If ' - -.; -. - . A YEAR, CASH IN ADVANCE. ; WENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S." BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. VOLUME XXV. , WILSON, 'N. - Cm JULY 11, 1895. NUMBER 28. TV I M 'i par Seeing isit First People rv F f ie Cash Racket Stores! We have bought the entire stock of the late time this .A. N. Daniel,. and by the r , i eoes to press . we nope ro nave it in your our stores ready for you to make selections. The stock . is com posed of new goods entirely, having been bought by him only a short time before he was taken sick. THE NEWSISB In All the Circles of J And Industrie Camden, has yote exceed S pleted ri the purr the moi of yg, a thr reae tine Bexfe Baj con B 3 m I rm 12 ',m I IE CASH RACKET STORES J n r . - . fa 4IJ - v-- w IHT - M ca I II ; - S US Boy I Vkh avd r,oi.nsRORO .Strkkts WIT -SON. N. C. Lm I MeinJ-i-: F - . v9 'ft ' ; H WILL IT BE BUIL.T ? 'Business 7 i 7ke south. it i i a I Ml 11) I I 1 I I MANY IMPROVEMENTS Ij a. I omjjnacion or roosif fcda at V .T-in. Points The Oold Fs or North t arolina Kailf (r)UHtni.- tlons to bAlade. Baltimore, Ju1t Special reports to the Manufactui Record indicate increasing aetivit7n industrial inter ests throughout tY ftouth. The Cyanide gold process, sV ceessfully in use in Africa and in. yvest, is to be tested on North Carcfef ores by some north ern and wesjn capitalists, who pre dict that if 8 successful North Caro lina will befln, second Africa in gold developmerj llieUhlt,ver and Charleston rail road compy) now in operation from '., to Rutherfordton, N. C, o issue new bonds not to 00 a mile, covering tha com- and the line to be built for e of building a road across ains and on to the coal fields Virginia and Kentucky, where h outlet to the west would be The Jacksonville, St. Augus- 'J Indian Rver railroad is to be id by Mr. Flakier to Kiscayne distance of sixty-five miles, and cts are being let for the construc- ork and for rails. e organization of industrial enter- es has made consideraole progress. many new undertakings are re nted. The Cherokee Falls cotton lis, Black burg, S. C, which has jtist Dieted a 10,000 spindly mill, is pre- ring to double its cacity. A com- any has been organiar-d to build a 0,000 spindle mill at Aiadelphia, Ark, t Sumter, S. C, a 51 JU.OOO .cotton mill being organized an? a 5,000 spindle mill is projected at Grf ntville, Ga., and a number of others a being organized tral, S. C, and ,000 marble com- .ized in Arkansas; hanael and dock company creosoting. plant is in Vircrinia : a S100,000 in West Virginia. Other enteynses for the week in clude a gre- variety of .projects for miscellaneus manufacturing and build- JAqKSONVILLE'S REVENUE, Marked Increase for the Past Vear A Profitable Point for Uncls Stm. JaCksoxville, Fla., July 8. The re port of the internal revenue depart ment for the district of Florida for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1895, shows a considerable gain over the pre vious year's collections. Ths report shows that the collections amounted to 8470,000, while in the previous year only 8416,000 was collected, showing an in crease of 854,000. For the same period the increase in the sale of cigar stamps amounted to 851,000. The total number of cigar and ciga rette factories in the district is 410, an increase of 45. A large number of fac tories have moved from one place to another in the state, but nearly all of the new factories have come here from New York, Philadelphia and other j points. The cigar business at Tampa I amounts to nearly three-fifths of that ; of the entire district and the estimate ! for the coming year is one hundred ' million cigars for Tampa alone. The : income to the government will be about 825,000 worth of stamps per month. The estimated receipts for the coming ' year amount to 8500,000, and the cost of : collection, including salaries and rent, i is estimated at 815,830. The cost of ; the collection is about one-fourth as much in proportion as that of any other southern state. THE EXPOSITION AGO! BUSINESS OUTLOOK CHEERING There Are no Deficiencies in Its Finances and Prospects- MANY NEW AND ATTRACTIVE CARDS. The Necessary Funds are Subscribed at Home iluffalo Bills Shows to be Ont Done by the Mexican Bull Fights It's a Go. Atlakta, July 6. At a meeting of the directors of the Cotton States and International exposition yesterday, Mr. S. M. Inman, chairman of the finance committee, announced that more bonds were to be placed Jbef ore the opening of the gates. In about fifteen minutes all of the remaining bonds were placed and the expenses to the opening of the gates fully covered, thus absolutely se curing the financial statues of