1 i can, without doubt, be cured in iti5 early stages. It is a battle from the start, but with the right kind of weapons properly used it can be overcome and the insidious foe vanquished. Hope, courage, proper exercise, will power, and the regular and continuous use - of the best nourishing food-medicine in existence Scott's Emulsion the 'wasting can. be arrested, the lungs healed, the cough cured, bodily energies renewed and the physical powers made to assert themselves and kill the germs that are beginning to find lodgment in the lungs. This renowned preparation, that has no doubt cured hundreds of thousands of incipient cases of Comsump tion is simply Cod-liver Oil emulsified and made palatable and easy of assimilation, combine"! with the Hypophosphites, the great bone, brain and nerve tonic. Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. and Si. FOURa- eay," if remarked, "we have reason to lielieve that the matter promises to be even more complex, and mysterious than was originally supposed". Fresh evidence has shown that it. is quite im possible that Mr. Thaddeus Sholto could have been in any way concerned in the matter. He and the house keeper, Mrs. Bernstone. were both re leased yesterday evenipg-. It is be lieved, however, that the police have a clew to the real culprits, and that it is being prosecuted by Mr. Athelney .Jones, of Scotland Yard, with all his well-known energy and sagacity. Fur ther arrests may be expected at any moment." "That is satisfactory so far as it eoes," thought I. "Friend Sholto is safe at any rate. I wonder what the fresh clew may be; though it seems to be a stereotyped form whenever the police have made a blunder." I tossed the paper down upon the ta ble, but at that moment my eye caught an advertisement in the agony column. It ran in this way: . "Lost. Whereas Mordecai Smith, boatman, and his son Jim left Smith's wharf at or about three o'clock last Tuesday morning in the steam launch funne' black with " a-white band, the Bum of five pounds will be paid to any one who can give information to Mrs. Smith, at Smith's wharf, or at 221 b Uaker street, as to the' whereabouts of the said Mordecai Smith and the launch Aurora.'-' This was clearly Holmes' doing. The Uaker 6treet address was enough to prove that. It struck me as rather in genious, lecause it might be read by the fugitive's without their seeing in it more than the natural anxiety of a wife for her missing husband. It was a long day. Every time that a knock came to the door, or a. sharp step passed in the street. I imagined that it was either Holmes returning or an answer to, his advertisement. I tried to read, but my thoughts would wander off to our strange quest and to the -ill-assorted and villainous pair whom 'we were pursuing. Could there be, ' I wondered, some radi cal flaw in my companion's reason ing? Might he -be suffering -from some huge self-deception? Was it "not possible that his nimble and specu- lative mind had built up this .wild theory upon faulty .premises?' I had never known him to be wrong; and yet Vi1 Lccne.-.t t-easoner may occasionally be deceived. He was likely, I thought, to fall into error, through the over refinement of his logic his preference for a subtle and bizarre explanation when a plainer and " more common place one lay ready to his hand. Yet, on the other hand, I had myself seen the evidence, and I had heard the rea sons for his deductions. When I locked back on the long chain of curious cir cumstances, many of them trivial in themselves, but all tending in the same direction, I could . not disguise from myself that even if Holmes' explana tion were incorrect the true theory must be equally outre and startling. At three o'clock In the. afternoon there was a loud peal at the bell, an authoritative voice in the hall, and, to try surprise, no less a person than Mr. Athelney Jones was shown up to me. Very different was he, however, from the brusque and masterful professor of common sense who had taken over the case so confidently at Upper Norwood. His expression was downcast, and his .bearing meek and even apologetic. "Good day, sir; good day," said he. v "Mr. Sherlock Holmes is out, I under stand." "Yes, and I cannot be sure when he will be back. But perhaps, you would care to wait. Take that chair and try . one of these cigars." "Thank .you; I don't.