' J -- -f , n on i A YEAR, CASH IN ADVANCE. " LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S.' BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. VOLUME XXV. WILSON, X. C., JULY 25, 1895. NUMBER 30. Advance. W 6 7 7 7 v7 t l m IN NORTH "CAROLINA Condensed News of Interest Throughout the State. THE SOUTHERN BIBLICAL ASSOCIATION Far Seeing People Visit First - Holds Its Annual Session in the City of Ashevllle The Editors Adjourn. Other Interesting Mews Through the State. The Cash Racket Stores! What ! Devote all this space to adver tising Tin Coffee Pots? Yes ! r We want pur friends to get the benefit of a good thing. The Coffee Pot M holds one gallon, is warranted perfeet, land is sold elsewhere for 25c. Our price, Honlv 8 cents. We now I have about six K: dozen of them but they will soon be gone d we can so come 4 4 4 1 plan r;ti'ure, get r no more to sell at this and get one and put it awav until you want it J Mosquito Net (all colors) just to hand at 5 cents per yard. TL I CASH RACKET STORES, J. M. LEATH. Manager. 'ash and Goldsboko Streets, wilsc)nln:-c AsiTVn-l.K, N. C, July 20. The South- : ern Biblical Association held under j auspices of the American Society of Kehgious Education began its work yesterday evening' when an open plat form meeting was held at the First Baptist church. Mayor Davidson on behalf of the city, extended a welcome to the assembly workers, and Rev. Dr. R. F. Campbell, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, delivered an ad dress of welcome on behalf of the churches. Responses were made by Gen. John Eaton, of Washington, presi dent of the society and by Dr. John M. Gregorys of Washington, vice-president. The assembly is held for a study of the Bible, and will continue for four weeks with meetings morning, after noon and evening. The work will be divided into sections, meeting in various churches. There will be a lecture course, Sunday teachers' conference, ministers' conference, general confer ence, school of English Bible, juvenile Bible school, college faculty confer ence, young people's assemblies and childs' culture clubs. The lecture course dates will be filled by some of the most prominent divines and Bible students in the south. The assembly has started off with a good attendance and it is thought will awaken increased interest as it progresses. THE WORLD'S GRANARY. the Decrease of 3,171,000 Bushels In Available Supply of Wheat . New York, July 18. Special cable telegraphic dispatches to Brad- and street's, covering principal points of ac cumulation in the United States, Cana da and Europe, together with supplies afloat for Europe from all sources, in dicate the following changes in avail able stocks last Saturday, as compared with the preceding Saturday: Wheat United States and Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains, decrease; 2,153,000 bushels; United States, Pacific coast, decrease, 405,000 bushels; total decrease, both coasts, 2,268,000 bushels, afloat for and in Europe, decrease, 008,000 bushels; total decrease world's available, 3,171,000 bushels. Corn United States and Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains, decrease, 851, 000 bushels. Oats United States and Canada, east oj the Rocky Mountains, decrease, 875,- 000 bushels. Leading decreases of available wheat not covered in the visible supply report include 275,000 bushels at northwestern interior elevators, 51,000 bushels at Leavenworth and 81,000 bushels at Pittsburg. ' Corresponding increases were 192,000 bushels in Milwaukee private elevators, 30,000 bushels at Fulton and 57,000 bushels at Louisville. INDICATIONS ALL FAVORABLE. EVANS HAS HIS TURK Cerious Mention of the Southerner For Vice President. REPORTED COMBINE WITH M'KHLEY. The Nme of Prominent Republicans the Talk of the Politicians or Their Par tyThe Strength of th Ten- nessean In the North. NORTH CAROLINA EDITORS. V V tl PI k They Adjourn After an Interesting; Session at Greenesboro. Gr.EEXESi;or.o,N. C.July 20. -The North Carolina Press convention adjourned last night. The following are the olli cers for the ensuing year: Mr. C. L. Stevens, of the. Southport Leader, was made president. Vice presidents are, W. F. Marshall, W. W. McDiarmid, and Editor Jacobson, of the Washington Progress; Mr. J. B. Sherrill was re-elected secretary; Mr. W. C. Iton d, was elected orator for next year; Hal. W. Ayer, poet; Mr. Kernodle, historian'.