' AcivaLrioo. Si A YEAR, CASH IN ADVANCE. " LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S." BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. OLXJ ME XXV. WILSOX, X. Cm MAY .9, 1895. NUMBER 19. Y V Tilt BACKET'S NEW.SPRINC STOCK! V THE A LM1G1ITY DOLLAR! A I HE MJHY HAVE TOO FEW AND THE FEY TOO MANY! A Never missing a chance to reach out our arms, Octo pas like, and take in out of the wet (as the -shark took the lialhcr), an thing that can be sold at a . . . . v c 7 r "A T T Att'r.g on that principle we have made some re-cent purchases. Among our daily arrivals we shall place be fore our people some landslides that are . . . . , P03MYELY BEYOND THE WHISPER OF COMPETITION! Prices that will teach you in the silent logic of truth the difference between dealing with live and with dead men, between the cash and the credit system, between the right and the wrong way. See the following: y 7 l Lot Ladies Hose, Fast Black, seamless, at ioc. lvins, ic. a paper, the best pins, 5c. 5 Papers --Assorted Size Nee dles for 4c. 7 7 2 SC. Saiioi s, for 1 7C Iron China iwer and V7 Basin for 08c. ' 24 Sheets Good Note Paper, 3c. Envelopes, 2c.; best, 3c. package. Oxford Slippers, 50c. a pair. Men's Cordova Calf Shoes. g.e. pair. Mcif's Fur Plats, Satin Lined, 50c. - n s 7 E X7 n pi III: (Mil 31 i J IV1 1 Mb J.M. LEATH, Mcr.crcr. Nash axd C.oldsporo Streets,:.. " ' WILSON. N. C 7s" N. -T-s .... Sn.s AA A .ldW&vteh -Atjy '.-A j'h?aLil ork'H! : X I.y vs , ' ..ii ; in;"' (":, vi.i Wil ; il i K. i I n iV( of iht- Superior in 'n;t t ', ii iii:i-n viic: 'n i,!i-s i :u ;ivfr I 1 1 1 1 . 1 s Wuii: " ;is i i.-iViui;iiit , 1 sc. : ; i the ( o.trl I N use floor i i l ii Aii iKl.n iiif-ayui iM.ty, ; i',-tlu-iV.iiowlii;' Kst :iin'l piopfrly i i iUo:i oHniy,'io!-iin.t lownf li.tp: out; i A i : V'.d . a 'juiain'. the lands I !i 1 ;.it ,'M't C;i1.:k : '.no Coi! i . i . i ' : u 11-t.y l: t- r. 1 1 s nun c .r u 1! I I! :!;! f'l VlHi. 1 lit V JWW mi l. il M-izt-tl inc . ihcr ttact i.ni :'; .iiiing' tlie"' lands, ot John I ';.! ! ;iii(l l.m I".(jv;i!(!s, f t ii aiii i iliirtv arris inure or-U-ss. it bcir-jj !: lauil ot which Nam v Sliili V. vnn ('it st-izttl. Terms: Oi e I ini ( ash l.alaiu c payaliic Novi-nibcr iv,-, i.Sijr, u'iUi 6 per ct-nt. interest. . S. A' WociiARD, ("umniissif.iK r. 1 . A. vi'S. ,A A'.oi,aki, . At f. t in, s. N"' it" r. to a t!t- ri-e of the Snpe: lor c. ia' pn;ret-t:'rTl til- r-. in. ; Sl-:-.oii V a! t .r.;;:'te, 4 -r i nii'.i u Ji 1 ui.l sc..', i i iiirv i'o. : :. ( Ii. t 4 o. s .ii), V i" .o !;c highest l;ititler. a the o ii.i:r in V:lso:i. t;:t Mt.iulay, "i .v t::" J.::i , IH93, i.n- tr.irt i r ! ;o 1 in Cross Koatis Ttt';i .sin' (. oiinty, adjoining the I rid of Stella Srott, J. D. l arnur and t liK is, it being know;! fis the Tt ntpie n.irnes tract containiap; sixty 'nine (65), rrr.i-s more tr.lfss. it-mis- Out third fash, balance in :i months, title reserved' until "pur 1 ;,,;sc nioriev is fal'y paid. oiIN il VVltDAKI, 'April 2(,th, 1895. ' Commissioner. 25-i.s-it ' TIIS COOPER MARBLE WORKS, 1 1 t..i 13 a,,d 1 15 Basik St., NORFOLK, VA. Large stock of Vinished Monuments, Gravestones, Ready for shipment. Design's free JACOIl BATTLE, ATTORNEY AUD COUNSELOR AT LAW. lUlt KV l(ll!NT, N. C- Circuit: Nash, Edgecombe and Wilson J G. CONNOR, Attorney at Law. . WILSO-N, - - N. C. omre IVanch & ( o's. Hank Rnihhng. Ji i'.si: and lT-Ffo r "sa le i Five Koo -,m;in 1 Pa-iirv, lot liTgh and lrv; w-'' d-atned; -gftnd'well .of wafer. Por-inloriii:: , rifenlv to ADVANCE OFFICE. Hard TiniBs-i litest Llie ur-diit I lar I iii-M on Kui-itieri. we Fertilizers. will sell to fanner direct, for t.ood rrriillzeni Lowest VV'bolesale lor Corn. Cotton and Peanuts. U 913.50 Tnu-lrin. ( ' r . ... n .1 LJ . . -: i . rrnckinK Crop and PnOltoe 14..SO OaU, Tubacco and Fruits . 1A.Ml ui1 Mnriate of PoUnh, Kainit. Salphate Potash, Bom Black, Nitrate Soda, in large and small quantities. Sena Iwoc gtampe for cire'e. W.f. POWELL tfc CO. ferUuier Manufacturer. Baltimore Md. T T T .... Trilby Veiling (lace), 9c. yard. 1j a r a g e Veiling, good quality 10c. a am. Another Special Torchon Sale, real linen, at only 5c. a vard. , .Muslin Caps for Infants. The reason why we are so successful with our lines is that we buy ihtm right and sell them cheap. No double price on anything in our vast stock. Wi ; he S v k h a D s-orr values are far better than ever. Tor .1.10 we can sell )Ou a large spread, worth at least $1.50. STORRS, I i...-.i. 11- 1 1 I he I'.es; Saive m Hie U.-uifes, Sores, Ulceis, Fe'ver Sores, T ttt-.r, Ch Chilblains. C t.i ns. aiul tions, atuJ po.-iiiyeiy ctii'i-s 11a v retuiii'ed. Il is g':;ir;i. ni-i ic rs;::bi. Cllon. or ii.oik V Iril lltletl 1 I'rit e 2.c per 1on. l'"oi' sale by 1!. YV . I largiave. Oin-e ilieic was .V fiw.iisli wo:tiai win) continually, ini -tooii" biass am other inferior articles for S;o'd. Sin deiivtd niuch innocent .SfilL-aaclioi. irtmi her credulity. And once' then was a wise vvonii-n who knew that ol a things that liuerco very fevf wen ii j -i , .r . . ., .i J o , . gold.