the ex position. The finance committee is re ceiving congratulations on its superb management. The bonds were taken Less Distress in Commercial Circles and the Outlook for Fall Trade Hright Nkw York, July 6. R. (i. Hun Sr. j Company, in their weekly review of trade today says: j There were 6,657 commercial failures in the , first half of 1S95, against 7,039 in the first half of 18S)4, and 6,401 in the first half of li&3. These ( j commercial failures involved liabilities of ! $88,839,941, this year, against $101,739,306 last ' year, and $168,864,444 in 1893. j ! The details show a decrease in every class of ' failures in the second, compared with the iirst J half of 1895, both in the number and magni- I tilde, the defaulting liabilities averaging H-C4 ( against 40 for every firm in business and 1S3.1H j against $4.03 for every $1,003 solvent payments, i The mid-summer reports from all commer- i cial centres are of especial interest, covering ' the question on which the future business de pends. They indicate distinctly better crop prospects than other official or commercial accounts, a marked increase in retail distribu- tion of products, an active demand for goods, ' and a general enlargement of the working ; force, with some advance in the wages of more than half a million hands. At the same time : they show that the rapid advance in prices has ; somewhat checked buying of a few classes of ' products. In every part of the country the I outlook for fall trade is considered bright. j Nothing disturbs the money market, the government begins the new fis-al year with - more than the required gold reserve, and the . IN NORTH CAROLINA Current News for the Week J Throughout the State. EX-SENATOR MITCHELL DISAPPEARS. His Action a Severe Shock to the -People. Charged With Misuse of Funds. Other Happenings of Interest , Through the State. entirely by members of the directory i disbursement of nearly $80,000,000 by opera DUE TO THE WILSON BILL. Reform Club Statistics Show a Widespread Kite In Wages. New York, July 8. The Reform Club has prepared a list of over 300 concerns directly affected by the Wil son bill whose employeest wages have been increased. This tide of prosper ity has affected nearly one million wage-earners, according to the Reform Club statistician, the average increase ! being above 10 per cent. at Decatur, Ala. other points. A pany has been pri a 81,000,000 c in Texas; a 8101 to be establish oil well coinp: UALTY AT DECATUR. chlng a Funeral Falls From a Tree and is Killed. Dkcatub, Ala., July 8. Satur- ight Dr. C. W. Buchley started to with Superintendent Ed the Oak" T!75.nct f,oirany, very ilL Medical attention Another Increase in Wages. CnrcAoo, July 5. The furnace men of the South Chicago plant of the Illi nois Steel company have been granted an increase of - fifteen per cent over the ten per cent increase in wages which was given them voluntarially by the company July 1st. The increase af fects the wages of over 500 men. The men claimed that the voluntary in crease invalidated their contract with the company and being insufficient they asked no more. A retired newspaper man gives this philosophical reason ior quitting theusiness: "A child is born, the July o. For , doctor In attendance eets Sio, the ed- has been the j t . , . rt - ur:cn. acknowledged necessity, for this conn- j lul "ulc" ,l " u Sc w " " try as well as the countries of the east. The telegraph tolls have been, enor- It is Now Stated That the money is Heady for the Great Pwc-iic C'lle. Sax Fraxx-isco, Cal., years a mid-ocean cable mous to get the news and business messages in consequence of the want of it. Across the Atlentic there are two or more cables already, but S3 far the west and Pacific countries have been denied that convenience in con sequence of the length and expense. It now appears, however, only a mttcr of time when the geut Pacific cable will be laid. The statement was made yes terday by Vice-President Hugh Craig, or the chrmber of commerce, thtit after a careful investigation of the subject. he is convinced that British capitalists will build the Pacific cable and that the difficulty of getting a ib.id-oei.-an station has been overcome. The proposed route is from Auckland. New Zealand to Norfolk Island in the outh Pacific, 415 miles; Norfolk Island to Fiji, 1,002 miles; Fiji to Fan- mnir Island 1.715 miles and there to Vancover 2,242 miles. The total U-ngt h will be 0,1,85 miles, almost three times as long as the shortest transatlantic cable. The estimated cost is S7,5S5.000. It is proposed to have a immlu r of cables connecting with the main one in the Southern hemisphere, the principal connection to be between Aukhind and Sidney in the South St-a Islands. It is now lu.ped a new era of pros per ity vA bring this much needed extra wonder of the world.