- Delegates to the National Educational Association are: J. P. Caldwell, W. C. Erwin, John B. Kerr and J. W. Bailey, 1 Southern Business Continues to Improve, Notwithstanding Summer Dullness, New York, July 20. Bradstreet's today says : All the previously reported favorable Jnd as trial and commercial features continued this week, the endurance of the revival in demand for iron and steel, the further advances In prices of the same, and additional Increase of wages of Industrial employes, beinp the most significant. Notwithstanding the season of mld-snmmer quiet In some lines of pintnl trade, the volume of general business through out the country is largely in eicess of that one year ago. Merchants at all larger cities are preparing to send ont travelers and until they besrln to exhibit results no exact estimate of how fall trade will open can be prepared. At this time the outlook is regarded as highly favorable. At Iloston. Philadelphia and Baltimore, among eastern cities, noteworthy gains in sales of staples are announced. Reports from southern cities 1 show fnrther impiovements, gains this week being more marked than in a like period for months before. " LITTLE MARION CLEVELAND. SOUL AND BODY PART. Porter Bullet TO WATCH THE COAST Mi RAILROAD MAGNATES ADJOURN W1U Mop the Bull Fights. New Youk, July 19. William Hosea I'.xllou. vice president of the American Humane Association, declares that he wiil stop the proposed bull tights at the Atlanta Exposition. Yesterday lie served notice on the management that unless "prompt denial is received from the authorities that such exhibi tions were to be permitted. he would in etitute injunction proceedings, or failing therein would cause the arrest and punishment of all concerned. The Asbeville Meeting: Concludes The Last Work in Session. Ashveii,i.e,N. C, July 20.- The South ern Railway and Steamship Associa tion concluded the consideration of an meet in New York city August loth for organization and the appointment of a commissioner. The boycott of the Alabama Great Southern and Louisville and Nashville Railroads, was by a reso lution unanimously passed, declared to be unjust. The executive board decid ed that, under certain conditions, ex hibits to the Atlanta exposition would be handled free. The Third and Youngest Daughter of the President Has a Name. Buzzards Bat, Mass., July 20. The president and Mrs. Cleveland have named the little girl, now twelve days old, Marion Cleveland. As in the case of both Ruth and Esther, no middle name is given. It is not at present known of course, what induced the- parents to select this name, but it will be readily recalled that it was at the charming town of Marion, on Buzzards Bay, where Mrs. "rSe' wmgland" anifVC wher'e "she made many warm personal friends, besides becoming very much attached to the place. r-ecresary Mnlih Will Speak In Georgia. Washington". July 20. Secretary Hoke Smith left Washington last night for his home in Athens, Ga. While ii way he w ill make thrtje speeches in that state on the financial question, be ginning at Gainesville on Tuesday A Matter of Mere Patience. "Well," said Mr. Sorkms, "I've quit woi Tying about the fate of the country and the destiny ol our pres ent social system and things." "Haye you solved all the prob lems?" "No, I haven't solved any of 'em. but my daughter, Minerva Jane, will be at work on her graduation essay pretty soon, and I guess I may as well make my mind -easy and find out all about it when she gets through." Washington Star. Southern Railway Steamship Meeting. Ashville, N. C, July 19. The mem bers of the Southern Railway and Kteamshin Association pot down to business yesterday, devoting several hours to the preparation of various ximnirp: in th nronosed agreement. A fight is anticipated when the amend ments suggested by Vice-Fresident St. .inhn nfthe Seaboard Air Line, are reached, but in his absence, the mem bers who are here refrain from taking them up. "WE WERE SQUARELY BEATEN," Says Charles Courtney, the Coach of the Cornell Crew. New York, July 3?. Among the passengers arriving on the steamer New York from Southampton was Charles E. Courtney, trainer of the Cornell-Henley crew. Mr. Courtney said to a reporter: "I cannot offer any excuse for our defeat. We -were squarely beaten. Fennell oupht not to have caught a crab, that's all. His oar struck, him in the stomach and knocked the wind out of him and of ourse threw us out of the race. Cur crew have been subjected to a good deal of criticism regarding the walkover in the tlrst race, but there did not seem any thing else to do under the clrcumstaucea." Arrested ASTIEVIIXE, N. Long, formerly arrested at li.ivj tried others, but like Ayers !; -st" is the statement made over and ovt-r riain by those who testify to the bt-netft derived from the use of Ayer's S:irnn:irilln. Disease never had a - t - -i t it-r enemy than this powerful Mood purifier. It makes the weak strong;. Kport I'piin July Failures. Nkw York. July 20. R. G. Dun Co. in their weekly review of trade will s iv today : Failures in all days of July show liabilities of $5,503,03-; this year, against 8-i.6:;0,300 .last year. Failures for the week have been 350 in the Unit- s:t..t, :nr.iinst -236 last vear. and 39 in Ctnada. against. 