- nnu oet.atif; tu mi ijin-n-i he Itl much pit eioiia mtt.il t scjx iier. ; Il 'he factories dl unlariiv raisin ' she i.ot ee- c. v v;:!;cs ot i'lt'.i men, the McKin'ev-tt s w cail inc-csiiijs and prote t 11 !VC It lo.Ufi-t it, 'for it is knocking .the btior.i otii i their lurid mediclions as to how the ..... i i ) . . t. 'ilson tanii woiiivi jiiy in with the wes ol work'nicn itar. Miss Delia Stevens, of Boston, Mass , ritea- I havfi alwavs sunerea irom hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried various remeaies, anu oiauj muuure physicians, but none relieved me. After taking o Doiueuoi p , I am now welL I SraT37aJ am very grateful U S-N to you, as i ieei erAaT-i-' from a life of untold agony, and shall take pleasure in speaking only words of praise for the wonderful medicine, ana in recommcuuiujr it. w nu. Treatise on Blood ana K in jjiseaueu mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. j A .i:tair.ri: h.m.. ii I. .; ;:- t ,; ' liUV- - ii v i t ti ;i vi.; ; it i:. .i t. . i: istu i "i ' . . , ' (Ji't : i ii-; i t ; iii'.t ft i t r i t i; fiii j s4.-:ViJ;S. A t. s f.-. r .ii i i ;! h: !l. i :l (! : ; ' i. rt . i;i-i ;-i-f! M-rr li e p-" Nt w. Y:il: 1T ; -n-v;.'. 1U: '. li t S. it.,:- ,.'.. s ' Hi 'ro. O, .,. (T t . i ill' I v:.'lu- ! 1 i t I- I i l ;:!t I : ; n f 11 : it I : plyof,J,0Q . fortius ') : w I . i.. :i. ii'v tii.. n'vi-. Lsi VOI'id hiS iis. i1tl ihintis. :11 Ski-n I run i iie.;, or ik t il ' ( in i t Kill A FRAUD UNEARTHED A Gigantic Steal Discovered ia the I Payment of Duties. THROUGH UNDERVALUATION OF GOODS It is Difficult to Estimate the Government! Louse, lint it is Believed That They Will Amount to S1SO.OOO Annually. Philadelphia, Penn., May 6. Id the j re-appraisements of decorated china i and cut and decorated glassware shipped to this port by A. B. Daniel & Sons, of London, the most glaring undervaluations hare been discovered I by the special treasury, agents, indi : eating that the government has lost i thousands of dollars. Some idea of the loss to the national treasury may be gathered from the fact that on one in voice alone the London shippers were compelled to hand over 8-J,800 addi tional duties, which their representa tives in this city promptly paid to the treasury agents and thus avoided se sious trouble. Other invoices were sot tied in the same way. The appraise ments on the merchandise were offered to be advanced by the treasury agents who were determined to have the rightful duties paid or resort to' the courts, not only for civil proceedings to recover the duties, but also to punish all having guiity knowledge of the- falsity of the' invoices. The board of general appraisers re viewed the case ia New York and with out differences of opinion the appraise ments of A. 15. Daniel & Sons were advanced- p to 250 per cent and noti fixa tion. was forwarded at once to the col lector of the port of Philadelphia. It is difficult to estimate the government's loss.' but it is believed the undervalua tions have involved losses of $l"!MKM) per annum and that the fraud has been going on for at least ten yeas past. Very little of the merchansise came to Philadelphians but was consigned to wealthy railroad presidents and capi talists in Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis.. Pittsburgh Cincinnati and as far west as San Francisco. - THEY ALL LEAN TO STEVEN SON The VIcc-Pi evdnit lo-wlbiv the Next I'res Lleutint Candidate. .-.Washington., May 3. The anti-silver men - having mostly abandoned all hope of stemming 'the silver torrent, prudent democrats are now solicitous to have the party nominate as its presidential candidate -a thoronghly representative 'democrat of ability and character, a man of nations! repu tation if not shining talents. Steven son is still more discussed than any other. Morrison is probably out of it. The issue being virtually settled, peo- l'ple discuss the : man to renresi-nt it. Exc:pt 15l:ind. o.n impossible presi dential candidate,: no one overshadows another us silver's representatives in the democratic party. Thi. oh1v fi?ar . I T of greatness "an injudicious choice may be made. Stevenson, they say here, is popular with the labor element; he ia a liberal-minded .employer on a" large scale; is leUer liked by capitalists than a mere doctrinate- would be, In'tsiuse he is a manufacturer and a man of affairs. The politie:il class pier : lean to Stev enson. He -.tfill le:thei; leading man in tlj.ra.ce. it is agreed, by" common con- -senL'af .he-!, does not delay too long a decedidtjd expression on t-tie yi'W.s he has ' lo:i g' entrtai nee. . . L Iff- LARGE CONTR ACT UNDE WAY. For- S2.060.000 tTu,th or K..HUfv Sio. k for Ti-hu mtepee Kaila.. CiTV of Mkxtco. .-Mexico. 