- Johnson's Orientental Soap is the Tins delicate facial soap in existence, leaves the skin soft and velvety Ab solutely mire and hiyhly medicated. Lewis, of who was in Memphis, it was thought, would be the only thing to saye Mr. Lewis. While en route Mr. Lewis died with tracir vestera'ayr ii ianre aenrKantm"tr business men met the remains. While the funeral cortege was passing at the corner of Lafayette and Ferry street, Decatur, Frank Keeves, a bright little 9-year-old child, climbed into a tree to see it pass by. Just after the proces sion had passed, the boy fell from the tree, falling on the back of his head, killing him instantly. This is peculiarly sad from the fact that the boy's grandfather is lying at the point of death. The Georgia Central Plan Approved. New York, July 4. It is announced on excellent authority that the com mittee of thebondholders of the Savan nah and Western railroad has accepted the proposition, with some modifica tion, contained in the Georgia Central reorganization plan. The committee will have a meeting on Friday to take formal action. The last obstable to the Geor-gia Central . plan is now removed.' A WOMAN'S STRATEGY In a 'T- a wo large cahes in a i.ackace. 2 cts. ) Will tip r.roiiifht li.ick to Ueorgli. TAi.i.AitAsKK, Fla., July 8.. Sheriff John A. WV-, ,.,.p has reLnriu-d from Jas- Per ' where he left Tom Harden who had been arrested by Sheriff Pothill on information furnished bv Pearce. Har den is wanted in Wilcox, Ga., for mur der, committed in May, - 1S91. Sheriff Fearee will take Harden to Georgia as seon as the extradition papers are jnaje out. ' ' ed. the minister eets $4.. the editor writes it up and gets oo; it marries the minister gets another fee, the ed i tor gets a piece ot cake or ooo; in coufse of time it dies-, the doctor gets from $5 to $io, the minister gets another $5, the undertaker $25 to $40 the editor prints it and receives 0000 and then the privelege of run ning free of charge a card ol thanks." Salisbury Herald. 'thing Strange. Intellegent people, who realize the important part the blood holds in keeping the body in a normal condi tion, find nothing strange in the num ber of diseases that Hood's Sarsapa rilla is able to cure. So many trouble result from impure blood that the best way to treat them is through the blood, aud it is far better to use only harmless vegetable compounds than to dose to excess with qninine, calo mel and other drusrs. By treating the blood, with Hood's Sarsaparilla, scrolula, salt rheum and what are commonly called "humors;" dyspep sia, catarrh, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption and other troubles that originate in impurities of the blood or impaired cirulation can all be cured- Winning Card Japan May Take on to Ex-Queen Lil Tacoma, Wash., July 8. The Morn ing Union has received private advices from Honolulu to the effect that Queen Lilioukalani . and her following are plotting toform an alliance with Ja pan by her marriage to a Japanese count. The Japanese have 30,000 res idents on the island and with this new alliance it is claimed, the Hawaiian republic could be overthrown. The of ficials of the republic are alarmed at Fires and Flocda in Uertuany. London, July 5. A Blindi5na4ck savs severethTmAiji - - " curred in various . parts u. '.jrman.Y. Numerous reports of fatalities and se rious Sres have been received. Half the villiage of Oberkail, near Treves was destroyed. The lower parts of Vienna are flooded. The storm has de stroyed the entire vine crop about the Veinnes suburbs of Simmering, Grinz ing and Nusdorf. Wealthy West Virninlan's Saic-ldc. HCN'TIXGTOJS. XV. Va., July 5.- T. C. Beardsley, mining engineer, of the Turnkey Knob Coal company, and one of the best known men in this section of West Virginia, shot himself dead yesterday morning while standing be fore his wife and a number of friends. Beardsley was wealthy and the only reason known for the suicide was an alleged domestic difficulty. ,3 . U . 1. M i 1 . 