-inind if I do," 6aid he, mopping his face with a red bandanna handkerchief. "And a whisky-and-soda?" "Well, half a glass. It is very hot for the time of ye'ar; and I have had a good deal to worry and try me. You know my theory about this Norwood case?" "I remember that you expressed one." "Well, I have been obliged to recon sider it. I had mv net drawn tightly round Mr. Sholto, sir,, when pop he went through a hole in the middle of it. He was able to prove an alibi which could not be shaken. From the time that he left his brother's room he was never out of sight of some one or other. So it could not be he who climbed over roofs and through trap-doors It's a very dark case, and my professional credit is at stake. I should be very glad of a little assistance." . "We all need help sometimes," said I. "Your friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, is a wonderful man, sir," said he. in a husky and confidential voice. "He's a man who is not to be beat. I have kpown that young man go into a good : many cases, but I never saw the case yet that he could not throw a llghv tipon. He is irregular in his methods, . and a little quick, perhaps, in jumping at theories, but, on the whole. I think he would ha;e made a most promising j officer, and I don't care who. knows it I have had a wire from him tkis morn- ing, by which I understand that he has sffot son' lew to this Sholto business. " f'R message." the waste the telegram out of his pie's nd handed it to me. It was n" .. 1 .vi l'" Poplar at twelve o'clock. y .c srv'Thf" r-jr. street at mvp," it said, mill ' hcjrnot returned, wait for me. I 5 j,; . " thevn tne trac of , the Sholto ' - ".can come with us to-night Jhs fwhko be in at the finish:" y-Z ed) were -ns well. He has evidently I j -p. ..he 6cent again," said f. . Cluu5n hehas been at fault too," peopled Jones, with evident satisfac- 'IT.-TT1 .!.. bocf f4 --It; !-. 0,w.ii.n W TV-.. iv " J v no 11. V . UUUU - soSietirnes. Of course this course tins may nrove to oe a iaj.se aiarm; out it is mv duty as an officer ol the law to allow no chance to slip. But there ' is some ' one at the door. Perhaps this is he." A heavy step was heard ascending the etairs, with a great wheezing and TlOi i tuning as iroin a man wno was sorciy put to it for breath. Once or twice he stopped, as though the climb was too much for him, but at last he made his way to our door arid entered. His ap pearance, corresponded to the sound which we had heard. lie was ai aged man, clad in seafaring gaib, with an old -pea jacket buttoned up to his throat. His back was bowed, -his knees were shaky, and his breathing was painfully asthmatic. As he leaned upon a thick oaken cudgel his shoul ders heaved in the effort to draw air into his lungs. He had a colored scarf round his chin, and J could see little of his face save a pair of keen dark eyes, overhung by bushy white brows, and " "WHAT IS IT, MY MAX?" I ASKEn. long gray side-whiskers. Altogether he gave me the impression of a re spectable master marriner -who had fallen into years and poverty.' "What is it, my man?" I asked. lie looked about him in the slow me thodical fashion of old age. "Is Mr. Sherlock Holmes here?" said he. "No; but I am acting for him. You can tell me any message you have for him7" ' - . "It vas to him himself I was to tell it," said he. "But I tell you that I am acting for him. Was'ifl about Mordecai Smith's boat?" "Yes. I know well vhere it is. An I knows where the men he is after are. An' I knows where the treasure is. I knows all about it." "Then tell me, and I shall let him know." "It was to him' I was to tell it," he repeated, with the petulant obstinacy of a very old jman. , "Well, you must wait for him." "No, no; I ain't goin' to lose a whole day to please no one. if Mr. Holmes ain't here, then Mr. Holmes must find it. all out for himself. I don't care about the look of either of you, and I won't tell a word." He shuffled towards the door, but Athelney Jones got in front of him. - "Wait a bit, my friend," said he. "You have important information, and you must not walk off. We shall keep you, whether you like or not, until our friend returns." The old ma n made a little run to wards the door, but, as Athelney Jonys put his broad back up against it, he recognized the nselessnessof resistance. "Pretty sort o' treatment this!" he cried, stamping his stick. "I come here to see a gentleman, and you two, who I never saw in my life, seize no and treat me in this fashion!" "You will be none the worse," I said. "We shall recompense you for the loss of j our time. Sit over here on the sofa, and you will not have long to wait." He came across sullenly enough, and seated himself with hj.