'May fi. There- has been submitted to congress for approval a contract between the Mexican government and Samuel Pros, of this city and New York for the sup- (.000 worth of roiling stock. bridges, arid machinery for shops, etc.. ohuantepec railway, bridges. i. and lighters for the harbors, and ?amship for lighthouse purposes. Proupcrt for a Settlement Not iloiipful Phii.adki.imiia, Pa., May tt The prospect for the settlement Of the gar ment workers' strike here' is not hope ful, the contractors concede the justice of - the strikers' claims, but sav thnt they are helpless unless, the manufac turers grant them (the contractor's) an advance in prices. The contractor: sav that if the manufacturers will irivt them twenty-five per cent advance the san settle the strike in an hour by granting the demands .of the opera tives ' ltllxt Confettsea the Mnrtirr. K - Minneapolis, Minn., May ii; Chim A. P.lixt Saturday pleaded guilty to thi murder of Catherine Ging. He wa. sen fenced to the penitentiary for life Hlixt confessed himself to the actual murderer of Miss Ging, but claims tha' Harry Hayward persuaded him to tht deed. Haj' ward will be hanged. 1 S30.000 to Convict One Man. Chicago, May 6. The Civic Fcdera tion's report oil ils work for a yeat shows that it has convicted one man Donald Chapman, of election frauds He was given eighteen months in tht penitentiaiy. The cost to the federa-. tion was 30,000. , Ei-t'oncressrngn Klotz Dead. Mai-ch Ciiu.sk, Pa., My 3. Ex-Congressman Robert Klotz died at his home in this city yesterday, in the seventy sixth year of his age. He was a Mexi can war veteran, and for over' fifty years wasa prominent figure in demo cratic politics. llorant Helta Wlthooc Kail. San Frascisco, Cal.. May 3. Judge Conlan yesterday held Theodore Dn rant to answer before the superior court without bail, for the murder o Minnie Williams. - An Italian Consulate for- Montrfi. Bomk, May 0. The recent develop ment tf Italy's commercial relations with Canada has caused the govern ment to decide to found a consulate in Montreal. ' The Atlanta's Caexpetrtrtt Return. Kky Wkst. Fla-. May 4. Tlie war- shiD Atlanta sailed last for Grey town, Xiearaguabut returned on account of an accident to her boiler. She will re innin here for three or four days for repairs. ' ' . Minister te Vf-o-a-I. Bki.i.15, Mav 0 Coeat von Box. first secrotarv of the German embassy in St, 'Ytcrsburg, has been appointed tniuiar- SWOOP.DOWN UPON CAROLINA. Woman 8nffraiclsts at ( olambla Hold a Rouslns State Reception. Co.cmbia, 8. C, May 4. Last nighf the band of woman suffragists who are touring the state endeavoring to create a sentiment whereby a clause will be inserted in the new constitution to be adopted in the fall giving tie woman the ballot, swooped down on the capi- tol of the state and a big mass meeting ' was held in the hall of the house of representatives; There was a large and cultivated audience of ladies and gentlemen present. Addresses were delived by Mrs. Virginia D. Young, president of the state equal rights as sociation; Miss Helen Morris Lewis, of North Carolina; General R. R. Hemp hill, who was in his element with the representatives of his adopted bex, though he did not wear bloomers, and Miss' Laura Clay, the president of the Kentucky Equal Rights association. Mr. II. C. Patton, member of the house from Richland introduced the speakers. The efforts of the women orators were liberally applauded by the audience. Several leading newspapers ami a good many prominent , citizeus are favoring j the movement. The ladies are can vassing the state. SENATOR CULLOM TALKS WAR. The Illinois (Statesman Says Eng'and Must Leave Nicaragua, or Fight. San Dikgo, Cal., May 4. Senator Cullom, of Illinois, arrived by private car from Los Angles last night, accom panied by Mrs. Cullom and friends. In an interview on the forcible occupation Of t'orinto by Uritish forces, Senator Cullom said : if a plain and emphatic protest had been made by the United States trovcrnment En gland would not have occupied t'orinto. Sow, as she is there, I believe in usin force, if nec essary, to get her out. There are two thin;rs which the people of the United States have set their heurts on. and they are the enforce ment of the Monroe doctrine and the huiMint; of the Nicaragua canal. The administration that sets in the way of the people in these matters will be put out f the way. There are some tilings that will not 'stand. Ions surTerin;-' as we ape. I do not apprehend that Knu'land Will ko to such steps as is prophesied, yet we do not know what her insolent and dictatorial policy may lead her to attempt. Oic thhiB is certain, that she must et awrtv from Nicara gua, or there will be war between the United StaV's and Kngland. IMPROVEMENT IS MANIFEST. Itusluess Conditions Rt-maln Uond Not. withntandloK the libor troubles x New Yokk, May 4. Uradstreets to day says: The manifest improvement in many lines of general trade has resulted in an increase in the volume of business not withstanding the impending idleness of 9.0OO Rhode Island worsted mill operatives an 1 many in other in dustrial lines. Industrial unrest now taks form of striking for higher watres. Tnis week about 50 WW industriiil employes hav struck, and the tendency dot 8 not stem to be checked. About 3.000 people are reported to have ob tained htsjher waxes without strikinjr. Nashville and Galveston report some little improvement in the volume of business, but they prove the exceptions amonii southern cities. Acricitlturul conditions