T 1 ykar, cash in advance. LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, HE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S.' BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. WILSON, X. C, M AltCII 21, 1895. NILUBER 12. T X vv II sori i i i 5 I I ft 4 U MlM.D ("Al I. YOl'K snx IAI. ATTENTION TO A LINK or Black Salines jrsT Ri:ckivi:i) at v THE CASH RACKET STORES J. M. LETH, "ARKORO Sts. Oil! Oil! WHEN YOU WANT- KEROSENE OIL just set your can out where I can see it and it will be filled. I. make the rounds dajlv. and will sell you oil at regular prices. No txtra charge for delivering it at your door. , M.JP. GUSING. 1 r :; t f VDMINISTK-ATOR'S I.OT1CE. I laving qualified as executor of t lie- last will and testament ot 15- K. brink b y deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons hav.ng claims against sain !. K. Hrinklcv 10 present them lor payment on or before the loth day of J..11 1S96, duly authenticated, or this notice will be plead in bar of iheii recovery. A fid 'all persons indebted to said estate will come forward and ihake immediate settlement. K. K. BR1NKI.EY, Executor. Jan, oth, iSqs 6t. ALESMEN ANTED to sell Pennsylvania grown . Nurse y tock -which is ' he Best :in thk VVpKi.t All new specialties as well as Jlhe Standard varieties of. fruits and 3 1 NASI I and w -Iprnainentals. No previous experience .Mtlpessary. ,Salarv and all traveling ex penses paid. Write for terms stating, aire. HOPES. BRO. ec THOMAS,! Maple Axvmijt Nurseries, West Chester, 25-10. it I 'a- Don't forget the -"5,000 pair ol men's and boys pants at 50c a pair at Young's. Keep your eye on the Advance office for bargains in printing and stationery. - Burglar-Alarm and door bell com bined. The best ll in you ever saw at Margrave's. Up wdth the times. I.Iargrave has I 'advertised in "..his window, the best wcough syiup nn ihe market for only T 15c. N ibodv has ever sold it for lc-ss than 25c .before T Coueh ! Couoh V. Cough !!! Every jbodv on the street is hacking. Go, I to Haryrave's and get a botlle of Dr. Stars Cough Syrup, and stop it at once. It only cost 15c For a regular 25c s;ze. Alpine and Derby hats at M. T. Young's. J Ladies shoes at 50c a- pair young s. Children Cry for A NSW LWINDLE : wh'tli the people of the G utli are resenting, is tlie effoitd of !v.v.Q to Btll them imitations for ! leal Simmons Liver ilegu '0.! bi'i'aui-e thej make more inoiny by the imitation; and they care little that they Twindle the people- ia selling' hetn an inferior article. It's the nionry t hey are tin r, and the jieople can look '(Hit for themselves. Now this is just what the people are loiii, and merchants are having a hard time trying to g(t pei pic to tike the stuff they ofilr them in place of Simmons Liver Rcg- ulator winch i3 the " King of Liver Medicines," because it never fails to give relief in all liver troubles. Be sure that ycu get Simmons Liver Regulator. Yon know it by p0ggfea- the sa m e old stamp ffkssixaiJI of thel?(d sA. J !' " Z ou the fi Tjm package, It has m never tail ed you, an people who have aSESts? been p( r suaded to take something else have always come -back again to The Old Friend. Better not take any thing else but that made by J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. 1 Our hetu-r h.-.lves s.iy th -y could not keep house without Chambcr'a n's Cotisih reim-d. it is iis J in more than h:i;l the hon-j.s in Leeds Sim Bros., Lied-, Iowa.' This sh'.vs the esti mii whu ll iii:it reim dy is h !d who it has been sold iV.r yt ars and is well kr.n'.vn., M.nlh: rs h i e K:iv;n ii that- tht-ro is nolinh so ;ood fr cuids croup and whoopii!; tMi:-li, th .t it curt s t hc- e 'ailments (pi'n kiy a;id pel - mane tly. an.! that it is !!' as u:t 5 ami salt- toi bottles v i -bib iren t t : k f. Salt: li I -. At . IN Hi I it 1 1 f 1 io;.;.IH - ey sit j; tiur.t.hl- I in K-r - t .1 t ;-. -an.. Vi-z oti-ht ti t-rv I no .iNX'iv see l!i' oilier !..k? C, i i inln't see fvih-r. Jto.lil How tlocs iie rogan I ; 'tluiinow . him; V. H rai.l. 1 StU'.'.lit. II t ;if. S. II. t liff.ird, Nc-vv Cassc-1, Vis., was l'"tuib:eil with'.Xeiir.ilgia and liheu ni.it ism . I: is si e.ii.K ii w.is lisi.r-lered, bis ltvt-r was etiVcteil to an alarming degree, ajipetite fell away, an! he was. J terribly reilncevl in llesh and strength, i Three bold, s of K'ectrk: d'.itters cured niiii. j Edward Shepherd, Marrisburg, III.,! had a ruiihi'ig sore on liis ii-g '"of eight j years standing. I sed three bottles of j Klcitric Hitters and seven boxes of; liiickieu's .rnica S.i've and his teg is Sotiud and u clt John Speaker, Cataw ba, O , had five large fever sorts oil ins teg, iloetors said lie was mciiralle. One boll'e Electric Hitters and one. t. of Huvkleii's Arnic a Sal ve . cured ; him entirely. Sold by llargravc. i ;ne one. . 1 - .1 j- ...i .. .1 i-ii -.t, iTninir ' nrT ninir nir i n-T . cold?" asked Kaynor. And Shy ne banded him a card ii l'm taking the set ibed as follows: I advice of ev ery bl.mu- I tool tr.al o unes What's yours?" aloiig with Tribune. A II. tupTil ,rr.-:isil r. I I).' Y. Fit-ior. of Carta ioli.