44 last year. jlessness, ner and all forms ot r insomnia, s hvster'ia n. rvous exhaustion and debility, there is hut one remedy, Johnson's r.lla and Celery works directly upon thf- nerve renters an cur-. Large bottles 50 grave's.- never fails to T T cts., at nai- The English Elections. ..clfa nf the Losikox. July 20. ' up to 5 p. jollin follow t: m Conservatives yesterday were as 271; U uiuu"-J weak and Nervous Describes the condition of thousands of people at this season. They have no appetite, cannot sleep, and comr plain of the prostrating effect of warm er weather. This condition may be remedied by Hood's Sarsapanlla, which creates an appetite and tones up all the organs. It gives good health by making the blood pure. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, assist digestion, cure headache. A Law-Abiding Girl. Mrs. McBride(entering the kitchen) j -"Bridget, didn't I see that police man kiss you?" Bridget "Well, mum, sure an' vez whuldn't hev me lay mesilf open to arrist for resistin' an officer, mum?' Harper's Bazar. A High Compliment. Roltot. Conn. "I 'am very much . pleased with the effect of your bim- mon's Liver Regulator, aud have rec comended it to a good many friends." j A, Rose. Your druggist sells it in powder or liquid ; the powder to be taken dry, or made into a tea. For Hi gamy. C, July 20. TV. TV. of Hughes, O., was Skvland, this county yes terday on a warrant charging him with bigamy. It is alleged that Long has a wife in Chio and it is certain that he was married a few years ago in Sky land, lie gave bond in the snm of 83, 000 for his appearance for a prelimina ry examination Saturday next. The Cigarette Machine Case Concluded. Aainr.vn.i.rc. N. C. July 20. Y'ester- Hntr in the Honsack cigarette machine case, W. B. Baldwin, of Washington, concluded the argument for the de fense. General Duncan, of New York, for the Dlaintiffs, closed the argument on that side. Judge Simonton left for his summer home at Flat Kock. CAROLINA IN THE LEAD. Many New Enterprises for North State. the Old for :rals 8(5; MoCarthyitea Par- From early cmiu hood until 1 was erown my family nent a fortune trying to cure me of this d'!efrsee-ted .4 ucir,c and was treateu by the best SLSe--b''when art ECZEMA 1 visited Hot Springs, Denehted. ETlVi II VI JlY,mA I things had ' g'jV'andin determined to try S. S. b., fn" . 1 four months was entirely cureu. . terrible Eczema was gone, not . & iLvfisGHILDHOM S. S. S. to a number of friends for s " fulls -" A Small Error, McKinley claims that the return of pood times is caused by "the return of & ..." 1 the Republican party ij rwc' This remark is inspired by the cool ness ol' the Chicago lake breeze. The Republican party has not returned to power yet Chicago Chronicle. Prank E. White, Minneapolis, Minn., .. . . Have used two boxes of your r'r and mut sav it rue wonders for pr had the The itching is all gone Margrave's. Among the enterprises projected the past week are: . Charlotte Water Works. The Char lotte Water company will put in a filter ing plant. Charlotte Flour Mill. ine jviecitien burg Mills has awarded contract for a 75-barrell roller flour mill. II illsboro Cotton Mill. It is re ported that a $00,000 cotton mill will be erected. llinton Gold Mining. McMasters, Grey, Thomas & Co., have commenced surface work on gold deposits. King's Mountain Cotton Mill. The Drilling Cotton Mill, it is reported, will double its' capacity, which is now $50,- 000 spindles and 250 looms. North Caroliua Gold Mine. Chas. H. Davis, of Petersburg, Va., has se cured option on a North Carolina gold mine and will organize a company to operate it. Madison Cotton Mill, etc. J. II. fries, of Winston-Salem; J. H. Ruffin and others have organized the Mayo Falls cotton mill with $300,000 stock to develop the water power at Jilayo Rapids andl erect a cotton mill. Raleigh : Water Power. John C. Drewry and W. V. Cleptan haye pur chased a water property near Raleigh and will thoroughly develop sama at once. Upon completion of improve ments a factory will be erected. SEVERE STORMS IN THE WEST. Peroral Men Killed by Lightning and Con siderable Proparty