in Tennessee are said to be favorable. In Texas the coast country still needs rain. At Chattanoua and Augusta the week's business has been of some what smaller volume alr.hmiffh. at the fornnAJ some of the nianuta-turmK inuusiriu- ffi v tiii,,m hii Tiian roil i 'i i .i i l1hti iu ,!. a fair business in cotton goods and prices re main Arm. No gain is looked for until de mand for all supplies become general. A LOUISIANA TRAGEDY. si liar In Moat - Keaiwcta to the Oorfioo- lirown Affair of Kentacky. New Orleans. May 6. A tragedy, similar in most respects toi the recent Gordon-llrown tragedy in Louisville. Ky.. was exacted here yesterday at 11:30 o'clock. There were three persons concerned in the terrible affair. : An injured husband caught his erring wife in bed with another man. Simultaneously the men drew pistols, a number of shots were exchanged and in one minute one man lay .on the bed o-asping' from mortal wounds and the ither was on his way to the police sta tion in charge of an officer. The wo man in the case was not hurt antV lives as an example of perfidy.' The names of the three actors in the tragedy are. Dr. Samuel P. Swain and wife and Dr. Emile Hiriart, all of Plaquemine, La. "M'KINLEY," SAYS GEN. RAUM. Think the Slcaragu - OafStlon Will be an Jssne In 1 lie Next I ampaigii. Cincinnati, ()., May 4. Gen. Green B. Rauin, ex-United States pension commissioner, who was in the city yes terday; said : '! think McKinley is the man. The McKinley tariff law is the best measure 6? the kind devised in the whole history of the jiverninent. 'This Nicaragua qnestioifvill be an issue in the next campaign." Tie con tinued. '"The. administration's course in supinely - looking on while British troops were landed at Corinto was sim ply -outrageous. " SPEAKS FOR SOUND MONEY. Secrt-tarj Carlisle WI 1 Enter tile Krutnckj Campaign H.ay So. Wasiiingtox, May 3. Secretary Car lisle, it is stated, will enter the Ken tucky campaign about the iSot.h of thi3 month and w0l deliver two or more speeches at points yet to be selected in favor of 'sound currency- He" will not return' from Kentucky until he attends the Memphis, Tenn., convention, but will spend the intervening time in Ken tucky in consultation with his friends. Ddu'i Failure It .-port. Xew York, May 4. R. G. Dun & Co's renort on failures savs: rauures in twenty-five days of April show liabili ties of $9,536,960, of which ff 3,6 1 4, Af. were of manufacturing and 85,705.650 of trading concerns. Last year in four weeks ending- April 26. liabilities were 58, 3-20. 86-J, of which g:!,6ST.3J0 of manu facturing and S4.677TliJ9 of trading con cerns. The week's failures are $i in the United States against 233 last year. ind 34 in Canada against 35 last year. Premier Kalnoky Has Keilg-ned. Vienna, May 6. The Fremdenblatt asserts that Count Kalnoky, Imperial Prime Minister, has tendered his resig nation to the emperor. Italy's General Parliament Elect inn. .; Rome. May 4. The date of the gen eral parliamentary election has been lixed as May 2th. The Inauiruratioa of Turner. Nashville, Temi., May 6. Governor Peter Turney, who has just, been de clared elected by the legislature, wil be inaugurated tomorrow. Looking Oat (or Filibusters. Tampa, Fla., May "4. The Spanish cruiser Infanta Isabel is lying at the quarantine station in Ta mpa bay. She is looking out for filibusters. r Children Cry for CHANGE ON THE RAIL The Southern and O. H. & D. Inter ests Amicably Settled. SOUTHERN ENLARGES ITS HOLDINGS. Control in the Capital Stork of tUe 1 iic:n nati. New Orleans and lexa l'a ciUe to Be Equally llelil by the Southern aid C- II. & D. New York, May 4. The Southern railway and Cincinnatti, Hamilton & ! Dayton railroad interests have settle 1 all diffculties as to the Cincinnati ex tensiou bonds and the proposals under lying lhem on a basis entirely satisfac tory to both parties. ",The Southern railway yesterday took control of the Alabama Great Southern Railway Company by the election oil Samuel Spencer, Charles. II. Co4r. J. P. Morgan jr., Francis Lv'riile Stetsor Vf. Vr. Oalanan, A. J. Thomas, an I George W. Maslin, as a majority of t'ie' board of directors, with Samuel Spen cer as chairman. Under the terms of the settlement the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Day-ton in terests retire entirely from the 'Alaba ma, Great Southern, the Southern rail way having acquired there entire hold ings. The control in capital stock of the Cincinnati, Jsew Urleans & Tcx-ih Pacific company, is to be owned and held equally and jointly by the Southern Railway and the Cincin nati. Hamilton & Dayton- interests and it is hoped a reorganization of thai company or a nev lease or the pur chase of the Cincinnati Southern can be effected and the line continued un der neutral management to be operated independently, but preferably to the interest of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton on the north, and the Southern and the Alabama Great South ern on the south. This insures har mony betwen the parties, stops litiga tion and fully protects the interests of Cincinnati in the manner