V gFOR PENS, PENCILS, PAPER AND INKS, GO TO THE ADVANCE STATIONERY STORE-ENVELOPES 5 CENTS PER PACKAGE The Wilson Advance. JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING. i ie:itf' many a new business. i.iihnu many an old business, i;,viv- ninny a dull business. i:.-f.i ii- many a lost business, sarr many a falling business, 'reserve many a large business, so urce success in any business. jping at It Constantly Brings Success Nadal's Drug Store Will He Open Next Sunday. LOCAL. Call at the ADVANCE for all kinds f art material. A fresh lot of china for decorating ran be found at the Advance Art Store. Whn you call, it is always safest to state in plain terms -whether you uant'to see the young or old folks. Our end man has been under the weather this week and begs our read ers to overlook the poor appearance of (lie paper. A large crowd of young people from Wilson went up to Rocky Mount Monday night to attend the germap jMvcn by the Queen City German Cl.ib. Jji these bright spring days don't fnj;ct that the printer is cooped up in a house and that his only recom pense there fJF is his daily wages, liriiui in your subscription. Barbecues and fish frys are now in order. We will be in our office until further. notice from 7 o'clock Monday morning to 7 o'clock Saturday night, to receive our numerous invitations. -Anout a d izen of' the boys wen Out fishing Tuesday morning, at . last re-'ports they had not shown up their catch but were content to tell how many of the finny tribe had nibbled at'tl'.eir bait. ..'' The residence ot Mr. and Mrs. George Connor was the scene of quite a pleasant gathering on Tu s day evening last. The occasion be-uig-a reception given in honor oi their guests, Mi", and Mrs. Harvey McNiir, of llenderson. It will be to the interest of-our reader.-, to see the new line of goods suit ible for .summer wear at E. R. Gays. Silks, org indies, swiss, mus lins, dotted and plain swiss, in white and Black. Crepons, mulls, demities etc., also a fill and complete line of Odord ties. See his stock before making your purchases. Mr. C. V. Knight was in from Barnes Store yesterday and showed us four hen edgs that he had found on his place, the smallest weighed on Iv thirty si"grains the others were slightly larger. Mr. Knight thinks the hens n.n e decided to make their product 'confirm to the current prices. Ahlnuli -gs are small at his placa he is raising a fine crop of grub worms, lie Weighed two last weik th it lipped the Scale A4 f.iur ounces. Silver Wedding Saturday Evening. The handsome home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Oeen on Nash street was thrown open to their friends on Saturday evening, April 20th from 8 to 1 1 o'clock, to make merry the twenty -fifth anniversary of their mar riage. -The house was more than beautiful, woods, garden and hot house having offered their best treas ures to make everything glorious for this couple so justly beloved by rich and poor. The guests were received at the hall door by Mrs. Ino. F. Bruton, and Miss Hutchinron. Col. Jno F. Bruton, with the air which graces so well hiS official honors as Colonel of 2nd Regiment and Mayor of our town, led the way into the reception room and introduced each guest to the receiving party. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Green, Miss El Green, Mrs. Win. Carter, Mr. andMrs. Jas. Hines, Mrs. Thomas S. Kenan, Raleigh, PERSONAL MENTION. People rh They Ciime and (io S..me Priini-inent.-Somi' Ni ver lleuid of 14. 'fur.-. Mr. Jo'in Gulick, of Goldsboro, was in town last week ! Mr. II. B. Hart of Rocky Mount was in lown yesterday. : Mr. J. W. Hines, of Rocky Mount, was in the city one day this week. Mr. Robert Farmer, of Wilming ton, was in the city Sunday visiting his parents. Col. Thos. S Kenan, of Raleigh, was in the city last week visiting Mr. G. D. Green. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Griffin, of Goldsboro, were in the city Saturday fc attending the silver wedding. Mr. and Mrs Slocumb, of Golds boro, were in town last week visiting their daughter Mrs. John Gay. Mrs. W. B. Hill, formerly of this niEii. .