-irie, N'. Y., says lhal he ;ih;'; s Ia-- ps Dr. Ki.i ,"s New l'isio'.fiv in (:. house' u nd his f.uni! v h:is ;d u n s f 'U'id 1 In' i-iy best results beio-.v its us-:': that Ih- would nut 1- w'tiioat ii, if ).. 1 u tir.ibh-. A. I "': m.n.i I)n.:g-ist; Catskiil.. N. Y., says that Pr. Kind's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best I'ough rnuedy; that lie has used :t in his ianiily lor eij;ht yeirs. and il has in vc-r hiih d to do all th;it is claimed (or it. " Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at Margrave's drug store Regular size -500 and 1. At III- I heal re, She wcire a high hat to the .play. 'I he nuin behind her said: "It 'often- happens just this w;iy; . I'm i. eaten bv a head." "We would uri;e every onr to read tin-advertisement of Simmons -Regulator.. W lu've never before said one word 111 favor of any 'patent tiu-ditiiie . . . - . - t ..... .1 ... 1 .ul vertisemeni in our columns, inu Hav ing eien riiuiiiins l.ner iegiuaior a Ur trial, w e do 11.it hisiiste to s iv tiial "or dvspcpsi.i V.iid' enc-ral d.-l v it c-.'innut be exi.e'ii d." l-'i ed M- I. hiid.s. Kditor "News. "!...-. u.ni, O. K:lll:iS l.ull'stliy. Rockaby, baby, jour mamma has " gone...-. She's out to the caucus and will be til dawn, She wore papa's trousers, and in them lacked tpieer. So hushaby baby, your papa is here. When Cab" was sick, we gave hr Castorla, When she was a Child, she criufl for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Cistoria. When she had Childn"n, she gavethimi CastoHa. Big lot of shawls at big reductir s at V., j i's The best thing out is the pdent Burglar Alarm ;d Hargrave's Drua Store. - Men's boots at a dollar a pair at r 1 atl Young s. Pitcher's Castorla. IN NORTH CAROLINA Her K:tural Ad vr.nta.tres Strike tho New Uriir -aiidars. MASSACHUSETTS' LAW MAKERS IIHRL irinia KoHpital t iannltt- Ithmp the Mmi ui'Mai-nt r tt A 5 In ill. A Nw EnKl::itltr Inlct Urxiiiic OjKrrles. I Rai.ktou. Nf C, Mure'i 15. The cpm l.mittee.on mercantile affairs of ,tlu- Mas- : acini ye its legislature arrived in the city tod.iy. The eoinmitU'C consistod 'of Senator T. W. Darting:. chainuiui ; - Senator'. Uaae 1.. Hutchinson. Repre sentative (.'harlea ,U. Jfamcnoft,- Ceoig-e M. KiMj'. E- M. Morinrt y. Frank I hand ler. W. J. Dounovati. 11. T. Tramoh, and Deputy hertfear.i-Ht-arms William hlLHl; Representative R. 1 . Tramoh is a col- t i ! . ........ .I-.. iviwtimi nf ored man- he was t i ken possession ol bvnrominent colored people ami he- 'sides visiting "factories- he visited emu cues, cai inm um : 4:...,.. T. ...... .1 . ...... I Muehle-islatio:, is projHV before hnnd and the staple issubstanUally out 5 the A,a.-l;ehuseUs legTslatare which , of the hands of the firmer these gen . manufacturers charge ; is inimical to ; l-n who h.ave represented the -bear I - : v..w. V.r,.ri:,nfl . it is t element .so many months whuo cotton also claimed that conditions and laws I are so favorable. at ihe south to Mas ! saehusetts that unless the laws of the I New England states foster inannfactur ! i . . . - 1 ill..- . 1. ers more, all ti:e mills win move iu lub south where natural advantages and laws are more favorable. The committee h;.s . been sent south to exami.ie into the conditions and velop,- the met that wh :t. the manu facturers has s.ii 1 -.bout the advantages of the south is rather short of the truth than otherwise. It: was found that the tniil o'.vni is of the south are working 'bard anl l.ving c:i.M:nicfiUy.- The labor' is Ihe lest in tin- I'nited States and is e.nte:!'eb ("ottou is cheaper Ihiin iii "New -Kngiand. the climate is milder, living is !elier'attd el.ea er and' thei e are other ai'.d bss iiiiportunt avl vant.iires. . Tin-cinmittce visited in Charlotte yesterday eight cotton mills, two cot tonswed oil mil is. one trowser factory and other . smaller enterprises. -. The members of the committee express themselves as being well impressed, with what they saw south. THE "TAR HEELS" THE BEST. Or L'alin IlospltHl h Vlrglniii Couimitti-e I hkN MorRanton 1I11' l-et. i There is gratilieation for North Caro- linians in the following newspaper ex- tracts, which explain themselves. Tlie i first is from the Abingdon Virginian : , The roinuiitiee of the Southwest Virginia is te hospiwl. componed of Dr. R. A. Preston, i su!- rintcn1 r.t. ami four members of the board ; of dircolors. have returned, from their visit to ! the asvluins of the south, whither they went for the purpose of learning tne prsu'tivai orK ii;;'. of tliese institutioius, with a view of iidontini.' tliom in our, institution, in the irn provemeuts thev conremplatc m-.ikin. The ! committee visitea t use aioosa, aui., iaiiii.-age-villc. (.. Oolumiiiii, S. C, and Moiganton. ! N. ('.'