-s face resting on his hands. Jones and I resumed our cigars and our tsilk.- Suddenly, how ever. Holmes' voice broke in upon us. "I think that you might offer me a cigar, too," he said. We both started in our chairs. There -was Holmes sitting close to us with an air of quiet amusement. "Holmes!'' I exclaimed. "You here! But where is the old man?" "Here is the old man," said he, hold ing out a heap of white hair. "Here he is wig. whiskers, eyebrows, and ' all. I thought my disguise was pretty good, but I hardly expected that it would stand that test." "Ah. you rogue! " cried Jones, highly delighted. "You would have made an actor, and a rare one.' Yon had the proper wf.rkhouse cough, and those weak legs of jours ure worth ten pound a week. I thought I knew the glmt of j-our eye, though. You didn't get away from us so easily, vou see." "it have been working in that get-up ail daj-, said he, lighting his cigar. "You see, a good many of the criminal classes Wgin to know me especially since our friend here took to publish ing some of mj cases; so I can only go on tne warpath under some simple dis guise like this. You got my wire?" - nioi was wnur. i;rougtil me here. "How has vour case prospered?" "It has all come to nothing. I hav had to release two of mj- prisoner's, and there is no evidence against the other two." "Never mind. ?e shall give you two others in the place of them. But you must put yourself under my orders. You aro welcome to all the official credit, but yon, must act on the lines that I point out. Is that agreed?" "Entirely, if you will help me to the men." "Well, then, in the first place I shall want a fast police-boat a steam launch to be at the Westminster" Stairs at seven o'clock." ' "That is easily managed. There is always one about there; but I can step across the road and telephony? to make sure." "Then I shall want two stanch men, in case of resistance." . "There will be two or three in the boat. What else?" "When we secure the men we shall get the treasure. I think that it would be a pleasure to my friend here to take the box round to the young lady to whom halfof it rightfully belongs. Let her be the first to open it. Eh, Watson?" "It would be a ereat pleasure to me." "Rather an irregular proceeding," said Jops, shaking- hy ".'r; ever, the whole thing- is irregular, and I suppose we must wink at it. The treasure must afterwards be handed over to the authorities until after the official investigation." "Certainly. That is easily managed. One other point. I honll lik.- ranch to h:;ve a few details about this matter fr m the lips of Jonathan Small him-solf- You know I like to work the de tail of my cases out. There is no ob jection to my having an unofficial in terview with him either here in my l-oo-cs or elsewhere., as long as he is ef ficiency guarded?" "Well, you are master of the situa tion. I have had no proofs yet of the existence of Jonathan Small. How ever, if you can catch him, I don't see how I can refuse you an interview with him." "That is understood, then?" "Perfectly. Is there anything else?" "Only that I insist upon your dining with us. It will be ready in half an hour. I have oysters and a brace of grouse, with something a little choice in white wine. Watson, you have never j et recognized my merits as a house keeper." CHAPTER X. THE END OF THE ISLANDER. Our meal was a merry lone. Holmes could talk exceedingly well when he chose, and that night he did choose, lie appeared-to be in a state of nerv ous exaltation I have never known him so brilliant. He spoke on a quick succession of subjects, on miracle plays, on medieval pottery, on Stradi varius violins, on the Buddhism of Cey lon, and on the warships of the fu ture handling each as though he had made a special study of it. Ilis bright humor marked the reaction from his black depression of the preceding days. Athelney Jones proved to be a sociable soul in his hours of relaxation, and faced his dinner with theoair of a bon vivant. For rttyfeelf, I felt elated at tLe thought that we were nearing the end of our task, and I caught some thing of Holmes' gayety. None of us alluded during dinner to the caut which had brought us together. When the cloth was cleared Holmes glanced at his watch and filled up three glasses with port. "One bumper," said he, "to the success of our little expedition. And now it is high time we were