- At Richmond, Va . on Tuesday 23rd, Mrs. J. N. Gibbons. The re mains w-ere taken to Faisoiis f.ir interment, OBITUAKY. Dr. and Mrs. Kirby, Raleigh, Mr. ' place, but now of Petersburg, Va., is and Mrs. Smith, Goldsboro. The j visiting Mrs. Herbert Rountree. reception room was decorated in yel- M T . R - v . J " J V - . 'IV I lil ilX-lll low, the mantel being a beautiful monument to what the yellow jasmine, which so abundantly festoons our forest trees, can be made to do. Througa palms and lilies the guests wandered to the back parlor where a dazzling array of presents were dis played, silver in every conceivable shape, could be se.;n, even the simple coin which means so much to the American citizen. The Silver Bill was thoroughly discussed before cross ing the hall w here the dining room presented a beautitul vision of pink, a sea of happy f ices and a large num ber of pretty women, young girls arid t'lose who h.iving left girlhood behind, still foand themselves very far . The artistic centre piece of pink cry santhemums was brought out by el egant silver candelabra shaded with pink, bowls of pink roses were set about the room, Supper was delight fully served by Mr-. Stephen Wtlis. Miss VVcoten, Miss Annie Kenan ar.d Miss Kirby. About two hundred called to express their good wishes to this fortunate couple whose union of twenty-five years has brought happi ness to themselves and to their fellow man. The Advance but echoes tne senti nents of the town at large when we offer to. them old. Rip's famous toast, "Here's to your good health, and yoar family's good health and may you all live long and prosper." for the Northwestern Life Insurance Company was in the city last week. Miss Pauline Woodard who has been visiting Miss Eva Anderson re turned to her home in Black Creek Tuesday. Col. W. A. Bobbin, of Oxford, is visiting friends in Wilson, the Colo nel got a taste of our fish last season and was forced to come back. Mr. E. C. Brooks, lormerly of Wilson, left Monday, for " Washing ton City, where he has secured an appointment in the Treasury Department. Mr. E. C. Warner, representing the Encyclopa'di 1 Bri'tmnica de partment of the Charlotte Observer, was in the city this week taking or ders for this most excellent work: Tiw 11 Offle'f. The .'nominations 4ar town com missioners fir the several wards nilj be made to-night. Up to the resent vrtting not much stir has been made but we look for a lively time before night as a number of dirk horses are being quietly entered for the race. One or two of the present trrard have expressed themselves as being more j han willing to retire and give some one else a chance to serve their country. Uiiivriity Mimmer School. The Summer School at Chapel Hill affords unusual opportunities to young men and women desiring Uni versity education, as well as to teach ers arid those preparing to teach. In struction will be given mainly by Uni versity professors, in English Litera ture, Anglo Saxon History, Latin, Greek, Algebra, Geometry, Trigo nometry and Chemistry. Teachers will be given an opportunity to see exemplified by experts the best meth ods of teaching all the subjects usu ally taught in the preparatory schools Certificates of satisfactory work and attendance, duly' signed by the President of the University and the prolessors, will be given to those who complete the course and stand the examination. Miss Mathilde Coffin, of Detroit, Michigan, a cele brated teacher of young children, will have charge of the primary work. The tuition fee of $5 admits to all instruction during the five weeks ses sion 'of the school. June 25th. to July 26th, 1895. . For circular apply to President Winston or Edwin A. Alderman, Supt. of school, Chapel Hill, N. C. KuiiaWMY. Saturday inornmgthe sun came out and ev ry one was rejoicing at the prospect of an early change to spring weather. The streets were in a quiet state of peace, when all of a , try ! 