in which her citizens seemed to prefer. The South ern Railway company retains the ownership-of the old Louisville Southern line which insures also protection to the city of Louisville. PALM ETTO'S LEGAL BATTLES. Hearing Involving tlm ('onstitutioii-'tlity of the State Itael-tratlou I-aws. j Columbia, S. C. May 4. The hearing 1 in the important injunction e.ise in- vol vi tig the constitutionality of the i South Carolina registration laws and ' . i constitutional convention act. was con tinued yesterday. Mr. C. A. TJou-ji iss for the complainant made a powerful argument, starting at 10 o'clock yester day and continuing till -1:10 p. m., .with a recess for dinner. He riddled the laws with legal shot from no end of authorities. Mr. George S. Mower then began and completed his argument for' the state, which was simply a citation of authorities. Judge Cieff interrupted him many times with pertinent ques- "viis, luuicaitng' mat his min i is preuv clear on the ease, me ticiic-iiir iuca now seems to be that the decision is going to be against the slate. - Three more arguments consuming four or tire hours are to be made today. The ease will scarcely be concluded till this evening. The dispense ry ease will not be reached until Montiay. INDIANS PREPARING TO FIGHT. United Statei Jlarnii-1 Will Atteir-pt lr. Su Ixl u the iurtli Dakota ltrivi-s. Devil's Lake, N. D.. May 4. Uai ted States Marshal Cronan, with a large force of deputies went to St. John's yesterday to arrest the Indians aecti-ed of stealing gozernment wood. i lu ee hundred India nit are preparing to re sist. Thev claim the laud, twenty-for.! iy thirty-one miles, where trley cut the imlier, was never ceded to the govern ment and belongs to them. They burn ed the residence of one goverumeul witness Tuesday-, The whites are be coming alarmed. 'A number of wonie:. and children have moved here, lne male portion of the population, well provided with firearms, takes relays in watching the homes at night. Anti-"Lottery Liw a Sue ess. Washington, May 4. 'The post oiTiec- department has received reports that- the anti-lottery law has been very ef fective in breaking up the busi.oss. Post Office Inspector Dice, at Xew Or leans reports that two agents. L A. Gourda-in and D. M. Slocum. represent ing the Louisiana Guarantee Loan com pany, the Louisiana Grand Loiter company, the Louisiana State Lottery eompany and the- Honduras Nation;; i Lottery company, all of Xew Orleans. were prevented by this law from con tinuing the business, and botn men were indicted. , ' Miners and Operators Aeri-c. Kxoxville. Tenn., May 4 --Tiie ce:ti miners and operators of the Jel.iieo dis trict reached an agreement as to prices last night after a two- days' cthis'iit -tion. - The scale of wages adop.e i tot the ensuing year, is the same as th ;'. effect' last year with a lew -rmnoi changes. The new scale was fixed w.t.i out trouble and the miners will go tc work nnder it at once. Will Not Prosecute Gordon. Louisville, Ky., May 4. An mti- mate friend of the JBusti family, Mrs. Gordon's relatives, is authority for the statement that so far as they are con cerned nothing would be done towards pushing' the prosecution against Fulton Gordon. They are anxious for the whole unfortunate affair to be hushed do and will allow the matter to drop. Smallpox on Staten Island. Pokt Richmond, S. I., May 4. -Health Officer J. Walter Wood last night dis covered two cases of smallpox on Siraonson street and had them removed to the county hospital at Four Corners. The houses in the neighborhood were fumigated and are now under quaran tine. . - The American l oal(lot Win. Paris, May 6. Banker, the Ameri can wheelman was beaten in the first heat of the 2.000 yard race at the .Velo drome -de l'Est yesterday, llaras won the final. At , the Velodrome Buffalo, Don woody got second prize in the race for amateurs. Secretary Gnwbam Afraln III. 1 Washington, May 3. Secretary Gresham is again ill and confined to his rooms at his hotel. Several mem bers of the' diplomatic corps tame" to the state department yesterday to see 1-t in- st tha'.vt Kef Pitcher's Castoria. DRUG CLERK.S FATAL MISTAKE, WronB Ingredient in 1'Uilng a Frescrip tion Causes the IatU of Two Children. MSetttTAsay t't-.chidrr ol I Mr. Scott Sowers of this citv died sud- denly last night in delirious condition and it is thought that their death was rrfi!!?! f !i 1 ,1HdH - . ..c-wiiuu uy urug tiern Hawkins l f t Ingram's drug store, this city. Dr. j K. L. Brooks, was the attending phy- J sician. He swore before the coroners jury that the children were critically j sick ; that he did not expect either ol j them to live ; that they had a cempli-! cation of measles and pneumonev- He j was called and sent two prescriptions J 'T., r f "nier s:v..s j children slept soundly tmmeaiately af- j Kiore. 