. Tlicy sjv:ke highly of all the institu i tin they visited, an 1 of the lunfl treatment ; they received. Each of the insi itntions visited i scrpas-.ed the others in some particular, but 1 the i-oniniittee were of the opinion that North ! Carolina's institution at Moriranton surpassed any in the south in the character of the bulltl-tri-s. splendid cquipiuc-nt and faultless man aouient of its efficient superintendent. The other is from the W'ytheville, Va., Enterprise: "r. R. A. Freston and four members of the bo:ird of directors of thi Southwestern lunatic f usyium. at M irioa. have returned f rmo a tour cf als(!rvatin;i throughout the asylveusof the .,,tK vhi.rp tnfv ftoti-'ht siiiTirestii ns of nrac- 1 liciLil value in the wink, management ami lm ,.... ... . . ... -. - ! n-ove.iueuls of these hospitals. The committee. I co isidered the M-wantoo. N. C asylum the t model institution for the insane in the south. SOUTH FOR GRANITE INTEREST. Mr. .Vow. of New- Knglund, In Dixie -The Saturc of His l!u-ine.9. t'u ARI.OTTK, N. C, March 1(5. Mr. G II. More is vice president of the New Knpland Cranite Manufacturers' asso ciation. He was at the Central hotel yesterday. Mr. More is in the south lookinjr up the granite interest, lie intends to buy and develop a quarry if lie can ret tl.e right sort of property at the right price. In answer to some in-terrog-iitories Mr. More said: '"I don't think there can tie any money in Quarrying granite as it seems, to be done in the south. If I buy any prop erty I wi! I put in rood machinery, for qiiai'i'vinK purposes "a nil will also put up a plant to make a finished product.' The-most money is in working- stone, not in quarrying- it. but to work it to advantage requires a considerable plant of . improved, machinery and 1 have not seen one tiny where in the south." Mr. .More went last night to Atlanta. lie will then visit Athens, (la.,-, and after that he will take his wife to Florida. North Carolina t-t'S slamre .Aiijotirnesi. Uai.f.h'sii. X. C,. March 15. The. fu sion legislature eauie to an end last niu-b.tat 11 cc-'oek. Very little, busi ness has been transacted since Tr.es- -i r -iiiu-ht.'s ht'i-ii handed nroc-ee linsrs. ! as many mem hers, left for their homes yesterday "and a quorum could not be obtained. The session has iven- il sto; my one ard will he-memorable for many reasons. It is already kr.owu all over the stale as the ."iHiuglass Legis hiti'.re'" and there is a general rejoic ing here that it has adjourned. NORTH CAROLINA IN BRIEF. be er-.reted tohaoeo factor v will at (Ireensboro. Immense shad shipments are reported at Ncvvberae. The total number of acts 1 V: islatv.re was about b'M). so stateif :u te oiiiee of tlie secretaiy of state. Mr. Kufus Crowell, a young attorney of A'.bermurie. has purchased the Stan ly news from Mr. T. J. Jerome and will edit the paper in the future. SenaUjf Drown, of Yadkin, writes the Stati-Rv-ille Landmark that during the whole session of the legislature he was in the bx-k-up only once and thee -for only a few houts- NOT WHAT WE SAY, but w hat Hood's Sarsaparillla Docs, that tells tlie story of its merit and suc cess.Rcmcmbcr HOOD'S CURES. We will sell you snuff at 25c per pound Young. Big reductions on men's neck wear tins week at Young s. ITJS SIMPLY A RUSE Tho Uunmng Up of Values ih tlio Cotton Market. i SO SAYS COMMISSIONER HECTOR LME, It ia Oil. n lipvicsj to Induce Farmert to l'itnt !lor cif the Wtiin, fetaile limn In tt-ncif1 - He Warns Tlipm of the Conspiracy. Atlanta. March 15. Hon. Hector P. Lane, commissioner of ajyricnltnre of Alabama anil president of the Ameri can Cotton Growers Iroteotive associa tion atlilresses today a communication j to toe cotton growers of the south in j which he warns them against what he j calls the strasretic movement , Ihuds made by cotton manipulators to delude them into the suicidal act of plantin again a large crop of cotton. . "V . uul.,.. . ... in Liverpool for some time concerning- " 11 Vt"l" t t tuiiaakiiir utoiira MT1-1 lit i j -"o- this menace not existed cotton would have been even lower than it has been, arid now as the end of the season is at. t was mo ins;- in larire volumes, now re sort to this ruse of running values up simply as a device to induce farmers to piant more cotton than intended. He warns the farmer that the rise in cotton of the last few days is ficti cious and that it is the product of a conspiracy to systematically rob the producer of Isis legitimate gains. " I.t, the I'eople Beware " Continuing he says : "Let the peo ple beware. It is a bait to catch those who will bite. There is no legitimate reason shown for this sudden rise in cotton values. The production ha-, ex ceeded the most sanguine expectations: Russia h is placed a virtually ' prohibi tive duty, on American .cotton, so we can Mo longer sell her 500, 09d bales." He says that those who are actually engaged in the work of producing eot- ton are not earning twelve cents a day for their labor -the year round "and what is to be the fate of this man. whe.i his cotton goes down one or one and a half cents this fall?' Nor is it at all improbable when we rweofcM ni.e the condition that confronts us for I invite consideration of the - fact tha t we had a most phenominal season for picking onr crop this last season anYl its classification was higher ..thnii ever known. Hardly any grading less than low middling, which averaged less than five cents." "I invoke," he concludes.