1H uivmber Th it on Tuesday April 30th at Ma- J sudden a great noise struck upon the inona -Hall the ladies of the Presby-! ear, and in a shoi t space the streets terian Chuich .will give one ot the 1 were alive with a hurrying crowd, 'most elegant, e itertainments we have The centre of attraction was Hackney had for some time-5-an Operetta en- j Bros, buggy factory, here it was that titled. Tin Children's Crusade, wi h Mr. Louis Barnes runaway horse beautiful music and bright, pretty took up. His horseship was traveling costume:. An evening of enjoyment down Nash street at a two minute :s assured and we hope-, the house lick when, as he came abreast of will be filltd. Go and take all of Hackney's, he caught the eye of Mr. jhe children, make yourself happy t George Hackney, who was seated in and help the ladies in their laudable the doorway. It is stated that Mr. undertaking. Mamona Hall Tues- j H. invited liim in, be that as it may, day April 30th. Sir horse made the attempt to enter the jard, but as his speed was rather d i h- !- To.Miajr SiKhi. high, the distance was not accurately According' to notice given last measured. The -result was week the Hon. W. C. Douglas ol Well Mr. Barnes is having a new Carthage: N. C. addressed a large buggy put around the pieces that number of Odd Fellows and other were left intact, citizens at Mamona Hall on Tuesday evening. ( The address was both en tertaining and instructive. Alter leaving the hall the assgmbk-d fellows marched in a body to the Anlwrn Wh itelinnd. Last evening the Methodist church was the scene of another brilliant marriage. The contracting parties, Mr. W. P. Anderson, a son of Capt T. M. Anderson, and Miss Lucy Whitehead, a neice of Mr. F. W. Barnes, President of the First Na tional Bank, are among the most popular of Wilson's young people. The order of entrance of the bridal party was somewhat novel, the brides maids, Misses Susie Move, Nan Branch, Nolia Gardner, Lizzie Ander son and Bessie Harnss, attired in gowns of white organdy and c?rry- ing boquets of brides roses, entered the side aisles, to the soul-inspiring strains of Mendelssohns wedding march, and proceeded up to the front of the church, thence around to the midd'e - aisle .along which thev took their position to await the br'ce After the bridesmaids reached their position the maid of honor, Miss Minnie Deans, entered followed by the bride, in a beautiful robe of white silk, resting on the arm of her uncle. The bride was met at the altar by the groom a d his best man, Mr. T. M. Anderson, Jr. The impres sive service of the church was said by the Rev.. Mr. Ivey. During the reading of "the service Mrs, Vcnable rendered an instrumer.ta 1 solo. -Oil ! Piomist: Me," which, as the ceremo ny was completed, was changed into the 'trui. n ph tut peals of Lohengrin's wedding m iroh, to the strains of which the newly wedded couple made their exit fro n the church and their et e of single blessedness. The church wis hin lsineiy dec orated. Immediately after the ceremony the bridd pirtv were driven to the residence of Mr. F W. Barnes where a banquet was tendered them. The groomsmen were, Messrs. T M. Anderson. Jr., Ernest Nadal Dave Woodard, Edgar .Simp-son, T. M. Washington and H. w 1 Whitehead The ushers were Mes sers. F. S. Davis, E. K. Wright, A. P. Branch and A YV. Vemble The presents were many and handsome. Marcellus C. Pridgen was initiated into Centenial Lodge No. 96 I. O. O. F. April 3rd 1884 and remained a faithful, consistent and worthy mem ber of the same until April 3rd 1892 when death served the bond and his soul took its flight into that eternity beyond. He filled the elective offices of Vice Grand and Noble Grand of his lodge and was its representative 10 the Grand Lodge of N. C, at its session at Fayetteville. The writer has heard him allude to his visit to the Grand Lodge and the pleasure and enjoyment he had at that meeting. It seemed to open' up to his mind greater fields and to' his conscientiousness greater purposes' of tne workings of Odd Fellowship. He had in himself the cordial virtues that make true Odd Fellowship in the beauty of its growth and the simplicity of its truth. He was fra ternal, he was great in the magnani-' ty of his heart, he was an honest man. His character had no stain or blot and his whole moral life was a fit example worthy of emulation. He had a just sense ol pride and strove under circumstances when "stouter bodies and stronger minds might have faltered and despaired, he still fought on and conquered. He was generous, he always did his part everywhere and under a'l circumstan ces and his own comfort was often times sacrificed to the convenience and comfort of some one else. Such a life speaks volumes and its influence will continue to be felt even when his; name and memory is forgotten. 