1 ne raotlwr sars the ter taking the medicine and they san- denly waked in a delirious conditio when the doctor was summoned sigaii llecama and the two children died i less than fifteen minutes and nlmo: simultaneously. The niaaicine will b tested by professional chemists. A MlLLIOrOOLLAR FAILURE. F. Clark & Co's. Asslsnnmnt at Sr. CIoikL Aliiin.. itm -ens;itio:i of lit - I'uii:. St. Ci.oni. Mini., May 0. N". F. Clark & CoV assign inen t." pn pors which were filed five . niinutes ' 'before tLe clerk's office closed Saturdav cveninif, is the sensation of the hour liere. The liabilities will reach ?800.0d() and may reach SI, 000.000. The. value of the assets, given at Sl,'2.V),oim, is problemati cal- 1 he firm consists of N F.Clark,! :ru' utw,uw' lrea 11 c,arK' i ui miiiueapoiis. wiiose interest is nomi- j uai. l ne place of business of the firm i is Minneapolis, where it lias mills. It has until lately been regarded as one of the wealthiest in the state. N. F. Clark's extensive holdings of pine lands and other property giving it unlimited credit, but for the past year.- com mencing with the financial ci is-s, the firm has with difficulty maintained its prestige. 'IMPERTINENT' IS THAYER. Prominent O. A. K. J.lvii iU-mrit liis llliftllt t i lie Confpurratf;' l,-nfl, Chicago, May 0. Colonel James A. Sexton and Coionel Henrv L. Turner. J prominent G. A. R. men. thiak the pro j test of Commander Joseph A. 'Ih iyer, 1 of the iassachu.-jet's Grand . Armv of i ! the Republic, ac-ain.st the prtiposetl tied j icatiou on decoration d : v of the momi- j mem oi conieoeruie so.aiers tiune't in j Oak wood .cemetery, was uncalled fori , and uu lmperiin jnee. '- '"The members of the G. A. R. in Chioaffo."- sa'i Colo- ! I -i - nei Maxion. do not e ire whit tne ex- confetlerales tlo at tneir ceui-terv. it is entirely natural inat' they should win ii to snow i-vsprt-r c their ol i com- j redes. As Tor iih-j tU-e.'ir.itio l tiaV for ! the dedication. ' i i : r. itur.t! holiday and a tlm set t--ide as i reinember- ance to lot: 'h-;i 1 tierc is a very friendly - feeling ' bet weon the union and eoiift tr:iti- s-.i-idier.-? in Chie.t;o. THE IDE A WI EE 3 WITH FAVOR. Th esiileTit Ur'-fd t l'l:ifo tli rtl,- iv.l r,.,-. 1 Ir;itSn(r rl-w. tvpers and stt -reotypers employed in the government printing oiiice. al members of these particular branches' of the trades unionism, met at the gov ernment printing office yesterday af ternoon aul onanimouslv decided that two members of each union b appoint ed to confer with the committee ap pointed by llie Columbus Typographi cal Union. No. 101, to endeavor to in duce President Cleveland to place the emnloyes of the o-overnment printing oriiee in the classified service, provided for by the act to regulate and improve the civil service of the L nited States. OFF TO THE COAL FIELDS The Virelnla State Militia Order.-d to the Sceue of liititing. IjYNCHTivrg, Va.. May-4. A teles-ram was received about Vi:SD o'clock this morniDg troin uovernor ui-errau ordering- the home juard to proceed by first train to Pocahontas, the scene, of the miners' st.ike. The town bell was rung at 1 o'clock and the military pro ceeded to gather at the armory. At the hour of 1:45 a. ru. they werf fully equipped and lef.t on the 5:35 morning train for Pocahontas. TROUBLES COME TO AN END. Great liriiain Aeeepta a!vadors tiuar- autre for Xlcarasua. Washington. May 3. The depart ment of state has received a cable mes sage from Ambassador Bayard stating that Great. Britain had accepted the guarantee made by Salvador of tbe payment of the indemity by Xicaragua in London within a fortnight, and 'so. as sooti as Xicaragua .confirms and so informs the British admiral, the latter is instructed to leave. Corinto. traw Hats and Wall Vnper to Go dp. Chicago, .May 3. Prices on straw hats and wall paper & re slated for a pronounced rise, according to a local paper. Strr.w hats will oe nighcr, as a result of China's war. the supply of Asiatic braid being e.xpeereu . to tall short. Wall paper is likely to be af fected by the present light among the manufacturers. The wall paper trust is at war with the big manufacturer, 11. F. Hobbs. and should it win prices will be advanced sharply. K;l for dear 1V1 le. London, May 6- -CKar Wilde will be liberated today or ynieu bail is found, the court liefor, wli'teh his lawyers ap plied having agreed to accept his per sonal bail bond in M:',500. sind two sureties in Se.o'J eceh. ("onset asked that one securely of 2..r0U be accepted instead of two sureties in 6,250 each. Governor I rowii ti:l Kun f r Senator. Louisville, Ky., Secretary of State John W. Headly announced yesterday that Governor Brown will continue ia the senatorial race but it wili be somtj.1 time before he betrinsan active canvass. They Meet Next io lialtimore. Nashville, Tenn., May 3; The committee appointed by the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church south, for tlie purpose of se lecting the place of meeting for the next conference met here yesterday. and chose Baltimore, which did not put in an application. Moriranneltl Must Go to the Penitentiary. Richmond. Va., May 4. Thesuprosgi court oi appeals yesieraay reiuseti a writ of error in the case of Charles Morganfield, alias Morgan, the Aquia Creek train, robber, and the judgment of the Stafford county court stands. Morganfield must now go to the peni- tdlltiai'v ! IX. NORTH. CAROLINA I Current News for the We el I , 1UrUUyiC L" THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD SHAKER,! Charlotte, N. C, Officials Make a Serioat Mistake Searchluy for a Murderer. Other Interesting News Throughout the State. Charlotte, N. C, May 3. The max ,iM.i(; t. tt. mr.lr. the description of Shaner, of j- T. Wallace. at Danville, Va., turned out to be (Jus Lay, of Gas tonia, X. C, and vas yesterday releas ed. A photograph of Shaner was sent to Chief of Police Orr yesterday and it was very muck like Lay. An engineei j on the Southern railway last night re ports having seen Shaner walking a ion" J the track just', beyond Lynchburg and that Shaner waved his hand at him ! He savs he knew Shaner well and that he was confident it was he. SECREST FOR TWENTY YEAR 5. 1 be -North thVrolina V-f Mtin Off Wiih .Mansinnshtei W f M ur.lt r r Oct- tvr. ' ErTiiKKFOKDrox, X. C. , May i. The noted case of Hoke Seeivst, who im: ti llered hLs wife and chiid twelve years i ago in Uurke cor.niy. tais state, was j called. yesterday. Counsel for the stale and defense announced that ney una a,rrt.ej upon a compromise verdict of HiafislavTjriiter. .The jury were aecord inly instructed to rentier sut-h a ver dict and Secrest was at once sentenced to twenty years impfisor.ment in the penitentiary. . Ilea! li of a Frontin lit ? fr:ri arolliiirtre. AsHiiviLi.E. i.'. C ?bv i. M. E- Car- ter , collector of inte i-ii-il Nor revenii.? for !i Carolina, the- fifth district o die 1 yesterday. He !;a 1 been Siek one week with ajuerisra. in the iho'vaeieaor ta. Colon'ol Carter was ete of the best lawyers as well as o.ie of the best known V)oiitieia:is i i I ! " st-nto He a,- was alKHit. fifty ye:rs of ;.g appointed ci:lee;..i- J:;..nioYy. a 'I'l wj s .-t:lt- F 6 I tic '.:( Vlt KAi.Kiet). "N. (;.. "i ... lad rati- romt eoiiiini-s .m vest r.i:-:y servea no tice on the We tei u Vu:..;i Telegraph company to show c .w-.wir,- .it should not be lined ffr eutet:rt or not giv ing the ":5 cent rajes to point in east ern Xoiih Ca roiiu v and for lasol'ey-n r the .order; of the commissi; -n ur.o the supreme court to ma;;,-t iiat nte. NORTH CAROLINA IN S.T1EF. The co.sts of -the Strin'ord-ElUn library sitit fall tipon Sla.f! jnd J. j A. LlUingto:i, h'S snretv. - - j The Bellows factory at Charlotte, -has ! shut down in ordej- to enlRryv h.s plant. Messrs. Jseweomb & Berryhiil opened the factory about August, and have twice enlarged the buihlii g::,ooo. l u;s priii e ed with hi w-suit.- for .some tune The ofiie:al in vital ions sent Uy-Gov ernor 'CarKto .fourteen" 'gtvertors ol southern states, t .!.- p:vs.nt here, Mav 0- as his guests, di.l '::il go out until. Saturday. Two or lar overnors will probably fome. j it, ri ttioi tgagel ! ::-i l r risU-reJ p;tyible in thej ies evtit-utlv iri-j The ' Beeord :s:i v- was recently ts.v in Chatham e ;-i i'- .' year oJ.COJ. TUs Y" tended the year ). but it is plainly j written. The H'-ek'orj- IV' and C :i riyp iin,' 'ha to ;;t ; rol.marj j e source 1 , i agreed, i has inform .'.ion f tor that fi;e Staoi'-.'l - or is ;:'V:,o:;t to :ig-e that th to bnihi money is for lie :ii; a ro-td-lie 1 for the '.7 ' Leii.,, ii.e-ory to ,-.?w- Len X.-rrow (a.'g-; -froii ton. and thus pi.iei- t r-isition tliat it will l:i ; "er 1 :l :ch 3 ind-,? pert lent oi 1 the Southern " r::ilw;tj-".-change ri-les ai d tr -1'.io board 'Airline. T'-.e W!"' and ( in infer- v.-itn tUe -Sea-. t:i-: be eom- mrticed in ti.e en i 'r- CONCSfLM: G THE -.iTHiKE. TllA IJe.ilV-i'iSM-il i'.:i a.:l: : ur!: O T 't'ttil- Pocaiiovtas. V iiisv . - de nKinstratiim of the sir' liere "yesterday n.-is-;.-t o.f turbance. There was ;-n w- I. i ( ; IS t nee ol ) aiker ? Xht nos tit by tht :i to 1h about:!.!)')). Severn! agit arid then a ii.dxe tvas :.' local minrs in ' he -nly t "th district not. vet a'.'a-- strike, 'i ii.; r rike l .'( i -rs e.ai elated over tlie ivs:;.i and assert thai '-) t'u!?.-sn"eti'n i he i.ken a: work her '.joined tie t;nioi. .confident tha'. th'se mines idle. The oper.itor. here hand say tii-it 1m; fee,- , f joined anl they do r.ot :ti.ir. -be seriously tih'.-eleii. An-' ihg will be he! i t l v a:i'l 'Vesulfwirt b- v.-ill v,,,:',,! --el. time comes: for the men to work. '1 hey art il .-.'inn hi t iio olhei :h ir. tuer they wil. r meet viiat iht -.t.'-til ;i,t i'ilH'Ii tv JiflTO. che Perl THE EVACUATION CT . Uritish Flee' a Q-i'IeM' 1. i- Fvest.tsrfrt 1 '. a ltd Washington. May' ''.'.-.According to advices received here the evacuation oi Corinto by the British i'.e.-t was tj'aiety accomplished yesterday aal the port was restored to the .S'ieai a gnan author ties. Shortly after tnidrvg ,t Satur lay Minister Gt:z!?i ill received a en bit mev sage stating that ail the prelitnina rie had tieen satisfactorily" ai ranged with the British a.imir-ii. through the in'.er-mediatidu-of Se .(;. I-'e-iios of Hondu ras, in tins manner Aicarpgi -.-. -j: 1 ..lf,-, 'in S-. t'lrd'i v for ? TIMS'"' IK'.'1 I'OlTf spared any appearance of hmmirsituia j .ti.j.ns made by Italy for losses sustain and fi--.etio:i was avoided on both sioi-.,. C(i hv infli.ln hiii,j(.ct, during the late Nicaragua w.U pay the imieiti-jty ii ! r.;v;iioti. ' ' 'London withlp the tvo v.