Damaged. Chicago. I1L. July 20. Severe storms are reported from various parts of Illi nois and Indiana. At McLomD, 111., lightning struck a cow shed in which eight men and sixteen norses naa sought shelter. John Barclay, Jr., was killed and Koland McAllister and Wil liam Cale severely shocked. At Logans port, Iud., Edward Carson, a farmer, was killed by lightning. Several bar ns were burned and live stock killed. YOUNG BAPTIST'S ADJOURN. Sunday the Closing Day of the Great Bal timore Convention, Baltimore, July 22. Sunday was the closing day of the great convention of the Young People's Baptist Union. The services yesterday included the convention sermon and the annual ad dress of President Chapman. After consecration service last night the con vention adjourned sine die. Fan-American Delegates In Toronto. Toronto, Ont., July 22. Distinguish Washington; July 20. The names of Mr. Stephen B. Elkins. of West Vir ginia, Senator Davis, of Minnesota, and Mr. H. Clay Evans, of Tennessee, are sabjects of considerable gossip among republican politicians at this time. Mr. Elkins and Mr. Evans are general t credited with entertaining vice-presidential aspirations. Senator Davis, it Ls thought, has another axe to grind, but will adopt the same methods that the other two use in accomplishing his pnrpose. Within the past few weeks a distinct Elkins boom has made its appearance. li poses now as a presidential boom, bit all politicians are agreed that this is 'merely a subterfuge, ana that it is the second place on the national ticket upon which Er. Elkins has designs and not the first place. It is the general idea that Mr. Elkins, while very glad to bold the position of United States seuator, would prefer sifting at the hoad 01 the senate to being merely a member of that august body. They probably think it likely he could have the senatorship any time that he wanteds it, ifhe should decide to relinquish it temporarily. Flan of the Elkins Boom. The plan of the Elkins boom for the yice presidency, as understood among politicians of the national capital, is tiiis: That he is to go into the national convention as a candidate for the pres idential nomination and with sufficient sjtrength to make it an object to others to trade with him. It would be neces sary, of course, for him to control sev eral delegations, capital with which to d business, and it is to obtain this cap ital that his friends are now said to be laboring. It is claimed that Mr. El lens can secure tha support of the West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia and Niw Mexico delegations, forming a nu cleus around which he might gather oiier southern and western contin gents. - - ... packed by these delegates, and with at occasional group of El kinsmen from sqine of the southern states, it is claim ed that the West Virginian would go iiio the convention as a formidable mp.n, and well worthy the considera tion of candidates desiring first place arid needing auxiliary strength to their own. following. An Evans and McKinley CnmW nr?taf jnaa ki""aa in connec tion, with this gossip, Mr. 11. vioy Evans, is regarded as probably Ihe most formidable obstacle to Mr. Elkins' ambition to be Vice President, if such really is Mr. Elkins' desire. General credence is given to the report that a cast iron combination will be made be tween Mr. McKinley and Mr. Evans for mutual aid and support in obtaining,? respectively, first an second place on theticket. Mr. Evans is regarded as probablv the leading southern republi can of the day in point of political in fluence. Ptecent events in Tennessee have strenffthened his hold upon the southern remiblieas, and it is believed bv many that he could easily take the leadership of his party south of Mason and Dixon's line. The treneral gossip in this connection is that Mr. Evans control the southern delegations for Mr. McKinley for President and h mtelf for Vice Jfresi dent, while Mr. Mckinley will give Mr. Evans some support from the north. If this combination should be faithfully observed by both the supposed parties at issue it is thought it would prove hard fame for the other candidates to beat. Stooki, Convict. Sends Through His Heart. Mixeola, Ga., July 20. Porter Stocks, of Atlanta, shot himself last night. Stocks was a convict in the peni tentiarv and was Uaui r lnmHoi. company which has saw mills at Min- 5 THE CONDITION OF GROWIXG CROPS, eola, a few miles from Valdosta. ' ' naa uuaiung witn ur. aowen, the camp physician, and one of the guests. Dr. Howell's pistol was lying j on a table. Stocks handed his watch to the physician, picked up the pistol, j