i A YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCE. " LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'S T A T, BE THY COUNTRY'S, Tl IV GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S." BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. WILSON, NV C., APRIL 11, ,1895. VOI ME XXV. NUMBER 15. v 8 I II I L i 5 I Illy IT I, Hi i i? II 'I t ? i - I" A H 1 j iii tl. TnC msS. HAVE TOO FEff, AD TUB FFW TOO faAXY. ; i.it! ;mr counters ;ire be-i:-.t" t!i; w n. day after day,. !u v .i rivals at panic pru t s' fr ; .1 iU'ii'st-s that coiliipM-d. others (liat ui'l ;o down -t intorrow, and still others who throw out these sacri fices in vain hopes to out live the 'siorm. From such siiurt-i'S as these we. buy our "ikk's, and the house that wants the trade. of the peo ple must go beyond these advanced 1 i ns must" beat th-se prices or go down or if then is honor in man, or virtue in good goods at li.v prices, we nit an to be master of the situation the live pioneers who dive" down to rock bottom! We invite an early and. re peated visit and inspection. Respectfully submitted to the cash trade only!" THE CASH RACKET STORES, J-1 daidsboro Streets. A i H. LEATH, Manager, . "WILSON, IT. C. VERMIFUGE The old-fashioned and al ways reliable remedy for ,.,oV, Hicrirflpr. One izfji VJiii"v " " bottle 'has killed 614. -worms. Thousands of people living to-day owe their life to this medicine. The same good medicine FOR CHILDREN, that it was fifty years ago. If your droKirtst or storekeeper does not keep it, send for one bottle to IE. & S. FREY, Baltimore. Md Oil! Oil! I WM I.N VOi' .WANT. K HROSBN H OI L just set your ran out where I can see iG;:nd it will be filled. I make the n;n'"s daily, and will sell you oil at regular prices. No t xtra -charge for delivering it at your door. ' u.m. GUSINS. :t tr Books!! hi i i 1 Tiibly - - - - $1.75 Marcella .- - - 2.00 Heavenly Twins - - '1.00 Ban Har - - - 1.50 Fair God - - 1.50 Drummonds Addresses .50 WITH ;.",NY.OTIIKR AT Jill7. mm Mmm Store . NASH STREET; rE?IIWBQVAL: FILLS t rlerlnii! tkuA Only Genuine. A (.'-'.V " wf. ;J-.vur, rOia'ulu. udics ask t- I'riWiri-st f'r fhirnicr JiuqtUK Oia-f trr 'K$r.-r,i !lri.n.l : lU'ii and iid nteta! lic V -jt i'J n , at h-r. Krfute dangerous mbstUu . Af tmHaliuns. At IrUv'mt. r in -t-tia. o f- r i.i,rttcu?.-ira, ttnttin6Dial. at. I ' t tT 5 'l-1' f!,i" .u,lM-f" m Utter, l.v return 4 i.:U. 1 "-,( I . .ti'no.'ials. N'ime t'pcr. &W Ij -'! Utos-J:". ikiluJk, Children Cry tot ;CaJ. " "' : I'- S3 Ml S 'zSf SAVED A :' 4d '.si I t-V-- he 0!cl Friend And the best friend that never fails you is Simmons Liver Regu- ' latorj1 (the Rcl ) thtit'a what ; you hear at the incnti.cn of thi8 1 excellent Liver medicine, - and people -should hot he persuaded ! that anything else will do. It is tho King of Liver Medi cines ; is better th in pills, antl takes the place of Quinine and Calomel It acts directly on the Liver, Kidney and Bowels and gives new life to the whole sys tem. Thi3 is the medicine' you' want. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to he. 'taken dry or made into a tea. ft-KVKKV I'ACKA(iE-ua Hurt ttie. Z tHinp In tI on wrspper J. II. ZKII.IN & CO., Philauelphia. Pa. THE EFFECT OF FEAR. Imagination a Potent Factor in Acquiring Fatal Disease. "Of the - whole number of persons supposed to die of disease," said a prominent physician the other day, "I uliould say that at least fifty per ceftt. are really carried away by fear. Were it not for this element mortality would be far less than it is." In support of this statement hp cited various eases where the element of fear had entered largely in as a potent fac tor to persuade people that their time had come. Presentiments, prophecies, premonitions and peneral nervousness all played their part. On the other hand, a short time apo a patient of a New York hospital was frightened into petting well. This man was brought in an ambulance, supposedly- dying from heart failure. lie was laid on a table anda diag nosis showed him to be suffering with hysteria. The surgeon turned to one of his assistants and, asking for a knife, remarked that he would cut down to the heart and find what the trouble was. Ihe patient gave a j-cii :inn, leaping from the- table, started for the door. Remonstrance was in vain. That man was cured and never came back. Some time ago four criminals, con denmod in iiussia to die, were taken to a house and shown several bads, in which they were told a number of cholera "patients had died. As a mat ter of fact, the beds were new, never having been slept in. The criminals were informed that they would be set at liberty if they would undergo the ordeal of sleeping several nights in tho beds. From the prisoners' point of view it was a possible, though a des perate, chance of escape. They one and all decided to take the chances. At the end of the time prescribed two r were uninjured and went free, but the others developed all the symptoms and died of Asiatic cholera. Two physicians determined to take advantage of the impressionable mind of a female patient and prove a theory for the