off. Have you a pistol, Watson?" I have my old service revolver in iny desk." "You had best take it, then. It is well to be prepared. I see the cab Is at the door. I ordered it for half -past six." It was a little past seven before we reached the Westminster wharf and found our, launch awaiting us. .Holmes eyed it criticallj. "Is there anj-thing to mark it as a police boat?" "Yes that green lamp at the side." "Then take it off." , The small change was made, we stepped on board, and the ropes were JOXES, HOLMES AND I SAT OX THE DECK. ca.vt oft5. Jones, Holmes and I sat in th6 stern. There was one man at the rudder, one to tend the engines, and two burly police inspectors forward. "Where to?" asked Jones. "To the tower. Tell them to stop oposite to Jacobson s j-ard. Our craft was evidently a very fast one. We shot past the long lines of loaded barges as though they were sta tionary. - Holmes smiled with satisfac tion as we overhauled a river steam er and left her behind us. "We ought to be able to catch any thing on the river," he said. "Well, hardly that. But there are not many launches to beat us." "We shall have to catch the Aurora, and she has a name for being a clipper. I will tell you how the land lies, Wat son. You recollect how annoyed I was at being balked by so small a thing?" "Yes." "Well, I gave my mind a thorough rest by plunging into a chemical analysis. One of our greatest states men has said that a change of worfc is the best rest. So it is. When I had succeeded in dissolving the hydrocar bon which I was at work at, I came back to our problem of the Sholtos, and thought the whole matter out again. My boys had been up the river and down the river - without result. The launch was not at any landing stage or wharf, nor had it returned. Yet it could hardly have been scuttled to hide their traces though that always remained as a pos sible hypothesis if all else filcd. I knew that this man Small haa a cer tain degree of low cunning, but I did not think him capable of anything in the nature of delicate finesse. That is usually a product of higher education. I then reflected that since he had cer tainly been in London some time a; we had evidence that he maintained c continual watch over Pondicherrj lodge he could hardly leave at a mo ment's notice, but would need some little time, if it were only a day, to arrange his affairs. That was the bal ance of probability, at any rate." "It seems to me to be a little weak," said I. "It is more probable that he had arranged his affairs before ever he set out upon his expedition." '.'No. I hardlv thlllk SO. This: lnii- nl Continued Next Week. Tee years' use off Mexican Mustang Liniment in a Livery Stable For Sprains, Stiff Joints and Harness Galls. Hill cores HEAVES with Mexican Mustang Liniment in 6 hours. tndkl U ken It wa out Due. There is a doctor connected with the University of Burlalo 'who has had a hal .it of saving "do you catch, ihe'itlea?'' to ihe youtij; men who are in his charge when he lias made or tried to make a point in his lectures at the quiz classes. Once he had an odd case among his private patients, and he invited a student to go with him to see it. The patient was a woman. Before entering the room the doc tor carefully explained the disease to the student and told him that he had .sent the woman some medicine the night before which he was con fident would help her. He explained the composition of the medicine, told what particular combination oi drugs would benefit this disease and then entered the sickroom. "How do you feel this morning, Mrs. K ?" he asked. "Oh, doctor," replied the patient "you have no idea how much better I leel." . "There, young man," said the doc tor, turning to the student, ''do you catch the idea?" "Yes, doctor," continued the sick woman. "I do leel much better." "Took my medicine, I suppose?' queried the doctor. "Well, no," , replied the patient. "You see mv husband was detained away from home last night, and I didn't get it all." "I don't think," broke the student, "that I exactly caught the idea." The doctor hadn't a word to say Buffalo Express. Hie Dl8civry Saved IiIh Life, Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Bea vers, 111., says: "To IV- King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with LaGrippe and tried all the physi cians for miles about but of no avail was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We wont keep store or house without it." Trial bot tles free at