walked off a few paces and fired at his j own heart He died early this morning, j cui lo tun penitentiary Uncle Sam's Boats Will Keep a Sharp Lookout- The Arragement of Custom Duties at At lanta The Amphlthrlte Goes For the Naval M lilt laThe Gold Reserve Decreasing. Stocks was from Atlanta for manslaughter. He was a prominent man in that city. Four years ago he killed Alf Cassin, his close friend. His defense was that Cassin threatened his life. A petition was to be presented to the Governor in a few days for Stocks par don. His father who lives in Atlanta and was once wealty, was notified and left at the earliest convenience. The suicide was a surprise to the convicts and camp bosses, as well as to his friends, who have wired in his behalf. He was cheerful and hopeful of a pardon. A CASE OF MYSTERIES. Is the I'atlent Crazy, or Has He Commu tes One or Two Murders? Ocat.a, Fla., July 18. Some time ago a man giving his name as Pat Baxley came here to be treated fr cancer by Dr. Brown, the specialist. Yaxley said he was from Georgia. The cancer grew worse, eating into the left eye. Last night it had reached the brain and he alarmed the guests at the hotel by shrieking that he had committed mur der in Georgia and that officers were after him to hang him. He also said his real name was "Dr. Wilkerson" and Washington, D. C, July 19. J. M. Comstock of the treasury custom divi sion has gone to Atlanta, Ga., in con nection with the arranging of the cus tom service for receipts of foreign ex hibits for the Cotton States Exposi tion. . The treasury gold reserve has declin ed, as the result of gold exports and heavy redemptions to 8106,807,000, the loss since yesterday being 3133,000. A telegram was received at the navy department today announcing the sail ing of the Monitor Amphitrite from Hampton Roads for Brunswick, Ga., where she goes to take the Georgia Naval Militia for a practice cruise. From Brunswick, she will go to Char leston, S. C, where she will take on board the Charleston, Mount Pleasant, and Beaufort Militia Division, about 150 men. Next she will visit Wilming ton where she will take on six divisions of the North Carolina Naval Militia. This program will occupy until August 6th., after which the Amphitrite will sail for New York to join the North Atlantic squadron. Contemporaneously with the an nouncement that the Spanish cabinet has agreed to pay the Mora claim "the treasury department has issued orders to the revenue marine to manifest in creased vigilance in guarding the South .5TSj!aftS,31v.?.-2. Rtrain that it. wa T?nhrt. .Tnnpi Thft frenzied man then ran out into the i Atlantic coast to prevent filibustering darkness and disappeared. He was ! expeditions lor Cuba, departing from heard from today 10 miles away but when he saw men approaching him he lied into the woods.- Dr. Brown says the cancer has reached the brain and the man will soon die. He thinks the cancer, working on the brain, has stir red the memory of an old crime. Bax ley was very reticent about his Geor gia home, giving no post office address. THEY WILL LACK IN STRENGTH. lelaware was legaX o-Z hWallcrs-Yiis a0"""' t fatten . . IS 1 - ed delegates to the Pan-American Con gress occupid numerous city pulpits yesterday. There was no business ses sion but there was a very largely at tended meeting at Massey Music Hall, the largest hallin the city, yesterday afternoon. Small Pox at Memphis, a .TtiIw 22. A neirro with small pox broke from his guards yes terday and created a stampede. There are only two or three cases in the city -and it is thought the disease will soon be entirely stamped out. . has done t 1A not know I me. A W""'" - piles when I stoop low. Sample iree wears after all other ( Our remedies d Tr??H J.'n7alled I BJL1U tree tu anv ar)riiM. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, w. Bragging. I First Little Boy-My a o - T- Pooh I That's - Second Uiue a No 6 'nothing Mine "ears No. , New York Weekly. Advance as a Result of the Comb'ne. Birmingham, Ala., July 20. As a re sult of the recent combine formed by the coal operators of the Birmingham district, domestic coal has gone up 25 cents a ton, making the price for each i at the mines 1.75 and $1.05 respect- ( Snltan of Morocco Seriously Hi. BEitT.ii, July 22. -The Cologne Ga zette's advices from Tangiers say that the Sultan of Morocco is lying serious lv ill at Fez and that there is small chance that the demands of Germany- will be met for a long time to come. Candidate for the Throne of Hulgarli. London, July 2-2. t is stated that Prince Adolphus of Teek, who m rried the daughter of the Duke of Wesimit ister! is a candidate for the throne of Vi 1 era t-1 n K;eeie jtxprt4 aiit 'Imports. Nkw York. July 22. The exports oj specie from the port of New York fo the past week amounted to SI. 531, 237 in gold, aud SS3C739 in silver. The im ports were, gold, $25.78i; silver, $34, iiSCi; dry goods. S2.Sli,800; general mer chandise, i,7 17,759, GOVERNOR ATKINSON WELL. His Strength Rapidly KetnrnlnK Now at the Executive Mansion. Atlanta, July 22. Gov. W. Y. At is restored to health.