benefit of science. The lady had complained of an itching on her back. She was told that a blister would be applied. Instead, a common postage stamp was applied, and, so runs the chronicle, performed all the offices of the plaster which was not there. ' . A college professor was once the sub ject of a practical joke at the hands of the students. They met him one after another, and each successively inquired after his health, saying that he looked ILL lie took to his bed, a physician was called and for days the professor imaff Ined he was ilL N. Y. World. . Indtitnn Htrch Works Ilurnixt. Coi.rMiiUS, Ind., April 8. The Amer ican starch works, with buildings cov ering ten acres, were burned Saturday. The plant was being run night and day on account of a rush in business. fn fifty minutes from the time the flames were discovered the building was a wreck and -.400,000 had goue up la kinokc. C'hiirtced With Hotel Horning. Macon, Ga. , April (S. John Tierney, a well known hotel clerk, who haa been clerk at the Park .hotel in this city, was arrested here yesterday on a warrant from North Carolina, charging him with burning a hotel at Ilender sonville. s. C, a little over a venr airo. Reneryed for i.l;KjL Iloua.. I urpinrii Wabhisoton, April 0. Upon the re quest of the secretary of the treasury the secretary of the interior has recom mended to the president that Blacks Island, in St. Joseph Bay, Fla , be re served for ligrht house purponea. . 4 a. : Tw i VIkIoiim. 'I've a dream ef an Easter hat," she r said, ' While her husband sat pale and still Oh. then, " he said and hung his head, -"I've a nightmare of a bill." Chicago Record. I5u klenV AruiiM salve. The 1'est Salve in the world Tor Cuts, P.ruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coins. 'and all Skin eriip tiuns, an.! positively cut es Pii s. or no pav t etjuirct! It is guarantt t d m Kivt p i fe t salisfaclion, or n.on. y refund d. f'tt' e ?3c'pcr 1(. Kor sale by H . Margrave. This Easier btings me no content, The reasons plain to see; She gave up many things in l.etli. Among them b it mc- ' fudge. I.inl.il M not .-li:il . Though Easl.-r is tlie lirue. I hey sa V h- n won an is in !uvt, It is to : r a st rtv day . V'l;.-se 1 n el is' made over: -Kx. Pitcher's Castoria. "'" 'S , .,.rr' j l mm CAROLINA Gurront Nows For the Weak Throuhou1- tho Stats. TWO JUDGLS FOR THE SAME OFFICE.- A t otuolicutiou In Xortii CiruUaa .l-ifttciaj l'ire!ei Mill M.-u ViKii hirloite Othtr Kuirs ol ltitrett Cou. ..- i deuiuul In I'aragrapIiJi. - Wilmington. N.'C, April (5. Ex-Uni-tecl States District Attorney Charles A. "'ook, wlioji'.iS elected' by the recent peneral assemhly to be judire of tho "Eastern crirain.'ii circuit court, consist- inj,rof New Hanover, Mecklenburg' and ' other counties, look 1 he oaLh of ollice on Monday at thi; hands of Hon. Wal ter A Montgomery, one of tho justices of the supreme court of the slate, at Raleigh. On the ol her hand Judge O. P. Meares, of this city, who was ap pointed by the governor to be jmliro of the same court, and who has received his commission from tiovernor Carr. took the oath of office yesterday at this hands of Mr. John J. Flower, ju.'-iice of the pertee. in this c ity. The first c iirt t-i be held in the dis trict will be -it CharloLte on .Monday next and it is. understood that both judges will go there to hold court.. "Judge" Cook does not hold any com mission, and in this respect Judge Meares will have tne a Ivaniacro of him untifthc supreme court says who is who. THEY VISIT CHARLOTTE MILLS. Npw England Mill Mori Taking a Close .-nrvev 01 Tto-ir KI11. Ciiaiii.ottr. N. C. April 4. The party of Mew England mill men who are touring the eotlon manufacturing, dis tricts of the south, arrived iiere yester day by special train over Seaboard Air Line and devoted the forenoon to visit ing various cotton mills of this city. The visitors were cordially received by all and expressed their gratification They remarked on the simil.irity be tween the labor found in the factories here to that in the New England mills in former years when ihe operative were largely, of the families of New England fanners. In the afternoon the visitors were en tertained at the manufacturer's club and in the evening left for Henrietta mills, fifty miles from here, which they will inspect today. They return here this evening when the Southern Rail way will take charge of them and con- vey them to the principal cotton mills of South Carolina. . GOVERNOR CARR STARTS A SUIT I Will Test the Yultdity of tho New Assign ment Law. """itAi-mOH, N. C, April 8. Governor Carr has instructed Attorney General Osborne to bring suit to inyiUidate the new assignment law, on the ground of fraud in its ratification. It is assumed, of course, that the governor institutes this suit in his " capacity as a private citizen, in accordance with the sugges tion ef the attorney general in his let ter published lately in the state press. Sentence Commuted to rife Imprisonment. AsnF.vuxK, N.'C. April (5. The gov ernor has commuted the sentence of Hilly McDaniel, sentenced to be hanged April 12th, for murder, to imprison ment for life. " NORTH CAROLINA IN BRIEF. The North Carolina State Dental So ciety meets at Salisbury" on the 14th of May and will be in session three days.