- "the most earnest attention of cotton growers to this nefarious scheme and address yon this letter as the ca veat that you may not be deluded by t his wolf in sheep's clothing, or in oilier words, this ''near' in 'bull's' clothing." 1 TARIFF ASSOCIATION ' MEETS. Kxecntive Committee f 1 lie SoatheMsterH and the Asrent ia Ses-iioii. KiCHMirsD, Va., March 10.- The exec utive committee of the Southeastern tar: if association nnd tlie local agents met in conference here yesterday. The conference was in session some two hours, and the situation and the defer ences between the two parties wore talked over. , Subsequently the com mittee held a session to consider the representatives of the Hg-ents. No con clusion was reached ari l the meeting adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning. Neither side will give any information. The differences arose out of the action of the local gents or board of under writers, in determining to waive all rides in meeting competidn of compa nies not in the association. 'This ac tion a number of the companies in the association refused to ratify. FAILURES EXCEED LAST YEAR. Two More During the Week Than the fJanie Time Last Year. Nr' York, March 10. II. (J. Dun & Co's. report on failures for the week says: Liabilities thus far reported in failures for the first week of March amuont to t 03,05 i against JH.278.iB2 last yoar: in m.mucVct uivrs 7l5.SHfi against fOTS.nTO last yoar.and in traiiinv HD7.650 against $1,251,C38 last year. The ti.-ial returns for February make the aggregate tHl. 414.374 against $17.8fi5:374 last year. .Failuros for the week have been 256 in the United States against 354 last year, and 57 iu Canada against 55 last year. "UNDER POLICE PROTECTION. The Working of Leadiiig ti-aim-rs at Jlew Orleans ProgroRKinjf. - Xew Oisleans, March 15. The work of loading the Harrison lipe steamer Engineer at the-head of St. Ann street, the scene of Tuesday's riot, nnd the steamer Canaries, at the head of St. Andrevy street, two miles further up the river, was begun at 1 ociock yester day afternoon under the protection of the militia and police. No trouble has occurred and none is expected. Ne groes are doing the work.. Will ?fot Keeogniz the Atlvmi. Cincinnati, Ohio, March IS. The whiskey dealers here Saturday signed an agreement refusing to recognize the advance in spirits ordered by the trust and will continue to quote at Sl.25. - Florid OfflcialH Arrentrrt. jACR8ONVU.tR. Fla., March K;. Sher1 iff Hethe and tax collector Peoples of Desoto county were arrested at.Arcadig yesterday charged with having umbcz zled county funds. The amount of the defalcation is not known. Virginia Tobacco t lrm Fail. Lyxchbcko, Va., March 15. Holt, Schaefer & Co., large tobacco dealers, made an assignment yesterday ; liabil ities, represented to be aliout 450,000, mostly due in foreign countries. Captain Shepard Critically III. Wa8HIX0tTOJ, March 16. Captain Shepard, ehief.of the revenue marine service, treasury department, is" criti cally ill with pnonm'onf i and is not ex pected to survive the day. It will be an -agreeable- surprise to persons subject to attacks of bilious code to learn that prompt relief may be nnd 1 y taking Chamberlain's Colic, '"holera and Piarthoea Remedy. In many instances the attack may be pre vented by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms of the disease ap pear. 35 and pc bottles for sale by K. M Nadal. Thc greatest revel ty of the age is the unique Burglar Alarm which can be seen at Hargrave's Drug Store. MUST OBEY THE LAW Tho W rdsontourrr Lynchers Will 33e Brought to Justice. ' COVERXOR MTSTYRE ACTS PROMPTLY Acting; oimul Dr. Cunno. of the Ilallai t.orprnnmiit, Snjg That His oantry ... Will Act With Groat t'onsicU-r-ation and Kot Hastily. WAl.SBNr.iRO, Col., March 18. Vv. Cnneo, aetinp consul for the Italian o-overnmont, has been here since Thurs day preparing' and forwarding1 to the Italian ambassador at Washington, re- ports and testimony in connection with the tragedy enacted here the past week in which three of his countrymen were killed by mob violence ancl two are missing. The principal facts have Wen sent to Washington, but the acting consul will remain here 'a few days longer e states that there will be no ; displayed in the aff iir and that h'ista his government will go slow. lie has no communication with his own coun trymen and refuses to see them when they call, saying' that, he only recog nizes and will communicate with the proper authorities. " He condemns the exaggerated reports 'sent out concern ing the people of Walsenburg. ICoth ing has yet been found of Antonio Co bat.to or Pietre Giocabino. the two killed at Bear Creek. Lorenzo Danino, Francisco Ehetto and Stanislef.s Vit tone were buried yesterday afternoon. Joe We? by was buried Saturdray after noon. Governor Mclntyre last even? ng re ceived the following telegram : Hepu-tment of state, Washington J. C M-trcb Ut. flis excellency, the ifovernor of Colorado, Penvcr, Col. : Your telegrams with rj.'