Hargrave's drugstore One of Clay's Puralleln. When Henry Clay was stumping Kentucky for reelection to Congress he met at one ot his addresses an old hunter of wide political influence who stood up in the meeting and said: "Harry, I've always gone fer ye, but since you voted so and -so I'm going agin' ye." Clay paused and said: "That's a good rifle you'e got. my lriend, isn't it?1' "Yes." "You think a" great deal of that rifle don't, you?" "Yes." "Well, did she ever miss fire?" "Yes." "Why don't you throw her away then?" The old man thought a man mo ment and said: "Harry, I'll try you agin." Life's Calendar. KliuttiiiHtism Cnreil. Rheumatism is caused by lactic acid in the blood attacking the fibrous tis sues of the joints. Keep your; blood pure and healthy and you will not have rheumatism. Hoods Sarsaparilla gives the blood vitality and richness and tones the whole body, neutralizes the the acidity of the blood and thus cures rheumatism. Hoods Pills are the best after-dinner pills, assist digestion, cute headache. The Fute f Tantalus. Mrs. Scribbles (impressively) Whatever you do never marry a newspaper man. School Chum Why not' I married one, and I know. Every night my husband brings home a big bundle of newspapers from all over the country, and they "most drive me crazy." "The newspapers?" "Indeed they do. They are just crammed with the most astonishing bargains, in stores a thousand miles away" Ex. TH E BEST is what the People buy the most. of. That 'S Why Hood's Sarsaparilla has the largest sale O F ALL M EDICINES. A Paine one. "The nearest I ever came to being married," said the old batchelo-, "was when a shop keeper gave me a bad 50 cent piece, and I went back and tried to get a be ter half." Read His Positive Statement. Washington, N. C, Fob. 14, 1895. Lyon Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, X. Y. Gentlemen: I havo used Mexican Mus tang Liniment for ten years in my livery stable, anl find that it is the best thin iu the world for a IIeavet House. Put throe table spoonfuls of Mustang Liniment in a pint of cold water and give it to the horse anil it will stop the heaves in 6 hours. I can also recom mend it for Sprains, Stiff Joints, Harness Galls and as a first-class 1-inimcut for Family use. Yours, Leading Sale & Livery Stable. G. IL HILL. Stub Knda of lhougbt. It isn't what we think we are that other people think we are. v It is easier to be polite to our crtd itors than It is to our debtor?. j Some men would rather hot' pray . than have their trousers bag at, the knees. So very few women are great geni uses because so many women are, so I nearly that. There is not a wide margin between saying a mean thing and doing a mean thing. Something more than finite poer is needed to prepare mankind for an infinite condition. A man will follow a word with a blow, while a woman will follow a blow with a great many words. A woman sets her mind to do a thing without thinking whether other people's minds are set that way Or not. 'It isn't always the man who has the money who his n snvhnp; counte nance; it's the in. hi who wants to bor row it. Cure For Headache. As a remedy for all forms of head ache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by gi ving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only .50c at Hargrave's drug store. Four Stop. Agent Can I supply you with a piano, organ, harmonium, or a musi cal instrument of any kind?" Crusty old spinster "No, sir; I hear plenty of that noise from next door. Miss Flighty has bought a new organ." Agent Ah, indeed! Do you know how many stops it has?" C. O. S. Yes; four breikfast, dinner, tea and supper." Musical Record. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she criod for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clun to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Self Criiiiin.il i..n Raoul I had a dog who attacked all the rascals. His Freind What did you do with him? Raoul I had to get rid of him. He was everlastingly biting me- Paris Revue. Why Was It that Ayer's Sarsaparilla, out of the great number of similar preparations manufac tured throughout the world, was the only medicine of the kind admitted at the World's Fair, Chicago? And why was it that, in spite of the united efforts of the manufacturers of other preparations, the decision of the World's Fair Directors was not reversed? BECAUSE According to Rule 15 "Articles ! that are in any way dang-eronB or o- offensive, also patent medicines, oj nostrums, and empirical prepara- q tions, whose ingredients are con- oi cealed, will not be admitted to the oi Exposition," and, therefore 9i O; . Becaute Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a Oj patent medicine, not a nostrum, and not j a secret preparation. 