- Stockholders of the Vace mill at Salisbury have decided not to. euhirpe their plant at present. There was considerable ice and frost at Salisbury Friday morniag. It is thought that more or less damajre has been done to fruit, especially the peach crop. . Durham is making a most marvelous health record. During the six months ending with March there were only twelve interments in her white ceme tery. California, Colorado and Illinois farmers are making a tour through the 6tate for the purpose of viewing her re sources, climate, etc., with the view of locating1. The Caucasian says that Representa tive Bryan, of ' Chatham. hu,s entered suit for $10,000 damages forlibel against the Ualeigh News anil. Observer on ac count of charges reflecting on his char ter. Cards are out for the marriage of Mr. W. 1).. Lynch, of Oxford to Miss Alice Kingsbury, daughter of Mr. T. B. Kingsbury. LL. D.. editor of the Wil mington messenger. The wedding will take place on the 17th. The Rutherfoi-dlon Democrat says that Captain Thomas Fau. otte. a well known miner, has invented a machine for washing mona'.i'e that is destined to revolutionize the mining of that- mineral. THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES. TlufcDead 1 ekeii I rom ll Itulna .Aftirlhf Rxnlo-lon at. Mew Orleans. j New Oiti.r.Axs, April 8. The follow ing is a correct list of those who lost their lives yesterday morning by the explosion of the gun powder at the Fishermen's exchange, near the French market: C. J..'Slathe, proprietor of the Fishermen's exchange; Mrs. Salathe. wife of C. J. Sal ithe; child of Mr. and Mr. Salathe; J..m-a. Edtvsrds. a shrimp gather, and I'oiix Rlguard. a bartjcfoer. The origin of the explosion is a myste ry. The premises were lighted by gas and a small Pirh. was left burning lu ' the store at night. The powlerlvhich exploded , was kept in two kegs of twenty-live pounds each, a il l was Usu ally kent ia an ice box. The fieri: says J L the tiowder was left ei.uiter. The Smnll Populist Vote in the West. Washington. April S. The decrease in the populist vote in the recent eii c tion is gratifying to l ite so'iti : tnmi -y men here. Tin: vote fell off one-half iu Chicago, and in the western slalom, such Kansas an 1 Nebrasua.' tlie d crease was aim-it in the same prer tion. In ex-lleprev.'it'a t i i llr in's own town in Nenrasks th pninnists and liemiicrais crnbined a a fro- sil ver basis, and were be . ten lit itj nublicaus. Alrtl'Htnn Mi tut. lU-a lit Atlanta. ;i s. Thomas W. nt cot; on merelrtnt of "tra- y"tdet.y yes-:.,-. ii-' was visitini: -a i. Mr-zcn. Tin i v..' i.UUI.C 1 V . - Atlanta. Him ins. a pit Mobile. Al.i . terday f di'.niriiiei bo y . i ' I 'v OHIO MINERS OFFER AID. Urge, tho Striking I'itt-iburr Mluer to Stand by Tlmlr Dvuiand. Coi.UMiirs. O., April 5. The "Ohio miners yester.lay afternoon authorized the sending' of a dispatch to the strik ing miners at 1'ittsburg urging- them to t.tand for the demand made, aud prom ising aid. The resolution. .iUiUntrisiujf u conference with the emil pool with a view to preventing strikes, was adopt- VVECK'3 NEWS CONDENSED. Y1j1!aiw hn to Amnrlran Ctittl, Ottawa, OntJ. April 6. The povern nient has notified all quarantine officers to exercise the greatest piissibif vijj- ila nee in examining- and. quarantining i all cattle from southwest portions of the United States. This action is taken on information received by the depart ment of agriculture from Pueblo, CoL, that pleuropneumonia exists in wes tern states. " I Seal FlHherles Interrogation. M'A'DON, Aprils. Sir George I'aden Powell on Tuesday will ask the govern ment in . tho commons whether they will refue to join the conference pro posed by the United States seal fiish eriesin the North Pacific unless the conference is instructed on tlie lines Kugjfested. by the Paris Tribunal of Ar bitration to deal with the whole ques tion? - IerlKrt Will Change the Index Syfttrm. Washington, April 8. Secretary Hcrliert contemplates thecomplele rev olution of the index system of the de partment, involving the adoption of all the various improvements in card records. A plan submitted by a special committee has Jbeen referred to the bureau officers forexamination and criticisms preparatory to its adoption. More Concerning the A llianca Alt ilr. Tampa. Fla., April 5. In-a dispatch to Editor Rawson, of the Cuba, from Enrique Trijillo, of New York, the explanation given by the Spanish gov ernment of the conduct of her cruiser in firing on the Alliaaca was that Gen eral Maeeo, leader of the the Cuban patriots, was on board. Why the, K.xtra ScsHton Was Called. Jeffkhsos Citt. Mo., April 5. Gov ernor Stone yesterday issued a call for an extra session of the Missouri legisla ture on April 23 to consider the fellow servant bill, a pure election bill, and anti-lobby legislation. The feature of the message is the chief executiv Hcathing arraignment of the lobby. Settlement by Interna! lonal