1 I k uu bin cc-iuui iiia ui . wiciu w ci o Laivuu i j by members of the finance committee ana tne omcers of tne expositian. con versant with the details of the business. Three hundred thousand dollars in bonds have thus already been placed for cash. . ' The management of the exposition have received from Mr. A. Macchi, commissioner general to Europe, a proposition from Messrs Herbert Saunders company, of London, offer ing to build on the lake a fac simile of the trans Atlantic steamship St. Louis. The ship would be of exactly the same size of the St. Louis and will be ele gantly flitted out. The interior will be used as a restaurant and the ves sel will be reached by gangways. This is a duplicate of an exhibit now being given at the Antwerp exposition. Hon. Henry G. Kettige, the secretary of the Massachusetts commission to the Cotton States and International expo sition, is in Atlanta conferring with the exposition management in refer ence to the Massachusetts display. He sent out to Piedmont park yesterday to select a site- for the Massachusetts building. WThile for several days it has been understood that there would be a bull fight in the Mexican Village at the Cot ton States and International exposition positive information has been wanting until now. A letter from the conses sionaire just received gives the follow ing description which indicates that this feature will rival the Wild West show as a drawing card. The arena will be arranged in the regular way and some of the bull fighters in Mexico, with a supply of trained horsess and of the finest bulls will be brought to At lanta. I c will be an exact reproduction of the famous bull fight of Spain, with one exception. The bull's horns will be padded, so that he can do a damage. lood- west show. PREMATURE FIREWORKS. tions m interest and dividends will stimulate business in many branches. The advance in iron continues and the 5 Thomas company has raised anthracite No. 1, i another $1 per ton. Comparison of prices for J various iron products shows an advance ran- ' ing from 72.2 per cent, since February for wire ' nails to 7.1 per cent, for anthracite pig and In j all kinds averaging 22 per cent. The demand and rise have come so suddenly that even while the first order for shipment of steel billets to j "UK' gubu auuxo null: nuuii prices were low, is being announced, the prices here has advanced $17, in April, to $22.25. or about 31 per cent. INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION. Wixstox, N. C, July 8. Information reached here yesterday that ex-State Senator R. S. Mitchell, of Caswell county, had suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from his home. He is Baid to be heavily involved and is charged with misuse of trust funds. It ia said that a number of attachments have been served on his property. Mr. Mitchell enjoyed the confidence of the community in which he lived to a very high degree, and was a man of very extensive affairs. His disappear ance is a severe shock to the people of his section, and will involve many in fiua ncial distress. GEN. RANSOM WILL RETURN To A Subscription of $ 100,000 Asked for It In Arapahoe County. Denver, Col., July 5. A petition signed by 3,600 of the biggest tax-payers in Arapahoe county, was presented to the county commissioners by the mining and industrial exposition com mittee here Wednesday, asking them to appropriate $100,000 for the under taking. With the petition was the proposed agreement between the asso ciation and the commissioners which is claimed will remove every question as as to the legal right of the commission ers to appropriate the money. The ex position, if carried out on the broad lines proposed by the international mining and industrial association will be productive of great good to the en tire western country. The board will meet today and it is expected will furnish the assistance requested. MISSISSIPPI STOCK BREEDERS. Their Organization Having a Good Fifect. Will Meet and Establish a Packery, "Jackson, Miss., July 8. The organi zation of the Mississippi stock breeders association here July 4th, in which every branch of that industry was largely represented, has begun to bring form fruit The cattle and swine preen"' uaauo- 1 r taed a Mexico That He Has Regained His Health lu the Air of the Free. Washington, July 6. General M. W. Ransom's recent severe illness in Mexi co caused his return to North Carolina and it was generally supposed that he would tender his resignation on the ex piration of his leave of absence. His health is now in such a fair way to re storation that he will resume his diplo matic functions in the City of Mexico if there is no retrogression. General Ransom was at the state department to day. ' FIRE AT BOONE. 