0 Becautt its proprietors had nothing to j conceal when questioned as to the for- oj mula from which it is compounded. Oi Becaute it is all that it is claimed to be o! a Compound Concentrated Extract of Oj Sarsaparilla, and in every sense, worthy the indorsement of this most important o committee, called together for passing O upon the manufactured products of the 2 entire world. 0 o: oi o! oj Oj Oi o Ayer's Sarsaparilla Admitted for Exhibition AT THE WORLD'S FAIR ?.g 000.0 P 0 1 0 p o 0.0 o o o 0 00 oc TASTELESS IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. FR!COcts. Pari Medicine Co.,; NT" K Gentlemen: Wo oold last jear, 600 botthea of OaoVE'8 TASTELESS CHliL TOMO d bonitht three gross already this roar. In nil Surer perience of 14 years. In the drug bi:sine4 hrrt never bow on article that gave fnch universal futta IoUon as your Tonic. 'Sours truly. An.vEJf.CARd ACf For sale and guaranteed by Wilson Drut? Co, drAitted atjthel Which Won the Prize ? Three students of the Ecote des Beaux-Arts, Marseilles, were talking in a cafe. "My dear fellow," said one," I painted the other day a little piece of pine wood in imitation of marble so perfect ly that sank to the bottom of the water." , j "Pooh!" said another; "yestt rday t I suspended my thermometer on jhe ! on the easel that holds jriy ' View t f the Polar Regions. It fell at 01 ce ' to twenty below zero. j '"That's nothing," said the last "Mv portrait of the Marqu;s is so ( lifelike that it h is to be sh u ed tw ice a week." Boston Woman's Journal j Tht Vxluxof 4'itiiin. The value of coin is in its weight; ihe value of silver coin is Ihe government stamp f on it. The value of Simmons Liver Regulator is the relief it gives from Billiousness and Sick Headache A 25-cent package of powder has per mantly cured many a one III. AiHi:lioli. "You seem ill," she said solicitous- ly- " "'I am not feeling well," the youth ! replied. "The fact is I'm troubled- with heart failure." "Oh, how terrible!" ' "Yes I started four times to ask - . , your father s consent to our marriage, and every time my heart failed me " n ECU LIAR in combination, pro- portion and preparation of injrredi ents,IIood's Sarsaparilla possesses great curative value. You should TRY IT. Joseph's Position . What was done to Joseph?. Tommy He was made to sit on the roof. Teaclier AVhy, Tommy, what do you mean by such m nsense? Tommy Well, you read that Pharaoh set Joseph over his house. Mrs. Anna Gage, wife of Ex Deputy U. S. Marshal, Columbus, Kan., says : "I wasdelivered of TWINS m less than 20 min utes and with j scarcely any pain after using only two bottles of 'MOTHERS' FRIEND" DID NOT SUFFER AFTERWARD. 1"?" gent by Express or mnll. on receipt of prlco. SI. OO per bottle. Book "TO MOTIIKRS" mailed free. BKI)FIEI.D BEGCLATOtt CO., ATLANTA, A. 8OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 35 Chichester Kniclltth Diamond Bran. rEKNYROYAL PILLS Original mad Only Gennlne. afc, always reliable, ladies ak Dnierist for ChicXtrntar Enalish Dia-A vmond Bramd in ftted mod Gld ateullio JrKixes, pcaleil with bluo ribbon. Tiftko w.iTni other. Rtfue danqtrvu mihstitu- ' ttonm ana imaitM. ai iruKKi!i, or sraa . In stamp for particular, t-timooialt hh-I " Kelit-f for l.adle, in Utter, hy return HI Mil M l,wr n rHuiuuinia. 1 1 . Sold bj ail Local L)rugisU. lkli&diA., Fa. TIT 1 O (1 1 A ATI AT Nil tl A"! AC YV WVJll V. v jlllii T have- rn hino-1t rn hand at , . ji r. - - all times and will sell cheap. O A TT7T1TV Tirri'A T I bAW k,D WOOD,1 1 WFT T SFAnNFD ' i .. t 1 j 1 r. :u..j """j- at short notice. Yard on Railroad, West side of Nash Street, n-im-3 c N; NURNEY. H. A. TUCKER & BRO, DEALERS IN Granite, Marble, and Brownstone, ; Monamenfs and Headstones. Building Work Furnished at Short Notice, of Granite, Marble, Brownstone, and Sandstone. DOORS, WINDOW SILLS, LIN TELS AND STREET CURBS ALWAYS ON HAND. 310 H. Front St., Wilmington, H. C. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, in, 113 aud 115 Bank St., NORFOLK, VA. Large stock of finished Monuments, Gravestones, &c Ready for shipment. Designs free Hard Times Fertilizers. Tittit mi Km i-r. will soil to farmers din-t ftr cosh, 4aood K i ! iliy.i-i s at the lowest V hulefvuiu for Corn. Cotton and Peanut, nt 13..MI Trucking Crap and PotAUwa l i..'0 Oats, Tobacco and Fruits - lii.lMI AlBoManate of Potash. Kninit riolphate Pntash B..m Black, Nitrate Soda in large and siuull fi'i'intiti' 3 ,' two 3c. stamps for citte'a. W.M. JMU .v . Fertilizer M&nufactnrera, Hull nt:.re Stop Them ! The Man or Woman who has bought FlfflTUIiE FROM- Wootten S Stevens. Will tell you, that is tne place to get the Best Goods" for the least monev, j y " w t ,x :j v s r ft rf n m ? k for-Infants " Castoriaisso well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to ma" H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, J. Y. "The uso of 'Castoria' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." . Cabujs IIartyn, D. D., ' - New York City. The Centaur MAUUAnn 111 rm wit mv guaranteed tocure ! nervouaisHiisi:s.utii i m-n mi-iuory. i Fower, Headache, Wakefulness. L.ot Manhood, Nightly Kuii-.-ness.all drains aDd loss of power in Generative r-.ns of itti- by overexertion, yi ulants, which lead t bv overexertion. yontmul i-rrnri, exrciisivc rww -.Limn o. iltloKIt 4.1 ATK Korsalein Wilson. N C.nylXMNK HKKKlNU.Drn&isb j A TLANTIC COAST LINE. ! I ; L.li- WILMINGTON AND WELDON RAILROAD AND BRANCHES AND FLORENCE . railroad. COITTJITSEP SCHEBVL.E. TltATN COTNO SOUTH. DATED " March 3th, t8!5. c es c 'as c "3 - a"; m. p. m. a7m Leave Wel.lort ... 11 S3 21 An rive Kocky Mount 12 5" 10 -jt Leave Tarboto... i-fO .. . ... Leave Kocky Mount. 1 05 10 20 Leave Wilson ... a.sillici Leave Si lm r. .- 2 5;! Leave Kaj ctteville. I 4 SO 2tvS . Ariive 1 loojnce... ,. ! 7 LO 3 Oil fl) 1 . . ' - - Ui? c"3 v.c V. M. A. M. Leave Wilson. 2 OS 0 35 Leave OoMsboro.. 2oT 7 20 Leave Magnolia 4 02 8 St Arrive Wilmirifiton 5S0 10 0 - P. M. A. W. TKAINS COING'NOKTH. DATED March 26th, 15. c 3 . 5sC c a A. M. , l-.ifw I M 7:r Leave Florence i,., Leave Fayettevilh Leave Selma Arrive. iison .. .. Leave Tarboro.. :::::: 112.S I M i ili IK M. Leave Wilmington. . - leavu MaK" I in Leave (iuldsboro ... Arrive vVil.son ... .... Leave "'ilsiiii Arrive lloeky Mount Arrive Tar bo 10 2 8 ... 2 :3 j 12 55 ..' 3 if I 12 ;4 Leave It cky Mount. Arrive W'eMon. . . ... i PM A. M.lP. M. tlaily except Monday day. il.aily except fun- T'r tin on S.;otiuii.l Xeck liranch roail leaves Weidon 3:itf p m. Ilaiifa- 4:15 p in. amve Scit iund icek at tireenvilie ii:.!7 p m, Kiustoii 7::i5 p m. tteturn-iiijr es h instou 7"M am. !tven iile 8:2!5, arrivinjf Halifax nr. 10:.i, Wcl-. don ll:u0 a ni. daily "e.V f pt t-unday. Trains 011 Wash iiiton 'nam li ii.-avi: Wash ington i:W)ani,amies 1 uimcle .S:4e a ra, iar boio !l:" a in; returning k-a es Tail.010 4.4 1 p ' ,u- Parraele rt:p nt, arrives WashinjrKm. Ti3 ! ! m- i!v except t-unday. roimects with I - Train leaves Tarhero, N. v., daily, except sunn.iy v i. it p ni, Mintlay 4-Mi p in; nrnves r-iymout 11 ;:iki p in, ;:: p m. lietuviiinn leaves Plymouth daily, except Sunday. ti:(M a 111, ar rive Tarlxnn 111:25 a ni and 1 1:45 a. ni. Train on Mftiland N. O. i.rancl! leaves Golds- is tielU a 111: arrive at (..uldstioro 0:30 a m. Tra-ins n NashviiK hranch leave Kocky ML 5-5J0 P ni ticiuiniii.- iefiv cs sj i ir.K nope . m a in, asnviiic m.- a m.. arm at KockV Mount y;ij;i, daily except Sunday. Trains oa i-atta l.rancli, Florence railroad. cave I.atta 6:40 n m. arrive Dunbar 7 All n m. Keturnin leave I)utM.ar0::8 a in, arrive I.atta 7Ka m, daily except Sunday. Train on (,';inton branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily except Sunday, at 4:10 p in. He- turning leav es Clinton at 7:& a n, connecting at Warsaw with main line trains. Train No. 7K inalies close connection at Wei don tor all points north daily, all rail via llichmond, and daily except Sunday via Ports mouth and liay Line. Also at Kocky Mount with Norfolk and Carolina rail road for Nor foik daily, and all points north via Novtolk. daily except Sunday. .JOHN F. DIVINE, Oen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY, (JenT Manager. T. M. EM Kits' N Trailic Manager. : ) . H. 0. HYATT'S Sanitcrium KinstOn, N. C. DISEASES .OF THE EYE AND GENERAL SURGERY. WANTED Agents for the arriss Steam Dye Works, v ; Raleigh, N. C. Will dy'e a garment free as a sample. , Address : Ha-rriss' Steam Dye Works, RaVioh. N. C. D. VV. HARRISS. Manager. JOHN GASTON, Fashionable Barber, Nash St. WILSON, N. C. Easy chairs, raj.nrs kt-t-n; Scissors sharp, linen clean, ror a shave you pay a dime Only a nickle to gel a shine; Shampoo or hair cut Pompadour Vou Dav the sum oftwentv cents n ore ALESMEH ANTED to sell Pennsylvania grown Nursery Stock which is lilt Uest. in thk World. All new specialties as well as the Standard-! varieties of fruits and ornamentals. No previous experience necessary. Salary and all travelin-t-x-penses pai.l. Write ior terms statin" asre HOOPES, URO. & THOMAS Maple Avenue Nurseries, West ChesteV 1 t " - O c x j J . : . At., H M ! O ii2o 70(1 I Klili- 8M $ I.MI'i 4't ! A ; 1 (XV ...... 