Agreement. Beki.ix, April 5. In the upper house of the landtag yesterday Baron von Manteuffel moved to refer to special committee Count von Meirbach' pro posal to accelerate the settlement of the currency situation by means of an in ternatioual agreement. The motion was carried without debate. Standard Oil's Late 1'nrchasea. New York, April 6. Among proper ty acquired the Standard Oil company has secured a large controlling holding j in the Sistersville, W. Va., oil field i through the purchase of the Kanawha company, through a sub-corporation. Three thonsand acres. With 100 wells, were transierreU lor S50,000. They Tot to Call a StrtkeT Providence:, R. I., April s. The weavers at the Atlantic mill in Olney ville held a meeting yesterday after noon and voted' to strike for a restora tion of the scale of wages paid prior to the last cut down of "29 per cent, which was made a year ago. f Mlntflter Terrell tomtn; FTome, Wasainotos, April 0. Mr. Terrell, United States minister to Turkey, has been granted leave of absence for the first time in two years, and is expected to spend his vacation In this country, returning to his post sometime in August. - Argentina Minister (tails For Europe. Washington, April 4. -Sen or Ze hallos, , the Argentine minister, left here last evening for New York preparatory to a prolonged visit to Europe. During his absence the affairs of the argentine legation will be in charge of Lieutenant Atwell, the naval attache. Senator Proctor, of Teiinemiee, IlL Kjtoxville, Tenn., April 8. Senator Proctor has been confined to his room in a hotel here for the past three days, snffeirng with heavy cold, threatened with pneumonia, lie is, however, con valescent, and his physicians expect him to be out in a day or two. Insists Lpon Permanent Occupation. Rome, April 8. General Baratieri, the commander of the Italian forces in Eastern Africa, insists upon the perma nent occupation of Adoive, which tie entered a few days ago, as well as other towns in the Tigre region. Three Hundred Men .Idle. East Livehtool, O., . April 8. Tho potteries of Knowles. Taylor & Khowlcs shut down in several departments Sat urday night, throwing out of employ ment three hundred men. Over pro duction is given as the cause. Their Employes Wages Increased. Lawrence, Mass., April 5. The ope ratives of the Washington mills were notified yesterday afternoon that they would receive an increase in wages April Sth. The amount was not given and agent Chapiu would say nothing. Voted Aeninnt Conrnl ulutino; I'.iftr.mrck. Behun. April 8. Prince Arenberg, who represents a Bavarian constituen cy in the reichstasr, has been turned out of tho presidency of tho Berlin colonial society because he voted uirm'iist. e.i.iiirrntuiatinp' 15ismi-clr I'resident Cleveland Invited. MEMritiw, Tenn.. April C President Cleveland and the meinliers of his cabi net, (ind the governors of all the .states H'ni their stall's have been Invited to btj present at the Hiw- driil in May. Justice WImhIow Ite-elected to the Bench, - Milwaukee. Wis.. April 4. Justice t 1 T, rxr ! i j i 1 .. 1 . won 11 i. e iumvt, t.euitM.1 u.1, uiircickir d to the supreme bench. A lady at Toolevs, La., was very srk; with bilious colic when M. C. Tis'er, a: prominent merchant of the town gave her a bottle of Chamberlain's, Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemetiy. tie says she was well in forty minutes after taking the first dose. For sale by E. M. Nadal. ARE WELL PLEASED Mill Mon Utter Only Vorda Praise-fo.-tl: South. of VALUABLE 1 v!,,,,in; i l.U Wi n.t I .1 b.ll l.L.lL J. It in Quite Kv.t.-it 1 I1-51 tiio Kaolc of 1 In: r Inqairv Wilt 1h l- j:r o tion of I.K;(f., Mill Vai ! uoil! MntUtie. It a i.K'on. X. C, April 8.- -The Ichusetts mill men arrived last niyht over the Seaboard Airline in the special train provided by that ro;id. The day was pleasantly ' and iuietly spent, and with the exception of a two mile walk to the Lockvilie water power site not, f.tr from Kaletgh. the party did not leave the-train. The mill men left Augusta yesterday morning by the Port Royal an I Western Carolina road and at "1 in toil connected with the Sea board Airline, along which there are I quite a number 01 prosperous cotton t mills. The eastern manufacturers during th iy conversed about' the ! I handsome and profit:! hl milks that thev i ! saw in the Carolines and Georgia, and j by tti- time they return to Massachu setts they will be in possession of a fund of very valuable information re garding the industrial situation in the south. - How th Information Will he Used. Mr. Lovering, president of the Ark wrifjht club of Boston, and the Taunton mills, said that it was likely that the only use that would be in;ide of the information thot had been obtained would be to present them to the Ark wright club, which was a close organ ization, but that it was likely that something wo. iid get out about the report. While the committee docs not indicate when or where a large cotton mill will be located as a result of the investigation, 'mill men who accompa ny the party sy that it would not be good business t:ict