1 le has gone from our lodge room, yet he has left us the memories of a name and life that will linger in oir hearts and no one will remember the name of Marcellus Pridgen with anything save tenderest memories and frater nal respect. , ( . Resolved 1st. That while we Dow in humble sub.nission to . the Providence that directs our ways yet we mourn the loss of one of our truest brothtrs. . Resolved 2nd. That ; Centenial Lodge loses a faithful -Odd r F ellow whose tye was ever single . to hi Is iut tei est and advane-ement and in honor and respect to his j memory, these resolutions be adopted and ordered spread upon a memorial page in the secretary's book, that a copy be sent to the family ot the deceased ai d likewise a o py be sent lo a -.newspaper fr publication. .., . Respi ctfuKy submitted, 5 E G. Moore. T. B. W INSTEAD, At. EX V INSliCAU. April 4, 1S95. , 4 Attention mers! GAY'S CASH STORE! Whann's Plow Brand Peruvian Mixture Orlno'co Tobacco Gnano Eclipse s WHANN'S PLOW BRAND. Away back in the sixties Whann's Plow Brand was intro duced to the planters in. this. section, and because of its superi or worth and many excellencies as a fertilizer of hi oh. orade, it has for thirty-five years-continuously taken the lead "of all fertilizers, until now it is recognized as the King of Guanos. During these thirty-five years it has witnessed the rise and fall of many notorious and celebrated brands, but these no torious brands were good lor only a few seasons, and be ing adulterated more and more each succeeding year they soon became extinct. For bright, yellow, 'flaxy tobacco" Use - Plow - Brand and you will make no mistake. The old cotton planters say that Plow. Brand aKvays yields large cotton crops. ORINOCO. April 25th, 1895. . Jacob Reed's Sons' Glothin to measure, or no sale. Perfect fit guaranteed, ; This justly, celebrated tobacco fertilizer is all that its manv patrons claim it to be. Reference all planters who have tried it, and they number among the thousands. - PERUVIAN MIXTURE. This brand of guano has been on the market for fifteen years and we have yet to hear a single complaint against it. It's friends also are legion. . , .-. . eclipse;- ",' Com T"hfis is-a fertilizer peculiarly adapted to cotton, grain etc.. and we would urge upon that ciass w ho discard the idea of buying old brands and who b rlieve Uv.it-new brands of -.fertili-zers'ape generally trie best goods to pay 'us a call and let us supply them for this season. " iRe.rnejTi.be r that the above named brands arc only to be had. at J..C, Tladley's where he will be pleased to book your ' or drs jor the. present season at prices to suit hard times. We Jiand le aso . NEW AND COMPLETE LINE -OF Silks, White Goods, , Organdies, . Dotted Swiss, : ; Ducks, : - , Crepons, &c '.: Jupiter Silk, 48-inches wide, the best'fabric known for dress es and waists, $1 a yard. . ":- 1 . I. :- ' - ' ' Shoes and tefords for .men, women an'd children in black and tan. The latest styles. ACID lTEIMIT, COTTON SEED MEAL In large quantities and will be glad to quote )ou prices when desired. ' SEB OUR LINE OF CLOTHING! tk G. CORSETS A R l TH 1- BEST! J.C. 1 4-. ft V1 i J Cmii 1 i mttiit t tli lof;. A very delicue comoliment wa lately bestowed by a doj lover upon the intelligence of his Skye : terrier. The owner of the dog was - sitting in his office apparently alone-when an acquaintance entered. "Glad to find you alone," said the visitor," because 1 have a confidential communication to make to vou which no one eliie must hear." "Hold on a minute," cried the oth er, checking him. And then he call ed out: "Here, Spot." A small terrier crawled out lrom under the table, wagging his tail. "Go out Spot," said his master. The dog went out. "Now then," said the owner, "you may go on with your confidential communication. Now we are alone." Exchange. Otmti.iriaO v.