.ir'1 t. the reported killing of certain Italians t Waist nnurg have been received and I have coniniusipated their purport to the Italian am bassador, from whom I have a note expressing his l.elii f that the federal government will ait vise 'the proper authorities of the state of Col orado to cause tho persons suilty of the mur- l ders to be brought before the courts. I Oar treaty of .IWlwtth Italy pu a ran tees to Ita!'an sebjects in the United States the most ; constant proeftion and security for their per- sons and property; that they shall enjoy in this ' respeot.the same rights and privileges as are. . respect. tae same rljrnts ana priviieces as are. and Khal; lie. granted to the natives ou their- submit hi!r themselves to the conaiti ais im- pilfer -ir-'ii the natives. Your dispatches how yd .it appreciation of the duty incumbent on the Jurisdictional authorities to use every effort t secure to Italians and all other men aced hy unlawful force, full protection of life Hnd pi' porty and in case of wrong doing iitrnst them that the gutlty parties will be a.pprehided. brought to trial, and upon con vtgtiou f.uly punished. The assurance is grat ifying to the president that jn the line of your responsible duty every ligitimate means at your eoiiirrinnd will be employed to protect tho Imperilled subjects of a friendly power, and that juK.-.ice will be visited upon all who vio late the law to their injury. (Signed) Edwin F. Urn.. Acting Secretary of State. REPUBLICANS WILL CONTROL. Coiiig''5clon of the Senate Itntler, of North - . CitrGliiia, With tho Majority. Washington, March 16. The disap pearance of eighteen Senators will make an entire change in the appear ance on the senate floor when that body meets again. Instead of the majority of the desks being on the democratic side they now appear on the republican side and in this connection it is inter esting to know that at the request of Senator Marion 15utler, of North Caro lina, his district has been placed on the republican side. Mr. llutler is pop ulist elected by a fusionist legislature that at the same time gave the short term to Mr. Pritchard. republican. The fact that Mr. Butler has asked to be seated on the republican side is taken as an indication that he will act with the republicans in matters pertaining to organization and such other ques tions as are not inconsistent with his views on peculia subjects. Senator t?v.w,t,. wVinm TiA RnravwHa. nrnnlm. sied that Mr. Ilutler would at all times be found acting in harmony with the party in the senate that was antagon- istie to the democrats. NEW OFFICERS ARE ELECTED. The Hoard of Directors for the Atlanta and Charlotte Railway. New Yoiik. March 14. The stock holders of the Atlanta and Charlotte railway met yesterday and elected the following directors: P. P. Dickinson, C'. S. Fairchild, II. R. McAlpine. Richard Irwin, R. II. Rochester, II. W. Sibley, Skipwith Wiltner, Michael Jenkins, Joseph Bryan, . Ebenezer S. Mason, R. Shepai-d and Edward Kelly who suc ceeded Charles M. Frye, M. J. Garth and the late Eugene Kelly. The direc tors will organize and elect a successor to the late Eugene Kelly, who was president of the company. The ques tion of modiflcation of the rental by the Southern railway company did not come up iu the meeting. The Southern railway continues to pay the same dividend on the stock as the Richmond & Danville. TEXAS CATTLEMEN IN SESSION. The Nineteenth Annual Meeting Ueld at Fort Worth. FottT Woktii, Tex., March 14. Tho .nineteenth annual meeting of the Northwest Cattle association convened in this city yesterday. It is the largest gathering of stockmen ever held in Texas. It is estimated that over 5,00) are now in the city. The meeting will continue two days. Indorsing the Bimetallic Platform. Washington, March 16. Senator Stewart received the following dispateh yesterday from the governor of Ne braska : "Resolution of legislature in dorsing Sibley and bimetallic platform passed and approved this day." Kraxtus Wlman Gets a New Trial. Nkw Yokk, March 16. The general term of the supreme eourt reversed the judgment of the lower court in the case of Erastus Wiman, and has granted him a new trial. Against the Death Peoaltr. Lincoln, Neb., March 1(3. The'" sen ate has -passed the bill abolishing the death penalty. liofk teii'H Aniii-u naive. The nest Salve in the world for, Cuts, Rniines, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sorts, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin erup tions, mid positively cures Piles, or no priv rtquirtd It is guaranteed to give p! tc'.t -satisfaction, or money refunded, fiiee 23c per box. For sale by Ji. W. H:r21nve. Who can beat this-! 15c will. buy a 25c bottle of the best -cough syrup at Hargrave's drugstore.