3 KING- ir'i -xixwm a m r ' a,' s A V st V - rVSl I M GUI U N O a Vi". r LATQR A Store and Its Contents and a Dwelling and Barn Destroyed The Loss. Charlotte, N. C, July 8. A special to the Observer says ' a fire which oc curred at Boone about 8 o'clock Satur day by which M. XV. L. Bryan loses his store house, stock of goods and barn and a Mr. Yarboro his dwelling. Mr Bryan's loss is between "85,000 and 5C.000, while Mr. Yarboro's is about ?500. There Was no insurance in either case. The origin of the fire is un known. An Impoiiant Harder Trial. Charlotte, NTJ., July 5. A special to the Observer from Lexington, N. C, last night, says that the jury to try Baxter Shemwell for the murder of old Dr. R. L. Payne, was selected. It con sists principally of young farmers from Davidson county, and is apparently a fairly intelligent- body of men. There is one Quaker on it. The selection of the jury constituted the day's proceed ings. The trial is now on. Telephones for the Carolina. """" & ,. . i: t..i n ...cT iiorW bVelteWtne orgtiS&ed, JHfiole fifhV?ail be carried OUt With- I papery wui uc uiscu. aj, Jifl-eseni, out the slightest 1 lill," j, ' " aes ipwirpins siock, shed than is seen at a wild west show, mere uemS uu FmK m mio 01 ad joining states, inose at tne neaa 01 the movement have ample means and will push the scheme through to suc- Into the Hands of a Keveiver. Memphis, Tenn., July 4. The Gayoso hotel went into the hands of a receiver yesterday upon obligations amounting to about 1S0,000. The property is worth 8200,000. This hotel was Grant and Sherman's heaequarters during the number of Japanese and recently the war and was raided by F rrest brought in two ship-loads of Italians numbering 1600 from the Azores. IT PUZZLES THE PEYSICIANS. A Girl Becomes Motionless and Speechless and Then Talks and L)Ien. Honlister, Fla.,July 4.-Etta Moody, aged 12, died here yesterday. Her case puzzled the physicians. She was at tacked by a nervous disease in J.mua-ry and could not keep still. April 20th she had spasms and became motionless and speechless. She continued in this condition till 3 o'clock yesterday when she aroused and began talking as if she had just returned from a journey. Shu talked for half an hour and then died. when he raided Memphis, then held by Washburn. Wrashburn escaped to .the river in his night clothes. FOR cures SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. THE cures CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER. Fire Bags Attempt to Burn a Bridge. - Birmingham, Ala., July 8. A special to the Age-Herald, from Gadsden. Ala., says that a gang of fire bugs are at work there. They made an ineffectual attempt to burn the railroad bridge over the Coosa river and to assassinate the watchman, and ' have succeeded in burning the Louisville and Nashviiie freight depot. There is no clue to the parties, but they are believed to have a grudge against the railroad. Troops to the Coal t ields. Richmond, Va., July 4. Governer O'Ferrall's information from Pocahon tas today was to the effect that there is likely to be serious trouble among the coal miners and he has ordered the Ro anoke Light Infantry, the Roanoke Machine Wcrks Guard and the Lynch burg Guard to proceed at once to the scene of trouble. They Cause the Loss of One Life and SlOO, OOO Worth of Property. Ltnn, Mass., July 4. At 10:50 yes terday there was an explosion of fire works in front of L. A. May company store, .corner of Union and Mulberry streets. Immediately the whole mass of fireworks was ablaze and the fusi lade of exploding rockets, cannon crackers, bombs, etc., startled every body in Central Sqdare. A. B. Stimp son who was in charge of the fire works counter, was knocked against the glass front of the building but not injured. The flames communicated to the store of the L. A. May company and spread with alarming rapidity. Half-an hour after the fireworks exploded the entire block which is four stories, of brick, about 100 feet front on Union 6treet and more than that In depth was a mass of flames. It is thought that ev erybody escaped from the building with possibly two exceptions, an old man named James H. Winslow, who has not been accounted for as yet. and Harrv F. Hicks, whose body was found in the ruins.. Loss about 8100,000. cess. SPAIN GETTING CAUTIOUS. She Will Fontoon Havana and Inspect All Mails. Key West, Fla., July 4. Passen sengers by the steamship Mascotte last night report that the Spanish gov ernment has issued orders to build a por-toon bridge across the entrance to the harbor of Havana and that no ves sels vill be allowed to enter or leave the harbor between sunset and sunrise, and that every vessel must be thor oughly searched before entering and leaving, and that no vessel will be al lowed to carry mail, except that which goes through the post oflice. jUatToleplione aompany has with L. " 1, Ljfi , , Durham, president. Three thousand miles of wire has been ordered, and Wilmington, W'inston, Raleigh, Golds- boro, Durham, Greensboro and t,ar lotte will be connected. It is intended eventually to include all the principal towns in North Carolina and South Carolina in this long distance system. Are you