10:.; I A ;S I ci 1 s ! i M.:"i m j fTivi. ! S j 1 : ! 1! :i2 10 :t! ! 2 :i ! 12 07 1 1 15 b : ' :: ::: w and Chifdrer. Cantoria cures Colic, Const:; cii Sttir Stomach, DiarHuv.-i. rri..-T.aT' Ki'is Worms, gives sleep, an-1 j gtstion, 1 Without injurious n u ii seat ion. "For several years I havo recor-nv : ,,. 'Castoria,' and shall always .c-ntinii- -,i , so. cs it has invariably produced !. :.,::. Mil rosufcs." . Enwis F. Pardee, X P., 125th Street and 7th Ave., Now York C"t v. Company, 77 Mi'rray Street, New York Cm. frSTS?rTRI S-?5?i.7.y.E-f'''-J-,-,s." w "k.i r- W.L.'Douclas 33 SlOkl i FIT FOR aS'g. S 3. CORDOVAN, t?4.s3.sp Fine CalfiKangasdi c0 $2. WORKingiwp.,'- UilZ. I75 BOYS'SCHiKlSKEi y -LADIES' BESt DoNGcta ra v -.,vi.vss. Mihf- L-DOUG LAS' Over One Million People wear the W. I Douglas $3 & $4 Slices i AH our shoes are equally satisfactory 'They give the best value for the money. They equal custom shoes In style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, stamped on sole. From $1 to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. told by YOUNG BROTHERS, CS IBIS j - The management; ;f the ! ; $ J Equitable Life Assurance g 1 Society in the .DrrcrttncMt nf. . the Carolina, wiwlic-s t- -cure st fjv,S;eciul I-lcsi-.l.-nt v Agents. Those w':' re ir-Uil g fir this work wii: this 9- A Rare Opportumly It is hvr.l', licnvevcr.anJ those' $ whosiiceeed Lest in it possc-ss character, nir.tnxc judgment, tact, tJtrsevcraiice, 'as id- the x respect of tiieir eomiiiuuity. Think this 7iatU:r over rare- fully. There's an unusual $ opening for somebody. If it '2 fits you, it will pay you. Fur- g ther in formation on request. W. J. Roddey, Manager, Rock Hiil.S.C. Gnaxniierlain'a hye ais-a Omtmeti - "rt;iu.uieu u r.v...in.. ieuv, . -..a- lvheiUD, Xritld 1 v.'.'l, .n .VlAti, C'liai -ih-jI . i 11- l . I ri ... ... Hands- Jtclis; '''.'s. liurns,- i iost liiu-s, li,k or KUe by dryc;i:'ts at 2o c.r.ts per los. . ' A 'Uiiiji i;ifitt; j;:i iii:e iiv.-i:iiiy ;eoil- 1 ' . . : 1 . - u ui dition try Dr. CnJv's (r.fltj.m Powders. Innruitty, 7iitiinin or Insanity. Can w , :lr vest pocket. Slperli'.Biuro nr duii fn-in.n. " mi . - :..r - Ilye a written cnarnntw lo enre or n-foml thf money. , , ..; .v ,-. drnsetsts. A for It. take no other. Writ for free Memenl Book ,t in vMn wrauuer. Aadress SEKVES KEI) CO., JllasKMUcTempic.aiii - ! Thev tone up the f-vstera. : aid di Kiiioi). cure 1 . i- e- .. .- '. . . f'f? 01 a 'P-, -nevo roasiipiaicii, correct kidney disorders r. ut ' destmf M-tiniit', givinp new life to an old or eVOT-workod liorw..- 25 1 , 1 t 1 i 1 centers rnOK.". IkkAq hy. dri-.-wts. 1 : .. . wfsi mm AND IT-IS SAVE money fi ADC ivt oh k;;.: nr.:'..? cot c-isow":, -. jj ,r . v .1 1 . oil.- r i;xvn..:-j.j 1 :','.) r:.x-: CeIn ritecii :-so2 f;v- Z Call t;i cur r. -.t.K . -r 73i5tyo:trtr''is', '!.;:' "'' 3 and Bq:iarp j.ii.U4?,r; r 1 hate It. VTe t'.r2. c r prodaro n. BSm.a .'-. -: maeJiino for $.rC.0s. r v 8cwln niocJiln." ":;r j t- .".X. ! ..---' r C 1 .--i . t can buy from 11s, or t m .- - . irirj vr-jr TTAvr" t'P'Mf''' - !', " en ili&itfiifi iiOihhLfliii ii :Ari;., 3 . 'jl.iK. 7.. ii-.;- hT. PEI7ETT & mimiw Tarlwiro Street. i iso x n :i a.-v k s ii 1 1 UAVtH l). hur. WHI UUPYKlQriTS. CAr I IIZJTA IN A P (Trvn . prrmf.t nnsirer and an honcVt (-niii-t.n m, W I NN .V CO.. wh.t,r.ve bad SiviW, . lorcifttion mcrniiR A tTt-tL 2 n"kof In. t-iin tl,.:m sent. f ai'J .SI". n?,(1 to f,b- I leal and sointiHe Knok'-.f r."ue 01 Weeluui- nccia! mitifn-iTith.. .fJ. r0 recpi thug are Lrcurrht mMrtZS?1.?". and ve ' '-.wjiuwAy. f.t. fit. inirm r ... . . m ''"iT til ....- V, t NOTICE. States interest " u?. In tTnitca !Ler7an and t . i . .,-..i out ct t) the mvcnfir K . , . "-issncdwf-. k!r,eiecar,tlv n'i,; 8 '""did p-irr, world, f.t a v. nr. jl . 6, J'., l!l work in the I r 1 It am .1 .. . T".. ": nmt,U nj. timn w.-, . V't " . l;-t-- l iJ ier 1 1 a. 1 ir Aaircis U m 4f, T" "n we dir. i - - 1 J I

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