to say anything up on such .mat Vers,, but that they are thoroughly .satisfied that the careful and systematic inquiry that is being made will result in tlie building of at least one la rge mill in which New Kn glaud en pi Uil will be largely -interested. The committea has express-d itself as being ..particularly struck with the favorable oonditon of the factory la- bor,""aiid were delighted to know that there was so much available native labor, which seep to be. so well satis isfied with its work. Tne investiga tions of the ' committee" extend from the percentage of wastage to the rate .of taxes, the number' of the varn to the profit, per pard and every other question of detail. SENATE REORGANIZATION. Republicans M.y U:tve IMilit-iKy In Fill ing tlie Finance Committee. Washington, April C In the gossip about the reorganization of the senate it is hinted that the probabilities are very great that the republicans will have difficulty in choosing a" successor on the committee on finance to Senator McPherson. The filling of the pl.-iCe will, in all probability, he the first con test which will occur in the next con gress between the silver men and the anti-silver men. and tho fight will be none the less fierce because fought un der cover. It in intimated that the lines may be drawn so sharply that re organization may be delayed or even defeated by it. The silver men now have a majority of one in the committee, five or six men constituting this majority being demo crats. The silver men are also, in the majority in the senate, but will be in the minority in the republican caucus. Under ordinary circumstances the caucus would control, and in that event, and if left free to act nntrammeled, there is said to be no doubt an anti silver man would le selected for the vacancy. The silver republicans have, it is said, already given notice that the place must be filled with a man from their ranks aud say that in case of fail ure to make this concession they will oppose reorganization and leave the matter with the democrats, who would in all probability fill the -vacancy with a free silver man. Republican sena tors have generally manifested a dispo sition to make the concession, but there are some who are disposed to hold out against it, so that it is not absolutely settled that the silver men shall have their own way about it. MRS. MARY LEASE IGNORED. 81 te Hoard of CharLlus of K;is:m Throws Ker Out. TorKKA, Kan., April 5. In the reor ganization of the state board of chari ties yesterday, Mrs. Lease was entirely ignored by the majority of the mem bers present. Senator Householder be ing under investigation and under sus pension, left the republicans, in the majority, and the man whom Mrs. Lease claims was wrongfully trying to get her seat on the loard was made the permanent secretary, thereby throwing her out. She threatens to retali-.te. The .Saltan Sends Keffrete. Berlin, April 8. The Sultan of Tur key has expressed to Emperor William, by letter, his regret that the condition of the Turkish treasury is such as to prevent the sending of Turkish war ships to take part in the Kiel naval pa rade attendant upon the opening of the North sea and Baltic canai. Tbe Smallpor Kpldemlc Over. St. Loc.i, Mo., April 5. 11. C. Town send, general passenger agent of the Missouri Pacific railway, received a tel egram from Hot Springs, Ark., last evening stating that the smallpox epi- demie at that piae is over- SSO.OOO to the American Cnivcrcltr. Washington. April 6.- The will of the late Rev. Mr. Kirch, of Kokooio. Ind.,. gives S'iO.OOO to the American University of this city, subject tu tiie Lie interest of his widow, il's three children are given S10,000 each. Convention of Manufacturers. . 1 ATLANTA.April 6. The manufacturers r 1.1 . . . 1 . 1 1 ; or Atlanta met. -eLeraay uuu arraiijeu for a convention of manufacturers to be held in May. One object of the as sociation is to prevent hostile legisla tion. ' David SI. None Laid to Rest. New Yokk, April 6. The .funeral of the late David M. Stone was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Central Congregational church. Brooklyn. Rev. A- - Behrends officiated. MEANS MUCH TO THE .SOUTH. JTiijeotnil K'.a l From lh T ii!u..ep"C'oal lit-lii- : o t !mr!eMii or l',:rt liyHl. Knoxvu.i.k, Tenn., April 4. A larg-e nii l -nt V:vi.-.,itie meeting' wus held her ;, 'eti-rd 1 ' sit the interest of a mi'road tro.i; t he ea.st 'I 'ennehsee coal fields t the S':..i'tli Aikuitie Neaboad. at either t;;ir.eio: .r tort Koyal. - Ut presen-- a lives were present from Kentucky, 1 :n!V.-ee.' ,orlii Caroi'uia, South Car ol In 1 u 1, I ( ie.ir-ia. i n t In- forenoon there was an in l'';":: i reception and conference tt the nii;..'fia! Hotel, attended iy I50lea.dinj; J :::-:&, In t at lh whir! e afternoon a meeting was held, j public -hi:! of the court liou, j 1 wa i.tckel anil hundreds could 1 not gt-t seats or standing room. Judge j ?-V '1' li(t'ili iF IZ T, . 1-, 1 1 i V 1 ia.l u ml speeches were n-i.d by I. M. McCully, j oT Anderson, Major Whitner. Major i Lee and L.W. IVrrin. of 'GreenvyotKl: j J. II. Harris m, of V.alhalia. and others, j t. W. Waggoner, of 'h:vrU stoa.' was) present and participiitod. ile.soiti'.ions -.vere ;tfLf.t;'il annrovt a w.