taking Simmons LrvEB Reo--latob, the "King oje Lives Medi :"23?" That is what our readers .'ant, and nothing but that. It is the iatue old friend to which the old folks ir.ned their faith and were never disv ippointed. But another good recom uend iliou for ib is, that it is -bette enxtr Pills, never gripes, never weak Mis, but works in such an easy and natural way, just like nature itself; that relief comes quick and sure, and one fee's uew all over. It never fails. Everybody needs take a liver remedy, uid everyone should take only Sim .iiOiia Liver Regulator . j t r.c sure you get it. - The Red Z . on tlie wrapper. J. II. Zeilin & Co., riJladelplila. AFTER ALL, WILL THEY FIGHT T Tax Collector Bay No license. Can ba Granted for the Corbet-Fits right. ' Austin, Tex., July 4. State Comp troller Finley yesterday gave the Cor-bett-Fitzsimmons fight at Dallas a set back. In a letter to the tax collector at Dallas he says : " "While the act of 1889 provides for an occupation tax of WOO for every fight between man aud man, the legis lature of this state, has by subsequent enactment made it unlawful for any person to voluntarily engage in a pugi listic encounter for money, or upon the result of which any money is wagered,' or to see which amy admission fee 'is charged. That the effect of said act was to repeal so much of the act of 1889 permitted an occupation tax to be charged for fights between man and man, has been decided by our court of criminal appeal. You are, therefore,' respectfully advised that this depaftr ment will not attempt to legalize the proposed pugilistic encounter in this state by the issuance of a license." -' ' 1 In so much as the 8500 . tax has been paid and receipted for, it is a question how it will end. THE GEORGIA EDITORS ABROAD. fas Qaebeo. They are Wined aad Dined SOUTH'S CONGRATULATIONS The -sielit Air Bad For His Buainesn. i Little Girl Please give me a pen ny ma'am. Mother is dead, and my father can't go out at night any more, bv the doctor s orders, and so can t earn any money. Benevolent Passerby Can't go out at night? Why, what's your father s business? Litrle Girl He's a burglar, ma'am and before he was laid up with bron chitis we used to live beautifully. London Globe. She Will Klval Vesuvius ! Topeka, Kan., July 8. The supreme court rendered its decision Saturday in the case of Mrs. Mary Lease against the members of the state board of char ities in fayor of the defendanc, George H. Clark, who was appointed to suc ceed her on the board. This effectually removes Mrs. Lease from the office. Speaker John Meyer Bead. Chicago, July 4. Speaker John Meyer, of the Illinois house of repre sentatives, died at Freeport, III., yes terday. Nervous prostration was the cause of his death, though he suffered from a chronic ailment. Speaker Meyer's death will have an important bearing on the extra session of the legislature which reconvenes July 9. Big Fire In Ohio. Weixixgtox, O., July 5. Fire broke out in the Methodist church here last night and in spite of the aid Of neigh boring fire departments fifteen or twenty buildings were burned, and perhaps one or more fatalities occured. The loss is estimated at $150,000. Tammany Celebrates. New York, July 5. Tammany Hall celebrated the Fourth of July in the historic wigwam with the greatest en thusiasm yesterday. Letters of regret were read from President Cleveland, Senator Hill and others. BLOOD The Valne of a Friend. Carmelia, La. "For over six years I was greatly troubled with Constipation and Billiousness, and was ur afble to work. At the sugges tion of a friend I tried Simmons Liv er Regulator, and I am now free o' these troubles. Harrison Tarleton. Your druggist sells it in powder or liquid; the powder to be taken dry, 1 or made into a tea. Duastrom Fire. RohxerVille, Cal., July 8. Fire yes terday destroyed the Pacific Lumber company's plant at Seotia. The loss will be '250,000. About 300 men will be thrown out of employment. Freight and Passenger Depot Burned. Knoxville, Tenn., July 8. Passen ger and freight station of Southern railway, at Loudon, Tenn., was burned by incendiaries at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. Loss $8,000. Insurance Sl, 250. Itlshop of Texas. Rome, July 4. Rev. J. A. Forest has been officially appointed Roman Cath olic bishop of San Antonio, Texas. A Large Assignment. Chicago, July 5. Den berg, Click & Horner, proprietors of The Leader, one of the large department stores of this city, have failed. Creditors hold a chattel mortgage for S'ii.OOO. It is said that the assets of the firm will re- alizp over S400.000. EXPOSITION NOTES. the Life Saving Experiments to be on Lakes Buffalo Bill's Show. Atlanta, July 