the exposition grounds aud . ordered employment of -landscape gardiner to superintend the - planting ; mj of trees, Bhrubs, etc. Vice-President Baldwin, of the South ern Railway, reports elaborate arrange ments for handling people between the city and the exposition grounds over two tracks, with four tracks in the grounds and four tracks to unload at' the city station, wf that trains will leave every four minute each day, "TH E Eir! O ST remarkable cures on record have been fuxoraplishcd by Hood's Sarsaparilla. " It i4 unequalled for all BLOOD DISEASES. 1 j 11 w , ' - . i'. Jld vertise. There is a man who sells bis slock, Whose credit standeth as a rock Whose name is known by all who buy Whose face shines with prosperity. Who is this man? Give hint your ear ! His goods he advertises here. Pitcher's Castoria. Emulsion nourishes, Btrenrth- ens, promotes tne maltmj of solid flesh, enriches the blood and tones up the -whole aj stern. . : - - Tor Coughs, Oolda, Bora Throat, Bronohitia, "Weak Lupgs, Oonsmnption, Gcroftda, Anasmia, Loss-of riesh, Thin Babies, Veak Ciildren, and all conditions of Wasting, - - ' Buy only the genuine! It hfca our trade mark on salmon-colored wrapper. -r Send for pamphlet on Scot ft Emulsion. FREE - prugglsts. r to cents and $.

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