-:. SPAIN REPLIES TO GRESHAM. T.10 SimnlHh Govern.nM!iit Will IrvrKttc tt the Allianra AfTitlr Thoru;ly. Wasiunotos-. March 18. Spahi has replied to Secretary Gresham's 'demand. A disp itch was received last night Unit, so far as it-froes. is entirs-lv s it .ifuftM-- to the United States. It is a response to the last part of Secretary Gresham's t dispatch in which ha insists that iraiae- riiate and jxisitive orders be given the Spanish naval commanders not to in terfere with the legitimate American commerce passing- through the wind ward channel, and prohibiting all acts wantonly imperilling lifo and property lawfully under the flag of the United States. j That part of the dispatch which re fers to the' firing upon the. Allianea Is reserved for future reply, after an in vestigation by Spain into the circum- ! stances that surround it. j There is no-doubt in the minds of the president and the" secretary of state that this will receive "prompt disa- vowal as an unauthorized act." and. that a "due expression of regret on the part of Spain" will be forthcoming. u 1 secretary liresham communicated the ( . , , substance of. Spains response to the' he smallpox scare has produce.! a president as soon as it was translated. toT compulsory ,Tacc. nation at but he was unwilling to give it out for l,eIena" 4rk- publication. j Western railroads are hauling Seed Itds understood, however, thajt the 'm. free - to destitute farming com dispatch conveyed the information that , manlt,es- , ' orders had been issued to the command- j The Yale faculty deny rumors of ad ers of the Spanish man-of-war in Cuban ditional cases of varioloid among the waters not to interefere with legiti- students. - -mate American commerce, and to use i Major Martin is eating a bird a day every precaution to avoid international for forty days at Raleigh, N. C, so far complications by an exercise of undue successfully.' ZCa1' . ' j A Terre Haute, Ind., girl, thirteen FIRE'S DESTRUCTIVE WORK. ' years old, has been arrested for syste- : ICHORS I.pHpor tVn Onic-a The A. N. at ClevelaiKl, ., l.urn. . Ci.KVEr.AXD, O., March IS. The newspaper building on Ontario street occupied by the World the A. X. Kel logg Newpaper .Company and the oflice of the Union Press, was completely de stroyed by fire last evening, the tire starting at fi o'clock. The total loss was about $150,000. It is thought that the .started through the careless- j - ' ncss of a Prter. Ihe World sustains a loss of about S75.00!). the property be- ing partly insured. The A. X. Kellogg ing- partly in ,Xevsnaper t. " : v . t-o.'-HKl. ancl Company's loss is about the building was vslueri at w about $50,000. IJ. F. 1 Sower, the ma n- ager of the World opened an emergen cy office in the Arcade building. 11. F. Payne, the editor of the Tress' the rival of the World in the, afternoon field, tendered the use of the l'ress plant to the World company. Mr. 1 lower says the World " will be published us usual Monday. - . RETURNED TO THE OWNER. The Seized Schooner Carolina, nt Ctiarl?fs ton, is Oiven IdlHTty. CiiAKi.ESTos, S. C, March 1(5. United States District Judge Krawley yester day decided the admiralty cas arising out of the seizure by the State consta bles of the' schooner Carolina, which arrived here on October. JUth. with a cargo of contraband whiskey. The suit was brought by the ow ner to recover i -rwv-;iik.in sind t.hi ennrfc d : rc'ctcd tha.t j hc he iven possession. . . The court finds that section 3S of jthe dispensary law. under which the schooner was seized, is une mstitiomil ancfvoid in so far as it applies to this ease. GEN. HARRISON IMPROVING. go Far Recovered ai to lie Able to Sit l'p. Hot Not to Work. '. Isiiia'na pons, Ind., March 18. Ex President Harrison has so far recover ed as to sit up. His improvement has been steady ever since his' daughter and his grandchildren arrived at his house. Yesterday was the birthday. of babv McKee, and, during his enfor- T ced idleness, the General made exteu- ' sive preparations for the event. A ! host of children from the neighliorhood ; were present. Gen. Harrison is not yet j allowed to work by his physicians, and : the big will case at Richmond is pro- eeeding without him. 1 DAMAGING TO NEW ORLEANS. 1 . The Labor Troubles Have 1HI KfTect l':on ' the Commerce of the Crescent City, j New Orleans, La., March 1C One ; of the evil effects the labor distur bance is having- on the commerce of this city was shown yesterday w hen it was ruinoied that when the steamship i Niagara finishes n uloading, she will not remain at this port to take on her cargo of cotton, but will go to Galves ton for it. Upon investigation the re port was affirmed, and the labor troub les were cited as the cause. KrlttHh Bootmakers Strike. London, Eng., March 18. The strike of bootmakers has extended, until there are 200,000 idle. It affects all factories in England, except in Staf ford, Norwich and Bristol. Some Lon don trades union are granting ten shillings a week to the strikers. The employers declare they have enormous stocks yet unsold, but they are prepar ing to employ American machinery. Application Denied by Secretary Smith. Washington, March 16. The secre tary of the interior yesterday denied the application of the New Orleans Pa cific railway for an appeal from the de partment's decision holding for cancel-' lation its indemnity section to a quar ter section of land in the New Orleans, La., land