- Ar. ars. Idaho is twice ;ts 1 irge as Arkan sas. Colarado is "t wice the size of Ala bama. (Tunis' and Ohio are nearly the same size. I Cyprus is almost as huge as Con necticut. .'s. Ireland is about half the size ol Missouri. ;' Sumatra is neaily twice the size ot California. "' Australia is about the size of the VUnited States. CITY DOTS. -o- 3ED! 3FL- Gr . .- CORNER NASH AND TARBORO STS, , r Hon't forcnt that the Plate Glass" . I'ront 'n Nash street (oj)posite the Conic House) is the place to get every th.n you need in the way of pens, pev.cils, piper inks, in endless varieties We -have a line o( dress goods in crepons, duck , organdies, lawns and pique at unheal d f prices, M. T. . Youn- PHI 3- WEEK! I-. V. V. V. '. Pens, ' Penholders, Pencils, and Printing all lo be lound Advaxck Si uionerv store. Paper at the Europe is less than one fourth the) size of A.sia. I Sutltlen Death Last Week. Quite a sudden death occured near Farmer's Mill one dav last week. Fire IUoikI ly. The fire alarm was sounded on Monday last and the boys quickly located the blaze and made pi epara tions to turn on the water but no water came. , It seems that the hydrants h?d been cut off while some tapping was being done and the men failed to cut them in again The fire was found to be in a lot of cotton belonging to Mr. j. H. Applewhite which was lying on" the - cotton- yard of Mr. A. P Branch beven bales were damaged about $ioo. Loss was covered by insurance with Messrs. Woodard and Whitehead. Dr. I. I J vi i- U-il? in X 1 tviCCPC. VJ. 1. IX .JJi?i ill liio po.Mvo I einn a rnrious hen etP- nresented to The miller, Mr. Tete Ricks had , . . , Mark ' Few. of this citv Briggs Hotel where a most elegant, been to town all day and on his re Th(? ggg measureg eight i and a hall banquet had been prepared. Quite a turn home found h;s uife. feeling a inches in c;rcuinference one way and little unwell but not enoutrh so to ' .- , , . . OrliliHl UltHf rvtiiiH. The only bar between some men and civilization is a bar of soap. ..Girls who fail to jump at proposals this year can leap into matrimony ? next year. A man who is mean , enough to steal the close of day wouldn't hei-, tate to purloin the shades i f night. It doesn't make a bit of difference whether there is a tax on tobacco or n )t, you always have to pay twenty five cents lor a quarters worth. "How shall we meet spring?" asks an exchange. Such a spring as the present one ought to be met withyut gloves and knocked out In the first round. A Short Ttsnn Kipn-M. Blinks Oh, yes, she carries her self like an express and bosses , me around all she likes now, but wait un til we are married, and see how bhe'll fawn and cringe. Winks To you? Blinks No, the servant jirl. N. Y. Weekly. Asia is the 'arrest continent, 16 'OQO.ooo square miles. OUR SPRING 01 Miss Florence Taylor is with us and viii show vou through our niilli in l v depart an nr M. T. Young. For tennis bah:-.. n-,-ts rackets, and Corea is exactly the size of Kansas, j ,k r tl'supp'-s at the AlA'ANXF. 82,000 square miles. i S'ai'-inerv siore. ' 1 1- ,t,e I D'.ni': for-rt-i -the ",.oco 1 air of 1 I . , -. men s .OKI 00 y- j) i-ii-. ai. v: a pan at YcHin-i's. Missouri is almost thtee times size of West Virginia. Ecuador has 1 1 8,000 sqare ini-es. About the size of New Mexico. . We are now opening the Largest and Cheap est Line of Spring Goods in the city. number of visitors were present from the lodges of adjoining towns. The evening was passed in feasting and listening to short seeches from thoe who had been selected to an-' hwer to the toasts of the evening. Dandruff is due, to an enfeebled state of the skm. Hill's Hair Re viewer quickens the nurtntive func tions of the skin, healing