-iieme of C it ,,i.-i A. E. li.itme, of Z:::i-svi!le, O.. under which lie pro !')"' t i i-uiid the road. lvithusUm ri.ms high !i :i l in.inv .bi-iieve that - th eo:n.eLiou cf the f.reai iiue is about tj tiecouic u li-v.'ii f:i.jl. THE OFFICIALS WERE PRESENT. Hat 1M1 Not Take Active Part In the Co. I an I'a riot. Mi-etliicr- jACKSoxyiLi.E, Fla.. April The United Mates oflicials who attendeil the m::ss meeting held in this city hist nigljt to express svtup :tby with tlLe Cu ban revolutionists, do not seem at all disturbed by the report from 'Washing ton that 'heir presence at the meeting Is disiipi' ov d of by the federal author ities C uued States District Attorney Clark and United States Marshal Mc Kay, when shown the dispatch from Washington sla'ting that Attorney (! en eraltMney would 'demand an explana tion of their presence, said tbey.did not think thai, th .n- had violated any of the proprieties. They-stated that they at- tended the meeting merely out of tdlu ctfKoslt v and look ho part in the pro- ceedings whatever. They say they did not vote ou the resoiuUoas that were I adopted. - ' In reference to theater statement tha t Attorney General Olney has re-1 ceived in formation that the oflicials did j not .ittemt the meeting, it is necessary to say that, if he (Oiuey) has received I s-e.ch information it is absolutely false. I Messrs. ( lark :.n l M.ns.aj- were at tlie meeting and hundreds saw them. WILL DEN'0 .irrnASESS!ON. ;;vea If the In:-ii-.ii Tax I. it xy is Declared lneottitut!o:ml. WA! itixoros. Anrii 5. The treasury officials say that there is absolutely no eecasoin for an extra- session of Con gress for the purpose of providing rev enue to ci'rry on tiie government. The income tax ntay'he declared uncon.sti- tutiouai. but a balance of 5'i05,0'J0, will. they declare, cover heavy deficits dur ing the eight months remaining before the meeting of congress in regular ses Meii The treasury officials express themselves as not bcl ieving'that any such lietieits will occur. 1 Here naa been a steady increase of late in both the customs and international revenue receipt:;, due to the improvement in "business, but even If ordinary importa tions remain stationary a marked in crease in revenue is expected by the t reastiry from the imparls from sugar. Treasury otiiei.ils say that thev have not been small 'up to this time, for t hey. are always siigiit during the winter. without regard to.' changes in tariff ri tes.. The months of heavy importa tion are usually April, May, June, July and August TRADE CIRCLE IMPROVED. ftl LleuccH of i Itett.r 1,-elintf t'K of llUtUU'RM. in Many I.I New Yof.k, dnv savs : April C l'.rad streets to- The appear;1 nee of more, settled wejithcr, to- (rctht - with the . contimu-il streniMh of cotton, t-lLrnuisitina niuniifac; urei-s to demuiid higher prices for fill! delivery. r:iins'la northwestern wheat regions, whiire irreiUly needed, further increases in wnsfis of industrial employes, heaviest shipments of wheivt abroad, and the rush of the volume of tt.e week's bunk clear ings above tho $ir..tt) OM.rtH m;irk. lire evi dences of t'.ie continuation of a bet tor feeling lu trade circles and returning confidence in nianv lines of business. Bather less of improvement in feeling of has- iness and vi. lim e of distribution of merchan dise has been felt hi the south, proportionate- lv, duruii.' tho past few works th.in elsewhere. The central, western and some eastern indus trial and commercial centers coulin itnij to rc tiort relatively greatest increases in demand aud pro.jpeets. Dun's l-'itilure Keport, Nkw YoitK, April a. II. G. Dun & Co's failure rept.rt is as follows: C. -minor i-.iiil failures in the first -quarter of 1KB numbered 3.002. with liabilities of'Sl.clS,- r,sa, iiver:iin..T J! -.600 each. There were also tJiii-ty-live -biink failures, with liabilities of !-.7e:.5K7 or J"!') oyO -ic!i. If both wcio livmp- are. the ari-ee:. ot liabilities here reached .7 n .... it, .,t.ii.i- r.-iiLirli: tliu would be. t30.4yc.-120.. MINISTER RANSOM BETTER. I lift Condition Iieuanied as nly Ftlt;ne I'roni the lon Trip. 'Washington, 'April 8. The dispatch received at the state department from Secretary Bufler, of our legatjpn to Mexico! gives additional assurance re--pecting Minister Ransom's health. He is mereiy fatigueil aud may suffer from the great altitude of the city. Those who know.Gen-ral Hansom best, bis closest friends, know that he is of ten undeljwtppre-bensive ' of his physi cal condition arid exonerates the symp toms. It is TAilieved here that the new minister will be able to take hold of his - duties in a day or two. FOUND DEAD AT HIS BEDSIDE. Well Known .Tcnii;-cc. Ii'ttlij&;i !les at HM ffoiite at Apox!exy. Ci!.TTAXoo:,A. Tenn., April 8. Cap tain K. T. ' Sheiton v.-ho is particularly weu unown m i eur.e: see a tut af.'img ton poiilic.U circles tvjs. found dead at ncoi. y-sterhiy at Ins bvd.sirie. The cans.; was apoplexy. The deceased was Sid years old and r.ntil r-cent:y first elertr in Whiteside. district. '.ilt of if the i Inspector chief . liiituuioot'a IV. S Sc.t, Blox- Pi. son count . . ?.!. , ays: "I ing cou.h Ci. 