district. Suing Secretary Carlisle. Washington, March 16. M4chael J. Colbert, as adminsitrator of the estate" of the late James W. Denver.syesterday brought suit against Secretary Carlisle in the supreme court of the . district io recover what is claimed to be due the estate for prosecuting a claim for chief Blackfeather. Ail the Schools WUI lie Closed. -.IiK.KX.rx, March 15. The Prussian government has ordered that all schools be closed on April 11, Bismarck's birth day. Special prayers will be offered in all the evangjlical churches for Bis marck on Sundav Msirch tfl. You've Idr-a. How nicely Hood's Sarsaparilla hits the needs of the people who feel all tired out or run down from any cause. It seems to oil up the whole mechan ism of the body so that all moves smoothly and work becomes delight If you are weak, tired and. nervous Hood sSarsapanl a is just what you need. Try it. Hood's Pills cure liv r ill. . rrmsiipa tion. billiousness. Lundicc. sick' head ache indigestion. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report 14 ABOiLTTEILl PURE WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. The next international medical con press occurs in Moscow in 1S9T. Fifty rabid dogs are said to be at large near McClenny, Fla. Iiaron Fava, the Italian Ambassador, t i has returned to Washington. The Ifarvard-Frineeton debate will ie held March 27 instead of March 22. A fish and game protective association has been formod at Saratoga, N. Y. s . ...:n 1.,. .j,nijt at Terre Haute Ind tii .'. or 1 ekin. matic barn burning. v;tt j . . I . .bi.oui imn 1 i lilt )U,uuil F WIS" ' sary to carry through the next Knights Templar conclave. , The anuual meeting of the Anti-trust distilling company was held at Terre Haute, Ind., Tuesday. T. V. Powderly has formed u law partnership with District Attorney Jones at Scran ton. Pa. - The Vermont state' board of health has ordered a quarantine on all cattle brought into the state. -Marquis Imperiali, the secretary of the Italian legation, will leave shortly for Europe, to remain several months. Edgar T. Paul, the millionaire real es tate dealer, was arrested at Chieago for obtaining money under false pretenses. Manuel Amalgro, the Argentine roin ister's bookkeeper charged with embez zlement, w'as released at Washington Tuesday. ! It is announced that a successor to Ward McAllister has been found in the person of J. V. L. Pruyn, of New York City and Albany.- ' It is denied that either ex-Congressman Williams or Josiah Qainey is to be theflemocratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts. Nelson Harris was fined S1T0 at West Appomattox, Va., last week for living with a colored woman, by whom he had several children. Official returns of imports into France , for January and February show uoti, 315,000 francs against yoil.SM.OOO francs for the corresponding period of 1804. ,,'The Boston city treasurer refuses to allow Curtis fc Motley to withdraw their bid for the city loan at a price which the latter claim was a clerical error. ' Superintendent White, of the railwny mail service at Portland, Me., has or dered that postal elerks shall have free - transportation only over their regular routes, . ."'-- William Thompson has been sent to 'jail at Cleveland, O., for burning boy with acid and sending them out to beg, under something like the Italian padrone system. Baron Hirsch has sent some, three or four thousand Russians to the Argen tine Republic, and he hopes to have a Jewish community there of 100,000 within ten j'ears. I The French industry of icing milk is an original departure in tinned com- j mxlities. The milk is - frozen und placed in block form in tins and hermetically sealed. (jueeu Victonaaccompanied by Prin cess Beatrice, started yesterday for Portsmouth eh route for Nice from Windsor. Empress Frederick will oc cupy Buckingham Palace. The Bucyrus, Ohio, Telegraph had a woman's edition the other day, sold by pretty newsgirls, who got all sorts of fancy prices for their papers. A silk copy sold for 8100. ' A. V. II. Carpenter, for, thirty years general passenger agent of the Mil waukee and St. Paul .road, is dead. Ilis name'dt is said, had appeared on more railway tickets than that of any other man. Rumor says W. K. Vanderbilt may marry the Duchess of Manchester, formerly Miss Consuelo Yznaga, a lis ter. of Fernando Yznaga, who at one time was the husband of Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt's sister,, now Mrs. Tiffany. on T t - r . . i l n , .. , , , . , . ' aeiaicauon ai urameooro, v;., in iwo, died at Omaha last week. lie served six years in prison and was prosper- ously connected with the Omaha and Grant Smelting company at the time of 'his death.. Get your gardens' ready and get the best seed from Bargrave. Children Cry for and all women who are nursing babies, derive almost incon ceivable benefits from, the nourishing properties of ' Scott's i This is the most nourishing riches the mothers milk and gives ber strength, lt'aiso . makes babies fat and gives moro nourishment to - growing children than all the rest of the food