and pre venting the formation ot dandruff. cause any alarrrTj" ar.d, having some: business at the mill he went to attend ' it before night. He had barely reach ed the mill house however when he was lollowf d by a boy who announc-' ed that his wife was dead. Mrs. Ricks it seems was taken suddenly with a pain in the heart and told her mother who was present, that she' could only live two minutes, and such proved the fact" er way. The egg shell was cracked open and the egg found to contain no yolk. In place of the yolk was a per fectjy formed hen egg about as large as an ordinary egg. The sight of an egg within an egg is rarely seen. The inner egg had a complete shell. Atlanta Constitution. The instinct of anim ils is strikingly wonderful at times. It .is worah i ft;! how the instinct of a shedding cat in variably leads her ro -brush fondly up against the leg of your best t roust i s Orange (Va) Obsei ver." . " Art maiuial fall kinds for sale at j the Au'vANcr Stationery Store Nash street. lilierv, nal Young's. hais tiom 2S )k s up t our mil. to $3 at I GOODS . Our clothing runs from $125 up to $20 at M. T. Young's. '1 lil- I'.VOlUllllll Of medical agents is gradually, rele gating the old time herbs, pills, draughts and vegetable extracts to the rear and bringing into . general use the pleasant and effective liqlid laxative Syrup of Figs. To get $ie true remedy see that it is manufac tured by the California Fig Syrjp Co. only.' For sale by all leading druggists. Orinoco Tobacco Guano is king of the Golden Belt. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to Personal enjoyment when rightly usoa. The many, who live Let ter Jthan others and enjoy liie more, v. Jih ?ess expenditure, by more promptly iiflapting the world's bet produets to. the needs of; physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liq::i;i laxative principles embraced iu the feiuedy, Hyrup of Figs. ! Iu excellence is due to its prc.cnting In the form mot-t nccoptaole arid jilca? h:it to the taste, the ref rushing and truly beneficial properties of a 'rfect lax ative: effectual! v c'.eaiisins: the systi-nt, diselliiig lds, .headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It lias pi veil satisfaction to inillions raid met with the approval of the "niedii al profession, bcc.au it actt on the Kid licys, Liver .and Bowels' without walc ciuiig them antl it is jK-rfectly free from every objectionable substance. , Syrup of Fisrs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and 1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig ?yrun Co. only, whose name is printed on every I'tickaire, also t'.e name. Sy rup of Fiir.- Iand being well informed, you will noi accept any substitute if oiiereil. Special low prices on men's '.fine. Prince Albert su;i this wetk' at Young's. Ladies slippers and Oxford ties from 50c a pair m-at Young's. Enve'.opt s and paper cheap at the Aovanci: Stationery store. Nice line of dress goods with trim mings to match at Young's. Some beautitul pieces rtf silver are on exhibition at Raw Is.' Still closing out our line, ol Princ Albert suits. M.T.Young. Pencils and pencil tablets for sch.oo. children A dyanck Straw, hats for men women and children at Young's. Ofinoco Tcbacco Guano, is king of!' the Golden Pelt. "j Do look at M. T. Youni's silk f r I ' ' I ladies-shut waists. . - j We vvili sell you snuff at 2,c per jxjund Yo.mg. Examine M. T. Young's big line il'HT matting. . Men's new style negligee shirts at Young's. Alpine and Derby l?ts. at M. T Young's. Tlu p'.eile:s shirts for sale at Young's. Clothing at ; 5f puce this week at Ykj ling's. Our Dress Goods are new, and the prices suit the times. We don't ask' you to buy, but we do ask you to look at them. If they are not cheap, if they are not pretty, don't buy them! CLO THING! Our Spring Clothing you will find cheaper t than any in town. SHOES! SHOE We lead, others follow. Our stock is cj plete, but we haven't time to tell you oj bargains we have this week. Yours Most Respectfully, M. T. YOUNG. 1 ( t

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