4. The government has notified President Collier that he will .have a life saving display at the Cotton States and International exposi tion. The exposition will erect a house on the lake and the government will place there a corps of men to save un fortunates who may drop in. A contract was signed yesterday be tween the representatives of Buffalo Tiill's wild west show , and the exposi tion. The Wild West gets twelve acres of the ground adjoining the exposition. The show will open some time in No- ....... will run a month. To the President and Wife ATho Again Rcj-.ic Over Another Girl Baby ! Buzzards Bay, Mass., July 8. Cray Cables, the picturesque and quiet sum mer home of President Cleveland, at half oast four vesterday afternoon a little girl was born unto Mrs. Cleveland Dr. Jos. D. Bryan, the attending phy sician, informed a representative of the United cress that both mother and child were doing well. Killed by A Young Lady. Pietstox, Pa., July 8. Miss Connell. acred 18 years, found a ver in the pocket of her young yesterday and for safety she awav from him. She went out Georgia Press association arrlv" , Lieutenant Wilkes Released. Chablotte, N. C, July 5. Governor Carr has released Lieutenant Willtes, late of the Charlotte division ef the naval batallion, from arrest under court marshal proceedings. The gov ernor held that while Lieutenant Wilkes was guilty of neglience and carelessness in matters of official cor respondence, etc., he was not guilty of insubordination or improper motives. night and wereejtoStnd at a- dinner given oy me Quebec Press asso ciation in the Chateau Frontenao. Lieutenant Colonel Faucher de Saint Maurice, the honorary president of the Quebec Press association welcomed, the Americans with appropriate words. The president of the Georgia associa tion replied, saying that his party had come to join hands with their Canadian confreres to educate the masses to ward higher aspirations and civilisa tion. 1 ' ; . , - . -, ORGANIZED LABOR CELEBRATES Katie revol- brothcr took it on the WORSE THAN REPORTED. Children Cryfoi No Yellow Fever in Tampa. Jacksonville, Fla., July 5. The re port that there is yellow fever in Tam pa, and that people are refugeeing is denied most emphatically b3r Frank B. Matthews, private secretary of Dr. Joseph Y. Porter, state health officer, lie states that no ground exists for such a suspicion, as Dr. Porter is now in Tampa and is in direct communication with the state board of health. Instead of the people refugeeing, they art flocking to Tampa by the thousands to attend the Mid-Summer Carnival nov in progress there. A Cloud Burst In Illinois. Highland, 111., July 8. A cloud burst struck this place Friday night doing great damage. In many fields the water was deep enough to swim a horse. Hundreds of shocks of w5eat were destroyed, miles of fencing Xvere washed away and live stocy was 1 lv Pitcher's Castorla. Y Seven Reported Drowned in the Sinking of the Steamer Lady Lee. Memphis, Tenn., July 8. It is re ported here that seven of those aboard the Lady Lee, that sunk Friday night opposite Island Point, were drowned. Among the missing are Barber Henry Richardson and Baker Lite Watson. Five deck passengers are reported lost, two of these being women. All are uegroes. The passengers were brought to Memphis this morning on the C. B. Bryan. The government tug left for the scene of the wrecked boat and re ports that she will probably breaE to pieces. - ' WARRENTON, ALA., TRAGEDY. J. A Sanford Kills BUI Mitchell at a Populist Meeting. Guntersville, Ala., July 8. At the populite speaking at Warrenton, this county, Saturday, Bill Mitchell, of Brindlee mountain, was shot and in stantly killed by J. A. Sandford, late of Georgia. Sandford also received a painful gash on the head with a stone from Mitchell. Sanf ord is in jail. Castle the Minister. Hoxolitlu, June 27, per steamer Ala meda, via San Francisco, July 4. The senate yesterday confirmed the appoint ment of William R. Castle as minister to Washington Warehouse Burned. Dcluth, Minn., July 8. The ware use of the Union Dock company on ;ke Avenue was destroyed by fire at jidnight, causing a loss of over $100, r,n .. The insurance is much less. porch intending to hre on the cart nidges in the chamber of the revolver. The first shot she fired struck Mrs. Catharine Kelly, a neighbor and killed her instantly, the bullet going through her heart When Miss Connell realized what she had done she was frantic with remorse and grief and tried to shoot herself with the weapon. She was re strained by some member of the family. The Seaboard and the Southern. Norfolk. Va., July 4. Mr. St. John, vice-president of the Seaboard Air