- He has left the Halcyon sanitarium, where th operation for appendicitis was perform ed six weeks ago, and is now at the ex ecutive mansion, surrounded by his family. He has been up and about the sani tarium for several days, and was able to walk to the mansion assisted by an attendant. The Governor will go to Warm Springs the latter part of the week, where he will remain for awhile recuperating. Dr. Holmes said this morning that he would probably be able to resumeiis official duties regu larly at the executive office in a oouple of weeks. . NATIONAL BANK NOTES To Be Boycotted, Says Grand Master - Sovereign. Washington. Joly 19- Notes of na tional banks are to be boycotted by the Knig its of Labor. Grand Master Workman Sovereign has issued a mani festo to his organization and the Farm ers' Alliance, people's party, reform clubs and kindred societies reciting the wronrs of the masses and calling for a general boycott on national bank notes In all dealings between individuals. The boycott is to go into effect Septem ber 1st. WATERY GRAVES ?OR MANY. Republicans Will ifot be Able to Reorgan ize the Senate. Washington, D. C., July 20. The attitude assumed by the wi;tern Senators renders the reorganization of the Senate by the republicans improbable. If Dupont is admitted as the Senator from Delaware the republicans will Btill have less than a majority the Ssftaie0li' election in Delaware least that Dupont's credentials are sat isfactory. This will make the number of Senators who may properly be term ed republicans forty-three. Forty-five are necessary to a reorgan ization, and to make up the deficiency the republicans have the "republican populists" Jones and Stewart of Ne vada, Fetter ana Marion uuuer iu draw on. If two of these would go into the republican caucus the question of reorganization would then be settled. It is believed that Jones may go into this caucus, but if he does he will pro bably be the only one, the other popu lists desiring to keep up their tmra party organization. There might be a combination between the repumicans 15 at but it is Ti ere that the f"f ' - . . western republican senators step -and object. DEATH COMES TO THE GAY. rartv of Pleasure Drivers Killed by a Passing Train. Albany, K Y., July 22. A pleasure party of five men, while driving across the railroad track between Williams town, Mass., and Bownal, Vermont, yesterday afternoon, was struck by a train on the Fitchburg road. Three of the men were instantly killed; one died shortly afterward, and the remaining occupant of the carriage, William Prin dle, escaped injury by jumping. The nortir haA Wft ited for a freight train to pass and did not see the passenger train minir from the opposite uucwiu". The names of the men who were killed have not been ascertained, but they are reported to have been Frenchmen re siding in North Adams, Mass. our shores and to protect our Southern seaport towns from the introduction of yellow -fever from Cuba. The cruise of the 'four revenue cutters assigned to this patrol duty is: "Morrill" from Tampa to Cedar Keys: "Forward" from Pensacola to Cedar Keys; "'McLane" from Key West to Tampa, "Winona" from Biscayne Bay to Key West. The orders which are long state: "In addi tion to your regular duties under the customs and navigation law you are di rected to pay strict attention to the en forcement of the neutrality laws. In the course of your cruising, fish ing smacks, or other vessels from for eign ports, which may be found near the coast, with or without the intention of making a port of the United States, and not having on board a bill of health, signed by the consular officer of the United States at the foreign port Are you taking Simmons Ltatlh Iir:o- . iAToit, the "Kino of Lives -MixS-ciSES?" That i3 what our readers .".ti., nv.d nothing but that. It is the .i-ii3 oiti fiica l to which the old folks u reil their ftith and were never dis .y; c-inied. But another good recom Nidation 'for it is, that it Is better ra.VN" Pills, never gTipes, never weak- Lut works in such an easv and waj', just like nature itself, that slief comes quick and sure, and