-t-el: s ' slip j- . . 1 1 la ted a ltd the remaining terms of ultimatum will be suti fs;' or ilv - ranjred. Tbrnt-y Coritiiin-s w t ovi'r or ;' -Nashville. Tenn.. May .'. Turney ipm declared ?ivi!n,or i,y thir' cea ixii jority in the legislature-. 1. c; m Sy tj- 'jsf:- s'-J sr - -i t j - :'-vlr;v-5C I -5tl 4 as Old Friend Asivl l!ic Lest friend that never tVtiis you is Simmons Liver Regu lator' (the Hod Z) that's what you hear at the- mention of this "excellent" Liver medicine, and people should not. be persuaded rfiat nnvthir.o; ol- e will do. If i!? the -King of Liver iledi-rc---: is Letter than pills, and tl i e aeo of Qfl mine . and Caniel it acts directly on the J.ivcr, Kinney find Bowels and f-ires now lile to the whole: sys icir.. This is. the medicine "you v.-ant. Bold by ail Druggists, in liquid, or in Powder to be taken ury or in:idi3 into a tea. fi-EVI-:KY 1'AfttAf.E-frt -Ilns Oim . st.tn, ii in Tt-rt (in wrapper .1. If. .".V.LJS w CO.. rhiladelpbia. Pa. THE ILLNESS OF GRESHAM. I'res dent Cleveland's Anxiety to Keep Amrrlraniftm Out of Sight. Washington, -May 4. The serioua illness of Secretary Gresham has thrown the entire charge of the Nicara gnan atrair into the hands of President Cleveland, and therefore no one can . expect any turn towards Americanism iu the policy. The president will sure ly not let Assistant Secretary Uhl take charge of this Central American trouble, because he fears some patriot ism mny be injected into it. The pres ident remembers how,-when the secre tary of state was ill before and the AUianca was fired upon, Mr. Uhl acted . the American and sent that noted dis patch to Spain demanding immediate apology.- ' A burnt child dreads the fire, Mr. Cleveland is not going to let Mr. I'l.l fe:id any more dispatches. The matter, therefore, rests in charge of Mr. Cleveland on this side and Mr. Davard in London, and England will ; umv nkve uo foar The serious turn in Secretary Gres- i ham's illness will necessitate his ab- i Hence from the state department for r. i weeks. It was his desire to be at hia icsk Hgaiu when he was sick last time that caused this setback. The doctors arc now saying that. Mr. Gresham will be obliged. to take a long rest. Yester day his trouble was complicated by passing a gall stone, and the greatest care is be'tig exercised to keep him qiiet a hd' removed from any annoyance Henry (leorce Leuaey. , Ai.mo.v. X. V.,"' May 6. -The will of -S. M. Btirroughs,who died recently at - Mtmie Carlo, has just been ' rece vied here, lie left s-.'S.oo'J each to John Par- j T, .. , . . . .. -u...u -. r' wijixi cemetery in Medina, and 20,000 to Henry George, the single tax advo cato of Xew York. Mr. Burroughs was - di, enthnshtstic advocate of the single . v thcorv. - -"" : Indian Will be for Ilarriaon. v Iniuanai'oi.is, Ind., May fl. Indiana will probably send a solid delegation for General Harrison to the next I national republican eon ventidn. It is I said that the old Gresham factions i nmv favor Harrison. Mr. Harrison's j l.ienJs ,lre T.termined , h tn,n:,n:i-s r.nndidt.- that he shall. j' - : t'annot Use Oil For fneU . - Ci kvi i.a xn. May 6. Tlie Standard Oil coinpa ny Saturday served notices on a number of local factories which have been using petroleum for fuel that it could n longer furnish them with fn-l-o'il. The recent advance In prices is the -ause . assigned "for its movement. - - - Cyclone 1'usses Through TeKaa. - Dkxi.vi.v, Texas, May 6. A cyclone' passed over this portion of this state yesterday iiiorriiuj. Houses were blown .iovn. stock killed and fences levei led. No casualties are reported. Th cyclase crossed lied river to the It. di;j u iei ritf.rv. . making"' a swath tliruririi the forest. tirs;..'ii;i Him It (loses it lloora. :-- Knox u.i k. Tenn., May 3. The Ap palachian bank at Big Stone Gap, Va.. has closed its doors. It was organized live year.- sg with fJ50,000 capital. 'As setts and liabilities are not given, but' it is stated that all claims will be paid in full. ; ' ' -, -- -.'-:-' . - Compton Hies by His Own Hands, t Union. S. C, May 4. V. ,L. Compton,' ' of this city, who shot his wife and then himself tin-ee days ago died yesterday. It turns out that it was in some re spects a parallel case with that of Brown-Gordon in Louisville. ; ; ; i More Troops Knroute to Cuba. . Havana, May 4. The transport steamer Antonio Lopez has -arrived at Santiago de Cuba from Spain with 934 regular troops. T"he governor general stiiled yesterday at 4 p. m. for Cien- ' ' j foegos and MonzantUo. Now it is Italy's Turn. j Rio Janeh'.o, May 4. The Italian i charge ti'affaires demanded that s"'1' ; I'.r.i.ii i til v within seven davs to th the j ' : n ar- i . -.... - - ... :. i r... ....- l. i ' e -.nica ?re : in tn;-!.ivinj; the ai-!5tpf?riiS. A .' ; I'.ir,. blood, o ! i ..'.'itlOII to c ' - ' . p-v Le .'.': u ii iii. - r- Latest U. S. Gov't Report t W .1' t :j. 4 f. I I Children Cryfoi Pitcher's Castoria. er to Venezuela. j Reae The Advance, $i a j tar.