Line. is in Baltimore. While nobody here has authority to speak for the company in reference to the story from New York as to the absorption of the Sea board Air Line by the Southern Eail wav company, the Seaboard is said to be watching with a jealous eye movements of the Southern. North Carolina Pharmacists. Mobehead City, July 8. The six teenth annual meeting of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association : will take place here July 10th at 10 o'clock a m. The meeting of the) state board of pharmacy, for the ex amination of candidates, will be held at the same place July 9th at 9 o'clock a. m. ' George Tilson, of Asheville, deputy collector of this district, made a raid on Crisley Eller, a well to do farmer, last Monday night, and captured an old still worm which Eller says has not been used for stilling purposes in twen- IheyAIet. loved and Parted. Guthrie, Okla., July 8. Mrs. Min nie F. Williams, of Tampa, Fla., daugh ter of a millionaire merchant of Louis ville, Ky., has secured a divorce here from D. Foster Williams, a New York city club man, whom she met and mar ried at Tampa, two years ago. She al leged that he represented himself as wealthy but did not support her or ev en himself, she being obliged to pay his board. Vice-President Stevenson and Governor HcKlnley Address Them. ' Chicago, July 5. One of the greatest patriotic demonstrations of organized labor ever held in this city took place yesterday at Sharp Shooters Park,' un der the auspices pf the Illinois state Federation of Labor and the Trade and -Labor Assembly of Chicago. The star speakers of the day were Vice-President Stevenson and Governor McKln ley. Over 20,000 people visited the park during the day. Stock Breeders Association Organised. Jackson, Miss., July 6. The Missis sippi stock breeders association was or ganized here yesterday with thirty members, representing every portion of the state and breeders of all sorts of -domestic animals and poultry. William E. Oates, of Vicksburg, one of the largest breeders of Jersey cattle in the' United States, was elected temporary chairman and Professor Fait Butler, of the agricultural college, secretary. A constitution and by-laws was adopted.' Great interest is manifested in stocki raising ki this section. The meeting continues three days. , The Ban's Cotton Review. New Yobk, July 8. Cotton fell I point, but regained this and advanced t to S points, closing steady with sales of 37,600 bales. Liverpool dtelined l-16d on the spot, with sales of 0,000 balest futur.es declined 2 to 2J points. Iliheit cf .11 in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report the Boiler Bursts and KiilsFlve Men. Spezzie, Itally, July , 4. While the torpedo boat Aqnila was undergoing trials yesterday her boiler e-tploded. Five man were killed and thirteen in jured. The other six men aboard of her escaped injury. The vessel was badly damaged. . Private Bank Failure at Cartersville. Cabtebsville, Ga., July 4. W. II. Howard, a private banker here, has suspended. He will pay depositors as soon as he can make collections. No one fears a loss. The delay may be short. Bid Not Get a Quorum. Columbus, Ga., July 4. The annual meeting of stock-holders of the Mobile and Girard railroad company, was to have been held in Girard yesterday but only a few shares of stock were repre cMnti and the .meetiasr was not held. Fltzslmnions Ac-quitted. Syracuse. N. Y., July 4. The jury in the B'itzsimmons case has brought in a verdict acquitting him, for killing a .nTnoTior in a prize rinse Children Cry for 1 Pitcher's Castoria. . r. 1 .- ,"M :', Smineford's Arsenie-Lit hia Water Co., itichmond, Va., Dec. ia, 18M.: Gentlemen Allow me the pleasure of adding my testimonial to the many you must have re ceived for your valuable water. It has done me so much good I wish others suffering as I have to receive the benefit. For four years I suffered atrony from gravel and kidney colic, and was treated by specialists without relief, and finally wag ordered by my physician here to go to " Swineford's Arrenic-Litbis Spring." On the day I intended going I was taken with an attack ' of kidney colie and could not go, but had the water sent to me, and drank of it freely with almost immediate' relief. I kept drinking the water, and now I am happy to say I am entirely cured, and am feeling better than I ever did be fore. Hoping others may be benefited as I have been by your remarkable water, J am. Yours truly, E. P. GENTRY, Live Stock Agent Atlautfc Coast Line. PUREST WATER KNOWN! Swineiord's Arscnic-Litliia Water, AERATED OR PLAIN! HARGRAYE'S PHARMACY, Sole Agents, sriLsos, x, o :

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