one cj'.i now r.U over. It never fails. ' varybotiy neods take a liver remedy, .! everyone should take only Sim- Liver Regulator. -o euro you get it. The Red Z . si ins wrapper. J. II. Zeillu & jo., r-Jiilii&oIpliia. "'" LIVED BEYOND HIS INCOME. Young Chaltannoga Society Man Fortes to Keep Dp With the Net. Chattanooga, Tonn., July 22. Nu merous creditors today mourn the sud den flight of a very flighty society man named Hugh McNult3v who, until two weeks agowas in the employ of L. D. Drewery, southern agent of the Mutual Life Insurance, but lost his position from inattention to business. Since that time he has been living at the Lookout Inn in the height of fashion all the season at an expense ot $5 per day which he failed to make good. Before leaving the insurance office he tore a page of blank checks from a check book, each bearing Mr. Drewry'a printed name while space was left for the name of the cashier drawing it. Three of those have come back with his ' employer's name forged in amounts of $i0, $50 and 825. BOYS KILL-THEIR COMPANION. Terrible Accident Near the Month of the Cult of Spezzia. La Spezzia, Italy, July 22. A terri ble accident resulting in the loss of 143 lives occurred near the mouth of the Gulf of Spezzia, yesterday. At half past I o'clock yesterday morning the steamers Ortigia and Maria P. rail Into eech other and the latter vessel was so badly damaged that she sank in a very short time. The Maria P., had on board, in addition to her crew, ITtt passengers. ftouthern lia.lway's Big fcaruinjrs Nkw Yo!:k, July 20. For the second week of July the Southern Railway rlearntd ;d Sl.bSO, an increse of &3,0l'i Yellow Fever lucre islntc Havana. Washington, July 22. Surgeon Gen eral Wyman, of the marine hospital service, has received a telegram from Dr. Burgess, representative of this ser vice at Havana, saying there had been a marked iucre;be in yellow fover cases in that city in the past ftw days among Children Cry foi ' Pitcher's Castorla. Heavy Drean for Quarterly Pensions. Washington, July 22. Secretary Smith has drawn on the treasury for the following amounts to be applied to the quarterly payments of pensions at the offices named: Indianapolis, 82,700,- 000; Philadelphia, $2,000,000; Knoxville, Tenn., 81.S50.000; Louisville, $1,100,000; New York. $1,825,000; Topeka, $3,750, 000; total $13,225,000. Condition of the TJnited States Treasury, Washisgtok, July 512. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance, $100,- 14!,991; g-old reserve. $100,865,770. MANASSAS' BATTLE RECALLED, The 34th Anniversary Celebrated by the Oglethorpe Uffht Infantry. Savasxah, Ga., July 22. The Ogle .n T.io-ht Infantry turned out six ty-two strong yesterday in command of Captain W. M. Rockwell to hear the Krmon bv Rev. S. A. Goodwin, D. D., of the First Kaptist church, commemo- tt, 3.1th. anniversary oi me -ia Afnnnssas. in which this com nanv was in the forefront in command of Captain Francis S.Hartow. J.J. west, nam fniTiftr. and A.F.Butler. Twelve veteran members of the company, all survivors of that famous battle, turneu out with their old company. The com mand will have its annual parade this afternoon. TREASURY'S HEAVY LOSSES. Th- KTnort of tJl.000.009 in Gold Put the Financiers to Thinking-. Washington. July 20. Secretary Carlisle, in accordance with his almost invariable rule, declined yesteraay to exnress an opinion as to to eHet on the gold reserve, the shipment abroad of Sl.000.000 of that coin would have. Shipment will reduce the treasury gold reserve to about 8105,000,000. hlnae July 1st, by withdrawals of gold for re-1 omntinn nnrnoses. the treasury has lost about $1,509,000. In that line. however, gold gains from mintage have partly off set this loss so that the net loss to the cold reserve is only about $57,000. CRISIS IN THE SUGAR AFFAIRS. in with to istfaStf-illSE.i' -sickness on board and if an affirmative reply be received the vessel will not be boarded, but you will order it as above directed and enf ore the order. I f the reply should be negative you will cause the vessel to be boarded by tne sanitary inspector and thoroughly examined in the interest of the quantine service and by an officer of your command under the customs, navigation and neutrality laws." - The Weather Ilureau m its report of crop conditions for the week just ended: Drought has been broken in Iowa and partly relieved in Wisconsin and South ern Minnesota, but continues in Ohio aud with great severity over the south ern half of Michisran. bxcessive rains have delayed threshing in Missouri, Kansas, Northern Texas, Kentucky and Tennessee, and caused grain in shock to sprjout. Cotton has been injured by too much rain in the lowlands ot houtn ern Missouri, Arkansas and Northern Texas, and has suffered to some extent in Oklahoma and Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi report im provement over the previous week in . .... m . . 