'n''.-riatn'st ' "v is l;M't!'t!;'," i:V tt I :, l.arrt- or uhiop- ugii Ren:e- i' tt treeiv tne aiscastr w ct ;-vt o; a;i Gaiiger- ous coiisj u-- r-t v.;. There is no 'danger in giving the r'-"-t-dy to babies. rs it contains ii- t:;! e.r t -i. eri. -.!;. 2anii v-c J bottle; ! 01 ."l-sj ry K. lit. ..ihtl. Highest, of ail in Lea vening Power. TTIITTICT "PAD T)T AAT i lliKS 1 rUK 15LUUU Fiendish Work of a Ncsro Dospo- ,-tHr a t .Tiw.Vnnnv'lln. CRIME SEEMED TO BE HIS DELIG1IT ntebed Battle In a Hnrn In Which a lira T" OClcer MsM-riflfen Ht H'e t Affect Hl'Hitur SvtI Others are Seriously WmindmL Jacksonville. Fla., April 8. Brit Glenn, commonly known as "ivid Char lie." a negro gambler an! desperado, ran amuck here' early yester.lay morn ing and as a result two men are dead and three wounded, one of them prob- i ably fatally. The killed are: Napoleon Stucks, a negro porter employed in Ricker's aa loon; shot in the throat and his neck broken. tEdward Minor, jioliceman; shot through the hearU. The wounded are: Jim demons, a negro commonly known as "Rag Jim"; shot in the right thigh; artery severed and may die. Jaines Minor, ' lieutenant of police; shot in the ankle; wound slight. Ne gro lxotblackname unknown; shot in the right thigh; wound slight. The rirt Man Hi led. Stucks was tho first man killed by Glenn and it was while resisting ar rest that he killed I'olieeman Ed Minor and wounded others whose name are given above. Sucks was killed in the "Rabbitt Foot" saloon, a notorious dive on West bay street. A crowd of necroes were ia the saloon and Glenn drew a pistol on a negro named Willie Manninir. Stucks iokinglv said that he would take the pistol away from Glenn, and advanced toward him. He passed by Glenn, however, and went to- ward a room in the back part of the saloon. As lie u eared the door, Glenn pulled out his pistol and tired striking Stucks in the throat. As stxm as Stucks was shot, he rushed out of the front door of the saloon, and fell dead near the steps. Ulenn turned and fled as his victim was' falling, pursued by a large crowd of negroes who soon lost sight of him in the darkness. Shortly after,Lieutenant Minor, Sher iff l'owilen and other official 9 arrived on the scene and bepan an organized seareh for Glenn. All the negro dives in the western portion of the city were searched and about 5 o'chick the oih cers started their g-ame headed for East Jacksonville. " Discovered in a Itnrn. Filially the murderer, by desperate spurts, succeeded in leaving all behind. Ky this time the chase had led into East Jacksonville and the oilleers were gathered near Hotel Koselaud, com pletely at fault. Just as they were about to ab.M'.ilon the pursuit in that direction, a little boot-black, who was afterwards wounded, came running up and said that he had seen the negro running into a b.iru near the hotel. Policeman El Minor and Lieutenant Jim Minor were tiie first to enter, fol lowed by "Rag Jim." one of the negro pursuers, and the little boot-black. Glenn had' climbed to the loft and was lying- behind a pile of lumber, which formed an effectual barricade, i Lieu tenant Minor called on ( Mean to sur render and the negro answered with a shot. The officer returned the Tire, emptying their pistols, but the negro was effectually protected by the pile of lumber. - ' . 'ollceman Minor Kl!lod. The fusillade continued for ten minutes and of the four men who had entered the barn to arrest !lenn. one was dead and two were wounded. The dead man being Policeman Minor. Lieutenant James Minor, however, was still in the barn firing at lllenn who lay in safety behind the lumber. Sud denly Glenn rose up and tired and droj ped back behind the lumber.' Then Lieutenant Minor felt his ankle give way and knew that he was wounded. I5ut the shot that wounded the lieuten ant had exhausted Glenn's ammunition and the next moment he .had surren dered. . ! The lieutenant led the negro towards the city jail, followed by an immense crowd clamoring for the negro's blood. Later there were rumors that a mob was forming to storm the mil and lynch the negro, and the officers in or der to run no risks removed" the negro secretly from the jail, rowed him across the St. Johns river, flacged down the J train for St. Augustine, when it passed, and carried the negro to the Ancient City, where he was placed in jaiL To Investigate Armenian Outrage. Constantinople, Turkey, April 8. Mr. Henry J. C. Cust, M. P., editor of of the "rallMall Gazette," of London, had an audience with the' Sultan Sat urday, and was invited to proceed to Sassoun as independent commissioner to investigate the alleged outrages in A rrrenii4. Children Cry for A .GREAT COUGH MliBV Perhaps you may think that Scott's Emulsion ij only useful to fatten babies, to round up the angles an make comely and attractive, lean and angular womn and fill out the hollow cheeks and stop the wasting ol the consumptive, and enrich and vitalize the blood ol the scrofulous and anaemic persons,. It will do a1jty but it will do more. It when the ordinary cough S3rrups and specifics enfiTo v( fail. The cough that lingers after the Grip and Pneu monia will be softened and cured by the balsamic heal ing and strengthening influences of this beneficent food-medicine, namely, Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver, Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. j j Refuse substitutes. They are never as, good. j Scott & Bowne. New York. All Druggists. 