they eat. ; Scott's Emulsion has ftventy years for Eicketa, Marasmus, "Wasting Diseases of Children, $ Coughs, Colds, Weak Lungs, ' Send for pamphlet I . '- scott & Bowne, N. Y. uWnft ' PADDLING ABOUT IN BOATS. Tho Chattahoochee Itlver KteM at Colnna liua. ;., and Floorts the City. ; W Coixmbi'S, Ga., March 15 During the past forty-eight hours Columbus has experienced the heaviest rain storm jn twelve years. A great down-pour of rain occurred early yesterday morning. though rain the night before was con tinuous and - heavy. .Washouts have been reported on all the railroads and nearly every train coming into the city yesterday was .delayed from one. to three hours. The lower portion of tho city is overflowed, houses washed away, , and every bridge iu the immediate vi cinity of the city and across the river in Gerard and Phoenix City has disap peared. People are cut off from their homes and paddling about the streets in batteaux. A' number of gardens are seriously damaged. All cotton mills on the river front have been compelled to shut down on account of the high water. The river is still rising and navigation seriously interfered with. . THE MONETARY CONFERENCE. iiermany May Kntor Into an A (freemen . Wlthont Hefirard to Knglanri. ' Washington, March 14. Reports re ceived at the state department from" American consuls in Germany indicate a condition of affairs which Is encour aging to the hope of the success of a . monetary conference. Reports show a rapid development of the trade of Germany with both China and Japan. This development of trade in the east is in direct rivalry with . Great Britain, and there is a strong party in Germany, representing the agrarian Classen, who hold that the use of silver would still further advance the commercial lnter ests of Germany In the eastern conn tries, putting England at a disadvan tage under her monetary system. .This information suggests the probability that Germany may bo willing to enter into an agreement for the use of silver without England. regard to the attitude of BUSINESS MORE FAVORABLE. Mot What Could be Considered Prosperoua However Steady Improvement. -. . " Nkw Yokk, March 16. It. G. Dun -& Company's weekly review of trade . says: . " Substantially all Indications of the state of business are rather more favorable. Farm products are a little hfi-'her, railroad carnlma a shade better, clearing house exehanifU a small per centairo larger In comtwrisou with two years aero than iu February, and most of the industries show a somewhat better front, thoupb their (rata Is not larne. Money markets . continue undisturbed, tlie operations of tho symilratea still prevent exports of Kold and withdrawals from the. treasury have of late practically censed. Thera is not much enthu siiiins ftlnmt the: situation, however, because the Kain is slow, nnd business Is yet a loinj way from what was once considered a prosperous-, condition. Further, tbu pain Is In &oin rases riue to obviously temporary caircr? guifj in some to causes which do uot make for pros- , purity. . CENTRAL REORGANIZATION. The l'lan Will be OIHclally Announced IlurlnK the Week. " ' ' Washington, March 18.--Tho New York Sun of yesterday publishes tho following; "The details of the plan for reorganization of the Central railroad and banking company of Georgia have been ngrecd upon, and it is expected that the plan will be officially an nounced this' week. . It will provide for foreclosure under the tripartite or the consolidated mortgage or possibly un der both." COMMISSIONER SLAUGHTER. Helieved That, He Will Succeed Himself With the Association. Savasnah, Ga., March 10. -The com mittee of Southern Passenger associa tion to nominate a commissioner under the new agreement met here yesterday. . After discussing the situation tho com mittee adjourned without formulating any report until March 27 in Atlanta. 1 The names of several candidates were before the committee and it is inferred that the present commissioner, M. Slaughter, has been agreed upon. THEIR WAGES INCREASED. Another Bvidence Showing That RnalneM Prospecta Are Hrljrhtenlnjs. Havkuhiix, Masa.', March 13. J. II. Winchell & Co., whose factory trouble has existed since the opening of the big strike, notified their 700 employes last night that after this week thoir wage in every department would . be In creas;d live cents per case. With this increase the firm will pay the highest wages . of any local shoe manufac turers. .. REAL MERIT ia the character- )" istic of Hoods barsapanlla. It EV . turvf even after other pr parations fail. jGet Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S. There is a man who sells his stfick, Whose credit standeth as a rock Whose name is known by all who buy Whose face sdiines with prosperity. Who Is this man? Give -him your ear ' His goods he advertises here. . Pitcher's Castorla. others Emulsion 5 food known to science;. Itcn- Q been prescriled by nhTsiciana for Emaciation and Consumption, on Scott' Emulsion, FREE. - - All Druggists- SO cents and $1. S

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