1 . Ts A. t the condition ot cotton wane in norm Carolina the crop continues in poor con dition. In Southern Texas rain would I prove beneficial. uorn neeas ram in umu, iionuciu Indiana, Southern Michigan. Wisconsin and South Dakota, and would be im proved by rain in Nebraska, where the blades are beginning to ron. in tne Southern States the finest crop of corn for years is promised. The outlook for tobacco in Maryland is excellent, and in Kentucky the crop is improving rapidly; it is doing well in Tennessee and Missouri, and is being cut in the Carolinas. One of Four Youthful Negroes Killed and the Others Arrested. Augusta, Ga., July 22. What , which is on the othoej" riupr frn: boys iae rauroau track. Thevur -"tol and as a re- J. C. Hra?KT" "h Killed Mhle Disputing Over Religion, Allestows, Pa., July 22. Ex-Coun-oilman John McCafrerty was stabbed aud seriously hurt yestfrday afternoon by Alexander McConnaghy in a dispute over religion. suit, one of tham, Tommie Simpkins, Is now dead, shot with a bullet near nis heart. The boys at first claimed the killing was done by white men but later acknowledged that they weru playing with the pistol and "somehow" it went off and Simpkins was killed. He was only 15 years old. The three boys are in jaiL The affair is being investigat ed today by the coroner of Aiken county. ' BOYCOTT ON IN BIRMINGHAM. Working-men Refuse to Accept National . . Uank Notes, - BIRMINOHA.M, Ala., July 22. A work-' -ing man, who refused to give his name, declined to accept $15 in national baa'rTR"--notes in payment ot" a bill at the post office today. . Assistant Postmaster Cruikshank then tendered him other money, which he accepted. .. The stranger's conduct was in obedi ence to Grand Master Workman. Sover.. eign's order to boyoott -national bank notes, and is the only effort here to en force the boycott, which is regarded by laboring men generally as absurd. GOSSIP FROM FOREIGN LAND. I Actress Wins Her Breach of Promise Fait Against a New Yorker. ( London, July 20. Miss Clare Dagmar an actress, recently brought an action for breach of promise of marriage against Jakowski. the composer, of New. York. Today Miss Dagmar was accorded a verdict of 700. It is stated that Prince Adolphus of Teo. who marfied the daughter of the duke of Westminister, is a candidate for the throne of Bulgaria. Florida Indignation at Surgeon Wyman. Jacksonville, Fla., July- 20. The . dispatch from Washington quoting. Surgeon General Wyman as saying that he had taken steps "to prevent the annual outbreak of yellow feyer in the south" has caused great indignation In Florida and some severe things are being Raid about the surgeon en-i Highest of II in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report PURE Planters and Others Interested to Meet In New Orleans to Take Action, New Orleans, La., July 32. A mass meeting of the sugar planters and all others interested In sugar has been allrl to meet in New Orleans at the Chamber of Commerce to-morrow to ex Dress indignation a Comptroller Bow ler to thwart the expressed will of con- irress in reeard to the payment ol the snear bounty fer last year, and to take such other measures in meeting the crisis in their affairs as may be deemed beat.. Swineford's Arsenic-Lithia-Water Co., Richmond. Vs., Dec. 13, ISM. Gentlemen Allow me the pleasure of adding my testimonial to the many you must have re ceived for your valuable water. It has done me so much (rood I wish others suffering as I have to receive the benefit. For four years 1 suffered ajrony from g ravel and kidney colic, and was treated by specialists without relief, and finally whs ordered by my physician here to go to "Swineford's Arsenic-X.ithia Sprintr." On tho day 1 intended goinK I was taken with an attack; of kidney colit; and could not go. but had thb water sent to me, and drank of it freely with almost immediate relief. I kept -drinking the nter. snrt now 1 am happy to Sav 1 am jlrtTrTTly cured, and am feeling better than I ever did be- "iToplng others may be benefited as I have been hy your remarkable water, 1 am. Yours trnly, E. P. GEXTHY, Live Stock Agent Atlantic- Coast Line. PUREST WATER KNOWN! : : Swineiord's Arsenic-Liia Water: AERATED OR PLAIN! Children Cry for 1 Pitcher's Castoria. HARGRAYE'S PHARMACY, Sole Agents WILSON. N. O