50c. and Si,' ; Latest U.S. Gov't Report THEY HONOrf LIVINGSTON. The Vrnmuelans tiratcrul for III Speech ' on tho Monroe Doctrine. Washinotox, April 8. Advices fro Venezuela state that Congrt-ssmr. . Livingston, of leorgia, i a hero of tV day there, and that it would not 1ms sur prising if his statue wero erected on the public square at Caracas along-sido that of ex-rwsideut Mtmroe, as an ex ponent of tlie Monroe doctrine. Mr. Livingston introduced the resolution .which passed Congress directing the sUtte pepartment to intercede . between Great Britain and Venesuela for a set tlement of their troubles. " He also made a speech on tho subject, sounding the Monroe'' doctrine. Tho speech, it seems?; has struck a popular chord la Venezuela and has uttraeted "a" great deal of attention there. It has been translated in Spanish and V printed in full as a memorable utterance. - A Ven ezuelan poet has written a poem sound ing Mr. Livingston's praises, and his picture, advices received here say, ap pear in all the newspaper. SEEKING HOMES iN THE SOUTH. Illinois Colonists la Search of m Slt to a Co-operative Town. Chattanooa, Tenn., April 6. A .party gentlemen- who represent an organized colony of Illinois farmers and mechanics, are on their way to Chattanooga and the south delegated by thelr'companlons at home to locate a suitable site for a eo-operativ town In some good locality near some thriv ing city and with good railroad facili ties. They represent 100 families, the heads of which are skilled mechanics, most of them old employes of the Pull man company, and farmers who are anxious to locate in the south. They want to secure a site where each fam ily .can secure about forty acres each, which it 1b intended to' improve and cultivate for homes, while a number of Ktnall industrial concerns will , be ope rated by the men skilled ia tho various trades. They want to locate lu a body with a view to co-operation." ..." CLEVELAND INDIGNANT. The Prenlileut Score Minister Who Ao cuae Htui of Intemperance. Washington, April .8.- When the re port of a speech made in a McthoJist , conference at Salem, Mass.. by the Kev. ( Dr. fnnsir.g, ami a subsequent pu! lished interview with the same gentle- ; man accusing the. president of . intern- j pearance, was shown to President Cleveland last evouinif he said with considerable warmth :' . "This is simply an outrage. Though it la not the first time a thing of this kind has been at tempted. I caf-'-t uvoid a feeling of indigna tion that any ..i.tn who makes any claim to decency, and esnoniatly by on -woo assumes the role of a Christian minister, should permit himself to bcuotae-a diusomiunter of wholewUo lies aud calumnies is not less stupid than yhey are cruel and wicked." .-f FAREWELL TO MR, CLEVELAND. I'.i-nrillno Comtoisxioner Kxchango Com, p!lnii-iin Willi the I'reddent. Washington,; April 8. Baron Hio Lraneo and General Cerquira, ; the special Brazilian' plenipotentiaries, who presented the case of that country in the arbitration of the missions lwmndary contention with the Argen tine Republic, presented their letters of recall to President Cleveland on Sunday and said farewell. The pleni pntcr.tiaries were accompanied by the attaches of the mission, and were pre sented by acting Secretary of State VY't in the blue mom of the white hovu THE NICARAGUA-. CANAL. A C0111111 IhIoii to Investigate It Appointed ; by President Cleveland. Washington, April 0. The president' has appointed the following persona a j commission to investigate and report ' upon "the feasibility, permanence and ex;ense of the Nicarajfua canal on the : route proposed by the . construction ! company:" From the army. Major j William Lndlow, corps of engineers! from the navy, Commander U. T. En dicott, civil engineer ; from civil life, j Mr. Alfred Noble of Chicago, member j of the American society of civil engin- eers. . Special Ajuilfrnment Made. Nash vii.i.K, Tenn., April 8. A special assignment was made Saturday by Kirkpatrick & Co., wholesale grocers, to secure indebtedness of ?175,000, of ; which New York banks hold 325,000, Hartford banks 80,000, and Nashville banks Ms,0d0.- - i The Father Mow a Murderer. Atlanta, April 8. John Barker, who was shot by his father Thursday, in Lumpkin county, died "yesterday- The elder Barker is in JaiL Tho j fight was the result of a dispute cou- j cerning the wives of each. Noted Abolltioolut Dead. Daxielbokviixk, Conn., April 6. Henry Hammond, the- noted abolitiott Ut, died here yesterday, aged 8L- Pitcher's Castoria I will cure a V

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